THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-MONDAY, MARCH 17, 1902 xxxxoooxxxx; O hie uopnim itAnDWAtiE trroiu. x Henckles iwm uranu x Shears Arc known the world over for their wearing qualities mid tho satUf.icllon which comes from ihIiir them, Twin brand in UMtin r IHAIIS nra V itllly strcl O liy expert iT SCISSOII9 mid SIIH made of the finest ninthly trmprii'd mid Rrutlnd every pair warranted, (let them at X Foote & Shear Co. Q n 9 N. Washington Ave 6 xxxxxxxxxxxx 'Keep to the Right" With eyes open. Solve the mystery. It's a win ner. $$&m& ivioime:v to !oim We would put jour li.indaumt picture hole if i" hail It The important thing is to get ou in thu mid leinciuber wo monrty. IVe dr) not lcpiesent Jiny building and Iojm ns. sndjtlon. Our money uomt's piineip.illy from vho sue satisfied 'villi j ,ind fl per cent., ai 101 dine: (o the amount loaned and thn n.itme of the loan. It ii easy to hoi row- money tiom in. If j on want to go into biwincvs, if ,vou want to build a house; if you want to improve jmir piopetty, wc have the, money ready for j mi providing the sciurity U good. Ai to our ht.mding in the tonuminlly wc lefer you to any bink or hualnes man in tlie city and to those with whom wc have ever done bushier. roMi:r.Y.s m:.ii i:srvn: aoiinty, Dime Hank Building. Tlione 10 1SSI and 2H1-2. Juvenile Dresses Never moie attractive than this spring for little Tots tiom 0 months to 3 yeats. Wc have not forgotten the little miss of 4, fl and S for her we have the wadi linen? in beautiful colors, Pique, Sailor Mid Gibson diestsci in Serge, and a mo-t at tractive line of bPltl.N'U COATS. THE BABY BAZAAR 118 Washington Avenue. How People I Lose Their Honey Hy coi. ceiling It about their persons, b.v Mowing it away in mugs, jais and tid.s. These arc Mine of tlie vvajs by which people lo-e their inonev and bonirthiies their live, llctter deposit it in I THE PEOPLE'S MaiSSanaHHESSH ri"i ssia&UME2im V-rSJl PERSONAL. David Hush, of Philadelphia; vlth (Jiii'ii ltiilgt- Mendi,, pint Sjtuidjy Mr. and Mis. II,. A. Long, n Clbsnii street, nml t.uii, uro visiting friends ut Ucitri, X. ,1, Jll Martha Nnult and JtUs Maiy Wirth pml Miudny with Jlia. )), r. Ilannlsler at West Pit Won, Miss Alia M. Hink. of lliiRhesville, is visit ina: I'ioft.sM- and Mi.s. II. ). Ilucl., of 81!) IJuincy uvciiue, Coiniiiauilei II, S, ltlehaids of Wellington, I), t: Is guest of Mi. and Ml, .1. V, I'. Quasi.. tnhush, of Piatt Place, Mis f'hiUline l.n.dsay, of Mousey iivenue, le tinned fialuiday evening fioiu a visit with frienU in .New Yoik and Jeiney illy. MIm Margaret Jlorgun, of btito Oullesc, l'a 1 visiting her parents, Mr. unit Mrs, It, Jloigju, (if 117 .Nor Hi l'tlmou- avtniie. Miss Uia V. hnjiliT, of hununlt avenue, 1), and I'a.aden.i bliect, lelt Friday for Ashev 111?, X. ('., where ho vi.ii mariled batuidjj, .Muii.Ii 15, tu V, S. Ilellah. Miu JlJy Masee, of I'atcison, X. .1., Is the guest of Dr, and Jim. Y, J, Ij. Davis of Main nvrnue and JuiUou .tieet, 'I lie doitoi'n lumber, ficorge Davis, of 1'alcieoi hat letuined home. Good for Headaches, Tliero can bo )io ImproYenient In tlio taato of coffep. "COFo"' tustea like It smil agrees with me perfectly. Since Kivjiiff wp coffee for it I have been en tirely free from lieuilaclies anil Htomuch illsorders, I can recommend It to all users of cotfec. 1 W. LANOIC, I, D Scranton, Pa. Keep to the Right" With eyes open. Maybe your neighbor knows the meaning of this warning, Ask. BAH I gjm SZSES VXSXI'S EASTER MONDAY CONCERT. Madame Schumann-Helnk to Sing nt the Lyceum. Tlie Blunnntni-lU'lnk concert, the Krcnt mtislcnl event of Knstcr Monday nvenluB, March 31( at the Lyceum thea ter, In looked forward to with utt tiflUul Interest by nil, The Brent popu larity of this artist tltroUghout tlie country the present season 1ms made a demand for her services which Is surpassed hy no artist In the musical line. Mr. Hand Is most fortunate In having eiiRUKed her months afro, as It would have been Impossible to secure her scrvlcen at Hastcr time had he not done so. After appearing here, she Koes direct to the Auditorium at Chicago to fill an Important engagement. No artist of the Metropolitan Urn ml Opera company has achieved greater popularity during th present season, Her New York suc cess was repeated nt Boston during the pttHt week and without exception, tho papers speak In tho highest praise of her work. Thus cultured Boston adds to her list of triumphs, which her ap pearance In the other great cities created. The first public appearance of Miss Clare Hornn, of this city, ns a pianist on this occasion, Is creating great In terest. Kh) was a favorite pupil of Leschetlsky for the past four years; and has, b.v hard work and close appli cation, accomplished much. Her many friends are looking forward with much interest to her debut on this occnsloh. Tho managers of the Charity ball, which occurs nt tlie armory on the same evening, have arranged for the grand march to take place at il o'clock, as many from out of town, as well an in the city, have expressed a desire to hear Miss Hornn and also to attend the ball. MUSICIANS RODE ON TROLLEY CARS Central Lftbor Union Has Therefore Dismissed Them from That Or ganization Frayne's Report. The musicians' union was yesterday formally expelled from the Central Labor union, at the regular meeting of the latter body, because certain of the musical directors and other members of the organization have been riding on the street cars since the beginning of tho present strike. The members of the union were warned by the executive committee of the central body, some time ago, that they must stop riding on the cars. The musicians promised to reform, but they fell Into their evil ways once more, and the summary action of the Central Labor union yesterday was the final re sult. The committee which was recently appointed to make an examination of the books of the strikers' executive committee made its report, announcing that no irregularities of any kind had been discovered. The report was ac cepted, and a unanimous vote of confi dence in the strikers' executive com mittee was adopted. Hugh Frayne, the newly elected president of the recently organized State Federation of Labor, presented his report of the convention, and tho formal action of joining the organiza tion was taken by the delegates as sembled. The miners' delegates reported that six of the Mine Workers' local unions In West Scranton are arranging to es tablish and operate a co-operative gen eral store. The project was endorsed. A communication was received from the Western Labor union, with head quarters at Butte, Mont., warning the laboring people of the east against the nlleged misleading statements circu lated by certain railroad companies re garding the fertility of the lands in the far Northwest. The communication ad vised against migration to that part of the country, because of the barrenness of the soil and other disadvantages. G. W. WATKINS' NEW STORE. Opens Today at 500-502 Lackawanna Avenue. What is undoubtedly the most beau tiful and artistic store In Scranton has just been opened by Mr. G, W. Wat kins, our city's leading designer, in terior decorator and upholsterer, at riOO-.'O-' Lackawanna, fomierly at 421 Lackawanna avenue. To describe the beauty and elegance of the new store In these columns is an almost Impossible task. It should be seen to be fully appreciated. The Interior of the large double store loom, situated at the corner of Lacka wanna and Washington avenues, has been converted Into a wasc of beauty by the wonderful skill possessed by Mr. AVatklns In the decorative art. In the front of the store, several de partments are partitioned off by .beau tiful satin wood partitions and the com partments themselves handsomely dec orated and furnished with the most quaint, unique and gorgeous furniture, draperies, etc. Throughout the various departments, one la continually met with hints as to how to transform a home into a picture of artistic beauty and elegance and not necessarily at an exceeding cost either, for Mr, WatKlns, through his knowledge and wide experience, can Intelligently and satisfactorily care for any designing and decorating plans to suit the Ideas and means of any patrons. l In tho wall paper department will be found tho latest and most artistic pat terns of this country and Europe, Mr. AVatklns has made u special and huc cessful effort in the way of securing a wonderful lino of Imported wall papers, having recently visited Franco and England In search of tho newest creations In this line, In the rug, carpet und drapery de partments, one is greatly Impressed with a bewildering display of Mr. Wut klns' resources', and quickly realizes how well equipped Is Mr, AVatklns to transform the naked walls and bare floors of a home Into bowers of beauty and loveliness, Mr. AVutklns Is prepared to care for the complete furnishing and decorat ing of a home, from the designing of the plans to the carrying out of tho painting, the decorating, the hanging and arranging of the curtains und dra peries, and tho designing and furnish ing of cozy corners, dens, libraries, etc, the carpetlugs ana rugs und tho selection and upholstering of furniture of every character and design. The pat ton of modest means can be as readily cared for an tho one whq Is able to satisfy the most lavish taste. An Inspection of Mr, Watklns' new store will Indeed give satisfaction and pleasure to anyone who is a lover of tho artistic und beautiful. IM.II 1 Drink "COFo." Physicians recom mend It. SCRANTON HAS MONEY GALORE t MILLIONS OE LOCAL CAPITAL IN OTHER FIELDS. All Arc Getting Good Returns nnd One Set of Investors Have Made n Big Strike in tho Lumber Business. Moro Than $000,000 Cleaned Up by One Man in Six Weeks Mex ico, Now Mexico, Louisiann, Mis sissippi, Kentucky, Maine, Illinois Get Scrnnton Capital. Scranton money Is being Invested by tho million In many parts of the United States, und, Incltlentnlly, these Scrnn ton Investors are not losing anything. Tho operations of Simpson Sc Wat klns In New and old Mexico have been told In detail previously. They, with New York, Boston und Chicago men, went down Into a country that had hardly been explored, and In five years made It fairly hum with industry. In Chicago these Fame parties, together with some other Scrantonlnns, chiefly the Gearhnrts, ore Installing n now telephone system, capitalized at Ti',000, 000. In Old Mexico, Simpson & AVat klns are at the head of a company which bought out a mining company that was pressed for working capital, and by developing the property to Its fullest cupaclty, made It truly a bon anza. It Is In tho lumber business, however, that Scranton capitalists have been the most active lately. In AVest A'lrglnln, the Cherry River Boom and Lumber company, a new concern, composed al most entirely of Scrantonlnns, has ac quired vast holdings nnd Is erecting extensive mills and building a railroad. Simpson & AVntklns, Colonel J. AV. Oakford, Hon. AVIIllIam Connell, T. E. Jones, Henry Belln, jr., and others are the leading spirits In this company. LACKAWANNA COMPANY. For fifteen years the Lackawanna Lumber company has been operating two big plants in Potter county. It had a capitalization of $750,000, and its offi cers were: F. L. Peck, president and manager; C. P. Davidson, secretary nnd treasurer, and I. F. Megargel, vice pi esldenr. J. J. Newman, of Hattlesburg, Miss., went into the lumber business there, some years ago, acquiring many thou sands of acres of long leaf yellow pine land. Ho did not have sufficient capi tal to properly develop the property, and came to Scranton seeking money. The result was the organization of the J. J. Newman Lumber company of Scranton. with F. L. Peck, C. P. David son, C. D. Jones, Dr. D. B. Hand, A. D. Dean, I. F. Megargel, E. S. Peck, S. B. Price, J. A. Linen, C. S. AVoolworth, and others as the principal stockhold ers. Last August, tho Lackawanna and Newman companies combined, under the title of the United States Lumber company of Scranton. It was capital ized at $4,500,000, divided into 45,000 shares of $100 each, and $2,500,000 was issued at par. Six weeks ago it was decided to in crease the Mississippi holdings to 250, 000 acres and Improve the plant by the construction of a fifty-mile, railroad and the enlargement of the mills. The remaining $2,000,000 worth of stock was Issued at par, although It was worth $233 a share, each of the stockholders receiving a pro rata share. AVIth tho whole $4,500,000 worth of stock Issued, it Is now selling at $212. THE SHAREHOLDERS. There are only one hundred and twenty shareholders In tlie company. F. L. Peck, C. D. Jones, C. P. Davidson and the J. AV. Peck estate hnve the largest holdings. The second largest holder, It Is said, cleared up $600,000 in six weeks by the issuing of the new stock. Several hundred thousand dollars' worth of stock In a new bank, which is being established In New Orleans, was subset Ibed In this city, recently, in three days. A. B. Wurman and other Scrantonlnns have put $300,000 In an Ice company In Maine. Tho Title Ounranty and Trust company, one of Seranton's newest banking institutions, Inst week Increased Its capitalization from $300, 000 to $T50,000, and there Is some talk of Us absorbing the County Savings bank, with which it is to be a co-tenant in the new building going up on Spruce street, opposite the court house. F. S, Godfrey Is one of four men of these parts who financed an oil, coal and lumber company In Scranton, Ky the oil Interests of which are alone woith a million. John A. Mears and Klotz Bros, are about to build n silk mill in Charlotte, N. C. AH this is not to be taken as an indi cation that Scrantonlnns lack faith In local securities. It means that there ore no local securities to be had, The stock of Scranton banks Is rated tit what would be thought to be prohibit ive figures, but at that there Is none of it on the market. Scranton has more money than It can spend at home. THEIR FIRST BANQUET. Master Printers Dined nt tho St. Charles Hotel, The (ifht annuul banquet of the Scrnnton Master Printers' association was conducted nt the St. Charles hotel Suturday night and proved n most de lightful uffnlr because It was entirely informal, AV. V. Davis, the president of the meepple Fine Siugapore Pine apple, 20c can, $i,So dz., this 13 Avbole fruit and about half regular price. For $1 We Offer 3 J 3 . 3MiK Regular value, $1,43, Course n, 429 Lackawanna Aye, Unas Arc Swelling Another Indication of prln(r, vthlell l 11 cood time to fit ter the COS'Slllt' VATOltV nnd study piano, We fiirnlnii rlaa Iomom or pri vate Instruction If desired. New tlav en every week. Hum mrr School till jcar. Write for ternn. .t. AM'nXU PKXX 1NOTON, Director. association, presided nt the opening of tho festivities and Introduced Charles Gumewell, who ncted us tonstmnater. There were no formal toasts but n number of those present wore called uilon to make Impromptu addresses, and a number responded. Among those who did were Marshall Preston, who gnve some reminiscences of his early experiences In this city; F, II. Gerlock, Wllllnm Corless, J. W. Norman, AV, L. Grass, William Browning nnd Adolph Baur, of Wllkes-Barre, Tho guests from out of town were us follows: Adolph Baur, George Cod dlngton, II. A. Phillips, Perry Clarke and Joshua AVIlllnms, of Wllkes-Bnrre, nnd C Charles Davis, of Washington, D. C. Present from this city were the fol lowing: W. A, Browning, H, O. Bacon, Eugene Call, A. Downing, W.W. Davis, L. Dorrls. Thomas E. Evans, F. II. Gerlock, AV. L. Grass, Charles Game well, John U. Hopewell, AVIlJInm J. Kunn, F. M. Koehler, R. Kunz, Jacob Lotz, Conrad Lotz, B. B. Megargee, M. Preston, L. A, Clarke, F. F. Peters, R. E. Prendergast, M. E, Sanders, John Schudt, I. S. Schutzer, AV. C. Tunstall, I. Thompson, Fred A. AVagner, Norton AVngncr, Henry Walter, E, AValford, S. E. York. ' m ' - ICE COMPANIES COMBINE. Five of the Large Pocono Concerns Have Decided Upon a Commun ity of Interests. Arrangements have been completed whereby the Gouldsboro Ice company, the Lackawanna Ice company, the Le high and Lackawanna Ice company, really all one organization, the North Jersey and Pocono Mountain Ice com pany, the Pocono Summit Ice company, the Tunkhnnnock Ice company and the Pocono Lake Ice company, represent ing a cupaclty of 540,000 tons, have consolidated, under the name of the Mountain Ice company. Each company has, as before, its own directorate, but they have agreed upon four managers to look after their inter ests. Tlie quartette are H. W. Bahren burg, James E. Larrowe, M. S. Drake and Mr. A'reeland, of the United Ice Lines company. The other three are well-known New Jersey men, and in terested In the mountain Ice companies. One important saving by the combine will be that only one Ice house will be opened at a time, unless there is a rush of orders to bo shipped hurriedly. As soon as an ice house is opened and the salt hay covering removed, the waste of ice is considerable. The capacity of the plants In Monroe county, including those at Gouldsboro, which are partly In Monroe and partly In Lackawanna, Is us follows: Ton?. Gouldfcboro be Co., two homes 60,000 Lackawanna Mountain lee Co, two Iiousch.. 50,000 Lehigh and Lackawanna Ice Co,, two houses 50, 000 North Jersey and Pocono Mountuin Ice Co., two houses at Gouldsboro, three houses at Tohyhanna 200,000 Pocono Summit lee Co., two houses 45,000 'J'unkhannock Ice Co., two homes' 70,000 American Ice Co., lessee, two house's Ci.OOO Mountain Spiing lee Co., one house 3.1,000 Tiout Lake Ice Co., one house 3,,000 Ha viol's Lake Ice Co., one house ."0,000 Tutal 700,000 SCRANTON BUSINESS COLLEGE. Some S. B. C. Students Filling Posi tions in Other Cities. Tn New York: Floyd Bidwell was In tho accounting department of John AVannmaker's store, and Is now with the Butterlck Pattern Co.; Alfred Tole mle was with John AVnnamaker, nnd is now wlfh Selgel & Cooper; Ralph E. Roberts Is with the Manhattan Report ing Co.; Frank DeWltt Is' keeping books for an advertising ngeney; D, W. Smith was with Chubb & Son, marine Insurance, and Is now with John Wana maker; Martin Redlngton Is with Mul vey, contractor; Miss Gertrude linger is with the Hoyt & AVoodln Manufac turing Co. In Philadelphia: II. N, Smith Is with Swift & Co.; William P. Jennings Is keeping books for the Mexican Coal and Coke Co.; George DeAVllde was with Sargent & Co., and is now with Merchant & Co.: AVilllam C. Simmons and Clarence Beemer are with the AVebster Coal and Coke Co.; Miss Mar garet Sommor Is with the Dominion Publishing Co. In Buffalo; Messrs, Ira B. AVude, Clarence Sominar, E. E. Bunnell and Leo Sommar are with the Lackawanna Steel co. Miss Edith AVilllums and Will L. Stlner are In Seattle, Wash. Scranton Business College graduates havo no difficulty In securing positions anywhere, und they draw large sal aries, The Monsey avenue Sand Pit Is now open. Apply at Lackawanna Brewing Co. tfiP'ssV. Yl'liP iS I THE BEST Three Dollar Hat Made We Hake HIRTS To Order From the best fabrics, and guarantee perfect satisfaction. AN ADVANCE IN WAGES GRANTED' STREET CAR MEN ARE TO RE CEIVE MORE PAY. Notico Posted Yesterday by tho Scrnnton Railway Company Pro vides for n New Sliding Scale Run ning from 17 1-2 to 10 1-2 Cents an Hour Presont Scnlo Runs from 14 Cents to 10 Cents Large Num ber of Men Now Employed Will Benefit by Increase, The Scranton Railway company yes terday posted a notice announcing n general Increase In the wages to be paid Its employes on nnd utter April 1. The notice announces that on that date a new sliding scnlo will go Into effect. This now scale provides for the payment of the following wages: For first year men, 1"V& cents un hour; for second year men, 18V4 cents an hour; for third year men, 19V4 cents an hour. AH men at present receiving 17 cents nn hour, or less, will receive 17',4 cents nn hour under the new nrrnngement; men now receiving 18 cents un hour will receive Wi cents, nnd men now re ceiving 19 cents an hour will receive 10V& cents. The principal Increase Is for tho now men. The scale of wages agreed upon nt the end of the first strike, over a year ago, was as follows: For first six months, 14 cents an hour; for second six months, 15 cents an hour; for sec ond year, 1G cents an hour; for third year, 1714 cents an hour, and for fourth year, 19 cents an hour. Probably one half of tho conductors and motormen now working for the company receive less than 17 cents an hour, so that the Increase to these men will be consider able. It Is said that the rate of l"t. cents an hour for first yenr men ranks with the highest wages now paid for this class of work in any city. One of the demands of the men who .are now out on strike Is for tho abo lition of tho sliding scale and the sub stitution of a flat rate of 20 cents an hour. NEWSH0PSF0RD..L.8W. They Will Be Erected, It Is Said, on. the Site of the Old North Steel Mill. The Sunday Free Press had a story, yesterday, to the effect that the long talked of deal for the purchase of the old north steel mill property by the Lackawanna Railroad company had been consummated and that car shops costing in the neighborhood of $800,000 are to take the place of the mill. Assistant Treasurer William F. Kle sel, of the steel company, is quoted ns saying that the sale has been made and that the steel company must be oft the ground before April 15 next. Master Car Builder Canfleld states that he does not know that this story Is true, but does not say It Is an im probability. The company, he says, contemplates the enlargement of Its present shops or the building of new ones, nnd President Truesdale, he un derstood, favored new shops. General Superintendent Clarke stated last night that he knew nothing of the consummation of the deal, but added that it would not be surprising if it was so and he not know of it, because It Is an executive matter that would be attended to in New York. As was stated some months ago in The Tribune, the railroad company was desirous of securing this land that It might enlarge' s yard and shop room. The plan ' t that time was to use the fifteen a' 'es occupied by tho north mill as a s..o for new car shops and devote the land now occupied by the shops to yard purposes. RELIGIOUS NEWS NOTES. Attorney George h. Peek will address the Methodist ministers' meeting: this morning mi "Is the Law Xext to the Gospel." ' llev, W. G. Simpson, pastor of the Ashury Methodist Episcopal church, deliveied an ad dress at yesterday afternoon's meeting in the Young Men's Christian association rooms. Rev. W. 1. Stevenson, pantor of the laifre end influential Paik Presbyterian church of Syracuse, N. Y., pleached two scholarly sermons at the Green Ilidge Piesbjterian church jesterdaj. Ilev. Jfatlon L. I'iror, pastor of Culvaiy He foimed church, preached on "The Great HIrIi Priest" at yesterday mornlng'-i service while "The Only Soilless! Man" was his theme at night. A Chicago Physician Recommends It. I wish to say that we have sampled and are still sampling "COFo." I shall he glad to do any thing I can to In troduce it here. From my own experi ence I have no hesitation In endorsing It. William Carver Williams, M, D. Keep to the Right" With eyes open. A world of meaning in every word. Guess what. Agents (or tlie Knox Hat, Cast aside your old hat and come to us to replace it with a NEW SPRING HAT One that is strictly up-to-date and the equal of any hat made on fwr Hr wwMtM iw J MW Lnckrvwnnna Railroad Low Rata Excursion to New York City, April 2nd, 1002. On April 2nll special excursion tickets will be sold io Now York city nhd re turn via the Lackawanna railroad, good going on all passenger trains ot April 2nd nnd for return Up to utid In cluding April "th. nt rate of one way faro plus one dollar, for tho round trip. Children between the nges ot G and ii years, one-hnlf tho adult rate. A Scrnnton Physician saysl t use "COFo" myself nnd recommend It to nil my patients, especially those suffering from dyspepsia, constipation nnd nervoUR disorders. Being made ot fruits, cereals and vegetables It Is n very nutritious drink, besides It tastes like coffee. It Is beneficial In diminish ed lactation, It Increases add nourishes the milk. G. W. BimLINGHOF, M. D. m i Change of Firm. AVe have leased tho AVaBhlngton Mar ket and will take possession Tuesdny, March 18. Wc shall carry a full lino of ments und poultry, nlRO canned goods, also oysters und vegetables In season. Wc will be pleased to meet old as well as now customcis nnd ex pect to merit a fair shore of the pub lic patronage In our line, Cooper &. Castor, AVnshlngton Market, 213-215 AVashlngton ave. I nm pleased to find ns good n sub stitute for coffee an "COFo." It Is the nenrest In tuntc of nnythlng that I have ever tried, and Is not Injurious. This Is welcome to many people who are not able to drink coffee and to them I cheerfully recommend It, S. II. PERRY, M. D Rochester, N. Y. New, up-to-date styles and nobby attractive patterns. A splendid showing of the new black and white effects, Plain or pleated bosoms: every shirt has one pair of cuffs of same material. 98c Each. E BROS Fashionable Substantial Economical You must see our excellent assortment of Spring Overcoats before deciding finally. John D. Clothier 416 Lackawanna Ave. , Pine Umbrellas and Parasols at AVholesnlo and Retail, Our Spring' Line is now complete em bracing all tho New Colors and Patterns. Large Stock of Han dles to select from, Repairing and recovering of every des cription. IY1. SILVERMAN, Prop., 313 Spruce Street. Spring 1 Styles in Men's Shirts I "Keep to the Right" I I With eyes open. It's im- 1 I portant to you. What I 1 does it mean ? I Boyle, $ LubriGBfing and Burning ! OILS t Malony Oil S MantifacHiring Company, J S141-I4V meridian surest. OLD 'PHONE SG-S. NEW 'PHONE SBBI -4 Carriage and Automobile l Pneumatic Tires -AT- 4 4 4 4 Bitfenbender&CL 126-128 Franklin Ave. 4 4 4 4 4,44444444444 4 44444 4 4 444.444444444444444 4 Latest 4 4 4 4 4 4 t 4 4 4 4 4 4 Birthday Cushions just arrived. Come and get one. Cramer-Wells Co., 130 Wyoming Ave. 'Phone 353-3. 4 i'i$''$ii'$la$lt$aI''$3't$''8 $$ Our Repairing Department We make our Bopalrlng Department a special fea ture of our business and guarantee the neatest and most durable workmanship In all articles entrusted to our care. Watch Cleaning and Re pairing is done by most skilled and experienced workmen, and the very best of work is a cprtaln result If you leave your watch in our hands for repairs. Cling In your AA'atchcs, I'loiks, Jewelry and small waics and we will promise you FIRST-CLASS AVORK, no DELAY nnd MODER ATE PRICES. A. E. Rogers, Eye Specialists, Jewelers and Opticians 213 Lackawanna Ave. 4444444444444 4 44444 The Hartford Typewriter 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 & "4 4 4 Tills machine f recognized everywhere as the best and Utet In typcwrltr con struction. The Ifartford Company W tain no large and expensive iSe partments like Its competitors, but iijllj tlirpueli reliable 0Ent, thin savlni; to purchasers this ereat Item of expense. Pclce of Other Makes... $101) Price or Hartrord'fl 60 Your Profit 40 Reynolds Bros,, J. 4 Hotel Jermyn Building, 4' 4 SUttonera and EnjraVerj. "J' .. 44 4 44444444444444 4, t Fad ! k
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers