THE SCKAOTON TlUBtNE-SATlUlDAY, OCTOBER IS, 1902. To the Voters of Lackawanna County: iPMmEBxM1$M$M II l SHl""TV'j&' 2"HDBH& ' WILLIAM FRANZ comes before you this time as a tried and trusted servant of the people, not as an experiment or the ex ponent of a theory. With pride he can point to his past record. From every side comes loud praise of the part he has played In the work of abolish ing offensive abuses and the work of beautifying and Improving the prop erty under the control of the county commissioners. The Scranton Tribune, In a review of the work of the commis sioners, said: "It Is not ovoiy county which can piescnt such m showing In thr management ol Its nuances us run Lackawanna this your: but thou it In not every county which can boost ol" commissioners who not only venture to flit the ruli of tnsittlmi sipiiircly In Imlf, Imt who actually follow that ur h.v showing n clean reduction of out standing indebtedness troni y.l,".,noi) in MlWiin. or well nigh i.d per leni. Tho only possible Inference from such mi exhibit Is thut Commissioners l'l-imss, Fluniighau mill llalslciul, instead of indulg ing In louil tulk. have lii'i-ii ipiletly sawing wooil, .inl liom whut 1 havo seen nf tln-ii- methods, llils is precisely tin- mill; In lliu eooounut. They are business moil Hint mill poll tie-tn iih ufu-rwaril. And tin.' uiitL-uiiio of tlnli- labors would seem l i-llnrli the ooutcli tlon thut this Is tht.- order which taxpayers most nci-d." The Elmira Telegram said : "When Ah-, Fraiii took up tin' fi'lns us county coniinls.-IoiiL'r, instead of no Increase In r.iti- of luxation thi-rc- wns u pronounced decioase, iiiilll Luoiaiwannu county tnndi- the lowest levy In tho state for u county of lis size. Muikeil Improvements wolf made; the lines! court house hi the stale was finished: the host, jit II In thu statu was erected; new and elegant bridges wore linllt; and toll gates nhollshod. Tlie IWl uf Improvcinolits is too loin; for enu meration, lint Hie fact lemnins that In the luce of all those Im provements the coil of the department was out neatly In half by the jealous slewaidsblp of William l-i-uns and his associates." Are Yoii fop flonesf Government? fire Yoti for Practical ImprovenRenf? If so, cast your vote for William Franz The Honest Candidate of the People - -Adv. NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA ANNUAL MEETING OF MUSICAL ALLIANCE Interesting' Sessions at Factoryville. Concert at Methodist Episcopal Church Last Evening'. Special to the Scianton Tribune. Fnetoryville. Pa., Oct. IS.-Tlie seven teenth annual meeting of the l.aoka wanua and Wyoming -Musical alliance cjoscd ;i most successful week with the usual grand concert Inst nlghl, at the M. 14, c-hiircli hi this place. An uiiusiially large olnss greeted Prof. John T. Watkins, wIki oouductcd the ulliunce this year, at the opening session on .Mondu eveiiiriKT The class ilicrea.-ed each day until It numbered about ST, members who have umde very rapid progress under the etlicicnt instruction of Prof Walking His manner ,,r con ducting an alii. nice nl once interests and tin elioius and the inombers readily grasp the music inn before them, under his methods of leaching. -Miss .Miirlha Matthews, the soprano was heaul in the choius work, und at last night's concert, she delighted the Hiidleiico with her woll-tralticd voice of great llexibllit.x and power. The feature of Thursday evening's conceit was the appearance of Hie well know Schubert iiuartelle of Scranton, com posed of Thomas Alliums, (list tenor; Daniel .tones, second tenor; ,, t, Wat kins, llrst bass, and John W. Jones jcond bass. iiuy responded to several encores. The chorus work in Thurs day's eoiieetl was above the average chorus work, bul was still better In last night's concert. .Miss Mary Nlland was also heard to good advantage In soo und chorus work, Thursday even ing. She has a well trained olee of much sweetness and power. Ml.-.s NUaud, .Mr. Alliums, .Mr. Dean Jones and Ale. J, W, Jones, all responded to encores. Following Is Thursday night's pro gramme: Chorus, "Unll Blight Abode." Taimbanser-Wagnor (u) liass Solo and Chorus, "Crowned with the Tempest'' rVortll (h) Pilgrims' Chorus Doiiul.cttl John W. Jones and Choius, ran Hong, "Annie Dear Ruck Schubert (Jiiuiletle, Solo, Molb.i WallK lillfl Miss .Man Nllaud. Tenor Soto, "For All Klernlty," M.ISlheiiinl Tom .Villains. Chorus, "Fuiihtiil and True" (l.olientsilin Wagner ilass Polo, Alia ".Vow Heaven In l-'ull- est Glory Shone" Iliiydu J. W. Jones. Do Good It Pays. A fiilutgo man has observed that "Qoood deeds am better than real v'. tlito deeds -some of the latter are worthless. ,-i kindly and gently, show sympathy mid lend a. helping hand, You cannot posslblj os(. ,y n, Most men appreciate a kind word and encouragement more than substantial help. There aie per.-ons hi this coin, liiuully who might truthfully say: "My good friend, cheer up. a few doses of rhuiuberkilirV Cough Ifeuiudy will rid you of your cold, and thoie Is no dan gev whatever from pneumonia when you use that medicine. a alwavs cures. I know it for It has helped ine out many a time." Sold by u ,i,.. lats. As Citizens' Candidate FOR County Commissioner, f STANDS FOR Honest Coiernment Progress and Improvement, com bined with a watchful and exacting guardianship of the county's funds. Duet and Choi us, ".Miserere,'' (II Tii'ivatore) Verdi .Mls .N'ilaiid, Mis. .Villains ami Chorus. Medley, -'.Mother Hubbard, etc.". ...Smith Schubert Quartette. Tenor Solo, "(li! For a Day of Spring," Andrews I). Ill .lullcx. Sextette, "Ah! l-'roin Vongeanei.-." Donnizeltl Miss Nlland, Mrs. Shields, .Messrs. Jones, Abrains, Sliields, ,. V'. Jones and Choius. Duel. "The Kishei-iuuu" (iiiliussl Messrs. Tom A brains and Junes. Finale Soldiers' Chorus ..I F.iusU Hoiuiod ('horns. The well-known pianist, .Miss Flor ence Itic-lnuoiid, was the accompanist this year, and won much admiration in her work. Large audiences at both conceits greeted the alliance and wore delighted with the programmes. , The feature of last night's concert was the artistic music furnished by Fled Widmnyer, viollnisi, and Harvey lilaekwood. 'eelloisl. Their playing was artistic work, and they lespimded to several well earned eueoies. Tin- choiusos In last night's concert Included those from Spol'i'nitli, Schu bert, Fanning, Uisliop. .McFarreii, Sur retil, (iounod, and othi-is. CLARK'S SIM. MIT. A large ami fashionable bome wed ding look place at the pretty suburban villa of Mr. and Irs. (leorgo .Myeis. at ." o'clock p. in., Wednesday, Oct. 1,-,, when their daughter, .Miss Maye .My ers, wns united in inulriinoiiy ' to Mr. Chuiio.s Snook, of Clark's tli-ei-n. Pa, The bridal party assembled at the slab's, ami marched through tin recep tion n i to the parlor in ihe strain of the wedding march fnuu I.oheugiiii, rciuleie.l by Harold Parker: two tiny cousins of tlie biide, Misses l.nuni Ath erton ami i.ois Stark, leading the pro cession. The brhle and gromii were llietnt the font of the stalls by Itev. J. S. Ciisiurd, Who prcceilod llleui lo an elaborate canopy of evergreens, white chrysanthemums und scark-i ber ries, elected in a corner of the parlor Where tip. ceremony was peiinrined. The bride wore a dainty ami becoming gown of Paris ninussoni.,triniiioi with libel iy satin and elillfon. ami also won. a pearl necklace, She cat lied while chrysanthemums. ti, Howim- girls wore creniii silk ami carried pink chrvs. antheiuuins. The ushers wen- six viioiiH ImL- liiemls of tin- inkle, Misss vim, rs'. tin, Nell Alger, Can It- I i.tiesinan. ,t.s sic .Meade, timer. .Meyers ami lldna Town.-enil. I'.icli dresseil to blend with tho colors of tlie decorations in green, white ami pink, Tlie decoriitliius were Very beautiful, each door, curlier nod mantel being iransfiiiineil by festoons and masses of evergreens, joins, chrysanthemums and berries, A luncheon of several i nurses was served, following the conglutinations, and soon alterwaid Mr. and Mrs. Snook boarded the iraiit en mute rr liing hainlon, Xiugara Falls and vhlultv, where they will spend a few duys. The rollowiiiK gnosis woe present: Mr. ami Mrs. tutu Itoseiicrants, Mrs. .Mary Itoseiii'iauts, .Mr. und Mrs. How ard Wolfe. Mrs. Sifsuii Keator. Krnesi Slociiin, .Mr. and .Mrs. Allle Fsi ami children, Scranton-. .Mr. and .Mrs. Ches ter Alger, old Forge; .Miss Sarah J. Albertsoji. While Haven; Mr. and .Mis. James Fish. Mr. und .Mrs. K. FJMi, Schultp.ville; Mr. ami Mrs. ,ouls Jen nings and ihiUKhter. Hold Mount: .Mr. and .Mrs. McXnlty, Mr. and .Mrs. F. s Jennings and son, Cliluchllla; .Mr. ami .ins. u. i,. .inmiK. .Miss Irene Snook, Misses Susk and Clara tireeii, .Mr. and Mis, Mertil .Meade. .Miss Jessie Meade. J. 1). Knight. Mr. and Mrs. Muitv l.caeh. of l.iark'K ("ireeii; Air. ami '.Mis O. I'. .Meyers, .Mr. and .Mrs. I-;. K. .lli I II ciioti ami I'lilltlron, JIik. l. Jt. Attiyer, Mr. mid MtK, Itarulil Pitrkut', Hov. und .Mrs, rualnrd, W. and Mrs. C. K. Mer tilt, Mr. innl Mrs. K. It. Dunlnii, Mr. and Mis. Wllllitin VohIjuik tind oit, I'erey, Mrs, Cordelia Alger mill (linigh ler, Xell, Miss (Irace Myeis. Mr. atid Alts. i-J. A. Alyei-s, Herbert Klsh nnd iililldien, Wlllliini ami (lertriulo I'hninett mid ,lny Klsh, Mrs. John Twining und daughter, deoi-gln, Arthur mid Carrie tJatosiiimi, Miss Vlnu .Tttstln mid Mlsa I'Miiti Townsetiil, nil of Cluik's Hiitninlt. FOKKSTCJTV. Speelnl to the Scranlnn Tt-llitttie. I''orest City, Oi'l, 17. The storeroom mid olllees In the borough building were rented by the council litis week, Jileob Alexander secured the former und will move his clothing business to that place ns soon as the room Is lilted up, I-'. Al, Uardltier, cki mid Walrotts & Carpi-Miter will occupy the nlllcri sillies. Cecil C. Manzer, of St. Louis, Is visit ing Ills parents, Postmaster and Alts. T. C. Manzef, Airs. J, M. Ilevnti died at the home of her daughter. Mrs. J. Al. Drown, on Delaware si root, Thursday morning, after a long Illness. She was a woman of devout nature, kindly disposed to ward friends and neighbors, mid her demise Is sim-i rely regretted by the community. The funeral will take place on Saturday morning. THEATRICAL. "A Fight for Millions." "A Fight fur Millions." .Million Douglas' new plaj, drew two large audiences ut the Academy of Music yesterday. All who have nut soon the phiy should not miss doing so at It- ilnal presentations lids afternoon innl evening. Souvenir Day nt Dixie's Theater. The attendants at Dixie's theater tills aftei-non will have the opportunity of re ceiving a picture of the handsome audi torium free of charge, A lhishliglit photo of tlie Interior of the building and au dience will he taken by Selu-iever at the matinee, and every holder of a rc-M-i-vod seat coupon for I lie front row of the lmlconv will be entitled lo receive a copy of ihe picture flee by presenting the cotillons al the liox-olllce next week, i'hlr alicriioon and evening will be t Do last appearances of the Sniedley Sketch club, Katliryn Oslerinun and Pauline Moron and her pickaninnies. Kugcne O'ltoiirke nnd company and Charley Hartley, the veiitilloiiulst, are among the attractions .-innoimeeil for next week. The Bennett & Moulton Co. Tlie ISeunetl ,V Moulton company will begin a week's engagement at the Acad emy next .Monday evening. Ueimelt & .Moulton, ut an cnni'inou" expense, have purchased all new stage settings for llielr productions llils seiioii. which will enable them lo give tlie patrons fd' the Academy new and elaborate productions. It can sal'i-b be said thai these enter piislug mummer.-, have tlie largest, best eiiilpped and most complete icpcrloire company u.u cling. No theater scenery will be shown dur ing I In- entire engagement. Owing in. the vast amount of scenery and electrical ef fects to lie mounted and staged, there will bo no matinee .Monday, but eoiiinienebig mi Tiie-ilay. there will he u matinee dally. .Matinee prices, 10 cents; resolved seats, iii cents. KvcnhiK prices, lu. i'il and a-i cents. London Belles Coming. Manager I lerringtoii. of the Star, has secured for Ills attraction Minda.i. Tues day und Wednesday. I lose Sydell's l.o.i don Hollos. 'Jills lonipauy will be well remembered, owing to the very fuvorahle impii sslon they created al this house last season. As usual. Manager Camp bell has siii'ioimiled his comedians with a eoteiie of exceptionally handsome maid ens ami pat ions i f this popular little, house may have their (ill of beautv din ing the engagement of the Loudon fielles. Matinee eveiy day. LETTERS EKOM THE PEOPLE. render this heading short letters of In. Iciest will lie published when accom panied, for publication, by the wilter'a inline. The Tribune does not assume re sponsibility for opinions lieie expressed. Difference in Discipline. IMitor 01 The iiihui Sir: To all Sciaiiloui.iu.s who an- la mlliar with the iii.iu.igenii nl ol the Thir teenth icgimeiit. Il is a sniiice of prldu that Seraulou is l!ie headipiai t.-i's of the iiiiileeiith. Camp Wyelioif Is as near ideal as possible. Outers aie strict yet tin- men so,. Hi,- 1 lioness ol ilnni, and illey aie cheerfully oliijyed. No i Iv lllan Is allowed inside the guard line ex cept 011 hushics.. Wh'-n the boys llrst wuil Inio camp In olypliuiil tin- wnter visited tlie eatup and asU-'d to sec a friend. Although peisonally auiuaiutcd witli Colonel Wanes, that otilcer refused adinll'.aiiee on IbidliiLt that tile Wsit was not stiietly business, x,, .soldier is al lowed ouiside 1 li.- miuid line without a pass, und 11 is 11 sigiiliiouul fuel Unit be fore a mail appeals befole Colonel Wilt res 10 ask leave to. aliseni liinisilf, lie must be shaven, have well polished hoots and a suit which dciioies icceiit care having been tnt'Oil ot It. The lllliollgll received Is only for a limit, -d Han- and ihe man who sinys out over that Hum Knows that lie will Hud trouble waiting tor him-when he returns. II Is II self-evident fuel that tills ree. ineni of ihe Na.limal Huaid of I'.im.svl vmilii me cullol out for business, 'lo which they arc stiietly attending. n most excellent colonel hlo- the llie,'.s - PICTURE I' OR 1III, I.I I'NIJ ONES. Cut uut Ihe pictures appealing on this pare each day, diaw a pencil murk aioimd the hidden object, save. Ilium until Satmday, then send iheiii or talie them lo The Tribune ofllcii in an envelope addressed to I'uzzio uenaiinieat. Enclose la tlie envelope your name, umi and address. Tim boys ami girls who coiiectly mark the six plrtuios appearing during tlie week, und whoso answers are thst n'celved. will havo their names published la Tha iiibune Monday morning .JMBUSKSSOCIClSVBMMKOBSInBKnMBBCBHBIBKVHi MHHMI TT-imi Tirli-iininiW if lU i wiib I iii i ii iihii tii mm m i i ' i n These- mountain-climbers have had an t'limpuiiluus. THE TRIBUNE'S "WANT" Unty Half a Cent a Won). 3for Kent wVVVA. -. i.WWVV,W t.'fitf llt.'.V'r 1)eli-iible steam heated li..l deuce, eonliilnlng twohe rooms and bnlh, situated on "The lllll," ehout ten minutes from coin I bouse. t-'OH rtl'iNT Desk room lu a large, well lighted, steiim heated room, with Use of telephone, etc. Address D, Itoom, cute of Tribune. KUIl HUNT Nine-i'Qom bouse on .Hill; will rent very reasonable, furnished or unfurnished, till April J. Address I. 14. IC Tribune oftlce. . Foil 1U4NT Furnished house; ten rooms! steam heated; centrally located, w: Madison avenue. Fi;itNISIIi:iJ HOI'SF, for thu winter; very desirable, (Ireen Hldge. Address llov i"i), iiibune 5IS I'or Itenl Teii-i oom house; excellent helghboihood; all modern linpiove- inetils. on nveniie, Apply to il, 1'. Ham ilton, Il'iS Spruce street. For Sale. FOIl SAI.I4 l'hyticbin's chair, organ and household goods. Address iul titilney avenue, FOtt SAI,l4-Seeoiid hand Ilrewsler In'oghain, steel tires; owner bus no place to store. Lewis 14, Morton, IIS Hitchcock couit. FOIl SAU4 Fine diamond ting '! carat, Mu; one carat ting, $su; t I'lirnt ring, $!Xi; Hi carat ring, w: l"i carat ring, J1W; -carat ring, $l.Vi. Address X,, 1. O. Hox tit. FOIl SA 1,14 One hot air furnace, three mantel i and gas chandeliers. Charles 1). Sanderson. ::ii Wyoming ave, Scianton. FOR KA 1,14 One bid air furnace, tlilee mantels, gas liiandolleis, Charles D. Sanderson, l.'W Wyoming avenue, Scran ton, l'n. FOIl SAI,l4-Aboill 20 feel of desk coun ter, surmounted with glass front and two openings, lower portion nicely pan elled, with drawers and shelves imd"r nenth. May be seen at tlie oftlce of Tho Tilhune. For Sale or Rent. VOIl SA1.14 On Itl4NT The ;;-,stoiy brick bullillng, with boiler house attached, and long row of sheds for horses, wag ons, etc.: also railroad switch suitable for manufacturing purposes; lately occupied by the Clock Tobacco Co. B. M. Wlnton, rtoom Xo. HO.", Mears Ifullding. Furnished Rooms for Rent. Kl'llXISHKD front room for rent; rea sonable. ;'l!i Webster avenue. TWO I'MIONT rooms, choice locution, lino view; well lighted and ventilated; steam beat; bath, gas. CIO Spruce street. FOIl ni4XT -- Three newly furnished front 100ms. lieut, gas und bath. ..ijo block. Washington avenue. Addiess X., iiibune office. Strayed or Stolen. HTIIAYI4D to my premises, u black and white hound: owner can have same by paying expenses. Oriflln Whitehead, 1'eekvillo. I'a. STIIAV14I) Olt STOM4X from I.oighloli farm in (ilenborn, black mare, llo waid for information. Davis Steam Dye Works, :',I!i 101111 avenue. Scranton. Found. FOrXD-Whib and brown and short tail, by paying for street. bull dog. 0110 blown eye spot on back, short cars Owner can receive tho dog advertisement, ell Dcecb spoct of tlie regiment and community at lariio. It is to lie greatly legietted that as much eaiinot bo said of the Twelfth regi mcnl whlub is now stationed hi tlie Ninth Hud of our city. We are sorry that we have any thing but commendation lor this i-.-iinp. but the citizens of lTovhlenoo are so disgusted Willi the existing state ol al Inlrs there Unit it is tinwiso to longer keep silent on the subject. They seem lo conic and go al will and the only business which seems lo be de living any lieneiit tram their pieat-lieo among us is Hie saloon. Ostensibly, theie is a guard line around the tents, but It seems to mean nothing Uiicstlonable looking women roam through the company sheets and aie seen even in the louts. The glii in short skirls ns well as of mature years. Is seen parad ing tlie company streets, leaning on the aim of the so-called soldiel, A dress parade is an event of Interest lu any community, but this camp bears such a name 1 list 1 self-respecting young woman scarcely dale be seen there Without a doubt, there are soniu clean, rcspecliible young men in this camp; a number of Hu-m have faces width indi cate 11 different life, and it is a sliiime to lie a man like that to a place where lie must constantly witness scenes which are revolting lo linn. .Must the present conditions continue lo exist hi the place? Is there no military law which cm put up a bar against Ihe disgraceful performances which are seen to take place every night within the guard lines'.' Another place whole discipline Is soiVly needed Is 111 tho homes of the young girls wiio may be scon all aioimd t iwn las well as al tlie cunpl walking with iliese men to whom they aie perfect stranneis. lu the nanie of decency, motlieis and fullu is, where are your daughters nt night? A citizen of the North I4ud. title,. I,. Clark. PUZZLE. accident, Find two more of their No Order Accented for Leas TIiiiii lo Cents. Branch WANT Offices. Want Advertisements Will Bo Hccelved nt Any of tho Follow ing Drug Stores Until 10 P. M. Central City AUJI411T SCIHM.TX. corner Atul berry street and Webster ave. OUSTAV I'lCllKh, OJU Adams avenue, West Side OI40. W, J14XKINS, 101 aoutll Main avenue. South Sornnton VIU4D I,. TUItPl'K, 720 Cedar avenue. North Scranton (I DO. W. DAVIS, coiner Xoitli Main avenue street. and Market Green Hldge l.'IIAIll,i:S r JOXI4S. 15-1" Dick- son avenue, I''. .1. JOHNS, t'-U Cireeii nidge sit eel. C. LOmiX', ooitier Washington. avenue und Marlon street. Petersburg W. II. KX14t'FI4l avenue, 1017 Irving Dttnmove J. (i. BOX 14 & SOX. Help Wanted. - 'vrx''v WAXTKD-Agents to sell tea and cof fee to consumers. Positions pornm nenl. Grand I'nlon Tea Co.. lilt Lacka wanna avenue. Help Wanted Male. WAXTI'IDWaitor nt St. Cloud Hotel. WANTI4D Foily men at Toliyhaima, la.. to work on grading for a rail road switch and clearing a piece of wood land. Call at tin.1. Meats building, i oliy hanna Creole Joe Co.. C. C. Teiiier, treas urer. Help Wanted Female. WAXTI4D l.ady In each county to man age business. Old house. Salary ?1S weeklv. Money advanced for expenses. Knelose self-addressed stumped enve lope. .Manager. :!2i' Caxton building, Chi cago. WAXTI4I3 Two experienced waitresses, one experienced girl on bakery coun ter. Applv in person al Miller's bakery and lunch pallors Satin day morning, 120 Spruce street. Agents Wanted. CANVASSKItS WAXTI4D to sell our Cloth Tovs, Hag Dolls ami Art 111 low Tops, liost soiling Holiday Xmelties made. Anyone can sell them. Large prollt. Art Fabric -Mills, Xew Haven, Conn. LAIIGI4 COnrOItATIOX wants energetic General Ayent lor this county. Xo books, insurance, or canvassing. Ac quaintance with merchants and manu facturers necessary. I'ei-maneut. T'.ond. Stale use, experience, references lli'sl let tor. Address, Suite r.TU', No. 1001 Chestnut St.. Philadelphia, Situations Wanted. I.ADV would liko dressmaking or plain sewing; thoroughly competent, i;:';! t.oo court. SITCATIOX WAXTHD Uy a widow to go out working und Ironing or clean ing. Address Airs. J. Miller, 712 Schnell court, city Wanted To Buy. $137ll HOl'Si-: WANTI4D If you blue such a residence "For Sale." let me hear from you. It must be looinv, thor oughly modern and Mulshed in hard wood. Steam heat picl'ei I ed. Location must be the best in central city or (ireen Itlog.-. Can buv lot and build bul prefer buying place already built if the right ptoperty can bo found. Address, giving full partic ulars, with the original cost, lowest sale piieo. terms, etc.. "Have1'." cure Tribune. Heal Estate. FOIl SANK, AT SACni FICK-Xow 11 lonm house; modern impiovenieiils; steam heat, gas and elect i Iclty: elegantly finished Interior; ten minutes' walk from City Hall; terms to suit piiichasci; would also sell household goods. Address box !S, iiibune oftlce. Business Opportunity. 'sTotnr'TND"ulEAll7A out deluy, Write, for our special mar. ket letter. I'Yeo on application. S M. lllbbaid & Co,, members N. Y. Consoli dated and Stock Exchange il and 48 liroadway, New York. Est ibllshed 1S0I, Long Dlstaiico 'Phono MSS Broad. Money to Loan. ANY AMOl'NT OF MONEY TO LOAX Qulel;, stiaight loans or Dallding and Loan, At tiom I to U per coat. Call on N. V. Walker, Sll-.ili Conuoll biilldln:;. rXlOXDAL!'. Special to the Seraiilon Tribune. I'liioudalc, Oct. 1 7. -.Misses Anna and nose- Tinker have returned after a visit to frieiHls lu Carbondale. Tho quarterly (.(iiiferenco uf the Moth, odlsi Episcopal iluiich was hold last Friday night, under iho supeliittonden. cy of Presiding Elder Warner. Mr, and .Mr.n. Jiroiiie Curtis rotunicd hist Saturday alter witnessing tho lirand Army ur tin- iippublle eiicaiuii llieill at Wilsliliigton. ). C, They weiti delighted by tho trip. Itov. J. H. Itayinoiul spent several days near llonesdille this week. At the homo of Charles lilb.soii last Tuesday night a parly was given to AltSle Jones. Mrs. Emma drier is visiting friends at Sealituok. . v. Mr. and Mrs. Albeit dple, of Car bondule. were visitors in town lately. Tho many friends of Mrs. Frank Couch, of Carbondale, are elated to learn that there bus been sonio lin pi'ovenient In her condition. Thieves are committing frequent dep. rcdutloii3 these nlghis. "' ? DESIRABLE V ACREAGE LOTS CASH OR EASY TERMS NEAR THE MAMMOTH A I litCKinift STEEL IWt I ANO TWO BEAUTIFUL PARKS, V .GEO. T.R0BINS0N,,, )S 72 Erie, Co. Bank Bids V I DIRECTORY. 5 MMIIE1 HEM Only Halt a CM a WorJ. LEGAL. NOTIC14 Is hereby given that all uppllcu lion will be tnude to the llovernoi' of Ihe State of I'ennsjiviinlit on Tuesday, the eleventh day of November, lDu:!, by J J, Horiin, J. N. L'oimell nnd W, W. Wat son, timler the Act of Assembly or the Coiumonweulili 0f I'eunsyiviinla, entitled, "An Act lo nrovhle for tlie Incorporation und Jleguliitleli of rerliiln Corporations," approved April L".i, IS7I, and the sttpiile ments thereto, for the ehaiier of nu In leitded corporation lo lie called Ihe Scranton llefiigeratlng Coiiipauy, tho ehiiractei' and object whereof Is carrying on a general slut-age ami warelinnse luis. iioss, und for these purposes to have, pos sess and enjoy all tlie rights, benefits and lll'IVttfMrftS flf 111,, uilljl A. , nt lu..rtil,tll j and Its supplement's, tiAMHUiM, iui-jnii ti. i-;almnih4I. Sollcllois. IN 1114! llslate of Anna 1!. nlohnioild, late or Hie City of Semuloit, Poult sylvanhi, deceiised. Leliers of udmlnlstiiitlou upon the above estutc liavlng been grailled to the undersigned, all persons having clalniH or dcliiiindH against the snld esliilc are hereby notified to present them for pay ment, and those Indebted to said estate will itiulie payment to Fltl4DI4ltlCls 14. SCOTT. Administrator, mi'l' Meats nillldlng. AMI4NI).li4Xi' TO Til 14 CONSTITIT TION I'I1010SI4D TO THI4 CITI.I4NS OF THIS CO.MMONWI4ANT1I FOIl TIII4HI AIMMIOVAN Oil III4.H4CTION V Til 14 CI4NI4IIAN ASSI4M11NY OF TIII4 COM.MONWI4I,iil OF Ii4NN- svnvania, 1'i'iiNi.snr.n itv oniiF.n OF TIII4 SIOCIIETAIIV OF TIH4 COM MONWI4ANTH IX PiritStAXCI4 OF AKTICNIJ XV ID OF Til 14 CONST1TI'- IION. A JOINT IIKSONI-TION Proposing mi amendment lo section ten of article one of the Constitution, so that a discharge of a Jury for failure lo agree or other necessary cause shall not work an aeuiilttal. Section 1. Jte It resolved -by the Senate, and House of Itepiesentatlves of tlie Commonwealth of Pennsylvania In Gen eral Assembly met, That the following bo proposed as an umenilment to the Con stitution; that Is' to say, that section tun of article one, which reads as follows: "No person shall, for any Indictable of fense, be proceeded against criminally by Information, except In cases ailslng lu the land or naval traces, or In the militia, when in actual soi'Wee. lu time of war or public danger, or by leave of tlie court for oppression or misdemeanor in ollieo. No p. rson shall, for the same offense, lie lu-tcp lllll to (f.nn.irclv ,,l" IIIY. t' ll,ile nnt shall priva to property Ik; taken or applied in piiniie use, witliout authority ol law and witliout Just compensation being llrst made or secured," lie amended so as to load as follows: No person shall, for any indictable of fense, be proceeded against criminally by Information, except in cases arising in tho land or naval forces, or lu the militia, when in actual service In time of war or public danger, or by leave of the court for oppression or misdemeanor lu otlice. Xo person shall, for the same offense be Hvlee put in Jeopardy ot life or limb: but u discharge or the Jury for failure to agree, or other necessary cause, shall not work an uripiltru. X'or shall private property be taken or applied to public use. witliout authority of law and with out Just compensation being first made or secured A true copy of the Joint Resolution. W. W. tllllKST. Secretary of the Commonwealth. AM14XDMI4XT TO 'I'll 14 CONSTITtr TION PROPOSI4D TO TII14 (iii'IKNS OF THIS COMMONWEALTH FOIl Til 14111 APl'KOVAN OR REJECTION T.V Til 14 CJKX14RAN ASS14MRNV OF Till: COMMONWEALTH OF PI4NX SVNVANIA. rt'RLISHED P.V ORDER OF THE SECRETARY OF THE COM MONWEALTH IN ITRSI'ANCE OF ARTICLE XVIII OF THE CONSTITC TIOX. A JOINT RESOLCTION Proposing an ameudineul to the Constitu tion of the Commonwealth, Section 1. He it resolved by tho Senate nnd House of Representatives ot Hie Commonwealth of Pennsylvania In (ion oral Assembly -net. That the following is proposed as an amendment to the Con stitution of the Commonwealth of Penn sylvania, In accordance with tlie provi sions of the eighteenth article theieof: Anundmenf. Add at the end of section seven, article thieo. tlie following words: "Cnless be fore il shall be introduced in tlie Oeiieral Assembly, snob proposed special or local law shall have been llrst submitted to a popular vote, at a general or special elec tion in the locality or localities to be af fected by Its operation, under an order of the court of commni, pleas of tlie re spective comity a tier hearing and appli cation aranlcd. and shall have been ap proved by a majority of the volets at such election: Piovided. That no such election shall be held until the decren of court authorizing the same shall have been advertised for at least thirty CM) days in the locality or hcalitles affected, ill such maimer as the court may direct. A true copy of the Joint Resolution. W. W. cm EST. Secretary of the Commonwealth. Miscellaneous. nivf MODEl LAUNDRY, Dunmore7 launders shirts al So. each and collars nnd cuffs ut l'.&c. each. OFESSJONAL Certified Public Accountant. EDWARD C. SI'AI'NDINO, C. P. A., -i Traders' Dank liuildiug. Old 'phono IbOl. Architects. FREDEItlCK N. DROWN. AttCH II" Ileal Estate l4xehaugo Uidg., VM Wash ington avenue. Civil and Mining Engineers. Jl. N. HARDING, Sl.'i CONNELL UNDO. STKYENSON ,t KNiailT, nell building. Dentists. 7' CON DI!. C. E. HIL14NISI4ROI4R, PAN'Ll liuildiug, Spruce, street, Scianton. DR. C. C. NAITI1AC1I, li:. WYOMINO nv Five Insurance. SCHDAGEit v- CO, Ml Coiniell Hulldlng. Patont Attorneys. P A T E 5M TS avBS The only licensed and equipped patent solicitor hi the ity No charge tor ia loiiuallou on pulonlubillty; uver ton years' experience Ucplogie & Co.. Atears HlUg:. Hotels nnd Restaurants. THE ELK' CAFE, 125 AND 127 FllANK lilt avenue. Rates reasonable l': I'.IEllLER, Proprietor. SCRANTON IIOFSE. NEAR lU TvF. Passenger depot. Conducted on iho En. ropoau plan. Vlcior luich. Proprietor. Scavenger, A. It. HltlliOS CLEANS 1'RIVY YADLTS and cess pools; 110 odor; only imprnvul pumps iieil, a. It. Uriggs, proptlelor. Leuvo oidot.t 1100 Xoith Main avoiiuo. or Elclie's drug store, corner Adams and Mulberry. Uotb telephones. Wire Screens, Ji'SEPIl Kl'ETTEL. ave.. Sci'untou. mfre REAR r.U i,ACK.. . ol Wiru Screens. Miscellaneous. MEOAROEE liROS.. PRINTERS' Slip, plies, envelopes, paper bags twine. Warehouse 130 Wabhlngton uveuuo. Tm"ViIdTl' CAN bo had In Ser.intoa at tlio nowt, stand of lteUnuiii llros.. lOi Spruce and an Ulldeii; Al. Norton, 322 l.ackawaiuui ave.; 1. S. Schuuei, 211 Spiuce btrcet. LEGAL. !VXJrf NOTIcn Is hereby given that an niipll cation will lm inade to the; llovernbr or the stiito of Pennsylvania on Tuesday, he SStli Uit of October. 1!2, by W, W, Klzer, i:her W. Woitbltigloil, F, A, Peck, Dalbys I., iflekea and A. F. ler, ttmlef the Act of Assembly approved the ait'h dilS' of Apill, ISVI, entitled "All Aft to iir. vidu lor the Incorporation and regulation or reliant t:oniorntlon.t," mid tlie suvoral stipp cmciilfi theretu,, tor the clutrtoi- of !!!'., I,,I'J!'.1.'.'11 ''(U'Potatlon to lie railed "Mzur Mill and Elevator Company," tho rlmrneler and purpose or which is tho mitiiiiraotuiing of Hour, feed, meal nnd oilier prndtti'iH frnm gritln, and sulllng tint siiine, und lor that pmposo to have mid enjoy all the ilglits, henellls and ptiv lieges ol the silld Act or Assembly and ltd supplements. I). jl4 FICKES. Solicitor. M,KI'2; I4state or Ann Phillips, late of tito Lily of Sernatou, County of Daeln awnnnii, deceased, Letters ot admlntsttulloii upon thr nbovo named estate having been grunted lo tho undersigned, all persons hnvhig claims or demaiiils against tho sntnu will present them rAr payment, and all thoi.n indebted thereto will make Immediate payment to oEoitriE w. piriMiTPS, Munlcliinl liuildiug. , Scranton, Pit. Til OS. K. WELLS, Attorney for Estate. RALROAD TIME .TABLES. Delaware, Lackawanna and Western. , , in Effect Juno 1, lCtw. I rains leuvo Scrautoii for Xew York ., .. ',''"'-s"0' eM- """ ,in,i (,-1') rn.i 12. !., ,l.oo p m. j.'or New York and Phlla-delilila-7.50. 10.M a. m and lL'.-IO and :i.:il '; m-, i';t' Ootlklsboi-o-At U.10 p. in. For Lurrii i o-i.i,,, ,L ,,,,,1 n.txi a. m.; l.rc, i;.-,n am 11 lo p. ip. J.'or llliighamton, Elmira, and way stntlona-iu.ffi n. m l.ur. m. ;.',',!!' OHcgo, Syiueuso and and '.'."i V.'.,1"'' '"'"' I'- "l. Oswego, SyraciiPn und I tlc.t train at i;.' a. in. dally, except? huiiday. .'ol. Montrose-D.Wi a. m.; 1.01 I'm ' ,''-. '" Nicholson accommodation 1.00 nnd i!,j.-, p. m. Itloomsbtiig DIvIslon-For Xortluunliei' and, at t.r. and 10.10 a. m.; 1.G3 and li.lil !.': ."'aJ'01' I'lymouili, ut S.10 a. m.; o.-IO atul a ftj p ji, .. li11"'!".' Tr.i!ns-For New York. l.r,0. n.a. u.u.,, a. m.: Il.lo und :).3.-. p. m. Fop nirfalo-l.l,- and .L"J a. ni.: l.,V., 0.50 and 11.10 p. m. For Elmira and way titatlous 1H...I a. m. For ninghanitnn and way sta tions, loo a. m. Jtlootnsburg Dlvinlon Leave her.-inton. 10.10 a. m. and G.10 p. m. Lehigh Valley Railroad. In Klteet Jane ir,, lOij-J. Trains Neave Scranton For Philadelphia and Xew York via D. & II. It. ll at at 7.11, through Parlor Cat and Day Coach Carbondale to Xew YoiiS and H.17 a. m.. with ,. V. Coach Carbon dale lo Philadelphia, and '.MS, 4.f. (UlaclC Diamond Expiessl, nnd ll.-l!) p. m. Sun days, O. .t J 1. R, R i.js, 9.17 p. m. I'or AMilto Haven, Ilnxletnn and princi pal points in tlie coal regions, via D. Ks II. R.R., 7.41. :MS and -1.S3 p. 111. For, Pollsvlllo. 7.11 a. m. l-'or Bethlclie'ii, l-Jaston. Reading. liar rjsliurg and piinelpai Internicdlato sta tions, via D. ,fc U. R. It.. 7.11, 0.17 a. m ; LIS, -I 3.1 (I)luck Diamond Express). U. 13 p. III. Sundays. D. & 11. 11. R.. 9.3S a. in.: I.ikS, 0.17 p. in. For Tnnkhaiinock, Towanila, Elmira. Itliaca, (.Jeueva and principal Intermedluta stations via O., J. & W. R. II., G.33 a. in. and 1..,.. p. 111. For Geneva, Rochester. Tiurfalo. Niag ara Falls, Chicago and all points west via D. & 11. II. R 12.i p. m.: S.S (Black Diamond Express). 10.11. 11.13 p. m, Sun days. D. ,i K. R. R 2.(, 0.17 p. 111. Pullman parlor and sleeping or I.ebigh alloy Parlor cars on all trains between WIIUes-Rarie and Xew York. Philadel phia, liurfalo and Suspension Bridge. ROLLIN IT. WILP.tJR. Ocn. Supt., M Coiilnnd street. Xew York. CIIAR1 ES S. 1,1414, Gen. Pass. AgL, -? Coiiland street, Now York. A W. XONEMACHER, Dlv. Pass. Agt.. Soutli Rclhl"hcin, Pa. For tickets and Piilhiian rcservatlona apply to city ticket office, 09 Puhllo Square. Wilkcs-Rarie. Pa. 1 EADING SYSTEM. Central Railroad of New Jersey. Conected to September 10, Mili. Slatlons in Xew Yolk, foot Liuerty street and South Ferry, X. R. Trains leave Seranton for Now York, Philadelphia, Easton, Relhlehem, Alloa town. Mauch Chunk, White Haven. Ash ley, Wilkos-narre and Pittston at 7.:M a. 111., 1 p. m. and 1 p. m. Sunday, 2.10 p. m. Quaker City Express leaves Scranton 7."0 a. 111., through solid vestibule train with Pullman Riiffel Parlor Car for Phila delphia with o.ily 0110 change of cars for Dnltimoro and Washington, D. C, and all piinelpai points south and west. For Avoca, Piltstoa and Wilkes-Barre, 1 p. m. and -1 p. m. Sunday, 2.10 p m. For Long Rrancb. Ocean Grove, etc., 7.S0 a. m. and I p. 111. For Reading. Lebanon and Harrisbuig via Allentown at 7.30 a. in., 1 p. m. and 1 p. m. Sunday, L'.IO p. in. For Tainaqua and Potlsvlllo, 7.30 a. m.; 1 p. m. and 1 p. m. For rates and tickets apply to agent at station. AV. O. RESSNER. Gen. Manager. C. M. BURT, Gen. Pass. Agt. Pennsylvania Railroad. Schedalo lu Elfcct June lii, 1002. Trains leavu Scranton C.3S a. m., week davs, through vestibule train from AVilkes-Rarre. Pullman buffet parlor cat and coaches to Philadelphia, via Potts, vlllu; stops at principal Intermedluta sir,. tioiis. Also connects for Sunbiiry, Har- rlsburg, fiuiaueipniu, nammoru, wasn lugton and for Pittsburg and tho West. 11.17 a. in., week days, for Sunbury. Ilnr lisburg, Philadelphia, r.altlmore, Wash ington and Pittsburg and tho West, 1.1- p. m, week days, (Sundays, l..',S p. m.1, for Sunbury, Hiirrisbiirg, Philadel phi.i, Raltlmoro, Washington and Pitts burg and the West. 3.2S p. m., week days, through vestllmli train from Wllkcs-Rarro. Piillmnn buffet parlor car and coaches to Philadelphia vlu Potlsvlllo. Stops al principal inteunedl ato stations. . . ..... I.3.i p. in., weeic nays, inr iiazieion, nuu- bur v, Hai'ilsourg, I'liiiaueiiuua aim i-nis- burg. ,T. V.. linTCiriXSON, Geu. Mgr. J. 1!, AYOOD, Gen. Pass. Agt. Delaware and Hudson. Ill Etfect June Hi, 1002. Tialns for Carbondale leave Scranton nt fill 7.:iH. S.3fi, 10.U a. m.; 12.03, 1.12, 2.11. ::!ji;; r..2o 0.25, s.:i. 9.15. 10.01 p. m.; 12.1s. "For lloiiesdalo ll.ll, 10.13 a. ni.; 2.11 and '"'For' Wilkes-P.arre-O.Jis. 7.11. S.1I. 0.17. 10.K1 a. m : l-'.Kt. I'-. '-IS. 3.2J, 1.35. uMO, 7 -IS 10.11, lt.-l!t ! m- For I ..V. R. It. 9.17 a. 111. "is, 1.3." and 11. 1'.' P- m. "For Pennsylvania R. R. Points G.3T 9 47 a. in.: 112. 3.2S and 1.3.1 p. m. For Albany and all points noiih 7.3'j a, ... ,,,wi :t 11. 111. SUNDAY TRAINS. For Carbondale- S.rj), 11.33 a. m.; 2.11, 3 Tii!. r..,Ti and 11.17 p. m. For AYHItos-Rarro 0.3S a. 111.; 12.03. 1.5 3.2S. ii32 and 0.17 p. m - For Mbany and points north n.W p. m For llonesdale-S M a. ni.; 11.8:: and 3.'iJ ''wI'l. T'RYOR, D. P. A.. Scranton, raj Erie Railroad Wyomlnp; Division. , 111 Effect September 15, 1002.. - Trains leave Seraiilon for Now Ymk, ' Newburgli and Intmniedlato points, also for llawb-v and local statlonii at 7.20 a.' ui. and t 3."i P. ni. For IJouesdalo and White Mills at 1.37 ''iiiilns arrive at Scrautoii at 10.3S a. m. ami o.l.'i p. m. - ' -' - - " .- New York, Ontario and Western. Time tabic In effect Sunday, Sept. 23, VMi. NORTH ROL'XD 'I'RAINS. I.eave Leave Anna iialnfc. Scranton. C.ii bumlalo. endpsJa. No. i lu.::ou. ni. Il.luu. in. limp m So. 7 li HI p. iii.Ar.Caiboudalo li.lii p off Sot'TH liOI'ND. I.eavo Leuvo Arrlyn? Trains. Cadoslu. Carbondate. Seranton,- No. Il li.rjiii.m. 7.25 a. in? No. 2 2.1.r.p.u. MM p. in. I.I.-, p. in ' Sl'NDAYS ONLY, NORTH IJOL'NP Leave Leave Anivo Trains. Scranton. C'aiimndale. Cadosla. ' No. 0 8.ln. m. 9.10a. ni. IiM'iu. m.'1 No. 0 7.i'0p m. Ar.i.'atiiundalo 7.15 p.m SOfiil UOl.'ND. Leave Leavo ArrHa 'iiiilns. C.vdosla. Carbondalo. Scrautoii. No. il U.DOa.m. 7.2.A ii. in. No. in i.: p. in- ii.e.i i. m. r, .-, p. in , Trains Num. 1 on wcel days, and 9 on Sundays canneci for New York c-ltv. Mlr dlotown. Walton. Norwich, Oneida, Os wego and all points west. Train No li, with "Quaker City Ex. press" at Scianton. ln C. R. R. ot N. .1.. for Phllndeiphla. Atlantic City, Baltimore. Washington and Pennsylvania state points. ' See tmc-tablo and consult ticket agent! ?or connections with other lines. J. C. ANDERSON. O. p. A.. Now York. .T. 14. W-aHU, T. P. A-, Scrautoii, I', it
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