THE SC'HAXTON TKIBUN13-THUHSDAY, JANl'AUY 2, 1802. J NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA HONESDALE. Special to llio Scranton lilbuno. Honosilnle, .Ian. II. The iilolKhlntrJs excellent. 7 Thu cold wave rcacheil Honesdnie Tuesday cvonlnK In time for thu Kx cli.inse club bull. SIIsb Helen Iltind, oC Wilkes-Banc, la the guest of Mies Jtnry I'. Tracy. Miss Carrie iricokoiiHleln hits na her Biicat, at Hotel Coyne, Miss Sue War ifcn, of Wilkes-ilarrc. llou-md Wlleov, nrlnclpal oC the CiouldBboro smiled bcIiooIb, spent his vacation at the homo ot his parents on North Main street. l'tof. Ilefls' DiinclitB class) will hold their filiate for close of the first term, on Thursday evening. In Music Hull. Monday evening, Jan. G. a special at traction, Aldon Benedict' "Fauio Ito nianln," will be in-oKentcu at the Opera House. The play Is new for Himes dnle and Is presented by an excellent company. A drama of Intense drama tic interest, with lino scenery. The Parisian, "La Dance Stercoptleon," by Miss Olllc Cooke, is a special feature nhovc the ordinary. The nnnunl ball of the Exchange club, which was held In the armory last evening, was a brilliant society event. The music was by Freeman's orchestra of twelve pieces. The pro- nnmmn r'ntmlKtnrl of tWOll tV-foUT HUni- bers, with as many encores, of the luteal two-steps and waltzes. A largo number of out-of-town guests weic presrent. Supper was served. The Krle holiday excursion to New Yoik on Tuesday took sixty-one from Honesdale. Diphtheria Is quite prevalent In "White Mills. Several deaths have oc curred from this dread disease. Mv. Nightingale, foreman of the stitching department in the Durland Thompson company shoe factory, has resigned. He Is succeeded by Harry Pemvardcn, who has served In the fac tory for the pasl five years. The members of the Symphony or chestra arrived in town on the noon train and attended the New Year's re ception In the Presbyterian chapel. They delighted the callers with some excellent musical selections. TUNKHANNOCK. to llio Scianton Tiibune. TunklmnnoeU, Jan. 1. Ex-Sheriff Charles S. Knupp, of Skinner's Eddy, was a visitor in town on Tuesday. Elmer 11. Cranstock, of Lovelton, came to town on Tuesday and tool; homo with him his two little grand sons, who will remain with him for the balance of the winter. The exhibition given at the Opera House on Monday evening by Maro, the magician, was largely attended, and was universally pronounced an excellent entertainment by those who linel the pleasure of witnessing It. Cooker T. Washington, the brilliant colored leader, gave his lecture, en titled", "The Solution of the Race Problem ,in the Dlaclc Belt of the South"" u't the court house this even In qr, It being a part of the institute lecture course. County Treasurer-elect Griffin It. Potter, of West Nicholson, was a visi tor hero on Tuesday. It Is reported .hut Mr. Potter will lent his farm dur ing the coming season and remove his family to Nicholson borough. Miss I.ulu Dolph, of Lake Winolu, is visiting at the home of Theodore Cooper, 'on Bridge street. Mrs. Anna Crawley, an aged lady, Is seriously ill nt her homo on Third street. O. Smith Khmer filed his oath of of fice as district attorney on Tuesday. This Is his second term in the oillce. Edwin Wlntermule Is very 111 at his home on Pine street. AVOCA. Spicial to tlio Siiautou Tilbuncl Avoca, Jan. I. The funeral ot Thomas Fltzslmmons will take place this morning at 9 o'clock. Mass will bo celebrated In St. Mary's church, inter ment will be made In St. Mary's ceme tery. No llowers. The funeral of Mrs. Mary Dunn, took place Tuesday afternoon from the family residence on Main street. Ser vices were held In St. Mary's church. Interment was made in St. Murv'u cemetery. A surprise party was tendered Mrs. Hattlo Doll, nt her home on Lincoln IIUI, on Monday evening. Sho was pie sented with a handsome ring, several pieces of china and a small amount of "WW 3BC Why do women continue to endure suflenng caused by womanly diseases? There are many answers to that ques tion. Sometimes because they have ex- nausteu me sunt of local physicians and remain uu cured. At other . times it is because I they shrink from I submitting to ob f noxious examina tions which local physicians deem necessary. And to bum it all up, they endure suffering because they do not know that Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription makes weak wom en strong and sick women well. "Favorite l'ie- scriptioii"est:iblishes regularity, dries dis agreeable drains, heals inflammation and ulceration and cures female weakness. "I enjoy good health; thank to Dr. Pieice't favorite Prescription mnl Ooldeu Medical Diy covcry,' "write-. Mrs. J, J. Hcluictver, of routine. Livingston Co., ill. "I was taken kick and the doctor here called it'Orip.' I lay for four weck In bed, then when I got up I fouuel I had 'displacement.' Had Midi nchc-o und paliu, in niy Lick and limb-, could not stain! liny length of time. knew that uur home doctor would in frUl thSiirst thing-un an examination, and (hit J would nolMibiiiit to, utiles dangerously tick My Kin had our hook, 'Common Sense Medical, Adviser,' and I thought ftoni reading it that Dr. Tierce's medicine would do 'me more good than all the home doctors ami so It litis. I can truly Kay 1 wan surprised at the benefit I received, I can do all my vvashluej and. also tend ray (lower garden, In fact I am oil my feet most oil the time. An old friend of mine laid to me, Why what i the nutter with you? oil arc getting young again.' I told her I had taken six bottles of Dr. Pierce' medicines, and that If she would do likewise she would feel tea years younger, too." Dr, Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser puper covers is sentyh'tf on re ceipt of 3( one-cent stamps to pay ex pense of mailing only. Address Dr. K. V, Pierce, Buffalo, N, Y, HP r i mfvB "'A I money. A dainty luncheon wns served and ii few sociable hours were spent, The following were present: Mrs, Charles Ko.-guson, Mrs. C. K. Holls, Mrs. George Holls, Mrs. William und Mrs. Kdwnrd Laird and ' daughter Leah, Mrs. N. E. Hosklns, Mrs. I). N. Stevens, Mrs. William Ihown, jr, and sr., Mrs. a. W. Clay, Mrs. John Fruc, Mrs. W. II. Welter, Mrs. James Morton and daughters Hesslo, Mnrgurct mid Agnes. Miss Jennie Unilmtii, Is seriously 111 of peritonitis. The borough schools will reopen this morning. Hov. George Dixon, of Carbondalc, Was u visitor at the home of bis parents, Tuesday. The marriage of Miss Isabelle, daughter of Mrs. Mnrgurct Dlggur of the North JOnd and Samuel Harrison, was solemnized at the home of the bride's mother, Tuesday evening, Hov. D. T. Smythe, oillciating. Only the members of the family were present and both were unaccompanied. Mr. PICTURE .iat , mi , ., , til... y .ii m, i.m.i I I rA-zr f wutKfikS tfcjp Kill i ' i ' i jM i rTTTTTT s?l h J I nxA fill iHBiI l2"" Mr r"' -&'' ' "' f'iiii . JtdSJ&ffi,- Can you read here the name of a great English general'.' and Mrs. Harrison have a host ot friends nil of whom wish them many happy days of wedded bliss. ' PITTST01N. Special to the Scranton Tribune. PIttston; Jan. 1. Inside Foreman Charles Jones, of Old Forge, was yes terday morning the leclplent of a very fine token of esteem from the company .hands, over whom, ho Jms charge at the Stevens mine, West PIttston. Just be fore Mr, Jones commenced his work, a committeee from the men waited on him and presented him with a beauti ful gold pen and an inkstand, made from coal taken out of the Stevens col liery. Mrs. Arthur E. Heal, of West Pitts ton, has purchased tlio vacant Simpson lot on Exeter street, AVest PIttston, and villi erect a fine residence thereon shortly. The lot is 50x225 feet in size and is In a very prominent location. Tho consideration was $2,250. Alfred Howitz, who has been visiting his father on Wyoming avenue, West PIttston, for thu past few days, le turned today to Newport News, where he is employed in the bhlp-bulldlng yards. Mr. Ifowltz is an expert ma chinist, and is assisting in placing the engine nnd machinery In the new battleship Missouri. The Republican primaries of West Plttt&on will bo held January 21. It is reported here, although "the rumor could not be verified, that two cases of leprosy exist near Smithvllle. The victims are said to bo Italians, who are residing on the outskirts o that village. A sensational incident, that very luckily was not a murder, occurred In Alderman Barrett's oillce last night about 9 o'clock, when the piosecutor In a larceny case drew a revolver und shot the defendant In the neck. Mary Cur deli, of West PIttston, and Michael Joyce, of this city, up to a short time ago, It Is said, had warm affection for each other. But Mury's love for Joyce grew cold, and she turned her affections to another young man. This was nil not very pleasing to Joyce, so the story goes, and In the spirit of mvenge, ho had Mary arrested for pllfeilnir coin from his pockets. The hearing took place In the alderman's ofllce last night, and tho prosecutor and defendant were seated in u back room, when the alder imm read tho warrant and wits about to swear in the prosecutor for testimony. When Joyce fiiosu he drew u revolver from his pocket and shot directly at Miss Cordon twice. Ono of the bullets Just missed her and landed In the wood work close bv, while the other wus a truer ulm and passed within nn inch of the jugular vein. Inflicting not u dan gerous, but n bad flesh wound in tho neck. Some timo during last night, u dozen mules, which were kept under a shed at Miller & Bryden's stockyard at Porl Blanchard, broke through the gate und escaped, lluimlng up the I.ehlsh Vnl ley rathoad tracks, four of them were killed. THOA1PSON. Special to the fxianton '1 illume. Thompson, Jan. I, At u meeting ot the Epworth League hist evening, ut the home of 15. C, Luytop, the following mimed persons were elected officers for the ensuing year: President, Pinf, Comptonj (list vice-president, Huftis Potter; second vice-president, Mie. A. II. OroHur; third vice-president, Miss Bessie Bluelihurn; fourth vice-president, Mrs. Ilalph Crosur; Hfth vice president, 3. D. Van Deriuaeki sixth vice-president, Uulph Crosur; organist, Miss Helm Wllmurth; chorister, A. II. Crosur, Mrs. IS. MneMullen, of HornelUvJlle, N, V after u few days visit with her sister Mrs, E. C, Luyton, jeturned to her homo this morning. Presiding Eldor Warner will hold quarterly conference in tho 11. E. church hero Friday evening und will prouch uguln Hubbuth' afternoon. We are glad to report that those who have been sick In town nve all Improv ing: Itev. P. It. Tower who nttended the dedicatory Rcrvlccs of the new M, B. church at Hush, reports it very enjoy able time. The money was nil raised under the hnppy management of Ilev. H. II. Ilennedlot, of Montrose. Hqv, Tower preached In tho new church Haubath morning und nt Lttlrdulc In the evening. Hurtle Lydcn, returned last evening from a visit with his Bisters nt Orftit Bond. GUIs Simpson, of Tlmoudalc, Is in charge of llio Eilo station today )n tho absence of Station Agent iA'den, at Ulughnmtou. COLES TOR JANUARY. from Storms mid Signs. To nil our lenders we extend our moil liciTt fid greeting?, nnd hope that the cinulnrt year wilt he to all a season of unalloyed luiiipliicw. As we write, we nro rearing n milestone and upon It Is thl Inscription, "1D0T' numbered with the thing of the past. Tlic measure o( the year h.ii been (lllcil up with Hi Joys, mingled Willi the bitterest gall; nml It will go down In hlnlory us a most eventful jear. All thofo who lead our forecasts last mouth will note tlioy entno as prcillrtcil. It would ha well fur in to keep our "eyes" on Mars, the Kcil Wiinlor, ns the blighting influence he show rrrd down upon Hie earth 1.1st month will lie felt during this tnonlli. Stoims nnd Hoods will play hiou in some sections, while in other tec tlom fair 'weather will prceloniluate. The Earth will lea;e the Home of Mnrrtugp tlie Inst ot tho month, nml will enter the llousn ot Dentil, in 6lgn "Leo," the King ot tho "Low PUZZLE. Kbli" vital foice, opposed by llio llomo ot Tor tune. The health bonnN will be kipt btiy rs dL-' epidemics will ccutitiuc In muse untold pains and ainoyaiiie-. STORMS AXl) SKINS. Jaiiuaiy stint' in oil a "lliKh l'lood" day nnd neatly uo-t!ilnlH of the niuiith will be lukd by the "High l'lood" foius. The llkh l'lood day-i will be the 1st, -J,l, 3d, lib, ,1th, nth, JSIh, 11th, loth. lUtli, lTtli, lSlli, 1Mb, IMUi, M, 2'Jth, :;oth and ttlst. Husincs men nhould inipiove each moment, and all those who li no money lu Cit ed in Mcuks should look n'ell to their own Inter est, as! the cxeei? ot High l'lood d.lja will hac n tendency to bring about a lluctuatiou ot prices and stoikij. If you want to bo sucrci'lol cling to the High l'lood davj ai shown each month in our "Storms and Signs" talendir. flood for. tune will prevail In some commies while plagues and funiiif will cist a dailc gloom oier other. The old tountiy will ccutluue to niche afllit tiens from wars, cuthqnakci, and epidemics, ami our own countiy will come in for its sh.'re of evil doings. Watch out for high gales, destine tlvi stoims floods, etc., sometime between the ICth and 2JJ. The legulav storm peiiud will oc cur between the 2d and llth, Till and Uth, iMst and 21th. During the last fiw days of the month the eold punalllng fiom the piolou, storm will iela and sloiins aie liable to occur. Y.U.L'AJJU: IsroilMATIOX. Sunflower seeds stecpoil, stialiied and sweet ened with molassis will tine llio wi ooping cough. The be't l..yn to fl-li durii'g this month will be the lib, l:iih, ISth, SOih, 21st and 21st. And tho nest best daj aie the 3d, llth, 10th nnd 'AM. The aboie aie High l'lood ilaj In riu'rs, laUes and stieauiF. Thu IL-li caught on bow I'M) il.ijs are weal; fl,h and aie not In good condition lo be eaten by man. The llth, Hith, 17th, '-'( 1 1 nnd 21st will he the bc-t il.ljs to kill all Kind ot noil;, beef end all kind of meal. The iut hist dajn will be the lath,, ISth and Xutli. All that 1' killed on die Hist naimd dijs will swell when boiled, nml whin filed llicio will be siaitely enough giease come fiom it to run in the pan. "Storms and Signs." H contains much valuahlu infoinuticii, .send for copy at once, l'rleo IU cents. I'. C. Coles. lMltor. Kingston, 1M l". S. A., Dee. 20, Mil, v DETECTING BAD MONEY. riiim the Kansis Tltv Star, 11 seems wonderful to the cn'suul ob server that cashiers, bank tellers and others who handle large amounts of paper money are able, at a glance, to detect a bad note. Exactly what It Is that does expose the counterfeit the best experts find it diillcult to tell. They say they know it Instinctively. They Judge not only by tho looks of the note, but by tho "feel" of It, It Is obvious that u counterfeit note must bo widely circulated to make it profit able. No sooner does a counterfeit appear limn Its description Is widely published. Those who are likely lo suffer by taking counterfeit notci make it their business to bo on tho lookout for now, ones, whloh are soon distin guishable by some easily discovered mark. A teller knows of just what denomi nations are tho counterfeits, and .lusi where to look for the tell tulo marks, Ho detects the spurious notes us easily as tlrti reader docs a misspelled wotd. It Is no particular effort. It is a huhlt. Tho principal reason why counterfoils are so easily detected Is because in some fealure they are almost uniform ly of Inferior quality. This is, indeed, ihc main protection of the public, Clenuliiu notes are engraved und print ed utmost regardless of cost, and llio Very best materials nro used In the engravings und printings. It Is done in large establishments, with cosily materials ami by the best workmen, It Is practically Impossible for coun terfeiters to do as well. They must vyork In secret und at a disadvantage, and of necessity cannot have the ex perience to produce such perfect work, If they get the engravings done nicely they fall In tho printing, or If they get tho engraving und printing done well they fall In securing the proper paper, Of latu years thero has been a greut deal of care taken to get papr manu factured expressly for the notes Issued by the government. The national bunk notes mo also Issued by the govern ment, bo that thoyeourees of supply for exactly tljut'klnd of paper uro con ti oiled. ' Theatrical. mj TODAY'S ATTRACTIONS. T,YCi:L'.U--"The lhdle "oTxew Vorli." Nlgld. ACADI'.MV.-'llic Aubrey Mock company. Af ternoon ntul nlulil. Htnr-"llic ThoroiiRlitireuV Afternoon ami night. "The Village Postmaster." Two huge, happy ami cnlhmlaslle uudleneei) uiv "The Village l'o-dmnilcr" at the !) renin yesterday. It is a pUy tint is hy no minus new to Scranton theatergoers but lliey seem to like It belter ccry time It comes. Tho greet ing It received jcsleulAy liovs that it I1.11 by no means worn out its welcome here. It U one ot the best of the many N'ew ling land pl)s on the Mage today, h;u a strong and Interesting Atory to tell and N full of Interest from beginning tn end. 'I lie company present ing It is composed of most capable plnycM, Jllss Angela IIumcII, formerly of this city, did rplemliil work In the loic of Mlramla llugghu, the leading finule lolc tu llio piece. "Dcvll'a Island." "DciII'a Island" wns the attraction at tlio Academy of Music last cenlng. 'llio scenery was line and the cast excelled all pievloas ef forts. l'rauUIn Jlinmell as Captain Do ll Tour proied himself to be nn aetor of the first water and ltarland Winter as the disagreeable lllaln tame In for his share of hKses which wns a trib ute to bin act lug. The audiences at both per formances tested the capiclty of the house. Tonight "Irlsh-Amciicuu Cousin" will bo pie Rented and for tlio matinee, "I'nilcr Two l'lags," lu which is Introduced Hie great sand florin scene. The Belle of New York. "The llellc of N'cw Voile." like most Casino sueccsse?, has a title which suggests "(ilili," 'ihla "llclle" Id unwldeiiil the moit popular of them all. Within the hist four Reasons the stage in this countiy li.ii seen "The Hello of llo hernia," "The llclle ot llrldgcpoit," "Tho Lib erty llclle," "l'he lleaux llellc," as well us any number of "girls," sucli as "The tllrl fiom .Maxims," "The Casino Kill," "The llunaway Cilrl," "The I'iicus Girl," "A (llrl fiom Li Tlicie," "'ihc hummer fllrl" and "'llio Citrl with the Aubuui Hair." While many of tluvso has bien successful it has lemalncd for "l'he Hello of New York" to cst.iiilu-li the enviable iccord of being "The gieatcfit gill of all." Iter prv foimancea have inn up to the astonishing num ber of 2,000 times and she iiumbcis legend ot admirers in llngbtid, Australia and America. It will be seen at the Lyceum tonight. "Arizona" Saturdoy. "An'zon.i," which will be picscnted nt the Lyceum Ss.ilmd.iy untlnee and night, is llio llilid piay of the "elate" scries which Augustus Thomas has given the stage. "Alabama." iriu "In Mlzroitin," clcveily icllected the scenes and people, customs and incidents whlrh Thomas had become fjinillar with in ills boyhood and early manhood. In "Alizona," it is said, he has utilized a whole lot of knowledge which he gained during an uctlie caieer of two or tluee yeais as u cowboy on the southwestern cattle i.inges. He tint as it may, .Mr. Ihomn evidently knew all about Aih-ona and its people when he "tool, his pen in hand." Xo less distinguished niitlioilty than Governor Murphy, of Aiizuuv bas testified as to, the ae cuiaey of the types which Thomas lias pictured lu the new play. Governor M-.npliy was piriie-ulaily- cnthujiatlo over the lanclunan, Heniy Canby. "He Is just Ihe dead living plctur,' of old Tom ltuifexv, of Sonoma county, who died ten yeniij ago!" raid the governor alter vllt nessiug the pel foi niance, "and ltcnbvv was a 'longhoin' It theie was one in the territoiy." Seats are now on sale. - Tifth Brockway Course. Monday evening tho fifth enleitaiiuiient on the Iliockvray vouuc will take place at the Lyceum theatei. A debate on Impeiiall-ui by the lion. Chimp Plaik and' linn', v. 11. I'.andis- will be (he entcitainnunl. -'" ' Bandmaster Slatter. The celebrated mtlltniy band of the I'oity eighth Hlghlaudeis, which is to appear in full kilted the Lyceum thi.iter ne.u Tursday atteinooii nnd evening h lecugnlzeil and .idmlttcd bv all to be tho best oigan izattou In Canada and the gieitest Scottish inllltaiy bind in Ihe woild. Its Micorrfi is gicitly due to the ability and faithfulness of .Mr. John blatter, bandmaster. U'ldlc the baud is unquestionably in the Ihat rank of excellence, it has no cmul in liue in lcipietatiou of Scottish niusie. Mi. Slitter has had a vailed eipeiicnco during his musical ta leccr, and, besides being a composer and auangcr of ineiit, he is one of the iustiumcutalists in the tommy. He served with ilMlnction in Her Majesty's l'list Life Guards II mil, London, Kugland, as n soloist, also in the Seventh l'usl Hers of Great Ihit.ilu. I'pon loniliu lo Canada ho served in the Northwest ichclHou and latir accepted the position ot bindmaster In Can ada's pet leglment, Ho is a man of line pres ence and soldlcily beating, and has the eoiiH dence of Ids band ami iiglmeiil The Thoroughbreds. 1'iank II. Cur, fur many yean a well and fav m.ihly known latcui tu tho theatiical loving pub lic, In lugs his bevy ot vaudeville stais, which lii styles "The 1horouglibici!V to the Star for tluce days lominencing this afternoon. Mi. Cur, nppicclathig tlio necessity of employing the most competent ai lists fnoeurablc to nuke his tntcipiisP a .su(ces.s, used mole than oi dliuiy lodgment in making up liU company. lie has selected only tho-c people whom lu felt ussiireit would "Idl the bill" and fiom the iultiil peifoimanee up to the piesent lime, the success of ids "'Ihoiiughbicd.i" was liistautaueoui. 'Ihc opening burletta Is styled "J he Isle of Illiss" and is ore- of lliose neat, unique entertaining styles of playlet which being cleveily inter spcised witli bright and catehv u.usln Is smo to llud immediate f.ivoi, following it is an olio of unquestioned mult cmviisllug of smli high grade in lists as 1'ull; mid Tu,k, aciubats und equillbrlsUi llcaly and I'arnuiu, dance'is, Gyp enu und lloiua, pantouilnilsls; Mil'alo anil Cu lew, sketch nitlsts; Xncklo and Walsh, comei. satlonallste, and Jisle I'lyiiu, singing couiedleuue, The entertainment i loses with a satltc on hotel life fiitllldl "The Thin oughbreds" and is equally as hunioious as the opening, evoking laughter during its cut lie iciiditlou. 'ihe entire company, thirty people In nil, appear in both the open ing and closing acl.. STAGE NOTES. John .1. McNally has almost loiiiplelul Ihe new piece lie Is under unili.ut to piovhlo fur the ltogeis Ibothem next season. He has not yet given it a name, Ml, Me.N'ally ucently offered his resignation Iiom Ihe lloston Herald, beliu the tenth time, but us bi'ttno it was not ac cepted, mid lie Is still that papei's diumjtio nlllc. Ticket speculating lias been iliaiai lulled of ficially as the gicalest evil that tin atei -govt's in Sew Yoil; luvc to contend with." Thi die turn was pioiiouiieed by Miglstiate I lauo of the Jelfeisou MJlket eomt dining the hcailiu; of charges against Siiuuel Monks, an alleged specu lator, who was said to have operated mar the (iaideii theatei. (cila Loltiw Is lielm; widely adveithed in Aiiieili-i and ihigliud through lier eugngemcut foe Ihc Aini-ilcun, lour nt llelny Irving, 'llio teaichllght has developed ll.o fait that tho for mer luluilo am) ple-scu; suceesaful uctieas was ed mated in a eouttia near Llveipon, Iter (lut appeaiaiien with Sir Henry living. Is tn he inado lu Miiili as Mmgueilte in "r'aust." Helen Mac Gicgor has been seleitcd to succeed her in 1,', II, Solhcin's company. A new play, "lllpscy Maile," fiom ihe pen ot MUw (uiistaiice Soudley, is tn bo Ire hided lu Ihc foithi'ominK Ameilcui tour ot Mis. 1'atlicU Campbell. Tho play i dcnotid "a romantic diauu v( the f'liiod iuinii'illatt'ly prior to the t-'icutli icvokitiou," Mis iSi.nslley is (lie tu thor if another pUy tu bo iicieuted by Mr.'. Cumubi'U during her tour of the state, whicli i, tailed "Mrs, .Ionian, AcIicm." VeigJ, an Italian playwright, who is known to America only as the author of tho libretto of "C'uvallcil.i Ilustleana," ban written Ivvo new plays of ono utt each "Tlio Vox lluni" and "Tho Wolf flliiEt." Huso presented Veigu's lat lay, "The bha Wolf," in Homo bmial inontln ago and vwi hissed from the stage-, (ho work via v) distasteful and imotoiul. If iiuythlng could bale saved It Puss's gieat popularity and THE TRIBUNE'S "WANT" 4 Lines 10 Cents More Than l-'our Lines, 3 Cents tor Utfch llxtra Lin; Tor Hent. l'Olt HUNT Morn room No. flCW Licltavvaiili t avenue, from April ll, IPOC. Krotosky llrus. FOU lti:XT-$l8, nnc-hall ot doubionifti, In upper tlrein llldgo) largo yard, bath, hot and cold water, range, electric light". It. ". Hamilton, Paul I building, Spruce attcct, Por Sale. I'Oll SAM! Oil KXCIIAXmi-WliNkcr certln. oatcsi W pioof. Address, It. 0. Tilbuuo ofilce. 1'Olt SAM! CHHAl'-l'Irewood, iron roollng, tlm bers, boards, coiitllng, cle.'., from old MttI suitable for all purposes. Jennings, Central Mines switch, foot of Hampton street, oft South Main avenue. l'Olt SALi: Two light prlng wagons nnd soroo harness, cheap. I'.vans, rear 11J2 I.uzcrno street. roil SALI! Cheap; horse, spring wagon and harness, at No. 192(1 Cedar avenue. Furnished Rooms. l'Olt H11XT Furnished looms, third lloor, Xo. UIV Lackawanna avenue. FOll 111! ST Two comfortably furnished looms for gentlemen', modem improvements: pil vate family. 3,50 Washington avenue. l'Olt nr.NT Two comfortable furnished looms for gentlemen: modem inipiovements; pri vate fuiilly. 230 Washington avenue. l'Olt MlNT-lHimljIicd front room, with heat, bath und gas; near court house; gentleman preferred. Addrers Itoom, llox SIX) l'Olt Itl!N"T Furnished loom; c:5 Linden street. heat and bilh. FUItNISIII'.I) HOOMS FOH HUNT, with heat, ras and bath, gentlemen prclcned, at M9 Adams avenue. ' Booms and Board. A LADOI! mOXT HOOSI, with board, at 521 Adims avenue. Suitable for two young men. ItOOMS TO HUNT, with board. BOO Mulberry street. Wanted Koom and Board,, WANTED lioom and board In refined pilvito family for time ladies; not to ciecd sli p.-r week. One located within live minutes walk from city hall picfcned. Addles", K. II, Tiibune Of fice. Boarders Wanted. I'HIVATI! I'AMII.V wishes to lnvu two nieo mm . to board, Gitman or Knglish. Call any time alter Thursday. All conveniences, b07 llairlson av eiiuc. Bcal Estate. I'Oll SALI! Lot on Vine street, between Web ster and Taylor avenues: n bargain: coine, see for youiself. Apply 21S Ilauison avenue. FOR. BAM! One acre of land, improved with nine-room house: plenty and v.ulcty of fruit: good location in village of rieelvllle, Mis. Olive Tish, rieelvllle, l'a. Lost. LOST Scotch leniei; icwaidi if lctuined to ::03 Madison avenue, wonderful ait should have done so. Hut the play was adjiukjed without lcdeciuiug quilily. Iauopc.m title-, speak o! "Cavallcri.e" ns the only one of Veiga's wiitlugs which his any claim to di-tinctiou as a poetical composition. A HOTEL IN PORTUGAL. An Elaborate Dinner. Served in Good Style. I'lom Chamheii Journal. At the risk of being1 tedious T niusit mention lu some detail one more of Portugal's hotels. This time I was tired after a lonpr day's cycling fiom Uttsaco, which included a needless twenty miles off toward the mountains of Vizeu, due to two places in tho dis- j trlel havhier -borrowed their names l from the same saint. 1 was tired, a'd In doubt if Santa Comba Dao could receive me for the night. T could not learn that there was any regular hotel in the place, and it was after some hesitation that 1 ventured- to unock at the door of a little house festooned with (lowers, in which, I was told, lived two maiden ladles who received or refused guests at their pleasure. At first sight of me these genUe souls begged to be excused. They were not accustomed to foreigners, they said. Ilul I was not to be remitted by a studio refusal, and very soon their objections were overcome. Tn the most gracious way they then Invited mo to filter. I must give them a. little time to prepare dinner: afterward, If I would malce allowances for their rural simplicity and roughness. And so I went forth to see the lovely village by twilight, and lost my way In Its alleys with liv ing water brooks rushing through their midst, und hinging women nnd children In its cottages. In less than an hour 1 returned, and this is the menu these ladles set before me the reader will, I hope, pardon more of such appetizing particulars for the sake of my argument; Hots d'oouvre, vermicelli soup, pucht-io, beefsteaks (with new peas In shell), trout, salad, chicken (with new pota toes), sweets and cheese, fruit and cof fee, vln do pays (red und while), liv ery Item of this meal was excellent; J feel no shame In the confession. The meal was served In a room trans formed Into a bower of flowers. Masses of eurnutlons and roses lllled ono side of It, und on the other sldu a creeper with purple blossoms grew In tho house und draped the door or my bed room. When the ladles went lo bed ihoy put fresh wine, cognac and biscuits on tho table for mo; and lu the morning tin y provided breakfast and blushed with pretty prldo when r thanked them for their kindness. They asked m, for tho equivalent of Is. Sd, und thanked mo cordially when I paid It. WHEW HE WAS TWENTY-ONE riom the Memphis Scimitar. There Is u young criminal lawyer In this city who, on the yceaslon of his be coming of age, began the celebration of his birthday lu u way that caused his household a great ileal of consterna tion. On the eve of the fete, shortly after midnight, the young nmn's family wero suddenly Bturlled from their slumbers hy u loud vojco lu tho house calling, "Thero's a mull In tho house! There's a 'nun in the house!" The valiant liator fumlllus rushed from his room, bearing iu his bunds a heavy billet of firewood, to learn the cause of tho dlsturbuneo" and to cap ture the Intiuder, Ills son was stund Ing in tho hull, shouting at tho top of his voice. "Where's the man?" exclaimed the old gentleman. "Here, sir, here!" proudly replied the young inun. "This Is he, A$ hist I'm twentytoue!" situations Wanted pkqu. .HRANOH WANT UFFIOKS. Want Advertisements Will Bo . Received nt Any of the Follow ing Drug Stores Until 10 P. M. Central City ALlinilT BCIIULTZ, corner Mulberry atreet and Webster ounue. GtlSTAV l'IClIUL, OSl) Adanu avenue. West Side Gnoiiai! W. JIINKISS, 101 South Main avenue. South Scrnnton FK1!D h. Tl'.Ill'I'I!, 720 Cedar avenue. North Scranton OHO. W. DAVIS, comer North Milo avenue and Matket itrcct. Green Ridge CHAHLKS l. JOXKS, 13J7 Dickson Mvenuc. I'. J. JOHNS', (1M Green Ilidge stiect. C. LOItHNK, comer Washington ave nue and Marlon street. Petersburg W. H. KNr.l'Fr.L, 1017 Irving avenue. Duumore J. a. Boxi: k sox. Help Wanted Mnlo. IXllUSTIIlOUS, CAl'AHLl! nun can make fiom Sfl to $10 a day. Ilerfcnecs requited. Call 510 Spruce sticet. iVAXTUD Permanent man, who thoroughly un derstand homes, to dilve for physician: ten miles mit of city: wages 13 and board; state expcrlenee. Addiess K. J Tiibune office. WAXTICD-Hy leading Philadelphia house, flul clas) snlcFman. to cell general Hue of paper to the retail tiade, one who has an acquaintance preferred: must have hot refeience and be able to furnish bond. Address P. O. ioi !M-, Phila delphia. Help. Wanted Female. nilllj WAXTI!l)"to take care of child in small family. Mis. Aionson, .111 Pcnii avenue. Firry OPERATORS WANTED Steady work guaranteed, W. K. IleLk to Son, 23) Adanu avenue. WAXTHD GUI for general housewoik at Dalton. Address II. T., care Tiibune. Wanted. WAXTLD Good second-hand furnace, will pay cash. Address Lock Hot 130, Scranton, Pa. Business Opportunity. WAXTI'.D Parties wanting a lucrative business to see the practical opernlion of tlio Peerless Dishwasher air Nolan's, opposite Hotel .leiinyn. WAXTI'.D Man with small amount, for half in terest in established business; profits enor mous. Pjulculais, II. Collins, Coyne Hotel. STOCh AXl) WIIHAT TltADllKS without delay. Wiito for our special maikct letter. Pice on application. S. M. lllbtuid k Co., members" X. Y. U-I'solidated and Stock Schange, J I and 10 Hioadway, New oik. Lstabllshcd ISiil. Long Distance' Phone 2JS nioad. Recruits Wanted. HEX WAXTLD fcr the U. S. Navy Land-mcu for training as seamen, age IS to ij, wlO per month; land-men foi yeomen, age is to 2j, ($y) pet month upon appointment as yeomen thhd elas); feainen, age il to 33, S24; oidinary sea men, ago IS to o0, -sliij nppicntlccs, thiid class, ago 13 to 17, -ju; mtthlnists, iiist ilass, ago 21 lo 3.1,; machinists, second ckiM, ago 21 to 8.5, isiu; lio-pital apprentices age IS to 23, S2U; hospital apprentices, fust i lass, age 21 to 2-J, .10; Fhlpvv lights, nge 21 lo Ha, -Vri; dec-tlicf.ui-, Fecund diss, age 21 to :!, -WU; elec tricians, third class, age 21 to .13, J0; copper smiths, age 21 to uj, -.10. Candidates must pats a physical examination showing Hum to be flea .fiom disqualifying ailments, and except lands men and appicntlces, an examination showing them to be qualllled for their latings; lands men and nppirntlccs the physical evuiiitiauur only, The term of enlistment is four years. A bonus of four months', pay und an iidclltlnn of irl.'Ki to the monthly pay foi each ic-enllstinent within lour months uu lionoiable dkt-hiigc. Itatlms, medicines and attendance giati-. 1'rlvllcm) of letiiiimnt on lluee-miarteis pay nftef Ihiity years' set vice. Able-bodied Americans i-tiii i.iltc Wiiiitnl who will c-niov oeentlonal op poittmltics for advancement to petty ottlcers by tlio eauy ooinpieuon oi a miiuinr oi;e suq-s, A iccruitiiiff office will be opened at the po-l oillce. thlul llooi, in Stiantou, Pa., Dee. ::0 to Jan. t, Mitt. Machinists, hospital appien llees and clectllcians e-prclally wanted. LEGAL. Till! ANNUAL MIT.TIXG of the stockholder tf The Siilimban Klictrlt- Light company will bo he-lil at the ofllce n( the eouipiuy, 30') Linden street, Scianton, Pa., Satin day, Januaiy 11, lUUi, at 4 p. iu for the election of diieeim-i lor the ensuing year, and sueh other business us nniy coma licfore them, I!, II. STACK. Scianton, Pa.. Dee. 11, likll. NO'IICI! OP AUDITS rotates tu be audited iu the Oipliaus' Court of Lackawanna -uiuuy. Notice Is heieby given tint iict-ouiim have been Hied nnd continued iibscdutely by tho court In Hie follow inic estates: Lstate of Letty Ann Unkind, deceased; M. .1. Martin, administrator. .Monday, Januaiy I'l, 1U02, at a 2 lMate of l'ledeiick Maiklel.. deceased; John llei'se, executor. Tne.sil.iy, Jaiiuaiy II, UK)-.', at U a. m. :i IMate of Uleh.iul llaiiinglon, dotc-asi-d; John M. RoberUon, i-i-ciitor. We'dnisday, Juiu ury 1.1. 1102. at a. m, I F.stato of Claia lloirr, a minor; W, .1 Shllfer, gn.udlan .(exceptions). 'Jhuisday, .I.inii nrv 111, l!a, at ') a. in. r Ijitate of Ami A. Coiniollv, ih'ieased: L. Tyhr Cunnolly, execuioi, I'rlday, Junuaiy 17, li'ie)!, at U a. m. The uliove accounts inuiuc'Mtcd and designated In the above ll-l will bo audited by Ihc Honor able A. A.Vosbing, P. .1., it the Oiphaiis' Conn, iu tho Oiphaiis' Couit loom, ('unit House, tsti.iu ton, P.I., dining the sesslona of couit on the days set opposliu tho name of caili estate, at vvlilth time all persons lulctcdtrcl shall attend, if they cc tit, and piesent their eliluis against slid estate, oi fou-ver thgieaftei' hit debiue.I from e inning lu upon said fund. WM. Kfitll, JR., Cleil; of Oiuhaiu' Couit, Scrnnton Boaid of Trade Exchange Quotations AH Quotations Based on Par of 100. S10CKS. Mid. Asked Lackawanna, Dairy Co., Pr. no County Savings Hank k Trust Co., MO First National Rank (Carbondale) u2 Standaid Drilling Co CO Thlid National llauk 330 Dime Deposit and DUcouot Hank.. 275 ,.. Kconomy Light. II. & P. Co -13 l'list National II ink VM laicka, Tiiest Safe Deposit Co I5U ,,, Claik & Suover Co., IT Ui ... Scranton Iron Pence & Mfg. Co, ... ,,, lno Scranton Axle Woils , ... vi Scianton Sivln's llauk 430 ,,, Tradcis' National Haul: ,,,.,,.( 171 ... Semuton Moll & Nut Co.,, 107,i ... IVople'd Hank ,,,, 133 ... New Mexico Hy, k C. Co ,, .,, 71 110NU-J. Scranton Passenger Hallway, first Moitage, duo JittO Ill ... People' Stiect Hallway, lli.t mort' gage, duj 11)13 , (13 ,,, People's Street Halhvay, Ueneral morlguge, duo ldJl 113 ... IlicUon Slaiiuljcturlng Co. ,,,, ,, 100 Laika, Township School u per tent. .,. 1W City ol Scranton St. Imp, C pe-r cent ...,,, ,. ,, ,. ... 1(8 Scranton Traction 0 per cent. ,,,. 1)3 ... Scranton Wholesale Market, (Corrected y II. (1. pale, 27 I-ackavvamu Ave.)' IToui llesi lutenls, per baircl, sI.C0. Deans Per bushel, choice marrow, if.', 53. lluttcr 1'icsli creauicry, 'im.; Jure cijamvry, Sic. : dairy. 2Jie. Chicfc full cicani, lliialie. i:gg Xeaiby, SJe,; storage, fancy, lDVie. Green l'cai'cr biulul, Kl.50. PpUtoes Per bushel. 1. Onloui-l'cr btMhcl, 1-W- DIRECTOR!:!? 3 Insertions 25 Ce?nts Mori Thai Pour l.lnei, 6 CenU tor lldch dulra t.lnr PROFESSIONAL. Certified Bubllo Accountant. CUWAIII) C. SPAULDINO, 2.1 TllADIlltS HANK Building, nel St. Paul Hullcllng, New York. Architects. nnwAiin u, davis, ahciiiti:ot, coxxntb tlulldlng. FRi:ni:nicic h. iirown, arch, d., nuAti llitato Cxchsnge Older. , 12fl Washington avc. Civil and Mining Engineers. II. U HARDIXa, 00(1 COXNKLb UU1LDIN0. t Dentists. DR. o. i:. r,tLi:xni:R(ii:it, PAUl.I JJUILDINO, Spruco street, Scranton. DR. C. 0. LAUDACII, 113 WVOMINO AVUSUIX 1 Iiaivyers.j PRANK 1!. ROYLH, ATTORNKV-AT'LAW. lloomi 12, II, 10 and 18 Uurr llulldlng. F. K. TRAOV. ATT'V, COMMONWHALTIl nLDQ. D. II. RKPLOdLE, ATTOUNKV-LOANS NIICQ. Hated on real estate security. Mcar Hullding, corner Washington avenue and Spiucc all Oct. W1LLAIID, WAIIRLN 4; KNAPP, ATTORNnYS and eounsellors-at-lavv. Hepubllcan Uulldlng, Washington avenue. JLSSUP !e JIISSUP, ATTOHNUYS AND COUN-. Fellors-at-law. Cominomvcallh Uuiiding, Roonn 19, 20 and 21. iuiwari) 5v. TiiAvnn, atiornhy. roojh D0.I-0O1, Oth floor, Mears building. L. A. WATRHS. ATTORNHY-AT-LAW, DOAltD of Ti.nle llulldlng. Scranton, Pil. PATTniiSON ,t WILCOX. TRADi:R'S NATIONAL Haul; llulldlng C. COMHOYS. 0-13 ni.PUllLICAN DU1LDIN0. A. W. nilHTIlOLF. OITICI! MOVED TO NO. 211 Wyoming avenue. Physicians nnd Surgeons. DR. W. I!. ALLUN, 313 NORTH WASHINGTON avenue. DR. S. W. L'AMOIir.AU.Y, OFriCB MO WASH ington avenue. Residence, ISIS Mulberry. Chronic eilcn,-es, lungs, heart, kidneyu ami genlto-urinary organs a specialty. Hours, I to 4 p. in. . Hotels and Restaurants. Till! ELK CAfB, 125 AND 127 I'RANKLlN AVK nue. Rates leasonablc. P. ZirOLER,. Proprietor. SCRANTON HOUSi:, NEAR D L. & W. PA3 Fcnger depot. Conducted on the European plan. VICTOR KOCH. Proprietor. Scavenger. a. n. unions cleans privy vaults ANn cess pools; no odor; only improved pumps used. A. is. Driggj, proprietor. Iavo oidcra 1100 North Main avenue, or P.icke's drug stoic, cot ner Adams and Mulbeuy. Iloth telephones. Seeds. G. R. CLARKE & CO.. SEEDSMEN AND NURS crymen, store 201 Washington avenue; green houses, 1030 North Main avenue; store tele phone, 7S2. Wire Screens. JOSEPH KUETTEL, HEAR .111 LACKA. AVE., Scranton, Pa., manufacturer of Wiro Screens. Miscellaneous. DHI'SSMAKINa TOR CHILDREN TO ORDKR; also ladies waists. Louisa Shoemaker, 213 Adams avenue. MEOAROEE 11ROS., PRINTERS' SUPPLIES, EN velopes, paper bags, twine. Warehouse, 1!0 Washington avenue, Scranton, Pa. the wiLKES-riAitni: record can de had in Scranton at the news stands ot ltcisman Hios.. 40ti Miiuce and Mi Linden: M.. Norton, ::2i Lackawanna avenue; I. S. Schutzer, 211 Spruce street. Money to Loan. 'V AMOirxT OP MONEY '10 LOAN Quirk, straight loans or lluilding and Loan. At from -l to il per cent. Call on N. V. Walkei, 311-313 Connell building. Situations Wanted. SITUATION WANTED An experlcneed packer anil Bhippi'i- anil leceivlng eleik. young nun, wants sltuitlon. Addiess Hox 10, Scranton Trib une. SITUATION WANTED Hy a woman aa house keepei; cm give gooil leferenecs. Addrcs M. J. M Oly pliant, Pa. SI'iT'ATION WANTED Hy a good cook or laim chu; cm give good references. .Mrs. E. D., 01) Blunt, I'-'. SITCAIION WANTED I'.xperienceil book-keepei ; young man; wishes situation. Addiess, A. P. i M,, eaie Scianton 'Inbunc. SlTCATION WAN'lED-H) a Protestant young lady; hai hail course in mechanlcnl drawing; also experience in otliee Woik. Address icon Capouso avenjie, city. SITUATION WANTED to go out by the ela washing, honing or cleaning, .Mis. Lee, ltd Hallslead couit. LADY DESIRES POSITION as bookkeeper; very best of relerences. Apply 130") Jackson slieel. IV.lNTl'.D Situation us tcamlei', or any kind of woik, bv nniiied mm well acquainted with city. Address VS. C, Tiibune- ofllce. WANTED Washing and honing to do at home, or to g' out by the day, Aeldress O. It , Tilbuuo ofllce. SITI'ATION WANTKD-lly a )oung Judy to I !...,.... rt, 1.- I,, ,1 f.ltllll.. ., ,..!. r... M . . ... .....fill Irtll - C-.IMl Itrllltl'Sn ftl llllnnil IV pe-uim- "v ,-....p- . .,v, ,, school two afternoons or evenings eacli vvil-kl wagiH niodciatc. Addies.s "," caro of Tribilne.l SITUATION WANT-D py milium ,ageil ladV esi j housekeeper for a gentleman ,n,.?lty,jir efun try: best ictercn-e given'. OWecf, good Imme and moderate wag-s. Jlox 13, Tribuno OfBee., FINANCIAL. I, F. MEGRGEL S CO,, STOCKS. BONDS', SECURITIES CONNELL BUILDING. I. P. Megatjjcl, Roy Chejteir Megarg- Spencer Trask & Co;, BANKERS 21 & 29 Pine St,, New York WE MAIfc UPON REQUEST OAKEFTJIaliY PREPARED DESCRIPTIVE LIST OF Inuesfmefir Seciirifies llcnibci New York Slock Echaug. HriiiKli Ol'tice 65 State St. Albanj ? v V '.- -,' "f-T. . s S 'U .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers