The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, January 28, 1851, Image 3

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—-n - ' , ' • '.."t Wasmataitits, Jan. 27.
' -•
Rao ' fo — /foruat E Ting and Dickenson Femur
WA petitioas in favor of lines of steamers to ..1.1-
Mr: Cooker pmen ed a petitian, praying for
tliiteddification of e tariff; also for the estab-
Ilsluient of ,a line of teamers from Philadelphia
to Brasil. ' n
. ; Mr; 'Whitcomb pr ,c-' '
lese'li. Bright, the E
rdiaro. 1
On ',motto!, of Hr. 'enter, thiSecretary of the
Treasury was requen I, by resolution, to com
sat:intent° the value nd .quantity of all articles
;brought into the Erni . States, for sale or under
'honk for exportation, from Canada, during the
yeari 1.849, .7,0„ ,
lfrt Dutton called , up the bill to make good to
MissOuri the two per cent fund which' was issn
led frOm that State o n, the public Land.
• Mi. Clay mane a o
w remarks in opposition
to thehill, a iten' it w laid over for the present
The bill to ascert• in and settle the private
• land Claim in Calif° i was limo taken up and
1 1 .
debated. ' '
Without zombi.; tol any conclusion, the Senate
. , .
The' Union pablishv n the following telegraphic
dispatch, ancouncing,the re-election of tho lion.
Ifemy Dodue to the 4tdtei Staten Senate for six
yeeln - from : the dtli of, ltiarch-next.:
Jaded the credentials of
e4leeted Senator from La-
Madison, Jon. tit, 811--Governor Dodge elect
ed oa first ballot; Do ge al, Doty 7.
„goirite.L.:Mr. Mor Eta asked leavo to intro
duce a Joint Vesolutio fof ratting s construction
on tha bounty land 7t4w ditiereae from that of the
Secretory of the Intdrior; wile requires that Per -.
SOILS entitled fo bounty land under it most have
actaaliy been engage it in hostilities. Leave woo
not granted.
Ittr. Dayley's
:moral 'appropriatim
forte morrow, and cs
was passed.
The Home refused
'Arkatutas. to introdu
River and Harbor bi
Tuesday nest.
I ntim to make fire of the
bilis the order of the day
continue until disposed of,
to enable Mr. Johnson, of
e a resolution making the
the order of the tiny for
The House then
Whole on the bill to
appropriations fur th,
if two hours were
amendmiit npprop
lam, to bring tempo
Auditor's office; whic
the Committee rose,
at into Committee tho
upply the deficiency in the
present fiscal year. Near
,nsumed in . considering tin
ttng tdelve hundred dol-
- clerks into' the Third
was cot dieposed of when
d-the House adjourned.
. , =SWISS, Jan. L. 7.
-- The. rifer i 5 faUi.n l . very slowly, and there are
nom 5 feet ID inches in the comaL •
The Steamers Geo; Washington, Ohio, and
Patd Xi:Wesson, are now coming through the
stb White, Postmaster at Creelsborough,
Ky.', has torested 'Thomas Frost, a mail carrier,
, whobtai boon committing depredations on the
male for the last threentontbs.
Cotton is in moderate regues., without change
Ploar—Sales at $4,t32
Grain—There is rather more inquiry for wheat,
end prices are steady sales prime Pennsylvania
*t 1,05 per bushel. ; Cora is in fair demand for
shipment- Sides of New Yellow at Op:-
- Whiskey—The . market- is dull, with sales in
bbliat 241,•and. in hl,ds at 2.4c-1.1
January 27.
Flour--Strici of 800 bbls Howard st. brands at
$4,66t." Nothing. doing in city mills. '
Grani—The market is steady; sales of Red
Wheat at 100e . r103c for good to prime, r and 104
' €)1.03o for White. Corn is firmer, with sales of
yellow at CO ®62c for yellow, and 666670 for
white. Sales of Onts at 47 cents, and of Rye at
Prodeions-The market is firm at former pri
ees. The same may be said of groceries.
Whiikey.—Salea at 246 -, 260 in bbls and hhds.
. Barrneone, Jan.. 27.
Beeves-,The offerings to day reached SOO'
Lead; 450 of which weit \left over, and 800 driven
to Phihulelphia.i. The balance were sold to city
butchers at prices ranging of $2,60€1,75 per
owl. on the hoof, equal to $5@5,70 nett, and
averaging 8,121 gross.
Hogs-4210es ate brisk at $6,75 per 700.
yor.4 MAREET.
j- Jsnnnry'2i.
' Cotton—The market is inactive, and owners
inclined- to press sales at decline.
Flour—The market. is quiet, with sales 1000
bbla at.'4,l3lCv-,4,941)b1d for Indiana and Mich
- igen, and for round , sop
Grain—Wheat'is dull, and prices are nominal.
Corms heavy and very little offering. New
Yellow is held at 67c per bushel.
Provisions—Pork is dull at $12,121 for mess,
and 89,25 for prise. Du yers are holding back
for prices, Three cargoes .Western Pork
arrived last evening from New`Orleans. Deer is
held futay, withismafirsales at $8,25®10,50 for
mess, and $5( - R0 Tor prime. Bacon is waive
and quiet at $6.1(.7e for sides. Dressed hogs
are in good demand -id .$6,20 per 100. 'Lard is
firm at 8c for ,old:_, _
Whinicoyln quoted at 26c, with emit! MI ea.
Totiancols firm with no chimp. %.
Cotton—Tho market is steady at the decline
of Bsturdzy,•vrith sales of 800 laniele
- Flour.t—Thematiret. is quiet, dith fOrther tales
of 2800 . 1ible 83-1,81@4,00 poi bbl. for Michi
gan and Indiana, =44,0.5685-for round hoop
Grain—Wheat is inadive, with sales, of 1000
bushels Long Island at 10110‘,107.3 per bu. Cori
is firm, with sales of 8000 Cashel); al 624®67e
fog new yellow. and 080 for white. '
Provisions—Pork is leas firm, with sales 400
tibia at $126,12,120 founess, and $9,12} 19,25
for prime. New• Oliieltle3n is held at. $18,60 VI
bbL Beef is easier, and more attire,. with Bales
of 600 bbls at !3,26610,50 for mess, sad 4,16
The arctic Is conabig tip the bay.
' Tanttnry 27.
Flomr—Salcs of 1000 bbls city mills at $3,90
Provisions—Wet of 600 bbla =CSs pork at.'
$ll bbl, awl 1000 do. at Lafayette, (fa.,) at
$10,60. - Sales of 1000 bbliprime lard at 71.
M. Sales 100,000 lb, dry salted meat at 4
.44c ?or sbnidere, and $5,20(66,60 12190 for
'Coffee i 3 'firmer, and none is to be had now sin
.der 12 cents. . 1
, Dried Peaches are rolling at $1,50 bu.
• The river_bas Men 10 lea's in the last 2.1. -
hours, but is nofr stationary.
FIE YOU A FiTIIEIt, laboring for the
Tar t of t i f t afullf, an.4 l ;; - = from
, c7=
.9. 1711 . 1ww. Pl Lk< r Evroarll
An roil a Mother, oteDrlng from dirge to at
wall areonneroDy noblest, one Dr. S. Zr. llonna Sbetsr
Sawstowlllo—lt ....WWI; sofa So.
Cell at Oror drpot. ciun one of 0ni 0 11iteh1.....4 .W. 3 •
Datotoblot. Oath., where you trill Sod That the ilbse Sas ,
awarills. pr. 1.6.1 by. Dr. S. Zr. re. has the
tofhoottotlY foxing awe pow, to • Woo
awn= .6usilly am cocaina/41Y coition. Wt. , SOY .tho.
m u -glut
,of. tan.aph : lll., ever yet brought beton the
-121/s orslldne boo sefablioba.l Ito ItLyh frpotalloo by lte.
mousy.. Lod cell ghosted earn.
ti gnarti: ”4 he the
woe, trltkb tosolete Waft= mono reloa Bmod
ble to = "' fi.,
ota, panteularly to bottabo.
- S vrra • SILLWER
' a°
Prlra Dl tar cr batu,-6 t) PAltl ba and bottb.
• • • DKr. D. 110WR t CO., Propentoh
1 College Ilan, e OWo.
' 4o vim= ell orlon mar be .141re.of. •
tale by J. i Jonet; J. ltshocasmsker A Co., W.
Monk. 8 W..slsona. J . . 31. ToottostaL Mohler . W. Jas.V
gan u ttrbktr&D.A.42llo4tllst i berty derf • ,W. R. Ale.
Whrelln:Jril..atotoon grD " . n elf j.LP"al
CTaltarllte Mellon
N 0...
. State Mutual Fire Insurance Conipany.
_.. •. .. . 21 . 1mrh Mee. 04 rsaltheld sat, Pittsburgh.
. . . • - - : January 10,1 UL ,
l um IHE best evidence of tho a omen of the
• Dim store to erryeavotinty to malt, the "Sten limret
• LOMMems COurtsw". meet the werne of themmemnity
le the =paralleled amount of bmimes whleh bat been
6 ' ;' 7 ".nu e Wt
.I 1aff.,..1°, WM ZUT:ta
„„...,.. • 4f,;, Id rectum arr proud to eey,lllo. nearly 01
the predwrty Ineurod Ls cf the *alert M=. In emelt nelm.
sad• term nropurtlon !neared far only one year.
Nututurof Poliriw Lund • A 91.9 •
Amount of property Mumma-- •••• 1 14fill04C1 Cl)
Anson= of guareattot Preutlume,..-9 15 .4 09 98
Amount of mall premium , 21,631 60 . .
Amount of guarantee ptdrit:-.-.....--e---• 1 170.123 10
Amount uf low,-
-So be deducted f.OO Um elavo - tallants7 kiehleatal ee
l:m.4gal Om °Mee. - , -
Thelmelniese of the 'totoreof t , ocnaccud ftri=at m ale
.19/111=1;a r W ' st ' r=re b in.74.S b7 m 1 by tbe onTi•
MLitt method in lbe of =an ineninnee-010
CLA•99I , YIMi TUE Ithillit—thue affording uttso
muneocs lo tba loWnred. - The Mem aro NacatahtBll.ll...l
ante talvlbahha e 1..., the ebtra•rannehllar, that, d
le t too7ngl i r t t Pljn;
r oit..otowo tba vliNit!R d..:, i , %M 7 76' l '.
be made Itirm rottu?7;lsrelling, t ' herneog
• tumehlum le ali.= u.• bo ilk ° rl: 1 ' and
' '4
I lb. - Mew= Cato Is •dendminated the MEI:CIIANTS'
CO/17Ah Y. I. ,thktr 1 , ........ , b. ntml. °PI. al.
hefe th rldroe egrzny In tow. IV rl/1:0 ,
• r.. 9 9 1f. 91 , It elnumedWy ' etTe n ; ttilValutoue arty
l " the Wee
; ..__, tlwr SItIAXI II allowrod to Le insured la one Ice
ki.,.._ • .• ...- me errllrent it al/oWe•I the privilege of las=
mmtlr 9 llth = withent tho wally of a Iwth l lntw lull.'
• • tome ettltte eettlat 0. the ph= of lam with pn:npt--
'tti r r i. ,4 l . ,R= s t. .1t Is now order tba =drat of mr
= 9 . 9 A. elm tfunto A ll.7. l 4 j ya . w r. 3! . ...W1r ViO r ti. j =
AV Vita= -. l .I. h. lil/111 0 hratattl d ;Prealdent.
A..1.11111M - r. Secretary.
l A. A. Catena. Artmery.
iItA ISIN&... Ori 0 h Eindred and fi ft) . b 461 t aid.
LW bait b?..‘fe Teethed end Er We le• b
Tire immix° or Tux BIIIDOL—No doubt
semis be entertained by any one, that the
burning .f the Upper Allegheny Bridge was Caus
ed by in✓(endiaries. If the water in the river; had
been tw• or three feet higher, the destruction•of'
the low bridges would have been inevitable.-
2is it wa . they were in great danger, the ex
cessive eat of the burning fragments, melting
the pita • on the acqueduct, and blistering j the
paint on ,the lower bridges. We trust that' our
policem will use their utmostendeavors to 'dis
cover a , wretches who were guilty of a crime ro
atrocio , and that they may receive that pun
ishment hich they so well deserve.
BIZETLTO or rat: COUSCILS.—The Select and
Common Councils of the City of Pittsburgh met
last night.
In the Select Ce . uncil, the President, James B.
Murray, Esq., took the Chair. The rules of or
der which governed the members of Select Coun
cil last year, were read, and on motion accepted
and adopted.
A petition praying for the laying of wa
ter pipes on Duquesne Way, was presented,
signed by sundry citizens of the First Ward.—
Referred to the Water Committee.
A petition preying foe the paving or Diamond
alley from Smithfield street to Grant street, sign
ed by sundry citizens of the Second ondahini
Wards, Was presented; and referred to 'the CoM
mittee on Streets. ,
A bill of J. W. Biddle for city printing, amotott
to si39 50 was . trail, and referred to the com
mittee on Citl. printing.
A COIXIMMUCTIthaI front the City Begulators,
relative to the grades of the atreeta and alleys in
.the Third, Fifth, Sistli and Seventh Wards rail
A Bill of R. E. 3.leGown, City Regulator, and
C. AlcGown, Assistant Regulator, were referred
to the committee on claims sad accounts.
A petition from citizens of the Sixth Word,
praying for the filling up of Franklin at,. was
read and referred to the committee on streets.
A petition, praying for the grading of Tan
nehill street in the Sixth ward, was read and re
ferred to the commiifie on einem
A petition, praybig for the paring of Second
street, to connect with the, Eittaburgh and Brad
dock, Sold;plank road, signed by a huge number
of el ntens, was read and' referred to the com
mittee on streets, with instriletiona to report the
probable chg.
A petition, 'notifying the Councils that suits
would be instituted by Samuel Eakins and Wm.
Evans of the Eighth ward, if their propetty
were further injured by grading, was referred to
the committee oh streets.
A petition, praying for the laying of water
pipes on Lambert street, in the Ninth Ward, was
referred to the water committee.
A communication- from the s ecretary of the
Board of Guardians'of the Poor, notifying the
Select Council that the tutus of office of Wm.
Porter-and Wm. J. Howard ..would' expire ,on
Feb. 4th, was rend.
On motion, it woo received that the Select
Council shill meet on the evening of the 4th for
the - purpose of electing, two Guardians of the
Poor, to 611 their places.
A number of bills were read and referred to
the committee en claims and accounts.
A resolution authorizing the Mayor to offer a
reward of five hundred dollars for the detection
of any person concerned in the acts df_incrnilitir
ism, and asking the Insurance Companies to of
fer a reward of a-similar amount, wasread.
Mr. Bruce offered as n substitute a resolution
offering a reward of a similar amount for the
detection any persona concerned in the late acts
of highway.robbery and arson.
The substitute was lost. The original resolu
tion, slightly arithided, was road and adopted.'
A resolution instructing the Committee on
streets, grading and paving, to report the expen
ses incurred in such improvements during the
past year, at the next meeting of the Councils,
was read twice and laid over.
- .
Th., Select and Common Councils then went
into joint ballot for the election 6f two city print
Bids offering th perform the city printing at
the rates established by the Pittsburgh Press,
signed by White & Co., B. 31: Riddle, and L.
Harper, were read.
Bids offering to perform the city printing at
about half the usual ratio, signed by J. T. BILIT
& CO., .1, Hiram Foster, and Joseph S. M. Yonug
were read. offering to perform the city printing
at the usual rates, leas 27 per cent. Signed,
J. W. Biddle, VOS read
The members proceeded to vete, when it ap
peared that Lecky Harper had received 26 votes
and Herron Foster 24 votes. The Post and Des
patch were then announced aa the papers in which
the city printing for the ensuing year, would be
The Councils then retired to their respective
The following ordinance ; giving the Mayor Ids
farmer power over the night watch eras read three
limes, and adopted, in hothCouncils.
Section Ist. Be itordained.and I enacted by the
citizens of Pittsburgh, in Select and Common
Councils assembled, That the ordinance, entitled
an ordinance, regulating the night police, classed
on the second day of October, 1850, and- the
Supplement thereto. passed on the 10th day l of
October, A. D., 1650, be and the same is hereby
Section 2d— ordained, Sc., that so much
of nny ordinance or ordinances as was repealed
by the ordinance of the 2d day of Oct., 1840,
entitled an ordinance, regulating the night pa
lice, or by the supplement passed on. the 100
day of October, A. D. 1850, be and the saute Ire
hereby repealed.
Section 811-I{e it ordained, Sm., that the :Any;
or be, and ho is hereby authorized et his ditcr,
tion, to appoint and commission five additional
city constables, wboahall receive the same cele
ry, and be subject to the same rules and regula
tions,as other city constables.
: January 26.
Present—Hon. Wm. B. McClure, President
Judge, end Samuel - Jones and Wm. Rem, As
sociate Judger.
Commonwealth vs. Ferdinand Het:el—lntlict
meats Assault and Battery. The prosecutor not
appeariug, and no evidence being offered to the;
jury, a verdict of "not guilty" was rendered.
Commonwealth vs. James Irwin , -.lndictment),
Larceny,-alleged to have been committed in
stealing a number of articles, the propertYlof
Daniel Snyder. , Snyder swore that the defend-;
ant, together with another iiersou, had entered
Ihis house on the Fcrarth.sf u fnly, and committed
the robbery. No other wi ess was examined on
the part of the Commonwealth before the ad-
Jcrurnment.of the Court, and no weight can ho
given to Snyder's.testlmony,l as he bas been con
victed three timed, during the past session, of
obtaining goods and money, under false pre
ATILBSOO3I 5t.911103.:
large number of witnesses were called on
the part of the defence, who testified that they
would not believe David SrldF on oath.. The
case was submitted to thejthy ithout argtun en t
by the counsel, and the judge ' charge was fa
vorable to the defendant. After a short absence,"
the jury returned a verdici, of "not guilty."—
Hishonor, Judge McClure, after giving Mr. Ir
win some good advice, • ordered him to be dis
charged by proclamation.
Snyder, the prosecutor, was remanded to
!Commonwealth vs: Johni Phillipier—lndict
menet, keeping a gambling and a tippling house.
A number of witnesses were called on the part,
of the Commornicalth, and theddry retired, but
Lad not brought in .any verdid when the Court
Amami . = TO rug 11.ta.—, Messrs. Samuel
Fleming, Jacob IVhiteell, and S. B. N. Gill,
were; on motion of District' Attorney General,,
Flamtegin, yeaterclay ocimitted to the bar.
I .
Cernmv.---One of our most eminent police of
:heirs informs no that two expert thieves arrived
inlittabtugh last week. One .is particularly
noted for the ekill he displays in optising iron
safes—the other is on - expert pickpocket. Our
citizens would do well to belon their guard.
Cuanza or CONMPULACY.—Three journeymen
printers who had been engaged in the .Transcript
Office, were committed to prisot(, by Mayor Guth
rie, yesterday on oath ofJoseph M., Young, pub
lisher of that paper; They are accused of can
spizacy, alleged to have :been committed in en
deavoring to prevent other journymen from wor
king ill the dfliee.f Theyicomplain that they have
not been paid theirwagta
graphic despatch was received yesterday, bring
ing intelligenoe of the death of Mr. liyhnuitis
Thompson at Peoria, Illinois. Mr. T. was for
many years alresident of Pitttsbnrgh, and was
will known to, and numb esteemed by our basi
-1 nem conUalmlty.
Moor , Coeur .— The younger members of the
'Bar bare organised it moot Court, which meets
every Friday mien in the room of the District
Court. . - . • •
Aroa's OFIEICT.S.—The tombs of both Pitts
burgh and Allegheny only disgorged four common
cares of drunkenness and ragvaney yesterday
who has hitherto maintained a my respectable
standing in somety, was are ested yesterday at
the Post Office, by officer He gu; on a charge of
sending threatening fetters, with view to ex
tort money from a Tetzorrspectable citizen. A.
tho' whole matter will„probithly undergo a judi
cial iareatigation, ire t'efrain from stating - the
names of the parties, or, making any comments:
CRAWS Or 31CIIDILL.—A roan mined Itedbuni
yesterday arrested a handeroployed at the time
Wine, up the Monongahela, whom he accused bf
murdering his father In Kentucky, fifteen years
ago. After be bad been in custody acme hams,
it wu ascertained that his accuser was insane,
and he was discharged.
lighted to announce that there is a probability.
of the Cohrt of QQarter Sessions adjourning this
week. • It hatn w been in session for several
icenurr.—A wagoner named Ferguson,
had his arm breken in beveril places, near the
Perry house yesterday. was thrusting his
arm through the spokes of one of the wheels to
mach a chain, when the.horte started, injuring
him severely. '
flisdnAnacti.—The joortneymer printers who
were yesterday committed to prison on various
charges or consp4acy were brought before his
honor, Judge McClure, in thoafternoon. As the
case was deemed riviry trifling one, one hundred
dollars bail only, was demanded.
Messrs. W. FL'Whitney and Joseph Snowden'
entcred'into the requisite recoguirances, and the
defendants were 'discharged. We understand
that several suits for false imprisonment will
grow out of the affair.
Petty Lancritt.—A man named Fendricks
was committed to prison yesterday by Aidenaan
Parkinson, charged with taking two hams from
Mrs. Wilson's grocery store, in the Fifth Ward.
Pl] LM' COMMITILD.---araCklSoll . and Robert
Corrietcn, and Thomas Scott, had an examination
yesterday 13iorning before Mayor Fleming, on a
charge of counterr'eiting, and were finally com
Asornaa ettAßOZ.—Messra. 'Sands &
man have lodged another information against
Minerva Ann Johtatort who is now in prison,
charging hir In uttering counterfeit bank
notes.. I •
Cott atIRACT. ha Taggart-proprietor of the
Daily News, had eof his hands committed to
prison yesterday, Cat a charge of conspiracy.
Foram' ConxtrrED.--ISilliani Jackson was
yesterday committed to prison by 'Mayor Guth
rie, charged, on oath of Thomna Fawcett, with
stealing a cable, rind on .oath of Jacob Smith,
with the Larceny of several articles.
Tim Comm Pnuma.—The commissioners are
about fitting up a number of cells in the county
prison, which hare never yet been occupied,
with the necessary furniture.
SCDDLN DE/Ml.—We learn from the Tribune
that Mica Catharine Ann Patterson. a resident of
Shiirpeburgh, while at divine service in the Meth
odist Church at that place, fell down whilst the
congregation were clouding up to tang, and ex
pired immediately,
Nuts Bunme.—We understand that a Wire
Suspension Bridge ,will be shortly erected in
place of the Upper Allegheny Bridgr, which was
burned down on Sunday morning.
AA Prime lanuans.--,We understand that the
citiiens of Birmingham are endeavoring to es
tablish n public library in their thriving borour,b.
We trust that they 'will be successful in their
laudable enterprise. and we have no doubt they
will be, since some of the most wealthy and in 6
telligent citizens of the place are concerned
in it.
TIPPLING MUSS CANZP.-1115 honor, Judge .
McClime, yesterday , censured the 'constables
Whose duty it was to return the names of the
tippling housekeepers, residiiigi in their respect
ive wards and boroughs, for not having done so.
The doggery keepers thus escape, unwhipt of
instice, since it is impossible to bring them in
when the 7 are nut returned by the proper offi
cers. fits honor observed that, at the last term,
o half dozen tipstaves had been sent out, and
after a search of some days, they returned with
tine old woman, as the fruits of all their search
ing. It is very evident that many of the con-
Oables do not do their duty.
A Feria letter to the. New York Codituereml Ad
deer esys:—
Eugene Bourret, tun of one of the Socialist mem
seulativel, nag pot taken out a patent lot • now ty
pograptuol 11311.111 e, which spr.ars to be an im
provement destined to compete anth - our country•
man Hoe. Its chief advantage in-the rapidity and
ellopows. with which it strikes, off the impreoton•
At present the cost of porno Woln is ten Imam. a
thousand. This is reduced more than half by the
new machine. Beside., one of these penaso now
ht use, kept constantly going from midnight to nix
In the morning, strikes off only from ten-to twelve
thourand. Itoojetle pros strikes off at the rate-of
twenty tore thousand an hour. In this Invention the
forms are cylindrical. Its nine cannot be over es
timated as an Quailing to the awe of knowledge
and progress...
President Bonnparte's friends are said to be nem:.
tint nye onarrtage for hint _with the Intents A mel a,
of Spain. As the yang lady is sweet seventeen,
pretty, accomplisbeil and nob, tt is to he hoped that
the match will take p See. lam more inclined to
believe in the earnesiness.,oetitorroodent in his in•
motions to marry, from the fact that, in the last few
months '
mown menet+ which afforded around for
scandal have disappeared.
It is said here that M. Leon G.-alna, a popular
write of novek, novelleites and plays, was Ices.
natty surprised the other day, by a note from Mr.
Rive., informing him that a can of several thousand
farms had been bequeathed to him by John McDon
ough. rd New Oreans, and that the money was in
me. hands. It seeral that the eccentric
tate had been pleased wiry one of Mr Gistlan's POP
el. and took this agreeable way of notifying kin
Now WINGLee Eban.—At the meeting of the Lit,
Rea*, 'Dec. 17, Mr. Westwood celled the attention of
theSociely too wingless bird on lAird Rowe's Is
leusd.—an Island situated between New Holland and
Nainlk Island. This spot bas been accidentally
tutted by Capt. Poole, of the East India Company'.
service,, who, considering it a favorable Spot for
colOnizetion, had induced six Irishmen and their
wives and families to settle on it. The place to now
one of congeal resort for the supply of water and
provision.. to the South Sea whalers. As no Gov
ernment ban corned it. this island is at present the
property of .Capiain P.A. It is of conside able
'extent, and has on it two high lulls which con be
seen at a distance ol sixteen leagues at sea. On
this island Captain Poole had discovered the bird to
question. It te about the wee ofd quail—and is con
sidered by the settlers eating. Mr. Wait
wood thought the annocuiceinent of the existence of
ried—whish was not pry/mangy known to-exist
those regions—would be received with interest
in connection with the diecoYery Of the extinct wing.
less bird. of .New Zealand:- No specimen has yet
arrived in England, but some are on their way.—
CLEAR TUX TIACi two Tan'Encunc—We are
gratified to be able to state that, there seem* now to
be nu doubt that the work of budding a railroad to
connect Akron with the Pittsbufgh and Cleveland
road will be commenced within h abort time and
prosecuted steadily to completiuni The necessary
amount of stock to grade and prypare the road has
not yet been subsuiberJ; but additions are being made
daily, and armor), is secured to place the attamarms
of the requisite sum beyond- peradventure. We
would agnin espreas the lumethst everyone who can,
will contribute his mite to the Work promptly and
cheerfully; fair a. safer, better, and' more many sans
fallible investment cannot be made.
The several business committees met to day at 10
o'clock, at Cuyahoga Fano. Steps will probably be
taken toward* effeminca permanent organisation
of the company, raceme, a aurae) , and loaf ion of
the road, ice.
A stirring meeting was held at the Court Ileum
.Tuesday of Mat week, and considerable noel ,
est wu manifested to the work by gentlemen
=from - swim* parts of the country.--(Akron-
Col. Peebles, says the Bangor Mercury, tells no
of an Instance of Airy shoOtiog. He states that one
at the "rank and ale,' ander Ms command, once dis
charged six shots eta barrel rolling down a lons bill,
be being at the bottom of the hill. Upon the
barrel reaching the bottom of the bill, it wee ex
areuXed, and no mark of a bullet was discovered
upon it, whereupon his comrades, began to ridicule
him. He, however, very cooly desired thim to
shake the barrelPy doing which, they found that the
bullets were inside—the whole having entered the
bong hole, at which point he had aimed. Rather gaup
obountig, Hat! •
Whistle You: Loleler Bark !—A man had received
a large lot of lobsters, fresh and lively, Etch a boy
stood look log at then rimers accompanied by hie dog.
tiSuppore yoo , put your dog's tail between the lob
ater's chtwo•P raid the 113•11. "Agreed," said the
boy Thelpeg was extracted from the claw. and the
dog's tell 'peened. Away went the dog off home,
howling at the queers his tall got front the lolitter.
Whet e your d - ig back you young scamp," paid the
moo. "Whistle your lobster back," cried the boyend
abegisatulaied. The boy made a lobster supper that
"Sagacity of a Home "—ln catfish!, Ohio, a man
named Adams was kill by the kick Of a korve. The
oweni of the home, between' whom and the deceased
Setae difficulty had occurred, wsserrested on a charge
.7r murder, it being thought that he had taught the
a Went to kick, and anew dull be could not ke it kick
whenever he pleased! If the owner of the horse is
emtvicied, we think km quadruped must be indicted
se as anemone).
Se vets Naval Sentence —The Norfolk papers stem
that Pan t& Kerby, landman, son, it win to. 'rootlet.
led or es recently tried a second time for the utterance
ofi m,VinOUs language in the preunce of severe!
c am,. d the &sumac, has been sentenced to twelve
confinement in the cells of the Maine
gar mek %at thcGotiwrt navy yard, without pay; and
et the upirshon of the•term to be discharged in
disgrace. .
Accordling to the minutes of tie American Bible
Society .VOneentiori, there are at Ibis bole about
1,100,000 members, corroded with what are de
nominated eVangelleal eallrenes In the Souteeth ur
slaveholdhle thates4which is about Ono tenth of the
entire pep %Innen.
To Clew se and fro pros'. the Hair-Half an ounce
of ammonia to a pint of boiling wafer; let it wand till
cold; put it saws bottle and cork it, to keep it from
evaporating. Rot, It on the bead in a piece of Mul
-1 uel, when it will lather dice 'cep; wit dry afterwards
wtth• towel.
The St. Albany Ideaenger ruentibeg the killing
Jo' alohford, Vermont; of - a gray wolf, toes ming
VS feet and a half from the cox to the tip of h
gal . He woo pursued by fear hunter. for eleven
days; The bounty or $2O, el !Owed by the Siam., ems,
with a true hunter's generosity, give o too lone orphan
boy. The animal when marred, La to be presented to
the College of Natural History In the University of
Leather.—Dr. Bmiental, of Larrii, in Ger
many, is =kite have diacovered a method of making
leather out of entails refuse and waste animal
aubstance. lie has established a maniflaciory
seer Vienna; for part of the process is tapists.
ed; but it is stated that the substance is at one
nage in . a stale of fluidity, and may then be cast
ham boom, shoes, iStc. Such a discovery is nut
West Point —At the dose of the last filen' year
there were in West Point neademy, - 244
Of these there were sons of planters 70; of
t•s, 16: of Lawyers and Judges, 34 ; of merchants,
46; of hotel keeper., 2; of physic ans, 19; of army
and navy °dicers, IS, of professors and hank officer.,
of clergymen, 4; of government officers, wren;
unknown, revert
PROPOSALS will he recelvoil by the under
plow.l, until the ILth Zny of Fehr - ttan' neat, for th e
construction of Nice L0...k, and Nall! Dock Idcer.or for
one or snore of thencend for rhariog the channel of.ticaher,
Thethe hanks of tn., 'caning ~nor the channel.
The Dams willera,p, =.lf.. long, and will he 13 to
IS feet high. with ar a of PO feet in width. The Lock
Chamber will be 190 fret long and .10 foot ,whle. with wall.
:V feet thiek and 10 f,,et above the cm:oh of the 'dams. with
guard wall no feel Mug . , t o fat thick, and of the came
height s. the look wall..
The Lock. and Data to he but agreeably to the pl.,
sual of the chard. ter particularly sia‘afictl and ,leaeritwd In
the report of Sylranns I,thr..p, of Penneylvania. copy of
which will be liniod alth the proprietors of "well new.
fur torn - g,ll l- 2:2:l l tr,:l:•:JA‘gzi'g - h
The entire work to la. rotoplet.,l by lot Januar,. 1834,
unleaa the work thatild he retantod by tionaually wet, 000
therefore iinterorahh• Controetora will he re
quired . scire eallefaclory rxinity for tho conatruction of
the itripmrement. 2k1111.11111.31 cacti pnYtnenta will be
mule to contractor. as the work progre.o.,..
The company the right of accepting the Pro .
Yawata bc..l for Ile intorrrt...l the earliMnir..i. o
of the entire work. I], order of OW Dtrectorl..
. . .
23m:rotary of the Duck River Slack Wider Navigation C 0...
Columida Teen. • . Jeudlnfler
of OILY tiOOTI.I, at the Ove !dim Market
A. A. MASON o 00., 52 sad 04 ethyl-
Commeneed on Nionday. Dec...tither ISsli a to continue
through the month of January. Their whole establish
ment has teem thrown open fur - Retail Trade, Soilhir es.
Motive stock amounting to One rifundred n Thirty
•Thousand DolLars, will Is <demi at Detail, at fully one
fourth bus then tonal trine , ..
?ho Intim of Oat, Seed-Annual Salo to nay into of the
thomania who atteushol the solo of but)imr, will he suffi
cient enemata's. for s cell this mutton. They will. Coverer,
mention a Gm of the gooao end prim, for the leintelit of
thaw who have never alto toted their mies, in
Itieh Chehmem n
eOO ote, moat price 01. •
au neve. Co t ton me I coal Cash...errs 50 mute, usual
prior :VS moLee
1500 pl.. Cotton nut Wool Deleines, 15 end IS mats.
UP1.1.111 prin. 34 and 25 omit.
\, - 50 pieces high colored plaid do., 45 cents, tune prim
its mots.
50 rtrtpod- and figured Silts, 60 cents, mend
price 75 mots..
90 alone :Spite de Cblue and Satin, sfli mats, must
pace SI 04.
pleenn per rent.
100 ph,. /Winch Merinos, Leos h; Cloths,pli 111.XIi•
000 p 14,0 l'aramettes and t reduced M
per Vela.
310 nieces Alpacas. all coloratittortl 30 per mat.
....e5O Long Severe Shawls, whieD will be mdil from 51 to
S 5 lees then untie! micas.
WOO yard.. Umlaut Itibbons eta and 10 cents, menet
pre.e in to 25 mom.
Feet colonel Calicoes at rodmum. maid price lie.
100 came Enclieh and American Cotiletun at ft and 10
. . . • . •
• wrntit, usual prior In and l24 , eento.
90 ex.., likened... 4 Mullane. twit:mkt 1 Tut, per Toed.
5A11,,,W" n" l , 7l , ttrritTilginiugo. Motor) . and
Glow., Linens. elacke.. Cloth, CAM...". 0......?!
Jrum together whit aw k lewoe ',net,- of o th er
. ~ ,Arnt. o
all °flail& will lw mgr Mo wn to Lower prim
Tb .b ,:yr h. Cile k'" en "l 4nr t ly ealL no many If theft. choicest
souls will soon Iwo soLL The tort 741,Ann.11....Lfirst.
into 61 tad 61 Martel ot.
The Greatest Bargains of the Season.
ROST. D. TIIO3IPSON. oNo. 118 Market et.
throe doors from Liberty. haring dsarminnl to
o . Nun
om ' t 4 ltrZle b k r ;I'7; l 'ol'.ll'`,l`,"i • 7, 1 ,1
Thig slum being tun. LLIWC,DII eoy
4.b la part Ls
Dlilrg+ lil n i—P e n
Cloth. Detain. Cashmere, and Altoromn. all iron., Drees
:Wks: nide 'Dads do: dimols. hung mod MU4.I
licerkm. te.
GENTLKILE:Vri 'WEAR—Clothe. Caselmen, Patinet,
TrIIIDFIL. Cravats. 11.11fs, lgerluo.rhlets. Drawers, no.
/10Le.t: DOODr--Doruslry Sheetlo.ds..l.4. a-t
and 12.1; Colton ShoeUturi; Damask Told. Linen. bronn
sad hleschnt: (Mown Talgo Mann; 21 ig.kitu, Doyle., e.
10.0 , h w ith
Li look.
- moan.. n 4.1 r u ,-culif 07.; n t
sr this stock must be cloonl oat by the of At.6l.
SALEIiATUS-4. cask. Nu. 1 Salcrntuy;
13 bldu. do • dr%
lu eture and Sur sale hi JAMES' U.ALZELL.
Aral CA Water struct
4LOOMS—One hundred • tang Tennesee
likornaiC 20 taw Mums,. Slab, emetting from
er fo, tale by JAMES DA LZELI.,
fall No. GM Water /tr.-
WTINDOW GLASS—Five hundred boxes
Macs In gam and fnr Pal+. br
I,IOTASII.-5 casks Potash, just received,
fm. ado by yeD ROBERT BALZELL /CO.
F,RESIT ROLL BCTTER-20 bss just rec'd
L., ale by ,al7 J. B. cAsiriati
VLAXSEraI—A lannll lot 'for by
.11. J. L. CANFIYJA,
S bale fcr
rßACCU—Twenty bin IV. IC :limit's . ;
b h t f=, 'wed:
t,..d and
for tale by Jala 1111011 - N A I F2lt . FDATRICK
LARD—One hundre4 keg. Fame new Lard
bald ewl fbr We b
S CoeOa:
n 'aryl
4.1 4n , 61.` 1 `r Jed 11110%, ' N ISIt441 . 4 1 ci:11:1(
onitable fur mrelfrlnal Pu alttire ou ttatel and
for sate Ity lell MORRIS 4 11/4111.16T11.
-I r l LOUß—Three hundred barrels just recd
sad fur ;al. br BOILBRIDGE 1 - MI/BRAM,
3iJtl4 11 , 1 U atrr.t
HAVANA ivent
SeGAll—TAosos White
ru ""'" 9°t "' ibe Itl i At h illlttit: ING111:1-01..
No. Ili Water
PICES. Cassia, Pimento, Pepper, Cloves,
eml Nutmegs, far Ijlil All nICKF.Y CO,
S dr.
Water 4 Frost rte.
BUTTER—Eight barrel.packed for Bah, br
lull. F . r VON u•VoillonsT t co.
I i ARD & GREASE—Ten Grin No. 1 Lard;
4 brlkarecse, unw landlocr from .D4tner Waxhingto.
per by
Water end Emit eta•
LAIRD-Sixtv brim No.! in store and foi, pale
by Jall 12AI:111 INCHES t'o.Waott ?}mart,
4 : 4 I2EASE—Forty tiro brls st4re, fu;gale
BEST BLACK TEA—Same kind as
En g land—dental leaf. Km n and ear, pleaust fla
ored, Tree horn all herby lante— i trire eel, per pound
ar v ale by MORR le
IS .fIAWOII2II, In the Diamond and
DO when clef In r g
BROOMS—One hundred dozen or sale by
MORRIS t IftWORTIBB Tee Stare, mat aide of the
....... ..
O nod flavored Tow at 50 oat. per pound.
The liner qualitke at 75 On to i '
CountryPktellt, 111 ii CO de .
Old people that wer BLACK TEA, will itulonni
rat their palate exactly. Those kinds of Teas eird melee
direct from England.and they cannot to bought at.snY
atter nom ha Pittaburgh.,
by the quart or wholeode, for ale b jots
yala 3.101t1118 k HAWORTH.
GKEEN APPLES—Twenty brie. PippillB,
. Mr sale by 8: C. VON BONNIIURST 4 CO.
(aALMON.-5 brls Salmon, No.:1; in. store
A, sad fur ale by dan RODE= DAL&ELL & CX).
REMOVAL.—Da. Spun line removed to
Marry strueb blow PltrNa, N ICC. 0115er and dwell.
tbe rune building. • auggbdtlm
IVELSII FLANNELS, of tho different
V qualltk, the genuine artlelw—e farther mem], r.
v../ by iall • MURPHY Ic BURCIIVUILD
of Weehed Wool by Jal I ' , 11. LEE.
WOOLLEN GOODS.—One ease Scarlet
Emmet; I rale Rnewn Pleawel,l-1; 2 owl Whit*
Vrajnel, 11-1; 3 eases liming Tweet., all wool; 3 reeetraney
thwelmere; Yaws Jeans, realer...l on tveelgumentfrom the
mentagetuture. Wel lid. /ale by Jell 11. LEE.
VIGARS—Fifty thousand Cigars received
) .3 , 11 b, by .1.11 S. s W. lIARBAUGII
10 Murphy a Ronda
to bestow poetical.
attention to Chi. branch of their butane., and are rarer.]
to Meet olur article—the linen. warrantod pore On,
and both at too prices for quality.
pIIINESE VERMILLION-74 lbe for solo
by Jail J. KIM S CO.
HEMP SEED—Fifteen barren (now crop)
for solo by ivi J. KIDD t CO. •
j(ILUE--Twenty five barrels for eat.) by
IA Jot J. KIDD ,t CO, No. O/Waal it
gaLASS PAPER—Five Rewired renme of
Hawn patent, tor rate by
Jall S. KIDD C CO., :in, en Wood et
BOYS' SATINETTS.—Murpby & Burch- .
110.1 Luke rocelval • lot of banflxotne:F•neY KUM
eds. Kr Bore wear. al.•• Plaid and Idolu C
In st dlerino L'lcechnermKentuck y Jean.. plank
Trtnby et*
to, at watt tuck corner or yourth and
Market etuutc. oeIG
7a.t. ZOO lb. dotdlns lbd.l. S' boa M.
taisixo4 :MUD. do. do: 40 or Lae do. do: 40
do. EDI: 20 dn.. 5m o rlpe kldr; it . CLIII CD.. dot att.!
Vier/ Vgl rig r
haw, For4ao,, J. D. W . ll.lanSis a ou..
dell) . 1 . D.
Wood At lftlfota.
lIIL 3 • ' •
IEAL-Ihirtybagellil 3r4d, received
%_.F and fur Was by jail " We BARI:IMAM
FLOUX—One hundred Ms Extra, Family
end 50 S. 7. Ylour, hut received end for etdo by
at reduced prices, consisting or the following:
me sod in. Blankslx illue sod iirsy Dokter C/ . ...i
MI and Crib Muskets, .hkb ne are authorised to elms st
roduent prises, awl will Iso sold on rar bl tc s ''-'
' 11.YEE.
VII OLASSES—Fiftvtrla now crop fur sale
Jut. by del/ 'mow!: C KIRKIATRICK.
(.IALERTUS.— . 4 tons Saleratus, in brie and
ti bra, for sale by jag ROBERT OALT-ELL & CO,
E/1F LARD.—Leaf Lard in brie and begs
Laad for ease by ROBERT DAL7.I4LL L Eoo rtro.
Jag Lllrt
UGAIL-15 hhda prime N.Oridan 14-Sugar,
t 7 In atom and for ado by ROBERT DALZELL k CO.
Jag LlbrrtY &WM..
FI SII Fifteen drums ll' B. Codfish;
5u brio rio. 3 31arlrreb 23 tad, N 0..) Las rill; 10 qr.
r Oa. 1 3.lackereb in goe, and for dr b
u. ESE-498 b.. Cream Cheese in flare
‘..) and far silo by JASINS DALZELL,
No. OS Wotor Meet.
• -L
. ,- ~..
T 0 LET—Ono Hoase and Lot situated !e
on Bra.% 444, Etindh Ward. Tar term/4:N
= Laws 4
F on SALE—The Subscriber offers for
f . end well bulk Itrkk Hoare. with itreml .
or more welts of mond. altnated on the Fourths tetwt
aul. within ar. tulles of elda clty. Pusanizitsa given on
the lat of Anvil next.
Al.. • eery dretnale contalUletnorcr Foos
Arr% with • swing of excellent wafer thereon, tomatod
near the &bore..
Al.. a lot of ground is fek 11 lorbol by Lk) feet adjoin.
lug the rreklenre of Mr. A.Toner, near the arit,T oWoeru
the nreenth Weed, en Penneyleattla Avenue. Pt.. ellou
gi n er Imediately.
It le u.uw
nee tulu that Nn Plank Rawl will be complete
ffe the above PmPertY warly In the coming summer. For
ether Infloonation, apply to DAVID DENLER. Fourth ex
root. near the tret tleacrlb property. la2ndtf
JFIOR RENT OR SALE--The aubreriber 77",1
win senor rent his Teri &wired. Connizr Revd- "g"•1`
enee, in Allegheny city. xitnanvl on Oh. tang inwi••••••
Alleghene Arenoo wevt of tt C'ornmon. The h... " .." t• •
lance doubledouble brick building' in amide. order. Throe '• •
earring., honer, stable. and good water on the ground%
which eamptixe two arm. Inrinared,enotaining every
clvseription cf fruit...du, a aping house and ~..1., house.
1 . ..v..4'n give, whenever devired: • JOILVVIIIIIILIRT.
EOR RENT—A spierldid Dairy Farm Tr. ,
aajolnlng the city. witli a 0.1 Inerlllnx rod..litto Alv..le Orchani. Al., a well animhed.www•
Cnmttry Mtn.. '.nYle, eight nams with ot
buildings •n rove acre of • od, With. tWentY bltb dt, u '
drive of the eon. House. Al., several Duch. an
Dwelling Mau.. and out the city. will he VII A. on
renvonahle tem.. by Loa AIITIIORS. Ater el
ja2........i1waar1t2 44 ;rant street, near Fowl
TOR RENT—A t o story Dwelkog .
'louse co
.1 Ile y stet niro of
jalJolt'%WES DA 2 "LI. of Water at. vi.wl•
—I will yell for cub. 1 on ywrpetual len..ono ham
stmet, 24 rcet (malt by 00 feet to lqlring alley,
joining b.. Ninth Ward Engl. lieu.. AI, ono moue.
bounded by Liberty. •Carm.n. roil Allegheny evert., snd.
scriog Mier. bring:all ri,roa LihertY. by WO to 21.1.2
Alley. Also, 1.5fe4 feet hunting on Ferguson atm , . inn.'
dlatcly oppoolto Cho Centralltall.naul Depot. an.l.ntaining
45 arr.. 1ir.0.2 , .dif JASIM ()TARA.
VOlt RENT—The Ore room and Cellar on
1: the aouth east enrner bf Maact otrvet wad the Dia.
wand, at preoent occupied ita a Imp gore; Idea the wenn."
and third !toll , . of the Immo buthllna, entranet ea tholha
,f r pa. 17ria .. r4t ii ivt !be lot
~wlO Sll.o ,,i hadll 4.,oreet.
vTLe 711 rd Wftol Public School limit, d .ftc on
I;tl hiCh p Tr. l' la"a v irliTa rir;
lU ti e ."' ra, feet um * k on Diatom! 41Iey.
ter Att7 mol ly otaa tofintn Won &Oral .111 air... and
` """' "" I .I7A°Lof:CASICET:t
Proet. Iltord Director, at .77e. 47 and 6A Market Attrott.
4=21 I;
IVO LET—A large Alt:melon Ilousmwith
1 . :o acres of Load attached, ettnated at Oaklacd. Crto
Real Eatatp worth 8100,000.
VERY DESIRABLE Property in Alio- .v.ll
gheny (Sty for on/e. .Two splendid recideneee
on DM boot, le4 ward, one having front of CO feet+eww
on booth Common by NO to Witter street. The other: 140
fon front bY :40 to wn alley: Improred In the bat manner.
..Roiling delightful Ow. , uf We city of Plltsburgh. the
Allegheny and 01110 them. •
AN, a piece 'Aground fronting southon North Common,
240 feet., running 110 foot lurk. mended by too filly foot
streets end 12 alley in One.
Abo, lweuty screw directly opprodte the Hell lined Depot,
of the nowt deeirnbl• proper:, now ofieresl for sae. Thle
rn: of grund :Arm Inducements to neculatore. Apply
yolg HAIKU 1111 /N. 114 neanul Ct.
0 LET.—That dePirable:residenee at
Vitt'rnlrTb -1 ,
ville. Thw bow, Gino ge and stair:menu has 12 room, 2
goad reliant, and wallit below. Alwi. • iit•bin sad rarrisgi.
how.; todwther with • finer artion, containing chide. Haab-
NTT and fruit trwex The twrininuir 'dation Is • Minn din
tun" below, and -manna am go in
inaulzo MORT. D. THOMPSON,
PHidlta • N 0.114 Market Arne.
FOR RENT—A Sail" MILL in East Bimiing
ham, well situated for,• Woe Mariam; It ea. nom
Ilsea Um
barlama of the Ormsby Coal hall &ad.
ill te thoroughly repaired, kith nem totlersomal levant
Is laterm of year. '
tal emellent rlfa for brick roakloa—elaf doM ,
11, mayoral good quantra of exodleot Moho. loodre of
K. CID LOPS, heat Btrothmham.
VOR RENT—A Dießing with Tet,,
.12 tenor alyssums. tn anoarepair,stat larneEt
)ant: on Federal street. Alleshenj. Rent. $175 per
Alen A. STORE on Minket street. PROAntrsh, a long
Wareham. on Mint street, and aeveral Rooms In Pun
Ikjildinjo. iAZZ:A.M .
It 4 E4rorsl at.
"" Phrookle. Post, wad Mkt= copy 2 sods. • LET—The Three Dwelling
flour., Nol7l Wylie street, 01 prefect coraed ;:•,;r
obn I.lricirstuu, arlit =laicism too parlors... g *
Cuingand W.I. am the EntAwar..lou
vlvers ou tim
m lit of April. luquire of J. AtB. 1 , 1.0111.
0•10 ltwtoJ aurrlial
Two Story Brick noun.. cr x
inntainleur 4 rooms, ter Genre Amur,
el le nowt. lietA liar. Enquire of
roan JOKY WATT lc Co).
FOR RENT. The Sture, 118 Alarkvt rn
street. the lieceee4 dem hem the renter et Market ;1;1
em Libeler s treets. Poeleesion deer tht,l;?ti f
nt'st. I ilea., or
VOR RENT, two Ter' CODTerlierit
DIATFT.LIND DOUSES, on Maled street. shore 'l'
and new. t'atithrleht. Itsoession airman the tins
of A mil Tula.
Alm. to Leese for one or neve yeses. scene huge rs , mt
hoh. on sari next the Allegheny River. In tor„. Ninth' W
Istdrf - Fourth et _ neer it'al.•
.--Tile • following proper- =IA
Om are fvr •
F,tr. faluttrd. 1 mapli !Ay
STO • . 31nricet lk s4i ivrrrt Third lad r.rtla
•ullethle RA.
- .
Serrral tame In It t On!, Building, In the camel anA
third dad... rult t.b, fAr ArGots'. Roma, Whom, te.
A tan., an,l nolo - ant,. DWELLING 110CAE. In • 1.0-
aGge pan of the cit
Yormaslon at the y.
I/A-ogolni east be Inn m the Ist of
U.alia t r a . , % . Lt . LL i l / 4....... STOlLE . on gh Thl .. ni b.....i siret..trs . t door to the
a Falk SALE-An onespinAl Ler. on the Warthove, on
Third atnAt. heretofore meupled by the late 31r. A. &elm.
ter teas. apply to
E. D. GAZ7.151, T i tsit4to street.
_itol or toil. 11 . 1).,t1t111(71C , 44 tstreet.
WUR RIINT, a Two:stury Frame House•
/11.1 t. Irolll , ng, Attls tpo ettuale oulTi
lestfitel meet, Flat* WaAL
Yer term, app:) to 1:0111S ON, LIT7LE t
• , Ltherty stmt.
TO LET; th. Store' lt.ooru No. Cos czt
icvt. Arco- adpt,zin ‘1 al&
.. . • •• . , .• ... • • . ... .. .
This mom i• Inentsd in tlstinio.teentral and best Lushaeits
point In lb. sit, . and will adept' for a flanking end Ea.
cham Insro. and Inentune.l 0111,re. or a store. A splendid.
ufront, with Englleb Ilaie liises..lll iss put in auto
e weather penults. s.
Fuoassiun given on Use find of February. If wanted.—
Enquire of W. W, WILLsON.
,iti7 Corner of Itaiket and Fourth .11101..
i --
VOlt SAI.E. tile -Three stoi-y - Brick
.1 • Dwelling, No. lb liar atrect. Pnydrie Ito. ::::"71
rrim Saul Terme. $lOO rails. SSW in ate Trar. mid....
VMS) In Asa year, to he PrCilrellt b ) Manage on the premi
ere. Clear of al] ineumbranen. and title Indisrutable.
Apply W ' . WILLIAM 1/11.11F.
" ISt Lawny street.
To LET, n four story Dwelling, Slate
rect .wes, lwah raom. K. - 11.turr-A.
oTen. 149 Third otter,
I nalirr at (II Warr gavel,. sern
FORKS -95 dos best Oast steel him , Forks;
.7) dos best German Merl * dm
• 4o dos 4 pronard mat God Manor, Feeds
on ennrign m ent saw tar oda by
: 11:
0130 dua Cust . Steel
dcainent f 4
do do Garden llnek
PfACIIES--Three hundred buahelv reed
...I Ibr sale by 1ja..1 SAMUEL P. SHRIVE=
SCYTIIES-L-75'doz hest Ortos Scythes;
NI deg bitot Cradle Feytl666
lu du; brpt Ccrnrl. <011,1711
MI fat 11.1011 . 6..WATEMIN PUN”.
100 so tea Water and 62 Trout at.
SCYTHE SNEATIIB--425 dos beat patent
Ptwall, on eatolgome&Cand for oak in
AILSA SPIKES--120 kers for sale by
DEARL ASH-12 cask O prime for gale by
isle , L. E. WATERMAN a SONS.
iIARANGES-5) brim meet, to arrive, for
ItjFaLo by .111:11.11111DOE
118 ; 110 ‘i World
ICE-2U tea for ludo by
RUGAIt MOLASSES-30 hhda Sugar;
230 bartebaktuatt
WIN i r . b /COVY: . ? , LA81 . 720110 bait asedaizes,
jert tUltIlitDOE t 11:011RA51
LUE—,Twenty boucle just received, and
IJTWr sale
to by the barrelakt B. N. WICHERMIAIII . B
_431.5 Cta.of Wood !lath stso
§ l O 1./ sad %rage at e. N. WICKERBII/31‘
eon of Wool k Slztb sta.
ain.m 1 rAmir &corm now boding froin Kuala
Twoirars.lbr We by
deb, OLO AII DICKPT it CO.. W.t layout Id&
TANNERS' OIL.--Twenty brig Bank Oil,
to 0.11 fader. for milt by del J. tit. YLOYD.
- -
GLASSES.-38 :bele new, in mere, for
4149 .1. k R. MOIL.
41491 1. of by
brls No. I, now landing, for
L oda be 409 ISAIAH DICKEY CO.
BU.CKWIIEAT FLOUR—Twenty sacks in
Plum and for Ode he . }all B. it w. ILARBAUOII
lJ 300 ill. Bt itiw be Dili BRAUN t RIKTER.
iltnehtichl hive lust Opened • fresh supply of the
qualities the above article. Including idsok
twilled, errs fine. Also, French Doocklis and Casidmcww,
Meek , . attd
for holey.
quality. and Black Satin Vesting, at very low
prima the tiOlß
OLL BUTTER.,-Ten brie Roll Rutter
XL ',tired and tar ale by
113 Mu alistni earn Damao in lama and for talc by
UP 40 ' knot Ilys Whi.4.r. "4 : ke n men 41,0kk,"
(0 bblo. Old Ilonungeltela Whiy, re awl for
st e Ost by
JEW HAMS—Ev i an & Swift's Cincinnati
Buy. Cured Hunk just riveted, for sale by
0 W3l. A. Hrt:LIJOU At (X), 2.50 lAberty A
y EAF LARD—Pr Cincinnati Leaf Lard
M l u p!. keit. for fatally thishjost teed for mad by
ir e Wki. A. Me..I,CHO A CO.
r o s " s'in
.mlz Cliff \fine
rt. BAIRD DUI V, 114 Renoml ot jalo
UTTER.-Thirty' kegs and six brls fresh
better Jun mane mnl birrale by
Ew RAISINSU4 consi, , nun - tmi forsitle by
jr - tot! It ? . toi-rth!br fi.7] ar.Aux,_nErrEn.
XA bbl. 004 neelyird Whiske r , for . 1 .
y J.oll JOILttARI.EIt
. MOLASSES.,--25! bele :tit House, St.
I V lV °°b . / itligaiMetii i i. tn. Letilu,..t.
REASELARD-. Twenty bristirease Lard
rmtifti slain sala,br •
DED PEACHES—Three hundred bus
Dried Podia, in Dom teed tap
rl.lerrtMheatOlaEdßntermedi mr
on at 10 ,
ror freight or pnag,apply OD bird.
stestlrr F.llPRESS,Cosoratterotill lure ,5ik44,4
larettod lots...Mato pats lids attertscst.,
st 4 o'clock.
For talent or tom.-e, apply on bord.
The Ana sroomer J. Q. ADAMS; Loma. o. I
num., will kare for al.oro and InternacMAta
Irntt on Medneaday. LMtio b.. .t 10 A. X. •
For !night o . r pasoaa „ &noir board , .
& ST. LOUIS-11w !ft running
AC NEWTON. Captain Cb. 1.1. Im]. l
.ave for [De abort. and Intermediate 1.1., on Tu.lar.
o.Sth Jura-. a P. M.
For freight or PAARAX, elSolo on board. jatlT
rR 'T LOUIS. The fast run
-4S , ,
ing ...mrr ROBERT WAERS. C.,,,..kir
utchcr. we, Imre fur tho nl,ve .1 —'
[...Rate tort, this dar. the.. th Irodant. at 11., A. St.. '
For freight nr apply n. 1.0.. d. l.=
luid splendid stounor YEDF.RAL AIICII.,
splendid will lease far aliove ,
and Intern stn ports on tiajunley, the ?Atli Instant. at
o'elerk, P.. For freight or pawitmie. apply on board. onto
liil J. NEWTON JONEW. Agent -
VOR ST. LOUIS—The splendid
A steamer J.. 1, CRITTENDEN. M. Marlin g .
slider. will Mars for shore and Ohm
migil f e m fat i i cTi latugn. trIJALIV.. wr t i t ,! ..
ja.J. M J.WITTON , JONES. Agent
j114,,0R LOUISVILLE.—Tho splen-,
did 'Varier TI•MIOttl. Capt. tholelt. will ..4
ea, Sheila atone and all Intermediate pm nt, •
Pthis def. the =AI hut., at Ms eielnek A. M.
er freight or ;wraps , apply no twatel• jai=
j. - I NOR LOUISVILLE—The sp!end
w o.‘iarier. MILTON. Capt. J. Darin. willPrQP
save for for acre and intermediate paint cm
this dais, at 10 &cloak a m.
For freight or pumps, apply on hoard. jail!
light draught Pteamer PAIS. Greirnie,
mytor. will leave for Out OVA, and al intile
mottles omits an _Monday at lisA X For freight or paw
sage ar t ily on /Atari or to -
nl7 0 ILMlLTlCillaironm. Apt
1, 1 1 011, NASHVILLE. The fast
running tlmmot ENEVA. Capt. Wilkina,
I lento for the above and Intermediate port.
om Mondy, o f 111A1. • at 10 A-31.
Vox. freight or Imatagu. anidi on boon , .
running rhouner NAVIGATOR. CaptainiEl
n, will lost, for tho afore and Interned/.
ati=gl:l°,;,';',"'"gA.i:li Os boon'. jolt
VOR ST. LOUIS. The splendid
new Gnat', FLEETWOOD, Wm. Gtoolold.
oemmateler. sill boon fox the above and hotel
mediate ports. otiSabonlay, the 11th lostant, at 4 P.
For freight or p5443.V. apply us Isont. or
IdeMhl .vr steamer EDITOR, A. 0. Ma- • ••••
ann. maxim. will Imre en above and Inter ,
inediati• landings this morning, 9th Disbud, sit 10 eglork.
ler freight or pcsa I re. apply on bmird. •r,3.0
I'Olt NASHVILLE. The eplen- . l eg
did etenrnen. FORT PITT. 11111er .
,hi !lLare u lor theakore.d Intermediate ports''
' l'47-4? '"
t. IW:o'clock. A. 1L
For g.elzWor Newer, array um Leant. Jag
1,11378.- , fle splendid ateavner YACIIARY
LOK. Hurd. toaster. will iCSITC. for above
and Interniodla. pinta tide day. at 10' o'clock...l. 31.
i . l7 .. fret nr I.asaawrl •on bard.
PACK-M—Tbo pplendkj .
; 17 r4V=l,l 4 k ; " c° '"" n ""
bet wo
thin At, wl Wh»linv, ha b
svefr Wnlanta, knot resaey. sod atrttair.l""n i7gU7 .nTh llrenrhjeLk) , r , 4r
vob Al3lSTstONv r.
ac . K .
Piaphurat every Toesday.TbundAy anALitunlatr, rrturo
leuvrs \t'elirrlDc e'er, Monday, Wednesday ma rd.
itzt T. F. ftde... VaVeirlLN,nt.
nningh.t. Thiorplesalidboat woo built by
the owner" of tbo Memel. franc Nowt°. and Miry.. t
the Cincinnati and Plttoburvb Parket trade. anal io . r . byre
Iy‘Vedtnealoy for Cincinnati. to vire of the Nat bl o c.
fr'iu" 17.'7' 4 :11'
. . on
11 E , li s lrl y L i All ,A, 1 , ..'1! , Eq . 1N
m A . II.
tosnter WELIIIIILI.E. Cant D. Young. er1a ,"711.,
run as a reenter paeltet between Pitteborgh, Wheetintr.
Bridevoratt, aral Sound, Pawn. Itittetturgh every Maude,*
allerntaat eteuhrueille. and Bridgeport, and
every Thuralayn afterotou for kitrubenville. Wltoepue.
Urttlgrport. Catelno. and Sun: returning, leareePndge.
tort and gurthelt every Tuneday 'afternoon, and SunEsh
every Friday afternoon. Bum freiglp or
1.. apply on
board. or te , feep7l p. toi "S. Agent.
raught Warner ARENA. D. I'. Kiney,
t..r. l'ltl.orgh on 31onday.iVelne. lg
lay, and Friday,
10 o.nek. A. M. IVelbvills on Tuesday. Thur.
da• and nattuday, k. A: A, M.
tor D o
or paaeage. Apply on band.
r; (; L
_ __
.. 1 .
C ~
- -
,FOR S i , :__L__ . ~
t HOCKINGINtRT.—TW tine steamer
''. N '' C t.. N F ( - rah,. vill leans allot°
err Tao . at 4 o cxork n
t...! '"r l ('-'i4h"r 1...'" ' n ' t')l. H. JOHNSTON. Izt.
(2 s the introduction of this new Comd
lvou C 'h. .1111 a Cr kl
Who. 4 0. 14:47.31 1 ,jUTT-.!'g,
eqte monad.. Ungualtia ) in P lesa •
tlua and at a thaw" rata than way other tartlielna ever
• .
Nlexlicknew di rielscs, the etannazh innl produce nannew which
I. uscrstil.a.croualtie then the mush Itetlf. Is (Ant,
owl! In thln snixtur, fur It I. • 14earant tooth!nu article
want will qsre DV newt" we/ Mreswl4l
&nee in favor of WA Stloritti. In our city. floss nor own
itlarns olsul.l marlocr on, our it•c:llrse... It l the
svglilar rltygiciant. ankl hals n!.r4 hT
Ivrn su e nan prary.v td r. numb, it... with the'
CONF.L.'W.TION lady I)..nt Stenb.nrille writ., that
Loa daugh.r bed been attfien.4 witha
s‘lght oa , • 10.0. beie 11-vvr, and .1 the diftrelsing
,131,4131.1 mnrunipth.n. Hu ai tint after taking two Lot
.he was entirtiy sqeal. A
ti. wan AS vhington
ante "I, nrV (' o=3i,,e :hLu«tl., ea,l 1
that "he know-a-t a Pmturtal rup Iv a alma ankle. Ira
he rail It in Ida oat, ea e and lu the tine, of members
nt his family with tho moat parfea rum., •
It n.arr. (116 lyrt VtaT 9r1.10,144,0 , 4" LNOWN—It 11.
Pitt up In half plat tools dat :Al rents cart. or Ada battles
tor $.
1e0011.1.1 STVIIII.Z1.7.111:10 Would do cell to keep a rupply or
thin rotutleine on hand all the llmr, as It L. one of the moot
.rfe. and efnencionu renenliew eTrt dirwrle,l fin . 01l
e• anddlue.n ord. Inelpient (..rwmption.
CAUTION EXTRA—IIan, pet... , win try .4,0 You
Mm e
of the vars bu
ton'o not '1..1
them. If you ant . And io well buy n
sruvr. and take w zot other. thle-nlll CU. you. It b. In It
patent :be nt.t raluable plan. 1.1
of of the materia
medien..d l‘egnot.unded by a perunn rtAlled In the
It art. Their. 1010 In nn deeeptinn In thls medicine. It Pi
prepared b your own city, au! th e proprintor has nun..
01V1 mitifcao, from pr... In our 011111 Oily. Mfr.'s. 14
& puropertles th rrn, which wall be 0..1 to•any
Aron. of n.lna
A NII WATT. throughout tbo Eta. tomll Mit
Large ill-count.. will la. mule to tbune who will
hake au Interest to the toolleine. It will ray . a WIN taunt
In all aawnbabovaley, they will be doing suffering humanity
• vertre placinqin tbelr Imelda tho areateet medicine
L.r Lung the worla but erreprodueed.
For rale. ortiolmtle oral retedl, by RECSLit MeIIOIC
ELL, Intiwohno: Ito Wood "(reel. Plitoburgh, Pa—to whom
Ull lettora fur age lee must be uldrelietel.. AI, by
.M. Curry. Allegh en y city; P. Bruekor. jr, 800 We;
(km.. Maul, II ...bine.; Juba IL Itutbatun. I kory;
aml by me Gtr ; J. 11. Cowell. L%tuciaburill
all U ti " Srugotata Amorall. Jam
S ELLERS' LIVER PILLS supereede all
ahem. Chub...ton. V.., &pc 2e. lize—mr. R. E.
Ftt }erg—Your FEU have become so popular , In all * this re.
ft ° of
° A ° ll.7l . lre m' lri mo th
thr'.. ten ' ,.,e l"ber. ' .
Vtde ' t or •
lattmi n. JAMES A. LEWIS.
Purchaser, rroollset that It. E. gegen' LITXT lilt, seethe
[flat and only tree and erector Idrer PLE ard may be
bad at No. Fil Wool street. and of Druggists generally In
the too aged and Melody. jab/
Professor A. C. Barry's. Tricopherona,
ifkß MEDICATED COMPOUND, infalliblb .
ICY for reaming, invigorating. dud beautifying the hair,
remains the none, dandruf.and all affectionn of the scalp.
sod ended eroptionx on the skin, of the ochthir,
mm and Internments. and relieving thug, mit, brit}
opralthatc. With thin preparation “there is no ouch
oodoo fall?' Th e lirldjounials Asneticit. medical MC!,
of the highest eminence, prominent &loath of ell Profs.
dm; And hulks who have rued It for sloth in their &ce
ding room. and tinsmith adroit it with one socenl. that tar ,
Imparting thpor. glom, luxuriance, and cool to the hair . ,
eradiating thurfilead dthdruth healing monodic, corith
coottinicona.oprallis, dingo, We, and thieleing diarsces of
the akin. The stands alai the 'mewl., it hate no vowel
among th e multitude of compaurals adecrtined in the pub.
throb:lt, or need in Driven . practice. In cheapneen an well
ao efficiency. Muir* Tricohennts IA unrinalled. The the
theme mach •des of the noCiele, have enabled the Inventor
to supply it at 25 cents per balk, 'tabled L. from 50 to' Itot
Iff ,
end toe
embracing the ea/ Liable directions fur the cub
In ' 7lc c iAl aTc . r.vto t rtrtrg
The affinity between the utembrinfen wont coustitnte the
akin and the hair. whirl, death Its ountenanon form tide
Writen...lope, Iv very cloth All dlnethea of the hair orb
'Sinatra in the thin of the head. If the path of the. scoff,
latelogged. or.lf the bled *WI outer Built. do not demo
freely through the melt vowel. winch feed the root
with motattith and impart life to the tildes the remit le
anddandruff, obeddinar of the hair. grarentho.
thd lodations of the ligament, and ratirolcdtheno, thaw
care may Ice. Seam Wan tho th in to healthful warm with
the Trkophenths,cud the Solid vothin. recovering their
wilelty. will tholhilate the dine., lo idliffthlucto of the.
thin, and of theaubdrath of muscles and integuto L gol i the
lh.lee utbeTrims7ll:mt
hth its oper ' Atic aftth c L u and io all affeeihms, nod 1 1 11 , 11 . 7 ear
the. othth, It in • onvereith
Sold In lArge.botUes. price 25 recto, at the principal of
fice, 157 Enthithy. New bort. athi by the principal mend..
entri 0411 Jthgginto throughout the 1.001.1 Staten and Can.'
. . _
. 2 =L i z
p,r t it n nurgl i e , the Inventor
ot pparation recommended In all rmes of
hellgertlen, gab, and.wourrl, 00 the meat
We, easy, and criminal Conn in which Moncneida nosy, and.
blared the only one to whl.d. It ought to he exhibited, taw
mewing all the womb. of the Mewled.. now in general
flowithout being liable like {{t. to Non dungeon. our.,
ra In the bowche It effectually gum heartburn without
titut the tool, of the stomach,. soda. pailM, and their are known to doe It unwell. the Qled or Jaunts
Unruh:if an In u t l . l d olo.oo eds.. a pleaulog aperient, and
br,7.7ltlpthVe7.DaryWtlit'l4thit rife solution Rom sol
uble consblcabo. villa tole aeLl sail, oar. of abut and
gravel, thereby genutereedn their booboo bode.).
when other alkallb. mud eiTil Mone.. Ibielf. Luel Mod.
hum Ply th-tiongton. Dart., BUrglVal General to the
Army In Ireland.
"Drar nir—The re tan be
I t o uneniot that . Mew.. mar be.
adoninigteral nu. safely In h form of roncentrabd
lullmt than In substunew for I.ols. and many other
I am or "'Viet. that the 11.1 31..nes. Is a very rateable
addition to ono Mater. Medi.. PHILIP CRAMPTON.'"
Pio James CL‘rk, bir A. Cowper. Ur. Ifright, and Messra.
'Clothrio and Herbert Mayo, of Looden.stbuglY robituttlend
Mneray.s noid M a gnes i a, II being Innuitely more acre and
ounrenlent than the solid, and.treefrow the •twnd
ing the amnion A.. or solo tows.
Yur b r the Importer's and proprietor • agent..
jell e!. kraut eta.
The eztnuhe range of build log firmer] creupleal
by .Irlitre. leveh and Cu, at the POW., between Water 4.
and Duoureue W.Y. will be WY • term of royal,—
y ,..„tuy .darted. with Vt ,, ?t i r. power 10 1.01:11-
wod sda veryem Apple , 1 . ,1T1 of manufacturing b 'dorm.
41=0 . .plourth amt. Mb • • h. _
PLACES wanted and pentenesupplied at
laint none, with a number of clerkitnalermenworo.
men, and nom mni taro of all agot
boy. .. or in {nom, or m madmen, bottler& wafters,
garderutro oriatiorent. ht town or tuna trot and dt7
nunwitehambennaldmootitite. • Alarm- ouro t ion k.a.
and all kinds of win promptly:anemia' to Anintnlerata
harm. Pleime tall at /lane LARK/a' 4mi and la
telllownee Oftee Fifth greet. • -
j RITE BEANS--Ten barrels pri,rn for
j , 5
5,0,„ $160).t Know; b.24l gir se aco ^ Wood od
POULTER & lIACSF Wholesale and Re
lvJ Dr 24444. Coma 41' Wad fad Thtrd' stmts. cm.
du Um lit. cassia liotal.Pittaborgu. Owlrti
To Southern and Western Merchants.
irotactiber zwapngtfolly ttrrinaa wblie attention
atork of verfronery.doatetnhae.n.g e ,
Le- to which wtgen Sae and two Golden Medals bate.
Tibit the t a d ads ream teen awarded by the Irumituies at
hew Tort. Horton. oral the lofta bring the
only Widen Medal... nor awarded for fxstntaery either tri
Yampa or In tido country.
Rotartge Tastraltzo Hamm emit (Almond, Ittwe.
and Anabradat) untrenally aeknow/elMtgasnixtror
any timing Crehto In this country or
01.10FILVIE rota Szartec-trenutihollY tranaparent and
i B. Alrnaring P'l=• ELT b
rT •h loop
grmrsse TOOZT gotzs-Ahnond. hose. ltillegennt Ron.
tort. IlataehiN hloskPatebotudy. Otnnilma. floating.
r.i. Ohre n.hor. ant Cireunian.
farasets ran TIM, Jasl33lll, Bon.
punt de Caroline. tieranentri ti. Jertny Lind. tionvellne.J
N retVialTVl:Vdlik eit' t7+ lk rat, "
Tor= Wants-llama titer, Ean • Toned.. Orange
flower Water, and • great vanety of Colognes and Layer.-
der Waters.
Pagrtetrarts rot ter Ilttilthnrdne nearg Oil, Antique
Oil Ea./ohne. gnu Linotrale. Mehra, Oompeand us. Mar
row, Hair Dyes, liquid and in hawder. and Philo:cone, Etch
nine, and Joan' Lind Pannadta
(Immune I ctrtegnass-lialeande Elixir, YR' Tooth
Paste. Chsroal Denniftee, Odour/ g.te.and Tooth
Cosagnor- . TeV•ble Connetie Cram, Amara:dn. fOr
_ .
cNapped bands. oa,ld Cream of Roses, Pasant do Perse.
Itaspbera7 Cream, So.
Depilatory Ponders. for MlllOTthinpreutrtugbalr, Pearl
Ponder, Thug . ..aide Rood, Aromatic !U.K.% Niotorin
ilaleCompadtion; Preston Exits, beside! a mat satiety of
other articles, lesa ;numerous to be Hamann this advert/as
- Ybeanhaeritor Leven to maintain thewhich
Ibis establishment has hind b y di !, of nothing'
bet Best mevtichss and 0111 be hamar to =lid , tbs..
olio ma) orb), to patronise him. either wholesale veleta%
,ita an reasonable toms as any establishment in the United 21.41.4, DAZIN,
?boilers,. to .ad former Director alike Laboratory of
EUG14.1411 FiDUSELL.
(114 CheannOst-
Mslia 74 P.k.aterr b for de br W tbspribdr.;
P.l4lZiga In theetiontry.
CIO-PARTNERSHIP —Haring associated
11..) my eon, 0. W. Leonanl, with ma. the tesainesw HI be
at the old miatl, Sc. rd Wend unden tb ,
of W. Leonard and eon.
The senior partner alba find returns 4 als elnewre thanks
to the friends and former Isamu of the AM., and hot.;
by strict ettention to business and the wants of .ILp:dm, ,
to motif a fon thare of poblk patennage.l
AIL persona knowing themselves indebted to W.l.2.6natd,
trr !wok acconnt or otherwiee. kaior to '.huthary Ist. DM,
shwa oil and settle. and atom eolith jalLnllnktel.9
INTESTMENT.—Thu rubscriber arm for the, all
andvale property. situated on the rather of Holliday
Pieemot strata, embraciug over sixteen thossand lire
hundred square bat of go mod, eotherneing at the corner
of Hollitith and Mathis atmete,d running. nor th SO
feat, then wad IM feet, then nor th 03DM; then west 07 feet
by a Hammel lim verging thithwerdi then to • Mettlithiy
direction branding en Nor th Sat 10 theta, and
Eastfrom We point M:I fat, then South 119 feet to Pleaeant
etreet, then East to p the plena of 'teeming 137 tett ThIO
• property LI haromd by • large and tommerlinue Bath
and Candle 31anutectory, built in the moot intlwtential
manner of the best matiniale mid workinthairip,_ and a
cumfbrtible Brick Dwelling. with • lame gazden.
tory la 37 Eat wide by 1173 feet deep. with a Hue pad. Thi
Building anthem* too them and an attic bag bin lamer
TIN! • eta ner'Tireniegle tallow b linir pareS
th s roughoth to ahort, it the efrerseourradence for amyl
on • eery extethee Inminesa To perform desiring a lo r g
don bra Yorwanling Maar. AR the traumata& brut.
ti er
vie. Baltimore and othrmetanna Railroad Ude mtmer
of fine opportnnitYr having tharing on North
street of 04 feet for the entrance Al • the n
which would
amotrunalate throe ibrer= , l ,, hothea, with • return track
on Piemant etre., . Any further Lediromation
can be obtained of the subecti on the memtth.
rialtollw—lialt. Pat. rd.
Murphy's Self-Seating Advertism-3gErwel
_LA The subscriber, in aolicking the patronege Of. who
may hick scientism.; reek non that bealtatkar
with • new ankle le brought be forethe pablio The
experience of year. hen eetaldished their superiority be.
Toed all question; and he confidently Wen to the maim°.
..ny of these bun.s men who have used Mess ...lope;
end to hie rapidly Ineresaing sake. 4 mat of their excel
The following are • iew of the raw= to lb. porn•
id- the • Plaw OMPihl by the oval. • p.m ow
have his nun* toudnow, and olden* conspieuqualy antl
lwentlrully embawal, mimed or Pk.. thee .11=
t security fraud. .
The 'Er/ *r ad and opt+ murk be opened without g de.
a an to
wafers are required to aminot
4th. Ikon arkeaiage of • letter. the seal =its .
immediate at.. bribe smier, Instead of trine burled
mouth, In the Deed Letter Mice.
stb. The Envelop. are Punkt.' rd" shunt the same
Prior ea p con.
be. lain
biter marled le • mod effective edentate:cont.
me to *Ural the attention of all through whose hands it
The following is li st of pricer Ur engraved as
brae* and wht. will •
lad for team, and of E of
the thud Me, either white or buff, of good Toper. atel
made es abov. with name, kin., s,
Prices of Dim frricer Earelaws mask as
lb letters or len .31.001 ohm.
hr to ha 5.0 U 1000. - .
30 toed
Mil., is 1... J. .....717.i'iricai;inriMiMicaalier
perexpress, •
refence to reepoetable Sew York
Boa. will be oatßeirok A l t orders .111 meet with prompt
ottendork If soldnsock yßupkiy,.
. o. Madiron stramt. New York.
oe,3ere frill b
of Mem.. 310tt..t. VY. 1.1 the
Jcrullman a Co.. 134 WO,. or
Mm "4
. .
lil:tiattartaCard;: cmtaasaed to mlor., far= ana
lacy„ at Slam) per tboaaatst. na=al3m
IAltI) OIL. 5 brls winter strained, for•sale
IA by dal: al FEY. lIATIIIERS Mt
if INSEED OIL. 5 brls pure New Castile
on, put retelml szul Fa . rale by
da.27 11013160N,LITTLE k CO.
COFFEE: 213 bags Rio for sale by
eet RILEY, merrugtvs
F ISH. 113 brie large No. 3 51 — aeliart+1; -
Is,brls ?ie. 1 69199 mare 'Herein=
19 dna. Caddell: Syr Palo be
del? 11/1131;11da am, 8 11. CO
JUST RECEIVED from the Philliperille
on Cloth Factor,
600 yards 84 Floor Oil Cloth:
WS yards 44 'do do
200 rads 1-24.24annn 00 Cloth:
CO ihnonk smarted Awe Table, Stand add Masao
Carers, of patent leathrs Ilnleh. and brantlfulymttern. for
.ale wholoade and retail. at the warehouse No.. 7 01.0
Wood street J. PIIILLIP O.
bapi roodred far ealo br
111 OPS. 9 bales for Sale b y •
(.21.7NDRIEt 4 -1111ree hundred bbln. Nn. 3
13 Vacb•rtl tulf bbl•. du. th+, 5 bbIONo.I Salmon. In
, 1" 1 ". 9.1 1 ,, 1 , 91e br j.ll JAM D 1 DA LZELL.
A',i Ash ID otare and far sale by
H ERBS—Elder Flotreir, Sage and Boneeet,
J jan meeirwl and foe ..le by
J. KID &CU. !in. 60 Wood st-
I — AR ---- D OIL. 8 Ibis receired on consign
.•4meat, &Adler std. by WALLINGFORD A CO.
id Water .trret.
Iv 0. MOLASSES. 36 brie new crop, just
1.1 received mil far mile by R. A. CUNNINGRAD
7eREs4 ROLL BUTTER. 4 brls just recd
brand, Corn& by de9 R. A. afNNHiOHAM.
'75 -brie 'o.nd hf brls for
Yde br de27 MUM DICKEY A CO.
ICKORY NUTS. 6 bap far sale Vy
OULD CANDLES. 20 boxes for sale by
SOAP. 150 boxes Lonisville No. 1 Rosin;
6 box.. OWN Ens= sale bp
is WALLINO.O.up & CO.
COTTON YARN. 2000 dozen Hope Yarn
fordoby J. WALLENGIFORD - a CO.
ORANGES. 35 bble. just received and
for sale by BURER.IDGE. INGURA.II,
116 Water newt
FLOUR. 160 bbls. for sale by
.l, Nair York Arra p, • very sttpetior article. ,
Golden Syrup from the Et. Laub Waken,
gl= M'l tr foPt ' ole ti do
jog {TM. A. ItleCLOltli t CO., 25 Liberty rt.
SODA ASS.. 75 casks Kurtz brand for sale
. by de3) B. t W. HARBAIBBIL
_ROLL BUTTER. 20, receiv
morde br &BO B. Jr W. ARBADDII
T --
ALLOW. 50 bbls. prime for sale by
C HEESE.' 50 boxes W. R. Cheese for dale
1 , 7 WO B. 1 W. lIARBAUOII.
PIG METAL. 176 tons for rolling mill.
rioss d.. 17 RILEY, 31AnITEIVE. t CO.
"PEACHES. 173 bags per slnvilinser, for
AO. by tlcl7 _
11 UTTER. 20 bbls roll, for sale by
U ROOMS. 40 dozen for sale by
1111 ea Jll C.4NFIELD
GGREASE. 9 hbls. noty landing from the
mcitry a co.,
J. 4 Wnter and Front areal".
100 boxen f0r .7 7.1a 4 D
.- . -
tCHOOL BOOKS.—Educational
may, my" Inatrusneeta Btattorars, Carter's pub.
Ca st
fialiOßN MEAL. , for 6°117 tbr
b Z • ., nARBArou.
I2 NSEED ,,, SIL. 10 It
11 - 11731511 DABAR. 1500 lb's , just received
1..".al for solo by BRAUN 1 REITER.
JAI Corner 8- Mir and Liberty. ottr.
HARNESS: 40 dozen pairs Horse' and
Mule Ilszooks, ao mdirby •
1. 4 0. WATIeIIMAN a BONA.
d zOFFEE. In store and for sale by
IL ) dea ISA= DI E 4 a CO.
INDIW-848-lbs Spanish Float, - 3ladsas
Ifsallia. fora. br dao J. lUDD t CO.
tAINTING—House and SiO 7- Paiating
dad Gluing. inhoeptly arid neatly wonted.
U. Ire etteh dist:lardy uhierstood that re ea do
Pelnitud and Glaeut ettesp el; &ay other platen the
city, are de to do It.
HIIT.S. LW Diy Hides;
) 9 Dry OaltYking
kf. milltstbreat try
' bu'U.
'VELVET PILE CAItPETS of the richest
V edam and latest. *tales, ein b. had at the INATet
Ward•ouse. No. Fourth st, at erkee as her as thergan.
be had to .r of the exaterst 3rcuvr_ocx,_
11ARY VEACILES. 305 sacks and 11 bbla
' Dar keg by JO L Waraft3LAN k RAYS
OLL BUTTER. 15 bbla fresh roll;
JLS,S blanket...ft • '
•10 kt•V_ Al' kat br
VolaiN. OIL CUII T 4 received this day
at the Csept.t Wareboakk SS Youth K.
.bk •`•-•—•
moLAssrs. 5!) brig new elrep for sale by.
CLAM. F. ROSS, Attorney 'at:Law, Mee
1.0 N 0.198 fourth street, mar Grua, ixt Lonetb..llMM.
lowlitt•borsti. ' ' QOM-WO
Af. W. FOSTER. Attorney and Coate
rellor at law,, Xci, lei rotate mar Grant st.
. a
SO SAYS NATURE, to have health]
L., yosrance; and persoos who do tot isi,...a
to th• trust dUirustioz Skin Divans l'unr, Jostle Vahan
Chemical F.*
rem poripkrattoo, stxthim sons
time mollit.". and mftvos IJso ski. givlsg xt.*
of no lowa's
. .
Sewer, , nen= and Form arm not roily boded, bid
soled by Its nes, as at least 7 phraidzisa in N. Trek know.
0-.1. it 10 ruda mew. and Sind it untaillne—ak
Pimples, Pintas., Irrekles, os any cdber skindissaa, The
reader b , assure l that tbla is no useless. putted nowtrem, am
one trial will Kure. / email eutunerats at lout sdcbty
personswaxed of sore bead. sun lets. and Kew beard.
uur it—esel the again mused / artraki tooter.
ell 11 it fix the abort, pulse.' knew lII* lie all I Pat&
Th who are liable
. t 'dulls; slapped inn s
'gilled Ulla not only core. /a • prmatim wed 1 alp
now only sail. tbat =maw &Misted with any ay tbe &ben,
or similar distr.-14.m Ind Ws all. and seen tem (adnik
table Pitts, properties) th an 1 atata
xpirltut. rentsr. the stores are dixd o ed . .= iml
y.,,d yore you LA for Jorts' Italian
gay it only of PM. JAC/CEO:it, only Assad 1.2 •
head of .1.
Pierlv:White Teeth; and hire.l3tooth. to
be had f.te t hat if
who bare either, Oft kepi*
te-marti that if their breath le erer az foal. or Melt
teeth deaf - ed. dark or yellow. and arttraeted with tarter.
that a. 5 mut box of I.& Amber Tooth Pate will make
the teeth as white as Know. suit the breath odottlesoaalie
• Se
ood. ' a aalt JACESONT sate, NO Mere? rt. bead at
• •
A. Scientific riair Tonic, - Restorer and Bean-
Ihdtivn, :I'S meta . Thais who re al
Jews' Coral Mit hertorer. kttow exaelleat ba nat
• throe who Ica, not: we imam it to pawn th• btlawtha
era: hem. die hair to grow ea oar partwhere
eatare intend:4l heir to grow; atep it /ening olt awe run
or dandruff; and make light. rut. or OW I=2 ate.
Yor rendering the Gal, irdlt and silky, nahira pa exceed -
thte—it rakes it truly beautiful. cod rae rw it we, lib.
deed. the moot ercaornietd— yet. etdPeri."--UW• LS,
.1 7 - ,11V31: JACKSON'S him,. Zil,Lthertittrret.. -
head of Wend.; Fittshargh.
-P-:G4-4.1% rent., SO era% =I _ _
JONES' Solution of Jet, ts Liquid:Hum=
nth- bye, for tilt. changing of video. tad. or don E•lr. la •
beautiful brown. or block Jet color, la a few Wanton.
Priooeild mots.
JONES' LILLY WHlTE.—Ladies are eau- •
aswd 111411 g the'commen prepared Chalk. Thei
are not aware how arlubtfullY Ittittrlotta It le to tho eklot
how arum. bow untah, how tallow. Tallow. mad Italwelthy
the thin appear, after
log wenn TM tro ulthekt rkskbmit..
I. apennlt Whitt ,
It le perfectly an nul
).nocet brim, purlfled of ell unavailing
kaantletc and It Lot part to the ektn a natural, krelllty.
'Water, clear. Ming whiten at thetas. time earl= 11.11 cm•
metle an the Ada, looking. It soft and mend the - •
hold he the Aceut, ISe at: JAChidiA, otlu Library ettrela—.
head I Wool. ha:Aorta, l!rica,:ts cant, •
dee: nleelytS
A 1)511N ISTRATOR'S 'NOTICE— tiers o f
l.tive.g.e4, , ,;pth.,.Zll?gM . y"rolg7i.ltra. ‘; ', f
thla day lama 'testae." to me ntaletelantel. DOW. helahY
glyea to all yea... Italalant WA estate tat tilatn im
mediae ayment:and' all perautta having a 1.... .,
wld et
teetutated pretteat the atan.ttaty authe
ticated' for settletneaL RMA'S (MESS. ;
Lower St. Only. J..—jalletret.s
)1 31 Corner of Minion) Market Menlo. Chatted A. D.
.0. The only Ltartored /notilule of the bind In Penn
grinnia. •
forma-y-4mo 1123. C. Prinelyni Instructor In the
' Science of Armenian • -
O. K. Cruntuatu. Protean of PmatecionhipOleraise
the Cninutatiou, Oa •
Ater inan M. Won., Pa{, Lecicau. On Cam:Denial
• h ono r o -Tam . ..L-11m Was . . WilkinA, Mani Donn
B Dom John Hon. Charles Daylor.dlon.
ilione•lhonaton, lion. W. IL Loon, A. J. )L ll.Clintarl4
John Ander... Ey., Len. J, E, toureltystl, Junto D..
Eni.. In Ilene, Pan.
rixOnxin ecanarrrc.—.two Doan. .ittorury at
Lowi Dunn Toney. Merchant 11. A. Pryor. Accountant.
• et r ue.ia. nu enter tit. Institution army time r and ode
tairiotructiem indiyklually. Loth day and ...Ina( 1111.0
entitled. will re etc[ a diploma signed by lb. klocilityaint
Examining Blood tie.
The. tit-riling a thcormsh knowiniGard &A Dentin.
Perintionithip, ac., Diem in mind Uni this the only
Chasten! College of the kind in - Pitultargd. Castummlew
Mtionseddrmwd to t). K. Chamaberlith gill wet wiUroena
ention. •
gXI:CI - 11'011S" SALE—Notice in hereby
given that. In 'almoner Man order of the Orphans
Ilra°r num, we Will FM.. to public nle.
TilLI:•. of Pilaw., Allegheny unty. Ig, the
Thuoday or Fe Conan-. A. D. Isal7st II o'clock. 0. 16.,
MI the mullet. the fwinx deeerilied yiri •
In No. I. imitalninifibirty Two ', - .400 perches. heindel,
by Judy
cite I. Die etreet. 'Widow mid Ohm, f.
ed oye 'tory Frs.-Duelling Donne.
LA No. wman, Perla P 2 ,100 end. , ilontai. 4) . ,
the meet. y J co .
Parker, try the enc.! he...teleran:l ethers.
on o !doh le totted a Frame dtabln • ,
Lot Mt munoining Gil-MO Derain bum:M
ed by the duet,ler,ol3 nllee. by the when hone, lot. on
which erecter, n'iComin :Omit-•
Lot No. 4. nontaining•Forty tight litlooperrbes. toned.
by daily land. Ehnen Men. and Or. WM..
Telm of iale on- Wrench. the balance In tmantud
nuol laymen.. ulth intent. to Le enured by Judgment
DoMmual onerigager. . ANDREW DraILE,ASTEE.
Exeratiato of Joins Taggart.. deed.
Orplum's Court Sale. 7 ....
• .
IN pursuance of an order of the Orphans'.
Court of Allegir.ox 9 , .13 . 0..111 , r; ex, c
.... t et .
t. l . to ritiblie
ir,V a r:ll.7. IT.:gi,l);',i7; o „l-"P',..:,...",, , Mt.:1 -- . -- '
.r, 0 dwk...,. 0, be Itiloulog &scribed kcal Liaate, alto. • .
ate in the iiixth I% ard ottani eity; la win
All that rertalti -101 Cita:Ong :Y. feet un Coogiaaat +Lime. •
anti running Inci: ty tint wine 01111 Ski lean to lags allay.
un w Madly .rnen-.1 n aced anti convenient two atory tram , .'
dwalling ;boo.. Alatt all tha Wier lot adjoining the • .
aim,. containing silt front on Cowan. street to fret, and •
running book by the ea.: width titi feet to Mu alley, tibia
tat-bean. on eougrats amen itt. the distance of DU Ire
front IL ntuklin atre.g.
*Terra, nude kntun on day of pear. '`'''.....
ialikartitS, . I JOSEXII H. 111.1.1.
Ainninlat rang id Samuel C. 11311. deed.
County, efltertunbre term A. D. 16.9.1; No.—. • .
In the matter of tbs , Earation cram teal estate dyes. E.
Patter.on. late of kllrkbeth township, d, L ..
• AlleAtny County, ' •
0 , " 4.1 .%...722,: r 7tH -,PVT=4;.'.l*s Patton.
g," t wen, =door, B.)lcCute. seat arab
nuunkliall , Lunwenrii , a;
" me&
} . .:tbr, on: and ex.!! lids 1
..1.4 miners: by their guard!. eel lams. Javier
!Irlie4. - ht. heirs at Um or William liPai
• .
Nano Is hereby tO aboro unto& wan. tbat
by virtue ot the• adore mentioned writ 4.1 yartltioa.,'m
queet will to tulum .4 held urea tba prtuntere theroln
doamibod, to wit ono cirialis towsusua WWI trout °Plead
eituato hiitaleth towtohlu. ba mold county, utljoitunu.
lands of. Joba !fire:emu: John hasskln. John sfebtolty,
Ilbettoter lloodertou: *Wheel ilariath Jonas 31eKnI0bL
Ch ef Kier Palk rod. couttinltuy about 114
aerm. with opporteue.nout: dtu, ere: other certain •
nlooonuee and tract of land IdtCOO l laid lowtohll• .r
Ellyabotb, bounded be land, of Jon, Mrit.l2l.Ot t :boom.
Ilattereon, and hell:. of l'eler Pullman, enntahatur
about Ott acme wi th the upitiulonutura, on th e Oth day of
March. A. It 16.11. at 10 °cock,
the Torunartt,..for Aloe
purl of mating tart:lion °evaluation and arprolsemeut
of phi* real rotate, u tn.the raid writreq . w
d. 'bP tk
anua i•—dal .
Fh.thr. Orem rlteburgh. l.
Jry Ift lia
L a .• A l c d ti
iL VrtT iP; trig: of Ca th 3lAllenrr:
onus todetted ImatdigerFment: Woos, haviciC
Pr"""th' lrATlELOaT t Athuirtisinator.
Alk•ghenY-cl4. •
b :.l . m ._ ‘ e o xxel
.by,tl , l l e o '
hari o'clock. A. M.. on the prrtelses, all
the roars
t ooo l'a o rt of
lend dteate to Wilkins terenthip. county of A ll egheny.
bounded on the north by boada of Henry Morrow. on the
wort by Jam Inn; on the south by i.ncy Taloa nod on
the eat by Jaunt belly, coot:Min g Ally nine nod one half
(kW) sem more or las. beam the ante Intl of ovum(
Ikeich the We Jam Cranford needed. and propene
ear the Frankstown rosal,ltettl be shoot ten miles from
the My of l'ittabetrgh. about FT acme of the groMl sre
dare:Lend geoleoldratlon foramina pewee. Mani
one battle coal UM 11•114 thonmperty la only one and'
mile frnm the Ceuval Hall Hoed. Fold treat •of inuond la —.
now owned by Mra. Jo.. McCown. Me,. Isabella Ilerdmati,
Utal Mlll JIDO MGNULt h ttaillar. and held by these Alf :
tenants common, ear ownina an mdleided third part
thereat And C Can/them haring been empowered by Mre •
Jam MeContal and Mrs. Isabella Madman by warrant of
atturney,to Nil theirrespective noterestaond Boart llenb
man, anardian of mad Mary Jane Idehutt. haring been
authennol and directed by the Orytteme Connor Allegheor
ty, to will the InktM of the told miner. in Ow ''.
mats above :Writhed. The said traMwill arentillngly be •
fnold to the Illiasest sad beet bitter.. on She 13 0 h der of
FeFebruary mat. at 10 salmi:, A. M. • Tem. of ale trill be , •
emb. • C. CAHOT111:10. •
. ' 11013E8T •
NO. 49 LIBERTY STREET, Pirrsuußon.
P. DELANEY has Junt veTh: 1 his Miring Mock af
tl&T.,`="=. bb':."Lr.ttr.= . 1 41
prat earn from the latest trOp44444itit. and rompose a part' ' ;
of every thing that Is new and handsome, fur Spring soil
Summer wear. The isicomilient of Vetting, Is unusually
large and main!. bath lo stile .ml quality, m ad moot Le
g e ee ft e d. If eguall,d lir any other estatashinent In this
dty..itt.r in quality. guiding, or price
lhei, a new ett ie or Tweed laradoere. adapted for bort
nem Cents aml IbuM. bummer Goods r atm deseripbeco
mach as Tweed, Caiihmerstm. It.u.n Clear, Drop d'llea,
M. The entire meek willfarombly realism with any
stack of gorele opened heretofore In Edtsburgb.
Mr J. C. Width wall known m data es a ratter .
establishmentp ample unarantea ha alm Mat lava Vali
es with their onlms, that the{ Will hare. I
eeki . aorledowd niany bo hare tried MM. I Imam DIP
then .tat.. that. I trill furnish as good Mid fashionable
Moods as can 10 found In the Laslem namkst., and it 09th
lower Drina .
A large and Rewind areormnent of ready made clothing
Is on hand. made In the prima }unto., minapriNng
Dews, Emelt an d lionnees (oats of the blot Idyl. made
of }rend, bimligh. and American Limbic of all faddonsi
his color. Eardalreng of every deer - Arnim. of plain not (envy Chashrennie of the lams intim lathe. Eatttnet and
bummer pool[ Vests of tin. lost Satins and 8111 mi PIMP
and from ilaniellter. Moth.. Caidmm. Or, and }Bert ar•
Mks In the Clothing Imo. - All (memento mule at No. 4V
VSVIIVIIett Iv Lee= and made lu a good norkmardilu;
rifle, and will bo sold low for rub.
illg...None MAIM. best of Workmen employed, and (till
wage. paid. At barmente made to order no abr., gram
: 1513olenaln hum iv - 11111nd tbn snor t•S49 a
dir li Ale a¢e tol dm and benutlftd
.Lam. 7=1 . P. ris="t
WARM .FOR SALE.—A F. situate:in
Noel liontlogdna toarolil. eft:mayland anta.
contening t 44 arms of r..0r.1 WO. mu
hada of
eob rasa. 311, Pahato. azalothae—allout 160. re. olaaroll,
balance ha heavy thoben within ona. wiloof Yourbk.
g bony black water: taro miles from che fronaylassia Ball
ltual; and ago laulo fran.lackfouaille. I 01Oaaralariaa Mao
silt taf taro atarrtar Uweeinr Noma.. loot Barn, larva
name etabu., &Da Ilmvoury A091.0.1.0i;
Odor Pomo, kr. TO.le lodiaortiable: for term in .
a premlars, of
SMITLEY, i5Cii:ViN, Coal Merebastx;
i n art, uo.b.. I, 4 Pon NM Malt.
ooroet of WO not gtroot oak w.litzwcal TmnOw Rona.
T.ioperoorovlllo.. • oolVoLiody,O3
` • XiMary Bounty Lark Agency,
' S MATHEW iiOS.ET, resketrolly
Inform those hrtertis , e , sl th ttort he i tr ., rtriltnil Dec
-73tiVIT.T.,ragratior11-0 actaelly tenni it, say of
an since 17104 or their widows or , allure chibirus, dare m
ulled to BonoW Lamb from 40 to ICU amen. a i nprob t t,
rho term of serene: cod as the line exygendy m a t ..-
.ems Me trauFers, looett ran longue In the Midler
until Me Islet is lorated. ito thrtrforet lino vetting that
t o otoo tb d snip:louts must seleet their Emil eltherin person •
bp Anent. Tbe one •111 bo foetal too expmenit—the
other to lu efiletrt. rewire. liberal ;ammo, std fair
osertensalion. Artrtiopta to tomb, by any other method
gill prove la the tal abortiee.. Tourromplbill thin and to -
elan the entire Modoess of the' oldlar. Ist tbilleconourtral
Welt countaplated by °mope*, and recommendrti U.«
&pa:Meal-1s RI7 main d propose. tbetelline, at a
• inotiparetirely Willing erbium to prneme,--Itt. A. Lai
Warrant far thaw etaltboL ;rt. To aupsrlutirtulpernenlir
00 of raid narrentithenglyiscolieg and guava,
widen to tria nislier • judlchnotrinctiou. kitber tek eirts of
muinatiou to , rib, obtaln a Patna itr midland.
in with a dertuiptlon of im sago, 1.4
enabliog 1"e. to form ad - .snouts el Its value.
Tessa% nitleh nlll Le reartiroible, mode hoosen m , or/ 4;-
Address (rod i pald)....l. MATILEW ksa
° N. IL—K u it name cf 3:Car rod. .(Cmnec.
Aut., vary •
QTRAY COl*—Cameto the relidenee
I 7 of Um =barren.. fa ..I.lofirroport. mot time 121 --
:miry a Rol Ow, *boor wren or riola year"
aad rto ear mark.. The ortorr.l. tvriol4ql to a.. be-
clA.Sig to the residence of the Eubtariber, 011
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