Frngtrmsfififti' fj-,t v-i- wgr -' ' - -i,i THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE- SATURDAY, APRIL 26, 1902. 11 7 Church and Sunday-School s s1iK,innin.titirliinm'mi xwt- .EsfTsMMto t tftttw-' ' ST 1J'.f. TI1H progi ultimo to bo followed by thy llfieenth fitutc convention of tho l'ennsylvunlii Christian Kn rtonvor union to be hold In PlttsbiirR, July 8-10, linn been Issued by the Rtttto onicei-B tunl Is uh follows: On Tuesday, .Inly S, nt 2.:;o p. m Ihcio will tie ii mcclinir nf the (dale cvt'tullve eoninilllec, lb Bo followed ly eonviiitloii pr.ijrr fcrvice at ! o'oloel.. The wuiK- of the lomeulloii will open mi Tuesday evciilni:, Male PtcsMciit ltev. WIN llui W. YnlM piiMdltiif. Sons service will lie conducted by I'ercy 1'osler. Devotional fr f,Ucs, lr.l liy ltev. I,. ('. Il.iinc--, II. I)., of IMUk liurjt. The address of welcome will lie delivered liy llcv, John Wchlioy, mill the ru?tioiie by llcv. V. V. Wllll.iiu.ton, nt Allouni. Miita Hocictaty Ilntry, W. will make lili repent. An ad dress on "The Kliiirdnni mill Thin Convention" will bo delivered liy llcv. .1. II. ItnmbeiRcr, of (,'lcvrhmd, Ohio' nl.o one on "The Kimrdoni mid J!y i;.Mil," by llcv. l'lojd W. 'I'mniiUm, I). 1)., of Philadelphia, 'llio evciiluir session will clcc villi welcome. Wodnosd.iv moniius nt T.EO the quiet hour will be conducted by lt"t-. Ailliur .1. Smith, of llith Jtioiul Itlll, taints Ul.ind. Tin- fIjikImk will be bit liy Mr. (f. II. Lincoln, of Phllidelphla. At f.Wl a Rliool of mcllmdt will be conducted by llcv. 1. 1. (ovv.iti, tl. 1)., as.socl.ilc editor of llndcavor Win Id. 'I lie Vuilntsd.iy tnninhi'r foscm will open lit P..'!i o'tloel,, wilii liev. II. 1'. Mi (1111, of Alii Rhcny, pri'stdlnir. Tlie wi'ir fcivIcc will bo di rected bv I'eicy rosier: devotlon-il ovitelfcs; lul bv llcv.' .1. C. ItrooiiillcM, of PJIMnirir. 'I he (title picsldtiil, Mr. .1. II. Maun", will pivciil Ids! ripoil. An inhhcss will lie delbcied by Jiev. A. .1. 'J inkle, if Mb'cliuiy. nd Hilt 1H ll1' f"1 lowed by iiporli fiom the varioiH departments of tale ttiirl.. ltev. t-. (I. Y.ilm will fpeak on the "'line Cui-p foi llejoteliij.'." At the Wcunevliy nfteinooii session, Preslihnt VntiH will preside.. The Fpeelal theme of this wwoii will lie "flip Klnirdot'i nii'l the lloinn." The mjiis fin no will bo eoiidiiiled by If. U. Lin coln mill tletulltiiiit ecnl-is liy liev. llr. W. II. Slv.Mlll.iii, of Allc','hptiy. Addresses will bv do llvcicd on "I lie Kingdom mid MairlaeP." by IIpv. n. I). Tiwuy, of ILiiilVjuri;; on "'Hip Validly," b. Itcv. .1. Jl. S. I-pnlierr, Kpiln City, l'.i.i on "Tli" Lord's Moiipy." by President ..-V.. Tinner, of Wnjiie.-hursr eollefie: on "The (Jiilpt Hour," bv Iti . Dr. l'lojd W. Tompkins, of Villi idelplll.1. At I lie WedneFiIiy ovuilii e-lor, Mr. .7. Henry Sl.uiir, I.Ue treasurer lVniivbnuia Cliii' Kn ilravnr union, will pre-ide. II. C. Ltiifoln will 'iindiict the Ming seriliPi Hev. C. b. Tlungnod, of Pitlshui!,-, Hie dentioinl rsrreic'. Tlie ad llrr'!e will bo ! folln: "I he Ktliplom and the Soeiil I'lnlv," llev. .lolin l!.ileoni Shaw, D. I)., of .Now oik; "1'he Kingdom and ('ur Politi cal," llev. Ur. .1. T. Mcfrory, of lItt-lni ir: "Tlie Kinloin and 1ho 11 illy DtilJ'," Hcv. lb'. V" Holt, of IMillnilclpldi. 11iui-d.iv will be "the (treat day of the feast, and will 'be devoted lo intenncdlate and junior Chiistian i'ndeavor woih. The quiet hour at ".HO a. in. will be condiiiled liy Hr. Althur .J. Smith, followed by the lionl of method-, led by Dr. .1. r. Cow.iu. 'Hie inoinliitf rsilon wll lope-i at H."0, pie fided o'er he Mr. limy W. ttalc errr-" TiiW Wdon will be dtMited to tl.o inter mediate foeietiP-. Tlie numbers of the Interme diate f.oiiilh"i will meet in one of tlie chimhos ' near liv and march in a body to tlie tent. The Vinrn-Jon will be headed by ail the oilki rs of this depirlnrnt. Tlie fninj pen lee will be diiect fd ix- Mr. I.iiifoln and Mr. Ceorse C Mil).,ii.ihl, of Albmn.i, will conduet the en in". 'Hie llieme of thl-t j.esjion will b- "l'hc Dov in the Timple." and all the addrcs-ci will lio'to i-tiniulato interest and effort lu behalf of the bmi and (.'iris tluouiih the Inteimedi.ito rhri-tian Dndi.uor sodety. liev, C. 1. Itrown, of Slilppoii-liimr. 1'a., will spiak on the fulijcit. "The (Jiiwtloni He Asks"; ltev. I,. W. Ilainer, of yorMnwn, la.. "The Que-tiom He An-wei, and llev. Dr. !oor(fe II. Plcwml. president rf Aiilimn TlieolosUal mnlnaiy, Auburn, K. Y., ni "What lo Do with Him." 'lho subject of "Clui.s Han Vndeaxor Leadirslilp" will bo discir-soil by Tlev. Clairnce 1'.. l'.herman, to well-known to I'enn-.Wuini.i llndeniurci. and now fidd secre tary of tlie ITuited Society of ChrMian V.inleuor, At the close of tho mornimr se.-iou, a confer enee will be held on Inleimedialo work, con ducted bv President Yale". - (IM 'J linr-.l iv afternoon will be held the nllv and at tills rally tlie intermedi lies will lie the'cii'sU nf the juniors. Vinm tc to si thou--mid juuiois and iuterm"dlito-i will t.iko put in tluw ceici-e-. Au In-ptibiK feature of the Lilly will be the finjrlnc; by a tiaincil choir of Ti'O children's loices, under the diuttorslilp of Mr. rtcnjaniiu V. lint, of PitUbuiff. . At 1 o'clock will be the;,- of ibstiiet deparlineliU ill Selieuley paik. litre a shoit foiiR Kcnlcc will be held, followed by a patiiotic ill ill, "uieiiea," and miotliT beautiful dilll, "Sun ulilne and Vloneis." Thill will ionic tho march lei the tent under c-coit of .seenl comp.iiiie? of tho Doj's ln'ijade. Special fealniM of the lent feriice will be an nil lie-i by liev. C. Ik liber mau and "Closing Thmislit-:" by the slate junior Kineiiiitcnduir, Tlie ilo-iiu M"-ion of tho coiHcntloii will bo presided 'i- bj the Male piesidcnt, llev. WIN Hani N. Yale I'i'itv Voslrr will diiect the foiis si nil i', and liev Thomas l'.iu.v, 1). D., of Wil l.inslmiir, I'a . will conduct the devotional exei i'ff. Two adl.-cs-is will be dclivned. Tli.- tlos lir ei lilacs will be dliei ted by the picident. On Wduesd.-y afleinoon, fonn 1 to ." o'clock, a pastors' iiitifeii-ncL' will bo conduelcd by tho llcv, TCopcrt V. Y, I'ieue, of Scr.U'ton, l'a. A I noon im YVidncMl.iv and Tlmindaj-, ev.imte-l-Ae mcetliiKs, under Ih" dliectlnn of the com liilUce im cvmv,-clistle vvml., v III bo ((inducted In mills, factories and oilui-vailable places. Ol'leiis' loiiferincea will be held on Wcdirtday finni I to 3 o'clock. Committee"' iimfiieiiccs will be lield on 'lliuin. clly, from t to .1 o'cloik. j?or Now Colloge Buildings. The niecliiiK: or I-uthonin biyuien tviiH lield In St. Paul's! cluiivli, Wllkcs 11;tnv on AVediu'sdity cvpiiIhk to I'tir nitilati ninu' iibiii.s for itcllvo ru-opur-ntlon In Hip preHcnt otToi'ts of Mulilon-lioi-Ko collocre to cicct new coIIobu TWIN TROUBLES. They Ave Often Toffethoi'Theso Days. They vVovk Hnvoc All Over tho Coinitiy and in Scrnntou. "VeiiU, iicrvouH, tho dlgostlon out of older tlial Ik what nils n liowt or peo ple. It l-OIUOH about in tills wuy; Xi'Jrttt from overwork or oilier causes, Um nerves am burdened beyond endurance, jiervu witsto in not repluucd, nerve forcu Ih wcuUened, then the Hlonmcli loht-H Hh ncrvc-conli'olllnir power ond Indigestion J'oIIowh, jvltli fulling HtruiiKth. "When llrst Dr, A. AV. Clinso'H Nervo Plllu eamo to Kcranton peoplo could hunily bo convinced that this great incdiclnu 'would reniovo tliOBo troubles. Now It Is an accepted fact, uccuubo of their cuio of very Htubborn caseH no other medicine would Influ ence. Mrs, J. I. Johnson, of No. 71'0 North Jluln stret, Keiunton, la ays: "Dr, A, "V, Cliueo'a Nerve I'IHh nro excel lent. I was no dtay mid nervous, and the stomach digested ItH tood badly, ThlB condition Induced u feellntr of de bility and lassitude. Hearlm? of the nervo pills nt Muthewa ilios., mo j.ack. uwi.ntm avenue, I cot u, bo, nnd the result hita certulnly been Hup, They Havti the stomach streneth to hundjo . tbo food propei ly, tho iiervousneHs un'd dizziness dlsuppcured coniiilctelj', mid my t'encrai strength and vigor le turned. Consequently I ma pleased mid glad to recommend the medicine," Dr. A. W. Ghase'u Nervo Pills mo sold, at COe. a box at dealers, or Dr,-A. "W, Chase's sredlclno to.', Ilttffalo, N, y. See that portrult and signature of A. Vi'. Chuse, M, D., uio on every package, bulldhiBs at Altontown, i'a.. The cpl lege atilhorlMcs liuvu already secuicd n plot of fifty acres of ground which Is a most desirable location. Tho sub ject of enltU'Rlnir lho coIIcko facilities wus presented to lho meeting by Dr. C. J, Cooper, tho treasurer and llntiu clul ugent of thu college. Dr. Cooper has be'en Identlllcd with tho college for Inuny yours and he spoke of the needed Improvements! with such mastery and Kent that Ills re marks mot with hearty approval on the pat t of the assembly. The work of rebuilding will not be Immediately begun but the canvassing for the nec essary ;'unds Is to be pushed with nil speed. The present plans when exe cuted will require tbo expenditure ot nt least two hundred thousand dol lurs. A permanent organization ot the AVIlkes-lJarro-Scianton district was effected and a central executive com mittee was appointed, a tentative plan of canvassing tbo church wns outlined. Similar meetings have been held in va rious centres of tho Lutheran church and the outlook Is very encouraging. Tho following resolutions weto adopt ed: MJicicis, aliildcuhciir College at Alleulown, Pa., U not only a worthy institution of learn ing whh Ii has and is dolus much Kood in alTonl Injr a Christ! in and liberal education for joiing men, but lit tlie only null iusliltillon within the hounds of our Synod for the training of our jouuer Lutheran joutli; and Whcieas, The present buildings and appiratus is inadequate! to cany on. its weulcpiopcrlj-, nld il.s increasing enrollment uiRenllj' demands an enlargement of these facilities; and Wheieas, There is now- a widespread nnre nicnt on foot among our conferences and v.ubin Lutheran centies to enlist tho inoial and aid of our lajmen to secure these needed 'in provenicnts, which movement lias already icsult cd in the securing of a eoinniandlnu and ade quate site for tajch proposed buildings; there, Iiesolved, That vvc Lutheran liijmeii of the Wilkes-Darre-Seranton district, called tog:iiier in St. Paul's llvangellcal Lutheran clituih of vVill'Cs-Il.uie for tho of considering lids matter, do hereby express our heartlclt conthlenre in Muhlenberg college as a worthy institution of higher Christian education which we recommend to the suns of our church who purpose pin. suing such a cotirEe of education; and Derailed, That we also hereby our earnest approval of the elforls at present bcin? made to improve and cnlaigo tho woiklng fa cilities of tho college; and Itctoliod. That we thciefoic pledge oWiclie) to-do nil in our power both pci.-nnally nnd by active work with ovr fellow- Lutherans and fiiends to furnish this woilliy cause, s. t. m Offiqers of Conference Societies. llev. JI. D. Fuller, D. D reported the following officers of tbo Wyoming conference societies on the closing day ot tlie session of the conference at "VVaveiiy, N. Y. Missiuliarj- C. M. (iilllii, incident; Yvilsrai Tieihle, mi'c piesidint; J. W. Xkhol-on, socio tiny: M. D. ViiIKr. Tcnipciancc J. Ik S'ccl, pimldcnt; 11. P. Hip ley, vlie pi evident; A. .!. Ccjok beeretaiy; lioaul of contiol, in'isiding cldn-. Vducation II. C. JlcDennott, piesidcnt; Levi .rennUm, vice iic.-ident; .1. II. Litlell,; William l'rbbj-, puslding cldeis. Tract Sociclj- I'l.uicis Cieudali, prciident; A. W. Cooper, vice piesidcnt; A. V. Aiinstiong, berrctuij; (I, C Jac. lis, tieisnicr. l'lcedinen'.s Aid and Southern Vchicalion L. C, Muuluck, .1. If. Itacc, tl. C. Ljinan, X. Ii. Hip ley. Vpvvoilh Ijeavnic N. V. Williams, C, II. llenrj-, picildenls of di-.tricl leagues, vice piesidcnts, Carl Counciluiin. lli-toiiial Soiiely 51. S. Hard, president ; A. W. llajc.s, concspondlng tecietoiy, II. II. Wil bur,; L. L. Sprague, llbraiian; C. Jf. Suiilini, secielary; Vi. b. Thorpe, achivest. Wyoming Conference flrand Army of the Re publi.i VetcianV Asj.oclation Ik X. Armsliong, piesidcnt; O. L. .Scveon, lco president; J. It. Wagner, seeietary and Ireasuier. Meiubem II. M. Crjdcnwlfe, A. J. Cook, .1. 1). nioodgood, .1. II. Davis, 11. ".. Illair, 31. 1). Kill l.r, N. .1. ll.uvlej-, W. M. Illller, W. II. lloilun, S. Unman. V. A. King. Jl. II. Miiltoon. P. CJ. 'IIikI.iii.iii, W. (I. Simpson, J. (i. Iiajmond, .1. I. blioemakcr, (i. c. Ionian, c. vvcel, a. ji. ivag ner, A. WiigUy, S. II. Wood, J. It. Bk.v(C, D. C. Harncf, 1'. It. Tower. Woman's Vorcigu Mtvlonaij" Society Mis. C. 1). Simpson, president, Mrs. J. W. KiMij-, lice president; JIis V. .1. Spaike.s, Corresponding kcc retary; Mis. Heed Vreenian; lccordlng secietarj-; Miss Cornelia Wadliams, Mrs. Kthel Hills Wakes lee, treaMircm. Rev. C. Jr. Surdam gave the leport of the treasurer as follows: Number of churchr,, 4P1; value 2,0J7,S0O Total nilsslon receipts 'JTM't Money raised for all purpose., last jcir.. Il,3u7 Money ialed for all purposes this jear.. fll.wa This decrease Is duo to private be quests received last year from Jfrs. Crary otherwise receipts are a trlllo greater. . A Missionary Meeting. The annual meeting of tho Woman's Foreign Missionary society of Unptlst churches of Pennsylvania will bd held in tlie Penn uvehue church, Tuesday and Wednesdnj', May C and V, Tho opening session is at k'.HO u. m. Tues day. The evening address will be given by Mis. N. M. "Wutcrburj. of Huston, it former missionary In India and now homo secretary of tho national socletj'. Who is it most pleasing speaker, force ful nnd-sf.irueht, with a charming per sonality. Missionaries from China will bo pres ent nnd speak during the sessions, which closo Wednesday afternoon. Religious Notes. Uov H, .1, -vVhnlen, I). D ot Carbon dale, will present u paper on Monday morning next lu the " Penn Avenue ltaptlst church before tho Unptlst min isterial coufeience on "Ministerial Pit falls," The ltev. Dr. J. S. Dickson, ot Phila delphia, who will preach In tho First Presbyterian church, (Dr. Mcleod's) tomorrow, Is a brother of A. Y. Dickson, thu president of the Seranton board of trade, Tho Hunday meeting at tho Hnllroad Y. M. C, A. will he open to both men and women next Sunday, Assistant Secretary n, T, Stone will bo the speaker, There will bo special music, This will bo tho Hunt meeting of tho season nnd the last In tho old building, All uio cordlully invited, Tho eighteenth semi-annual confer ence pf the Wllkes-Uarro conference of tho Kvangelleul Lutheran church will bu hold In Uaaleton, Apt 11 2S to HO. Tho 1'onfvreuco sermon on Monday evening will bo preached by tho secreturj', ltev, A, U Hanicr, I'll. D., pastor of Ht, Murk's Lutheran church. ' SERVICES IN JHE VARIOUS CHURCHES Methodist Episcopal. him l'aik I'rajcr and pnlso meeting' at D.w. Dr. C. Jl, (illlhi, tho pastor, will preach at 10.30. CUi$ meeting in bumljy school room at clj-c uf inoriilnz tmkci. Sunday whool at '.' p. ni. dunlor league nt n,Si)j Senior league at (I.IIO. At ".SO Ihc! pastor will Fpeak on tho topic, "Turning the World Upside Down." Hlrnnijcn ale web tome. Iliimplon street Mcthodlvt Kplscopal i lunch, liev, James llennlnger, imstor I'leacliing at lO.yi) and 7..10. Sunday school nt '2 p. in, tntcrmedlnte League at a p. in. Senior Lcauuo 'LEO. Tills will be the last scrvbo In the old building and It is especially dentin! tint all who have been converted In the old church will be present. Sac lament of tho Lend'n Supper at the moililu tor vie J. St. Paul's Mclhrillt i:plcopnl ilituili, V. V. Dotj', iotor Setvlees April 2?, W2. lft.tK) a. in., meeting of the lliotherhood fst, Paul, 10.30, moinliig worship and sermon by tho nlor. 11,13, Sunday echuol. ii, 110 i. lu,, .liintni' Kpworth League, urn) p. in., Vpworth League inwllug. 7. Ml, ftrmoii, All welcome. - I'riivldence Methodist Vpiscopil chmch llcv, (leoige A, Cure, pastor. 1 lie lliotlicrhood of St, Paul meet for'piujer nt 10 a. in. Piciulilng nt 10.R0. Sundiy school nt 2 p. in. Vpwortli lelgtio nt (l.lj; topic, "Sjinuel's Call," Lima Hawkey, leader. Preaching at 7.50; subject, "Suffering with Chr'dt-Ilfl Hew.ird." Cumt Street .Methodist Kptcccpal ihiiich-llcv. fl. C. l.jman, pjtlor. Class No. 1, 0. Pi n. m., O. D. lleWitl, leader; prr.iehliig at 10.! 0 by tlie pastnr; Sundiy school, 11. 1', (!. It. dub, lupr Intendctit; Junior league at '.'."O p. in., .Mrs. lljant, superintendent; l.'pwcith league nt 0.S0. Preaching at 7.U0 bj- the pastor. Class No, 2, Wediicsdav-. 7."0, Joseph Archer, lenler. Prajer meeting Wednesday, 7.H0. Seats fiee, St1.111.rcr4 welcome. Ash Street Methodist Vpiscopil church ltev, J. It. Austin, pastor. Morning piciciiing neivice nt 30 SO; class meeting nt ll."0 a. in., Charles Cioop, leader; Sunday tchool at 2,:;o p. in., Peter llart inm, superintendent; Lpworth League at 0.1." p. m. Vvenlng preaching ecrvlco at 7."0 o'clock. A eoulial welcome. Virst German Methodist Kplscopul rliurc-h, Adams avenue and Ylnc Eticot 0. ltohllln, pas tor Vrcaclilng fci vices nt 10..10 a. in. and 7.30 p. m.; .Sunday school at noon, mid at 2 o'clock p. in. at tho Taj lor Avenue chape!, Kpvvorth League nt (U." p. 111. I'rajcr meeting on Thurs day eveiilns. Baptist. Venn Avenue llapllst chinch, Penn nveuuo be tween Spruce and Linden fticet. Strangers ni w.ijh welcome. Preaching at lO.UO In the morn ing and at 7.E0 in tho evening bj- the pastor, ltev. Kolicrt V. Y. Pierce, D. I). Mointng piajcrs In tho loner temple at V. 13. Theme of the morning seimon, "lho ltepubllo of Cod." Sunday school at tho home chinch at 2 o'clcck, and at the Amcrman Memorial minion nt 3.30. Young People's meeting at (i.30 p. in. Thcino of the evening sermon, "The Seven Gieat Models of tho World." Virst Baptist chmch, South Main avenue llcv. S. V. Mathens, pastor. The usual Sabbath eei vices, 10.30 a. in. and 7.30 p. 111,; Sundaj- school, 2 p. 111,, Dr. It. G. Ilcddoc, superintendent; Bap tist Young People's union service, 030 p. 111., in asscmhlj- 100111. Piajcr meeting, Wednesday evening at 7.30 p. 111. All .lie cordially invited to IhcM! meetings. Jack-on Street Baptist chmch llcv. lliomas de Gruchy, D. )., pastor. Moinlng men's prajer meeting at O.l.l, Deacon George Wiihiiek, leader; morning sermon at 10..10. pleaching bv tlie pas tor; Sundaj rehooi at 2 p. 111.. John I.loj-d, su perintendent, livening .soivicc at 7 thaip; piaiso and song service, followed bj- a slioit .HMIes, topic. "What Is It to bo a Clnbtinn." Tids hei vice is bright and cheerful. Slrangeis aro wel come Seats aie all flee. Green llidge lUpliit cliuuli llev. James D. Smith, of Illoonvhurg. will preach at both inori ing and evening K'lvices. Oilier service-, of the weeic as UMiil. N01II1 Main Avenue Baptist Chinch Albert Hatcher Smith, M. O., pastor. 1H.30, subject, '"Hie Chiistian Sibliatli and Its Observance"; 7.30, Milijict, "Whit , tho Greatest lhieiny to Itaptiiness?" Kvening seivico in tlio Talieinacle. Sabbath school, 2 p. in.; Chiistian Vuilciuor, O.tO. Service at tlie Chinchilla ini-iinn at 3.30, Vhst Bipti't (hilich, West Mmkct sfieet ltev. J, V, Davis, pitor. Tlie pastor will preuli both moining and evening at the usual hours, 10 a. 111. and 0 p. in. on Sundaj- nc.t. Sundaj school at 2 p. 111. 'llio cclebialion of the Lord's supper will follow- tho preaching seivico in tho evening. All seats are free and all friends aro coidialty invited to attend. Memoiial Baptist Chinch The pastor will oc-eupj- tho pulpit both morning and evening. Preaching Webb in the morning nnd VnglMi in the evening. Communion at the. close of the evening sermon. Bible chool at 2 p. 111. All are welcome.' Slilloli Itaplbt chinch, comer Mulberrj' and Adams avenue In lho absence of tho pastor, llcv. Dr. Spauhling, ot tho Voicst Citj- Baptist cliuuli, will till the pulpit, both morning and evening. Sundaj- school, 2.30 p. in. Special music by the choir at both seiviccs. All are invited. Presbyterian. litfl Picshvtcrian chmch Services at 10.30 a. tn, unci 7..10 p. m. ltev. Dr. ,T. S. Dickson, of Philadelphia, will preach, morning and evening. Second church, Jeiferson nveuuo (between Yino and Mulbcirj- streets Morning vvoisliip, 10.30; Sunday school, 12; Young Peo ple's Society of Christian Endeavor, 0.30; even ing worship, 7.JU Tho Rev, Joseph 11. Odell will pleach on "St. Vrnncls of Assisi" at the evening service. Giecii Hidgo Presbjteilan church Rev, L J. Lansing, pistor; llev, L. 11. Poster, assistant. At 10.30 nnd 7.30, .seiviecs of woisldp, with ser mons by the pastor, livening discourse tentli in sciies on "Tlie Pillars of Life." 12 in., lllldo school; (1.30, Christian Vnclcavor, All ore cor dially welcome, Piovidence Picsbjtciian c liurcli ltev, Dr, R. 11. Moon will occupy tho pulpit nt 10.30 o'clock, in exchange with the pastor. Sundaj- school nt noon; Junior Undcavor nt 3,30 o'clock; Fcnlor Ilndeavor service nt 0.3a o'clock, livening ser vice, with sermon by Dr, 'Guild, at 7.30 o'clock. Seals of the chinch are always free. Washbuin Sticet l'rcsbjterlan church llev, John P. Moflat, D. I)., pastor. Services nt 10.30 a, m. and 7,30 p. in.; Bible school at I J m.; Christian Vndc-nor Junlots ut 3.30 p. 111,; Chris tian Undcavor Young Peoplo nt 0.20 p. 111. Prajer inciting Wednesday, 7.30 p, 111, The utor will pieaih, illuming and evening. All welcome. Admit Avenue chapel, Nevy Ymlc slieel The ltev. Jninri IIulics will preach, both inornhg ami eviulug, nt 10.30 and 7.30, Special mush- lij the choir at the evening service, Sunday echoed at 3 o'clock, Mr, ('handler, superintendent. 3lr, lluglies will t civil tlie men's Bible cl l. Chris tian Vudeavov Foclcty ut 11.1,1. On Tiicmlaj- even lug the Winkers' hand fiom the Young Men'ii Chibtlau nsjuil.ftlon will conduct 11 scitico at 8 o'clocl;, All welcome tn these services. Capoilse chipel (Giccil llldgo Pirsbjtcrlan t-liiiiilil Pleaching, 10.30 and 7,30, by tho pastor, ltev, b. II. VostcT, biiudiy sihool, ,'i p. m, ; Junior Kndc.ivor, i p, 111,; Senior Vudeavor, 030 p. in, Piajcr nieetliig, 7,30 Tliuisdiy evening. Welcome lo all, Episcopal, St, Luke's parUh llev, llogris brail, I), 1)., rector; llev, Ldwaid J, llauKliton, luiatv, I'ourtli Sunday after Vaster, St, Luke's chilli Ii 7.30 a. in,, holy communion; 0,15 a, 111,, Sunday school; 10,30 a, 111., moinlng pnjri- and sermon; 7.30 o'clock, cyciilncr prajer mid icniiei), St, Maik's chapel, Diinmcic S a, 111,, holy comumniuii; 10.30 11, 111,, morning prajer and sermon; ;i p. 111., Sunday school; 7.30 p. 111,, evening pujei and sermon. hi, (ieoigeV, 01) pliant 2.311 p. 111., Sunday schuul; S.30 1 1. in., euiilng prajer unci reiiuon. Vast Vnd hunday school, Precott avenuc-'.'.SO p. 111. South Side Sund ly school, 2.30 p. in. Chinch of the Good Shepherd, coiner Moniey avenue 'and Green llidge stieet llev, Vuiict 11, llateman, rector. I'ourtli Sunday alter Viitcr. Holy louiiuiiulon ut 7,30 a. in. Moinlng pujci at 10,30 a. in,; Sunday tclmol urn rcctor'a cla.s, 2..M) p. 111. VvenliiR prajer ut 7.30, St. Johu'a Mission, lUcihout Hall, Providence Stpuic Sunday sehool 2 p. 111. livening prajer ami trillion by ltev. V. II, llatciiian, t o'clock-. Evangelical Lutheran. VvJiiftcllcal Lutheran I'onith Sunday aft.T Kater. (iospol, John lil:313. VpUlle, Jam;s HUM'.'. 1 St. .MjrhV, Vourleentli and Wiishluirn ftieet", I llcv, A. b. llatncr, Ph. I)., pastor Services 1030 11, 111,, 7,30 p. tu, Luther League 0.30 p. tn. Sun. diy school 12 111. Morning subject, "Ilia Holy Spirit llcpiovhig the World." livening snlij-it, "Tlie Word uf lleeonclllallon." St. P.iul'i", Short Avenue, W C. L, Uiurr, pas tor Services 10.30 n, m., p. in, Suiulay school 2.30 p. 111, Chrlrt chinch, Cedar avenue mid lllrili s'reet, llev, James Wilke, pastor Services, 10.HJ a. in,, 7.3H p. 111. Sunday school 2 p. 111, St. Peter's, Piccott nvemii', llev. John II in dolph, pistor Seiviccs, 10.?0 a, Jn. Siinday school 2 p, 111. Vminaniiel (leriiaii-Pollsh I.uthiran Miunh, lleese street llev. I'cldliruid Satelmelrr, pator Service lu Hie I'olbh language 10.30 a. 111. Sun d.ij school 2 p. in, Holy Trinity VmrlMi I.tithernii, roincr Adams annuo and Mulberry sliiet ltev. V. '. Hlttei, paslur. At pi.30 a. 111., holy cniiitimulnn, with .".ppropilntc scivice.s liy Ihe-,,r; 12 m,, Sunday school; .30 p. in., Luther Lenirui'! p. tu., vesper service. All welcome. Seits fire. Zlon's Lutheran chtucli, :'20 Jlltilln nvctiue llcv. A. O. (Iiill'iik.inip, pi-.tor, Moinlnir fct vlcc'i. 10.U); subject nf seimon, "lln Not lar, my Birthlcn; Ml-le.idlng mid Seduction mi Vntlh Are Great, but Nevrr Ton Gieat." Similar nd nol at 2 p. 1,1. Send jour thlldieii tn jenr own Sib bath school. Vvetiliig scivlce-, Gennaii, at 7.m p. in.; sulijeet of miiiipii, "St. John tlie Vinii gcllst." Grace Vvangdicil Lutluian il.iiuh (general si nod), corner ot Pieiolt avenue nnd Mulhiiry street llev, Luther lle-vs Wining, paslur. At tl.30 n. m., Sundaj' school: 10.30 a. 111,, Divine wcislilp, will! si-iinnii; 7 p. in,, Young People's Society uf Chi 1st Inn Undcavor: 7..'.n p. m., even ing service, with seimon. Good inu-lc. Vveij bodj' Welcome. Miscellaneous. Cilvaij- llrformed i-hiiitii, Monroe avitine and Gibson siin.r, Ittw, Jl. L. liior, )Mtnr Service at 10.30 n. lit., 7.30 p. m. Sundiy school at 11.15 n. 111. ( liristlan Vudeavor ut 7.00 p. in. llcv. , ('. Whlluicr, superintendent of missions of Ihe lleformcd churcli for Vnstcrn and Potomac Sjnods will speak at luoniing service. All Souls' Iniici'villst cliurch, Pine ticet, be tvvcen Adinis and Jeflcison avenues ltev, Thomas B. Pajne, p.istor. Divine service, with sermon, nt 1D.S0 a. 111. nnd 7.30 p. 111.; Sunday school at 12 111. Morning sulijeet, "Moral Courage"; even ing theme, "Tin- Liiiversalist Teaching of the Aw fulness of Sin." Seats fice. Strangers cor-di.illj- welcomed. Zlon church, H3 f'arwnvo avenue ltev. J. W. Messenger, pastoi. Preach ing; nt 10.30 a. m. and 7.30 p. ni. llev. Kahili Bower, of Berwick, Pa., will prracli nt 10.30; evening pleaching bv- tin; pastor, fouitli senne n on "Piophecj"; saciaments of the Loiel's sup per will lie administered nt both tlie--o services. Sundaj- school, 0.30 .1. 111.; Juniot Vudeavor, 1 p. 111.; Senior Vndeavoi, 0.30 p. 111. All scats fiee. Vveijluidj welcome to nil services. Vice Methodist church held in I'inn chapel, Gieen llidge, S. D. Molter, pastor Pleaching en Sabbath at 10.30 a. m followed Ify ckisi meet ing. Preaching in evening at 7.30. Piaj-cr meet ing Thmsday evening nt 7.30. Tlie public is in vited lo attend. All seats free. Viist Primitive Methodist chmch, Green llidge Rev. G. Lees, pastor. Morning subject, "Chief Among Ten Thoii-ind;" evening s-unjrcl, "Jew', Gentile and tho Cliurch." Class meeting after morning seimon. Sunday school at (2.30 p. 111. All welcome. 1 Gospel Tabcrmcle, Jortcr-ou avenue, Dunnnre James Leisliman, pistor. Pleaching at 10.30 a. m. mid 7.30 p. 111.; Sundaj school at 12 m.j Young People's meeting, O.IO p. 111.. Cliri-tiau nnd JII-v.sion.nj- Alliance meetings on Tuesday, 2.30 and 7.50 p. 111. Virst rliuich (Christ Scientist), S10 Adinis avenue S-indaj services at 10 30 a. ni. and 7.30 p. 111.; Sundaj- seliocd, 11.13 n. m,, subject, "I.'vcrlasllng Punishment." Testimonial meet-ine,-', Wednevlaj- evenings nt S o'clock. The chmch is al-v open evcrj- diy dining Ihc week. The Bible aivl all Christhn Science literature is kept In its fiee public reiding 100m. "Science and Healing, will; the Kej- to Scripture," liy Baker Vdclj, will be loaned to iuvcstigatota without charge. Yisltors nnd letteis of iuquliy aie weleoined and given courteous attention" and ton free. BLACKBOARD LESSON HINTS by niiY. iiobiiiit r. : riiinci:, d. n. H'rom Authoi'd Notes in "Tho Sunday School Lesson Illustrator," PnhlMied by 1". II. Bevel ic Co., Chicago, 111. Golden Tct " liosoever helleveth in Him shall lcceive leiui-aion of sins." Ac. x:l.'i. nulsl'n coining to the world was not in vain; Ills uiKion could not fall; "He came unto Ills own (the .Tews), But Ills own leccived Him not." He eluired to honor the descendants of Abraham with not only bilnglni,' the Mesilali inli) the world, but by giving tluougli them Hie glad tidings of Ills Mhalinn tu the vvoild. But lejcctod and cl;-plsed, and ciui-lllcd bj" thom whom lie came lo fcrvo and mvc, Hu levelled In Ills faitlilul follimcis tliu full client of Ills cut lily mliiUti- "All llin vvoild." The whl-ipciiiigs of cause Iciicu vvcie not enough In lead Peter tu dichiige Ids duty in obedlentn to his eoiiimlsslon, "c'o jo into 1 1 10 worleli mid pi c.uli My i:ii-pel to cveiy eiealuii'." Ilo vvai taitltd lij' (lod's gnat object lcnn, appealing tu his lie.ut tliiouali cje and car. Tho virion and the Yoieo led Peter to his vocation, Ilo avv that .lesiiis was "A light to tho Oeii tiled mid the glory of i-i.icl," 11 ml that tho cuvs was the sjmbol of (.alvatlon for all vvlio would accept tho !.oid Jesus liirUt as u pcri-oual Savior, "And I, If 1 bo lifted up, will draw all men unto Me." When I'ctcr was on t1i.1I fcr liciesy and 1 undue t unbecoming .1 .lew, he t'dd ll.e hlmplc ftoiy of ids woiidcilul vUlou and his prompt obeiliciuu In the call ot (!od. The blessed iitulls of UU mini tiy none could deny; and tho thuicli ieoli-id tliat nil hcllevon, could thaio in tho salvation puiiliacd by ,leu. the living t'liil.t, Color illuts Mnko tho Rlubi- Hulit blue, vvltli white outline, whlto letteis and liieildiau lliu.s. Mikii the 1 o3 I'l.uige, with bcatlel outline; vvlngj white, rajs yellow, ejo blue am! white. Tho fullowlng lilllo ,ioc-ii1iciii Hie I'hi'illim Advoiate ni'tgeitii both a needy woild uud u wil ling tenant; , WOllliKIt'S I'UAYHIt. land, ipeak lo me, thi' may peak , lu living uhui'n of Iby lone; S'fiwh ;WklM : I c-( WvWV'iw ?V'W'-'V ..:.'.--.i...(!'JKiV'i :: '.!u5s?.'; .:.-. : itjjls Ear. As Thou hat fought, eo let me seek Thy cning childien, lost and lone. Oh, lead me, T-oid, that V may lead The wandeiing and the wavering feet! Oil, feed me, I.011I, tliat I may feed Thy liungciing ones with manna Mvect! Oil, stiengllien me, that whilo I stand l'liiu on tlie lock and tliong in Tliee, I may sticteh out a loving hand To wiesllo with tho troubled sea! Oh. teach me, laud, that I may leach The precious things Thou dost impart, And wing my words that thej' may leach The hidden depths of lnanj- a lie.ut. Oil, give thine own R-.veet lest to me,' Tliat I may speak with .soothing power A wold in eeason, as fiom Tnce, To vvcaij- ones in needful hour. Oil, fill mo Willi Thy fulncos, Lurd, t'ntil my heart o'ciflow, In kindling thought and glowing woid. Thy love to tell, Thj' piaisc to show! Oil, use me. Lord use even me. Just as Thou wilt, and when and wheie, I'litll Thy blessed ace I fcc, Thy reit, Thy Joy, Thy glory shaiel Scianton, Pa. SUNDAY-SCHOOL LESSON FOR APRIL 27 GENTILES RECEIVED INTO THE CHURCH. Acts, xi:l-18. BY ltCY. J. H. aiLBKBT, D. 1). Secretary of American Society of Religloui Education. COVTIIXT, The ea-on today completes that of last Sundaj-. J'elei'n woik was but half dona when ho administered baptism to Cornelius at Cafejica. By tliat act he liad fhown his own conviction concerning the worthiness of tho Ro man centurion, but ho must satisfy- his associates at ilcTii-silciu that Ids conduct had been pioper. The unity of tlie church in thought, doctrine imJ practice was involved. A tclsiii at that timo would have caused svilous coneipienccs whijli must bo incited if possible, AYc Miall .see in cur present tliat diderenco (.'.stated and how there differences were adjusted. Moreover, the event and the outcome eserled a mot palutarj Influence, a.s vvc Miall sec, upon all minds, luoid cning tlie slow of the go-,pl, and to prepmlng the cluuili for it3 woihl-wlde niftslon. flod educate-. Ills people, not by tlie dogmatic method alone, but liy liUtoncal disclosures also. CRITICISM, (Ycrse.s 1 to ."!.) The stoiy of Pet er's act piceedcil linn to Jerusalein, ho that upon bin arrival some wcic leadj- to coiideuin him, hiving formed llielr jiidgnient in llio tasc. These vviiii nf llio clicuiiicUlnn, Hebrew Cliils tl.un, vvlio thought tint the descendants of Ah I. il. ,111 hid Miperior claims upon Divine favor. They began at cnio to contend with him liccaiwo ho had gone conti.iiy to Their opinions and usages. The old hplrlt of exclusive nets, dUplajcd by the I'haihees In the time of Jov-, (.John Iv, U), ie-.ippe.ired ainiiii'r lho followers of lvui. Tor the lime tho feelings of brotherhood tint ought tn have niacin the apoHe,s (liult.ililo to waid cieh other gave plaeu to criticism, Twu aieusatiom weic made nnlmt Peter tint la" had gnno Into the bocielj- of lho uueirciimi Ivd, tint is of rieulilcs, and tliat lio had calen Willi lliem most gilevous otk'iii-cs fiom a .lewisli bland point. (I.uke ,v,'J.) It is evident lint tie i (in duct was viewed witli ahhoirilice. VISION.-(Vilci I to ,)-ln 'Justlllcilloii of lib loui-e I'ctcr itheaiitd in an oideily i.y ft urn beginning lo end, whit hid neeimcd. 'Ihe Kcveial wrie well i.ih iilalul tnL;.iil u iiijii of (iod to do whit hu hid done, 1. Ho was engaged in piajcr at .loppa, n time when ho would be least liilde to any liupioper 1 e havior. 'J, While piavtug In- elite ltd into u trancei Mate, hejnu.l the iiaiul limits ol ioii-icIou-ueM and volition, (.Viiiuh. Nil, Ii.) I, That vision was of a picloilul i Inracter a vraeel was let down I'i'feuo lilm containing nil iiniiiier of foiir-foolul bo.ble, (ii'iplug things in i' I t', many of tliciu abominillon In Jen, piohibltcil in the law, (Lev, Ni, 1.) ft, Petri- lira id n mho bidding blur blay uud eat a tiipeinatural volcu Cldeilug foibiddiu food, nilllienOX, lVri' 7 liud S.)-l'fler deilaied thai hu did not at nine obey the dlicutleiii linn Kit in, lie cseiel.ed iluo caiitlun, et all lids might Im a leinptailen, a dial of his Integiity, us ill Hie c.u-e of Ahiahaiu wiieu (ailed tu oiler up Ids MUi, (den. Mil, '.'. Ii.) Indeed, I c- fell back upon ils own JcwUli pilueipleii whhh he held as caructly ns did any uf his fellow upoi. ties. He icpllcd lo tho voire Ileal he toiild not cat, tint nothing uneleaii, that Is coutraiy to (he I.evitleal livv, had evil- (iileicd Ids nwu'li Hu pleadrd his life-long adluiciiec to tho pro. Idbitoiy cnnmuiid us uj.ou uuw for Keeping it. With liim it was u mailer of eomhlloii ami of practice. What was wioujht Into thotny lev S.&A ?tfth v.':,.vHr:;?w;siVsrrawi'.& i-.v-y.-.:::.v-'-.!:V.'.v;Utr.Afirecanaflu AV.KAs i-.l WWMil ,-'f. s'kb 1 .&.fc--.'TCEny :, r a. m i.V.-.;u;'i.SiM.!;Wfc' i . fids Acts Syrup of Figs appeals to ihc cultured and ttia well-informed and to the healthy, because.its com ponent parts are simple and wholesome and be-, cause it acts without disturbing the natural func tions, as it is wholly free from qyery objectionable ;xmmz& .j, ?VJX3trjru ..-.?.-''.. m i-s.-s 1 try. Vl'-Ss-T "V'."' y.. f i! .Cj I A iimi' I V FORniAjlYRUP SarN'FraknkCisco.'Ca.!. Louisville Kyr c&!- by all ruejqji'ats turo of his being, into the intellectual and liy--leal constitution, now nbncrtcd itself, tu tlrcngtlieii him in his purpose. Till- wns a leij Mrong point in tlie defense, suuleiont to leli've Petri- of all Idimc, At tliat tilige of the ease he was in ucco.d with his critics. IXSTillTTIO.V. (Ver.-es 0 nnd 10.) How miiic it to pass tliat a law, Divlnelv- given liy fomtctn centuries bcfoio and oiiterved lij- tho chosen people ever since, bhuuld lie abiogatod after this clistanco of time? Tint was the rew question which must line come lo Peter's mli'd, and lie .shows how- It was ans'.veicd. I. The voice replied to him tint (!od had cleansed tliese animals, and Peter must not call them i,n clean tlie inhibition had been lemoved bv Him who had instituted it, who hid a light to abol ish lie had old lined, and men must ap prove tlie act of Clod as much hi the removal as in tlie appointment of conditions. This In struction, ho greatly needed, opened up the tact that .1 new dispensation was Uaheted in, icquir ing new customs. 2. As a further method of confirming tlie instruction to him Peter d"e!.ucd that thli sisiuit in all its paits, his refusal and the esplanation, oecuired three times. That wns coiisideicd to be adequate proof a3 in Hie rase of Bilaani (Numb, xsiv, 10), and of the drnial (John Mli, Si), and of Paul's prajer. (J C'oi. xll, S.) Xo good Jew- would lequhe a fin the r attestation to any mattei. CIUCKJISTAXCKS. (Vcrs 11 to ll.)-lvtcr nest bliowed tho bielliren tint whit had thus been eltscloseil to him by vision and fpeech was attended bj-ciicuniitauees in which the new doe trine was applied, circumstances that appeared In he Providential. 1. While lie was lecelving the slsion three men fiom Caesuca weie in his house dcllvciing the mcs-age of Cornelius, tlie (Jcntlle, who needed his hervlce.s. '.'. Tlie S'plrlt of (iod, under whose guidance all his work was conducted (John xvi, 1J), according to the direction of Jesus, prompted him lo re-i-pond to the invitation. 3. There were with lilm nt the time eIs- luetliren, nil of tliem .lewisli Cluisliaus, sharing therefore Ids fpirlt of es clusivciies (which brctlucn then stood with Peter befoiu tlie apostles) and thej- deemed it pioper to go to Cornelius, and did go. I. On cutciiug Hie lioiiso of Cornelius Peter learned that it vision had been given to tho Unman, n kind of coun terpait, diiccting that help should be sought, In aceoid.uicc with which tliu messengers weie sent. AH this was calculated to convince any candid perbon tint Cod had indeed established a new lulc and older. COXnitJIATIOX. (Vcisos 15 lu 17.) I'dtii'a mind was dcubthm tioublcd when he went tu Cusarca, gravitating between two onlnlons the sanctity of Ihe ancient Jewish law and, tlie claim of tlie new levelallon. His attitude was clnngcd and the vvliola case tettled in Hie house of Corne lius. While he was speaking, the Ilolv (iliost fell on ull piescnt, Clentiles a.s well as Jews, as it had clonq on the day of Pentecost, upon thu npotles only. (Ails Ii, 4.) In this way the fame. Divine appiotal was given to tho imclr ciunciscd us to the ciicimicisid, and Hie teaching of the vision was Continued. While beholding the. btraugi! phenomena 1'eler ta.s that he mulled certain bcilptuie! wline it was paid tliat uiidir the new ilUpeu-alleui nicii tlimdil bo baptized witli the Holy (ihosl, (Matt, III, 11.) This ml llllmiut of the won! of Hod was the eomludi.ig pioof and Peter submitted Ihe vhuh; c.iso tn Ihe declsluii of llio bretliieii, cl liming tliat ho hut Inn maulfcstlj' lira i ii on by thu l.unl himself whom he placed on common giound with Jews, CONVICTION-. (Viix) IS) Pet.l's lecit il, cuiiduclrd in a btialglitfoiu.ini iiniiiier, wis a euniplelei vliidiialluii of Ids iuiiim-. 'I lie ilc'alls piesintid an argument vvhlili rould not lu lesl.t rel by men of JcwMi origin. The piayci, tho trance, tliu vision, tltu bpeceh, tlie lusilatiou, thu npitllioii, llio approval of ussniiatcs, the vlsim of Cninellils, the utliliiptnl dlsinuise, (ho out pi'iirlug of the Spirit, the wonl of Sirlptma all this loueiiiiid and poluled Inetltaldy to a spei I il levelallon of a greit tiutli. Ill tho nine way (iod hid milliard! lu auilent timei to patil m!i, tu piophels and tu holy linn, ((icu, ill, Ml.) no 11 eauiii lu ins nut reici s: ue-iriu-i i-auiiii (oiiviillou lo tho iiiliids of vvlio heaid lilm. They held lli.'ii pi ait. they no longer teiituinl lilm, but nppiovid '.vlnt ho had done. Thcy gloillhd Cod, iijolclng Hut In this, way ills will had been made known, and tint lie had granted tu lho (irntiles Ihc biino nuiey as tu them, that they miiflit icpti.t ot their bins md kttalu eternal life, TIlACIll.NliS. I.eaiu (loin lids iia-..iai'i 1. uiillioils of udmluUliatioii aie mecssaiy mid pioper, and should bo icgaiikil to long ns they nt! in force, but that they bene times, and bia. eons nnd )iuy be tct aside and other method in htltutod. ii. Tho eluuges in adiiiinUtulloii uut not bu made lustily or without good aulhorll.t, but nun mutt he ipiiik to follow the indications of lho ill vine will mid to approve what lie banc tloiw. 3. Tl.o pu'Kiis. ut LTiiist' kimiilvm in the world It ever an enljrgiineut of the thoiu'ht ot Ills inlnUtei , m Hut limit- ii.uro.vneas pre vents thu Ijibcv imdeitaklng and their molt! lib rul view piitedes cveiy new odvainv. I. Vn' may not elUeoter the wisdom in (lie appointment vt dlbpeiisitloiu, nor i It neiesary Hut wo should, Put we niut iriucn.ber tint It has been Hie Hivlnu method of t'ccomplUklng the pre-de-tenulneil tnd. .'(.Tho Jew w.u lltst called, but cnly (hat he mlsht be tialned for bervlie anions This eJgnaturo is on every box ot tho genuine Laxative Bromo'Ouininc Tablets remedy lhat turca u volil lu 0110 iluj, pieAsartlyr Be-rveficiallyi isAtrvilyas-a-Laxsiiver quality or substance, in me prot,cih 01 manufacturing Hgs are used, as they are pleasant to the taste, but the medicinal virtues of Syrup of. Figs arc obtained from an excellent combination of plants known to be medicinally laxative and to act most beneficially. To get its beneficial effects buy tho genuine manufactured by the new YorK.M.Y. J'ricet.fifty cervts per- btottfe, EDUCATIONAL. nnounGement During the summer of 1902, in struction in all the subjects required for jidmisslon to the best colleges and scientific schools will be given at Cottiit Cottages, a Summer School of Seconddiy Instruction, Cotuit, Massachusetts, under the direction of Piincipal Charles E. Fish The courses of instruction are lor the benefit of live classes of students : 1. Candidates who have received conditions nt the entrance examina tions. 2. Candidates who have postponed examinations until September. 3. Students in Secondary Schools, who, by reason of illness or other causes, have deficiencies to make up. 4. Students in Secondary Schools who wish to anticipate studies and save time in the preparation for college. 5. Students in college who have admission conditions which must be lemoved before tho beginning of the next Scholastic Year. For particulars address, CHARLES E. FISH, Principal School of the Lackawanna, Seranton, Pa. Do You Want a Good Education? Not a thoil course, nor an cay course, nor u cheap iotirc, but the hel education to be had. No other education is worth cprndln; lime and money on. if )ou do, write for a catalogue of Lafayette College Easton, Pa. which offers! Ihuioush prrp.uatlon In the i:ii'n-liicciins and I I'rofcb.lom ai wclli'i a thu tegular College courses. Dr. & Mrs. John MacOuffie'S SCHOOL FOR GIRIS r 'Jslh jear. Twi'iilyllve .veaiw under the iiianitf" mint of JIIS IIOU'Allh, rollese prrpiiatoty ami aeudemiu touibin. llesideut pupils limited tji :'U. mi nil Is uou-ioidiut, Beautiful luoiiud.,. Tenuis i units. lntruilon In :ili oiil.iin n witli hlijliest iciiliicinent of hcl iqlleges. 1'or pit tleuhis nnd i.italouue aildreux ' . John Mjclhitfle, Ph. II., SprliiKiteld, Mm. , STATU NOIJMAL SCHOOL, i:,Hl btiouiMuucr, I'a, ,1 'Ihe examinations fur niliiil-lou to tlie Middle Year and .Senior Viar tla.Miii held June 111. HlSsh bchop) Kiaduati'd will bv ps'llullted iQ.taKo both I'Xaiulnitlnnss and niter the mi lor el.'i,--. wline their tvoik hi' rovcrcd Ihu Junior ami mid dle .wan coui.o of tho iioinul. Tlilsj jvax wljl be the bit oppoilumty civi'ii lo du b, u tin tliHo yeait' is. In full foiro and .ill will lomu under the blate rttiulatluux nf ruiiiirratlom, I'or lull iiaitiiulau addie-.s at oiue, ,. II, l. IHlll.i:. A. M I'llnWpal., SOBAHTON C0IIRE3P0NDEN0E 80H00LJ h'CIc ANION, A. T. J. roster, I'roldeut. I'.lmcr Ii. I.twtll, treii. It. J. loiter, Stanley 1', Allen, , Vic President. 8ecretry. ' - , ... t.'j "nS -.i-i.i,i i -. " " "- ' "" II... ,,....111... i.a.'... 11.... 1... ...I..1. ... l.t.ln II... il.T inn.,,),,, ,lv,lt II, 4, liv fuiuil. v.,v,,,s,u lllu (ieuliluv Hu du well 14 iruiembcr tliat tpcclil pilillcsi4 vrai-.U-l w. us uiv'to prrpaie us ti bh-,s vtluCi. sti. ImC'lalti 'll peopln are to 1st nulled. i . i t l . - t
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