,.U4,,V.., ,, ,, ,-,4 X'Uli SCHAlNTON TRIBUNE-4'HURSDAY, MAY 1, 1902. Points AboatPAINT 1. Billliancy. 2. Durability. 3. Covering Capacity. TIIK COST li MIMIXAIi nnd I.MM bo rmnparlton cvllli tlio HATISt'Ari ION fMicrlrnccil ami IH'MII.T iilllnlncil In lulnir an nrlldc eelilili nmlnlni (lido Tiiiiti: i:ssxr,vi iai. iji'Ai.iiiih LUCAS' TINTED GLOSS PAINT l Hip tlKC0nSIZr.il STASDAtlD In ready lllud IViliKs. Atlantic White Lead and Pars Linseed Oil ... . make n "BVr.llt.VSTINfl" alnl anil llici. nppllnl Willi WIIITIMTN Ilill'StlKS. i lioiitittfiil and iiciitiaiurit linlsli Is al ttajs assured. WIIOI.KSAI.K and Ite-tull A&cn. MATTHEWS BROS 320 Lackawanna Ave. n Our New Store at the Old Stand Is the most attractive and artistic in the city. The same can be said of our stock of Pictures Frames, Wall Paper, etc, You are most cordially invited to call and see the beautiful things we have for sale. Jacobs & Fasold 209 Washington Avenue. CIGARS By the Box All llic (.Priding nriml? of l-ienl Cigars At $1.75 Per Box. Morris' Magnet Cigars The Bout Value for .1 cent. 'In one and jou will -iiuiKr no cither. E. C. Morris, 325 WASHINGTON AVENUE, I.jrge-t miely of I'ipei in St union. City Notes. J OWM'.lt U Wri.O. iuiWp .iildiierl to Kill 111 W. Kioft i al the Stidiilon potoffkc nw.iitin; its o uicr, Mci.riNr; or m N.fii:it.s. rhe imird of minitrrri of llic Home foe the I'ileiulle will meet lunierroir inoining .it U o'elmk Jt tlie Home. (HUItAI. SiOCIKrV.-llip Citl.olic Cliui.il dull will meet tonight for rlio.n -il .it 8 oMotk at the Kniirhts tf rnlinnlm-, inmiK. Meiiiln-rs .uc reiuested to biini; their imiiii" with them. Vor.(J UOMCN'M (I.ril. The Citliolio Ypiiiii; Wuniin's dull .mil all those luleiesled in the ou.irii.iliou .uv ieiiipiri) In mei I thin een ins .it IIMI o'lloek .it the tliili limiH', 122 W.i-ii-incton junuc. 'Hie SMers of the Cood .shepherd nf 1'inW lenee, Scranton, I'.i., nuke i vpeUilt.v ot tinmlrjliu and will he eiy ur.ileful Io rueiw any onh m for phln oi f.mij- incdle woik, .iKo crocheting or emhiuiileriiig. WAS MM' M'c (TsMTft. Hie Household Outlining compim did nnl furni-.li (lie ullUc if P.iltrrMHi, .is htileil In .uMenlnV 'liihune. lie tried to feuiio furniture lioiu tlul concern, hut was not siicceful. lll'RICn I.V llWl.i:V.-The n mains of the lite Mrs. M, .1. hweene.v, who died in I'utt-lnuii, wcic interred jiMerdiy in Hiule.i, which w.is the home of the de.nl wninin. She was the wife' of M. J. hweene.v, ilinupioii high jumper of the! worm. HOMIV l'(lMi:i). In I'l.ilici t. hotel, IVnn incline, last iiiuhl, tlioin.is Hri-d ami 'lorn Mid dleten, of firay I1.I1111I, pu-tid .." apiece In pilch nuolls at .1 time and place tu he agreed 1p011 lit I'IjIiciI.i's net .Slturday liight, win 11 cadi man will pott an additional S2.1. ENTKUTAINMKNT AM) SOCIAI, -Tills eiei,. ing tn the lei hue loom of Hie church, t lie Klin Park Kpworlli league will glu an enleililu. luent, Willi a boilal. A noel prpgraiiuiie hii liecn prepired and all lie Imltril. A bllier of. feriug al the door will be leciiceil. vo Tit.vcK or i',vrri:itsti.v.-.vi two of .1. ', Pjtlprwiii, wlio-c "Nranlon Ural Ksiiiq Loan mid Iniprowineut ioiupaiit" was rpo.i In jesleida)' Triliune, Ins heen discovered by tlio polite or llio bl lclliiis who are ilcilulii' tlie.v are. willing to ou another ifllW to get hold of him, TooK.ruisr uo:M:..-"wlllle Mubetii, tlio tall i'iiid;nun wlio Is Midi a familial figure on the illy ttrech, was the tiiot one In toko out 4 peildler'n lieene, lie uino Inlo Plrector of I'uhtie Nifcty Woimser'u olliic briglit and early crslerday moinlng aiul bccureil llctiuc badge No, I, upon paj nicnt of tho lax of if to. KAMI OPIIXS THIS MOIt.NINCl.-The falo of seals (or "Tlio Bonnie Drier lluh," which plajs a return engagement al the Lyceum Saturday, matinee and night, opens iUU inoining t u o'eloek for both perfoiinante". An Immense tale la asaured from Hie many Inqulilej receUed al tlio box office tlnco the announcement of tlio re turn date. JOHN WOOLOVJIlt MbslMJ.Iohn Woolom, who, up to April II, was employed cm the Lackawanna railroad, bus disappeared from home, Ho has rot been seen tincc Hut Ujte when Ic drew Ids full piy. H.S wile and two rhlldieu cre left at the home, 1357 Wyoming aenuc, nut they haie tlnco been ellnioeiacd because of MOTHER GRAY'S SWEET POWDERS dren wucftfully u, a 'remedy, "now piepVic and placed in the drug torei. called lloilirr Or.-a bnrot Powders for ('lilldien . They afJ i.rnileiu nk milk. plp.iant to lake and neier fall. A certain cure or fecrlshneM, con'tlm. tlon, heacl ache, teellilng and tuiuac , iliir. dera and remoif wonim. At all iliuggl.t, 1c Don't accept any Mihuilutr. S.ample7cit FIiIje' Addrcsa Allen S. OImted, U lto, N, y ' failure to ny (lie rent. Mm. Weotour Is 111 and In ileMltiilr- ilriunut inrc. II Is bcllcec-d that her liiiflninl has none Yt. PPOKIi TO RTIICKT t'Alt MK.V.-NllloMl I'rtalilrnt, . l. Million, ot llii Aniilgunittil AKOflitlon t.f Sin rt IIiiIIh.i.v llmplojM, arrltnl In Hilt clfy .1 r.ti i tin v am) ileiltcrnl an neldrrM at .1 mretliiif ot IHeli'on .So. Ids, lirlil at t n'lloek tlilt liK.nitmr In I'li-prnlpr'n lull, lie s Ills lll here I1.11 no ripi'dal sle.nlfli ntire, lliat lie Itirrrly Inppnied In lie l'al and tliouirllt he'd clll tlic scene of Hie recent btpr lrlke. LOOPING THE LOOP. Dlavolo's Famous Act a Feature of Forennugh's-Sells Clrcun. Admit KotppatiRh mid Hells Urotli cr' united hIiowh uro oxploltlttR n fcn ttirc this season which cetlppoa In point of sheer darlnir anything ever iitlcniited In any nrenii. It In Hip fa tuous Dlavolo In IiIh "looplnR the loop" on a bicycle, tin net which created the priifoiindi'sl Honpatlon In New York city and Philadelphia. Looping the loop li described ns danger deriding and death defying, which Is as near correct as words con make It. From the pxtreme height of the canvass dome Dlavnlo makes a thrilling descent down a narrow plane on a bicycle and the momentum thus gained carries him mound the loop at, a tcrrllllc rate of speed. At the top of the loop both rider and wheel ure up side down and going nt the rate of 40 miles an houi. It Is a ruilr-ralslng act and one that nil should see, as It gives a practical demonstration of the llrnt sclentlllc lesson of youth the swing ing in a elide of a bucket full of water without spilling. The date of the show heie Is Tuesday, May 20. PROPOSED NEW YARD Lot on New Street Will Probably Be Purchased for the Depart ment of Public Works. An onlluance w II be Introduced in select council tonight piovldlng for the purchase by the city of n plot of giottml on New street for a yiud fn the de- p.irtmenl of public work. The plot In question is rlluated on the southerly side of New stieet just west of Wyoming avenue nml Is owned by the Lackawanna Iron and Coal com pany. It comprises s-ome 10.000 square feet and the company has offered It to the city for the Mini of $1,000. An appropriation of K000 for the purchase of such a lot is Included In the general approptintlon ordinance for the present fiscal year. The piesenl yard tised by the depait ment of public works is .i vacant lot In the tear of the Municipal building on which It is proposed to erect a cen tial fire station. It Is proposed to use a house which stands on the New street lot as a' residence for the custodian of the yard and to eiect suitable buildings for the housing of the wagons, horses and par aphernalia in the bureau of highways and sewers. FINE FREE FOOD FAIR. It Is to Open in This City on Mon day, May 12. On May 1 there will be a unique ex hibition nt Scranton Bicycle club. Gath ered from almost every pint of the 17iiited States and from many foreign climes will be teen food products. Al most everything In tho category of line foods and culinary and kitchen neces sities will be on exhibition and demon strated daily. There will be Unvoting extracts, soups, fish, meats, health foods of all sorts and descriptions, canned goods, gelatines, salad dress ings, special cooking ingi "clients, etc. Samples and souvenirs will be given nway. There will be good music and other features on the programme. The show Is given under the auspices of the National Food Show company, and will continue all through the week. Free tickets have been supplied your grocer and he will be glad to see that jou :iro supplied with the necessary ad mission paslcboanl. T. V. POWDERLY IN TOWN. But Ho Won't Discu&s His Resigna tion or Plans, Hon. T. V. Pow derly, cmnmlssloner geneiul of luuulgratlon, nrilved in this city last night fiotn Caibonclale, where; he attended the fuuerul of his nephew, Thomas Walker. Ho will return to Washington today, Mr. Powdcrly said under present cir cumstances ho must decline to talk about his future plans or give his ver sion of tho causes leading up to his resignation. Ills successor, Frank P. Sargent, has not yet taken olllt c, he said, nnd no dale has been fl.ed for the change. Modern Railroading. Tie New Jeibev Central and Head ing rallioads have gained a name as leaders In railroading through the Placing In effect of an hourly service bo. I ween the cities of New Voik and Phil adelphia. These new fast trains leave on the een hour from 7.00 a, ni. to' 6.00 p. in. Inclusive, and better equipped ttalns were never operated, Tho stand ard of excellence was long slnco estab lished by these roads and all others fol low. All trains urn direct to Heading Terminal, Philadelphia, and no change of cais will be necessary. The Heading route Is a mont picturesque one, and the roadbed Is such that fast tlmo can b" made between the two cities with out fall, a number of tho trains will make tho trip in two hours, and this Philadelphia servlco will bo In addition to the Hoyal Ditto servlco operated be tween New York, Philadelphia, Ualtl niore and Washington, The now loco motives nnd coaches nro up-to-date, having been built especially for this service, and tho Pullman Parlor Cars aio from the latest models, Dr. Undabury, Surgeon, diseases of women a specialty, 215 Council building, Ilouisi Un, ni. to 4 p.m.; 7 to 8.30 p. m. TO THE CONTEST EDITOR SCRANTON TRIBUNE. Sir: Please enroll my name ns one of the contestants In The Trib une's Educational Contest, and head me equipment and more detailed Infoi niatlon concerning tho work as soon ns Issued. NAMK .,. ADDHBSS M f ,. , f . f .. . (rut tliU out and null to "Contut I'dilor, Scranton Itllnme, Scranton. I'a.," at lii oiUcr tint jou may be among tlic (lrt (o rceclu' tlic minted inattn and ramjMtr'i lit. bco aihcrlbcmciit on Jourlli page el tliU Issue.) LOST THEIR FIRST GAME FRANKLINS DROPPED ONE TO THE BECKER TEAM. They Are Still In the Lead, How ever, Though Closely Pressed by tho Arllngtons, Who Won Two Closely Contested Games from tho Strong Imperial Team South Side Team Managed to Talto Tvo from the North Scranton Cambrians, Other Games Rolled. The members of the Franklin team ot the City Bowling league uro keeping up their winning streak. Last night they took two games from tho Decker team and lost their first so far this series. This pluces the team securely In llr.it place and It looks as If It would stay thorn for a week or two nnvu'av. The games rolled with the Uecker team were closely contested, but the bowling on neither side was above the average. The score: l'ltANKMNO. '.elitlitncr 1st ISO 1(51 4 llln.lic.i- US 170 1V! BIO Jl9 KM 111 ir.J-411) Anelirritir lit IVi 17J .114 Weill 110 IV! li'.i)-43 "17 771 HW-iJ')t lUXKr.iK llnnkiiiil. V,b 1117 171 41)8 lliitliouncl lf'' 112 l""i- 112 I.iwU IKS 112 112-4.10 Voos 141 111 1.14440 ClHIIW Ill 1711 I'M ull 7i.l 77U , 7'.il-2!.iO High mue Conns lift. Illght auragc I'oon, 174. The strong Imperial team journeyed down to .South Sctantou last night, and weie vanquished by the Arllngtons who lost the tlrst game by Inexcusably bad bowling but who made good scores in the next two. Phil W. JtoII. the former captain of the Backus team. Is now a member of the Ai Ungton team. The score: Altl.lNT,ll)s .(. Kiefer 1.17 lit 171- Hi I II. Kiefer I.'ii 111, ll'i 101 C Kiefer ltiu 110 lifl- .127 P. W. Hull IP) li.'i ll !t,) .MeMu llll lis I Ull 116 7n oil SiVi 2.)"i3 iii'i:ttiAf.s. Mejcr.s IV) 141 121 - I2S Mooip 1-1 III 1W--I79 l'ecklin 172 177 137- ."0( (lold 12') 'il lilt- hi Hopkins A ins n.7 lil ir ll 77.1 'III -Jul Ilicli scoie-C. Kiefri. 110. High aceiage L'. Klotcr, 171 2.1. The South Side team managed to lose Its hoodoo last night and took three games from the Cambrian team which played a rather ragged game. The score: C'AMitniANS. P.nis 122 151 117- 110 Homy Ih7 1ID 117 114 Ileitis 141 IV! ltr 12) Laird la! u 111121 KdHatcls 112 Hi-i 119 fil 7(R SOI Til win: 117 17t 11.7 1M 121 702 Lit 121 1.7 112 117 721-21S',- 111 -) It 12')- 121 141 4M 170- 4IS IIS- !2S Leans Poll W. Xei-ni.iii Murpliv .... .1. Zei-in.iii . 711 T.H 711-22)1 High con DnK lei. High aecr.it,, I. M. Zeisiiun. 11,1 2:). The Centrals, who have changed their name to the Uampe's rolled against the Colt's Let night and lost two games though they had thirty-four moie pins to their credit than their opponents. The score: hampi:. Jones 1!'i 10s 12r 421 Letts -20.1 11,2 127-- 10! Laflin Ill 112 1 l!i 111 Vtlnrtnn 122 llll l'. - 117 O'Coniull 217 177 11,2-.111! nt COLTs. .. H.I . . V2il .. 117 .. K,7 .. 121 701- Wl t.Mc ..... Xorwell ., Piker ..., Alexindcr Loi liner .. 1'17 1H 170 1711 Vui 170 - !! Ill 101 12'1- 4Hi 1H7 IS) IP flid 7.!'i 220) 70f. S2I High Kore O'f'i.nuill, 217. High .vriagp- U'llumcll, 1ST 1-3. The standing ot the clubs in this league Is now as follows: Won. Franklin- b Arllngtons 7 Import il. I! lleckeis .1 llaiupes a South bide .'I ambrlans 1! C'olla 2 net. 1 ..'.! I .'.It A FORMER SCRANTON BOY. What the Postal Clerk's Magazine Says About Him. The following from the Postal Clerk's Magazine concerns a former Scranton boy. Ho will be remembered best as the son of Mr, Caveney, an old-tlmo mer chant of Dellevue. He Is u cousin of Senator M. K, McDonald and Foreman M. W. Walton of The Times: Hut feee men In the postal i-nclee lino nude fir Ihe'iiniiMH the reputation enjo.eeil bv Mi. II. .1. (iieine.e, of Sail Fiautisio, t'al, lip lias n lew i wcikid eellli bill one ml in irev ard llll en I vm to ,kM in the eiuaiielpitlnii ot (lip jmwi ofllip clerk. A cniiiparlmii ot condltfona as they uie tuiij ttllh Hie vy dirk dij8 of a loev ,nais bie'c will lirt lioev lio Miei'eful hiee he'll t lie (fimls o Ml, I'aeeney and men of Ids klu I. Ills mile,, caieer In the a'Aoilallcm iifTalis began in lfc!K, when he eeas ilinxii ecie. tarv of the Mil I'ruuchro branch, o, Sil, ol o l'lilte.1 l'ett OflUe (TeikN aNSjetatlon. Ihls a,o. elation of pO'l cittlie e-lerks was then In lis In famy and Mr, l'.iecmy las done muili o pro. ninle Its growth as org.uiler for llic Pae lie lO.'.kl, In the year lifW, he was again rleeled bene, tare u( Ills I'fJiii'li. Owing to tlio anulgamatlcn ot ho tevn I alional bod.'o, the branch neimbri of bin rT.U!il'.n lJ changed to No. 8, Ho was una of the huilc-t woikeH In tlie iiiincmeiit to bilng toatther the two intlonal assoclallon-s, aid ., ,,,,,,,,. one a out. TO MOTHERS Uis. J. H. irnsklns, of Chicago, III., Frcnldout Chicago Arcade Club, Addresses Comforting Words to Women Itcgardlng Childbirth. "Diun Mn. rtNttiiAM! Mothers need not dread chlldbcarlnn; nfter thoy know tho ralito of Lydln K. Plnk IiitmV Vpgctnblo Coiiiiiound. Whlln I loved children I dreaded tho ordeal, for It loft mo weak and sick SIPS. J. II. IIASKIX8. for months after, and at tho time I thought death was a welcome relief; but before my last child was born a Soodnelfrhbor advised LydioE.Pink tun's Vegetable Compound, and I used that, together with your Pills and Sanative wash for four months before the child's birth; it brought me wonderful relief. I hardly had an ache or pain, and when the child wa3 ten days old I left my bed strong in health. Every spring andfall I now take abottlcof Lydia K.Plnklm ill's Veg etable Coiiinouud and iiud it keeps me in continual excellent health." Jilts. .T. II. Haskins, 3248 Indiana Ave, Chicago, 111. f 5000 forfeit If above testimo nial Is not genuine. , Care and careful counsel is wluvt tlic expectant mid wottld-bo mother needs, and this counsel sho can secure without cost by writing to Sirs. Pinltbain at Lynn, Mass. ai a rewjid fo- his splendid -eielces wa-. elected tiiild Mco li.-ilcnt of the con-olidilcil bodies ki.ci.Mi in lie t nited National As.oelatl :iou of l'p..- Oli'cc Clcik'. In the Fiinip jeir, he wis clicwen to represent Ins In.uuli at tho Atlantic City contention. lhoe who sat Willi him In that coneeiition can le-llf.e to his 'plinelid eeoik as a delegate. In the j cm l'lOl, he acted asihslrman of the Till (ic.inhr.itioii elltMon of the I'. .V, A. P. 0. C. and ens ucie"fiil in Ills efforts to build up the organisation In t'n Wet. In Hie ame jear le ee is chn-fii as pic' dent of the San KranclMO liancli riu! e-,t.ililhed a fplendld lepiitation as an cec itiee. In till-, .ecu, Postmaiitrr Oeneial S'uilu Mfiled San Traiici-eo. The po-t oflice cl"iks iiadid In his honor, and tlic sueceis cf the p.ii.iilo was laigely due to Mi. C'aeeney, who ailed io li ar-li.il t. In Hip Mine jeir he was j-pIc cteil be his br.inrh In icic-cnt them at thp Milwaukee contputiou. Ml. f'.ieen v l" endowed with wonderful nbilily is un nvniirpr and this f.ict liaeing become gen eially tec ngnid, he was fclected for Hip pei ti"ii of (Imini.m of Hip oig.iniJlioii priiumitlee for Hip ci llic eountiy. fo his pcr!!ont manage. Hunt of tl.l- ultier, to his untiling efforts are c laic-civ mdcbleil loi Hie cnoiinous giowtli of tho a-pii ili'cn duriiu the pi-t flip months. We aie Icoklng for moip C'aernees. Princess Radzlwill Sentenced. By i;.clu-lec Who fioni The Associated l'ie-.s. C'.ipp Tim n. Apul :,0. Jrlr.cp-s Itad7iwill, wlio lia-, been on lull line before the .Supreme court on Ihe e lunge of foigeiy in conneillon with nolo purpoiting to Imp been endorsed by the late Cecil Rhode, vas fccntenpcd lo two jeais' con fmenient in the hou-p of correction. 1 Ready to Wear Garments 1 AT I SPECIAL Black Silk Dress Skirts S High ctrade Taffetas, nicely finished full flare ' garments, $9.75 to $25.00. 53 Sample Suits La At a big reduction. Fine material, best work- jt mauship and the top notch in style at two thirds 9 actual value. 15 Ladies' and S Tailor Suits In shades of Castor, Brown, Blue and Grey. IS r3'5 to 2 garments for $9.95. It 18 Ladies' Tailor Suits ia All new Venetians, Broadcloths, Cheviots in IS choice new shades of Blues, Browns, Greys, etc. $15 to $20 garments tor $1.5U. 3 1 20 Fine Tailor Suits Beautifully tailored, finest material, everything new about them. $25 to $30 garments for $18.50. Pine Sample Silk Jackets $10 to $25 garments at two thirds their value. Hisses' Box Coats Greys and Castors $1,95 to $4,75, Seersucker Underskirts Blue and White stripes, good material, full widths, 43c. SI 4 Mears & Hagen 1 415-417 Lackawanna Ave. Qmmmmmmm&mimmmmmG BISHOP H0BAN AS A WITNESS TESTIFIES IN THE ARDMAN IN JUNCTION CASE, Equity Suit Involving the Question of the Extent of Roman Catholic Bishop's Authority Over Oreek Catholic Churches nnd Their Pas tors In the United States Grown Out of an Incident in Connection with the Assassination of Presi dent McKlnley Other Matters. The Injunction case against fiev. John Ardan, ot Olyphont, In which the ex tent of the Jurisdiction of Unman Catholic bishops over Oreek Catholic churches In the United States Is In volved Is being1 heard before Judge Edwards. Tho hearing was begun, yesterday morning, In court room No. 1 and was attended by many prominent church men. At the plaintiff's table with At torney Martin it O'Brien were Bishop M. J. Iloban nnd Chancellor ,T. J. nrllTln of the Scranton diocese. At the defend ant's table with Rev. John Ardan and his attorneyH.W. J. Hand, Arthur Dunn, George S. Horn and H. L, Taylor were a number of Oreek priests who have been in conflict with the Roman Catho lic bishop of this diocese and who ns a result of tho conflict are now pastors of independent churches. One of thes-e Is Rev Frank Hodlir of South Scranton, Another In Rev. Dr. Tolh, of Wilkes Barre, who was defendant In the case In which the supreme court of Pennsyl vania decided thnt he as 'the pastor of a Greek Catholic church at Wllkes Barre was under the Jurisdiction of the late Bishop O'Hara, and that his ex communication by the bishop was reg ular and legal. Dr. Szlupas, the well known socialist was another Interested onlooker occupying a seat among the defendant's adherents. Rev. James McLeod, D. D., pastor of the First Presbyterian church, who iccently engaged In a controveisy on the Jesuits with Bishop Hoban sat through a part of the hearing. He and Bishop Hoban are close personal friends. Yesterday, they met for the Hist time since their controversy. When their eyes met, they bowed smilingly to each other and as Dr. JIc Leod advanced the bishop arose with hand extended to greet him. They shook hands heartily and exchanged a few pleasantries. PLAINTIFF'S TESTIMONY. Both sessions of yesterday were taken up with the presentation of the plain tiff's testimony. Today will be devoted to the hearing of the defendant's side and possibly tho arguments. The case may run into the third day. The suit has its Inception in an in cident connected with the assassination of Piesident McKlnley. Rev. Ardinan Is editor of a Greek paper called the Swoboda which had a strong leaning towards extreni" socialism. In an rditoilal on the death of President Mc Klnley, Rev. Ardman gave expression to views tending to condone the crime of Czolgosch. The matter was bi ought to the attention of Bishop Hoban and he called the writer to account. In jesponse Rev. Ardman wrote him a letter demanding that his name bo striken from the loll of priests of the Scranton diocese. Thereupon the bishop Continued on Page 8. PRICES! & Misses' t". E ROBINSON'S UNEXCELLED &RRNG BOOK BEER AT ALL SATURDAY, MAY 3 Upholstering and Cushion Work Is done by us cheaper and better than anywhere else in town. We refiuish furniture also. Our cabinet maker will call on request to give estimates. Scranton Bedding Co. F. A. KAISER, Manager. Lackawanna and Adams Avenues. WlsV,0VViiVtVViV Are You Hard to Please in Underwear 0 We are. The underwear makers find ns so exacting that but few of them can please us. That is one reason why we are be '. lnk? noted for selling only the very best of underwear. This stock :5 is chosen by those skilled in selecting for your tastes, and will jS be conceded to be quite practically complete. I Ribbed Underwear j We have all the sizes, from tho infant's size to the largest ;g sizes in tho underwear market. S Cotton, Lisle and Silk And there's low neck and no sleeves, low neck and short fgi .j sleeves, high neck and wing, high neck and long sleeves. Your ! '" particular style is most likely here. Plain ribbed, Bichelleu rib 5"5 and lace effects, and White, Cream, Pink and Blue. Jfc Cotton Vests, 10c, 12Jc, 15c and 25c each. Silkatine Vests, 38c each. Silk and Lisle A1I Silk Vests, $1.00, LACE DROP YOKES, Made of fine Lisle thread, lace trimmed edges, and white. 50c. Each. 4 Our cast -window is full of these dainty ribbed undergarments; you can look nt them as you pass by, or come in and we'll jw. show them to you. In any case it is better to know what we've JP jjg got before you do buy. iMcConnell & Co.! The Satisfactory Store. g 1 400-402 Lackawanna Ave. 4..4. 44.44,4,4a4"i,4,4"i'4,,i'4a 4ai4'4l .4..4 J' This Elegant ONLY Rjlj Made of clear white maple, varnished, and is large, lieavy J strong and durable. We onlv have a limited number, and you'll have to come I early to get one. They sell regularly from $a.So to $3.oo. 4 , J Scranton Carpet $ Registered, 400 . . ;. .J. .J. .5. .(. If TOU Go to the Green Ridge frJoiip Sanitarium, 1536 N, HldVC Washington ave,, or Rheumatism ': rooms in the Carter Building, Dr. Purman can cure eighty per cent, of nil cases pronounced in curable by other systems ol treat' msnt, while ninety-live per cent, permanently benefitted, Con sultations and Literature Free. Lady assistants foi the ladies. SONS' HOTELS Both 'Phones e & & e & & & & Vests, 50c each. ; $1.25, $1.50 and $1.75. $i BIBBED DRAWERS. : These are knee length and & lace trimmed. ! Ladies' sizes, 25c and 50c. Children's " 12,c, 15o, 25c. ft Porch Chair S1.30 .KMl .1. & rurniture Co., Lackawanna Avenue, 'H4, 4.. ,f HENRY BELIN, JR., Central Agent for Dig Wyomlcs District Ut Dupont's Powder HInlnff, nutin;r, Sporting, finoKelcs. tn4 thi lltpouno Clicrolcal Ccmptny't HIGH EXPLOSIVES. Safely Kuec, Ca anil Kxplodera. lloom 40J Coa. ncli HullJIn.- .Scrutcn. Aai:.scn:3. JOIIX II. SMUil i fcOK .., ...N)mouU n i X 'V'.' -, if i l & J (M , Lv I J u .!'- ,J jjifr. j7- J. -; itj;.
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