%bao APIEspIoP or TIIR Nnr:COUNCLI.3.—Thei ambers of the'Select and COmlitoo Conhcils met Chszatie moroing, at 10 o'clock, in' th 4 council na.. * • •'• • ". . etzxct 313 the Select Connell James B. Eiorrah Elq., leas coiled to the Chzdr on motion of frierick The returns of the election fog members of ' the Select Conitil ,wero presented and [read at fellows: v' First Ward—James T. Kincaid., , • .-Second " Isaac Jones, _• - Third " S.M. Kier. • '.,Fourth Fridriek Lorenz.' . • Fifth " J.• IL Cassel. • Sixth " 'David D. Brace. • Sevenths... Charles Rent. • Eighth , Samuel Morrow, 'two years.... ' . John tic Kennedy. one y r. Ninth " r :%lattliew Edwards. James B. Murray,-Esq., was, on moti, unm32 -I - !measly eleetedyresident of the Selec Council during the !mining year., John Majork anal Robert Morrow ware then nominated as Candidates for clerk.' ttnotion the nominations closed, and the niem pro ceeded to ballot with the following results: John Major' . • . Robert Morrow '• 9 , Scattering I So Mr. Morrow was ileclarect — iial . y . elected. James Wright was then op:rootieriiiintnitnous _ ly re-erected messenger anal door krieper to ,_the Comcile. • CONLON COUNCIL' TIM Common Council wan organized Ii calling- Major WSlock: to the Chair, and appointin Messrs. R. EL Riddle and Win. C. Friend, Sec' , ries. , _ . . .. . _ ._._. _. ......--, -„..-. • _ _ '.• .The returns were thertiend as follows . .I . Fmocr Wane-Allen Cordell, Cy - rani:thick, John -,.. • WlReck, R. ii- Riddle. ). - • Broom, D'aniz--A. dleFarland, A.: arrison, .:'•‘, tlleorge Wilson. TERRI. Wino—Martin Lytle, A. M. L Pollock, " • 'John Mellon, Lucky Ilarper,Alex. Holstein, Thos. I •, .. ' lowaret Wants—John Bisset, Sr., Wei. Young, s. 7 Robert McKnight. •:: , Finn Ifsuit—A, J.' Gribben, Andrew Scott, . •• Joseph lihiye, W. G. MeCartapy. • Snarl Wsunslienry Reis, John PM 'ps, Jan. LowrY, Jr,, 11-.1. Cunningham.- - ' - Scwasertt Wsten--Lewis Shrsam, 1 ' C. Eintrrit Waste—Alexander, Tindle, R. D. : . Iteishter., • • ,-* hincru. WAVD.--Philip Drum, • ilugh limo- Is mond. . : - The reteres -were then on; motion, a sproved. • ' • Mr. Cordell, announced that the nett thing In order was the administration of thi, oath of , . office, to.the new members, • - .'.' "Alderman SL W. Lewisthemadministered the 1 -''' filth in the meal form. `. . • • ".t: • The roll was called,'and all the mein era an -1 . sneered, with the exception of one ge tleMan "sum the Eighth Ward. - • .. j• , : The election of Chairman of the Comm n Coons "oil for the classing year; Was declared to he next - I ''. ice eider. Mr. Robert McKnight, Charimau of e last --Conseil was•then nominated, and on la ou the .. - nominations closed, and ho was ]coat' . ?unix ' elected. . - Mr. Ma ;:. on taking the Chair said male ' ; men' Of. the Csimman Council, I thrink u for i ..,- the compliment which you bane-again paid me, 17.- and while l ask for your indulgence townelscuse; in the • Mitbarrassiug position I am called 4•0 to oc •. . copy, I, would crave your cooperation in the press,- creation of order and decorum at all tills. By !: so doing, we shall best ensure the speed trans- 1 action' of the public business, and - please our canstitucats.t , • - Mr. McKnight then announced that , e elec- LILO a clerk, was next in order. 31 Mc . ,W. Lewis, and J. W. Rre Rid ewe „ A m I --. no ' ted, anion motion the nomivatio s closed The members then proceeded to ballot as fad- 1 .. , , Film BAttor—M. W. 'Lewis 10—J. V. Mid i .., dlelo. s, Mr. Lewis was declard dulrel ct.e. • ' ' "AuMtion was made to elect a messenger. • I • . Capt. Pratt seas nominated, and the, s. dothinn • Lions, on Molina closed, and he was Leelaresi I ' 1 unani moody *Jetted- . • . s ' Captain P. then returned thanks for the -great I • - - honor the membersof the Council had c aferred I on him." lie trusted thit Ise would always! perform his duty, sod promised that hi.. Actions , - would zpenk. lousier than words. ~ , Oa motion of Mr. Leaky Hier . er the es of . last Year' were adopted for tfie preseaq : .- Mr. Allen Cesdel Moved that a com ittee of . fire, two from the Select and three m ;be : Common Council should wait on his honor qudge McClure, and request him to m inister a l i the with of office to the Mayor elect, • :..Messrs Cordell Cunningham, and, ribben . were - 4ppointed an the part of the ddCommon . - Council. . • ' ' On motion it "was resolved that a co minitte of • life be appointed to wait on 'the Mayor elect and 'reiluest la attendance et the New CourksHonse, ••I at eleven o'clock. , • . • ".„Messrs Harper, Riddle, and -Wilson - ap pointed on the part of the Common Conn 'l. ' - " On motion it was resolved that when t COM- 1 Wien Council :adjourns . ; .it adjonenalo taeet in , ' 'es:injunction with the Select Council at the New; Court House, on Tsiesslay next, for the election of City fltlcers. •, I• s - INACOORATIOp; OF TM MOTOR. Atl o'clock, the CounciLs ensemble in the tOom Isf the-Uhlted States Circuit Court. - ' The, Chamber was crowded byn , east ,ssem : binge of our citizens, anxious to behold to o ter mination of the yenr of misrule, which disgraced our city. • - __,e_ --- ' • Captain John 13:Guthrie - entered the Ch eortedlifthn Committee appointed for. th ~ - pose, an d by the late Mayor. ~ . Messrs. itlarrayntul McKnight, :Presid the Select and Common Councits, took theii • en the Judge's' bench: • .. •- Henry D. Reighter, the absent membe i 'the Eighth Ward, having arrived, was swo • '.. On motile; the rending of the election r • on that occasion was•dispensed with. A member of the Common Cs?snicil was .that was scarcely-.the legal course, but Mr. l raytalearedbint that rending had been aspen. with fox:several years past. , ~...-, Ile motion was reconsidered, and it wise re - Wired to read the retams,:•which was done by the . . olerks, as follows: - : - EZEIDEO • • John Jay Roggen, John B. Outhrir;:. . Joel& Barker; BOgge n, r.cosn WARD. Guthrie, Ruler, . ' • TIIMD WASP • Jane G. SakAelm, 3 ROggen, • . 121 Gae, ' 2,56 Barker, . . . 7 - Roggen. ' Guthrie, Barker, Barn w iv Bone n, Guthrie, Barker, ILE= Rontn. Githrie, Barker, Cußen, .1:IGIITH VrAttP. Barkcr, Cullen , ..-.., Joseph . Ilarker, i i. • x • ,• - 1 ,. - NM If warn. [ 1 ' *ll ( t l ° uqn " ' ' Cullen , ' ... Captaitijohn D. Guthrie was then dean .... I ly elected 3layor of Pittsburgh to serve du! Xhe ensuing year: • The lion Wm. 11. McClure, President Ju of thiCourt of Quarter Sr-:sons, had in the mi 1 time entered the room,"escerted by theCommi I aPpointed for that purpose, and he proceede administer the oath of pflicP as follows: • I, _...'You de swear by Almighty God. the searcher o f all bparts, that yen wilt support the Constitu tion or the United States, and pf the State. of .pm s yle'ssala, and will faithfully [execute the du ties of Mayor of the city of l'ittsburgh durin4 the ensuing year, and of this you will answer, to [God at the Great Day." Ciptain Guthrie then soloed whether it I' was 1 iumal or neeftsa4 to announce the names of the police whom be had appointed. [ - Mr. Alerray said that 'ISIICh was - the usual ..- Capt. Guthrie said that he haddeen et a loss to IlMow• bow many, policemen be had the power to ::appoint; would anne=ce the following: • • r High Constabk—ltobert Segue. . '...Conitalgra—Daniel Weart!, James McFenata, • ttid James A. Gerry. j. He tliensaid, Mr. President and gentlemen of ' the Select and *Common Councils of the city of I 'Pittsburgh. I feel grateful to my fellow citirear t, for the honer which you have conferred upon' me, [l [ land shall endeavor,. to the Utmost of my ability Ift . diteharge therdath of 'office which I bare to : 'kee, and the dutics it - impwes upon me. . Poi the position which I now occupy Tani, of I! . altrce . . ll tainly indebted to the kindness - of ',the . a Pu[T•b>. which I have the boner of belonging, I Toil etkild not otherwise, hare baste] [ kW, 'but 1 - if i s khOit: the 61' that party; Wadi trust, tialiCiVtilAl lA°, I Know that Ibex will:14- mit Uhl do that my election may- be attributed to the Votes cast forme t gentlemen of (Efferent polities' opinions. I will strive in the coarse which I will peruse, to be tolerant.to all, and pledge myself to do my duty. Mr, Murray announced that the business for which they had assembled in joint ballot was concluded. „Mr. Clalhigher of the Seventh Ward, offered the following resolution. Resolved that the Council da now adjourn, to re-assemble in the New Court Rowe on Tues day, the 21st. day of 'January, 1951, for the pur pose of electing s City Treasurer, and other of ficers. The council then adjourned MAYOU'A OLESES.—Mr: Jame.; Pettigrew was yesterday appointed Clerk to the Mayor—a se. lection which will give universal satisfaction. THE AL/N.0111:NY COCNCTLS... The Mehwn, of the Select and Common Con chs met yestirday• morning in their chamber, for the purpose of organization. Colonel tin Hohilleort, Jr., waa rolled to the Chair, and the returns from all the Wards were handed in. When they were read, it appeared that R. S. Fleming Ind .1. T. Sniupie. •. .1. 11. Scott. IL 1. was then declared duly elected .11nyur of the city of Allegheny fur the ensuing year. Alderman Barclay administered the onth to his Honor, who, after receiving it, thanked his fellow citiceim for the honor which thev had conferred upon him, in again electing-him to the re sponsihle situation Of . .Slayer of .their city.— Ile wan the more 'grateful for it, since his re election seemed to imply an approval of his course during the past year. and he would prom ise that. during the-ensuing one, he would faith fully endeavor to discharge the duties devoting upon him. While he would always strive to lay a heavy hand upon vice, it would lie his constant aim to he ar lenient es the low would permit him to be, towards the piitw and the unfortunate. The experience which lie had acquired since he had been in office, would, lie hoped, enable him to perform his duties inn satisfactory man ner, for he must confess ,that when he was in stalled last year he had some misgivings as to the result. If his fellow eitirenCsheirld perceive any errors in his conduct, they might rest as -cured they would he errors of .the head and not of the heart. • The now members of the Council were tlsorn .in by Alderman Bnrcley. The Chairman announced that the business for the transaction of which they had met in joint ballot, was concluded, and the Councils retired to their reerective Chambers. 1 On' motion, William Robinson, Junior, was unanimously elected President of the Select Council during the ensuing year. • ,Mr. J. .1. Carpenter was, on motion, duly elected Clerk. Mr. G. L. Mclntire wits elected Messenger.; COILMON CoCXCII. William Boyd, Esq., was, on motion, maul ,monsly elected President of the Common Council during the ensuing year. On motion Mr. Matthew MeGonnigle was elected Clerk, and Mr. G. L. :Mclntire. Messenger. On motion the Councils adjourned. • - . . We are requested to announce that - the -Blake ly Family of 31 - usie" mill soon give a series of Con certi in. this city. They bare lately been giving Concert in Rochester and Buthibi,-New York, to very large audience:4omnd aro highly spoken of by the press. BAYNE'S VOYAGE to Euiion.—We can positive ly state that this evening will he the 1114 ` litne our !Odors can have an opportnnity of seeing this very celebrated Panorama, n. it will be exUnoved to Louisville an Monday hen. It has been very well patronized -here for the pool tax weeks, at tracting large oseenthlage, az every exhibition. We recatustnenti this painting to the notice of the inhabitant, of, Loaisrilfe ao being -a beautiful work of art,',a-nd worthy of hie support we are sure it will receive. There is an exhibition till , . afternoon at 3 rielix-k. and in the evening at 7; 1 o'clock. COURT OF QUARTER CESSIONS. .I.,crAcv 17th.: 1951 Present—lion. Wm. U. McClure. President Jude, and Wm. Kerr and Samuel Jones, Asso ciate Judges. The... of the - Commonwealth,,, fleorge,ll6- myre—lndietment, Pednry--m, oath of William Myers, was tried, The jury returned a verdict of '•not guilta'," mid directed the . . Alderman who sent the:enact, fore the Grand Jury, .to pay the erefs. • t The Court were trying a czar of Mountfit and Battery with intent to kip, wherein iyin. Cain is defendant, when the time for adjournment ar-' rived. illouCciairMate.—The situation of nigh Con stable se as tendered to Mr. John Fax., our war thy and efficient Jailor, by Captain Guthrie, but his engagements would not permit him . to accept it. Couto Nor AGREF.—The jury in the Corcpi racy Case against Williams , Kirby ancrGilliam returned into Court yet day morning, and-de elating that they would n:, er agree, were din charged. .. We understand that they .1 Auittal and.three (or convietio BOOKS.—FluniK,lt'g now Work, N r c:7l., or .* - n e. ora Phytiml de,teription of the &Frae' , Sketthet of Nllntteocht 'the New Ettlrlantl of the et - L1 v 61. 1 .2 am Hr T n:t l e . 's 31mItnotet:• atad Engin...re Dletlouary. Jet ßa..exttrittSermo. The are *ell worth wading.wading.Fur mal re . e by E. 1101.141 Ne. jalo Bullditxot . rm.—An unfinished throv. story brick hone° on Wylie street, belonging, to 11. N. Collins, took Eire yesterday, and the whole interior was con sumed. The loss was covered by insurance. 15. (1:1111.1111.. .. 1 1. 11 1111.. rpITTSBURGH CITY GLASS WORKS.--. NV. CUNNINGHAM t W Matador tunas of Wronow Pltrab aaas,u Kos No. 'X tlarket aimed bettreea First arid Nowt. , Particular allordlonfait° odd sized Also—Dealers 111 Pilot tarot% llott ca. do •gITTSBURGII COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, Gunn. of Third and 3lnriod strristr. The only clinr• Institution of the kind In Pittsburgh. .Ifacelm—slehn .Flenthin s . Prinrilsd GudlGlnhir Etienne of Amount. . ii. , ellanite:rilt, Professor of Pernimanship,lletaintlie Computation do Ale. hL Watson, Eon.. Lecturer oo Commemial Law. Thom desiring a alpinist. knowlafgeof Bonk Kooning , and ittApnliration Matsu branch of busineabalso an ele gant and rapid 7 0 0000rLlP. am luvital to all and exam- Me the arramminents. ' • , Lecture on Coo...trial Lew wary )loni a. moult g. Roterruce to any of the resident city merchant , . [don MECHANICS AND OTHERS. - - IThe ostensive range of building formerly osetplal by mint Lomb and Co., at the Point. between Water pt. am blinquesne Wey . , 0411 In leased for • term of yVinil given laszfastely. z itnply to effslii. IL SCULLY, Agent Fourth 'street. Phalan:lb Alkg — hens County, SS: • LNyto - Orphans' Court of said County in ttle matter 4,f the Adinistrotor's arionnt of Robert rte, action Admlnistrotor 44 J. $. Strickland, deed: December MO. And non, to wit. January 4th. Ihbl. 011 mutton a W. 0. Leslie, the acrount of the Adnilinetrator