J V THE SCRAttTON TRIBUNE-TUESDAY, JKOVJ&UIJJ'JU 18, 1902. v MMMM nM5K5JOKSK?K5K:0)JOJ The News of DEATHJSADDENS SEVEN ' CARBONDALE HOMES Beside the Pnsslng Awny of Hnivey M. Tuttle nnd James aennessy, as Bopoitetl In The Tilbune, Yester dny, Mis, Ann Judge, Mis. Patrick rinnnety, Robeit KUpatilck nnd Thomns Munny Succumbed Dining Sunday Night Daniel Loftus, an Old, Respected Cnrbondallnn, Died last Evening at the Residence on Sand Stieet. Wlthlil llu- Inst fnit. eight limns, death, with Us gloom and sotiow, Iiiih cntcied seven homes 111 thh elt.v, tln grentcst inortnlltv toi the given pei lod In Cmbondiile In a long time. Upside the summons heme of JIun M. Tuttle and James Genne-sv, ns u pnitcd In etei din's Tillnmc. Thomas Muiin. of Cottage "titet. .Mis. Put iltk rinniiuiy, Sind stieet; Mis. Ann .Indue. Sand lane; Itobeit Klip itilek, nf Hit South Side, died ritliei Sunday nlgiit in enil.v Monda niiiinlug. Yestoiduv nfteinoon, linvld I.oftus, n inoinlneiil lesldent of Cu bondule for over half .1 letitiuv, suiciimhtd at his ti'ldeme on Sand stieet. A stiutige fe.ituie or tin' de.tlh n (Old Is that thlce of the subletted homes aie on the one tieot, and only a shoit dis tance one fioui the othei. The death nt Thomas Mm my, ol Cot time stieet, waii not iniiiKnl bv any suspicions ( iMUinuiitutiS us was sup posed. I'otouu S.ilti (nine to tills1 elt jestudiy and -.uiMlt'd himself, after an Investigation tint llmuy'i death was due to kpiiui.i1 dsddllU. The sup posed wood nli oho! that he di auk, just Plllll til IliS ),SSr lll. WIIS ,t IOI1I- jiound of liltteis that Is In gcnei.il use Some ol Ihe hllleis uns givtu li Mm l iv to one ol hi- (hlldicn, hut the child was not h. limed. liAXH'.L LOP ITS wlm mis Ken a le-iilenl ol (u lioud.ile fin inn li ill a centuij, died e-tud.i .itleinoon at the lesldeme. IS fe.iud -ticet. Heath was due to Inliimltles .luomp.in lug old aqe llf had lucii :t IlIiirT fin some lime .mil h.is li en (Oiillned In Ills lied foi s inoiiths Mi l.ottus ns bum In li eland almut 70 ve.us uio lie eame to this (ounti In 1SH,, siltling lu Cu Imnd.ile whlih h is dme hi.ii his home. His pildc in C.n liond.ile wis chai K tei 1-tU ol nil lesidents of this ilt who hei .line utt. uhed to the town He livid ,i life 111 it mei ited the le-peit and Lonlldeiue ol his nelghbois mil lel low (.itlens, who linde him the ohjn I of t lie 1 1 pi "fount nt on one decision In electing him pool dliedoi in ls.' He lepie-enttd th( roiulli waid, and at iUltted hlinsolf with a hifjilv sattsf.ii -ton adnilnisu ition m-. love fot luiine and f.iinllv wa- klumn in in m w.ijs and the lies or the fainlh i-i'ile that aie bioken h his death aie the stioiiKest and ile.upsl of hum tn attadi nienl The wide dide of fi ieuils he gatlieiod ahoiit him dining his lotivr inieei in Cnihondale the ucighhoi to whom the waini-liL.ii (nlnr-s and lov nlty ntt. tdied him and all who e.tnip within ihe inllueiHi of his Kind gentle sphlt. will be d(pies-d bj the news of his (ailing awa The dpd.ised wa- wnldid in Cailmn , dale to Mts liaib.ii.t lleale, who stii v.ives, togethei witli tin. following dnlighteis aiid -on-: Mis ciiailts Me r.inn, Mis Mhhiel Mei'.mn, Mi Joseph Powileilv. Atlases Anna. Nellie and Haih.u.i lailtu-, all ol Cnbnndale. Owen I.oftus, ! r. r.ottus. ot New Zealand, .lames .1 I.ofuis and Will V. I.oltu-, put pinpiietoi of the Klk le tain .tut on South Main -titet. All. I.oftus is al-o Miivluil b one In other, Antlionv I.oftus. ol tin- Wi-t, and two sl-tei', Mi- Kale Kllgnlkn and All M.n.v dimmings, Olvpliiut. , THOMAS MIT.IIAV died ut his , home on foliage stud, Sunday night. As hi- death was unite sudden, follow - ' Iiikt an unlooNiil loi (nil ipso, theie I I- a suspidon that he w is the ldliu ol poi-on, wood ahohol, oi the HUe, ;, tnhen h inl-tal As Indli ated, Pom- ;, tier sait,N -atlsileil hlm.-elt that the lilttPi- . hldi .Muiia di. ink and a poi- ;; llou of whlth he kii to one of Ills ' ililldien, had nothliu to do with thp tl h if-tenliur ol his end deiipi.il debllliv i( m is the (au-e. , Miiiiax was a natie of Iielind, 3t wheie he was hoi n about V eais ao j He had laen a lesldent ol faibondale , fm about ti-n je.us His widow and j the ( hllditu sni e. Mfts. ,nn jiMKii: MiKiimbdl eulv , esteid,i, iiioiiiIiik:, at the lo-lilenee In t Sand lane, nttei ( oiiKestlon of the Inaln ol tluee wieks' dniallon. j Mif. JiulKo was a uaihe ot lidand. , !he was boi n In the totintj, or .SlUo ;,o , ypais iiko, and (ami) to ('nibondiile in 15SI. Mie w is a inenibHi nf St, Uosp , loiiKitKatlou and was r.iltlilul hi her deollons She made nuincioiis aim . iiloiuJshlpt iIuiIiih: hei n hldi me in fni lmndale. One d,iuluei, Ml-s Annlo JiulBtf. oiu hlster, Mis .lane Hieniwn, nnd one In othei . Owen JudKe, nil ot , this oit), are her sui1oih. . The timet ill will take pliue Wednee 2 'lav fou noon at '.i o'dod;. Theie will M he(w JiIkIu mass of ii(uem In St Itiio 5- . MA1)M A T1IBX OVKR. S Any One Can Do It. Mr 4 -,'.- 2 Mi 4 , IX r j Asprlncipil In a public si hool lu Ohio had u food epeilpuee that will he fa- JJ mill in nian school teacliein. P "The haul woiU of the sdiool lourn wns aa weaihur that 1 was loiupletely '('(ft,nrtui-wfttiif cmtld IwiPiywalU home nt nlBhl and at othei times l was iq ueivous that It wuh with much dlill- j.'v-illty I uto or eh in, j utti United my falling health to Impioper tooil, and i -felt that it would he ntiessaiy to unit "-iiiy itrotesslou or get soino food that ' would sustain my netves '."fortunately enough at thin Juiutiuu j dpcpvejpd Giapo Nuts uud am mi- grateful that I did. After lining tho ,,fopd, for n month I felt decidedly bet- , tPf flnd HU'o a new man iteiuiected ,,ioin the gtae, Tim Htugglsh feeling, headachy, and nervous spells, tune all , left tue und I feel young and active. , .,Ican better concentrate my mind upon my woilc because my nerves have been .strengthened and my health jjani pne.rgy lias leturned and I take e,, 'interest li my vork jwlilch, befoie b-ifeeemetl a burden, rn '"! -use Orape Nuts everyday because '" i, Is the best food for my system, has f1' ifsjored my health, ana I em corrc Jpfcjiondihgly grateful." Name given ly I'.adtuni Co, llattlo Creek, Mich, Carfeondale. chtitoh, followed lijva btnlnl lu St. Hose cciiietco, MIIS. MANY KI.ANNHItY, widow of the Wte I'lVttlek Klauuerv, ,kiic( limbed to Lhronlu Ihlghl's disease at the homo on Sand Htieet, Sunday evening. The dpeeaced was bom In Cai hondnlc about CO euts ago. She was the daughter of the late Hldmiil and Ann Put cell, ot this illy. Mis, I'Jauneiy gups to her lewaid niouiued by numer ous ft lends, One son, Joseph Flnnnory, and two hi othei, Hdwatd and Patilck I'uicell. alt of this iltv, wiuvhc her. The f unci ul will tnlte place this after noon ut 'J o'llcxk. Theic will he hei v kes fot the (had In St. llop (lunch; builal In St. lioe ceiiieteiy, ltOltHKT KM.PATKICK, who died Sundio nt Hip home of Putilck JlcMan non, neat Duff's Held, was laid at iet lu St. Hose (.emeU'iy et"i ilu nflcr noou. The deceased was a victim of1 tvphnld ftvei. He was a lesldent of Caibnndnle and ldnlty for a number of joins Ite was -10 .eais of age and a miner under the Delawnie and Hudson eoinpnn.v'. So far as Is known he has no suivlv Ing lel-itlvcs. A GHEAT FIKST NIGHT. Gland Ciowded to Oveiflowlng to See Stock Company. The Ollle Ilnlfoiil Stock (.onipany his the distinction of drawing the biggest house at the Oiatid this season oi last binson I.iirtt night this (oiupanv op'-nul a week's eligiigeinelit and hv S o'llotk the standing loom sinn was stul lot, the dust of a ( ouple ol season's was tin own out on .Mil 111 stieet, : t li tl It wis ujlh d oei the bo ollhe The itowd Slew in spid. of this lioth e and when it was Hint to i lug up, the tilte expies-lon, 'Iiatked like "iiidlne- Hi a insu" told the sloi. The o ei How lug audleini. was not disappointed, eltltei. foi evuvolip spi iiipiI InimensLly pleased with the pleie, 'Sunset Mints," and the nuile Ille stunts that made ihe int"i mis sions stem like spionds. The (Oiiipain liis-irt il i.ipibte pri sons in the leading uile-, who :ae in telligent intei pietullons mil su.stalneil the ili.im.it ! Inteiest until tlie (losing si a- ti-uttl the tilumph of light and tilt bid nclois, as it weie spnt wa btili to s down oi do time in Sing Sing The iniiipam liiade a good iinpte s'lon, one that will luiptove as the week passes as the bettei plas .lie Itlllli 1 alinig in tlie lepeitohe .liidsint, nom last night's iCLCpllon. the sta ()f the stodv tomjiiin in Caibonilitle will be a piolltable one. It was nulte lefiesiilnjj to sco stub an unliti-ii iiowd fill the Oi ind. as II was itnilnsi.elit ol the piospiioiis se isiiii- ot .speial je.tis ago Tonight "Woii'.in Arf ilnst AVoman" will be the bill, w hldi l piobiblv the btst ol the week 'lheie will be a mat inee AVednesdav at let noon and another Satuid.n. RETURNS TO SCRANTON. Thomns Roche. Manager of Claike Bios ' Shoe Depaitment, Makes a, Change. Thomas lioilie, ol Si l. niton who has hi en managet ot Claike llios' shoe depaitment in the Cnihondale bi.uu.Ii, has lesigntd anil will letuin to Seian ton, Mnudaj, to .u tept a position with gieattr oppoi lunlties In the stoie ot Lewis & Itollh, in the Klei tile dtj. -Mi. Ilodie has been in Caibondtle sinte lat" list spilng, and dining his somewhat biitf leoldeiite has smiound ed hlinelf with a ( hdeftif waini fi lends who will keenly icgiet the seeiance ot the close lies of Iihndship Mi. Itothe was deeph lnteiestea lu athletic spoils, and when the oppoi tunlty jiip sented Itselt he was an atthe splil; in piomoting loot ball in C.tiboudale. His nunieious fi lends Ueaitily wish foi his continued sut'( ess BOY LOSES EOOT. Six Yeai Old Michael Duikan's Dls nstious Ride. Little (j-eai-old Mlthael Duik.tu, of Slinp"on, has loined the huge liuiubtr ol oungsteis who lme tiied to Meal a llde and met with ilis.iMei. A'estiiday this bo tiled to boa id a tinlu ut Simp-oil, lie failed, like so inanv otheis, au a Mini i time thcie aflei he was taken to Hinugemv hos pital with n (lushed loot, whli h the .suigeons Jiad to umputate. The loot was U'iuoed Just bilow the ankle. List night the unfoi innate joungsiui was toting unite cotuloi tabi, and the cp'(latlons weie that he will lonllnue to inuke piogu-s tow in ds iidneiy until he Is tullv lestoied. POOR BOARD PRAISED. Auditoi John F, Wheeler Pays Tilh ute to Secietniy Williams. A lieu t the jiooi lioatd audit, whldi h now hunt? miide nulillc. e-('it Con ti oiler Johli P. Wliedei, one of the audltois, iai the ioIIuwIhk iouuiII nient to the dlrectnif., imrtlinhu l- to (-Se(utai ll.it i tl. Williams. Saj.s Mr. Wheelei "The nom illhliltt audit Is the most .satIsii(toi oi iui the audltoih hao passed upon. . meat deal of nedlt Is due Keueluiy Wllllains foi ihe uile he i(idi-ed In the Ixmid'H aicouiil.s ' Mr. Pell in Honesdale. (! W, Pell, at one lime pieiilptliiu tleik lu Julius, Spaeth's iihaimaij, on S-nuth .Mulu htiect, Is now hlniselt a ill UK .stoie iiwnei He Ik located In Honefdale Tho NVa.Mie Indepeiuleiit, KpeakiiiB of his openltiK sits ..jj8 ipenltlK had heen dea)ed iilmut tliuo e(K-s, liuniiKo hlh show niKeh had licen lost on the lallioads. and two of them hau not et an hod. Mi, I'ell has a to little Mine nicely uppolnted " May Get Well. Silt hut) l.aiKlu, whose aim was cut olt lu MaXioId yaid a few uhjlits nso, H IniptoNlna-, and It Is nkelj tlml ho will iecou .lolm tlallett, used IS jeais, had his ankle fiuotuiud, while at woik lu h Iciest t'llj mini) jesteidnj. He was, taken to Ihmigeiu'y hospital last even Int.'. OpeuiiiK an Oflice Heie, 'Attorney Joseph II. Hiuinnu, of this city, who was lecently admitted to the bar of Tackawnimu count), has opened an olllce In thlh city, in the iltuKe hulldlni;. He has the fiuuiteis lecently vacated by thn International Cone spondence echools' representatUe. This oflice will be for the accommodation of local clients, who run llnd Mi, Uicn- nun thete epnlngs. llu hai an otllce lu Hi'iuttton, also, being associated with Attorney ('. Donovan In the tlepubllc.tii building. THE HOOK AND LADDER. Hendilck Company Meets Tonight toi Feimnnent Oiganization. Tlib lleiidikk Hook and Ladder coin pin will meet this evening In thu Col umbia Itnso house and will peifect the (iignulmtlon. Since the ptcltt wun lauudieil a touple of weeks ago, Inteiest Ins giown wont'ei fully and an enthusiastic mtet Ing Is evppeted this e"iilng. Common ('i)iiiidlmun Abe Sihm, who h.n been booming the pioject, will hne u lcpnit to iiesent tint will ceitalnlv be sntls flng to the Initialed and piospeethe mrmbeis. The attcndaiue Is uicd of all who lmp been canassil, lor the It Inteiest and uppoil. Funeaal of Joseph Fanell. The luiinal ol the late Joseph I'ai i ell took place jestunlny foiennon nnd was hiit,ely attended. Theie was a luge nnnibei ol etcians at tlie iim ei.il, the dediisisl Inning scned In the el,ll war. A high mass ol leuuieiu was sifng In St. I Jose chinch. In Ue. Wal tci Cioiman lluilal was in St. Itine tenieleii. The pall beaieis weie .1 V. Atkinson. .1. Alexander McDonald, Mli had Hiiggan, Strphi n Xeiilon, Itldi iii d riiiflli'ii, Thomas Holau, John Mm. in, John Hieuuan. Eoi Moie Light. The Mauelt light oidliiaiue. whldi pinvldes loi twos(oio of stieet lights, will be the subfpd of a spec! il e-'-lon of common loundl this mtnlnr. This oidinanie was put mo last inn ting b'tau-o if theie being no appioptlat'r n cl.'use In the measine. sdecl council Jld not met t last night; thine wis no (Moulin. Theie will be a melting instead on Mondaj e"iilng i.ct. Tho Geimania'b Dance. The piacticalh new home ot the Oei manla slingins; sodetv was the scene of a men Huong list night at the au tumn dame, which was the occasion ot tin i e-deilicatloii as It weie. ot the new hill I 'i of. null pi muled niiislu loi the danccis, who had, as u-ual, a line night'- social enlojment as ue-ts of the'jollj Genu inlas. PERSONAL MENTION. I'l.mk MiT.igut, of Siiunlon, .n a Caibonilale isltoi .esttul.o. AV. II. Gallaghci. lepiesenllng Mllfoul vJ. Co, ol Philadelphia, Is spending a few daW In the clt. Misses Loietta Coleman, Hiidget Mi -Alldiew and Alice Gllllgali spent last evening with fi lends In Mallcld. Contiactin A. i: Tiffanj. who sus tained a bioken leg and othei injuiies while on a business dip to Philadel phia seeial weeks ago, is able to be about with tho aid ol a iiutch. ,1 1RM VX MAYFIELD. The men ot the lonsieKatlon of St. .lames' i lunch aie niiauglUK to he an o.ster supper foi the uenellt of the hutch fund on Thanksghins ee. The men will do the sen lug and h.ne full elmiRe of all the aiiaiigements Mis. John M.onaid and daughteis, ldlth and Tltith, spent Sunday as the Kiiests of Mis, Tianl; Simpson, nf OI. pliant. llaiold, the b-je.n-old son of Mi. and Mm. Joiiuh Williams, ot Main stnet, Maj Held, died esteidn moiiiliifr of meinbianeous cioup The fuueial will take place this alltinoon. S. W. I'ook Is contlned to his home on laln stieet with u sifie nttiuk of t'l ll Mis Chillies I.ee, of the llast Side, esieidny lecehed woul ol the seilous Illness' ol hei In othei,. Thomas I.esiei, of V.oiiiIiik. The hoioiiKh was In total dnikiies's iifialu lor a shoit lime last evening. This oicius with anno)ii)K fieiiueuey, Auioia lodge, No. ."23, F"ice nnd we- cpled Masons, will meet this eeii!np A t-on of Mi. and Mi.". William I'hll llps, of II stieet, Is soiiously ill with .stomach tumble. Ml.s. AVIlllleld Shiilei, ol Till id stieet, has heen eonllned to hi home tin t-e-ei nl da.s with a i-eeie attack of bion ihitiif. lluuiier Hoiking, while at wink yis teiday, cut a P ilnful (lash in his ihln, which neiessltnted stltthhifj to dose tho VOUIlll. llaiiv Keiineilv and Miss Jjlo Col lins wtie 01)phant lsltoi.s Hiiudn, Mls Hannah Collins of Seianton, spent Sunday luue with hei paients. OlATIIANT. C'uuiiell met lu lesular adjoin ucd ses. slou last night with all memhei.s pies ent ecept Jk'i-na Heaf, rettlgiew. O'Halloiau uud Mnsele, A lesolutlou was passed thankliiK the dllteient tho companies ft oiu out of town who as. hlhled the local companies at the ie. tent lit lu town. The seuetai was dheeted to tin waul a iopy to each of the companies, The seciutaiy states that $75 had hem Mieived fioui the state tiensuier on m r (omit of tho toielsn iusuiuiun ta. It was decided to equally dilde thu A Timely Suggestion. "Now that w lutei with Its had weather Is with us I would advise e ei family to piolde themselves ((gainst biidden attniks of ioiu;hs and colds by keeping: at hand a h'oml cough medlclno like Chnmbei lulu's Cough itemedy, which Is the best niuonir the many piepatatlons for these ailments that I hae on my shelves," ba)s Mr. Iv. O. NeaAllle, tho well known and popular druggist of Pittsboio, Ind. "I recommend this icmedy and gudiuiiteo it to bo without an equal for coughs and colds, also as a, preventive und cure for croup." Buy it now. For sale by all druggists. Watch Accidents will happen! Thai1 why your watch wo tits should be protected by a strong case. Gold atone it soft and bends easily. It's used for show only. The JAS. BOSS STIFFENED GOLD WATCH CASE resists jar and Jolt. Keeps out the dust. Reduces the expense of repair. Adds many years to the life of your watch. Every JAS. BOSS CASE is guaranteed for 25 years by a Keystone Trade-mark stamped inside. You must look for this trade-mark. Comtitt tlie Jcwelf r. V rite in lor booklet, TUB KEVSTONH WATCH CASK COMPANY, Philadelphia. amount between the ilio companies of boiough. Mis. Geoige Hull, of Hlakcly, mot with u ery painful accident on Sun dav. While attending to sonio duties about the house she fell and bloke her wtlpt In two places. Dr. r. L. Van SlciJe Is attending her. Mis. John McAluliew, of Patetoii, X, .1., Is spending a few dnjs at this place. The lnembeis ot St. Patilck's eongie gatlon am making picparations to liold a buniir In the Father Matthew hall dining the holtdti. Theie will be a special meeting of 111 (inch No. 701 of the La dies' Catholic Benevolent association this evening. All meinbeis uic lequested to attend, by older of Picsldent Mis. Wlnlfied Kon nedv. Mi-1. Thomas Johnes, of ndwaidsvllle, mid Mis. Thomas Dm Is, of Piovldence, weie Hie guests of Mts. Klvlia Jones on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Oecnge Hallow of Gieen Illdge, anil Ml. and Mis. (Jeoigc South aid, of Duiimoie, Islted lelathes In town Sunday. S. ,L.nans, of Xewnik, N. J Is In town. Dr. L. Kelly has letuined home fiom Poi t Jei Is. Mi. and Mis James C.uioll, of Scian toti, and Miss Maine Slot an, of Xew Yoik, Islted Mi. and Mis. g. j. Ciow lc, of Lackawannn stieet, over Sun ilaj. Mis. T. JL Hums has i elm ued home fiom Malumo) Clt. . TAYLOR. Mr. and Mi. Ch.ules Cuitis and (hlldten and the lutttt's slstei, Miss 5I.ii v J. Williams, of Washington stieet, had a ei nuiow escape nom suftocatlon dining the e.uh houis yesteida fiom gas escaping fiom the kitchen stove, which made Its -way to theli sleeping npaitnient. AVlten Mi. Cuitis awoke in the moinllig he was stailled to find the house lull of gas anil he Jt once began to Investigate Di. Gilfllths was (ailed and after only the linidest woik weie the hiilfeieis levived. A giand entei ialiimcnt and sikI.iI will m held at the Calvaiy Baptist chtui h on 5tonday evening, Nov. 24, under the auspices ol Miss Annie Wat kins' Sunda school class An ei el lent piogi amine, consisting of solos duets "and lecltatlons will he lendiied and at the conclusion of the pio gi amine, lcfieshnients will be seivcd in the chuich pulois. Iltv. Di. II. II. Hauls, pastoi of the Calvaiy liapttst chinch will (dehiate his eleventh annlveiaiy as p istor of the chinch next Sunila, when he will pieoch special sennons on the ocusion. Special music will be tendeied by the diolr undei the diieetion of Piof. D. K Jones Itev. Mi. riiilllths, of .Moosle, occupied the pulpit at the Pieshv teiian chinch on Siinda nioining and deliveicd an linpiessive and instinctive dlscouise. M. C. Judge is on a business Hip to New Yoik. William W. Davis of PI mouth, Is lted lelatlves in town on Sundav. David Jones, of Noith Tavloi, him ie tm ned home liom a four months' visit with lelatlves at Ohio and Indiana. DALTQiST. Dis, Capweli and Zellar peifonned a ciltknl oiieiatlon on Mis. Ha Stev ens at lit l home in tills plnce esitr d.i v ui lei noon. Piofessoi William Jamlcson and wife, of Seianton, spent Sunda with the latlei's sihtei, Mis Fled Palmci. The many li lends of the late Isaac Dean weie gieutly stupilsed to heat of hi' sudden death nt his home In Sci ni ton. Mi. Dean was the oldest lesldent of this fc'Ulnu of the slate, he having lived toi many eais In this plaee, He will he gie.illy missed by all who knew him Ufvivnl suvices aie lu piogiess at the Old Hapllst chuidi, vvlth good puis, pei ts toi a suuesstui seiles, one of the iuteiestlng leatuies being .lady speak ei.s. On Tuesda.v, Jlis Catetei, who Is. a daughtir ol the Itev. II. A. Squlie, Intel nutloual bishop of the old (Ueuei al) llaptlst rnloii, will speak, and on Thuisdii, Mis I'm kiss, late ot Hug laud, who has nuoiiipauicd hi i Iiih band to this uniuti, to al&t In ihn uplifting of the Old Haptlst eause in l'eiiiis.vlvanla, will loniluit the meet lug. The Itev, r, J. Caieier will nc upy the pKitfmm on AVednesdii, when Jlis. Cateier vvlll sing A number of the uioiubeis ot tho Methodist cliuuh choir assisted in singing lu the Methodist (lunch at PleeUille on Sunday utteinoon, (niplge Slllith, who has been quite 111 the past few dn.vs, Is Impiovlug, Now.s was lecelvcil at this pliue on Satuiday of the death of Hail New ton In a hospital ut flushing. Tor about a ear Mi, Newton was a itsl ili'iit heio and last winter he aeecpicd u position In Pittsburg A low weeki ago ho was taken 111 with tphod fev -ei, whldi l eh ul led In his death. Ills lemalns vvlll be bulled today In Pitts, buig. Ho was a ouug man who won many li lends while lu Ibis pluce Mis Steillus nnd daughter, of llus KlI Hill, vveiu the KUPHts of Mr, and Mi. William Sims on Sunday, Tho (oiibiiuetlnu of the .mli of ilia new tonucte Inldge t neai ly ioniiilet cd, much to the gtatlflcalion of the people of this pluie. Mr and Jlis, s. il. riuu aie ion. teiuplatiiig moving to Cllffoul on a fui 111, 51i and Jlis 13 W Swingle, of I'oi est City, spent Sunduy in town Messis. llliuer "and (ieorge Itoheits, memlieis of Ihe Him nf Itoheits Hi on,, met chants, mo in Now Yoik puiduib Ing new goods. Mis. A. M. Kestell, milliner, Is now pleasantly situated lu the Odd Follows' building. On Tuesday giound Will be luoken for a now 3toio in oUr town, to bo coa- ,yuvnca W Connolly nn. Come early in tlie before ten o'clock if avoid the crowd. Salespeople arc fresher then, too. r i Odds and Ends from an importers' stock of samples, about orty dojen all told. The backs are of of differ kinds of wood, black ebony, red rose wood, and many other varieties the bristles are perfect. Values from 75c to $1.50 each. Choose from CAr Pqrll among them for jU Edtli On sale ot the Toilet Good? Department, near door, conveniently arranged for quick choosing. .ssors Scissors from 3 inches up to 6 inches long. Shears Irom 64 inches up to 9 inches long. Values from 25c each up to $1.00 each, And All for 25c Each A short pair or a long pair, it makes no difference to us they'll all go quick enough. On sale at front of Notion Department, near door. Kasy of access. Plenty ot people to serve you. jr It ought to be a pleasure; it is a pleasure to those who shop early be fore the ciowds come and the fine rare things go for go they do every year before some people see them. Tlif cztnrr ?s rfnr1i7 nillf-f rpflflv! Ml ft n n gj goods are here fresh and and nlentv nf snlesneonle k i j 1 r S After a while we'll h It Pnntn onr tr ti fli innrninnr tl S-W.1UV. S-.W.JT AU tws- Jww...0( .-ww 5 right, go round the crowd, and so on. Wouldn't you rather shop now ? 5 especially as we hold purchases and de 5 liver later, when anybody asks us. 0 . College igs, SOc 6 0. .0 Harvard, Princeton, Scrauton High School, H0 il Pla If critics can kill a business, it ought to die. The harder they strike at what we are doing the better we like it. 0 0 M - i- 8 P1 trzzz 1 Connolly & W Si nUXJHPl 0U jHfUU"lJ'Wisilnuw !! KJ. H- - ' - ducted by two of our jouiik townsnipn. n. I.. Keller and A. Tlioniis,m. Tho two ate well known lime, nnd both liavc I'MiMleiuu In lliU builnt'ss, liav llih' follow id tills, n(. ot woik foi the jiust few eais Tlioy will i oudiu t a Kt'iuial btoic, whlih will be localed oi uplioi Main Htii-i't, on tho Mli now ud joluliiB H. W. Ai Hold's llnidwaiu stoie. 1MOOSLC. Mr. and Mis. T, II. .lolinsou, of (liuiedale, aie Micildllitr .1 few d.ls with tiiendh In town. Ur. and Mi. S. S. AValsiui have if. tin ned alter niendlna: a month lu tho Catsklll Mountutn Mlhh Itessl,. WatkllH, of Wilkes llano, spent Sunday at hei home. Min S .1. Hinds and Ml.s. Walter Hinds Client Huuda with the touuei'a bou In Sit.intim Many ot oiu Iuvmih iiuople attended the i uncial ot the late Cilcr Jolinwm ut Avodi on Monday .ut pi noon. Mih. Tlnsle and son, ciulnud, piriu Sunduj with Ml. llailej Tiliglej, ot D.winionil iivenue. .Mi and .Mis Ales tli.ihain, ol PltlH tou. weie (.alkis In town Huudio. The .Moosi s!,Kai ,in, will loildllit. a MKi.il lu the U.tinoiul hall on Tues day. Admission, Benin. 15 tents.. Mt.ssi.. Alfied Smith and ,iniuel Uu.iiii welt lu Nalltlioku S,iiuiilu i.u iiIiik. AUClilUhl), Mi. and Mi. i. Heit .MtDonald, nf Oieen itldse, Helt Mllldii With MIsh He-8 Calkiwa. Mis. .Mai Dedtei. of t'.u bondale, Is vNMuk Mt" Win. Van Diiouii. M. T. IHillei and I'. l Hiok.iii vvoio (.Ulud in OlMiliaut .Siiiulaj. Mhs Cuioljlie natKubeij; Client Sun day In Tuloi Mh.s lhuina t'Jirrt, or CMitinud.ile, t'litut Kuud.iy lu town. Mi fr. .lames llolnml was a vlj-ltui in Sn.intoii jestcul.iy. Mis. v. II. liuiblu i vlsitliijsr rlatlvs. lu Metuthtn, N. J, Scranton Shopping morning j Tlie Dry Goods business, like you want to a in full variety, to wait on von. ave to say: Irppn fr Mif Yale, Cornell, School of the a 01 mr e A clear seeing eye accustomed to balance things fairly can quick ly see the difference between this store and others. M H'Vr -tntf Wlivtrm Air a 1 IIAMLJNTOX. SiieiliU to llio Hti.uiton Tlllnilio llni'i Hilton Xo. 17 luu IHirlln Pjitiit Hundiiv In Kingston a- the in.st of Ills slstei, Mis Allee ll.iuilln. Miii. Sallnilii .loiu.s lei t lint week for Won ester, Mass, whue she vvlll te inalu lor M'voial wtd.s as tho uuest of Iter nleie, Mih. Ihulle I'tiiot. Mi-i. l.ucv A. Ames died last Filday nt the honie ol her dauHhtf i. Mis. M. S. Uldwill. of Moss Hollow. .Mih. Ames h.iH btun biilfsiliiK lor .scvei.il mouths Horn a t.iiuei, whldi was the iiuibo of her ihalh. iJeieuwd was lu hei sl titth ,ve.u. Sni lud by lour duush leis, Mi.s. j j, UlKKait, Ml.s, M, H. P.ldwell, JIM Oiidia A and Alk T. Osboin. Kuini.il Mivhis w,,u. wu n llio Alllllf,toll Methodist i;pl.iop.il ihuidi on Monday. Intcinieiu lu tho Aillnirton ceiuueis. 1. A. Abbev. H.infotd Williams, C, U f-lmon.s and John Mi I 'a rl and v Kited the llawli rue arnl Adopted Masons' loiliro on th' 11th liu-taut. Chaile-. nillelto Is ueitluar a new dwellliin' lioilMi nun mile hoiilh of tho VllklKe. to be (Hiliplfd b l'elel Lilt uud taiullv. Dcnlfou Wetheilll K tinned last week fiom a two vveel.h' visit at rounells ville, I'.i . vvlieie lie was summoned by the severe IIIuips of his hou, Hem go. Mir' r. A Abbey ,pent Sunday with lel.UlM.s lu Siiantnii. Sped.ll to the tiuantuii Tilbuiiu .N'tw .Mllloiil. ..". 15, .Mlases Mln niu uud Ma lh.idlc cutei tallied the follow Inti (Hiu' ladles at it a Tilday afteinoon: Misses iiu AldiUh. llusslo Hiiilth, Kim Mn'onnell, M.iud Tiuuibull and Nellie llalid i:. A litiison attended the tfuud i bthool llistllilto at I..iWhvllle. Satuiday. air. and Mis. M. O. lli.idley aio spsndluiT a tew dnjs t Wllkes-liaiio. Mr. and Mis. WlUlani hhaulliifr aie icjuleliiK over the aiiival of u little mih. Thieu of Mr, and Mi. i:atl (.iatdiur'a Wallace Center the truth, is not the property of suiy one person, but the largest portion of it goes to those who study it most. Brushes hears, 25c Lackawanna and all the rest. A stick to mount them on if you want it. No charge. Gloves Men's, Women's, Children's New Gloves have been coming by dozens and hundreds until almost every kind and almost every price is ready for you. Some Great ; Values in Ribbons ' Satin Taffeta Ribbons, all colors, good quality and weight, very brilliant fiuish. lYi inches wide, 20c yard yi inches wide, 25c yard All Silk Taffeta' Ribbons, all colors ' i inches wide, 5c yard 4 inches wide, 15c yard allace "" - " -s- - -.. .. r-. fhlldieu are differing with tvhoopliifi (oukIi. .Miss Hessle Hiudley Is Isltlnj,' fliends In HluKh.iintoii. . ANNOUNCEMENTS OF THE RAILROADS $4.33 to New Yoik City anil Return. Spccinl Thanksgiving; Day Rates, via the Lehigh Valley Raihond. Wednesday, November 2C, the Lehigh Valley talliond will boll tickets to New Yoik and letuin at $1 35 fiom Seianton, good enlnj,' on above date, limited to ir tuiu to and lut'ludlns: November ,'0, Kood on all tuilns except tho Black Diamond Hxpiess, Tor tuither Inloi inatlun, eoiifult Delawaiu and lluilson lalhoad iiKents, or CleoiBe Heller, city liasseimer agent, Lelilgh Valley un load, t'J Publlo Siiuaie, WHkes-Daiu Pa. Resumption of Sunset limited Ser vico Between New Yoik, Philadel phia nnd Pacific Const Season 1002.1003. Commencing Noveiubei U, tho Wash posed of Pullman, di.iwing.ioom, sleep lugtou and bouthwebtein limited, com ing, obseivatloii.llbt.il j, club and din liu; caih, opeiated daily between New Yoik, Philadelphia and New Oi leans, via the Pennsylvania It. It., and tho soutlitiii inilwio, leaving Philadelphia ut i'." P in. In addition will tail) a special fcuii'et Limited iinnex Pullniuu diawiiin' loom mmp.ii tinent sleeping c ir, to loniiiit with the Sunset Limited, whkh will be opeiated dally tills be.'i bou lietvvetn New Oilcans, Los Angeles and sau ruuiPlbm Tin leleln.ued tinllfa. continental .seivke altoidcd b thebu luxuiloiH tinllis makes n tllp to the IMcllie coast not out) mi J quick, but inobt delight ful ('has L. Hopkins, dlstikt passenger uguu, fcouthoin i.illwa, 8J8 Cliestnut aticit, Phlkidtlpliin, vvlll be pleased to uiulbh all Intoumitlon.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers