L.liA- ttj t-ht v-i,'ii'i-jf "i V' ' ' Tli'V-v5 KfiV.1V' ff rjuiiH 'i THE 8OKA1WTUN TltlBUJNE-HATUilDA MA 3, 1002. 3 1002. s J; &?-' . !- ' 1 1 -- EHTSSSiH'WOTTffir llSetfiJ,nJtTLc V,M l. fttk ili-lj? ,.'? , V Jif "W.i... '..; fl. f3l'i..tt,tsr fiiJCWVrtei JS'iIiflJlfii . "J ., .5rvv r 1W,"' .?A5. ! STi.ji. V . S-1 ''rt , '11 I '' J4u I 7 fcj 1 . !I .l1.tt .It 14. ""U-..t dUttE . t.J 1.:1 ' 1 I- f Jt -' i MLm' 1 " 1 !.' ' M ' 13 r xstirer ' f .i L.t ,T.ll rfrit J' 11X1 I'M1 J t " - Tu-, KlAJ'-JfB- TV l.-.1!. .!'' ":, .rW1.APWlfo?iii'B'rt''K.lll ",' " 'if ) PWB ," tV5.ir tlL '"," "Lis-JV i, , , V V si L ,- , "V; 1 i i $SS!S$SS? ' M-Mi'M.i'fcMftft'.fiS W3S8SSS TwrvwwrT' rrvw tv t Week's Social News Li IK YOU AHK thu nvci'iiBe tvuinilii to tianu' the native blrilH In tills vicin ity, Hhe will Benin blithely: "Spar rows, robins, and and " tierlmpH end ing with turkcyn. H Is ntnull wonder If city residents know little of anything but sparrows, for they now form u big 'list which has crowded out the other Industries In the bird line, The other day a nice robln-rcd-breust was seen on n. Jefferson nvenuo lawn tugging labori ously ut a fine fat worm. It was a suc culent, worm and he was pulling It by degrees from the turf In order to not have a dissected worm. He tugged and tugged, and as It was Imbedded closely In the sod the task was one of diffi culty. Two spurrows hovered In the vicinity and when the robin had made the last effort and triumphantly pulled it clear, almost toppling over backward In the strain, the sparrows composedly flew down nnd curried away the worm from his very beak. That Idiot of a robin performed the same feat twice for those greedy little wretches, before ho Hpemed to realize that he was working overtime, and the looker-on wui forced to believe that robins aie not Intel lectual In their tastes. As regards the bird question. Sirs. J. Benjamin Dimmick has urrnnged an original plun St entertaining her guests fit an "at home" next Wcdnesduy, when Miss Elizabeth Putnam Moore will give n talk on "Our Native Birds." Mlt-s Moore's charming manner of piesentlng ti subject is well known In New Yoik, and this particular topic will affoitl much pleasuruble Interest to the list eners on this occasion. The greatest nniblc-ul event of the spring season will be the concert on Thursday night next, when the world famous Knelsel Quartette will be at the Bicycle club, under the auspices of the Free Kindergarten association. Pos sibly no cause ould be of so much gWeral Interest as this, and smely few combinations of artists could arouse the enthusiasm which always attends the appearance of these celebrated musi cians, who make up a quartette that Fritz Krelsler says has no equal on earth, that Paderewskl declares to be the best of the ago and Scliumann- ; f . iiBiMBiHiii &' i II i Itelnk pronounces the merit supetb of tilt! present day. ' The programme on this occasion will be u notable one. It will Include: Quartette ,.... Ilsjdn KUiilc III 0 Hli.irp ,,,, ..Cliopln ('Cello Koto tllxcH ! IlequcM). (Jiurtctie , i SR-imlnll "lentil utiil (lie Mnlclcn Scliulivrl It has also been requested that Mr. Knelsel will give a violin solo. The Free Kindergarten association has done n work for this city, the value of which cannot bo overestimated. Hnd It not been for the energy nnd the coui age of a few people In this community, hundreds and hundreds of the little children would be today leading Uvea more or less given up (to vagrancy. They have hod their feet started In a good way very early, through the" gentle Influence of the free kindergartens, and they are now beginning a useful caieer In the public schools, for they have learned to love school because of the happy surroundings of the klndt'igaiten In their mere babyhood. The association bus a deficit In Its expenses this year of seveial bundled dollars. This must be covered, and the concert Is the only hope ut present. Mlts Edith M. Norton had the dis tinction of appearing befote the Brook lyn Institute last week, when the press of that city made the most favorable comments of the talent of our ouug townswoitmn. Among other pleasant things, the Biooklyn Eagle said: "Miss Norton presented a pleasing nnd varied programme, and theie'were many people- present who signified their enjoy ment by hearty applause after almost every number. Miss Norton has a line voice and has evidently bad much training. She excels In tepresentlng a child, and one of the best selections she gave vai James Whltcomb Riley's shoit and absurd "Doodle Bug's Charm," In which she succeeded In as suming and keeping the voice and man ner of a child of four or fUe and even In the difficult accomplishment of giv ing the silvery laugh of a little child, with all Us abandon." All cliuich elide- aie Interested in the coming of Miss Ellen M. Stone, May What Does "Atterbury" System Mean? It means Smart Readyto-put-on Clothes worked out by a system that produces custom work in every garment. - It appeals directly to the busy man the man who hasn't time for numerous interviews with his tailor, The aristocratic appearance of in "At terbury" is noticed at a glance in just the same way as you notice the differ ence between the . traditional ready made and a garnen: made by a first class custom tailor. The special sartorial functions connected with the " Atterbury" system has ena bled the designers and tailors to pro duce Ready-to-put-on Clothes equal to any made by the best custom tailor and at half his price. If you are thinking of clothes, why not spend a little time in our "Atterbwry" show room? We are sure the benefit will be mutual whether you purchase here or not. It's the only,sure way of convincing you of the perfection of these clothes and ' explaining what the " After buru" System is. SAMTER BROS. Complete Outfitters. in, when who nlll appear n.1 the Lyceum for the benefit or the Jackson Street Baptist church. MIsb Htoiie will he en tertained at the home of Colonel and Mrs. nipple during her slay. It Is prob able thai she will be tendered a recep tion nt the Parish house previous to the lectin c, Miss Hlonc'n declaration that the money slid receives from her lectin c touis Is to go toytid reimbursing those ,e. wim ;fiiui lumen w iitr iuiimuiii, in fact which appeals strongly to Amerl can sentiment. As far as known it Is only Americans who seem to be thus burdened by their obligations. General Grant paid his creditors with the money earned from his memoirs during the days when he was slowly dying from n torturing disease. Mark Twain lectured nnd wrote to pay the debt made by the mistakes of others for which ho felt nn obligation. MIbs Stone, alive after months of the most frightful peill, de voles her lime nnd energies to repay ing those who tansomed her life with their self-sacrifice. Messrs. Mortimer B. Fuller and W. J. Torrey have returned from a two months' stay Inl.Europe, where they hud a delightful tiKir. which has been of much benefit to the health of both. Miss Martha Powell, the charming voung dntishter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Powell, of Weston place, and Mr. Evan H. Evans, of Wayne avenue, weie quietly married Thursday evening by the new W. F. Daviess ut his home, 1705 Summit avenue. The couple weie attended only by her coiisln, Miss Annie Harris, and her uncle, Thomas Harris. They will make their home for the pres ent nt Weston place. Both are very popular young people, and many friends wish them much happiness. The Pcrnnton party which went with the Celtic tourists have kept up many pleas-'unt noclal customs, among these being the celebration of blithdas. Mr. nnd Mrs. Cyrus D. Jones gne a beauti ful dinner In Rome, not long ago. on one of these nnnlversailes, when a number of other Americans enjoyed their hospitality. The Woman's Exchange is now the most attractive spot for enjoying a dainty luncheon to be found In the city. The lovely articles on sale and the pleasant surroundings add to the Inter est which people feel in this mot,t worthy enterprise. The first of a series of S.itutduy after noon teas will be seied this afternoon at the Country club bv the entertaln- a ONE SUCH I Mince Meat Pure, Wholesome, Fruity, Deliclotts, Economical. What mar could it bit 10 Cents ft peVAre-Mch makes o Uras t Im. Al Fruit ctli .nit Fruit Tuddlni. Vilu. tbl pr.mliim Iht encloitd Mil reetptt n ererjr piekige. bl"NooSu:h' 'Mmll.5oult Ct. Syracuse, N.Y. ment committee, All members are ex pected to be present. Miss Lou Williams, of 1004 Price street, entertained a large circle of friends lust night. Mrs. U. H. Welles enteitulncd a small company of friends at u luncheon on Wednesday. Miss Foster entertained at dinner last nlarht. Movements of People. Mr. i:. I Puller l In Ha'.ttmoic Dr. llilcvin Im-, relumed fioui u two il.ns li'p to Wajnc cmiritv. Mr. .Icsc .loup", of Ullkt'H-iIiuo, iw flic fjueat of Sir.inton filoiuh this wool.. Mr. (,'l.ucncr (lllinmo will Ic-ni; on Mouthy foi in indefinite i-luj In .V Mcvico. Mi. J. A. Iplul, of loliaA. N. V i Mlliir Mi. mid Mr f.ofioj Fowler, of Dunmore. Mr. .mil Mr-. I! II. L.1H.1II will to Cali fornia on Monilix lo lein.lin for some time. Mia .Mm I. Kel111.11 ami dauijhtei, M.n, line Ron" tn Mj-liliutuii, J), i ., In lsll .lul 11 I. KIcii'in. at t. i:iiibelli lio-iiital In Hint til. I11om to ttie 'ci.inlo.i Do. id of Trade je. Ic11l.1v Wei II. A. Ilolilmon, of AK.nn, (llilo, in ticiduiid hj Lutliei Killer, and 1)1. MtClunii Hidcllfte md fiicnds, of Plilluklpln.1, upon in flation of t hailc I). Kand(.i-on. Musical Gossip. 'Hie follovm. It Hie puv'iauinie fui the Krci"il (Vuntille nt ill.eh-IIJiie, M.ij 9, when Aiilhur Ikxhnr.ii will plii: (Ji'jilelte in II major ILnilcn i-olo for IM mo ld) Itoudi) Tletliovcn (h) Sijiulo biarlili Mi. llm-hnaii. onito foi Molliuellu HjtH (Williput Arc TniMiuiucnt. Ml. . fechroedci. o'o foi Puna (1) ltoniiiKe ImhiikosVy (10 Wallr llnllifiit Chorln (1) (li md Polunii-e .... Ittibentein M . HuUimin. Oiuilette in (I 111 1101, op. 27 (ling; '1 !! II I he fnllowuc mu-iial elections will lie len il"iid .it tnii'imiw's woi-hip in (lie bctond i'us h.iteri 111 chilli li : MOUMNfi. Oic.n fieliidc Auil.inle In A li.iti-te 11tl11111 "ilefoie tin. 'limine of Cituij " JicWn Mi",-. Cir.u'.in and ( lioii. OITeiliiii fiiailelle, "llic Kln of I.oc Mj Mirpheid W Slullrj .Mi-'.u', Uht.k and (Itiatraii, Mci. (iippil and MuiKiui. Organ I'ostludc U.lik I.M.MNC iollu and (I1.111 1'ieliiilc "Adoialion" Komuikl 11ll1e111 "f.lni 11" finni Mo 11 1' Twelfth .M,i'-, Jii irti tie and ( Imli. Oflci'ot Antlioii, "fine tin I.oul of film I.i" H ntlrlL Mis, III nk and ( lion. (Violin OIiIie.iIii. Mis Allen.) Oicmi l'p-tlwlr M.mli In li niiii.i f-l.m t Mi. I. M. (hinie, orK.iiu-t .ml diieitoi. 1 li 1 lie Itnliii loieis'oi.dri t ni the Miiilr il Coiiurr s.i-. t I1.1t S1II1111 Iiliininn, of Mlki-. Hiiip, ' one ni Wilek's t-l.u students anil will mike lis ilrliut in tho fill. 11 :i 11 "I'niifiiie" wan peifonneil recrntl a I Mrlinl miii li honie I ilenl. Mueli ndlt is due llio'e wlm united Hie primlpal puts, wldcli wuo irhen I. Mi? flounce Wilkin-, Mm Lott'e lliikti, Mis llerlie, Mr. Kelly. Mi. Lewis and Hie riliieli-. IuiiIIk-i-., Wciiii Win Hlri, diiector, and .Mi. Walkn, Captain ('nrinr.111. II II 11 All ecnt of ron-ideralile inteiCit anionu the nuihleil people of Hie ill) i- the reniRiiiliatlon of lln choir at .Ulnuy Melhodist hpiwoptl ihiirih. in fiieen Illilgr, 1'ref. 11. . IVslcin 1 iliei lias luen pi iced In eomplete eliaipre and u number of ilunire-, ami. addition-, line alrenly I c 011 nude. 'Hie biiiKiut; farMri.il Hindi) I111 hern 1111111111II) Hue uml iniicii Interest has Iiecu moused nnimiR Ihe lneniliers of the church and coiiKn-satinn. Willi the InipioNemcnt which the 1 Imli is Mire to nuke lv pratlke and Inrreased tiumlier-, 11 will soon rank among the uiy licst In Hie ill, 'flic lncinliirs ut pment me: Sipnnos MIm lle'sle Itccl, Mm, II, A. Demon, Mr I'. X. We ner. Mil-. Keiniiicier, Mi Jcsmo Wallers .Mlsc hh IiiRruk, Allen Mls Minnie Waltrrf, MIm I.wlia Incrlik, Miss firaie Mackhoiise, .Mi Lillian haffoiel, .Mr. I) i id AVntkhH. 'Uimr,i-Mc.rs. If. P. Martin, W. T. Lennaul, It. W. .Inhiteoii, J. D. Main. II is Mes-.M. I)n M Anlkln, W. II. Trowilnn, K. V. Weaver, IhtlKht t-ifford, !', W, fluard. II II II 'I ho Uitholle (lioril club, nearly 100 members, will ulu .1 concert (he latter rft of May ut the I.leciiin, foi Hie liencllt of the Catholic VoeuiR Wciiueii's home. Tho ( hor.it club presents tlio beat wiiern selected from the Catholic rliurclir of Scrautnn, anil is miklnK lino headway, under their illicctor, Jlr. .1. T. WatMns. II II II Tho fnlolwlns miisiiol tclectlons will be leu- ilcrcsl ut the rnoinln,; and ocnlng Beniccs tomoi- low al Mm Talk chinch, under the direction of J, Alfred reuulnglon, ouranist and choir master: MOHXIXC. Orir.iu Canlabllo in 11 flat lieshajeu Choir Anthem "O Jesui 'llicu Aie .Standing" ijhcpaiil Organ Andante Kxprcailtc, from Sonata in il flat ,...,... lluek Soprano Solo "Itcdemptlon" btulU Sirs. Eir.i II. Council. Gloria. In HxccUls Ciur.t Orgun r'ugue with Choral , ...llcikcl i;vr--i.i;. Organ Andanto in A minor , ilerkel Choir Magnitic at in I minor,,, Yogilch. Organ Offcrtoiy in r,,.,r. , (iullinant Duct "At List" ,,, brown Mr. I.i'nore Thompson ami Sim, I'zra II. Connell. Choir II) run "U Sly Name Written There," Davis Organ Agitato from Sonata In D minor, v lib llhelubcreier II II II Sir, Walklns' Ilecltal chorus will meet for re. hears il next Slouday evening, Sir, Walklns U preparing tho "Feast of AdonU" by Ailolph Jen. en, und "r'alr Klleu" a Cantata by Slat Ilmch, for lihi Juno recitals. Tho cucccia of the (oniier recital were so pronounced that these final con. rcrU aie looked forward to with much pleasur able anticipation. MUi Jessie IliLstlcy, a pupil of tho J. T. Wat Mils' ocal btuclio, will kins at tho Win 1'aik bunilay bdiool tomoirow uftcrnoon. II II II Mia.-. Iiciic- Kami lias rcturuccl fiom her nuieh neeeleil acat!on and l?i)galii hard at uotk at her tluJIvs. ( I Today's 4 News MILLINERY Scranton's Best Millinery Department. Today ve will sell a lot of Children's Duck Hats, rolling rim with Pon Pon on side. Priced at One more stylo comes In assorted colors, trimmed in sash effect. Priced at A style that is chic In appearance and will prove service able is a Rolling Rim Sailor Straw low on side. Priced at. . . Untrimmed 'Tuscan Hats at 50c to 92.50 each. Women's Trimmed Hats In a great variety of popular prices. Flowers, Foliage, Ornaments, Ribbons, Malines, Chiffons, etc. Copyright Books $1.50 kind at 88c. Some of the best fiction of the by us less than $ 1 . 1 0 and by others The Man from Glengarry Ralph Connor. Dri and I Irving Bachellar. In Seaich of Mademoiselle Qibbs The 'Lion's Whelps Amelia Barr. Babs the Impossible Sarah Grand. The Heiitage of Peiit March mont. Alios of Old Vinccnnes Thompson "PING PONG" None genuine unless the name Parker Bros, is stamped on article. The craze of the year. Play it and bo in fashion. Priced at 98c up: Display, Main Floor. Several styles to choose from'. Rackets made ,of vellum and string centers. U1NUSUAL TIE BARGAIN. All day today you can buy from a choice selection of Wide and Imperial Scarfs. Patterns and colors the best, and always sold for 50c, but to close out 39C H 4.4. .j. ,!.. 4,4.4.0, 4. DOMESTIC SCIENCE. J M11le It is an uniliMiuiible far-t that r.cvly nil tlie old axlnmn anil ailijrc lliat resu!id the clailv conduct of nur re'ppctable fn,. Iio.in hid their frmnehtion in tintha born cf experience, it is none the ln certain that blind, nnciiif-tlcnini; obJienee to thoe i'n-cl-nt euldet need be no longer a matter of consclrnei'. Times and condition Imo ehaniieil, and the Muro that nulled the Room of Ally cars niro moat cxeellentl.v well not " of nccevilty applleiblc lo eieiy criniler of tod iv. Take foi example lhoo timo-honoiel "Kiarly to bed ind rarly to no lliket .1 man lieilllii, wealthy nnd nho"; "l'lni'Sli eleep, whllr Hlivpards fleep. And joii hh.ill hue corn lo fell and to lten," and "Tim carlj bird tatchei ths worm." II li undoubted!; truo that with the ma jority of people, and in the majority of ce cupntlom, belter uorlc cm bo done In the r.iriv part of the elav than In Ita elotln; horns. In the morning the mind is elen, (lie nenei rteidi, the muselen elastic, ths heart courageous. But who am I thai 1 should oy "Tlpcaiw I loc the day new born my uorlc in mich that I ran pmli it to much better idiantatfo then thin later, and It U nn hardahlp tor me to 'rino v. itli tho lark and the milkman,' that my neighbor must do the Mme?" Ufa occupation may be entirely dltTricnt, liLi t?mpiiainent the up lJlfl of mlnj nnd hn Inherited procliiltlei all In tho otluv direction. Wo am not nil built on tho umii plan. Ills best work liny all lie donn at the tail of the ita, and (hat far better than mine of tho iarly linum. 'IhU nn thins, howeier, la eertiiln: 'Hie lioms for fclecp should not bo curtailed. If ikio. lt,v keeps one up at night arransenieulj should be made whereby the clrnVit may Im iniilej up In tho mornlnir. The nilea Bovorn luar each household should be eliatio enuuh to fit the circumstances of indliidu.il mem ber.!. It (joei without eajlns, however, that oilier lliln bcina; equal It il much cuicr In. Iho lineueketprr of the family lo haw .1 unlfnim lining and breaUfast hour nnd thin early enough to moid tho uiah of cxigciulrii llaliln to crowd in later, TI1I1 Ij c-iic.iJllv liini In tho nummer, when, aa the Mill ellniln hlithc-r, ambitious beglni to llai', All l0usc hold duties arc much lighter If tat.cn In tho cool of tho day, Tho luteins and ironluir, the (.weeping and clennlnfr are only tun In the early morning hour?, but b; noon they become an incubus of dread. While- tho Huht continental hrcakfaat of coffee, rolls and possibly an ejrg iiruws In faior among families where the incmbera ell remain at homo und can havo a -litantlal luncheon at noon, It cannot bo wisely adopt ed where there are growing children oiV for ecliool or men nnd women with hard iliyil. cat or incut il exere'so ahead of them, for nich, a substantial brcakfist II a ncccxlily. Susie's liouxekceplug's all rlglit," mhl a joung fellow on a New Mexican catilo rauili, whone elster had litclv come oi-t, from tftt York to keep huuso for him. It's a dandy thing lo seo a woman 'round, and the MijiL leki fleteo with all, ttie pretty things that a woman known liov to fix un, but wlie.i iha thinks a fellow can itdc thirty or foity mil(4 of a morning on an egg and u cup cf coffee she don't ki.ow what ehe's talking about." Here again circumstances oiler rases, What Is all r Ik ht and much to be prefer red in (lie household is all wrong In another, and cadi housekeeper I as to solic her individual problem. Washing with the following Hold can be commended as not injurious to the ciothns and a great saving of hard labor. Put into a big keltic (ne pound of Babbitt's lye, one-hall ounce oi 1.40 49c I 98c day at 88c copy, books never sold $ 1 .25 and $ 1 .50. Note the titles, In Spite of All Edna Lynll. The I Potter and the Clay Peter son. Balph Marlowe Naylor. Count Hannibal Weyman. Mrs. Clyde Gordon. The Cardinal's Rose Sutphen. A Double Thread Fowler. The Plnos of Tory Mitchell. The Supreme Crime Gerraid. Father Anthony Buchanan. .. 4, 4,4. 4. i.4i4i4 t Menu for Sundau, April 27. X 1 BREAKFAST. t t 'Inwbcrrics and L'rcam. i . Wh-at Cleiin. a. 4- lied 11am. I'.irslee Omelette. 4. 4 I jmiii ilo Potato's. 4- tltlic G-lddle Tak-s. 4 . (.'oiTcc. 4 DINNBR. 4. -f I'r.-im cf I'oiato fco'p. 4. 4- rnlteil lei mi. Ollies. i- 4 Baked Shad Totato Bilk'. 4 .'caded Veal fiitlotK, ( urrent Jelly "" I rirmip Frllteri. 4 tAsparjui Salad. T Chctte Slicks. 4. twberii Ire. Angel Cake, - llhrk Coffee. 4 t .-UP'BR. t J Sliced Tomrue. J 4. ("reimed Potatoes. 4 1ltuio Sandwiches. 4 4 Cusl.ud. Sponge Cake. 4- t - t 4-444-4f444' 44-444- 4-44-4 44 sails of tartar and one-half ounce carbonate rf ammonia. Tour oier them one gilton of hulling watei, stir well and bottle, Al wajt i-linki' before using. On veali day morning fill jour boiler a little nicr three fourths full of water, shave into it one-hilt cake goud laundry soap and mid one cupuil of the washing fluid. When hot, put in nur table linen, and let it come to a good i-cald. Take out In tub, eoici with cold water nd let stand whllo jou put in the next pet of line clothes. Hub each piece separately In the hands or on the board, and it takes onto a moment for dirt and slaim to disappear as bj migie', Hlnse, blue nnd hang out. Any washing fluid Is danacinm in the hands of yaiele-ji, Incompetent help, foi they mil alls, act on the plan that If .1 llttfo Is gjoj, more Is better, and fo rot the fabilc. Willie oianges mo plentiful and rheip tiy putting up oiaugu 111 iinul nlc after this 11 clpo and 3011 will never u-ti any othei; 'lo ciciy dozen oiunges allow a half doren leinms. Wash tliorouglily, Bllce tliem md leinote all the kciU putting them into a buwl for future ite. I'mu over tlie tllced 01. angci oro gallon of cold uatir, res'riing enough cf the .atcr to ro.cr the feed.. Soak ill for tliitt.wl houis. I'our the watei olT the feeds, and rook all for two bonis, al lowing an 1fju.1l weight of tugai with Iho fiuili stir ficipiently to prevent sticking 10 the bottom of the fauiepui and pack in Jars, This marmalade is not to bitter as inucli that Is 111 the mirket, and the seeds ulvo nut a gelatine that niakrn the tjiui ti) much liehci, A woman wlm for jcais has Used tho or. iliiuiy tabic oll-clolh to covtr her batluooui and her summer cottage lloors, sajs it Is Iho dieapeit and mo.,t satlsfactoiy covering Hie knows of, She lajs It with plenty of paper imderncalh to give it tprlug and bode, Con. trary to one's first iiiipiitnlon, It wears ic miikably well, and Is much easier wiped clt und kept clean (ban the bare floois. If me has never Investigated table ollelollis they will bo turpi Ucd ut the wldo range of pat tern und colois offcrekl for sale even In country Mores. Two veiy prejty ones were noted lately In a desert camp hoice. On the little dining room was a mull oak, leaf pat tern, green on a brown ground looking wlwn elotin much like the old foshtuned "three Pto," Tho other wag a neat geometric dc-slp-n In shades of brown. As 'a uarAtKic-oi AbSuLOTB the Label Hcfow printed on yk.UE' PAPER is posted' tne'&gryM.tii Kitchen Utensil of GENUINE . , ' AGATENICKEL-STEELWARE A full assortment of these gpodi for nils byalltheltadinRDliJ'AHTMKNTanct nln i HOUSE FURNISIUNO &TOKES. LALANCE ficOROSJBAM MFO. C " HEYVVOItl!. IlOSTcWj, wneAco.1" , (Sustained by V. S. Circuit Court,),! ," .,? 4 NAME OP UtENSiLvii; & - y.-.n 3 irff -si ff 1 M r. I', J?.' J01 ilktt"'"' ' '' xssrmm' 1 Sm wm?. w m X4& 'efHrr 5V t'Vt'td, STt.V' in 1 rVttooteet Fb U.lf COST I S11.L VX AMliifaNo.'nm NtirYoM,l)M.T.lM. v-i' we MTp 8BM0 a cnremi oxbisidbiiob vi ?7?i a ce.reful oxwoloktloa of louei BMC! wore v rnxiTni urouuiaic.v..'nav auiMic. 1 II 'C thtok mftwii rmtfjliHrti -w WiTSiSSfcii ChtmbUtatba KowYork Proctuoo BseUni. ,! 4a Blk., H Pk.ll. LtttsU'tu.jiA Ant); Eal MWAWuwr:c?: 6,um.i AKCTLEU! K 1 At mquMtra oy job. w puj ehttecf In tbeoptn narlmt o tsmploof "ijilj ehimioa) saalroa of the etimel povcrloi ot W Mme.. :. . , ' coemutatoi Otimtetti Mm cuttd JilitoiEKlr Pn Coprtltntad. ,.. ,1 i' 1 .1'--.' 1 FOOTE & FULLER CO.,' 140-142 WASHIKGTON AVENtJB, SCRANTOKT, PA. Complete line of the genuine I. ; G. Manufacturing Company's Agate Nickle Steel Ware. . . .. n. .. e t t H t Helen S. Buchanan Dermatologist 31a Washing ton Avenue.. ' Superfluous Hair. WorU, & Moles Pain lessly, Perma nently, Sc'en t flcally Re moved by BlictrlcNeedle X ,1 .f .f X X X X X X' X X X X X X X X X Kxclasivp mothoil; nn tears. Trial treat ment frco. C'nll anil bo conilnrecl. Laclicc clcnlrcnn of obUinins PTfoct coniplcxlcns, luuulant hair, liriKlit cjn anil hhapcly ljoclie-t, should not fail to call. Agent foi M:tO tclf-icclucing anil' Hilt taiy belt sli.ilt;lit front coract. 4"4--A"4"4'A"A"A''4''4'"A' 1 ' r . t Wind burned fice, the lesult of exposure to Apill wind-., may bo Irca'leii wit li a mix tun nf equil piiln of olive oil and ravllne. Suit linen cloths dipped tn water In uhkli biking wla his 1 1111 dlilved nnd laid upon cheeks und forchcailn will alsrj prove ci'.iling and healing. Tin 10 is no put of the lnuc woodwuik tlul needs mute cue than the rilllngs of liiuUlrr-. Ilrst '-nl'iajs lodges tlirrc. and cries aloud to evciy piwr-hy and the marks of Miiill, grlun, Mlck'3 fingers arc always in evidence. One p?cijllv licit housekeeper makes a prietlce of keeping an old t-Uk. handkerchief in .1 little big near the head o( Iho stall", and iiiiuthei' nor the foul. When idle goes up, if her hinds lie not full, hl.Q lakes the handkerchief from the first iloo. und puses It over Iho railing as .flic goes up, lepeatlng Iho opcrillon when lie ionics down again. Once In a whllo the lulling hliould ho wiped oh' v.ith a e loth wrung from luke-vv inn soapsuds, nnd then wiped dry. A poll-h i then made, using two parts of, llir-rcd nil lo une of turpentine. Put 11 little 111 a soft flannel .mil rub over the wood, pol luting with a clean piece. In in. sling sinill birds, fuiten their heads under their wings nnd lay a thin sllie of bieon 01 sail pork on the bieast of each bird, and a slice of lire id underneath. 'Iho seiuldnvalliis who throng Tormiav nnd thrive on bj pcrdeeding have much tn fay In fivoi of the wjy oitmeal is rooltrd. Milk Is Miballtutcd foi watet In the -rooking, which Is in .1 double-boiler to prevent pconliing. 'Iho rcull is a delicious and ex treme! nourishing porridge. l'cca 11 mils nie now olun bJltedarnl fervel 1 ot 'ulinunilj. . 1 ; in Ifcu 1 I ' ft 1 Jilj'llf! Jl! 1'ut u thin f.oat.tif while .'point. op .tlivoutsil: sid of join tci pen, dvi fll.Hl,tfll1s 'i W 14. want tu iniki, them no '0110 can eej In . ( whiie the one 'inside1 notW hu' cllltrrcucc!' ilie jr" li 1 In t kcuucIk sliows al all, lilt lib' eff4itlis'J eminently fitlsfaetui.v wlieir one is on thli giound floor with khjIch! objection to ctlier elo-e curtains otj,lniibllc,ty .pThts,, 4. sclicmc Is fieipientlj iilliU'ed In the gambling jl .t...t, ..r CI.., .1. " ulUi llie'ilav.-' hnliis 7 oaloons of (hi xirrlwlWio ihc'av.-' holds that theic be no closed doors. A vtiy nlcl;NiiulitUWtt,iWfU.lIinilcililoarn thiougli nniiy gcm;iuiiiiis.;.jiie, nij, wte, 1'olL'ii made the Ih.-t ln.no take ill 1071, t this of QiiJiter-'I'eek- or Old rasliloneel WeeB ding lake, "lids is tho cake,'" Isajs th clnnnlclcjr, "vvhiMe tlie good Udies put to bod" at.iilsl't between wuun c.4hlons, and 4 wlllch was made by the half bulicl wt olii''4S granduiotliei's wrdelings. 'J lie UrVlpt'Mii '4' thiese elajs ended guimlly with fortvitrggsifiub'' 'Iho inticdieiil called for werp two anil,V01iI half pounds of Hour, line pouid y suaw one pound of butler, one' lulf pint of milk or , wulef, onedulf pint of mine, olle'lillt"ct'i half pounds nf raisins, one-hulf ouncs; offnutfev meg, one-half ouneo ot niuii',, 01m lull,, lDi,..,i rf cat, tlvei r'gs, ...... ,4 Jilt oi.e-halt oflliei biigai''and 0116 'luir'W Ji the butter, Stirling lo a cicani.' Add' IMI'i" mflk, the Hour and lhc-eut. 1 Ueat-a together and set it to lUo at iilght. llivvrllii ' inornlug, mix the lemalnder ot the 11a in tliorouglily and let it rise again. 'When well risen, bake in loaves, 'flic raUhM should if berparefully wughtd and then boiled, anddt4e water I u.ed.lu Iha, cake, instead of uilk, 4 it should K' balf-l'ilnt, of the water in which 4," tills raisins' were boiled. ' ft' IA the tiest1 to' V ueiMalcr IniteJil'tif milk it the Uke'ls to'-T Ivu kepU komo' time Jtl remains, 1IH9U 7 li.nnr , , l.'llMUJ I'addjck TtlfOjd. ..,... .... ,-,, , 4 t - wannainuenumiueiewnHHWinrBBirp ErmtoiiS prefer BuncGeo. HeiPtctfuIlT youra. .... lnaVU' si- J I , r) f 1 J ii v ' ti H ei IJ i r M i 1 A Jill , . . v 1, , m ii i, v ' ,f J - Itl . $ 1- Alt i t 1 f ,t4, v- ".f f ,'i'Mm?,T "'- T . J'frf , . . ",
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers