ivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivr,, v brj-.r-, 4.fv?r iriBf0BpnniHiBaHBHnpi;?. i lUHnHHH '1, . - ,v :itjrT.wvr.s " :.ii wfumx. mar nv.w i '&$ B&& i 1 THE SCRANtfON TRIB llMJB-Mill) A ' APRIL 25i 100U. , i fit '. j iSi&V' En.?.. "'t'. ' Br. v . R ' A' ? r T r W ?A ' y. p i V ., 5, , (TMMITK - 1. i'f in i i itn ?I?herNews 61 j MONSIGNOR DC MONTE. II . ., . Congregation of Our Lady of Mt. il Carmel Honored by Presence of Church Dignitary. , The congrofintlon of tlio Italian .'church of our X.aity m Ml. Ciunicl.' lis honored thin w-ek hy tho presence .it! n titled prelate ot the Catholics church. Ho Is Monslgnur Oe Monte, oC Now York city, who ciuno to thin country from hln Italian home about two years ngo, to enter the missionary .lleltr In Ainerlca, theri'by leaving be hind him the eminent place he held and possible increased honors In the order lit -which ho Is n member. MoilBlKtior Do Monti' heio coll duetlm? the mission which Is In pro gress at the household of the pon tiff, a dlstlngulshcM mark of favor of the pope. ' ' Moiislg'no'r Do" Monto enjoys Increas ed honor In hh title, by reason or the f.ict that he Js hh exceptionality youim priest to be so highly vested. In ap pearance he seems within the thirties and one Is greatly Impiessed when alter meeting It Is learned that ho Is ,i monslgnor. With n modesty, becom ing to his learning, Monslgnor De Monto on coming to this city conceal ed hJ.s.Mttcimtll It was qnltt- iiecldentr nlly 'leiuned hy u IVw of the congre gation hero that he had been so slgnal Jy honoieil by the pope. This Is the riim-ch or our l.ady of Mt. Ciiriiml. The dignity of his ofllce eonfors on him tliu honor of monslgnor, with the title of night Uoverciiil, Like the bishop In- ,!s Invested with thu put pie iohe and wears a ring. Jin has none of the p.oweis, however, or n bishop, his title being merely honorary, not execu tive. A priest Is rarely made a monslgnor, for the honor Is bey towed only hi F.uch eases where the recipient has been exceptionality distinguished, hy his learning anil his piety and zeal. 'Hie title makes u niiiuslgnor .1 chamberlain of the same honor that was eonterred on IJMiop Harvey, a former Carhondale irsldent, just prior 10 bis nnpnlnt mnnt to the see of Altonim. . Monslgnor Ue Aloate is u member of the religions older founded hy Monsig 1101 Sc.ilahuni. 'I'ho older Is not u large one and is coniined to Italy. Monslgnor Do Monte was mothoiiotary of the order when tiio pope haunted him. Prior to that, l.o was it ptiifcssor In a seminary at Home, wlieie he Hist camp into prominence by leasoti of bis powers of intellect and hi- religious zeal. He Is now a missionary, with headquar ter In Xew Ynik city, preferring: to ljbor among his countrymen in Ameil cii than to follow a more elevated position In his order In his native land. ANOTHER SURPRISE. Garfield Williams Weds Miss Emma ' Coon in inghamton Will Reside in This City. The second nuptial suipiise of the week came yesterday when It was an nounced that Clarllekl 'Williams, son of l'roprletor Williams, of Hotel Anierl Vnn and Miss Kiiinia Coon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Coon, of Canaan street, left on the afternoon train on the Deluwnii it Hudson for J'.lnghanitoii, where they ai ranged to lit, wedded last night. Theie was n good sized gathering of ti lends at the 4.?,:! Delaware- ei 'Hudson train In the atternoon when Mr. Wiliimi, and his ptospectlve wife Men leady to start on the tilp that would end in the realization of their happiest wishes. .lust belore they de parted, the friend who le.untd of the carefully guarded pi, ins, gathered round the couple and extended lliein TO IIKTKCT POISONS. The Body Tries to Sweat Them Out. At a convention of medical men in St. Louis thu effects of coffee drinking were carelully considered. It was un animously agieed that while eolfee does not seem to Injure some persons, to others it is a rank poison. The ellVct on different persona is, of course. oiy diffetont. In some the heart Is nlier-ieil, In others the hldneys. again the stoin ' noli or bowels, or the eyes, and In 111 1 vou.s cases the piostr.itlon Is spread over the whole oodv As an llluslrat: 111, a man In llinum, AV. Vn. isporlenicil well defined symp toms of poisoning from colVee. He s.ys: "I used coffee a great many years with no iippitrv-ut III ellVets, but about nine yetus ago 1 began being sick, I '." came dull, lo-'t my ambition, hml dizzl ntss, my eyicilght was very bud oic! kept getting worse, and at limes I could baldly navigate at all, 1 Mt I 'wjis goliiK I" fall oveiy minute, and dually hsennui so bad I would hii'-o :o sit down mid lest tin ee or four limes in n dlsinnco of iwlce that many hloel.-s. I went from one physician to another anil faithfully look ihelr prescriptions hut the case was so complete that they cmilil not sticceshfillly dhiKlioso It. I dually wont to New York cltv 10 ilia Vanderbllt ('Utile.' for tieatment. Tu ) my ciiso was ili(gnosod as ueurniHIn ' 1. J. very morning about nine, 1 wi,uiil have n kind of spi'iFin. Tlpi iierspliatlon would bicak out all over tho palms of my luiudH,,iiill'py liuh; would bo wrln,; llig wet, every nerve In tho body would be affected anil mv heart would jump and beat at a t"m-tvi f'ute. This con- .liti.... ......1.1 ..,...j....yiiw I..... it'.r.. ..i.....t OlktUM wui.lil H1 M.Hiir liirak 111. ttlJUll. two hours, Wh.it I sulfered no one cm undei'.staud, . ' ( It lluallv caiini'to iik' tlutt these li--, Ible HW'eutH and Kpusmis wei'it Just tlu sumo its' li) 'c((ses wb"it( pepppj.- tii 1 altered auirXulur-i tries to thnn.' o!X th polBou ,thi'ougii the pores, 'n 1 cancludeil that sometl'iing 1 wn taking must net, like, a poluaii and I decided It was coffee,' 1 left It otf one morning and had u fearful headache nil day, a siiru sign that I was belnt; held up by n drug, bo that evening- I bought hoipn Postum and the next morning had it for breakfast in place of coffee. wob surprised for I j-utild hardly tell.it from toffee. Th9t !(.:, J yvus ,finly n lltliu Hick abouihfi usual thpe, and fioiu tho next dayintn"6wi Bomethlne over 'i months, lthu,vo never felt even, the. re motest return o tho spasms. I Bteadlly got strong, my weight nan Increased from ;180ppudH to 147 pounds and I am' a well 'man.' ''lio seven years- of buffering from eolfeo poison will ulwuyd remain with mo as n horrjblo nightmare." Nnmo given by X'oblum Co., Uattlo Creek, 31Uh, Wmimy-rwmmmmmmT-r -r H I- , 1-J. Li'.V- Carbondale.' wnrmeHt wlshef. Tho ceremony was arranged In itdviiiieo to take nlaen lost ovcnlng. The couple who nre now Mr. and Mrs. Williams will return In a few days and will bo greeted with the well wishes of a host of friends. The brldo was gowned In black silk, with a rose silk front and looked very attractive. Shu Ih a popular young lridy, who Can claim tho friendship of it wide circle or friends. She Ih the daughter of frank Coon, passenger en gineer on the Delaware .t Hudson. Mr. Williams, has pel haps ns wide an iicritialntance as any young man in this city. He hns been active In athlotlu sports In Carbondali!, particu larly foot ball, In which he has gather ed In n big shaic of the honors. He Is assistant mnnnger of the Hotel Ameri can, which Is owned by his father, where he has made many strong friends with the traveling public STORIES OF THE STREET. A Dog That Talked or the Ventrilo quist's Gag A Ca3e of Mistaken Identity. ' This Is it story or how a veiitrloiiulst created a heap of fun In 11 N'orth Main street, saloon the other day, according to one of the. w'ags of 'the town. The story Is told' al the e.pene of Zopher C. I.ee, tho genial lestaurantouis The ventrliiuillht and bis dog cnine Into Lee's lCslaurant. "Give lite u small beer,' said the man. "I'll have a sandwich," came from the wlue looking dog. .opher gave a start, looked over tho bar With a face of sin prise at the wonderlul cahlne. "fllvi me another beer," s.lld tho stranger after the llrst one disnp peaied. "I'll have another, sandwich," piped the dog once mole. Hy tills time Mr. Lee was aglow Willi wonderment. "Say, that's a gieut dog ou have tlieie," said he. "My gosh, I never heard a dog talk before. He's a wonder." "That so " niiirmuied the joking ventiiloqiilst between swallows, while he winked at a pair at play with dom inoes over In the corner. "Say," broke out Zopher, his ejes bulging with wonder, as he watched with envy the dog getting on the out side of the second sandwich, "day," he said, "how much will you take for that ilogV I'd like to own him; he'd he worth something 10 me; nothing lound here like him. I can bet." "Oh, I don't know that I'd sell him," replied tho stranger with the air of one who believed lie had 11 prize that was w'orlli holding onto. "My gosh, I'll make It an object for you to sell him." earnestly persisted Zoplier. "I'll give you riO for him, with the pilvilege of buying him back at an advance of ten dollars at the end of three months." The ventiiloqiilst dually accepted, the money was paid over and he started for the door. "Wlieie you going?" piped the dog. "I'm going away, going home," le plied his former master. "Going honif?" and you won't take me Well I'll never spook again," said t lie dog, while the bar loom was lilleii with laughter as the light of the jnko dawned on the crowd. It was pin ely .1 case of mistaken identity. The man was la the 13uil building observing the decorations for the Knights of Columbus lecoptton. After dilating on the taste and skill of the decoiators he turned to the front of ihe hall and smiled his ap proval at the splendid portrait of ileorge Washington that looked out 1 10111 between two bright American llng. Turning to the other end ot the ball he saw another portialt. Stooping low, "to take a look," as it was p.lrtly hidden by the white and blue sti earn ers he exclaimed: "Well, they have Oeorge at the other end, and up there is old Martha Washington." A slight mistake, however. 'Twas a plcluic of Christopher Columbus, the natron of the Knight of Columbus, with his sll ered locks and his led lobes. A. E. JONES WILL CHANGE. One of the Owners of Review to Go to Trenton. Albert K. Jones, one of thu pioptle tors of thu Saturday Review, has ac cepted the olfer extended him by the owner of the True American, of Tren ton, X. J., and will go to that city the lb st week In May. Mr, Jones has just relumed from Trenton, vhere he had an Interview with the owueis of the True Aineilcan, who made terms with him that he i gards as quite lluttciing. He will be udvertlsim, manager and' will he fioe to conduct Hint department of the paper accotdhig to his own Ideas. This will give him the Held for which he Is certainly lltled by his successful ex perience 011 the papers hereabouts. Theie wil be many regrets over Mr. Jones' leaving Carhondale, and none will be 11101 e slncei 0 than those from the newspaper fraternity, where his companionship Is valued and his abil ity Is fully apprei-inted. Ills Intetest In the Haturdnj Uuvlow will he dis posed of before he leaves the city, TO ATTEND DIVINE SERVICE. Odd Fellows Will Celebrate Eighty third Anniversary. Cnrbondalo canton, No, UK Independ ent Order of Odd Follows, will attend divine survlfo al tho Auditorium, North Hernnton, on Sunday atternoon, April 27. in commemoration of tho elgliiy- third anniversary of tho order. Tho afternoon servlco has been ur ranged by Scninto'ii canton, No. I, as sisted by the subordinate lodges hi tho district. In thu evening, all Ihe brunches of tho Odd Fellows In this city will attend divine service in thu Hereon Baptist church, and listen to an address by itev, Dr. II. J, Whalen, and tho membeis of Sortinton caulon, No, 4, will visit this city and attend tho servleq In a body, with tho local canton, FOR NEXT SEASON, Choosing Subjects for the Smith Singer Course, Tlie managers .of tt" Smith. Singer entertainment com mi art? devoting m. teutlon regarding to tho selection of entertainers for next t-cusun, when It is hoped that the success of (ho past season will be exceeded, both as to tho quality of the t'litorliihinieiits and the putronage. C. A. lifter, of I'hliudelpliia, lepie seating (lie famous ltedpath bureau, was in the ctltf this week discussing (with Mr, Smltli and Mr, Singer the ( f choice of nail season' subjects. Tho He'dpalh Is famous for tho high stand-' nrd of Its offerings. Among the many good numbers It controls nre the famous Woyal Hungarian court or chestra, tho t-ottp? Ulco club, of Now York city, the Almonbury hand belt rlhgeiH,' of London, Germain, the wiz ard! Lelaiid T. Powers' famous Imper sonations, the lecture on liquid air, and among the lecturers, Dr. C'opelnnd, John Tnniple Oraves and Hob Bur dette, the humorist. These arc some of the best considered for an appearance In next year's rouise. STREET CAR RUMPUS. Thomas McDonald, of Mayfiold, and a lad from Peckville Fined for Misbehavior on Sunday Night. The street cor disturbance, between Mayileld and l'eckvIlle,on Sunday night,, which wan related In Tho Tribune, had a sequel in Alderman Jooues' olllco last night, when Thomas McDonald, of May field, and a lad from I'eckvlllo were lined for their part In tho dlsouler. McDonald, whoso misbehavior was made out the graver of the two, was lined $10 and costs, while thu Peckvlflo boy, whose chief offence appeared to bo calling the conductor n "scab" and de laying the car by refusing to pay his faro. The evidence against the accused .was presented by the conductor or the car, 15. :, Spangenberg, of Scrnnton. He testified that McDonald refused to pay faro at Mayileld and again below Jer myn; that he leaned against the con troller box and Interfered with Snan- genberg when he passed in and out of the car. McDonald, Spangenberg de clared, called him "a ' of 11 scab." and that "he'd be d d it he'd pay fare to any scab." He was annoy ing during the whole of the Journey. McDonald didn't say anything about not having used the epithets spoken of, but he did Insist that ho paid his fare. There wore others concerned In I ho disturbance on the car that night, but they could not be located. Stephen iDyer, of the Scranton Hall way company, and Constable Nonry made the arrests. The railway company took Immediate steps after this hap pening to suppress ftulher activities. PURCHASED ROSE PROPERTY. P. F. Coogau the Buyer Mr, Rose Moved to Dunmore. 1. F. Coogan, at" the firm of Coogan Hi os., has purchased the residence of Cluratiet F. Hose on Spring street and will occupy It with his family. Mr Hose leaves the city because of his scene of activity has- been shifted to Dunmore the general offices of the Erio railroad in this section. Mr. Rose Is chief clerk In the superintendent's ofllce. He retained his residence in Caibondale until it became somewhat Irksome going backward and forward, when he decided In taking his family to locate In Dunmote, Mr. Hose's family withdrawal will be a souice of keen regret for they were wrapt in the friendship of many ami were esteemed at every hand. THE OLD FOLK'S CONCERT. Interest Growing in the Feast of Music by Local Vocalists. Interest in growing In the old folk's concert under the auspices of the M. K. church in Watt's hall, Wednesday uen!ng next. The circumstance that the evening of music will he piovided hy strictly local vocalists awakens a feeling of home pride that will be sure to be expressed in the attendance and ap preciation' on that night. Chorister W. D. Evans has arranged a pleasing pro gramme, judiciously divided between vocal and instrumental numbers and he has likewise diligently trained the choruses and directed the rehearsals. Tho conceit will undobutedly be a treat. "Under Two Flags" Well Presented. "Under Two Flags" was presented at the Ornnd, lasl night, by the Harry Jenkins company, fully as well as earlier In the city, when another com pany made a decided hit In Its presen tation. Mr. Hoy, as the corporal, and Miss Leslie, as Cigarettes, were happily ef fective. The specialties were, as usual, keenly enjoyed, Mr. Hurke's singing and the McC'anu family's dancing being particularly acceptable. Tonight "The Berkshire Hills," which was so satisfactory on Tuesday night, will bo repeated this evening. New Acting Superintendent. There Is a new acting superintendent of Emergency hospital. Miss Wllllum son who came here to temporarily succeed Miss Wright, the superinten dent, hns letiirned to Philadelphia and In turn has been succeeded by Miss Hlleman, of the same city, She Is likewise a graduate of tin nurses' training school of Ulakley hospital, Philadelphia. Meetings of Tonight. Poor Hoard. Eureka Chapter, P.oyal Arch Masons. Companions of tho Forest. Aineilcan Legion of Honor. Crystal Camp, Woodmen of World. the THE NEWS IN BRIEF. A number of locnl Knights ot Pythias paid a truternnl visit to tho Pythian lodge at Vandllng last night, iiiomns L. Scott, of Urooklyn street, has euleied tho Scrantou piivnto hos pital utiScranton, to undergo nn oper ation, Ulysses Wnniiucott has removed his CHILD YKAKNKSS. You can worry for months nboul your weak child and not succeed in doing it a fraction of the good that comes from little daily dories of Scott's Emulsion, The cure of child weakness is not the matter of a day but of steady common-sense treat ment. Children like Scott's Emul sion and thrive on it, Perfectly harmless yet power ful for good. Send (or l'ree Sample. SCOXT ixEOWKU. CUembU, VV '. SW V, ..5,. -3,11 .. ttj,!... family from ihe Aungcr house, on Wyo ming street, to the house on Canaan street vacated bv Aaron Fowler. Mx-Coimellnmn John O. KVnns, of lictinont street, hns resumed his posi tion at tiio Delnwnro and Hudson Main street machine shop, utler n three weeks' illness. An Important, real eslale deul was transacted on South Washington street this week, when Common Councllmna Jtoberl Whltlleld sold to William Olbbs, of Seventh avenue, his lot and hand Home residence. H Is one of tho bCBt properties In that section or the city. Mr. Cilbbs and IiIr wife expect to occupy their new homo early this summer. Alice, tho little dnllghter of Under taker and Mrs. B. ,T. Hums, of DundnfC slreet. Is Buffering from a very painful wound on her head, She was playing with 1111 older girl, who was swinging her around. Losing her balance she foil nnd her head struck against tho sharp edgo of a stone. A long nnd deep gash was Inflicted over the left eye, which called for four stitches. The Cnrbondalo Medical society met Wednesday night In the ofllce ot Dr. Meaker, on Salem avenue. A general discussion on colds and Influenza took place. Tho members seemed to take a keen delight In the talk and conso fluently there wore many vnluable sug gestions made on thu subject. Follow ing the business meeting tho members ndjourned to Urown's restaurant and enjoyed it feast ot good things. Dr. S, S. Shields' relation of a personal tnur Ino experience of some years ago was regarded tho cleverest of the after-dinner remarks, THE PASSING THRONG. Miss Mary Davis, of Brooklyn street, Is visiting friends in New York city. Miss Small O'Boyle has returned, nfter a brief visit -with friends in Scran ton. John M. Hughes, stamp clerk ot the Scninton board of underwriters, wns In the city last evening. Fred Bennett, of River street, is home, after a few days' visit with his parents, at Nicholson. Veronica and Eleanor Gallagher, of Scrantou, returned home yesterday, lifter a few days' visit with the for mer's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Pat rick Early, on Seventh avenue. JERMYN ANDJHAYFIELD. 'TliV lhmiomt of the IMlnt Uiu-.li." Mr. C. Hilgjr llo'ccrjiis of Philadelphia, gives hli lue nioioiH Illustrated lectuie in Jlnteiprhvc lull tliU ci. cuius r,t S o'clock. Doots open at 7.1 J. 'I'lih will liu an culi'it.iluineiit of tiimatully high oi-(In-, Mr. Jtoi'tians' laughable caiicaluie-i and lumiorom iiicointation-. of the popular fads anil fabU'-i of the day have aequliod for Iiiiu .111 en rlalila ili'linctloii. In a peiKm.il letter to llev. Maynard II. Tliomp Km, llcv. II. J. Whalcii, of Caibondale, Fiym "Our people weie delighted with Mr. C. Edgar lio-,ecian. He g.ie in one of tho most whole toine and at thu Mine time amusing cn'cit.iiu ments 1 liaie eier attended, lluvy nun, worn in mid (.hild in jour lioiough ought to see and hear this ni list liiiinnrNt on Kiiday night." At a meeting of the congregation of St. James' Episcopal diuiih held in the Sunday school 100111 011 .Monday coning, the following were eleeted viKtrjiiien for the ensuing .ic.ir: Call in Vail, Dr. S. 1). l).u!s, .1. (1. Awiy. L. A. fireen, l'red lloiswell, John Hog.iith, fjecrge lliinn, Stephen Whitinoie, lleniy .Mjcis nnd (Joiner Pai. The le-tijimu :iltuuui oignniml by electing L. A. Ciiecii tiecietary unit I)r. S. I. Davta ticaiiinvr. 'Ihe vcslrjnien will meet on tho fli-t Monday in e.uli month and nt the ncl mecthv in Mar the two w.ndens will lie ho.,cu. Tlioe Inteie.-ted in the co-opeiative stole move ment .lie icnucstcd to attend the nest public meeting which will be held in U'imlsor hall on .Monday evening. The emploje-, of the l.ile, Glenwood and lej itoue biealici.-, ill be paid tumonow afternoon. MNes l.ibbit: and May llcnwood, I'niina, Xeth eiton, Jennh (,'reen-dale, Maiy Penrose, K.l Urn ton, I.iyio .lone- nrd .Tat oh Van Si'KIe, of Mizpah lidge, No. US. Paugliten of Uihokah, attended the iiiitiliitiun of l'rimioie lodge at l'a-,t llentou on Wcdue-dav. A number of the niembeis of the local lod.r of Son-, of .-t. rieoige will go to I'liielnug holiday morning by Mice! uv to join with lle-vsiugloii lodge of tint boiougli in attending illiinc .'or llie in the I'nniltho McthodUt chinch, 1'icil .lnlmoii, who went lo F011II1 l'urk, near Johnstown, to woik .-.eveial wcel, ago, ha-, le turned. The iiicnibi-K of Itiishbroolc lodge. Xo. fV), Odd Pillow,., will meet in their lull ut 10 o'clock ch.irp Sunday moiuiiig to attend uniie in the McthndM Kpi-cupal iliuiih. OLYPHANT .Mr. and Mi-. Jaini-d llealey, of I'mi'l City, wuo the giieili of Ml-i M,ny .1. Davii, of b.Kk auiiiina -Iriet, jei.teidaj. Miss .Maine O'.M.illej-, of Aiut.i, lui- letmncd home afler .1 v I-iit with ivlatiu", lu town. Mi-. II. .Mojli 1 ml Miii, Jlkhtid, of Aichluld, MU-ii fileniU at lids pi ice j(-lcid.ijp. l.cttois uncalled lor at the 01) pliant po.lot Ike me .11 follow.-: Mis-, Minnie Catd, Mi-1 Madeline Pali-, Mis. Delhi K. (larloue, Thoin.H I.oicl, .Mi-. Ennui Lancaster, Edward Mitchell, .iuio HicR .Mrs. Adam Spooler, Seolt; Mis. tleoigc Abbott, .Nellie M..(k, licit Steplietn, f'ceil Shield'), (iiouT Well--, JiutiH. Mi-. C, W, Jiukin-, of I'loiideuu-, kpeut jc-li-uliiy with Dr. 1.1.1I Mi,. W. W. .Icnkliii. Tlie einpline- of the Deliw.ne and II111I-011 cob lieiies weie pilcl jeleldaj-. Mis. Willi nn lllake, of Aiihbald, iMted udi llie.s lice xcleidiv. "A Pint-liter of fnlii" will be tlie opeiiln,' pine b- (.'onuij, .Muck ,v Kdw.mN, who with their (".(clliiil couipiny begin a Miic of pl.n-. ut tlie r.illiu .Milliew opei.i lioa-o next Moiidiy nl'bt. New .-ui'i llttcs and eongs will be fca-liui'- of the piodiiilioi,-, PECKVILLE. Muilc.iid W. 1', Kcliliiim'.-, new- nloro building w.i- lOiiunuiicd je-teld.ij, ami will be i.ipldlj' pa-lied to completion by the lonluctoie, the l'ecl. I.uiubei louipany. Will Wlllluiu- his accepted u po-lllou ,1- team ster for the t'on.iunci-' Powder coiiipanj, Ik Ik tlifliirr was .1 bn-.lin-.-j callir at llawle.v jcdiickij, V. Ik ll.ide, of Alton, .V ' ..pending :i few daj In town delheiing nurciy ntntU. Y. (Ill nun, of South .Main tliect, I- iciy ill. I". A. I'eck lias .1 hngo tone of nun at woik dialling out the cilkir of iliu Mcnlck l.'iccl. btom biilhluig, which was leceutly liuniid. Mi, I'ril, will erect .1 logo loie and le.-lileiice uu Hie Kite. 'Ihe Alolio II.1UI1 lilcitilo I'hotci company c.f New Vuk will give .01 tiitviuliimcnl May k'l, under the auspices of ( l.i si .No, 11 of tlie MithodUt I'p'Mopal M.udaj xhool, TAYLOR. Tliomis SjiiHieli, cinplojrd as u helper in tho Auhbahl iiilue, was tcitoiuly injnitd cm 'ilrns cb by being inn down bj .oeul loaded cam, 'Ihe jilting lid was In the ait of unhitching thu inulu while- the c.iu weui in iiiollou when hu flipped ami fell in.ileiiiratli thu milling ur, 1'oituiutily lliey we 10 iimuliig klou- or Hie acil dent liiljlit lue bull woiac. Voung Sjuniel-,' lu. Jmles lon.Ulid of .1 biol.cn leg unci tcti'ial other inluor iujiiiioi. lie wa llit taken to hi home, wluiu 11 1i)iclaii was tuniniomj who, cider examination, ileeinul It .uhlsablu to lue tlie lad iriiioi(i to the Moes Taj lor lio.pltal, Aits .Voinu .loliiu, t lie !u'Oinpliluil .mmiiii; planl.l nnd ikiiMlitcr of I'ounun unci Mi. Joliu II. Johns, of llailicud eluct, wl putlUlp.ite in the iccltul of tiiu Suuntou Comeriatviy ol Music al Scianioii Ihl. ncnlng. llcv, V, II, lleuij-, the ifildent pastor of Ihe JlcthodUt EpUcopd 1 Inn c h l home fioui the Vjoinlng confi'iiiiio liibl at Wainlj-, X, V, The news ilut ltev. Ilcuiy is tu iclinii for an other J ear l wikomcd vvltli gloat dillght bj Ids congregation and many filcnd.. MIm Janet InglLs, of Nurlli Main tlieot, is .lowly ricoMiliig I mm her recent illue.ss. John Wrbir has broken givuud for the in Utgcmcut of the link which will be in'atscd about foilv feet. Mrs. tfiuclder, Mis. Abuhl and noli, and Mctum, iCa.pcr Indent and Michael blJppl will have to- voung f : sSii Ah observant person who rltlos much in street cars, or who sees much of the nintnro school girl, cannot help noticing how unhealthy many of theso girls look. It would bo oven a conservative statement to nav that most of these crirls look unhealthy. Somo of them arc pallid and listless. Somo of them have circles about tho eyes and muddy or blotched -""complexions. Nono of have tho vigor and vivacity that belong to the very spring time of life. Now and again some wise man or woman calls attonlion to those facts and concludes that they aro cessive study, over-application and too close con finement. But tho medical observer will tell you that these aro only accessories after the fact and the main cause of the evident unhealthincss is jirobaljly the result of some irregularity of tho womanly function. Given this condition of worn anlv ill-health with study and confinement in rooms often ill-vcntilatetl, and you have a com bination of conditions sufficient to account for the lassitude and debility which shows itself in every look and every movement of these young ""s wi yl Vfl every look and every movement of these young girls who are really girls no more according to Nature's reckoning, but arc already yountj women. The time when girlhood changes to womanhood lay be nustly termed the critical period of a woman's life. For on the proper establishment of the natural womanly function the future health depends, and unhealthy young girls cannot be expected to develop into healthy young women unless tho cause of ill health is removed. "My little girl was Elizabeth J. Fisher, of eyes. I gave her part ot one bottle ot '.Favorite Prescription;' the pain dis appeared and so did the dark circles from under her eyes, and now she is as bright and rosy as any child. She is twelve years old. I hope that all who are troubled as she was will write to Dr. R. V. Tierce. He will give free advice to all who write to him." Dr. Pierco's Favorite Prescription can be recommended as a safe and reliable remedy for the cure of disorders and diseases peculiarly 'feminine. It establishes regularity, dries unhealthy drains, heals inflammation and ulceration and cures female -weakness. It is unexcelled as a tonic and nervine for women of any age who are weak and worn out. It soothes the nerves, cures headache, backacho and other womanly ills, encourages the appetite and induces refreshing sleep. "Favor ite Prescription" especially commends itself for tho use of young girls, because of its entire freedom from all deleterious drugs. It contains no alcohol, neither opium, cocaine, or any other narcotic. It is a purely vegetable preparation and cannot disagree with tho weakest constitution. " I write a few lines to thank you for your advice and grand remedies, to which I owe my health, and perhaps my life," says Mrs. Flora I. Greer, of 107 Howe Street, Akron, Ohio. "My trouble started during my girlhood, but did not prove serious until 1893. From that time I did not see a well day. I suffered at every monthly period with terrible heatlache, irritation of the spine and pains in my heels so I could not bear them resting on the softest pillow. What I suffered pen could never describe. I had soreness through my hips and ovaries all the time and constant backache. Was afraid to be alone; imagined that everyone hated me, and everything looked like a mountain. One doctor would tell me one thing ailed me. another would say something altogether different, but they only relieved me. I then J appeared and so did the dark circles from under her eyes, and now she is as bright and rosy wrote you, in April, 1899, iiirougn tne actvice ot a neignoor, anti louowecl you Anril to .Tulv. I took five bottles of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription , four of ' ical Discovery ' and five vials of ' Pellets.' Have not had a single symptom of ho far. Can bleen eood nights, work hard, and can eat solid and substantia distress. There are several of my friends taking your medicine with the best results since they have seen how it helped me. If any one wishes to know more of my case and will I Sbui , Ft BV I , mCv iL'iL A I ggjpgg555 ' JfrlM lill.ltff WlllBWUl .W '' .',. .gJT day for .SwiUcilaml. Tho foiiuci- two will pei nianently niitc ilicic while tho latter two will Kii for the lii-mllt ol their lie.llh. The Ladle' Aid oiiely of the WeUli llaptM clime II will conduct .1 Kiand soiial neM week In the vestry ot the eliuiih. Jir. W. I.. Van lliixklik, of Oljphaut, called on hU mother, Mis. Van lluiklik, of Main ..licet, 01 edne-d ij , Washington camp, Xu. I')-, I'alrlotle Older Sin, of AiikiIci, will meet till nciciiiiur in U'Riil.ir sos'lon. JUiIiii, Ilia Utile daishtcr of IVieinan and Mi.-. 11, II. Hunt' is I111ic.l1 Inipiuv7d tioin her -ei loin lllnes.-. AVOCA. llev. II. M, I'l-ine, who for tluri jeani h.n beui pantoi of Ihe Methodist Kplscopal ihuiill hcie, I1.l1 been trJIisfeiied lo Thomson, Miuv liaiiui luiuitj. .Mr, l'.iioe's Ilbe1.1l dltpiisitinii won fur li I tu many filiudt in town leiMidleo-i of cued and his faillitiil woik anion'; tlie p.ubli ouer will lope; be iriiii'inbcrcd. Dm lug his pas torate he hasj liquidated 11 biuduiutne debt, and lie leaves the p.uMi In an evcellcnt condition for hW aticccbsor, lib. filindi wl.li htui miuci In bis new- liild, llev, 1'. .McDonald, who cornea hem fioiu WiiiiUm, X, V,, U well known, luv ini; been .1 foiimr I'ituton hoj, At .1 iHCdlnfr of tlni Jlausililcx of St, llecniie, Mi. M, , Motley installed the following oilu.na! M'oithy pie.iclent, Jli Anna I'uinlcii; vvoithy vile preldrnt, Sin. Slaty Itcedi lir.t condiictirvi, Mi. Anna Ahru; i-ccoud conducn'c.-.s, .Mi, .Maiy lliailhuiyj liishlu truaid, SI, Clijilolte.lliiltou; outside b'liaul, .MK-i l.lly lloshj. William llrown .pint jelcnlay In I'ukville, Imvliis been called theio by the m'Ioh-i Illniss of his brolher, Divld, win il tuireiint; fiom pnl toultW, All iirrroiw liuKliit-.' book, for (lici Aniluit Or der of Hibernian,' fair uie uiueated lei bring or iiy,eiii them at the nicctlnsf tomoiinvv ritiiliij;. ue,' f:i imer hiieiuun, wno uu iiom u nuoe on Tlie Town OJerk Cured of Bilious Colic. Mr, J.iuies aiciliihoii, town f-'luih of Columbia, N. V., wus the victim of a beyeru attach ot bilious collo recently. Three doses ot Cliaiuberlaln'H Colle, C'liolerii. ana Dlmrlioeii Itumcdy flfoet I'll 11 euro. Ho was bo nuich lileased with the auich rellet which that iein cily ulforded that he now recoiiiiuenils It tn tilils filemlK. yor Hale by till ilrinr-1,-1 st a. WVs VT'wkAJm 1 1 ' If 1 w 1 f ipy i,i& iife!V ''jfffgfpjB rm n them ecem to the result of ex weakly and subject to pain in her side," writes Mrs. Diana, West Va. "Had great dark circles under her cuc-cusi: ii scamp a. win answer uuy cjuesucm nicy wish iu asK." Any woman who needs medical advice or fatherly counsel, is invited to consult Dr. R. V. Pierce by letter, jrec. All correspondence is held as strictly private and sacredlv confidential. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. 'Y. Sometimes a dealer, tempted by the little more profit paid on the sale of less meritorious prep-rations, will offer a substitute for " Favorite Prescrip tion" as "just as good." Judged by its record of cures of womanly ills, there is no other medicine just as good as " Favorite Prescription." Dp. PSorco's Common Senso Medical Atlvieof Is sent FREE on iHsaoItt of stamps to pay oxpenso of mailing ONLY. Sonti 31 ono-cont stamps for tho cloth-bound volume, or 'only 21 stamps for tho book In paper covers. Address Or, R. V. PIERQE, Buffalo, N. Y. !! Ji.ft.J.rHFl'm 'I the Ti.mslt line nevcr.il weeks .igo, bad letiirned from tiio I'lltston I10-pit.1l nnd was at woik a few dajh whin ho became tumbled witli 11 tumor in tin neil.. lie loft lids week tor l'hllaclelilda to uuileiKo iieatiiieut. T, W. 1'auy, win, va nniouir the four appll cants who took thu e..iniln.illoii for mine In pecter, was cno of the wvin who were Micie-s-fid. -Mr, I'.iri'.v ha-t bun heie but .1 -hoit while, but duilii',' tint lime hu h.n ileinonsll.iled bW Ideal as a pi.ictli.il miner, ami in enterlni,- tho contest net fall hu will han many filind-. Tho niililij,'!' of SlUs ilaj L'atey and William Willi nn.-, ot I In." West Side, win foleinnl7cd at thu homo of tlie bible'-, luother, rioon;e, of l.lu. coin Hill, J.i-t Tuesiliy cviiilnsr. At ".SO u'cloei; the brid il patty cnleied the pallor to the stialin of ;i weddlnir nnicli. Iliu lnide was attended by her two niece., tho Sll-sci Cany, of Miller IV.11. All vvi.ic pietly I'vuilng diecfc, .'mil llieii weie ii piofusion of llonri.. 'ihe Bloom vva-t vvaitnl upon I iy Suuiiel llolej. Kev. James Jloore pel. foi.-iiul II. uiciuoii. After retell In;.' many 10111,'i.iiiililloiis tho (,ue,U .at down to .1 ,uh. 6tintt.it wcdilln,' feast. They weio ihe leciplinla ot many useful (.Ills. Sir. and Mis, vvllli.iiiu will it-Mile teiupoiaillj on Lincoln Hill. D., L. AND W. BOARD FOR TODAY. Tho followliiK Is tlto make-up ot the D I. and AV, boaul tor toiluy: 'IIIUIIlsDAV, AI'IIIl. '.'I. l.'str.i, l".i.l S p, in., T, I. Itogtuj U p. in., llcbokeil, riupatililii in p, 111., T, JUfaithy; 11 p. in,, llobol.iii, .1, II, ,sivarU. 1'ltlDAV, AI'IIIl, 8... IMl.is Ka.t l.vU a. 111,, !', Win IVoiiuer; 3 .1, 111,, llnboken, f. it timer, wll Abiauis' new; I a. in., W. W. I,.lbai'i U a, III., llohokeii, .1 liillity; !) 11. in., llnboken, .1, W. Devlnei IH a. 111,, I'. P, fctcvein; II 11, 111., Hobokeu, II II vey; I p. in., !ioiL;e Tboiiuai 3 p. 111,, lloln ken, II. llUbini '.'.in) p, 111., 1'. Cavanaui;U; :l.l p. 111., Ilobokcu, D, Wallace 1 S p. in., I), llJU jeltjl t I', in-, SI. Ijuijliney. biminilt, West-!) u, in,, I'lounfelkei; Ji) 0. fun in;; 2 p. in., llcnnl.'anj S p. in., tiuldeii. I'ii,hei.-1.3il a, 111., SI. (ilnloy; .'! a. in., II, Poherty; ,1 a, in., 1". L'asej ( a. 111., Wiclnei; 7 a. 111., I'iiituity; J. in, IloiiM-r; 11.13 a, 111., Sloian; 13.SU p. 111., Xaimuir, I p. 111., W, II, llarllioluiucvv; i p, 111., William Ivlibj; D.13 p. 111., J. II. Sla.ters; p. In., . llaitholoiuew j 7.!)U p. 111., Slurphy; 1) p. 111., Mnsu; 11 ! in. l.JUIllllli'. Iltlpers-rl-") a. '. Mcdovern; 7 a. m-, t'1"' lieyi '10 a. 111., Smiii; H.ffl) 11. in., Stanton, VMdi Wc.t 1 a. in., f, Klutilej; 11 a. in., I .4, ' u wmmm v 'Ah. h i iRnfflfffl H1IIIB' JNH s ww& h -s w 1 V yJ.i W m - ''!" T?fr t Jn ill il mmmmLmB r advice lrom 1 Golden Med- my old trouble il food without k3 Imperial Cigar Company, 100 Lnoknwnuun Avenue. wum.K.'sM.r. '10ii.u.coxi.sts And llltiihiitos, of Cubanola Cigars. It. fa.lueii I p. in., Win l.'iliatjaiij tl p. m., A, i:. Kelvhuui. XOl(Li:. Slil'atheiue and elevv, I'. Wall and uiv ami SI. ,1, HuiiilRali and new will call ut tialniuL let's olllie, t, a. in., Api'il -' lliakeinin f, O. Johnson iipoits for Abrauis. Iltakeiiuii .1, Spansviilicn; iipoitt, foe Liuvlincy, Jlrakeiiun l 1'. flail; lepmU foi .1, II. Mcfaiin, Bank Stock Increased. Hy llsdusho Wile from 'Ihe Auiociatcil I'll". Xew Yoll;, Aplil JI. 'ln dlieclom of tin Va. tloiul City Hank o( New Yolk, lecoiiinientlccl lu clay an I uc lease of tha bank's vapltul tdovk fiom 5l0,0f),00i) to vJf.WD.li'W. The new tock, In 150,. lXI sluics, will bo olTued to shareholder) al l.Vi. ' lil will provide uu additional .uipbH of ,'' im.UM aii'l will Increase the bank's nuridm la ,IO,i),OH). Ek3 Cubanoltci8&r9andr H common cigars Wk BH coat you about 1 IjjH thooamo H Q at your AWAyl J doalors 4DIIVjB I bW have tho best H B for your 5 cents ? jH 1 Jiihai,'i'lSF8yHfflrBf!
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers