V'tf4s. . t i f it t t a ' i e y Vi J "v- r w & it THE SC1UNTON TRIBUNE- FRIDAY, APRIL 11, 1902 t I it, m NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA MONTnOSE. PperUt In the Sernnlnn Tribune. v Montrose, AdiII 1(. 'flic eotiiri-eiW tlonnl mcctliiK of the inembcra oC Urn Fi-csbytorlmi eliutoji, to tuko notion cm the rcHlRtmtlcm of the pastor, Itov. A. I.. HciUon, IX D.,wriH held In tho church chapel yestr-nlny tittoinoun. Ilov. P. It, nrooks, or WllkcM-Uarrp, acted uh mod erator. The weather was very unfavor able, 1 downpour of rain ueliiff steady, yet u .er stUeh conditions, tho atlelid nnco ,vns large. The lrslKnatlon of Dr. Uenlon was acted Uion In necordanco with tho pas tor's personal dunlie, and John (.!. Unr rliiRtou and ltobcrt K.Beolio were elect ed to represent the church at the pres bytery and ask that the pastoral ic lallon bo dissolved. llcsolulloiiH of appreciation, of the pastor, which had been adopted by the session of the chinch, were read and wore unanlmouslyapproved and ordered Bprcad Upon tho church records, On motion, the moderator, Mr. Urooks, ind Pastor llonton were nppolntcd ti tominlttcc to anpolnt another1 eommlt lec, whose duty will be to Introduce a new pastor to the church. This method, while not In the least restricting the lights or the congregation, will do away with the tedious and outlines unsatis factory method or "cnndldatlng" for a. new pastor. Althouglj the church Is not financially nble'to retire Dr. llenton on a salary, as his people would very gladly do, they did what they could and showed their willing spirit by performing tho grace ful mid meritorious act of unanimously electing Mr. Uonton pastor emeritus of tho church, an honorary position, which It Is expected that Dr. Benton will occupy for life. No salary is at tached to the position, but It will keep the retiring pastor in close touch with his devoted Hock and therein thev will find a measure of comfort and cheer. Dr. Benton was nls-o voted a month's vacation, as lias been customary each yonr. m FACTORYVILLE. Special to I lie Scranlon Tiihiuip. Factoryvlllc, April 10. A. V. LSedell Is moving to Scrnnton. Mrs. Alonsjo Darrow and family have moved into rooms over Gardner's store;, formeily occupied by Mrs. Itlfenbury. Solomon Reynolds and family, who have been at Yonkers, X. V., the past year, have returned and are now settled in their own home, on Main street. The Misses Nellie A. Green, Clara Parmitcr and Klnora Messenger braved the storm Tuesday evening and attend ed the banquet given at Nicholson by the Kebekahs of that town, in honor of their ilrst anniversary. The Baptists will hold their weekly meeting at tho home of Mis- Amy Cap well on Friday afternoon at 2.S0. Rev. and Mrs. F. J. Caterer, of Dalton, will have charge of the meeting. Kveryono welcome. V.R, Gardner has been ill at his home. Mr. and Mrs. Myron Cobb, lormer residents of this town but now of West Scrantou, aic rejoicing over the arrival of a son. Word was received here this morning that a license had been granted to both hotels, notwithstanding the remon st ranees. HARFORD. Fpen'al to tlic Scranton Tribune. Harford, April - 10. The Kpvvortri league will give a literary, musical and spectacular entertainment, consisting of recitations, tongs and tableaux, on Fri day evening. April S. Mrs. K. M. Tif fany and Miss Lillian Uyram, of Hop bottom, will tissist them. The sugar social given by the Kn lleavor society was a grand success. Mr. Obteihout has just purchased a new engine. He is prepared to do double the amount of work he did with :he old engine. T., O. Fnrrar, of New Milford, was a caller in town Wednesday. Butter is thirty cents at the cieam ery. A very unique wedding occuned at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clatenee JJrainard, April 4, it being the mar riage of bis mother, Mrs. Adellde Hraiimrd, to Charles Vo.slmrg, of North Dakota, She was attended by Misses Hazel and Cecil Briilniml. The grooms men were Mr. I.yn mind l-ee Mraliund, tho four being grandchildicn of the brldp. Mr. and Mrs. Vo'ibuiK, will re side In New Milford township.' The funeral of .Mrs. Ancla Gow wah lield at her Into homo on Wednesday. April 2. Itev. Hawkins olllelated. She was 7!i veins old, interment was In l'cck cemetery. Kdwnrd Darrow, of Ulnglmmton, vis ited Ills, aunt, Mrs, E, M. Watbun, on Friday. " i'- FOREST CITY. F-prelal to the Scranton Tribune. Forest C,lty, April 10. The boiough council this weelt awarded to Cleary Tiros,, of Scranton, tho contract for plumbing and wiring the borough build ing for $l,ri2'J. Tho contractors, Messrs, "Nolan & Collins, should have had the liulldlug completed In December, but tho, work drags along from day to day, with little being accomplished, and at the meeting Tuesday night, council de cided to tnko action to compel tho con tractors to-uso moro speed, li. U I.eroy, of New Milford, was tho Kucst of his daughter, Mrs, D, Ft, Jlrnnnon, this week. Itev. J, K, Urodheiid Is today moving 3ils family to Jermyn, and Itev, S, w. Derby has taken the house vacated by Mr, Ilroclhead. limner Garrott has bought tliu Hales Jiousc, on upper D inula If street, for Si.OOO. On Wednesday evening, Miss Corn MoitIh Grlllln, assisted by Mrs. L,lzzle Ilughes Ilrundage and Miss Mlllun De Har, of Scrnnton, will give a literary H' You Could Look i nto the future unci see the coucilt Ion ... . .,0 wldch your cough, If neglected, will bring you, yon would seel: relief nt ouce aucl that naturally wouKi he tbrougti Shiloh's Consumption ( 4ms. Guaranteed to cure Con I vLlrC sumption, Bronchitis, -" " " Asthma, auil all I,uug Troubles, Cure Couglianud Colds in a (lay. 25 ccuU. Write to S. C. Wells & Co.. ,c toy, ft, y.t for free trial bottle. ' V.,l.riAV.DAntT. MI.IIIa 41. UIHJ vr r J nnd tmt.sleal eiitcrtnlninent In the opera house, under the tuiBulces of the Pres byterian church. Dr. Ilateson, of Kcrnnton, gave a very Inslrtletlve Illustrated lecture on the "Human Temperaments,'' In the Hnp tlst church, last evening, Mrs. John Dearie, who has been III, Is Improving. The wind enjoyed a ftollu In this sec tion uf timber Tuesday night, nnd IhliitfM that wore not tlod went along with the brceeze. It unroofed tho Davis house, on Hudson street, The Daughters of Uebcktth held n sack social In the Odd Fellows' build ing, on South Main street, this evening. It was liberally pntronlzed, NICHOLSON. Special to tbe Scranton Tribune. ' Nicholson, April ,9. In spite of ruin about 70 Kobckahs met at lodge rooms PICTURE " - m mmmmmmm Sir Walter Raleigh won the favor of Queen Elizabeth while Drake and Gil bert tarried In the background. Where ate they? of Juanltn Lodge Tuesday evening to celebrate the first anniversary of that lodge. It being their regular meeting night, the legular business of the lodge was transacted, after which a literary and musical programme was rendered. Rev. K L,. Lewis, in behalf of tho lodge, In a few well chosen remarks, presented Brother F. A. Colvin a chair as a slight token of their appreciation of his services as captain of their de gree team. Refreshments were served after which some time was spent listening to short talks from visiting members and mem bers of Juanlta Lodge. The lodge room was beautifully decorated and presented a pretty scene when lighted by electric ity. The lodge colors, pink and green, were extensively used In decorntlng as were potted plants. Much credit Is due the decorating committee, comprised o the following: Mesdames Clara Decker, Julia Davis, Francis Warner and Mabel Stevens; also much credit is due the committee having the anniversary In charge comprised of the following: Mesdames Phoebe Lord, Angle Colvin, Sat ah Cooney and Rev. L. L. Lewis. TUNKHANNOCK. Special to the Sciantun Tribune. Tunkhannock, April 9. A. Judson Stark, of Pittston, attended the funeral of Mrs. Victor Lyman, on Wednesday. Louis Hllkawlch, of New York, who has been looking after his stores at this place, returned home on Tuesday, Miss Mabel Lewis spent Tuesday at Wllkes-Barre. Mrs. C. L. Kresky, or Scranton, who lias been visiting her parents at this place, lias returned home. Mrs. Stephen Robertson is spending the week with her mother lit Russell Hill. A dculflon is anticipated In the con tested liquor license cases at tho ad journed session of court tills Thursday morning. Stephen Roberson is doing a job of paper hanging for N. B. Jackson at Ld Grange. - The rains of tho past few days have caused tho Susquehanna river to rise rapidly. The examining committee of the bar ns.soelntlon held a preliminary examin ation on Tuesday of several prospec tive law students at the office of R. W. Lewis, esq. Albert E. Rodney, of the SprlngvUle hotel, spent a couple of days at this place this week. Ex-Sheriff Charles S. Knnpp, of Skinner's Eddy, left for California cm Tuesday, where ho was called by tho death of a brother-in-law, Frank H. Piatt Is on a business trip to the southern part of the state. BROOKLYN. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Brooklyn, April 10. Ernest Sterling, of Cornell, spent lust week with his rarents here, AVade vBarnes, of State college, who was taken sick with a fover while spending his vucatlon here, is recover ing. Mrs. Ralph Sterling is still In Wilkes Biirrc, caning for her niece. Mrs. I.. K. Tewksbury visited Scran ton last week. Miss Hattlu Miller is helping Mrs. Elmer fjreed, Tlio fuperul of Miss Jennie Weston, who died In the Melhodlst hospital, Brooklyn, N. V was held at- tho Wes ton homo list Wednesday' afternoon, Rev. Roberts, of the Pretbyterlun church, olllelated, and u double duet consisting of Misses Lelah Sterling, yern Packer, Etta. Sage und Lillian ustln. sans appropriate selections. Miss Weston was u young woinun who was unlversully respected and her death, following, as It did, so soon utter that of her father, seems sad In deed, Frances, the little daughter of Mr, und Mis, Frank L. Rogers, died very suddenly last Thursday afternoon of heart failure. She and her little brother, on their way homo from school, were playing In the Held wjiero their fnthor was nt worki when th little Blrl suddenly dropped upon tho ground nnd died son nfter her father reached her. The funeral wnn held from the house Inst Saturday, Itnv. noberts conducting the services. FrnnccH wns n pretty, bright nnd lov nblo child, and the family Iiiib every one's sympathy In this sudden bereave ment. Jjeon Stepheim closed a successful term of school nt Maple Grove Inst Thursday. Ml?s Elizabeth Vnlnier, of Montrose, visited Brooklyn friends recently. Miss Hnttle McMlllInn Is visiting her cousins In Urldgownter. Mr. mild Mrs. a. II. Terry have moved Into the rooms over the hard ware store. PITTSTON. Mayor Corcoran and tho saloon keepers of this city hud a consultation In tho ofllco of the chief executive on Monday evening of this week. "'Just what took place there has not been giv en out, but It Is rumored and the ru mors conies from reliable sources that the mayor has decided that the ilagrant violations of the liquor law In relation to selling on Sunday must cense, nnd that the saloons must .hereafter bu closed on the Sabbath. During his iceent trip In Florida, PUZZLE. from which ho just returned, Harry Andrews, of the West Side, had the good luck to kill two alligators. Hairy in company with his father and three other gentlemen was on a cruise up a river in that sunny state and came across an alligator on the way up the river and unother on the trip down. Both crockodileswere sunning them selves on tho river bunk and were dis patched with little trouble, Mr. An drews being armed' with a heavy hunt ing gun. One measured ten feet and ilia, other six. The hide of the latter has been shipped to this placo and Is expected in u, day or two.) The questiori of establishing golf links here Is being discussed on the West Side of the river. The co-operative association which was organized here last fall expects to open up in business on Luzerne ave nue, West Pittston, April 17. They will first embark in the meat business and after that will extend to the gro ceries and dry goods business. Company M of the West Side has ac cepted an invitation to assist the G. A. R. In the observance of Memorial day. Harry Steele Morrison, the "Boy Traveler," delivered his lecture, "A Trip Around the World," In the Y. M. C. A. parlor this evening. The grand jury has found true bills against Peter Lenowski and Victor 52orombo, two Exeter borough Polan ders, charged with the murder of An thony Sennlck, who was found fatally assaulted In the Exeter mines at that place several weeks ago, Another one of, this city's oldest resi dents passed away this morning when Mrs. Sarah Snyder died at her home on Exeter street, West Side. Deceased- was n native of Ludlowvllle, Tompklnsvllle, N. Y., and was In her eighty-second year. She had been a resident of the West Side since 1873, previous to which she had resided at Dallas. Death was due to the infirmities of old age. The following daughters and son survive: Mis. Charles Snyder, of Washington, D, P.; Jerome Snyder and Mrs. Ger trude Coolehan, of West Pittston. The latter Is a teacher In the public school's of the West Side. Sylvester Kelley, of Dallas, Is n surviving brother of the deceased. The funeral will take place Friday morning nt 10.30 o'clock with interment nt Dallas. Michael Moyhin, the Port Griffith grocer, had u horse killed by a live elec tric wire just near tho city line on the plank road this afternoon. Mr. Moylun was driving his team toward home about 4 o'clock when a Postal Tele graph wire fell, crossing the Traction company's live trolley wire, One of tho horses came In direct contact with the wire and was Instantly killed, while the other was stunned for n short time but soon recoveied. Mr, Moylan had a close call. Tho twenty-fourth annual meeting of the Woman's Foreign Missionary so ciety of the Wllkes-Barre district, Lackawanna Presbytery, was held In tho West Pittston Presbyterian church, West Pittston, today. Morning and af- f GET YOUR SHARE, ' Blackmen, whitemen, red men, yellowmen, all are busy eating away at the world's food supply every day three times a day. 1 Every one is entitled to a share, Are you getting yours? Does it do you good ? If not, take Scott's Emulsion, It is a concentrated, predigesl ed food much nourishment in small space and all usable by the weakest system, It restores the flesh of young and old, Send fur 1'rce Sample. SCOTT & UOW.N'li, Clieuilstj, 40? rri St., N, Y, lernoon sessions were held. The dis trict Was well represented by delegates, and the following programme wna enr I'IpiI out! Morning session Opening ex ercise, Mrs. P. H. Brooks, Wilkes Barrel words of Welcome, Mts. George Johnson, of West Pittston ! report of corresponding secretary; report of sec retary of missionary literature; treas urer's report! solo, Mrs. John Arm strong; roll cull and reports of auxil iaries; paper, "The Continuity of Mis sions," Mls3 Helen Jackson, of Wyom ing seminary; devotional exercises led by Mrs. S, P. Finn. Afternoon session Opening exercises, Rev. J. J. Rnnkln; report of secretary of Young People's work; solo; Miss Lillian Davis, of West Pittston: address. Rev. C. A. 11. Jnnl- ver, of India; reports of committees; paper, "Helpful Words to the Societies," Airs. A. M. Welles, of Forty Fort. The meeting next year will bo hold lit the First church at Wllkes-Barre. The fol lowing ofllcers were re-elected: Presi dent, Mrs. Frederick Corss, of Kings ton; vice-presidents, Mrs. S. R. Fenn nnd Mrs. George Johnson, or West Pittston; Mrs. J. P. Hurseu, of Forty Fort; Mrs. S. C, Hodge, of Tunkhan nock; corresponding secretary, Mrs. G, M. Reynolds, of Wllkes-Barre; record ing secrotnry, Mrs. L. Langdon, of Wllkes-Barre; secretary of Young Peo ple's work, Mrs. C. R. Gregory, of Wllkes-Barre; secretary ot literature, WELSH HILL. Special to Hie SViantnn Tribune. Welsh Hill, April 9. The small cy clone, which visited us on Tuesday, played havoc with the fences. Wo are ready for better weather. Mrs, Carrie W. Slsson, of Towanda, Pa., gnvo a Gospel, temperance' nnd Prohibition recltul and lecture In tho Congregational tabernacle Inst Sunday evening. Owing to the ruin, but few were present. Mrs. Evan Antholiy returned last week from a visit to Scranton friends. Mrs. R. N. Harris nnd children, Wes ley nnd Ellnore, are visiting her par ents In Pittston. Arbor Day, Frldny, April 11, will be observed here by the planting of trees, on the parsonage lawn. An appro priate programme will be carried out by the school children. Mi, nnd Mrs. Dnvld Jones have taken possession of the Owens property and are now ready to receive their many friends. Henry Harris and wife left last Mon day for Scranton, where they will make their future home. James Jenkins has charge of his large farm. Ah the older people retire from farm life and go city-ward, wo are glad to see the young filling their places. daltVjn. Within recent years the raising of chickens on an extensive scale has be come quite .1 frequent business enter prise in many sections of the rural dis tricts about this locality. Travelers passing through the borough of Dalton on the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western railroad observe on the north eastern side of the town a low and long frame structuie, occupying a conspicu ous place on tho side of the hill. This building is the chickery ot the Dalcrest Poultry farm, owned by George G. Mahy, secretary of the Scranton Young Men's Christian association. About three years ago Mr. Mahy bought a beautifully situated and valuable prop erty, consisting of a house and lot, for a summer home. Soon after this first purchase he bought at the rear of his property four acres more. Some time ago Mr. Mahy conceived the idea that raising chickens might be made a lu crative business. Last fall he had erected the large chickery mentioned. Although the business is only in its in fancy Mr. Mahy is already showing that not only can he do a great work for his creator and his fellowmen, as he has done In the secretaryship of the Scranton Young Men's Christian asso ciation, but he can also successfully arrange and manage a poultry farm. There is probably no better equipped and up-to-date chickery in Northeast ern Pennsylvania than is this one, owned by Mr. Mahy. The building lies facing the sun on the hillside, and is 2S5 feet long and IS feet wide. It is divided into two wings, one being used exclusively as a brooder house, and the other Is for grown and laying hens. The centre of the building is used for feed and Incubator rooms. Mr. Mahy has five Incubators In operation, three of them having a capacity for thirty dozen eggs each. When The Tribune representative was inspecting this place one of the Incubators was hatching, und It was exceedingly Interesting to watch the young chicks roll out of their shells, The entire building Is heated by steam, so that nn even temperature Is kept all over. Great care Is taken of the chickens in feeding them and doctoring them when sick. This Is quite necessary when one remembers that for tho purchasing of one looster $15 was expended. At the present time Mr. Mahy only has about 300 fowls, con sisting of white wyandottes, bard rock and white leghorns. The chickery is in charge of A. G. Gardner, a former resi dent of Scranton, and Mr. Mahy makes very frequent visits to It, COLGATE ANNIVERSARY. Special to the .Scranton Tilbune. Hamilton, N. Y., April 10. The fiesh mun banquet has been held und no un-der-elassmeu event In Colgnte univer sity bus 'ever been more successful or conducted on a more mammoth scale. The sophomores had long suspected the coming event of the freshmen, nnd watch and plan as they did, their ef forts proved futile to hinder tho fresh men lp their well conceived, though bold plan. On Friday evening last, shortly after supper, when most stu dents are sit the postolllce, the fresh men repaired to a siding by the rail way station, where a special train was In waiting for them. Quickly aboard, they left Hamilton with screaming of whistle and much clamor for Uticn, whero the scene of festlvltyvus, Tho toastmaster was J, M. Thiirber, who called for the following toasts: "Col gate," A. C, Lewis; "History of Our Patron God," i, D, Eclgarton; "Tho Faculty," A. L. Thompson; "The Re sponsibilities of Cultured Men," A. M, Stevens; ''Trials of a Fieslunan," F, R. Deinlng; "Women," R. B. Fosdlck; "Tho Sophomores," E, R. Yanelso; "Unity," K. T, Campbell; "Some Im pressions of an Undergraduate," W. 11, Cuiumlngs; "The Qualities Tlmt Win," J. R. Mlgel. "What Shall the Small College DoV" Is tho title of an article by Professor Bilghum, In API II number of the Edu cational Review, SMOK HADE USEFUL, 1'iuiu the Vuutli' L'oinpaiilon. In lrii..'l, MjIIiics und oilier HcIIjii low in a iioui mctlioi) uf not only gcttlnt; lid of tmokc, but tinning it Into u-o lun lcccnlly been cm. plojcd. tin.' mytc is' dihcn by a Ycntllatlw; f jit into a niter IIIKd itU iwiuui uuivUj, out THE TRIBUNE'S "WANT" 4 Lines 10 Cents More Thin Pour Lines, i Cents for Etch Extra Ltns. For Itant. roil Itr.NT Sit rooiiu unit ntllc. Impilre nt uiiie, ibou Plikson acnue, tlrcen Illiisr. l'OII lti;S"T Moic No. jr Lackawanna ncnuo! iilo iircoml llofir, nbjw Scotch Woolen Mill! Co. i:ccllrnt limlncM stand. llnnr lor cilllntf, 8 to 1() nnd B to 7. Apply MSI Sanderson nve. l'OH ItliXT-tnall luuiUlircl liotisc lor rent, In qtilrr nt IrJ.l Vino MutI. STOIli: l'OH ItllXT IC2 WW Lailciiwanim uf nue. Inqnlic 1'lilllp Sdmell, IHU WW Lacki uuimn nxciiue. liAHV l'OH lil'.NT 12, April 11, three bot nd three ulnglc ntnlN and v1i irf, leaf " 321 Madison menus. Inquire nt fi.H Madlon avc. KOI! Iti:NT SlorehTiTbTlnK lor lent In i)ickon City. 1M. Dultdlns 80 feet by 21 feet, cellar under all, ami tccond nlory can be nrrnnffed tor a family. All In Rood rep.lr ready for we. Two roal breakers and mines close by employing over a thousand people. An rntcrprWnc merchant can Ret ,i lame trade. Apply to William II. niiliinoncl, lllthitiond 1 1 i 11. 3t2 N. Main aumie, Scianton, 1M. Furnished Booms. KOIl HKNT One. furnished room, with improve ments: nlso one on third lloor, cheap. 027 Adams menue. FURN1SIIKD ROOMS for rent, modern improve ments; private family; gentlemen preferred, at 537 Adams avenue. t'OH RENT Kurntshcd front room, with beat, bath and em; near court house; gentleman preferred. Address Room, not 290. FOll ItENT Furnished room; licit and bath. 6.B Linden street. FURNISHED ItOOMS FOR RHNT, with heat, pai and bath, gentlemen preferred, at 539 Adams avenue. For Sale. l'OH SALE A cniload of horses, drheis nnd woik- ci.i, ut Uillcs llNcry, ,'ll,i Adams nicnur. I'OIt HALE A pater load male, lubber tired runabout, loid cut nnd luinc-i; will .ell cheap. Apply at M5 V. Main au'uuc. FOR HALE Hand silk doubles. Xew. Iliiniford llroi., Patcison, X. J. WE W'll.I, tend .ion a h,iudouic aluminum thim ble for two '2c. stamp.. Boston Noclty Co., P. O. Box 293, Scranton. FOR SALE A Mrond-h.ind oiiran; in flit-ila.s condition; will be .-old at a bargain. 222 l'te-cott aienue. CARPETS 30,000 j.mU cipiet., nuttliiKi and oil clothi at public miction, 210 Lackawanna acnuc. "See Auctions." FOR SALE A pJtiinr bor-,e, marked. Also bugcy and harness. lnqulie at Thoma3 Johns' hotel, Xoilh JIali( nenue, Xorlh End. HORSE FOR SALE lljy hoiso 7 jens old, J5-2 hands hieli, weighs 1,(100 pounds; bound, kind nnd (me; etra well city broken; does not idiv or pull. 1'eifect confoiniation, very stylish; pi ice, $150. Your money back is not as rcprc tented. I. II. IMternon, M. 1).. Honesdale, li. JEST ARRIVED with forty lioises; good woik cis and tllhcr.s; weight from 1,100 to 1,000; secial closely matched teams. Can be seen at 831 Rajmond court. F. 31. Cobb. Auction. CARPETS 30.000 j arils Brunei, Ingrains, Vol lets, also Mattings, OH Cloth: 10,0011 pieces linen sheets, table cloths, blankets, counter panes , napkin?, etc.. hon beds, fprings, nuttre-c, chairs, about sit carloads at public auilinn. Sale begins Tuesday at 10 a. m. and 2 and 7 p. m., at 2.10 Lackawanna aonue, nct Scranton Street Itailioad waiting room, opposite Poim avenue. Cummings & Gro., Auc tioneers. Boarders Wanted. PRIVATE FAMILY wishes to have two nice men to board, German or English. Call any time after Thursday. All conveniences, 807 Harrison avenue. Wanted Booms and Board. WANTED Two communicating rooms with board, pi date family preferred. Two Jadles and a gentleman. State full particulars. Address O. II. D Tribune office. Wanted To Bent. WANTED ROOMS For two adults, three or foul rooms, furnished or unfurnished for verv light housekeeping, first floor prefcired. Addrcij M. B., Tribune office. WANTED Fin nit lied house or four or five looms for housekeeping. Address A. 0. E., Tribune office. Wanted Furnished Booms. WANTED Furnished rooms for Knights Templar Conclave, -May 20, 27 and 28, 11)02. Addrexi Gcoigo II. Jcimyn, Chairman Hotel Committee. Beal Estate. liL'MNESS t-oi m r lot for .lie, cheap; opposite Eile ami Wjomlug depot? suitable for a ho tel, diug or giouiy stoic. Apply at 3.17 Linden fettect. I'OIt SALE At low- rate and on caV terun tine comer propeity in upper tliecn Ridge, llouso just put into vpiy coy and nttuitlvc shape. Lot one of the finest in tho valley. Addiess Bot 2'J'J, Scianton. FARM FOR SALE Sit -two ncics, one mile fiom Lake Ailcl; tweho anes of timber, lest improved: excellent spilng water on lot; faun situated on road. For paillculais uddiess Will iam Ticslar, Ailel, la. FARM FOR SALE oi exchange foi city piopeity situate in Susquehanna county; improved; well wateied; suitable for dairying, stock or sheep uUIng nnd gcueial fanning. Ilnnccn, At torney, K'lK- Washington .nenue. Business Opportunity. A RELIABLE and icnousihlo mnnufaitiirinz loin pany want a man Willi $1,500 cash to lake solo agency for Lackawanna county for a new economical power cf girat merit, umhI for any and all purpose, u hero any power can be iimmI; simple, ellccttm and tellable, fiom one to thirty Iioiso power; cost of running seien tents a day for each hoiso power; no engineer lequiied to iiiu it: no attendance necessary after stalling; no boiler, no labor, no double, no danger; sales un limited; busircss peiuiauciit nnd immensely profit, able, Inquiie (Jeorge Crossman, Teriace Hotel, STOCK AND WHEAT TRADERS without delay. Write for our special market letter. Free on application. S. M, Hibbard & Co., members N. Y, Consolidated and block bxchange. It and 16 Broadway, New York. IMublislicd IS'11. Lops HHancc' Phone 2388 Broad, Money to Loan. ANY AMOUNT OF MONEY TO LOAN-Qulck, straight loans or Building and Loan. At fiom 4 to 0 per cent. Call on N. V, Walker, 3U-313 Council building. Lost. LOST Slicl beaded puise containing small sum of money, on i.acKuwaniu aieniic, near Wy oming, Finder pleaso icturn puio to Tlibuuo ollUo und keep contents, I.OVr 423, between Peck Lumber Co., East Jlai. ket tticet und Pch.tcilun thutih. Rewaid If leluincd to uilicu uf Peck Lumber Co, Rheumatism, ItllEOM.VIISM All luttlcs that wUh ran be speedily and pciinaucutiy cuicd ot all ta rlellcs of Kheumuthui by a vegetable compound, Cuici guaiuutecd. luquiro or uddicsn J, li. Tay lor, Scuutop. , which u coulluuoui slleam of petroleum, pen. line, alcohol oi somo liquldhcdiacaibuii tlo.vs. The le.ult is that the smoke it intilely sup preyed, while the filter yields a gas of pcut calorific power, whUli can K- used for heating purposes and for eliding gas engines. 1 lie lllttr ins material itself also becomes a good combustible. SITUATIONS WANTED FREE. BRANCH WANT Ul'PICtiS. Want Advertisoments Will Ila Received nt Any of the Follow- . inn; Drug Stores Until 10 P. 31. Central City ' ALBERT SCIttlVrZ' comer Mulbsrrj atrwt and WjEbiter avenue. OUSTAV WCllEt, tXO Adams avenue. UfAnt OU. tvsoi. 01U6 GKORQi: W, JENKINS, 101 South Mala i avenue, South Scranton FRED L. TERPPE, 720 Cedar avenue. North Scranton OEO. W. DAVIS, corner North Main avenue and Market street. Green Ridge CHARLES V. JONES, leV7 Dickson venue. F. J. JOHNS, 020 Green Ridge street. C. LORENZ. corner Washington ave nue and Marlon street. Petersburg W. U. KNL'PFEL, 1017 Irving avenua. Dunmore i. a. bone & SON. Help Wanted Hale. WANTED oung man, must lie good pruin.ui, ncciu.ite In flgimw, an an assistant bookl.eper '"'I collector. Aildrcs Permanent Position, e.iio of Tribune. WANTED Intelligent and cneigctic gentleman to manage Lackawanna county on .liberal loin- . .. .... ,,-,, ...i,,.,, if.i,i,iK ,,-iv lies, film most popularVotcctum for sickness, iiecideiil aid death. Call at Hotel .Iciinvn between 8.:,(l ami "i" " "' iiiujy. .vsiv lor .. II. .vitiloi. WANTED. 0 Rood Painteis. 25 Hood Plumbcis. 23 Tinsmiths. 20 Elcctilelans, SNYDER & OILI.ETT, 013 .McKoon avenue, Niagara Falls, x y. WANTED 100 Good Cirpcnlcis, V.70 per dav. SNYDER ,t GiLLETT, 9VI McKoon avenue. Niagara Falls. WANTED A Hist class nun to take care of local nslt,; ." .,-. ,-i-iiiiik aiiivi,. i III: llglll llllill can make fiom ?.)0 to J0 a week. Write at once tu jiiiiatui, JI1IIUIIU UIIICC. WANTED Expjericnccd sale-man for Cut tain and Diapery derailment. Apply Goldsmith's lla 7aar. WANTED A thouroughly competent, all aiumnl molder. Petmnnent position for the light man. In making application state age, experi ence and wages desired, II. W. Beach, Mont lose, Pa. MAN with hoiso and wagon wanted to deliver and collect. No canvassing. fr21 per week and expenses. .$150 cash deposit requited. Col lector, Box 78, Philadelphia. WANTED Two experienced stenographeta; ap ply to International Salt Co., Council build ing, Scranton, Pa. Help Wanted Female. LADIES WANTED Homo work, $20 per month guaranteed, stamp for particulars. National P. & S. Watch Co.. Baltimore. Md. LADY CANVASSER wanted to solicit subscrip tions for The Tilbune; good commission of fered with a fair guarantee for first-class vvoikcr. Apply personally at Business Manager's office, Scianton Tribute. Agents Wanted. INSURANCE and Uuileliiig and Loan Sollcitots, I inn offer jou a ptoposltion that Is better und will pay you more than your piesent line, Co opetative, caic of Tiibune. $10 TO if50 PER WEEK to several btiglit, ener getic men and women of good ndilie--, who will woik for us in Scranton ot viiinity; state qualifications and past line of woik, Iivviu, caiu ot Ti inline. Situations Wanted, t WANTED Position by a young man as book keeper or usslstaul und tvpewiitei, whetc good hard woik calls for iidv.iuermenl. Am experi enced and can furnish icferenees fiom laic em ployer. .Vol ufrald of woik and will begin with lrasouablc salaiy. Addles. liookkccpri, i-uie of Tribune1, WAINTED A position as bookkeeper oi nsi-isl-aut; can fuiuisli ief ei eiicc .-, into eli.ii.uler und ability. Addiess Uookkecpcr, lare of Tilhuiii'. WANTED llv a middle aged ladv its bou-ektcper or any kind of woik. Addicts 21U Walnut sticet, Dunmore, SITUATION WA.VIED-Dy .voting man as book keeper, or us-Utunr, cm give icfeienee. Ad dress L. M, Elslugei, 711 Xoith Main aveme, s-e union. SEALED PROPOSALS, SEALED PROPOSALS will be opened ill the nffleo of the City Hec older, by the Dlicetoi of the Depaitnient of Public Works on .Monday, Apill 21, 11102, at il o'clock ji, in,, fur the uublug, ,iiul for the paving, with vitiitled Hi ilk on te loiieicle base, Washbitiu Micct, tiom Sumner aveimo tu tho westerly side tf Van lliiien avenue', in the Fifth waul, In aciniilanci' with plans and .-peel-Ilea tiom cm flic in the Bureau of Eiu'lneciing. Uleldels shall enclose with Hull pinpusaN, c ii-.Ii or eertllted cheek for I lie sum nt One Hundred Dollais us ,i guarantee to execute a coutiaet (or the work wltldii twenty cljv if awaided the tame. In case the bidder to whom the eontlaet shall have been uwurded falls to execute u eon tlaet for the woik In accoidance with the plans and specllli atlonsl llieieloe, within t vv cut v davs fiom tho elate of (lie award, the one hunched dub bird, cash or eeititicd cheek aeeompauviiig his pin posal shall bo foifelled to the iceTol Hie City uf fcel anion, lllilileis shall state piiee ut which they will eontlaet to kcip the pavement in lepalr for .1 pet loci uf the veils, the pi lie of lep.ills not to be iucliicied ill piico chaigcd for laving pneiii'itt, ptoposals shall cover tho eutliu noil, mid shall state separately the pike (or setting in ic-sci-tluir cuiltotones, the irice for paving per septate vanl, whlili shall Include the iosl of jading in shown on tho ptollle, llltldeis will be furnished with piopo-.i! blanks a( thu UiuiMit of Ettglnecilng, and itu otheis will be accepted. AH pioposals shall hu filed with the City Con liollcr ut his nfltec in tlio City Hall, .Suaiilou, l'j., not later than 2 o'clock p. in. on Monday, Apill 21, 1M2. 'Hie cit lescrves Hie il'ht to leject any or ull bid). JOHN E. ROCHE. Diieetor llejuitmeiit of I'libllc Wuiks. Scianton, 1'J., Apill u, llioi, W Will Pay For ,0 names a reasonable pro- V R 1 (n (( Port'on f t'iem 'nvest $ a week YOU ip 15U.UU jn the best investment tor small sav ings ever offered, Particulars cheerfully furnished. MANHATTAN CO-OPERATIVE REAL ESTATE CO., 126-128 Washington DIRECTOR!. 3 Insertions 25 Cents More Tin Pour Lines, a Centi lor Eecti Bttra Llni, LEGAL. THE OWNIiltS or repulecl owners of property uoiiiHiing or ainming on uoin siac.1 oi wjtuii ng nvcntie, fun Phelps land lino to Atli utrceli both sides of Ash sticet, from the D. & II. R. R, to Washington menuo! belli sides ot Oakford coutt, fiom Acli sticet to Poplar street; both Idei of 1'orc-t court, front Ash street to Poplar street! and both xldes of llrcck court, fiom Ehelps land line to Pop!.!.' Hreet, in the Sev enth mid Thliteenth wards. Take Hotter that; under the direction of councils, I will make the assessment fur the ontriictlon of a lyetcnt of latei.il sewets for thu drainage of tho territory mentioned above, on Wednesday, Hip 10th cu'v of Apt II 11, 1WH, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at the Depaitnient of Public Work, Bureau of En glnecilng, City Hull, Scranton, Pu at vvhlcli time and pinto vou may appear and b: hoird if Jou o deslte. JOHN E. ROCHE, Director, Dcpiiltnei.t of Public Work Scranlon, Pa., April 8, 1002. CANDIDATES for the office of Inspector of Mines are hereby notified that the Hoard of examiners appointed by the Couit of Common Pleas of Idickawannu county, will meet at tlio Hoard of Control rooms. City Hull, Scranton, on Monday, April 21, Ili02, nt 10 a. m., (ot the examination uf mh candidates as may appear befolp llinil. Candidates will notice tlut the law lequires them to produce sallt-laclory evidence of having had at least live veins piactlcat expedi ence in the anthracite coal mines, JAMES YOUNG. REESE A. PHILLIPS, GEORGE WATKINC. TIMOTHY 1). HAYES, JOHN ROLAND, x Examiners. A MEETING of the inrtnbeis of the Lackavviinni Store Association Limited, will be held at Ilia office of the uwicl.ttlon in Scranton, I'm,, on Monday, the lllh d.iy of April. A. D. 1002, at half past two o'clock In the afteinnon, for tho puipo'o of Inking action upon the question oj dissolving The Luckawauni Stoic Association Limited, by volurtaiy aethn of tho members, and, in cac il is derided to dissolve the said ii'soeiatioti, then for the further purpose of pled log three liquidating fiustcc to wind up tin alTalre of the association nteoidiug to taw. it. S. FAIRCIIILI), Secretary. Scranton. P.i Mateli 22, 11102. Dissolution of Partnership. DISfOl.l'TIOV OF PARTNERSHIP The partner ship heielofoie e.xNtlng between J. M. Finely and A. M. Finn, under tho firm name of Puroy A: Finn, is this 2th dav- of Much, 1H02, ell solved by mutual consent, A. M. Finn letirlng. The business lieieultei will be continued by J. M. Puulj imdei the Him name of J. M. Pnuly & Co., to whom all outstanding accounts will bo paid and wp- assume all liabilities. J. M. PUHDY, A. M. Finn. Dalton, Maieh 2'i, 1W2. Storage. STORACB Dry, clean and modern up-to-date storage; scpu.ifc loom; individual kevs: elevator. Ait ideal storage for household effects, etc. Thiny separate storage rooms. Scranton Stoiage com pany, IE! Fianklln avenue. PffOFsoyiL. Certified Public Accountant. EDWARD C. SPAULDING, 23 TRADERS BANK Building, and St. Paul Building, New York. Architects. EDWARD II. DAVIS, ARCHITECT, CONNELIi Building. FREDERICK L. BROWN. ARCH. B REAIi Estate Exchange Bldg.. 123 Washington ave. Civil and Mining Engineers. II. L. HARDING, 815, CONNELL BUILDING. STEVENSON & KNIGHT, 720 CONNELL BLDG. Dentists. DR. C. E. EILENBERGER, PAULI BUILDING, Spruco street, Scranton. DR. O. O. LAUBACII, 115 WYOMING AVENUE. Lawyers. WTLLAHD, WARREN & KNAPP, ATTORNEYS und Counscllois-ut-Luvv. bOJ to 012 Council Buildirg. FRANK E. BOYLE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Rooms 12, 14, 16 and 18 Burr Building. D. B. HEPLOGLE, ATTORNEY LOANS NEGO tinted on real estate security. Mears Building, corner Washington avenue and Spruce street. JESSUP & JESSUP, ATTORNEYS AND COUN-(cllors-at-law. Coinmonvvcalth Building, lloomi 10, 20 and 21. EDWARD W. THAYER, ATTORNEY. ROOM3 00J-WM, oth floor, Mears building. L. A WATRES, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, BOARD of Trade Building, Scranton, Pa. PATTERSON 4; WILCOX, TRADER'S NATIONAL Bank Building C. COMEQYS. 0-1.1 RFPUBLICAN BUILDING. A. W. BERTHOLF, OFFICE MOVED TO NOT ill Wyoming avenue. Physicians and Surgeons. DR. W. E. ALLEN. 513 NORTlTwASIIlXOTON avenue. DR. S. W. L'AMORE IJ.Y, OFFICE 331 WASH ington avenuu. Residence, 1.118 Mulberry. Chronic ab.c4.-c3, lungs, beait, kidnejs and genito-uiinary oigaiu u specialty. Hours, I to 4 p. m. Osteopathy. Dlt, 1). (i. EVANS, OSTEOPATH, 12-8 WASH ington avenue, Chiouio and netvous disease! a specialty, L'oiwiltation tue. Hotels and Restaurants. THE-ELl7cFE. 123 AND 127 FRANKLIN AVE nue. Rates leasoiuble. V. ZIEGLER, Proprietor SCRANTON HOUSE, NEAR D., L. & W. PA3- senger depot. Conducted on tlio European pll"' ' v'cron KOCH, Propiletor. " ' '4 ' Scavenger, A. B. BItlGGs"cLEANS PRIVY VAULTS "XNr" cess pools; ir jilor; -only Itnpioved putnpi uWd. A. U, Briggs, proprietor. Leave otdera 1100 North Main avenue, or Elcke's drug store, .cor ner Adarrs und Mulbeiry. Botli telephone, Seeds, O. R, CLARKE et CO., SEEDSMEN AND NURS. erjmcn, store "01 Washington avenue; grn bouses, 1030 North Main avenue; alms tele phone, 782. ' Wire Screens, JOSEPH KUETTKL. HEAR 511 LACKA. AVf., Scranlon. Pa., iiuiinfaeturer of Wire Screens. Miscellaneous. DRESSMAUINQ FOR CHILDREN TO 0RDB8; also ladies vvaUU Louisa Shoemaker, JJ Adams avenue. , MEGARGEE HH0S., PRINTERS' SUPPLIES, JJ. veloiies, papr bags, twine. Warehouse, )P Washington avenue, Scranton, Pa, THE WILKESUARRE HECOHI) CAN BE HAD in Scianton ut tho newt sturid of RcUrpati Bios., 400 fpruce and WU Linden; M. NoiUn. C22 Lackawauna avenue; I. 8. Schutwr, JH 6oiuce itreet. -- Avenue, Scranton, Pa, 3 " '; 4 '! 'j. rv i- k!,i if y -re'., " '-' , , 1 rt. l,l, ' r ljjS.tfe. A,' .4 icns .i.tf.
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