tbi.j&!s,iJii(P'4m i t7i?i tnrwffis otvw ...,. ,. ,--;,g-;r- . V"- 3T"rBZW,K-S? JVnTKP..VJ'lCZW''!flM1Tii1 . IIlPW v-c ; "v.. ' . iVi , til " H THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY AUGUST 9, 1902. S, J, Fuhrman & Bro Manufacturer of Storeand Window Awnings Our celebrated Strap Roller fo. rAwnings a Specialty 328 Lackawanna A?e.t Scranton, Pa ChCKX00000 "They Draw Welt." Morris' Magnet Cigars The best vnluo for S cents. Try ono nnd you will smoko no other. . . , All tho lonellm? hrmiils, nf no. ctunrfl nt M.73 per box. or fl for 25c. Tho Inrgcst vnrloty o Pipes ana Tobaccos In town. it MM Km 'Jil IB mmm m m Mmm E. C. MORRIS, a 325 Washington Avenue. 0XXXX0000 In and About MMM The City School Board Sleeting. A rcgnlnr meetings of tho school board will bo hold Monday night. "Work Interfered With. Owing to tho serious rains of Thursday, work was found Imposslblo on the Provi dence roud pavo yesterday. Open Air Concert. ILawrcnco's band gavo an excellent con cert at the BIcycIo club's bandstand last night. Throngs listened to and enjoyed the music. Didn't Show His Badge. A huckster, who gave his name as Italajoy, was fined W In pollco court yes terday morning for neglecting to show his llccnso badge. Superintendent Day made the arrest. John Bingham Injured. John Bingham, of North Scranton, was severely injured by falling from tho roof of a houso at 2J3 Franklin avenue, yester day. Ho is employed as a tinner by W. K. Sullivan nnd was doing home work on the ridge of tho roof when ho slipped and fell. Base Ball Today. Tho Scranton tcmi-DrofessIonals and the WIlkes-Barre team, representing Si mon Long's Sons, will play today at Ath letic park. Tho gamo will be called at !i.30 p. m. Tho best amateurs of the city have been gotten together in the Scran ton team, and if properly suppoitcd they will play lcgularly. Bepublican Primaries in Luzerne. A. G. Fell, chairman of the Luzerne Republican county committee has Issued n call for a primary election to bo held in that county Saturday afternoon, Sept. t, to nominate Bepublican candidates for the following o dices: Ono congressman, one treasurer, one register of wills, two commissioners, two mine inspectors. Donations for the Summer Home. The trensurer of tho Men's Guild of St. Luke's church, desires to acknowledge receipt of the following cash contribu tions for the Summer Home at Creseo: Amount previously acknowledged.. $380 2,"i Mrs. C. S. Weston COO Dr. C. L. Prey'. 5 00 Total j;00 00 Struck by Train. John Moffat, of 531 Summit street, was struck by a train on tho Delaware, Lack nwanna nnd Western railroad about 1.30 o'clock yesterday morning and seriously injured. His scalp was terribly lacerated and it is feared that his skull Is frac tured. His condition was reported as be ing extremely ciitical at tho hospital early this morning. It Was a False Alarm. About 7 o'clock last evening smoke was discovered Issuing from a double frame house at Wyoming avenuo and Phelps street, owned by the Kearney estate. An nlurm of fire was turned In," but when tho ilremen arrived they hunted In vain through the houso for signs of a lire. Tho origin of tho emoko was not ex plained. Fine Batting by O'Nell. Tho O'Nell brothers, of MInooka, keep up their great work for St. Louis. Thurs day afternoon, Michael O'Nell let down the crack Brooklyn nine with ono run nnd bIx hits. HIb batting was tho feat ure of tho game, and, in fact, was among tho heaviest slugging feats of the year in tho National. Michael gathered a cluster of four hits, which consisted of a tiiple, two doubles and a single. To Attend Funeral. All members of General J. P. s. Gobln command, No. 4, Spanish War Veterans, aro requested to meet at the G. A. n. hall, at Linden street nnd Penn avenue, tomorrow at 12.30 o'clock, to nttend tho funeral of their late comrade, Charles H. Thomas. Civilian dress will be worn. Members of Co. B, Thirteenth regiment, N. G. P nnd P, V. I. will meet at tho Armory Sunday at J p. m. to attend tho funeral. Blue uniforms and whlto. gloves wjll be worn. Ex-members of tho Thirteenth- regiment and of the Thirteenth regiment drum corpj nro requested to meet tonight in tho oJllco of Funeral Di rector AR, Raid), to arrange for at tending the funeral of Charles Thomas. Stamp Collectors, Attention. VAt our fjr?t qif price sale of Dry Goods We wllUglyedqublo, stamps. See our advertisement., Mears & Hugen. REGULATION OP BUILDING ORDINANCE INTRODUCED BY J. J, COSTELLO. i It Contains a Number of Radical De pnrtures from the Ordinance Which ' Is Now in Force in This City Lot Lines to Be Hereafter Established by the City Engineer Penalties That Are Prescribed for Violations of the Provisions of the Ordinance. About Flre-Prooflng. Councitmnn J. J. Cnstello Introduced a new building ordinance at Thursday night's meeting of select council, which was drawn up by Superintendent of Building Inspection P. L. Blown. The most apparent changes In the present building laws, which arc provided for by tho now ordlnnnce, consist of pro visions for tho strict enforcement of vnrlous acts of assembly, which have been dead letters In this city, up to tho present. ' The ordinance Is entitled, "an ordin ance tu regulate the construction, al teration, repairs and removal of build ings In tho city of Scranton, and pro viding penalties for failure to comply with the same." The first section re enncts the present laws, and directs that building permits be tajten nnd fees paid before any building operations can bo Instituted. Fees for general build ing work remain practically as before, but an additional fee will henceforth be charged for party wnlls, and the city determine the cost of the wall.. ABOUT LOT LINES. Lot lines will also be established by the city engineer. Another provision of the act of ussembly of 1895 will be en forced, Is the taking out of permits, for the Installing of heating apparatus. Section II fixes tho salaries of the offi cers of the department of building In spection. No change has been made In this section. The following paragraph specifies that any building which has been damaged over fifty per cent, can not be rebuilt, but must be torn down. Section 5 states that all buildings over CO feet high In the fire limits, and over 90 feet high outside of the limits must be absolutely fireproof. All build ings over 60 feet highland under 90, outside of the fire limits must be slow burning structures. By this It Is meant that large, heavy timbers and girders must be used In the construction. In buildings In the Are limits eleva tors must be enclosed In fireproof shafts and otherwise properly protected. An other elevator provision is that all ele vators bo supplied with a patent lock contrivance, of such a nature that when an elevator door is open, it Is Impossi ble for the carriage to either ascend or descend. An act of assembly of May, 1895, provided for this, but tho act has never been locally enforced. Another act, passed in 1893, provides for the safety of worklngmen employed upon buildings, by ordering that In all buildings, In course of construction, all floors above the third must be covered, both as a safeguard against falls, or injuries sustained by men on lower floors being struck by any articles which might fall from above. COVERING SIDEWALKS. Two sections are devoted to the ad vocacy of the matter of covering side walks, near or under which building operations or. excavations are in course of, progress. Where building materials are in the street, the ordinance states that proper guard must be kept, and warning lights placed, and fences must be erected between the sidewalk and any mortar used In building, so as to save passersby from splashing and an noyance. Fireproof shutters must be used by stores and warehouses, and all wooden posts and columns used In building must have Iron bottoms. This will largely prevent the rotting away of the wood. ' The following penalties are prescribed for violations of the ordinance: Not less than $5 or more than $25 for the first offense: not less than $10 nor more than $50 for the second, and not less than $25 or more than $100 for the third. Every succeeding offense will be punished by a fine of $50. Bay windows projecting beyond the main line of the buildings are prohib ited Inside the fire limits, unless the houses are made of non-combustible material. MANUFACTURERS, ATTENTION. 18,000 Square Feet of Floor Space in One Building.- I offer for sale ono of the finest brick buildings In Scranton for factory pur poses and one-half the purchase price will be taken by owner in stock of the company buying. For particulars write me at once. W. T. Hnekett, Real Estate Broker, Scranton, Pa. Company B's Excursion. A special committee of members of Company B, of tho Thirteenth regiment, met last night In the office of John G. Reese, and arranged for a company ex cursion, AVcdnesday, August 27, to Lake Ariel. Tho committee In charge consists of Captain John Ivumbuck, Lieutenant Guy Relph, Sergeant Chester Smith, Cor poral L. M. Boyer and Company Clerk John G. Reese. An Interesting pro gramme will bo arranged for tho day. Are You Going With the N. Y. O and W. excursion to Hancock, Sunday, August 10th? Re turn fare, $1.00. Train leaves Scranton at S.30 a. m. i Scranton Business College BUCK & WHITHORE, Proprietors Students in great demand. Watch 'this space. A different letter every day. Wllllamsport Staple Co. ' . Wllllamsport. Pa.. Maich 4, 1002. Scranton .Business College. Scranton, Pu. Retorting to corre spondence lt January regmdliiB Herman J. Schmaltz, would bay wo uio expecting' to advunca the man we employed at that tlmo ns us HKtunt bookkeeper to a position of moro importance, and that posl tlou will, therefore,' be 'open ugaln. If you can iccommend Mr. Schmaltz, and ho Is still available, wo would bo glad to have you coinnnmleuto wth him and advise us. The balary for that position Is $10 per week. Yours falncerelv. ... . CHA8 C. KnOUSU. NOtB. Mr. Schmaltz got the position and was soon piomotvd. Day and evening sessions reopen Tuesday, September 2nd. Alfred Wooler, instructor In Voice Culture and Slnglnjr. Harmony, Counterpoint and Musical Composition. Class or Private Instruction. Mr. Wooler will bo pleased to hear from those who aro contemplating tak ing tip nny of tho abovo studies, For prospectus and particulars, address during August Alfred Woolor, caro Wlnola House, Lako Wlnola, Pa. Special Classes for the Coming Season: PnilPAIlATOItY CLASSHS-Por children, who Intend later to study tho piano. First class begins Monday. Bept. S, Tuition, $10 per year. SATURDAY MORNING HINGING SCHOOL-For children: begins Sept. 13. Tuition. T per year. SIGHT SINGING CLASS For Adults; begins Monday evening, Sept. 15. Tuition 10 per year. Studio Opens Wedncsdny, Sept. 3, when students may register. 5TUDI0 217 Carter Building, (Second Floor), 604 Linden Street, Scranton Pa. . UNEXPENDED BALANCES. List of Them Has Been Furnished by the City Controller to the City Clerk. City Controller P. W. Costcllo yes terday filed with City Clerk Lavelle n complete statement of the unexpended balances left, over from last year's ap propriations. This was accompanied by a full list of deficiency bills. The latter aggregate $1.1,853.78, und the total of the balances Is nearly $18,000. It was the Intention of the controller and the special committee which was appointed by select council some mouths ago, for the purpose of con sidering the possibility of merging these balances Into n fund, which could bo drawn upon to pay tho deficiency bills, to report Thursday night at tho meeting of select council. City Clerk Lavelle was on hnnd, ready to frame a report for the committee, but the city controller was unable to bo present, owing to illness, and tho mat ter was therefore postponed until the next session of the select branch. It will bo necessary, for the committee to carefully review the balances, and de cide just which ones are available for merging purposes. A number of tho sums were appro priated for definite, specified purposes, which have not yet been executed, and It is therefore impossible to in' any way use them, except for their original uses. An item of this nature Is the $2,621.23 set aside as the city's share in repavlng Carbon street. In unexpend ed balances, the largest sum Is left over from the city engineer's department. It is $9,954.38. The Carbon street item is included In (his sum. Some of the other balances are as follows: General city account, $109,15: city controller's department, $52.64; law department, $87.14; city clerk's depart ment, $194.85; city assessors' 'depart ment, $34.88; city treasurer's depart ment, $324.47; city recorder's depart ment, $21.42; board of appeals, $30; de partment of public safety, $23.02; bureau of police, $1,314.71 ; bureau of fire, $4, 569.16; bureau of building Inspection, $31,39; bureau' of health, 94.C60.S1; de partment of public works, $1,595.60; city hall, $50.97: city engineer's department, $9,951.38; highways nnd sewers, $398,47; bureau of parks, $731.75. The majority of the deficiency bills are of small amounts, but there arc three or four comparatively large ones, which swell tho total. Among these is the bill of the board of viewers of the sewer in tho Nineteenth district, and n claim of $2,496.11 by Julian Schult & Co. Three claims of the Scranton Gas nnd Water company, for a trifle over $2,600, are also In tho list. They are old bills, which were reported favorably upon nt the last meeting of the audit ing committee. m $3,500 BUYS IT. A Country Property Costing Origi nally Over $0,000. Located about fourteen miles from Scranton, consisting of a handsome fourteen-room steam-heated residence; a fine, largo well-built store building, with an established business; a good barn; a large well-kept lawn with stately shade treecs; all kinds of fruit; a large garden, -with growing corn, potatoes and other vegetables; a well of cold spring water; water In tho house and a trout stream on the prem ises and, all In all, the most complete place of the kind In this part of the country. It must be seen to be appre ciated. For further particulars and reasons for selling see W. T. Hackett, the Real Estate Broker, Scranton, Pa. Are You Going With the N. Y. O and W." excursion to Hancock. Sunday, August 10th? Re turn fare, $1.00. Train leaves Scranton at 8.30 a. m. PRESSURE NOT HIGH ENOUGH RESULT OF THE TESTS MADE ON WATER MAINS. Director Wormser Is of tho Opinion That It Would Not Bo Wise to Dls connect Certain Hydrants in South Scranton nnd Bellevue from the 1 Mains of the Spring Brook Water Company nnd Attach Them to tho Scranton Gas nnd Water Company's Mnlns. By a recent action of councils, Direc tor of Public Safety F, L. Wormser was renucstcd to iisecrtaln what could be done In the mutter of having the flic hydrants at Connoll Park and tho Hcllovuo Heights, supplied by water from the Scranton Gas and Water company's mains, lnstcnd of from those of the Spring Brook Water company. It was thought that by using the Scranton Gas and Water company's mains the city would thus be saved the additional expense accruing from tho service tendered by a second company. Director Wormser ordered an Investi gation of the hydrants by Superintend ent II. F. Forber, of the bureau of fire, und the result of this convinced him that the Scranton Gas and Water com pany Is unable to supply the requisite wa.ter pressure In these particular lo calities. RESULT OF TESTS. He sent a communication to select council, Thursday night, containing tho following report by Superintendent Fer bcr of the test, which he made July 29. It shows the location of the hydrants, the time of test, and the amount of pressure: Bellevue South Main avenue' and Archbnld street, 10.43 n. m., 93 pounds; Snyder avenue and Archbuld street, 10.30 a. m.. 90 pounds; Acker avenuo und Archbald street, 10.20 a. m., 90 pounds; Dodge avenue and Back street, 9.50 n. m., 120 pounds. The highest pressure of the Scranton Gas and Water company was at tho hydrant nt tho Locust street and South Main avenue, at 8.45 a. m., 45 pounds. South Scrnnton-Glbbons street and Stone avenue, 8.45 n. m SO pounds: Gib bons street and Prospect avenue, 8.33 a. m., 90 pounds: O'Haru. street and Pros pect avenue, S.30 a. m., 90 pounds; Win field street and Connell street, 8.23 a. m., 93 pounds; Saginaw street and PIttston avenue, S.20 a. m., 95 pounds: Duncan street nnd PIttston avenue, 8.15 a. m., 95 pounds: Duncan street and Blrney avenue, 8.03 a. m., 93 pounds; CampbeU street and Blrney avenue, 8 a. m 93 pounds: Snyder street and Blrney ave nue, 7.50 a. m., 100 pounds; Snyder street and Cedar avenue, 7.13 a. m., 100 pounds. The highest pressure of tlje Scranton Gas and Water company was at the hydrant at Pltthton avenuo and Back street, tested at S.53 a. m., 30 pounds. Continued on Pace 8.1 A Great Out Price Sale of the 1 5est Dry Goods I Double Stamps Will Be Given on all sales. : : t 1 Saturday and Monday, Angflst y ana 11, uvuuiv utumo Every Farcoase Two Stamps with every ioc worth of goods bought. Four Stamps with every 20c worth of goods bought. A Twenty Stamps with every $1 worth of goods bought, and in like proportion on Look at the Prices Wash Goods New Lawns 5c 8c Dimities 5c 9c Batistes 6c 9c Seersucker Ginghams 6c 1 ?c Batistes ioc 15c Swisses and Lappets 12 c 25c Scotch and French' Ginghams 15c 50c Fine Wash Goods, all cut to 35c 30c Silk Ginghams 39c 25c Sheer Ginghams 15c Linens 35c Table Linen .... ape 40c Table Linen . . .' 35c $1.25 Table Linen 95c 1. 00 Bleached Table Linen 79c $1.25 Bleached Table Linen $1.00 $1.65 Bleached Table Linen 1.35 White Goods 19c White India Linon 15c 15c White India Linon iac 20c White Goods,stripes and madras effects, iac 16c White Pique Welts iac 20c White Pique Welts 15c 25c White Pique Welts 18c 35c White Pique Welts 35c 25c Turkish Bath Towels '. 31c 18c Turkish Bath Towels ,..., 15c 13c Turkish Bath Towels ioc White Toilet Quilts, special $1.00 White Toilet Quilts, special $1.35 Cloak Department Specials Striped Seersucker Underskirts 45c $1.25 Black Mercerized Underskirts 89c 1.50 Polka Dot Duck Dress Skirts.... '...$1.00 2. 50 Polka Dot Duck Dress Skirts 3.00 3.00 Shrunken Linen Dress Skirts 3-5 3.50 White Pique v 3.oo 7. 50 White Pique 5- 4.50 White Pique 3.75 3.00 White Pique 1.75 Shirt Waists 75c and $1.00 Gingham and Percale Waists, 5pc $1.50 to $2.30 Mercerized, in nil colors $1.00 $.00 to $3. 50 White Lawn Waists a.oo ' 2.00 White Waists, very desirable 1.00 1.23 White Lawn Waists 69c Walking Dress Skirts All-Wool Homespun Twill, double flounce, six rows of stitching below and above each flounce, blues, castors, greys, ox fords and black. A sure $7.50 Skirt for.S4.9S L idles' and Children's Jackets at i..ilf price. Black Taffeta and China Sil't Waists at spec ial prices. Ladies' Tailor Suits at closing prices. Ladies' Wash Suits, Lawns, Ginghams and Percales at about the cost of the material. Dress Goods Black Taffeta Silk, guaranteed, and a full yard wide., $1.00 Black Taffeta Silk, guaranteed, rain proof 1.25 New Camel's Hair Homespun, all wool, illuminated weaves, 59c New Navy and Black Homespun Etamine Skirtings, so inches 75c New Bedford Cordaway Waistings, white, with stripes of color 75c Heavy Black Cheviot Skirting, 50 inch, $1.25 value 75c Black Cheviot, 45 inch, special value , , 50c t MEARS &HAGENI J 415 AND 417 LACKAWANNA AVE. 1 $ tftifeps 1 UOAli, ra5 H Jrot .,i- for Vfc kkf "Hell Roaring Jake" (Iho Conqueror of Samar) suffered severely from dyspepsia. Now if he had known and used TRYABITA FOOD his temper would have been more equable because his digestivo apparatus would bo in perfect tone. Indeed Tryabita cures stomach troubles by preventing them. At the same tlmo it contains 10 times mora solid nourishment in proportion to Its cost than beef. Thus it is daily recom mended by dietic physicians as a perfect and delicious summer food for man, woman or child. Made from selected wheat grains and impregnated with pepsin and celery, (Pepsin is digestive. Celery soothes tho nerves.) Ask your grocer for a big 15c package, nlso inquire for our "hulled rorn. " A Novelty and a Doll receipt book free for your Grocers name and a 2 cent stamp. TRYABITA FOOD CO., Ltd., Battle Creek, Mich. JpaOSKMUKKXUUttCKUKKXKKKU! k Our Popular Saturday Sales C3 Will fill tlio Rtoro ngnln today. Buyers who know values and styles JJ readily lccoRnlise tho mlvnntiiBCij ot doing their Saturday shopping hero. U0 The stock Is new, tho styles are light, nnd tho reductions quoted nro 25 KUiirnntecd. It's snfo to buy at McConnell & Co.'s. for If tho purchase is not satisfactory, your money can be refunded and no questions asked. Saturday Specials The Shirt Waist Sale is druwlng to a close. Noto the prices Tor .Sat urday: . All half-dollar Shirt Waists at 23c. All 75c. and 51.00 Shirt Waists nt c. All $1.23 and $1.30 Shiit Waists at 73c. All $.'.25 and J2.30 Shirt Waists at $1.21 And not u back number In tho lot. Muslin Undergarments Tho prettiest, most complete and freshest stock is here to select from at pi ices which cannot be duplicated in Scranton. Sample Bargains ladles' Fine White Muslin Night Robes; extra long and full cut; tucked yoke, hemstitched and Hamburg trimmed collar; cuffs and front. A splendid $1.00 value for G9c. Ladles' Fin Cambric Corset Covers In all sizes. A special drive for Sat urday at 0c. Hosiery and Underwear Ladies' Lace Stripe Ribbed Vests; sleeveless, with full lace and ribbon trim. A genuine 25c. Vest for only 18c. Ladles' Hcrmsdorf Dyed Hose, in laco stripes and now drop-stltch effects; 2-thread lisle; high spliced heel and'toc.'etc. A splendid 25c. qual ity for only 19c. Men's Furnishings An entire new line of high class Half Hose in black, white and fancies. Lace weave with embroidery. The newest thing out nt GOc. Men's early Fall and Summer Neckwear, Including a now assortment of Spring Tics. Fine selection at 25c. McConnell & Co.,, v The Satisfactory Store. H 400402 Lackawanna Avenue. UUn)SOMKKnKKKSKKK::KKKKKK) Lm pacia Beers That Are Pleasingly Different Minister and Bohemian Pure malt lagers for family use, containing but 5 per cent of alcohol, they represent high attainments In the art of brewing. Every label bears the date of bottling. A Case Containing Two Dozen Bottles, for $I.OO, Delivered. Telephone Orders Are Filled Immediately 216 Lackawanna AvcScRAhTOtiV New 'phone 2974 Old 'Phone 2162 Semi-Annual Reduction Sale Big Bargains in All Departments, All the 2.oo and $3.00 Straw Hats Reduced to $1.00 uhJc!Liag 412 8PUUCU STREET. ' 509 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. Try Our Special 10q Linen Collars. ill's a Lager Beer.. Manufacturers of . Old Stock : PILSNER llrew ry N. seventn bt Old 'Pone, 333l. New 'Phone, 2935, . Scranton, Pa -eigU
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