" ,-W t3t. .'','!. ' Vrr i 'ty v w&u I ' i i' 4 I' fc' ". 4 . Hi ' TS. T V. jTJ4 ji fN'Wf .V .''' W5' M i tt.ACax SSCGO m n; Pf i"' THE SCltANTON TIUBUNE-TI-JUISDAY, DECEMBER 1, 101. KV & r W- J ?Vj . ' i ? OV Jf W "1. . u m m m .:"?' a. .-:.. W4::V i'T, VA W1& W, M' Fv.v ,r 15, 'sy? , wj ., r jXi "?t&S3 .. ,'& Holiday Suggestions Silk Suspenders A varied as sortmeiit of French raised silk with gold Intcd buckles, ."Oc. and 7t"e. Silk Umbrellas J ii our assortment for this I foliday .season we are showing some very beautiful handles, plain or sterling- silver mounts, from $15 up. traveling Cases The best of leathers, cither in pigskin or ''crokcrdilc.'' Your name put on free of all charge. Silk Mufflers We arc showing the most stylish and up-to-date silk pat terns in this favorite gift for gentlemen, SI up. Fancy Slippers In our Shoe Department you will find Slippers for gentlemen that arc a decided novelty. A large assortment to choose from. Silk Arm Bands Or Ladies' darters. A useful present cither for lady or gen tleman. Gold or silver buckle mounts in glass top boxe.-., n.'te. and ."Oc. Pur Driving Gloves Seal Skin or Sable, lined throughout with silk cordurov, broad gauntlet cuff. Makes a very pleasing gift. Sweaters ir the Holiday season. We are showing some very novel colorings, knitted by the "Sure Knit" Milk One in a box, ?1 and SI, HO. Knitted Gloves It's the proper sljlc for gentle men this season. Wo show them in three colorings white, grey and red, LTie. and ."Oc. - J". . t . t w. v -. v tr-w j?nrnririrK & I H . J. EVk W Tt. fl 'Tk - AT WkMI !.-- ni 1 V J& IB 7w n. m iv w JB) " a ft .uw - Hi irr HU "-' jv i '-w r Our hopes and anticipations are certainly reflected in the beautiful aud immense preparations we have made. This great store tells of the holiday festival in every depart ment. Holiday Gifts are displayed on every side the most desirable, the most sensible and useful. A grand display of meritorious merchandise, far surpassing in importance any previous attempt of this great store. We ask you the favor of a visit if only to show you through our five double floors. In the meantime study the interesting items on this page. This Store will be open evenings until Christmas. See the grand holiday display in our show windows - -''" ill 1 'i1' tViiA' Children's Novelty Overcoats and Suits We enjoy telling you of the great preparations made here for the little men. Our vast showing of Novelty Overcoats and Suits deserve all the praise that can be bestowed on them. Talk about variety and styles! We can make every little man who visits this department a walking fashion plate. Novelties in Overcoats and Suits that appear in both foreign and American fashion plates are displayed in our windows. Natty little Vestee Suits, trimmed with pure silk soutache braid, broad sailor collars, from $2 to $5.50. Fancy Blouse Novelty Suits in pretty combinations of color, from $2.50 to $6. The showing in Overcoat styles comprise "The Raglan," "The Ascot" and j) many new novelties of the Russian blouse pattern. Holiday Suggestions Leather and Cloth Leggings, Togues, Gloves and Fancy Holiday Slippers. I Boys' Sweaters For the Boys' Holiday Gift nothing would please him better. See our sweater values, beautiful color com binations. by- 0 POT' Hat moking or Lounge Coats. In this particular garment that has become so popular as a holiday gift we are showing every conceivable pattern and fabric in Fancy Velvets, Tweeds and Spun Swansdown. The matched coloring in every garment is a work of art. Some combinations were made to our special order. With such an assortment we feel safe in saying that whatever style or coloring you have in mind we can please you. We advise early selections. Don't leave your purchase un til the last day, See bur assortment from 00 J fc t3 P3" BATH ROBES hat'.-, more plojiMii to a jjoiil It-man than to receive a present that will give him manv lmurx of comfort? P.uy'hiiu a Math Kobe. We show the largest assort ment, from .',tS up. The Hanan Shoe A description of this particular make is hardly nec essary. It's known the world over as being a per fect shoe, giving perfect freedom to the foot joints and toes. We ask your inspection of the newest lasts that have just ai rived at our store. We are sole 'agents for this city. t takes time Hat Styles You can't tell a good hat at a glance. and wear to prove its mer- ;af.ww!fAwM,'.w.wM.' its. We believe in our hats t because we have very few . . .... complaints. when one does turn up we supply new hat. That's fair, isn't it ? Try us for your next hat. Our customers are always satisfied with the courteous treatment they receive, VI' S a ? Si I tif- Gloves A pair of Gloves i.-. certainly a very acceptable present at this scaon of the ear. See our u e w h a (1 e o f ".Moca" at SI. Oil. Box of Handkerchiefs Either plain or with raised i initial. I hey arc packed 1-2 dozen in box. Silk or pure Linen. "Makes a nice pres ent." $i.::s a box. Cuff Links Our jewelry manufacturer ha-, sent us some very beautiful Cuff Link designs, displayed in our windows.. One pair in a bo. '2)i;. and ."lie. Silk Neckwear Months ago we selected the silk patterns fur our Holiday .Neckwear. Here you will find both Persian and American Silks from ".Oc. to Si. HO. Silver Mounted Canes ItV the fashion to carry a cane, and any gentleman would appreciate the beautiful Gold and Silver mountings we are -howin" at SI. 00. Ladies' Umbrellas Our assortment this season is much larger and more beautiful than at any previous time. Jiolli Gold and Silver mounted. One in a box, from S:i,."l up. Japanese Slankercinefs .Make a verv acceptable present, assorted and fancv borders; packed neallv. hah dozen in a box, at SI. 00. Scarf Pins On this adornment for a gen tleman' tic von will find our price.- much below thai charged i Uv jevvcicr. Fancy Hose Certaiulv a verv Useful pres ent for am gentleman. We have them packed half dozen in a box. Irom SI, ."ill. SAMTE R R OTHERS Complete Outfitters to Men and Boys. i.V, i' 'i 't mttwim liwiatf mi fiBTTrrn MnfiiirrffltfMi e l I iU $,f- ' ,. ..J ..'A1 5 d jt-iciiSAu, , AjJvft3Al Jrfif.ii hC- .. " .
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