;r"" w tj jm. $$zm iJ(f?iN w?- 'W$ j-r-i''! w y Wt I -i . . 0 d ' - ,VA Vl I k y 7 ii THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 24, 1902. vl i' .t- OPENING OP THE BIG FAIR NEAELY TEN THOUSAND PER SONS AT ALIiENTOWN. Now Rule of the National Trotting ' Association Was Put Into Effect Concerning the Manner of Con ducting Races Shows of All Kinds on the around for All Kinds of People Between tho Heats of tho Races a Vaudevlllo Show Was Given Summary of Events. From n Bluff Coiiospondcnt Altcntiiun, Pn., Sept. 2.1. Tho flfty flrst nnnunl fair of the Lehigh County AKrlcilltuiul association begun 111 thin city today and will continue tomorrow, Thuisduy and Friday. Those who have visited tho "Great Al Irntown Fair" know that It Is excelled by no other fair In tho Htate of Penn sylvania, and those Serantonlnns who linvo never been on Its grounds, nut are Interested In such pleasures have n licnt in store for them when they bo there. Thuisday will unquestionably tie tho "big day" of the fair, when Cieseetis, the king of the trotting vvoild, will undertake to make a new world's retold for a half-mile truck, '2.02',J be ing the present one, hold by him, for a jwrso of $3,000. There weio tin ee races this afternoon and they wcic disposed of In onc-two-thiee order. There were no entiles In either of these races fiom Noi tho.istern Pennsylvania. Tho starter was Frank Smith, of Iluffnlo, whose stentorian tones many Scruntonlans have heard nt Blonmsbuig, where he Is usually tho starter. A now rule of tho National Trotting association was put In effect hcie for the (Irst time this afternoon, and it proved to be a wise pi o vision. Instead of finishing' one l.iee before starting the third one, a heat was trotted In each race on the piogrnmme befoie the sec ond heat In tho flist race was called. In that way, every horse got a good breathing spell, the spectators were not kept waiting, and the three races wore disposed of to two and three-quarter hours. FAIR GROUNDS LARGE. ' The fair grounds are very nmple and the crowd of 8,000 to 10,000 persons on it today had lots of room. There are all Forts of legitimate games, shows and pastimes open In the hundreds of tents and "shacks" that form the "midway." Even if a stranger did nothing but look nt the contents of all these much- touted amusements he would pass tho three days of the fair in making many new discoveries. On entering the grounds and passing down the (list low of canvas streets, the first building in sight is Horticul tural Hall, a substantl.il frame struc ture, about 100x30, and filled with choice blooming llowers. palms, ferns and ec centric fauna. Next in line Is Machin ery Hall, wheie displays of flour, pre pared cereals nnd farm machlneiy aie arranged tastefully. The main exhibition building is be hind Machlneiy Hall, and tho exhibits In It are bewildering In their profusion. Thousands upon thousands of pieces of nrt needlewotk fill two sides of a cen ter nlsle, pinned so close and over lapping each other so freely that the fullest effect of the lieh display can not he seen. To the light another aisle I". adoined with hundieds of sofa tush Inns of eveiy conceivable design, and on other aisles are sew lug machines, clothing, millinery, china, paintings, shoes and anything that can be Imagin ed. A number of the local merchants have stalls of their goods In this build ing. DRIED FRUITS In Agilculttual hall, the next In line, one entlie side of a building IOOnSO is taken up with diled fruits in jais, on stilngs and In tin and poicelaln ves fcIs. On tho other side as much spate is given to preserved and canned fiults nnd Jellies, while In the center the n.it nal fiult is displayed In all Its tempt ing fiagtance and lusclousness In Wings to tho light and left aie field pioducts, vegetables, eeienls, grains nnd heibs. Gigantic squashes nnd pumpkins largo ns bairels fill the posts of honor near the doois. There are two buildings devoted to poultry, each with thousands of feath ered Inmates, In the flist aie fancy strains of pigeons nnd chickens; In tho second, ducks, guinea hens, rabbits, Belgian haies, geese, turkejs and pen cocks hold court. Seven cattle sheds aie given up to sheep, swine and rattle. One exhibitor has seventy-four head of Jeisey cattle on show. Another has the largest steer piohably that was ever seen by any one In this generation. More than 200 stalls are occupied by animals belonging to the hoise family, rvery one of which Is enteied for a premium In his or her class. This does not Include tho race hoises, of whom theie are 14S enteied for the fouiteen races on the caid for the four days. vaudeville show. Metwpen tho heats this afternoon theie were special utti actions given on n talsed platform In finnt of the grand stand by n vaudeville tioupe. The famous Armstrongs gave comedy t licit bicycle riding and a ilde inside tho ryele whli 1, consisting of picket fenco tilted at an angle of 45 degiees, tho riders going mound on the Inside like a mat hie In a uipldly (willing bowl. There was a mlniatuio vaudeville cir cus, with a clown, two ponies and two dogs; the Mllfords, Kthloplun comedi ans and dancpis; the four Lukens, n wondeiful quintette of aciobats; Cus selle, tho hlgh-wiie walker, and Lllile 'Adair, a very good serpentine dancer. At 4 o'clock a negro neiomiut made a Very successful ascent In a huge b.il loon, going up about 500 feet and diop. ping Inside tho rncccouise with a p.nu chute. The first rote was called at 1.15 o'clock, The entlie tluee t.icesi weie easy for the wlnneis, who seemed to come In as they pleased. Although each Of the three toiluy weie stheduled for Blow pciformeis, tho tlmo made wus never above 2 30. Summary; FIRST race. i-V) class, tiottlng; pumc, HOO. Maud C, by St. Jonathan (Covlllo) 1 1 1 Almuln, li. m. (Mel'ail.tiMl, .;,.,,.. 3 J Hello K b. in. (Illnkle) 3 3 3 Hilly Payne, b. g. iMomu) .,,..,., i ills. Time, 2 27i, 2.29tf , :'.2o!l. SECOND HACK. 3 00 cliu3. finding or paclngj-piuse, J200 Louis H b. g. (Pouibon) ,,. 1 1 Zlvn, ch, m. (Covlllo) ,,., 3 2 3 Baker Hoy, b. g. (It.tcll) 0 4 Dr. Muck. br. s. (Billlet) 3 J 1 Electric, blk. g (Shelly) 4 dls. Clyde, b. h. (Neltz) dls. Charming Hell. r. in. (Clause) dls Time, 2.:i.J, 2ti "jijj. 1 1 I 2 2 f 3 3 : 4 4 I 5 dr. Louis II,, the winner of this race, was sold at auction Immediately after the thhd heat by his owner, .1, (1. Snyder, uf Alleiitnwn, In ft out of the stand, lie brought $140, although today was the Mist time he 'ever started In u race. Till IM) RACE. 2 CO tlnss, pacing! purse, $300. Mnlicl Iletk, b. m, (lining) Major Wellington, I). It, (Gutiff).., J. W. t b. g. (Klllwin) Sea Witter, h. g (Davis) W. II. Muck, ch. g (Covlllo) Time, 2.7i, 2 2l'4, 22214. Iletweon one of the heats Cresceus was hi ought out on the track and for mally Introduced to the spectatots of the grandstand. The big chestnut stat ion seemed to realize that he was on shotv and threw his head about and champed his bit and pawed the ground ns If Impatient of the mildness of the nppluttso given him. Mr. Kctcham, Ills mllllonalic owner, of Toledo, Is to drive him in his gieat nice against time on Thursday. Toinoitow tlieto will bo four races, the Hi st of which Is to be called at 12 o'clock. The second into, for 2.35 pncois, for $500, has the entry of Minnie Mills, tuilncd by M. L. Pcrrin, of Plttston, and twelve othcis. Tho same ptogiammc of vaudeville entoitalnment will continue to bo a feature of the fair. The Emaus band of foity-sevcn pieces gives frequent concerts during the afternoon and to morrow they will be leinforccd by the Allcntown band. Tomorow's entiles follow: 2.M ttof, ptlise, $300 -Boll K b. m Geoigo Kctner, Otwlgsljttrg, Pa.; Tho Quaker, b g., D. I, Ward &. Co., Phila delphia; Nonol, b. g., Frank I Tinner, dimmer, ijn.j Jieiiinidlne, b. m Frank Ij. Tinner, Ambler, Pa.; Yellow Kid, ch. g, It. C. England, Htadlng; Maud C, ch. m W. 11. Covillc. Tinea Bildges, N. J.; Atnola, h. m, W. 11. Covllle, Thico Bridges, N. J.; Almoda, b, in, Thomas McFiii Intnl. Huilington, N. J.; The Doc tor, b g,, lloiacc Stokes, llackettstowu, N. J. 2.30 pace, puisc, J500 -Major Wellington, b. h, W. II. Claik, Citasauqua, Pa.; Zlvti, ch. in , Dr. G. G. Blank. Allcntown, ru.j Hot a Hoslc, ch. in, Dr. Mitchell Walter, South Bethlehem, Pa.; Mlts Hhchwood, b. in, W. R. Irwin. New Hiimswlck, N. J.; Blon Girl, b. m., W. R. Irwin, New Hinnswlek, N. J.; Major Wells, s. g S. R. Claik, Narbcith, pa.; Baker Boy, b. g.. C. H. Bach, Allcntown; Katie H D. B. Hill, Reading; Mabel Hock, b m, S. 13. Earing, Gloveisvllle, N. Y.j W. 13 Mack. ch. g., W. H. Collle, Thioo Bildgcs, N. J.; J. c. B b. g, J. C. Becker, Reading; Minnie Mills, ch. m., M. L Penln, Plttston; J. W M b. g, Woodhano Fuim, Mount Holly, N. J. 21B trot; putso, $800 Kid Shay, b. g., D. S. Goble, Sussex, N. J.; Silver Crown, b. s, Robert F. Good, Allpntown; J. H. Mc Roborts, Gtoigo Detweller. Allcntown; Brown Jim. b. g J. 1:, stall. Ephiata, Pa.; Ben Hal, b. g, Pmnk L. Tiiinci, Ambler, Pa.; Oxford Chimes, blk. g., .1. L Mattel!, Albanv, N. Y.j Swngo, b. g. Peter Cosgrovo", Philadelphia; Tillby Sim mons, 1) m . James A. liicnnan, Philadel phia; Dorothy S , blk m , Itoinco Stokes, llackettstowu. N. J.; Gold Bug, b. g., II. E Wilson, Slstervillc, W. Vn. 2 15 p.ico; puisc, $S00 Sliver Pcnn, b. g, Phoenix Stock Faim, Philadelphia; W. B, b g, J. W. Shivelv. Tatamv. Pa., Dm Id Hnruni. b. g Alfred J. Geoige, Allcntown: New Jersey, b. h, William Runon, Philadelphia: AVm. F., g g, James I". Gaffncy, Waterbuiy, Conn ; Bessie C. b. 111. 11. A. McClcll.in & Bio, Phll.idelpbl.ij Mate, b g, Dr. Mitchell Walter. South Bethlehem; Besslo Rus sell, blk. m , J. 1: Hinkle, Reading; Bob bv 15 . s g,. Dr. J. 7. Hllleg.iss, Red Hill, Pa.; Jay B, g. g AV. M. Hepbuin, Jei sey Shoie, Pa.; Alciane. b. g., E H. Gangweie. Bethlehom; Queen of Spades, blU. m : J. 1, Shields, Pmixsutawnoj ; Joan, Homy Y. Haws, Johnstown, P.; Eoid Genttv, b. s , Hpiny Y. Haws, Johnstown, Pa ; Biownio B , b. s . J. II. Munlove, Mlddletown. Del.; Garnet, eh. li , Yeinon Miller, Onelil.i, N. Y.j Capt. Chuck, b g Ficd Bums, M.ulptta. Ga. E E. Hatfield. REBELS STOP SHIPPING. ns the Insurgents nic Inlciceplhig tho supplies. Tho town Is still at their mercy, Tho Adliondilek could not Rot her cargo of ft tilt and sailed for Instructions Horn Now Yoik. BRITISH CRUISER SAILS. Report of Difficulty at Venezuela Awakens Interest at Halifax, Br Exclushe Wire from The Awoclited Prn. Halifax, N, 8, Sept. 2X-Tho icport from London of tho strained iclatlons between Gicat Britain and Venezuela hag caused soino uneasiness In this city, par tlciilarlv In imaf elides. The Hiltlsh North Atlantic Miundion, on station lieic, comprises eight ciiilscin and thrco tor pedo hont destroyers. Tho ciulsers Ail adno. Indefatigable and Pallas alo hole, the Chaiyhdls and Aleit are nt New foundland, and the Tilhunc, Itotiilmtlon and Rocket nro at Bermuda. The topetlo boat dcstioyers aie also at tho latter station. Tho cruiser Indefat igable, which was at Caracas 11 year iiro, sailed under orders at ti o'clock this moinlng, but her destination Is unknown, Tho admlinlty authorities say thev know nothing official rcgaidlng tho tioublp at Venezuolrf, 11 tut so far no oidprs havo been lccclvcd to picpaio tho fleet for sen, FOOT BALL LEAGUE IS ORGANIZED Schedule of Games Completed Meeting Held Yesterday In Philadelphia. at By Kclmlc Wire ham The Associated Press. Philadelphia, Pa., Sept. 23. The dltce- tors of the National Football league, to day held a meeting In this city and completed the schedule nnd took action on applications for franchises In New York and from tho Homestead Athletic club of Pittsburg. It was decided to begin the piellinlnnry season on Octo ber 4, and to close on Dec. G. The Homestead Athletic club was unani mously elected a member of the league, with the understanding that It would begin the playing season next fall, ow ing to the Inability of the club to secure a sufficiently strong team to lepiesent them this season. Two applications were received fimn New York, but as neither application was accompanied by a list of players and there being some doubt as to New York being able to put a team in the field this year, no action was taken, but a special meeting will be held In the near future, when It Is expected New York will be represented on the playing schedule. The schedule of the championship games up to date follow! October IS Philadelphia Athletics vs. Philadelphia F. C, at Philadelphia ball mule. October 23 Philadelphia Athletics vs. Philadelphia F. C, at Columbia ball park. November S Pittsburg A. C. vs. Phil adelphia Athletics, at Columbia ball park. November 4 Pittsburg A. C. s. Phil adelphia F. C., at Pittsbmg. November 22 Pittsbuig A. C. vs. Philadelphia F. C, at Philadelphia bull park. November 27 Pittsbuig A. C. vs. Philadelphia Athletics, at Pittsbuig. DEATH OF MAJOR POWELL. Atlas Liner Unable to Load at Santa Malta, Colombia Still Pighting. By KxcluMtc Wire fiom The .Undated Press. Kingston, Jamaica. Spt. 2J Tho Atlas line steamship Ailhondack. which silled fiom New Yoik on Sept. fi for Cape llay tlen, has anlved hcie, dliect fiom Santa Malta, Colombia She icpoits (ontliiucd lighting between the government foires and ioolutUmlsts In that neighborhood. The lebels occupy a stiong position In the ip.u nt the town, Inning dpstioyeil the mill oul, binned the midges and sacked tho binaua districts. No tinlns tile iminirg, and eveiy means of pom inunUatlnn with the placo has been cut orf. Tho offliPis of tho Adhoiul.Kk pay thpio Is tenililu sufteilng nt Santa Marta, The Noted Geologist Passes Away at His Home in Maine. By Exclusive Wire (10m 'the Assoiialed Press. Haven, Me., Sept. V.X Major J. IV. Pow ell, diiectoi of the bureau of ethnology at the Smithsonian Institution nt "Wash ington, died at o'clock tonight at bis summer home here. He had been ctltlc allv 111 heie for some das Washington, Sept 2.1 Scientists in "Washington placed Mnjoi Powell In tho foiomoht 1.1 nlc In the geoloslsts of tho world. He had been identified with the stleiitlflc woik of the government sinco the eai Iv sixties. READING SHIPS COAL. Officials Claim That Quantities Ave Taken Out Daily. Bj Exclusive Wire from 'lhc ssociated Press. Rending. Pa.. Sept. 23 Tho Reading company In ought but twenty e.us ot coil fiom the Schuylkill legions today. Some of it was fiom the washeiles and the other fiom the mines. Tho officials claim to bo taking out a gieat deal moio coal In the cnllioiles ot "Western SchuvlMU county, but they say It will not be moved until tho lattei pait of the week. Twenty cms weio biouglit down yesteiday. PUBLIC SALE. PUBLIC SALE. LBC SALE OR Seated and Unseated Lands JY THE Commissioners of Lackawanna County ON 13th Day of October, 1902, at 10 O'clock A. M. Notice Is hereby given In puisunnco of the gcneial acts of nssomhly of tho Commonwealth of Pennsylvania dliPetiiig tho mode of selling sealed and iniseatrd lands that have been In the possession of tho County Commlsslonem nnd ie nmlnlng unicdoemed for two yuna and upvv.iid, theio will bo rposod to publlo Milo on tho Uth day of October, A. D. 190.', ut 10 o'clock a. in, at tho annul Jiuy loom In the louit houso. In tho city of Seiunton, tho following properties, unloss tho same aio icdcemed piovlous to that time, to wltj , Unseated Lands ARCHUAI.D BOROUGH. No. of Owners or Dcsetlptlon of Amount of tax, i'' acres, etc. lopulpd owners. piopoity. inteiost and costs. 1 100 Jones, ldwaid, et. al, Nathan Wado tiaet , 0i 57 CARHONDA1 13 TOWNSHIP 7 :;? Wills, W. W Chat les Hiiist tract J lis 01 i Wl Owner unknown Jesso Shovo tiact r", ul J HI Ownur unknown ItenJumln Shovu tiatt GJ7 10 0 0 Williams & Smith Jonutlum Dllley tiact m W ,, , JIHW.USON TOWNSHIP. C 110 leills, rioamont J. Dllley tiact , $ 4121 1 V7- w.u,noa!U' l?v- li Mrs. J. Conrad tiact Ill f,7 u J-;' . JJ . W. W .....Itobeit livvln ti.ict 11 J 1W ' Wills, W. W Ullzdbeth Uiiinlium tiact ,. lu 31 m o,n , Ionian township. .'? '"'I Huike. Win. J Wllllum Wllmot tiact , I ST, S.S H lHJ Iwanoskl, Rev. 11 James Iluinslilo tiact 11 l H f,i! '"V'. J""',," J. Monell tiuct , aJJJ i'l X .'.'"i'aU John ReeJ tiuct v ot i .V;? O'lojle. A. r .Hannah Heeso tiact ., 17 li! 5.'. Si human, Kail John Stein tiact .,.,, i s " SI Wagner, Chailes K...H. i-', Mooro tiuct ,.. iu 5. ,, , RANSOM TOWNSHIP. '1 30 IJveihuit, Jumes M..,llan Tuinor tinct ,....,,, J 0011 ROAUINO BROOK TOWNSHIP, S Wills, W.W H. Oiubo tiuct ,... ? 180 1J "J Owner iilikuuviii,,..,,, Ncur No. 11 school ,.,.,.,,,.,,,,.. U bs ,,.,, SPItlNG IHtOOlC TOWNSHIP. J) li)9.lhouB8 Iliiuott. IMwaul J. liitwicnco tiact , , 70 SJ ?, :'r Dunning, A. H.. Thomas Dundus tiact .,, , HI 81 -- I'0, Jenkins, John H Joseph fienuctt tiuct ,., to 7J -' - Phelps, Jacob.., Thomas Diindnu tiact .,,,,, Ul 9c! ;! ?J Sclmlt. Tlieoiloio,..., Ithuilu Holcomb tiact M) 7t - " Seliweuk. John C'usper Thiol tiact 168 lii -1 "1-9 Whlto, li, v., und II. J.ZelRler J. Wentiior tiuct,, ,,,..... !3 St "7 171 Whlto. n. P and II. v " J. SSclgler J. Young tract , ,.,,..,.,,.,., 2J0 ii W1NTON UOROUOH. 28 9 Wills, SVt W J. Ktelobeig tiact ., $ ViH) PUBLIC BALE. No. Si B0 31 :u at :u x, no .17 ns 30 m 41 K 41 41 4") 40 17 48 40 r,o r.i w rvj si r- M r,7 ns no L0 ni (U M CI C3 r.n 1,7 (,S C9 78 73 SO 81 KJ St sr. so S7 S8 S9 SO 91 02 03 !)4 33 07 !)S TO 100 101 102 101 1(U 103 10C 107 108 109 110 111 112 11J lit US 111! 117 US 110 120 121 122 12.1 12.-. 121 120 127 128 120 ISO 111 l.!2 13! 131 IT. lull l'!7 138 130 140 141 112 141 141 111 IK, 117 US 1 11! 130 131 1.32 13.1 131 133 1.30 1.37 138 l.-O 11,0 101 1C2 ii;i lbl 11.3 1b7 P.S IbO 170 171 172 17! 171 173 170 177 178 170 ISO 1S1 1S2 1SI 1SI IS) ISO 1R7 US 181 10fl 101 102 101 101 103 100 107 193 1D3 200 20t 202 2UI 201 20,3 200 207 208 203 210 PUBLIC SALE. Seated Lands AIlUilUALU BOROUOIt. No. nf lots, etc, Amoiml of tax, Interest and costs. it,,t,,, .,t,i,t. Owners or Description ot intiillrrt fiu'iini-l. tirnnnrl v. 1 1 lot, 1 houso tlcnsklc, Joseph Pit st Wind ,....$ 21' 1 101,1 noiisc I'jitii uousoti ami Louise Hitzonlng.,,,,Plr8t wnid ..,.. 1 lot, 1 house Colehv, George ,1'lrst ward ..... 1 lot,) house Diilovv Ich, Jostph,,,,, First watd 1 iot,i iiouso Hornet, Paul First waul 1 lot, 1 house Joutosky, Mlchnol.,., First wntd 1 lot, 1 house K'ctinn, Stnnlsk. ....... First wind , 1 lot, 1 house Kromorp, Hllinlsh First ward 1 ot,l houso Kline, Joseiih First ward A., 1 lot, 1 houso Micas, Wllltnin 1'lint wnid 1 lot.l hnitse Iewls, Rlchnid First ward 1 lot, 1 house Wateskoy, Joseph First wind 1 lot, 1 houso Novcott, Geotgo First ward 1 lot.l house IT Hlskle. Michael First waul 1 lot, 1 houso O'MnsIck Annus! Flint ward 1 lot.l llMll.un Pllllplilinv. t.'nfla t.'liof wnffl 10 fi'i lul.l house Prevllle, Michael First ward 13 17 1 lot,1 houso RudlPV It!!. Joseph First wnid 10 22 1 lot, house Holoskl, John First waul IMS 1 lot.l house Snnzorokey, John Flist wind 10 RLAKKLV BOROUGH. 10 tides McMillan, Louisa Third waul J 19 R2 CARUONDALK TOWNSHIP. 1 ot Panke, Clias, J Mayfleld Yald 7 Ru 1 lot.l house Cordner, Henry Houcsdnlo load 12 M Hot rotrcll. Atthnr Houcsdnlo load 01 1 ot Kennedy, Patrick Muvlleld Yald S M Hot Wahtncr, Peter Cottn go street 19 -S i 2171 2107 11 22 25 73 US 32 til 3.1 10 WI 1181 M 00 19 1,8 80 74 1.3 32 7 70 1 lot 1 lot Hot Hot 1 lot Hot i lot 1 lot Hi lots nARHONPAl.il CITY. THIRD WARD. Catkin, A. W Third ward On vis, Mrs. Geoigo... Third wii.td Messet, John, list Shnnty Hill (or Urooklyn stieot)., McOiirry.Mrs. Mlcliacnvoodlawn avenue Phillips, Ray Wayno avonuo Rllley, Matthew Shanty Hill t CARllONDAI.M CITY. FOURTH WARD. Andeison, Clulstlan..Cottago sticet Gavin, Mary Pike street Hopkins, John Urooklyn street 1 lot, 1 house Henley, TJildgct Pike street 1 1-3 lots 1 lot 1 lot 1 lot Hot 1 UP10 1 lot 1 lot 1 lot .1 actus Hot Hot 1 lot 1 acto Hot Hot 1 lot 2 lots 1 lot 1 lot 1 lot 1 lot Hot Vi lot 1 lot 1 lot Hot 2 aci cs 1 lot 3 lots 301 acres 3 lots 2 lots 1 lot 1 lot Hot CARHONDAUK CITY. FIFTH WARD, l.oflus, Alice CARHONDAM1, Gillespie, John Lofttis, Mlclucl Robinson. William... Snvdet, William Thirty-sixth sticet $ SIXTH WARD. Can a mi sticet $ Green street Upper Rolmnnt street Kali view avonuo DICKSON CITY. FIRST WARD. Dnvls, Wm. R First waul Hoffman. Wm Flist wnid Kainowskv, Albert... Flist ward Rogers, Thomas First wnid Williams, David Flist waul Mtiiphy, Mis. W. W.. First waul DICKSON CITY DOROfail, SECOND WARD. Kamnnlsliey, Audi o... Jackson sticet Wnlko, Joseph Second wnid Patteison, Thomas..,. Second waul Pinko, Burton Second waid $ 5,30 C7.1. fl 13 71 COS COS r. no r. 92 r. r,o 5 to 5 90 r, hi l! 4 7 21 5 20 0 19 10 W) 10 00 19 47 IS 70 2117 7 20 9 20 Glfi 7 20 DICKSON CITY BOROUGH, THIRD "WARD. Bolton, John Third ward Flnkus, Amon. Kollv. Patrick , Lewis, William McCoimlck. James, Noiton. Vv'llllam..., Puzcnskl, Frank..., Polomonskl. Anton Raker (or Relker) Third ward Third ward Thhd waul Third ward Thiid ward Third ward Third ward M.Thhd waid 20 48 7 07 10 no 7 97 8 0.! 11 09 7 BO 8 7.3 sr.s IS 02 10 30 13 30 51 21 12 01 S3 82 States.Wm. (or W.V.)Thlul waul Stuzenskl. Frank Third waid Stogen (or Stnyer), Hauls Third waid DUNMOR11 BOROUGH, FIRST WARD. Barth, Abiaham Scranton and Forest Hill Ceme tery Burn, W. J Apple sticet Biovvnlng, William. ...Ginndvlew sticet Dunmnre Building As sociation 3,07.3 03 Gatheicole. Seldom.. .Tluoop stieet r,l 03 Meshen. Mr. or Mis..Uloctric avenue 1.31 S3 Rodeilck, Thomas Throop street 1.3 31 Sonn (or Stoncr), Wm.Sheiwood avenue 14 SS Slattery, J. P Mom oe avenue 10 03 DUNMORH BOROUGH. SECOND WARD. L.arney, Mary A Di Inker street 12 97 DUNMORD BOROrOH, THIRD WARD. Mht, Henry, Ust Third street nllev $ 13 30 Mlrt. Heiuv Thhd street nllev 10 32 Watson, Jane B Blakelv stieet 12 93 Hot 1'ilots Hi lots 1 lot Hot nUNJIOKll BOROUGH. FOURTH WARD, llot.lucie Owner unknown Pnff lot Watson, James Blakcly street 12 95 ...$ 7 19 Hot Hot 1 lot 1 lot 1 lot 4 lots 1 lot 1 lot 1 lot 2 lots 2 lots 1 lot 1 lot 2 lots 1 lot 1 lots 1 lot 2 lots 2 lots 3 lots Dl'NSIORi: BOROUGH. FirTH WARD. Balul, G. A Bunker Hill V lot lots lots ,: lot. Ji house .3 lots 1 lot Hot 1 lot 1 lot 1 lot Hot 1 lot 1 lot 1 lot 1 lot 1 lot 1 lot 2 lots 1 lot . 1 lot 3 lots 1 lot 1 lot 41 acres Hot 1 lot 2 lots 1 lot 1 lot 2 lots 1 lot 7 lots, 1 house 1 lot 3 lots 3 lots 1 lot 4 lots 2 lots 1 lot 1 lot 1 lot Hot 1 lot 1 lot 1 lot 2 lots 1 lot Hot 1 lot r tot 1 lot 1 lot 2 lots 1 lot 1 lot 1 lot outhouso OOneies 2 lots Oncics 1 lot 1 lot 1 lot Hot I lots Hot 3.1 IIP) PS KSllL'ICS 1 lot 2 lOtS 1 lot 2 lots Hot 12licics 23 0CIPH 23 aci ei DJltcics Clots fi lots, bliops, CtO G 42 13 21 11 93 ." 78 29 .15 ' 4S 00 11 90 14 87 r, 10 (it 41 24 40 22 25 41 13 21 SO 33 01 13 11 11 42 19 01 01 43 23 72 11.03 lOO li! DO 07 DUNJIORE BOROUGH. SIXTH WARD. Aichhald, James Qulncy and Hlmont avenues Adams, J I. F 123 Jefferson avenue Tiear, R. II Rlectilc avenuo Gallagher, Kdvvnrd.... Qulncy avenue Howe. T. B Illectrlc avenuo Howell, Benjamin Adams avenuo Howell fi Jones Adams avenuo Hemy, Anthony Qulncy avenue HalllRan, Rich.ud Adams avenue Jadvvln, C P Monioo avenue Jeffilcs. Thomas Qulncy avenuo Long, .1. D Sixth street M. & M. Bank Adams avenue, block 311, lots 14, Motzenknchcr Kst 10, 17 , Owner unknown . O'Mnlley Di Inker sticet Stioetcr, R. H Monioo avenuo Rlllev (or Rellly), John II Jefferson avenue Sclnopder, Aimenla.. Monioo avenue Stiiait, Petei Clay avenue Williams, W C' Uleetilc and Clay avenues Wnltets, John Monroe avenue HIiMHURST BOROUGH. Bross, Hhlin Knickerbocker plot, Gnidner tract. $ Gienluger. J. Baptist. Bauman's tiact, Joulnn's addition Iadwlg, B. F Bauman's tiact, Jordan's addition I'llM, TOWNSHIP. Aveiv, Thomas J Rlehmondale, Fourth district Asher (oi AshuO.JohnUichmondale, Fourth dlstilct Benjamin, S. 1 Rlehmondale, Warien tract Blown, J. U Vundling, Thhd dlstilct Buck, D V Rlehmondale, Fouith district Bums, Anthony Rlehmondale, Fourth dlstilct Bi.idley, Cdvvaul Rlehmondale, Fouith district lllnckinnn, Nelllu Rlehmondale, Fourth dlstilct Cunningham, J. H Rlehmondale, Wauen tract Coicoinn, P.itiick Rlehmondale, Warrea tiact Crosby, Maty Rlehmondale, Wairea tract Cunningham, T Rlehmondale, Warren tinet Davis, Michael Rlchmondnle, Warien tiact Davis, George Rlehmondale, Wauen ttnet Dndllck, .Michael Rlchomndnle. "Wauen tinet Davis, Thomas Rlehmondale, Wnuen tract 1121 -Uunn, l'atricK lilcnmondale, win 1 en tiact 0 93 uau, iiiiuiut iticnmonunie, iouiui UtstUct, Warren tiact Giltlln, A Rlehmondale, Warien tiact Gilswold. Chas Vandllng (lllck, Joseph Rlchmondalo, Wunen tract llanls, John Rlchmondnle, Woiieu tract Hoiton, II .....Rlchmondnle, Wnrrcn tiact Hlgglns, Chailes Rlehmondale, Warien trntt 11m ton, Homy Itichmoudale, Warien tiact R 48 13 20 S80 10 92 10 02 10 10 13 71 30 92 15 07 13 07 10 92 Hi 40 959 13 OS S 13 21 90 U f,9 !2 0! 40 23 12 35 10 40 17 73 10 91 10 91 21 S2 9 53 13 I Heibeit & Summeis Hoitou, T. 11 Ulchmondale, Wauen tract 10 9! llpndlor, John Rlehmondale, Warien tract 21 97 Haikou, Geoigo and ,T. II nichmondnlp. Wniron tract S! 31 jnnuiy, 1. li mcnniouuaic, wnrieu tinet Jeiioel, Michael Ulchmondale, Wauen tract Jones, R. W Rlchmondnle, AVnuen tract Jones, Daniel Rlehmondale, Warien tiart Kizlka, James Rlchmondnle, Woiren tract Ken!lc, A. I, Rlihinondiile, Wnircn tract Mmgaii, T. .1 Rlchmondnle, Wauen tiact Modern, John Rlehmondale, "Wairen tract Mnxcy, BeniiPtt.,, Itlchmondule, Wauen ti act Aiitciieil, 1211111 les ideiimontinic, wauen tract Mover. Phllln... McGuith, John Novllle, Aithur Odell, Frank Osbom, A. P Owens, Udvvaul...,, Owens, Ulinbptli,,, Owens, W. V I'.illco, .lamps., Rppd. Mis A. Russ, 11. II... Hlrlminndnle, Wauen tract ,, vamiiing, Tiuru dlstilct ..Vnndllng. Thhd district ..Rlehmondale, Wairen tinet . ..Vnndllng, Thhd district .Rlehmondale, Wauon tract .Rlehmondale, WniiPii tract ..Rlchmotiilnle, WaiiPii tinet , Rlcbmanilnle, Wauen tiact J Rlchmondnle, Wairen tract li 75 27 r.s li, 51 10 91 li 73 SO! 10 02 11 15 10 M 9 71 10 9i! S 0! 10 51 73 II! U5 10 92 10 92 11 SO 10 92 10 92 ,, Rlehmondale, Wairen tract 0 CO Russell B. Coal Co , ,,,, 1,12; Sklndlo (or Shludle), Martin Rlehmomlnlo , , Biddies, r. 11 Pied Poiter tiact Stanton, I, Rlpholz and Rittenhouso tiuct.,, Tilpp, Clatcneo.,, Rlchmondalo Thomas, Philip.,,,,, .Rlchmondnle., Wauen tiact Tuttle. Charles Rlchmondnle, Wnuen tract Vandllng. Abiaham... Vnndllng Ynins, W. T Rlehmondale, Warren tract ,.,, Yarn, Valentino ..,,; , Wells, Pinnk vvnttp, An Vinos Vnuduiii;. Tlilul d sti el Wilcox. R Rlihmoudnlo. Wan en tiact Williams, John and 11, Rlchmondalo ,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,, Williams, G. R, (or r i tji. l..n...inin m...... .....l U, a,) ,,,,,,,,,,, .,11 Miiiuuii, lit', ttmii'll Ifittb ,,.,,,, HI ill Wogal, Michael.,.,.,., Vandllng, Tlilul dlstilct , 13 08 JHFPHRSON TOWNSHIP. 10 10 Hi 78 11 I! 10 91 9.17 75 39 00 9 37 K 99 r,0 3J 10 05 10 40 DBS 10 40 Cannon. U. J,.,,. (Sicca, Michael ., (llassuor. James Smith, William.. ,,, H, Wilson tiact , ,,,T. Conuid tiuct ,,, Thomas Coiund tiact ,,, Susan Oglesby tiact , ,$ ,,,,.,,, r. 9,3 17 81 17 81 2S72 J13RMYN BOROUGH. X'hoenlx Casket WoiksThlid waid ,,,, Phoenix Casket Co , , , LACKAWANNA TOWNSHIP, ,,.,,(..,,..,.,, 1 lot.l houbo Gilioy, Mis. Thomas., 130acres l.oU, Jacob. ,,,,.,,,,,,, 105UC1C3 Miles, William ,,, Hot Mlchncls, Peter..,,,,,, lOlicies Seiunton Steel Co,,,,, 1 , Miner Hill ,,,,,, I'uit of Win. Ilnck, Ball, Hull and Win. WiiBht tiact 113ucics Spilngcr, William I.HIUGII TOWNSHIP. C B. MiShnuo tiact 37 72 172 73 0 07 129 19 10 :t5 7 31 Cu2l S.07 49 71acics 74ucica 120 acrca Wacncr. Fenncr, David. 0 71 ObO PUBLIC SALE. 223 227 228 229 210 2"lt 232 233 2.1 235 23fi 2.17 238 213 210 211 242 243 211 213 240 247 243 219 2.30 251 232 25.1 230 257 25S 259 209 21,1 202 2I..1 201 2 'hi 21,0 21,7 208 2(,9 270 271 272 273 274 275 270 277 278 279 280 2SI 283 2S4 285 2SG 2S7 2S8 2S3 290 291 292 293 294 235 290 207 29S 299 300 301 302 30.1 304 303 300 307 308 300 310 311 31 313 311 313 31 G 317 318 319 320 321 322 n ) 321 325 :i20 327 ' 32S 329 330 331 312 333 S3 1 337 338 339 340 311 312 3U 344 343 3IG 347 349 3.30 331 352 33.1 251 J.57 25S 339 300 30t 3b2 3b.! JW I Sul M 207 SOS oii9 370 371 372 ..B. McSlmuo tract MADISON TOWNSHIP. Walsh, Maurice., ,,..., John Svron tiact ...,.,,.,., ,,,,$ so 91 398 393 400 401 402 403 401 105 THI PUBLIC SALE. No. 214 215 210 .No. of lots, etc, lint Hot 129 act cs 4. ufc MAvrmLD iioitouoii.. ..i-' . rf, : ' r Owners or DcscTlptKnt Of . ' Ahiotlht of tax,' reputed owucis. piopcrty, juiiy, i'airiciiit,,,,i,ncconu htrooi ,,, Qultui, John 11 ...Car. Pcnn und Maplo Btrcol NinVTON TOWNSHIP. Wicklzcr, P. K Intel cat and costs..' Ml" . vim,,".. !. 1.11.1$ 92 SS 17 1 tot s!2 1 lnt 219 2 lots 220 1 lot 221 1 lot 222 1 lot 223 1 lot 221 1 lot 223 1 lot OLD FOItGM TOWNSHIP (NOW BOROUGH). Diirliiinticr Drnketovvn ., Davenpolt, Maty J... Utile Unalutul Hairls, William Batbcitnwit .- .trniicll, Almello Mtidtowu - , Moyles, William Barbertowit , Panne, Mysott, Austin Helglita Seng , Rice Austin Heights Schona, Samuel Mudtown ,. 1 Tnloncl, F.,..i, Mudtown .... OliYPilANT UOItOUGH. Hotvko, John Fouith waul , Jenkins, David Fouith waul Jackyciock, John Fouith waul Jnkiovlt?, Jennie Fouith waul Jones, John R Fouith waul Layman, Jacob Fouith wnul Mlllaul, Gcorgo W.,.. Fourth waul RANSOM TOWNSHIP. Tompkins, W., list ,. ..... ROARING BROOK TOWNSHIP. ? lot.l houso Hartley, Cuulo Wllllum Hill tract -u uuies. Nav Aug St. Iltmlltllst Boulevaid Co Hot 1 tot 2 lots 1 lot 1 lot 2 lots Hot Slots 1 Iiouso ..4 ...J Hot 1 lot 1 lot 2 lots Hot 1 lot 2 lots 2 lots Hot 1 lot 1 lot 1 lot 2 lots 4 lots Hot 2 1ot3 1 lot 2 lots 2 lots 1 lot 1 lot lint 1 lot 1 lot 1 lot Hot 1 lot Win ues Hot 1 lot Hot 1 lot 1 lot 1 lot 2 lots 1 lot SOacics SOUTH AUINGTON TOWNSHIP. Austin, Itaydcn Lot 121, Highland paik ..w. Butts, Chester Lot 491, Summit pink ....- Bell. Mary T Lot 01. Patrick & Powell Diet.... Botz, Burton L Lots 131-132, Summit paik 11 40 14 77 12 42 21 31 12 3,1 er.2 oor. 11 2 13 M 15 73 7B3 7 98 17 51 IS 03 12 (VI 0 05 6 93 5S3 7 88 7 07 0 78 10 47 70 Clulstlan. Connelsclla.l.ot ll'i, Summit avenue ciuiin, josh 1 1,01 11, iiigniauu para ....... Dunn, Phillip B Lots r.r.n-5w, Summit park .... Dollogolln, Peter Lots 18-301, Summit paik ... Dankwert. Knto Lot 220, Summit park Dcchan, John Patilck vi Powell plot Denuc. John J Lot 390. Summit tint k Dcffcubnch, Rlchnid., Lot 43, Highland paik Davis. Bcrton I. Dunnclt, Geoigo .. Hvnns, W. H Hdwauls, Small 1 Parr, Gomer Pinntz, Knto 13... Gad wood, Mary ,, Glove, Carilo .... (1m 1 ell, Mm tin ... Hcckmnn, II. L. . Hanuou, Korman Hitchcock Rollln. Hoover, Arthur T Jennings, David Daniel) Johnson, Wels King, John. Kst ... Knnfmnn, W. H ... Kelly, Paul B Lovelnnd, W. E Lnrney, William ... Mover, Isabella .... Morton, John A Lots 411-142. Summit nnrk ....Lots 209, 270., 271-272 Summit park, ....Lot 2)2, Summit park ....Lots 112-113 Summit paik ....Lot 2u1. Summit pink .... ....Lots 401-402, Summit park ....Lots 211-212, Summit park ....Lot 2S9, Summit park ....Lot ill. Summit paik ,...Lot 110, Highland park F..Lot 08, Summit paik ,...Lot'2l3, Summit park ,...Lot 70, Summit paik (orLotGI, Highland park ..Lot 234. Woodlawn pnrk ..Lot 413, Summit park ..Lot 201, Lormlno pnrk ..Lot 81, Patrick & Powell plot ..Lot 119, Highland pnrk ..Lot 119. Summit pnrk ..Lot 230. Hichlnnd nark Murnhv. Mis. W. W.. Lots 58-50. Summit nark Murphy, Bellow Lot 202. Summit pnrk o iviniiey, iicnrv .).... ciuncmiin Mountain innu 1 lot.l house Paddock. David R....Lot No. 130 Hot Pi Ice, Thomas Lot 521, Summit park Hot Puipora, Lawrenco ..Lot 41. Summit park Hot Powell. Agnes Lot 00.!, Summit pai k 1 lot Revnolds, John H ....Lot 90. Highland pnrk 2 lots Rodney, Kltzabeth ...Lots 59G-597, Summit park 2 lots Stngc, Martin (or Lots 4-5, Summit park Martha) 1 lot Saul. Goomo L Lot 211. Highland park 1 lot Smith. J. L Lot 282, Summit park 2 lots Suburban Building & Loan Association. ...Lots 25-2G, Highland park 1 lot Sltron, Abner Lot, Patrick te Powell plot 1 lot Tltman. Alexander ...Lot 131, Patilck & Powell plot ., 1 lot Vno House, William.. Patrick & Powell plot Hot Van Buskirk, Lena. ..Lot 354, Summit paik llot.l house Vnnnken. A. C Lot 287, Highland paik 1 lot Weeks. Marv Lot 223. Highland park 2 lots Walker, Fred V Lots 179-1S0, Summit park 11 THROOP BOROUGH. ' 1 lot Gusslcar, John Block 4, lot 4, Boulevard rond $ 1 lot St.irkman, Adolph ....Block 4, lot 4, Boulevard road 4 lots Slarkmnn, Adolph ....Block 4, lots, 19-20-21, Sanderson st 1 lot Speeshock, Stephen WINTON BOROUGH. 1 lot.l house Kunz, Prrd Second ward $ 1 lot Knnz, Netltlc Second ward 1 Iot.lhouse Kmi7, Hemy Second ward 1 lot.l houso Konltzeny, Tophelia.. Second ward 10 81 9 59 12 48 11 41 10 82 till 0 33 8 II 32 43 0 2"! 10 87 11! 64 30 33 17 41 7 41 10 41 JiRl 5 51 10 37 30 37 S 91 8 00 30 71 42 M 807 10 60 12 03. 11 48 1! 25 12 04 .8 93 8 05 7 57 7 27 800 10 36 8 05 8 72 8 70 12 16 2 lots 2 houses Ott. Anthonv llot.l house Reed. Mrs. Mary.., 1 lot.l houbc Swlck, Chailes SCRANTON, Claik, Geoige R 14 61 8 90 7 27 5 54 11 44 12 41 S 8.1 13 81 (181 18 SOD 11 05 909 1104 23 57 13 04 19 52 53 29 Z 2 lots Hot 1 lot IVi ncies 1 lot 1 lot 1 lot Hot 1 lot 1 lot 1 lot 1 lot 1 lot 2 lots 2 lots Hot 1 lot 1 lot Hot 1 lot 1 lot Hot 1 lot 1 lot Hot 1 lot 1 lot IGacies Hot 10 ocies 1 lot 1 lot 1 lot 1 lot 1 lot 1 lot lacies surface coal, 1 aero Leach 2 houses Stlpp, 1 lot.l house Koon, Second waul Second ward Second ward FIRST WARD. Block 110. lots 8-9. Woodlawn ave..I Douglicitv, Mtcnaei... Block 79, lot , uuruin street Dnmcn, Ficd Block 123, lot 8, Rcesa strcot Dimmick. J. K On Riveistdc Gllbeit, J. H. & S. G. Block 19, lot 10 or 17, North Main avenuo Gnlagher. R. J Block 14, lot IS, 1713 Peiry avenue. Hoover, James Block 1, lot 18. West Market street McGoff, John Block S3, Lot 0 Owner unknown Block 1 or 3, lot 33, Columbia ave.. Pace, Thomas and Jennie Block 21. lot IS, Race street Williams, J. D Block 117, lot 0. FIsk street Williams, John Block 110, lot 2S, Washington ave.. SCRANTON, SECOND WARD. Cavanangh. Patrick J.Block 90, lot 2 $ Davis, J. Alton Est... Block 1. lots 23-2G, Columbia nvo... Evans. Small Ann Block 119, lots 37-38, Theodore st... Oeultv, John, 2nd Block 118, lot 23 Gullagher, Bridget.... Block, SG. lot 9. Beaumont ave Green, L D Block 8, lot 3. Monsey avenuo Gilbert. Joseph Block 00. lot 3. Summit avenue Hnuick, John Block 07, lot G, Summit avenue.... Hnggortv, Catherine.. Block 90, lot 1 Judge, Cathcilne Block 75, lot 7S, Ferdinand street.. Keller, M. F Block 7. lot 30, Electric nvenuo.... Moloney, Biidcot Block 97, lot 9. Claiko street Moigan. Cadna Block 97, lot 13, Summit avenue.... Miles. Edward Block 7. lot 35. Columbia nvenuo .. McKelch, John Block S3, lot 4 Providence Coal Co... Block 0, 90, 97, 93 and part of 99 Kelscy , Porter. John T Block 1. lot 2.1. Columbia avenue.. Piovldcnco Coal Co... Block 00. 107, 10S, G. S. Robinson .. Reed Hnrriictt Block 114. lot 3, Blair avenuo Shields, Michael Block 81, lot 10, Perry avenuo Kaluskcy, Andtew ....Block 70, lot 12, Cross stieet SCRANTON. THIRD WARD. mock 31, lot , iron street Block 39, lot 10, Market street Block 35, lot 20, Iron street Flood. Michael Gllligan, Thomas l.eacli, Ann Giles Est.... Matthias .... Poter SCRANTON, Hennlgan, John .Iron street .Block 59 .Block 7, lot 7, No. 1111 Stanton st.. FOURTH WARD. Hot Hennlgan, John Block 39, lot 14. Price, Pancoast i: Throop tract 5 SCRANTON. SIXTH WARD. 1 lot Duhlgg, Lawrence Jr. Block 2. lot, Flist street Hot Iteese, William Lot, 9, Roland nvenuo 1 lot.l house Smith, Andy Block 20, Lot 3, 421 Connois couit.. SCRANTON, SEVENTH WARD. 1 lot Owner unknown Block 23, Lot 1G, Gibson stieet t 1 lot Owner unknown Block 20, lot 3, Mousey nvenuo .... SCRANTON, NINTH WARD. Hot Richards. Fred Block 11, lot 17 1 SCRANTON, TENTH WARD. 1 lot Bnumau. Kutherlno Estato Block 38, lot 15, Paul street 1 lot Kellei, Chailes Block 53, lot 0, Mark street .... SCRANTON, TWELFTH WARD. 1 lot, lhouso Locksou, Muiy 128 Irving avenuo SCRANTON. THIRTEENTH WARD. Hnlig.111, Rlcliiud ....Lot on Cnpouso avenuo Rlchiuds, Catherine.. Block 7.3, lot 3, Nny Aug avenue Rllley, David Part of lot on Mai vino stieot . Rlchurds, Catherine,,, Block 73, lot 3, Gaidner avenue OS 68 13 10 19 33 15 53 7 45 58 6 57 8 25 5 73 6 75 7 41 9 22 5 34 6 17 CM 5 82 14 55 6 15 5 52 5 73 7 41 6 SO 5 9.1 6 S3 6 13 R 24 10 21 6 t,9 8 21 7 59 55 42 7 41 50 42 7 02 5 73 5G2 5 53 5 73 6 59 1G01 8 00 5 08 7 SI 8 21 7 82 16 13 13 91 7 87 13 50 Hot 1 lot 1 lot 1 lot 1 lot and pait of lot $ 12 20 5 73 ,$ S4S $ 6 61 6 30 6 57 0 87 Ry- Wnlsli .Tnlin J Tllnek "9. lnt 8. unit nf lnt 9. eisou stieet 12 6S SCRANTON. SIXTEENTH WARD. Goulou, S B Block 5, lot 11, Anthony street $ 6 93 SCRANTON, EIGHTEENTH WARD. 1 lot.l house Welly, Maiy Block 2. lot 12, Railroad aud Em met street f 8 71 1 lot.l house O'Donnell, P. J Block 7, lot 22, 709 Scinuton st 11 33 SCRANTON. NINETEENTH WARD. Butt, Hannah Blnik 42, lot 10, Stafford avenue ..$ Muriay, Thomas Block 11, lot 3, Locust street Mauley, John, Jr Block 7, lot IS, Piospect avenue,,, McDonald, Block 22, lot 14, 7.!J Beech St.,,,.,. It an. Hannah Block 27, lots 27-2i Slietlilan. John Block u lot i'S7. 1107 Mend ave,,.,, Tttjloi, U II Block 02. lots 42-41. Biook street. ,i SCRANTON TWENTIETH WARD. Butler, ilicliuul Cedar avenue $ Caiey, Mis. Stephen., Block 53, lot 17, Piospect avenue., Cliffoid. riiitlk Block 52. lot 2 , r.uoy, i'ntilck , iiiocK w, lot 10, 1'iospuct avenue ,, ...iiiuun i, iui .i, mono uvcuuu ,., Block S3, lots, ."1.21, Palm sticet,. ,,, Block S3, lot 17, living avenuo ... Block Mi. lot 10, Cheiry stieut ...Block ss. lot 2. Ciovvn avcuuui,,,,, i ... Block 19, lot 21, Piospect avenuo,, ,,, Block 5!), lot 13, Palm street ,, .Cedar nvcniiQ ,, , ...Block 10, lot 24, Palm stieet., ..,,,, ...Block 55, lot s, Stone uvciuiq ,,, Block 53, lot 17, Piospoct nvenuo ., ... Block 58, lot 1, Piospect avenue.,, ...Block 50, lot 1, Stone avenuo ...Block 59. lot 1. Stone nvenuo rishei. Geoigo .Block 59, lot 14. Pear stieet rishci. Gcoum Block 78. lot 2. FIk sticet Fisher. UeoiKu Block SI. lot II. Palm street Gibbous, Catiiuilno,,,, Block 19, lot 14, I'ro.spect avenue., Mauley, John, Jr Block S3, lot 0, Crown nvenuo ,.;,',' IIIOCK 113 , ,,. , Block so, lot 23. Brook stieet Block 77, lot 2. Itvng avviP'o ,.,,,, Block 0.5. lots 0,3.90, Clown avenue; lots 0-7-8. Stuff old nvenuo ..,,,,,, Block 9ii. Stuflnul nvenuo Rnlicitu. Maiy Ami... Block 9b. lots 37-38. Clown avenuu. bkclly, Jaines J Block 10, lot 10, Chcriy street SCRANTON. TWENTY-FIRST WARD. Buckhoiu, Ellen E ... Block 51, lots 9 to 12, South Key. Cougiegatlnn of Ben- tor avenuo .....,,.,.,,..,,,.,$ ul isiael Block 45. Euieka avenue ,,,, HofToker, II. II ,, Block 27, lot 17, Avenuu A , Mcl.oiighllu, John,... ,MG PiovldPiice load Owner unknown ,,,,,, Block 23, lots 11-13, Filnk stieot ,.. Owuor unknown ,.,,., Block 31, lot 17 .,, , ,,,,,. Wclssetal, Edvvutd,... Block 41, Euiekn sticet Williams, Humphicy,, Block 52, lot 4. Kejser avenuo.,,.,, JOHN J. DURKIN. J. COURIER MORRIS, JOHN PIINMAN, County Commissioners. Attest! W. G. DANIELS, ClerK. 373 2 lots 371 1 lot 375 1 lot 37ii 1 lot 37 1 lot 273 1 lot 379 1 lot 250 1 lot 351 1 lot 352 1 lot 251 1 lot 3SI 1 Tot ::S3 Hot an; i lot 3S7 1 lot 3SS Hot 3.S3 1 lot 390 1 lot 291 2 lots 292 1 lot T9J 1 lot 391 blots 291 10 lots 190 2 lots 397 1 lot Hot 1 lot 1 lot 1 lot 1 lot 2 lots 2 lots 2 lots 1 lot 1 lot 1 lot 1 lot 1 lot.l houso Cm i . Ed. Est u.nitt, Aiieuaci , Douahoe, Jumea Duffy, John T. .. DlmiPl, Jacob ... Fishei, Geoigo ,, rishoi. Geoino ,, rnutll, Ellen ,., Fisher, Geoigo ,, rishui, Gcoiko ,, Fisher, Gcoiiso ,, riHiier, iieoigo Fishei, Geoigo Fisher, Geoigo Moulliir. Fiank McDonnell. Mlchnul Owiut unknown ,,,, KcmlllHtoti Estnto ., Remington Estate 4 loin 7 lota 1 lot 1 llOllbQ 2 lots 1 lot Hot Hot 5 30 6 41. 10 S9 ' 7 14 6 57 5 05 5 48 8 47 7 51 7 41 11 52 10 27, 0 21 0 57 ii :m i 7 33 9.50 6S2- 6 30 7 40 7 9J 10 52 11 lil 7 91 7 73 6 02 v l! l!j I 6 10 9 20 J6 27 6 U) 7 1.3 bl7 7 11 0 31 5 51 7 20 7 63; 8 07 7 41 5 SI lifci 5 9! R 1? 7 Of 14 73! 17 01 nl .M K .- &v&t TfS.-'Vw
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers