8 THE SCRANTON TRIBUNES MONDAY, JUNE 30, 1902. CHRISTIAN CITIZENSHIP SUBJECT OF THE SERMON OF i BEV. 0. H. NEWINO. Gave a Stirring Address Lust Might from His Pulpit in tho Dunmore M. E. Church There la No Nation Strictly Christian Because of the Large Amount of Crime, Intemper ance and Impurity, but Generally They Are Referred to as Christian Nations. Hev. Charles H. NewlnR. paator of Hie Duninoro Methodist uhurch, delivered an eloquent and stirring Hormon lust ovenlhff on the subject of "Christian Citizenship." Ho took for his text tho the words found In first Peter, second chapter, ninth verse: "But ye are a ohosen Reneratlon, u royal priesthood, u holy nation, n peculiar people that vp should show fdrth the praises ot Him who hath called you out of dark ness Into His marvelous light." Mr. Ncwlng said In part: The tuition is not simply an aBRresato of Individuals, It Is a muss ot individuals In relation to each, other. To create and sustain private virtue Is to do a groat n nd important wolk, but llieio Is ofton prlvnto virtue where there Is not much pulille splilt. A man may be n kind husband and a cruel citizen. A man may bo u good church member and a cold anil tareh'ss member of society. What Is needed is u laiger conception of Chilstlun HIV. ot Its duties and responsibilities The word nation is one ot thoso great ex lucsslonB which contain more than wo ran conceive, so manifold and stlbtlo nre the Inlluences which play upon us that' the word is simply a lefugo tor our Ignorance. It stands for forces which nic immeasurable. It stands for history and Includes strug gles nnd strains, battles and blood shed, tyrants' fiowns and peoples' piotests. Take the word America, how much it Booms to tell us, but to the stranger they may not see bo much of beauty In our vast extent of tcnltory and bioad fields ns they come from crowded towns with their old castles nnd ruins. How is all this hugo volume of life to bo turned Into riirlstlan channels'.' That Is indeed u great and perplexing question. Hut it is one which needs our constant attention. There Is no nation strictly Christian, be cause of the lingo amount of crime, in temperanco and impurity, but it is tho general aspect of a nation that -no aro allowed to speak of it as Christian. ' Christian Citlzeu'-lilp In relation to na tional duties, this shows 11.1 that personal halviitlon Is not the only thing of which men .should think. Tho message of tho gospel Includes the welfnro of society. But who docs not see how stunted is tho growth of many Christians because they uro always exercising themselves nbout their own souls and care nothing for so ciety around them. If this bo so, thought should bo given by the Christian people) to the nation at large. The. nation tends to become flui.-.tlau when the licasiiiics of its thoughts arc filled from Christian thinkers. Tho churih, through its membership, must give more thought to the Interest of society, and thus the nation will be a great gainer. I am far from wanting the church to enter the political arena, but it would certainly laise the lono of politics 1f we as individual Ciiilstians face tho questions of crime, poverty, amusement and education which belong to the well being of tliu people. It Is only as Chris tians engaged in these questions can we hope to seo the standard of our national lifo raised. Tho time has come when the profession of Christianity means an in terest In tho national welfare. 'What we need today Is more Christian thought in our national life. Christian lifo must show itself by publicly acknowledging God's goodness if the nation Is to become bpiritual. The old puritan idea that every one must attend divine service, has some good In it. "Vo wilt never bo nolo to tell how much the prosperity of this nation Is duo to the prayer's of God's people. Every congregation of God's worshipping people Is a new center of power, enabling the American peoplo to achieve their mar velous success. It Is not Sunday wor shippers who want so much labor per formed on the Sabbath day. Thus break ing down man's moral and spiritual con stitution. The nation tends to become moie Chris tian in as far us tho sense ot popular responsibility Is deepened. There seems to bo a tendency among us to lcavo this to a few, but the moro popular govern ment becomes, tho less it is so. If the few bo wlso and the mass unwise. It would be well, but this its not so in our coun try. It took bold men to stand before tho kings and queens and tell them their faults. But there is no Iebs need of bold ness today for every Sunday the preach ers and every week day the press writers nro confronting the Caesars who rulo this country. Then tho task is moro dlf llcult now because of tho many subjects about which wo must speak to the people. If there is any oppression, they aro tho oppressors. If there is any intemperance or impurity they permit It. If thero is any crime and they miist banish it. To bring homo their guilt to them is no easy tnsk, and yet it must bo done. In order to do this, public enlightenment must bo advanced along Christian lines. AVo must meet the national foo on all sides. Our literature Is bail in many ways, Tho arm of tho law must bo used to strangle, this hldra-headed monster. I.nw nmusoments must bo driven from our lands by purer ones. Bad political piluclplcs must be ovcrcomo by sound ones, Education must bo given to nil .classes. In older to n Christian nation ality wo must have Christian tone in our rules, men who nio to bo our law makers must bo Clulstlan men. "We ns individual Christians must seo that the men nominated for oftlco havo at least a clean reputation nt homo. Men who are seeking tho general wel fare of the community and not not one who aro seeking to satisfy their own personal ambitions. Proud nro wo nt be ing Americans. Tho causo of civilization nnd tho gospel has been already com mitted to our hands nnd wo shall move forward to conquer tho world for Christ is ns far as -we the people fulfill our obligations at homo, LAKE CRANBERRY EXCURSION, Over 2,500 People Went to the New Jersey Resort Yesterday, Tho openlne-of the Lackawanna rail road's new excursion resort, Luke Cran berry, on tho highlands of New Jersey, nttrauted over 2,000 people from this city yeHterday, The excursion was conducted under the auspices of the P, II, Durkln Social club, and two sections of fourteen and sixteen cars each were required to ac commodate the throne. This was all the available cars that could be se cured, and In, consequence fully live hundred people were left behind. The rain, which was falling when the excursion started, continued until late In (ho day und made the outing pretty much of u failure. The excursionists viewed the lako from the car windows for about an hour und then were taken to Newton, N. J., where they might stretch their limbs and get some food. The company did all 'it could to make tho day endurable for the excursionists. Extra cars were provided for the return trip und the return was made on scried. ule time, tho last train reaching here at 9.45, 1H1ISN1 Few Scranton People Know flow Near It Is, Every time you neglect bacltacho, Allow the kldnrys to become clogged, Kail to cure urinary disorders, You get nearer tho brink of Wright's Disease, Down's Kidney Pills will save you from danger. Proof of It In Scranton testimony. Mrs. Samuel R. Jones, ot 1308 Eynon street, Hydo Park, says: "I suffered for ninny yearn with kidney trouble. Jly doctor snld it was catarrh of tho bladder. There was a constant dull pnln In the smnll of my back, which extended up between my sliouJders. When stooping or doing any work about, the house the pain was so sharp as to become almost unbearable. I might sny that I hardly knew what It was to Ode without lmcknulip. I could not sleep nights and would have to get up often during morning naitl walk the floor. T heard about Doon's Kidney Pills and my husband got them for me at Jones' drug store, on South Main avenue. I noticed a marked Improve ment after taking the first box. I con tinued the trentmenl until I had, taken eight or ten boxes. They did mo u wonderful amount of good. My hus band can also join mo in praising Doan'H Kidney Pills, as he was re lieved of similar troubles by their use." For sale by all dealers. Price, 50 cents. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y., sole agents for the United States. Remember tho name Doan's and take no substitute. ADDITIONS TO LIBRARY. New Books That Were Added to the List During the Month of Tunc. The following new books have been received ut the Scranton Public library during the month of June: P1IILOSOPHV-KELIGION. Pierce, A. H. Studies in auditory and space perception 152 P Ilrewcr. D. J. American citizenship: Yale lectin cs 1TJ B Itltchle. D. O. Studies in p-fillttcnl and social ethics 17:! It. rjltebtc. D. G.-Plolo. (World's epoch makers.) 1st It Strong, Josiah Next great awakening. ::oi sn Gee, Henry - Elizabethan prayer-book and ornaments -Ml G Freeman. Flora L,. Religious and social woik amongst girls Mi Kl Conway, M. D. Sacred nuthology (orien tal) 'J00 CI SOCIOLOGY. Carnegie, Andrew Empire of business. 301 C4 Ballagh, J. C History of slavery in Vir ginia '. 0.08 Jiv2 Glbbs, 51. W.-Hhadow and light; auto biography with reminiscences. ..?"...:-.! O Craufurd, If. J. Field training of a com pany of infantry 3.V, C O'Byrnc, W. 1,. Kings and vikings: sto ries from Irish history '',98.:: O O'llyrno, AV. L,. Land of heroes: stories from early Irish history 59S.2 Ol SCIENCE. Hodge, C. F. Nature study and life. 507 H2 Randall, II. "W. Expansion of gasses by heat 308 AH Jacoby, Harold Practical talks by. an astronomer J 540 4 J Reed and Gutlie Manual of physical measurements 530.8 R Morgan, J. L. R. Elements ot physical chemistry C4t Ml Whelct, W. If. Sea coast: destruction, littoral drift, protection 531.3 W2 Mathews, F. S. Field book of American wild flowers 5S0.7 M2 Fowler, W. AW Moro talcs of tho birds. 598.2 F3 AA'heolock, Irene G, Nestlings of forest and marsh DOS. 2 AA'5 USEFUL ARTS. Cresee, F. A, Practical pointers for pat entees U08 C Richards and AVIIllams Dietary com puter GI3.2 Rl Harcourt, L. F. V. Civil engineering as applied in construction 020 112 Haswell, C. IL Mechanics' and engi neers' pocket-book C20.8 H2 Kent, 'William Mechanical engineer's pocket-book G20.8 K Goss, AV. F. M. Locomotive sparks. C'l.l G Miller, J. A. Practical handbook for miner and prospector and mining, in vestor 022 Ml Howe, M. A. Treatise on arches 21 II Mcrriman and Jacoby Bridge design. 021 Mv3 Pierce, Ella A. Hartley Houso cook book and household economist 010 P2 Goodyear, S. H, Theory of accbunts. 057 G Emerson, E. R, Story of tho vlno...U E Hurst, G. II, Painters' colours, oils and varnishes ,, , 007,6 j Monckton, J. H.-Stolr-bulldlng ..004 M3X FINE ARTS. Parsons, Samuel Landscapo gardening. "10 PI Smith, E. E, Golden poppy 7p; 81 Crane, AVnlter Babes of design 71.', CI King, Pauline American mural painting. 7Si K loung, Fllson Mnsterslngers: apprecia tions of music and musicians 7S0.I Y LITERATURE. Payne, AV. M. Little leaders SOI PI Payne, AV. M, Editorial echoes S04 P2 Prizo poetical speaker 808.5 7,1 Reynolds, Cuylor Banquet book,,,sos.s R Fitch, AV. C.-C.iptnlii Jinks of tho Horse- marines: n drama ,,,, 812 Fl Bridge, Norman Rewards of tastes, etc. 814 B10 Clemens, S. L Double bairelled detect ive si7 C32 Crosby, Ernest-Captain Jinks, hero. 817 C31 Thornton, G, IL Self-educator In Eng- llsh composition , , osi T FICTION. Brady, C, T. UolienzoTTern ,, nr,7,8 Carson, AV. IL Hester Blair C17.1 Crockett, S, R. Dark o' the moon.,Cl00.2s Dlx and Harper Beau's comedy, ,,,,,DI7,4 Doyle, A, C.-Hound of tho Haskcrvllles. D00.22 Glasgow, Ellen Battleground, Tho, .,010.1 Glasgow, Ellen Voice of the people. O10.S Howells, AV. D. Kentons, The,,,,,,H10.'.31 Hubbard, Elbert Tlmo and chancii.ma'i.l Latimer, Elizabeth V.-P(liieo Incognito. L1I.2 Meakln. N, M. Assassins,. Tlie,..,,,MKM Seurs, ilambleu-Nono but thho brave. Si'l'i BIOGRAPHY, Matties, J, II, General Forrest,.,. 0.5 F3 Clodd, Edward Thomas Henry Huxley. 923.7 HI Held, T. "vYr-AVJlllam Black, novollst. 928.3 B23 TRAVEL. AND HISTORY, Carpenter, F. G.-Europe; geography readers , ,,,, q$9 CO Frederlksen, N. C Finland 9H.71 F Hall, G. D.-Rcndlng of Virginia. ..875.1 H Mumkk'msm THE MARKETS SATURDAY STOCK QUOTATIONS. ..T,1. following quotations are furnished Tho Tribune by Hnlght ft FrcesoCo., 314 315 Meats Building, AV. D, Runyon, man ager. Open. High. Low. Close A mill. Copper ., ttfjf, fi.1tt retti 631 Am. C. ft F 314 .12 31 32 American Ico V., 1214 .W 12,. Am, Ice, P 41f,4 4114 41 42 Am, Locomotive .... 32 32 31 ?l"t Am. Loco., Pi- i i$ UIU, IM4 4, Am. S. ft R. Co 47U 47(i 47 47V American Sugar ....I2tl 120 120 120 Anaconda Copper ,.,l0ii lutfU 10H MS Atchison 82 82 S2 M2"h Atchison, Pr 1uo loi 100i 101 Hall. & Ohio KW lOrt 100 106 Hrook. It. T !7J I17& 7fi 07 Canadian Paeltlo,...l;n 13.l?i lxi 1m(i Ches. ft Ohio 4011 17 40 7 Chic, ft a. v 204 :iivi rk so-'f C.. M. ft St. P 17(1 170 175K 170 O., It. 1. ft P 172W 172U 17tVi 171',' Oil. Fuel ft iron ..,. so'i fsitf, SO 8"V. Krl ::o!4 son now, ant Erie. 2d Pr r.l M 51 51 Hocking A'alley .... S3 Xi 8li M Illinois Central ir.s lo; 15si, par Louis, ft Nash 13,1,4 137'i 137U I37M Manhattan ,., 1:1114 npi 1.UU 131L Met. St. Ry H8 148',fe 1U 14Sf Mexican Central .... 2Mi 2S,'!4 2S'4 2SV Mo., K. ft Tex 'J7 27'1, 27 27'1 Mo K. ft Tex., Pr. 59 59'ji 59 T9W Mo. .Pacific 11014 lloff, 1I0U 1101 N . A . Centra I I55& 1M 15514 '1557, Out. ft AVest ;;j:: :ija: nv. 3;n Pernio. R. R lr.lii lMJif, isui i,-,iy Peoples Gas ln04 lofla; 100)4 100 Reading m coi ro r,0 Read ng. 1st Pr 84 84 81 81 Read ng, 2d Pr 70 70U i;4 a Republic Steel 17 17 17 17 Republic Steel, Pr .. 72-74 72'4 724 72?( Southern Pacific .... Dili (, oi'A 04', Southern R. R ;(& :;.;s, nii4 aftv. Southern R. K.. Pr.. !i5W !3!. f5U. !5V Ti'llil. Coal St lion.. 0214 CVi (,2 K2 Texas ft Pacific 4314 AVI 4Ti 13V? IJnIon Pacini) J0.V4 mv.i 105' Wuij I nlon Pacific, Pr .. S9 si n sn U. S. Leather ..-. 114 nai j'vu jo 1 . S. Steel :',Vi 3S 37?i 38 TT. S. Steel, Pr SOU via 89U 89 A abash . -mk snu 304 mu A abash Pr 40'i 4rt; 40Vj 40' AAescrn Fiilon .. 8s5 K914 8SV4 !!" AMsconsIn Centi'.il .. 27 27 2M "Kl; Total sales. ias.50o shales. " Jloney, 3 per cent. CHICAGO GRAIN ft PROVISION. AVHEAT. Onen. High. Low. Close July 7314 7.nii 7274 73 SCORN.C1' r-" 7-' K 2' iuly ' w. 70 rm no- S,l,C.nJ.,,or U1V: Cl.-iJ, 01 0H( July 404 40-4 4o')i mx bpORKer B'i 30i MH r'',J T'y ;' 1S.':0 is.ai IS.22 IS 27 SO,PtACm,b.0r 18'5- 1S'3- " 18-17 LARD. 2nlV : I" 5-i 10.5-, 10.52 in.s.- September 10.02 10.07 10.02 10.07 Jlll' ; 10.05 lllrti 1ftC mrt- bcptcinbcr I0.G2 10.G2 10.57 100f NEW YORK COTTON MARKET. , Open. IIIkIi. Low. Close July 8 32 S.72 S.52 S.fit August 81 R.;s S.n ST. September 7 SS 7.90 7,ss 7 91 October 7,77 7.M 7.70 7':? BANK STATEMENT. Reserve, increase j S'01'0 Loans, inec.ii'se 4 S.:,6 7fVn Speeie, Increase '341,80) Legal tender. Increase 1 017 500 lleposlts, increase 4,S7o'soi Circulation, Inerenso 105,900 Scranton Board of Trade Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of 100. STOCKS. BIil.Askod Lackawanna Dairy Co.. Pr.... go County Sav. Hank ft Trust Co 300 First Nat. Bank (Cnrbondalo). ... km Third National Bank r,V) Dimo Dop. & Dis. Hank 300 Economy L II. ft P. Co jc First National Bank 1300 Lack. Trust & Safe Dep. Co... J9'i Clark ft Snovcr Co.. Pr l Scranton Savings Bank 1,00 '." Tradeis' National Bank 2".-, Scranton Bolt & Nut Co Vi Peoplo's Bank 135 .. BONDS. Scranton Packing Co 35 Scranton Passenger Railway, first mortgage, duo 1920 115 People's Street Railway, first mortgage, duo 1918 115 Peoplo's Street Railway. Gen eral mortgage, duo 1921 115 Scranton Trac. Co., C per cent. 115 Economy L., II. ft P. Co 97 N. Jersey & Pocono Ico Co 97 Consolidated AVater Supply Co ... 103 Scranton Wholesale Market. (Corrected by II. G. Dale, 27 Lacka. Ave.) Flour $4.40. Butter Fresh creamery, 24c,; fresh dairy, 23c. Cheese 12a12',c. Eggs Nearby, 20c; western, 19c. Marrow Beans Per bushel, J2.33a3.40. Green Peas Per bushel, J2.23. Onions $2.00 per bag. New Potatoes $3.50 per barrel. FINANCIAL THIRD NATIONAL BANK OF SCRANTON. Capital, $200,000 Surplus, $600000 Pays 3 interest on savings accounts whether large or small. Open Saturday from 7.30 to 8.30. evenings THE Six Eagles Mines An investment opportunity of ex traordinary merit. It is the best known mining property in the state of Washington. A Developed Working nine Not a Prospective Proposition. A limited amount of stock is now being offered to raise money for im provement in equipment and gener al development of the property, Awarded Bronze Hednl At the Pan-American Exposition at Buffalo last season. Stock now selling at $ .SO a share. The price will soon be advanced. Get in now on the ground floor. Write for full particulars, SIX EAGLES MINING CO 1802 Orozler BlUg., Philadelphia, Pa. Kj. . s77ie7auttlesrffliinp T fflkMLj. "" Jfioejfir fames? Mi iKiEr A Great Success Hi wmBemekffilMy The women are delighted with the ujjf USiHnffi Jr 'Dorothy Dodd" Shoe. illL MpBraragg Such a shoe for thvee dollars is a yff SKI revelation. It fits the foot in every spot lif BPA it doesn't wrinkle nor does it pinch. ill Wlmm It's just right, and besides it has all the I HKM lines of beauty that you would expect in Hi a shoe designed for women by a woman Pl of artistic taste and special skill. ' !f ' The Boots Are $3.00 g B Oxfords, $2.50 I? 1 lk . (A Feu Specials 50c Extra. ( Jamm fi jm Mi Let US snow V0U tne BP J' , Wy) ffiSlK. new show that is caus- m A-dJa, JjB7 'jPkPs. ing the sensation in $ WhB IMr ifcilk the shoe trade. jw IMf ffHlSk ' UT GIVE TRADING SIAflEjSP KB Sanderson Shoe Co. m3i k! jH.Cbanola cigars have ' no drugs, 6 m&k IMPERIAL CIGAR CO., THE ONLY Wholesale Tobacconists I09 Lacka. Ave. DISTRIBUTORS OF CUBANOLA CIGARS fla IVi 1 SHORT SEA r , TRIPS. JLjjgpF A tew days can bo pleasantly spent In u trip to Norfolk, Va. Old Point Comfort, Va. Richmond, Va. Washington, D. C. VIA THE OLD DOMINION LINE Steamers sail tlaily except Sunday from Pier 20, North Itlver, foot of Beach street, Now York. Tickets, Including meals and state room accommodations, $8.00 one way, fia.OO round trip, and upwards. Send stamp for Illustrated book, OLD DOMINION STEAHSHIP CO, 81 Beach Street, Now York, N. Y, II. H, WAhKKB, Tralllu Munuser. J, J, BROWN, General Passenger Afc-crjt. Linotype Composition Book or News Done quickly and reasonably at The Tribune office. scRANiorrs BUSINESS HOUSES. THGSB ENTERPRISING DEALERS OAN SUPPLY YOUR NEEDS OF EVERY CHARACTER PROMPTLY AND SATISFACTORILY. FOR SALE HUnCllCS and WAGONS ot all kln.h; also llousfB ami iUiIIJImk Lots at liarsatiu. 1101tSj:s CI.II'I'i:iJ anil GR0OMF.U at M. T. KELLER Lackawanna Carrlago World. SECURITY BUILDING 4SWIN33UWON Home OIllcc, 203-209 Mears Dullcllnj;, We are matiirlnir dliaici caih month which show a net 1,-uin tn the Imrstor ot about 12 per cent, We liuii iiioncv. We also ia.iie riU.li I'AID KlOfK ?l),00 per tluie, inter eit payable ccml-anuuall.r, AI.DCRT I1AIJ,, Sterctaiy. E, JOSEPH KUETTEL. rear S11 Lackawanna avenue, manufacturer ot Wire Kcifoiii ot all klnUa; fully prepaml for the eprlni; N-atcii, We maLs all LliiiU ut porch tereeni, etc. PETER STIPP, ilcnrril Crntraetor, Ilullder and Dealer In llullillup Stone, CVmentlns of vellau pc clalty. Telephone 21'.'. Office, 827 Washington avenue. Thesoranton Vitrified briok and tile manufaoturihqoompany Makers ot ravins llrlck, tic M. II. Pale, General Sales Agent, Offloo 821 Washington ave. Works at .Nay Auk, i'a., 15. ii W, V, U.K. Allis-Chalmcrs Co Buccessors to Machine Business ot Dickson Manufacturing Co., Scruntoo and Wilkes. Uarre, Pa. Stationary Engine, Boilers, Mining Machinery, Pumpi. HENRY BEL1N, JR., General Agent tor the Wyoming District for Dupont's Powder UIdId?, niutin?, Sporting, Fmokelesa and tin Itepauno Chemical Compauy'a HIGH EXPLOSIVES. Eafety Fuse, Caps and nxplodcni. Doom 101 Coo net Building .Scraaten. iiis Lager Beer- Manufacturers of Old Stacks PILSNER 'l Brew ry, 5tM3S N. &eventn St., Old 'Phone, 333i. New 'Phone, 2935. Scranton, Pa. AQC.SCItS. JOIIV B. SMITH ti so.v E. W. HULLIQAN , Plymouth Wilkcs-Darre The Moosic Powcle Co Booms 1 and Z Commonwealth Bldg. SCRANTON, PA. 8 MINING AND BLASTING POWDER Made at Moosic and Ituthdalc WorU. If. Laflin & Band Powder Co.'s ORANGE GUN POWDER Klcctric llaltcrles, Dlectrlc Ksplodrrs, Kx. plodlng Illasts, Safely Kue. BEFAUNO CHEMICAL CO.'S HIGH EXPLOSIVES. VKKKKKKtninKKKKKICRKKiYKItltttltltttHtlttlttr.ltttltK " i . m m . , .n X Ml ,f a . . . . . fc" iMue new shaDelv btioes. correct in style, season- l . . .. -.' .-. ". f Dependable Shoes ! At Little Prices, J. able weight, well made and in satisfying variety. V ' tv V K V ti ft? a ti tt n Shoes for the street Shoes for hard work Shoes for all occasions Ji .1 The "most for the money" is here, See popular price $2.00, $2,50, $3,00, $3,50 Shoes, ' our j A m a .. m mm s Lewis, Kuddy, uavies & Murpny, s 330 Lackawanna Avenue. . J J ii "4 '4 ' ' "4 ' ' H ' '4 ' ' ' "4 ' 'A 41 ' ' ' ' ' V '4 '4 '4 Vl M i 4 ' MMA .) . ft ; , I' V .uiA?' St Jl - J - 1H.AH J ' '(4,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers