fK" 'bk - - -j.' .' "S l i fj;t-ij : 'K- v THE SCRANTON tfJKIBUKE-- TUESDAY, AP1UL 20, 1902. N fe r -,:vv ,t-.rv".l". , ly'Srfliji' Syrup of Figs appeals to the cultured and the "J Xy'"1 well-informed and to the healthy, because its com- sK---'- $'' y'!-(0'h"MM 1 poncnt parts are simple and wholesome and be- r y ,' sf-P-g.&k 'rKJ cause it acts without disturbing the natural func- 11 fy'i!&i t'ons, as it is wholly free from every objectionable .':::fmyti. qualitv or substance. In the process of V " Ms OSMimrn0'''y manufacturing figs are used, as they are -. ''4$&'-T v'tSfflr VU pleasant to the taste, but the medicinal '',' V ':;-'l:;'WMim sh? virtues of Syrup of Figs arc obtained ,$-':;?, S'T from an excellent combination of plants lthmMYmJl $&$ known to be medicinally laxative and to W-'M(. vf Hi? -, act most beneficially. W0 Of J? To get its beneficial effects-buy tho mMMi t km genuine-manufactured by the mi l irAnNiit he Vvmdo -"-v .-J - j. j . "i - I.- i b?;;Vv&vVi:iV,V .. :. j- ..'. .-;; vi, J-i -- " &'. A :-.K? VIS r'ZiOi,:? V?&;.-.N Eon MONTROSE. Special In Hie Sti anion Trllnnic. Monti-osf. April as. The week In Montrose Is ushered In with a cloudless .sky nnd mild and balmy atmosphere. It Issuch Jdenrwenther condition which tosp.end ;illor u ji.uit.qt the summer pbaWu. " The apiiroftriiitiR season promises an extremely lively one; more of our residents than usual are planing to throw open their homes to city visitors, a number linvi- leased their homes, furnished for the sciin-cm, nnd taken nil in all the Indica tions are very oncouruidnx ,01' a lnt'S colony of out of town vlsiton to Mont rose this summer. A luck of amuse ments fiom which tho town has here tofore suffered will soon be supplied t hroiiKh the combined efforts of "The Lakeside Country club," now in the fourth year of Its prosperous existence, nnd the newly organized "Montrose Athletic asoclation." Uase ball, solf, tennis, foot bnll, croquet, etc., will all lje available on superb grounds, to all Biiests, while delight mi hops, held In the cool and ally club houses or the Country club will add tn the drawing tittraetions. ftev. A. YV. Cooper, late of D.ilton, preached his Initial sermon as pastor of the Montrose Methodist church before large congicgatlons. It Is too soon to form an estimate of Mr. Cooper as a pieacher or as a pastor, lint taking his sermons jestetday and his appearance as a guide, It Is believed that In securing him as their pastor, our Methodist friends have drawn n prize. The retiring pastor, ltov. 11. Ii. "Henedlct, leaves on Wednesday for his new charge at Owego bearing the af fectionate regard and best wishes of the people of Montrose. Hev. A. L.. Uenton, I). !".. foi twenty yeais the beloved pastor of the fiesby terlan chuich In tills plact delivered his farewell sermon yesterday at the moinlng service. Ills theme was "God's Providential Card" and fiom his text, MiiUliow.fliuO ho evolved n master ly dlscouiso and spoke touchlngly of Ills rclat,lons with the Montrose chinch mid people dining his long pastorate. At the conclusion Dr. Uenton hi pur suance of tho iCMUcat of Presbytery, declared tho pulpit of the MoiUtOM church vacant, and until a iew pastor Is elected there will be no prenchlng ex cept by such ministers as may be se cured by tho session of thu church. Dr. Benton has Indeed worn well, and no pustor ever left a church, who was inoro strongly fortliled and entrenched in thu hearts of his people than Ih Dr. lienton. Throughout coming years, ho will bo missed from tho community, luit himself and wife will bo dally car ried upon prayerful lips to the Throne or Grnco and tho cuio anil blessing of thu Gieat Shepherd will bo devoutly In voked. Tho many Montroso friends of Miss Delia Moore late of Scritnloji, learned with sincere sonnw of that lady's, dentil. .Mrs, Caroline n, WntiouH celebrated tho sixty-seventh anniversary of her berth today. Sliu Is enjoying u fair de gree of health. FACTORYVILLE, Bircljl to the Scranlou Tribune, Fjictoryvllln, April 2S. The gradu ating cxHiclses of tho Kuctoryvllle Her Bon's Life Saved by Chamber Inin'a Colic, Cholera and DIanhoea Reiuedy, "A neighbor ran In uitli a bottle of Chuinberlaln's Colic, Cholera ami Diar rhoea Itemedy when my sou was suf fering with severe crumps and was given up as beyond hojio by my regu lar physician, ho stands high In his profcbslon. After ndinlnlstcilng three doses of It my son regulued conscious ness ami recovered entirely vtli!n twenty-four hours," sayt, Mrs. Mary lluller. of Mf, Orawfonl, Vu. 'Jt'Jils Itemedy Is for salu by all drugslsts. I NORTHEASTERN I PENNSYLVANIA I , 43 r. .-r! --. :--rr Louisville-, Ky. fi.&fe, by all .drui'sts graded school will be held In the Metho dist church Wednesday evening, April ."0, beginning at S o'clock. A fine pro gramme has been arranged. All who mo interested In education aie Invited to attend. Dr. K T, AVheaton spent last week with friends at Jackson. Mrs. Myron Cobb and son, of "West Scranton, are spending a few weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Augus tus Colvln. Harrison Kedell has returned from a visit with an old friend down at Dranchville, N. J. The Ladles' Aid society of the Metho dist church will hold a business meet ing at the parsonage next Friday at S p. m, .Air. and Mrs. Walter 13. Cobb, of Pcranton, spent Sunday with Mr. Cobb's patents in this place. , The six principle Baptist church Is having u new roof put on nnd other wise l'puiitred. About one hundred Odd Fellows as sembled at Odd Follow,' hall lasl Sat urday for various purposes. It was in stallation night and the celebration of the eighty-third anniversary of Odd Fellowship in the United States. Dis trict Deputy Grand Master D. F. Camp and staff of grund officers from Tunic -bannock were piesent and installed tho otllcers of lied Jacket lodge for the en suing term, and the degree team of Willow Leaf lodge, of East Benton, canio over and did themselves credit in working tho initiatory degree on two candidates. After the degree and In stallation work, a lunch and smoker was enjoyed. Visiting members from Tunkhniinock, Clark's Green, Scranton, Nicholson nnd Fast Benton were pres ent and enjoyed the hosjilUllty of Ited Jacket's members. The ollicers for the ensuing term are: Noble grand, Will lam Hlm: vice-grand, AVullie Patter son; secretary, W. W. Bard. ISuv. J1. G. lluckiunn has rented tho W. (-', Wrlgley house and took posses sion today, HONESDALE. tu lli(! Siuiilon Tribune. Ilonesdale, April 28. Tho annual pew letting of tho Presbyterian church at T.:lii thlsevenlng, Mr. and Mis. Martin Heft, of Scran loti, spent Sunday with Mrs. Heft's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Powell. The school dlrectois, of Wayne county will meet In tho court house on May li to elect u county superintendent. The PICTURE This proud old lady lido leaves two sons yuu tind them',' ' m null iLrlAl iflr'A a R.Jk illtUl w 1 ..... .. . - I.'...T ' -1S V " r'"'TT ' - " - i 9m mm l J I) I nmraf arwm V, Umnimn wnanMMMw , Aicw YorkrH.Y. fCi&iJf.' cervte ger- beetle-). present incumbent, David L. Ifower, and Nelson J. Spencer, of the Wayne County Herald, are candidates. Our nelghboilng town, Hawley, has caught the spell at last and will organ ize u Ladles' Improvement society. They can get pointers from our Hones dale ladles. The Hi a alarm sounded just before noon today, for a. lire In a garden building of L. Gratnbs on upper Main street. Protection Engine company and the Alert Hook and ladder company re sponded, but the (lames were ex tinguished without their assistance, with little damage. It is seldom that n. Honesdale clergy man is permitted to address so large a congregation of men, as was tho privilege of llev. William H. Swift, on Sunday evening, the occasion being the annual sermon, before the Odd Fellows, who attended services in the Presby terian church. Mr. S.wift prefaced his sermon with the church as the pillar and ground work of all that wasgood. He said he was an Odd Fellow Indeed, who was found In the church twice on a Sunday. His theme was the bible, this text, "The Entrance of Thy Words Glveth Light," found in Psalms 119ch., 130 verse. The Importance of the open bible, thu value of the Christian church and observance of the Sabbath were very forcibly presented and well re ceived by the largo audience. The eighty-third annlveisary will be observance In Freedom hall, this even ing with a banquet and a musical and literary programme. UNIONDALE. Pjiec to tlic Scuiilon Tribune. rnlondale, April 28. The term of tho Unlondale gradea" school came to a close Friday night, April 23, with appropri ate commencement exercises, held In the Presbyterian church. There was a large gathering present. Bev. H. J. Crane pronounced the invocation. During the evening tho Unlondale quintette favored the nudlence with n number of pleas ing selections, under the leadership of Charles Newell. Solos were given by Misses Virginia Cnrgill and Kate Cran dull. A beautiful voenl duet was very creditably rendered by the Misses Flora Furman and Pauline Coleman. Virginia Orce, Edna Burdlck, Louisa Corey and Mary Leek did them selves credit as recitatlonisls, A song by the primary pupils, "Making a Shoe," was refreshing. Rev. William Hollinshcd, of Forest City, delivered nn exceedingly practical and Interesting address on "Foundations." All the es says of tho graduates were marked with considerable merit, Miss Hannah Welble's thenio being "War;" that of Miss Flora Furman, who held tho sec ond position of honor in her class (salu tatory), being "Commencement." Miss Hun let Marjoiie Jenkins, who was tho valedictorian of her class nnd held the llrst place of honor, had for her sub- PUZZLE. bound oul for a and a. dog. Can ject "Lake nnd Life." It was u study of Lewis Lake, with Interesting points of contrast In life. Many glowing com pliments were paid to this young Indy's effort. There were three giitduittrs! Miss Harriet Murjorlo Jenkins, Mica Flora Furinun and Miss Hannah Wctble, nil of whom nre hold In high regard In the town. The officers for (ho term were: J. p. Wilson, principal 'Miss Virginia Car gill, Intermediate; Miss Edythe flmlth, prlmnry department, AVOCA. The Ladles' Missionary society will meet ut the homo or Mrs. William Dick of Mooslc on Thtusdity afternoon. A dink red mtilly cow hi In possession of Thomas Clarke, of t'lttntoh town chip. Owner may have It by paying damages. -, , An artistic onyx front sodlt. water fountain has boon placed In Murphy's confectionery store on North Main street. Mine Foreman Clunies Davis, ot Jrrmyn, wan a visitor In town on Sat urday. I!ev. D. McDonald occupied the pulpit of the M. E. church on Sunday oven lug. Mrs. Frank Sanders has returned from Philadelphia. llev. James Moore will leave today lo attend the P. M. conference at Shen andoah. Misses Lizzie McDonald, Lucy Kar tell nnd Daniel Peel, of Carbondale and John Donnhoe, of Wilkes-Barre, spent Sunday at tho Scahlll residence. John T. Blcasc has resigned us organ ist nt the P. M. church to bepome organist at tho Langellffe church. 10. E. Snyder and daughter Madge, spent Sunday at the Snyder residence at Truckvllle. f Theatrical, J ATTRACTIONS TODAY. LYCKU.W SjiiiIou nnil UN Vaudeville Conijunv. Nlglit. APADiaiV HuiIm l.cjliouinc's Hon Ton Stock company. .M.ilimo and night. Bon Ton Stock Company. The Don Ton Sloelc company, ot which Dinna Buntlmj and Clurles Jin the stars, ujicncil ii WL'elvN engagement ut the Academy yes teiday afternoon by prc-onting' "A Man ot Jlyv tery." At night the popular play, "The- 1'iin ce nl Patches" jiIimmh) the large audience t crowded the theater, 'i'lie company J3 one ot the best reprrtoiio oiganizntlom that comes to this city, and the sjiei hltles intiodueed ate all of a high cidi i. TI1I3 alteinoon the company will picsenL "All for field, or Money Mad," and tonight, "Heap ing (be Wnlilulnd," Sandow Tonight. An event of impoitance to tliealer-goeis in the cngagenient of l'ugene Sandow and hi perrle.'S lomjiaiiy of auoca:i and Ameiican novelties at tho To renin theater this crning. Handow ttands pre-eminent among tho vioild'n stiong men. While lie is the ttrongot mm of modem times, this ii a liieie detail in compaiisou with tho won deiful performance lie gives. The average Eliong imin phes a peifoiniance which hi .1 mere e.hibi tion nf sticugth, hut in the entertainment c i-andow, while wonderful leed of stiength are the main feahuc, it !, the grate of this modem Hercules nnd tbe cae and peifcction with which every feat is accomplished (TJit hN made him w orld-famous. One of the most hiilliaut puts of his per formance is ids poking1 it, a nun clous plctuie of a jierfect man, during which lie shows the vvoik ing of every mu-de in the body, eacli iiiumIc being distinct and fcpaiale fiom all others. Ills lenring of hi-; jiachs of cauls bunched together shows his ticmcndous grip of the hand. Another great feat is his holding up of twenty-two men and tlie laMng of 1,000-pound weights ill each hand as if they were meie plajthlngs. A cul minating feat unbend of in tbe annals of tlrong men Is tbe ral-iug and holding in the air with one bind of a hoie and coiiiage. The company atsisllng S unlaw is jiartlculaily btrong, loinpiinlng as it docs home of the lict rovcliles and cleverest featuies in vaudeville. Tlds cngagei.icnt is for one night only and our theater-goers will not have .-mother oppoitunlty of again teeing Sandow, as he soon utiles to es tablish in Xew Yoik his college cf jih.vsieal cul tuie, (similar to tho-a) now lunniug in London and I'nrl. Tho Danim llrotlier.s, comedy acro bats, two local Ijoji, aie with "Sandow, and their nit, it is said, cvcelU any tin 11 ever attempted in auobalic woih. Modjeska-James. The engagement of Madame rodje-.k.i and Louis ,lame., aunouneeil for net Thursday even ing, piomljes to outrank in both popuhr and ai tiatlo importance any event of the inivscnt thea trical hcasou. Willie the public have seen so cial elaborate Siinkesjieaiean production,- In re lent .vearb, no ire-,cntatloii of .1 Sliikcspeaican play during lhe past decade will uiiiip.ui- In lis a-.iiici.illons wilh great pla.vcrs witli tlie ciimiug prifoiininco of "The "tleichant of Venice," in which tlicw celeluale'l ai lists aie In appear. Tlie nrthtie jiov,lbilltles of the alliance ap pealed to both iilajcit- with gu-atii- foiio tlian tlie I'lOiuh-e nf gain, cjiciiallj in view of their well-known financial standing-, clnco tlie deatli ot Mr. Ilooth, Mr, I.ouls J.tino has been ugaideil as pia-eiuliicnt on the tragic tagQ of this imin tiy. Added to his (-plendiil aecoinjillslnnents, Mr. James lias .1 personality which li.u won bini .1 luge and lojal following. lp lulnsiug lhe-o n lists togetiicr, It is not (00 much to say that Managers "iVagonhal ml Kemper have lendcreil a dMinct nervlie to tho diaina in Aiiicrha. The bah.- of teals -ien.s thi.s iiiornlng at 0 n'rlocl: at Iho liox-ofllte, and a laige-advamo sale Is piedicted. STAGE NOTES. Wilson llirrell'rt new melodrania, leieully jiro duied In AustiallJ, i called "The N'evcr, Nevir bnd," Jolin Ciaig, foimfily wilh Mis, 1'li-ke as Angel CluM In "1'i'i-s of tbe ll'IIibinllles," lias bein ingagcd (or llic revlul of that play in New Vnili, ",-au To." will doc U cngagenient at ll.ilj's lhe..Ur in New VurU May "), on wliii-li iiiialuu It will cjUbuile its iflthh jierformaiu e ut plaj boiite. A wfll-dflmed icjiort comes fiom lindim tn tbe cltctt that Mwicnte. In lug, bou of Sir Hetny Inllifc', is to wed Alice Xellson, the tcmiu ope-ti binger, Liura nigger, nlio Inheilted Mi,U00 funn Htiuy M. Ilennett, who ii-ci-utly died in l'i. burg, lias giKii nut tlie information that hc will not return to the i-tagi. A nw huili-sque, "The Wondnfiil Mtaul of Ot," wiillen by rrunk llauin, 11 Chicago iient. jiapcr man, will have IU Hut piesentatioii in lhe windy city about -luue 1. "The Wj)S of Susan" i tho title of 11 pl.ij Cugruo I'leshiej h.u wrllten for and had ui replcd by Hnulelt-i Ciouuiaii. The play is de. sciilieil as hi-liig .1 "inodeiii coined)." A rejioit ronifs fiom Chicago tint .Iinnic Dunn (Mr?. I'zra Kendall) will icjoln her biolbei, Ai tliur, iii-M ecasoii, piWuthig tin.- skctih In which tltry wcio so ,o,u!ar tomo bro. Tom I.eult', 8am and Maud Ilutii have slgntil contracts lo ttar jointly next be.ifon In .1 Uice comedy culled ''Iho Major aiul the Judge." Tin) bU)porllng loinjiany -nil I ho u strong in.', Marlon Mac.ola is ciy ill In thu city hc-pltal in Ilotton. I-I:u was thrio lat wed on i.11 eniei-gency call and lu bini triated slnen for lu tnual double. The pb-.lclain u-iioit her londl tlon ai terioiu. THE HOMELIEST MAN IN SCRANTON As well as lhe hamliomcst, ami ollum are invited to call on any JiuggUt and get lice a dial bottle of Kemp' Bul.ain for the Throat and l.u;i-,i, a remedy that Is gutnaiitecd to cuie unit lcllevo all Chronic (in J Acute Couj!t, Asthma, Ilionchitii and Cviuuiujitlou. I'licc 23c. and V. THE TRIBUNE'S "WANT" 4 Lines 10 Cents More Than l-otir Lines, 3 Cent.s for I'acti Extra Llrii. For Ilcnt. I'UIt HUNT A fi-inent cutlase, with heavy fur inline, in unlendiile, susipieluiitia io i'a ten inllei w-esl nf Carhundate on Jetlcrjon lliamli iiillioad; good water and mountain air: iliurch, mull, tdepiione, telegrajih and hike ne loiiiinoilalioii". luiiulro eatl.i. Mis. lid ward Moigan, Unlondale, i'n. FOII lli:.NT irrJl Olive stieel. nlngle lioiue ol S looms, fall iiHirulug.s between 11) and V2. I'Oll HUNT Veien mollis on nocond Hour tquple pielcried vvltlinut ehlldrent also lo lake cure of lawn and ijaiilen, Ttr, Olay avenue, i'unmorc. Toil IlKXT Slfioom witli bath, ttcani beat, can tango, mid oil inodern Improve, inentsj rent leisonablc. Call early. I'lnl O. Hand, hat Mullicny rtreet. roil lll.NT-.Smali fiuiiWied homo (or rent. In quire at Pit Vine bticet. STOW! TOR HUNT 1122 West I,icl;aw.-mni ave nue. Inqulro I'lilllp fc'chiifll, 0-2'J West Laeka it ami, i avenue. IIAII.V lOll IinNT-912, April 1st, thrcu box anJ three single stalls and wali I nt It. , tear 01 Ml Madison nvcnu li.riuire at (Ot Madl-onjivc. Toil ni'.NT-Storc hulldlng for lent in Wv'V,0" City. 1'a. nulldlng M feet bv 21 tret. id' tinder all, nnd s(cond slotv ran be arranged ror a family. All In good rtpilr icadv far n-.. Two coal break-era and inlm-s tlov bv employing over a tlioinund people. An i-nterprishu ,;'i'ri!,,1,lt can get a large trade. Applv to William Ii. Illchinond, lllcliniond Hill, ijiai X. Milu avinu--. reranton, I'a. Eurnishcd Booms. I'Otl pi:NT One furnished room, with Improvements-, also one on thlid floor, cheap. 027 Adams avenue. FUnXlSHKD IIOOMS for rer-t, inodern Improve mcntsi private family; gentlemen picferrcd, at 537 Adams avenue. KOn Itn.ST l-'tirnlshcd room; heat and bath. 025 Linden street. KUIINISHKD ROOMS FOB TtHNT, with heat, rai and bath, gentlemen pretcricd, at M Adams tvenue. For Sale. I'Oll SAI.I1 A pntimalie itinabout and u family phaeton; good condition. Juqulio To; Ad ams avenue. I'Oll SALU lleay coal wagon, double bos, or will CM-Iiangfe for light wagon. .1. C. Dalle), Chinchilla. llOHSI'S, four good young driving horses for sale. O. II. Stone, Clark's Green. l-'OK SALK Seven-year lease and furnittuc ot a fiO-iooin hotel in good upair, near Central deiiot. ltca-son for selling, my time all taken up in other busine.-.s. Itight man who knows the steel plant people can do :i big trade as they all have to pass the hotel. Ilcnt f.'I.OOO a )car; all thor oughly renovated. New bar and kitchen last spring, '..'old Dollar hotel can Uo be bought oil ew tenn. Address J. W. Ashler, Cold Hollar Hotel, Duffalo, X. Y. roil SAI.II Will hacrlflcc a fj-100 piano of an old reliable make; walnut cacj only been used two .veais and is in perfect condition. For par ticulars address "Chance," Tribune office. I'Oll SALE Cheap for cash, phaeton, good con dition; luigaiu to one who vvMiCs lo buy. Inquire HU Oieen IJidgo street, Dunmoie. l'Oit SALU Shade trees and nuuery stock, eslra sics. Giles L. Claik, U00 Wood street. New 'phone 1021 1J. JUST AltlUVCD, two car load of horses, good workeis and diiver, weight Irom 1,000 to 1,000; seveial closely matched teams; can be seen at 321 Ita.unnnd couit. V. M. Cobb. UAKPCTS 50,000 .varils Tlrussols, Ingrains, Vel vets, hUo .Mattings. Oil Cloth: 10,000 pieces linen bheeN, table cloths, blankets, counter panes, napkin", etc.. iron beds, springs, inattissM-M, chair.s, aliout sl t-ailoids at pulillc am tlon. Sale begins Tuesday .it 10 a. m. and 2 and 7 p. in., ut '210 Lackawanna avenue, next Scranton Sheet It waiting loom, opposite l'ciin avenue. Cuininlng.-, ii llio., Aua- op' tic I'Oll SALL' A beautiful diamond ring, one carat. Will --ill for -fSS. Adihess I'. O. l!o 1)2, City. I'Oll SALU Hand silk doublers. New. Damfonl Rioi., Pater-.on, N. .T. Wautetl To Rent. WANTKI) l'uriiMieil room, in .1 private family, liy a lady employed, must be leasouable. Addicss II., Tiibunc. WANTKI) IIOOMS I'or two adults, three or four rooms, furni-.hcu or unfurnished for very light housekeeping, llrst floor picferrcd. Addrc M. 1)., Tiibuno office. WANTED Furnished house or four or five rooms for housekeeping. Address A. O. 1'., Tribune oITIlc. Keal Estate. 1011 SAM Klegant sites for hornet. In upper liieeii linige; cuoicu iiciguiiniuooii; most do biiaiile locality lor home in Lackawanna county. J. A. Mai vine, 17.10 Sinderaou avenue. l'Oit HUNT or sale at Sunbury, I'a, A substan tial foui-story lulcl; building, for lactoiy or who ctale sloie. Light fiom three bides, ofthe. bad; nf vvaichoibe, cairlago Ihiii-c and stable innienietir. llent leasonaule, Addicss I,. Lion, l'l) mouth, I'a. I'Oll SALU Two lols, Improved, with rence, side walk and gutter, N. Ulakely St., Dunmoie: veiy icasonahle. Address Albeit Jenkins, r-'outli canaaii, wayiu couniy, i a. FOlt BALI! A deslinble and well linpioved faun, situated two miles liom Ilonedali' containing M oi moie aires, (iood buildings, well waieied, a never falling spiiug, orcliard and uuod lol, Migar bu-h ami inn giou-. Mrs. Joicmtah Gar ni t, HoncMlale, I'a. I'Oll KALI! Faun 120acies; stock, good orehiiil; building In good cider; nine miles from Scrau lou, two lulleu fiem Mmcavv. Funn alone, or f.u in and stock. Mary Jcnkin.-., Maple- Lake, Lick awaiiua count)-, I'a. I'Oll HALF. Ulcgant biles for homes in uppir liieeii Hldge: ilioho noigidmihooil; lunsl lie. blrabli) locality far homo In Lackawanna count). J, A. Maivlue, 17'M Kanderon uiciiue, FAIIJI 1011 SALU SMy-two aires, one mihi fiom Lake Aiiel; tvvilto acies of tlinbei, u-,t linpioved; evccllcnt spilug water on lot; fjim bituated on load. For paiticulais addieat Will jam Trealar, Ariel, I'a. Auction, (Alll'I'Tti-oO.OilO jauls llriiU, Ingnlns, Vel. vets, ulto .Mitting-i, Oil Cloth; 10,111)0 pluvs linen blieit-, table 1 lotk-., blankets, counter, panes, papklns, etc.. Iron li;dr, irlnn's, luatties'-rs, chairs, about slv lailoids at publln uuctlou, Sale begin. at 10 .1, in, and 2 and 7 p. 111., ut 210 La1k.1u.1nua i.unuo, ue.t Sciantou Sheet waiting 100111, opposite i'enii avenue. Cumiuliigs ,-c llio,, Auc. tionecri, lost. I O.ST A gold and runnel clau pin, "S, II. S,, 1'jOO." I'luder wlU'pliasu notify or .-all at III.", IV1111 avenue. LOST A daik )ellow pet cat, antuvix tn the name of Teddie, A suitable icuaid if ie. tinned to 1211 Capouso aicnue, LOSTA ladli.' gold vvalcli; a libeial reward will be given If 11 turned to llotil TViimic. I.O1T A ("obi vvatth and fob elthir on Caibon sin. tt 01 liom Caibon sticcl 10 Mulheiiy vn I'enn, l-'ludev ittuiu lu Ceoige ,1, Aih, Tunes ollke, llvwaid. I.O.1 1' Steel bcadid puisa (ontalning snnll sum nf money, 011 Latkawauna avenue, near W). niiilug, I'luder pleao u-luin puro to Tilbuua uilUc and kcip content.". LOST W. bclwecii I'eck Lumber Co., I!a..t Mai Let btivit and I'lisbyteiiau 1 liurtli. Ilewaid it reiuincd to olilcc of IVck Lumber Co, Bheumatism. KlIKUMATISM-AU naitlca that vvbli ran be speedily and peiuuiiciitly cured 'of ull va rieties of llhcuinatUm by u vejctJOle lOiupound. Curra cuiruntecd. lu.-ulto or udjitsa J, l.. Tay lor, fcjctjaitou. SITUATIONS WANTBD PREE. Bnnoh WANT Cfflces. Wnnt Advcrtlsoments Will Da Heeolvod nt Any of the "Following- Drug- Stores Until 10 P. M. .Contrnl City ALllKIlT .SOIIttl.TZ, coiner Mulhetry stieet mid Webster uu-mir. OUSTAV I'it'llKli, rVl Adams avenue. West Side tll!OII0F. W. JCNKINS, 101 S011II1 Jliln avenue. South Scranton FlIFD L. Tinil'l'i:, 7211 C01t.11 aienie. iN"orth Scranton OI!0. W. DAVIS, roiner Xuilli lla'n ovrnuc and Maikct stro-l. Grefln Kldge CIIAIII.KS I'. JONT.-, 1.'.',7 lllt-'tson 1. J. JOHNS. 020 Oicen llidgc sluel. C. l.Oltr.NZ, -.ornei- Washington ave avinue iind'Mailon tlieet. Petersburg W. II. KNIT1TL, 1017 living avenue. TJuumore .1. !. noNi: ,t sov. Help Wanted Mnle. WANTi:i We want men ot good standing . nt T cduc.1l.i011 In caih (own of two Tl,unnid population or our to lepic-int the T.M1M1I) INN I.IHItAI'.V. to pi-mil members and tn i.t lend tn lhe ilNtiibutlon and exdimgo of liooks; men who mike .1 siiuevs of working up ilulr tt-uitoiy will he adiamed tn iid po-l-lions in larger towns and citlot. 'I lu- TMtVIIU INN Is a new depirtment of lhe BOOKUlVU'fh tlie laigest circulating in tlie world, (iivi lefertuces and address: W. I'. Smilh. Mgi. Mib. Dcit., The liooUou-is Libiaiy, Phlladelpliia. WANTED Several t.vpewrlter opeiatois lo do cop)lng. Apply early. Ilemingtou SUndaid Telewriter, 422 Spruce street. WANTi:il i:pt-rleiired boy -at IlrL-tnl hom.e bai ber shop, Providence. WANTUD Clothing salesman of evpeiien-e and good habits, Apply to John 1). llo-.le, -llli Lackawanna avenue. WANTED Young man to take charge of soda water fountain. Apply at Jonas Long's Sons. WANTUD-lly one of the largest old IhTe life insiiiance companies, ten ugenis for Ninth- eastern Pcnnsjlvauia. Libeial coutiact. silaiy or commission. Addiess Maiuigei, t-aie Tiibunc. WANTED A young man who has had one yeir'a experience in tin shop. Foote S: Fullei, Meuis building. WANTED Fiist las sboemikcr, for leiuir woik. 1). A, Davis, Luzcinc avenue, Wc-t Pittston. WANTED Painters; only good men need apply. Call at Charles Wugnei's, :!.)l Adams avenue. Help Wanted Female. EXPEHIENCKD LAU.VDltY HELP WANTED Ap ply nt Ke.vstone Laundry, 111 South Main avenue, between 7.30 and S.SU p. in. WANTED A good reliable gill to do geneial housework 111 a smill private family. A 1101- inancnt situation for Hie light peison. Call at once, 013 Madi-on avenue. .WANTED (.hi for general housewoik. Apply 717 ilonroe a' cnue. LADV CANVASSElt wanted to solicit subscrip tions for The Tiibunc; good commission of fered with a fair guarantee for first-class worker. Apply personally at BusincaU Manager's oflice, Scranton Tribute. Hecruits Wanted. WANTED FOR U. S. A II XIV Able-bodied tin , inairied men between ages of 21 nnd ::j; till 7CH.S of United State-., of good thiraiter and tempeiatc habits, who can speak, read and vwitu English. For Information apply to Itecuiitlng Officer, No. 12.1 Wyoming avenue, Scranton, Pa. Situations Wanted. SITUATION WANTED-Of any kind, bv .vouug man who Is willing to woik; sobci, indus trious, fair education. Call or addicss 127 Oak lord com t. POSITION WANTED-Ily young glil as sctoiid woik or 111:1 S-- glil. II11 Elm suu-t. A WOMAN' wanks pine lu countiy hotel or (aim when- she can have her boy to noil; for his board and woman to cool; and do geneial liou-ewoik, XI. D., Iloscuvv, I'a, SITUATION' WANTKH-Lady stenographer and t)pewiilev deaiies position; evpeilcuced. IsMI, Tribune. SITUATION' WANTED-lly .1 lellablo toloriil man as poller, olllto or day's noil,. Ad-dres-, II, A 3K1 Penu avenue. POSITION wanted by a Hist ilaw lanlage paint er. Addit'M. 112a Piospcrt uviime, SITUATION WANlED-lly an ipeilcmi-d man, with good leputation, as te.iiiistii n, -.nlile woik. Can (mulsh rolcicmcs, Addicss 127 Oak foul place, tlly. Sl'll'ATIO.N WAYIED-Iiy 11 vvliluvv. would like washing and liou-,0 cleaning by the thy, Mrs. MIIIci, 712 Sthnd! tourt, For Sale or Rent. lb'N'XV''''''VV.'WX'VXX-V'V'v,''N.'VXA 1011 S.M.I! OH Itl'.NT The I'ou.t House lfot.fl. Sphudld location mid satisf.iiloiy uuson. nr iliange. Tcrnis on application to A, J, tiavln, I'oieft llouif, Vanted Booms and Board. IfoAIID AND ItOOM WANTED till lulinlc fain. Ih, in good locality, by jouug gentliuiaii. Addle-.! A. 1. Ik. Tilbum'. WANTED Twa rcii-.liiuiilealln-j rooinii with boll J. private family piefeirtd. Two LiiIIls and 11 gcntUiit-a bt-ato lull pirtlculuii.. Addi.s C. 11. H Tribune- cilice. Hoarders Wanted, PJUVATI! FASIII.V wUhes to hate two nh-e men tu boaul, Ueiiuan ur Englisti. Call any tinn after Thursday, All tomenisutes, S07 llarti-o'i uienue, Business Opportunity. t.'AIIPETS no.OOO yardl llrn.-els, Ingiains, Vel vets. al,o .Mailings. Oil Cloth; lu.Otm Pl-'iea linen sheets, table cloths, blankets, icunter pants, napkins, clc. lion IhmId, spring,, iiialtirtsi'-, ilialrs, about six tailoadt at publiu uihtlon. Sale begins 't iy lit 10 a, lu. and "2 and 7 p. in., at sso Lackawanna ainiue, ne-tt Sirantcn Sheet llallioad walling loom, iinposlle I'ci.u avenue, Ciimmluss x llio,, Aue bTOCR AND WHEAT TKAIH'.HS without dtlay. Write for our special inaikct letter, I IM on application. S. II. lllbbjid k Co., member. .N. V. Cneolldalfd and Stotk fcithauge. It and 10 llroadway, New Voik. lotahlUlied IStil. Long llUuncc' Phone '22SS flroad. Money to Xoan. AKV AlllilINT OF MONI'.V TO lX)AN-Ou!ck. btratght loans or Dulldlng and Loan. At fiom 10 0 pel' cent. Call on N. '- Walker, S11-J15 CvuiifU balldln-r. Matrimonial. -vwwyir-iv WEAIIHV respeclablo )cimg wld.a., no dill. dre-ii or near u mho. wanld true and home loving- husband, Addles llillvr,' 101 W3thlli-ttin street, Clilcaao, til, DIRECTORY. v. 3 Insertions 25 Cents Mpr Thai Pour Unej, a Centi (or ncli Uttrj l.h), LEGAL. NOTICE Is heirhy ghen that A. II. fiould ft Nint, iieisom having a lltn, nndef the laws of Pinn)lvaiiln, upon gooiU, wares anil iner thaiidle of the Deer Park lliewlng Company, cnnslsllng nf one twn-hnre delivery wagpp, nil account nf sloiage and libor lirslnvrrtl on suell gooils, the owners having falhil, neglected and re fused to pay the amount nf such thargrs upon said property within slly daji alter ikniaml tliereof made person illy, will cxpo-e Hie sild Ivrn-liorM- delliiiy wagon to sale, at publln lue tlon, at (louhl's Cnirlnge Winks, No, 415-121 Linden Mieet, rllv tif Serantou, Lackawanna county, IVnns.ilvanla, on the llth day ol Mnv, A. D. 1W2, at 10 o'clock a, in., and sell the' same or so ninth thereof an shall lie sufficient tn dlfdiirge slid lien together with costs of salo and advertising. A. H. fJOIH.I) k SONS. WIIX.Mtl). WAIIHEV ,V KNAPP, Solicitors. NOTICE Is hereby given that a meeting of Hip btoikholders of the 'Iho Tllle (luaranly and Trut Cnmpnii). nl Scrnnloii, Penn., will be hetd at the of Ik r of the company, I:!.' Washington ave line, Sii.inlou, Penm,, nn May 17, 1002, ill 10.3H 11. 111., to lake action on uppioval or disapproval of the prnpiwd Inoria-r of lapltal sloik of said lOlllpOP) flulll lOII.PtKI to f-,,0,IWI). ll.M.I'II S. HULL, Secretary. SEALED PROPOSALS. sr.M.EI) PltOPOSALS will be opened In the of lhe of the City lleconlev bv the Dbettor of the Depurliiient of Public Works, at " o'tlotk p. in. on Xhiudav, .May .',, 1102, for rlemin-r and pilntlug the Litkivv.11111.1 uvcniie and (Vd.11 ae mil" bildget aicoldlng In sperlllcntions on' Hie In tin- II111 run of Englmeilng. lllddeis shall cncloe W'llli tacli piopasal. r tsh or personal celtillcJ ibeik lu the sum of one bundled ilolkus as a guarantee tn etiiule a t outr it t within ten (10) days If nwaided Iho nunc. In i-ae the bidder In whoin the tn11lt.11 1 shall have been iiwilided. re fuses or omits to cvteute a rontiact for the woik aiioidlug tn the specineitioiis therefor, v.ithlu tin ilivs fiom the date of the award, tho tin I0MU1- ai-iompanilng his pioposal shall be for feited In tlie ui- of Iho City of Scianton. Pi lipoma I blank! will be filinlslit-d at the nil reau of Engiueeiing and tin oth'-rs will be ai iivted, All pinpo-als 11111-t be filed In' lhe offke of the City Controller. City Hall, Seianlnn. Pa., not later than 'h'io p. in. on Xliiulay, Xlay fi, 1-XK. 'lhe tiiy lesenea the light to reject any or all bid-. JOHN E. IIOC1II!. Director Depailment of Publiu Works. Stranton. Pa., Apiil 2:;. l'K12. PROFES&JiONAJ-. Certified Public Accountant. EDWAtlD C. Sl'AUI.UINO. 2.1 TItADKUS ISANU Building, and St. Paul llullding, New York. Architects. EDWAHD II. DAVIS, AltCHlTEOT. CONNELU Building. FREDnnicii i,. nnowN. ahch. b.. nEAfj Ktatc Exehansrc Bids.. 12U Washington ave. Civil and Mining Engineers. II. I.. 1IA11DINM, S13, CONNEI.L lllILDINO. STEVENSON ei KNIOHT, 720 CONNELL BLDO. Dentists. DR. C. E. EILENDEIlOUil, PAULI UUILD1NO. Spruce street, Scranton. DH. O. O. LAUBACH, 115 WVOMIXQ AVKNUKX Lawyers. WILLAIID, WAHItEN & KNAPP, ATTOnNUVS and Counscllois-at-Law-. L02 to 012 Connell liuildti'g. nSAXU E BOYLE, ATTOIINEV-AT-LAW. Itoonu 12, II, 10 and 13 Burr Building. D. B. REPLOOLE, ATTORNEY LOANS NEOO tiared on real eotate security. Mcm Building, corner Washington avenue and Spruce street. JESSUP & JESSUP, ATTORNEYS AND COUN- bellois-at-law. Commonwealth Building, ltoomi 10, 20 and 21. EDWAnD W. THAYER. ATTORNEY. ROOM! 00:)-WM, 0th flooi, Mears building. L. A WATRI'.S. ATTOllNEY-AT-LAW, BOARU of Trade llullding, Scianton, Pa. PATTERSON .t WILCOX, TRADER'S NATIONAL Bank lluilding C. COMEOYS, 0-1.5 RFPUBLICAN BUILDING. A. W, BERTHOI.F, OFFICE JIOVED TO NO. 211 Wyoming avenue. Physicians and Surgeons. dTiw. i:7"alli!n7 sis south" siirNOTol avenue. , DR. B. W. L'AMOREMIX, OITICI! 330 WASH Ington avenue. llcshlence, ISIS Mulheriy. Clirnr.le olsca-ts, lungs, heait. Uidnejs ami genlto-urlnaiy organs 11 specialty. Hours, 1 to 4 p. m. Osteopathy. Dr7d. O. EVANS. OSTLOPATII, 1203 WASH ington avenue, Chrcnle and neivoiii disci.. J a specially. Cou-ulliitiuii fn-e. Hotels and "Restaurants. Till! ELK CirE. 123 AND 127 nt.VNKUS AVE-nut-. Rales leasouable. P. 7.IEGLER, Proprietor. SCRANTON HOUSE, NEAR D., L. 4: W. PA3 senger depot, Ccndueted on the European pi in. VICTOR KOCH, Piuprlcwr Scavenger. A. II URI003 CLEANS PI1IVY VAULTS AND tcss pools; in idoi; only linpioved pumps used. A, B. Brigg. propili'tor. Leavo oulera 1103 North Main avenue, or Eieke's drug store, cor ner Ad4ti-- and Xlulhenv Both telephones. Seeds. U. 11. CLARKE & CO . SEEDSMEN AND NUR-i-ir' men, stoic 201 Washington avenue; green houses, VW) Norlh Xlalu ave-nuc; otora tele phone, 782. Wire Screens. r JOSEPH KUEITEL. HEAR SU LACKA. AVli, bcranton, Pa., nianutuqturci o(, Vlro Streenj. aMiscellaneous. DltESSXIAKINU FOR CIIILD1IUN TO OIIDl'R; ulu Jadit waUU. LouUe bliociuaker, ,Si Adams avenue. STORAGE. The Serantou Storage Qio. offers perfect facilities for tfift Storage of household goods etc. z Upwards "of 30 dry, cleau aud thoroughly veutilated rooms, with individual keys iHfti at the disposal of the public, 1 13 FfMkllttijAve. r-'fc1 ,A. I zp- -j?. fl aa.'js. - .1 &$' f?"-'lti-a4- --. g.-v ?. i''.-rj.- XU'M --- . V. .i Sv I-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers