i i-WJ .i. t h 'ft. I v A r i -i I V " , " ' " "M- 7 " i i' y . - THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1902. it- r 'l fc: te Ik ijt " r - if . TA.' S3 The News of ?i g- AUTUMN NUPTIALS. $; , ( jjfJMls's Xntherine McDonald nnd Thomas Nenry of South Bide, TTnlt- cd nt St. Hose Chinch bjVery e Rev. T. F. Coffey. J .There 'was it pretty ntituinnitl wedding ''nt St. Huso church last evening. Mlos Kiithtrlne McDonald and Hi ,-Nenrj', popular young people o V .li.. ...-. t. i.HH.iliiiilil 111 Mr 'hoiim if Hip pit v. weie the principals 111 the hit- V presslve cereiriuny. The wedding took plate at fi 30 o'clock f nnd was solemnized hy Very Itev. T. F. Coffey, V. 0..ln Hie beautiful chin oh J wiir a huge assemblage of welt-wlshlng , friends. The mil Id was Miss Kllmilietli Mc- JDonnld, sister of the In hie anil Patrick Neary, bi other of the gioom was the best man. ; The bride nnd her maid were most 'becomingly nttlieci In fotihud silk with ..chiffon dccoiatlnns. The formers gown was steel and the maid's was blue. They , wore black plctuio hats. White loses . veto carried by the bilclc and led by the btldcstn.ildi , There wns a tccoplloii, followed by a wedding .upp-r nt the home of the 'bride. .Mr. and Mi. .McDonald, im Powdeilv sit cot. Mi. and Ml. Ncaiy left last night ,.'over the Delawaie and Hudson for Now Voik ilty, where thev will spend P, two WcekF. Aftot October 10, they will be at home on Powderlv stieet, In u '.newly fuinl-hed homo, the girt of an .' unile t f the hi lil. t Mi. Noiiiy enteis upon her wedded "'c.ncer with the slntcie and best w'Mips of the wide elide Of rrlcnds In which f fhe wmm a fiiMitlte. Mr. Neary Is poputinlv known among tli young men of Caibondale nnd en . .1o.s the confldniie of the otllelals of jielnwnie and IIuiNon company under ' whom he werk". Mi. Xeaiy lias nchlev- id (onsldeiiible fame locnlly fur Ills (liihinsr work .is a members of the Carboudale Indians fodl ball eleven. WITH WYOMING SEMINARY That Toot Ball Eleven Will Be In dians' First Opponents Saturday, October 3. The flist opponeii"of the Cnibondale Indians "Out ivt" In font ball will bp the eleven of W.iomins senilnniy. Man.iB:' Russell Jones hat- closed the an.inpeincnts for the name, and on Satuiday, October 3. the loiiR-h.ilred, lithe, active and muscular Indians will po down the alley mil of hope nnd confidence to begin the season arlRht by taking home a victory. M.innKcr Jones who Is nlw.ijs t onset ntlc and disci eetly refrains from deflailnK him self about the pioes of his eleven, thinks it prudent to say that this year the best eleven that has evet lepiesent ed Caibondale Is to be found In the mako-up of the Indians. The one or two ueak hpols which last ear ite vented the iccoid tiom beltiB one of un "broken vletoiles hae been stteiiKthened ,bejond question and the blR elevens who will be pl.ijed will find worthy foes In the Indians. f The TliankbRKIiiR Bame will be nt Hazleton. It would be plaed heie, but it has nlwajs been a losing entitle to brlnp a te.im fmm afar to G'.ubnndale on the holiday. The sports seem to be much taken up with the utti actions in nearby places to attend In such num bers as would win i. in t the expense of visitors. WORK OF THE FLAMES. House of Geoige Cuff, Sr., Destroyed. Mia. Cuff's Narrow Escape The house of OoiRe Cuff, sr., on Hospital Mi eel, wah binned to the Biound about 3 o'clock jestetd.iy morn ing. Mis. Cuff, who Is ciippled had difficulty In Betting- out of the house to safety. An exploded lamp was the cause of the blaze. In a few minutes, the loom was nllie and the Haines weie limiting their way thioush the gulldlng. When the Mitchell's and I'olombla's reached the SLcnc the house was beond having. Foon the fi.uno woik fell and there was nothing but embeis. The heavens vere lighted up with the blaze, giving the impicsslon to those who wete mound, that a dlbastious conflagration was In pioRtcs.8. Mis. Cuff was not injured, but her escape was a nauow one. The loss was total. THE RUTHERFOKD BROTHERS. 5, . Two Well-Known Carbondallana Aie Candidates for 'Varsity Elevens. Carbondale, It appeui.s, will come In for consldeiable ot the gloiy In the foot ball woild this season. Alicady Frank Collins, of tills city, has made good with the I'nlveislty of Peniisylvanhi eleven; then the Caibondale Indians aie eager for a chance nt their adver saries, and now two well-known young SOUK MltiAl). Annoyed the Doctor. T" you get light down to the bottom t ypur htomaeli' tiouble It Is wrong 0(1 nnd the way to concct It Is not by vk but by using the ifglit food. TA pliyMclan in Uiuron, Wis., writes a Instiuctlva'lSttck' on this point.. Ho &ys; "I am a practicing physician, 45 "Seats' bid, nnd about G feet In height, JMidn I began using Oiape-Niits last jfnrln'g I weighed 140 pounds, was thin nnd poor, had a coating- on my tongue )& frequently belched wind or gas and jJHinjl, pieces of undigested bread or po tatoes which were very sour, In short I had ilcld dyspepsia, ,;,"I consulted u bi other phyjlelan who ilvlsed mo to eat about four teaspoon tttls of .Giape-Nu at tho coinmence Ittent Of each meul and drink Postum jfiere'ttl Coffee. 1 had been In the habit 6'i di'lnUliiB coffee for bieakfast und tea for dinner and supper. I followed the advice of my brother physician as to cilet and experienced relief at once. 4f"EYor since that time I have eaten $j-upe-NUts with sweet milk or eieam j(jtch morning- for breakfast and I now .weigh 155 pounds, and am no more tRpubtedwtth sour atomach. I am very .qnd of Postum Food Coffee and' at tribute my, relief as much to that as I & t Grape-Nuts. ."Often when I am called out In the nlghtt6 seo a patient and on my return 'homo' I feel tired and hungry? I eat the iiuul quantity of Grupe-Nuts before Bblng to bed "and then sleep soundly nl Right." Name glven-.'b'y Postum Co., gattle Creek, Mich. Caibondale, C'nrbnndnllans nic catldldfttcs for pobI tlons on 'varsity elevens. Albert G. Illlthcrford nnd. his brother, T. A. ntlllierfoul, iuo the' two candi dates, Both nrc sons of James Utithcr foul, propilctor of the Globe store. Al bert Is a Candldntc for u plnce on the same eleven ns Fiank Collins, the TTtit veislty of Pennsylvania, the law school of which he entcied hist September. He pin, oil at one time with the Carbondale Indians nnd had the distinction of being the best posted man on the team. He bus u great love Tor outdoor sports, paitlcularly foot bull. Several weeks ago bo went In the Patterson lumber camp and by hind outdoor woik placed himself In excellent condition pliyslc' ally, Inci casing his weight by twenty pounds or moic. All the conditions to his acceptance aie' favoiable, and his ft lends heie would be elated, and not a lilt sutpilsed, If his efforts be f ill tf lit. T. A. Hutlieifoid Is attending Prince ton, and Is trying to make a place on that eleven. Like his In other, he Is well quallMcd for such an honor among the college men, and It would be doubly pleasing to Carhondallans to learn that he, too, was successful. A NIGHT OF BELLS. Pilzed Souvenirs Offered to PubHcby Methodist Congregation. The Methodist congiegntlon Inst night foimnlly lutiodticed the mlnlatuic bells made fiom the hlstoilc bell of' that chinch, which will undoubtedly bo iniiili sought after as souvenlis by Caibondallnns, who always take a deep Intel est In an, thing that Is .so closely Identified with the city's hlstoiy. At a souvenir social and entertain ment, in which eveiythlng. songs, In stiumental music and lecitntions, bad something- to say of bells, Iev. A. F. Chaffee, the pastor, lutioduted the mill h anticipated souvenir bells. The musical progiamme, which came flist, was" as pi Intcd In yestei day's Tribune. The bells aie made into .small call bells and aie quite fetching in appear ance. They have a small stilkei, and give foitli a sweetly musical tone. Itev. Mi. Chaffee, In the couise of his ad dicss on bells, gave a history of the old bell, telling of how It called together the (list Wyoming confetence, tolled faiewell to dcpniting soldleis duiing the Civil war, and tolled again for their bin I, il: abo that it tolled the houis for the 111 st town clock. The bells weie then offeicd for sale at one dollar each, which is regaided as nominal, when the sentimental Impoit nme attached to them Is considered. Tltcic weie (00 bells ordeicd, and It seems that theie will be no tiouble in dibposing of them. HARRY WILLIAMS WORSE. Poor Director Has a Change and Is Very Low. To the numerous friends who took hope anew a few dajs ago, It will be soiely depressing news to hear that Poor Dhector Ilany T. Williams has taken a bad change, and that his life hangs by a tin end. Monday, Mr. Williams' condition gave some signs of a tally, but late Tuesday night he had another change and feince then has steadily gtown weaker. The tenlble feer that has racked his fiame has feai fully tfepleted him and he now onlv has a fightng chance to get well. As in all tphold cases, wheie the fever lages lot any length of time, theie Is hope while theie Is even the least vitnl Itv left. This Is now all that Is leH. In Mr. Williams, the hope that he will tally. GREAT GAME TOMORROW. The Simon Long Team to Be Here Today. Hy fai one of the best games of the season will be tomoirow afternoon, when the celebiated Simon Long team of Wilkes-B.ure will come up the val ley to Duffy's field to go up against "Our Pets." Intel est runs high In the contest and perhaps the biggest ciowd of the season will be on hand to enjoy the exhibition. The llue-up of the descents will like ly be the same as on Tuesday of this week. Kellehet will be In the box for Caibondale and I.alnl. who Is a tine twliler will be the Simon Long slot uitlst. HI1TT TO POOR BOARD. A Tax Payer Makes Suggestion About Election qf Tax Collector. A Caibondale tax pajer who keeps himself well posted on the laws govein Inf this city handed the following to The Tilbune Inst night, apropos ot the failure of the poor board to elect a tax collector by leason of the ubsence of a quotum: "As It appeals to be impossible for the poor boaid to get a quorum to gether to elect u collector of taxes, they may save themselves tho tiouble by looking at tin act, passed by the last leglslatuie, which piovides for the col lection of school and poor taxes by the city tteasuier, dated June 20, 1901." Edward De Lnney's Candidacy, lldwiml De I.auej, biother of I'nif, John De Laney, of this city, suporilMng pilnclpal ol the Fell township schools, Is the Hepulillcati candidate for i'lotbnno tary of Wajnu county. Mr, Do Laney is wlclelv known In Carbondale, where bn hpends a good deal of bis time. Portraits advcrtlblng his candidacy are being dis tributed, u few of which aie in this city, Attending Fairs, Common Count ilinaii Abo L K.ilun and Landlnid Samuel Williams, of Hotel Ainerlciin, left esteiday for thu big fair at Alleiitown. They left In time to wit ness the nut of Ciesceus, tho king of tl ot ters, who will go an exhibition mllu at this fair. Walter Benny spent esteiday at the Wujno county fair at. Honesdale, Attended Patty In West Scranton. Misses Gonevlevo Kelly, Mollis Nolan, Katheilno .Mm lay, Messis. James fa li nen, Fiauk Wynn, Geoigu JJvans, of this city, and IM Giles, of Jetnijii. attended a party In West Scianton Monday uven Ins. t A BUthday Party. Miss Muy I.efCi, of Grqve btieet, en tertained u number of her litttle ft lends In honor of her ninth blitliday Tuexduy afternoon. The following were those vv.'io enjoj'ed Miss Lover's hospitality; l.eona Morgan, Laura lit Ink. Jauo lirlnk, Huslo Stephens, Gertrude Dlx, Cm ho Leslier, Itulti Hedden, Susan Leslier, Lola Mil ler, Anna Leslier, Doris RowUon, Pearl Kilsbee, Anna Lester, Tryphemi Lilly, Lola Bennett, Lillluu' Matthews, Mat lau HOW I YOUHIVR? USB Por nilloui and Nervous DIorder, tmch WlniltndPlnlnth8tomieh,6IAHMdMJi;, Olddlne., FiVlneM mJ Swelling Iter mel. Dllne and DrowslneM. Cold Chlllj, H uihlnirV of Heat. Lou ol Appetite, Shortnef oi Dreth. Coitl yene, Blotchei on th Skin, D Itu bt"s m" PrlghtlurDreami, and all Nervouf and Tr.mblln Seniatlon. e. ITJj rwn mill HmllH ft Twmnty Minulam. Thfi If no fiction. Every ;uH??er fffrnMtlylnvaedte "uy Sne flMoTfh-Si'Pllirind th.y, will be aeknowJedd to be "WORTMA UINBA A BOX." BEEOHAM'a PILLS, takan aa directed, will quickly reitoro Fernle to compute heiltH.Theyipromptly reinova any obitructlon or Irregularity ot the ayitem, For Weak Stomach; Impaired Dlgnlfon; DIsorderad Liver they act like ntaclc-a few doses will work wonders upon the Vital Organs : Strengthen ing thentuseitlar system; restoring tho long-lost Coinplcxlon s bringing bjejtha i keen edge of appetite, and arousing with tho Itoaabud mfHmmllh thm whplmPHymlaal iil?ll. !;i .... ..... l..ra. tikga am "fnct." admitted btf thousands. In BUClaslcs ciMrvr vit Of SOC and ono of tho best nuarantees Kma MfSI-i Prepared only by THOMAS BEECHAM, St. iclety. and ono of tho best nuarantees to mo nervous ana ueomiKta is cham'm Plllm hmvmlhm tmrfst Malm ot mny Pmimnt Matllclnm In thm la, "uTl directions with each box. ' Sold Everywhere, In Boxo8,J0oontm rnnd 2B cents. Matthews, Gerlritdo Glennon, Charlottle Glcnnon and Ilosalla Vnushey, THE NEWS IN BRIEF. John May, of Sand street, had one foot painfully lnlured while at work on Mon day. John SlntRemis, of Hlnhland Park, was rim down by a heavy wagon on up per Wnvno stteet Tuesday. Tho vehicle passed over ono let?, but no bones wet: btnken. l'attlck rtvan, of Scranton, has seemed a position hi mnchlnlst at the Hendrlck Manufacturing compnnv's works. Lucretln lodge. Daughters of Itebcknli, held n meeting Tuesday night, to arrange for the trl-county convention, which will b? held In this city on October II. The dlffeient lodges In Wane, Lackawanna and LUi'crno counties will be represented. Common Councilman nnd Mrs. Robert Whitfield have ns guests nt their home on the corner of South Main street and Seventh avenue, Mrs Wnlter Williams and Miss Flom Williams, of Newark, N, J., and Charles Cramer, of Scranton. Tuesday nflertioon they gave a dinner In honor of their guests, which was a de lightful event. Invitations have been received In this ellv from Mr. and Mrs. William King Lavertv. of Scianton, to tho marriage of their daughter. Kathrn Dot ranee, to William Vail Johnson, which will occur on Tuesdav evening. Oct. 1-1, at 8 o'clock, at the first Presbvletlan church, In that ill.v. The bride Is known to many In this city, of which Mrs. Lav city was a promi nent lestdent a number of years ago. The nuptials of Fredeilck Brunner and Mls-t nisie Mnnuton, two populnr young people ol Ibis city, were celebrated es teid.iv at the home of the Initio's parents nt Aldenvllle. A number of Carbondale l datives and ft lends of the contractlni? parties attended. THE PASSING THRONG. 11 C. Gueiln and John Booth drovo to Dalton estetd.iy. Miss nmma Kahl Is vldtlng ft lends at Gieen Ridge for a few das. MKs Maggie M.nsh, of Jeimyn, was a Caibondale visitor jesterdny. J. W. Pelllo, of Scranton. made a busi ness ti ip to Caibondale jesteiday. Mr. and Mis Hdwaid Mason, of Jet mvn. -lslted fi lends in town Tuesday evening. John Williams and Claude Olivet spent .esteiday at the Wajnc county fair at Honesdale Misses Goldle and Fern Sherman, of Blnghninton. aie Kiting Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Rounds at their home In Reyn Hlianbuist. CJinnt Pelton, of Seionton. sceietai of the Lackawanna Valley Light and Power Supply company, made a business ttip to Caibondale vestciilay. Mls Kliznbcth Motgnn, of New Strats vllle, Ohio, Is spending a few weeki at the homo ot Mr. and Mts. IV. R. Jones, on River street. Mis. Jones Is one ot the several relatives shy is visiting In the Hast. Post master John If. Thomas returned Tuesilnv night from his Western trip After spending tluee weeks at Hot Springs. Arkansas, he lctuined -via New Oilcans and Memphis, spending a few das in each city. The ttip was highly beneficial to his health nnd very Interest ing. m OLYPHANT. A huge gntbeilug ot ft lends of Miss Mnij Ruddy attended her funeial which was held esteulav mottling tiom the family home on Dunmoro stieet. The body ieted In a beautiful white casket. At thu bead weie scvei.il handsomo floral offeilngs. At la o'clock the lemalns weiu taken to St. Put lick's chinch, wheie a lecpitem high ma"s was celebiated by Rev. John J. O'Donnell, who also Pleached ap appiopilato funeral seimou. At the close of the set vices tho cortege wended Its way to St. Patrick's eemoteiy wheie Intel ment was made. The pall heaters weie: William Coleman, Joseph Best, Mai tin Rcddlngton, James MiGinty, James Hobnn and IMwaid McGlnty. Thu Angel's sodality attended the obsequies in a body, it was a company amliulanco and not t'ndei laker J. AV. Sweehev's ambulance that conveyed the I.undon bintheis, who were lujuied on Monda, to thu Lacka wanna hospital. The Olvmpla oichestin held tho second of a seiles of wecklv socials in Mnhon's hall last nvenlng. '1 ho music by tho or chestia was excellent Theie was a laigo attondnnce of young people. D, P. Olbbous, of Scianton, was n vis Itor In town Tuesduy. .Mis. M. J. lluike, of Pnik place, vis ited lelatlvos heio jesteiday. Miss Mamie Ridden, of Dunmoro street, has i etui nod homo after a visit with tela tlves at Aichbald. Jllss Jennie Voylo i etui ued yestei day fiom a visit with Wllkes-Harre friends, jess r p. Tho funeral of the Into Thomas Wilght took plaio fiom his lato homo Tuesday mniuliig at 10 o'clock. A solemn high mass of loriulcm wus celebiated In M. James' church, of which tho deceased wns a veiy devout member, .Mr. Wilght was one of tho most piomlnent young men of this town. He was also a leading member of tho William O'Haia council. Young Men's institute. Thousands of people gnthcied at his Into home In tho morning to pay their last icspects to tho deceased. Tho Young Men's institute comprising about seventy-live membeis led the piocesslou, lnleunent was made lu tho Olyphant Cathollo cemetery. Messis. James Gllioy and James Der mndy will e.ivo for lluffuln this even ing, whcio they Imvo seemed employ ment, Illiudieds of people fiom this and sur rounding towns congiegate nt the Debt- No Substitute Offered. Say what you will about diugglsts offerhiK something "Just ns good" be cause It pays better piollt, the fact ntlll stands that nlnety-nlno out of a bundled druggists iccoinmend Chamber luln's Colic, Cholera und Dlairhoea Remedy when tho best retnedy for diar rhoea Is asked for, and do so because they Know It Is the one remedy that can nlwaycbe depended upon, even In the most severe and dangerous cases. It is for sale by all druggists. to llto Nervous and Debilitated Is that Helens, Em.,and J6I Canal St., New York. ware and Hudson wnshery to witness the encampment of tho Thirteenth regiment. TAYLOR. Theie will be n mcetlns In the Interest of the Young Men's Christian association Sunday evening in the Calvaiy Baptist church at ".10. L. r. Bovver, of Scranton, and Rev. H. L Santce, of Taylor, will speak. All aro coidhilly Invited to at tend. The niimtnl convention of the Women's Christian Temperance union of Lacka wanna countv will be held today nt tho Tnylor Methodist Episcopal church. Tlnee sessions, commencing at 9 SO a. m., nfternoon at 1.30 o'clock, evening session at 7.30 o'clock. Tho speaker of the even Inn will bo Mrs. A. M. Holvcy, of West Plttston. L. P. Bower, a piomincnt member of the Scranton Young Men's Christian as sociation, will bo the speaker at the rally of the local association to be held at tho Calvary Baptist chinch on Sunday even ing. An additional programme of musical selections 1ms been arranged for the oc casion by tho committee In chatge. Tho meeting will commence nt G p. m. Both oung nnd old aie cordially welcomo to attend. Mr. and Mis. W. J. Howells and Mis. John Bashnm have lcturned home fiom a week's visit to Ocean Grove and At lantic City. Mis. M. C. Lynch, of Philadelphia, and Mrs. J. P. Doyle, of Start uccn.have le tuined to their respective homes af ter spending n few weeks with their mother, Mrs. W, J. Bums, of Grove stieet. M. J. Osboine, of Avoen, was a caller on f i lends in town yestei da v. Masteis Thomas McDonnld nnd Francis Cummlngs are home from tho Colldgo of Biotheihood, Baltimore The scholnts,of No. 2 school struck yea tetday, claiming that the father of one of the teacheis cmplnvcd In tho building Is a non-union woiknmn. HONESDALE. Special to the Scranton Trlhune. Honesdale. Sept. 24. Mr. Henry 55. Rus sell nnd on, Jienas If,, have returned from a pleasant tour, which Included New York, Philadelphia' and Atlnntlc City. The wntcr has been lowered In Park lake, for the Honesdale Gas company to lay tl.elr gas main under the bed of the rivei. It formerlv crossed the river un der Main street bridge, but was carried away with the flood last February. Second Lleutennnt Walter Wbltnev, who Is emplojed by the Durland-Thomp-son Shoe company on territory In New Yolk state, came home todnv and went dhectly to Olyphant, to take his place In Companv K Captain William II. Swift of the Thirteenth regiment, left with the members of Company 11 on tho special train for Olyphnnt Tuesday moinlng. Neurly nil of the members of Company E who could not be reached In time for tho special traini have gono to camp. The Alumni asoclatlon presented the Honesdale High school today with a llbraiy, in memorial of Miss Clara T. Siitlnn. Today was tho anniversary of her birth. The e.erclses were held In the High school room and the presentation was made by R. Milton Salmon. On Wednesday. Thursday and Friday the setflons of the Honesdnlc schools are fiom 8 to 12 a. m. The scholars are thus given an opoprtunlty to attend the fair lu the nfternoon. Tuesday evening, Sept. SO, the Ifones daie district Epvvorth League will con vene In the HoncMlnle Methodist church nnd contiruo their sessions until Wednes day evening. TUNKHANXOCK. Special to tho Scranton Tribune. Titnkhnnnnck, Sept. 23 Howard Buck left on Tuesday afternoon for Alleiitown, where he will spend the week In attend ing the big fair, which Is being held thet e. Woik hns been commenced on tho new railroad bridge across the mouth ot tho Timkhannock creek, Mr. and Mrs. .Moses Shields, Jr., of Nicholson, were visitors In town on Tues day. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Jordan expect to le.ivo lu xt week for New Mexico, wheie they will sojourn during tho winter. In hopes of benefitting the former's chnlth. The wooden wagon bildge across the fjiisipicliuuna river at tbls place Is a thing of the past, the last span being blown up by means ot dynamite on Tuesday nfter noon at about 5 o'clock, In the picsence of a large crowd of spectators, Tho con tiact loi building the now structure, which Is to tuko Its place, will bo let at Hattlshurg this week, Assistant Paymaster Robeit Little, of the 1'nlted States navy, Is hero to at tend thp funeral of his father, tho Into Claienco Little, Addison L. Mnwry, of Meshnppen, vvna doing bUBlness In (own on Tuesday, The funeial of the lute Clarence A, Llttlo will take place on Thursday af ternoon ai 2.30 o'clock, at his late resi dence en Wyoming stieet. Tho services will bo lu charge of tho Knights Temp-lij-s. The Woinlng County Bar associa tion will attend the funeral In u body. D., L. & W, BOARD FOR TODAT, The following Js the malte-up of the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western board for today: WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 21 Extras East 10 p. m., Mosler, Pushers 10 p, m., Lamping. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 25. Extras East 3 30 u, m., J, Geuty; 11 a. in., Dohcity; 1.30 p. nt., Wallace; 1.15 p, m,. Golden; 6 34 p. m.. Baxter, Summits 8 a, m., Frnuufulker, I'usheift 7 o,. m, Wldnoi: S a, m., Ilouxei ; u a, m, Murray; 11.45 a. m, C. Baitholomew; 1 p. m, Case; 130 p, in., Lattlmcr; 7.30 p. in., Muipby; 9 p. m , W, 11. Baitholomew', Helpeib 130 a. m., Mngoveui; 7 a, in, Gaffney; 10 a. m, Becor; 3.15 p. m., Stan ton. CARNEGIE VISITSTHE KING. II) Kxilushe Mire fium 'Hie .W.-odate-J Press. Loudon, Sept. 21. Andiew Carnegie has gone to Halnioiul to visit King Ed waid. Loid Itosebery and W'nston gpencer Churchill ute at Dalmoial Connolly & Wallace Scranton's Shopping: Center Our "ads" are the best fash ion news published. It tells, First the news of new Roods and Where to Get Them. For Hen as Well as Women. Autumn Clothes For the House Blankets, Quilts, Sheets, Pillow Cases. Warm Bed Clothing sells itself these days. No better combination of qualities and prices has yet been offered. Silkollno Comforts White cot- ton filling 95C So great worth that we can hardly keep enough in stock to supply the demand. They are six feet square. Blankets, $4.75 a Pair And absolutely pure wool, 5 pounds, 1 1-4 size good warmth and good wear. : : Women's Flannelette Night Gowns Good things to have on cold nights or on cold trips start at 50c. For 85c there are Night Gowns of Whitt? Flannelette, made with a yoke and fastened with pearl buttons. $1.00 Striped Flannelette, pink-and-white or blue-and-white, with collar and cuffs scalloped and crolcheted. The New Fall Jackets Are here in quite a variety. Box Coats seem to lead, though medium length coats with a very full back and double-breasted front -the Monte Carlo Style arc much liked. Fly front double breasted Jackets with tight-fitting backs and some three-quarter length coats, of oourse, are here, too. The materials are Chevfot, Broadeloth, and some Covert in lighter shades. The New Fall Walking Skirts-$5.00, $7.50, $10.00 Too many styles to describe. The new feature is side pleats with a little fan effect at. the bottom. This style has practically taken the place of the cut flounce. The materials are particu larly pretty this year, rough effects being most worn. Cheviot, Melton, Broadcloth, English Nov elty Tweeds and Scotch Plaid are among those you can see at a glance this morning. CONNOLLY ANNOUNCEMENTS OF THE RAILROADS LEHIGH VALLEY BAILROAD. Special Beduced Rates to San Tian cisco and Los Angeles, Cal., and Return, Account National Whole sale Druggists' Association Meet ing at Monterey, Cal., Oct. 7-11. The Lehigh Valley railroad will soil special tickets at $99.70 good boIiib September 2Sth, 29th and 30th, good for letutn passage to November 15th, on all trains except the Black Diamond Express. Consult Lehigh Valley ticket agents fop further particulars. ALLENTOWN FAIR. Special Low Rate Via the Lehigh Valley Railroad. Tickets iil be sold September 23, 24, 25 and 26, limited for return passage to September 27 Inclusive, good on all tialns except the Black Diamond Ex piess. Rate from Scianton, $4.10. SPECIAL ONU-DAY ItATCS Thursday, September 25. Round tilp i ate from Scranton, $.'.00; childion, $1.50. Leave Scianton ut 6.38 a. ni te tutning leave Alleiitown at 8 p. in. Seo Delawaie und Hudson and Lehlsh Val ley ticket ugents for fuithcr Informa tion. 36th Annual Encampment G. A. R., Washington, D. C, Oct. 6-11. For the above occasion ticket agents of the Lackawanna railtoad will sell special lound tilp tickets to Washing ton at one way fate for tho round trip: fate fiom Scranton, $7,75. Tickets will be on sale and good going October 4 to 7 Inclusive, 'and for return until Oc tober 14. A further extension of limit leaving Washington up to and Includ ing; November .1 may be secuted by de posit ot tickets with joint agent and upon payment of CO cents. Stop overs will be allowed at Baltimore, Phila delphia and one other point en lotite, but not to exceed final limit, For fur ther particulars as to stop over nnd bldo tilps npply to local ticket agent Lackawanna railtoad. Delaware, Lackawanna and West ern Railroad Company National Wholesale Diuggis'ts, Monterey, Cal., Oct. 7-11, 1002. For the above occasion ticket agents of the Lackawanna utilioad will sell special lound ttip tickets to either Los Angeles or San Fianclbco, Cal, The round tilp faio fiom Scianton will bo $99.70. Tickets will be on bale and good going September 28, 29 and 30, lie turn ing, passenger must leach the oilglnal stat ting point not later than No ember 15, lOOi. For full Infoi matlon as to stop overs and vuiiable i antes apply to your local ticket agent, . Washington, D. 0., Excursion. On account of the thirty-sixth Na tional encampment, O. A. It., to be held at Washington, D. C October 6 to il, Lieut. Uzia S. Hi Win post, No, 139, have ariuugetl for u special thioush O. A. It. tialn via New Jersey Central railroad, leaving Scianton, Monday, October 6, at S.00 a, in., and making all stops to Ashley, Inclusive. Tho rate will be one faie for the lound tilp fiom all stations. Tickets good to i etui n on the special tialu or on any legul.u ttaln to October 14. If tin extension of ictuiu limit Is de bited piibsengeis must deposit their tickets at Joint ugent's ofllce, No. 1218 F street, N. W., Washington, D. C, between October 7 and 14, and a feo ot fifty cents paid, when the return limit pf ticket will be extended until November 3. Stop-over will be allow Of course we make money, or we couldn't sell our goods so low. It's the unsuccessful store that has to make its prices high. Martc-Up Muslins More different kinds than there are fingers on your two hands but this store believes in only the standard, muslins that have stood the test for years. And the prices are as low as the prices for such fine stuffs can be. Best standard grade, Pillow Cases '42x36 inches 13c 45x36 inches 14c 50x36 inches 15c 54x36 inches - 16c Sheets 63x90 inches 45 63x99 inches 50c 72x90 inches 50c 72x99 inches 55c 81x90 inches 55c S 1 X99 inches 60c 90x90 inches 60c 90x99 inches 65c & WALLACE ed on the Philadelphia and Reading railway and the Baltlmote and Ohio railroad. As tho New Jeisey Central has been designated ns the "Ofllcial Route," all comrades and their friends ure re quested to join Lieut. Ezra S. Griffln post on their special tialn, which will airlve at Washington at 4 30 p. in. Please notify tho seci et.tt y of your intentions it later than September 29, so that ample accommodations will be provided. For any additional Information call on any N. J. C. ticket agent, or address 11. W. Peaice, secretary, GIS0' Maiket street, Scianton, Pa. "Foliage" Excursion. Sunday. Oatober 5, Is the date selected by the New York, Ontario and Western Itnllway company to conduct Its annual "foliage" excursion fiom stations on its Scranton division, Scranton to Forest City, Inclusive, to Hancock, N. Y. Upon that date they will make a tound tilp late of $1, thus enabling the public to take advantage of a delightful journey through tho hills of Wayne county nt a time of tho year when the foliage will bo at Its best and tho scenery en route sin passingly beautiful. Tickets will al.so be 'sold on tho above date at same uite to Poyntelle, WInwood and Pieston Pai k. For further Information consult ticket agents or J. E. Welsh, T. P. A., Scran ton. Lackawanna Railroad Niagara Falls Excursion, Sept. 25, and Oct. 25. Special exclusion tickets will be sold for all trains going on tho above dates, good for lotiirn within live (5) days from and including date of sale. Fate for thu i omul tilp, $5.00 for tjdiilts and $J.50 for child! en between the ages of llvo (5) and twelve (12) jeais." Special Low Fares to Chicago, 111., and Return via the Lehigh Valley Raihoad October 5, 6 and 7. On account of the national encamp ment, Union VctPinn Legion, to bo held in Chicago, ill,, October 8-11, tho Lehigh Valley Ilullroad will sell spe cial tickets, good going October 5th, Gth mid 7th, nt $18,00 for the lound trlii, limited for lettiin passage to Oc tober liith, good on all tialns except tho Black Diamond i:piess, Consult ticket agents lor fuithcr infoi matlon. $7.75 to Washington, D, C, and Ro turn via the Lehigh Valley Rall load October 4, 5, 0 and 7. , On account of tho Qiaud Army Na tional Ihicampmcnt to bo held lu Washington, D. i, October fi-il, tho Lehigh Valley Itallioad will sell bpe clal tickets at $7,75 for tho lound tilp, good going October 4th, fith, Gth and 7th, limited for letuin passage to Oc tober 14lh, good on all tialns except tho Black Diamond I3hcs.h. An ex tension of loturn limit fiom Washing ton, to November Sid, may be obtain ed by deposit of ticket with joint ngpnt jit Wiibhlngtoii, between Octo ber 7th and 14th, and payment or fto of 50 cents. Special tlcketb will nlo bo sold going via llarilsburg and Clot tysbutff, ictumlns via Philadelphia at late of $S.S3. Call on Delawaie and Hudson or Lehigh Valley ticket agents for fuithcr infoi iiuulou, National Encampment Union Veter an Legion, Chicago, III., Octo ber 8-11, For the ubovo occasion ticket agents of tho Jackuwanna rallioad will sell special lound tilp tickets to Chicago at i ito of one-way faie for the lound trip plus $1.00. Tickets will bo on salo and good going October 5, 6 and 7, with leturn limit to Oct. 16th ' 123-125-12M29 Washington Ave JERMYM--MAYFIELD. A conplo ot Russians and a elanclnr bear had quite a set Ions time In Jcimn jesterday. About 1130'o'clock tho bear was pei Teaming upon tho Main hticct In tho vicinity of thev Windsor hotel. Tho clilltlion fiom tho public school weie on their way homo and, of couise, could not icslst the temptation to stop and wit K c MILLING CO.- (mSI ness thu peifotm.ince, consequently J. ;' good sued ciowti soon gatiRicct. joiiu , Otto, an Aichbald teamster, ramo along with a wagon and team of mules and tlio aiillis of thu bear caused them to bo como so icstivo that tho dilvcr was un oblo to couttol them and they dashed Into a mill: wagon which was damaged to tho amount of $H. To clear hlms&Tf fiom tho liability of tho damages Otlo h.id a win wml sworn out for tho nirest of the two Itusslans, Luzon Clocait nnd Peter Heneet, who, nccompanled by tho bear, wcio taken In vitiligo by Chief of Police McGluley and given a heating bo loio Squlia Kelfer, who In default of their p.oliiB tho elamago ilouo nnd costs committed them to tho county Jail. Tlu chief and tho tilo stalled upon their jour ne, but at tho depot tho chief was put'ln a dilemma by tho dlscoveiy that tho rail load would not cany tho bear. Ho theic foto took both men and bear link to tho boiough Jail whcio tho two men ,oceij. v pled ono cell and tho bear tho adjoining cell. As tho men pet hist that they havo not HiifllcltuJ money to. pay tho fluo It 1j thought they will bo ideated. This Is tho Hist tlmo a bear has been locked up In JeiniNli, .Mr. and Mis. T H, Gilflllhs. of No)th Main stieet, attended tho Oilflltlis-Spon-cer nuptials nt Hciuiitun on Tuesday, A plenmuil family immlon wns held at tho homo of Jlis. Illicit .N'icIioIkoii, of South Main stieet, Cbteiduy In cotu memotutloii of her slty-thltd blitliday. Those present weio Mr and Mrs. John V Nicholson, Mr, and Mis. V C. Nich olson, Mr. and Mis. James G. Nicholson, of Scianton; Mr. and Mis. IMwnid Nich olson, of BliiRli.imtou; Ml. and Mis. Hlllui Nicholson, of Dunduff; Geoigo Nicholson, of Scianton, and sovoial giiindehildicu. Mis Nicholson is ono of tho olelcbt ae well as ono of the most icspccted ies. dents of Jcunn and her many fi lends will join hi i sl- sons In tho earnest wish tluit sho tuny llvo to boo many similar and happy icunlons. Mis. J, l) Stockcr, daughter, Helen, and Mlbs Matgitict Thomas left jesteiday foi Statcsvllle, N C Mis. Blocker's for iner home, wheio they will spend bopio tlmo. At a special meeting of tho school bon id Tuesday evening the question of pioi'uilug toiil for the schools was left in the hands of tho supply committee . Thoy Fay the User. If you wish a hulf-tono or lino cut. Jet the Scianton Tiibuue make It for you. uur equipiui-iu i"i wns vvoi'K IS complete und up-to-dute. We have facilities for doing tho llnest sort of woik at lowest pi Ices and what's more, we do It. A Ulal older will convince jou V .r i ? t'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers