!m? tt1 hM BR m kmfw w Wl Ik ''M r4( n., wKfmm y h?p :m ?vf?' ft ' s A VI THE SORANTON TRIBUNE-TUKSDAV,, APrilL 8, 1902. t. 3 id a a - .3 a a a a ?2 -a if. if- 1 6" WEST SCRANTON MUNICIPAL OWNERSHIP DISCUSSES BY MEMBERS OE THE MEN'S LEAGUE. Excellent , Paper on the Subject Bead by Daniel T. Rceso nt Plymouth , Church last EvonlngG. T. A. U. Regiment Officers Meet Weekly School Deposits Two Mine Work ers Injured Yesterday Events of This Evening Other News Notes and Personals. ' The Men's lemma of the Plymouth Congregational church held n Inter esting meeting lust evening, at which Daniel J. Iteeso read tin excellent paper on the subject oC "Municipal Owner ship." The paper was discussed by a, num ber of the members. Several new mem bers were added to the league. The outlook Is favoiablo for a successful concert under the auspices of the league next Friday evening. The topic for debate at the next meet ing, which will be held on April 21, Is "Kcsolvcd. That Our llepresentatlvc System of Government Is a Failure." The affirmative side will be upheld by Prof. John T. Jones tind Gomor It. .Ttoese. The negative speakers will bo Prof. J. Hnydcn Oliver and Attorney Charles E. Daniels. Two Mine Accidents. William J. Thomas, aged'1 24 years, on of Jcnkln Thomas, of Eynon and Twelfth streets, employed as a laborer In the Sloan mine, hnd his leg fractured and hip dislocated by a fall of roof while at work yesterday. He was re moved to the home of Thomas Parry on Eynon street, 'where Doctors George B. and Arthur A. Reynolds dressed his injuries. Richard Morris, of Frlnk street, em ployed ns a laborer In the Hampton mine, was seriously injured by a fall of roof while at work yesterday. He was removed to his home. Verdict of Mot Guilty. The case of James Mack and' Daniel I-enlhan, of Keyser Valley, who were accused of assaulting and robbing "William Carpenter of $20 at the Spike mill some time ago, was caleld in court yesterday. The prosecution failed to appear against the defendants, and the judge ordered a verdict of not guilty to bo lendered in the case. Carpenter at the The Best I'anilly Cough Jtemcdy, Dufour's French Tar, For Sale by GEO. W. JENKINS, 101 S. Main ave. III ! 1I;K lill U U in i The large assortment is one of S the advantages of this stock; 5: the modest prices another. A $i collection that is unsurpassed Si in quality, quantity and low & & pricedness. 3 a 3 Special After Easter Clearing Sale g Begins g Tuesday 9 Dress AT 2Sc A YARD Fine Melrose cloth In all the prevailing colors, and a choice lot of Oreponettes as well, and 22c is the special price. AT 31c A YARD Mixed lot of different lineB, not one of which was worth less than 50c a yard, and some worth 75c now 31c is the special price, AT 40c A YARD All Wool Vigoreaux, 45 inches wide, a nice lot of shades; the balance of a lot that sold at 75c a yard. And 40c is the special price. AT 40o A YARD Fine Henrietta Cloth, 45 inches wide and all the col ors; goods worth 65c a yard; the price Tuesday is 49o. AT 60c A YARD 48 inch Meheda, very fine fabric and full assortment of colors, The price has been 85o a yard; during the sale, 68c is the price, The Sale begins Tuesday and "Take care of the pennies and the pounds will take care of them- ielves" is a maxim, the truth of which will he nhl .... .' .. 1 demonstrated by tlie folks who attend this sale and & buy from us now. aji & tp I Globe Warehouse! time, was employed ns a night watch man at the Spike mill. Ho Is no longer employed there. Weekly School Deposits. The following deposits wero made nt the West Side bank yesterday for the pupils of public schools Nos. 13 and 19, by the different teachers: .'o, 13. T)ald Owctn, 91 S Kltzabctb Lewis, 60 cents! Allco Kvans, 00 cents i tlertha Kelly, 2j cental Krini I). Kvans, .10 cents! Nellie Itlcli. nrila, $l.av, Catherine Phillip, 8.30 Etlnt I.ruli, fit cents! S.ir,ti McDonald, 0 cents! I'lorclice Freeman, 10 centos Intnl. tfrt.S'i. No. 10-D. W. 1'hllllps 10 tents; MIm Nichols t-!.50; Miss Morgan, .'17 cental MIm Kvatu, f8 ccntsi MUs Kellow, $1.3.! Mls I'lvnn, JO icntij .MIm Peck, J.O( Mrs. Tether, $2.5"! MIm Murray, ;." cents; MIm ncamlsli, 8.1 renin! Mta lliittnn, ?2.82i Mls-e Davis, " cpiiIi; Mbm Wail,-, SO cental Miss Murphy, $1.42! MUs llurral, ?.'.5Si total, ffln.lM. r Engagement Announced. The engagement has been announced of Miss Dolores QUI, of 113'South Brom ley avenue, to Col, J. K. Hatcher, a prominent banker of Atlunta, Oa., and New York. The wedding will take place In Phila delphia, on April 24, where Miss Gill has resided for several years. She Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard GUI. Her brother and sister, John and Miss Margaret Gill, of this side, will at tend the wedding. First Regiment C. T. A. U. of A. The line ofllcers of the First Regiment of the Catholic Total Abstinence Union of America held a meeting In St. Leo's hall Sunday afternoon and discussed the arrangements for the tlrst annual encampment nt Lake Lodoro next Aug ust. The next meeting will be held at Wllkes-Barre, four weeks from last Sunday. Meetings Last Evening. The official board of the Simpson M. E. church held a business meeting in the church last evening, at which mat ters pertaining to the coming confer ence were discussed. Class meeting this evening. A regular monthly meeting of the Swedish Citizen's club was hold In the French Roof hall last evening, at which several matters wore discussed and act ed upon. The weekly social of the Onelta Danc ing class was held in Washington hall last evening. A large crowd of young people were present. Hayes Bros, orchestra furnished the dance music. The ladles of the Simpson M. E. church, whose names begin with the initials F, G, H, I, J and K, met in the church last evening to arrange for a supper in the near future. Events of This Evening. A business meeting of the Ladles' Choral union and executive committee will be held in the Robert Morris lodge rooms this evening. The regular meeting of the West Side Board of Trade will be held this even ing, when the annual nomination of of ficers will take place. Several other matters of importance will be taken up for consideration. The Gamma Nu society of tho Wash- of Ms Begins I Tuesday I & AT 89c A YARD Heavy Weight Venetians for Suits, 56 inches wide, all the ft colors and goods that sold ' for $1.25 a yard? tho sale 51 price is 80c. & THE LAST OP THE LOTS AND THE BEST OF THE BARGAINS The comparative savings at this sale are neither con servative nor exaggerated: they are exact. Colored Whipcords, 44 inches wide, in all the new shades, extra fine fabrics: easily worth 65c a yard. Sale price, 40c. All Worsted Storm Serge, in blue and black 48 inches & & & & & . I & e & & wide, most excellent quality: & cheap at 60c a yard. Sale S price, 40c. fe 20 pieces of French Ohal- fe lies in Persian patterns, i suitable for Tea Gowns, Dressing Sacks and Waists! The goods are worth 75o a yard, but the sale nrir is 40c, - - -- ""- -. The Spring Tonic, Llewellyn's Coca Wine AT ALL DRUGGISTS. burn Street Presbyterian church will glvo an entertainment In the church, this evening, which will be followed by a social. The Colonial Dancing clnss will meet this evening In Washington hall. Coming Events. The newly-elected officers of Slocum lodge, No. 976, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, will be installed by Dis trict Deputy Grnnd Master George Harper, on Wednesday evening. The onicers of Globe lodge, No. 058, will be Installed on Friday evening, April 11. The Scranton Alumni Base Ball club will conduct an entertainment and so cial In St. David's hall on Wednesday evening, April ft. Miss Kate Beardon will play for them. The ladles of the Sherman Avenue Mission Sunday school will serve a sup per on Wednesday and Thursday even ings, April 16 and 17. The drawing for a sliver watch for the benellt of Jeremiah Lynch will take place at St. Peter's hall on Wednesday evening, April IS. The Ladles' auxiliary of Division No. 4, Ancient Older of Hibernians, will conduct a concert and social In M'ears' hall on Wednesdny evening, April 23. Moses Taylor Sister lodge, No. 121, will hold their fourth annual social In Washington hall, Tuesduy evening, April IB. Company B, First regiment, Catholic Total Abstinence Union of America, will conduct a military ball In Mears' hall, Tuesday evening, April 22. The Men's league of the Plymouth Congregational church will hold an en tertainment in the church next Fridnv evening. A Bowling Match. The South Side Bowling team strengthened by Meister and Pecklns, won two games from the Becker team on the Becker alleys last night. The score: SOUTH SIDU. Total. 515 4ro 487 440 .120 2111 MeMer 1."I 182 Pecklns 18! k;o Itrovvnell la; ' y, Hcrbold 170 V-'O Jones aw 171 170 117 113 141 110 SS7 S0O hi:cki:hs Itolllin 20) 2S Hurko 17" 12j Hi'jnon 131 III Yost 133 i;i Coons 1S3 111 S30 001 Wljli score Jones and ltolllnj., Mult an Mire .Jones, 173 1-3. 171 111 113 140 101 rm 140 421 430 400 230J 200. GENERAL NEWS NOTES. The rcmaint of the Ute Moigan Caffmali, who died at 111 South Kc.v;cr avenue, were token to Moscow jntcrdaj' moinlnp, and from there to the cemetery lit Maple Lake, where intcmient was made jesterday afternoon. The members ot Uicknnanna count II, Hoval Arcanum, will tonduit a mock trial at the'r nct incctliig- on Friday evcnliiR, April IS. The principals in the case will be announced later. The readjustment of insurance rates was the chief topic of discussion at last eveninpr's meet ing of 11 do l'aik camp of the Modern Woodmen of America. A paper cm the uihjcct was nud by Hy. A. Parsons. The manageis of Sr, Patrick's orphan.ifre ac knowledges with thanks a donation of forty boys' caps fiom f.ouis Conrad, the hatter. A valuable ro.-o bmli was stolen fiom the vnrd in frnijt of 330 South itain avenue icccntly. The Kullty parties arc furiectcd, and if the properly is returned no questions will be asked. Chester I)evcrau, at;etl H jean, of 119 North firant avenue, was bitten by u dog icccntlj. i)r. Iliennan cauterized the wound. Mary, the young child of Xlr. and Mrs. John Quinn, of riftecnth and Luzerne stieet, fell down a lll'ht ot ttairs at her homo recently, and sus tained bruises about the head and body. The Lojal Crusadcra will hold a very iinnor. tant meeting tomorrow- evening in the Si-ndiy echool room of the rir.t Congregational chinch At the dose of badness Mr. llcese will give n few selection'? on the Victor talking midline. lion. John II. Fellows and family, of Tenth street, will re-occupy their house this week. The inteiioi was badly d imaged by tlto some time ago. Mis. Maiy C'anoll, of South I'lltuorc avenue, who was arrested nt the instance of her net door neighbor, Michael l!lggin, dinged with as. suiting the tatter's daughter, was discharged after tho hearing before AMeim.ni Davie. The Lincoln Heights Social c-Iuli will conduct an entertainment ami social in JicaiV hall on Wednesday evening, April 10. There will be a meeting of the properly own ers on Washburn Mroot between Sumner and Van Durcn avenues, at 7.!0 o'clock tonight, in the Ficiiih ltnof hotel. The purpose of curbing is the mallei to lie- coi.s'eleied. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Dr. r. C. Hall, of Xorlli Main atrnur, w.n called to SlilcUhliiny jcstcnlay to iicrform a ilif. flcult operation. MNs Iilllian Itremun, ol .huksou street. lias IV turned homo from a visit with fiionds In tt'llKrs Ilarre. Abel Stover, ot Itlnca, X. V., who h.n lieen Uniting at the homo of IiU parents on I.afjetto street, returned home jcsterdjy. Mrs. fit Iflltli T. D.i. of Xortli Main avfiue, who has been ill for aetcul du.is at her homo, i3 recoiling, John .1. Moigan, of .Main avenue, biother of 11, C. Moigan, who lua been m seriously ill, U new recovering slowly. Mr. ami Mrs. Hen How, fonnerly of CIjiK's Summit, hive rented It. .1. lliighei' house Jt Dromlcy avenue uud l'rice sheet. Miss Ilattlo 1:.miom, of Stuik court, has re turned homo fiom a vl.it with friend in O'v. pliant, Mm. C. II. Krctky ami clilldien, of Xortli Sum. ncr avenue, an- home from a brief stay In Twit., hannock, Mrs. II. A. Hlglifirld lias returned home from tlurfalo, ula'ie the attended tlio wedding of her lister, Waller Xeeley, of Xortli Itiboccn avcmif, left jwterday for Kliamokin, where lie will vvoik fcr the International Text Hook ioniuny. Alfred ltecd, of Huns court, returned !at even, lug from a ulwatorlul expedition with ,i mci cf tlility Ijrtje-ilreil mid.eri. DUNMORE. The Woman's Christian Temperance union will hold a (.upper at the homo of James Matteson, on bhoeuialev avenue, Wcclm-vlay rvfninir, Tlio proeceeU will bo udded to the fund being raised for the erection ot a drinking fountain it tl c corncu. OvvInK to the alienee of u iuoruni, la.i uivshfa council mcctiiitf was adjourned until Wcdnemljy cvcnlni'. The letters remainlusr unc ailed for at the Dun. inoi e brunch otutllc-e on April S, wcic as fol low t; Mary Arm, 7W Xeutb Main utenue; An. thony llarrett, 7IU Clay avemiej Mr, and Mr. W, J, Drown, IIU 1'c'iirlh chril ; Arena llearncs, Mint Katie CuuiuiluiB, 1'atrlek ('nnvvj, .Say Ann; I'al rick Colcuuu, -iV Carvei hlied CJ); MIm i:ii, abctli ljvl. in I'elloua rtreet; Mi. John l'l'ey (K.), Mr. Thomas Ciillin, Ml. 1). Hood, Mm. Many hicvens; Mr, It. 11, Yoe., fJO Dilnl.cr tlrect ti) Antonio di IVllppn, jhinmoie, I'.i., Uo liij (SlavUh). I'crsana (alliui; for them will jy "advciliu'd." SOME FOOLISH PEOPLE Allow a cough to run until It Kelt bcjoticl tho reach of medicine. They often ay, "Oh. it will wear away," but In most emu It will wear (hem away. Could they be Induced tp try tho successful medicine railed Kcuip'i llahuni, v.lil.li la cold un a positive fiuran'cc to cure, they would immcdlitcly ice the excellent effect ut ter UUns the tlrt doie. I'rlco He. and SUc. Trial :lic (ice. At all tlruw SOUTHSGMNTON AN UNUSUALLY ENJOYABLE SOCIAL EVENT. Annual Banquet and Dance of tlte South Side's Popular Social Organ ization, the "Fourteen Friends," Given Last Night at Athletic Hall. Two Hundred nnd Fifty Persona Wero in Attendance Most Suc cessful Event In the History of tho Organization, Tho Fourteen Friends, whose fume as hospitable entertainers, has spread far and wide, held another of their en joyable reunions nt Athletic hall, last evening. The arrangements for tho nffalr were In charge of the following committee: President John Lentes, John Demuth, -. i . . Albert Heler, B. P. Moore. J. P. Best, John Schunk and Fretl EJlirhardt. Alderman John Lentes, was chosen president at tho last election, while B. P. Moore, and John Schunk have held the oflices of secretary, and treasurer, respeclvely since the society's organiz ation. The committee 'decided to vary the arrangements somewhat this year and the regular course banquet was dis pensed with. Instead It was decided to serve hot coffee, turkey, ham and cheese, while ice cream, cake and fruits, wete served during tho dancing. Tho decorations transformed the hall into a bower of beauty. The prevail ing colors, pink and white, were draped from the walls and celling-, while In numerable stars and funs, lent an artis tic effect. In front of the stage where Law rence's full orchestra was stationed be hind a wealth of palms, the figures "14," strung from the celling, blazed and si:chi;tai'.v V. MOOItC. sparkled with numerous electric lights. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Charles f-locb-r, City Controller and Mrp. V. V, Caitello. Mr. anil Mrs. Will Klrchofl. Mr. and Mr. 1'ranl; Iiimpktihl, Mr. and Mrs. George ltosir, Mr. and Mr. Clurlo-s Itosar, Jtr. and Mis. Itichaid Zulager, Mr. and Mr. Henrv Stlioll, Mr. and .Mrs. Thomas Duffy, Mr. and Mrs liei-ry Sheridan, Mr. and Jin, .1. t,'. SJivvenUei, Mr. and Mr. Tied MIUci; Mr. nnd Mr.-. George SJieucr, Mr. and Mr". William HaunisaitiKr, Mr. and Mr O-ear llehicgel, Mr. and Mt. Clw, Klrst, Mi. and lln, John Radrr, Mr. and Mrs. ('has. Arnibuusl, Mrs. Waldo, Mr. and Mr. John Mais, Mr. and Mis. John I'. Kchcuer, Mr. ami Mis. IHdui-il Ilalc, Mr. anil Mrs. II, Klaumitusr, Coim cllman and Mr. John .Schneider, Mr., and Mr.', Augut Sehneid"!-, Mr. and Mrs Jicob llaltu , Mr. and .Mrs. John 1'. Mahon, Mr. and .Mrs. (ioo. Xapo, .Mr, anil Mr. Krod Klrehotr, It gfjier of Wills and Mm. William Koch, Mr. and Mia. Wi. Ham Klein, Mr. and Mi.-.. IVtcr Hlppre, Mi. and .Mrs. AuguH Hagen, Mr. and Mi. Will ZeNeniei, Mr. and Mis. T. J. Ilaiughan, .Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Miller, Mr. and Mis. Albeit llcicr, Councilirjii and Mrs, (liailra Graf, Mr. and Mr. D. K. Mo-rc, Mr, and Mrs. Daniel Mahlin.in, Mr, and Mir, Charles Hose, .Mr. and Mrs. Andrew llest. Mr. and Mre. Onrlcs llelci, Mr, and Mrs. Walter Xape, Mr. and Mrs. Fain Kiihrman, Mr. and M:s. James 1'. Hett, Mi, and Mrs. 1'red Khrhardt, Mr. and Mis. John Zclsemer, Mr, and Mis. George THEASUBEIi JOllX SCHUNK. W-lrtli, .Mr. and Mr A. 1'. WtMpfahl, Mr. ui.d Mix. William Cullielm, Mr. and Mh. Thonu h-piuki, Mr, and Mr.L I'hillp Hchcuor, Mr, aril Mr. John Dciuutli, Mr, uud Mi's, lleitliold Scliutt, Mr. and Mn. Harry Sift, Iteeorder of DceeU and Mn. Dnill llonii, Mr, and Mm. Aupi't Scblinpff, Mr, and Mrs. CharliK Wirth, Mr, ami Mrs. Clurlc Conrad, Mr, and Mrs. Edward Claus, Mr. and Mrs. Ad nil Vockroth, Mr. and Mm. Adolph Hannucii, Mr, and Mu. Adam Krichtcl, Mr, and Mrs, Jacob Sehuiil;, Councllinaii and Mrs. Tied l'liilliw, )r, and Mm. Alhcrt Kolh, AUIcinuii uud Mrt. John Ijentcs, Mr. und Mis. Tcter McrrUL, Mr. uud Mr. Ihoinas Gilboy. Mrs. Seidell Xape, Mrs. 11. Kelly, Mi. C'aiolhu Miller, Mis. Annie Huber, of lloncsdjle; Mis. W. S. htuvciKon, Mrs. Charlcd Stjrk. Misse-s Komaine Spruhs, Ro&o Ucinuth, MIna Lentes, Minnie Miller, lliercw Drill, Kate ltowr,, Ijcna CcU, l.lbblc Luti, I.uhi Drmulll, Hannah lla;eu, Annie McCoy, Kdlth Hur.chel, Anna Schmidt, I.iuic I'hl, Marirsret Moth, Annie i-uiu-liu'is, Tina Ueisnici, Elliitelb i.lojd, Kdlth Jouci, HBBaKaF - .-BBBaaklaH & .?EaBBKfet HaaaH f,i ; - S!'3 .JftlJaaaM BHrBBBHRiIBBBBBBBBBV ' "J '.BBKBaVyP aVaaklaHBBBH , "" p W mmm n. Bridget OlWwns, Mildred Tclclimiw,. Carrie ttosaf, Anna llirlman, Kate KIcViw, Clira Rom, Anna wwls Annlo and Mantle Illppre, Nettle Phillip, Kite tmvert, Krmna. OMehner, Uusslc Clriebncr, Utile ltocar, Annie Wetland, Caroline Pchewr, Anna1 Moffltl, Philippine Orlener, Anni aider, Annie end Minnie llmtlinincr, Nora Ix(Uu, Kale flordon, Mary Moran, Kate Schrelber and Carrie L'mlcli. Jacob Dutch, Councilman Charlc 0. tlor, Peter Marker, Mlllon .Moore, Henry Lewlnn, John Scjiunlv, Prter Zanj, William Marsh, John II. (laftnry, William T. Rlmpwn, Will I'enlle, County CotmnlMloner John J, Ihirkin, Jofcph Killer, V. Itctrlcircl, O. C. Schencr, Amhro c Allcnuia, City Treasurer K. J. ltohlmon, JomjiIi K. Slocum, Hiiffli Carry, William K. John', Cor oner .?, P. Sallry, Dennis lloche, John Dcanney, William NacbcII, Clerk of the Court Thomas C. Panlcl. Clcorffe Hacked, William Wetlllne, Pr. It. A. Wchb, James Touhlll, diaries Ihrtliauvr, Jamc Cadden, James MeAullffc, Anthony Gordon, llcn-on Da via, Charles Miller, tleornc Wl'rth, John J. Schneider, Julius Heler, Auiruat fWr, James McCoy. Chiitlei Plcstna-, Frank V. Klo, Will Itosnr, Kninl: Sdiellcr, Albert ZlMner, William Bnrirliel, Will fielKer, Prank II. O'llojlr, Tliorraa Price, Pred Pride, Arnold liotli, Jacob Knule, Prcd A. Clopp, Jr., Charles J. Murlr, John Tier ney, William Thonus. Auut (lelger, Dr. tirorce Freiilian. C. K, William, T. II. Povlc, Harrv Waldo, J, .1. Co.vne, William Iludcnbai li, Alfit'd Clutliflo, Olio Ilobln'Tin, (lull.nn Jones. The errand inarch began nt 9.30 and was led by President Lentes and his wife. New Pastor Coming. Tho congregation of the German Methodist Kplscopul church, on Pros pect iivenue, was Informed yesterday thnt it new pastor would soon he In stalled to take the place temporarily filled by Pastor Herforth. How G. Hauser Is the clergyman as signed to tho church by the conference, lie was formerly n resident of this city, anil had charge of the Adams Avenue Gertnun Methodist Episcopal church. NUBS OF NEWS. A well-nttcnded meeting of Hie Ar lington Bowling club was held at Zuleger's alleys, on Plttston avenue, last evening. A match game was played after tho business session, and u lunch was served to the player?. Dr. Schley's Lung Healing Balsam In guaranteed to cure all coughs. "No cure, no pay." For sale by nil dealers. The Infant ron of Patrolman and Mis. George Jones, whoso death occuricd on Saturday.wan burled yesterday from the family residence, on Cedar avenue. In terment was in the Forest Hill ceme tery. Thete was n large attendance of relatives and sympathizing friends at the services, which were conducted by llev. P. P. Doty. NORTH SCRANTON NEWS. Henry Davis of Summit Avenue Re membered by His Former Em ployes at the Cnyuga. Henry Davis, of Dunmore avenue, for a long time mine foreman of the Cay uga was a few weeks ago made one of the Lackawanna company's district mine superintendents was in honor of his promotion presented last night with a solid gold watch, chain and charm of the emblem of the Knights of Pythias, by the inside employes of Cayuga. Henry Jenkins accompalned by forty of tho employes went to Mr. Davis' residence und made the presentation In a neat and appropilate speech. Mr. Davis responded with n few feel ing words of thanks. Ho said he did not know how to express hlmuelf to tho men who had shown such great kind ness to him. After tho presentation re freshments were served by Mrs. Davis and Mrs. Hollister, daughter of the superintendent. Mr. Davis has hart charge of the Cayuga for a great number of years, and during that time has been well liked by all his employees, Mr. Davis nov has charge of the Manvilte, Storrs, Cayuga, Brisbln and Diamond mines. Told in n Few Lines. The Young Musician's society, will meet for rehearsal In the Welsh Presby terian church, Wayne avenue, Thurs-' day evening. Richard J. Richards, of Sprint; street, the Fiiat ward assessor, has announc ed himself a candidate for delegate to the Republican state convention. Mrs. Frank A. Shorer, of Putnam street, Is visiting: friends In Iilngham ton. N. Y. The High Works team and the De fenders of South Scninton, played nt the Auditorium Inst night. It was more of a foot ball game, lacking skill and clever playing: The Defenders won by a score of Tl to 2. GREEN RIDGE. Mr. and Mn. T. J. f-novvden, of Sim-,tt avp mi", have retuineu fiom a visit with fiicuds at llau.-om. The ladles of the conuiegatlon of the fliecn TtldKo I'ubjlirl in ehiiich, whtw iiJiinrf Ih'kIii vvllli the letter. of the alphabet from A to (I ii'ilu'Jic, an rUjiicFlrd to meet with the puni tive committee of the Ladles' Aid co.-lely in the church parlors tills aitemocii at u u'e-loett, UUhop Talbot, vvno conl'.rmcd a c'.iy nt the C.'huieli of the tliod fhepheiil Sunday cvenlnir. udminlftercel the me of' eonllriiiatlon at Clull church on Waihintmi .iteuiii, l.iit evening', when Mlrwi Iinosene Schell llileulliie, daui;ht.r of the rector of that church, was coiiflriiied. Tlie services weic umuually impulsive and liciutitiil nnd wcic followed by an eainm beirneu lie HMiop Talbot. Tlie clailty eiielire. Riven by the ladles of (leeu ltldeff at the library vcaterday aftcrncon and cveiilne; was ,i very snecrsifiil arTalr. 1 he committee of r.iraiujeuient'i were: Mis. A. O. Tliomaion, Mr. EiNon (Ircen and Mrs I", Meirl field. Tlio ladles cm tin- leccplion eomiiililce wne Mrs. T. E. Jone, Mr. II, E. Hurley an I Mrs. CeolKC Samlc'ioQii. The Ciiren Itidn'e- Wheelmen will bold thtii .iiiiiu il election tuiiUlit, ut tlie club Irju-e, l.undi will be kri'Til. OBITUARY. LA GHAXCiE DAMAN, who was n resident t)f Went Plttston for over half n century died yesterday morning at his home In that place. Ills tleuth was oulte unexpected. Mr, Diuimn went to West Plttston.Ainill, 1840. Foru uniuber of years he was Iduntllled with tho business Interests of the town, having been In leul estate uuel other business, lie was born In Fulton county, N. Y Sept, 13, 1823. He was married to MIs-h Mary J. Blown, on Juno 7, 1S19, by Elder Mott. This union was blest with seven clilldien, live of whom, together with Airs. Uuinnn, survive, The child ren are; Mrs, A. L. Hryden, of Dun more; r. Charles , Daman, of Syracuse, N, V.; Mrs. T, P. AYhltmore, of Dayton, Ohio; II. Maxwell .Daman and Itobert L. Dumnn, of West Pltts ton. The funeral will take place from tho late resldenco Wednesday ufter noon ut 2.30 o'cloclc. interment will bo private and will be In the West Pitts ton cemetery. MUS. HAIIRIET P. MUMFOUD, died 8fr 77TMniatU remedy that Mireti W la Uj Miss Lillian Martin, Graduate of ing School for Nurses, Brantford, Can., now of Milwaukee, Wis., Testifies that the Hospital Doctors Rely Upon Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to Cure Severe Cases of Woman's Ills. She says: "Dr.AR Mrs. Pikkham : While vc arc taught in the training schools throughout the country to look clown upon patent medicines, and While the doctors in the hospitals speak slightingly of 'them to patients, I have found that they really know different. I have fre quently known physicians to give Lydia E.Plnkham's Vegetable Compound to women suffcringwith the most serious complications of ovarian troubles, falling of the womb, leucorrhcea, and other disorders. They would as a rule put the Compound in regular medicine bottles and label it Tonic,' or other name3, but I knew it was your Com pound, and have seen them fill it in prescription bottles. I, have never seen anything but happy results from its use ; inflammation and ulceration has been relieved and cured in a few weeks, especially where your Sanative Wash has been applied also. I feci it but due to you to give proper credit for Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound ; I have great faith in it and often recommend it to others." Miss Lillian Martin, 884 27th Ave., Milwaukee Wis. t $5000 FORFEIT IF THE ABOVE LETTER IS NOT GENUINE. If von pre sick, write Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn, Mass., for advice. SSfflaKasfasatroas3EE2n2aat3EEK B There is no other Roofing M That is just ns good as W.nTPn, Miret Co'.i SLUG ROOFING The Book tells you why- send for it. warren Ehret Co., 321 Washington Avenue. ;qs3ESKSK! The Matchless Splendors OfdlO Canadian Rockies BANFF the LAKES In the CLOUDS, YOHO VALLEY, tho OREAT GLA CIER a region described by Whym per, th conqueror of tho Mattsrhorn, ns urty or sixty Kvvitzeriunas roneu Into one; i cached only by the Canadian Pacific Railway Dally transcontinental train service throughout the year from Toronto and Montreal. IMPERIAL LIMITED, crossing the continent In 07 hours, leaves Toronto and Montreal (com mencing Juno loth next) every Sunday, Wednesdny and Friday. Sleeping nnd dining cars attached to all through trains. First-class hotels in the mountains. Swiss guides at the principal points. For rates, etc., apply to nearest agent of the t P. R., or to E. V. Skinner, 333 Broadway, New iTork. ROBERT KERR, Passenger Traffic Manager, Montreal la3t evening at the homo of her daugh ter, Mrs. O. R. Clark, 1315 North Main avenue. She had been ill for ten days with pneumonia. Sirs. Mum ford was 0t years of ago and Is survived by one daughter. Mrs. O. H. Clark. The funeral will take place Thutsday after noon fiom the residence. TIIADDEl'S KELLV, of Caibon street, ng?d DS years died yesterday morning. He had been a resident of Scranton for many yenrs. He was an upright, honest man who had the high est regard of all who knew him. He is survived by his wife and one son, Tim othy Kelly. Common councilman P. F. Calpin was his nephew. The funeral will take place tomorrow morning nt o'clock, with a high mass at St. Peter's cathedral. Interment will be made In the Cathedral cemetery. MARK J. ERWIN, died yesterday morning at his home 537 Fourth street ufter a week's Illness with pneumonlu. He Is survived by four children John, Mniy, Ellen and Edwuul. The funeral will bo held Wednesday morning at 9 o'cloclc from Holy Cross church. In terment will be made in the Cathedral cemetery. Mr, Envin was a prominent member of the A. O. U, W. and was hlshly lesiiei'teil by all who knew him. THOMAS DEVINH died yesterday nt the home of his sou, 433 Genet street, Tho funeral will take place at 2.30 to moriovv nfternoon. Services will bo held In St. John's chinch, und Interment will bo In tho Cuthedrul cemetery, JOHN UOULLION, of 731 Maple stieet, died at 11.30 o'clock last night, leaving u wife and grown-up family. FUNERALS. 'the fiine-ial of the' late Mrn, tltiliudv .Staples will take i1jcc touionovv afternoon at 'J.flO n'lloek, llev, .l.iinoi Hi milliner, of the Hamp ton Mlict Molliodiat Kplm-opjl church, and ltev, II, I1, Joiiim, of tlio Tabernacle! foniricritioiul church, will ollicialc. Internum will be made in the Wahbuiii ttieot leuieliry, The funeral of the late Mil tin Mioney, of 4.7) Phelpe Mie-el, will lal.l' place1 toiuono'v- llluili Jut; Jt U n'cloek fiom bt, I'cUm's ealhedial. PETEK HAOGERTY AGAIN. This Time tho Patrolman Nabs a Gang of Burglars. I'atiolniau Peter Hnggei'ty was t-'tnnclliu; In a doorway on Cedar nvenuo this inornlnt? bhortly after jnldnlBlit when he saw three younu fellows ureal; Thii signature la on every bos of the gonuln Laxative Bromo0uiaineTubkt5 Train- AMUSEMENTS, Lyceum Theatre M. 11EIS. T.eiscc and Manager. A. J. DUFFY, Business Manager. ONE NIGHT ONLY. TUESDAY. APRIL 8 The 1'anious Comedian, DAN DALY, and the Georire VV". L'derer Co. in the Great Big Mu.ical Comedy Success All tho Original Cant. Prices Orchestra, $.fi0; orchestra circle, SLKO ilrcts circle, $1, $1.50; balcony, JKX-, 75c, fl, Sl.flO; gallery, 25 and r0 cents. THUnSDAY NIGHT. Ilroadhur.st & Curric Presents DAN CHAS. MASON& MASON Tho Tvv o Knipcrors of Germany, in Tlielr Latcit Success, . RUDOLPH AND ADOLPH 'tlie Fnnnieit of tlie Scasoa. Prices 2., 50, T.'ic. and $1. ScatM reaily Tuesday. I'rielay WgTir, Saturday Matinee and Night. Mr. Wm. I'. Ilrady'a Magnificent Production Way Down East Pv Ixittie Dlair Paikcr. Elaborated by Jos. (iiismer. Kndoised by 1're.ss, Public and Pulpit. Prlers Jac, C0c, 7Jc. .1.00. Matinee, ?5c, COi-., 73c. ."'cats on falo Wednesday. Academy of flusic U. BHIS, Letiee. A. J. Duffy, Mini;ir. AM. this vki:k. Coiiimenclni Monday Nlglit. Matinees Besinnlss TiifMljj, The Oritrlnat and Popular. Waite Ccmedy and Stock and Ladies' Philharmonic Orchestra. Slions Scrnin Company. Prices 10, tD and 30c,; matinee, 10 and SOc, STAR THEATRE ALF. O. I1ERRINOTO.S, Minaftr. Monday, Tueuliy and Wednesday, Alillb 7. 8 AND 0. "The Devil's Daughter" M.vTi.vni: Kvr.ny day. Every Woman IslntejeafcJnndatipuulknow about the wonderful MARVEL Whirling Spray Tlienewlljrl. Id iiuciwrt, iicse o.. et Most Convenient, llllCSBtVUIOtlMII, l.U wAnrifrUHllt tilT ll lflii-aniiotll'ly iho t AMfc .'!.. iti'itliC tin oehrr. bin tend Bt.llnp for II- l..a,r,u.l lv.nlc krftld.le eivpl fill ti ,r,ii ul ata nml ilirectlnnnln. valuable (p UUJeij. SIAUVKUCO., lloom f0. 'limea Odt'.. New trie Into Charles Phillips candy store on tho eoiner of Hickory street. llu watched them until they got Inside and then ho went In after them. Tho threo jmt up n desperate fight In tho dark stoic room hut llatrgerly got a good grip on John Schroeder, He swung his club at tho other two hut they got away, Then he pulled his revolver and fired ufter them. Jacoh Hoes anil Charles Miller who were at tracted by the shots made after the trio who were running away nml man aged to capture Kdwurel Hlclu. Fretl Sohroeder. the third man, got away. Tho two prisoners wero locked up In tho Alder st,rect station and will bu given u hearing this morning. H I rim a m S5vV . It.MMfe'SSasaftl SVOK.i 5tiSiiv xsrxi'iia(i. i ,v":r, , " r ""-zjk . X' K -ez I0W, 'MQj. X "OV kj. J JIIW Cv hM U ' i . I hR-i ?Afc.-' . u,'.twi ' .-j i a. JLZtu. P 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers