The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 26, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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    S'inwwi'jfvv wf-fnrarnn .rwvniT
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IConcludcil from l'.iRfl .1.1
tlioutrht, that It liiipnss on lite Is not tctt us It
ilioutel tie. , . ...,,,,
We rannot dream of nuglil tlse but tint tin
Infant which vr may hotel In our arnn, the ouUi.
tliu nun ns lio develop Is nppnncliliift mcIi
day iiwirr to tlic thno of nn ultlmile fpiwlloii,
a trMratlon In wlilcli InevltaMy oi or lio inmt
tlce the n.itural cje upon nil tint l lieMiillfiil
ml loilitfr here, aiwl p.isi Into ahollicr MUtcnrc.
Wc arc like clillilrrn hearing wnne utitetiirtit
IpojoiiJ their comprehension c ulaml In wonder
nncl nmarcment tonfiivil i llttlu ami ct with
knlltnl brow ami Intent Rale endcaierliiK to
Kn-p the tuith-lhe f.nt of an I'tiit
tmc, n continuous iivoeUtlon, ft necr Inter
ruptvil friendship, n loo that Mntl nccr know
the Brief of wparatloii, nn unbroken lioiiil ni
nlTcclloii throughout time ami cMcmllng Into
eternity. , , , ,
It is not singular or str.imte that we del
llki' ihlhlren In the preence or ueli tremcniloiu
blalemcnt.itteU by their Immensity.
fe,j (Juil would Ime in he-would draw us from
the InmuRlnod heights ot Mip-rlor wImIoih, and
Mtcnjrtli, and power, as measured with otlitr
innrlais-ftouM present us face to face w i
imperious powcra-wltli Infinite M-cnKth-wlth conceptions until ue must mvds sliiilo
cur ccs before the Rlory-be wl III
ainizcnicnt-nnd humbled In pildc as we wtlnly
Mi ho to coinpreheiid the depths thus opened to
our mental !ew.
Thus face to fate with creal tliotjclil- "J""
srclcss creations, and ilMne power the child Ike
idrlt Is dewh.pi d-maii feci the need of a
rwtcr mlnd-a stionRer hand and a more in."
t.rful will-atid ficlliitf the need, Until It In Cod,
Inds It coupled wllh that which has apparently
rncr before Impressed him, as n poulblu usioe.U
tlon with Infinite wNeloin.
lie who has perchance directed the movements
cf errcat ions or Finaller enterprises, im
nelnlnif himself tome thing bupirlor to the com
mon herd beneath him, Is Middcidy Impressed
with Ills intlnitu littleness as compared with
nod's Infinite Krcitnev,. Wonder Is followed by
admlMllnii, and admiration soon (,-lvefl way before
bumlllly, and humility begets love with .ill 1U
benign ilrtuts. ,
Such is the Impression created by the tct ol
tliis mornliiB it we lightly apply Hi teachings.
Ihe oioiiness ot every birth had always utvn
oiciihidoncd by the wing of the angel of death.
Hut today we cilcbr.iti- the ntmlu'U.try of a new
era. binre the birth of .le-ub, death luth been
lanrmUhed and the giaie has been robbed of its
'""lam with jnu nl ms" (files point and weight
In the Anglic strains of "peace on earth to men
cf good will."
Ufc! never co.nlnir lire, Is the cause of that
wonderful "peace en eaith" and more jojoifdy
than those of the tliephcnls bceame more intel
ligently, our hteps should listen to bring us to
do homage at the in merer.
Not only Messiah of Jew Mi promise not only
King and Mastei are we to welcome, but the
"life bringei" the babe ot ever continuitu
prcsenee-the destioyer of time the fpiritiul re
newer of man's human, deductible frame "I am
with you nlway."
To ctetnitv of life has been added eternity of
love. There' Is tint In the human heart which
worships the beautiful. The prisoner has been
Known to cultivate the tiny spray of gr.wv grow
ing between the atone of his prison wall-., u
instinctively airangc um dices walk with more
erect carriage, endeavor t' nuke the moit of
rvery good point in mind or phjblrpie when J ml
me brought into contact with beauty of face and
Societies arc organized to icward deeds of c
.optional daring in aid of life, and nations do
honor to individuils who by beauty of th.iMClcr
mcomph'.h gieat works, either upon the dreidful
Held of battle or in the quiet waids ot the lies
Its manner of expression malteis not It is the
quality which atti.ic.tb and which commands ad
miration. Of all manifestations of beauty, however, that
cf love for one's lellowman is todiy the moit
prominent and moot highly thought of among
Tlie cnoimous sums expended in ihaiitable en-,1-ipii'ps
tmilfy to thi.-, while the respect .-nd
admiration so univer-ally shown toward the life
mid hWury of Jesus of Hctldchcm speak volumes
in favor of the rule of love.
Ixive is born of eonlidcnce. is nurtured of
knowledge and id continued by devotion.
Hod is love and when from llcthlehcm this
new revelation came, the eaith rejoiced and the
morning st.tis sang together for joy. Then came
the ascension promise of continuity and the race
was surrounded by .1 new atmosphere the atmos
phere of permanent, continuing, abiding love
"l am with you alway, even unto the end of the
woild." No legation, no inleniilssion alwayl
Love is social while not a growth or develop
ment itself it is the geuciator ot all irtuc and
attachments. It never appears that it does not
bring in its lialn 11 host of the tendere.-t and
deirest of associations.
The more we love, the deeper our all'ection, the
more we deiie to be with those to v.hom our
love is given, "l'eifect love custeth out fear"
hearts become one spirits uniteand minds are
at unity.
It was love for man that gave us the incar
nation. It was love tliat prompted the wold, of
the ascension, and it is love that today c.prc-es
those words in all power and continuity "I am
ith you alway" and the spirit of most perfect
love broods over every child of man the veiy
jircsenco of incarnate love is at his side while
love divine encircle him with its wings of pro
tection. It is this vvhleh gives all power to llim
who is l.oid and Mister, but who in His gieat
Jove became man and the servant of man in order
that he might teach all men both how to live
and bow to love.
would nkvi'.u m:avi: tiu:m.
Having full understanding of tint peculiarity
of love which longs for association with the
beloved, our Lord arranged tliat he should never
leave His disciples and provided a means of imii
tluuous association. This 111 rangement we se'e
Tarried out and pc-ifected todiy in the ministra
tion ot the Holy filicnt.
And now as we look up from our Knees this
holy 6cason it is unto the beautiful faco of the'
joyous child, the babe of Bethlehem, tlic piomlse
nud surety of the continued love of (lod in all
tliu relations and happenings of life, Yea, and
the presence of that elc ir ihlld of prophesy as
sures us of the ever present human brother, all
They Are Often TogetherThese Days.
They Work Havoc All Over the
Country and in Scranton.
Weak, nervous, the digestion out of
mlcr that Is what alls a host of peo
ple. It comes about In this way; First
from overwork or other causes, tho
nerves are burdened beyond endurance,
nervo waste Is not replaced, nerve
force Is weakened, then tho stomach
loses Its merve-controlllntr power and
indigestion follows, with failing
strength. When llrst Dr, A, W, Chase's
Nervo Pills come to Scranton people
could hardly bo convinced that this
great medicine would remuvo thope
troubles. Now it Is an accepted fact,
because of their cure of very stubborn
cusea no other medicine would Inilu
snee. Mrs, J, t,. Johnson, of No. 720 North
Main stret, Scranton, Pa., says; "Dr,
A. W, chase's Nerve Pills are excel
lent. I was so dizzy and nervous, and
tho stomach digested its food badly.
This condition Induced a feeling of de
bility and luhsltude. Hearing of tho
nerve pills at Mathews Bros., 320 I,ack
uvvunnu avenue, I got a box, and the
rebiilt bus ceitaluly been tine. They
gave the stomach strength to handle
the food propet ly, the nervousness and
dizziness disappeared completely, and
my general strength und vigor re
turned. Consequently I am pleased and
glad to recommend the medicine."
Dr. A. W. Chube's Nerve Pills are
sold at Me. a box at dealers, or Dr. A,
W. Chaf-e's Medicine Co., Buffalo, N. Y,
Eee that portrait and signature of A.
Wi Chase, M. D., are on every package,
powerful In hi divinity, all temternfM am! plljr
In his humanity, besting In his heart which
has been tempted In atl polnti, in abounding
leympalhy lor in In all our orrow, cares ami
weaknesses, gentle to minister all powerful trt
Well may our hearts resound to the beautiful
words today)
"Itejolce, yc pure In heart,
Rejoice, give thanks and flng
With all the anzrl choirs,
With nil the saints of earth,
I'oitr out the strains of joy and lillw,
True rapture, noblest mirth."
Frltluy hIbIU tho ChrlatmnM net-vice
of St. LUlto'H Sunday nchoot will be
held In tho ulntrch, imd followlni,' It
tho ChrlatintiB fentlvnl for the children
will ttilte place In the parish houao.
Thursduy, Friday and Saturday bo
Intr, rcpppctlvely, the fpiistw of St. John
St. .Stephen and tho Holy Innocenta,
holy communion will bo celebrated
ench day at 0 o'cloi'lt it, tit.
The Christmas music will be repeat
ed next Sunday.
St. David's Episcopal Church.
The rholr or tho St. David's Epis
copal church rendered an excellent pro
frrnmme of music at the Christmas ser
vices yesterday morning, which In
cluded the processional, "Oh, Come,
All Ye Faithful," by ltnrnby and tho
recessional, "It Came Upon tho Mlil
nlBht Clear."
The offertory selection was rendered
by Mrs. John Morjinn. Hcv. Edward
James McHenry, the rector, preached
tho Christmas sermon, extolling tho
Kloiies of tho master, and reciting tho
beautiful lessons to be drawn from
his life and teachings. The attendance
was large and tho service was of n
helpful character.
Combine to Control the Manufacture
of Pneumatic TooIb Is Being
Formed The Board for today.
A consolidation of various pneumatic
tool concerns la in progress. The inw
company will Include the various con
cerns in which J. W. Duntley, the
founder of tho Chicago Pneumatic Tool
company, Is prominent and the Chl
liolm & Moore Manufacturing company,
ot Cleveland, O. J. AV. Duntley will
bo the president of the new concern. ,
The new company will Include the fol
lowing firms: Chk'ago Pneumatic Tool
company, of Chicago and New York;
the Uoyer Machine company, of De
troit, Mich.; the C'btsholm Mooie Man- j
ufacturing company, of Cleveland, O.;
the Franklin Air Compressor company,
of New York, and the New-Talte Ho
ard Pneumatic Tool company, limit
London, Kng.; which company acts as
British representative of tho Chicago
Pneumatic Tool company.
Tho now company, it Is said, is to
manufacture every description cf pneu
matic appliance, from compressors to
lifts, cranes and pneumatic tools.
While not ofliclally stuted, it is reported
that the company Is to be capitalized
at $10,000,000, and that an extensive ,
plant for tho manufacture of pneumatic
specialties may be built in Germany.
TJncertanities of Engineering.
Conflicts, discrepancies and compro
mises are by no means confined to any
0110 department of engineering. In hv
draullc engineerinr;, for example, there
nro more thun a score of different
formulae for the computation of thick
ness of cast-Iron pipes. Tho sizes of
wrought-lron pipes have been stand
ardized by sonirf uf the leadlnjr manti
tcieiturers, but theie are still iron pipes
sold which vary from the standard. In
casting and forging, though notable
advances have been latterly made these
very advances indicate how much vet
remains undetermined. In tool steels
and their management there is yet
much to be learned. Of the innumer
able possible alloys, there are probably
not more than two hundred, taking all
tho arts of construction and manufac
ture Into consideration, which have
been Investigated ana found valuable
and useful, '."hfj subject of elastic
1 mlts and llwir relation to endurance
under dead and live loads, loads sud
denly applied and removed, and shocks,
needs further and exhaustive investi
gation till such definite and uniform
will's are obtained as will establish
liws of onduiance beyond any question.
The study c luilldlng materials and
cineuts, and also malerlals for paving
slieets, Is far from complete. 'Ihe prn-t-ervatlon
of n ouii Mrwturcs Is a prob
lem as yut only very partially solved.
In heating and ventilation there are
yet many moot questions. In gas en
gineering there remains open debate
upon many Important points of vital
and fundamental Interest. Discussions
nii.l disputes upon undecided points aie
found in almost every issue oC publi
cations dc voted tu electrical onglne?r
ing. Machinists arc still at variance,
both in theory and practice, a-3 to tb.i
best pr.ipiiitiiins of the teeth of gear
vlie-il.s. The highest speed tit vl,t'.',i
gearing ought to be run Is also in dis
pute. Tho whole subject of friction and
lubrication is marked by difference of
opinion and douot, Leicester Allen, in
Tho Knglneers,
D., L. & W. Board for Today.
Tho following is tho make-up of tho
D., L. and W. board for today.
WKi)si:si).v, duci:miii:i: .
Wild Cito p. in., J. A. llu-h; U p.
in,, P. Van AVuiinvr.
tiiuhsd.vy, i)i:cr.Miu:n 20.
Wild CaU Kant 1,30 a. 111.. W. J, Hosier; t
a. 111,, U, Kearney; 0 u, m., Iloboken, If, J, bar.
Kin: U a. 111., M. Uiiu-hncy; 10 a. 111., Hoar,
(i, T. Staples' clew; 11 a. in,, W. A. Ilaitholo
mew; 1 p. in., 1), Wallace; M p, 111., Win,
Kllby; .1 p. in., II. Illsbin;:; p. in., P.
bummlts, Kelc fi a., in., east, .1, lleimli.Mii;
10 a, in., wot, (1. Kruuntelker; It a, 111., west,
Nieliol; 2 p, in., Tliompsun; d p. 111,, east, J,
Carriers; T p. m,, Xuy Ma, II. McAJllatci; 0
p, 111., M. Colden,
Pusher 7 a, in., S. Finncrly; 8 a. in., lions
or; 11,45 a, 111,, Moran; el p, 111,, C. Dartholo.
mew; 7,80 p. 111., Miuphy; 11 p, 10., V, II.
Il.irtholoincw; 111 p, in,, Lamping,
1'auenuer Engine. 7 a. in., tlilTney. 7 a. 111.,
Kinder; 10 u, m,, Nauman; ID a, m., S.'cor;
O.l'i a, m,, V. Miller; p. in., McUovern.
Wild Cats Weat 10 a. 111., .1, tialiaitan; 11 a.
in., O. Itandolph; 2 p. in., A, K. H'tiliain; 4
p. in., I'. KliiRsley; U p, in., T, Poudlcin; 11
p, 111., It, Caatncr,
A. Mullen and crew will run (1 a. in., wild
cat, Iee io, in place of I', (IIIUkmh and new.
No. 57 und c.Uia 51, of Ikv, ii, will bo
Conductors II. I)oherty,Wllllam ttllligan, Itovvv,
A. (ierrity, CavauaiiKli, will report at Yourn;
Men's Christian xs-oelatlon rooms 0.3IJ a, in.,
Pec, 20, tor examination,
Conductors J. II. Hcs.uti, II, (Illllu-an, W, II.
Sobar, K. Me-AUUtcr and r'. Wall will icpoit at
Y. M. C. A. 1001119, at 1.30 p. 111., (or exam.
Conductors J. II. Madera, M. Stanton, J, J,
Murray, Y, Y, Stevens and J. Ilaxttr will report
at Y. M. 0. A. rooms, at 7.30 p. in., for exam
The Itti Flavins Jokcphus Cook was lonf on
faith and short on love. That Is to suv, lie
lacked tweetnes, generally, sincerity the ual-
Ceylon Tea
Hold only in r.mct rueknM.
60c, 60c and 70c Per Pound
Itles thit win men's lasting confidence In a
pieirher. He can led on audience of uon-thtnlc-en
bv storm, but the Khohira distrusted him,
and when the people began to see through Ida
"Rjllery pla.vs," his hold upon the public looi
eneil. i'cr ton .vents be the successful iloan
ert'ea of the "Jlondiy Pop" lectuie platform. The
thiindeiiug champion of orthodoxy, lie rode down
science mill di-cu-sd doffmatically, in "preludes,'
all things in heaven anil earth, once a week, with tu lilt poeUct and fame. An llarrc'.t
Weiie'ell put It:
"He said thins with a bane;." was a lifelong char.ieteiistlc. W.iltcmjr
tlnoiu-h the college jard with the pie'onl writer
one djy. Cook fuddenly stopped, M'led hl.-i .Is-lonl.-hed
roinpaniou bv tho aim, glared at him
and cried:
"Do .vou fee tint blade of glass? 11 is n mir
acle." llull'.ilo Commercial.
Resumption, of Sunset Limited Ser
vice Between New York, Phila
delphia and San Francisco, Sea
son 1801-1902.-
Commencing November 30 and each
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
thereafter, the Washington and South
western Limited, operated dally be
tween New York, Philadelphia and
Now Orleans via the Pennsylvania
Hallroad and Southern Railway. leav
ing Philadelphia, llroad street station
at 6.C5 p. m., composed of dining, Pull
man drnwing-ioom, sleeping, observa
tion and library cars, in addition
will carry a special Sunset Limited An
nex Pullman drawing-room compart
ment sleeping car to connect with the
Sunset Limited operated between iNew
Orleans and San Francisco.
The celebrated trans-continental ser
vice offered by these luxurious trains
makes u trip to the Pacific coast not
only very quick but most delightful.
Charles L. Hopkins, district passen
ger agent, Southern Railway, 32S
Chestnut street, Philadelphia, xvill bo
pleased to furnish all Information.
Tourist Cars on Nickel Plate Road.
Semi -weekly transcontinental tourist
cars between the Atlantic and the Pa
cific coasts are operated by the Nickel
Plate and its connections. Tourist cars
referred to afford the same sleeping ac
commodations, with same class of
mattress and other bed clothing that
are provided in the regular Pullman
sleeping car service. These tourist
cars leave Boston Mondays and Wed
nesdays, and leave San Francisco Tues
days and Fridays. Derths in these
tourist cars are sold at greatly reduced
rates. Conveniences are offered without
extra cost, for heating food or prepar
ing tea or coffee, affording every facil
ity for comfort on a lqng journey, es
pecially for families traveling with
children. Lowest rates may bo obtained
always via the Nickel Plate road for
all points in the west. For special In
formation regarding all trains on the
Nickel Plate road, including these tour
ist cars, consult your nearest ticket
agent, or write F, .T, Moore, general
agent, 291 Main street, Buffalo, N. Y.
Additional Passenger Train Service
via Southern Railway.
Effective Nov. 21, tho Southern Rail
way wilt operate through train service
from Washington via Richmond, Va
to Florida and points south.
Tho new trnln will be known as No.
29 and will leave Washington nt 10.50
a. m, over thu Washington Southern
Railway and arrive Jacksonville, Fin.,
at 9.15 a, in. This train carries first
class coaches and Pullman drawing
room sleeper between Washington and
Jacksonville, also has dining car ser
vice, Tho above train is In addition
to the full complement of train ser
vice of Southern Railway via Lynch
burg and Danville,
Chas. L, Hopkins, District Passenger
Agent, Southern Railway, 828 Chestnut
St., Philadelphia, will furnish all In
formation. A Trip to California or Florida.
Those contemplating such a trip need
but to call on the local ticket agent of
tho Lackawunna railroad and lio will
arraugo every detail, Including trans
portation, berths, reservations and
checking of baggago through to desti
nation; also will furnish rates, folders,
descriptive literature and any other in
formation desired on the subject,
Through sleepers and day coaches to
Chicago. Only ono change of cars to
VVCXAJXrcAcAf -Txfr r J-si -vxv yAVxAAxfiv
, Pennsylvania Railroad.
Schedule in llflict Juno S, 11AII,
Tialns leave Scranton! a in., week djis
through u'ttlbule train from Wllkevllarre. pull
man buffet pallor car ami ecuche.1 to Phlhclcl.
phla, via I'otuvill.; ttopj at principal inlcrme.
dlato nations. AUo conuec-U for heinbury, liar
rlsburg, Philadelphia, Ualllmorc, Washington anil
for Pittibure and tiie wot.
0.38 a. m., week dav, for Siinhiiry, Ilairlsburij,
Philadelphia, lljltimore, Washington and i'ltU.
burg and the west.
1.12 p. in., veek elajj (Sundais, 1,53 p. in.),
for biinbury, HiriUburg, Philadelphia., njltluuic,
Washington ami i'lttsburg and the west.
U.23 p. m., week dava, tlnuiuli vst'tjulc train
from Wllkej-Darrc. Pullman bullet parlor cir and
coaches to Philadelphia via I'otfsville. Stop, at
principal intcimediate elation..
i.27 p. in., week elavs, for ilizlctnn, Siinliury,
Harrbbuig, Philadelphia and 1'itMmig,
.1. II. liririllN&OX, (Jen. Mi;r.
J. II. WOOD, Ueii. Pay. Agt.
Ho D.
Our line is of too
great an assortment to
enumerate, but prospec
tive Buyers wiii be fuii
repaid by looking us
324 Lackawanna Ave.
Delaware, Lackawanna and Western.
In i:ffect Nov. 3. 1001.
Trains leave Scranton for New York At 1.10,
3.10, C.U5. 7.50 and 111.03 a. in.; 12.43. :i.40, -1..U
p. m. For New York and Philadelphia 7.50,
10.03 a. m., and 12.45 and .!3 p. in. For Toby
hanna At (1.10 p. m. Kor IliifTalo 1.15, 0.22 and
11.00 a. m. ; 1.55, 0.00 and II. HJ p. in. Tor liiiiK
liaiuton and way stations 10.20 a. in. and 1,10
p. m. Tor Oswego, Syracuse and Utica 1,15 and
U.22 a. m. ; 1.55 p. in. Oswego, Syracuse and
Utica train at t.22 a. m. daily, except Sundae.
Tor Montiose 0.00 a. in.; 1.10 and (i.50 p. in.
Nicholson accommodation 4.00 and fi.15 n. m.
Wooinsburir Pulsion For Northumberland, at
6.35 and 10.05 a. m. ; 1.5" and 0.10 p. in. For
Plymouth, at b.10 a. in. ; 3.40 and 9.00 p. in.
Sunday Train-. For New York, 1.40, 3.15, fi.03
anil 10.05 a. in.; :i.40, 3.33 p. in. For IliifTalo 1.15
ami 0.22 a. in.; 1.55, 0.50 and 11.35 p. m.' For
Hiiigliamton and way stations 10.20 a. m.
Uloonixbiiri; Division lcave Scranton, 10.03 a.
m. and 0,10 p. nl.
Delaware and Hudson.
In Effect November 24, lfiill.
Trains for Carbondalc leave Scranton at 0,20,
P.00, S.5.), 10.1'i a. m.: 12.00, 1.2i). 2.31, 3.fl,
5.21, 0'.5, 7.57, 015, 11.20 p. in.; 1.31 a. in.
For Hone-dale, .20, 10.13 a. in.; 2.31 and 5.2
p. ni.
For Wilkes-flarrc 0.38, 7. IS, 8.41, 9..'I8. 10.41
a. m.; 12 0J, 1.42, 2.1S, 3.2S, 4.27, 0.10, 7.43,
10.41, ll.MI !. m.
For I.. V. It. It. Points 0.39, 0.3S a. in.; 2.18,
4.27 and 11.39 v. m.
For I'liuisvlvania It. II. Points 0.33, 9.33 a.
m.; 1.12, 3.23 and 4.27 p in.
For Albany and all points north 0,20 a. m.
and 3.5J p. m.
For Carbondalc S.M, a. m.; 2..14, 3.62,
0 62 and 10.52 p. m.
For Wllkes.II.iiie-9.3S a. m.; 12.03, 1.58, 3.28.
0.1)2 and S.42 p. m.
Foi Albany and polnti north 3.52 p. ni.
Foi lb msdalo S..W a. in. and 3.52 p. in.
W. L. I'ltYOlt, 1). P. A., Scunton. I'a.
Lehigh Valley Railroad.
In llffect Nov. 3, 1001,
Trams leave Scranton.
For Philadelphia and New York via D. i II.
B." It., at (1.3-1 and !.3S a. in., and 2.18, 1,27
( Black Diamond Kxpiess), and 11.39 p, m. Sun
elavs, I), k II. It. It . 1.5-1, ti.27 p. in.
For White Haven, Ihulctnu and primipal points
in the coal resloiiH. via D. & II. It. It.. (I3S, 2.18
and 4.27 p. m. For 1'oltsvllle, U.3S a. m., 2.18
p. m.
For Bethlehem, Hasten, Tieadlnt:, llarrishurs,,
and principal Intermediate stations, via 1). .'; II.
It, It., 0.33, 9.38 a. m.; 2.1b. 4.27 (lllack 1)1 1
inoiid llxpius), H.8'1 p. in. .Sundays, I). & II.
It. It,, IMS a. in.; 1.63. 8.27 n. in.
For Tunkhannoi k, Towanda, Klmlra, Ithaca,
Geneva and principal intermediate btations, via
1)., I,, ami W. II, It., P. 10 a. in. and 3.60 p. m.
For Oeneva, Itocheter, Ruflulu, NiiiMra Fall,
Chicago and all poluU west, via I), .t II, It. It,,
7,13, 12.0.1 a. in., 1.42. 3.23 (Ulack Diamond l!x
press), 7.s. 10.41, 11.30 p. m, Suudav, V. & 11.
It. It.. 12.0.1, H.27 p. 111.
rullnian parlor and tdeeplnR or Lehigh Valley
Parlor cars on all tialio. between Wllkcs-llarre
and New York, Philadelphia, llullalo and Suspen
sion llrldpe.
ItOI.LI.N II, WIMlUIt, Gen. Supt,, 20 Cortland
tr.'et, New Yoik,
CIIAlU.i:s S. l.Ki:, tlen, rasa. Ast., 20 Cortland
street, New York.
A. W. NONKMACUKlt, Div. Pass. Agt Soutli
Ilelhleh'iu, I'a.
For tickets and Pullman reservations apply to
city ticket office, 69 Public Squaie, Wilkec-Darre,
New York, Ontario and Western,
In Effect Tuesday, Sept. 17, 1001.
Leave Ir.ivo Arrive
Trains. Scranton. Carbandale. Cadosla,
No. 1 ,,, 1030a.m. 11.10 n. m. 1,11 p. in.
No. 7 ........ 0.10 p. in. Ar. CathoitdaletMOp. in.
Leavo l.eavi" Arrlvt
Tralna. Cadoala. Carbondjle. Kcrantvn.
No. G 7,00a, nu 7,40a.m.
Vu, i 2.15 p. in. 4.110 p. in. 4 10 u. m,
Leave Leave Arrive
Trains. Scranton. C'arhondale, Cdojla.
No. U ,,,,,,., b.30a. in. 9.10 p.rn . 0. a. in.
No. 6 ,,, T.OO ii. in. Ar. Tarboiidalc 7.10 p. m.
SOUl'll HOUND. '
Ia.-avB Leave Arrive
Trains. Cadosia. Carbondjle. Riratilon,
No. 6 ,,.,,,.. 7.00a. ni, 7.40a. m,
No. 10 4.30 p.m. aOdp.iii. (1.15 p. m.
Trains Nod. I on week daj, and 0 on Sundajs,
make main lino connections for New York city,
Mtddlctown, Walton, Norwich, Oneida, Ojueyg
and all points wm.
For further infoim-ition, roniult ticket ocrnta.
J. C. ANDr.ll.V. . I'. A., New ork.
J. K. WIXS1I, T. I. A., Scranton, Pa.
Erie Hallroad, Wyoming Division.
Trains for New York, Newburch and Intrrni
dlaH points leave Jerantoii as follows; f7.-.'t a.
in.,; 2.25 p. in.
Arrivals 10.35 a. in. from Mlddlctovvn. Hones,
dale, Pauley and Intermediate polnta: 9.20 p. in.
from New York, NewhurgU and intcrinudiato
points. Nu buiiday trains.
Crane !
By a recent act of the legisla
ture, free tuition Is now granted
at the
Literary Institute
State Normal School
Bloomsburg, Pa.
to all those preparing to teach.
This school maintains courses
of study for teachers, for those
preparing for college, and for
those studying music.
It will piy to write for particulars,
No other school oilers such superior ad
Tannics at such low rates. Address
J. P. Welsh, L H..-PI1. D.,Prfa.
T. J. roster, President. Llmer II. Lawall, Ireas.
It. J. Foster, Stanley P. Atlea,
Vice President. Secretary
Cor. Sixteenth .St. and Irvins Place,
American Plan, $3.30 Per Day and Upwards.
European Plan, 51, OO Per Day and Upward,
Special Rates to Families.
For Business Men
In ths heart at tho wholetaU
For aliouper.i
mlnutec' walk to Wanamakera;
S minutes to Slecel Cooper's IJIg
Btore. Knsy of accesi to the great
Dry Goods Stores.
For SIslUseers
One block from M'way Care. civ.
Inr easy transportation to all
poims or interest.
f Cnr. 11th BT. UNIVBHSITY PI 4
. Only one RIocU from Ilroadwav
Rfiom SI Iln nsrAURANr
t notiuli, l Up, p,cej Keuiombli
New Jersey Central,
In Klleet Neiv, 17. 1W1.
Ftullona in New York, foot of Liberty street
ami South I'ciry, N. II.
Trains leavo s-'cianton for New Ycuk, phlladel.
phla, llavluu. ilclhlehcm, Allentown, Maueli
(.'hunk, While Haven, Ahley and H'ilke. llino at
7,1,0 a. in., 1 p. m. and 4 p, in. biiud.t, -J. ID p in
(Quaker City Cmuc'k, leaves Scranton at 7,a)
s. ni., tlirougli solid vestibule train wills Pullman
llullet 1'ailor t'ars, for Phllailelplila,
For Avoc-a, I'iltslon and Uikes-llarie, I p. m.
ami 4 p. in. Sunday, '.'.ID p. in.
For Loiirf Uccaii drove, etc., 7.30 a.
m. and 1 p. in.
For Heading, Lebanon and HarrUburi;, via A).
leiitovvu, at 7.3U a. m. and 1 p. in, Suudiy,
2.10 p. in.
For 1'ottsvillo at 7. no a. in. and I p, m.
For ratts and tlckeU appl to axcut at .tatlon.
C. M. Illlltr, Gen. I'm. tst.
V, V. WLNIZ. Uvu. SuiH.
Crumb Sale
Breaks all Low Price Records
on Sterling
This annual after-Christmas, trade festival is an
event wise buyers have learned to wait for, with
The "crumbs" or in other words, the odd pieces
left by Holiday shoppers, arc immediately collected, in
the different departments, and marked for the slaughter
with but one consideration "move them and do it
quickly." New spring goods are arriving daily and dis
play space must be made for them. This progressive
policy is what causes so many customers to exclaim :
"OI how bright and new everything is here."
Please bear in mind one important fact : "Econ
omy" goods are all marked in plain figures. Thousands
of people have lately inspected the bargains referred to
below, and tl-uy, particularly, will more than appreciate
"Christmas Crumb" offerings and the sweeping price
nJ n .. !..... Wo h-ivo bunched n flue hit of till
KQCSfl KflPIOrQ reeil I'htiiri, worth Sl.iTi, $ ,50 nud ft QK
llUUU llUUilwId M to $, from which you make a 0J
choice, for !
IRIJ n.J.. Golden Oak and Mfthosany fin.
WOOu KOCnSrS SffajATsS.'SK 1 89
murks $3.50, 2.75 utul 'J.lii
L " A number of great values have
lUEfiilTiC? I ilQiTv been HflL'nted as rcprcsentiitivo-i hi "f Kfl
lolUl I Id tyllQliO this cut i. rice convention. Values JU
from JS.oO to 111. For all ono prico I
Morris Chair Fcol Rests SSAs
isihes and up. f(t
linMcriiiir. Absolutely a if2.00 UK'
value for U U
OuaaaShm TaUImm There is not a showlntr in this Qr
rossing Tablos &.aizw,i m
inspect the price tugs ami do- o" .
el net marked
lutD price
tJS jl"Q For tho dosk or reception room as full of beauty H
U II till U uud value asanutis full of meat UU
Off marked
lusic GaSilnsfs ISKSiwM? 9-75
Wc Have No Branch Stores in Pennsylvania.
I -J!l n.l,. Values $4.00, $-1.50 aud 55.00 They ( QO
LadlSS DISKS stsnu. i!.kii." L
Other Desks at 25 per cent, reduction.
L A golden opportunity to buy. even if you do not QflQri
Gill Slv need them, at once. Profits are not cjusidered II'1'
OBIIUO on the lot wo offer at 6U
I Off mar cej
I rice
XOKDOnC There are many beauties among those in- Hr
VUl UUllO eluded lu the reduction of tlU
Off marked
A I 1 T I I Including a four piece
V IYI ft If OPO I 9 111 DO set. We have 100 left,
OIIIUlVUl O luUlUO, they have been popu-
7 lar at Hfi'u so thov OK
won't Inst long at tiie Christmas Crumb ou
price 1 1
Children's Furniture
Prices have been reduced to such an extent that
it will pay you to buy for next Christmas, if you
do not need anything in that line now.
Potted Palms ISS 29 and 59s
Jardineres off.
A choico coIIctlon of lino framed
pictures marked down to figures
amounting to ,
No Goods Exchanged During
the Christmas Crumb Sale.
Credit You? Certainly!
Can the Seeker Aftor
rind Such Rich Reward.
Beat Reached Via
(palatial iionx "V vi:i:i.s
Leave New Yoik Tuesdays, Thurs
days, Saturdays.
R. I. Smith, ajjent, 100 S. 3d St.,
Philadelphia, Fa.
l3 Off
Wyoming Avenue,
Everv Woman
Ut'UUi iUU liViiilVMl
MARVEL Whirling Spray
'JliUliew WfUiUyrla.". iW?
HUH itll't fturtvw, iri .-4ii
4l Moht ruiiVfll flits
It vt.llJ.I
)llfkDr lliklini ;,
ilk lutiriiiugf III fori!.
It Ii ' ii'nct nni' ll.u
SI III I'l.. itA Li l nu
otlitr. tmt st j mn lor II
liisliuie't Mill's
rt.ll Darllt-iiliiiAiiiul .tlifi lt( liri In
T4lUUlf IvUillC .11 Ut MelCi
I'T I j l S'l imiiii". s ' ! lw,
rulllbk'U I nlfili;inDt tt erollln Driinvt
lbotpUat nVfrirnffUC. rwujt rvn-l fr b-.W "Truib 'i
Ipuifoit: titery uvJU.ll lttrltlfiau4 Buttlgn faU ip r. I
V--i --- ---- - - 9 M
r ' vr
tftt Sfl I biUiM)liU V Unlj t.rrwsto bfriluil-i lul
v ytJ Awrl. iUMDUelMfnri' tUubj mull l'ritt j
J I A?jX IHMrt (triors Ijl, t'ilusi, NifbDV
ri r.-v' if