. ' 'I v, . ,;i.r,H .-a w -A-- ' V I " ' i .. .t i. . . -; u , " v : ,. ' . r , rvM , ' . U ' , w ,- - -r f. apnv rwry.-yv. r I- ' . , ; THE SCRANtfON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY, AUGUST 2, 1902. , X ' ) v tyreflrr.r: The News of FDR nBNT"-Tho, Congregational parsons pAiscssinn Btycn'AiiB. is. Add JWi. Brolly, 137 3 Church Street, Carbpndal., PAINTING CONTRACT : IS CAUSING TROUBLE i Union Labor Men Up In Arms Over Frank & Son Getting High School Job Control Labor Union to Act. The Indications are that there will bo n repetition of the friction that on BUed over the painting of the park fountain by non-union labor. 5li Wednesday night, school Directors Vuniian mid Evans, of the school board building committee awarded, from a. number of bids, the contract for paint ing ut the high school to H. Frank & Son. Their bid was considerably lower. Frank & Son do not employ union men and the unions are consequently up In nrms Against the disposition of the contract. The strong united labor sentiment that Is In Carbondale Is manifesting It self and the more radical are In favor of taking some notion to retrlve what they, deem an Insult to united labor on "the part of the directors who gave nut--the conttnet-. The directors take the stand that It was their duty to give the contract to the lowest bidder, but thp union men claim that they should have been given consideration. A meeting of the Central Labor union will ho held Sunday at which some action will probably be taken. MISS MAXWELL'S MARRIAGE. "Wedding in Missouri of a Former Carbondale Girl. Thn fnllnwtne renort of the marriage of Miss Marcella Maxwell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James F. Maxwell, former well-known residents of this city, ap pears in the Carthage, Mo., Democrat: "A surprise In Carthage yesterday was the wedding of George Barclay Stump and Miss Marcella Maxwell, both prominent young people of this city, at St. Peter's cathedral in Jop lin. "The ceremony occurred at 3 o'clock In the afternoon and was conducted by Rev. Father Hoverstadt. The couple were uccomDanled by Miss Mamie Maxwell, sister of the bride, and J. D. Harris, of Carthage. "Although many thought the wedding to be an event of the near future, It was sooner than expected and was hastened by a sudden business caU to Texas, where he is Interested In oil wells. Ho will leave today for Port Arthur to look after his business and to assist his relative, David Stump, In the publication of the Port Arthur News. "A home will bo prepared for his bride there and she will follow In a month, in the meantime remaining at the homo of her parents In Carthage. "The bridal party took supper at Joplln and then came to Carthage, where an elegant reception was given, at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Maxwell, on North Maple street. "Mr. Stump is a Carthage bred boy, a printer by trade. He has spent the greater part of his life in Carthago and is considered unusually fine In his work. Also he a fine musician and a valuable part of the Light Guard band, which is loser. "Miss Maxwell came to Carthage only a few years ago from Pennsyl vania and has a large circle of friends." A DELIGHTFUL EVENING. Successful Dance Under Patronage of Silas and Roswcll McMullen. The informal dance given by Messrs. dllas and Roswell McMullen, in Burke's hall, last evening, proved to be one of the swellest of the season, the partici pants giving the event a decidedly fash 'onable air. A delightful social time was enjoyed. Prof. Firth provided splendid dance music. Messrs. McMul len, the hosts, scored quite a social tri umph in their conduct of the enter prise. Among those present from out of town were: Misa Ensign, of Waymart; Miss Hlne, of Brooklyn, N. Y.j Miss Kessler, of New York, and Miss Best, of Port Jervls, N. Y. His Horses Got Away. The horses of one Frank McCunc, of "Waymart, got away figuratively and literally In Carbondale this week, and thereby Alderman Fred J. Thomas was given his llrst criminal case, on Thurs day evening. McCune Is employed by G. B. Guther, of Waymart, and was sent with the t&im to Seeleyvllle with a load of lum ber. McCunc was attracted to Carbon dale, and did not show up for several days. In order to regain the team luther hud a warrant sworn out for nls nrrest. Constable Moran, after tracing McCunc and the outfit from one place to another, located them In the Dundaff section. Alderman Thomas held McCunc under $300 ball, but later the charge was withdrawn on payment of costs. I ,R Ik" . M. -!. I- - r, " Jju - rT "' Preserve the Fish! ,,?;:There Is golnj; to bc n run on Elk .JaJo next week, and It's easy money, v.c according to "Chuck" Connors, that J( jhe, season will end there after next iVwjeok. The basis of these, predictions Is x Jhe. excursion that has been planned by .number of highly popular young men , ,of'tho town. , .The fishing party will ba inado up of Claude It. Smith, 13. C. Ely, Lou Davis, , George F, Japies, F, 1, Derby und ,A)b.ert Moon. They will leave tomor ,TV, WVl will bo tjono until next Sutur- .day .They ao Jolly spirits and will r piako tho most of the outing. Stories "that will out-Whltney Whitney can be .looked for, following their return. ,Ho.me After a Month's Vacation, ' ;DV. W W. Fletcher and family re ,fy)rnea yesterday from Harford, Sus jjuielianna county, where they spent a .jiiorith. The doctor had a rate time ' fishing In the, numerous lakes there abouts nnd has a stock of stories for ! frlds- His ofllcels now open dally to tho. wants qf his practice. Mr vW Cease for Three Weeks, 'After tomorrow, Sunday, August 3, a vacation' of three Sundays will follow , 'at' St: Paul's Lutheran church, Qn the last Sunday of this month the church t &8tJ&k - v- -ii m w J W MflW MMMT Mil MtfM " VIM '- 1 J' liitsait .fat, ..v.-,,. ,, 'tfiM. t.tu. iA,j,mA .. Carbondale. will bo re-opened, whether or not the depressing strike atmosphere has .cleared. Wo hope for tho best, how ever. The' services for tomorrow, the tenth Sunday after Pentecost, will be as fol lows: Sabbath school ut 9.30 a. m.; services at 10.30 a. in. Sdrmoh on Acts, 11:37 and xvl:30, second part: "What Wo Ourselves Must Do to Bo SaVed." All arc cordially welcome to tho Bcr vice. Rev. F. Ehlugcr, pastor. GONE TO CINCINNATI. Captain T, P. Murphy Transferred to a Promising Field. CapUiln Thomas P, Murphy, formerly the locul representative ,of tho Inter national Correspondence schools, left Scrunton yesterduy .forenoon for Cin cinnati, O,, where a promising field with the schools awaits, his cultivation. Mr. Murphy's withdrawal will be keenly regretted by Cnrbondallans, CAPTAIN THOMAS P. MURPHY, Who Leaver Carbondale for a Better Field In Cincinnati. .. though, at the same time, heartfelt wishes for his success will accompany him to the west. His personality at tracted friends In all his relations and his manly qualities gave him a rare standing in this community for the short time he was here. When Captain Murphy relinquished his duties here, a month ago, owing to the severe depression following the coal strike, the schools had a favorable place for hfm in Philadelphia. In the meantime the opening at Cincinnati was offered, and accordingly Mr. Mur phy accepted the change, which will be away ahead of the Carbondale field. Dr. Whalen Home Tomorrow. Kev. Dr. II. J. "Whalen will be? home today from Eaglesmere Chautauqua, where he Is summering, and will fill the pulpit nt the Berean Baptist church at the usual services tomorrow. In connection with this announce ment, an interesting part is that Dr. Whalen, himself, will conduct the men's meeting at 9.45. This will be the first time In a number of weeks In which Dr. Whalen will address the men at their meeting, and he will assuredly be greeted with a large assemblage of the male portion of the congregation. Editor Forbes in Town. Fred F. Forbes, one of the editors of tho Willlamsport Grit, a Carbondale young man who is sustaining the An thracite city's reputation for produc ing sons of whom she may be proud, Is being greeted by his numerous warm friends in the city. Mrs. Forbes ac companies him. They are visiting his mother, who now resides In New York city, but is spending the summer with relatives In Carbondale. Mr. Forbes Is prospering In Willlamsport and finds his surroundings satisfactory and con genial. A Few More Vacations. Postal Clerk William Fox is on his annual vacation nt Atlantic Citv. Mnllcarrler David Walsh is enjoying the second vacation, which he was for- tunate to secure this year, because of tho manner of his appointment, and is also at Atlantic City. Mnllcarrler W. B. Chase is home, after his vacation, which he spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will La thrope, In Wnterbury, Conn., the latter of whom is his daushter. Telephone Operators Begin Vacations The vacation period of the operators at tho Carbondale Telephone company's exchange began on Friday. Miss Elizabeth Moyles, chief operator, Is tho first to take advantage of the outing. Miss Anna Dlmmock, tho night oper ator. Is HOW on tho ilav sorvlro. mid Miss Stella Morgan, tho relief operator, 13 in charge of the night service. Taken Up Residence Here. Mrs. W. 'C. Emits, wife of Master Mechanic Ennls, of the Delaware und Hudson company shops In this city, arrived here Thursday from Paterson, N, J to take up her residence with, her husband. Those whose friendship she won during her earlier brief resi dence in Curbondule, heartily welcome" her, Visitors at Atlantic City. Other Carbondallans at Atlantic City, besides those already mentioned as vis itors at that popular resort, aro Mrs. P. A. Duffy, Misses Jennie Ilrcnnan, Margaret Flnnerun, John Flnneran, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Maxwell, A Game This Afternoon. Tho Belmont Stars crossed bats with the Bobbin Works team yesterday af ternoon. The Bobbin Works team will play tho Silk Mill team this afternoon on Sandy's field. Meetings pf Tonight. Cumbrian lodge, Odd Fellows. DlvUlon No. 13, A. O. II. Court Golden Eagle, Foresters of America, Diamond lodge, Shield of Honor. Meetings of Sunday. Knights of Father Muthcw. E. E. Hendrlck lodge, Rullroud Train men. Central Labor union. Clgarmnkers' union. S. II, Dotterer lodge, Locomotive En gineers, Party at Newton Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Nicholson and f4HHH mEm M 'HRbIi TfcUiiMtaroU ob ctarjr bos of fe twiM Laxative RromnftiiInlneT&bieta ' children, Itcxford, George and Kathcr lne Mr. and Mrs. George Fisher and daughter, Clara! Misses Mae, Jennie and Ralph Pengclly, and Herbert His ted left yestordny afternoon for New ton lake, where they will camp for a few weeks. They have rented tho Jen kins cottage for the outing. Stamps Given Away. Ten extra stamps given away. See our advertisement In this paper. Mcars & Hagen. THE PASSING THRONG. Raymond Wade Is visiting relatives In Hamilton. Miss Sadie Hullah, of Forest City, Is spending the week In this city. Miss Alice Robblns Is spending her vacation In Delaware county, N. Y. Ellas Thomas, of Humphrey's store, Is confined to his homo by Illness. Miss Anna Farrcll, of South Church Btreet, Is visiting friends in Olyphant. Misses Veronica Gorman nnd Kittle Godwin are visiting friends In Carbon dale, Miss Rlvenburg, of Laurel street, Is visiting In Philadelphia and Atlantic City. Misses Mnrjory Spencer and May Morgan aro at Pleusant Mount for a week. John Campbell left yesterday morn ing on nn extended trip through West ern Pennsvlvanln. Miss Annie Hutchlns, of Washing ton street, Is visiting a few days with friends In Wllkes-Barre. Miss Kate Little, of Carbondale, Is the guest of Miss Annie Collier on But ler street. Plttston Gnzctte. Murto'n J. Oliver and John MUllgnn, of Summit avenue, spent yesterday fishing at Little Stanton pond. Mrs. William Blackwell, of Philadel phia, is the guest of Mr, and Mrs. E. A. Wlnnecott, of Dart avenue. Miss Elizabeth Pauley, of Wilming ton, Del., Is visiting Mrs. John Moon, at her homo on South Church street. Miss Gladys McMlchacl, of Munch Chunk, Is visiting the Misses Lucy nnd Anna MUllgnn, at their home on Sum mit avenue. Misses Helen and Josephine O'Neil, of Honesdnle, spent Thursday at the home of Mrs. Thomas .Brennan, on South Main street. Miss May Kilpatrlck, ofSouth Main street, has left on a month's trip which will Include visits at Newport, R. I., and New London, Conn. W. H. Edgett and Homer Baker, have rented the Burr cottage at Crystal lake, and will take possession of It to morrow for the present month. Misses Stella, Carrie and Nora Cad den, and Anna Rowley, of Scranton, are the guests of Misses Gertrude and Emily Tucker on Brooklyn street. Sisters Mary Stella and Mary Am brose of Mercy convent, Wllkes-Barre, are visiting tlie latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Relrdon, on North Main street. Mr. and Mrs. George J. Benton, of this city, and Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Tyler, of Forest City, left yesterday for a ten days' drive and outing at Tyler Hill, Pa., and along the Delaware river. Mrs. G. B. Samson, of Carbondale, has returned to her home after a pleas ant visit here. The family of W. G. Thomas has returned from a visit with Carbondale relatives. West Plttston cor. Miss Lucy MUUgan, who has been spending her vacation In Plymouth, has returned to her home on Summit ave nue. Miss MUUgan Is greatly Improved In her appearance, an Indication that she enjoyed her vacation. Miss Susie Titman has returned to her home In Tunkhannock, after a pro longed visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Van Gorder, on Wayne street. Miss Titman made many warm friends during lier stay in this city, who regret her departure very much. Mrs. W. W. Snow, of Prompton, is to be in Carbondale for the coming two weeks, at the home of her brother, Clark Alvord. Misses Mary and Maud Stephens, of) Carbondale, have been guests of Mrs. C. A. Cortright for the past week. Wayne County Herald. Mrs. Claude R. Smith, and children, Cecil, Marlon nnd Eleanor, Miss Lottie Andrews and Mrs. Smith's niece, Miss Marian Dennis, left yesterday for Sil ver lake, where they will spend several weeks. Miss Dennis, whose home Is In Bradford, returns after a delightful visit among Carbondale friends, Mr. and Mrs. J. D, Adley, and daugh ter, Helen, who have been visiting the family of C. C. Rose, have returned to their home in Carbondale. Miss Mln ijle Anthony, of Carbondale, Is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John An thony, on Elm street. Misses Helen and Lorine Cross, of Carbondale, are visiting their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Law. Plttston Gazette. JERJY1YN AND iHAYFIELD. Examinations for those desiring to qual ify ns mlno foiemen and assistant mlno foremen will bo 'held In tho high school building, Carbondale, Monday and Tues day of next week. Thos.o Hint make up tho examining bo.ird uru Inspector Ed-' ward Roderick, John Robinson, Joseph T. Roberts and Thomas Llewellyn. Tommy Doud, a small boy, residing on tho East Side, was painfully bitten on tho thigh yesterday by a dog belonging to John Reap. Elmer Fowler, son of Mr. and Mis. Hosmcr Fowler, of Fifth struct. Is betl ously ill, Alficd Wnlkey, of Scranton, was a vis itor hero jesteiduy, A son arrived at tho homo of Mr, and Mrs. John Muit'ln nt West Muyileld Thursday. A team of ball players from Archhald was cas-lly defeated by Momlclson's Pets on thu Bust SUlo grounds yesterday after noon by a scoto of 5 to C. Tho Odd Fellows feeling dissatisfied at their defeat a fortnight ngo by tho Knights of Pytlilas, nsked for anothor gumo of baso ball, which was played Thursday. Tho Knights again lopeuted their vlctoiy by a score of 18 to 2. Tho Misses Vail aio camping at Lake Chapman. Miss draco Townsend, of Curbondalo, Is visiting Jcnnyn fi lends. Miss Cecelia Itrudy, the night opera tor at tho telephone exchange, Is spend tug her vacation at Dundaff, Miss Mur guret Kllkcr, icllef operator, Is now on night duty. Miss Gladys Soboy, of Foiost City, Is spending a few du-3 with Jonnyn trlcnds. Rov. W. II. Hlniniclreleh, of Wilkes Uurie, will preach In tho Primitive-Methodist church at both services tomorrow. Miss Mary Bpettlsuo, who bus been lsltlng Honcsdala relatives, bus returned homo. Stamps Given Away. Ten extia stamps given away, Sco our advcitlsemcnt hi this paper. Mcais & Hagen. PECKVILLE. Mrs. Ceilu Tanner and chlldion havo returned homo uftcr a sojourn at White's Valley. Frank Williams, of Main street, is spondlng his vacation at New Mllford. Miss Flossie Warfield has accepted a position as clerk for W. F. Ketchum. Rev. F. Gendall Is confined to his home with an attpek of bronchitis. Miss Elsie Stearns, of Grcn Ridge, Is j3aalaf4 Visiting her friend, Miss Florence White, of "White's addition." Nellie nnd Ruth Gcndall havo returned from a visit with friends In Jcrmyn, Miss Beatrice Morris, of Scranton, Is spending a few days with her sister, Goorgo Doyle, of Main street, has re turned homo from Now Mexico. Miss Pearl Trovcrton, of Gtcen Ridge, Is Vloltlng Mr, nnd Mrs. Dwlght R, Lathrop. Miss Freda Stark, of Nicholson, has re turned homo uftcr a few weeks' visit wlnh friends and relatives hero. Mrs. Miller, of Park place, Is visiting her parents, Mr. nbd Mrs. Samuel White. Mrs. Wllllnm Roll and daughter, Mrs. William Klllhour and children, spent Wednesday with friends at Scranton. Stamps Given Away. Ten extra otnmps given away. Sco our advertisement In this paper. Mcars & Hagen. OLYPHANT Mrs. Mary Lynch and family, accom panied by their guests, Miss Hayes, of Now York, and Edward Smith, of Now Haven, Conn'., left yesterday for Big Pond for a month's sojourn. Arthur O'Malley. of Plttston, was tho guest of P. F. O'Malley, of Dunmoro street, yestordny. Ethclbert Jones Is homo from Norwich, N. Y., for a fow days. Rov. J. C. Campbell, of Montroso, will conduct tho services In tho Presbyterian church tomorrow morning and evening. Services will bo held at the usual tlmo In tho Blakely Baptist Church tomorrow morning nnd evening. Tho Jioly ouchar 1st will bo served In tho morning. Rov. David Spencer, D. D., pastor. Mr. and Mis. T. J. Parsons, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. A. Hull, the Misses Alice David, Mayrl Shaw, S. L. McCabo, of this place, Mr. ad Mrs. Lowls Speck, of Green Ridge, nnd Miss Mabel SchcVmcr, of Philadelphia, spent yesterday at Nay Aug park. Mrs. Edward Tipple, of Dunmoro, spent yesterday with friends In town, Miss Elizabeth Jours has returned from a trip to tho Adlrondncks. Mrs. John Probert and Mrs. D. G. Jones left yesterday to spend two weeks at At lantic City. Miss Helen Kennedy, of Green Ridge, is visiting friends at this place. .'Florence Mains, of Jcrmyn, visited friends In town yesterday. Misses Annlo Gaughan nnd Alice Ken ney, of New York, Annie Golden and Mnrgaret Barrett, of Dunmoro, were vis itors nt this place yesterday. Emrys Joseph Is spending his vacation at tho seashore. Stamps Given Away. Ten extra stamps given 'away. See our advertisement in this paper. Mcars & Hagen, ARCHIBALD. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Campbell. Mlscs Surah Gllroy, Emily Glldea nnd Nellie Naylor left yesterday morning for a two weeks' stay at Atlantic City. N Misses P. F. Brognn, M. T. Butler and Miss Molly Butler aro at Crystal Lake, tor a tew nays. Nelson, the I-months'-old child of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Glohl, died Friday morn ing. The funeral -will tuko place from the home, Saturday afternoon. Anthony Harrison was a visitor In Scranton yesterday. Gus Ollendick has Bono to Iowa, where ho expects to remain for some time. A new Iron fence has been placed around the Presbyterian parsonage, nnd adds greatly to tho appearance of tho place. Cnptaln P. J. McAndrcw was a business caller In Scranton yesterday. Miss Nellie O'Hearn, of Elmlra, N. Y., Is visiting the Misses McAndrew, of Pine street. Mioses Grace and Louise Bishop, of Carbondale, are visiting relatives In town. Miss Hattie Myers is visiting relatives in Syracuse, N. Y. Tho Mlshcs Sweeney, Jennie Walsh, Blanche and Mary Reilly; Messrs. John Flnnerty, Will Coollcan and T. W. Loftus spent yesterday at Crystal lake. H. A. Nlemeyer, of Scranton, was a business caller In town yesterday. Stamps Given Away. Ten extra stamps given away. See our advertisement In this piper. Meais & llagcii. TAYLOR. The Taylor Orioles defeated the Prov idence Nonpaiells on tho latter's Rrounds yesterduy In one of the, most interesting and best played games, of tho teuson, Welsejilluh again distinguishing himself as a twlrler, having ten strike-outs to bis credit and allowing but few hits. Powell, of tho local team, hit the ball hard. The contest was anybody's gamo up till tho ninth, when the Oiloles came r and bat ted out a victory. The scoie: Taylor (I 0 0 0 10 0 0 3-4 Providonco 1-0 10 0 0 0 0 02 Sabbath school nt tho Presbyterian church tomorrow will be held nt 2 p. m. Instead of 11.30 a. m. Tho masoniy work Is nenrlng comple tion for tho new school which our school board are having erected on the plot an nex, Lincoln Heights, which recently bo camo a portion of this borough. Tho structure will bo a two-story wooden btiuctuie. Taylor & Tubus, contract ors, will build the structute. Tho Taylor Union band participated at tho United Mlno Workers' demonstration held at tho West Scianton park grounds yesteiday. Nearly two thousand people from tho town and vicinity wuro in at itcndancc. Services nt the Calvary Buptlst church tomorrow will bo held at tho usual hours. Tho pastor. Rev. Dr. II. 11. Harris will officiate at both services. Sabbath school will bo held at " p. m. All aro wclcomo. Tho Taylor Stars defeated tho Rond ham team on Thursday In an Interesting gamo by a scoio of 10 to . Tho featiues of tho gamo was tho pitching of Welsen lluh, of tho Stars, who had tho opposing batsmen completely at his mercy, striking out seven nnd allowing only six hits. Messrs. Gomer Jones nnd John Cunnion aro homo from Thompson, where they did tho plumbing work on tho beautiful now homo of John Ncely, a former prom inent nnd well known townsman, J, B. Coolbaugh. of Milwaukee, was a Taylor visitor yestordny. Miss Rachel Smith, of Luzerne bo rough, who has been tho guest of Miss Jennie Harris, of Main street, has ro turncd home. Mrs, David Gilfllths and children, of Taylor wtieet, nio homo fiom a two wpoks1 stay at Harvey's Lake. Mis, M. J, Lloyd, of Pilcobutk, is vis iting her mother, Mrs. Robert Llewellyn, on Union street. James Kenuaii, of Wlllies-Barrc, was a business visitor In town yesterday. Misses Anna and Jcnnatto Junes, ot South Scrunton, wera guests of Misses Annlo nnd Ella Jones of Main street, on Thursday, Miss Agnes Grognn, of Archhald, Is visiting lelativcs In town for tho past few days. Rov. und Mis, John L. Evuns have re turned to their homo nt Cannon, Conn., uftcr being tho guests of relatives und ft lends In town nnd Its vicinity. Prof, M, J. Lloyd, of Pilccburg, called on relutlvcs In this borouglv yesteiday. Mrs. W, T, Davis nnd son, Wayne, uro visiting idatlves a tSiiHquehannn county, Rov. Wllllnm Howell, a local min ister, will occupy tho pulpit at tho Welsh AH OLD ATO WELL-TRIED REMEDY. MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP for children teething, Is tho prescription ol pne of the best female physlcluns and liurses In the United States, und has beeq used sixty years with nevor,falllng sue, cess by ml lions of mothers for their chlU dren. Dur nshe process of teething its yaluo Is Incalculable. It relieves the fhil frouj pain, cures diarrhoea, griping In tl re9' jMS, w nd'c?ll0;v. Kns health to the hlld It rests thn mother. Price, twenu-flve cents ft botUa. ' -4 -. X V Connolly & Wallace Scranton's Shopping Center t : Connolly & Wallace iau xt i 4. i,n from last week's selling will be closed What S LeTt UVer ovt this week, for it's nearly time to make room for fall stock. Just a few of those 79 cent MONARCH SHIRTS and a smaller number of the 79 cent WHITE SHIRTWAISTS. If you are in need of either you should purchase Immediately. i a i. s-i n , Every cut piece of Wash Goods Wash hoods Remnants in the store wii be sold this week for just half. These are opportunities that don't come your way every day. Congregational church tomorrow at both services. Stamps Given-Away. Ten extia stamps given a way. Sco our advertisement In this paper. Mcais & Hagen. HAWLEY. Special to the Scranton Tribune. llawley, Aug. 1. E. V. Murray was a caller In Carbondale, Monday. Miss Frances Shlpman. of Brooklyn, is renewing ucquulntunccs hero this week. Among those who nttcuded tho ball gamo In Ilone.idale, Saturday, were James Pulmer, Eugeno McNamara and Edward Fleming. Misses Sarah E. Knnpp and Angela Oicn and A. Y. Walky were Honcsda'c cullers, Saturday, Messrs. Tom Gallugher nnd Cunlleld, of Honesdulc, called on friends heie, Sunday. Rev. R. D. Mlnch and little daughter, Marlun, of Mt. Ephrlam, uro guests at tho homo of Mrs. Wheeler. Miss Yolundo A. Klllam, of Puupuuk, returned to her homo Friday, after u week's vhlt In Germantown, Pa. Miss Sudlo O'Connor, of Whltu Mills, was tho guest of Miss Mary A. Murray, tho llrst ut the week. Misses Jennie A. Edwards, Mary A. Mutiny and Sadlo O'Connor and Wilson Edwards wcro nt Beech Lake, Tuesday, ns tho guests of Miss Ellen Hapctuun, of this place, who has been spending her vacation there. Miss Ilapeman roturned homo with them. MUs Ella Palmer Is spending her vaca tion with her patents on the East Side. Miss Simons, of Now Rnchelle, N, J,, Is the guest of Miss Mao Kcllam. R. S. Johnson and wife, of Carbondale, spent Sunday at tho homo of Rev. J. 11. Wutrous. Mr, and Mrs, Edward Ammerman, of Musslllon, O., weie callers In town tho fit st of tho week. The Methodist Episcopal church netted a large sum at tho lawn festival held ut Mrs, Snyder's, Wednesday evening, Miss Nell E. Dingmait Is out again, af ter 'a sovcro sickness. Miss Anna Williams spent Sunday In lioncsdale. Marcus Tuttlo wus tho guest of Gcorgo Ellis, of Dunmoro, last Sunday, Mrs. (Jumble, of Paupack, Is tho guest caller In (own, Sunday, Married At tho homo of tho bride's parents, Wednesday nt high noon, by tho Rov, R. D. Mlnch, Miss Muo E. Geaty and Robert J, Wheeler. N. E, lluuso und family, of Harrisburg, urc spending boma thno ut the residence of Mrs. Tuft, W, A, Gregg and fumlly returned Sun duy, from u visit with relatives In Car bondale. L. M, Atkinson entertained ut his Big Pond cottage, lust Sunduy. A. T. Seurles, esq., of Honcsdulo; Hon. C. Ftcd Wtlght, of Susquehanna; Jumcs H. Tor rey, of Scranton; Civil Engineer Fisher, of Scranton; L. Jr Dorulnser and sou, Charles, of Honesdales C. HyDorfllnger, of White Mills; Dr.'H. A. "Plum, R. W, Murphy and II. J, Atkinson, of Hawlcy. This Afternoon for Recreation. Store Closes at Noon. MELDRUM, SCOTT & ANNOUNCEMENTS OF THE RAILROADS A Popular Sunday Outing. The New York, Ontario and Western Railway company will run mi excur sion to Hancock, N. Y on Sunday, August 10. The ride over tho hills of Wayne and Delawate counties at this season of tho year Is n delightful one, the view being beautiful, a scope of country being visible from the Elk mountains to the Catskllls. Tho pretty town of Hancock in itself, situated as it Is, between both branches of tho Delaware river and suriounded by tho towering peaks or the Catskills and other ninges of mountains, presents to the excursionist a view well worth see ing. Theip are a number of summer hotels and boarding houses at Hancock, with ample nccoiniuodntlons, and livery facilities to afford a drive through the country for excursionists. Train will leave Scranton nt S.30 a. in., and returning, leave Hancock at 4,30 p, m., arriving In Scranton at C.ID p. in, The return fine ft om Scranton will bo $1. For turther Information, consult ticket agents or J. E. Welsh, T. P. A., Scran ton, Pa. ' Excursion to Mauch Chunk, Glen Onoko and tho Switch-Back, Sunday, August 2, 100.', via Now Jersey Central. Round trip tickets, good only on special train on nbovn date, will bo on sale at tho tallowing stations und rates: Scranton, 51.50; Taylor. $1.10; Mooale, $1.35; Avocu, $.1.30; Plttston, $1,'.'3; children, 75 cents. Special train on ubovo date will be tun on following schedule; Leave Scranton, 7.30 a, in,; Tnylor, 7,37 u. m,; Mooslc, 7 A3 a. in,; Avocu, 7.1B a. in.; Plttston, 7.01 a, in. Returning, train will leave Mauch Chunk at 3.30 p. m. for above stations. Special trains will loayo Mauch Chunk for Ulou Onoko at 1', 2.13, 3.30 1.15 p. in., and Glen Onoko for Mauch Chunk at -.15, 3. ubd 3.13 p. m. Switch Back tickets, 50 cents extra for adults; chlldten, -5c, and must bo purchased on train befoie urtlvlng at Mauch Chunk, J, S. Swisher, District Passenger Agent. Lackawanna Excursion, Atlantic City, N. J Aug, 14, Special excursion tickets will be t;od for all trains going Thursday, August 14th, good for teturn on any train up to and Including August 2Uh. The rate from Scranton will bo $3.00 for adults and $-.5'J for children between the ages of 5 and VI years. Route will be via Manunka Chunk and' Philadelphia, : x X : CO. Passengers taking trains connecting via the Delaware bridge have no change of stations en toute. The dates select ed for this excursion were made with the view of giving those desiring an outing nt the seashore the most delight ful and Interesting part of the season. Apply to the local ticket agent .for schedule of the several trains dally.' !T Knights of Pythias Meeting, San Francisco. The Nickel Plate rullroad will sell August 1st. to 10th. Inclusive, special excursion tickets, Buffulo, N. Y. to slari' Francisco and return at rate $631,00, good returning to Sept. 30th., accojtnt above meeting. Best accommodations, fast time, lowest rules. See nearest agent or write R. E. Payne, general agent, 231 Main street, Buffalo, N. Y Homeseekers' Excursion. To points all through the West vt.i Nickel Plato railroad. Lowest rates, best accommodations. Through tourist car service, finest coaches. Club meals 35c to $1.00, also meals a la carte. Sea nearest agent pr write R. E. PnyneH genet al agent, 2S1 Main street, Buffalo, N. Y. $51.25 to Salt Lako City and Roturn via the Lehigh Valley llailroad. On account of tho Grand Lodge, Benevolent and Protective Order at Elks meeting at Salt Lake city, Utah, August 12-14, tho Lehigh Valley rail roud will sell round trip tickets at tha rate of $51,23 good going August 6th. 7th and 8th, good for return passage to and Including September 30th. Tickota good on all trains except the Black; Diamond express. Consult Lehigh Valley ticket agents for further In- formation. $GG,S5 to San Francisco and Los An geles, Col., nnd Eeturn via the Lo high Valley Railroad. On account of tho biennial meotlng, Knights of Pythlus, nt San Frnnclsco, August 11-22, the Lehigh Valley rail road will sell excursion tickets to San Francisco and Los Angeles, Cal at $60.25 good going August 1st to 9fh, In clusive, good for return passage to Sep tember 30th. good on any train except the Black Diamond Express, See "Le high Valley ticket agents for furttter jnfot niutlon. J ?r The National Debt. & Washington, Aug, 1 Tho monthly state ment of the national debt shows that' at tho clo&o of business, July 31, Wl, tho debt, less rush In the treasury, amounted to 07J,010,3oT, which Is an Increase as compated with July J, of $l,4tt,12S. This Increuso 13, accounted for by tha reduction In the amount of" cash on hand..
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