By TELEGRAOH. CONGRESSIONAL. —-n - ' , ' • '.."t Wasmataitits, Jan. 27. ' -• Rao ' fo — /foruat E Ting and Dickenson Femur WA petitioas in favor of lines of steamers to ..1.1- Mr: Cooker pmen ed a petitian, praying for tliiteddification of e tariff; also for the estab- Ilsluient of ,a line of teamers from Philadelphia to Brasil. ' n . ; Mr; 'Whitcomb pr ,c-' ' lese'li. Bright, the E rdiaro. 1 On ',motto!, of Hr. 'enter, thiSecretary of the Treasury was requen I, by resolution, to com sat:intent° the value nd .quantity of all articles ;brought into the Erni . States, for sale or under 'honk for exportation, from Canada, during the yeari 1.849, .7,0„ , lfrt Dutton called , up the bill to make good to MissOuri the two per cent fund which' was issn led frOm that State o n, the public Land. • Mi. Clay mane a o w remarks in opposition to thehill, a iten' it w laid over for the present The bill to ascert• in and settle the private • land Claim in Calif° i was limo taken up and 1 1 . debated. ' ' Without zombi.; tol any conclusion, the Senate adjourned. . , . The' Union pablishv n the following telegraphic dispatch, ancouncing,the re-election of tho lion. Ifemy Dodue to the 4tdtei Staten Senate for six yeeln - from : the dtli of, ltiarch-next.: Jaded the credentials of e4leeted Senator from La- Madison, Jon. tit, 811--Governor Dodge elect ed oa first ballot; Do ge al, Doty 7. „goirite.L.:Mr. Mor Eta asked leavo to intro duce a Joint Vesolutio fof ratting s construction on tha bounty land 7t4w ditiereae from that of the Secretory of the Intdrior; wile requires that Per -. SOILS entitled fo bounty land under it most have actaaliy been engage it in hostilities. Leave woo not granted. Ittr. Dayley's :moral 'appropriatim forte morrow, and cs was passed. The Home refused 'Arkatutas. to introdu River and Harbor bi Tuesday nest. I ntim to make fire of the bilis the order of the day continue until disposed of, to enable Mr. Johnson, of e a resolution making the the order of the tiny for The House then Whole on the bill to appropriations fur th, if two hours were amendmiit npprop lam, to bring tempo Auditor's office; whic the Committee rose, at into Committee tho upply the deficiency in the present fiscal year. Near ,nsumed in . considering tin ttng tdelve hundred dol- - clerks into' the Third was cot dieposed of when d-the House adjourned. . , =SWISS, Jan. L. 7. -- The. rifer i 5 faUi.n l . very slowly, and there are nom 5 feet ID inches in the comaL • The Steamers Geo; Washington, Ohio, and Patd Xi:Wesson, are now coming through the stb White, Postmaster at Creelsborough, Ky.', has torested 'Thomas Frost, a mail carrier, , whobtai boon committing depredations on the male for the last threentontbs. PHILADELPHIA MARKET. PHILADELPHIA, JAM 27. Cotton is in moderate regues., without change Ploar—Sales at $4,t32 Grain—There is rather more inquiry for wheat, end prices are steady sales prime Pennsylvania *t 1,05 per bushel. ; Cora is in fair demand for shipment- Sides of New Yellow at Op:- - Whiskey—The . market- is dull, with sales in bbliat 241,•and. in hl,ds at 2.4c-1.1 BALTIMORE MARERT. January 27. Flour--Strici of 800 bbls Howard st. brands at $4,66t." Nothing. doing in city mills. ' Grani—The market is steady; sales of Red Wheat at 100e . r103c for good to prime, r and 104 ' €)1.03o for White. Corn is firmer, with sales of yellow at CO ®62c for yellow, and 666670 for white. Sales of Onts at 47 cents, and of Rye at Prodeions-The market is firm at former pri ees. The same may be said of groceries. Whiikey.—Salea at 246 -, 260 in bbls and hhds. CATTLE MARKET. . Barrneone, Jan.. 27. Beeves-,The offerings to day reached SOO' Lead; 450 of which weit \left over, and 800 driven to Phihulelphia.i. The balance were sold to city butchers at prices ranging of $2,60€1,75 per owl. on the hoof, equal to $5@5,70 nett, and averaging 8,121 gross. Hogs-4210es ate brisk at $6,75 per 700. yor.4 MAREET. ',BOOS ESPOIIT. j- Jsnnnry'2i. ' Cotton—The market is inactive, and owners inclined- to press sales at decline. Flour—The market. is quiet, with sales 1000 bbla at.'4,l3lCv-,4,941)b1d for Indiana and Mich - igen, and for round , sop Grain—Wheat'is dull, and prices are nominal. Corms heavy and very little offering. New Yellow is held at 67c per bushel. Provisions—Pork is dull at $12,121 for mess, and 89,25 for prise. Du yers are holding back for prices, Three cargoes .Western Pork arrived last evening from New`Orleans. Deer is held futay, withismafirsales at $8,25®10,50 for mess, and $5( - R0 Tor prime. Bacon is waive and quiet at $6.1(.7e for sides. Dressed hogs are in good demand -id .$6,20 per 100. 'Lard is firm at 8c for ,old:_, _ Whinicoyln quoted at 26c, with emit! MI ea. Totiancols firm with no chimp. %. '6V/INLSI3 REPOZT. . Cotton—Tho market is steady at the decline of Bsturdzy,•vrith sales of 800 laniele - Flour.t—Thematiret. is quiet, dith fOrther tales of 2800 . 1ible 83-1,81@4,00 poi bbl. for Michi gan and Indiana, =44,0.5685-for round hoop Grain—Wheat is inadive, with sales, of 1000 bushels Long Island at 10110‘,107.3 per bu. Cori is firm, with sales of 8000 Cashel); al 624®67e fog new yellow. and 080 for white. ' Provisions—Pork is leas firm, with sales 400 tibia at $126,12,120 founess, and $9,12} 19,25 for prime. New• Oliieltle3n is held at. $18,60 VI bbL Beef is easier, and more attire,. with Bales of 600 bbls at !3,26610,50 for mess, sad 4,16 The arctic Is conabig tip the bay. " CINCINNATI. MARKET: ' Tanttnry 27. Flomr—Salcs of 1000 bbls city mills at $3,90 .p Provisions—Wet of 600 bbla =CSs pork at.' $ll bbl, awl 1000 do. at Lafayette, (fa.,) at $10,60. - Sales of 1000 bbliprime lard at 71. M. Sales 100,000 lb, dry salted meat at 4 .44c ?or sbnidere, and $5,20(66,60 12190 for advt. 'Coffee i 3 'firmer, and none is to be had now sin .der 12 cents. . 1 , Dried Peaches are rolling at $1,50 bu. • The river_bas Men 10 lea's in the last 2.1. - hours, but is nofr stationary. „PDXIIIIII . ..E MY FRlgtirD I FIE YOU A FiTIIEIt, laboring for the Tar t of t i f t afullf, an.4 l ;; - = from , c7= .9. 1711 . 1ww. Pl Lk< r Evroarll An roil a Mother, oteDrlng from dirge to at wall areonneroDy noblest, one Dr. S. Zr. llonna Sbetsr Sawstowlllo—lt ....WWI; sofa So. Cell at Oror drpot. ciun one of 0ni 0 11iteh1.....4 .W. 3 • Datotoblot. Oath., where you trill Sod That the ilbse Sas , awarills. pr. 1.6.1 by. Dr. S. Zr. re. has the tofhoottotlY foxing awe pow, to • Woo awn= .6usilly am cocaina/41Y coition. Wt. , SOY .tho. m u -glut ,of. tan.aph : lll., ever yet brought beton the -121/s orslldne boo sefablioba.l Ito ItLyh frpotalloo by lte. mousy.. Lod cell ghosted earn. ti gnarti: ”4 he the Wa woe, trltkb tosolete Waft= mono reloa Bmod ble to = "' fi., ota, panteularly to bottabo. - S vrra • SILLWER ' a° Prlra Dl tar cr batu,-6 t) PAltl ba and bottb. • • • DKr. D. 110WR t CO., Propentoh 1 College Ilan, e OWo. ' 4o vim= ell orlon mar be .141re.of. • tale by J. i Jonet; J. ltshocasmsker A Co., W. Monk. 8 W..slsona. J . . 31. ToottostaL Mohler . W. Jas.V gan u ttrbktr&D.A.42llo4tllst i berty derf • ,W. R. Ale. Whrelln:Jril..atotoon grD " . n elf j.LP"al CTaltarllte Mellon N 0... 030=4 . State Mutual Fire Insurance Conipany. _.. •. .. . 21 . 1mrh Mee. 04 rsaltheld sat, Pittsburgh. . . . • - - : January 10,1 UL , l um IHE best evidence of tho a omen of the • Dim store to erryeavotinty to malt, the "Sten limret • LOMMems COurtsw". meet the werne of themmemnity le the =paralleled amount of bmimes whleh bat been 6 ' ;' 7 ".nu e Wt .I 1aff.,..1°, WM ZUT:ta „„...,.. • 4f,;, Id rectum arr proud to eey,lllo. nearly 01 the predwrty Ineurod Ls cf the *alert M=. In emelt nelm. sad• term nropurtlon !neared far only one year. Nututurof Poliriw Lund • A 91.9 • Amount of property Mumma-- •••• 1 14fill04C1 Cl) Anson= of guareattot Preutlume,..-9 15 .4 09 98 Amount of mall premium , 21,631 60 . . Amount of guarantee ptdrit:-.-.....--e---• 1 170.123 10 Amount uf low,- -So be deducted f.OO Um elavo - tallants7 kiehleatal ee l:m.4gal Om °Mee. - , - Thelmelniese of the 'totoreof t , ocnaccud ftri=at m ale \ .19/111=1;a r W ' st ' r=re b in.74.S b7 m 1 by tbe onTi• MLitt method in lbe of =an ineninnee-010 CLA•99I , YIMi TUE Ithillit—thue affording uttso muneocs lo tba loWnred. - The Mem aro NacatahtBll.ll...l ante talvlbahha e 1..., the ebtra•rannehllar, that, d awn .faro le t too7ngl i r t t Pljn; r oit..otowo tba vliNit!R d..:, i , %M 7 76' l '. be made Itirm rottu?7;lsrelling, t ' herneog • tumehlum le ali.= u.• bo ilk ° rl: 1 ' and .' ' '4 I lb. - Mew= Cato Is •dendminated the MEI:CIIANTS' CO/17Ah Y. I. ,thktr 1 , ........ , b. ntml. °PI. al. hefe th rldroe egrzny In tow. IV rl/1:0 , .. • r.. 9 9 1f. 91 , It elnumedWy ' etTe n ; ttilValutoue arty l " the Wee ; ..__, tlwr SItIAXI II allowrod to Le insured la one Ice ki.,.._ • .• ...- me errllrent it al/oWe•I the privilege of las= mmtlr 9 llth = withent tho wally of a Iwth l lntw lull.' • • tome ettltte eettlat 0. the ph= of lam with pn:npt-- 'tti r r i. ,4 l . ,R= s t. .1t Is now order tba =drat of mr = 9 . 9 A. elm tfunto A ll.7. l 4 j ya . w r. 3! . ...W1r ViO r ti. j = AV Vita= -. l .I. h. lil/111 0 hratattl d ;Prealdent. A..1.11111M - r. Secretary. l A. A. Catena. Artmery. iItA ISIN&... Ori 0 h Eindred and fi ft) . b 461 t aid. LW bait b?..‘fe Teethed end Er We le• b Tire immix° or Tux BIIIDOL—No doubt semis be entertained by any one, that the burning .f the Upper Allegheny Bridge was Caus ed by in✓(endiaries. If the water in the river; had been tw• or three feet higher, the destruction•of' the low bridges would have been inevitable.- 2is it wa . they were in great danger, the ex cessive eat of the burning fragments, melting the pita • on the acqueduct, and blistering j the paint on ,the lower bridges. We trust that' our policem will use their utmostendeavors to 'dis cover a , wretches who were guilty of a crime ro atrocio , and that they may receive that pun ishment hich they so well deserve. BIZETLTO or rat: COUSCILS.—The Select and Common Councils of the City of Pittsburgh met last night. In the Select Ce . uncil, the President, James B. Murray, Esq., took the Chair. The rules of or der which governed the members of Select Coun cil last year, were read, and on motion accepted and adopted. A petition praying for the laying of wa ter pipes on Duquesne Way, was presented, signed by sundry citizens of the First Ward.— Referred to the Water Committee. A petition preying foe the paving or Diamond alley from Smithfield street to Grant street, sign ed by sundry citizens of the Second ondahini Wards, Was presented; and referred to 'the CoM mittee on Streets. , A bill of J. W. Biddle for city printing, amotott to si39 50 was . trail, and referred to the com mittee on Citl. printing. A COIXIMMUCTIthaI front the City Begulators, relative to the grades of the atreeta and alleys in .the Third, Fifth, Sistli and Seventh Wards rail read. A Bill of R. E. 3.leGown, City Regulator, and C. AlcGown, Assistant Regulator, were referred to the committee on claims sad accounts. A petition from citizens of the Sixth Word, praying for the filling up of Franklin at,. was read and referred to the committee on streets. A petition, praying for the grading of Tan nehill street in the Sixth ward, was read and re ferred to the commiifie on einem A petition, praybig for the paring of Second street, to connect with the, Eittaburgh and Brad dock, Sold;plank road, signed by a huge number of el ntens, was read and' referred to the com mittee on streets, with instriletiona to report the probable chg. A petition, 'notifying the Councils that suits would be instituted by Samuel Eakins and Wm. Evans of the Eighth ward, if their propetty were further injured by grading, was referred to the committee oh streets. A petition, praying for the laying of water pipes on Lambert street, in the Ninth Ward, was referred to the water committee. A communication- from the s ecretary of the Board of Guardians'of the Poor, notifying the Select Council that the tutus of office of Wm. Porter-and Wm. J. Howard ..would' expire ,on Feb. 4th, was rend. On motion, it woo received that the Select Council shill meet on the evening of the 4th for the - purpose of electing, two Guardians of the Poor, to 611 their places. A number of bills were read and referred to the committee en claims and accounts. A resolution authorizing the Mayor to offer a reward of five hundred dollars for the detection of any person concerned in the acts df_incrnilitir ism, and asking the Insurance Companies to of fer a reward of a-similar amount, wasread. Mr. Bruce offered as n substitute a resolution offering a reward of a similar amount for the detection any persona concerned in the late acts of highway.robbery and arson. The substitute was lost. The original resolu tion, slightly arithided, was road and adopted.' A resolution instructing the Committee on streets, grading and paving, to report the expen ses incurred in such improvements during the past year, at the next meeting of the Councils, was read twice and laid over. - . Th., Select and Common Councils then went into joint ballot for the election 6f two city print ers. Bids offering th perform the city printing at the rates established by the Pittsburgh Press, signed by White & Co., B. 31: Riddle, and L. Harper, were read. Bids offering to perform the city printing at about half the usual ratio, signed by J. T. BILIT & CO., .1, Hiram Foster, and Joseph S. M. Yonug were read. offering to perform the city printing at the usual rates, leas 27 per cent. Signed, J. W. Biddle, VOS read The members proceeded to vete, when it ap peared that Lecky Harper had received 26 votes and Herron Foster 24 votes. The Post and Des patch were then announced aa the papers in which the city printing for the ensuing year, would be inserted. The Councils then retired to their respective chambers. The following ordinance ; giving the Mayor Ids farmer power over the night watch eras read three limes, and adopted, in hothCouncils. Section Ist. Be itordained.and I enacted by the citizens of Pittsburgh, in Select and Common Councils assembled, That the ordinance, entitled an ordinance, regulating the night police, classed on the second day of October, 1850, and- the Supplement thereto. passed on the 10th day l of October, A. D., 1650, be and the same is hereby repealed. Section 2d— ordained, Sc., that so much of nny ordinance or ordinances as was repealed by the ordinance of the 2d day of Oct., 1840, entitled an ordinance, regulating the night pa lice, or by the supplement passed on. the 100 day of October, A. D. 1850, be and the saute Ire hereby repealed. Section 811-I{e it ordained, Sm., that the :Any; or be, and ho is hereby authorized et his ditcr, tion, to appoint and commission five additional city constables, wboahall receive the same cele ry, and be subject to the same rules and regula tions,as other city constables. COURT OP QIILETIM SESSIONS. : January 26. Present—Hon. Wm. B. McClure, President Judge, end Samuel - Jones and Wm. Rem, As sociate Judger. Commonwealth vs. Ferdinand Het:el—lntlict meats Assault and Battery. The prosecutor not appeariug, and no evidence being offered to the; jury, a verdict of "not guilty" was rendered. Commonwealth vs. James Irwin , -.lndictment), Larceny,-alleged to have been committed in stealing a number of articles, the propertYlof Daniel Snyder. , Snyder swore that the defend-; ant, together with another iiersou, had entered Ihis house on the Fcrarth.sf u fnly, and committed the robbery. No other wi ess was examined on the part of the Commonwealth before the ad- Jcrurnment.of the Court, and no weight can ho given to Snyder's.testlmony,l as he bas been con victed three timed, during the past session, of obtaining goods and money, under false pre tences.. ATILBSOO3I 5t.911103.: large number of witnesses were called on the part of the defence, who testified that they would not believe David SrldF on oath.. The case was submitted to thejthy ithout argtun en t by the counsel, and the judge ' charge was fa vorable to the defendant. After a short absence," the jury returned a verdici, of "not guilty."— Hishonor, Judge McClure, after giving Mr. Ir win some good advice, • ordered him to be dis charged by proclamation. Snyder, the prosecutor, was remanded to prison. !Commonwealth vs: Johni Phillipier—lndict menet, keeping a gambling and a tippling house. A number of witnesses were called on the part, of the Commornicalth, and theddry retired, but Lad not brought in .any verdid when the Court adjotutted. Amami . = TO rug 11.ta.—, Messrs. Samuel Fleming, Jacob IVhiteell, and S. B. N. Gill, were; on motion of District' Attorney General,, Flamtegin, yeaterclay ocimitted to the bar. I . Cernmv.---One of our most eminent police of :heirs informs no that two expert thieves arrived inlittabtugh last week. One .is particularly noted for the ekill he displays in optising iron safes—the other is on - expert pickpocket. Our citizens would do well to belon their guard. Cuanza or CONMPULACY.—Three journeymen printers who had been engaged in the .Transcript Office, were committed to prisot(, by Mayor Guth rie, yesterday on oath ofJoseph M., Young, pub lisher of that paper; They are accused of can spizacy, alleged to have :been committed in en deavoring to prevent other journymen from wor king ill the dfliee.f Theyicomplain that they have not been paid theirwagta DZATIT or A 'II.C3PLCZABLe CRUM—A tele graphic despatch was received yesterday, bring ing intelligenoe of the death of Mr. liyhnuitis Thompson at Peoria, Illinois. Mr. T. was for many years alresident of Pitttsbnrgh, and was will known to, and numb esteemed by our basi -1 nem conUalmlty. • , Moor , Coeur .— The younger members of the 'Bar bare organised it moot Court, which meets every Friday mien in the room of the District Court. . - . • • Aroa's OFIEICT.S.—The tombs of both Pitts burgh and Allegheny only disgorged four common cares of drunkenness and ragvaney yesterday unman& SIXDING TRTIZATZNING LTZ L ITIIIII.—A person who has hitherto maintained a my respectable standing in somety, was are ested yesterday at the Post Office, by officer He gu; on a charge of sending threatening fetters, with view to ex tort money from a Tetzorrspectable citizen. A. tho' whole matter will„probithly undergo a judi cial iareatigation, ire t'efrain from stating - the names of the parties, or, making any comments: , CRAWS Or 31CIIDILL.—A roan mined Itedbuni yesterday arrested a handeroployed at the time Wine, up the Monongahela, whom he accused bf murdering his father In Kentucky, fifteen years ago. After be bad been in custody acme hams, it wu ascertained that his accuser was insane, and he was discharged. ADJOUILIDIEST ,OF THE COL - KT.—We are do lighted to announce that there is a probability. of the Cohrt of QQarter Sessions adjourning this week. • It hatn w been in session for several months,. icenurr.—A wagoner named Ferguson, had his arm breken in beveril places, near the Perry house yesterday. was thrusting his arm through the spokes of one of the wheels to mach a chain, when the.horte started, injuring him severely. ' flisdnAnacti.—The joortneymer printers who were yesterday committed to prison on various charges or consp4acy were brought before his honor, Judge McClure, in thoafternoon. As the case was deemed riviry trifling one, one hundred dollars bail only, was demanded. Messrs. W. FL'Whitney and Joseph Snowden' entcred'into the requisite recoguirances, and the defendants were 'discharged. We understand that several suits for false imprisonment will grow out of the affair. Petty Lancritt.—A man named Fendricks was committed to prison yesterday by Aidenaan Parkinson, charged with taking two hams from Mrs. Wilson's grocery store, in the Fifth Ward. Pl] LM' COMMITILD.---araCklSoll . and Robert Corrietcn, and Thomas Scott, had an examination yesterday 13iorning before Mayor Fleming, on a charge of counterr'eiting, and were finally com mitted. Asornaa ettAßOZ.—Messra. 'Sands & man have lodged another information against Minerva Ann Johtatort who is now in prison, charging hir In uttering counterfeit bank notes.. I • Cott atIRACT. ha Taggart-proprietor of the Daily News, had eof his hands committed to prison yesterday, Cat a charge of conspiracy. ! Foram' ConxtrrED.--ISilliani Jackson was yesterday committed to prison by 'Mayor Guth rie, charged, on oath of Thomna Fawcett, with stealing a cable, rind on .oath of Jacob Smith, with the Larceny of several articles. Tim Comm Pnuma.—The commissioners are about fitting up a number of cells in the county prison, which hare never yet been occupied, with the necessary furniture. SCDDLN DE/Ml.—We learn from the Tribune that Mica Catharine Ann Patterson. a resident of Shiirpeburgh, while at divine service in the Meth odist Church at that place, fell down whilst the congregation were clouding up to tang, and ex pired immediately, Nuts Bunme.—We understand that a Wire Suspension Bridge ,will be shortly erected in place of the Upper Allegheny Bridgr, which was burned down on Sunday morning. AA Prime lanuans.--,We understand that the citiiens of Birmingham are endeavoring to es tablish n public library in their thriving borour,b. We trust that they 'will be successful in their laudable enterprise. and we have no doubt they will be, since some of the most wealthy and in 6 telligent citizens of the place are concerned in it. TIPPLING MUSS CANZP.-1115 honor, Judge . McClime, yesterday , censured the 'constables Whose duty it was to return the names of the tippling housekeepers, residiiigi in their respect ive wards and boroughs, for not having done so. The doggery keepers thus escape, unwhipt of instice, since it is impossible to bring them in when the 7 are nut returned by the proper offi cers. fits honor observed that, at the last term, o half dozen tipstaves had been sent out, and after a search of some days, they returned with tine old woman, as the fruits of all their search ing. It is very evident that many of the con- Oables do not do their duty. A Feria letter to the. New York Codituereml Ad deer esys:— Eugene Bourret, tun of one of the Socialist mem seulativel, nag pot taken out a patent lot • now ty pograptuol 11311.111 e, which spr.ars to be an im provement destined to compete anth - our country• man Hoe. Its chief advantage in-the rapidity and ellopows. with which it strikes, off the impreoton• At present the cost of porno Woln is ten Imam. a thousand. This is reduced more than half by the new machine. Beside., one of these penaso now ht use, kept constantly going from midnight to nix In the morning, strikes off only from ten-to twelve thourand. Itoojetle pros strikes off at the rate-of twenty tore thousand an hour. In this Invention the forms are cylindrical. Its nine cannot be over es timated as an Quailing to the awe of knowledge and progress... President Bonnparte's friends are said to be nem:. tint nye onarrtage for hint _with the Intents A mel a, of Spain. As the yang lady is sweet seventeen, pretty, accomplisbeil and nob, tt is to he hoped that the match will take p See. lam more inclined to believe in the earnesiness.,oetitorroodent in his in• motions to marry, from the fact that, in the last few months ' mown menet+ which afforded around for scandal have disappeared. It It is said here that M. Leon G.-alna, a popular write of novek, novelleites and plays, was Ices. natty surprised the other day, by a note from Mr. Rive., informing him that a can of several thousand farms had been bequeathed to him by John McDon ough. rd New Oreans, and that the money was in me. hands. It seeral that the eccentric tate had been pleased wiry one of Mr Gistlan's POP el. and took this agreeable way of notifying kin adliration. Now WINGLee Eban.—At the meeting of the Lit, Rea*, 'Dec. 17, Mr. Westwood celled the attention of theSociely too wingless bird on lAird Rowe's Is leusd.—an Island situated between New Holland and Nainlk Island. This spot bas been accidentally tutted by Capt. Poole, of the East India Company'. service,, who, considering it a favorable Spot for colOnizetion, had induced six Irishmen and their wives and families to settle on it. The place to now one of congeal resort for the supply of water and provision.. to the South Sea whalers. As no Gov ernment ban corned it. this island is at present the property of .Capiain P.A. It is of conside able 'extent, and has on it two high lulls which con be seen at a distance ol sixteen leagues at sea. On this island Captain Poole had discovered the bird to question. It te about the wee ofd quail—and is con sidered by the settlers eating. Mr. Wait wood thought the annocuiceinent of the existence of ried—whish was not pry/mangy known to-exist those regions—would be received with interest in connection with the diecoYery Of the extinct wing. less bird. of .New Zealand:- No specimen has yet arrived in England, but some are on their way.— [Album:en. CLEAR TUX TIACi two Tan'Encunc—We are gratified to be able to state that, there seem* now to be nu doubt that the work of budding a railroad to connect Akron with the Pittsbufgh and Cleveland road will be commenced within h abort time and prosecuted steadily to completiuni The necessary amount of stock to grade and prypare the road has not yet been subsuiberJ; but additions are being made daily, and armor), is secured to place the attamarms of the requisite sum beyond- peradventure. We would agnin espreas the lumethst everyone who can, will contribute his mite to the Work promptly and cheerfully; fair a. safer, better, and' more many sans fallible investment cannot be made. The several business committees met to day at 10 o'clock, at Cuyahoga Fano. Steps will probably be taken toward* effeminca permanent organisation of the company, raceme, a aurae) , and loaf ion of the road, ice. A stirring meeting was held at the Court Ileum .Tuesday of Mat week, and considerable noel , est wu manifested to the work by gentlemen =from - swim* parts of the country.--(Akron- Col. Peebles, says the Bangor Mercury, tells no of an Instance of Airy shoOtiog. He states that one at the "rank and ale,' ander Ms command, once dis charged six shots eta barrel rolling down a lons bill, be being at the bottom of the hill. Upon the barrel reaching the bottom of the bill, it wee ex areuXed, and no mark of a bullet was discovered upon it, whereupon his comrades, began to ridicule him. He, however, very cooly desired thim to shake the barrelPy doing which, they found that the bullets were inside—the whole having entered the bong hole, at which point he had aimed. Rather gaup obountig, Hat! • Whistle You: Loleler Bark !—A man had received a large lot of lobsters, fresh and lively, Etch a boy stood look log at then rimers accompanied by hie dog. tiSuppore yoo , put your dog's tail between the lob ater's chtwo•P raid the 113•11. "Agreed," said the boy Thelpeg was extracted from the claw. and the dog's tell 'peened. Away went the dog off home, howling at the queers his tall got front the lolitter. Whet e your d - ig back you young scamp," paid the moo. "Whistle your lobster back," cried the boyend abegisatulaied. The boy made a lobster supper that night. "Sagacity of a Home "—ln catfish!, Ohio, a man named Adams was kill by the kick Of a korve. The oweni of the home, between' whom and the deceased Setae difficulty had occurred, wsserrested on a charge .7r murder, it being thought that he had taught the a Went to kick, and anew dull be could not ke it kick whenever he pleased! If the owner of the horse is emtvicied, we think km quadruped must be indicted se as anemone). Se vets Naval Sentence —The Norfolk papers stem that Pan t& Kerby, landman, son, it win to. 'rootlet. led or es recently tried a second time for the utterance ofi m,VinOUs language in the preunce of severe! c am,. d the &sumac, has been sentenced to twelve confinement in the cells of the Maine gar mek %at thcGotiwrt navy yard, without pay; and et the upirshon of the•term to be discharged in disgrace. . Accordling to the minutes of tie American Bible Society .VOneentiori, there are at Ibis bole about 1,100,000 members, corroded with what are de nominated eVangelleal eallrenes In the Souteeth ur slaveholdhle thates4which is about Ono tenth of the entire pep %Innen. To Clew se and fro pros'. the Hair-Half an ounce of ammonia to a pint of boiling wafer; let it wand till cold; put it saws bottle and cork it, to keep it from evaporating. Rot, It on the bead in a piece of Mul -1 uel, when it will lather dice 'cep; wit dry afterwards wtth• towel. The St. Albany Ideaenger ruentibeg the killing Jo' alohford, Vermont; of - a gray wolf, toes ming VS feet and a half from the cox to the tip of h gal . He woo pursued by fear hunter. for eleven days; The bounty or $2O, el !Owed by the Siam., ems, with a true hunter's generosity, give o too lone orphan boy. The animal when marred, La to be presented to the College of Natural History In the University of Vermont. Leather.—Dr. Bmiental, of Larrii, in Ger many, is =kite have diacovered a method of making leather out of entails refuse and waste animal aubstance. lie has established a maniflaciory seer Vienna; for part of the process is tapists. ed; but it is stated that the substance is at one nage in . a stale of fluidity, and may then be cast ham boom, shoes, iStc. Such a discovery is nut improbable. West Point —At the dose of the last filen' year there were in West Point neademy, - 244 Of these there were sons of planters 70; of mecheo t•s, 16: of Lawyers and Judges, 34 ; of merchants, 46; of hotel keeper., 2; of physic ans, 19; of army and navy °dicers, IS, of professors and hank officer., of clergymen, 4; of government officers, wren; unknown, revert NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS PROPOSALS will he recelvoil by the under plow.l, until the ILth Zny of Fehr - ttan' neat, for th e construction of Nice L0...k, and Nall! Dock Idcer.or for one or snore of thencend for rhariog the channel of.ticaher, Thethe hanks of tn., 'caning ~nor the channel. The Dams willera,p, =.lf.. long, and will he 13 to IS feet high. with ar a of PO feet in width. The Lock Chamber will be 190 fret long and .10 foot ,whle. with wall. :V feet thiek and 10 f,,et above the cm:oh of the 'dams. with guard wall no feel Mug . , t o fat thick, and of the came height s. the look wall.. The Lock. and Data to he but agreeably to the pl., sual of the chard. ter particularly sia‘afictl and ,leaeritwd In the report of Sylranns I,thr..p, of Penneylvania. copy of which will be liniod alth the proprietors of "well new. fur torn - g,ll l- 2:2:l l tr,:l:•:JA‘gzi'g - h The entire work to la. rotoplet.,l by lot Januar,. 1834, unleaa the work thatild he retantod by tionaually wet, 000 therefore iinterorahh• Controetora will he re quired . scire eallefaclory rxinity for tho conatruction of the itripmrement. 2k1111.11111.31 cacti pnYtnenta will be mule to contractor. as the work progre.o.,.. The company the right of accepting the Pro . Yawata bc..l for Ile intorrrt...l the earliMnir..i. o of the entire work. I], order of OW Dtrectorl.. . . . J. 'KELLY. 23m:rotary of the Duck River Slack Wider Navigation C 0... Columida Teen. • . Jeudlnfler EITNIII GREAT SIMI-ANNUAL SALE of OILY tiOOTI.I, at the Ove !dim Market A. A. MASON o 00., 52 sad 04 ethyl- Commeneed on Nionday. Dec...tither ISsli a to continue through the month of January. Their whole establish ment has teem thrown open fur - Retail Trade, Soilhir es. Motive stock amounting to One rifundred n Thirty •Thousand DolLars, will Is