1f ft ", rirj- -'s't? -?'& 1 ' " - - - i.rpwH V s THE SCHANTON TRIBUNE-THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1002. ? VERDICT FOR J. E. WATKINS IT WAS DIRECTED BY JUDGE WEAND. Ho Decided Tlmt the Spring Brook Lumber Company Had No Legal Claim Against the Defendant Case of Homy Singer Against tho Scianton Hallway Company Will Bo Given to the Jury This Morn ing Orphans' Court Doings An Agreement. Judge Wound yestciilay afternoon ttavp binding Instructions to the Jury In the case of the Spring Brook lMn ber company nKulnat James I. Wat HImh. The latter uvvitulncl ti contract to Otto Snar and TIioiim Itosser to erect a house at Taylor. The conttact pi Ice was $:t,0S0, and It set foith In the cnn tiact that no muchanks' liens should be filed for material. The Spilng Utook Lumber company alleges that It would not give lumber to Saar and Roer until they got Wat kins to agree to scctue tho payment and they theroloip want him to pay a bill of $7.1t.!K! width the lumber com pany alleges the conti actors have not paid. Walklns denies having made imj ngieement to pay tho Spring Hrook company, on the conti.ny he s-ald he told them ho had nothing to do with the pmcluiM! of the lunibei. Aftei tho testimony was all In the judge decided that the whole question ieolved Itself Into one of law, and believing that the plaintiff had not established Its light to collect f i om the defendant, dliectcd ii eidlct foi the plaintiff. Attorncs Joseph O'Bilen and M. .1. Mai tin ap pealed foi the defendant, and Attor neys T. P. Wells and J. W. C'.u pouter lor the plaintiff. The case of Heniv Stngei agnint the Scianton Railway lompnnv was rcsuniul beloie Judge llw.udh ves toid.iv nioining and was not eom p'otid at adjoin nlng houi C J. New comb, a conductoi with whom Slugei lode back fiiiin Moosic on the night of the aicldent, testified that Mnger told him that the Injuiv to his eves was c mod by a llah of light from the wheels while he v as watching them put the ( ar back on the Hack Dib W. K. Dolan and W. P. Connor testified that they examined Singci's tjes and found the tumble he suffered was of ,i iougenlt.il oiigiu. Otlier wltneshcs examined were V. J. Me i.uij, Anthony McHiigh, John W. Me Oulro, L. M. Hauls and Thomas Mul len. The closing .iddiessos to tliejun hoio irade hj Attoiuev '. P. O'Mallev, for tho defendant .ind Attoincv (.". H. Popci, foi the plaintiff. The ludge will ehaige the juiv this nioining. The following rasps wtie continued yesteulaj : P.itilik Calpin against tlie f-cr.uiton Tt ictlim companv ticsp.iss; Nellie Johnson against Scianton Rail way compaiii, tiesp.iss, P.itilek Ma lum against Scianton Rallwav eom pmy, ticsp.i'-s. l R. W Scaile, tius tce. against Scottisli Pnlon and Na tional lnt.ii) nice company, assumpsit. The following weie icpoitcd 'cttlcd: Daniel Holland against V. H n.irtlctt and othois, icplevin; John Hi own against Sci, niton Rallwav company, trcsp,i,s; S c. Wliiteinan against Agiicultuie IiibUianee company, ap peal. Theie was, no apue.iianec for the plaintiff in the l.iko of Q. V Stump &. Co against Potei Lipcwltz, and a non Euit was- gi anted. The Agreement Signed. Following is the agi cement ai lived at by the paitics to tho biiit lecited be low . Amine-" I. Spencer, pliintifl, s l'letUi Ick 11, l'mei and Thomas U Hughes cot. ir1iii ts In the L'ouit of Common Pleas ol Lack iw.imm eouiilv. In xpiitv. And now. to wit, September 2'tli l'WJ, for alno leeched, this ca-c is hneliy pettlcil mid discontinued the plaintiff to pnv all couit costs, except defendant'! witm b'-es, the pilntlug of tlieli piper book and of tlirlr appeal to tne Supremo c mi it Also the co-paitucrsliip existing between the plaintiff nnd dr lend.nit- ns let fortli In tho bill of complaint tiled In this case. Is beiebv dissolved, the de fendants to pa, and tho do lutein amee to pn. any and all rlcbls and liabilities of said eo-pailnoishlp, whether con tiactcd In name ol oi n envoi cd against Prederlck J I. Kmeiy, oi Thomas R. Hughes, or llmciv Slate Picket iiimpanj. or Duplce Slate Pickt i eompan, or Illchatdson Coal Sepaiatoi compan. And plaintiffs and deleadauts limber ngiee tint all goods, etc., now in the hands of the neeher. If niV, may be tin mil (vol to bald defendants. And, foi aluo needed, tho h.ilrl Am brose I., Sponi c i has tr.instericd, Mild, Hbslgncd and bit oei, and by thcbo pi os titis tlocs .sell, iissIkh. tiansfei and hot over unto the .said Kiederick II, Rmeiy nnd Thomas R Hughes, their heirs and assigns, all bis light, title, tlalm ami In tel est In and to .said eo-pai tacrship and GOOD LBWWSS Quite often results in bad health, because what is termed "good living" is usually the gratification of the palate without reference to the nutrition of the body. 1 When the good liver is a business man nuu rises train a full mea to plunge at once into work requiring mental effort the result is almost sure to be disastrous, because digestion draws upon the same nervous forces which are em ployed in thought. In time the stom ach becomes dis eased, the pro cesses of digestion and nutrition are imperfectly per formed and there is a physical breakdown, Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery cures diseases of the stomach and other rgans of digestion and nutrition, It luuinates the effete poisonous matter which originates in the s)stem as a con- eequenco of imperfect digestion, It gives pound health to the whole body, l wish to my to the world that Dr. fierce'! Golden Mcillcal Discovery lias proved a great blessing to me." writes Mr 3. HUen U. Bacon, of 6huteslniry, I'rankliu Co, Mass "Prior to (September, 1897, 1 had doctored for ray jtomacU trouble for revered sears, going tbrougli a course of treatment without any real benefit, la September, 1S96, ( had very slclc spell and grew worse! could cat but little. I commenced ia September, 197, to take Dr. Pierce's medicine, suit in a abort time I could eat and worlc. I liave gained tuttily pound! m two months." Prer. Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser is bent five on receipt of stamps to pay expense of mailing onfy. Bend 31 one-cent stamps for the book m paper covers, or 31 stamps for the cloth bound volume, Address Dr. R.V. Fierce, ,03u!alo. N. Y. fSjM, I Bftfflv- PU Cured of Asthma After 35 years of Suffering. It will bo (ratifying to Aithmtitle readers to learn that an absolute euro has at last been discovered by Dr. Schlffmann. That tho romody is an effectual ono can not bo doubted after perusal of such tost! mony as that of C. W. Van Antworp, Ful ton, N. Y., who says! "Your remedy (Schllluiann's Asthma Curo) Is tho best! overused. I bought a package, of our druggist and tried it and ono box entirely cured tno of Asthma, and I havo not had It since. I can now go to bed and sleep all night with perfect comfort, which I havo notdono beforo for 35 yeaMand I thank you for tho health that I now enjoy. I hopo that you will publish this letter, that others may loarnoiltswondrrful virtues." Bold by nil druggists at 60c nnd l.oo. Bond 2c stamp to Dr.R.ScnIITmann, Box 801, St. Paul, Minn., for a frcosamplo package. In and to all patent and other lights nil monies due and owing thereto, and all properly and property rights of any and every kind and nature belonging to nld co-partnership, to collect, lecelve, have and hold the same unto them, their licit s and assigns forever. Wltnosn our hands and hchIs to this agreement, marie In triplicate, thu day and ,car aboe written. Ambiosc 1.. Spencer, P. II. Emory, T. R. Hughes. In Orphans' Court. Judge A. A. Vosbuig In Oi plums' court, jesterduy, audited the account of W, A. Wilcox, tiustee of the estate of Isaac IOveretl, deceased, and ot dried the following dlsttlbutlon to the heirs: Mary P. Knimnrd $ 210 32 Hotmail J. I.aH.irre 2lil :u Isaac R. I.aRarre (paid) 200 fO Isaac R I.aRarre (balance duo... Ifi '.it Mai v Moot e Sill 1 2 Hannah J. Westfall 2l 32 Aurelln. J. Mlddaugh 21fi 32 Daniel Reritt 211132 Robert Reritt 210 32 C. 11. Rvoiltt and J. K Reiltt, executois of M. C. Rvoiltt 210 22 John R. Rerltt, ccecutor of .Mary i: Tnux Patterson Wilcox, for the fol '.'lb 32 lowing heirs f.corge H. Barlow, Mary J. Bolt, S W Rerltt, Ra chel Westfall. Isaac Rvoiltt, John 7,. Rvcrltt, Rdwln Rerltt in d M. h Rxerltt (illicitly paid) l,3fK) CO Oonrge Barlow (balance due).. 2S S2 Man J Holt (b ilnnce duo) 2s S2 S. W. Reiltt (balance duel 2" S2 Ratbel Westfall (balance due) 2S S2 Isiac R'verltt (b ilancc duel 2S 2 Jtlm R. Rerltt (b ilanco due) 2S f2 Rdwln Rtiltt (b ilanco duel 2S i'l M. L Rciltt (balance due) 2S t V SU i 70 The audit in the estate of Ocoige R. Prehton, dece.ibcd, showed th.it theie isj ?S1." SO In the hands of the adminis tiator, and after certain claims against it aic paid the balance goes, to his wife and daughtoi. Mis. Ten ell. The audit Hit tor No ember teini was also made out and handed down Tlieio will be it session of the Orphans' eouit on Satuitl.n, at 10 a. in, in the Oi ph.nib' com t loom. Want a Guardian Appointed. Theie was a heating bcfoie Judge Now tomb osteidaj afternoon In tliani berb, in the matter of appointing a guai dian foi David C. Colehei. a man ST c.n.s of age. who lhes at Oieen Ridge. Ho lb tho owner ot a aluable piopcity at Motuey avenue and Rela w.ne bticet, and is quite alone in tho woild, Ills wife and all of his child) en being dead. Par the last six mnntlib bis affaiis have been looked after by Rdwaitl Laughlln, a nelghboi, whom he gave power of attoino. A month ago Loughlln's power of at torney was l evoked and Attornov Rei tholf lias since been at ting for Colchet. At vohteida.v's healing it was shown that a number of men and women, one of the latter n foi tune tcllei, aie now living in the house with Colehei, and it is deshetl that a gum dian be appointed for him as ho Is too feeble to taie for himself oi his e&tatc The judge h,ib not et handed down nib decision. In the Register's Office. Tho will of William Staph, late of this city, was admitted to piobitc jcs teitlay and letters tcstamcntaiy were gi anted to Hannah Staph. The will of Meicy Wells, late of Gieenfield township, was also admitted to piobato and lottois testameutaiy granted to Fiank and Shclllclcl Wells. In the estate of Augusta Doud, lato of Moosic, lottoi s ot admlnistiation weie gi anted to G. 15. W. Doud. Marriage Licenses. Jo'-eph Wills) Mlurioh.i Rll2abeth Cooke MintinU 1 '1 hoiiins Sweeney Jismip Rllcn Dahill Jcssup COURT HOUSE NEWS NOTES. A vetci nil's license! to peddle was gianted jcsteitlay 10 Uooige I. Thomp Bon, who solved durliift the Civil war as a niemboi of Company R, Twelfth Pcnn svlvanla Rosen c mips Piuuk, Julia and Maiy Caimody micd thn Wilkes-H.nio and Scianton Railway ciimpany and the Siianton Steel tonipaiiy CHtcidav through Attorney A. A. Chase. They am some of the Hood Htiffoiets, Nomination pnpeis for tho Aiitl-Machlno paity weio jcsteitlay lllod la tho ollltc ot tho county commlssioneis. Tho candi dates 1110: Congress, licul-go Howell; 01 phaus" tourt Judge, .M. P. Kalido; county Lommi'stonera. John J. Dm kin, Victor Uuischell; mine Inspeutoi. P. J. Moore. Michael R, Oilmaitln, Reman J, Mm phv, Joseph W. Wllcc, S. S. Jones and John R Shannon, vlowets In tho taso of John W. Altkon, William T. Colvlllo and James R. Run, executois and tipstees, under tho will of Isabella Altkon, against tho Relmont Water company esteulny filed their repoit In couit. It allows tho plaintiffs SJIS.T.'. 1 1 . i. .1- GYMNASTIC RALLY, Will Be Held This Evening in the Y, W. C, A. Tho Young Women's Chilstlan asso ciation Invites both gentlemen and ladles to the gymnasium tally, this evening at 8 o'clock, at Association 100ms, 205 Washington avenue, A pto gi .inline has been plunned, which is as follows; ' Jmtrumentat Solo Miss lltlll Rastern Tomplo Dilll, .Miss Margaret Collin Vocal Solo,,,, Mr. R. Wilson Joliiibon "Pcidlta" a Statue Recitation, Miss Margaret Coillri Fancy Club Swlngliig,,,,.,..,.MIss Osland LARCENY OF A PUSH CART. Three Young Men Arrested, Charged with This Offence. R B. Hazlett, John Murray and R. A. MeShee, employes of the Plttsburer Underground Cable company, were ur rested yesterday by Marshall Preston, of the Republican ofllce, charged with taking away a push cart from the rear' of the building. The warrants were issued by Alder man Howe, and at the hearing yester day morning, the defendants were held for a further bearing, SOUTH SCR ANTON MARRIAGE OF MISS LAMBERT AND JOHN TSCHOPP. Ceremony Was Peifoimed In St. Mary's Get man Catholic Church nnd Was Preceded by n Nuptial Mass Marriage of Miss Nora Howard to Daniel Day, In St. John's Chuich South Side Bank Did a Big Business on Its Fiist Day Aldcrmanlc Cases, St. Mniy's German Catholic church, on River street, was tilled yesterday morning, when John Tschopp and Miss Marie Lambeit were joined In wedlock. The Initial paity cnteicd the chuich at 0 o'clock, to the strains of the Men delssohn wedding niaich, and a solemn nuptial tiiass preceded the ceremony. Rev. John V. Lambert, p istor of St. Maiy's chinch at Hackonsack, N. J., ofllclated at the nia., and was assisted by Rev, Father Stiatlb, as deacon, and Father Chtlst, aH sub-deacon. F.tthei Lambert, who Is n cousin of the bt Idc, afterwaids performed tho wedding eet oniony, after which a le teptloit was held at the home of tho bilde's patents, 415 Willow stteet. Miss Helen Hoffman, or Hackensack, N, J., was maid of honor, and Paulino Lambot was bildosmald. Like the In Ido, they weie attlied in pine white and tat l led bouquets. The groomsmen we're Frank Tschopp and Charles Lam beit. Mr. Tbdiopp Is employed ns assistant fot eman at the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western cai shops. Miss Lambert Is a eh.it mlng joung woman, and has lived on this side all her life, with the exception of tinee yens, when she was housekeepei for her cousin, Father Lambeit, at Hackensack. A wedding supper was served at the family lesldente, on Willow sticet, last evening, aftei which the couple left on the Dclaw.ne, Lackawanna and West ern tuiin at midnight lor an extended wedding tilp. Day-Howaid Wedding. Miss Noia How aid and Daniel Day weie made man and wife at St. John's chuich, jcsteitlay, tho eei emony taking place at A p in. The chinch was c tow cl od with ti lends of the contiactlng par ties, and tho teioinony was. peifoimed by Rev. R J. Mclloy. Miss Maiv Duffy was liticlcsmald, and Anthony McDon ald was best man. After the wedding a shoit leccptlon was held .it the home of the bilde'b paients, on Cedar avenue, after wliiih a dihe aiound the citj was enjojod by the wedding pnty. A leccptlon and .social took place in the evening at Pharmacy hall, which was l.tigely at tended. An enjoyable evening was spent and leficshmcnts weie solved. A Big Business. The (south Side bank opened at 9 o'clock ycsteiday for business, and tho odlcials weio kept busv until the closing houi, the icsiilts being a pleasant biu piiso to the piomotois The fust clnv's deposits astonished even the most sanguine, the sum being over fin.000. School Contiollor Otto Robinson made the fiist deposit, and the msh which follow oil was lcmaik ablc. so niiuh so that the ofliccis seaiecly had time to got a lunch. Aldcrmanic Doings. .Tat ob Il.ifncr, who was icpoitcd as missing jestciday, appeals to have got himself in Rouble. Ills wife appealed bcfoie Aldeiman Lcntes ycsteiday with tvv'o small eliildien. and 1 elated .1 piti able stoiy of eiuelty and abuse. She said he had a habit of coming home drunk and amusing himself by beating hei and using tho vilest language. Her fate, hands and body boie evidence of the treatment she iccolved, and a w.n l.mt for Hafnei's an est was issued. Ho evidcntlj learned of the action his wife had taken, and dlsappeaietl. He did not take the child with .him. how ever, as icpoitcd in an afternoon paper, because the little one is being cued for by lelatives, and it is believed ho lb still in the citv. Mlthael Webei, who has hoarded for sevei.il eais with .Man us Zoller, of S.'3 Rim stieet, was attested for defiaud ing Zollor out of a bo.nd bill. Tho de fendant made a s.itlsfactoiy explana tion to the aldeiman vesteiday, and was dlsiliaigetl on payment of costs. Robei t Staiidcl, a youth icsldlng on Cedar avenue, vas given a healing yos toiday for assault and battery and tin owing stones. Ho admitted tin ow ing the stone that stunk Mis. Hennl 1111111, of Pear stieet, but explained that It was accidental. Aftor a sound lec ture, he was allowed to go on payment of costs, NUBS OF NEWS. Tho Jimger Mitcnneichor has leeched a communication Horn Piofcsor Sclilll Ing, Inviting them to pintlclpate In a bencllt tin the sti Iking mlnois, to tnko place In tho near futiiie. They havo agiced to take pait and will Mug "aiusse am din lllemnt " A well attendetl monthly meeting of tho Get mania Honelltltl soclttv was hold last evening In MliU hall on Plttstnn avenue. Miss Manio Mcdovvaii, tlaughtei, ot Contiaetoi McClowan, of Avtua, Is vln ltlng Miss Maiy Muuay, of Ciown ave. inn', Di. Schley's Lung Healing Halsam Is guai anteod to cmo all coughs. "No cure, no pay," For sale by all dealois A special meeting of tho Pom teen Fi lends Is called for tonight, and all mombciH tno 111 gu to attend, A legulir monthly meotlng of tho Star Soilal club will bo hold tomouovv even ing. A postponed euehro social will bo hold lu St. John's hall this evening. ARLINGTONS VICTORIOUS. Defeated the Newly-Oiganized Inde pendents Lnst Night. The iiewy-oiganized Independents, who will iql on the Rlks' allejs under the captaincy of Fied Waldner, i oiled against tins Aillngtons on the lattei's alleys last night and weie defeated by 145 pins. In the tluee games. Tho bcotes wtio nb follows; I, ARLIXOTONS. J, Kelfer ICG lui 113- 171 Jones , 1S7 112 100-4J5 O, Kelfer IIS 152 121- 420. Roll ,'. 101 -M) 140 531 Mcister , 105 175 ISJ- 554 000 SJt WJ-2127 INDRPRNDL'NTS. Haan ,.. 211 147 121- 479 Rldgeway , lOd 170 154- 410 Murphy ............ 155 155 110 450 Johnson 15.1 li.1 117 4S1 Waldner 140 130 15J-432 770 702 714-22S2 High scoio Haan, 211. High aveiage Melster,'181 1-10. THE MARKETS Wall Stieet Review. Now York, Out ,1. Theie were traces ot fevcrlshness In tho stock raaiket to day and constant vailatlons In the coin so of prices all day, but tho tone became quieter as tho clay piogiessed and affaiis of tho maikct showed a tendency to set tlo down to a mutual condition after the excitement ot tho previous two days. The msh on the pait of those long on stock to take piollts In tho opening dcalmatt this morning was cntliely natutal, ton sideling tho buoyant tipiush of pi Ices til tho closing last night and cotiBldeilng also tho denials on tho ptiht of ofllclala amqugs tho coal opciatots that tlieio was any basis for icstoidav's inniois of a Bcttlemcnt. 'I'heso iiimois continued to play a pint In tho matket and tho pun- ttpai sttengtn or tno nay was snown o tho coal stocks, the huv.hu; of Reading appaiontly coming fioin Inside soinccs. T110 same poweiful Intetest was cietlltcd with the suppoit of other stocks, notably United States Stool and Southern Rail load and tho .sentimental alfoet of this buying was a potent factoi In mining tho market ftom Its opening tloptosslon. Tho only actual news that became pub lic bcfoio thu close of the market eon cot nlng the stilke situation was tho Invi tation bv Piesldent Roosevelt for a meet ing with him ot tho lopiescntatlvcs of tho mine opctators and the mlnois. The sympathetic effect of the having of Road Inc. Southern llnllwnv nnd t'liited Stntes Steol was manifest nmong the Coileis goneinlly, both authracltu and bituminous nnd amongst sevotal of the Independent stool companies. Rut the having was not put sued to a notable higher level and there weie constant leactlons thtoughout the dnv In the tlnnl houi the moiic-v late ran up to the highest point of the day and Induced consldeiable selling, making the closing oasv and model ately active Outside the stocks which made a show of sttength iluilng the day, final pikes woiu at 01 neni the lowest in man:' eases Louisville lost an extieine It points and t losetl within a point of tint and St. Paul's lows nmounts to 1 points. Total sales todav, ITll.tno shales. The bond inui ket was quiet and steady. Total sales, par value, $1t0,"i000 Palled States old 4s coupon advanced H per cent, on thu last call. The following quotations are furnished Tho Tribune bv Hnlght .V Frceso Co , 314 S15 Meats Rulldlng. W. D. Runvon, man age!. Open Hlgh.Low.Closq Amal. Copper i.t iii'fc b' ftl1 Am. C. & F :: ."(is ,W .Jii'fe Ameiican Ice 11'4 R'fc R R'u Am. Locomotive .... 31 tl'i .11 .11' Am. Loco. Pi 0P .' IMVi it'ii'! Am. S Ac R Co .... I" 47" 1 4T 47U Ameiican Sugar ....lJii'U lj"'i UuVi 127 Atchison 90 )l W5i 9l'i Atchison. Pi 10J lOjec. 102 102 Rait A: Ohio 107'i lo'J3H 107"t 10S34 jjiook. H. T IwVi! tiiS Canadian Pat Illc ....llS HI dies & Ohio ."I'4 i".2'4 Chicago &. Alton !T 3SV Chle &. O W .M'r -U C, M. & St P 1ft! U 11 11, C, R I. & P JOB L'OI't Col. I'tiel & Hon.... 79' W. Col & Southern .... .'U .!2'j Den & R. G 4"ii 41. Don & R G , Pr ... !I2', ')2'3 Detiolt Southcin ... 21 22 R1I0 SOU 4i)s8 Rrie, 1st Pr dSTj, ID", Riio. 2d Pr MH :V: Hocking Vnllev .... ' W$ Ill's bV, Hs'h r.Hi .1714 1'IJ Li 7'Ui 32 C 4". '2i, 21Vsi ;T4 i.su 51' 1 52U Sl 31'4 2iWVi 81'i 324 4b 021 a 11 40' ', Ii'I'b t,'. 'lii'i VG 4b1, IV R 1 Th 1171r 142'i '''j Jimiois uenti 11 .l"lb l")l'i m Iowa Cential W 4b' 4.; Kan Citv & South.. ,!'i's Louis. & Nash 142'i Jlanhattan H7 CiV'i IN'c H7 142 12'i SlVi llhU r.s Jlet St. Rv 1421, Mexican Cential "71 (' Mo, K. & Te .11 ,:i bt in Pi7'4 7-'!. Jl's Ibl 10'. "Ii I.T, NS'f. " 2P8 71 ll'i " .I8'4 !'. bb'i 47'i lllb'i 01 It's 11 10' 2 31', riii 2S', 2S4 31 bt UVk 1 i7'u 74 lul'a 10.", Mo. K. & T, Pi .. . 1.1 Mo Paclllc IP. N. Y. Central l'.7"s Noifolk A: West .... 72' Out Al West !48 Penni R R li.iv People's Gas 10V4 llM lopi .'7' 2 i-iessc'ti aioei car Reatling Reading. 1st Pr .. lot;, 7Pj IV 7'"n, 3t'4 7il". :.iM. !7 , bS Si 71 21 "R 71 'r 3l'i 7-.rR :; 17 1.7 U I7 lniiU !UU 1l'i I')' 4 4014 OO'!, '!"! 11 Ol'A S'l 2S' Heading, "net Pr .... 77 Republic Steel 'l U St. L AL San F 7S St. L So W ll'i Southern Paclllc .... "t"2 Soutbeiii R. U . ... "iS' Southcin R R , Pr.. Irs Tenn Coal Ac lion... i.b1 Teas ,t P.ulllo .... 47 C 4S'i Pnlon Paclllc 10b'. 107' Pnlon Pacific, Pr.... 'H"r III' C S I.e.ithei 14'H P. S Rubbei 11! t P S Steel 40', P S Steel, Pr Wi Wabnsh ,',0V vvnb.ish, P -,i,i, Western Union fii'i Wheel .1 L R Sift Wis Cential . ' ... 18'i ll'i 11', 41' 3','i r.i", 2S'f. Total sales, onio slm'cs .vioney, ( pei cent. CHICAGO GRAIN A PRORPCR WRRAT Onen. High Low Close eeceiiiner US'a CORN December 4V OVTS December nci PORK. J.iiiuaiy 15 20 LARD Januaiy Sb7 R1IJS Januaij S 07 Gi Ws bO'i 47"i 31'i 15 30 ST7 sn rU 1'20 M,7 S07 47V M'a 150 S77 bli NRW YORK COTTON. Onen. High. Low. Close. October S70 December 8 SI Januaiy Sol Bcranton Board of Trade Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of 100. STOCKS Bid Asked. Lackawanna Dairy Co . Pr.... go County Sav. Bank &. Ti list Co 300 Plist Nat. Rink (Carbondalo). ... Thhd Uatlonal Bank D30 Dlmo Dop'' Ac DIs Rank 300 Rconomy L, H. &. P. Co Flist National Rank uoo Lack Ti list & Safe Dop Co . 195 Clark .t Snover Co, Pr R5 Scianton Savings Rank EOO Tiadois' National Bank 225 Sciantoa Bolt & Nut Co 125 People's Bank 135 BONDS. Scianton Packing Co Scianton Pas-senget Railway, tlrst mottgage, due 1020 115 People's Stieet Rnllway, flist moitgagc, duo 101$ 115 BOO 40 35 I'copio s Mtteot Hallway, ucn- eial mortgago, duo 1921 Scianton Tiac Co , b pei cent. Rconomy L, R. As P Co N, Jeisov & Pocono Ico Co.... Consolidated Water Supply Co 115 ... 115 ... 97 07 ... 105 Scranton Wholesale Market, (Conectod by H. G. Dale, 27 Lacka, Ave) Floui-$4 40, Ruttei Fresh cieameiy, 24c; fresh dally, 22c, Cheese ll',$al3c. Rsss Neaiby, 22'5c.i weslnn. 21c, Mm low Beans Per bushel. $2 35a2.40. Green Peas Pei bushel, ii 25. OnlonB Per bushel, 90c New Potatoes toe, per bushel. New York Grain and Produce Market New Yoik, Oct. 1 Flour Pali ly active. Wheat Spot llrm: No 2 led, 74',sc elova toi ; No 2 led, 74?tt74?e, f. a. Ii. alloat; No 1 northern Dilluth. Uiu. f. o. b, aollat, Tlieio vvoio pioiiounced bullish de velopments In wheat toda. Tho eloso was llim at alc. net advance, Slav closed 75c,: December, "Hie, Coin Spot llrm; No. 2, bSc. olevatoi 'and Uli. f. o. 1). aollat; No, 2 ellow, bOc ; No. 2 white, C0c; option markiit was active and veiy Stiong today. Coin closed stioug. Peb luiuy closed 49c; May, )7e,; Oetobor, Ole. November, blc,; Decembei, rl?c. Oats Spot linnet; No. 2, lie; standaid white, 35c; white, Joe.; No. 3 white, ilVie,: tiack white, 3lal7c; options actlvo and nigner wiin oinui maucets liuttei Steady; cieameiy, 22'ie,j factor. IbaISc ; cieameiy, common to choice, 17',$a'22c ; imitation cieameiy, IbalOe,: state tlahy, 17a21'4c,; lenovatetl, IblinlOc. Cheese Film, now state, full cit-am. small col otetl fancy, 12e ; small white, 12c: laigu roloied, JUJc ; largo white, RV3c Rggs Steady: aveiago best, 22.i24c: westein candled, 21a23c; refilgorated, 10a21c Chlcarro Grain Market, Chicago, Oct. 1. Higher pilccs ruled on the board of tiade today, with piovis lons especially strong. October poik made an advance timing tho day of 00c over tho opening llgutes, and tho close was 75c higher than jestci day's close, Januaiy poik closed 2c. hlKher, October laid 30c. higher: Januaiy, --Vie. higher and Jan uaiy .libs, 10c. hlgliei. December wheat closed 1'ic hlghei; com was Rc. high er and oats, Kac. higher. Cash quota tions weie us follows: Flour Quiet and dtcady; No. J spiiug wheat. u'aRc. ; No. 2 red. Ii0a70c: No. 2 corn. r0c: No. a ol. dow, 60c; No. 2 oats, 27,ic; No. 3 white, FINANCIAL THIRD NATIONAL BANK OF SCRANTON. Capital, $200,000 fEuaM $600,000 Pays 3 interest on savings accounts whether large or small. Open Saturday evenings from 7.30 to S.30. Spencer Trask & Co. BANKERS 2? & 29 Pine Street, New York Members New York Stock Exchange, BGODY.McLELLAN & CO. BANKERS, No 57 Broadway, New York City. iii:MDi:ns xi:w oitK srocic n.xoii vnoe. STOCKS.BONDS and INVESTAIENTS ORDERS EXECUTED FOR INVESTMENT OR ON MARGIN CASH BAUNCEJCROPTILPAIDi'IcLr 3Bg A Picture In a Frame Is a picture complete. If it's a good picture then give it a good frame. This does not neces sarily mean an expensive frame, but it will be the best for the money if you buy it here. All kinds and styles of frames from a neat simple moulding to beautiful frame made of bark from our South ern forests, and the glass is always clear. Not a single piece of defective glass is allowed in our workshop. If you are interested in frames or pictures, a visit to our shop will repay you. We buy the best and buy it first. GRIFFIN'S ART SHOP 211 Washington Ave. OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE. KIBMCTCilOTBmm lltt Si Lager Manufacturers of J J Jt J J $! tj $ ! 5 i $ J J !$ J $$ 4 $ 2 Z s f f 3 ! $ N.SB... Scranton Pa, OM 'Phone, 333i. New 'I'lione, 2035 31c: No, 2 sp. 41i : No 1 uoitlittOHloiii, tl-i'iM,; mess ihiiK, $11. so.117 W, blunt iIIih, flUMUll; flmuldeis 9 ,'jj'J M, sliuit Lieut bltles, $H.lJiiulU7',.; whiskey, $13.' Chicago live Stock Market. CliltiiBO. Oct 1 Ciittlo Hccolpts, Sl.COO. IncliicliiiK SM ToKiiiiH and i),WO wcbtom, eoml Btcmly; otheia lUinc. lower; koocI to 111 km KteciM, $7 D0a& -W; pool to medium, Il.i7: Btockeis ami lectleiM. JJ i'al i); tovvb. JlW.ilW; canneiH 1 40.1.M0. Ijullb, J.' Joa 173j cahes, WSUTi Texas fed btoeia, $Ja i 23; western stceitf, ITJ.iJT1) Hogs Receipts today, 20,000; tomoiiow, The Interest Keeps Up in Spite of the Rainy Weather Yesterday's attendance at the Millinery Opening was surprisingly large. Today will s'ee a larger gathering at this Fashionable Millinery Center Come and See Scores of Untrimmed Hats In countless shapes.for Miss and older per sons .are dis played on the tables. A Very Noticeable iPw5 Displayed In the handsome show case is called the Rooster Hat. It's a round Turban, made of beaver cloth and red velvet, with a rooster posed artisti cally on me siue. Another Hat That Is a Chrysanthemum stvle is round with a side, long bow and of the first type. A Very Handsome is a Round Beaver Hat, trimmed with a beautiful cream lace scarf, draped about the edge. It has two rows of small tea roses encircling the top. It will not do to forget the many Fashionable Dress Goods and Silk Weaves are receiving many attentions. Quantity and Quality are here. Or the Beautiful Laces that are being displayed at the Lace Counter are jewels from the artists In lace making. Shoe we like to advertise, the kind we like to show, and the kind you can wear if you buy here. BOX CALF. Ladies'... $2.00, $2.50, $3.00 Misses' Children's. .$1.25, $2.50 ,..75c, $1.00 IS, ! i RUDDY 330 Lackawanna Avenue. Ne?:t Door to new First National Bank Building. eKScebO X j c Green Valley Rye, The Velvety Whiskey," Is not a bit better than it should be. It's old enoug-h $1.25 tt quart bottle, nt i Old 'Phono 2162, b214 Lackawanna Ave , 5cr Anton liflOOl left "vol. 7.171'. lO.il'o lown, inlcd mill butolu'iii. $7u7iu. kooiI to iliulio lie.ivs, $7.'iU7"i. iiitiBli licuvv. $iluu7 14, llslit. $7a7 l"; liulK ot s.ili'S, iiiu.ii, 3 Slii'Oli Hitclpli, JH.UOU, hcu), stciul to Hi n ; lambs wvu't; kooiI to iliolio vvctlicm, JJ'.'al; full to clioku mixed, $.'.'3 aJMj imthe lambs, i Uim 'S Buffalo Ltve Stock Market. Kast liuffulo. Oct. 1 Cuttlo-Heielpt'i. 100; iiotlitn.-,' ilolns: tcmlcnci lovvci; voils htitnitr: tops, JSa! .'Jj common to Rood, J3 SO.l7.73. Hubs Iletclpts, 5,100; dull, CalOc. lower; vvs Avy woi'svv St cm Millinery Opening. The Best Markets ot this country linvc been semen oil. The Jesuit a rcco v ct-ore.iKinz tiitiititlty nnd qual ity. Tlio lace trimmed hala are n dellKht and aio svmbols ot tlnlntl- nesi, atti active- ncs? and ccluslv c nebs Hat Is a Favorite I Hat, made from taffeta silk: ) bunch of Heckle PonDons on tassels in back, in all a beauty Hat A Shoe For Service,.. This is one of our new medium priced Shoes that is exception illy well made from matenal that will withstand the hard service which this season of the year forces upon Footwear. This is the kind of a VICI KID OR ENAMEL. Ladies'... .$2.00, $2.50, $3.00 Our Special School Shoe for the Boy sells at ..$1.00 ES& New 'Phone 2974, lioavv $7 33.17 VI; medium, $715a7.W; YoiK. iis, JuiX'u; liKhl ilo , $i70.iiiM, pigs, b in j, l i.u, uiiiijlm. JuiiiilO, stUKs, ?3.ii.V), i;i.iss. ci.-i. i)5u.ti)73, ilaiiUt.. W7"ii7 Slicep and I.umlis Uctelptii. 3.100; t.hecp, ill in; lamliH. .stenih. loc, IiIrIiui ; lop lambs liJVi'lO; mils to good. l3 2i; ji'iulliiKS Slil 30; ewes, IKjj.iI; blicop, top mlid. J73ul; culls to good, 1.73.i3 G3. on city. Oil City, Oct. 1-Uiedll li.il.inccs. 123: rcitllUntcs. no bid; sliipmcuts, bO.Ul bar icH; iivcuiKc 7,.'o.' bauds; urns, 117,830, bauds; avtriMC tJ,04J bauelt. 0 1 MUBPHY ,
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