..v 1 ' 4 ia THIS SCRANTON TRIBUNE-THOKSDAfc', DECEMBER 11, 1902. 1 dsk, , .. Jii.ku, fi 1 if YATES WANTS CORRECTION What the Governor ol Illinois Said o! Pennsylvania Regarding the Live Stock A CORRECTION OP CRITICISM DEMANDED Mr. Yutes Asserts That It Is tho Pennsylvania Iilvo Stock Board That Has "Misled a Governor Without Proper Effort to Ascertain Pacts" Mr. Stone Asked to Cor rect the Misapprehension That May Havo Been Caused by the Widely Published Letter Concerning- the Cattle Quarantine. By Inclusive Wire from The Associated I'rcM. Springfield, 111., Dec. a 10. Governor (yates, of Illinois, has sent a letter to Governor Stone, of Pennsylvania, de manding n. correction of tho IntteVs criticism of Governor Yates' action in quarantining the cattle of certain east ern slates. The letter concludes us fol lows: "1 desire to say that, as It appears to inc. It is your live stock board, and not mine, which, has 'misled a governor without proper effort to ascertain the facts.' The facts are that the procla mation in question, a- copy of which I herewith enclose, does not quarantine against the cattle in the states of New York, Pennsyslvunia and New Jersey, but simply against the states of Ver mont, Massachusetts, Connecticut and Jthodo Island. The slightest examina tion by you or your live stock board of tills proclamation would havo satisfied you of this fact. Tho only requirement ufl'eetitig cattle from your state, or Now York and Now Jersey, Is the require ment that cattle must be accompanied by a certificate to the effect that they have not been within the quarantined states for the past thirty days. "As a matter of course, the premises considered, I respectfully decline to withdraw my proclamation. "I sincerely trust that you will do what you can to correct any misappre hension you may have caused by your widely published letter, and to see that the correction is given as wide a pub lication as your letter." Ilarrlsburg, Dec. 30. Governor Stone received today a letter from Governor Yates, of Illinois, demanding a correc tion of his recent note to the Illinois executive criticizing his action In quar antining the cattle of Pennsylvania and other eastern states. The governor has referred the com munication to Dr. Leonard Pearson, Mate veterinarian and secretary of the Pennsylvania, state live stock board, nni will make no reply to Governor "Votes until after ho has heard from Dr. Pearson. ABOUT WIHELESfe TELEGRAPHY. Handsome Booklet Just Issued by the Grand Trunk Railroad. The wonderful experiments in wlre . less telegraphy as demonstrated for the first time by exchanging signals from a railway station to a train running at a rate of sixty miles an hour, made on tho Grand Trunk special train October 33, 180-', carrying tho members of the American Association of General Pas senger and Ticket Agents to their forty-seventh annual convention hold sit Portland, Maine, October It and 35, 1902, has prompted the passenger de partment of the Grand Trunk Kail way system to issuo a publication giving a description of the experiments together with a concise, popular treatise on the principles of wireless telegraphy, deal ing with the subject also from 'an his torical point of view and Including a TurkishXeather Rocker That it is a "Karpen" Chair, is a positive assurance of its high-class construction. Anyone acquainted with good furni ture knows the significance of that trade mark. flic cut ahove gives a good idea of the proportions of this magnificent easy chair. Its fine Turkish leather covering hides from view the United states standard frame construc tion, springs, and hair stuffing. The tuft ing and leather fringe work arc works of jirt. A superh Christmas gift Store open evenings until 9.30 commencing Saturday, December 13th. CREDIT VOU? TWft conom II. A Scranton Citizen Tells Yon What It Is,' It Is not safo to experiment when nnythlng important is at stake. Tito surest way is to profit by the experi ence of friends and neighbors. Tho pub lic statemcrit of a Hcrnnton citizen given hero is stilllclcnt proof to con vince any reader. Mr. Albert Itoskllly, of 311 North Kverott avenue, Hyde Park, engineer at the Cnpouse mines, says: "I had for years a dull pain across my back. My back felt lame and sore so much that when I bent it was nil I could do to strnlghten tip again. 'Whenever I took cold it affected my back. At night It bothered me a great deal with sharp twinges, which kept mo awake for hours. I often got up In the morning feeling tired nnd devoid of nil energy and ambition. There was also a kid ney weakness which at times was an noying nnd painful. I had my atten tion called to Doan's Kidney Pills through our papers, from time to time, by reading the testimony from people. I went down to Matthews Pros.' drug store and got a box. They benefited mo in every way. I have felt slight touches of tho pain since, but a resort to Doan's Kidney Pills never failed to quickly relieve It." For sale by all dealers; price, 50 cents. Foster-Milutirn Co., Buffalo, N. Y., sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's nnd take no substitute. chapter on, the recent developments of this branch of physical science. This article is from the pen of How ard T.' Karnes, D. Sc, F. R. S. C, of the Macdonald Physical Laboratory of McGIll university, Montreal, and is most opportune in view of the great Interest occasioned by tho recent ar rival at Glace Bay, Cape Breton, of Slgnor Marconi, on an Italian warship, with tho object of perfecting bis plana for wireless telegraphy across the At lantic ocean. In addition to the article on tills subject, a description of the luxurious Grand Trunk special train on which the experiments wort made, and a short resume of the trip from Chicago to Portland, Maine, is given in an interesting manner. Copies of this valuable publication have been mailed to the principal officials of the great railway systems of the world, and any one desiring a copy can secure one by sending a two-cent stamp to G. T. Bell, general passenger and ticket agent, Grand Trunk Railway system, Mon treal. SCHOONER WRECKED. Crew of the A. L. Xee Is Rescued by Life Savers. By Cvclmirc Wire from The Associated Press. Atlalntic City, N. J., Dec. 30. The two masted schooner, A. L. Lee, Hav erstraw, New York, for Atlantic City, was wrecked off this city. The crew were rescued by the Atlantic City life savers. The Lee experienced rough weather all of yesterday and last night, but battled successfully with the heavy peas and bigh winds until she was In sight of her destination today when she was struck by a monster sea and cap sized. The crew sought safetly in the rigging and after being almost frozen the men were finally rescued by the life savers. The vessel will be a total loss. She is of S3 tons gross register and is owned at Somer's Point, N. J. - Buffalo Stock Market. Kast Buffalo, Dee. 10. Cattle Receipts, 150. Quiet. Hogs Receipts.: 0,000; active; pigs, steady; others. Sa.Oc. hlghur; heavy, iti.IJa liX.0; mixed, SCKjaU.)."; Yorker's, $&iu.l.': plgM, $:,.90; roughs, J3.:0a.".SO; stags, $1.50 aj.00. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 7,000; sheep, steady; lambs, lOal.'c. higher; top lambs, f..i.iao.ij; uitii.s to goon. :H-oUao.a; year lings, $I.G5a4.75; ewes. Ht.4.25: sheep, top mixed, ja,63at; culls to good, fl.75a3.W). CERTAINLY I 221-23-25-27 WYOMING AVENUE Prlco $37.50 THE MARKETS, Wall Street Review. New York, Dec. 16. Tho ntoek market wiih a wm kon ol today from tho condition or lethargy which hns recently prevailed by an urgent and prcclpltnto selling movement. Tho felling jtiilntd In volume us tho day progressed until violent do ellnen wrro rorctd In the Inst half hour of thn trading. Taking of milck prollln by thn room traders was the only source of buying and tho closing was extremely unsettled and aotlve, though above tho lowest ' figures. 1hscs reached threo points or over In.a fnw of the lending ne tlvo stocks, moulding Ht. Pant, Pennsyl vania, Now York Central, Heading, Man hattan and Amalgamated Copper. Losses generally ranged from ono to over two points. There wero evidences of profess ional attack on tho market, but tho de cline In priors dislodged largo stop-loss ordors niul Induced largo selling of long stock by tlrrtl holders. Tho immediate factor In ratulng tho decline was thn shipment of a milioti dollars In gold tp South America, ami tho growing evidences of tho suveru pressure In the money mar ket. In tho tlmo money market addition al difficulty was found In securing loari3 on any tonus. Tho 0 per cent, rate for all periods was purely nominal and tho ac tual ralu pnld was entirely a mntter of pilvato treaty botwosn borrower and lender. Favorable fnctors wern ignored In tho trading and tho weakness of tho particular stocltn affected by special news devdapmentfi had a sentimental effect In weakening the wholo market. Thus tho agreement affected In tho Colorado Fuel dlsputo was greeted with a GVa point drop in that security. The circulation of a syndicate contract Inviting deposits of Hocking Velloy stock for tnn purpose of retiring the preferred stock and of voting tho common stock for consolidation, mergers and nthor arrangements, carried a pretty broad intimation of plans matur ing for tho control of bituminous coal car riers In the middle states, but this only served to induce, realizing In thoso stocks. Reports of a working agreement, between Union Pacific and St. Paul or tho through business did not savo St. Paul from being one of the weakest stocks on tho list. Heavy selling of Northern Se curities on the curb had a sympathetic effect on tho wholo market. Total sales today, I"2,(i00 shares. The bond market continued dull and became weak In sym pathy with stnctfB. Total sales, par value, .rSO.OOO. United States old coupons de clined ',i per cent, on tho last call. The following quotations are furnished The Tribune by Halgbt & Frcese Co., 314 315 Hears Building. W. D. Itunyon, man. acer. Onen.HlKh.Low.Closo. Amal. Copper ."i bH .V5 K Am. C. &. F ?,Vi 3P.4 3 !', ;il'.-i Am. Cot. Oil l." 43 4" I"' Am. Ice, Pr .".7 37 37 37 Am. Locomotive .... 7 n""i -7', 27 Am. Loco.. Pr MVs PIVj 'JH& flVb Am. S. & R. Co .... 3S-J SXTfc KSifc 3S'i American Sugar ....121H 121 US'.i 119 Atchison S2' S2'i $0 SOft Atchison. Pr ftS? f !7'i n. ? wait, .t umo :s !is !)t s'.vk Brook, it. T tM'.i t& 1? 61i Canadian Pacific ...IBS 12S l.ij'i 1M Clies. & Ohlp 10 l'i 4li 4(5, Chicago & Alton .... fa'.a 3:''.i !8 3-3' Chic. & O. W 2.-.U 2.V.i 21 2P, C, M. & St. P 17i 172TA 169. lOOJs Pol. Fuel & Iron .... K'-3 8-Vj MHJ Jw.4 Col. .t. Southern .... 30 30 2SVj 2V.& Col. & Sotiili., 2d Pr. 43'i 43V5 'U!i 'i Den. & R. G P0 f Dft io Detroit Southern .... 13 PJ Ifi Erie 33',i m. 32'; 32 Krlo, 1st Pr 331A 3.l'j 32U 32 Krlo, 1st Pr l fit KP.fc ftltS Kr( 2d Pr 4.V-1 43 41Vi 41 Hocking Valley ....101 101 f"S:U 08 Illinois Central 143U 1BU 111'i U2 Iowa Central n&i 3Sl &j' 38 Louis. & Nash 123 123 32.3 123 Manhattan 347", 147?4 143 113 Met St. liy 339', 139'i iS!'.i IWi Mexican Central .... 21 21 2Ui 2Hi Mo. K. & Tex 23 23 '.'l',i 2tU Mo. Pacilio 100 100 101H 10P& N. Y. Central 151 131 1504, 131 Norfolk & West .... 70U 70Va M 00 Oat. & West 29U 294 2S 28 Pnnna. R. R 15S& 15C& 15.1 J33'.s People's Gas 100 100 100U 1004 Pressed Steer Car ... 50 f,9'4 55V. 5S'j Heading 3S rS 53 K'3ll jtepunuc sieci ivy- my3 isi isi Rock Island 4191 41 39 39 St. L. & San F . St. L. & So. W . Southern Pacific Southern H. R ., 70t 7I 7u'j vih . a,, WTA 2ii . 024 62'. 60 .. 31 31 31? til 31 Southern R. R.. Pr iU'.j MI 15 Un sl'S Tenn. Coal & Iron... K'.l r.C',4 5t ni&X i i-xus ae x-ui'iuc 41 41 wy, .lU'i ITnlon Pacific 09 00",.'. !7'-i fi7 Union Pacific, Pr ... r2 92" 914 !!, 17. K. Leather 12'i 12H 12 12 IT. S. Steel 33A S3,.'. 34V'. 34 1T. S. Steel, Pr SiYs MV5 S2.J 82!i Wabash 2Si 2S L'ti't 20; Wabash, Pr 41t; .p, o' W Western Union S7 S7 S7A S7'. Wheel. & L. E 23 2.i 22'i 23 " Wis. Central 25 25 23 23 CHICAGO GRAIN & PROVISION WHEAT Onen- Hlch. Low. Close. -Miiy u'( July 74M.. COItN May 4. July 43 OATS May Z2y- PORK i"!3 11 43 3.5 mis 71 41 4i',8 22! Tl 41 43i 3m January -10.95 10.97 10.75 10.92 May 15.i;.3 13.U3 15.53 13.57 NEW YORK COTTON MARKET. Onen. Hit'h. Low. Close. January - S.27 S.20 8.2! s.27 March S.17 S.22 S.17 S.2. May S.20 7.23 S.10 S.25 July S.22 S.27 S.22 S.25 Scranton Board of Trade Exchange Quotations All Quotatio: ss Baaed on Par of 100. STOCKS. Lackawanna Dairy Co., Pr.... County Sav. Bank & Trust Co First Nat. Bank (Carbontialo). Third Untlonal Bank Dime Dep. & DIs. Bank Kconomy L., II. & P. Co First National Bank Lack. Trust & Safe Dp. Co . Clark & Snover Co.. Pv Scranton Savings Bank Traders' National Bank Kcranton Bolt & Nut Co People's Bank Scranton Packing Co BONDS. Scranton Passongor Railway, first mortgage, duo 1920 People's Street Railway, nrat mortgage, duo 191S People's Street Railway. Gen eral mortgage, duo 1921 Scranton Trao. Co., 0 per cent. Kconomy L., H. & P. Co N. Jersey & Pocono Ice Co.... Consolidated Water Supply Co Bld.ABked. DU COD rio soo lioo 195 115 500 ra 123 135 503 it 33 US 115 1L 113 97 97 105 Scranton Wholesale Market. (Corrected by H. G. Dale, 27 Lacka, Ave.) Flour-$1.40. Butter- Creamery, C5',a;Gc.; dairy, L'oa Checpe ISUalic. Kggs Nearby, uOc: storage, i.':'c. Marrow Beans Per bushel, Ji.Sa. Onions Per bushel, 75a90c. Potatoes 5c, per bushel, Philadelphia Produce Market. Philadelphia, Deo. 10-Wlieat-Flrm, io. higher; contract grade, IHcember, 7tia 7tie. Corn Quiet but steady; No, a In export olyvatiir, 5Se. Oats Qulot but firm; No. a white clipped, 3Sc. Butter Firm, good demand; extra westorn cream ery, 20',c.j do. nearby prints, Mo. Kggs Firm; good demand; fresh nearby, hc,; do, western, "be; do. southwestern, tiU'.'7o; do. southern, l!."c, Cheese Steady; Now. York full erenma, priino- small, 13',&c; do. do, do, fair to good small, ttftinM'U'.; do. do. do. prime, largo, UUc.; do. do, do,, fair to good, do., 12ial3e. Refined Sugara Strong, good demand. Cotton Un changed. Tallow Dull; city priino In tlorcos. tiUatlUc; country, prlmo. In bar rels, fittc; do. dark, 5',c; cakes, Cic. I.lvo Poultry Dull and weak: fowls, Il'u 13c.; old roosters. 9c; spring chickens. 12a 12$se.; ducks, 12allic; turkey", L'al3c; geese. lliilSc. Dressed Poultry Firm. good demand; fowls, cholco western. He,; do. southern and pmthwpatern. i:iul3yjo,; do, fair In good, liaise; old roosters, 10c.; roasting chickens, nearby, 15alii',ic; western do., large, 15al5Je,; do. small and medium. 13nllc; turkeys, cholco near, by, 17,ilSc; do, fair to good, l&iltio.; west ern do., choice, &U7e.; dn. fair to good, 13al5c,; ducks, laalSc. Receipts Flour, 2,00) barrels and 3,17S,ono pounds In sacks; wheat, fi.000 bushels; corn, 07,000 bushels; oats, lli.OOO bushels. ShlpmentK Wheat. 3.00a bushels; corn, W.OOO bushels; oats, 11.000 bushels. New York Grain and Produce Market Now York. Dec. 10. Flour-Quieter but steadily held ,at old prices. Whejt Spot easy; No. 2 red, 83i elevator; No. 2 red, 79c. f. o. b. ufloat; No. 1 northern Dalutlr. fcSc. t. o. b. afloat; options from un open ing advance tho market broko at noon. Thero was n second upturn, but the mar. ket finally yielded and closed Wu!4c. net lower, except I)ecembors which closed c. net higher; March closed 82Tic; Muy, Calendars ON MAIN FLOOIt It will soon be time to bang up tho now calendar. Plenty to chooso from. Hundreds of styles, from the little ones to birr ones, plain to handsome, from lc up. Display In booth. The Holiday Season Is Here In earnest on every floor in evei'y aisle. Tho Big Store is Here yon can select from large assortments. Tho earlier yon make better. Come today and every day. bring the children to loyland, Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. What a gathcrlngl Hundreds and hundreds of all styles, all sizes. Blue eyes, brown eyes, raven and golden locks of curly hair, handsomely dressed. Others without dresses, many with shoes and stockings. Eyes that close and eyes that don't. Bisque heads, kid and jointed body. We mention a few: 12-inch Kid Body Doll, llfiht nnd dark hair, shoes nnd stockings. 25c lti-lnch Jointed Sleeping Doll, llprht nnd duik hair, shoes and stockings. AQr I'rlco yt Maybe on jour list of giveable gifts the following named Items will appear. If so, you'll find good taste and artistic bargains. STEKUNG SILVER NOVELTIES Button I looks, Nail I'IIch. Call Bells, Blotters, Paper Knives, Curling Irons, Hat Brushes, Mirrors. Ink Stands, Darn ers, Tooth Brushes, Nail Brushes. Tweez ers. Cuticle Knife. Prices, t'5c, 49c, 69c. A varied lino of sultablo novelties for Holiday Gifts. Come In Ehonolri. burnt wood, Bomnn Horn and Shell Handles. GUN METAL NOVELTIES Jewel Boxes. Ink Wells, Match ORr Holders, C3c. to yo4' Cigar Automobile This article will in terest the man that smokes. This Anto mobllo Is supplied with a cigar cutter, cigar holder, match safe, ash CI "7K tray. Priced at yi,J LAMPS It's a pretty good plan to buy a Christ mas Gift that will not only please but be a. useful ornament. We've tho largest se lection of Banquet Lamps in this city, beautiful decorations in floral effects. Roses that look real, tints that aro next to Nature's shadings. 10 and 12-lnch dome shado to match, lit fc out brass fount, cen tral draft burner, medium and squat shape. Prices rango from $3.S9 up to $15.00. JonasLong'sSons ilis Lager Beer.. Manufacturers of Old Stock i PILSNER ; 4, ' Brewsry. ., 43S to ass N. aeveoth St . Scranton, Pa. Old 'Phone, 33 3 r. New 'Phone, 293s. SOAtc: July, 7Sic.: December, iic Corn Spot steady; No. 2, file, elevator and 6Hc. f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 yellow. Mo.; No. 2 white. fi7o.; options active all day and generally firm, except for a brief mid-day reaction. The close was steady at Uale. not advance; January closed r.')9c.; March. 52c; May. 49?ec; July, 4S',4c.; December, 62c. Oats Spot steady; No. 2, SG-Uc; No. 3, 36ie.; No. 3 white, SSaSSlic; track white, 37!anc.; standard white, 0SU aasie.; No. 2 white, SSHalKSio.; track mixed western, nominal; option market steady to firm with corn; December closed 39c. Butter Steady; oxtra creamery, 30c; factory, ICalSc.; creamery, common to choice, 21a29c; Imitation creamory. 17a 21i-ic; stato dairy, 20a27.:r cnovated, 17a 22c. Cheese Firm: stato full cream, fancy small colored, September, 13Ve.; lato, 13c,;; small white. September. Vtyc; late, 13c; largo colored, September, 13o; late, 13c; white. September, 13',ic: late, 13c. Eggs Steady; Pennsylvania avorage, best, 30c; refrigerated, Ifuisic; western, fancy, graded, 2Sa29c; western, poor to prime, 2ta2"c. Chicago Grain Market. Chicago, Dec, 10. Decided activity was, manifested today In tho wheat jilt during tho first hour resulting In n marked ad vance, but later a quliitor feeling devel oped, nnd tho closo wus easier, with May a shade lower; .May corn closed a shado higher whllo oats lost ,'c January pro visions worn from 2lc. lower to 5c, high er. Cash quotations wore as follows: Flour Quiet and steady: No. 2 spring wheat. 75a"Cc: No, 3 ,7la71fte.;N o, 2 red, 75to77c: No, 2 corn. &i!ic: No, 2 yel low, K',4a; No. 2 oats, 31?ic; No. 2 white, -; No, 3 white, 32'5a.13o.: No. 2 ryo, I9',ac.; good feeding barloy. 3Ga39i; fair to cholc malting. iTiiMo,; No. 1 flax seed, $1.1 1; No, 1 northwestern, JI.22: prlmo tlm othv seed, 3.C5; pork. ir..SJVsl7: lard, 10.70alo.7T; sides. jjS.C'UaS.75: shoulders, jS.25aS.C0; short clear sides, $S.73a9, Chicago Live Stock Market, Chicago. Dee. 10. Cattle Receipts. 2, M)0, Including WW Texans. TOO westerns; 15a 20c. lower on bulk; good to nilmo steers, f5.75a7.20; poor tonicdlinns, JJn5.ii; stock, ers and feeders, $2nt.(i0; cows, l,2.5.it.W)j heifers). 2a5; canners. $l.23a2.-W; bulls, J2a 4.50: calves, $3.00a7: Texas fed steers, $3.50 al.kj; westorn stoers. ta5.0. Hogs Receipts today. fO.OOi); tomorrow, 40.000; left over. 7.400; steady: closo weak; mixed and butchers. $5.80afi.39: good to cholco heavy, $ii.35aU.M; rough heavy. Wa U.1S; light, K.C5aG.13; bulk of sales, $C.Q5a 6.30. Sheop Receipts, 15,0V); sheep nnd lambs, steady; good to choice wethers, J)a4.fi0; fair to cholco mixed, $2.7CaJ; native lambs, ia7.23. East Liberty Stock Market, Kast Liberty, Dec. 10.-rCattle Steady; choice, $6a6.10; prime, 5.60a5.75; good, $.5.23 aS.fO. Hogs Higher: prime heavies, J6.45aC.50; mediums, $S.90aC; roughs, 5a0. Sheep Steady; cholco wethers, 3.90a 4.10: eulsl and common, l.w.i2; choice lambs, .iOaS.tf; veal calves, JTaS.25. lHojida71 pArticles 11-Inch Jointed Body Doll, bisque OQr head, light and dark hair. Price... '"' 19-Inch Kid Body Doll, light and dark hair, shoes and stockings. 'JQc I'rlco 14-Inch Kid Body, Sleeping Doll, light and dark hair, at 59c EIBE ENGINES Driver and Horses,, solidly built, has uppearanco of being the real thing, $1.98 to $2.75 HANDKERCHIEFS Daintiness outlined in every piece. The greatest and most varied assortment we have ever collected. Everyone welcomes Handkerchiefs, and we tire prepared to supply tho demand, no mntter If it's the plainest linen or the daintiest lace. Women's Handkerchiefs hemstitched nnd embroidery edges, plain centers, also Swiss with scalloped nnd embroidery edges, plain centers. Beautiful needle work to the ordinary kind at 12c, 15c, 19c, 25c, 30c to Jj.OO. Women's Handkerchiefs, strictly all linen, lace and embroidery Hand- atr kerchiefs. Price ,ul Choice assortment. Women's Initial Handkerchiefs, come one-half dozen In a box, initial worked up In an attractive letter. 15c, 25c ADVERTISERS No 7, $50.00 No. 5, $35.00 In simplicity of construction, speed and caso of operation they aro without an equal. They aro perfectly adapted to over j' variety of work, and combine all tho best features of all other makes. "Write for Catalog1. THE BLICKENSDERFER MFG CO., 10Q4 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. Headquarters for Incandescent Gas Mantles, Portable Lamps. THE NEW DISCOVERY Kern Incandescent Gas Lamp. GunsterSForsyfli 325-327 Pcnn Avenue. FINANCIAL Spencer Trask & Co. BANKERS 2T & 29 Pine Street, New York Members New York Stock Exchange. BOODYjMcLELLAN &CO. BANKERS, No. 57 liroodway, New York Cty. UEUBEItS NEW YORK STOCK UXCUAKOB, STOCKS.DONDS nnd 1NVESTA1ENTS ORDERS EXECUTED FOR INVESTMENT OR ON MARGIN SIMPLE-DURABLE-EFFICIENT a Christmas Store, your selections the nubucr Dolls 10c, lie, 29c Knit Dolls at 25c, 35c and C9c Other Dolls, claborato assortment, handsomely dressed, come at 98c, ?1.23, $1.49 up to $10.00. tho at BRUSHES Hat, Tooth, Hair and Clothes Brushes, Call Bells." Button Hooks, Nail File. Blot ter, Paper Knife. Curling Irons, Darners, lirlc Stands. Prices from 10c. up to $3.00. Display on Main Floor. CELLULOID NOVELTIES Hand .painted In various floral designs. Glove Boxes, Tie Boxes, Trinket Boxes, at 15c, 39c, 29c each. Glove and Handkerchief, box sols znr of two OVC Whisk Broom Holder S5c Celluloid Cuff Box, handsomely AO painted ., OyC Plain Sillc Covered Handkerchief. Tie Jewel and" Glove Boxes with decor ated celluloid covers. Priced " ie at 75c to 4,ZJJ Children's, ailsses' and Women's Jer sey Iicgglns, pair, GOc, 75c i (( ajid , iw SOFA PILLOWS Many styles, the latest subjects. On number Is size 20x2i, 4-inch ruffle, filled with silk floss, covcrcvl with fancy A Or Sateen. Price tvu OF FACTS ONLY Sale of Damaged We are not having a fire sale, but however, after the fire in our old store last winter and the skating season being over before we reopened, we were left with a big stock on hand. About 200 Pairs of Skates Were Slightly Damaged by Water Owing to the reckless way the fire men have of throwing water around they rusted a little, just a spot here and there, but we have cleaned and polished them up and they are now practically as good as new. We are going to sell them at very low prices. To give you an idea of the tremen dous cut we have made on these goods : In the lot is a large number of the famous Forbes Skate. Regular price $4.50 and 5,00. We have cut these down as low as $2,00, The entire stock has been cut in the same proportion. FLOREY k BROOKS, 520-22-24 Spruce Street. Furniture MUSIO CABINXTS-Excluslvo novelties In oak or mahogany flnirshes, tho largest assortment In this city to select from, Marked at $5.25 up to $28.00. Tabourettes and Plant stands A handsome display of thwo pretty Kurrilturo pieces, will mako tlrvlriiulo p.lfta. Comn In Orlentnl ami Colonial and Scrpcutlno pat tern!), at, each, 50c to $10.00 For Your Den Attractive pieces) In weathered oak finish, comprising Card Tables, Secretary's .Chalra and Uockcrs, In various designs. Marked at 33 to $15 NOTICE. A small deposit secures anv purchaso for delivery when wanted. Suggestions A few tilings for father, brother, or possibly a sweetheart. Handkerchiefs, Umbrellas, Beau tiful Tics, Warm Gloves, Mufflers, Hosiery, Card CasesPocknt Books, Books. Stationery or many cholco articles in Brlc-a-Brac, Men's Chairs, Boll Top Desk. Suggestions A few things for mother, sister, or possibly a sweet heart. Pocket Books, Pin Cushions, Sofa Cushions, Leather or Silk Belts, Kid Gloves or Fancy Knit Gloves, Fine Handkerchiefs, and Jewelry of all kinds. Brush and Comb Sets, Umbrellas. Chatelaine Bags, Muffs, Fur Collars, Handsomely Decorated China or odd pieces of Brlc-a-Brac, Stationery, Books, Music Cabinets, China Closets, prettily constructed Chairs, and so on. There are Gifts and Gifts at this matchless Store at matchless prices. Imported Fancy Baskets Work Baskets, Shopping Baskets, mado in many unique ways, colors woven by expert makers until very pleasing effects are attained. Prices range from 5c. up. ww --4 Slightly Ice Skates , J y , .tzmmmm H V-1- i'k 'i$-PMit'r:itU ''(-: 4- -'Jn'0jvlnl- '$!&3!Si .'.; iAJr W '.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers