' 'wm www w w w w " -vr tMr s?-' fw. w "s; "&& ' vw ;:v..tj" Sf 'V f "At, r i ''V ,TlS ' - jt 'i i ."'"IX " TPl 4 THE SCRANTON TlUBUNE-HATtltDAV, HliJPTEMtttilt 20, M02. ' I kfA" W"!' fm?1 WnOVl ' $(Se ttatifon CtiBtme i rublllhfd Dully tMcrpt BtimUy, by Thi) Trlhniw f rubllahlnr CompWit Klfly C(nt it Month. Wkri kissm t5y.vfelVli(iWir . .. ft.r.nfro.. "i' i' MIHIIWl MAftAnlM. EnteriJ nt lh Votof)lc M Bcrsnton, m Second. 1 I'liw Mull Mutter," ' ' ,J AThciS' Npnf Will pariult, Tli Tribune U ;lwnjr Rlnri to print hort letters from Its friends bent-Inn on current foplm, liut Iti "thIo ! that thi mint tin ulijnril, for imt 'jlontlon, by thn writer': renl nnmnt nnil ithri condition prorrrittit to ncceptmmr; li tlint nil contribution limit ba auhjoct to (JerlltnrIM revision, 5 THB n.AT RATE FOB A1VkRTI8INO. 'tf The follow Incr Ubln show th prtf per Inch each .Insertion, pco to be meil within one your! . . . - I'ltiln of Paper 5ii .411 , .10 melius; on IltHPLAY l'ull Position iin than 00 inches . so Inches ..loo " "-.MO " .Stfin " -jocm " .1.0 ,4S ..111 .10 .'J4 .ID I .41 I .11 I .STS i .ITS J, For cnl of thinks, rMoliitlnm of c-ondolnnce, mil ,lmllr contributions In the nature nf mlvettlilng, l.The Trloiihe.inates n charge of B rents it lino. TWELVE PAGEvS. SC'KANTON. HKPTKMHHU HO, lnj. BEPUBLICAN TICKET. - State. .Onvoriior-S. V. Pi:NNVI('Ki:it. U.lc-ilti-liluU (leieriinl---V. .M. IIRUWN. Secic-tiuy t lnte-innl Affulis ISAAC It. UHUIViV. k County. 'pVoiiBrCHF-WIU.IASI CDNNlK.Ti. .lllilKf A. A. VOSIll'ltC. ;-CnmmNalf)ium .IOIIN CoriMKR MOIl- , 1US. JOHN I'KXHAX Mlnu lnsppftoii UiKWI'.r.YN' JI. KV- ANS, JJAVIU T. Wll.l.lA.tlH. V Legislative. 3' Senator-JOHN JJ. JOHIJAN. -Rppicscntatlvps Flrat DIsttlfl-.IO.SriPM OI.IVKR. v. Second DNtilf t JOHN SCIIIII Kit. - Thlld Dlitllrt rciVAItl: JAMIOS. Kotnth Dlstilct P. A. PIII1.ISIN v Klectlon dny, Nov. A. 311. At the wotst, the Republican party will worry along without Colonel Hen derson. Bishop Fallows' Visit. w ITHOI'T REGARD to the Immediate Issues nf the strike, lexlileuts of the anthracite region gladly welcome Bishop Fallows. The asei 'itlons credited to him In numerous pub lished Interviews that be expei ts wltb ..in a week to get to the bottom of i ou trditions In the coal fields and put hiin "Mf In position to judge intelligently of fthe various matters eiiteiing into the "piesent stniggle ale, we hae no doubt, pnoneous. No man, not even so uhle an Investigator as Risbop Fallows, can 'do" the coal pinblenu in a week, or, vfor that matter, in a month or a eai. k There aiu plenty of pel sons 'pietty neaily as keen as the good bishop w bo ihave passed many ye.us In the he.nt ,of the black diamond Industiy and In Jieisonal touch with Its jirobiems and lis men who. In spile of the study they Have given It, do not piofess to under stand it hutllciently to set up a teach veis of the public. 4 But be that as it may, the bishop, In ,a shott visit, can leant much. One of .the lessons which he can take home witli him and which, If he shall impart It to others living at a distance from JJie mine fields, will have an education ':il value, is that amongst these bills 'and In these valleys of XoUlieastein -Pennsylvania nie to be found, not, as many Imagine, a chaos of misgoverned savagery and chionlc destitution, but a very fair aveulge of civilization, quite "ns good, for example, as In Chicago, with fully iis high a btundaid of citizen Ship, quite as clean moials, and, In normal times, piobably as i,8u an uvei age of family Incomes piopovtloned to .(the cost of -living. We trust that the bishop may come to Sorantou and in quire among the cashiers of our numer ous ' and increasing banks as to the savings which have been accumulated toy the mine workers of this legion or to look about him for examples of .inlners and miner's children who, by .thrift and pluck and piompt Improve ment of opening oppoitunilles, have risen to positions of honor and pioflt. Should he come with the ptepus.seslons rot the average explorer lie will go buck 'with new ideas of the progress In civili sation and material development which the coaj fields, and especially the so called "coal Held cities," have made .Since the Molly Jlaguiie days when they wete pliituu-d to a bonified world us .einks of deviltry and abodes of ln, i This is not to say that Bishop Fal--Iowb will not find many things in need of remedy, or that he will not Hud inucn in tne economic and social con dition of the labor in our mines to en list Ills sympathy and excite his in .dlgnation. But while he Is finding- griev ances rooted In Justice he will also find (that all the cause for tOmplalnt is not 'On one side. And if lie shall collect the evidence thoioughly and weigh It iui-4ja-Uallyripj will, without doubt) come at length to the conclusion th.it the tiUJman nature-ot-thcrconl flelds'ls pretty much like that of Chicago and else- where.iind .that ihin,lM.iin, better ork for the cleigy, wherpver It be located, than ill tivlllg to uel men nnil vimi regardless of their location or .station! to niciisuie their needs una ooiidjict by tfte Golden Rule, "- M WJ Peltry, It sepips, did not toivyh the 1 'lM Wwi'(I"B,n.-5. -.HUwort louc-Ji U sUJHtHi U some Advice. M pS-iiK"! 'nsi'fisjTio.v IU11()I;K J.I qW'tulint'UnWtl-aiis to malio JL the retliemeiit pf Speaker lleudeihon the occasion !f thepubljc, wiislillIK of soiled political "rn,:i n'G'jy t"df'reettedr u, m. Blsicdln, Its pflcot c-aiinot be otlienvUc thaJ dei)DlMtqtiintir tha'pirty's Intev est. iqj 'UIL 3f near In mind thaf election day Is only, nix wcks rttjjtanjl tlwcihe niaigln of ronticjlJf)c8ngV4st'Js nlie.nly small; that peo'ple geneuilly aie so ptospeious In their peisonal affulis under Republi can administration ,.0vit H is going lq he dime'ult''lotgit tlietn mifui the polls havtvto defertd iijbattle line extendlijg from ocean to ocean the Demuvi-.ilq have only to gain a dlstilct heu- uiM therethi'ouBhHocali.-au8esto-captuTebeen coincident with It. Those whu I'ontutl of Hie next uonirreoR, And vilillu Jit In tt'tic that the tJctnocmls In a im itlonal hciihc Imvp nitt been very stirr-esq-Yul In flmllni? nn lsne which ntlracls rftihllc nttentlon nnil ure Injn letulerlpis fdlidllloti, Hip ono thltiB which would i 'nnwt likely lo rally thcni togpthcr nml eiiiine them to put kIiikm' Inlo their I'ltiup.ilKii would he the publhOilnir to the country of shnip tll.sicnsloiiH wltlfln the Republican cntup. To Indulge now' III rilllclvm tlpnn Colonel lleiulei hod's coin He, of to un dertake, mm pome of hid fileiidd III c allowing an Incllnnllon to do, to piove Hint InttlRiie nml conspiracy from with in the p.nty ranks ate leAponslble for the speaker's dramatic net, makes, no doubt, veiy Intel estltur leading for thoie whose Inlet esls me not hint by It; but every yllnble thus Injected Into the present campuliin U an encouruKenient utid an uld to the Deiiiocincy and u needless weakening of the Republican poultlou. Kor the pu xetit, at least, let lleudeinun's explanation stand with out qilestlull. Let him lellle fioill loll gless and pilblli life If lie will. Let the Inclination to say unkind IIiIuks be cause of the time and'niunner In which he announced his put poses be repiessed. Let the thoughts anil enei files of Ite publlcans for the next six weeks be leuteied on the need of sustiilnlnK the splendid administration of Piesldent Koosevelt by the election of a congress III synip.ilb.s with Its puiposps and poli cies. Then If there shall teninln an lr-' teslstllile Incllnatlnn to wah dirty po litical linen the Job tan be done with out ilamaKC to p.uammiut luteicsts, 'in view of all the chcumstanees, l.leutcnunt i-Vaty's frankness In statliiK that he did not discover the north pole Is commendable. If he hud claimed the honor none oC us would have been able to dispute the statement. Help Wanted." T UK AMKK1CAX Economist Uieseiils n sti lklng lontrast between labor conditions In this countiy in 1W1C and 1991. It I- made up Horn the leioid of "want ads." In the dally papers of tweiity tive huge cities liom Boston to Han Fianclsco. In 1891! the gieut iiuijoi ity of these "ads." weie under the heading "Situ ations Wanted:" In 1HU2 the gu-at ma joilty nie under the heading "Help "Wanted." In the New Yoik Sunday Herald advertisements dining August, 18m;, tbeie weie 4,710 for situations wanted and I.HOH lor help wanted. A Mitntiiaiy of tlie advei llseiuenls in the same pa pet tor the same month In 1!H)2 shows that .I.hJ!! were lor situations wanted and U,:ii!'i for help wanted. A viinitn.it v i if the iul I'l'tlsempntH 111 I foity papers published In twenty-live of the piiiulpal cities of Sunday, Aug ust 24, 190-', shows IX.', situations wanted by females, Il.O'tti by males, or a total of .'i.TiJil. Couipjted with tills theip weie T.CSJ advei tlsements of male help wanted and f,,L'.14 for female help wanted, making n total of U7.I4U such advei tlsements, or lour times as inaiiV as for situations wanted. Many of these ads. for help wanted called tin several bundled or seveial thousand men. The Seattle Post Intelligence! published one ad. i ailing for 1,100 men, and the San Fi.uicImo KNairiinei's ads. on that date called for 17,000 pel sons. It Is estimated by the compilei of these flKUtes that theie was advei Used lor on that date not less than MO.OOO peisons to fill situations at good vvugtn. It is a striking lontiast fnun the (iy of lMii;, when men and women weie beKglng for woi k, to that of today, when employers aie ciying tor help nnd Hdvenl.ving for hall a million pel. -una to go to woik. The condition ol IMifi was that created by a low t.u III under a Detnociatlc ailmlnlstiatlon. The con ditions today when theie aie not enough wcnkeis lor the places has been cieated b.v the Dihgley piotecllve. tanff. So long as I'ncle Sam's JacUles have chaige of the l'anama i.illioad lialns (he tiavellng public will be contented that tlie revolution shall go ineiiily on. Rioting Soldiers. I F, AS Lord Wolsely said lately, we have the finest and most elll cleut ni my In the wot Id lor Its size, Its supeiloilty can be main tained only la one way, by maintain ing Its discipline. Our soldiers aie not given higher pay Hum the toiies of any other nation upon eaith to squander It In llotousness. The Duke of AVelllng ton spoke of the Bngllsh t loops with whom he completed at AVateiloo as "the letuse of humanity," Ills contempt for the poor w t etches under whom he gained his tilumphs was as unjust as it was meanly egotistical. Wellington In another way gave expiesslou to the pievalllng sentiment of a centuiy ago, one not altogether obliterated yet, that It was the genetal alone and not the soldleis who won the battles, when he dogmatically asserted thai the piesence of Napoleon on the field was equal to 4irty thousand men. This exaltation of the geneial at the expense of the innk ami tile who fought and bled Is no longet a cuidlnal at tide of military science. W.lth the ttunsror matloulu public and expert opinion Hint the private soldier as a unit plays a pieponderant pint 111 gaining a vie toiy, has come a higher and mine prac tical lecogiiltiou of his duty to himself and the country which he selves, The lecrultlng seigeaut Is no longer linking found the cornets taking pottshots In the pieserves of lascallty, He looks foi lespectuble young men and Invuilubly bets them to cieute up. in my, Kver since the civil war In this countiy, .when thi) tegular soldier and the cltl zeu soldlei stood shoulder lo shoulder, fighting with equal valor, responsibil ity and noilous of discipline, the icspect In which tlu enlisted man Is held and the prospects of his iiilyiiiueiuent In the in my have been measiited by the moinl stnndaid ptovullliig In idyll life, The soldier when he cnteis the in my does not by doing so divest himself of his citizenship; nor can he do so of his moial lespoiinlbllUy to society. 1'nfoi innately, since the abolition of the canteen thcui have been fiequcut outbursts of lawless violence at our army posts which aie a dlsgiace to the army and to the country, Whether these aie due to the, icmuval of the canteen or not, they have at any rule cfnlin that the canteen Is i source of evil nnd demoinllr.iitlon cannot deny that the post snlooiiH and dives nie In finitely worse. All the ilotlng which has taken place In the nelRhboihood or our army quarters has oilgliiated lit saloons. Soldiers, like other people, must be peimltted some volition In legtllalltlK thejr llv'cs. If the soldier who di Inks Is not permitted to buy n glass of beer or two In his fpiarleis, he will go whcio he i nil net It and get louring ill link Into the iiirgnln. (live hlln the election of a glass of coffee, tr some non-ulcohollc drink nnd n glass of beer under cleanly nnd sympathetic envlionmeiit nnd the chances ate that In the collise of time he call be weaned from the appetite for the one through all educated taste for the other. But compel him to seek for a glass of beer where he has no choice, and Ills associ ations will do the rest to degrade blin Into a bad soldier iltid a bad cltls'.en. The canteen having been tibollshed, theie Is no pieseiit need lo cry over split milk. Let It go. Hut those le .sponsb. for Its going owe It to the in my to do what they can to supply by some better plan the social needs which the canteen imperfectly stood for. It will not be a gain tor morals simply to dilve the nveiage soldier fiom the well legulated canteen to the ultelly ilc inoinllsdng dive. 'ill an in tide entitled "Splilt of Ue mocracy" in the Democratic campaign book Is the statement that "the duty of Democracy Is to light the Republican p.uly," and a few- lines below Is the further statement that "most of the newspapers of the countiy, neaily all of the magazines, not a tew' pulpits and the mtijoi Ity of the colleges" nte with the Republican party. The Inretence Is plain; Democracy's mission Is to light the pi ess, the pulpit and the schools of the country. When 1'ncle Sam decides to make a few alteiatious In his tm Iff bam the Democrats would have him do It by tearing down the b.itn and destroying Its contents. I'ncle Sam, however, will call In the caipeiiter who built the barn arid made a good job of It the Repub lican party and those Impiovemeiits will be made with neatnes and dis patch, adding to the usefulness of the sli not tne. Wllhelinlna is piobably as popiilat as ever with the masses, but the piess agents do not seem to consldei her much ol a feotuie when her husband Is not acting up. Showing what's in a name. Dr. I.uug. of Hie piesideiit's p.nt.v, will not look after the piesideiit's thtcut. The Duchess of llatlboiough says she Is "so much happier In A met lea." Why did she leave It? And now It Is Intimated that Butler county is alieady aching for another nflls.Ulcill. The case of Banker Fish suggests that Colonel Wutteison Is due lor an enc ore. 'The Chinese Boxets t,tlll display an tipathy to inlsslon.il ies and taxation. Grand Duke Hoi is has at last sailed away. Few leais aie called for. The shooting type of love Is a ti lite too nuinetous these d.ijs. PROSPERITY POINTERS. Expoits li urn I'm to Rico to loielgn lounliles tin Hie fiscal .vear ended June W luuciistd .il pel cent, over the tola! of sin li e-LiinilH tin last J i'. li. The Alllel Ic.lli II. it,' is a gleat ti.ule tonic. Ill tlie fiscal Jem- Just closed we Im pot ted .'7,4iiu,ikhi tsoi th of jpeli, ot which $1 1 mhi new was hum I diamonds, against $1", 'iiniutm the piioi .miii, an in-c-le.ise uf JI1,,',iii).(Hki We could nut annul such Inxuiles in Hie iJunui i.ulc )r.u.s J&'iJ-UHli. A (leiiuau coii-uhif lepuit on uiu op eialioas in tiaile last llsi.il e.u- sas '"file continued leilllitiou 111 the cost of piodiictlnu 111 this countiy must be Imi tated by K'liopeaii niauuliii luu is it they want to lceep up their competition." As a i.uim' lor this lediiclloa. Ha lepcut gives the loiiuiitloii of tlli-t-, the con sequent tholinigh oig.iiil..itlon, and the gleatel inp.iliillly of the AllieiU.in woiK lnan. ; An lamllth newspaper man. V.. A Me fen.le, in willing about 'Tin- Ameih.ui Invadeis," In a Loudon pulilli aticiu, main tains that the Aineilc.iu niethods ol geu eioils new-p.ipei adveitislug have had mi Immense Influence in pushing the sales of our piodiicts In the laiglish niniUets. Thiough Hie in-w.-paper iiilveitlsemeuis the ttilllsh ptople have become better ac quainted with thenilleles linin thlsioiin tiy than llley have ever been with tbo boiue-iiiitde ill tlele-. The New Voilv .Metnl llMiiange es liuites the ipillls ot nipper lima lilt) Tailed Slates ill July ,il 10,717 Ions ngilast H a.1 1 ions In June and ,sjj ions In Job last j ear. The Johnston 1.1 lie sleanu-i Inula, which Siiiltd I'umi ll.iltlmoie to Liver pool on Jul v .11, has u c-iiigo on boaid which manifests at ?".cii.!'ii7. This unusu ally valuable caigo Includes 1,177 o.ilt plunks, Mil poplar lio.ncls, Mi pleies nf oak planks, I" pieces of implar lumber, i'i,!ii-i bushels of wheal, l.SVi pleies nf oak planks, l.wij vtlilte oak planks, l.cs oak plnnkB, !t' walnut logs, IWi pieces ot nuk planks, 1I.SS7 walnut siiiaus, t , 1 pieces walnut luinbei, ;wi uak plank, ;i,ti.ii pleees locust tieeiinlls, 0.:I.S feet Ninth ('uiolliiii pine lumber. 4,im bats, II.IS4 Ingots copper, ts cases ovsteis, ii.cil.'i pieces and 1,:'l"i hcuiclles poplin lumber, lel.'O pieces while pine. 1II.SI.' feet on It, walnill, ash and pine lunilwi ,"0 cases, Ki kegs and 1,wi bags win nails, HVJ luuidles vu 1 1 I.Vi hanels bilalcalliig nil, I.IKMI boNes laillldlV soup, .', tleices, 111 cases and :tr, liilMiiigshi-mls toluuco, l.ixm sacks oilcake, 7.'-' head cattle, 1,000 IiiiiicIh loxlu, ,"14 bales cotton, I.Diiii p,u kages laid, l,o.- packagi-H tobacco, lo.mi sackn Hour, :im ban els iloiu Acciudlug to I'm II. link Oie., dispatches, shlpmenls nf wheat to South Afilca slncu Jan 1 amount to iiuiii kiihheis The iiioinliieiit Rngllsb .lewehy iminil-fm-liulng 111 m of .lollll Spiles Co ll.ls been imnpelled to send a icpiesentiitlv e to Altli'boio, .Alic-s., lo puuliaso Jewelry of Vmeilcan inal-c, In en dec to U'lulii their Canadian ti.ule. which shows n ibi elcled pieieience foi Ameile-an made Jew, eliy over the heavier and mine costly puiiliu-t nf the old louiitiy, with lis out of date designs and iiuoiuniucutal elfects Itepoits f t om llnngliok, SI cm. state; that del mnn goods have piefeiedce In ile llveiles to such an esttiil that shipments fiom tbo fulled Rlalestlle lor weeks un beedeel In Sliigapoii' mid Hong Knug, Tills will conlimu till c-oiigicss helps im pot mnie ocean slenmshlrw ami elhet-t coinmiiulciilJon.' John c'liiiie liinan, of Joliaimesburg, South Af(lcn, lias nnlved in tills (oiuilr.v for the imiposesif purchasliig about JW. fm woi Hi of agiicultuial machinery nml implements. The iciuuleseiice nf South Aflliu Is ap-pau-nt in oldcrs alieady placed iii this country for ngilciiltiual Implement!. For IiihIhiicp, Hip Allies Plough coniiany( ot llnstnn, hrts nrcepteil litlRu uintlai'ls Within Out past few da.vs for plolmhs to bo shipped at mice to Holith Aft hall pints, one t (induct alone calls for IO.wh) Atnetlcau ploughs, Alinlher for the same iliiniitlly has been ii'lace'il with A. II. l-'ni-iinluir Co, or Vol It, Pn. A look in our oxpnil llgilies might per siimle some Hint one ol the most won del Till lesiilts or the Dliigtey law was In our IiiciiiIpmI sjles abioiiil, 'lids Is shown In n peculiar way by the following llguii's: Rm-os of expoiis fi out Ilia fotuidiillon of the govern ment to enactment or Ding ley law $r,i!,MNSJ2 Rm-i-ss of evpnits since emu I- itipni of Ulnglny law i.s'iO.iwn r Mightily eloquent llguies those! Anil with mutual ciops this year they will ho maintained. WAYSIDE NOTES. Muicii I.ainb Is Hie euphonious cogno-i men of a loloieel gentleman down In Vine land, N, J,, who has Jiitl taken first pi Ire ut nil uld folks gnlheilng In thai place. Accoidlng lo the most available records this pin Ocular spilng Lamb was burn In 1?i7. und consequently is 1f", yems olel, anil a niemher or (lie small ami uipldl.v dlmlulslilng gioltp or people who lme lived In thiee cealurles. Mr. Lamb at tllbules his gu-at longevity lo the fact Oiat he has lived ptlnclpall.v on old fashioned Southern hoe-cake, lie has im d tobacco In model utlnii. The second piliM winner whs a teetotaller, both as lo llepior and tobacco, but he had onlv leached the lesisnnabl.v uld age of IM. If he hail taken a glass or pipe oceaslntmlly, ' he might have- inaile a better showing. , How bath llje little busy bee liupioved each shining hour. And gntliPieil honey nil the ehiy l-'ioin every opening llower; , And wlieii he's saved bis wlntei's honid And sealeel It tight ami close The fanner swipes hs little stole And feeiN 111 ii on glucose. President Roosevelt Is now a membei In gciod standing ol the I'.iotheilicioel ot Lo comntlve riienien. It be should lose his piesent Job, he could doubtless find an opening on the mad without difficulty. The woik N Hllfllcletitly stieuuoils, espee lall.v on the Twentieth Cenluiy Limited. On th.it lialn, It Is said, the coal has to he shoveled In about once a minute. Mcdovein and Young Coibett seem to have inn against a snag again down In Louisville. The ma.vnr Is easy enough, nnd tegauls the pioposed mill as Just an Innocent boxing match, and be thinks holing Is a gooel thing and should be eli cmungtil. The stiite iinthoiiOes, howevet, think the affair will he a pi lye fight and should theipfoie he suppiessid. Taking the Rvnn-C.ii tut meeting as a guide, the stale aiitlioillles would see'in to have the best of It. Can some one explain why a blacksmith should announce himself (tbev most all do It) as a "pi.ictlciil hoise-shoei ?" Shoeing a hoi-r s eeitalnlv not a theoie thul job. e.siieelallv If the hore Is In clined to In fiNkv. hi a lecent tiolley ilde ill the uliutb. I noticed u slight v. illation, to wit, "John likink, Aitistlc I lease Shoet." Tlie Infiieiice Is that Hie man netuallv shoes the lioise, and is theu-roie both n iiaulle'al ami mtlstle hoisp shoei. T did lint stoi to examlue bis vtciik, but was somewhat intcie-lt-d lu the suhieit. and -liunlil have been glad to see and appieelale Hie aitistlc fcaluiei of the opeiatlou. June Is geneially legauleel as Hip epiepn of mouths, but Siptembei, If not entitled to that honor, has chnims of her own whit It June cannot claim. The clear, In lgoi,iOug all and blight sunshine leave nothing to be dished, while the fiults of the Hiimtnei nie maluieel and mid to the nltiaelleins of Hie climate by their v. lety, aluiudinie and be.iulv. On the whole, l think the autumn mouth Is fullv the oi 1 1 1 a 1 of the queen month, though its uttiacllons are dlffeient. Sojotu ner. SEVENTY-FIFTH MILESTONE. I'lom the Oh (ill, cut Itecoid. Ciinglc small William Counell last week le, ii bed the seventy-fifth milestone on Hie ioiuney of Hie. Cougiatiilatlons and geiml eheer came to him fiom many I lie nils at home and In dlffeient p.uts of the country. Ills has been a Mutinous, luisv lire. He has woi keel haul and achieved gieat success Je Is remiuk ably well pieseneil, and capable jet of a ,'is amount of e'tlolt. Eiee-t, iiieigellc. enthiisuisOc, It looks as If his jenr tvould esp.unl out to the century mink. Re-elected to icmgiess, he will lie- heaiil fiom In the next session, even moie than in the past- en, made I'nited States enn tor fiom this state, his bnslne-s pu-h and it amen will he made' to tell tor the com monwealth of which he is an hoiioud e Itlzcn. Tit for Tat. A MIsMiuiI tanner whose ho' had been killed by a tiabi ami who ImiiKlncd him s,ell in be Homethlutr or a iioit, wiote these lines to the Loniiianj's claim agent lor a MitOciiiciit: My in.ejiliiick iti oiled down our Hack A week afro toehl -, Yoiu ;ii came elovvu the line And Huuire.d hlh light away. You can't bhiino nie; the hon joii s.ce, Sllied tin email a cattle yalc; So klllillv pen u c llee k fur tell, Tlie debt to llijuldnlo. lie was latliei siupilsed n few d.ijs later lo leeelve thn follow lilt;: uld i") came dovMi the lino And killed our luijr, we Know; Out laoibacks on nillioad Hacks ijnltu otteu meet with woe, 'J'heieloie, my tiieiid, wn cannot s-eud The check for whlcli ynu pine, JihI plant the dead, place o'er his head, "lleie'.s lies a fnollHh bwinu." SUMMER RESORTS Atlantic City. The temperature at the AONEW. On the lleach, In Chelaeu, Atlantic Citv, 'J'liurMlay was 57", i:eiy appointiuuut of a modem Hotel. HOTEL RICHMONO. Kentucky Avenue, l'nat Hotel I10111 Dcjcli, At, Uiitii; C'ltj, N. J,; HO Ocean Ueiv rooim; ea, pacity 400; nrlu for special rates. J, 11. Jcnk. Im, I'rop PENNSYLVANIA, BEAUTIFUL LAKE WESAUKINQ On a cpur of the Alleghany Moiinlalur belilcli Valley railioail; near Tonamla llatlilni;, tli'iliii,', eports, tr. Kirellent lilile. Iteasiinahle r.lten. LAKE WESAUKINQ HOTEL r, O,, Apw, I'a. Send for kookUt. O. K. 1IAII11IS School of the Lackawanna Scranton, Pa. Lower school receives young children. Upper school pre pays for leading colleges, The school certificate admits to many colleges. Experienced teachers only, Thirtieth year, The headmaster may be found at the school, 243 Jefferson avenue, from 9 to 1 dally, Alfred C. HOX 464. BERMUDA, Special 10 dny trips to this delight ful Ocean Resort lenvo Sept. 13 nnd 27. by Quebec S. S. Co.'s Mali Steam ships &.A A Hotel and nil Cfc V! vf SPf f Hxpen.tcs Incluiled !)4-i' TIIOS. COOK & SON, 201 & 1185 Broadway, New York. NEW YORK HOTELS. The New and Absolutely Tire-Proof Hotel Earlington, NEW YORK CITY. European Plan. 27lh Street Hiar Broadway, N.w York City. The must central and most accessi ble! location in the city, coirblned with quiet and refined TARirF OF RATKS: Single loom (bath) M..'J) to fJ IK) Double looms (hath), I peison -.!) Double looms (biilh), 2 pel sons... .it Oil 13.1 til looms adlciliilug. Laige double looms, with pilvntc bath looms, 1 peison $.1 00 l.a ge double looms, with pilvntc b-ith looms, '1 peisons $4 00 Suites of p-nlor, beiboom and bath fori peison $3 on. $4 00. $100. $7 0) Suites ot pailor.beelroom and linth, for l pel sons $4 nO, $.",()(), el 00, $S 00 Suites of pallor, 1' becbooms and bath $7 00, SSO'l. $10.00 E. M. 10ARLK & SON, HO years connected with Earle's Hotel. ALPINE UOTEL ITUAV.,HKrVKi:N'MirH ANO.iOlil.SI'S. NEW YOK. EUROPEAN PLAN. NEW. Fll EPRO0H Convenient to Theatres and Shopping Districts. Take 23rd st. cross tovn cars an J transfer at 4tli ave. direct to hotel. Itoonis with lluth ) Jbults with llitli .?'-'. 00 I ( S.-l.Oll. V. H. PARKE, Proprleto.-. WESTMINSTER HOTEL Cor. Shtocntli St. anil lr tag Place, NEW YORK. American Man, $3 50 Per Day one I'pward. European Plan, $1 00 Per Day and Upwards. Special Rates to Families. T. THOMPSON, Prop. 444444.4444444444444444444 X ror ISuslness Men X 4 In the heait of the wholesale dlb- 4 - tiiet. 4 I For Choppers 4. :l mlniiles' walk to 'Wannmalvei.s; X L' minutes to SieKel Cooiiei's lili; 4 Kline II.isv ol acee.ss to tlie Kieat . Diy Ciooels Stenes. t For ttitrlilseers -- One block riom li'wav Cais, glv- 1 iu: easv tianspoitdOon to all . 4 points ol Intel est. I HOTEL ALBERT I X NEW YOKK. 4- I'or 11th ST. ,Vi I'NIVlOtSlTV PI., -f Onlv one Block I10111 IlioadvvMy. I ROOmS, $1 Up. pef itcUa','s t 4 -H- -H-f -f 4-4-f -f -f -f-f f-f-f -f -f -f -f-f -f -f- Lawyers The Tribune will guarantee to pilnt your paper book quicker than any oth er pi luting house in tho city. EDUCATIONAL. Do You Want a Good Education? Not a thort comae, nor an easy course, nor a cheap course, Lut tho best education to be had. No other education is worth spending time and money on. II 7011 do, write fur a catalogue ol Lafayette College Easton, Pa. nhlcli ofTers thorough preparation In th Unglnecrlne and Chemical Professions u vtcll u tho regular College couraej. Arnold, Headmaster. BBmmmtSEmm i ij n" - Entries Close After October 1, no more new con testants can enter i ii it's Contest Closes October 25. 33 Scholarships List of Scholarships Universities 2 Scholarships In Syracuse TJnlvetsity, at $432 each...? 864 1 Scholarship In Bucknall University 520 x ecnoiarsmp in tlto university Preparatory Schools 1 Scholarship In Washington School for Boys 81700 1 Scholarship in Willinmspoit Dickinson Seminary 750 1 Scholarship in Dickinson Colleglato Preparatory School 750 1 Scholarship in Newton Collegiate Institute 720 1 Scholarship in Keystone Academy 600 1 Scholarship in Brown College Preparatory School... 600 1 Scholarship in the School of the Lackawanna 400 1 Scholarship In the Wilkes-Barre Institute 278 1 Scholarship in Cotuit Cottage (Summer School) '. 230 Music,' Business and Art 4 Scholarships in Scranton Conservatory of Music, at ?125 each S 500 4 Scholarships in the Hnrdenbergh School of Music nnd Art 460 3 Scholarships in Set an ton Business College, ,at $100 each 300 5 Scholarships in International Correspondence Schools, average value $57 each 285 2 Scholarships in Lackawanna Business College, at $85 each 170 2 Scholarships in Alfred Wooler's Vocal Studio 125 Rules of The special lew aids will be given to the peison seeming the laigeat num ber or polnlH. 1'olutH will ho ciecllled to contestants seeuilng new .sub-icilbeiri to The Scinnton Tiibunc as follows: Pts. One month's subsci Iptlon $ .M 1 Tluee months' Mibscilptlon.... 1.21 3 Slv months' snbseilpllon -,M (i One year's Mibscilptlon . IW IJ Tlni contestant with the hlghct number of points Willi be git en a choice Horn the list o( special rewaids; the contestant with the- nee unci high est uunibei of polnt.s will be given 11 1 hole e of the lenuilnlng lewaids, and so 1111 thiough the list. The contestant who .secuies the highest numliei of points iluihu; nnv calendar months of tlie e-ontest will iccelve a .special honor levvatd, thW lewaiel being cnttielv Independent of the iilOnint-; disposition of the schol ai. ships. K.ieh conleslnnt falling to seeuie a i-pcclai lew aid will be given 10 per An Excellent Time to Enter A new contestant beginning today has an excellent opportunity to secure one of these valuable scholarships. Thirty-three are sure to get scholarships. Only three yearly subscribers, counting 36 points, would place a beginner In 27th place among the "Leaders." Send at once for a canvasser's equipment. Address CONTEST EDITOR, Scranton Tribune, Scranton, Pa . Four Special Honor Prizes. To be given to the four contestants scoring the largest number of points during the month of September. This is entirely additional to the main contest, all contestants starting even on September 1. First Prize A handsome Mandolin, valued at $10, to be se lected by the successful contestant from the stock of J. W. Guernsey. Second Prize No. a Brownie Camera, including one .jll of films. Third Prize No. i Brownie Camera, Including one roll of films and a Brownie Finder. Fourth Frize No. i Brownie Camera, including one roll of films and a Brownie Finder. ti i EDUCATIONAL. 4 H-i -: i- 4 v4 i Newton Collegiate Institute Newton, N. J. A HighGrade Preparatory School At At, 4 -5. 4 $ 4 Prepares for College or Business. Its certi ficate admits to several leading colleges. All courses. Individual care and attention. Special Department for younger boys. Stable of Horses and Ponies for School Use All out-door sports. Large grounds, i.ooo feet elevation. High, healthful. No case of sickness tlie past year. ADPKUSS Philip S. 'o tfj .f. "j . ( ( "i '( ( ( T t Chestnut Hill Academy Wissahkkoii Hciwlils Clicstiuit lllll, I'a, A bouulius bdioul fur ljuja In Uiu cluMttcel unit beaillllul oiiun countiy lieiitli oC I'll 1 1 aelclplilu. U luliHilCii Ham Uionct St Ftutlon Cula locuc.i on nppllciitlon. SCRANTON CORKE3PONDEN0S 80H03Iil tCRANrON, PA. T. J. Foster, i'uuilcat. timer 11. Uvill, lreis. U. i. Foster, Etsulc P. AlUa, Vict President. Btcrtttrf, October 1st.' I'liil its r; $9,500 or .Rochester 324 -t?1708 $6026 the Contest cent, of till money ho or she turns In. All subscriptions must be paid in advance. Only new subset there will ba counted. Ilenownls by peibons whoso names nie alieady on our subscription list will not bu ci edited. The Tribune will investigate each subscription and If found hiegulnr In any way reserves the light to rciect It. No trnnsfeis can bo made after ciedlt has once been given. All subsciiptions and the cash to pay for fliem must be handed in at Tha Ti luiino office within the week In which they :11a seemed, so that pa peis can bo sent to the subscribers at once. Subsciiptions must bo written on blanks, which can bo secured at The Tilbune office, or will ba sent by mall. NOTICC THAT ACCOrtDTNO TO, THI1 AHOVIO RULES, EVERY CON TESTANT AVIT.Ti BK PAID, wurrriiKit they secure a spe-- CIAfj REWARD OR NOT. EDUCATIONAL. 4s ni- 4- ' 4 4 4 "J 4 4 4- $1840 89574 at Moderate Cost e Wilscn, Principal 4 "(,- , o tr 1 -f- It It tf fi -(S Linotype Composition Book or News Done quickly and reasonably at The Tribune odice. Ik i S r ? s v. - jit, 1. iB&&BAX 'Mj.. .jgtt & fc, i jjjaaa-Ka fe-1, ,
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