The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 29, 1902, Page 7, Image 7

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Special to tho Scratitoti Tribune.
Montroso, Dec. 23. Mr. . Mist.
Arthur llnuls, of Montelalr, X. .!., wou
jjucats over ChilstmuB at Hie home ol
Mis. IlturlV father, S. 11. Itoseip,
Lake avenue.
LaVctnp Frinlc, loroman In tho AVyn
IubIiib ltorkot office, is a guest of Dr.
untl Mrs. II. V. Frlnk ami other rela
tives In tills vicinity.
Tho unnunl meeting of the I'tesby
leilan .otiKiegtitlon will he held In tho
church Fildny, .lanuniy 0. 1 00J, nt 10.M
a. in. Tho lontul of pews wilt take place
at 1.50 p. in., tuuno day.
llulpli IX. Xoithtup letuincd Fildiiy
to Milton, lt to resume his duties as
Konpiul Hccrelnry of the Young- Men's
Oluhtlun association at that place.
Ilbeii C. Flumotrplt, of the Intui na
tional Coiiespondencu school, Seranton,
and Cluieneo Simons, of Haw ley, weio
ntiostrt Chilslinus of the fonnoi'H pat
ent'', Mr. and Mis. S. T. Fluinoifelt.
Mi a. Betsy Chapman has. gone to
AVUkes-Hiiiie to spend a couple ot
months with her daughter, Mrs. S. L
Hi own.
Miss Kbttlla O'Mnllcy, of Ilallslead.
was a fiueit Cluistnias at tho home ot
her sister, Mi. (Jinnies P. lJIcimann,
on "West Chinch stieet.
John O'Neill and Joseph Joidan spent
ClulHmus In Seranton.
The lenidins of Mis. Harriet llobeit
bou ai lived heic fioin lliiighamton on
Fiidoy morning, and weio Immediately
taken to the Baptist chinch, of which
she was a communicant, wheie ser
vices wen conducted by lie v. E. JC.
Thomas, lnteimcnt was made follow
ing tho services, In the Monti ose cetne
tei y.
Kcpoita from AV. I). 13. Atney indicate
a gcnciul Impiovcinent in his health.
Dana A. Watious, of Blnghamton, ts
IsltliiK' his parents, "Ur. and Mis. O. II.
The nnnual meeting of the Republi
can county committee will be held at
the com I house Satuiday, Januny ",
The f uncial of Mix. C'ulvln C. TJal-ey
was held fioin her late homo on South
fheny stieet Filday atleinoein at 3
o'clock, ltrv. A. F. von Tobol conduct
ing the fceivices Intiiment was made
in the Montto-.e eemeleiv. The do
ceased had for senis been an invalid,
but the patience with which she bote
lier suffeilngs plainly fallowed itsclt in
the saint-like beauty of her fiee. Al
though confined to In r home, ohe was
continually tending messages of svm
pnlhy and love, and by this means be
i ame endeaied to all who knew her
ller lo&s is deeply felt by hm- many
friends and the grief nt hen demi-e will
loi long li'iiulu in tholr hcait'
A new ire house is being ei cited at
the Boiden cicnineiv.
Olln Tiink has bs.on spending 'icvciat
d.ijs this 'veuk in biisciiiehunni.
Mixs Lillian Tltswoilh, a xtndcnt in
Sj.ineuso unicihitj, is spending her
vacation at the homo of hei puciUs,
Mr. and Mi D. A. Tltswoilh, on -Maple
lonn Sueel, a Y il- xtudent is spend
ing his -vacation with lclatlws in and
..boat Montrose
TUNlvRANiOGK. to tho Heinnton 'liibimi;
Tunkhannoek, Dtp 2V A wiiia of
ie i il nifcutliig-) aie l)ping held In the
Methodist iluucli li ibe lli. .1. 1)
Hilitimp, an eangplibt, ol Sm.kuxp, as
bKlcd l.jlm jiastoi, Ktv. '1. It, Wll
liiii. Tlu will continue lur two or
tlni'i" weeks The cenliar biihe will
begin at 7. .10 o'clock
John Hi ace, a law student, in the ot
lke ol James V. Piatt, esq , was ad
mitted on Satin day to pi act Ice as an
attorney in tho several eoutts of Wj -inning
county. He will locate in this
D-Slieil1f A. O. ciiegoiv, rf Meiliop
pen, was in town on xiitiudaj.
Pi of. Jatob Brelndingei mil wife,
ot re, ah guests of (Japt iln
William X. TtPjnolds ami wiTe on West
Tioga ,tieel
Hrv, and Md-. Sinittel C. Hodge will
hold a in'ptlnn loi nipinbeis of ho
I'reibj tf i 'on congiegalion on New
Vein's ila.v, fjimi J to 0 p in.
Mi. and Mit. Janics B. JCethledge,
who Jiivvp licen spending tli pist tlueo
weeks with tho 'oiini'i'b tallica, at this
place, iriiiiiu'd to tlit.Ii homo ai lVnn
Aiyle on satuidio.
tiioige Bldlciiian, of the Tension le
paunun: at Washington, 1. C, is vis
iting Ills piiiontn ut ihis place.
Mi.x. Ciupj ICuxgy and family of
Sunuton, .up -,pi ndlng thft holldnva
wtth in r paiuntx, Mi. niul Jits. h(n, .
JMcklni-on on Haulsoii Mient.
Mi. and Alls. Albeit l.rc and Mltss
i:il..abinli (iolile spent Chilbtinas with
Haniuel (Joblo and ft'inily at Baton-
William IVatlieis, ot Xiw Voi I: city,
was a visitor in town on Ratuidu.
Mi. and Mis, Samuel Fitch and chil
dren, of Hiu, aie Visiting tin f outl
et's paicntb, Mr. and Mis, Anion Avciy
at thl.s il. ue.
Special to the atinutou Titbunc,
Teiwanda, Dee, 2S. Thu i huicheb. and
Sunday .schools obboived Clulstums
with line piogiainmes.
An Inntallatlon and ehickon pie su-
,iial will bo held by meinbei.s of tho
t'hnile.s F. Mooro camp, Xo. 20U, Spau-
lsli-Aiiieiicau AViu A'eteians, on Thuib-
d.iy, Jan. 1,
Tho tullouiiur and peculiar ne
I'ldPttt comes fioni Wyoming county;
AYhllo the .t-eai-olil daughter of Mr.
and Mis. J. I,. AVoodiulf, of Black AVul
uuti was standing on a low window sill
playing with other chlldien, sho slipped
niW fell. The buck of her broke out a
pane of glass, anil, bttlklng tho sash,
the Infant btoke her neck and died
hoou tiftnt,
Mr, ami .Mis. James AVcst were eall
i'i. ut I'Jttbton ytbteuluy, owing to the
death of an aunt, i
Joseph J'airolt, of Albany, X. V Is
upofidlng tho holidays with his fan-lly
In Towanda.
Tho following number among the
JIow to Avoid tho Dangers of a Cold,
Hyciyone- must lealUe the elangcis
attending ,i sevcie told, and that II Is
always piudwit to anialn In-dooid un
til tho danger is pabsud. Many, how
ever, do pot feel able to lae the tlpiu
and wU bo Intoiesteil In knowing that
a soy me cold may bo niokcn up and
all danger avoided by thu piompt uso
of Chunibeilaln'a Cojigh Ilemedy. It
not only cuiets, but ernes quickly and
tnunteiMuts any lendec.- towaid pnnu
nnnli, Foi talo by aU'elrUBKlHtj.
iiuuiy who arc visiting In 'J'ovvnndn:
Dr. V. X. Uetts, of rhlladelphla; Miss
Julia Powell, of AVnslilnKton. D. 0.!
Miss Anna Cash, of Boston; Miss Hel
en Porter, of Philadelphia; Mr. nntl
Mis. F. AV. Oulhettson, of liowlstown;
J. T. Halo and son, of Duluth; Stow nit
Black, of Stanford, Conn.; Mr. and
Mrs. Ale:. Jnckson, or Berwick; M AV.
Hlmmlns, of Augusto, Gil.! Dr. and
Mis. F. T. Fox, of Bath, Pa.
Mis. 11. X. White Is visiting her for
mer homo at Ltithner Mills.
Jonathan AVestloy, a Lehigh Valley
engineer, eliopped dead on the htatlon
platfoim at Bet nice. Ho was about CO
yens old and a soldier.
The joung child of Bleaker Waltlion,
at SU't Smllhtlcld, choked to death
fioni the effects of .swallowing a collar
button, lecently.
Ja'Whi Brothcus, of X.eltoy, nnd Bllen
lieiger & Yenger, of Towanda, hae
just puiehiised 2,50'J ncios ot limber
land In Vliglniu. It is stated that ?.'r,
000, p.itt piyment, was paid down on
the deal.
Bulll. an & Hale have dl&posed of
their pinning mill In Towanda to Smith
Bios, and Ajeis & Co.
The Valley Slulnp association dls
tilbuted giocerles and piovlslons to the
nmount of ?P!0 among the poor nt Ath
ens, Sayie and AVaveily, on Christmas.
Postmaster Tinner lepoits that an
aveiago of 11,412 letters a day for five
days befoiP Chilstmns were mailed at
the Towanda ofllce. Dining that time
twMity-iho bags wprc sent out con
taining packages and other mall mat
ter. The receipts for tho quarter, It Is
estimated, will reach close to ?4,000.
F. C. McKee, of Philadelphia, visited
his mother and In other, H. B. McKee,
last week.
Fciry Watts, ot Canton, aged eleven
yeais, by winning a diawlng contest,
has been awauled a schol.n Milp In the
Seranton Couespondenco Schools.
.Tofcoph Biennan, a Lehigh Valley em
ploye, hud his back bi often In a wteel:
at Beinlce. He ib at tho Meicy hos
pital in AVllkes-Baite.
Couit Stenogiapher and Mrs. Atthur
Head mouin the loss of their infant
son, who died on Ftiday, after a long
lllnexs of cPMbio-spinal meningitis.
B r. Dumfcp, a wide-awAke ralltoad
conduetor, is in Bethlehem, attending
aiailioad e'onductois' meeting.
"Xow," said 1 to mi self as a liedily
cut batch of "eop" paiier was laid on
the desk and an pagei1 compositor
btaichee! the "copy" diawer lor i unto
or lppilnt, "now I shall teat mbiU' in
ihoufeht piolound an i compose oina
A lnay ulii was falling and the
pcdesti'aiib vy splashed by the win-dov.-
weie xhjUki, boggy and dix
gi untied. A dot; tight on the opposite
side of the stieet failed to diaw a
single spec tatoi.
' y Ideal eiuiet day for woik. Xo
body will tin list bubfcciiptlon lnoier in
to inv Spenceiim fist, anct unchal
lenged ihlingiaphv ahall embellish the
nnnusciipt of a mastf ipiece "
The telephone tinkled musically.
Hello'" I said.
'Ilillo'" came tiie answer in sweet
tones of the feminine gender.
"Hello"' I said, once mote
"Hello!" xbo said; "hae you spaie
libb?" "Mad erne in Mibs," said I. "I have
no paie libs. 1 need every one in
my body."
The out-tap was given mutually and
1 picked up the pencil and anangcd
the Speuceiian fist.
A liienel liom n. neighboring town
diopjed in and splashed down into a
chah, sciuiitlng a spray of raindrops
over the fiPshiy cut "copy" paper.
'T thought I would just diop In and
tell ;.ou that my paper has not reached
me until Mondny lor seveial weeks."
!.p icinaiked. "I told the postmaster
at home about it, hut he said It was
jour lault."
"It could not hi," 1 expostulated.
"All papeis lor jour town tiavel in
the samp bundle, and if one leaches
ton a all should redeh. Do others re
eel1 e theh papois no lime'.'"
"Yes." he icplied, "but the postmas
ter said j on must have a 'spite' at
Xow, look lieu my lilend," quoth
! "why should I lime a 'spite' at you?
What havo ou done that I should
blnglo j ou out nnd 'cubb.igo' your pa
per at the xlslc of losing one dollar a
j cur, which In a thousand j'cni.s would
nmount to mote than ti (thousand
amount to a thousand dolluts?"
'That Is a big pile of money to tlnow
away, ain't it,'" ho u-uaiked, bciateh
inir hb head.
The telephone tinkled.
"Hello!" I bald.
"Hello!" she bald.
'Hello!" I .said.
"Hello!" she bald; "havo joii any
Ptiaio ilbbT'
"Madam or Miss," 1 icplied Impress
ively, "I have no spaio tlbs to bparc,
ppthnps I might tear bomo or the bojs.
Tlili li n print shop and wo butcher
nothing hut Kiigllsh."
The double) out-tap sounded
"I can't bee, though," lemaiked nu
ll lend, "how 'tis that my neighbor!, all
get their papeis on Satin day and mine
don't come till Monday,"
"I cannot see, cither. Tho names tiro
stamped on the mm gins automatically,
and It 13 almost Impossible to miss
"Well, I don't get initio til) Monday,
and I don't see why you can't go me
tho Couripi -Join mil fiee for missing so
"My ft lend, I shall make a special
effort to get jour papei ou time this
week, I shall wilta to the postmaster
nnd tho earlier; if that does no good I
hhaU wiite to the piesldent, the peist
nmster general, nur two eenatora and
our eleven lepresentatlveB. If that falls
I shall take the i-ar enci Saturday
inoinlng and cany the paper mjself."
Hu oti .tightened up to go, nnd shook
off tho lonialnlng ralnrtiops to the
fleshly cut "copy" paper,
"Well, bee that you do," lie said, "or
I'll stop tho paper; I take moro papeta
now than I can read."
The tt'lenhoim tinkled. ,
"Hello!" I said.
"Hello!" she bald, ' '
"Hello'" I said.
"Hello!" fche raid; "have rou spate
"Madame or Miss," I jeplled desper
ately, "1 still have no cp.uo ribs, but a
hog has Just left the ofllce, and If yew
meet him on tho street kindly obllgo
me by cutting out his entire battery."
Tho out-taps fell, and we salted down
tho "copy" paper It was too fresh to
keep till morning. J, M. Allen, In Cyn
thluna Democrat.
Time to Quit Gloating Ovor That
Gentleman's Misfortunes.
1'iom tho Manila Times,
Is It not just nboul time, If tho slang
phinso may be pardoned, to "ring off"
on this constant milking mock of
Agulnnldo and holding his name up to
lldlculo and laughter? Sutely vp are
not such a puny people its to take de
light In crowing over and huinlllatlng
a fallen and vanquished eneinj 1 Sutelv
v."e can affotd to leave Agulnuldo with
his own humiliation and rcfinln from
intruding our jibes and scores upon
his solitude! Surely we have taunt
ed and tormented him long enough!
Sttiely there is no joy In again bruis
ing the broken reed! If wo have not
the manliness and consideration to rec
ognize siich htues ns lie possesses, let
us at least cull a halt to this perennial
l'.u tiding of his shoitcomlngs and
weaknesses. As a nation, wo have not
been given to such littleness; and It 111
becomes us to bemoan out solves to It
now. Hvon the felon who lies In a
murderer's cell is uccorded some meas
uio of pity! the hound disdains
to wound and worry Its helpless quarry!
And what gieat sin has Agulnnldo
committed? His recoid, as lecords go
in these Islands, Is a clean one. Even
his worst enemies, those who have toin
his reputation to tntteis, pilloried and
pelted his character, and glee'd and
gloated over his downfall and misfor
tunes, can point to but one dnik blot
tho Luna assasblnatlon and oven his
Implication In that Is cloudj-. Then in
the balance with this let us place that
Inchlent of the coup which led to his
capture, when, heailng that several
American prisoners were being brought
in triumph before him, he otdered that
they be taken to the neaiest United
StatP3 army post, set at liberty, and
each given flftj peso3.
But it Is not the Luna assassination
which feeems to he tho prune cause for
trio ridicule or condemnation poured
upon him bj his detiactots. It appeals
that something in the way of contiast
between his foimer high estate and his
present degradation gives the motive
for jest. But suiely Agulnnldo, humble
and dispbteeined, has tended to ledeem,
if redemption b" necessaij-, Agulnnldo
haloed and tiiumphant. Since his le
tirement and seclusion, the fallen heio
of a fallen tepubltc has maintained
hinibelf in a manner which musr com
mand lespect. Bitter as must be the
leflections and expeiioncp of his pies
ont life, ho has yet pie.served a cahn
nebs and dignity foieign to many in
like place a calmnobs and dignity as
becoming ab ever his gloiy and gieat
ness. AVhoio one would expect a l a fl
ing at lato and excel ation at fortune,
he finds an equanimity and leblgnation
which compel svmpathj- and enforce
iespe,t. Just a night or two ago, when
pressed once mow to exhume feomo of
the intPiesting but evll-&melliiig skele
tons ot the inmincction davs, he le
plled with dlgnltv "I do not caie to
talk pbout tlwe tnings which aio past."
Have wo pulogied Agulnnldo too
much.' Pel haps we'h.'vc. But when
wc spo this constantly contemptible
xpitllrg of i ldlcula and abuse upon hl.i
name, we cuiuot help tho eipip.sjlon of
a feellrg of protest and dlbdain. Suio
1' we can now bear to leave tho fallen
leader alone in the valley of tho bhn
dow of his humiliation, and not on any
and pyeiy occasion lead him foith to
make a brectacle for tho thoughtiG-s
and jepilng multitude. AVo have surely
outgiov.n bitch pitiable rejoicing . as
taii'o fioni the Roman tiluinnhs and
I he days of the Philistines, and can
foirgo tho gloating? which belong only
to thp Ignoble ". ictor!
How It Relieves Congenital Disloca
tion of tho Hip Joint.
Fioin the Xew Yolk Sun.
In the early development ot a child
the thiee bones which are to foim the
large hip bone of one side of the body
aie not united but giow separately and
giaduallj- become haidencd and unified.
When development is natural and com
plete the point wheie these thiee bones
join is In the bottom of a cup-bhaped
cavity, called the socket, In which the
lounded head of the thigh bone Is
held by stiong Hgainentb. If, fiom any
cause, development is interfeicd with, u
failure almost alwayt takes place
wheie this cup-shaped eavlty or sock
et should be. When theio Is no well de
veloped socket to hold the hone'' of the
thigh In place the strain on tho liga
ments when the child begins to walk
Is so great that they ate sti etched ab
normally, and finally theie is a dis
placement of the head of tho bone
thiough tho Insufllclent capsule. Tho
surgeon has, therefore, to deal not only
with a dislocated joint, but an undevel
oped socket, unci the operation is in
tended to bilng tho head of the bono to
the plnco wheto tho deptesslon should
be and so hold well against the soft
ened tlbsues at the pioper point until
bj piessure It foims n mote or less com
plete bocket. Moie satlsfactoiy icsultn
me looked for In children under ! or ti
yenis of ago than in those who ate
For lite opei ation the child Is made
insensible and unconscious by an nn
aesthetlo, mid Is placed upon a Hi in
table, bquarely upon the back, while the
pelvis or hip bones ot both sides of tho
body me held Immovable by tho hands
of assistants, Tho opeiator, holding tho
thigh firmly, bends it at the hip and
upon the abdomen until the thigh bono
ib about peipendlcular to the level of
the table. It Is then catrled slowly
and foiclbly outwnid or away fiom the
mlddlo lino of the patient's bodj, then
svvnyed to and ftn with gwiduully ln
ci easing foico until by sti etching or
tearing tho muscles and ligaments at
the joint, It is can led outward so fur
that the thigh is nlnuist patallel with
tho surface of the opeiatlng table,
When, by this manoeuvie, the muscles
mid capsule have been sufllclontly
etiotclted or torn, the head of the hone,
which Is now neur the place wheie thu
socket should be, nitty be felt to have
slipped over the edge of this shallow
saucer uud Into the slight concavity,
Falling In this the same movements mo
tepeated, tho limb being can led fetill
fuither In tho various dliectlons above
given. AVhen finally the head of the bone
Is felt to have passed into the deptes
slon for tho socket, It Is carefully held
In this position unit an effmt made to
deepen the socket by seml-rotatlon of
the bono fiom light to left, boring ihe
head of tho thigh Into and deepening
the cavity, A plaster of pails encase
ment Is now applied and worn for from
six to nlneNinontlis. After a week or
two, or as soon as tho sensitiveness of
the joint will peimlt, the patient Is en
couraged to will1 upon tlie leg of the
affected side.
Afilcan Tiulsms nnd Their Similar
ity to Ancient Euiopenu and Latin
Platitudes Same Idea Tinils Many
Tonus of Expiesslon.
Fiom tho Loudon SlutiUitid. ,
Xot the least Interesting section of
the proverbial philosophy of many peo
ples Is that In which wo find quaint
parallels to common sayings existing
In some form or other neatly eeiy
wheie. These, no doubt, have an Inde
pendent otlgln, and their Intel eat lies
in the fact that while tho samo
thoughts among widely dlffeient pco
pics aie neccssailly cNpiossed In vety
similar terms, bo that the parallel can
bo seen at a glance, they frequently In
volve the pccullailtles of their enviton
ment. Thus, where we should say that
a man Is "hoist with his own petard,"
the Africans says, "AA'lth the ho's long
tall the ho (a long-tnlled moitkej) Is
bound," and thd Htij thins have it, "The
yam .lnc3 bind the ynma." Again, the
pioveib, oilglnally from the Gieck, In
common use in Dm ope: "The master's
eyo makes the hoi so fat," has tho
peculiar AA'cst Indian tendering: "The
garden fur (fiom the master's house)
tho gnmbo spoils." "You can't get
blood from a stone, or from a beet, nor
brecks from a Highlander," finds ex
pression In the tropical Indies as "Tho
pumpkin vino does not yield the cala
bash." Even In lesaid to tho matter
of "going before the beak" the Hast
Under and the AVest Indian have simi
lar terms, for w hero the former says of
n friend that ho was "pinched," or
"pulled," the latter observes that "they
pressed his tall." To cull a few par
allels ut landom it is only necessary to
look at some touches of naturo which
make the whole woild kin, and regaid
them from v.ulous natlonul stand
points. For Instance, the Idea that "lie
nepds must go when the devil dilves"
Is univeisallj recognized. Sajs Quas
hee when ho would plead an excuse for
being devll-dtlven into petty lnicony:
"The stomach has no ems," nnd "The
empty bag cannot stand upright."
A Negro Version.
The classical and homely tiuth,
"Dilve out natuic with a pitchfork and
she will lehirn," is recognised among
many a negio tribe in the quaint say
ing, "A mnn thnt keeps the bit els away
keeps them away, but a pretty face
cannot bp Kept away." "Only the wear
er knows wheie the shoe pinches," is
conveyed quite aptly by the negro in
his pioveib: "Only the dead man
know 3 wheie the giae is too nairow,"
and "The bottom of the ship knows
best how the sea piesses" Our famil
iar saj'ings about i mining after two
hares and falling to the ground between
two stools ib again paialleled and cap
ped by the African pioveib: "The
ilder of two hoises splits asundoi "
And heie is the occasion to state that
oui object is not to multiply instances
simply because they aie paiallels, but
to point out those which, like the one
last mentioned, aie quaint, apt, liiim
oi uus, and possessed of the biilllant
power of "going one bettei." And in
doing tjiis it will scaicely be necessaiy
to attempt any kind of classification or
order, for, though it is true that gems
of speech look well whpn thej' mo dex-teiouxlj-
set In an oiatoi's discourse, It
Is equally ttue that thev have their
beauties when massed in heterogeneous
profusion. To begin, thou, anjwheio,
the English saving, "Don't do as I do,
but do as I tell jou," is good; but the
Dutch, "The monk pleaches against
thieves with tho goose in his larder,"
is better, and best of all is the Spanish,
"The friar condemns the yiiet with the
pudding up his sleeve."
Chinese Wisdom.
AVheie we say, "If you want a thing
done, do it yomself," tho AVest Indian
gets a shaele ahead with the advice,
"Send a dog and the dog will send his
tall," and the Armenian, "If jou send
a messenger on an eirand, go with
liiin," and the astute, unbelieving Chin
aman, who, like his proverbial Image
maker, puts no faith elthpr in tho gods
oi In tho messengets of tho gods, "for
he knows what they me made of," sums
up the situation in a way that perhaps
Is as coneut ns It Is sweeping: "If you
want a thing done.',' he sa-s, "go yout
self; if not, send." "Still unlets run
deep," it not one of the best bundled
pioveibs, is ceitalnly better than the
Tuikish sajing: "Mlsttust the water
that does not waiWe, and the bltd that
does not ehlip." It lacks, nevettheless,
a ceitaln element of paiado: which
would have made It as near perfection
as a proverb might be. It Is merply be
cause tho following parallel possess this
oloment Unit we presume to mention
them in the bamu breath with our own
pioveib. Saj's the African: "Bewme
of a bllent man; ho has a btass band
in his mouth." The Ainblnn with his
meditative and Inltospectlve habit un
dets this ns: "Defend us from tho
winth of tho mild In bphlt,;' and var
ious savage ttlbe3 of South und C'en
ttal Africa haw the bomowhat lematk
ablo patallel: "Silence hath a mighty
noise." II goes without saying that all
the nations of the world fotmed the
same opinion about a woman long, long
ago, and up to tho present
none ot them havo been any
reason to alter It, But, whether this
opinion In which they all concur is con
cealed or revealed In ptovprbs, It would
bo nn Insult to the renders reason and
common sense to state. As tor tho
proverbs themselves, which can leadlly
be distinguished as Hue or false at
sight by the clover student of human
natuie, they yield a good hat vest ot
A woman, a dog and a walnut tie,
The mote you beat them, the better
they be,
Is a remaik upon the wisdom or fool
ishness of which no two pei sons can
hold two opinions, and the sumo may
bo claimed lor the Svvuhill saying; "A
man Is not obeyed by his wife In his
own house, nor docs she consider him
Iter husband, unless ho thrash her
thwack;" or for the Corslcnn'b asser
tion that "Just as a good horse and a
bad hoi as both need the spur, so a good
woman and a bad woman both need the
About Women.
AVhen the Spanl.ii el bajs, "Weio a
woman its little as she ts good a po.ise
pod would make her a gown and hood;"
when tho Frenchman pauses between
his absinthes to roinmk: "A man of
stiaw is worth a woman of gold;" when
tho Italian leaves olf killing his kings
to whisper, "If a man loses a vvoinun
and a farthing, he will bo boity he has
lost the fat thing'" when tho negto med
icine matt swears to his tijlio that
"wends ate wom.n, dpeds pt men;'
Only Half a Ont a Word.
For Rent.
JlS-I'oi nentTen-t oom house; excellent
neighborhood; all modoin Impiovn
wonts, on avonuo. Apply to II. V. Ham
ilton. 420 Spruco street.
for Sale.
roil SAMl l two-ton coal wagon; 1
heavy sot double harness. B. 11. Davis,
coiner of Gieon lildgu und Kay Aug nvo.
BOH SAI.D At a snot Iflce, now j coupo
Itockavvay; seats foitrxlnslde; built by
Sluilobitkcr & Co. Addtcss, MtioDoimott,
M7 Linden stteot..
TOR 8AT.B A pair of cmtlngo lioises.
Mis. N. Y. LcpI, 211 JolTorHoii avenue.
Wanted To Rent.
AVANThD TO MINT A furnished house;
no chlldien. Addiisa A. D. O., The
AVANTED Small furnished house Ad.
diess Box SOO, city.
Rooms and Board.
TUB LINDEN, SOO Linden street, has a
nnmlwr ot desliablo vacancies! light
rooms and choice table board.
PLEASANT rooms with board for four
or fivo voitne men.
Incpiho S3J Wash-
Ington nvenuc.
Furniahod Rooms for Rent.
FURNISHED ltont loom for gentlemen;
city steam heat, bath, gas, etc. CIO
AVnshlngton avenue.
UOn BENT A furnished room on second
lloor ftont, Ti GO wool. G33 Adams avo.
LOST Open faco gold watch, coiner Cu
pousc avonuo and Ash soioet. Kcwaid
If loturnod to tL'O Fenn avenue.
LOST A memorandum book, led cover:
Under will receive a liberal inward by
returning tho samo to M. II. Carpontei,
015 North Main avenue.
THE ANNUAL meeting of tho stockhold
cts o tho Third National Bank of
Scianton, for the election of Dlrectois,
Villi bo held at the Banking f louse, No.
US AVvomlng avenue, on Tuesdnj', Jau
ntily 1.!, 1301, between tho houis of J and i
o clock p. m.
AVM, II. PECK, Secrctaiy.
when they say In Fife that "the next
best thing to nae wile is a guid wife;"
when the Scotch In general admit that
"honest men marry soon, but wise men
nevet;" when the Persian asserts that
"women nnd diagons aie best out of
the woild," when the Geiman sweats
that wherever there is mischief blow
ing theie aio a woman and a pilest at
the bottom of it," that "theie me only
two good women in the woild; one Is
dead and the other cannot be found;"
and that "every daughter of Eve would
rather be beautiful than good;" when
the Fnshto "selng man" tells his people
that "a woman's wisdom is under her
heel;" when, to make a long stoiy shoi t,
all these people and moie aie saying all
thc-e things about woman, eveiy full
grown man with the slightest spark of
chlvahy left in him will admit that no
woman could have been piesont at the
making of any pioverbs of this kind.
In glancing at some instancesof pio
veiblal patallelism we begin to' get an
uncomfoi table feeling that possibly
many of our choicest sajings are not
leally independent eptesslons of ideas
which havo occutied to the Chlnamau
and Pentvian as well as to the peoples
in between, but that they havo actually
been bonowed bj us fiom distant
souices and without acknowledgement.
Veij- grave Is the uneasiness on this
point caused by the fact that such an
essentially English set of lhymes as
"AVho Killed Cock RoblnV" is taken al
most bodily from a section of the Hin
du Ramaj-ana entitled tho "Dream of
King," a work which was hoary
befoie the fast English Cock Robin of
any note was thought of. From thl3
lact wo begin to doubt also whether
tho well-know n "I do not love you, Dr.
Fell," Is a lespectable, law-abiding par
allel, or a diessed up plagiarism ot the
Aiabian saying which runs ns follows:
"I eat it not, I eat not Tutkish corn.
Though it have much coconnut, I eat
it not. Say not It is good, I cat It not;
yet It hints me not. T eat it neither
with fat of meal nor with much curry.
I eat it not. It likes mo not." But to
puisuo this theory any fuither Is to In
duce an unhealthy skepticism.
Characteristic Story of the
Piesident fiom Indiana.
AV. E. Cm lis in Itccord-IIernld.
It is not gonoiiilly known that foimer
Atlornoy Ocnornl Gilggs was onco tend
picd a seat upon tho mipremo bench of
the United States, and did not declluo It,
either. On tho contrary, he areoptod It
with a duo nppipclitlou of thn honoi,
nnd tho next day the novvnpapois an
nounced tho appointment of another mnn.
Tho mj'stuy has never been explained.
At the death of Justice I'lndloj In 1TO2
President Ilnnlsnii wns spending thn
summer at Capo Ma, and when ho was
not lighting iiioseiultiics ho wns listening
to tho recommendations ot various candi
dates for Iho vacancy. Sir. Gilggs was
one of them, and was huloihod by neatly
PVfijiiody of Importnnco In tint third
Judicial clicult, over vvhlcn Justice Bind
ley had so ably presided, Ono Sunday
Piesldent Iloiilson tolcgiaphrd General
Sowoll, thou a senator from Now Jpibcj,
to coino down to Capo May, Sew ell m
spouded piomptlv, spout tho day on tho
poich of the IlnrrNon cottage, nnd In
course of tho conversation tho Piesldent
Infnimed him that he had decided to se
lect Mr. Gilggs and uulhoilmt tho bon
ntor to tender the appointment and se
em o his neceplnucp.
When Gcneial Suvvcll loft tho I'rost.
dcjit's cottogo he went directly to tho
telegraph olllte and whed Mr. Griggs at
Patciflon to meet him at tho Fifth Avo
nuo hotel In New York tho poxt mom
lug as bo had something Inipoitnnt to
communicate, OiIbbs was thoro on lime,
Sow ell icpeated tho convolution with
the President, nnd Gilggs wtoto a gintc
ful latter of acceptance, which was duly
forwarded by mull to Capo May. It wits
decided, howevor, that tho matter should
bo kept ficret until tho President him
self should sio fit ip nial.u tho announce
ment. Sevvell and Gilggs seininttd In a
Unto of satisfaction with themselves, tho
nihnlnlntiattoii unit tho world nt large.
But thej v.pio rudely awakened fiom this
happy mood In tho inoining when they
read lit the now&pupem that JuilgK Shims
of Flushing, had lecolvctl and accepted
the appointment on tho supremo bench
of tho United States itcciitly niudo va
cant by tho death of JiiHtleo llimlluy.
They could not understand It, especially
as thiauglt f i lend j In Flushing thej
learned that tin icpoit was true. They
he.ud nothing from Itairlbon,- who did
no; even letutn tho loiter of ncceptonca
which Mr. Gilggs had written, nnd they
could not of pout so, demand an explan
ation. Ben it or Sevvell wai n i tin .illy moi tilled
and Inilljnuiit at the way ho had been
No Order
Accepted for Less
Tlinn 10 Cents.
Branch WANT Offim
Want AjlvertlsemeiitB Will Be
Received at Any of tho Follow
ing Drug Stotos Until 10 P. M.
Centinl City
.ALHEUT 8CIIUIISS, coinoi Mill
hot ry stteot nnd Wnbslor avo.
West Sldo
GEO. AV. JENKINS, 101 South
Main avonuo.
South Scianton
niED l. Tcnri-D, ":d ccd-a-
Noith Seranton
GEO. AV. DAVIS, comer Noith
Mnln avenue und MmUct
Gieen Ridge
son avonuc.
P. J. JOHNS, !U0 Green Illdgo
C. LORENZ, coiner AVaMilnglon I
avenue anil mm ion sttoet.
AV. II. KNDPrEL. 1017 livlns
DESK ROOM AVANTED-ln initially lo
c.tted building. Addiosj, stating con
veniences, location und; must have
both phonos. AV. R. II. Tiluunu oiiicc
Help Wanted.
AVANTED Agents to sell tea and col
feo to consumpis Positions pcima
nent. Ginnd Union Tea Co, 811 Lacka
wanna avenue.
"4 'tV - N 'W
Help Wanted Male.
LARGE CORPORATION wants energetic
General Agent foi this county. No
books, insuianco, or canvassing Ac
quaintance wtth mcichants and m.anu
factuiers necessaiy. Permanent. Uond.
Sf.lfn Htm!A ma.. j. ..
L t,ud,dr?s', SuIt0 C7-' No lOW Chestnut
oi . JTiiimuuipma.
Situations Wanted.
KITITATTITV -11.M -VTlinri .. i
wants a situation in good Piotcslant
ifltTlll V "L II f rn cm n 1. . .. ..- .
woik Is a ooa rouk. Good icf-icntcs
I'll IW A rl rl i ii i -i Tr. 1 en
.n "uuniioi iiuumhiui; jdi , j. limine
Business Oppoitunity.
uni. uuiuy. viuu ior our bpociai mai
l'.. , letter. Pico on application S AI.
Ilibbard V: Co, membeis N. Y Consoli
dated and Slock -Exchange, II and 15
Uiondwuv, Now Yoik Established 1S3I.
Long Distanco 'Phono 23 lluiart
Sewing Machines.
$2110 BUYS tho new highest giuile
cr diop heart, oak cabinet Genuine
Singer Sewing Machine; $20 00 foi tho New
Homo oi Domestic. $2100 foi the White,
Standaul, $2-' 00, AVIipcIpi & Wilson, $24(0;
.Minnesota, ?n 20; Buidlck, $128'.; Seioco,
JSOj. Fot fiee sewing midline catalogue
and rnoit llbeial fieo tiial olfct cut out
and mall this notieo to Scais, Roebuck &
Co , Chicago.
Certified Public Accountant.
Tiaders' Dank Rullding. Old 'phono UsM
Real Estato Exchange BlUg , 12a AViifch
ington avenue.
Civil nnd Mining Engineeis.
ndl building.
DR. E. C T'lLENllERGEl:. PAUl.l
building, bpuico stieet, Scianton
Tiio Insuiance.
FCHLAGER .t CO , '01 Cotuiull nulldhirf.
Patent Attorneys.
PAT EN f S iWavi'
Thu only llcpnseil and ccpilppud paicit
Bollcltcu In tho illy. No ihugo tor lu
torinutiou on n itciitalillltj; uim Un
jeais' oxpeilcnce
RcpJoj-lo & Co.. Mears Itkljg.
Hotels and Restauinnts.
Tm ELK CAPE, 125 mid 127 FRANK
Hu avenue. Rates leiibonaljle
P. ZIEULUR, Piopilotor.
Passenger depot. Conducted on tho En
lopcm plan. Victor Koch, Pi opi ictor.
ami icss pools, no oeloi ; only Imptovnl
pumps used, A. R Hilggs, piopilotoi
Loavo oulais 110 Noith Main uv ouno.
or Eleko's ding stoic, coiuei Ad mis and
Jlulbciiy. Roth tolcphonos
i..-"""" ' ' ' .ii '"' ii. ii2
Wiio Scioens,
avo fact anion, in lis ot Who Scicouh,
piicb, utiviilopcs, pinci bags, twino,
AVmehoute, 120 Washington aventio.
bo bad In Scianton at thn nows stand
rif Relsmuu llios, VX Spruco and CM
Llndon; 31. Noiton, 322 Lnckuwunua
avo.; I, S. ScliuUoi, 211 Spiiuo stteot,
1 1 cited, hut said nothing and vfaltcd for
light. When Doeeiubtr camu and ho to
tinmd to Ids tent ill the seiuitu ho avoid
ed tho whllo house, hoping that llaiiisuii
would bond for him. But no Invitation
enmo. After ho had been In AVuihlngtnn
inoio ihnii a mouth ho wns compelled to
call upon tho President on bo mo Inipoit
nnt business, mid disposed of it as In lolly
tis possible. As ho aioso to leave Haul
bun looked up at him anil said,
"Gcntiul, I suppooo jou mo ver mad
with mo about that Gilggs muttci!"
"I must admit that I was," i canned
Sowoll, "and natiually I was ory much
nnatlllcd nlt.0,"
"I nm very sorry I was not ublo to
giatlfy jou," bald tho President, nnd tho
subject wus nccr incntloncd between
them again, nor wus any explanation ever
Agents Wanted.
business oppanrusiTiES, rebl EsruiE
Only Halt a Cent a Wori.
Money to Loan.
Quick, stinlght loans ot IlulMlntr and
Loan. At fiom I to fi per cent. Call on
N. v. AVnlkPi. .111.31. ComiPlI building.
Employment Agoncy.
REMARLE help ran boprocmtcliitatis.
,-i:. 1-.-. Staikcvs Empiovmcnt Office,
VG AVashlngton avenue, looms 2 and t.
Tako elevator.
Dclawaie, Xacknwnnna and Western.
, , IN Erfocl Juno 1, 1W)2.
Tinlns loavo Snnnton tor Now York
All 60. 3 so, 0 05, 7 50 and toil) n. m.; 12.10,
". h,',J.J' l'.m rl' No "ioih and Phlla
dul)hlii7.j0. 10 10 a. in , ami 12 10 and ."! '7
V;. '", lo' .t'oiildsboio-At i 10 p in. For
..I'F'J "iT1'1"' ,J" nl(l "! 155. .,J
nil 11 to p in Foi Illnglianitoii. Elmli i
mid wuv stutliiim-10 ." n. in. 10 p. m.
J or Oswego, Sjriuuso and Utlcal 15 un t
,,.","i iV.i ' I ' 1' n- Oswego, Siaruso
ii id 1 'ilea Until nl 012 a pi. dall. cxceipl
hiiiulny. For Monti oip-ooo a, m; 105
""L0"0 .' In Nicholson ncconimodntlon
-I'H) and i,Fi p in
llloomsliuig Dlvlslnn-For Nnitliumlipi
miid, ut o K- nnd to la a. m ; IV, and h 11
i,'.. TVi - '" I'lMiiotith. at tlO it. in., J.l)
ami o 0i p in,
p'"VVi T'nhiH-For Now A'oik, 10, 5 2).
u'h ' ' 10. "- m ' '!1 nlltl "r' ' m t,,ir
I!iirfiilo-n-i and 0 22 n. in : IK. fcVl nut
in " '' ' J,nl Elniha and wav stiitlons-
jy-ia. in j'oi lllni-luiniton and wuv at t
tlons, noo u m nionmbiiiK Dlvlslon
i.cavo Scrntilon, 30 10 a m ird G 10 p in.
Lehigh Vulloy Rnlhoad.
In i:fleet Nov. IS. IitU.
T Tiiilns Luivi Muiiitim
lor Philadelphia and Now Yoik via l
WuVu11 ,lt " " tliioimh I'm loi Ccr
anc Day Coach railiondilo to Now A'oi.c
!"!' V' ,','; , w'th L V. Jnach Oillioti-
Uatf In ..H.l nn i i- . m .
TA,'. " .''.HUINIIII, aim -15, ill idiui-ii
;i,?Lnoi'A'1i:,M"t'ss' "" Jl i1 u "i sun-l'W-
":, D . !'' p m , a is ii m.
-f,01' "h't" Haven, II ivlcton and piincl-
Fr rinUW ' th0 t'1 legions, via D Si
PottVvllio.VllVni """ ' ' P '" Kr
l-Jor Hethlphuiii Fislon Reading. Hnr
n'ure , 'U1! Pilneipil intPimcdlito sta
J',0Bns, nY''P &Un H 7 41.9 17 a m;
- " fninck Dhiinoiid.Eiross). 11 19 p.
and 1 ns and 9 17 i m
t.i unkhnnnopk. Tow audi, Dhntii,
t..i 1' "i. iiiiu iiiiiiciiiu uicoimcuiiiio
?'",tl9 v la D . L i. AV. R R . 35 a. m.
iinu 1 In p m
... . t- V, "Vy" Kociicstpi. ijurxalo, Hia--i
. "Jl- Chicago nnU all points weat Via
y'?,no"tl Ipipss) 10 il. 11 ii p. m Sun-'Vii13-
,c- IJt ! " 1210, 9 17 p m
ir. , """"' narioi and sleoplng or Lelilgli
nil i y Pmlor pais on all tialns between
TV llkes-TJai i o and Now Ymk. Philadel
TvU?,,!lfrn, ncl SiiBpensIem Bridge V
ROLLIN IT. AVILRUR G( n. Supt . 21
CottlaiHl Btioot. New A'oik
CHARLi:s S LEE, Gen Pass. Agt , 25
Coitlnnd Ptiopt. Now Yoil:
Al,w;. NONRJIACHi:R, DiV. Pass Agt,
South nothlehom Va
For tickets and Pullman respivation ap
W.Y.,to c'ly ticket office, 69 Public Square.
AVIlkos-Ilaiie, Pa.
Cential Railroad of New Jersey.
In effect Nov. Ill, 11)02.
Stations In Now Yoik, foot Liberia
stieet and South Feny. N. R.
TialnB leave Seranton for Now Yoik,
Phllulelphin, Eiston, Bethlehem, Allon
tnwn Mniich Chunk, AA'hito Haven, Ash
ley, AVilkcs-Biue and Plttston at 7 30 a.
m , 1 p m , and 1 p m. Sundays, 713 a.
n. and 2 10 p in Quaker City Express
leaves Scianton 7 30 a m. with through
-olid vestibule tialu with Pullman Buffet '"
Pailor Car lor Philadelphia, with only
ono change ol cais for Bultimoie and
AVnshlngton, D C, and all principal
points houtli uud west and has through
conch for New York.
l'oi A, oca, Plttston nnd AA'Ilkos-Bairo,
1 p m and 1 p. ni Sunday, 7 15 a. in.
and 2 10 p in
Fot Long Rianch, Ocean Grove, etc., at
7 .10 a. m and I n m.
For Reading, Xjp1 mon and Hanlpbuur
via Alloulown al 7 10 n m. 1 p m null -4.
p m Sunday, 7.15 it m and 2 10 p m.
Foi Tamiqua nnd Pottsvillo nt 7 20 i.
m . 1 p in and 4 p in. Siindiv. 7.13 a. m.
Foi uites and tlckuls apply to agent at
AV G BESFiT.ER fiend "it Manager.
C. St UFU'r, Gen Pass Aijt
Pennsylvania Rnlhoad.
Schedule in Eftect Juno 10, 19i2.
Tialns leavo Scianton ij u8 it. in, week
davs, thiough OKtluulo tialn tioin
AVUKes-B me Pullman buffet pailm e ti
nnd coaches to Philadelphia. la Potts
villo, stops at pilneipil liitonuedlnto mic
tions Also connects for BunbuiJ Hui
llshuig. Philadelphia. Baltlmorn, AVuhIi
inglon and loi Plitsbing and the AVist.
9 17 a ni . wcoK days, lor Biuiliui. llai
Hsbuig. Phll.idelpht.i, 1! iltlmoie. Wnsli
ington and Plttsbuig and tho West
1" ,T m. week linen (Sundas, IS1! p.
m)" for Simbuiv. Iliiiilsbiiig. PhllndPl
phl i, Hiltlmoic. AVasIniigtnii and Pltla-
,J",,VpHm!"'vvMi;l,ilvs. thiough vestlbul
li.-fu fiom AVIUM -T!ii(e PiiUman buffet
pilliit e.ll and poncliP-i In Phil ulolpllla via
Pottsvilli' Sti'ps at piiilclpil IntfltuiecH-
a""!p in . ecl dun loi IfiiKtPtnn Sin'
buiv, HaiiUbiug. Phlludolphl.t and Pltti-
Ume' J B lll'Tr-UINtON. Gen Mgi.
J 1! ACOD. Gill Pihs Agt
Dolawaio and Hudnon.
Ill F.ff."t Nov Id. i M2
Ti lIiw foi Cailiondalo leive Scianton at
i ii "n, s, Pill n. m ; 12 'I. 1.12, 2 11,
!,: BJ. i'-". -- si. v:- --u !' " :
'"-""loiicMliilu-fi II. 10 15 a. m,; 2 11 and
5Fn'il AIVI.lJI'"-l5 S. 7 11. 8 11. 9 17.
iriVl a in . l-,r'' -' -W " "I". i;l.
-is , nw, 10 11. H I1- P ni
rt I. V P. It Poluts-7 II. 0 17 a m :
'is 12. und It 49 p in
-lb l,i ,'...,'; I. mil I 1! n. Pn lltni: .N.
n i-i in . 1 12, . 2S and I u, p m
V II. "I -'., .,11 ,,.,liiti ,in,lli? .M n
i in AIO'" """ "" " "' '
m '''jr','s,;,N1iivy TRAIN'-,.-.
,i,nn.iiii-. sro. 1132 a. in: 2 11.
SW ,'.,.M'!,"..I. $. .n 12 01. 1W.
I'Ot WIIM"-"""" ""
'r'J "ubnii'v nnd'VnhilH iinrlh-.t 58 p. lit.
I m llonedalPs rfl n m ; n 52 p m ,
1 W BFRPIFK O I' A. Mbuiv 7;
W L PRVOR. D P A . Ppiautnn Pa.
Eile Raihoncl Wyoming Division.
Ill llffecl Svptomlior ii w;
'pinliiL Kuvo Scianton 1m Now oilt,
v. liiii-h and intui militate points also
.ll.r.v ml louil st.iili.iib at 720 a.
1". ""''.AhLVi,,!!! Wbito Mills at 1.15
1'iir iuu. - -
'pVVins aiilvo at Scianton at 1P.3S a m.
mid 913 p. in.
New York, Ontailo and Western.
,,., miilo In Pffei t Sunday. Sepl 2J, l'J0.
I.eavo Lcavn All Ivy
ip.nin Scianton. Cnibond(io, C.ulosln,
m1, , l ,...W"". 'i . l"J0p.m.
?' i ...010)' ni Ai CarbondalubOn rn
so ' """ faOt'TH HOUND V
Leavo Leavo Annw
No. "
Cadosla. Cailiotiil.ilo. Soiautitii,
b DO a in. 7,25 rfi in.
-JU, Lcavn Leavo Aiflm
v.iU I' 111. 1-' I' III f It 1 (Il
No. 9 ..
No- t i"
Scianton C.uboml ilo. Cadp4ln.
5 51)11. Ill SIUII. Ill UlSJ.t H,
. 7 no p. pi Al.f'arbondalo 7 lp m
1,0 io Leavo Aihvo
Cadobla. Caibondale. Sci union.
i) 50 a m. 7Mn.-in.
Nu. U
VI.. Ill
1 SO p 111 0 OS p 111. 0 13 p. in.
Tialns N'os 1 on week dajs, nmi 9 on
SundaiS tonncct foi Now Yoik citv, Mld
dletovvn. Wnlton. Noiwlch, Oneida, Os
wego and all points west.
Trulii No. b, with "Ounker City Ev.
pioss" ut Scianfon. via C R R of N. .1 .
for PhiUdolphla. Atlantic City, Baltlnioio.
AVushlngton anc Pennsylvania btats
Seo tlme-tablo and consult ticket agents
for connections with other lines
J. C. ANDERSON. G. P, A . Now Yoik.
J. E. AVELSH, T. P. A . Seruntou. Pa,
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