The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, January 18, 1851, Image 3

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ambers of the'Select and COmlitoo Conhcils met
Chszatie moroing, at 10 o'clock, in' th 4 council
na.. * •
•'• • ". . etzxct
313 the Select Connell James B. Eiorrah Elq.,
leas coiled to the Chzdr on motion of frierick
The returns of the election fog members of
' the Select Conitil ,wero presented and [read at
fellows: v'
First Ward—James T. Kincaid.,
, • .-Second " Isaac Jones,
_• - Third " S.M. Kier. •
'.,Fourth Fridriek Lorenz.'
. • Fifth " J.• IL Cassel.
• Sixth " 'David D. Brace. •
Sevenths... Charles Rent. •
Eighth , Samuel Morrow, 'two years....
' .
John tic Kennedy. one y r.
Ninth " r :%lattliew Edwards.
James B. Murray,-Esq., was, on moti, unm32
-I - !measly eleetedyresident of the Selec Council
during the !mining year.,
John Majork anal Robert Morrow ware then
nominated as Candidates for clerk.' ttnotion
the nominations closed, and the niem pro
ceeded to ballot with the following results:
John Major' . • .
Robert Morrow '•
, Scattering I
So Mr. Morrow was ileclarect — iial . y . elected.
James Wright was then op:rootieriiiintnitnous
_ ly re-erected messenger anal door krieper to
,_the Comcile.
TIM Common Council wan organized Ii calling-
Major WSlock: to the Chair, and appointin Messrs.
R. EL Riddle and Win. C. Friend, Sec' , ries.
, _
. .
.. . _ ._._. _. ......--, -„..-.
• _ _ '.• .The returns were thertiend as follows
. .I . Fmocr Wane-Allen Cordell, Cy - rani:thick, John
-,.. • WlReck, R. ii- Riddle.
). - • Broom, D'aniz--A. dleFarland, A.: arrison,
.:'•‘, tlleorge Wilson.
TERRI. Wino—Martin Lytle, A. M. L Pollock,
" • 'John Mellon, Lucky Ilarper,Alex. Holstein, Thos.
•, .. ' lowaret Wants—John Bisset, Sr., Wei. Young,
s. 7 Robert McKnight.
•:: ,
Finn Ifsuit—A, J.' Gribben, Andrew Scott,
. •• Joseph lihiye, W. G. MeCartapy.
• Snarl Wsunslienry Reis, John PM 'ps, Jan.
LowrY, Jr,, 11-.1. Cunningham.-
- ' - Scwasertt Wsten--Lewis Shrsam, 1 ' C.
Eintrrit Waste—Alexander, Tindle, R. D.
: . Iteishter., •
• ,-* hincru. WAVD.--Philip Drum, • ilugh limo-
Is mond.
: - The reteres -were then on; motion, a sproved.
• ' • Mr. Cordell, announced that the nett thing
In order was the administration of thi, oath of ,
. office, to.the new members,
• - .'.' "Alderman SL W. Lewisthemadministered the
1 -''' filth in the meal form. `. . • •
".t: • The roll was called,'and all the mein era an
-1 . sneered, with the exception of one ge tleMan
"sum the Eighth Ward. - • ..
j• , : The election of Chairman of the Comm n Coons
"oil for the classing year; Was declared to he next
- I ''. ice eider.
Mr. Robert McKnight, Charimau of e last
--Conseil was•then nominated, and on la ou the
.. - nominations closed, and ho was ]coat' . ?unix
' elected. .
- Mr. Ma ;:. on taking the Chair said male
' ; men' Of. the Csimman Council, I thrink u for
i ..,- the compliment which you bane-again paid me,
17.- and while l ask for your indulgence townelscuse;
in the • Mitbarrassiug position I am called 4•0 to oc
•. . copy, I, would crave your cooperation in the press,- creation of order and decorum at all tills. By
!: so doing, we shall best ensure the speed trans- 1
action' of the public business, and - please our
• - Mr. McKnight then announced that , e elec-
LILO a clerk, was next in order.
Mc . ,W. Lewis, and J. W. Rre
Rid ewe
„ A m
I --. no ' ted, anion motion the nomivatio s closed
The members then proceeded to ballot as fad- 1
, , Film BAttor—M. W. 'Lewis 10—J. V. Mid
.., dlelo. s, Mr. Lewis was declard dulrel ct.e.
• ' ' "AuMtion was made to elect a messenger. • I
• . Capt. Pratt seas nominated, and the, s. dothinn •
Lions, on Molina closed, and he was Leelaresi I
' 1 unani moody *Jetted- .
• . s ' Captain P. then returned thanks for the -great I
• - - honor the membersof the Council had c aferred I
on him." lie trusted thit Ise would always!
perform his duty, sod promised that hi.. Actions
, - would zpenk. lousier than words.
~ , Oa motion of Mr. Leaky Hier .
er the es of
. last Year' were adopted for tfie preseaq :
.- Mr. Allen Cesdel Moved that a com ittee of
. fire, two from the Select and three m ;be : Common Council should wait on his honor
qudge McClure, and request him to m inister
a l i
the with of office to the Mayor elect,
• :..Messrs Cordell Cunningham, and, ribben
. were - 4ppointed an the part of the ddCommon
. - Council. . • '
' On motion it "was resolved that a co minitte of
• life be appointed to wait on 'the Mayor elect and
'reiluest la attendance et the New CourksHonse,
••I at eleven o'clock. , • . •
".„Messrs Harper, Riddle, and -Wilson - ap
pointed on the part of the Common Conn 'l. '
- " On motion it was resolved that when t COM- 1
Wien Council :adjourns . ; .it adjonenalo taeet in
, ' 'es:injunction with the Select Council at the New;
Court House, on Tsiesslay next, for the election
of City fltlcers.
Atl o'clock, the CounciLs ensemble in the
tOom Isf the-Uhlted States Circuit Court.
- ' The, Chamber was crowded byn ,
east ,ssem
: binge of our citizens, anxious to behold to o
mination of the yenr of misrule, which
disgraced our city. • -
__,e_ --- ' •
Captain John 13:Guthrie - entered the Ch
eortedlifthn Committee appointed for.
~ - pose, an d by the late Mayor.
~ . Messrs. itlarrayntul McKnight, :Presid
the Select and Common Councits, took theii
• en the Judge's' bench:
.. •- Henry D. Reighter, the absent membe i
'the Eighth Ward, having arrived, was swo
• '..
On motile; the rending of the election r
on that occasion was•dispensed with.
A member of the Common Cs?snicil was
.that was scarcely-.the legal course, but Mr. l
raytalearedbint that rending had been aspen.
with fox:several years past. ,
~...-, Ile motion was reconsidered, and it wise re
- Wired to read the retams,:•which was done by the
. olerks, as follows: - : -
• John Jay Roggen,
John B. Outhrir;:.
. Joel& Barker;
BOgge n, r.cosn WARD.
Ruler, . ' •
Jane G. SakAelm, 3
ROggen, • . 121
Gae, ' 2,56
Barker, .
. .
7 - Roggen.
' Guthrie,
Barn w iv
Bone n,
, ..-.., Joseph . Ilarker, i i. • x •
,• - 1 ,.
- NM If warn. [
1 ' *ll ( t l ° uqn " ' '
Cullen , '
... Captaitijohn D. Guthrie was then dean ....
I ly elected 3layor of Pittsburgh to serve du!
Xhe ensuing year: •
The lion Wm. 11. McClure, President Ju
of thiCourt of Quarter Sr-:sons, had in the mi
1 time entered the room,"escerted by theCommi
I aPpointed for that purpose, and he proceede
administer the oath of pflicP as follows: • I,
_...'You de swear by Almighty God. the searcher
o f all bparts, that yen wilt support the Constitu
tion or the United States, and pf the State. of
.pm s yle'ssala, and will faithfully [execute the du
ties of Mayor of the city of l'ittsburgh durin4 the
ensuing year, and of this you will answer, to [God
at the Great Day."
Ciptain Guthrie then soloed whether it I' was
1 iumal or neeftsa4 to announce the names of the
police whom be had appointed.
[ - Mr. Alerray said that 'ISIICh was - the usual
..- Capt. Guthrie said that he haddeen et a loss to
IlMow• bow many, policemen be had the power to
::appoint; would anne=ce the following:
• • r High Constabk—ltobert Segue.
. '...Conitalgra—Daniel Weart!, James McFenata,
ttid James A. Gerry.
j. He tliensaid, Mr. President and gentlemen of
' the Select and *Common Councils of the city of
I 'Pittsburgh. I feel grateful to my fellow citirear
t, for the honer which you have conferred upon' me,
[l [ land shall endeavor,. to the Utmost of my ability
Ift . diteharge therdath of 'office which I bare to
: 'kee, and the dutics it - impwes upon me.
. Poi the position which I now occupy Tani, of
I! . altrce . . ll tainly indebted to the kindness - of ',the .
a Pu[T•b>. which I have the boner of belonging,
I Toil etkild not otherwise, hare baste] [ kW, 'but
1 - if i s khOit: the 61' that party; Wadi trust,
tialiCiVtilAl lA°, I Know that Ibex will:14-
mit Uhl do that my election may- be attributed
to the Votes cast forme t gentlemen of (Efferent
polities' opinions. I will strive in the coarse
which I will peruse, to be all, and
pledge myself to do my duty.
Mr, Murray announced that the business for
which they had assembled in joint ballot was
„Mr. Clalhigher of the Seventh Ward, offered the
following resolution.
Resolved that the Council da now adjourn,
to re-assemble in the New Court Rowe on Tues
day, the 21st. day of 'January, 1951, for the pur
pose of electing s City Treasurer, and other of
The council then adjourned
MAYOU'A OLESES.—Mr: Jame.; Pettigrew was
yesterday appointed Clerk to the Mayor—a se.
lection which will give universal satisfaction.
The Mehwn, of the Select and Common Con
chs met yestirday• morning in their chamber,
for the purpose of organization.
Colonel tin Hohilleort, Jr., waa rolled to the
Chair, and the returns from all the Wards were
handed in. When they were read, it appeared
R. S. Fleming Ind
.1. T. Sniupie. •.
.1. 11. Scott.
IL 1. was then declared duly
elected .11nyur of the city of Allegheny fur the
ensuing year.
Alderman Barclay administered the onth to his
Honor, who, after receiving it, thanked his fellow
citiceim for the honor which thev had conferred
upon him, in again electing-him to the re
sponsihle situation Of . .Slayer of .their city.—
Ile wan the more 'grateful for it, since his re
election seemed to imply an approval of his
course during the past year. and he would prom
ise that. during the-ensuing one, he would faith
fully endeavor to discharge the duties devoting
upon him. While he would always strive to lay
a heavy hand upon vice, it would lie his constant
aim to he ar lenient es the low would permit
him to be, towards the piitw and the unfortunate.
The experience which lie had acquired since
he had been in office, would, lie hoped, enable
him to perform his duties inn satisfactory man
ner, for he must confess ,that when he was in
stalled last year he had some misgivings as to
the result. If his fellow eitirenCsheirld perceive
any errors in his conduct, they might rest as
-cured they would he errors of .the head and not
of the heart. •
The now members of the Council were tlsorn
.in by Alderman Bnrcley.
The Chairman announced that the business for
the transaction of which they had met in joint
ballot, was concluded, and the Councils retired to
their reerective Chambers. 1
On' motion, William Robinson, Junior, was
unanimously elected President of the Select
Council during the ensuing year. •
,Mr. J. .1. Carpenter was, on motion, duly
elected Clerk.
Mr. G. L. Mclntire wits elected Messenger.;
William Boyd, Esq., was, on motion, maul
,monsly elected President of the Common Council
during the ensuing year.
On motion Mr. Matthew MeGonnigle was
elected Clerk, and Mr. G. L. :Mclntire. Messenger.
On motion the Councils adjourned. • -
. .
We are requested to announce that - the -Blake
ly Family of 31 - usie" mill soon give a series of Con
certi in. this city. They bare lately been giving
Concert in Rochester and Buthibi,-New York, to
very large audience:4omnd aro highly spoken of
by the press.
BAYNE'S VOYAGE to Euiion.—We can positive
ly state that this evening will he the 1114 ` litne our
!Odors can have an opportnnity of seeing this
very celebrated Panorama, n. it will be exUnoved
to Louisville an Monday hen. It has been very
well patronized -here for the pool tax weeks, at
tracting large oseenthlage, az every exhibition.
We recatustnenti this painting to the notice of the
inhabitant, of, Loaisrilfe ao being -a beautiful
work of art,',a-nd worthy of hie support we are
sure it will receive. There is an exhibition till , .
afternoon at 3 rielix-k. and in the evening at 7; 1
.I.,crAcv 17th.: 1951
Present—lion. Wm. U. McClure. President
Jude, and Wm. Kerr and Samuel Jones, Asso
ciate Judges.
The... of the - Commonwealth,,, fleorge,ll6-
myre—lndietment, Pednry--m, oath of William
Myers, was tried,
The jury returned a verdict of '•not guilta',"
mid directed the . . Alderman who sent the:enact,
fore the Grand Jury, .to pay the erefs. • t
The Court were trying a czar of Mountfit and
Battery with intent to kip, wherein iyin. Cain is
defendant, when the time for adjournment ar-'
illouCciairMate.—The situation of nigh Con
stable se as tendered to Mr. John Fax., our war
thy and efficient Jailor, by Captain Guthrie, but
his engagements would not permit him . to accept
Couto Nor AGREF.—The jury in the Corcpi
racy Case against Williams , Kirby ancrGilliam
returned into Court yet day morning, and-de
elating that they would n:, er agree, were din
.. We understand that they .1
Auittal and.three (or convietio
BOOKS.—FluniK,lt'g now Work,
N r c:7l., or .* - n e. ora Phytiml de,teription of the
&Frae' , Sketthet of Nllntteocht 'the New Ettlrlantl of
the et - L1 v 61. 1 .2 am
Hr T n:t l e . 's 31mItnotet:• atad Dletlouary. Jet ßa..exttrittSermo. The are *ell worth wading.wading.Fur mal re .
e by E. 1101.141 Ne.
jalo Bullditxot
. rm.—An unfinished throv. story brick hone°
on Wylie street, belonging, to 11. N. Collins, took
Eire yesterday, and the whole interior was con
sumed. The loss was covered by insurance.
15. (1:1111.1111.. .. 1 1. 11 1111..
NV. CUNNINGHAM t W Matador tunas of Wronow
aaas,u Kos No. 'X tlarket aimed bettreea First arid Nowt. ,
Particular allordlonfait° odd sized Also—Dealers 111
Pilot tarot% llott ca. do
Gunn. of Third and 3lnriod strristr. The only clinr•
Institution of the kind In Pittsburgh.
.Ifacelm—slehn .Flenthin s . Prinrilsd GudlGlnhir
Etienne of Amount.
ii. ,
ellanite:rilt, Professor of Pernimanship,lletaintlie
Computation do
Ale. hL Watson, Eon.. Lecturer oo Commemial Law.
Thom desiring a alpinist. knowlafgeof Bonk Kooning ,
and ittApnliration Matsu branch of busineabalso an ele
gant and rapid 7 0 0000rLlP. am luvital to all and exam-
Me the arramminents. ' • ,
Lecture on Coo...trial Lew wary )loni a. moult g.
Roterruce to any of the resident city merchant , . [don
- -
IThe ostensive range of building formerly osetplal
by mint Lomb and Co., at the Point. between Water pt.
am blinquesne Wey . , 0411 In leased for • term of yVinil
given laszfastely.
z itnply to effslii. IL SCULLY, Agent
Fourth 'street. Phalan:lb
Alkg — hens County, SS: •
LNyto - Orphans' Court of said County in
ttle matter 4,f the Adinistrotor's arionnt of Robert
rte, action Admlnistrotor 44 J. $. Strickland, deed:
December MO.
And non, to wit. January 4th. Ihbl. 011 mutton a W. 0.
Leslie, the acrount of the Adnilinetrator <maimed at.,
lately, nod °Jan.. E. Itradr. Eso-^ appointed itoditer
distnhtne the anew.. los hands, among U. eredlorn
and heim. It; ...Court
Notice ls horithf • girno that I rill all , taL at niv.nfllce.
tio.t9 Ylith etrnt. in Ale rity of Pittalint un Mouth,.
lbw :11th ilav or January int.t,. at n'tinck. P ti , r Ihr
P.M.." , of oIY tititinihnnt‘ut. .1. E !MAUI%
Jannntitt Annan,
The Inurtan Body Must Perspire,
50 SAYS NATURE. to hare a Imaltby.
r aranre: lCd pert.itt, wain not [K11,41,, are 11.14.
to the mat dl.cnatl r okln lam. Avon'
CbenaltnlSnati ram,. o and at the tattle
title 'Latillin, and talk in, tele u. 011110, it the trall.”.r
of an int.tneo.
106 '
Rhona, ant r...r are znd no:: 1l al.d. but
cured by tnn. at lead 7 plte.ano, In !, York rae,
'Rho toe It In awl. ere.. and and u'al,
dimid e n. blotch,. ireckle, orany other okin
Mader to• nnunal that tlib , In no under,. puffed ',antrum an
ono trial wig km,. 1 maid enumerate at leaxt
nen.. cured of none Lead . nat. Iran. and are beard.
Buy it—and the reader In again mat,/ I would tntt ern.
elle acll It for the abare. unto,. I knew It 1., all I rdate.
.Ihoro who tun Ilable to rhafat craelnd.or ehanned
wili bud this not cnly n,uny lout a preventive: bud 1 out
now only nld. that wuy .mu attlatati with up of the above.
rr similar alma., will dud Una all. and even More tadani.
üble In than I :day.
er. the gag, floottol '000.111.6 , m,
anre you axle Tor do,cra:ltidtauChendeal Mw wand buy It only of WII. JAClantra.-only Aactat l'lttaburalt.
Lena of 11und..„
Perly White Teeth. and Pure Breath, to
.2.5 who have tither. ea, honora
bly asontreal that if their breath 1. cr.,r rt. GAIL tr their
teeth decarect,hu . k or yellarr.and a,LO arrlth tartar,
that a 25 eet4 box of Jost,' Amber l a th l Pate will wake
the teeth as ahlte as avow. alai the breath odorifvrattely
coil may at JACKSON'S Stvna 2:0 Liberty at, hr.! of
Skientificllnir Tinde, Restore: and Beau
tifkr.—Trbd Bottle, u; a. now` who mti'd
Jean,' Coral Ilalr llltorer. know ita eseelleot
thaw who. bare mt. we Immure It to the following
qualitlec—lt will feree the hair crow wan y part where
nature Inewtdoil hair to one,: atop it LaMar id,: cure wort
or daitatrutf, awl nut. light. rod. tar gra/ totir a.t"k•
.Yor nenderinw thir bah. non soil within,: MO eaconl
this milt. It truly leitiollful, and/Loma It au. It in, ley
ilacdo the moat eaunintileal—tot nyclior—eirtlele for the
t l / 4 11 , 44 . 11 , 11. t W250N'S Store, .210 Librril
hlooo—ulh 4: l ot.,soneitu, and $l.
JONES' Solution 71Set, n Liquid Human
• Halt"py c, for the amazing of Irbil, nri. or Rol Ndr
4o crab or black Jet color, to a for roloolos.
liticoo—, and al.
&Al by W - 31. JACKSOX24O Libcrty strcot.beadof Woad.
JONES' LILLY WlllTE.—Ladies are cwt.
timed egelest.Win the mortnon preparral Chalk. Thar
are not Laren, how nth. , It 6w the akid
or..a,lbow rougk, how rail., yellow, arul unhealthy' this akin apiroaL, attar tving pmared Chalk' kerliaa. it la
Inivriotv, containing a lam ga.gua ) laye
cal73 l""l. 4=l:ll b aVgle
It le perketty Immn.L t he ranllad of ail deirterinna
gotatieg aral it impart. to the ado lieteret health..
sear, lirtng white., at the aurae Ulna acting
meta On
l otk it alt tat inmall
Sad Of the e. , :eot, OXL JACkaglS 040 Llberty rtreet,
heed Word. Pittaburh. Wirt, 25 ant,
/bi tee Welty pall UAW( =MS.
- 1 BY _TELTIG ;
ASIA. • •
Raw cone, Jan. 17.
The Steamer Asia has arrived, bringing dates
to the 4th nlt. '
• LIVEUPOOL, Jan. 4.
Cotten—No change to report in cotton. 'There
is a steady demand, with salos since kr Ist, of
11,000 balei middling Orleans at 7id per pound.,
There is considerable . reaction in favor of
England. Money is in denoted and plentiful.—
Consols are selling at 0 0;a97.
Lard•is.a shade higher.
In Manchester an extensive business is doing,
at improving prices.
The political news is favorable. All is satis
factory on the Continent and in Germany.
No news yet of the Atlantic.
Smote—The chair presented the credentials of
Richard Broadhead. member elect from Pennsyl
r4eia, in place or 1 ttturgron, for nix yearn
from the 4th of . 1 / a rch next.
914 rotes.
457 ,•
Mr: Wentworth introduced :ft hill for the ap
pointment of appraisers at large.
Mr. Downs offered a resolution, fixing un Fri
day of each week for the consideration of iirivnte
bills, which was agreed to.
Mr. Hunter offered n resolution, calling on the
Secretary of the Treasury to report a statement
of accounts of the United States Treasury, with
the several depositions of the Government, which
was agreed to.
The hill pniriding. for the payment of claims
of American citizens on account of French Apo!l
-otions: prior to. IBM, was taken op, and, Mr.
Smith concluded his zpeech.
The Senate then adjourned ore till Alonday.
Ifouee—The Rouse, no meeting,dtival,ibtelf
into Committee of the Whole, and took up the
postage bill.
Two substitutes were offered by Messrs.
Phelps and Brown, of Indiana; one proposing 3
and 5 cents on letters, and the other a uniform
rate of . 6 cents, which was rejected.
'The committee then tore, and the bill was re
port.' to the Home a s agreed to yesterday, fix
ing the rate of postage at 3 cents on letters; and
printed matter. not weighing more than two
ounces, one cent; and on newspapers delivered
in the State where published 3 , cent, and 50 per
cent reduction on magazines when prepaid.
Mt. Halts moved to lay the hill on the table,
which was last—yeas 81, nays 181.
The question wag then taken on the amendment
of the Committee of the Whole to strike out
"three cents" prepaid, and "five cents not pre
paid," and inserting three cents as the uniform
rates was agreed to. .•
Other amendments were then agreed to, and a
synopsis of.tho bill is as follows:
.7..0 4 letter of, half =amine,: 30. No post
office or route to be discontinued, or compensa
tion of Postmasters diminished. On printed
matter of two ounces, one cent; each additional
ounce, or portion of rm ounce, one cent. Bound
books, not weighing over two ounces, deemed I
mailable matter, provided that newspapers de- j
livered Within the State where , printed, half the
foregoing rates, and no postage on those mailed
to actual subscribers in the county whereprinted,
or within 30 miles. Fifty percent to be &sleet
ed from the postage on magazines, when prepaid.
Three cent-pieces to be coined, the stamps to tie
purchased as now—to forgo which deemed a
forgery. One and n half millions of dollars is
to be appropriated to meet the deficiency its the
reveille. Letters uncalled for in two weeks, are
to he publiAsed once only.
The Post Master General is to establish post
routes iu cities and town. 'having suitable places
of tops.dte—the letters to be collected by ear; and delivered at one or two cents - each.
The penny post syitins to Le separate.
Votes were taken :tin eseh ansinoltuent, and the
hill finally parsed—yeas 1311, nays 73
The house then adjourned.
Nmv Von t:, Jan. 17.
The. Franklin brings date,. frnm London to the
21, and
. frout Liverpool to the let amt. Cottozi—There is a goal clemand, and price,
are fine, and rather higher. The holidays in
terfered, and latiiiiness ahelwa Meagre accounts of
the market
Flerar—But Jittle_ was doing, but pricey arc
kestintaitted. •
Corn—Fine yellow is quote) at 31 shilling,
1.1 quarter.
Exchange has an upuird. tendency.
The stocks of Cotton sum up 45.4.879 bales. of
Which ;21.4.000 axe American.
The'Atlantie nailed on. her regular day. The
antra in unimportant.
Jan. IT.
Isaac Abrams, who wn. , A concertos] in the Rio..
artisan robbery. has surrendered himself and been, l .
committed to primal.
. The 21;th ballot was had in the Legislature, for j .
Senator, which resulted al follows.: Guyer, 70: !
Benton, 55; Greene, 31.
Nxis Jan. 17, I'. M.
The Asia is '4.'4 coming up the bay; will be
here at 8 or 9 o'clock.
The number of hogs killed around the falls this
season is 198,000.
There are 5 R. 10 in. water in Canal, and at a
Maud. The weather in very cold.
c/ONT.AINING no it , rettry, nor cab,
Ilinentl The following teetitunnial wet.. Oren to - the
ZI w b U7r2trit!..l " . 0 171 . , ' ,.!;e ' a 1 n . ' l '.u nt l .Ti%. ol .j h clf,ro-i n tV u Lti
Family Pht avian."
Melon been made wynaintol with the lee,-nbrnl.
which mop. , MeA Illater a Allplienlinglantment. mei ha•
log prearribol sari te,ted It in arterial carp,o In my nriaate
r,,f. u T.. 1 .P,Vir,T,',1::1',..".7.4%,:‘,1.;% gi,r,rlr ,',',','.',:::...'
whatever. that its incmileut• nunblool s. ' lltuy an, Mai
nod aa dirreted bl d , I,4 , rtetor. are not 0n1y , ...
but of arra! amine, twin,: a troll Scientific Record or,ment
power: and 1 chavrfully roman:lend it set o' ointemod
whirl lud... touch .7“...1, and whwh in %donna.' 1., the
or a :meat varlet, of etoen lo.a I luoe rawer
ci te,,ei reentunneraled or engag,ol In the ..ale of nem-el medi
cine, rt,oull for the truly hon, enn.elentlnug. lannanno
character pith, nroyert..tor of tido ointment. and t 1,.... value
of Ida .11seurery,1.1,11,141. to 'of :tom much reimnling It.
New Y0rk..11,11 g . .... I , n, W. lIKACIL D. D.
li l tlcas— a—S lt l• one
lioneanda of the
yearly l, r y this 0 1 / 1 1.141,111-
,wl thinge In the world for burn,.
Pn are un.'
It. DeSl.2 fall,. tii giving rohef.
Fur Tumor., tlatow.and all kind., of eo, It ha.. , nontual
If Muthee• and Nurwa. kneir.ttn vtlue in ix-t, Of sll,lll'll
; or sorc 11005,0,. they would tylwa)• apply It.. Wench ear.,
if lard according to directions. it give. rallef In a ear, few
Around the b. am threction• for u•ing .11eAlli...tor's
' ' Batstuottz, Jan. 17. : agaljl,jr9i,‘;‘ll,, L} P At,',''''T.""'f,Mr,tlot,Y. e Throat-
Flour—Th4 market in inactive, with sales of , 1m,,T b1 1t.. N i v r.1 . ".. , -^ fr
r .,'' (1 , 0 1,. 1 '," 1 ,4 .- . ,%. 14.( ...., th , 4 , 3, ,..,", 1 ‘1 8 ,„...
150 bbls H. S. brands at $4,50. Lira, Pimples, 0,-. elarellind of the Limbs. Sore; Rheum.-
tiatn, Piles, Cold Fort. Cnotu. an ellud or Broken Bre..
Grain—Wheat in quiet, receipts are moderate,
Tooth Ache. Ault./ in the Marc, ac.
and prices unchanged. Salon of yellow Corn at I . Fona the Readin,, Flee. . "
58650 c, and of White atß3c. , There ow never. perlunw. a Jledimue brought boron. the
publir4that ha, in eo olturt • than won ouch a reputation as
Provisions—Bacon 19 firm, with brisk sales, at, , McAllister s • Ail-Ile ling or World ketire. Ahmed esery
81. ShoUldeve, 7 6 47 .1, and hant at / 0 ,. , . - ' /0 46 rts ' ilin flu tak%Vn g r it al,' ,l7l?..! ‘ t. ' n ' tgtl i t Y rt. i tlin i n ' tVo;. 1
Ilj for large and atuall.. Sales of Mess Turk at , another or the pilu,'a Mini Ad a trotibleaome rata in the I
$l5, and Of Prime at $11,60 V bbL Lard is :ate gr2'l, t `,.,..g! i t o l g . A.T' iim 'a . c .t, d i ,,":',.t . .:::;' ,
brink, with roil,, in kegs at isicr, and in bbla at tlc I Ana arplastouttumllt.
V Ih. - , nest: l" t.l sb ihirsa d irr . :4! ' , b uin=en n tir,Va n : r.;747..nru 7 .
Coffee,-The market in firm, and prices are fully . hoot a reajw.ctahle ritio,u of )I• towastoo, la this
maintained. Sales or Rio at 11®11i, and a , "'''''"'—,t , rk. la, Mareh ',A 1 , 47
Laguayra at Illalli.; with a good demand._ 2 , 1 t-ors. Ritter b. Co- , I tle.tro o the
to that 1 wn,
enthrly combo( a wren. rain I w o ! th tack. br the Li.. or
Cattle—Beeves are selling at s2as4 - on, the •
ItlcAlliater's All-Healing 1..1.. wh r I non hmwd tnuu
toot ' r _ you. I ulenNl • ilb it tor ‘lout !went .- and atniald.
wan onable to •1.-en llurt, th.,. um', I trio! S.lllO I
i MM.
. , remedim whirl, *era pre...att.-a for no. be phieirlum and j
NEW ITORK MARKET. , other r , ..r•otia. • Ithout n-,llta, an, relia. anti at lan t
made Ulu' or lid. ' , aloe. with a ri.nult Itourable lagond ca-
1000 I , LPORT. ITctation. Ina to, ...Innis hoe from the pm, anti rotor
at 'night • graceful and nw,t ,leet. I halt
need the
! herd y ' o m' a e tt 4 ' , r . lT4h.o"r'PrrleV. nth
''"'. .l hd u,ral . l wi ttin%l l .:tl l , o,
Foley.mtnietor or the itiore , mettlein h c . 1
I Principal 017,0t.,'Nn '2, ,`,...vih flant et, I hilltd4 11. ta.
PI.I 1.4: TIVENTT.FI t k PEN . ' r• PEI( DU].
001. , T, IN nrl-410.11-1.1. A. Yahnentock 0 ea . ennier of
•11"4.1.1 and Ito./ ate. %VI. Jae1,,..,u, An. V. 40 Liberty •trert:
it lino- 1.r., corm,. ot , I.,rket street and the Ditsumnd.
aLw. mots of Fourth an. 4 Mnitletteld et,- I 11. Prowl. roc
- ner , of Walant rod Pent. et, Firth Want and nold at the
13. tom lit musthlteld , tn,,t. tlord loon !rum :wrot!.
i ' In Allealmeny ettY by II I' ,iIWAIII. and J. Ihnlghin,
1., ./. G. notith. druggl•t. liirtolualaam, .U. Nutho. 1:•4
I I.llmorty: ll litowland.Melie.oport: a—ilex/ma, A :lon, 3hltr
l ' lnT=llll ' . " .it. lin . I{a i ri l .ll7, " lnefr. l' l' . .L, ° .; ' ,l.l . ,T; ` :, : f, '" r.:
.i..,,..,,,, ..„}.„,,, i. },-. In. Re he.ter. utibl I,
ARIL—TWPrIty brl•.' laud lift.‘eu kegs lor
.lIRIVEIt 4 ll tRNE. , .
V - (./IV IS 'l'llE TIME. ii.u:AziNEs Eon
.11 1 , 1. nt Inil. , lF,' Literary Dopot, Third atreet, op.
eyrtilnal 6E1.011T. ponite the 1,. nit., e. 11tlebur,.11
hanker.' Mt,.,itlll, tar r ,- ..r $0 111 -
NEW YORK, Jan. 17. linnet,ere "M
nhtutt.'agllZll/o m, I, U.
Ktuckerfnalkor 314g:oats. do le ..I
Cotton—Tl market is firm, with further Arueriewn 11 hi, Kerte, .. . do I 111
do 1. no
sales of 3,000. bales. Eeleette Ilazazine
Mr... Ellin' hiornlng Cat......_.- do I. tat
Flour is steady, with sales to-day a 3,500 . 1i0",,.. 0n.0..0........ ,10 ..: oo
obis at last quotations. 1 ' .. . th•l..,', 1.a.1) . Book . do P•I ,0 • , lagart,... , 11. ,
Grllill—SlileS 3000 Michigainwiteat at Illttc. 1 ' n ' srtnla • 01,,,arin.• , .1.. II ts ,
Corn in firm, with 18,000 bunhels new at Clic V ' Into
1.1.,,,a,,,,.. t. do 31. ,
Illitoknem.l . ~ .: Jo ..: .
, bush. \
.Pr ,, o4isions—l'ork t. is m. ..lull, but . prices are un- ~,,, i,,,,„,,
.4,, .l„ ~ ta.
char., Sulu oGI I bbls, tucludwg so. , T 1,.. Jaily,, nomilaer of lii.n. }1.,..111,,.111 Im the and
I Mona, at $ll ;Si. Seel' hatus'are steady and in ' r,,.:::'l' - ` " t hb- m. " "'" M "' . 11 ,1 s 'ID lw IL. ' 6 ' 4 . 00'0 I
it demand, with oak. list bbin at the IQ lb. Soles a o_rb.. above ma.,a-..lit. •-• 111, I- .1,111...n.1 fr...., 144.4
hams . i
of 2,01)0 green bas at Bc. Sales of shoulders, " o " . ' '"' 01000 ' ''''''''...' " ' . ' ,,, .e10 """‘' ` .6^.6 00 '.
at tic. Lard in firm, with sales 200 bbln at yea. -
tent/4y . .. price... Soles 800 kega at Bic. Ohio
butter is selling at II 3c 1. , lb. Alw.--A ,. /..i.....,,.. a...rtneo t t or "...,,,1., n u,' ti,,,,, nolo 1
Tobacco—Sales 150 Wahl Kentucky at /4 (161 1e; 1 .:712 .................. ‘P"'''' ''''' a`'
A" ''"l'''''.o4-
J It No ~ l 1 , - , .
40 do Mason county, at 136.1.1 e perib. ~,.
' No 74 Third eterot..
. , .
Groceries—Sales 150 hhtts N. 0. sugar at uj Splendid Gift Books. -• .-- - •
€llje per lb.
11 -1 031.11.. E POETS E t •
Linseed Oil—Sales 3,000 &Eons at 90c per ~,, " •-, , ,,,.r.-n: hy T B I tead
thorlintir with Prunint. and .kno,tle, Ity Rev.
gallon. , J * N. Ni %Ina rtght.
, rrene . ., In il. La, of our y. , ,,,.b,,,, ,
I g=11t. ' ,=.7,n,',,%?‘" }. " ... '"1" . 1. Dr Dr. T)r... I
1rm,„ , j , , , ,--1.• ~,..,'fr- i ,,,,h. r "e" , •
..r.,.,i , • , _::, b ,i'ex,7l,z., fi.:.,";.:.7,""nek
......,... 0,,•„-,,,,:. EA..., 1.., II r.. a ../. not r.
Evening, of 14 na1,1,1 ! Matra. 111 Mra. 01 Mclntoeli.
.t' a . Ant, fcr 15..1
Cabinet of al....tem Art kr 1441. I
Temper...el/Hering do
The Irving 011rering .1.. .
The trin du ..
41.1fiv:,,,11'(.64.7,...„.'"7'0:z''''ir.j.woee:10nrtin.,'Sculler. author of
vb., of the Miernaropic W0r1d,....41, John
i aball SOMA Union Books, in lame binding fur Ito/i•
sownts. Eor sal obr .a.. 11.. ENOIJIIII a CO,
.1.. n Ili Wood at
The steamer Princeton was sunk in Red Rir
er, by.coming in'contact with the Adams. The
machinery and cabin furniture will be oared.
Flour—The market is without change.
Corn has advanced to to 62c per ha.
; Provisions—Nothing doing in pork: bacon is
detnand, at full rates. Lard in scarce, and
holders demand an advance: sales in kegs nt 81 a
8.1 c.
Ginseng Is in demand at 40k per lb.
Cotten—The taarket is quiet.
Flour—Prices ure without chcmge. with forth
er wlet of .1800
Grain—Wbeat and Rye are the sane as last
apteted. Cent is active, with sales 0000 bushels
Southervellow, to arrive, un private terms.
Previstens—Pork •is firm, with further nalea
yesterday. of 300 Mob,. No tildes to tiny. Beef
in held firmly at last quetatiorta. Lard is inact
Whiskey- , -The market is buoyant, with sales
of 70 lirls ut 26c per wallet..
Linseed Oil—Prices are firm, with further
sales of 2000 pnlloai at yesterday's rates.
Other articles are without clumps.
. CINcINNATI, Jan. 17.
Flbax—There is ti better demand, with sales
of 13,000 bbla at 5,60a3,65 per bbl.
Whiskey—The market:is firm, with sales at
23 .1a 23 1PeZ
Closer se3
ales at 5,40a5,60 per be.
Bulk. meat—Bales 6,000 pieces hams and
shoulders at 61 for Lems, and 3} for shoulders.
Groceries—Silos-liOQ taolassea at 29c.
Salve of sugar at Eli:Of.'
hundrtl and fifty pro I. ;re toed Itttl Blanket+
100t0/ h d do
tSfrau l t y o
s. Iked Illa au ke e t r ,
(11011.1 t, Blankets!. heavy. •
100 do Itrob d
. o do
00 do Lino do do do
men, Block 111/ad:et (loth. do
I do lien, tire) da
3 do onnerior Mart: Freneh Itraadelath.
0 do all 1,1..1 Tweed, notorted color.
do Jean, aortsrhtlett/re.
• 0 110 Cattuneret. blank and font etdert.
I dogatinette. Meek and grey [nixed.
3 do While Tattled /hum, I. ;eft old,
4 du Cr..." do
rthnd :tett, art- all WI condom-. fr.,.
yttriout trunnLo-tuntr, and to, :not [tie the pole on
Ilbend Irtt( to the trade, at utanufneturern . prime,
I 161ITNlicl; •1:01}S. J. T. I)ECK 1:R,
• I,- MAW,. and lireetoreof
tong• Iluln. 00eetettIthe print-10er.. ord., left at thlt
.or the Cud nhee: totd tor ,etonal eon Ir
peen '0 Fourth etre,. rethlenta. of Pr. (Nat betteren
3lnrlt and Fern
Iteferynere—Prof,neor Edttor f dißfnan'e Jour,
liolte.eor SI. Sifttfh
raof. the Cnintuttall itteereoht t ,
Prof -ewer hohert. Peter. et 'fttsyltattla UnlYertiff e :
Iht Pratnoor Cht,ter Dewey. It ft- U. It.. New Tort . ..,
livlettor J. 1.. C‘trti. llt illl4l. mt.-not 11111,
111 Pith.lotry.l,—.l. 11 '.thirfer. ILoit
Child.. Col. throne. hey. Stmtkt. J. It
t l lllhann, )In,or Ilardith,. V. .It - tonaL John'lrtetn
L Hotter. h ti tote. lb .1 31:x.6h:i11, John :‘,lll,
31a,0r Part, Jahn 11. nlotente.,,ltt nott'edr.ttil
f l
('ST RECEIVED';—.\ nuts Nrlrl; Me
e chalk Tuxite.. .irk. and !Lot:laved nit: Dieu... , " of
.Slet.lotnite. Engine (Curt.and
sl,infi tore rarneal ttorkinntnes. thitzelutendnd Itr the
towitenno.: -the, 1:111.el ht (Outfit, run. formerly
Ito:et...fel Station...L.,. C01t..., of Cit Ent..nhtert. nt
Thit work le of Itrre .tta
e. coutztning nenrh ot.fet
uratanlt id list i , lnltte. end teSard rut,. It trill
j the n.tidt Amenetto In -neat. it ill 1.0 .1010 "snide.
an d truattett on )11Thanie,. „tlarldnery. Entnne
and Kutietterittg: 1 , 151, ell that untelol it, ntore than 610uo
tearth of volume, ota,ntziont. and other luott. The
great etym., pe t I. to place Soiree prrtlent
nten and ttudeutt turn nu ettai,tnt of thettrrtiettl wad tee
entlfin koro•litlfr. Of I eithleal ftrut. than enabln
then. oOrk 10 lb.• teedft& nista,. tart to ...I the.,
oalYtahlt It lath who, Ittherttt, root:nit,
The puldlotanft are deterfnued. relitt,lleet .1 .Tet.
! retake Ow art n, tointlete 1. die ft.!. ^led
ert oe de.tintut {0 e1b1..111 111 , orl., will procure it •teen.
In g e,eel nntert. and tie, twooinne the enleehree,
Puldithios, i 4. , totnthett. nine ler ,under, la hr 7
coruphted tha n tte.d.
Tieenty utouten. teetered. etettato
Into It. IIIiChINS. rth rtnti.
Durkr rduniy. tku. ...Mil., tinnl 7ars
Slay doiod the ge01.... rlearitEs sad arid.
In¢, no tolleo. In. Lon.. Crmk, to the
the . Itullandsods an.l nelloloolons. at the In
diana State ha.. 1 . 501401 ore no. ready, at the Engt... , So
oftted. In ass El. Shell.v moon,. /100. here Information
ron be dldoined (ndo l'entiod.t. Ite•ldeut doviu,r.
S. rotodolr too, 51s, I. Melt At solo, till the LSI, of
t..ha sndo.raln will al.o I. resetent at 11 , 11110 N. oh,
Until f•eh. nth, next. h,r domg the drohlon. ehodond. sod
Srodind, slut in toil,. Ist.- o llorlso orol
trim, The oork und sndle...tdollo..lil,o. silt rrodr
ten dot • heforr the tiling luf.rrn.tlun .un dldattsol
In. Al., 11. rod. /E-sh.nt Enstuser. wt ',lief dna..
o at th, Chief Endinom.S. odd... In Mar..
Ihe e sr" the 1.41.. , thenoote orl ), on.
der rout., 71,1. mod is Out.. the "third link" in
file I.n t - central ho, eh.," from l'hiholelsbox to
St. U., 104 11/0011, AA theurr.. .rn enntlou
land. ntloo
uudo line, In. /I"s4sa and ins . fork. thnotsl; Clews.
Loosnicr, jun. 17
Januar' 17
. ,
'Pra** l 'Ziyazod
bbls mess pork al 10,1 h. Sales 500 bbls prime
laid a i}• per lb. Sales 100,000 lbs shoulders
mid hams, in dry salt, at diaCi.
The river has risen u inches. The ieuther is
very cold.
Lortsvnim Jan. 17.
The Bostona has arrived, bringing dates from
New Orleans to the 10th instant.
Sugar hod declined with sales of fair at
:44..74 lb. Molasso, 13 steady, with sales 000
brie at 24 for common. and 264 for choice and
Flour—Sale. of Ohio at 4,20R4,35. Sales
of 900 brls: in Bat boats. lelirere 1, nt
Crain—Corn k ed ing nt Cr, n, and ( h t^
63(1.4.1., per bt , hel:
lineon—Sal, of sides at Se per lb
Lard IF ri•.lling at ;le per lb.
Cuttle--Salc, nt net. flog!
are sold. nt 4.25{7, 6,00. Sheep are Felling at
;;,0 0 6,4,51) each and -came.
NEW bin.i.AN.4, Jan. 17.
%mon-- The market very 41.'11. :and denier„
are awaiting the steamer a new, .
Flour —Soles yeArrclay ut 4.2.6R.1,:10 for Ohio.
Cum—Nubs ; 3f/1W bus st Rn(e ryc per ha.
Pre‘isions —Sales of 400 brls new loess Park
nt 11.57 per brl, awl of prime tft Brwon
sides ore 7). per 11..
Groeeries —I 'sure, ilus s.lenneed to H4(411 e.
Sales 2000 }iris za .211 e.
The Ca., Of GY1:1, Ilender,m, olutrged with
being eramernokl in the Lopez expedition,
nearly deoi,ion will probably be
gisen to-morrow.
- 'IC I ;EI.If.' ' 4 , :. 4 .1': - .? ':.
. i
„.. 1
~. ;.. ,7_ jill li il ''
Eli . i
1 • ..= i • IS = = = !, 7 ' L .'-
. .
,7., .7.' . 1,11 .
— a — - 7 i 4 --- ; •
• V ti l•-' id e.1,111 "‘•• C ••-• h ; 1;. 11 11
12 15 I:1 12 ly. 171, 14 IA 10 , i ., ,i 17 1.0 10
01 . .. '2l . ..2......; 21 2.5 l'2o 21 ••• ...... 24 25 16
2C14, ..., —; ..,0 ..I .. ..,7 A '2 , 4 pr 31 ...•
111 .. 1 11,11.111 . 3 6 1111:0, 3146 71 4 ;
1 ,0 11 12 13 11 1.110
: . ' 2 . 1!, 1' . 1. .: F; ..
• 17 I 0 111 Iti .. 1 =! 2.1
. , - '
24 2... 24 2.7 2, 30
'2 t . 3 41 41 . ; , ! •• 1 • 1 i serrEVE l l 3 .. l . - I
:1 4 4 0
10 111124,3 4 11' I 1 7 41': ,1 1 1 111 1 , 11:4i. • I SI
!/i 11 !;::? , 1,! 41:1,
~:m 31 _7.. 7. 1 ....., JI
400.0.....1_. ... 1 2 . J 4 a ...Li:al . : L ..l7;l 1 21 3 4
Ifr 1i 1:;;,r,.1 1 1 ,„, , 'F. ! 1 , ,,', 7 4 1'• I' o 2 ll k
:7..11 24:23 241'...a -14, :Lil4 In.
18 ti 21 .11 . ...t 21 25
1 . 1 ' It
• 27 27.:.1,30
43 4i 61 - 1 • AI illti ''
' l -4 i 41 •7 1 •• • • 1' ii
111312113 14 15116117 . . ; ii...itolvilii.l:,
121 1 .A . Pg gril'il 110 171211 2 1,! , 1 i,/,ri.. 1 .
JUN 1 . 11 J - . 1 •
•' ' • 124 13
• I 1 1
• '--. 113 6 : 1 1 ,r' 4 1 1 1 711 1 s 1 11 1 4 '1 !, 1 tii,1 1 1 8"6001 11i,l ' .: 1 11r . .!1", 93 !11,1 1 i .: !ii
j21;2342.1125 , , ; „7„.,.. • 1 - • 1 r.:1,,r . .,,i;:::.3 . ,,,i,.::
itic. N; WOOL
,n.a n far 6Ln Inr,
rn 111.1 mak... au
$l.l . 01 Lllnkul
Lir 'lll m.lir
11 . 1
CI, ,
By order of U Rnenl nr D:recter. , .'
Engineer, OfSee, .llarion. Der- .
M'AILISTIIII'S Qua 11Ri 111.
^y ~ : ~.
f ~~y~iC~l:s~=yrva:+=7
ttEMAINING its the Pittsburgh Pnst ce,
from the ut of lanuarp tithe oT]mu~rT.
ve enc.
ailing fur letters, will Pima wartbry pm ad.
Ladies List
AV , Baran A Alexander LynLi Anderson Maxim
Age. Mr, Arrange. Julia A Alkla Jane
Ball EBzth "Benner Mirth Brokaw Sarah '
Bafl 110 • Blair Markt Brawn Barr 8
Hanford Sue'ah &Lingo 'Antra B Brown Ertl' V C
Renton Charlotte Bonner klaryt A Burke Ellen
Bards hkelt Bowerbank Jane Bornekli Jane
• If•ar Ellrth Boyd Ritmo 801 l Mary
Beatti Bert' Branetrip W
B/.11 arneret Brewer rolls E
Coihaun Elizth Clark Sarah Corcoran Moo A
Calvert Ali,* Clinton Mrs L Corwin Jnn, J
"Lu'ron Marl' A Coati , flush Courtney Marta
Campion Jane (kwbran Eliath Crawford Mary E
-Carnahan Car.line Cochran Ulu L'ranfortlslary J•
Ca, Ann Eliza Collin Utah CherrY Mrs Mnrl'
Eltzth I Collyshate Cath E Cuthb,rteon Elliot
Cl:unbent Ulu RPCoonly Bridget Curry Charlotte
CasaneY Moor A Cook LuereliaJasteCkoper EIIo
Day Antoinette Degarno Mary E Doyle 3htrY
Daily Cathay Dinsmore Marta Duckett Jane
Dart, Mr. $ L Doak. Anne Dankly Sarah J
Wan Cord,lLl Dougherty Unlol Duman Margt
Elzar Alarzt Elliott Mary .1 ' Ertl' Marl Ann
I Innigat. Mary Fi.laer Ellath Frederic Marta
fortuneFlts.grrald Frrytel Mrs C •
fientiols Jane Font. Ann
!Maar Margt Donlon Beta - tltven Cathne
tint MN II Urw.r Dellla Drab , . lO
Ural) Etiath M. 11.1111.14 are Inc Ono Mr , C It
lllrs N IlArlVell Iloustb Sarah
J. Harts-at:Bh 41ifth 11..rna. earals
!Inn, 118441 I II ,II .klnl RBI,
Ibute) Slargl 118nry Nlary SArnh
Ilarrinn 811111 i IlerbBrl CalbB. IlutuP88.1"
11888, 3lnry lIMa BArall IluntBr Sunsm
Ann . 1110.881800 Mr.
Inrin Mary A Irary. Sarah A
Juts. Ellth Joniu V Muth Jam.. Mari
.I. , krun Mary Janes Elia Jobnstan t.b
Jaun• Mar, Jolaultott Nuah A
Kean M A Kelly Anti Kinkead Mirth
lii.runtk Bride Kelly Mazy A Klatt Mania
tiet,tn Honor lielery [tenth Kittery Nan,
Keller Mary Killen Math •
I...andefft Itt•lt 9 I,m6isKarsh A Loyd F.ltti
Ltstrenct• Inthella Little Ilarriet'A Lott, Mary
La, Mar, I,,nut Ann 4 Loua 3 / a rat
Lo an Eliza
Miaidrn Ilonnrah Martln Syn• T Mooker Sophia
?I=7lll7" Mnn.-
Manh Mlthonl Saran ' Mnania +an. E
Nanny Rachel Morriaon M.
Marlin Ell. Mllkr Mary Ma Sarah
Mnng E A S Mutrany Wain
M"Bala laryrt SEra.ldeu Janelumens Farah
51'1'111 Frame. Mary 31%1°44 • Jane
; : 1474 . 31a b a1a nay 'a T,.. 4‘6'
'rtaly Marut Math m : LZ U naillge..
Ml.rniott Mary WHILLIo auaso M Si'Lecd Swab
31Taa{dun Mr. M'Mahan Julia
Nicola. Mira Nltln Amt. •
Owele 310. Om Orr Martha
Atm O'Connor
hllunon )InßahNam. IRIND S Pop Agile"
Pra 31 31 Porter Mary Praor !In M
Raudol. Elith Redoubark Rath Ito
Ray Mn' 31 lilehanlnno Elsth lloblivain May
IleeeN Riddl Lurie Rugera lillliao
gee. Sah A.' Riley ltuestte Clara
14.11uau Charlotte Itilry /Myth
M S t , lmpson Eoth Ft Step Lena
aulu ('AIL Sgitil Mailt A etocktron May
, earleat+blph Mrs Smith Mr.. A Ntrop.
..,4•11• , k Mrs ItazlLltaltl, Elath Shickle . r Cara
Mn eammerville 3lgthSultnr cup Lin
David N.ruret Mrs J W Swallow Rehr
'haw arjt L SquireM l•trwart Math
Nltvplrr N btalion.l3lgth • toaart. Mryth
thour Mr.rth A '•
rents I.SW 71uLllo Rachel Totuso Pah M
Tbutuisr , .. Mrgth Toby Julio C Tracy Musa. 31
Tat) loltler Mary
Wyk: Mrvi Awns AWeldoro ')IRT YYllllawM U.
Wad4,l SRL Jane Wells Ilia nett WlllEss.3lgth ti
W....liter Mrs Kals WIllprob• Armula AWlnalort Mallisda
Whitt , Kale II Wll4lliarlotte
Ward Mr. JI J White Mary WI/win lk4sy
W.s,len Grace Whiting ..,,ags A %limn J.*. 31 . r4
WlLum Mar,
Gentlemen's List.
Adaum J
A.•k'muw J
A lamolewul
la‘n J W
Ald Iraar
All cu Lentil
Aiesadet Jr,,, Arntatenng A
Allinghatu Ault Arthorr J
Allen Jeg.. Arnold J...
Allen Martin Arm And T W
Anioden .1 ArundrocLawng
Allan Wan Auchin J
Aldridge Wn.ll Anatht And..
Anderw.n./.. Arthur% J..
Andrew.. %Vut Albert W V
11..01Chp. I: 0.11. EB Rork Jr.
0.1....1. 11.1/rV .I.rthaud P lloylv J.;
Bari. (.near ',rt.! Peter Ballo.n Jam
Bum A 11 C Illantr. Juo lk.ileu 11
11.1,1 S 1.-2 Jr.. 11u1s.1 1:a1.1
1..01 G . 11. k L 1... J lk; A Wm
Ilanm Ch.. E Jr.. Bt. 311rh
Barker T 11' Muhl Ja. 11. Bolder, V
11.11... n .1 d { ILI:. Andw Sew Bock'. Tll
0.1 J. Itruhett C C llrtren Wen II
Itainl A IL.ltLbourer {Vat 11.. n Jr" C
11=1, W W 14...1,../no Emits, II Y
na,l, Jn
11.1.1..1, T 111..1ng Vahan 11..1.2 EL.,.
111rher Th 0
. /treira.L. k Clark •
It.r..ti J. , 0.1 Jno 11.4rh SG
11.1... r. 31 1 , 111.1,411.1 W 1/ralS V If
I,L. W in Llak. J Beall 11 IL
Plt4i?. ' r I .l .‘"r' Plltr.l ir"' 11g9 ' 1. 1 11 1 .
lb.Ch;.. Ilukuky Joe II /.1.5.42r%1 .11w
1h0r... JN k Cot filark Dorid 0 Braer C.
1411 ./..Se ' 111. k J B Br,. J
1411 Ali Bohm 'J. li BrILIS Wm
.11.11Ji. Barden j r Brim J.
Ilrnphley Martin 11.hlrn Jr. Brrne Thn. 0 •
Br,. ill,. a Lb Itnlxal Jon rke Ilk'
11.vr. r Bull. Peck 11%tterflr1.1 R J
leur..r 0 ns. .. Byrne J. V Burk. Wm . ~t: . Darrm AL I Burn, Arthur
1111.11ndor Joys Colo Jno Crawford 14n L
Bard Coakley IF ldrrom Crawford Bold
1...11M114,,ty Palk Collin, Pram. Cr..., Sltold
Caro ' Coohrau raid Crlrkno. P B
not J. Cooper Jed, Cratt,lunl
CooboCannon A 'Cook Sarni Craddock J T
Cooborn Maltby. Conn 11'n•Th. lonnr, Vasil
Conun Croodo
ram. P Coney n Croon Hein,
Cantpboll Andy, Cornerfonl Arlbur eil.lll/11
C.,1,11 Jun Coaplyo'lhtiah Crouton Jur', P
Tordolodl.3. C Connolly 11 SI Cronin Mirhl or Jan
C Mlold Cured Iliblwra
ttarllon J. Connelly !With., Cunstol. Palk
Choroldoll II Cotlll Itaubtlaslou Currier
r" t. A.
y WC
AYR Casson It Y.
Fl a aytotilleo W Corr..% J. Currant Th.
land. C, ru, Corcoran Palk Curl, C
CLvdon Iltdd J Cornwall Jag Cu. Pet. B
Cocking Thor. Cos J. Cullen Than . l Collyny Dud Crtst tnateio Curry bawl
CMI Maul
1.... emu panoramaUr A P Drum Henry
DonAlm Henry P !Alen, Otn. DuAso Tho.
(hilly Prowls I.ekron Jon Dubarry J W
I.erlkea ,nsol Inrknnn Mr Dunham F S
1.•14 WII II Dluunick Dir." Dunne T ,*
). ui. ro, Dimon Jno Dunkin Jamb
Int,le J no Dalnd) Alesr Dunne Wm
Davis H S Doharty Palk Duncan A C
',alma Iran M InAniharty ACo Dunenu And.
Dena CAnt S Donnana Jno Dunlap S II Der
Dram Z W • DuLlye Calvin Durburo Alex
Detbnu tiro Amylase J W Darn!. Ja..
bu'eP.rrameh. PrAnnthy Th. Dunna Itubt W
De Iplatn'Jno Dann Phillip Dyer Peter
Pnvine Jew DaylA.Duvle
• n in A J
L W, A T
Y. ana Juo J
Evr n• Om
Evans 11=17
Ewing Ulu
Liam' L
Fenny Barney Mall:mono J. Yarn lb Robt
Forum J. 11.ulloan J S rooter Henry E
Faaan.B.l Foater Uaa Fcirayth Jtio
•Frarett Jun ' .%Vountain .410 II French Sam!
/alma thon Farrago,. Clow /Wane Jas •
Fount Wau, Fountain Jna Fraser Anna
Fe, net 3I Furreator Chan Funk N
O Fonarty N'tu
Bah llrey lon' Jan
flatin Palk Gillespie IV II Greenlingle Cleo
, thrhret Henry Gilbert /I Green Matul
. Oehler J C 11111erpk Aim Grant IVrn
! Gem./ 141m1 ' liGleamte Th. (ire. Thus
Gallaahrx Owen Gibson JO\ 4:2 . Green Jon It
Gallagher Th. (Mahar.' hui Gregory Jou
George inn Gilmore A II Gregory 0
• Cleraughtyllmothylillehnst Jan Graham IVea Jon
Garrison Iritteurth Gordon k Itutrerty Graham J.
thdry Matt Golden Pm:Wall Graham Hugh
I Garrity Joo ' (lower Jar Graham Grafton
(knit IV K Gulden nnltelck Graham is,
thkiLutJno • Glenn Mr Grey Mr
Mel' J A Glearou 3lichl Gray Gem W
(lIII.pIe Hlebd lir... Nadi
I, H
Hall Baker A IVorthllaneer IC II Hoffman Wus
Handl {l/11 Jou I. Hays Tin Hoag Jul
Hall J.eith Hasp Julio,. Hagan Jou 8
Hall JnoW Hoffer And. • Hogan Bets)
Iladeinlihd, C • Hemphill Juo Hem unl lieltl
Haley Martin Hemmer( Jim 1/ SIIIIII
• on
Jen:natal' Ileeney J. Ilopktm Nathan
I Iron in,,
Header. Authe Hopper Dr. .1
Hahn II Ile. Gm. Huge. Jou
Hague 11.. IleurAJas llnipid. J.
llatemund Wm Iferram.ll M Howard S J
Iltunptou Win - Ilerrlntt J. Iluv.aul. Th.
Hama Th. Iles.keth t . 'ra Ilornialt J.'
, Manly Adam Hotry AI I. Ilu,,r•ltra Jar I.
Garbutt, Jut. Herman in. Ilmlrsm Mn,
11.11 e, 11”nry , Ilo,nea Ilk hi 11. ton Mad
liartiongh Th.. Ilinkl, AGA Ilutchloon J.
H u lai llllths•rt J. Ilutehr.n Kat.
Harelary Hind. Ju. 11.1er 1.1,1wd
'latter Er.ekl Hill Itirlut U, nit Ell
I li on.lo aCo llama]. EJad IlnUthemon 1444
' ons.h. !finds ll'm Ilumploryr Itobt
I lloallue Levi. Iligg. Ilvary Thi g h . nMut
, 11,..1ett ,I, Viva , 11111 Geo Huhe Itugh
11.1.,..p(1). Illtehi. P S Hunter David
Ita,uhurn J. Ituntherger Ado , .
1 4, I
Irwin HnrILI Ir. Darn! Ineln'layette
Jot:lleum lar4llt , ll.ton Jen mop Ch.,
J,,...way A. C Johnttnn AII , Jeffry Jael.on
Jark.ou A Johnston 1111..-11 ' June George
Amer IVlley Athortou J.lnta Judd tiro
John. Mlrld Johnston DV 'ethic,' Meal
J on ,. II u,th Johniton Th. Justice Alf 1.1
Jomr•Hav id Joh. Alf II
Kane Jno Iteily Thee Kingsland & &ott
Kennelly_ Danl Krllv All Knox Jou
Keenan Tine. II Kerr lime • Kenney Pat&
Keeeler Francis k.. 1, tai.
KelTerbirnoti , ben. J R Kllnattlek Artbu
Kevn~ly In. ! Lia,tl Kiley Kdmuwl
.111 Kier 0 {S
Ketch m w kang.n.,ll Kimberly Jacob
K e nnoly Inn. , . Funnel. Levcrett Klely Timothy
Lally. An th ony Lewin Phi L
lip. Lee•kukeel J
Leye.lek David ()reuse Leon Rev ch"
Lonagart Jno
Loftus Wm
rei '"'" * bb fpn '''''3 l.:l S 7;11 B Lhman J ue •b Locum, A
Larkin A 7re I.: Il Lynch
Lnumer .1 - II bomarti band Lynch 1101
Lawler Deal Licer Jan Lytle Ina
Lv uu IJou1 Jou Ellen Lloyd David I)
look Little Jo. U , Lloyd U
Lemen Hugh ' Ligon Joe Lovore Fuld
tim II
Lockett Thee..
417 " dril
Lucke. Cart
Leal, A L , Lynn Thus Lynch Um
Mobnn Marner X
Jae 1 10 M. Al.
N.,,,„r0„, Borrierparei It Mang J U J. Moron U.S. Monday Ilk
Malny'JllU . AI). Duo C 31.1 y Sand
melnun J v L A )17.1•D'Asoln Noriar. Jun
egr,f,l., 'il l .g4V,"-" m0rn 1 ,1 , 4 0,
Martin Jan MegA. e 'Moore Arthur
Martin Ilathl i Ilmdo J.e. Rm.,.
Medlin llourr .l , 3111 Id Ir.o Moore J
Marshall li W ! 11111. Thom 31orrloon Rob!
Marthall John : IllilsJ 11 M.rosr Ahlorman
MIVIIII J J ' Miller]. .Mullin Oro
Mamero Nathan . Miller Wm Multi) A
Mar J. L : )Wier Mutehler W 1
Mara atomts ' `', Wart .1. IV Martar•llk
IlarthcitsJno .31..11 AII Ilorvar2Pr.
Mon.. Elry - Yuma II Mulroy Yell:
' No
Wlllide 2. Wern i ry Joe It AV/tinter All
AVAnLoahtla.tra•AWColly Jer. }Maio TU.
M'/Ulne Jno !Venn David WW2 CI E
M•llotti Mosnyddll • Wernek. J. 11111loult Illeld
Arbon* Yrancis ' M'Ervt .Ilial Mlirath Als ,
rtin Joo ICDooottrh- Fr. SPOtairart ter
SPCtiotook (Ivo L hillermott Prior _ tb Hugh
WWI Bach lit•Dermut ...• " rraT lout
' Mn }Dosl Pet • Dilater Barrel'
ff - 8.751 m Aclig.llM l'alr.r..,k •
.t`rom [Path itiltarhoid J.+ .11'3isbon Herod
Mt/AZ ift=l.= raol U o i rt.Vre
ll'ernekr o it Smith SillmataJllll 3111srato Peter
11'111111a IMMO 3PSetrer Bestb. TELaste Jan
. ,
Not , IT Wm roagle Jim. Norman Alfred
Norly TO. Nclan Amin' !lien's Jim
N. •Inn
SVIA KIM' P Newman ILA II Nieolstlual
Mann ICa.I .11 Nortil Than
Nua.:l. Jon Nolan (Orsaggirt) Nati% Chas
Ohear, 111..111 Oh, Cho On Jo,
On. Franklin O'Brien 14.,1 (harm ChM
Owens.Patk O'llmak,Thi. l Ilnov Joel
1 - 11},nm.11 Wm Orman Jon . o"Ocilin C A
O'Conuoll Itichd Irlboran Palk ' O'Nrll 1 , ./lix
• Oilman MImnUT •
Parkl/111 Oro Partrrre u P
Mb/ pl,m/ pr Wm J r
Palmer n h 1 , 11,..,rs Jar Plank 9rbr.lar
Pr/Tru. Jun Parlenon ,1‘...W Pinder Jacob
Porl.l.on J. Park, Jo+ 11 P/re‘lmb
Paul J W l'ejjor W Pon, Dayld
W n r- 1 1 . , tintent Jll Polirr Palk
Pay.. Wrn Ilrnry Posr,
Perla .31/0 Petal, Purrikrr tiro
r'=4, ( ll' ' :ll • 1 1 : 1;:1:;1 ", 1 "' 1 1:r1 6 :
Patter., lion .1 Furrill Lalrrruro
Pattrrron To,.
Plullo, Jo , n
' , Rabbit Wrn nil, Jaa . . Pncer. Ileum A
I Rat, 111 , 1 A ILeliani. , 1 II Pon., hi
, am., 11 • Iti.lenour II Itnhinann Saul
Pena T 1.,... Richer It hamar . Pohina... Ju.
11e... Alea I . Rla,. Vito Mi., l•aar
. Pruett Jo. /ha: .1 I . 11.J.1501l 1i ..r .1,....
Reinhart Stark 11...., Mauro If Pobertm.ri Alec P
• iteivart la•aa. Rale.. Drury Itohermann I.
Pox,. or Demean Animal Sll Ihimeri t• .)
i 1&117...."'"1 n....... Ileum' 1 1;t r f , 15 " "
: lineal W 11 Itorkafeller II Iluyeell Wra
Ite.+l h.° V GGchelnlNl .7 .1 Ryan Thin a Part
, Rani -Ina litenthal A Itulnna A
: Ite, twit. Filar kohl. I' 111 Iluiaell Sas
i havontir .Inr. Fhawr Tlirn Runple ,111 n
Ilernnilo W II 1111., llont
I g .
Frauri• Smith Wm . Samaria A Haywood
. SauoJerpon Jnn Smith .1 11 Yo — uthJnhn
; Sawyers Ma,ter T Smith IV I, Fra.nre 11
, Sayer Alex Smith Cl,. II II S,aar Wm
, Saa - inr I' 11 Smith S 31ervin Spear Al.,
I , La:71 1 11,ml, Smith Cbraellus Siephetla IVm P
Smith J. Rev Stewart Math.,
ac , alt ibm Smith Rea Ilan, Stewart Peter
Scholar Dania 'Smith I. W Steuart .t u ,
Settlemayer Davit Smith A n kh Steanra A
Shan Jun Smith ony' bh.vrart Th
Short it Ford Smith Ch. I) iraevennon In A
Stamp Jna
"I'l, .-lA. Dr Small Straranj IV
Small David St.iesnou A G
ShirleeJ I' Sims lAm Stnllt Rola
Shore .1 It Sinclair Wm Stu, Sir
I Shown 1110 Shmln Ihuiel Suomi Danl.
Sigler Rainey Stnchtir J 7. tyrrneyJa.J
Slack P L . .nurrier WM hulllran Laud
Smith Ilan, ShrumniaJos Shannon I'lk
Smith Juo ~..111 Th.
Tarn., Jan Th.eurrani Cont Tiernay nark
Tort 1101,1 Thanneon Sl. Timmons Frauri,
Taint.. PA. Thompanu Saint Timmati* Jun
Taylor in.! Tnnui. Jim Ttaau.i 311chae1
,_Ige " 11 .11 k af 'rd " RrAl ' eu Ed 3T ' lss i el r TV4I, M 7,
Thombur e TJacob T r i mble Jan Tumeltri i ...l4l
Thournoli IL N Trimble Thr. Trimble Ja...
' -Tr
llnher 11 . tu •
Vildabllie Lima Vanalenk Herman:
Malian Jr Ann, Ward in,, Wilson lien, it
Wade P S Walsh 31 Wil&.,u Tim. c
trallan Jr. , IVell• Samuel T Wilma IV P
WLlG:m.ler Jon 5r,,,,. Jack,. Wilma ACo . •
Waggoner David II eb. J. 11 libel, Gahm./
W. 1.. Rein, A While (ihtneMith/ Wicks 11 1' •
%call, Jar White iliehd A illetta linn t y
Walter: lAm 1 1 1.14, Wm Winning Jar
II a11a , ...11a. . Il'l,ll. A ll' IVitalem.l.
II allan.lAno 51 IVldiunhurn Crain Williamnou Oro
Wallaan I - min 31 Wisiaham 11.1 a • Wino, Jno N
Wal Ati IVinhau Dennis • Wolf Jun A .
Waiknr lira II %Vilna.. -Wm IVocala Mal
14 ... Ja. liillhou• It 31 WtaaltJaa A J. I Vlllianis T C Waal J. W
{Paten Mean 11 William. Jlr IFmalward lk, A
l Astkina Adam 1111 em Peth Woodburn Jan
w,.... x i .1 T Arlin., Win II .
Wigq ,' Wan
WlinGli GeG Sill.. Geridtrw . i. Lou,
1 r.
Yeitlng .Inr, Tautly; Jun Yost. lValter
Yuan,: natal Young Itlclal Vadat D IT II
, o Lily
Proprietnr of Ow CRY MAO
Duqua , ,, Dirielou T
American - •
IlartunLdtown ••
Nebnoill • •
Sur of lx , pe
P 0.4
pit , bumb..4 rs u: llls , l , ,, N . :OSEßUßd, P.
INAME to the re sidence of the stih4oriber, on
, about the stb December la*, a dark n4l Co.
rt), a whit' , +trip., owbri. back. 'aloud. four ym.r. ‘.ld.
lug milk. Tint owner 6 notterd In come d,rward
and pruiorrty. ur aL. add 63 ml 4 as W.L. dimrta.
-ral6mr3tT FAML:EL - MOTHIId, Fmit I).m. tp.
QTRAY COW—Aunty, the. rendenee
th. r. n ! , IrdErvport, HAIM tin.:
ado. a 14.1 C 0.,. about dmen yearr ere
add no rar mark , Tbr 'Pam, ix mnitrotrri m (131110 kw.
dM‘r Prria.M3. hLr dra.rg, and her army.
ral.Snr:dT 01,11' Ell
-11.1fLi 110:rIN.
:V/ITLEY COLE /N, COni tddllldd,
,J and Denirmin rory inmda. In.nand drallm.
rof Walnut strm.t mad WaAbingt4n Turnpike Paul.
T copernarmill, orPhleorl3 ad I
zs.. from our two eitle.. two Qua *. half miler trout
i,r, and tno (rent thn rrtor ht, nu
Itun. It ` hr. a.o amv, /quartet an ~,,, l unrehur4,4
luu trere. a utuu , i.f htton, LniuL It :turtle., und am! le,' on
IL La.t n,louhin pumlt in Ina:Lund rvllnr nu
.. 1,4 it It nil! 1.. .ad 00,, ti on lull( the rurellneo
touttey telttg'te.ul. 1 , . 021 3 tn. giVPII. anti nine nu
the Ina:Lute. kiette , e Kt ISAAC
toul e , bth
• *A..Parm• Fold A or r glquiotted. tun!lntu alllltueu, ki,,d, of .I,n t 4.1 at.
4nded 4, t 4 suedurate cit.:tot ,alo.l2.tutl
hf Thosna, tiauun stul Alexander Miami, atlmlnst.tru
tun uf Crehtliton S 4 vart..4lKtea,e4 And now tt,..ralt, Ih
mrnt,,,, . 1 . 10 :A Ltu• fan , ulttunitttrolule Wmshina.n.
'...1"'"l ltl: ' ; ‘ 11 - 11PIIIIV.1 : 1Tri:
Tek• sloth, II). tl'ir nu,lttur prnere4 dieellturce
theof hi. ut , pttitutent. ut Fourth 4.,
l'ilt.hur,h. Ertl, the 17th tiny Janteury, at
• .
Jate.;:ttaT • 1:1: %DV IT ASI NT;Tos, ‘ A edit or ,
ALE OF V.ll.l'A lILE 'REAL .F:SI'ATII ,, ,
,17 AND IRON .OIIKS.rt /./Ii(11 , ,,LII Come. Tin.
etsts.—ltunuant le a ti.ereet,f eirruit Superi, Court
nf Lew and Chan. er, nt rendered In them.,
wherein John anl other defendant, the ntnter•lgn
ed romml•einnret. atleinh.l for the {tuner,. will preveml
ut tell at Nlorgant. wit, In ',1.! count, on the fourth Mote
ie, Fehruar, 1,1. Owing mu11...1an., all that property
in Ilonnigalht rountr. tegittla • I,lne align, ntal nay
Client Hirer. generally knourn• .li., Nlononanha Iron
Work., and tin came that wee ernreyed hr ',ld John Tee
aey and other,' to geld E, au T. Ellltedt and other& cattle!.
lug about 16. feat AT, lavtl, whereon are a Polling Mill,
Forge. Foundry. Nail Far oryt iirixt turd :taw Mill. ell drie
at., font , together with three IlLnet
et the this Wet there la ut abundance of lent Ore. ettine conL
Titater end Unto out... Thore . alt.e • yalualtte Ferry
rreealug Cheat Klee, ladoneing to theproreely.
Tian exhtte le well aitualed fur ntenuaeturing purPow,
not only nt In, hot ,f Went nod Cotton. being onward
In the heart of a tn.] farming nod wool , growing country,
about .s:t tnik. auth of rittaburgh, haring one of the tut
way? nowera in the enat, end water nanumuk•ation to
and ebeahrre.
On.thrac prenhe.. there have been expended within the
lagt trn or twelve. vren, ovine tiny tbotuoLial altAlarn.
erection of the• rolling mill. nail inetory, taut (ornate. awl
• • .
vorks sr,"nort tolvrably grul order. Imumliza.-
ly euurlocted sltli flu. mills's'' , Kane four or (11, Imudryd
Ed' superior ferrumg bust sumo live , slsmallrr
Lane, togstber 'with sixty or eighty clisullini suit
slolf fur W. srorkmria.
. .
The sale rill on a emellt of one. ree T and th eara.
the perdu., t.-trins tout With ...clAtity fur the patment
of the purchase tugme,..
Those who mar dtspo.ted to make Investment,. tmay
exfart • ;gent 'bargain Ito the purchase• of this •aluable
property; and User _mould do well . the prentLges
The undenttrned altl`ttke pinutare funtlehing far
titer deseriptkat Information mllkh may to dZs L t o rvgl
pawns isurehaae•
EIX:.1.1) C. WILSON,
Or. T. WILLEY. "Commiaelonem
}lormantown. Dee. IS,
FOR the cure of Coughs, Colo,
fem. Ilioarhitis, croup, Asthma. Whooping Cough,
and Consumption.
This. truly valuable remedy for all diseasds of the Lungs
d Throat. has become the chief reliance of the aillietod;
pltds the Most 'certain cure known for the above rent=
laints. 'While It is a powerful remedial ag.amt in the moat
desperate and almost boredom., eases; of Consumption. it to
dindulthe4 lows. nue of the mildest endnioot
egnwable family unallelnen for remount roughs andcals.
heal below the opinion of men win. are known to the
world, and the world ts.rylert their m.inions.
FROM PRIORS-Stilt lIITCIIKOCA.,—”Jemes C. 'Ayer—
Sir—l hare used vourtlierry Pectoral, to.
my own cm.o. of
dram vented lironchiln
s. and am 'dallied frpm lta rboalco.l
ainglltutlun that it au admirable rnmplaMd for the relief
of laryngial and bronchial difficulties. If my opinion on ce
its PO perinrebarortefr ray be of anyp.ervlce, you me at lib
`"Y t°." It L L D.
PreAlrot Aniher , d
DIRECT EVIDENCE- 7 -IW. J. C. N., LoarJl-..Drar Si,
V;eal,for.zr 71.1„if.a.nori:;.1:t) of
c ries, r tif; , t . i:3 o n of
at Ilbert thtt berrtla n jotberg. autumn.
I took tool cold. swonmp.l.l ,Y ere routb. and
made ova of many truallemes, without obtaining relief. I
waA obliged to wice up inionerav fneourntl, rutaed 111.Nart.
and rould set no shop at night. A friend gave mu a Nutle
of ,our
gierry PecteraL the use of ableb I inunedtately
1,441, ray cvnow ramie rod all by 111.•Aup of cur val
uable tnoliclne, P SIVAF.,;A.
Principal Mt. Hta
ow .tninury.
a, M Dr. Bryant. Drudglat and Ptg•trimeter, Chleopoe
end rentitt , nce
for all tlu.cla rry 'art ,nt. I ran utilie.itu
tinuly any. thartio in.ll,ln. a. ourit uatistactiun
!rt ' , - I;,{s ' U:11 ''' Jonu,intuf Our
phyalrinna ' nre wine Loo. extetvisulyonth. , :r nod
with the happlont
Pivnartml by J. C. AYlill. Clietub.t.
!Lad in Httal.nruli. wlinli,al.. and reintl. Iry J.ll. Town.
Fend, Ad )lake[ atr,et, and Ji.ocoli
Ohio State Couluil.Rlnner for talk'.•ltlow. .lel.-
nwhxhirtnente of IhWy tr. 081 , ..—Fourth 2 alvive
nr.kda • rT
1.1tt31. M. 'MT:NIL:IIT, tentiprs his services
to the riti-.x.n0.0f Pitt:burgh andiielnity. an a ;mo
tal union.. Co lketor and Cons. aneor. Ile will attend
to the rolleetlng and 'winning of claim. In thin and adjoin.
lux etstes and Countier. Pelting and reltins
lintwing d timln. mortgages.apd other inotrutuenta
of writing. AU buninenn in bin lion attended to with
P care.
. Edward, Flan.
!gin. Ewt- John Morrinno. ir e tn. Alta./less. Item
A. Ilayn, ,
011ine, with Joeeph Wearer. intnt.. Fourth, near the
Marne. (Mee. no,Y.,whurT
toot , . h. there ban moat, unnernpuln. trinket,
prat...tined upon tbo .koldie about rennuntnehlt, nwe at the
prew.tat_ Pow. of I..nnltving aro etrrulannt throunti the
town not aountrn. with the et
unto, nuppreneed,
in order to lodine th e Ignorant to hell.. then, to In t.un.
I'vranir deArnun or I ,, tmlnitxauitl and Or runt monien,
well to call et .1/.IICANTILL
and ea.:line the bawl writing of wane of the boot
u o
In the cite. who bane 1./meted In Lille In,tltutlon.
The ruirs,rlbrr nfrers for Brut. the Farm on which
Mkt., and lamb wherrut.nnUng trot. arras. shoot
four hundred arr. clear,d.orno ininrol . .l. and Iva high
/tato of 171111-INatkm. AI, . n How. and Lot In Mt . Clellond.
Joan. formerly occupied at w tar..rn stand. and now ma..
Finn by Cyrue 6 L. , Coniu n m. Mrmlnin , t. and yg Ilr : 01 . 11ler.
g .kreac reeirh arr tan Lin Vilma gam, and three no w brazing Apple meg.—
Eight nr ten Marks of flay now for aide on,nol f
Eight Hundred brad of t‘ar our •1111 Spanish Merino
Sheep, arrl 40 bead of Catlin. at pritato sato.
Thr pin, for .1, On mdlt of fire yen" his
valuable stock of Ito' Starer., about Are hundred Load
which aro ears. of gmti sire. I:iu brad of wethors.
load of buots. brrd from the,tork of halt.. and
of °bloc rdgingfon. of %inn oh. 4.1...1 Mc FdrIVAL
JOSPOR and raninel lhaterron, Mr. Bryant,. and
Ken worthy, of Washington county. Pa.,
teal. fbr thy purr... of reroofing nett.
Fn.tu the ;mat am care and erot brstowisl on fhb.
dock, thy rubwrlber nano licoltatitin in Fs) In:, It will.
A ni gi.
hotter roll purcharwrs.
AdIICItY ffßl7lll,r,
ro..thlP. Irelellandtown
Janaarr 9.lnizmitorn Democrat.
110 SES,JIARIVIS, lit'C''''.
- -
j'i hi ti,-14*ns on rcta.l4.le_.".Es
lulls % 4th iraPl: tocaltra thii.b: hetrin, tni—..
mow; dout.T t reliarc 1.11.104 rat:Land k 141.0 01:1 th e sm.
tiZnor. the 4 t.mir !bar br mutt !.....5.t...m0
dfg' A e ll ,- --i ''', .. P• 1 1 16 4 .4 14 .f Ar UOTP‘ H .0 . , +-113U0 1 ru nl
~ear. sad tb4 lalano• Ips tyro mu. f
lEmpll cJa ze of T. 1176. Attortksv L.., Fourth xtreet,
74.743. o '!" V eld . r'''
-111VaXl. 1104VEWg
LET—A lain 111aarion House with
31 a< of Land attack ed mittuded O:
jal3 AdRDi.JONIS et CO. ""
Be , Estateworth $100,06d.
. ....,4,„
Y sili ny Ity for val. Two iorouil residences ...lilt'
lcui tint I:sn Ist ward, row haling • fiwrit of 00 foot.ftWs.'
lon South Co.n+. by 2W to /inter street. The other. Ito
I tot front by '7O to an t w iny. Improved in rho boat mariner,
ialfonling. a d dightful di of t city of Pittsborut, the
'Allegheny on thin rise's.
Aiwa a ,of urtiondifronting south on Norib tommint.
'2.10 Wet. run ns 170 fret back, bounded by two fifty net
streets and LT , fert alley In rear. •
Also, twont llo4o dUvetly opposites tho flail Rawl Depot.
of the most ealralile property now offered for sale. This
pOoe of grourid offersboltwernents to speenDLlOrt. Apply
' 1.4 DAIRD it IRVIN 114 'Would It.
MO LE I.—That desirable residence at.
o=t t uro u ltVe. b inlifi•ltr .4 %;rat,'''''
gill, The house la large nod MlT.gzent, hag 12 rooms, 2
hr.l odlarg, and wash house. Also, a stqg and =inure
nor., I , wrtiiiir with fine Rarden.oottai grimier shrub
hgg, and (run treFes.. The omnibus Plano is • dont dis
tance taloa. and persons earn no In at my Tonr. For far
twolats bsuns. of HORT. D. THOMPSON,
Jall4ln, No. 111 Market strort.
1 . 4 1 011. SIU" MILL in East Ilirming..
,j lion., anti situsted he a larg mo busloars: It ran mon
nous' thg grans. bossiness the by Coal Rail Brod.
a, will t. thosonahly mashed, W, now: builets,and leased
Ito • tortn gmg, ,
un earelleut rite for brick making—day deep. Fs4 quarrigg rxerifent raking-slay Inqalma(
lei Naga_ gir K. PHILLIPS. hags Birmingham.
44 , ,
VENT_, Dwelling House, witha
• , e ~ rir , P.w.t.w 5, onoLt 005 largo '.:.
\ 141. ti. on.Yederal etreet. Allegheny. Rent. 111751 v '
w =l .. TREa 1 : 1 1Ati . 27::; , P r It l e$111, 0 1 , 11h. A i g4.:
Other nundings. , . Y.., D. GAZA.M.
4 Se
, Cbroniele. Pet. seul Tribune cony 1A.2 socond
0 LET—The Three Story Dwelling 2,Dhopueii, !4441J,1,14',I,Ile.rjeg.arzoent aeon r 1 ,41 .
`.2l:!!;,'„."ZiTepri:O• r4,llgir'', l 7-ifitirg. °
Round ebureha
fr - LETI—Om Two Story Brick Howse, -a...
ontelnino 4 room. -- ' -.--- --...._ .1.4
I . ,, omun q Crr
/MO Ulr en e
• • JOHN {CAT[ a co.
.V OR REtVT. The Stare, 118 illarket7h
nrxt Jruluirr of • • DFe
ja9allm 100 Penn rt.
on RN . T. two very convenient
it: DWELLING HOUSES, pp{ Thlnl 'trent. elrore
aW neer to Pt:nth held. I .. .union given on the tint
of April next.
, Also. lo on, Le la a}e for orlllsAlor n rgh rre_yeng . ) le , mt. dliptAt.
Apply to I W&. N. UAIILIYI:TOO.
' P9urth ct, [env Wool.
, . .
pQR RENT.—The folloving proper- Et7t*
h A .
I m A lic "N r r : 77 id 4; l"..t7 . t. 4 ty= l9 llll . l"toazia .a..
Sortable for • Gosh,.
Ihrtor room to Poet (Mier Dultdlnint, In the wend and
ni stone, liable for Arta
Rooms. Mites, Au
h i
A large and nre.olent DWELLING 1101:00, to a but+
!nem part it th city.
Fo..aemiou of he•furegolng can be given on' be let-el
Apni urnL •
Also a SMIL • STONE MI flint atytnt. '4 O O 4dld to tlx
"vt,t,r,: o l"a - i,7-::?zzvv-vivii,
Th 0 , 1 1 1 .-ov„.„, „,..R...-.04 by It. au, ur.rrilkT.
r""' °"- r . F- D.•0A7.7.A1L 164 Feenal stn.t.
Dud ''
• rt. to 11. 31'001t3.11CK, FO Third Fir,t.
FOR RENT, a Two story Frame House
r nod Heck Ibuildlust. with ~.;a lots,
on IF
.' ...Irani strmt, thoth Ward, adiololng L. Adam.,
For ten. epply to ,HODISON LITTLE k CO.: '
deck! `63 Liberty street.
'A U3IBER; YARD TO RENT. ' A large
, / Lumber Yard. eltrunAl on Matt:mesa Way,•near the
win. eutheient to hall eighteen hundral thotattal
t iet of Ltuuter, to rent on a i laNze . . a fn2 i n t i&of .
delgellnt Corner of !nu and drain •trees.
TOTO LET, , he 4tore Room N 0.65 Mar-7,0
, et rtreett adjoining the Witch and Jeneh72 . s .
V. k W. Weird recently ocensinl hr Meter.
N. Helmet C go , en a . Banking and grchlutge Ogee.
1 'ruLe morn 4 11 teethe monteentral and bent bueirteas
'joint in the city and weltadanted fin:a Banking and Ca
dhange Mee. nal Inturente Ogle, or a store. A eplendhl
yew from, aith En. 1411 Plato Ulnae, .All be pot to as won
rthe weather permit.'
Pteacapion given ott the first of February. If erantetL—
netdre of ' - W. W. WILKIN.
.1 ta7 Cnruer of Market and Fonrth Arleta.
FOR SALE; the Three story Brick
Nr..18 Ifny vves, Snyder'. Iterve.-
prim s.l,kb Te 1711., SLOO caoh. $ inane y
"' wl
*Aft In ere year, to be scum! by roortenfeu
et, Clear of all incumbra 1 title Indif tn
t. AlTir
11.1 Liberty ftreeL
9110 LET, a flair atury : Dwelling, Slate 17,•:*.
m 4 2111 r, lath rgoto, g. fixtumg. :::.
°yr% 11::flhir4 treel.
Inquire at OU IVatcrrirret.
Whet,. k the titan who does not appreciate the luxury
If any there Le, we do riot iddress et,
aribree to them. not to other; we gay. if you vi.h to
AruttitrlVY.l.4 l :r.±s . „: ' ‘Z h .4ll,Al7l_44g7
hely hripmedine to find work tri &wig.° the tollot x or a'
„rceon—who hoe been anal Waterlog with ordinary WISP—.
pou nialdur trial er this ft.r the hot time. It La a coral+
Jof weenier, admiration. end pleaxere.•
JULE,: lIACEL's CM:AM I, exceedingly
r“elering the Wriest and meet wiry beard eon
rind hie, producing au atlmtritlile lather, andrly Ito ex
tremely rand nature allaying the irritation. end pro - ea:Wu,
that unpleaant and atlff feeling or the Ain which le an
often experiereed atter a h ae ln,..
tlentlemen using Juke lianera F114,1[1.. Cream, rcur tam
the cold.. and mut pierting entitle hornedlatele atter Ito
urr.'neithuut the akin becoming chapped. And thaw arho
einre MO aw lankly way, will wirer too any other ,
w ho wea r will he eepeclally pprecia
tooth thrice who wear whkkenalit the tort that it will not
di:ante, the beard. wie , l? „ tu o Vet plthie,.ll,l4lx..kgiring candy
iPh " aaingt.entiutaredelightfugicparation.r.
compounded with .1011.
the utter exeltudon or all articles
ralculated tu render the operation of allaying tipple...zit,
and wlll appnviated by all who make trial of them.
I , repared only
JCLES HAVEL, Perfumer and Cheralet,
1111 Chesnut enact. Plriladclphia.
pale. wholeude and mailari .hy It. A. Fahneork Cc,
lit. K. • rittabur.:ll; d John 6llrertit. and J.
tit rhell.
Alleehern CItY•
- •
111}2:y. h l y NG.S.
d, lOO hx. Luber scaled, fur
tent tif Itemelm BeLanren of Deposits 4n the
Batik Pitt.lion.M. of the eanount of ten dollars.,and el
ll:or he; mut. wlrel. wlthm tbe tture 3 preeeding
00 Mao of this statement. bare not tither lea!umeasW
thaultushed. with the umno of the. denotttorm the' date
whim such' &owl," were mule,ith batmen accrued, and
the mum:. thereof. Thl• statement embalm all deposits
and balanced of demwita which hare heretofore been pub
-114,01 for three sum-mire yeare—they baring escheated to
thtt, Common wealth:
, .... , .• ...
l '_ il m's
fW Y--------P'do l
IT . - --'giaf:A rltC
Jasec. , stusrt. (palater,) Jen. 5, 1847 1.6.00
W 7. Tomlioem-... ,_ .nd IQ, 784" I.IX.Lts/
I vent). that th . e - fre : egoins appeal. to be bOnnav dus
0. nem. linmed, lad haring retontued in Bank tn.
cbe.tgml fox' three )earr.
hewn and subsoihed before tuo. this :.k3th dar of.Dte
584 ler, 1)50. liEt). WATellle, Alderman,
'al ' 31:3484,0 of the Llty of Pietslinevii:
--- -
, egheny County, fiS:
c 031310NWEATII of' Pennsylvania , to the
• Sheriff of Raid County. goroUog: Acmes. at. an Or.
!;.• r; . ti`c . tr , t.. i. he , l r d at Pita r bet l rAtz ; in mid fdr said county,
le petitlou ' O ' f Daniel To[nig, usatniitrytyr of alratd
V' lac the guile. ke.. which were of Catharine McCann,
latt of tho oily of Pittnburgb. In nal county. deceived. at
the Imo of her death, who tiled ititvitate: 'hewing that the
edd Intestate lon no lawful Ise. nor mama] estate fort.
DI) not of her debt, that sbe died wised In her demesne
of f ~ 4f and In n certain meteuage or lot of alto•
ate u the alttit Ward of the City of Pittaburgls, having •
boot on Washingttou otteet of thirty feet, and extending
bacir c, o
Is f equal width on a line parodic! with Attie street
fifty teat, upon which erected. two dwelling`hOotate, side
Pet n the P . .).1001 of an annual ground not of eighteen
to id CatVnAZ on •l'?,„:"=lll=tfd..,VaiTld
tel be
b e d of oda:. .0. L. 1647. The interest 'of ash '
DID tale being the undivided one loilf part of raid Pram!.
o f
at there are debta againat the
as follows,towie
Jud,nuents in the thatrict Cnort of said County to favor
of Jahn Iliviett, fur fifty Ore dollar, whit Intermt einre
July 120, 11 , :ap, and ente,mountiug to mulishly thirty
duffer, and the note., of managing cold trustwill prob.
urab2o tr
471 1 VT,Z,TtIf "1:"...k m 0Vt6r1.111.?`.00 0 .0
..„ .. 0 °
illt or .-0,..4. with the appurtenance. for tiff payment of
Lh.. attn....aid dolts.
. i ~, (beret., ea command you. and each of you. the
hairy and 'legal repel...ennui...of maid Ottlatine McCann,
,d o il others interested, to be and nuts= before our Or
plod& Court. at Pittsburgh,. the 10th ofTamtary, 1001,
to show cause, it a., fun have, why the prayer of Oda pe
libeller should not bc grouted.
With,. the 11.. 10 in. 11. M*Clure, Prisldent Judo,. of
our said Pittaborgb, DIV 24th .dny of December,
Aud the Court culler that notice of the Issuing of th 4 ti=
Winn to civic. hy publleatus to UM. Pittsburgh Weekly
tr.retto Gar Ibno weeks. By the Court:
RST OF LETTERS ismoillifig, in Wilkins
1... t Oflinilli..xhuriv musty. Pe.
xel •..11e, J. . Efert Wm. Mara Wm.
11x.p..1, Ifebutrlr 1151.01gb Samuel Mill/ !mac
Ills, k Thi.... /11,mtux llarmah ;ILeyer C 1... 2
Harr Hunt. . !loam. Gen. W. Neyer Kart '
Hecker Jacob . Ilmmlttlirt Iler. 31%11, JohkilT.
F.nrlr...lvnathan .Ip,tm.v.,q . ly”. , ?5(.11u,--k„.
Chart;•John 1:11.rott. Itnbo-t. 3PEIn-ath Race.
Crataln-ad John W. Murdock W.* J. WlVllinnie Nary
Carr I tvvrtou 3liorc Thoma. 311lartin Wan.
'h...rt. John )1..0..14 Attavw Nihon Alcinda
lark 310urneJ.....1 Van Vlrek,l/.
. LUKE IL DAVISON, Tooenuter.
NoTteE.—Taken up by the .sulmeritku., on
o 14th in.tant. a RAFMSHX. about I,lltah& hitch,
sagte irpTo 'l'l.':l73"[?Xtl.'„‘..)"al0 h larlran=tte7;lltfirrl
perrepthae. The o.rn.r la rrntm...l4.t.conzeiUrar , prove
isagh'" Nret.
Innkeeper, South l'itlohilrgh.
Q. AM. P. BOSS, Attorney At (dee
Ipt Fourth Knot. pear Gran, In Lantartine Build.
"tn.. Pittaltruh. .
SY virtue of a writ of Levari Foci , iiimued
out of the District Court of Allegheny counaral to
me directed, will be oeytee. , l to public. 'sale, e Court
Douse. in the eity Yittsborsh. Slonlay.lbel27tb day
of Doloari.
ro A.D. ISM. at oclodk, A. M., the following
cleeerilsol opecte, to wit.—
All that certain lot .of irround ,note in the Reserre
Tract- °poodle Pitteburgh, and known by Die name of luta
No :Aloud 37.1 u plan of lots laid out by IL
' V Comsat-ant
noordel tho to °Moe, in tett 31, vol. 66, page
3/41, beginning at a corner of lot thence runulng
along I.nam moot 40 fort. to a corner ou Knoll etract ,
then,o along paid strreCloo feet. tO Orrhaol alley then
along kW alloy 40 feet. to a nee of lot N0..341, and '
thence along the same 100 feet. tr theylaue af begiunlng—
Icing pan of 0.4 t lot N 0.143 in the Ream, Tract oppnelte
Ditteltrgh, mar the North Comunau. In tha Borough of
Allegheny, uhkh by sundry gout mid authirnt more) ,
moso became eeetoll in IL Casimir. as by reference to Jeol.
b00R.3 r. 11 .1. 3.1.11 Sri will more Mill
nreTriti , :ra,,_—B..Ali - ATtr ' l4 74 6. 21 d"4
to the odd John'Ambermwln fee. voore .1:u moartel
to tbell buok cob —, page --, together with all.and tingte
Jar It,, mays, 'Were. to. awl afitouttattm. otottoo,
thereunto belong Seised anti taken' In ementiou lea
the yrt,perty of John Ambersonent the suit. of 11. No
Aolgtue of S. queit; and to be old be
C. CURTIS. Sheriff.
Sloviirs Mice, January R. 11.61,-jal/sl/ eirogot •
ALEX: W. FOSTER; Attorney and Conn
rnor at lan, No. 16'4 Fcatril. Am.. near brantt
.nbaralt. novlGallia,wl-31
INDIA RUBBER PASTE. 4 gross of alit
X_ rawrio article for boot. aoal shor, moaning tb eo , ..,,..
krtly watt, prt.f. mut Pli•b/.. .... • .kt• . 1 ' . 10, h. fit.
artJcle I.4lr.rrant..l to nrioscr . the p...,17., rera.,,,,,,, d ,
Iti.fav:Z l 4,le" r;:.pj "2!'l 17: Ri l ifin!"
oiiviLLlA3l TIMBLIN. Attorney a iL,,;il .
T Butler. P... will ob.. stt , tni to .colimliero, . 0 d A
trr bunloo. rocrwrted 0, hlm to
_puller aryl iirtne”ona
k' I"
I" r=tll. - 1.7". I,4=YLA - t?- iv.]:
Us, am m.o.
Wwl et, 4 lltt.clnyli. , Ya l, lll' C'2' ..' •
LI otraner MILTON- Oa:. J. art , . irdl
e , for tlx ihmre rn-(01,a
plail as, to terlvek v. v.
• Itnet t eeiteht:or Innen..W. vjgtly 011 I.\ 21.1: . . hag
:F Lik .-7- NEI4 - . OR Li: A NS—The -----
light tinenght Flamer Pllolg, Cireenleel
Waster, will knee the the abwo ere/ nil lent
innitnterte on Monday oL 10 AM t Fon Minh/ Sr par
Wage an gan board or to , -,: . .
____ it .t. MILTENIILBGIat, Agg
FOR ST. ]AC IS—The fast. nt.
nlng lessAAC Captamjagt
ntellson. wi for tim lams" out Mk
modiste ports., on Monday. the an h spat!, at 10 A.. M. .
Yor ftrilht or tussarr..rozoo bostal- I JaalS
A . , , N m oß u.i ls - r n , , ,. 1. t0 5 an..i 1i1 t i , L2...; . - E tx .. ), lF l e ni c,ist izisz_
Z 1 V11:f7,4" , ' 1 7.'t IVririrm" ,
!.7.frt4;E:L 0r ' X•aa1...,14;,- - cal boanl.t, ' •iatlS_
rit touisrmix—The tlt- ' ..:.
e:mint:At-atter NAVIGATOR: Captain . .
will learn for thr 0
,I. abce sad intartnt
*fa Part, tni't ilay.ftt 1' t '
Pot height 10 jw, , ,,, zqq.:7 .11 !COM , 1
. . . . 14
OR S T . LOUIS •` ‘ cplendid
F • - -
nen. et.aar VIA:VTWofIIt,N.. Canlar
runimandrr. till leave. ti , r tin. abc-• and latk ' _
to.tat. port, op riatardav,.thrtlith trt,tiat. at 4 P. 31.
yor fronfill or val.,• eippt, aui las101;ft• to - -•
7. NEWTON JON y 3. /Want.
FOR NE 1Y 0ItI; E .1 .- N S. The --- :r.t. '-
1: naendia I.w atranwr Eltrattf, AG. Ma. ,.,... ,
t'ant=rrrliwnant!tlV=iff*gb, _
_,IIVA:. ' t f )0 otelor_,lr
.For Prolgot ar pairags., aplairm uoara, 2,
V 01 : N.ASI iTILLE. ;I'6. opieti- - r—.. ---
diAl rteanttr- PO WT PITT. 3liii,r:tuatr.,k-.ia
IIIII:l. " Pf17 Ina:tKTl7O l r';4: " . VNL "'"'
Yor imUla or paarek..N. ...Fan tq ' tapl. . j.
ult. gT. LOUIS. Thv, fast run-
tang shnint,r ROB}:ItT zwuanns,
auteher will leave ivr Ore al., a. in.,
Mediate port: thk ilay, the lath Ingt.snt; at 10 A. 3.1.
ror frtiilht 1nv , ..,...aP0r Ou heard,
'OR noes LNG PORT—nw
conning ~ tenincr Pilot No. 2. Cant.
rain, will bare tor tic, Wear, nc,l
010 ports, nal at a 51_
rot 10101,100 1V1i7.410
salt •
I.lllllle—The ZACUART hj
titanic. will' leave Fs abor '
and intermediate ports llt. day 10 10 WeLicin A. 11.
xit, Min:LINO IIACKET.—The colentikl
nor packa rtionner 1,11.1(N AL. nia .
L now porforminirlicr ric.mlar troccekly trip betwen
thio cite 11111.! Wheeling, knvinir Pitninstrgh at 10 o'clock
every ilfnuday; Weilesecday otorTralcy, nrtstrtilne..
leave* Illweling . every Tticichic, Thornlar i l atorday,
In each wick: for f!.e
fi l E s Gu'LAßrirrimiloirkgi) -
,Vain l wo Anra h. .;dl=boEng .
dot. For 0n.1,71,1 or .pPIY
. ,t. H. II An-rti
t, CINCINNATI, Contain train:doom Van , colcu,lni beat wc4 built oy
Vaug 47, V , Ztourlr;,,,ifx=g7.l=74„
Ly u riy,',V 4 lepica r ty4.l , .. b ;ociniinti.
6 V: ii:7IL ; rISasEIRIER, .Agvnt.
auxr!sii pACl4.7...The . r.u . t ronnini
Wavle, IV 1.11...:1 LW, taut lounu.
run Is* n regul:q rembrt toqueun Ilthaumgh.
Bridgernurt. :.”.1 uunf,h, luring IltUd,u.ruh uuurY3l
allerturou r.ol
Wrt „„d crew an.,:nuun.,
_ _
ET—The rely
nni steamer A1:1".7:A. 11, Y. Kinney, tn.
ter, Ilushorgb en .Mendar.Weilneelny, nod frfday.
10 detnek..4. Crane
Oi e ma Toonda7. Thor.
di, and 2ntilnkr. a 7 cie:eck.
kor freight er panonie. opply on 1...ne1. ' tier
To Southerno and Westen.ffierebsuits. •
The submit:sr ressectfolly rublie nttentksi
to extensive stork et I, rnimisT.Soars,s.llaring (Manx% _
to which Form Miser an awardedobkn Medals Imre.
within the Imi year, Iwo, by theinstitunis af
New Yerk, lingten. and l'hilmlslahle, the latter ben. the
only tiokleti .Nsdnis ever nwartlial Mr peens: wry either in
Europe or in thleromntry. •
itorinited CantrimineTetivnto filluintste
and Atobwith.l.) unlvsrsany seknowlalited tobertmstior to
my Musing Cream in . Ohio remit, or bumps.
°tearoom roe elOrn:—Bsitutifolly tnitrinsrent and
libibly Mammies..r and smelliest
axiom nobs Compattnin-trubrokal Mitring TribrMt
ry Shady::
Burnam Sour, Saitri - --tinionil, Rose, Millatianrs,llloo.
g=taishio. rxklionsly. Ormillam e •
t Olive Oil. Winds, and Cir./Maw
EITRACSI nl6 LLisnwMmimsa—ftemt,nom •
de Cmolinmticrainunt Itotomitne,Jcsk.
otheran b, Clentallte,Virronelle. Nowa, snit many
uther violent, in sixty dlnaron
Taut Worm—Yin:Vila Want; Eau to Trinettr, (Mingo
Plower Water, and a great variety oftiolt.4nos anti tivreo
der Witten, •
. •
Pan...alto:la ron me ILtra—Ganaina
Ilandolito, Lonral, Olelre, 1.-1amp...3 Dr Mar
mot. Ilair 1/Ira, hquhl and in'powthr. and Chltooaasc.hki ,
nine. foal Jenn
I y Lula Port-vim
to Torth
Chatraelit.ahrthoe. aloulltra,Tpah rade, and Tooth
IN tr.
Cuallartra—Tegrespra C.aiv,th Comm. Atnatallso - fgr
I. haralr,Oolat-er-_mal of !Imes, Chao. ila Peric.
ha. Rl. , •orry traam. ac.
rotZ ° Y ;f l ;re wa nt ' o;;,7.Vr%lrC l ::. ' L -111 4 . Victt ' s
/lair Cum larAtlon. o anrat nett,.
Was- artklea nutvahAti named to MU adacrtirt."
Thy Ellbr.erib, 1.1, W notiotoin •Ito
flag lertabliohm•nt boo oinufood. br lLtra= of nothinn
but Ern rote talkie, oroi 11 L. hewn. to furnish Lbwt
who tor 4.1 i intrin.izo bon, onhor riholrialot rona
Orion as nor o-iii.bll , hnonit In thetinted
corm 2,11'1E4 BA.III.
: 1111OrOoror 6.4 Connor Dunn, of a...L.1..1m.y or
IXtilzsE RotiesttLi..
11L Cl,ranvl et.
Itaidn'n forfuniery to It: ralo '
DrirEnirtit in the country. • 14.
r=vro , t,, i t y to , ot! . ;lyo •
in ail of the Waohii.ton Mourrnent kroe. oot 727.eM On .
lieroinitr.ory rcliortfollorninorlioi jkov•ovv.. 'gm,. moan •
In Olio bomb to the innlecnonon. to 4.niOrro n. T
donlokillts-AT . litx..A)N7Treturandr;
31ilitaiy Bounty Land Agency,.
mATIIEW 110sEY,._ resper;tfully
inform thee. int/netted that he has coxaged 'wo
ad. Boom)? Lando under the reettnt law of Congn,.
By : that Lan ell who have actually .1,-(4t In .11,f or the
ware Alice llthotr theirat Wows or muter children, are eto
titled to Bounty Ihnd, front 40 to la/ 'aerate antordin,„- to
the term of eerriten nut as the law cap:manly provadm
agairat the' trdneternu lenient ran arena to the eoldier
until Ka Land le heated. n It et therefore nlainaident that
Individual eta ban nu tenet feted their land either In twrian
Agents. The ono will to hued to.. exposolno—the
other to be edletent rinutree liberal patronage. sod fair
compeuratien. AL41111,4 to lastie by any other melba!
will prove to the end *thorn,. To aecomplirlt this, and to
clone the entire bueine, of the wither, to the economical
spirit earghnlltdat,l fittnenin, I reemachtdeal by the
department. in to) main °hse 1 protetec. [herd... at it
wmparti t tlaiii , ttlin ti r i zre i r 4. t..l , pre , aret—let. A Lomb
T uxrintetel personelle
the loading of 101 l warnunt. thereby teeming mai gnantm
towing to the potheram
thiom either in view of
towecutteSeh or nile. :id. To obtain a Patent for mid land.
with ahloeiniption tyf its quality, lonallothte., thus
enabling him to form an twittuate 01 Ito value.
ra Terms, which ell! be rettionable. made known on arid:-
ttan. '
Addreas (post )ald) S. ILiTILEW 110 SET,
Girton county. Ph
B.—Writt, the name or your Peat OfGer, Count/. and
State, very legibly. jantew.geS
1C4.0. 49 LIBERTY.STREET, Pirrestracit.
IN P. DELANEY has jail opentyl his 'Fixing Moak et
eTery dereription wont, imitable V. 3. city trade. The
Cloths, Ceassimereit and Tratinim term lawn selected with
great ago from the latest innegtatimia and atomise apart
of mazy Wog that If new and handaotno. Om daring And
Summer winin The mwirtment of Veatlngs Troth In xt )' lo
he onetanally.
if uilMl %hint ia ' rr
rite M.
, either hi quatity.grouglty; or prieg b
Alai, • new lootsty Tweel Payinnere, adapted . ' ay boat
nevi Coate and Prints. Swimmer tirrids of every thisrrietkrn i
such m Tweeds. Caohmairalte. Italian Cloth, Drapdaites.
tr. The entire stork via favorably wmietre with any
stack of goods Kam./ bereterere In Pittylnirgh.
Ile. J. C. Watts well known Falb and tame m a cotter.
will prove an maple gl2.ltanteo to nil who mar favor tills
mtabllshrnent with Moderders. that they will bare rie
pied and fashionable -wee kai can be produced by any
Durum In the t:..4t.
main at much low, tykes, tw hare loon
ackmawleth i nd by y who Lave tried both. I would fur
ther state. that I will turulah as coot,
(hvids as can he tonna In the Eastroutimke and at math
lower prima.
.A otol geloool ataortnent otatiColothhirt
la on hand. - mode to Lhe men, Padhatort onnipottrox
Drrea. knot and Etutnera Cutts of the tate4 rifle. made.
of French, Enolleh. oud Aroerkan Cloth. oltLaahroote
hie calor, Pantahtone of eorry Gt oripttoti. of atol
fancy tNestraerts theelatcst title, OGG., Nottlimat tto4.
Summer geed.: Yeah. of the he , .
ballot and titlkot plat.
oat Dotty Ala milk, Cloth, CrwLsnere.dte.t and other ar•
Doke Jo the Clothing to All Darroonte oradent No. 49,
Awe warrouttel to be w
rut and nook '9
In a .1 orktranlihe
Ark, and:will be pelt Yew Dr cash. • • "
G.3—Nocie but the lowt•cf Workmen r=t4aftd; ond foll
wa.if pall. All Cementer mule to; tiler as more, war
DlS.Wholosale porobaterr will hod the rt. - tarot 42 a trick
dottrable out to rehet owheap aud' t beantitul assortment
front. doo r
State Mutual Fire : risurance . '
- • • •
design a this CiimPANY io to afford
the ownere of preivrty sale nvi ehrslttsuisaurq Its
armee; tent: conducted rturtly en the mutual prtuctidt..
nouttituthau even . metoks u nut cuttliktr hi=
the prozn and 1.1 . only uindLaLle method
lo the r.etem et mottle! ineur.w—tbat CLAY-6111/NQ
.ITh ItlfiliV—thue'alfcrdmg . equal to etas to the !aslant..
Din.etole.,..vordinuly. hate dited thLir two
two dletinct eltwes. the cheater proshhtu that ua pert ef
the fusels td' riktier` can be appropnarhef for the
loerA necurrn.f n tht other. the YirtCLm Is &meatus
tent the FAlMEttn` COMP.LNY, in r. hid, tutuneve..s.le
made upon country •brellinn, barna. oat brildatin, and •
r r att e r 7 '.
et; a nd tut Lin: mote lan3aninua Is a:lowed
• The ecenrid Class, denombenteL.tlie hflille/fANTL'.
1"0311..1'51', is erbteh lantrahce InaY 1v te.a. upo.themk•
amine. and the eider kinds of bout in tarns coot
Braid.] none ere only abrut ru lax*
tboao usually charged re
other caniftathe e and the tales
ler; teat encit it• the Bimetal, are eunfident eilkiare then,
the necessity of ,1•••• waking an an , ssintent.
.."'et acre •
82.50 , 4 in , allowed , th lassirssl one lovalltr. ant the are
bi allow.' the prirßede al' Wenn; either with or
Inthoulthe of a fneuluni nob, '
The nalannase bat been to the Cssnssany •
afore ita organ. , nat. One - Ind funnel feleprty to the .
out of ON k: AND 11ALf 311LLIO . of ilallaradurtot
lha ° l...tsT VIM flOnlia.)ffihaarthat aro dilly at.
predated by the h ablie. All lassre ssc - e.ftle,.l at the
Oen of Bea. sith pr: or end 111ssrallty, '
• lt is note under the cantroicf.the heileautz. Bfrectrinc—
'John P. Ilutherfbni. Albert J. titli•dt.
Ahearn A. Colter. kWh? C. E.A 1 :0 7 i..L. RoUrt Joh.. •
• J. y. Ia:TITERFO RD. Prceideet.
UlLLBlT.h.drchiry. •
A. A. Cuenca , Artner7. ' J
• . -
'Branch I/Esse der Fenn") 'nine; \o: St Finn
field et..Plttalettrult. .cure •
Corner of Thin! and Market arra, Charted LA:LII.
neate The outrfatarteml ittntttuta of the fu Mao
silvan. L.
Pact - tit—Jen. Fltiont, Princhal Inittnetur In Mc
barn. of Litrounta: •
O. K. Cutunktirx, Proto.n,f l'enuntakultdv.3lnrean.
the Computation. au
At.l3-1"1.15 trirtere.
J. Lecturer en. Cdcainettinl
•14.. tan 01 Tainted—Hon. 'Wm. .
licn. Samoa
'Buchanan, IloneJobn krolcn,ilori Charles tie, Mr. Item
m ow . Ilatnoton, Con, U. 11. le.rie. ler.J. IL )(tam tech.
John Andoreon.L.g., Gen. J. K. N...‘ , ...te.111. eheatos Pun-.
lop, Eon.. Ira Mercer. • ' ' •
N.T.01.11M0 e<lOllll,lL--Jnlm T. Cochran. Attorrer at
Lann Jan.. Taeaer, d ilierleauk 11. A. Erver, Accountant.
pudenda eau enter Clio I Infitution at am" time. and el
tahllntrurik. Wu d ee and
enUtted. Deceive dlihnata, elcuri by th e thstaty find
Ktendnlng Committee.
Tlineedrehinn at heroctrh lanowled,
Penaman.hhi Lace rdli Lour In unto! thnt this la law i
Chartered College of,lhe kind In Cif...burgh: Ountnunin,
Cone mildreseol to Q. K. Chazn4rlin,.lll wont with oreenof '
S' UEPOSITE 11,1, .
'BMW I. .11..nn1, 1, iLn. Th, fT, f.. 514
!tow r . /
tavd to thl. Bank Imalttrnl and
with the mono.
llidlenek. $4, July
Boill6otaa.styWleat/waaßC...&altra. Jo
the it Ints S ;i:Ft a. run4nrkna•
per a":" per
0010 and
ta l7 i 3 t rell a pox, ,
au Cosner or Wand v.( TL
dram et Clark, iittatory3t . . ---",-71,03"so;