• PITTSBURGH GAZETT rriLianzp BY WILITZ A•CO PITTFIBUROE , ! .TUESDAY MORNENG,..JANUAILL .28, 1851 . . 414 Cklp.ifF,...,VACs.T. — The: Toner viii perceive, o:reference to our advertising columns, "that.h — the Charity Coneert advertised for this, 'lncauloy,ev'eniag, has been . pesponed to Toes.day evening, Feb: 4th, when it will be held at Dr. Rid- Church:lt is a concert of sawed Music, the proceeds of vihicli . trill to handed over to the Tout% ladies '. Association for the Belief of the P00r.,. Let'the noose be Oa ' . The work on tho Ohio and Pennsylvania Rail toad, In :4.l ; legheny tity, and vicinity, is 'going forward : 4 1sitit great rapidity ..'. The truck will be .ready for tite rat early in thespriiig, and as the ironic to hand we may expect this :cad of the line to finished In good season. The.Octripany, has purchased, as a site for the outer depot , . the twenty acres of ground,situated :I :in thit lowet part of the city, recently offered for `Vile by Vm. 0' QUIL Robinson, Esq. The price Pad for the ground was $a5,060, and the mode ana t time of payment is favorable for the Compa ' ny. 1 The Company have secured this beautiful sad imost eligible site at a rate decidedly cheap. It will be worth quadruple this ainount in a few • years. lfea.rly evcry4nestion 9f depots, right of waits-, so difficult to manage in a region like this, is now Settled, and the work under its pro • scat Able management will go rapidly forward to completifsti: - , • prirsumg AND rrs ve.trzys r E u The natural keographical potitio of Pitts burgh is oiie of the most remarlatblo the con tinent. A great .ralley,. running el with the mountains, dad nig. far from them, extends fro!? the southwestern port of New York, Mire - Iracross Permsylnuns, into North Western Pu ginlar collecting the Mountain streams' for a die 'large Uf More thin fear' hundred miles. These waters brought together frmn opposite directions by thedllegheoy and dlonongahel i a ers; when, united, forma large navigable river -.I this point, although not fifty miles from the time the wieldable in width they have their 201:11Te. I whis .eraark.able topographicalfeature renders , this .eity '.,the natural commercial cntro 'of a , latge region of extraordinary natural resour- We spoke a few days ago, of the valley of the Alle*ny-;,its rah:lent wealth, of its tieing the route indicated by nature fora ennection, either by clack water navigation or rail road, with the gestat thorougbfares of 1. , Z0w On'the other hand, the people of Tru ll itha are 'now seeking for a connection with this city, by means of an extension of the Monongahela slack water Seep Brownsville, where it now terminates, . . - to Pnientont, in :Marion county, Virginia, some thirty fie or forty miles 'above 31.54 The:Baltmore and. Ohio nail Road Monongahela. at Fairmont. • • ' The trade and tercel upon the 3I slack valor: although only extendin Ville, - is *cry huge and important. enter navigation of the Youghiozh eonlitteneo with the Monongahela of West. lieriton, hat also opened and Mutually beneficial trade bate etthatfino valley and this eity.i Thg Monogahela and ita tributakim drain a region which for agricultural and mineral wealth km few equals on the globe. Its coal is at the font quality, and in quantitim beyond the possi bility er.hanstion. It is also Fell stocked ". with iron ore, and other :valuable minerals. and its agricultural- capabilities aro ofd the first or- Perhaps most of opt readers May nay, we knew thinheforc. , Very likely; but we now come . fit what we want to say;which is, that as nature indicated Pittsburgh as the commercial cen twit of this double valley, or. - these \ two valleys, her interest is intimately, indissolubly, connected with theia. there are no assignable limitito their prOinctiveness, so - there aroinone to the benefit which she may derive ffcim.them as their great central factory, their commercial centre. We believe it to be her intercst to otiite her mar glee - with the people of these valley in, carrying out whr.tevei plena may be fixed upon for facili tating ,trnde and intercourse With ) them. Re member it is thclimanufaciaring callabilities that give them importance, not their agricultural re altheugh these too are important. Nye are gratified to sec thit the people up the -Allegheny - axe beginning to bestir themselves in the molter of a - nal - road from this city, to pass thrones, the richest of the iron region ofhhat to Mean, N. Y., to intersect the Now York =a Erie Rail B.oad. . .:lifint an immense advantage this road would he both to thin city and that greet shone of iron and lumber. The route they peopose is lila Clio , Icit titer to its source, thence . over the dividing `.ridge to a 'stream which runs in the opposite .rt:44loti to 016uv (one of the bead waters of the Pegireq.). Thus from Pittsburghto Olean there -.Would be but one summit, and froni that summit to thin city there would boo slight descent all the wtty. locomotive,, o n such road, could transport at onto hundreds of to of freight; . at a costs so.low-that iron, or, 7nr rc utf ha transported upon it et d' take that trade off the riat , , , Dues would then come in regularly tloodi as now; regulated only by 111: i....er. LUmber could be brought reed, le-tail's hands, and not as now, w and months to Bc43°D-r ._Vhile it is true that this city m cited in reference to the Great :chief.somuo of prosperity has -I) ''continue to beg in her relation to valleys, as their factory and co ThemOretheirresoneou are drawn 1 .1 0, P ,os Per• • -- Et • cmpfield Railroad Comp • 'try organised ; and the , following g been sleeted Direetars, to wit ilOzt. McKenna, Presidcn, 'lt Kula: and Thigh Y. Brady, of ‘Eihasbbaszar Elution Esq., tea., • George Wdlsort„ Esq., of West Al• Messrs. Sma.l Neal and Jae. Peall . MieViodongraela - Bepullican - e. Company is now awaiting the act lalature et - Virgin' ia, before which In; granting the right of nay:. farodabithe mad will be located. tho opinion that: the Company will Yong time befareSirginia gmnts the •ed ; sod it the right of passage Ire think it exceedingly doubtful if toilets could he found willing to. ay 1n eo doubtful en -experiment that a full eiamination of the what; elated by the light of accurate Imre that tho IferaPtleld roue poetesses tagef over that through l'itti'har_ .1 the West, and that it will be folly "tar on a project of so uncertain 'Tonle through Pittsburgh is t "ing, and will soon be completed, ..eusreol to It connections with the Prez - I . ..North Vest superior to.any IWashingteu can possibly hope to .1 .also have, at comparatively titian =Miens withovery railroad co •.1 River from the West, from thiacit In view of all these'circumstances, wlll beratbei up-hlll ivork to oh • R thallempfieldproject cm if the 'Obtained froiaVirginia, Irhich Sa ' p robable. The local F4itor of the Cotnnte al Journal is. ontsmuin upiti the Connecticut' I I l aws. :"..lidllllL9 that - we bare nailed the to , terfelt to the Weill, but he insists thotlthcie were some genuine °Blue Laws."- Is new to us, Ara as soon On we barn „icisure t we will examine them. •I? - g or ,kbot.oort,- ,rxr.5ZU ;t a :4z , W the afdremil dish:L4bl. Iron mud he of the very beautmallty of desire rot menu nulorr, fhto from adrolv'l tam of foreign how It must he Latortiered from blooms l0(- 1 to rough but. That. for the lints mutt lima bv ont, , , piled. a nd Paned to Maut en nth In thkancon thou ag a in. rot s piled, and tolled to My rt ' ulted alma and cut to tho remitted lengths. That fur the /Startles, marries tsrt,,, .1,1, ant vasumai. all atnught and, the hammer to gars nal shape, 'which will furnithed to our coutructor.!' The whole Mast be della la straight Wield, five from: all gave, rigged fade or vs,' or otbrr dchutes .ette: m! such Proofs and Ptah. as the gateau of Coustruction, alp meal. and Repel:. may dime, aod be In all respects lu th e . nlira satisfaction and approval of the cocuseaudant a thel Navy Yerd aesrmaid. or It .tot Lot beep:elm* nor Mil, any pert rectory eahl it. bo eubiected Vitem aod woof um , lest eatle mddenci I. evalomd.' to the eahl eatuitiand , sat that tin has burn manufactured td he:rioter/re regd.! The titmatlly nmuired to,,meke oneililld of use dif.l kvut 16ad cabin must too deliver ed on'or teeny the] first day of Julie next; fur Loather 11101 of all mg car, Mos on or before Um tint - day of t/Priber 0001: aml , tbe mailer ma or before the thirty-tr. of Derembrei met lemmas deritous of ofrerlog to llistilsll th , .1.1 Imil (should oh farther Informs/kat to +soaked to enable; them to Mete n %bar odors) aro :refunertea amt mOMtasistlit or onsdnandig ofem.r olT.ar Mx"' tram; . .Wingtuss, . . _ _ s. ....• . . To Unv poems whose offer may be eoadd rotilrultr' fob ..1,.1., drawings, and models dessnipttre of the volln, ad minions of each kind of boo nroulret will to fondsh , ed. when the omits. L moored hoe execnilc..o.l t. whOicfhh e mnt m nm a u e s a t Cmos.. • quantity and the pinstated or no rand, nandtbe aggregate. amount of the. givers and carrititot Approved sunglegatde to the rstimateil minnint of the, ovntnin will be moults. to the manner set forth to tbat, lostrument,Mlll WILK. covinni In eddltlon .111 be withheld from the amount of nob partacut eo Collateral wourity for tbe faithful of the contra.. glootytor couti amof each delivergwill be paid by the Navy Agent at Was too within thirty shirt after the ptesoatatica of to sn' foot, of by theemataandent of We raid Navy• • Eree7 offer 11211 A tllO Ilemonsalcld by • writku golinuity, Lrtiat-onv t.r.erz, some one known to t & th e of Construction, Po) that If the oiler be amepted, the bklder or bidders will, within lea days after the nocipt of tho contract at the pod calm dmignsdisl, eremite the same, with grid and IRIM(31111: sure to furnish th e sal chain cable iron, aduwaisly• the tertits spotr.d In this toleertlJeseent, ethxh may Le embolini in the centred. Thd law ut the 10th of August, 1001, Pandas the consideration of all proposals 91,1= 1 - ! .tc"`";rulli ..uuot.4 Luo ot abort nnto that theY mar be dbittagatehod tru, 'other booboo. letter', In mkt to grevern. their being "111 4 .11,=11Zif, it 6 act yeanlannient, army Artictilar..ol 100 Puntlirol.or to. *toy, tu. option of LW-Dorton of toostrurtioo. ariultv ht tot and ltepair. The person whose elm imr ...Nog .111 he notifirst and a contrrst forwarded without unite.* sari OW , ' ftrm oaring are directed todesignitto the pod olNee through . •blch they loth to be addresoed cod We navy anent to whom tba contract 11.11 te gent tr execution.— And also roe Weal to nuke awls bids according to the form hereto atinmunl. .1. 11. LIT/11tOY, Nan Agml ,. , , . RIM cJw ea. • - • • . I fleVelrf Woe to furnish and deliver at tier Navy Lard ot Wiabluston. Mettler. of Columbia, In coularralty sash the term. of the advents:mon trout the Navy •Agcnth aa. w.ininsum, oUth , d+7 lereLltt Ile. of chalet nth.. trot. of, th e eery that truetht . Anentran tuartufacture. otithe rate of- mate per • lb.. amounting to • /1 . my. offer to accepted t I deirr• to be addrcrard through the Rai rake at sod r , ,the central:l,lo be sent to• the tarry meat .1- L 0 etheutlen. 1007 reneatfully, year otiolleut servant.. A. n. l J. IL 141947: EA] o .'l' Agora, Washington, N. We the undrraigoed, neddent• oflo the Fief° a wevhy guaranty theta I nrare the tarienthw 6100-- will, within ku days after the - reprint of th e conthint al the nnotottire dcroth,a. t h,„ Omq rob weal sod aufnclent sthvtlor, to facalela the than cable than therein "tenant. In catheliat7 wine the torusof the adterthasthent =lda. which the mid bid am mle. . , lr; • I hereby certify that, ia Lbw best of say knowledge wed Icier, the abuyeur guaraotors ara . ZW r ssonnke. sei r iu gg w 1» gedgowdProp:ol/16f clugn=trao.. Alqusomvits. WIIMNS EGM. TIE ALLEGHANIANS ESPECTFULLY announce that they will Fitf'cite a Concert On Moaner teeming, 3 . 1 . ne int HAT Their IntiSramate win contain a entente ve nation of Perms. Duette. Trio, tinartette, no theVeneta :A iente—tst be ms at Um usual planet . tin n., Cultsupon at CSCclock , Concert will coloncence at nail et°select- Am No Canaan ' pnetponernentn account of the weather. collection of Alleghenian, can Le had at the Concert Itn=. ta27 GRAND CHARITY'. CONCERT. for 4,h0 ItENUFITt}f the ALI.Y/IRE:4Y PAPUA'S ASYLUM:, he when ow ,TIIUtsDAY reeling'mat, both Joshua. under the direction of Ilr. }titbit% KLLII2II. who will b. acciidod by Aiwa litterr.mid Ilmoo, lllamOTy LAC, NAN, Asomt. sod Wools., to-ether with a 'full and well trained .Orrhonrw Amon g oautical tarreitles decd. will to the !Cat/veal aim: the Star SiuMgled Manuel' oral thtmeillr. Hymn,' with °rehears accompanimeuta The r. A "..ww. will be publiahnl %fondly. Thc Mamie modthis oreasabswill he famished to- Mr. Ideher, hum th on e celebrated manufactory of Nauru 2 Cluk. Ticket} :-0 mutt to NI had at the germ] nf If. Sieber, Thinfatreet. tore. U.. Hersh and Jason 3/e}inl2lll, Mar km alma, and el We door au tho crewing the perform , . . Tooara noon at 7.0:1ca, Concert to oacia . meTtee at. half-port mato u . oka.k. Jal.Todul , PLENDID NEW PIANOS -8 11. II L EDtakes pleasure fu na - nouncing that he his just opined a lot o Nhoice liiimos of the eelehrsted mks o orms it Cits...lDrknot. New York, which, with those . hurl, form the [l.l•Vi Or rant, canal, and extermire stock o...muttered In this city. Among others, ono splendid t orithee i double tarred Ph., Louie. XIV style, with moa t nieir Improventent of Um over =Minks. tho latest ando linyortent Lupton ement, to be found only on IS oar, I Clerk's Mao.. dim, two =verb Soli. Attachment Minos. .• h1.13.-41;exiensire lot of Nem Mettle, \etohneisq; Jenny Lpere,...l the choler/a INV fue. 7 Polk.. Wel... to. ' 021 SIGN OP TIM GOLDF.N lank. 101 Third Rt., Jeered. Chlorite., au/ Destatteh. copy.] EAGLE YAIIIItE W BSS. I I . 'Krim snEn 1832, y EDMTI MiILKINS, No. 24 Liberty st., bold am en ond • Ht ll li . WV. a, ' Af. ' , 1 (..Z . ' Ti t"*'". ops, shwa," on honnr and made In order atm ebok.st Marb , , nod 44 my rid PA r - Ad.. &kohl n/Dronornor on gi•III.I, 111111.1101.1 *- ig - ZIZ, d . Iffi I • . - Hon. Hamar Drany Clark Tkvddia• EM. Ilan. Judge Mintlas John Ilsrper Pap. • Wm. Ballard, jr., ram do, Mr, js.err; Est, =mt. John Bnytter. Cod, Cash littsbusah Bank. amines. Ils r lant. do. J. rtovnberder. , ICU Corrrt • . do. Wilson McCandless. Es p . donCdt. d o. Robert MeKtddht, trop. D m. Psaalat•d C 0.... Jos_ MeKnlvld. Erp. Broahtsr D. T. Stores a Co. • Joshua Mates dCo Yetdrre d• totbnlt. EN, Allghen.V. • E. W. frets grateful lu the neril gat:romp r.tirealdusiur saloteen years to the cits,jbartnet had the largest and best jobs eh Muted to hisare op to the pstment Unar. and will endeavor to merle, astistaeticat hereafter. sf.4' RICE -36 tes prime CbrolinaJor sale by JAS. A. lILICIIISON A CO Q HOT-50 kegs assorted Noe. for sale b ies : DAS. A. OLIVII/BON & OD SYET:IPS-36 brie Golden Syriay. Mbm Clarified do . tor ado by JG JAS. A. MMITISON CO 711ALLOW-29 brb rec'd rer stean2er Arena I. and for ado by It. PLOYD, 0.2.5 Round Much Bullditun DOTASH-8 casks Duncan's .1_ Cr tale tor ia23 J. grjAK DIITATION—Paper Ration of Oak, and vambheal ;15e sal. ' IV. P. MARE REPT . SUGARS-20 braid: r IGO trrly.ll.l dt.trrush T JAB. A. lltTallma t CO AZA L0u1.59..P. KeAr.7. DOUNtY LANDS—CArr. Alt14))1, Attorney it Law, Nallit Third at., et' nrowm y. ILITSZIVanDent, for o ritirrawo. Witt prorate Bountr Lands for 14401.1 , tlwir widows and ehildton, and .in attend si* any other hoot new. connected with the garernment or ani of ittptlwrt• menta, the Penzion Moe, oc dm Gouda at the: City of Washitorton QILVER COIN W, NM .3YxI of evory.descrip tllortc and - the hlghat prrmiul. Mkt E =hany,o rfaadr, Or rn' A. WILJUNg a CO-. J.= Coo. Mint sad Mutat st.: QUNDRIES-6 bales Cotton;` 16 Ws Nal lard; M%= 33 i„,i; gook 2 lass pealed Peseta; 21 bag. Feather; 1500 Nrkowier Mama Maar. • Now 1.1144 from ournowc'Eafflarreformt for orkla bf Dr= 'SULU. DICNEY W. PEARLS- 13 casks superior, for sale by • WICK & IIeCANDLESR, VORN-200 bu white b yellow, for rile by j 3.27 • IfeCANDLESS.: UTTER-10 brie-prime roll, for sale by i s = • 7 " WICK L IfeCAMILESS. E i A'g HERB-3 by L'ALLLY FLOUR-4.0 brig extra, for ado by isa i 11CR t DIoCANDLMS ji.OI.7SE. OF REF tGE—Notice is hereby g iTen, toss nn Eketton for offam of the Mum of oae of Western rentrylvsalo, to meth a Peeddept : -VW:v Prevalent. Teessares. bearetary, sad Melee city be bold at Os Besons of the Bonn Of -nmk:ia ths city of Pittstando. on-Thursday, Jul man' 30th inanat t: o'clock : P. Oil nthweithem ere eetlowd o l to attend. By ender of beariktorattee au behalf of the wratellnuors. ItENJ. BATSON : Clubman 111 B..ll,—The menthers of the lkotthl Comenittes : thd of Um _Various sub commit - ties, are most earnestly twinened to adottedo ask error? tits mean tims. to obtain feather ,td..tottrt.P.ltht&am7,', War,ra • tot of weelen my be tmattmd mks, . Mesons ant wbo lav b e not a yet bad an edionthater. t witsmitang, blab from this and e 4.1.0 conwits of Western rentay knots, me Invited to be present at the Osaka put Moen they manes m warterthers, and therthyttroalify themselves to rote. . • - fil;wojiLrxrt fu thn'nuioae Western PT' nals 4rn regu , sted to copy tnt. mutt.) • U RNPIKE MECTION—An election ions' Lad at the toll house alto: Fanner/ and Meetuntes' mike Read I:n3:soany, on the Oth 2 Inenctorbets Use (atoning persons were dun elected no the yens IS3II. V3l. EICIIDAUSI, Presuleut. . ILF-21)11C REIS, Treanter. suvaua T. A Cree htn.lld • • • )3 Gm C. Red. .1. IL licCllol , ./, Ik•ele, N. IL Craig. I BAD PlPE—Cornell's improved potent 1J .2_4 Lea Eye Lar liplolata, • romps, _ . , • A TITTg:Ire Lams, • All data or_ hood and to arrive . 5,r ..010 br to2rxellf . ALEXANDER. GORDON. Water at. F &MIT Y FLOUR-145 hes Rummy's extra bbt. Emir!, dte,. 'jar j " ' leak ISrILE k CO ROOMS-150 doi Peforest'a superior, for B 1 .4 -4, ROBISON. LITTLE s Co, )OT ASH--s easki just reed for /ale Or 143 • ROBISON, larrLE a Co MANNERS' 0.11.-25 brill for sale by pk= ROBISON. LITTLE t CO YIG IRON-S 0 tuns Brush Creek, fur sale by 1m2.3 ROBISON. LTITLE it CO 01ASSES-401.11brIs plantation, for tido• Fr jaZ utrrelllklo4.4t Co LEAD—?.S pigs Galena, for sale by ls. 1? 1 inneundsr *co "If INSEED pil.,—Dzi bile rec'd for side by ci I,u . B. AF. ILAN.IILUG IT. .. .__ SUGAR & MOLASSES-LSO hhda Sugar ta brill 7A.o.lAlo.iocr, '-' • SA brill 8. /L . do FL lama Refinery, far sale b7_ .. . . BURERIDEIN t tvouram, J• 111 - 115 Water tt. CLAY-58 bxa just reel by "IMBRIUM 'NEIMAN. RICE -40 tca just:rec'd for solo by jeas IIL'RIIQIDGi i 1N0712.111 V OAF SUGAR--100 Ltirrels nss'd muntnirs 1....1e• -•• 'Au mammas .1 MUM* MACKEREL; -48 qr, brls extra No.l, in stom=a kr salli br• IQ.ILII DIMES( LOX lister and lima da WHITE 11811-15 brie and 40 hf do. for rah by is:.3 I3AIAIc DICaEY G CO. ER RING —lOO hts Lubec sealed, for sale Ilbr 'MAE DICKEY t CO. POFFEE-100 taiga prime and fancy Rio, %JAE. We by' 7. b. WILLIAMS L CO, E. 24 Can. Salta and Waal S UGC—Prime, new and old Orleans Leal; r'watr4 rr J. D. VcILLIANS a Co 'l, j 2.24 _ _ . OLASSES—Pluntntion k Supr 'lour; ITJr- ("4" 1.T. P O r atlV4 CO: r AS-30 hf chats med. io extra fine Green; to 'VI:LA' elm% sad d' il,loalK_ H ll d' l,4, J. D.WILLIAits f' TPRCIT PRESERVE - S.-- Itbitu—N, )4. 31. Pia.—Ylese sad Uerklest • Preserved Peaches, (Imes end Sir . ..slaw/vier. trr rale Gr pie+ - J.D. WILMA .R I! CO AlLegheny sad Butler.Thmk Bead— HE nu dersi gned Commisaimvarti beieby y,. sire not. to the Stenklsoldere of the Allegheny sad MeLk PI. so. Road Compton that election to elect cue e Olent.•fiee Manatees and a 1n... fbr ealileecupony. Ain t e held at the Imo. of Mr.:Toner,. Baker.... to lhmberty County.= Thur.., the :fah of Nebr.. non, th'l. to roes. it Met.° dock. a. Juhunilutin redlu. Plullin.. • • Jacob Merhilligiir, • ao. tY, Illiam Campbell, • . Bulll, • • l e. . ' tkonc. Maier, G. Pooltaine„. • - L ti. Pure. •Arst. Ulabr. •• ' John , • David Waa. O.T. . Lyon, • • • • •Peter ..ley e • Thom. m - ountatn, TAFI9.6. Stelkart: 3,33114.17 t„0,h.1•51/ ,IVIDENG--OFFICE OF PITTSBURGH COMPANY, Terms 1,3, 1541. - one Trusted af the, Pittsburgh Lisa eteeleatte hoes Ws! day deehted a Mildest of nen per cent, out of the mats the loot slO Scathe, on the l'apltal Nod. pal los 1.0±., hurt. stod bolds. or their Ipinl rspresstaUss. lmth labs of agice, of the Works. JanitxL'• • Jr,JIIZ Y. CIEItISTT, Treeissa, - BARR CH NCE—Arcepectablo young man >