The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, January 28, 1851, Image 2

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rriLianzp BY WILITZ A•CO
. .
414 Cklp.ifF,...,VACs.T. — The: Toner viii
perceive, o:reference to our advertising columns,
"that.h — the Charity Coneert advertised for this,
'lncauloy,ev'eniag, has been . pesponed to
evening, Feb: 4th, when it will be held at Dr. Rid-
Church:lt is a concert of sawed Music, the
proceeds of vihicli . trill to handed over to the
Tout% ladies '. Association for the Belief of the
P00r.,. Let'the noose be Oa ' .
The work on tho Ohio and Pennsylvania Rail
toad, In :4.l ; legheny tity, and vicinity, is 'going
forward : 4 1sitit great rapidity ..'. The truck will be
.ready for tite rat early in thespriiig, and as the
ironic to hand we may expect this :cad of the
line to finished In good season.
The.Octripany, has purchased, as a site for the
outer depot , . the twenty acres of ground,situated
:I :in thit lowet part of the city, recently offered for
`Vile by Vm. 0' QUIL Robinson, Esq. The price
Pad for the ground was $a5,060, and the mode
ana t time of payment is favorable for the Compa
' ny. 1 The Company have secured this beautiful
sad imost eligible site at a rate decidedly cheap.
It will be worth quadruple this ainount in a few
• years. lfea.rly evcry4nestion 9f depots, right of
waits-, so difficult to manage in a region like
this, is now Settled, and the work under its pro
scat Able management will go rapidly forward to
completifsti: - , •
prirsumg AND rrs ve.trzys
r E u
The natural keographical potitio of Pitts
burgh is oiie of the most remarlatblo the con
tinent. A great .ralley,. running el with
the mountains, dad nig. far from them, extends
fro!? the southwestern port of New York, Mire
- Iracross Permsylnuns, into North Western
ginlar collecting the Mountain streams' for a die
'large Uf More thin fear' hundred miles. These
waters brought together frmn opposite
directions by thedllegheoy and dlonongahel i a
ers; when, united, forma large navigable river
-.I this point, although not fifty miles from the
time the wieldable in width they have their
201:11Te. I
whis topographicalfeature renders
, this .eity '.,the natural commercial cntro 'of a
, latge region of extraordinary natural resour-
We spoke a few days ago, of the valley of the
Alle*ny-;,its rah:lent wealth, of its tieing the
route indicated by nature fora ennection, either
by clack water navigation or rail road, with the
gestat thorougbfares of 1. , Z0w
On'the other hand, the people of Tru ll itha are
'now seeking for a connection with this city, by
means of an extension of the Monongahela slack
water Seep Brownsville, where it now terminates,
. .
- to Pnientont, in :Marion county, Virginia, some
thirty fie or forty miles 'above 31.54
The:Baltmore and. Ohio nail Road
Monongahela. at Fairmont. •
• ' The trade and tercel upon the 3I
slack valor: although only extendin
Ville, - is *cry huge and important.
enter navigation of the Youghiozh
eonlitteneo with the Monongahela
of West. lieriton, hat also opened
and Mutually beneficial trade bate
etthatfino valley and this eity.i
Thg Monogahela and ita tributakim drain a
region which for agricultural and mineral wealth
km few equals on the globe. Its coal is at the
font quality, and in quantitim beyond the possi
bility er.hanstion. It is also Fell stocked
". with iron ore, and other :valuable minerals. and
its agricultural- capabilities aro ofd the first or-
Perhaps most of opt readers May nay, we knew
thinheforc. , Very likely; but we now come .
fit what we want to say;which is, that as nature
indicated Pittsburgh as the commercial cen
twit of this double valley, or. - these \ two valleys,
her interest is intimately, indissolubly, connected
with theia. there are no assignable limitito
their prOinctiveness, so - there aroinone to the
benefit which she may derive ffcim.them as their
great central factory, their commercial centre.
We believe it to be her intercst to otiite her mar
glee - with the people of these valley in, carrying
out whr.tevei plena may be fixed upon for facili
tating ,trnde and intercourse With ) them. Re
member it is thclimanufaciaring callabilities that
give them importance, not their agricultural re
altheugh these too are important.
Nye are gratified to sec thit the people up the
-Allegheny - axe beginning to bestir themselves in
the molter of a - nal - road from this city, to pass
thrones, the richest of the iron region ofhhat
to Mean, N. Y., to intersect the Now York
=a Erie Rail B.oad. .
.:lifint an immense advantage this road would
he both to thin city and that greet shone of iron
and lumber. The route they peopose is lila Clio ,
Icit titer to its source, thence . over the dividing
`.ridge to a 'stream which runs in the opposite
.rt:44loti to 016uv (one of the bead waters of the
Pegireq.). Thus from Pittsburghto Olean there
-.Would be but one summit, and froni that summit
to thin city there would boo slight descent all
the wtty. locomotive,, o n such road, could
transport at onto hundreds of to of freight;
at a costs so.low-that iron, or,
7nr rc utf ha transported upon it et
d' take that trade off the riat
, ,
, Dues would then come in regularly
tloodi as now; regulated only by 111: LUmber could be brought reed,
le-tail's hands, and not as now, w
and months to Bc43°D-r
._Vhile it is true that this city m
cited in reference to the Great
:chief.somuo of prosperity has -I)
''continue to beg in her relation to
valleys, as their factory and co
ThemOretheirresoneou are drawn
1 .1 0, P ,os Per• •
Et •
cmpfield Railroad Comp •
'try organised ; and the , following g
been sleeted Direetars, to wit
ilOzt. McKenna, Presidcn,
'lt Kula: and Thigh Y. Brady, of
‘Eihasbbaszar Elution Esq., tea., •
George Wdlsort„ Esq., of West Al•
Messrs. Sma.l Neal and Jae. Peall
MieViodongraela - Bepullican - e.
Company is now awaiting the act
lalature et - Virgin' ia, before which
In; granting the right of nay:.
farodabithe mad will be located.
tho opinion that: the Company will
Yong time befareSirginia gmnts the
•ed ; sod it the right of passage
Ire think it exceedingly doubtful if
toilets could he found willing to.
ay 1n eo doubtful en -experiment
that a full eiamination of the what;
elated by the light of accurate Imre
that tho IferaPtleld roue poetesses
tagef over that through l'itti'har_ .1
the West, and that it will be folly
"tar on a project of so uncertain
'Tonle through Pittsburgh is t
"ing, and will soon be completed,
..eusreol to It connections with the
Prez - I . ..North Vest superior to.any
IWashingteu can possibly hope to .1
.also have, at comparatively titian
=Miens withovery railroad co •.1
River from the West, from thiacit
In view of all these'circumstances,
wlll beratbei up-hlll ivork to oh
• R thallempfieldproject cm if the
'Obtained froiaVirginia, Irhich Sa
' p robable.
The local F4itor of the Cotnnte al Journal is.
ontsmuin upiti the Connecticut' I I l aws.
:"..lidllllL9 that - we bare nailed the to , terfelt to the
Weill, but he insists thotlthcie were some genuine
°Blue Laws."- Is new to us, Ara as
soon On we barn „icisure t we will examine them.
•I<Vas the "counterfeit," however, that heti h,Cri
' '•'' So long in circtilationOnd inned 'so many
111009 people. - What has always befiteehmecal- .
lacnticd:-..filue..pirs; of Conucaticut", was the
„suppositions coda of 'which we :pole on Siam. - -
day; and if Quifriend of the Journal concoct to
tiNtrao- i cale of ticaoleny".Buo," that is
another tinestici:- We cannot at : present allow
r 4,120 ¢ nor ;_ ,
Itro ifsAutsm—Pla• ieztha API 2 7 111 $
Haim clad pliasua , " 0,,
47affz., .
Oibe ptoie63.s' , Of
-04-the praoticability of . ..idopt.lnitlaito soma ex
*as a lab:dilute ftitiottoni leaitiocen leached
ifillt - anxiety. In carious parts of Ireland,
t:rict 4 mectinga are_ about to take place, and ar
rangements ire in progress for tie establishiaent
of ketitehiag mills and of local markets for the
accommodation of farmers in the mile of their
• There is no leas anxiety on this subject mani
tested in this cciuntry. One of otcr enterprising
pirtion titanufacturirs, Who has been seriously ;
considering the question of,removing his ma=
chinery to some State where-the business t is not
trammelled by the absurd regulations imposed r
• upon it by the Legislature of this Commonn l calth, I
has concluded to, defer*y farther action until r
the practicability of tIM new discovery is fully
tested, and if fit realizes the claims of its invin.
tors, will turn his machinery upon flax, millions
of pounds of 'which can be cheaply famished in I t
this neighborhood. A wide-spread interest bas
sisal:HMl manifested by the farmers of this, and
the States north of the Ohio, as the introduction
of flax in the place of cotton will produce a re
volution in the ogrimiltdralbranohes of industry,
more important and remarkable in its effects than
oven the discovery of the Cotton Gin, which, so
; greatly bertefitted the pkiating interests.
, In addition to what wo base already given en
this deeply interesting subject, we copy from the
,L,,, o d o r t eirricle, the following statement, which,
although it contains some facts already publish
ed, Id interesting, as showing Ala. the probabili
ties tire greatly in favor Of 'the reality of thitis
portant discoireryt • , •
—Onenf the greatest obstacles which has
,hith. j
trio stood In the way of an extended cultivation
of flax, viz.; that of the trouble. delay, and ex- I
pone attendant upon its steeling, in order to i
prepare it for the market, has now beep removed
by an intention which entirely dispenses with
that process, and enables the grower at the
emallest pbssible cost to send' his fibre into the
Market. By this . process, of which Mr. Donlan
is the inventor, the results are obtained hy a
combWation of chemical and 'mechanical means;
• and ati it avoids all the expenses connected with
steeping the fibre may be prepared at a cost ,
considerably below that incurred iry lhepresent
process, and imay be made,- we are assured; ap
plidable either for fabrics of the coarseness of
nail bags or' maims, or of the fineness of the
most beautiful Brussels lice. But not only is
the expense considerably less, but the time con
sumed in tht‘preparatton of the fibre, which, by
the old preemi, ranges front tin days to three
weeks, does not exceed as many boars by the
'unsteepd made. It also possesses a vast taps-'
rimity on account of the extreme simplicity of
the means adopted, which may be made intelli
gible to and Perflirmlid-by a mere child. But by
fur the most important and valuable part of this
invention is,—that it producc4 a fibre perfectly
clean, rind Milts natural state, without auy of the
stains or 'impurities which necessarily attach
themselves tO the fibre daring the process of
steeping, and it
.plan possesses the advantage
of securing that regularity tuid ipifonnity of
strength which to a greater or 10.0 pipet is
wanting in the steeped fibre.
• Application has been lands for a charter of in
corporation fur a company which will be prepar
ed to purchase the flax produced upon 100,000
acres in Ireland, at .Cl 2 per acre, and to prepare
it for the market in cases where the grower may
not possess the necessary facilities for preparing
it himself. The uniformity of strength and free
dom from stain and impurity which exists in the
fax prepared by the unsteeped process't has,
within the laid four days, led to the practical de
monstration Of An invention, of the outgo im-
The slack
.y. from its
tho village
up a large
• the people
portance of 'which, to the agriculture: and man
ufacturer of this country, ii is impossible to form
any adequate idea, and which — corialati , , among
other things,' of the adaptation of the flax fibre
to cotton machinery. The patentee of this in
vention is M. Le 'Chevalier I'. Clauen, member
of the Brazilian Institute, well known as the in.
venter of the circuits loom, and by his collec
tions of objects of natural-history and plants of
South America in the British Museum, and in the
Museum of Parks. We stated on :Monthly last
that we had placed in our hands a quantity of
flax roving; and yarns spun upon cotton machin
ery by the inventor. Since that period we hare
had an opportunity of personally inspecting, at
Manchester, the whole process connected with
the invention, and the result has fully conviucsr
no of its practicability. The finest portion of!
the yarn spun, in our opinion—and we:were con- I
firmed Mit by a gentleman of great ciptrience
and long connection with the cotton trade—lwas
equal in fineness tol2o's cotton, the coarsest be
ing equal to Gds. The :application 4 such a ,
test pa-that of 120's for the first, time was cu
t:3ll,ly a most severe one. The result, , however,
Was ' , .iselleetty sosee=fial. A. Slight difficulty
arose at fast with the machinery, in consequence
of tho length of the fibre; this, however, was ea
sily obviated by a slight alteration in the poultice
of one of the rollers. As the fibie, however,
may be prepared to any length, there will be no
necessity in future for even this alteration, the
existing cotton machinery being perfectly adapt l i
ed for the purpose of spinning flax prepared ac
cording to the process pateatel .by M. Clausen.
The patent granted to M. Claussen for England,
is for the preparation of flat in a chort: staple,
. no as to produce a substitute for wool and cotton
capable of being spun upon cotton machinery,
and also for, the :mixture of the materials thus
obtained, which can be carded together With silk,
cotton, pr wool, or separately, as cotton for spin
ning yarns., 'The right is also securrlfor pre
paring long fibres as a substitute for silk, for
bleaching, iii the preparation of materials for
spinning and felting, and also in yarns andfelts.
The inventor does not, however, copulae himself
to flax, (or the purpose of producing a thee
opted to his purpose, but stales-that he can oh
tam similar 'results , from hemp, _ juts, Chinese
grass, and, to use his own expression, from "an
old tar rope, or Ibataboo cane." As the patents
sae not Pet secured for several continental States,
and co p ortions of the thaited Kingdom—for
our abs patent laws require that separate pa
tents suld be granted fop,,,each of the three
kingth a whielp form what is termed the United
Kingdo —lvo ire not at liberty to state the na
ture of e process, or the means adopted for the
purpose of, bringing the fibre into the required
state. s lWe may state, however, that from 11:
cwt. of , f,the ,llax fibre prepared and cleaned upon
thetuiSleeried process, one cwt. of a substance,
identical settle clean cotton, can be produced at a.
cost for material of less than half a crown. The
cost of manual or mechanical labor required in
its preparation, including the espouses of bleach
ing, an operation performed in a few seconds,
does not amount to more than 7-16ths of &penny
per pounds' The mixture of the two substanCes,
via: wool with flax reduced to a short sMple,
fonnars fabric exceedingly durable, while its cost
may be judged by the fact that while wool costa
4s. GI, the flax prepared' andready for spinning
may be obtained for sixpence per pound, so that
with Aar. and,wool spun together in equal goon- .
titles, the cost would be reduced by nearly one
half. Of the actual value of thii invention, and
of its practicability, the most convincing proof
' is to be found in thcfact that &native of Holland,
who has for several years directed his time and
Attention to the subject, and who has also suc
ceeded in producing a fitiro of the same: quality
' and nature of It. Clausseu, hats been offered by
the Dutch government the sum of £20,000 'for
his Invention, which has been refused—the sum
demanded being £OO,OOO. The negociationa are
still pending, and the 17th instant is fixed upon
as the day upon Whiell a final answer is to be
given by the Dutch government We believe that),
. on Wednesday a formal application was made Isl I
M. Claussen to the board of trade, requesting
that machinery - Might be placed at Lie disposal, i
in order to enable him to produce at least one ,
ton of yarn, and to make a series of esPericacnts
as to the best mode of adapting 7 , dire to the
machinery; the experiments to ' b conducted in i
the presence of some impartial of well qualified ,
person, to' be selected by thegevernment; and
we have reason to believe,that the application
has been favorably receivell, although no answer 1
has yet been given on the subject
" - .
• Ten lumber,
rites which
er. The cup
{, And not in
:113in the riv
for-the cur-
It and sandy,
timirebly lo-
Vest, yet her
ea, tkhd
es° two great
ercial centre.
!gut, the more
y is now. fnl
Hon. Joseph
ander' and
of Wheeling,
1.13 that, the
' , nor the Leg
. bill is peal
it it prove
Weincline to
.vc to wait a
. .
1.. 'rilegeask
..uld be given
eastern capi
, • their mon-
We 'idiCTO
. subject, to
ys, will show
..6 real advan:
. ts argot° to
. !taste capi
.. ter. The
'., Sinew build
!, .. ithas ao
. 'ea and,the
outs th;ough
~. min. It mu
xpense, eon
to the Ohio
te Wheeling.,
i 'wo think ii
Things at Washington look a little cocouraginr,
to the frlends/Of protection. We need not
pect monin / but a few jadicious modifications will
probably be made at this session, which, when
found to work well, may Iced to others,
._llre..find {l;ll,lk:wing paragraph on the etth - .
,iet , :t in the New York Coitrier and Enquirer:
Tne T.sairr.—Our Washington correspondent
informs us , by telegraphic despatch that several
delegations from the North and South, without
regard to politics, have repaired to Washington
to urgo upon Congress a modification of the Tar
iff. • Themi.consultotions among themselves and
with members . of the two Heroes, ,authorize a
reasonable expectation of a change of the fol
lowing elThek--an cd valorem duty of forty per
cent to be laid on iron, assessed on the average
cost for the preeedialten years. Second, a res
toration of the free list of 1842; which Containsa
clause levying n. duty of live cents on woolen
goods costing under tenon cents, and admits free
dye staffs and: other articles necessary in carpet
and Calico 'manufactures. Third: a declaration
that the ditty shall be assessed on the value of
the importid article, at the time and place of
esportation; a protision in, accordance with the
real intention orthe act of '46, inn evaded un
dei a decision of Judge Woodbury. Founh: the
making imported manufactured goods pay ten
per. cent more duty the raw , materials of
which they arc compOstsh This Last .proposition
is opposed by many democratic members, and
no deanite decision lies yet been had linen it.
The other medilluitions will, in all Probability.
be cancunedeincithey are judged in a lib
. . . . . •
l l ghE of way is
Presidmid Fmtwoer having been invited AZIANFIG,
Se, Svue c4 Eng 4. an American merchant affix Pre. talria'• ; th - „ ielleiw
l s h ow ing Fronk;Balti m ore ;
Manehister, England, to be Present • at: t h e reee •
"World'sinir," and the reply below which
introduced by the London Day New, by the haaelnaglaets nee dated by nue wh - o Wei
following very appropriate paragraph: watched the building of steam vessels for '25
"The following letter from-the -President-of
the United States precludes, we regret to say,'at let. Her boilers being made with double tiers
least for the present, the hope that London will, o f farligogs, , the consumption of evil la much his
;during the coming exhibition, be honored by the creased, without deriving proportionate advan
presence. of ilia' executive head of this greet I tags in heavy weather, wben'half the revolutions
Bepubilcs.• I of the wheels are performed titlfe air.
In common with others, bath 'English and Anie- I Idly. Her atomizer 'coal taken on board at Li
rican, ,Mr. Steel believed such an event would , verpool would be more likely to beleasened than
pavo"the way fur a visit *Orli her Majesty to the increased Vi'le'r a winter's voyage, awing to the:
city of New York, the citizens of which would I pressing importunities of shippers, many of whom
vie with each other in giving her a rapturous • had been shut out from previous swab:era
and national' reception. It is not the first time I B d. Being ea lightly sparred, all the CanV" s
that rumor han assigned to liar 3lajesty an in- s he - cuild spread would not drive her through
tention to bike a trip to her North American I the water at a greater rate than three knots, ini
provinces—and should she ever fulfil that peded as she would be by her- wheels, and ha,-
' tion, her easiest and safest way of reaching I big en board in cargo, mngbinery, &c., a dead
Canada would be by first proceeding to Yew.l weight of probably 8000 Mee.
York. It is obvious how much such Interchanges , But if the wind was foul she would, have
of courtesy on the part of the respective heads great difficulty in beating up against it, being
! of the two nations would tend to strengthen the encumbered with her wheels , and deficient of 'a
bonds of sympathy and good feeling between bowsprit and head sail, consequently she-would
them. From the following, however, which is drift with the gale„and is now perhaps in the
, the President's reply, it would appear, that the neighborhood of the Azores, from whence we
first step towards such a result i not likely to-be shall hear from.ber by the Leedou fruit
immediately taken." ers, who make average passageszof. nine days
from Terceira to Cowes therefore, until the
Wanumarea CITY' Dec 1, 1850. middle of February we cannot expect news from
these islands; for the 'previous reasons, to-
William S. Steil; Eeq., liaechestar. gether with the knowledge,of her great strength,
I feel persuaded we shall hear of her from that
My Dear Sir.-1 bare the honor 'to atknowl
edge the receipt of your Lind letter, of the Bth au .. t ,,, r. •
ult., through 31r. Randall , expressing the-hope '
The New York Courier & Engulf:se =presses
that I may visit the World's Fair in London,
May next, and assuring me, that if Ido tot shall substantially thiisame views.
receive a cordial welcome Dem my country- •
men in England, and tendering me the hospitali
ties of your own house whilst I remained at
Previous te the death Of my lamented prede
cessor, I had anticipated the pleasure of visiting
London at the time of the Fair, but I deem it
now impossible to leave my official duties here:
and your kind letter causes a still deeper regret
at my disappointinent Were it possible for me
toli absent foci such a length of time, nothing
-could be more gratifying than. to accept yew
proffered , hospitalities. I well remember meets
Mg you and your lady in the fell of 1837 ' end
shield beextremely happy to seater - die aequaird
ande. Indepepdret of that, I have always felt a
strong desire to visit Great Britian. IM soil is
classic ground to me, and I should be most happy":
to make a personal comparison between the lead
ing men of that country and my own, and tee-see. ,
hes- far we have improved upon the political in- '
stitutions of theinother cmfaley; Dut Shia must
be deferred till a more convenient season. •
Accept my thanks for your kindness; remem
ber me most cordially to your, lady, and believe
me, truly yours, Mmoann Fmmtosx."
We earnestly hope Mr.. Ftusiost will review
this decision, and coaserit to go to London some
! time during the Fair. They have had Kings and
Emperors enough, and by way of contrast lot sot
show them a plain republican President Mr.
Fillmore is an excellent epeeidien of a native
American citizen, filling the office of Chief Mag
istrate of a 'mighty republic, and we believe it
would do the people of Europe good to look upon
him, as it would fill the heart of every American
, citizen with patriotic pride to have them do so.
Ile would invite Queen Victoria; in the name of
the, Americaulpsople, pg return the visit, and he
coon assure her she would meet with • most en
thusiastic reception. Such interchange of chili
!ties would do much to strengthen the good feet
iins now existing bto•Ween the two countries, and
could do no possible harm. We can see no real
ohjation to Mr. Fillmore going, except the few
I week's absence - from his post; andourely with so
' able a Cabinet the country could get along during
the interval of the session of Congress. We
vote for the President to go.
HOPS or Itettap...-The following extract from
the Washingtori, correspondent of the North
Americo; gives a 'alight glimmer of light in the
midst of surrounding &rams; In regard to the
modification of the-Tariff.
Tile tariff is in a tight place, it is tame, bat
there are some screws which have not been ap
plied. It might be in a much tighter place.—
Mr. limiter, chairman of Finance in the Semite,
has publicly avowed the necessity of a modifica
tion for the prevention of frauds, and is well In
clined to other changes. Several other Southern
Senators are-disposed favorably; and even Mr.
Bayly, in the HOUNC, is willing to listen to rea
son. A proposition is new under consideration
—to which I may not refer nt the moment—
which will do something for Pennsylvaia
and other intetests. if adopted. And
as something is better than nothing, it seems to
me that the policy of practical wisdom is to take
whatever can be squeezed through Congers-.
This is the conviction of one who has been com
pelled to be a close observer of men and things,
and to estimate chances by better data than per
sonal partialities. If the Tariff is not modified
now, it willnot be changed nt all until ruin and
desolation will cg trumpet-tongued for redress
throhgliout the land. That day has been staved
off by an unprecedented juncture of events.
It cannot be postponed much longer, as things
ore now going.
Nonrn Cam:mute on Tut tintrr.—The; fol
lowing resolutioris have passed both houses of
' the Legislature of North Carolina by large ma
jorities. Comments are unnecessary:
Whereas, The Southern States of this Union
have, siece the formation of the Federal Gov
! ernment, fostered and nourished the-manufactu
tring and mining interests of the uoteslavehold.
ing States, by voting to impose high takes upon
1 importations froni`foreign countries, whlch'might
come in competition with the productions of the ,
labor and industry of the aforesaid' non-slave
holding States; ..
And whereas, these acts of generosity and I
aelf-samillee base been unappreciated at the
North, and the people of that section show a
disposition to make unceasing attacks upon our
institutions and property; therefore,
Resolved, That the State of North Carolina
feels herself under no farther obligations, by the
votes of her representatives in Congress, or oth
; crwise, to protect the "home industry" of the
non-slaveholding States.
Resolved, That if our industry needs protec
tion, it min be better effected by Stutz than by
Cengreesional legislation.
Resolved, That 'the ; present Tariff is high
enough to afford sufficiene - revenue to carry on
au economically administered goveniment, and
ought not to be increased.
IResolved, That the foregoing resolutions be
transmitted to our members in bath Houses of
Congress, with a request that they lay them be
foretheir respective Houses, andwith the further
i request that they vote against any change in the
i present tariff lan's, which may bave the effeei,Ao
protect or encourage theineaufacturing or mining
interests of the free States, or which
; may have
the effect to jacroaae the poet 10 the Southern
consumers of any of tlO pr 0 4 ,105 of foreign ,
1 countries. ;-,--
Norst Mons or lIISITILItiC2.—Tbe reform
Convention of Virgyirei has been enlightened by
tome new ideas from IL A. :Mee.. He introduced
el some resolutions, and during his advocacy
of them, data - that the taxes on buildings should
be slightly increased, and the Statebeecitse re
sponsible fur their value, in case of. lossby fire
of other accident. Bather a novel mutual
rance company. Mr. Wioo ttdasi it ehouldbe
'made a penal offence for parents to keep their
children frhm school.
Usrecusirs OP VIROIPMA.—A course of lectur
es on the Evidence of Chdatianity is in progress
at this Institution, by gentlemen invited from
various sections of the Union by the Faculty.
The Fourth Lecture has been recently delivered
by the Reverend Dr. McGill, of Allegheny city.
A correspondent of the Watchnian and Observer,
published in Richmond, in speaking of this lec
ture says;—"Beanty, strength, candor, mild
ness, unaffected grace, elegant scholarship, and
thorough acqnaintance with his subject, charac
terized the performance."
31assartirontis ELnerunt.—Complete returns
from the 2nd district, give Upham. Whig, 4,122;
Rantoul, Democrat, ' 2 , 88 7; Sewall, Free Soil,
1,436; scattering, 47; leaving Upham in a minor
ity of 119.
The Third district, all but. one town, gives
Duncan, Whig, 1.026 majority.'
Fourth 'district, all but three towns,. Thomp
son, Whig, lacks 1;269 votes of an election.
Fifth district, ail hut fofir towns, Allen, Free
Soil, wants 492 votes to be elected.
Sixth district, all but one tow? ' give Davis,
Whig, 906 majority. Ile is elected.
Seventh district, nine townt to bear ;from,
Goodrich, Whig, lacks 188 votes of being cho
Tenth district, ono town to hoar from, Zeno
Scudder, Whig, has four hundred and fifty one
maj. thus far. ,
• GOVIIIM)11 Qurnm..v.—The New Orleans Delta
learns by a dispatch from Jackion, Miss., that
Governor Quitman will promptly and cheerfully
obey the process of the United. States Court for
his appearance on the charge of being engaged
in too Lopez expedition. It is said that Judge
titholson has delayed issuing th3writ of arrest, to
allow Governor Quitmantime to dispose of the Mr-
Sthese.of his office: so ante leave Jackson without
too mur.h prejudice to the pada laterals con
axeEssras TAXATION.
" We have mentioned that an effort ts is
England to obtain the reppeal, or the very msenlial
modification, of the dqty no paper. A. Loudon jour.
nalist give; a remarkable illu.tration of the effect of
this duty. A coarse brown 'piper to deed in the pro
em of coopering vessels It undrrlice the copper
'besotting. .for witch it terms a better bed than the
wood. rho cost °tibia paper ntifikient fora large
vessel or about £450, of "which the paper tax amouots
to nearly ..£AOO, aed the London journal to ;;cation
says that a large chip builder In Liverpool, Laving
made careful calculation', god. it cheaper to send
his vessel; hem tette coOpeced than to kayo the work
dime at Liverpool. • We here no impression, how
ever. that not above three' or four years since our
American ship builders bold the contrary opinion.
Al legal we remember thit American stops were
ouppered in British port. lt may be that we had
not then rapacity to dock ships ul the sae that wefa
eoPPered abroad We design principally to advert,
however, to the expremiee foot that In Eilktaa .1 a
jCatpmnq brown paper, neves:tartly or the very mars
est kind cad ore rttr, IMMCDFC , quantities, is subjected
to a duty of 200 per cent and that not for mimeos
but forrevenue.—,
- „
Personiton, familiar with the statistics of taxation
for revenue to Great Britain can fora no conception
of the event of Its ramifications. We speak not Of
Mattes upon imports, imposed for be purpose Of pro.
(tenon to the manntacturirg or suricultural havrrests
of the country, tot' from Mew. dig country may be
supposed to deriveeidvantagr.s, but of ntsat too for the
support of royalty I na ti ...gostly machtnery of G,tv•
eminent It puts tin grip upon every thing, and
squeezes silver and gold out .0( men, women and
children; out of every qisadrupal almost; out of
brick. nod mortar andgla, windows, out of coaches,
and singes, railarny cars, and carritp.a, sod wagons,
and carts; out of the painting of a most oo the pan.
eI rd a carnage door, or the engraving of ammo!
bL-aring upon a watch lad; god when nothing that
a man has in left to tax, bin very income is taxed id
Now we do not know that, "with Me exception of
the class upon whose riurted and precarious means
the inexorable claims of this tax loather.. press most
heavily—the shop keepers, or small tradesitten—the I
people cf England are radically dissatisfied with , this
state of things, That they ans.*, has been both ims.
rated and denied. To a roardrrable eiteni, on
doubt, this excessive taxation has become incorporit.
teS with the whole political ec nomy of the country
and forms part nt the basis at all (nities, calcula
tion, Nta and them; however, some bold, spirits—
lame hite ested, some dnioterested—nrinil some
pakten!oe lax, and a strong popular aloof in made for
as repeal or reduction. '4 law years' observation
will snow, We suspect, that in any decade of years
little practical relief is obtained Ths practice of
the Government is tailor um, rod if ono is taken
off, anott er, sooner or biter, is pot on. And this of
necamty, so longs the peoplerentaia attached—rand
we ere far from thinking that there Is aey.abatemenL
of the popular loyalty andpridc in this particular—
to their prevent costly mode of Government The
vast reset no thus °bussed only meets the current ex
pendintres of "the realm"—barely suppofts um nu.
teems employers of Government and pays for the
adjunens of a mona-chictieatablishment; and
times faint to elp even that. The only reliethere
, fore, in In reduction of the Governmental expendi
ture, and what :.prospeet there is of such a remedy
being applied isatit worth:much, fur the present cen
tury at tema.—EN. Y. Com. Adv.
Annie ' `i TLAIL—The experiment now tank
ing in Sou Carolina of the raising of the tea
plant has roved partially truccessfOl, enough to
show that .ha soil and oliutate of svortion of this
country ads suitable to its growth: . Whether its.
cultivation will be profitable is the point yet to'
be decided by. farther and more extensive expe
riment. The prospect so far is favorable to the
supposition that it will, and that eventiudly, the
'United States will grow its own tea, rittob would
save an annual cost of several millitiusldothirs,
now paid to China. The plant groWs mind lux
uriantly In China and Japan, between the lati
' tudes of SO° and 40?, and in a country which'
presents features similar to those of our own
' country • tween the same latitudes. • The at
tempts in I mope to cultivate the tea plant have
s, but in Brazil,. a country between
r and the 30° of latitude..the evperi
. nvm - suacessful. We have received
aI*IIW S. .sayer, the Vice Consul of
at this port, three several spveirrkens
rt tear-^itTsen, Onpowder, and black
i h in their dry state have the some
taste as the Chinese. They show a
.access in the cultivation and prepara
'. plant highly creditable to the agri
. terprise of the country, and afford an
been folio!
the Equal!
meat boo
from Mr
that coon
of Branli I
terus—whi ,
favor andl
degree of d
tion of thi"
cultural e
incentive to perseverance to those who
.ring in the united States to bring the
t to a successful issue.
,f the tea, byson, enables uo to say
itality is
.eicellenti and that it is of a
cute slid" pleasant taste, equal to the
i reeeirettfrour the flowery nation itself.
are alien,
A trial
that the
most del
beat his
LH rs.—Nollllln, says the Dolton Tran
ois able to,pay, ought ever to say to
"call train,'". when the payment of
ars would make his creditors and (am
blu • This is sound morels, Delay
obliges the creditor to . lose 'time by
(ter the money, which is equivalent to
slue deducted from the:debt. ITl ,
s of small amount, two or. tkrea er
it would cost to the cre4l6r more
hole value.' "
script, w
o poor m
a few doll
ily =info,
running •
so much
tha debt
rands aft,
than its ;
CIUPICLAi Ho7[s.-The tie.
York Po.-, says diet 'pater from Rome, dated
Decembe 23, 1830, spites that kir. Casabas had
so jute ew with ,the Cardinals on thosubject of
the little AmeriMin chapel, 'which ho resulted
in its bciagfpermitted to •go; ma without mole,-
tall9n• - •
ECISO Eaters or llosi.—A startling inci
dent, connected with the misery which follows
in the train of King Alcohol,:says the Pottsville,
Press, occurred in lien. Mr. Johnston's
Second Methodist Chcirch, of that borough, on
Sunday evening last. While the collection. was
being taken up, a man whose petunia appear
ance evidently denoted a shattered constitution,
and conagnent misery mid :naming, threw into
the basket a small paper carefully rolled up,
which, on subsequent examinetion,.Was found to
contain . a half dime, the last remnant; it seems,
of a wasted patrimony, for paper was
written, "idle is the lost of /Wt . MOstsanci dollars
lit me by fay feeler—Rum and its Effects!" Who
the poor fellow was, or whence be came, is not
known, for he wns a stmoger, and evidently a
wanderer upon the face of the earth.
A CESTESAIII/121.—John Vanhooser DOS in the
county of - Jefferson, Tennessee, and be voted for
(len. Waahington for the Presidency. lie is In
the 12^_d year of his age.
Until recently, the Knoxville (Tenn) Register'
tells us, ho was in the habit of walking to and
from that town on calls of business, a distance
of five or six miles, withoutexperieneing fatigue.
He is a German by birth, hilt emigrated to this
country about one hundredlears since. Hewes
in sereral of the most important battles of the
revolution. He voted for General Washington
for President of the United States, and boasts
that be ban never failed at any election for
President, from that time to the present, to vote
the Whig ticket. Recently one of his daughters,
a fine lass of eighty years of age, paid him &visit,
and found the old gentleman in his usual health(
We 'doubt if another such cue of longevity can
be found in tho Hnited States.
DEATH Tllalt FRIORT.—The Cincinnati Gazette
says: "We are advised that during list week the
Allegheny mocuatains were covered with Ice and
snow, and the traveling over on the National
Road dangerous. Thestages wervi hunt to con
trol, and.many persons intimidated from' travel
ing. From a gentleman recently arrived, we
learn,that during last week a merchant who was
coming west, in leaking out, was so mach fright
ened by the running about of the etage,- and the
danger,that threatened, that, on taking his place
he leant back, and a few miles thence was taken
out a corpse, having doubtless died from the af
fect of fright." ,
—The Philadelphia board of trade hare resolved
to request the members of Congress from the
district to use' tbeir inflames in obtaining the
contrast from the 11. 8. Government for carry
ing the mails between Philadelphia and Bin Ja
neiro,* a monthly lino of new steam ships, to
bo without goventmentaid,und to touch at
Peru:imbue going andretarning. • ,
, .
The Near York Tribune cep that a barrel of
floor, en= Neale; Oble, biz been received in
that city, intended for elbittoa at go world'.
P!iirbiunidpx' • • '
Cita6llll:aLtievr - Orlears haveleld f pub
lic tenting.' in:ortler tb raise Rinds for the erec
tion of a tocarnmerd in the memory. of General
Jackson. There is erery, prospect of the effort
The St. Louis Republican dates that the win
dow glass establishment of Messrs. Farrell,
Glover, Ir. Co., of that city, is capable of turning
out about 8000, boxes of superior window glees
yearly. The same paper notices the vial' and
bottle factory of Messrs. Sell, Hale & Co., which
went into operation about a year since with a
capital of $lOOO, and which has in that time
manufactured and disposed of more than $lO,OOO
worth of goixls:
The matrimonial state is becoming better ap
preciated 012 the Eastern Bhorepf Maryland. It
appears that while there...were only fifty three
marriage licenses issuedinf.ineen Anne's county
during the year 1849, there - were seventy three
issued from the let of-January, 18.50, to the
U. S. AND Si. Poxritao.-41.: M. Walsh, com-
merciul agent of the D. States fur St. Domingo,
arrived at Norfolk on Tuesday Mr. Walsh is to
'go out in the U, S. steamer Saranac, whose de
parture is only delayed by the absemse of Capt. ;
Tatmill in WaMkington. Ile was expected on
Thursday. '
Prolific rulklL—S.SAnwrence, of Tyngsbor
ougb, Mugs.. has a Shinghai pullet, S month'
old, that has laid Arty Iwo large cited eggs in
forty f i re day. One day she laid two of the.
above number. Mr. Lawrence, ahm, has one;
other Shanghai pullet, seven months old, of
Marsh's stock, -that has laid twenty twit eggs in,
(sway three daya, audio laying daily at the pres
ent date.
• The number of deaths by cholira in the State
of Yens Crue,l3lazico , since the diaeme fire
made Its appearance, is set down at 8,646. Th
largest number of deaths hi'any ono toms was at
Jalapa; where 2,287 deaths oechrred.
The number ;Of hogs slaughtered ut Louisville
during the present season. lv Set down by the
Courier at 104,414. The total number killed in
the various towns °male Wabash is stated by
the Lafayette (Indiana) Joutnal to be 212,000.
Brawn, the Artist, the New York , Post soya, is
hardr et work on his group of the Indian rescuing a
childfroof • Panther, which premier to be not or
• very beauttful buten nocommonly ptritest work.
The model of the Indian is jest finished, and ready
to be tad IT plaster. The Warrior, a young mast
the dower of his age, about to aim a deadly biow at
the &rev animal near him is a fine sample of than.),
beauty and prorioitioas. la every muscle of every
limb you ece the tokens of strength collected for-the
stroke he is about to deal. The child which is to be
added to the gronp r ie at present onlysketched in the
ifirDa 3Tiasee Urn Tuas—Tha arroalshlng demand
far this greathi•tkine mew to been the Increase. Where
it has torn introducet it hat attained • popularity pla
precalenterl in the ulnas of medical praetke. Thygolins
are using it in way cam, .1 but when they ma obtain
It 'Patients, hoverer, noel not he under the envie. of
asking medico' *dyke, as they can parches, • km of Lim
Till; oath witch direction. will be funtilehed. which will
wort. speedy erne. The following letter Dam an Kent
rborm lb ToDniarity In tn. motion from *itch lb. letter b
dated; Blunt Cobb,,r Bedford Co.. Ts_
!larch Md. 1017.
J. .Kldd t Co., ,Wood et. Tittsbargh—Gentlemen—W•
find we cab sell a guar many more of Dr. ITLane's
then rms. neat left with .ns. These TEN ere raPillY
tieing !referee. arid we bare almmt mid all that we had.
If you am na ten or twelve dotes more tares, they
0111 last, Preihra, 000011 Dior agent can bring us • new
T. t... 1, KELLY
Forsale b 3. KIDD k
fio.oo Wood et
Desirable Suburban Residence for Sale.
Tus suberrlbbr °gen fur ode UM house and smound•
*hire he now resides, sltstalui on Put street, Isekee To.-
Moot, in Allegheny. and.thout 2t minutes' welt from, the
market attn.% city. The lot Is US feet front on Park at,
running both 252 feet, to th alley—containthir usury* one
stow of grouttd. and to bounded on Ohl"' ekie by WM °PM
lots, adorned with trees and thrtthbery. The Imam to
nearly new. large, and exceedingly tell arranged, basins
• front of e 0 feet, and a depth of DA mod contains fourteen
MOM% besides hills nine feet wide. It Is built in the beat
toot oat dutable monies, tool use a itlre-proid roof, and
gunning all the toitlerteccirrenienece. Two pumps, with
an unfailing supply of hid and eon. water, MTV at the dorm
On the member art thd , nrocantry out Waage, inthle,
vantage house, he. The rrounds are laid out mostly as a.
lawn: commit eith choice fruit Meet, evergreens, towering
shrubs. currents, sonsehigries, raspberrieg Lc, and a small
garden. The Dingle of the beetitind, and the tree* are is
their prtme.and yield =Push fig the wards of an orditudg
family. The yituatkin oft.ills property. as to aalnbrity and
suburban comforta, combined with enutiguity to the city.
Is not surpamed by toy imildenre lu Otis vicinity. It has
gview of the glib Itiverlfor over a talk, of fern pomace.
ville, South Pinthurgb, 'the city, the two riven, and the
MID D'intileg altogether a rentrantic /prospect of
I whirls the eye never *odic. Even boat whkh enters or
departs from the port clPitistinrgh on the Ohio, ram. In
I foil Mew. The residened and grounds are then completely,
retrieved from ',spy atimethinee of dud, to &strata. 41
I empfurt and srOctation, end affords a retirement es quiet
and peseeful lusted some quiet ncogin the smutty.
The property will be old et a bargain, and pound. siren
on the that of April. Enquire at the (Janata ethos
ialexttf D. N. IVUTPD.
Ida. KIIS—SaI I cheerfully comply with 7000 wound
that I wonlet.diae ow as amount of the shoot attraentou•
runs of asy hale daughter's eye by:the we of yoneelletto ,
au was nttanked with a eery Kuser@ IS Febt,ary or
Diarchlast..)rc l lumallateely applied to the best mill.
asl ski in the city, by whew it was pronounced • 'every had
eye," inel all got. am nu hope of &duller any real. AF
tor which I toot her Into the coutarito.. old 1 .17.
had' b 'rem my suawsPful in 001100 eyes. ellar told we tlat
her raise was hopeless, oo she would certainly ken Lwkooly
that one, but alio that the other would follow—it being •
scrofulous affection of the bkad. And Ido certify; that at
the Vide lay hdber (.I. K. Tashoul 011.101 to the toucludoa
hat We had bttke try your Polxvieum, ads woe Windy,
Wad of nue. ern It is now gout two nomad anus ahe
beim hen., and she can now woe with both eyes to gwal
yever•he dllx :god. as fat as I on WI, I bonne she has,
with the blaming; of the JUrnightn beeumed by
lynx ,Toors,terpeetfdlly,
M. Fusco lams. Ccd.rda.
Pitiaborgb, Feet. DJ, 1850.
parylo Me by Ropier 2 ileDiewell, /la Woad at; K. r.
&item:7 Wood et.; D. IL CoM, D. L. Ellis 3, ineeph Daa
and 11. I..S...hwarta, Allegheny; Woo by the propria
8; M_ KIM
1atnr7,1.11c.9 Cam.' 14143. 9om.:0? tt...Pit.t.berr.h.
Citizen's kinrancti CoMpanyof Pittsburgh.
Office No. 41 Water greet, in the wariltdinii — ot C. IL
NT. • ---•
U. 3 1.2.5wY•
lir T a b =seffil i trUV ' eX P .aVa i, A i''''.
I &Air: giIYWIT, tr.
.bo sav ° 4ol citizen. of Eittsbarati, well 'MI rarorably
lumina lo the cominunity for their prudence, iniellineure,
had lieurity.c
O. Hunter Wm. Daimler, Wm. Latimer,
Jr., Waiter' Bryant, llogh 1). King. Edward ilenreinse,
John I.lalorth. al iharlaugh, P. M. Kier. ap.lo-11
lllWOmatic and Forrign Exchange, Bank Now,
Gold f I ] .Stlocr, fought, Sold o- Exchcmpa !
! ! Mr rs.
No. .64 Wood Street, Pittsburgh.
1 eir Irruterr 13.unreD 03 'MI DOO3TL 1.144
fIOPARMRSIIIP—We have associated
tliis.rtng t ,Voin a% L i.At a. c 7eLltsttlt n trere
bastne , a. The stile of tha remelne as borehafore.
Corner of Third and Market ds., Pittab'gb.
Poreign i and American Hardware..
Hp. 129 Wood Street,
A MI aultompNetosthck of rola/6w AND 4111111.1 CAN
Saltalgo aur living trade, whkb prepand
to 6rmwir
ast. Igucc..ipare
...ElroPe — ali 1481147. .
, rt. outtalk.* Woad, 11.itlig Ow Platitgd tittot of
Oraot Driador, Fame. iad Otrotday. daring the mouths of
Apoil. Ikon sod jaw next, leag Pittsburgh oa March
nth, ta 4111 ho pleased to atarM to Ur attoncla of a bo•
slam <Waiter tde.h Mr be *AWNS to his CVO. ,
Jaa3dtmrl7 , • JOIDI D. DAVIS.
In illegbony <ley, on Battalion Zdo WOW, ilol , go
DOM.!, &gal 17 pow. ond brolnontho. •
gir nom Marro° at ta. Beano 01 Tuna RoaSA—A
meeting of the members of the Baud of Trade Anacciation
Rill be held 11.. evettlus, at 7 eclock, at the corner of
Third and 'Woad Amts. Tha ,oltiscos gruerelly are ln•
tiled to be preAnt, u buthaesrof pablat Importance will
be laid below Um torelluir. W. A. IULL, Seer.
A. A. CONCERT of Surest Music, for the ben
Cl of the poor be nlcon Tocoloy evening. 4lb
la the'OW Pnabyterlan Charon, coacknendn2
rg o'clock.
.., ...
Awake the Mo. Haydn.
01 What Beauty--- .. :.. - ...... ............ tor do:
:halve Werth-- -
Achieved 4 the Worth. W0rk........;.. -de
Oa Thee each Li vtag Wm] Amara.-- 'do
Ilathlthah to the hithet....._-___..._Beethev
_ . .
Part. 2.
Xvy's Lazne' Mutts.... to
Wbere thy .....
Unaul Cboeuti IlandeL
eants,—to_t. jud at Ow doses ofJ. /I. 11.110;
iliPcburiloU awl IL C. SLOcklou. :40 u 10. 7.
receltal ma u . JuLllaLlt
AIO3ICOPATIII - U BOOKS—Just ptiblished
bad as sae at •the 1m0k.., Mere of the undatypted.
from the authom.u,zi a
r's ma imaniptni the. f
ly Gnithe rnum MUM.
Mlmmiltiltdoelmy • Walla index of the medianes mad the
disemee lo whit% they am need." •
lleets of medleine Mr the aternork,. Arnim Kula . .
Aram Flowery! and Tincture, Llama of 31.11 k. lilobidea •
tall supply Mall the Inediefun wed bypb,-.lbibb. .11.
different delusions., taitianaloas, with all the leaks pub.
Laud on amepatyy alma, an hand.
801. Agent Mr Me Umeryattdc Malkines end Ilooka.
isMal4car2ti can Überll,l
Dun comearmial
uirs Stamplost /knit
in"" sb"" " . "4": .1011. N 11. I.lal ro :011,
14.1. male tri . - 61 Mood
011 i t WILEELBAB tOW was taken away
from ova Wei 011 T .T. tha.16,1 al Januarn_ba a
num nt tha mans ofNl
.aa. iliamkaad mold to sin Uodtraf•
arilleglany adr. and Ida to P. 11. David Acationgoom,
0011%14w a.* Ab, and . 91 . . 19 . 1 r." 1 . 9 . 9 .99.99 '
enuod tha mid wheel tra lull alma Maws the was,
.and id *a mom- • D_so
_a, dn la win emu/
obUss •, . 'PO •. a. a t , Plw•Liff. 1 . 0 3 9 W 9 .4 a
k - .
--portRENT-;,AU-that portion 9f , my rim' •
, bottom lying betYres Plitshimill
rk! Plank Rmdabdthe Arab , . Jc d owd t eta in about
88, acre. to which wilt er a Oro dory home
lunrie with Itnexcallent andernutb.lmarebant,
a maid. nod bust It in an in a Ittrlc stated cultirettotu
and would be red calculated km dairy or tranteutne our.
Pnca. No'eruc t wed apply mil es. he can dime we ll tr.
commended far houedy sobriety. and. industry. The
helllth. Orr call. to market are equal to any In the
couutry, es the occupant. mill bare his choke of the rimer,
plank road, or rail rod fur Us actudractodation, • •
tat.buttd • W31.•9 HAWKINS
ilmied are. for sale • largr number of ~au.m
u Ting hAa, end mma veer desirable wino far manta.-
torie4, In the Borough of ihnninghant. loratol 1.111 . the
me. Public School Boum maul English Lutheran Church.
The rapid growth andormim In
manurartunng math. tho ma cable fVfrtwhich
lota will be nold7will render them • teD. end PilrfOnblo
e em!tortir Title perfeet Terme favorable.
/or portieulem and Memo. ennulre of the undendrned. at
the ogice of (Goon F. Gilmore. r 09., on Grant Greet, Fitts.
bunch. between Third and Fourili e V.rre.% or of Mims
Symmet nod N. Pat:enrol, Ensil at their elves In Dina
ise.9 MOSES r. EATON.
turps oaf the Red Ll= Hotel; St. MIT street.'adth thu
.. Terms'easy. Apply he R. e: DAILY, Ytoprieter.
Itiltsburgb, iou. 5, 1651—jaZad1titellT
OTICEI—The partnerabinlately existing
between the utalereigned. under the firms of . ..St.
deounns'a Cp.; Philadelphia,. and . deonnor. AtlOna
t Co- Pittstnind,. was dioolrot by mutual mascot, on
the lath day of Ja.tuary, lisl. Moue* E, Atkins la Mona
authorised to use the moue of Mal* o donne k Co-.. at
Philadelphia, and James O'Connor 1.4 alone authorized to
its n =n o arse of O'Connor, Attlyit A a N CA .N aktiwo, is
Pltbdwrgt Jon. Is, issl. JAMES lid,/daod- a
. 1
James O'Connor, of l'ittaburgh. Pa., and.
decorate t eo. Baltitunte, ltd., have . Ills day entered
luta ospartnership under the style of;lOatnea O'Connor At
Co, Polahntahr gad "Otonnuts L Clo-ataltimore." for the
purroathuf tratimedng the bushman of Ma Pitteburgh Trans
portation line, as well m Mr general rononinaiou and mer
e:oodles our - ropes, /AMPS OPAYN NOR
Pittsburgh, Jou. 15, 1351. • didliNNOlll3 tCO
A CARD—We tender our thanks, for the
Mud Pa&opera extended b u. in bardnem fthe pest
raven yew". and would snore our frieMlerred the public
that our mrangemenla for Wm edam of of
the must extensive sod perfect warm'. We will display
them more fully Inn forme advertleentent.
JAMES &Cr INNOII !COL Pittsburgh.
&CONNORS /I CO. Relllmore.
Rilleldwithr Jen. 15.1h31.--MtSr:dler .1
IF YOU USE riLAcK. TEA,i.moumsrip - 1
Usiromu, in the Edsmond; sell tbs beg ,itt . ;', , Xl
taburgig this Is no puff, but !twang's Wt. as , ,
com 42-
mis= will prove. • •
tidal strong andirieldtant ilacated....—..soo per lb.
Imported lotethe U. Etatee..-..75c do
°Mil Teta equally good at SIM. priar.
All Vat at this establishment an, retallsd fresh hum the
Origirmi Cheats, Wag Oa eopeffdr to ffackaga Tau, which,
In mann Imitators, hare been put us, Iwo or thme lean,
apd you might ea well rungus lto y would keel, as well in
a small bundla as In stack, as ;to thin b oot s. liettp
utrall in a Package no te the original _loll
CIREEN APPLES 1. brls‘primc, rec'd in
V i ~md mda: end f "" 1 *1 . 1111.TEL Y. BURIN EA.
EMP-110 bales Missouri dew rotted, in
Vctare tea Or loIaLLEXA 1) 24 NElt 000 DON.
C. 2
1 Front la
VL"!:Ms_, mould,
QI.NOER ROOT-3 Bantus prime, on hand
nod for sok br • S. N. biICKERSIIAM t
Car. Wood k birth do
EAT'S FOOT 01.12 brie just received
.y ... 4 'err repcdor =tick, frrt e i. b.hemenstmil.
(.IPANISH WHITING—a) bill in otore, for
10eale b jeiN S. N. ITICKEMBLIAII
Njoommodknis Wareham., No. 351 Libertr cheer noo
oroupied br Nell k Linnet, will to rented, with the basin
privileges, from the let of !herb next. Apply to
ja2B:dif /30)151' WILKINS, 101 Fourth et
1)y - b ill y TE BEANS-30 bu prime, for sale
• ,4,1 Woad 0-
MERY-15 kap assortod, for solo by "" -FA 203 - 3. SCROONMAK ITIL CS)
IQUORItE BALL-5 eases small stia,
11_21 Mr we by . .. 3. EtIIOOMIAKER Pl.
TIECKER'S FARINA -3 eases for sale by
.1. 801110SMAKER &
8125, 81 50 1 and 81 75 per gallon.
'LAVERN KELPERS had better try Morris
a lizwortb's Prime Pala Fag ern Risunr, at the ov, above
p ham purchasing ,
AV. East shim of the Diamcmd.
FEATHERS-17 sacks prime for sale by
LARD -3 brls and 15 Iregn for sale by,
Jeri J. . .. DILWORTH aCO
ROOMS —BO dos just received bc
.1.8.D11.17021111 - CO.
FRUIT -100 bu Dried Peiehes;
150 bn Dried Sink.. for val.•
J. 8. DIM) TIT lk CO
VER3IILLION-1 c 4 9b genuine Chinese,
362 for gale br J. 'KIDD& CO.
1 60 Wood st
LASIPBLACK--50 hrls for rale - by
CASTOR 01L--10 brie Blow's best, for sale
br ja.Vl J KIDD CO.
SUM OPIU3 "—SO 1b for sale by
Lll .1a elta & CO
QUGAR LEAD-1 cask for 151°14
1.7.7 /43 .1 KIDD it CO
now la use
Xthawns Sinai 'foam J•l3. 4. ISa. .
Mr. IL E . Fellers—hem will stale to you that It
Tlt my °slimier: Pill , a n d se al WI% lett Pill now
u s trrlllrau: Irlesery htelteetneer our " 00It
MGM! IS as • family pill. and L fan supplanens all others.
/ aow speak from toyown expesthre, and from the ea- ,
herjemm of many my friend. and estaisanora.
Yourt reeprrUully.
P. —I pern . l . ltUd to ahmethe original kites. hul,.
.... gth e th 014 ., Vreamt.
All abort me tountmlaim or Sum initisiane
Pmshmem, resolleet that it. R. Fellers . Liras Ma am
oristhal and only true and .-ernoine Liter Pith soul
ho had at No. I. flood threat, and or Druggist. arm
111/11 In the two titles and vicinity. • jitM
Proposals for Chain Cable Iron.
' Anen'en Orme,
EALED PROPOSALS, i 4 diiplEutte, en
a.lll77lll:SP.'l,7l7htfo,holhig4,!"g"'2,rtg Febrn
erreteet, for funtlmung and dell erlng at.
oteh ti gton, ttritantit
,ther lai
Wa on in nl Dl h et lt Co o t tuahA tw anthechola cable
p _
P 5 .1 1
- n I
~ , w
- INo.ot cam
iaSZ , 1 , l._____
,a 3. •-•-•-•: — Tr , . 1
--- -'. '' Namte..,
- g §§l§gg 1 =. - ?
. .............----
i ,2 NI
i i . b. I
v4fity.tik i „,„„ tt. , ii. F.
°II4/-1 ,
5:p.t.,1 1 6.;>? - g or ,kbot.oort,-
;t a :4z
W the afdremil dish:L4bl. Iron mud he of the very
beautmallty of desire rot menu nulorr, fhto from adrolv'l
tam of foreign how It must he Latortiered from blooms l0(- 1
to rough but. That. for the lints mutt lima bv ont, , ,
piled. a nd Paned to Maut en nth In thkancon thou ag a in.
rot s piled, and tolled to My rt ' ulted alma and cut to tho
remitted lengths. That fur the /Startles, marries
.1,1, ant vasumai. all atnught and, the hammer to
gars nal shape, 'which will furnithed to our coutructor.!'
The whole Mast be della la straight Wield, five from:
all gave, rigged fade or vs,' or otbrr dchutes .ette: m!
such Proofs and Ptah. as the gateau of Coustruction, alp
meal. and Repel:. may dime, aod be In all respects lu th e .
nlira satisfaction and approval of the cocuseaudant a thel
Navy Yerd aesrmaid. or It .tot Lot beep:elm* nor Mil,
any pert rectory eahl it. bo eubiected Vitem aod woof um ,
lest eatle mddenci I. evalomd.' to the eahl eatuitiand ,
sat that tin has burn manufactured td he:rioter/re regd.!
The titmatlly nmuired to,,meke oneililld of use dif.l
kvut 16ad cabin must too deliver ed on'or teeny the]
first day of Julie next; fur Loather 11101 of all mg car,
Mos on or before Um tint - day of t/Priber 0001: aml ,
tbe mailer ma or before the thirty-tr. of Derembrei
lemmas deritous of ofrerlog to llistilsll th , .1.1 Imil
(should oh farther Informs/kat to +soaked to enable;
them to Mete n %bar odors) aro
amt mOMtasistlit
or onsdnandig ofem.r Mx"' tram; . .Wingtuss,
. . _ _ s. ....• . .
To Unv poems whose offer may be eoadd rotilrultr'
fob ..1,.1., drawings, and models dessnipttre of the volln,
ad minions of each kind of boo nroulret will to fondsh
ed. when the omits. L moored hoe execnilc..o.l t.
whOicfhh e mnt
m nm a u e s a t
Cmos.. •
quantity and the
pinstated or no rand,
nandtbe aggregate. amount of the.
givers and carrititot
Approved sunglegatde to the rstimateil minnint of the,
ovntnin will be moults. to the manner set forth to tbat,
lostrument,Mlll WILK. covinni In eddltlon .111 be withheld
from the amount of nob partacut eo Collateral wourity for
tbe faithful of the contra.. glootytor couti
amof each delivergwill be paid by the Navy Agent at
Was too within thirty shirt after the ptesoatatica of
to sn' foot, of by theemataandent of We raid
Navy• •
Eree7 offer 11211 A tllO Ilemonsalcld by • writku golinuity,
Lrtiat-onv t.r.erz,
some one known to t & th e of Construction, Po) that
If the oiler be amepted, the bklder or bidders will, within
lea days after the nocipt of tho contract at the pod calm
dmignsdisl, eremite the same, with grid and IRIM(31111:
sure to furnish th e sal chain cable iron, aduwaisly•
the tertits spotr.d In this toleertlJeseent, ethxh may Le
embolini in the centred. Thd law ut the 10th of August,
1001, Pandas the consideration of all proposals
91,1= 1 - ! .tc"`";rulli ..uuot.4 Luo
ot abort nnto that theY mar be dbittagatehod tru,
'other booboo. letter', In mkt to grevern. their being
"111 4 .11,=11Zif, it 6 act
yeanlannient, army Artictilar..ol 100 Puntlirol.or to.
*toy, tu. option of LW-Dorton of toostrurtioo. ariultv
ht tot and ltepair. The person whose elm imr ...Nog
.111 he notifirst and a contrrst forwarded without unite.*
sari OW , '
ftrm oaring are directed todesignitto the pod olNee
through .
•blch they loth to be addresoed cod We navy
anent to whom tba contract 11.11 te gent tr execution.—
And also roe Weal to nuke awls bids according to the form
hereto atinmunl. .1. 11. LIT/11tOY, Nan Agml ,. ,
, . RIM cJw ea. •
- •
• .
I fleVelrf Woe to furnish and deliver at tier Navy Lard
ot Wiabluston. Mettler. of Columbia, In coularralty sash
the term. of the advents:mon trout the Navy •Agcnth
aa. w.ininsum, oUth , d+7
lereLltt Ile. of chalet nth.. trot. of, th e eery that truetht .
Anentran tuartufacture. otithe rate of- mate per
• lb.. amounting to •
/1 . my. offer to accepted t I deirr• to be addrcrard through
the Rai rake at sod r , ,the central:l,lo be sent to•
the tarry meat .1- L 0 etheutlen.
1007 reneatfully, year otiolleut servant..
A. n. l
J. IL 141947: EA]
o .'l' Agora, Washington, N.
We the undrraigoed, neddent• oflo the Fief°
a wevhy guaranty theta I nrare the tarienthw
6100-- will, within ku days
after the - reprint of th e conthint al the nnotottire dcroth,a.
t h,„ Omq rob weal sod aufnclent sthvtlor, to
facalela the than cable than therein "tenant. In catheliat7
wine the torusof the adterthasthent =lda. which the mid
bid am mle. . ,
lr; •
I hereby certify that, ia Lbw best of say knowledge wed
Icier, the abuyeur guaraotors ara . ZW r ssonnke.
sei r iu gg w 1» gedgowdProp:ol/16f clugn=trao..
ESPECTFULLY announce that they will
Fitf'cite a Concert On Moaner teeming, 3 . 1 . ne
int HAT Their IntiSramate win contain a entente ve
nation of Perms. Duette. Trio, tinartette, no
theVeneta :A iente—tst be ms at Um usual planet . tin
at CSCclock , Concert will coloncence at nail
Am No
Canaan ' pnetponernentn account of the weather.
collection of
Alleghenian, can Le had at the Concert Itn=. ta27
he when ow ,TIIUtsDAY reeling'mat, both Joshua.
under the direction of Ilr. }titbit% KLLII2II. who will b.
acciidod by Aiwa litterr.mid Ilmoo, lllamOTy LAC,
NAN, Asomt. sod Wools., to-ether with a 'full and well
trained .Orrhonrw Amon g oautical tarreitles
decd. will to the !Cat/veal aim: the Star SiuMgled Manuel'
oral thtmeillr. Hymn,' with °rehears accompanimeuta
The r. A "..ww. will be publiahnl %fondly.
Thc Mamie modthis oreasabswill he famished to-
Mr. Ideher, hum th on e
celebrated manufactory of Nauru 2
Ticket} :-0 mutt to NI had at the germ] nf If. Sieber,
Thinfatreet. tore. U..
Hersh and Jason 3/e}inl2lll, Mar
km alma, and el We door au tho crewing the perform
. .
Tooara noon at 7.0:1ca, Concert to oacia . meTtee at. half-port
mato u . oka.k. Jal.Todul
-8 11. II L EDtakes pleasure fu na
nouncing that he his just opined a lot o
Nhoice liiimos of the eelehrsted mks o
orms it Cits...lDrknot. New York, which, with those
. hurl, form the [l.l•Vi Or rant, canal, and extermire stock
o...muttered In this city.
Among others, ono splendid t orithee i double tarred Ph.,
Louie. XIV style, with moa t nieir Improventent of Um over
=Minks. tho latest ando linyortent Lupton ement, to be
found only on IS oar, I Clerk's Mao.. dim, two =verb
Soli. Attachment Minos. .•
h1.13.-41;exiensire lot of Nem Mettle, \etohneisq; Jenny
Lpere,...l the choler/a INV fue. 7 Polk.. Wel... to. '
021 SIGN OP TIM GOLDF.N lank. 101 Third
Rt., Jeered. Chlorite., au/ Destatteh. copy.]
. 'Krim snEn 1832, y EDMTI
MiILKINS, No. 24 Liberty st.,
bold am en ond
• Ht ll li . WV.
a, ' Af. ' , 1 (..Z . ' Ti t"*'". ops,
shwa," on honnr and made In order atm Marb , , nod 44 my rid PA
r - Ad.. &kohl n/Dronornor on
gi•III.I, 111111.1101.1
ig - ZIZ, d .
I •
. -
Hon. Hamar Drany Clark Tkvddia• EM.
Ilan. Judge Mintlas John Ilsrper Pap. •
Wm. Ballard, jr., ram do, Mr, js.err; Est, =mt.
John Bnytter. Cod, Cash
littsbusah Bank. amines. Ils r lant. do.
J. rtovnberder. , ICU Corrrt • . do.
Wilson McCandless. Es p . donCdt. d o.
Robert MeKtddht, trop. D m. Psaalat•d C 0....
Jos_ MeKnlvld. Erp. Broahtsr D. T. Stores a Co.
• Joshua Mates dCo Yetdrre
d• totbnlt. EN, Allghen.V. •
E. W. frets grateful lu the neril gat:romp
r.tirealdusiur saloteen years to the cits,jbartnet had the
largest and best jobs eh Muted to hisare op to the pstment
Unar. and will endeavor to merle, astistaeticat hereafter.
RICE -36 tes prime CbrolinaJor sale by
Q HOT-50 kegs assorted Noe. for sale b
SYET:IPS-36 brie Golden Syriay.
Mbm Clarified do . tor ado by
711ALLOW-29 brb rec'd rer stean2er Arena
I. and for ado by It. PLOYD,
0.2.5 Round Much Bullditun
DOTASH-8 casks Duncan's
.1_ Cr tale tor ia23 J.
Ration of Oak, and vambheal ;15e sal.
REPT . SUGARS-20 braid: r
IGO trrly.ll.l
JAB. A. lltTallma t CO
AZA L0u1.59..P. KeAr.7.
DOUNtY LANDS—CArr. Alt14))1,
Attorney it Law, Nallit Third at., et' nrowm
y. ILITSZIVanDent, for o ritirrawo. Witt
prorate Bountr Lands for 14401.1 , tlwir
widows and ehildton, and .in attend si* any other hoot
new. connected with the garernment or ani of ittptlwrt•
menta, the Penzion Moe, oc dm Gouda at the: City of
.3YxI of evory.descrip
tllortc and - the hlghat prrmiul. Mkt
E =hany,o rfaadr, Or rn'
J.= Coo. Mint sad Mutat st.:
QUNDRIES-6 bales Cotton;`
16 Ws Nal lard;
33 i„,i; gook
2 lass pealed Peseta;
21 bag. Feather;
1500 Nrkowier Mama Maar. •
Now 1.1144 from ournowc'Eafflarreformt for orkla bf
PEARLS- 13 casks superior, for sale by
VORN-200 bu white b yellow, for rile by
j 3.27 • IfeCANDLESS.:
UTTER-10 brie-prime roll, for sale by
i s = • 7 " WICK L IfeCAMILESS.
E i A'g HERB-3 by
L'ALLLY FLOUR-4.0 brig extra, for ado by
isa i 11CR t DIoCANDLMS
ji.OI.7SE. OF REF tGE—Notice is hereby
g iTen, toss nn Eketton for offam of the Mum of
oae of Western rentrylvsalo, to meth a Peeddept : -VW:v
Prevalent. Teessares. bearetary, sad Melee city
be bold at Os Besons of the Bonn Of -nmk:ia ths city of
Pittstando. on-Thursday, Jul man' 30th inanat t: o'clock :
P. Oil nthweithem ere eetlowd o l to attend.
By ender of beariktorattee au behalf of the wratellnuors.
ItENJ. BATSON : Clubman
B..ll,—The menthers of the lkotthl Comenittes : thd of Um
_Various sub commit - ties, are most earnestly twinened to
adottedo ask error? tits mean tims. to obtain feather
,td..tottrt.P.ltht&am7,', War,ra
• tot of weelen my be tmattmd
mks, . Mesons ant wbo lav b e not a yet bad an edionthater. t
witsmitang, blab from this and e 4.1.0 conwits of Western
rentay knots, me Invited to be present at the Osaka put
Moen they manes m warterthers, and therthyttroalify
themselves to rote. . • -
fil;wojiLrxrt fu thn'nuioae Western PT'
nals 4rn regu , sted to copy tnt. mutt.) • U
RNPIKE MECTION—An election ions'
Lad at the toll house alto: Fanner/ and Meetuntes'
mike Read I:n3:soany, on the Oth 2 Inenctorbets Use
(atoning persons were dun elected no the yens IS3II.
V3l. EICIIDAUSI, Presuleut.
. ILF-21)11C REIS, Treanter.
T. A
Cree htn.lld •
• • )3
Gm C. Red.
.1. IL licCllol , ./,
N. IL Craig.
I BAD PlPE—Cornell's improved potent
.2_4 Lea Eye Lar liplolata,
romps, _
. ,
• A TITTg:Ire Lams,
All data or_ hood and to arrive . 5,r ..010 br
to2rxellf . ALEXANDER. GORDON. Water at.
F &MIT Y FLOUR-145 hes Rummy's extra
bbt. Emir!, dte,.
'jar j " ' leak ISrILE k CO
ROOMS-150 doi Peforest'a superior, for
1 .4 -4, ROBISON. LITTLE s Co,
)OT ASH--s easki just reed for /ale Or
143 • ROBISON, larrLE a Co
MANNERS' 0.11.-25 brill for sale by
YIG IRON-S 0 tuns Brush Creek, fur sale
by 1m2.3 ROBISON. LTITLE it CO
01ASSES-401.11brIs plantation, for tido•
Fr jaZ utrrelllklo4.4t Co
LEAD—?.S pigs Galena, for sale by
ls. 1? 1 inneundsr *co
"If INSEED pil.,—Dzi bile rec'd for side by
ci I,u . B. AF. ILAN.IILUG IT.
.. .__
ta brill 7A.o.lAlo.iocr,
'-' • SA brill 8. /L . do
FL lama Refinery, far sale b7_ .. . .
BURERIDEIN t tvouram,
J• 111 - 115 Water tt.
CLAY-58 bxa just reel by
RICE -40 tca just:rec'd for solo by
jeas IIL'RIIQIDGi i 1N0712.111
V OAF SUGAR--100 Ltirrels nss'd muntnirs
1....1e• -•• 'Au mammas .1 MUM*
MACKEREL; -48 qr, brls extra No.l, in
stom=a kr salli br• IQ.ILII DIMES( LOX
lister and lima da
WHITE 11811-15 brie and 40 hf do. for
rah by is:.3 I3AIAIc DICaEY G CO.
ER RING —lOO hts Lubec sealed, for sale
POFFEE-100 taiga prime and fancy Rio,
%JAE. We by' 7. b. WILLIAMS L CO,
E. 24 Can. Salta and Waal
S UGC—Prime, new and old Orleans Leal;
r'watr4 rr
J. D. VcILLIANS a Co 'l,
j 2.24
_ _ .
OLASSES—Pluntntion k Supr 'lour;
ITJr- ("4" 1.T. P O r atlV4 CO:
r AS-30 hf chats med. io extra fine Green;
to 'VI:LA' elm% sad d' il,loalK_ H ll d' l,4,
J. D.WILLIAits f'
Itbitu—N, )4. 31.
sad Uerklest •
Preserved Peaches, (Imes end Sir . ..slaw/vier.
trr rale Gr pie+ - J.D. WILMA .R I! CO
AlLegheny sad Butler.Thmk Bead—
HE nu dersi gned Commisaimvarti beieby
sire not. to the Stenklsoldere of the Allegheny sad
MeLk PI. so. Road Compton that election to elect cue
e Olent.•fiee Manatees and a 1n... fbr ealileecupony.
Ain t e held at the Imo. of Mr.:Toner,. Baker.... to
lhmberty County.= Thur.., the :fah of Nebr.. non,
to roes. it Met.° dock. a.
redlu. Plullin.. • •
Jacob Merhilligiir, • ao. tY,
Illiam Campbell, • . Bulll, • •
l e.
. '
tkonc. Maier, G. Pooltaine„. • -
L ti. Pure. •Arst. Ulabr. ••
' John , •
David Waa.
O.T. . Lyon, • • • • •Peter ..ley e •
Thom. m - ountatn, TAFI9.6. Stelkart:
3,33114.17 t„0,h.1•51/
COMPANY, Terms 1,3, 1541. -
one Trusted af the, Pittsburgh Lisa eteeleatte hoes Ws!
day deehted a Mildest of nen per cent, out of the mats
the loot slO Scathe, on the l'apltal Nod. pal los 1.0±.,
hurt. stod bolds. or their Ipinl rspresstaUss.
labs of agice, of the Works.
JanitxL'• • Jr,JIIZ Y. CIEItISTT, Treeissa, -
BARR CH NCE—Arcepectablo young
man ><Uhhag arc heed, .1W •eahlthl Ur. to six
landfall:ales to easy In prontable and sclonedge
smts, sbleb duurls Isis moss In lm sisn sir
. months.
no. Dos of Ms eturs ‘ l, - rdooppine hr Ilse
the post olls, Salina; `them
haal Uptelte9 CUAILLES-00.11.u55,..
Fri A I bblo for solo
.1. io tiscrXnera
• _
tane about
lm re.vt. irtr righlAge . WM ka.M . X I
the tm:om met ecaltute !Ors
i.ll‘. d m,
ce, at Om /arte auction striro ilsnce,T;
sta. Wand street., This spletatt collection
dr.:= Dry 41=4.101111 cumplitestmOrt
non of ow coopected with the Dry ais Trans. ninl,
be examined the day Drtriotts lo sin and on itanweri
will be Aural
to any Wen sees ofof MD Du
ilmniltglUmilw soy rare ot v.... H..ta
'ime. poi newts or Famine*, wont' to .natiMit
bhaeresta. guns %lc-I. • th , er
r Mralll• time, Meat • similar opportunity. Disida to
op In etich lots me MT stilt all putthuers. • 8.1Art..,i .
seats will be cowered to amantoooate Watt Dt,
Ltillt.. Agent..
S, UNDRIRS:-.3 brls fresh Roll Butter; 'A
3 M. Egr.r.
' CS pekl a!ltr.l Qr. Mak
by /.I%%Vo'°-
biasing Perspective, and painting in Oilj
11, ,
IL is noir'prewe to
1. otrnetkoa to a ker pupil. in Ute different brattetre. ,
tri t delightful an. at Ids re. - ims, Ifeitcra. - Bcalfe
Atkinaon'a nen building, Tint greet. between Road steel
Market gored, of instruction. from 2Y to i 4. ea,
front CM to sh' 8 Chug.; and other radiation. em
hue...1./ 11 .Z (afternoon). tlie masa •;,'
ikkrt4 Dr. Ci ••• JaMdtl.
TOCKS FOR S'A.I.E--We.stens Ins. Stcck, , i
Tingle Creek Phut fluid Enegn • o,
itsbur,h, Cincintretlerel LeeneTille,Telegraphl
Nimble ',sinter noel; /land
liktre Popper neer.. *PLO. CO,
it= 74 Yonriti
DLAIN BLACK S 1 L K S--31ciLettr
Dreamt. ham. received • eery NR sat , Tlf N Oar.;
which they tan 4 , 11 at Inon pri VS than they shl
fretertaly it sold at; also, Ihesek Ft:mut and thochhi dde.
heve4tlyla. . • is=
rpGRO SATINS, o£• tbn roost: desirabl
shades,to be but at the state of
WARE--English Americza 13titar3
. r jrnla Nes Sete. Ilstol do.: Plstsi Ilmbets,,Nodbert/ek ,- !
Anders and Troysz:Plabld Crud fret ondltry iron' ROI
and / 11 . 1 /*Tsble MUM. Silsee Itrid Symms. lnd Bet:
tor Knlrow Plated Axel Uerman Fdrer Ark.l eui
Ml' M brnallito l lr2= 6 4l d o n A=trf=
Amy very superior Moder kw closable' and be hrldng sadtri
are. Brushes tor..c:osnLy. ChatoolsSkin.% S.M.:
Dusk+, - i •-• .
4Cw•Fos BACIMVIII—.Sayer's eeletaated !Lea Iltebid
about cheatse of• batoebkla oil; make coffee. cOok bar.
Oat, oysters, or any thing etc to • few minutes.
For seta by W. W. WILSON;
ja:.Z ' Market and Fourth er2
COTTON- , -21 bales for sale 111
it= TAAWI warn a co, %arra rriort
j_ radTm en.l Wr uls Ors-
a. E. BELLErt", WkOlef.ale Asumi.
RIED FRUIT-30 brls Pried Apples;
de t. e.seleei„c,
*IS - ik .t Wad
BULK PORK-200 pieces hokrouna,
trimmed, kr sale by 11AOALET it CO ,
lINCIi IL&ISIISIS---W) boxes Kraie bj
bead, MeV, frees steamer Der
LEYtu c
OAF 5114.1111-30 bit: for sale by
Itrudersto &Co's Sanempari,l*
Irsbarmaparilla, for male by . C. E. MUMS?,
POIDEIt-!.5p k j els r bl y atrt o i l uJor ascilhe
brio No 3 Mackerel;
eWuOod&b,fs We by •
ODA AS.IIZ. casks JOIIIISiOIf B bran:
form. 31= a. R. YIOTD
doz for salop -
AMEETING or the Board of Managere
ii,3 AlMinty Onta,ti Arrinalqu h vl ro Scelet,L=Pc
16:11,it acs 1414 . ate Mis.ityl TA,
Drug and Prescription Store for Sale.
locaftd In &wishing oad imtmnang net a... ,
redorldell As doing • rtotitablo boalnam *Pool
for oda lawn rear tunas For Author partileralal
aPDIT at the Chnaddo oft+, ja:l
uro • otash,
. . - ging in im
L. SS Wool K.
• ; •A•#i .1 I it :ea
hewing ben eutreteloi; k lbw Timm= I
otheilf IWO echoole iPhtleito ofetdoll o.holthlo //oh
dor Wye and Wes; on Monday noaa, to• a - Moe
of dui Elfth Poeth/Thodolt Cteareh /Withheld eerie.
rd largo Ipaf
C(1 . 0-PARTNERSHIP—We have We di
d.tselated with us, BenjaminS.llutabch The b
In be cantimuct herctotlsra, under the ibus of
Pittsburgh. January 21ftVat t W. a C9
ICE-15 casks Carolina for sale It )
N OTICE— I T e ho
d paip t e
m r
usthip e '
m he e r nd t . o - f T o
h r e i
51po g th rtnn.bytHok ua ta Ga
te e
twee DUI brreafter beranied at by lienry L. Whom o
G.tti.etty to the more dtpons.kktterdenut
• •
• • • v- • - • 4.1016a1
klill bout*. the um of lapopt mtatubeictor:3.
Notional Lotto rund Lito4anasanat Ekocktn4
akkiestim b Q.
e r o L
rdared far asettlat
n nt la ' m
E t novrr* m * a i { ne tbat
La;no.. t
ROLL BUTTER-25 brit *oh, in gti
ikraa. tbr ralr br FAL RAGALEY .11106
10.3 ' 18223ir••• R 1
I.I 4RI—N : I Learalctb 2 °° ° iilAy
k CO <
A SIIES-10 casks Pure Potash •
`" 1 .7. AZ chmk.
SELARS-1130,000 common for sale -%
UTTER -16 Erlo-prime roll for tele
s. a snmy j
39 S . , 1 l Ui . S besluzzla
Winter Clothing atltedneed Prices, i
T WM, DIOBY'S Cheap Cash Clothl
derMarty Wee. ' i
the &Wm eltabUdaneeett beins flair
go d oVEII:IXIP, ' , A=Valf=rl"l, extl th y rt
rim hes determined to nifty tbem L great=
viva:2 - 6thinlTr.ll.4.llt=trir a *V ,
to fever him with . cellos mu buiphst br
BBOOMS--85 doz for iikle by -
J. 21 • - - JonTro-.!i.
iIrIICKORY NUTS-2 brio for rale by, 't
114...hi= • ---tru.m..rowooror,'
.DR i I I ePLES-40 arFkal r 'o ,, T 211301 g.
CO i lff- r 41.50 bu unshelled,
ROLL BUTTER-2 bill fresh for sale V,
COTTON lIITTZ'G-,-100 hales for vale;
CI TAP. -CANDLES--30 bxs
• "•'' ". • itursoix;ED:a
N dor. Lottofo EffLoott foitoo Poootkoololof,
14 dos. lonntLind Ssobato.loszooolia: ,
mow: won.
dos ciiinotort small Ihrthas.
-Mottle: lath a full Wad nairplerta awatsest a Mu;
tomoolt - itet Wocivoli cod for sale so Ybitodelf,O4 Drs
tbo coiner of Woad and &Issh strerts. -
. ft. WlClfis..l oi!
MALLOW—Thirty barrels Sheep aud ttr;:
m " . " 4 Vasii:erbAsimicza.l.
PrIXOTELY SKE7)-4 barrels recai*l ,
fa rY br sAtarzsx.ntarrsa.',l
VIIESNTJTS—Sixte bualiels received' Li.
APPLES--a,V bushel just red
JL.I nindla de try Dat we V 1..917:.1
VIOIARCES—Fifty barrels .of new cill
"'4 " ."1 by tttreta. P. EMUTXRA
j. 20 Na mad Lai hemodstrue!
FLOUR—Sesenty fivo burels Family
fleeted sad fax sale b ,
it, :ml:llo l.lrecdi BLITTE
0.• Twenty bbarrelsa etrod .4.1.
VIA)UR-IQII brle'superfale; • .
, T. Aga's, mi..,
APPLES—fifty bushelareceived
JUIF Sr tale try AZ SAMUEL P.1111$117.1!
"WHITE ISEANS--6 lxurels received 0.1
v for lab " • *X. EIXMIIEL P. SWUM:
I A RD,-Twenty barrels and thirty kit,
JLA 1 Lod iv/mied and 611 . 1:214 .
EAXCEL r. =mt- Y:
The ittstarrthdp bemtutore exBti46- beractillxu
stet Wet. EWA... ecdari
out. of Mow MeColllster Co e lets been Watetteti
the gale of all the Intetut of the etid dtteellLitr Merl/
71111:1141 Mar and Jam. Thant she le eethestlos
eudet feed. este of the haesebert et the sahltuseytillil
( e r 7 U trt !a= k".h ii "‘ ie ,' ft ' ut
:1; lnill l
t4ll h I ., Jett.
..Ng t Co,
vrted .tx,
_wk.* °tdy
07 ker..* T " on latersalClar wader th4rs
-has been nml•aN_f alimived an ./..77
4=1 1 =12C0nt1,1 6 V.2, , 1e, add tn .
ri jib., UV .7, to 7,T4ilis " 1 .1. 1 7, sok4.4 4 the
at Ma 014 Arm such Inttlement. W u '
• .42" n: 11._Toonsti vill arry on tbs . poi+ tr4,4sitthe
MOLT to re.. cassonans. , ..$3717
BEAUTY. - 1t is uaiversallycinkede4 t . •
beauty Is moo ammo Le MU metr! Lama Ilb e
mmor, while at tie sum tame It Lmal that ae riO 0.,-
country to 11 but at is, TOYAg .U. 2 ,,,,,, LW. M.kMal •
remain extrmi, but the Ima ts ottou mused by woia. ; • .
may to all, de not wake' rau . romoreal .DPWSUaIk!
'ftad the &abloom. mal_yoo neat pat Met oval- iook ,
Thew articles an tsiestiZa pr.araari,raa, bag lala:, L
Mimed &blob bt) , ' •. ' •' - t
JIM.* llauara or Moon Pordm . , for ; L .
to tbo mott Mama comobatimo a radiant • bitemum .
nothing dank a perm:ale more meld it= Um me i ' •
powder tbS the akto ot =or of Um...0G0 an Ter, l a i . .
v .,. my aim. Iscsedssis asoraded tomeemUlie u-
um =I eoutatua uo oirrad s r. 'ubir-b omaYomilly 1,4
up injum . .
dales " Drone.) P.. h rs t ialejthi Mei
: r nr....4 M .., 10[4" come .
21 , 11.Ad0 4 . 111 ntotrr:rigi ' ..0 -
11meolibtrat Atm ital of ...Tatars; bmareammt, ,
a oles 11.4 Tegetete Lapail Dye La luatot
rammai Unart tared. bite. as slay 118.4 • beautul
t ,,,.. k. 1..., or aa calm. Is lall <Mar the balr 4 '
atariar tam. aal mere efectaany Una em,y,uthey a i r .
Ms at *mama ttma Matetillaim..
__ .
JUL. 1/..el ONu TiAir carom.-11 Le really a bleasux • '
.h.,. 'pith this crew. limn is Load. of tbalemarling
won ~,...ny arperkmeert in Cm tae of mast
~,,,iii, le Jean. the sath =bath semi - ".".... •
Gsea,..mal oat Liable to teams thoppod .I— fri •
Jules Moors Pose , Tootbowww—N.d. c, ~, , ,r A
&Mt Um Teeth men trdetWea ae the goaded cmiAla •
lila hums rafS.tat , rta,% tr .atr i =' aotalag taz.z,,, ,-
g t.... 4 0 ~,:'. _ b d t ...... It the oo
rastU, tlt?
tho. v...lna alto '7l . ; ,*: ' m at •
..; , A -
127. L. Padthairruatibri
lnd .111. AL tan%
1 ,
. .
. • ' •
.. • . . .
, .
.. -, '' • . - . -
..• • ' .
, • •
, . .
. • ..
. ,
. .
. •
. . •
• • ,
• , .
.•, . • •
•. . .