W ' f. , i 4 1. .1 1 THE ONLY SCRANTON PAPER RECEIVING THE COMPLETE NEWS SERVICE OK THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, THE GREATEST NEWS AGENCY IN THE WORLD. SCRANTON, PA., THTHSDAY 'MORNING, FEBRUAlir G, 1002. TWO CENTS. TWO GENTS. " INVITES CUBA TO NTER Solution Proposed bu Representa tive Newlands of the Waus and Means Goniinlttec. THINKS IT THE ONLY SAPE PLAN Introduces n. Joint Resolution to This Effect, Also Providing- for n Temporary 25 Per Cent. Reduction of Duty ou Sugar, Effective Until Jan. 1, 1003 Judge Taft Contin ues His Explanation of Philippine Affairs Tells of Differences Be tween the Commission and the Military, but Denies That They Were Acute Settled by Mutual Conference and Concession High Estate of Filipino Women. By Exclusive Wire from The Aaoclalcd Press. Washington, Fob. fi. Ropresentath e Newlands, of Nevada, of the ways und men ns committee, who was the author of the resolution annexing Hawaii, to day Introduced a joint resolution Invit ing the republic of Cuba-to become a jmrt of the United States, llrst as a territory, and then as a state of the union, to be called the state of Cuba; also authorizing u 25 per cent, reduc tion of iluty on the present crop of Cuban sugar, in consideration of Cuba's granting preferential rates to the United States. The resolutions confine the 23 per cent, reduction of duties to the period prior to Jan. 1, 19(XJ. Air. Newlands, in explanation of his resolution, said: "All those who have appeared to voice Cuba's needs and re quirements have indicated that an in vitation to Cuba of annexation would bu accepted. Annexation by force would not be justified. It must be ac (Mimplishedi if at all, by the free act of the Cuban people. At present there Is no machinery In Cuba by which tho j)CK!?.r v.": c..u - iwstcd. But. tri'j Cuban constitution has been adopted. The Cuban congress will meet In Feb ruary, a Cuban government will be or ganized, and' the United States will then leave the control of the island to its people. Cuba then will be In a position to express her will, and it is only necessary to tide over tho present emergency by a temporary measure, such as I have introduced, reducing tho duty on Cuban sugar one-fourth for one year and Inviting Cuba to be come a part of tho United States under n territorial form of government, un der tho constitution, her people to bo citizens, not subjects, with tho assur ance that ultimately statehood will bo granted. "By coming Into our political union, Cuba will secure Immediately tho high est degree of freedom and with it a large market for her varied products. These products will not threaten our sugar industry so seriously as they would under reciprocal trade arrange ments, for tho reason that tho restrict ed labor laws of this country will ap ply and will raise tho cost of produc tion to such an extent as to prevent over-stimulation of, her Industries, while her supplies will be bought in the high protected markets of this country instead of the cheap markets of the world. I much prefer political union, for that Involves the best kind of commercial union that can be es tuhllshfd between the two countries. Such an annexation Is entirely In line with the traditional principle of the country. "When the time for state hood comes, Cuba. Porto Rico and other "U'esl Indian Islands In our pos. session can be Incorporated into tho union as one stnle, thus doing away Willi the dunsor of over-representation in the senate," Dull Day in the House. An agreement was vouched In the house today whereby tho oleomargarine bill will be brought to a vote after two more days of consideration, one to be devoted to general debate and one to debate under the live minute rule. The debate today continued In desul tory fashion without special Incident. Tomorrow the bill will he laid asldo to permit action ou tho legislative, executive und judicial appropriation hill. Senate Proceedings Uneventful. - Throughout today's session the sen ate hud under consideration the ur gent deficiency appropriation bill, and Just before adjournment passed It sub stantially In tho. shape fn which It was reported to the spnulo by the com mit tee, During the early part of the session the caso of Judge Arthur 11, Noyes, of the district court of Alaska, and Alex ander MoKinwIe and others was dis cussed. Mr. MrCumber, of North Da kota, delivered an elaborate speech III defense of Juflge Xoyes and Mr. Me Kendo, lie paid a high personal trib ute to both men, characterizing thetn as men of line character, eminent abil ity and sterling Integrity, Incapable of doing the things with which they had been charged. Incidentally he criticized the circuit court of appeal?, of Sun Francisco, for permitting it self to be Jnllueneed by prejudice ami Was, He became Involved in a collo iltiy with Mr. Tillman, who said he eppeaved In the novel attitude uf a de fender of the United States Judiciary, Tnft on Philippine Affairs. In his report before senute commit tee on tho Philippines today Governor Tuft dealt especially with the cjues. tion of the relationship of the civil und military uuthorjtles In the Philippines. THE UNION Governor Tuft said that originally the civil and military control of the Islands had been In the hands of the military, and that nuturully there had been some difference of opinion between the mili tary authorities and the commission as to the method of proceeding. The difference had arisen with General MacArthur, and there had. been more or less eoriespondelice ou the subject. The general had contended that au thority over the islands was vested In the military us the representative of the chief executive, because the Islands were in a state of war. In that view the commission did not concur. This difference did not, however, extend to the control of tho municipalities. Governor Taft explained at some length the contention between the commission and General Chaffee.whleh, he said, had arisen over the habeas corpus provision In the commission's code. That provision had been In serted, ho said, to protect native ofll cers who surrendered and who were subject to arrest on charge of crimps committed while In the Insurrection service believed to be contrary to tho rules of civilized warfare. Such charges against the men were com mon, and often they were unfounded. The provision had, however, been In voked In the interest of an enlisted man serving In Cubu, who was seeking to obtain his release from the military service in an Indirect wav, Thus a. conflict 'had arisen, and the question had been referred to Washington. Tho result was that Instructions had come back that the differences must be com promised. "General Chaffee and I are on the friendliest and most cordial terms," the governor continued, "and wo had no cllflloulty In reaching an understanding after a prolonged con ference." "Our compromise was reached on the understanding that a writ of' habeas corpus "would not Ho against military olhcers, a civilian employe ot the military branch or a prisoner of war." Governor Taft also said that there had been some differences of opinion as to other matters In tho method of administration and that naturally the natives were more favorably inclined toward the civil government, because they wore represented by men of their own nationality In that branch of the service, while on the other hand the a-ny .-,,tr- prliuiDally concerned In bringing the war to an end. He thought, however, the military authori ties were coming to look with more favor on Hie civil institutions. In reply to a question, Governor Taft said there are thlrtv-four organized and fifteen unorganized provinces. In answer to a question by Senator Pat terson the governor said It was not true that a majority of the people can read and write. As to the uosltlon ot women in the Islands, he said that the women of tho Philippines hold a su perior position. They are the active managers In general affairs and tho Spanish archbishop had said to him that If it was Intended to confer any political authority upon tho Filipino's it should be conferred upon the iemale sei. Filipinos Well-Behaved and Polite. Governor Taft said that he had never met a Filipino who was not a musician and ho added: "All Filipino crowds ore well-behaved and polite, and the peoplo are courteous. The Filipino also shows capacity for skilled labor, but he Is negligent of machinery. I wish it were true that the Filipino Is as Industrious as Is claimed, but he Is not. Indeed, there are many of them who might secure work who do not seek It. This condition leads to demand for tho bringing In of Chinese." This statement led Senator Hale to make inquiry concerning the presence of Chinese. The witness replied that the contractors and business men gen erally contend for the necessity ot bringing in Chinese labor. This im portation was, however, generally re sented by the natives, not so much b?cause of the competition of tho Chinese as laborers as because of their competition as merchants. Tho China man generally saves his wages and hi a few months would establish a mer cantile establishment, the result being that the next door neighbor, who Is a native, will be driven out, He suld further that under tho present regula tions no Chinese ru admitted, Ueplylng to other questions, Gover nor Taft stated that hi tho Islands there are about 5,000,000 acres of land held by private persons, and that of this 403,000 acres are owned by the Catholic friars. Of these 403,000 acres, i!50,OCO are tho best lauds In the Islands. As to tho honesty of the native Fil ipino Governor Taft said that many exaggerated and extreme pictures had been drawn. They were neither so bad nor so good as they had been reported. Alnuy wore arrested for theft and there also were charges of treachery and duplicity. That some am honest and other's double-taced was true, hut that all present these characteristics was not true. Hence no general character. Izntlon was possible, JloCerrliur to the order of concentra tion, Governor Taft said ho had been misunderstood yesterday In saying that ho hud advised General Hell against it, He had recommended that the order should tint bu made so wide in its sitipo as It was, Steamship Arrivals, lly Exclusive Wlv from tlio .Wociated I'ress. Xew- Yoik, Feb, 5. Clcnri-il : Iv'-nsinglon, Ant. ttufpl IMmiltaine, llauei lth"iii, llrenitn. S.i 1 1 i'il; .St. I.011N, Southampton) Occanlca, l.lv iikiu1. .Southampton-Sailed: Kaier Willielm ilif (!rose (from liidiien, New Voik U Chcr Urnix). liotltidum--Arrived) Itottudam, New Vol I; vl.i llouloinitt Sue Mer Was Thomas Gibb, of Pittsburg. lly Kiclu.fve Who fiom The AnsocUtcd i'reji. New Vi-rfc, 1'vli, fi.--Tuii tody of a una who tilled IiImkvK In battery pari; ou anuaiy SO by glrootlns lilnut'tl in the head, v todav identl. tied in tlut i't 'fliomai l. (ilbb, 20 yeau old. Married and living at i'ltuburj, OEKMANY AND SPANISH WAR. Official Report That Kaiser Declined to Act Against America. 0 Inclusive Wire from The Asocltcd I'reM. Berlin, Feb. G, The Gorman foreign office confirms the substantial accur acy of the subjoined statement on the subject of Germany's course toward tho United States during the war with Spain, which the Kmest-Zeltung prints! today. It is said that the article was prepared by Prof. Schlemann, profes sor of history at lierlln university, who enjoys special olllclal sources of Infor mation. After a preface quoting the statement made by a British foreign otflce oinclal oft Jan. 21 last, he says. Almost exactly four years au tin1 SjuriUIt am bassador here usKid (Jermany whether ilerinmy would trad In action aitalust the f'nlti'd States fur the protection of the monauhlcal pilneiplc. 'flic aruuir was .1 definite rcfuul, und the untie answer was kIkii a month liter, about the middle of March, when the Imitation reuehed (Icimany to participate In the Intervintluii un dertaken upon the liiithttlti! of AmtrLl. Tlila was In the week following the id catastrophe of the Maine, when It wm believed Intervention would facilitate an uiideitaiidini? between ll. United States und Spain. .N'erntliclev), our gov ernment coinii)b;jtoncil Ilerr von ltadovltz, the Oernian ambasMdor to Spiln, to Infoim the Madrid government that flernian.v wa not In a position to prevent the SpanMi-Aiiicrieau war. SCHLEY HONORED BY BIG PARADE Knoxville Citizens Make a Grand Turn Out in Tribute to the San tiago Sea Tighter. By Ksclmne Wire from The Associated Press. Knoxville, Tenn., Feb. 5. The prin cipal event today for the entertain ment of Admiral Schley was a grand parade at If oe'lock. The parade was headed by the police marshal, his aides and a band. Then came Admiral .Schley, escorted by Knoxville Knights Templar in full regalia. Following the admiral's carriage came Spanish-American war veterans, Governor Benton JIcMlllIn and statV, Mayor J, T. McToer, city council, city officials and members of the chamber of commerce, University of Temicssc? band and cadets, Mrs. Schley, accom panied by Daughters of the American Revolution, Daughters of the Confed eracy, Woman's Belief corps and other ladles In, carriages; Sixth regiment National -Guard of Tennessee, in com mand of Colonel J. J. Mitchell, ot Greenville; Grand Army of tho Repub lic veterans,' Confederate veterans, Sons of Veterans, Sons of Confederate Veterans, Greenville Military band, members of a number of secret organ ization's, Knox county and Knoxvlll: cavalcade and fire departments! - The parade was viewed by Admiral and Mrs. Schley from the court house square, after which a public reception was held In the woman's building, where .thousands of persons shook hands with Admiral Schley. The for mal address of welcome was extended by President V. B. Lockett, of the chamber of commerce. Past Grand Commander S. B. Dow, of tho Tennessee Knights Templar, presented to Admiral Schley a hand some silver-headed hickory cane. The hickory was cut from the site of Ad miral Farragut's birthplace and early home, thirteen miles west of this city. Upon the head was the Inscription: "To Admiral Schlej", from Coeur do Uon commandery. No. 0, Knights Templar, Knoxville, Tenn." Later Admiral and Mrs. Schley were entertained at dinner by Mr. and Mrs. VT. B. Lockett. Tonight Admiral Schley was tendered a banquet in tho Woman's building, and President Lockett presented Admiral Schley with a handsome gold and silver lov ing cup on behalf uf Knoxvllle's citi zens. Simultaneously, Mrs. Schley was entertained at dinner In the music room in tho Woman's building. THE INDIANAPOLIS MINE DEADLOCK Ho Change in the Position of Opera tors and United Mine Workers. In Hands of Sub-Committee. lly i;.ululte Wire from tint Associated I'rc-J. Indianapolis, Ind., Feb. C The labor of solving the scale problem between the mine operators and United Mine Workers was taken from the joint scale commltttco this morning and turned over to a sub-committee, with instructions to enter ut once on a consideration of the scale propositions submitted by the miners and to report ut the earliest possible moment to the general committee, which will then call the Joint conference together to act upon the result. The appointment of the sub.coinmltU'e was made at tho Instance of Francis U. Bobbins, of Pittsburg, and was composed of the following representatives: Pennsylvania operators: F. I., Bob bins and O. A, Blackburn; Pennsyl vania miners, Patrick Dolan and Wil liam Dodds; Ohio operators, lloraco L. Chapman and J. II. Winder; Ohio mlueis, W. It. ilasklus and D. Sulli van; Indianapolis operators, W. S. Bogle und .1. II. McClelland; Indiana miners, w. D, Vunllorn and William Wilson; Illinois operators, H. N. Tay lor und William Keefer; Illinois miners, W. IX Ryan and W. B. Russell. ' It is understood the operators, huvo set their faces sturdily against the 10 per cent. Increase and tho run-of-mlne and differential propositions and have openly announced they will not recede from this uosltlon, As a com promise, they will agree to the price for mining coal now In foicu for an other year and will grant the demand for an open powder market. On the other hand, the miners, as reported, have served notice thai their will ho no abandonment of the demand for an Increase of wages. Rough Rider Convicted of Murder. lly Hxcluslvo Wile from he AMoriatcit 1'icni. Cuinbffland. ' Md., r'tb. S. fohn Murphy, of Kcw York, lousili rider In tho SpanWi.AiMiicjn war, was today convicted of luuuter In tlut Urt dcurrc fur (tubbing John KrslUb, of Newark, X. 4 ut Pli'ln, jil.. wlw Mli wm wojrkltur. GAS EXPLOSION KILLS TH'SCTEEN Two Storu Frame Bnikllnu In Glil- Gauo Blown to Kind- lliuj Wood. FIVE BODIES HAVE BEEN TAKEN OUT By an Explosion of Illuminating Gas in the Basement of a Chicago Frame Building, Thirteen Persons Are Thought to Have Perished. The Trostle Family of Bight Mem bers All Dead Building a Wreck. Explosion Supposed to Have Been Due to Escaping Gas in tho Base ment. Hy Inclusive Wire from the Associated Press. Chicago, Feb. CI. Thirteen lives were lost, many people slightly Injured, two buildings at !!"- and ;!7l Twenty-second street were wrecked and $30,000 damage was done by an explosion of gas tonight at the Intersection of Twenty-second street and Archer avenue. Following are the dead and injured: OTTO TliOSTI.i:, y,-i year of use, liutclier. MIIS. OTTO TKOSn.K, :J.1 yeais old. OTTO TliOSTI.i: .111. I.i:NA TliOSTI.i:, 7 year obi. AN'N'li: TliOSTI.i:, 0 jcats old. .MAMIi: TltO.S'l I.i:, H years old. ri!i:i TftOS ll.i:, butilicr, nephew ot Otto, 2a yrriM old. POI'flfi: KXltlllT, domestic in Tro-tlc famllv. -1AUY TtOSr.STI!AI.. 112 .nan old. Jlft.S. M. KAITKUI', :iTl Twenty-'ieond street. CDU'Altl) KAITIIRT, It year old. .MAMIi: K.UTi:i!T, I years old. AXDIiCW KOMI, roomer with Mrs. Kuufeit. Quito a number of persons were in jured. The bodies recovered are those of Otto Trostle, proprietor of it meat mar ket at S70 Twenty-second street; Mrs. Otto Trostle, Otto Trostle, jr., Minnie Trostle, Annie Trostle. Among the dead are supposed to be three children of the Trostle family whose bodies have not yet been recov ered. It Is known positively that they were in tho house at the time, but a search of the neighborhood has not shown any trace of them. There were six children In the family and there is little doubt that all the eight members' of the family were killed. The three other people who are suld to be dead are supposed to be customers In tho meat market at the time of the ex plosion. The direct cause of the explosion is not known, but all Indications show that it was due to escaping gas In tho basement of the Trostle house. The explosion came without an In stant's warning. There was a flash, a deafening roar and a cloud of dust and shattered timbers where the Trostle house had stood. On both sides of Archer avenue every pane of glass was blown out for a block and a number of residents In the damaged buildings suffered slight In juries from flying glass. Adjoining the Trostle establishment on the west at 274 Twenty-second street was a two-story frame building in which John McLeod had a saloon. It vanished In tho same second as the meat market. It was reported that one or two people were killed here, but the story could not be substantiated. PRESIDENT'S TRIP SOUTH. Will Leave for Charleston Exposi tion Next Monday Evening, lly Inclusive Wire from the Associated l'u. Washington, Feb. n. President and Mrs. Boosevolt and the party who will accompany them to the Charleston ex position will leave here for tho South next Monday night In a special train over the Southern railway. The hour for departure has not been definitely fixed, but tho train will reach Somervllle, S, C, ou Tuesday after noon. Tuesday night will be spent at the Pine Forest Inn nt that place, us the guests of Captain Wagner, piesl dent of the exposition, At this pohit the party will Inspect the tea farms nearby. On Wednesday, the party will go to Charleston, spending the day In the city and at the exposition grounds At night a banquet will be given the president and party nt the Charleston hotel. The return Journey will begin Thurs day, Fob, 13. The train will reach Washington Friday morning. In the president's party will be Secretaries Wilson and Hitchcock, Attorney Gen eral Knox and Postmaster General Payne and the ladles of their families. MINE HOUBS REGULATED. n.v Kxi lunlvii Wire from The Amocliteil 'ieu Paris, Feb. D. Tho chamber of depu ties today, after a long discussion by a vote of 3oS to 'iXO, iidopled a bill regn latlng the period of dally work In the mines, This bill provides that a nine hour day shall bo Instituted ut tho coal Pits at the end of six months from tho day the measure is adopted, At the end of two years a day's work shall be, reduced to eight and oiie-half houis and, at the end of another two years it shall bo reduced tu eight hours. De Lavay's Commando Surprised, Hy i:xcltule Wire from Tue Associated l'rn. London, I'cli. 3. hold Kitchener ba$ sent the fuiluwin.'; luewuiro from I'ictoilj: "Major j.rjd u'u foic tuifrlscd Po L.uty" coiiimiinlo. Kill ing wi am) caiitmlni; on-.' hundred and llility one. 'I be HiltUli iatullie.i wio ilUU; no ltrftUli were lilllod." Mrs, Soffel Is Feverish. lly Kh-UhIu' Wire hum the .Wxlated Trc-i, Puller, I'.i., fob. S. Mm. buffet fiient u bad nlk'lit and tho U UiU (tmUh. SUu took no iiomithiiiiiit today, but nhllu her condition U not to hruHulv licr iccovcry Is hopefully looked for by livr rrtiyalclani. It wlllue oviral day Wfoip tint can be removed to I'lttjburc. P.UNNING DOWN DE WET. His Last Gun Taken and Chief Lieu tenant's Forco Bouted. By KxchwWo Wire from The Associated l're.(. London, Feb. C The British pursuit of General De Wet. has boon success ful to the extent that his last gun has been eutiuired and Commandant Wou nds), ono of his principal lieutenants, has been routed. Lord Kitchener sent the news in a despatch from Pretoria, dated Tuesday, Fob. -I, as follows: ll.vnrt'n column, while proceeding toward I.lcb cnburirtlel, idler a night march, attatl.'cd and loulcd a considerable tone of the enemy nndir Commandant Wei'cls. We tantiired a fifteen pounder and a iioKi'tmni lahcu from rihimn'.s column, and also a lloer pom-pom that was the last nun that De Wet had, u'nd three wagon of nimntinitloii, ljo liui'c and 1110 mules. The lloer casualties were live incn killed, sU wound, ed and twent) -seven captured. Among the killed was Field Comet Weasel. Anion;; the prisoners Ls Captain Muller, of the Staats artillery. Tin: enemy wa scattelcd. Our casualties weir 1IrIiI. The Xatlbu.il mutts, near Mlddlobuti; (Cape Colony), captured thirteen prisoners. I'lumer, near Amersfooit (.Transvaal), captm-sd 0cn prisoners and oOO head of cattle. (lenerat (illberf Hamilton captured thirty-two prisoners. MISSING SOLON'S ARE ROUNDED UF Harris-Meek Libel Trial Likely to Go On. Today Clearfield a Cen ter of Political Interest. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated I'reji. Clearfield, Pa Feb. 5. With botli sides protesting that they seek an early trial the Harris-Meek libel ease Is sewed up and will not begin before tomorrow evening. Tho amount of time consumed in railway travel between the outside world and this snowbound village makes it improbable that nny of the half dozen witnesses sent for can reach hero before late tonight or pos sibly noon tomorrow. Those who are wanted Include ex Lieutenant Governor Walter Lyon, Speaker William T. Marshall and Rep resentative John J. Sweeney, of Pitts burg, also Representative John II. Smith, of Greene. Deputy Sheriff Dean Bloom was sent to Pittsburg to get these men. John P. McTlghe, of Pittsburg, reached here ahead of any attachment that might have been Issued for him. After noon today ex-Senator Meek announced that ex-Lieutenant Gover nor Walter Lyon has been excused. Deputy Sheriff JLllooni wired here after noon today that he had served his' attachment on Representative John J. Sweeney, at Pittsburg, but could not find any of the others named in his warrant. Speaker William T. Marshall was re ported out of town and Representative McTlghe had beaten the warrant buck to Clearfield. The deputy was In structed to send out or get Represen tative Smith of Greene county. The deputy sent to Philadelphia to day reported "will have Air. Wolf there tomorrow." This leaves only Ward R. Bliss unaccounted for from that section. With court proceedings at a dead lock the village of Clearfield finds it self loaded to the guards with "states men" and honored with the largest corps of newspaper writers tho county has ever seen. Xearly every promin ent Pittsburg and Philadelphia paper has its staff of political writers on the ground. REV. DE. SMITH ELECTED. Washington Rector Is Chosen Coad jutor to Bishop Whitaker. fly r.xcluslve Wire from The Associated l'less. Philadelphia, Feb. . The clergy ot the Protectant l-Zpiscopul diocese ot Pennsylvania today decided upon the Rev. A. Mackey-Smlth, D. D,, rector of St. John's church, Washington, D. C as coadjutor to Bishop Ozl W. Whitaker. The selection was later rati fied by the lay delegates. Only one ballot was taken. It resulted as fol lows: Rev. Dr. Mackey-Smlth, 03; Rev. Dr. Richard II, Nelson, rector of Old St. Peter's church, I'hlladelphiu, 70: and eleven scattering, making a total or ISi, and electing the sueccessful candi date by a majority of ". Tho result of the? ballot was a sur prise. THE DIDDLES BURIED. Pittsburg Muuleiors Ave Placed in a Single Grave. lly Ficlu-dve Wire fiom the Auucintcit 1'ics. Pittsburg, Feb. fi. The bodies ot Kd ward and John Diddle were burled hi a single grave at Calvary cemetery this morning. Not more than twenty live persons, Including the brother, Hurry Ulddle, accompanied tho bodies to the grave. The Rev, Futher Swee ney read tho burial service of tits Itoiuau Catholic church, and as the grave was filled up tho few mourneis quietly returned to their homes. It was expected that the cemetery would be crowded by curious persons, and a largo forco of police was on hand to preserve order, but their ser vices wui-o not needed. Named by the President, lly Inclusive Wire from The AsoeI.ited !'u-i. Wiiililngtvii, Fib. fl.-'-Tlie pie.ident today siit the followlnff noinliullons tu tin- m-iuiv: Daniel II. lleiner, collector of Intimal revenue, Twenty, third ilUllUt of Pennsylvania: Jjinei s, Younjr, fulled SIMM mtoiney uolcrn dl-iuhr of I'nti vlwnla; Samuel M. Tink, to bu poiiuuiter at I'aikii's Landing, I'a. . Explosion nt Plymouth, lly Exclusive Wire from The Associated Pre. Wilkcvllarie, -Feb. .5. An t.-tuliMln of iras oc cuired In the- Lance mluu at I'limmith which badly d'anutrcd the Interior uorUuifi. 'I Ins Hie lamed" by the explosion .n cxtlusuUh'cd n!l-r tuiuo Laid uvik. Tim colltciy a not in oper ation at the time and none ot the iniploHK were Injured, Aichcluke to Visit Czar, Uy Inclusive Wire. fiom The AtsocUitvd 1'roi. Victim, Feb. S. Tho Aichduke Franc !i Ferdi nand, lielr pie,uiuiii tu (lie throua of Aus tria, und Ilungaiy, ttaitcd today for Hi. I'd vis tiuig. Tho lur1 private) train will meet liini at tho frontier, tin Uit uf tho uuliJuke, to the Iluiljn capital li Hoarded as Icing of tieit political siunlUcance. , , SALISBURY FEARS THE IRISH NATION MR. WIDENER ENTERTAINS. Sumptuous Dinner Given In Honor of J. Plevpont" Morgan. Uy r.xclasuc Wire from The Assocmted Press. Philadelphia, Feb. 0. Petor A. 11. Wldener, of this cltv, entertained at dinner tonight one of the mnut distin guished gatherings of .men of affairs ever assembled lit a private dining room In this vicinity. The dinner was glv.en In Mr. Wldelier's nulatlal mar ble country home at Ashbourne, ten miles from this city. The principal guest was J. Plerpont Morgan, in whose honor tho dinner was given. The occasion had -no special signifi cance; It . was simply brought about through a desire of Mr. Morgan to see Mr. Wldenor's art gallery, which Is said to be one or the richest In the country, und estimated lo be valued at $0,000,000. Covers were laid for thirty-seven persons. The guests from New York arrived shortly before 7 o'clock in a special train. Most ot them remained at the house over night. Those present were: Fiom Now Yoil; ,1. Pieipoul Muriran, S. liar ton Trench, Charles Steele, Chirle-t Lanier, P. f.ynde Htcton, II. II. IbiifU.s I:. J. Remind, 111011101 F, Ityan, John 11. Arcldiold, (leorge How. iloln, John I.. Waterbtiry. From t'hiearto N'ormau li. ltr.nu, Hon. I'.lbert If. Oary, Mar.-h.ill Fold. Fmin London Henry Wilding. Fiuni naltiiuorc U. X. llakeri 1'iom Trenton Ootcriior Franklin Murphy. From Philadelphia A. J. Caatt, C'li-im-nt A. lrlcimi, C. Stuart Patterson, Samuel Ilea, Thoma.s Dolan, Uoomc A. lUihn, Theodore Voor. lioe, George F. lf.icr, (leoirte I'hlller. William F. i:ikln, IMwanl F. Stotc-bury. Colonel . Loudon ftiovrdcn, .Sidney T. T.ilcr. (leorge W. Ill kilM. Itudnlph VMU, T .Di'WItt Cnylef. John (I. Johnson, (iourue I), . WldcniT and Joseph F. Widenei. THE SCHLEY APPEAL Uy l'.xvlu-.he Wile from the A-.soel.ited 1'iesS. AVashlngton, Feb. fi. The Post to morrow will say: ;'lt was stated last night that tho president's response to the appeal of Admiral Schley would bu made public next Saturday. "It is understood that the response, will be adverse to Schley. yA visitor at the white house yesterday, with whom the president talked upon the subject, tiuoted the president as say ing that he thought tho verdict of tho majority of the court ought to be sus tained." LIKE THE teORK OF JESSE JAMES Dank Looters, After Dynamiting the Safe and Capturing- Its Contents, Kill Sheriff and Ride Away. Uy Exclusive Wire from The Associated l're.ss. Clarksvllle, Ark,, Feb. il. Robbers early today blew open the safe of the Dank of Clarksvllle with dynamite, se cured a sum estimated at $L',000, killed John Powers, sheriff of Johnston coun ty, who attempted tu capture them, and escaped before the citizens were aware of their presence. Apparently there were from four to six men In thu gang. They tied thtlt horses In the outskirts of town and made their way unobserved to the bank, which Is situated In the north side of the public square. After gain ing entrance they destroyed the safe with dynamite, secured all the money available and made their way to the street. There, they were confronted by Sheriff Powers who opentd lire upon them. The robbers returned the lire. Powers stood his ground and (implied two revolvers before he was killed. When citizens arrived on the scene ,-i little later Powers wits dead und there was no trace of the robbers, except a trull of blood that Indicated that the sheria' had wounded one or perhaps more of his assailants. Powers roomed on the second Hour uf an adjoining building and had been awakened by the explosion. Tho bank olllclals today were un able to give the exact amount of plun der secured hut stated that the bank was Insured against loss, All adjoining towns hove been tele graphed to be on the lookout for the robbers. Powers hud been sheriff of Johnson county for twelve years and was known to be a Tearless man and a crack shot. Governor Thomas tuulKht offered a reward of $"i,000 for the anwt and con viction of the bank robbers and the Arkansas Dankers' Association offered a similar inward of 300. These offalH will be supplemented by additional re wards by the people of clarksvllle. A vigorous search Is being made for tho fugitives, hut It is believed they have esi'il'icd Into the mountains. Congress May Retire Hobson, lly LMlodve Wire from The Aocl.itiia l.es. Waj-himtloii, Feb. ii.- It I cspn led llut ail iltoic villi he nude to obtain loiiiti visional au thorization for thu r.'tlremint from die naval fervlct! of Captain llulunn. He bans hi -ippli' cation ou the bjd state of ln eye-, loiildns fiom rxpoturu in svuikluy: ou Span!h iJiljis after ilii jats war. The naval lellrlmj boaul lonihidel that his disability w.cj iioi Millklel.l tu uairu'tC the retliciuenl under llic iUlru iciiiil.uiuii, and leeour.-c ma-.l be lud w luninv-s. H l lifllettil that lliii naij depjriintni. will appiwe of tich legislation. - ---- r- WEATHER FORECAST. - - Wellington, Feb. 5. Uatern I'ennl. -f -- aula s Snow Thursday afternoon or uijlit 4- 4- with ilsing temperatures Fllday piob. -f f ably fair; tUuiitiUldnif westerly wind 4 4- 4 4- 4 & t "t Opinions in a Speech at the Un veiling ot a Statuo of tlio Late Queen. " RECENT EVIDENCE OF THEIR HATRED The Premier Believes That an Irish Government with Power to Accu mulate Arni3 and Ammunition Would Constitute a More Serloua Menace to England's Snfety Than the Boers The Peeling of Hostil ity Expressed Has Been More Un compiomising Thau Any Expres sions from the Lipo of Parncll or O'Connell. I Uy F.xclushe Wire from The Associated Press. London, Feb. n. Lord Salisbury, tho premier, unveiled a life size marble statue of the late Queen Victoria ut tho Junior Constitution -club tonight. Speaking at u dlnnir after the un veiling, the premier referred to tho re cent Dutch note In a tone, for him, of unusual lllpptmcy. lie said that doubtless some of his auditors thought It a bit of luck to catch a cabinet min ister, and extract from him some In formation concerning that abortive crisis, which had lately filled columns In the newspapers. lie doubted, how ever, If they would extract much. For himself he was unable to Imagine the object of the Dutch government, for whose friendly feelings , he had tho greatest admiration, but he could not see the precise object they hoped to gain by this curious step. "It was clear that the Dutch," con tinued Lord Salisbury, "had no au thorltation from our enemies on tho continent, since from the moment this action on the part of the Netherlands government was announced these ono, mles vied with each other In-declaring the putch .actUm. to-be mideslrcd. "His majesty's government certainly knew nothing of the genesis of this movement. The fact that such a step wits taken, however, reminds me that we have arrived at a condition of things which, In a critical period of this character, always occurred, a period when there would lie many per sons attempting to bring numerous people of different views together and when there would be many suggestions which It would bo neither easy nor de sirable lo notice." The premier explained that his ony reaHon for alluding to such things was that a time was coming when tho peoplo must think- mote of tho sug gestions of their Intelligence, and less of the suggestions of their emotions, "There Is no longer unv nuestlon of sentiment," continued Lord Salis bury. "Wp have entered upon a mat ter of business which we must push through. What we are now seeking Is security. Any peace which recognizes fully the rights or the sovereign, and gives us security for the empire,' wo should accept, not only with willing nets, lull Willi delight. "It Ik useless to tell us to behave so as to leave a uleiuiaut recollection in tlio minds of thoxe with whom we are Jltthtlng. Security for the Future. "The only result that can compensate for the sacrifice of blood and treasure is that, for the future, there shall bu M-curity In that part of the umulro upon which the ambition of Jlr. Kru ger ban piiuivd this abundance of Fur row :) -it'un." I.ii-i v said he hud no mls- glvlm. i ' future y-nJ thai ho bellovLi wur hud Hindu thu coun try more lonf'dcut In ts e'::tcni.il pol icy, mot'o convinced Hint lis (millions would receive due (-(iiiiil'lcrttlli)li from the community or natloni. Rut when the present strain ha I noised awsty, continued the spt-ukcr, there would still remain duties which could not bo shirked. Thu oxlstome of hostile feel ing In Irelund was a flsual that the eifouls, mum which depended In no light degree the glory and coiitlnuanco of the empire, must not bo iclaxed, "Tho maintenance of our position In Ireland Is the most vital object tho umpire bus, and It can only be ut tulned hv strenuous .exertions," suld the meiiller. Tlite premier ui-kcd If tho Irish peo ple loved the government better than they did formerly, and replied him self that they did not. ilo mid the feelings of hostility which had been ex pressed were more uncompromising than any expressions which lud ever Issued from tlio lips of Parnell or O'Connell. An Irish government with power to accumulate arms and ammu nition would constitute a. moro serious threat than had the Boers. Whilst tho orthodox leader of tho Liberal party had declared himself in favor of homo i ulc, wild tin speaker, tho somi-ortho-diix leader of that party, whose utter. nucoH were harder to Interpret, whlio he had not pledged himself to homo rule, had studiously avoided 'uhy pledge from which the contrary might bo Inferred. The premier concluded with saying that thu conspicuous duty of the Unloiilblst was to maintain a. perman ent junction between England and Ire land and that it was by sustaining this Junction that they would maintain the greatness of the constitution and tho splendor of the British empire. Danish Treaty Approved. Dy Kiclulve Wirt; from The Associated I'reas. Washington, Feb. 5. The Kiute coiumittCo on foreign iclutloru today ordered a favorable rirt on the treaty to acquire the Danlili West Indies,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers