i P THIS SCHAJSTOJV ttUBUtfEl'HUMHDA.Y, Al'MlL 24, 1002. i ft Goldsmith's- Bazaar. Wash Goods An unequalled stock and variety awaits your inspection and criticism. Never before have we been able to place such a spread before you. There may have been something that we have forgotten to buy for the spring trade, but if so we fail to know what it is, and. a suggestion from you will quickly supply the same if it is to be found in the market. We enumerate some of the many novelties to be found here: Plain, Col ored, Fancy, Striped Lawns, Swiss Plu metis, Meteor Crepes, Loretta Lace Stripes, Glasgow Tissues, Lenora Fancy Suitings, Marigold Lace Lenos, Mer cerized Silk Zephyrs, Dotted Swiss Muslins, Imported Dimities and French Embroidered Swisses. 'Special attention is directed to our splendid line of Duchess Dimity at 12 y4 cents. Supino Batiste at iiyi cents and the best Silk Ginghams at 35 cents, the regular 50 cent kind. s NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA HONESDALE. Slioci.il lo tlie .Seianton Tubuiie. Hiintrdilc, Apul 1 A "ehalk I ilk" .it the I'lesLntciiiu ilnpil 'Ihiiittliy evening: Maty Hertig tliul of licmoirliise Monday after noon, at the iet.iiU.iicG of Lmii lligldioii'e, l'liurtli street, aged Si .var. rum-ial at U a. m., 'i Inn da; . Giaep Fpi-cnpil cliuicli will uitcilalii the Scraiitou are-hileatoiii) mi Montla), 'luesda) anil Widtu-div of next wick Till- ictidcinc ot Iho late 111. ('. i:. Fo-lcr is to bo ociupiul by District Attnini) I. M. AIKiu-.cn mill Di. l'oihhw (oi an olllii-, ami lj Ml. Mum. digp, a a dwelling. "A Nialit Oil" is tin- next attr.inliiii at the npciu hou-e, April 2'), by liniue talent, under the uuspicps of lliu Amity dull. 'I ho Lntliciau congregation of lloup-dile lino voted to cictt .1 mvv iliiircli cdlflti on tin1 bite uf their picsent ilniiili, on htr oml sticet. IV11I1111111I White, awl 'i J Mi-. died at lil rcsldcnii ovci (. It. Iliad)' dental olllii'. Mon ti.!)' afternoon. DctoisPil was lioin In Pospii, Aiistili, .mil In- l'fcn u lesiiUnl of lloiipuliln a number of r.i 1 & Up fnuucil) e undue ted what is now Hip Mi l-ii icMam.inl, from which ho ie tircil in IP'lJ. Up Ins linn in fulilr lualll, time tint time, liimial was hell tihip.da. a' ".ao p. in., lit the icsidinie of lion. I., l'uiitli. In terim tit in tlic- llebiew n'liiplei.i. Hubert II. Roe dh d at i p m. Tuudi, ol pncuiileiih, utter i Inlif ill.it-s of one with, at Ids lioine, jxi-t noitli of Uonisdalc. Ihu i-ul was lioin In HoucmIiU' In Oilohi'i, IsFi, and was one of Hotici-dalo.' im-t iirputiil iltinii iind a i nn.-i-t.i m nipinliii of tin' Methodist ihmih. lie is fauvlved liy hi wife, two daugluu-. Miss Lot tie and MI' I'll, ul home, mid onp inaniid sou, l'.ili.iul. Dcci.ispd has foi linn) .veil tiun'minl n mill, xoulc In lluucsdalc, In (ouueitloii with liN aiiliiiltiir.il pur.MilU. Ho will ) khmiI.i nil ill, in tin- (liuuii 1 lull'. 1'iimujI will p fyelil at hU liti1 U'-ldiiiii' mi l'llilai, lun-lin lul by his panur, Itu. il. A. PI lie, NEW MILFORD. hperlul to the 'nantoii 'liibuiip, N'ph Mllfoul, Aptll SI, .lo-rpli UwU, who ,-m bien Mtui!; i(l.itli" hviu (01 heu,il ui!,, u tuilH'd tn his I101110 III I lll(.lll 'I IK.t.I.V. .Mrs. .lulin IIi.mIiii ami ihulitu', Kithr.tii, l- PICTURE V I'mltau punlxlKitcnt. ilul lelaliu 111 Ilingliamlou .Moml iv and 'lue day. Mi. and Jli-s Htm Iuii-, of Monfiosp, weie in town Siuidaj. Mi-. llimii'tt.i llajdui nt.il Jli- I.iuli llutter Held callul on Il.illstcid d lends Monday. Mi-. J. 1). Jlalleiy is eiiteitalnlng her sinter, Jli-s Ha I lie (Joie. Mi. and lr-. Klmer 'lingley spent Sunday with their pinnli in UalUtpail. lte. 1!. N. 1m' .itteudeil the I.ttkinanna Tres. bjliiy at King-ton tills week. -Ml-s Mna .Mooie, of Ilnifoid, visited her niothtr, Mrs. I.. V,'. Mnore, f-iinila.i. Tied l).iy, of (ire.it llnul, was a pleas ml callir in dm 11 'IupmIij. JII-s Minip Oiiiuii'll iu isitiin; ?eianlon Mends till week. Mis Lent f-iemir -pent Sunday nltli fi irmLs in lllnsliaiulon. 'Iho Xew Mllfoul Bislet ball club will ro to l.csteislnre 'lliuioday cenlna: to play with the ti'ini of thai placp. Mr. and Mr. M.uon Hejnolds i - 1 1 tl at (.len wood T11psd.1v iind Wednesdaj. A same of li.i-c bill was plajul on Monday nfd'inooii between the High school lims and the tnnneiy men. The tannery men on. .Mis, (', X. M'aul entertained Mis lalwaid IIui diicks of Hall-dad, Widni-da.i. UNIONDALE. Spcelal to the S.ranton Tribune. Inlondili', Aptll 21. Miss Mm Carpenter, ot ( aiboudali', ..pent feiual dijs lalily at the Iinnie of Ik i hi vndpaieiit-, Sipilio and -Mil,. Llljih C'ai pi'lilei. Itn, II. J. (i.iuo Is UIUi' at the home ol Ml-. Meplu im, his lUinshtei, at Mi'lioNon, liiiiltl dlhsun and Mnul Mkhael wpip leinill.i iiiai I led. Ml-s im i r.iiullt has leluriied to In I' home in i-hliul D. '. ( oiislilei ihlu limii'st it belnir llOWll In our mw puhlli. llluaiy. H 1 1 1 ,1, Due will, in a fiw il.i.i-, iiiomi hit fainllj lo r'olift nij, ,1. II. 'IIioiihs w.n a dileKilo to the Uukj. wamii pii'ibitciy, in rPMlou at Kliic.tou. 'I In- I'le-bjleilin loiiKieKJtloii. ut a leiuit iiiiilliiir, Mil ul to luii' a iluinge of inlnUtiy the iiiuiin? .M'.n. Iloi. Allud i:atiiiau has hIiiiiipiI fioin confer. PUZZLE. Klnil two oill- etiee. Fetttli Catmrni, Ma)iie Miniiy( t to lie liU heir oppolnlment. Mr. laMlman nnd Ids family hate Rtcnlly endeatcd tlicmseltea to all the tow tnuntly dutlntt llielr pcrloil Iicte. Nomt m the parjon.ipe of Hie JtclhodUt iluitcli occupied by x more mtltc Clirtittan Limlly. Tliey leatc, catty. lli(T Willi them the beitt wishes ot all Hip town. The commencement etcrclfCd of tlio kmiIciI fotiool will (sJc belli In tlia I'lcsbylcrlm tlmrili lie-;t Friday tiloht, April M. Jlcv. W. A. ltollliu. lied will delhcr the iiddrcM, Tho t'nlondiile quatlctto will render ecritl iielectloiis, and tho programme will be a ery Interesting one. MONTROSE. Special to the Scranlon Tribune, Monlroj", April 23. A fire aUnn pounded ilur Ins Hie noon hour todiy, and the entire lite de partment nnd apparatus reopomled promptly. The lire nan attacked the mill frame house, on iieriy plrcel) oeeupled in a resldenee by Mr.. I.yilln Smith, n lilchly estremed nnd Inilulrloiis rolorul reldcnt, nnd n family of .cural clilldicn. The tlrcntin did splendid fervlcc, nnd, (IioiikIi the wind was blowing ,i Rate nt the time, they mic ceedfd In eililnir the liulldlnir, but all but a lew of the household rooiIm were delroed, ntnl, us Ihcrc was no Insurance, tlm lo falls ciy heux liy upon Mrn. Smith and hrr family, nnd they nre dctcrtlmr of the ,inipnlh,v nnd practical assist uiirc In this their time of need. Thl community was padly shoihcd jestitdiy lnonilnjf by the announcement that Mif. M. II. Van Scolcn, the rstlmablp wife of Justice Van b'cotcn, had been found dead In bed that morning. Mm. Vim Hcolen hid lone been allllited with n chronic heart trouble. Some time during 'turn day night, Mr. Vim S'calcn experienced a nnoth crlnir ppell, nnd was neiily otercotne by the licit, so that she nrotiseil lier husband nnd deter mined to take another bed, where It would be coolir. Nothing further wns he ml fiom her until her daughter, Mls Nora, while piepirlng the tnomlng meal, noted hrr mother's taidlnett in nilsliig and went to cill her when the wn ihocked to (lnd thai In the ftlllncss of the night her splilt hid returned to the presence of lt.s Maker. Her htudMnd and j number of grown-up children Etirvhe her. 'flip funeral will be At tended (rom the Montrose Hiptlst church tomor row nfternoon, Hcv. II. K. Thomas officiating. A pleasant nnd notable eent nt conit this week was the admission of Mlsa Frances K. Ainer man as an attorney at liw to piattlce In the nctcral courts ot Sujqiiclnnna county. Jllffl Amentum has won the distinction of being the Hrst lady to pursue her legal studies to a mcccra (ul conclusion and bo admitted to the bar in Susquehanna county. She Is n lady whoo per. Minal character and tnenl.il attainments nre of an tinusuily high order: she lis had valuable exper ience as stenographer .mil tonlldential leik In the ollkc of V. 1). D. Alney for .cici.il jeara, and Ins demonstinted an aptitude for the legal profession. Miss Amerman is titter ot George Amerman, of Scranton. Clinics II. Smith, of ltlngliiinton, gineril agent of the Xcw Kngland Mutual Mfp Jii-urancu company, of Iloston. was cilllng on Montrose friends today. - m BRADFORD COUNTY. Special to The Scranton Tiibiinc. Towiiuda, Apill, ii. Tiout fishing is reported ery poor uo far tills season. A calf with tluec legs wa.s bom on a farm neat yalu-ing n few dajs ago. II: S. Putnum his no opposition for his ie election as county .supeiinleiideiit of schools, 'J lie election ociuis on TiiPsdaj, May H, The nnnuil meeting of the Towandi distiict of the Woman's Foreign Mi-aloiiuy hoeiety of the I.ackiwanni rrcsb.ituy lomcucs at I'Utei, Apill 30. An efloit is being made by the police at Mjrc to mippie-s- the use of profunlly on its stieeu. Tho First National Innk nt Tioy has been disii-;-nated 1)3 the treasury depirtinent as u deposl toiy for funds of the I'nltcd Slates goeimnent, to the amount of fW,t)iX. A new expciiinent for biUhling is to be tried at Sajie soon. A three stoiy block will be of, con crclp. Two boaids arc llrst pi iced as far npart as the wails aie to bo liiicl.v then the cement is poured in between; as the molds me raised the wall is made to it propn height by the lenient. Iliiildings elected in this m.miiir mo claimed by tho-c who know, to be chriper and warmu than those ot wood, and much elicipei thin brie'; and may bo built fi-lir. When completed, this will be the (list building of the kind in llii.s hcrtlun The knitting mill nt Troy has been sold aril lis cirecls will be nioieil to Depiw, X. . fiold Ins been found on Hip firm of.leter Oil mole, neir Dusliorc. Some time ago Fprciincns of lock wire -cut to nn assajcr, who ins forn.ii ti ed in letuiii a certificate which gic a l.iting of jl.IO of gold per ton. A district Kpwortli League comentlon will he hclil at the Mcthcdist cliuuli this weik. Many tpeikcis liuiii a ills' nice v ill take an aethe pirt Fiauk s. Wood, who rcpit'-cuted a cioikery linn, and freiiitntly Msited the niei chants In Towindi, ln lietn aruslt'd in ltoihislir, clnrg ctl with the theft of jiwidty to the amount ot scleral thou-.ind doll it.-. Sonic of the stolen good- weie' found ill a jewelry store at Troy, this county. He was arrested nt Roihc-tir and placed undei v3,fii)0 bail. W. T, Haiou las liken it position in New York city with a stciui-hip company. Di. II, C. Frinkenfield, foietast officer of Hip goicinment weather buteau In chaigp of the riier and flood cniee, made an In-pection tour thiougli Ibis jilacc a few tlijs ago. f Thcatt icaL J TODAY'S ATTRACTIONS. ACADLMV "I'he Oulpot," Mghl, Sl'AH Victoila lliiilesqne's, Afteinouu ,'iid night. t "Devil's Auction." ( hailcs II, "tale's prnduclion of the old-time "llcill's Auction' wa- seen nt the Ljicinn lust night by a good-sUcd antl well-plciscd lioii.e. llu- spcilaculir (eatrio is loiy elaboiate as pic scntcd this season and the specialties aie 1 1 a high ouler of meilt. Chief lunong tliem Is the il lining of Amelia M a t'i ouei' and Amelia Cocci i, tli- juoli.ilie woik of Hush .mil (inulou unit an end i tulnlng iioudty by Fox and Foxle. The lnllil Is Luge and well tialned and the costunilua' is of a ilch nnd lailul ilui.utei, Kliluiil T, Hiown, who lias plajul "Toby" for man) veils, is Iho chief fun linker. "The Fatal Wedding." One of Ihu sei-on'fi blgge-t siicip-m'- will 1m the iilti.ulloii at the L)iemu, Filday night, Sitiudn' nlleiiioou .mil night. It is tailed "tin Final Wedding," and is a itimttl)-dranu fiom 1lu pen of Theodoiu Kituici, 'lliu sune.s me hid ju .New oik and aie quickly uioguled us iiiildcuts of mcliopolitaii lite. They hale been clcieily womii Into a plot that is iniuik. ublit and inttiiM'ly iutiientlu, 'I he lo i- an nbundaiiie of lie.ul InU'iist thiouulioiit the (our nclf, nial at times so pith t'tio ami heail touchinii aie lliu sitne.s tint linndkeiildefs aie eiy niikh In ciidtuce, ut least among the gentler sex In the .iiidlenip, 'lh play is not of a ioinbu niturc, howner, but nliounils In bright inildents and theio is plenty of liejity fun. The ultiaitlon bus eildeiitl) iimuht the publlo (.nor us It Ins been plajlng to pjiked houses cci)wlicie, standing loom Lieu being at .1 pieiiilinii. Seats are now on sale (or the tliii'c peifoimamcs. Eugene Saadow. Fugeiie Samlo'.v and his own laudoilllc show will play heie on Tuesday nljlit ut tho I,)ieuin theatic. Saudow has iliiuoiislraletl to the sjI (faction of the Ainerlcaii publlo that he is an athlete and an Jirolutio wonder. Tills will be II. e only cng luciiiuit cf S.inilmv In this country as Immedlitely on the finishing of this tour In AiunitM, be will nuko a trip muuiid the waild 'Jlio act which Mr. Sjndow prcwnU is puetleally a new one, ioiiWting of posing with light eu.'Us, in which he dlipla)s his nuruhms muscular tie Mlopnnnt and fiai. of heaiy lifting that arc abounding. TIip fact that Sandow is (he high nt piicfl auilellle perouncr befoio the Amer li.ui publlo is well known, ami ho in said to duw scaily alxiut Iho sjiiiu salaiy as our pieai denl. The tuiup3ny assisting Sandow i loiupond of some of the beet laudeiille aiilits on the American stage. The "Outpost." It has been with some illrliculty that Jlci.n, llurtl, & Scanion, who arc touring J, K. (Fritc) Kinmet and Lottie (jll.bii In their new lomedy drjiiu, "(he Outpost," wcic able to ncurc lioni tlm I'lmlUli you'innu'iit one oi the galtllug gum Are You Sick? Do you BUflfcr from Kidney, Liver, Bladder or Blood Disease or miy m In. ary trotible, Dyspepsia, EheumatiBtn. Constipation, or If a woman any of tho sicknesses peculiar to your box ? If bo, Bond your address to Dr. David Kennedy Corporation, Ilondout, N.Y., and they will send you absolutely freo a trial bottle of DR. KENNEDY'S FAVORITE REMEDY, the Rrcatost spcclllo known to medical scienco for tho euro of lliona ilisciiRoa or nny urio acltl Irntllilc. It ban neen tmed hv tilimlnlnnn In hospltnln nnd Ritnttarittina for nenrly thirty TO hi onrs itilu uniniiinn; euoouss no bhio in ro .rgo lo-any it, enn on iniinu nt nny urun; storo. $1,OOmBotlt op Bfor$S.QO. STORAGE. The Scranton Storage Co. offers perfect facilities for tlie Storage of household goods etc. Upwords of 30 dry, clean and thoroughly ventilated rooms, with individual keys are at the disposal of the public. 113 Franklin Ave. POLITICAL. rillSlM:CJISLATIVi: DISTINCT Xotice i heie by ghen to the liepubllcan lotciis ot the l'list Legislative District, that n primary elec tion will be held on Satuiday, April 20, 1002, be tween the liouis of four and eeien p. 111., for tho purpose of nomlnatine; n candidate for the Leg islature to icprcscnt the district und to elect two delegate; to the ltepublican State Contention to be held at Ilniri-bm rt June 11, IV01. The toniention to toniputp the lole will be held on 'IucmI.1, April 2t, ut 10 o'clock in Co operative Hill. tub. candidate must rcgbtci, with the district chaiiinan, hli. full name and postofllce aildies-s, and pay his assessment fifteen ila)H before the election, or his name will not bo placed on tic officii ballot. The district ilgllaniv committee, in the vari ous precincts, will uindiict the cleilion, and the icsult will bo reportctl by the letuin judge to the dktilit tonvmtlcii, which will be composed of the leturn Judges. A written notice contain ing their instructions will be mailed to the mem bers of the canons district ligllance commit ces. CIKO. W. JKNKIXS. Chairman. Attest V. W. SIMPSON, Sccictary. SECOND I.KOISb.VIIVn DISTUIOT Only one person I1u11.tr icgisteied as a candiditc lor Hie LcRishtuic, nnd only two persons haWng leg lsleied for tlclcgatrs, and two for alternates for the State Conicntion to he held in Ilairisbtug, June nth, nnd there being no contest for cu offices to bo tilled at the primirics, which were called to be held in Ibis dMiiet Saturday, Apill -titli. no piini.nies will be held, but tbp Clnir inan nnd Secritary of tho District Committee, under authority of rule IX of tlie uilei goieining tills Legislative District, tlo hereby certify to the iioiuin itiou of the Hon. .lohu Scheucr, .ft., as .1 liepubllcan candidate foi the Lcglshliire; Hecse G. lliooka and Oeoige Xape as delegates; A. J. Oolliuin, e.si., and rioicme SIociliu as alteinatcs lo lepie-ent this Distiict ill tiie ltepublican con vention to be held In II.u ri-bintr 011 June 11. rui:ii:nio w. r.u:rtv,, ciuinnan. WALTHR i:. DAA'IS, Sccretiuy. used in the i-:eg' of Liil)jinith. Iloweicr, they did Mimed, and the gun will be u-Pil at the Acaikiny of .Mu-ic the list three da) of the wetk, commencing this evening. 'The Outpost" deals with the life of the Doers In South Africa, the great dlimond centre of the woild. It is sltmtid on table lands and in the jungles, infested with Zulus nnd nian-eillng icp tiles, 'truly portra.ung fiom scene and action the life which is so new to us. The comedy sit uations art- many. Mr. l'mmet, ns a gallmt Doer officer, nnd Jlis.s fill i?on, us the Irish gill, so far to lift out' out of the old walks of lift. The cat is a paitlculaily htrong one and the nianagem have spaied nothing to mike this at tiaetion one of the strongest on the load Matinee-) Prltliy and Salurd.i). Victoria Burlesquern. IleglmiliiK with mitinte this iiflernooii, the "Vlctorii lluilcsqucrs' will hold forth at iho Star for thiee d.i), and patrons of lint co7y lit tle house m ly look for a pel fonnani e equal to any tint has ever been given in tint theater. Tic Mollis me noted nmoiur burlcsqup attractions, as containing 11101 e pretty, graceful girls than nny other roniblnatlon of a like naluiu en tour and those who admiie u company composed piin clpally of beautiful chorus women will have their till upon tho nppc.it.ince of tut? Vlctoila. An olio of iiiismpissed Miutlc villo aitists make up the v.imlei Hie pull ion of the proaiamm", ami t.ikin in connection with tivo grand burlevja"!, handsomely ninuntid, make a vol) pleasing per foiniiuce iudttil. Hetuin of the Bon Ton Company. Net weik tlio fhules U')houiiia Stock com pany letuius to the Academy of Music, opening 'with n tpcclal in itlnco pcifoimajite .Monday af tcrnoou, pie.sintlng a hcnsatloiul ihanii entitled, "A Man of .M.vstiiy." llils lonipany cloned u uiy ucievfiil iiui.igc. mint at Iho Academy on their ,tlrt visit this mm son, and laige aiidkiucvt will imdiiubU'tlly be at tin Academy next week. "I he I'i Inert. of l'alches" will be Monday night's hill. STAGE NOTES. dusiph llawoith is In bo seen jt .1 -lar u;ilii i.ivt m i.oii. lie will piodiiie .1 niw religious pis), tailed "Uul niton," whlcli is lo no pip. Miitnl for the Hint lime in Silt I.1L0 fit), The pint' Is by 11 L'tili pliyvvilcht. Then- Is .1 likelihood lh.it L'dni Iav will ie tiuii to this miuitiy to 'tin in t itp.isun In "Kitty (Ire)," tlic piece In whlih fclio iiiliiend .uceai in. London, "Kitty On)" U adap'ed (10111 the Trcntli ol "Lea Fctard-.," which v.a aUti thu orlgii'il of "Iho I'mindon." A London t)iidlcite J icpoitnl In line otreivd Maude Adims fio.iwo to pluy "L'AU'lon" and "tjuilliy Sliecl" for tin wiciiti in lint city this (.iiiiunci, 'J ho offer was liiidt thionali Clniles riuliiii.iii, and tlic litter civs it li doubtful whether thu .Hires will give up I101 summer tf cat luu (ur that nun. Mm. 1'bko Is to appear as Maiy Mjadalenr u a play by that name to be given in thu autu'iui at the Manhattan Thcatie In ew Vuk. The play will be a version of the wmk of llcrr i'aul ile)re, a notid (ierman pla.vwiigbt, In whlcli the Mury who wept at the tomli and Judas hculot figure an piliulpal ilnraiters, H'hat Is vailed the "iheac tliania," lus a London liistauco III 'Thci Kew dul." In It tlie hem, who is a ulcntl.t, II111U ,1 voiinir gill wh) lu coiuumptluii. In oidir In five her he In. oiulatrs the patient with the genus of cautcr, uiiil soon nftriivurd tliul- out slio tl)ng of Hut dirad illse.i.-e, wh-jriiipuii hn luouilalis I1I111 telf Willi I he tunic St'lli) and both die, I'ullu a pielty plttnre, "I he Diplounl," the new- coined) b) Mailha M01I011 in which William Collier U imw appeal iutf at the Madison Square 'llie.itie, .New Vn.K, .iboiiiids In cpilek lepnlee ami hilijlit dialogic, In till iepi'it It U unnuevllonibly 1 1 10 deveicst, biuplijest 1.111.1' that his held the boaids for fccv. cul M'atous, The fun Is (ait und fuilouj fiom stait to llnUli mid t ha cully galncij the icpu tatloii of being: tlic fiimiii.t day of li.'e tei-on. A good haii) of the lncirliucut in the pleeu is octajloned by the convcnalloii Hut arises Ie Iwien ".S'lck Spoitwlek" (Mr. Collier and liU sm 0 ThUricrntrttiwUonaTryxothitflM) frl 2hS7 Laxative Bromo-Quimne Tbi.u THE TRIBUNE'S "WANT" 4 Lines 10 Cents More Thin Four Lines, 3 Cent for Hach Extra Lin:. For Bent. I'Oll llli.NT All modern Improvement, elirlit' room house, KIOJ l'lne sheet. One block from sired ear, Attorney Ualtcnbcrg, 311 Council ltiilhllug. roil KliNT IIIbIiI und twelve-room liouseit. (keen llldgc, slcam Icatj very icnuonable, HoUtte. I Oil lll'NT innll fiunishctl house for rent. In guile at 02.1 Vino Mreet. S'lOlli: I'Olt lll'.vr flli West Lickawainu ave nut. Iiitpdre I'lilllp Scbncll, KM West Lack.' waiitn inctiiip. HAIIV lort m:NT-12, April 1st, three boc oml lliree sli'glp stalls ami wah rnck. rear oi 121 Madison avenue. Inquire nt tkll Madison nvc. roil ItllNT-blore' biilliUng lor rent In pkf" City, IV,. Iliilldlinr SO feet by 2 feet, eel untler nil, anil second storv cm be arranged tor a fimlly. All In gootl upilr ready for ue. iw coiNireaker and mine close by cmploylm? over n Ihoii-and people. An rnterprlsing meri 1U" can get a hrgo tiade. Apply to u-.'11''r" "' lllclimond, Itlelunond Hill, 3I2J N. Main avenue, Scrnnlnn, Pa. Furnished Booms. A XICI! hont loom with nltove at the Susht also n nice loom foi two )oting men. 4111 Adims nviuue. I'OR HUNT One funiUhcd room, with liuproic incuts; also one on thlid lloor, cheap. 017 Adam-i avenue. FUIINIPIILD IlOOMS for rent, modem Improve inciitd' private family; gcnlleiucn picfeircd, tt W7 Adams avenue. I'Olt ItENT Furnished front room, with Heat, bath and gas; near court house; gmtlcnun preferred. Address Itoom, Do-c 299. foil ltllXT-Kurnlshed room; 0C5 Linden street. heat and bath. rUIiKISHI'D nOOMS FOR KENT, with beat, gi and bath, ecntleincn preferred, at S'JO Adam venue. For Sale. roil SALH Seven-) cai lciso and fuinltuie of a fiUioom lioltl in good lepiii, neir Central depot. Henaoii for selling, my time nil tok"n up In other business, night nun who knows the steel plant people can do n big trade as thev all have to pii-s the hotel. Ilent S-l.i'W J Jen; all thor oughly it novated. New bar and kitchen lust Hiring. Cold Dollar hotel can also be bought on ciy terms. Addics.s J. .Wiley, Gold Dollar Hotel, Dutralo, X. V. l'OIl SALi: CUKVP Double nnd hlnglo dwellin? and birn, 521-,'i23 llroinlev street, Serantou, centrally located. Itents for sjo per month; a 10 per cent. Investment. Pike, O.WO. Kiutlier paitlciilars, wnte oi see Aimstroiig & hinders. Heal L'state Agent, l'lttston, I'a. I'Olt SAL11 Will sacrifice a li piano of an old reliable make; walnut case; only been used two )cars5 antl U in perfect condition. For rai tlcular addicss "Chance," Tribune offlie. FOR SALK Cheip (or cash, phaeton, pood con dition; Inrgain to one who wishes to bin. Innulte HO (,'iccn Ridge Micct, Dunmorc. FOR SU.i: Sodi fountiln. C. K. Cooper, Fait Mnket sticet, Scranton. (.01 1 OR HALK Shade trees and nmxrrv stock, ctra sizes. Ollt's L. Clark, f)00 Wood street. Xcw 'phono 1021 B. ' FOR SALI1 Luge refrigeiator, In good condition. Call at 311 (Juincv avenue. Jl'Sr ARRIVKD, two car load of hoisps, good w-oikcrs and drivers, wrLrht from l.tXlO to ,(flfl; several tlosely matched teams; can be seen at 3.JI Rnvmontl court. F. M. Cobb. CARPK'IS-oO.OOO .voids Uruwels, Ingiains, Vel vets, a No Mattings. Oil Cloth; 10,000 pieces linen sheets, table cloths, blankets, tounier pines, napkins, etc., iron beds, springs, mattie.sses, chaiis, about siv carlouN at publlo mutton. Silo begins Tuesday at 10'a. in. and 2 and 7 p. in., lit 2.if) Laekawmna avenue, nct Scranton Stiept Iliilroid waiting room, opposite renn avenue. Ciimmings & Bio., Auc tioneers. FOR SAM' A beautiful diamond ring, one ennt. Will sell for .8j. Address 1. O. Box 03, City. KCOS foi hitching. Buff Leghorns ctcluslvelv. Unexcelled in size and color, 7."e. pci I ). G. A. Ganlncr, 112.1 Tcnn nvenuc, Scranton, l'a. FOR SALK-lIand silk doiiblcra Xcw. Rros., Paterson, X. J. Biiuford For Sale or Bent. FOR SALK OR RUNT Tlio Forest House- Hotel. Splendid location and satisfactory reasons for (hinge. Terms on application to A. J. Gavin, Foiest House, ,Terni)n. Real Estate. FOR SALK O.V Main avenue, near Tripp resl denee, eeven lots at about half value foi cash. Cull on IJ. 1. Jadwin, 515 Mcars building. FOR SALK A dcshnblc and well Improved farm, situated two miles from Honcsdalc containing SO or moie acres. Good buildings, well watered, a never failing spring, orchaul and wood lot, sugar bush and nut glove. Mrs. Jcicmlah Gar rett, Honcsdalc, l'a. FOR SALK Film UOaues; stock, good oiclmd; building tn good order; nine miles fiom Seian ton, two miles liun Moscow, Faun alone, or faun anil stink. Mary Jcnkina, Maple Like, Lack .iw.imu county, l'a. FOR SALK Elegant sites (or home in upper Gieen Hidge; choice iiclghboihood; most tie. slrablo locality (or home in Lackawanna count). J. A. Marvlne, 173U Sandeisou uvenuc. FARM FOR SALK al ncics, 7 mile (mm Soi ni ton; ul,-o SO ueics pastuie land for al.' oi lent; all located near Klmhuibt, F, B. Giidner, Mo-cow, I'a. FARM FOR SSLK Silv-two actes, oup nillo fiom Luke Ariel; twelve acre of timber, lest Impiovcd; excellent spring w iter on lot; faun situated on ro.ul. For particul us address Will iam Trcilar, Ariel, l'a, Auction. C'AHI'K'lh-50,001) vauls l)imis, Ingialiu, VcN vttx. aNo Mattings, Oil Cloth; 1D.000 pieces linen bhcets, table ( loth, blankets, iiiunlei. pines, napkins, ett lion beds, spilnas, mittie.sses, e hair:, uhinit sl- t.nloaili ut publlo iniitlon. Sile begins IiicmIi) nt 10 a. in. mid 2 and 7 p. lit., at 2 ill Lach.iw.uuii avenue, next Stiauli'ii Stit't-t iliiho.id waiting room, opposite 1'enii aveiiiic. limmiliiE 't Hio., Auc. tluiietrs, Boarders Wanted. I'llIVATi: FAMILY wNhcs to havo two nice men to boaid, (Jcinian oi Unlish. Call any tlmo ftei Thursda), All convciiiintw, tW Harrison avenue. Wanted Koonts and BoRrd. WAM'EIl Two ccir.munlcatlns rooms with board, prlvato (miilly pufcucd. Two ladies and a gentleman. Stale lull particular. Address 0. II, 1)., 'llibune oftlcc. valet (F.ilwuul Abcles), Mr, Abcle poitra.v the ialt-t "lalwaids" In a maimer that makes I lie b)'play between lluse two iharuici xtiy in jiijiililo to tho nudleiicc. An esjKclal fiatuio ol "The DlpU'iuit" s ihc kiipper paity given by .spoil with to some of Ids friends nt hit. apj( mint alter iho opeia, The neuti 1 a very daz zling oiu'-llii' toloi siheiur bclnt; tairiul out rutin ly in rid, tho elabirato opeu umiii, of Ihc ladli.s thou lug in cflt'itiu ti.nti.itt to tlie pe-v.iilln:,- lint ol the Jitl.t and deioutor, It l dm lua; thl supper that '"'porivviiW" a a ii'ihiUQ kiiipiiio for hi. guisls Introduce a L'.kIiiu divlu. ily in the pireou ot "Ml DaUy Dirlim;" (Miss j.oul.su Allen) for Hie pmpoi of eiilerlalnlni,- liU guesli. In costume "Daly llaillua-," the Casino tilt'ii, pioe'cctls to ih light the giliils until the fluiLs In tbc person ot "Mr llcmy Llo)d'' her in. dent atlnilrcr and kueetlie.nl, A capital bit of trajnly 'f the "fane'' varhty fullovis uud the scene winds up with uu abui.djiice ot excite mint. 3 More Help Wanted Mnlo. HOV WAXTKI) nt llmlcnb ich's birber thop, S1U Cedar nvtiiut. WANTKO First clis shorumker, (or repilr , woik. 1). A, Davis, Luretne avenue, Wist Pulsion. ANTKD Lilly or geiiilpiiinii to sell Cnpliln llrjanl'ii Grind Anirtinin lleiuedv on the popular Unci innnlti plm ill Ciibondiilt'. Ad tlrcs K. W. Bryant, Oil liar Monroe avenue W'ANTKIl I'alnlers; only good men nerd npply. Cnll nt Charles Wiignci's, .'Ul Ad inn nvcnue. WAN'TKD Two eiierlcnceil stenographcifli up ply to International Silt Co., Council build' Itiff. Scranton, Pa. t Help Wanted remain. WAN'TKD A housekeeper, must be a good plain esiok; icfciuiip itqulrcil. Call nt 1 Con Hell building or 1010 X, Washington avenue. WAN'TKD Ohl for genei il htiiuivvoik. Apply 717 Monrce nvunue. WANTI1D A Inly stenographer, several .vein, e;-ptiiem-p, tli'slu position wllh iiiprcantlle house. State silary and puitkulars. K. 'Iilbune. LADV CAXVASCKR wanted lo solicit sub-crip-tlons for Tin; Tribune, gootl commUslou of fered with a fail gilaiantcp for llrst-t ljs worker. Apply personally at Buslncsj Manager's ottlec, Scinnton TrtbiiLu. Bccruits Wanted. WANTKD FOR V. .. ARMY Able -bodied lui iiiurrieil nun betwicn ages of 21 and :'."; rltl rem of Utiitnl Mate-, of good chaiactir antl tclupeiato habits, who tan speak, lead ii'itl write Kuslish. For Inform ilion apply to lti'ciiiitiiii; Olllcer, Xo. 12.1 W.voming avenue, Seianton, l'a. Situations Wanted. l'OSITIOX wanted by a first tls.s cuilagp pilnt er. Addicss 112S 1'iospect avenue. SITUATION' WAXTKD-By an cxptileutcd man. with gootl leputnlion, as (c.imstir oi stiblf work. Can furnish retetenccs. Adthx'ss in Oik fortl place, clt). SITUATION' WANl'KD V nun wcnld like to get work spading guden, giatllng or takiua; erne of livvu. lilt Llo.vd sticet, top llooi. WANTKD rosltion as bookkeeper antl typewriter, expcilenicd. Atldrcss Pciinanent Position, eaic of Tiibunc oftlcc. SITUATION" WANTKD By n widow, would like w ishlng ami boii-e cleaning by tlic day. Mrs. Mlllci, 712 Schnell court. Money to Loan. ANY AMOUNT OF MONTY 10 LOAN (Juick, straight loans or Building and Loan. At fiom i to 0 per cent. Call on X. V. Walker, 8W.U15 Conncll building. Wanted To Rent. WANTED ROOMS For two adults, tluec or (our rooms, furnished or unfurnished for very light housekeeping, first floor picferrcd. Addrcas M. U., Tribune oflice. WANTKD Furnished bouse or four or live rooms (or housekeeping. Address A. G. K., Tiibunc office. Business Opportunity. CARI'KTS 50,000 vaitls lliiKsrJ. lugiaiiw, Vel vets, ,ilo Mattings. Oil Cloth; 10,000 pieces linen sheets, table cloth!, blankets, ccunter pancs, napkins, etc., iion beds, sptings, mattresses, t hairs, about six: cailoads at publlo auction. Silo begins Tuesday at 10 a. in. and 2 and 7 p. in., at 2i0 Lackawanm avenue, next Scrantcn Street Railroul wailing- loom, opposite l'cnn avenue. Cunnnlngs & Bio., Auc tioneers. STOCK AND WIIKAT TRADKRS without delay. Write for our special market letter. Free on application. S. M. Hibbard k Co., members N. Y. Ccnsolidated and Stock Sxcliange, 41 and 16 Broadway, New York. Kstabllshed 1SW. Long Distance' Phono 23S3 Broad. Ziost. LOST A el.nk ellow pet cat, aiisvvcm to tlie naim of Teddie. A suitiblc levvard It re turned to 1.115 Capouso nvcnue. LOST A ladies' gold watch; n liberal lcward will be given if returned to Hotel Tcirace. LOST A gold watih and fob cither on Catbon street ot from Cuihon stieet to Mulbciry on I'tnn. Finder rctinn to Ccoige .1. Ash, Times office. Reward. LOST Steel beaded purse containing email sum of money, on Lackawanna avenue, neir Wy oming. Finder please return purse to Trlbuno office and keep contents. LOST $23, between Peck Lumber Co., l'at Mn ket street and l'rcsli)teiiin chinch, lteuaul it returned lo otflce of l'cck Lumber Co. Estrnyed. KSTHAYKD A daik led IrNh uttpr, feiiule, i at the Krle fielght house, Wellington iiii-mic., Seianton, l'a. Owner can hive the do by call ins and paying; damages. Geoigo W. 'Iiiiiipi'. Rheumatism. . l ''. 'siTsiV' I1I1KUMAT1SM All parties that wMi can bo Bpecdlly and peimancntly cuied of ull va. rlctlc o( Rheumatism by n vcgctabli compound. Cures guaiantecd. Iuqulie or address J. i.. Tay lor, Seianton. LEGAL. '10 Till! OWNTRs or rciuilctl owntis ot piuperly bounding or ulmtling on both sides ut Went Carbon sticet, from the Caibon sheet hihlgt' to I'lovldeiiie uud; on both shits of Providence mail (loin West Ciiboii slim to Diamond uvcmie; on uhth sides of Dhimand avcnim fiom 1'iovldtiiip load to Com t street; and on both sides of ( unit si reel fioui Dlimond avenue In I'lovidenii' mad, in tlie 'Juenly-llist uul Stiond wanN, City of Siiauton, l'a, Take notice tint under the dliettloii uf toim iU, .lsiestiui'iits will bo undo for the iiilhlug und for Iho paving, with vllilllnl In hi; on u eoiicirli' base, Wiat Caibon ,- 1 1 1 s t , 1'im iikiKc loul, Di I liiuntl avi'iiue aial Court stlii't, between thu points ul'uw iiiined, on Wrtluisdi), Apill to, 110.', ul 10 n'lhuk in tlie foicnoon, ut the D--iiaitiutut of Piddle Woiks. Unie.iii of Kugiuct'i lug, Clly Hall, &iiinlun, I'a,, nt which tlmo und pine )ou may appear and be hi'.itd if .1 on so ihuhe. JOHN' K. Rill in:. Director Depiilinent u( l'ulillu Woik, Seianton, l'a,, April iJ, 1002. '10 ('RKI)irORS Hide I'aik Bank; A dNtiilni. lion of 10 per cent. Is nuvv being ininlo by lha iiiKiei.slsm-d at loom Id I Bond ul Tiade Building, Call fiom 2 p. in. to 5 p. in, ft. II. JIO'IT, Assicjntc. SEALED PROPOSALS. M'AM'U I'ROl'Os.M.S will be opened in the r( tlie of tho City lln-ordcr by the Dliesior of tho Department of Public Works, ut :l o'doik p. in. on Monday, May 5, loni, (oi cleaning and painting thu Lackawanna iivciiuu ami Ctdai uvc. line biiducs aicoidlng lt speilliiutiuiH on tile In tho Bureau of Kiiglui'criiiK. Bidders shall tilths--with rich proposal, ca.sh or pusonal tntlliul check in (he i"U of one huiidied dollais as a guaiautcc to rxeculo a contiact within tin (10) tla) if uwanled thu same. In cat- the blddu to vvhoin Iho contiait s'nll have been uwaith'tl, ie fihea or oiniu In execute a tenluit foi lliu woik iiicoiillug to tlie siHillicillon thtii'for, vvllhlii tin da)s (loin the date uf the awaul, tlie rni louri ueconipaii)in liU piopo.il shall be foi (cited to tlic IK' ol the Clly of Seianton. I'roptHtal blank will be (uinisliid ut Ibe Uu rcau ol l.nslnccilns and no othn will bo ai cepted. All proposal must be filed in tlie otlUe ot the City Contiollcr, City Hall, fcuanlon. Pa., not later lliau 3.S1I p. in. on Monday, Hay fij l'ttJ. 'I lie citv ii'senes tho rl-'ht to ujeit any or nil bhU " JOHN' K. RlU'lir. Hlicttor Deparlnu'iit uf I'ubllu Works. Siuiittni, l'a, Apill J, 1W1. t i SITUATIONS WANTED FREE. ff DIRECTOR r Insertions 25 Cents Thu Pour Lines, 6 Cents lor Each Btr LI , LEGAL. KSTA'IF, of Samuel Koerner, late of Ihc Oltv at Seianton, Cuuntir of Lackawanna ami Mat of Pcnnlvanlii, dKcnwI. Letlei of iithnlnlstratlon upon Iho nhove w tnte having been grunted to the undersigned, nlf prisons having; tlilm or dcmaluls against tin slid cslate me hereby notified to pteciil tlietu for p.i) meilt mill (hose Indebted to slid cslate will make immediate pnviutnt In l'lllll) S. CHAW FORI), AtlmlnUtrator, 021 N, Lincoln Avenue, Scinnton, l'.i. F. F. Ulllllt, Alloiney for IMnle, RiHini (Ul Council Bldg, Scranton, l'a. NOIICi: OF AHHHS-IMutM lo heTiutlllrd In the Oiphan' Court of Lnck.iw nun Couiitv. Notice Is hereby given tint nictiunl hive been lllt'tl und loullinied iibstdulely by the (,'ouil In tho following estnlc. antl niulll of simp will be lend on the ii'sii-cllvp ilales named Itelivv, vl?. ; On Monday, .Miy 12th, 100.', beginnlne ut 1U a. in. 1, Kslile of Andrew- Walls, deee.i'Pil! Mirgtiret Watts, iidnilnlstr.ililx- 6. t. n. (Distribution.) 2. I'sl.ile ot llihlget It) an, ili'icasetl; P, ,1, lltiriin. truster, (exception). On Tiiedav, Mi) llth, 'i02, beginning nt 10 a. m ,'). K-lalt of (,'poice Philip Klrsl, ilet-eiftl; Caiollne Klit, iitlinliiMrntrlx, (DMiihiillon). I. I'slate of Auibiose Mulhy, decei-ctlj Onouu M. Miilh.v, pxeiutor. (IXtepllon). On Wednotiliy, May lllh. Pi2, beginning at 10 a, m. o. IMnle of S. P. Slpvrns, tlccea'cil; II, T. Koclilir, administrator. (DUtrlbiitlon). 'I. lMite of .Win B Smith, deceased; Olrard Tnist Co., Iruslre. (DMrlhiillnn), On Thui'diy, Miy l'th, ICO.', lipglnnlng it 10 a. m 7. Kstnte ol .lame M. Kveilnrt, deceased; I. 1. Kvtili.ut, .iiliiiliii'tr.ilor. i Distribution). 8. Kslale of IVia Mi'vi'ii. detiasctl; Fiank R. sti'vcns, executor. (Distilbutlon). 1.! IMale of Maik F, lint, ilprtas:.d! Thoniti M. Hurt, ailmhilstrnlor. (Di'lrlbullou). On Fiitlay, May loth, 1002, lii'.'iiiiiln? al 1') a. ri. 0. i,lalf of .lull i Gillette, deceased; loliu iiini, aiiuuni-tiiioi. ( ui-iiiniinon). 10. IMale of M,i,i Moore, minor; llerniin II. ii! in. giiaiillin. (Distrlbullon). On Snliutlay, May 17th, l')2, lieginniiu at I ) a. ri. 11. IMale of lliidai't Ca-hly, deceased; P. W. Stokes, ndiiilnl-liiitni-. (Distribution), 12 IMale of .limes I. Oiihin, tleieused; Ann F. )iilnn, .idmlni-tntilx-. (Dl'trilmtion), The iibiivi inioiiiil pininiPiated nnd desiguateil in tlie above list will be audited by the llonai able A. A. Vosburg. P. .1., of the Orphins' Court, in the Oiplnns' Court Room, Court House, Serin ton, Pa., during the scyslnn of Court tin the elt.vs trt for cull tstale, at which time all per sons iiitetpsletl s.halt attend, if they sec fit, antl piesent their cliinis against slid ctatc, or for ever thcicaftcr be debiired fiom romiiig in upon slid fund. WM. KOCH. .lit.. Cleik of Orphan' Court. TI1K ANNUAL meeting of tlie stockholder of the Knterpiisp Coil Cnmpmy will be bell at theli ollkc, 201 Cnnucll building, Seianton, l'.i., Monday, May ."it'i. at two o'tlock p. in. for ihe.election ut a boanl of directors and the transit lion of sik.1i oilier buIncss as max prop erly conic bofoic il. A. .1. CONNTLL. S.'orctaiy. XOTICK Is heieliv given that A. It. Gould & Sons, person having a lUn, under the law of Ptuns)lvania, ltptm goods, waie anil mer chindise of the Deer I'.uk Rievvlng Cnnipnii, con-isllng of one two hjiino dcliveiy wagon, on account of sloinge antl'liboi bestowed on supIi goods, tho owner hiving failed, nogltitrd and re fused tn piv the ampunt of such ihargCjt upon Mid piopeity wilhin sixty tla.vs altei tleniind thereof mado peisonill), will expose tlie said tvxn-hoisc delivery w igon to sile, at public i in tion. at Gould's Carriage Works, No. 41J-I21 Linden street, clly of Scranton, Lackawanna county, I'pnnsjlv.inli. on the llth day of Ma', A. D. IMH, at 10 o'clock n. in., and sell the same or so much thereof a skill be sufficient to dispharce sild lien together with cost of said and advertising. A. R. GOULD k SONS. W1LL.VKD, WARIH'.N & KVAPl. Solicitors. PROFESSIONAL. Certified Public Accountant. EDWARD C. SPAULDIN'G, 23 TRADKRS BAM Building, nnd St. Paul Building. Xcw York. Architects. EDWARD H. DAVIS, ARCHITECT, CONNLI.li Building. FREDERICK L. BROWN. ARCH. B REAL Estate Exchange Bldg.. 121) Washington ave. Civil and Mining Engineers. II. I.. HARDING, S15, COXNKLL BUILDING. STKVKNSOX k KNIGHT, 720 CONNKLI. BLDG. Dentists. DR. C. E. EILKNBURGER, PAULI BUILDIN'O. Spruce street, Ecranton. DR. C. O, IiAUBACH, 115 WYOMINQ AVENUE. Lawyers. lULLARD, WARREN k KNAPP, ATTORNEY; and Couiistllois-at.Law. UU to U12 Council BuildiPS. FRANK V. BOYLE, ATiORNTY-AT-LAW. ltooiru 12, 14, 16 and IS Burr Building. D. B. RKPLOGLE, ATTOllNEY LOANS NKOO. tialcd on real estate security, Mcra Building, corner Washington avenue and Spruco attect. JESSUP & JKSSUP, ATTORNEYS AND COU.N-sellors-at-law, Couunoiiwcaltli Bulldlus, Itoomt 10, 20 and 21. EDWARD W. THAYER. ATTORNEY. ROOJH CO.I-0OI, Oth floor, Mcaia building, I. A WATRES. ATTORN'EY-AT-LAW, BOARD of Trade Building, Scranton, Pa. 1 PATTERSON k WILCOX. TRADER'S NATION..!. Bank Building C. COMKOYS, 0-13 RFPUBLIOAN BUILDINO. A. W. BERTIIOLF. OPriCK MOVED TO NO. 211 Wyoming ovftine. Physicians and Surgeons. DR. w. E, avenue. ALLEN. 51J KOIllTI WASIlINUiON DR. S. W, 'IAMORi; MIX, OFFICE 330 WASH Ington aveiiuf. Residence, UIH Mulberry. Chronic alea.c3, luags, heart, kidneys an I grnltn-urinaiy oigaui u special!). Hours, 1 , to 4 p. m. Osteopathy. Dll, I), (i. LYVN-J. OViTOPATU. 12(18 WU Ington avenii". Chronic and ncl-voua tliieaj.! a spcilull) Coiusiiltniloii (rec. Hotels and Keataurants. TUT iili OaFE, 1 AND 12f FRANKLIN AVE. uue. nates leasoiiauio., . ,7,'', P. ZlGgLKR. rroprlitor. SCRANTON JlOUSl:. NEAR D.. L. & W. TA3- ten-er depot. Conducted on tho Kuropcti plan. VICTOR KOCH.' Proprietor. Scavenger. A BrBRIGa3CLEANS PiUVY VAULTS AND cess pools; in ider; only Impiovcd pumps uitri. A. li. Briggs. proprietor. Leave oiden JtOd North Main avenue, or Klclco's drug store, cor lici Adam ami Mulbeiry. Doth telephones, Seeds. a, 11. CLAKKE i CO., SEEDSMEN AND NURS iryinen, stoic 201 tt athlngton avenue;' et'ii luiucs, WW h'oith Main uvrnuc; Horn tele phone, 762, Wire Scieens, JOSEPH KUKTTKI , REAR 611 I.ACKA. lAVE., Scrmuon, Pa., manufacturer of Wlie hcreeint MisceUnueouB. DRESiMAKlN'a FOR CHILDREN TO ORDl!U; also ladies vvaUts. loulsu fchuciuiUr, , JU Adams avenue. .. Ml.OARGEK BROS., PRINTERS' SUPPLIES, EN- vclopea, paper bag6, ivvliic. ttarehoiue, fV. U oJijugtvu avenue, Scrantou, I'a. THE WILKESVJIAHRB .llKCOHD CAN DI! 11AU in bciantou at the news standi ol Rcuinti) Bros., tOd tprucc and AU3 Linden; M. Noiton, S22 lokHmvj!Ki' I. 8. SctiuUr, III Bnt en e itKet-'" sf7 - v M il tl ,1 i i V l 1 i l 1 t , , f" j,r 1 ' .l , tj.j z.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers