tfifVf;i r '' ; ir . I "T ' P. 1, t vy ' n '5.1 JL ' .. al S'l anton V, ;S f; THE ONLY SCRANTON PAPER RECEIVING THE COMPLETE NEWS SERVICE J31;rHEA5SOCIATED PRESS, THEGREATEST NEWS AGENCY INTHE WORLD. TWO CENTS. TWELVE RAGES SCRANTON, PA,, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 19, 1901. TWELVE PAGES TWO CENTS. ''UkpiWi-' Sbimnie. SCHLEY'S BILL OF The Admiral Through Counsel Ob- ccts to Flndlnus oi the Court o! Intiuiru. PAPERS IN HANDS OP SECRETARY LONG Attorneys for Admiral Sampson Are Expected to File Their Objections to the Findings of Admiral Dewey on Friday The Claims of Schley's Bill Comments by Attorney Bay no r. ny Etrluslte Wire ftom The Associated Pros. Washington, Dec. 18. Lute this after noon Admiral Schley, through his coun sel, filed with the secretary of the navy his bill of exception! to the majority findings of the court of inquiry and also a letter asking to be allowed to be heard In connection with the ob jections to bo tiled by Attorneys for Admiral Sampson to the individual opinion of Admiral Dewey. This action was taken after Mr. Haynor, Mr. Teague and Captain Paiker, of counsel, had held a consultation thioughottt the day with their client. Secretary Long almost immediately after the receipt of the communica tions, called Judge Advocate Lemly .Mid the solicitor for the department, Mr. IJannn, Into conference. At its conclusion the secretary said that he bad no statement to make regarding any action that he might take in the premises, tie, however, indicated to Mr. 'league, through the judge advo cate, that he would not hear an oral argument by Mr. Haynor regarding Admiral Sampson's protest but that he would receive a written statement. It was expected that counsel for Ad miral Sampson would tile their objec tion to the findings of Admiral Dewey t In the case today but It Is now stated x that such objections may not be of fered before Friday. "Admiral Schley's bill of exceptions objects tcTtbe approval of the findings of the court upon the ground that the opinion rendered and the reiiort of facts made by the majority of the court are in conflict with the over whelming weight of evidence; and that the majority of the court In their said opinion have ignored the testimony of the applicant, ami of the Whole of the applicant's witness's and all that por tion of i he evidence given by witnesses; for the government, which was favor-abl- to the applicant, and have thus deprived him of rights guaranteed to bim by the laws of the land and the constitution of the United States. Claims of the Bill. The bill claims that the majority of the court gave their opinion that Com modore Schley should have proceeded with the utmost dispatch off Clenfue gos when there was no speclllcntion loveilng this point and without giving the applicant an oppoitunity to furnivh evidence on it. The fact that no place was mentioned In what Is known as the McCalla memorandum for meeting the Insurgents is regarded as a paramount reason why communication was not held with the insurgents and further that the said memorandum was sent to Commodore Schlcv only for use In con nection Willi the information which It contained lelatlve to crtaln butteries at or being constructed In the vicinity of Clenfuegow. The hill further con. tends that overwhelming evidence was piesented to the court to show that a close blockade of I'lentm-sos was main tained: Hint t'ti majority of the court entirely Ignoied ihe uncontradicted tes timony proving Mint the Ornish steam er Adula was allowed to "titer rlonfti.--po to obtain Information regaiulug the Spanish licet; that the order of Ad miral Sampson, known as No. 7, was) fir. Imperative order for Commodore Hrhley to hold his squadron off Cien fucgns whether the Spanish licet was In that h.wbor or not; tlint the major ity of the court have Ignored the ad milt'd fact that the commander of the L.ifiln did not communicate the sltim t on (u Cieufuegos to Commodore !(hh: that they Ignored the fart that aplfiln ICvuus failed to communicate t Commodore Schley the meaning of the h&hts on shore at Cleiifue pns, that Coimaodoie Schiey, as prov en In the evidence, had no knowledge of these lights until the night of May y.t, IS'JS; that the majoilty of the eomt iif client In their rel'erenct; to masking fie piovw.eutrt of the Hying squadron in front of C(i;ifuegp:; that the ma jority btisert their opinion as to the retrograde movement upon a statement that Commodore Schley, before sailing ftom Clfiufuegofi, imii rellablo informa tion Unit ships could ho coaled In the vicinity of Capo Prua ami iloantves channel, whereas It Is dented Unit there was any I'ltcli positive Information and that the recon'.i show thut not until three days after leaving (Jlenfuegos did Commodore Schley receive definite in formation concerning the feasibility or practicability of coaling ships from a collier In t'Jo.v.iIvcs chcunel; thnt tho majority erred in stating Unit Oommo dote Schley received no positive Infor mation finm the rcom uhlps as to llio enemy's piesencn in Santtiugo. harbor because Captain Slssbeo had reported to Commodore Schley that the Spanish fleet Wat: not In that harbor. Question of, Coaling. The hill denies that the conditions of wind, sen and weather from .May it! to ,!uno 1 were favorable for taking coal from a collier oil' Santiago; It also claims that the charts submfl.ed in evidence, showing thu chasing ca pacity of the Hying squadron, have been ignored; that no refeienco has been made lo tho orders of the seere- EXCEPTIONS tary of the navy forbidding the haz arding of Ameilcan ships against shore batteries; that the majority opinion failed to contain any reference to the character of the blockade of Santiago, although covered In the specifications; that the demonstration made by Com modore Schley before Santiago on May !!! and 30 was predetermined and exe cuted solely us a reconnolssauee and not as u formal attack upon the Colon or the other vessels In the harbor; that the majority opinion of the court is ambiguous with respect to the loop of the Hrooklyn In that It holds that said loop was made to avoid getting Into dungerous proximity to the Spanish vessels, without stating whether such act was due to personal fears of Com modore Schley or to his desire to pre serve the ship Intact and ready for further work: that the majority of the court entirely Ignored the overwhelm ing testimony In arriving at the opin ion that Admiral Schley erred In com mencing the engagement on July 3 with the poit battery and that the Brook lyn did not lose either distance or posi tion with the Spanish ships in making the turn; that the majority opinion is ambiguous upon the subject of the backing of the Texas, in that it does not state whether the danger of col lision was real or imaginary; that Cap tain Cook's testimony on this point was entirely Ignored; that the finding with the Hodgson controversy has been re peatedly contradicted In tho testimony; that the majority opinion that Com modore Schley's conduct was charac terized by vacillation, dilatorlness and lack of entei prise is not justified by the evidence submitted: that the majority opinion is entirely silent upon a charge by the judge advocate, coming within the purview of the first specification, that Commodore Schley was derelict in the discharge of his duty: that the ma jority of the court entirely failed to de termine who was commander-in-chief in the battle of Santiago, which Hading was necessary to determine the first specification of the precept as to the conduct of Commodore Schley; that the majority of the court have rejected the whole of the testimony on behalf of the applicant and the testimony of the applicant himself, and that by so doing has perverted the ends of justice and depiived him of his common law and constitutional rights; that he has been found guilty upon specifications sub stantially abandoned by the judge ntt vocate, and that the testimony of a few hostile witnesses have been made prominent. The bill concludes with the statement that the proceedings of the majority of the court were Irregular; that Admiral Schley's lights have been prejudiced, and his testimony in many particulars not considered, and that the evidence is absolutely insufficient to sustain the opinion which has been rendered, and therefore a grave and irreparable injustice has been done Ad miral Schley. Commenting on today's action Mr, Knynor said: "The objections that we have filed rest upon the ground that Admiral Schley has been deprived of his rights as guaranteed to him by the law of the land and the constitution of his coun try. We claim that the whole of t'-o evidence in favor of tho admiral, In cluding his own and the testimony of all of Ills witnesses, has been rejected by tho majority of the court and not even considered or passed upon. Such a method of procedure would not be permitted to stand for a moment be fore the tribunal governed by any peo ple of common principle law or com mon justice. The admiral was on the stand for about four duyi and not a word that he uttered and not a solemn assertion that he made under tho sanc tion of his oath, has been adverted to by the majority of the court. Such a method of disposing of a case Is un paialleled In the annals of civil or of criminal laws. The greatest malefactor In the land under the constitution is entitled to have his evidence considered and passed upon. "We shall therefoie, avail ourselves ol eery remedy that we have to t in pench this appalling veiillct." DR. HEDIN RETURNS. The Swedish Traveler Returns from the Gobi Desert. fly K.chnivo Win1 (rem The Associated Pre-. Cilriilt.1, Pi. is, Pr. Mill An.liM Iledin, the httidl-h tr.ii'lu, who, for the pist year or more, lu inert cilu'liu the iliilil desert am! Thibet, li.i.- t'i cltillatlon, Ins uachtd buhikh, ('isdm-cie, on hl way home. Hi', stctt Ander4 Iledin lei I liash.iaf, ChlneKi Tinl.eM.i'i, .ilniiii twenty months an, cm his sec ern, lour et I Iiit leur kMittn pun ef Oniirul .Vita, It u.n lili ili'Mdi to iar link tit .'ini'ii ivily 111- icir. .uti'V liu lint epkiu! the (.cunes of ill. i hii',v4 liii.ii :in twitf the iimu'.W of Pr, lleiliii's fnimer JuiiMpy, It l ,ihl tlut Uioy were fnr mipaveil by his imnt ixplcritinir, SIR. CLE VET. AND HAS NOT ACCEPTED APPOINTMENT. Ily i:.tilnlte Wire from Hie As'otlalul Presj. I'linii'lon, X, .(., Ive, lS.-.l'iniiur I'rt-aliititt fiimii ( let.'l.iiul ttjs jd.ei tniljf whether hu liul .niipiii inriiiliprriilr on the lihor commit, tie ,iiiiiitril In Nut,- Veils ) rn-rij,v, .Mr, Llcteljml -ijl.l: ".o, I Into not jet .leiiptul h, .mi not priureil to nuKo ,i natumiit .it tic present tune." Rljjht to Use Name of Union Party. Ily llxclutlte Wlte from 'the AmocIjIciI Treu. Il.irrlpuiir, Pie. IS. I'mnl; II. Itlin, Mile ilulimin ol the I'lilm pun, mul other, o( I'hlljiltlphl.i, mm'-iitiiu llii-m.-ilus to hu incinlii lei of Ihe Union pirty, loiljy Hied pipird in the piotlioiiot.n v' ofllie in IliU city tbilniing the ilaht to uvj the itjine ol "I'iiIoii pjrty" m a pnlltjul uppellitlon In Ily the teiniD of the Inllot act, the lllme o( the -e pi pi i uiw'.s the patty the rl;ht to tin.' appellation. Pennsylvania Postmasters. Ily Inclusive Wire fiomThc Asioclaled l'rcs. IVatliliicloii, Pre. IS. 'flio following fourlli ela IVnmilwiiiU pottnuittri ttnu uppolnteil tod.iy: Itlleytllk', Wujne eounty, l.'mlly i:. btev eiKuii. JUSTICE JEROME PLEADS FOR OPEN SALOONS. Wants n Rill Passed, Because It Is tho People's Will. Dy llxfliulte Wire from The Avoclittot lte.M. Now Yorlf, Dec. 18. Justice Jerome, district attorney-elect, addressed a closed meeting of the board of trus tees of the New York Stale Urowers nml Maimers' association today, lie asked the support of the association of a bill providing- for the opening of saloons, between tho hours of 1 and 11 p. in., on Sundays In this and other cities of the slate having a population exceeding 100,000. Tho association pledged Its support of such u bill. The justice then told the members present that he wanted tho bill simply on tho ground that It was the people's will. If he heard that any other influence was brought to bear upon the legisla ture, he would drop the measure and strenuously enforce tho Rulnes law. DAVID LLOYD-GEORGE PRECIPITATES RIOTS His Eloquence Arouses the Fight ing Blood of Birmingham, England. Hy Kxclusitc Wire from 'Ihe ..oclaleil 1'reM. London, Dec. IS. David Lloyd-George, M. P., in speaking in Hirmingham town hull tonight, precipitated a scene unprecedented in that city since the Aston Tark riots. The majority of the audience were hostile to the speaker .and were enraged by his pro-IJoer and ttntl-Chamberlaln utterances. They rushed the police cor don guarding the platform. In the meanwhile the building was besieged from the outside by a mob or several thousand people, who smashed windows and tried to force the doors, which had been barricaded. They fttsll iided the audience with stones through the windows. The police reserves were turned out and succeeded in dispersing the mob after repeated charges. A number of persons were injured and the town hull was completely wrecked. Not a single window was left whole. ANTI-ANARCHY BILL. A Measure Providing a Death Pen alty for Assaults on President and Government Officers. Dy i:eliishc 1 Ire from The Associated Prc-.s. Washington, Dee. IS. Chairman Ttay, of the house committee on judiciary, today introduced an an'l-anarehy measure, which probably will be the basis of legislation on that subject in the house. The measure is very elab orate and brings together features ot the many propositions made for deal ing with the subject. It provides the death penalty for assaults on the presi dent or other executive officers. It is made a felony to advise or teach the overthrow of the government or any Interference with government ofll cers. The death penalty also is pro vided for conspiracies in this country leading to the killing of a foreign king, emperor, president or other ruler. MINE WORKERS' CONVENTION. Officers Elected at Mahonoy City Yesterday. By Ettlusitc Wire from The Associated Press. Mahonoy City, Pit., Dee. IS. The convention of the United Mine Work ers of the Ninth district today elected officers as follows: President John Fahey, of Shnmokln, Vice President Paul Pulaski, Mount Carmel. Secretary George Ilartleln, Shanio klti. Treasurer W. O. Yoder, Shnmokln. Member of tho national executive board Myles Dougherty, Shnmokln. District executive board T. J, Itlch nrds, Minersvllle; Edward Ilnrrls, Ly kens; John T, Williams, Shamokin; Martin Poosls, Shenandoah; Joseph LIndsey. ICxcelslnr: Terrance V. Me- (llnley, Glrardvllle; Walter E. Walsh, Mahonoy City, ltusiness of a routlno character took ' up the time of tho convention today. I National President John Mitchell Is ! expected to attend the meeting tomor row. SPANISH TREATY CLAIMS. Commission Hears Arguments in Support and Opposition. By i:cluslte Wire from The Af.iiici.ttcJ I'red, Wmliliuton, Dee. IS. The SnanUli tie.itir claims commission tr.da.t licanl aipimriiH in, support and in opposition to .i contention of I crouinmcnt loun-r! that the rnnnnltr,,, !,.,. i,n! pnlwllttlim uivltr Ihe Piiit t icily, of ilalnu Kionlin? out it the tlnhlng of the battleship Maine. The nruunicnt was opened hy A. p, More, coiiiimI for tho soteinment, lie followed, hy C, I!, rtutler, on Ill-lull of the ilalniiiiln, BLUFFED THE BUROLAR. Miss Hamilton Shoot3 at the Man Who Threatened to Kill Her. By Inclusive Wire from The Associated Pics, Vouiisittiwn, ()., Die, 16. A ttunm-r udcreil the Illco of Justice VtcUli tuduy ami Uniting the (Ink, .Miss C'liiiiintine Hamilton, alone, lie. nuiuKil that nho open the safe, which contained $2,000. Upon her iriuhil, lie iitteiiipted to til in. fflo her, Baylns; "ll you don't open the safe, I'll kill ou, Ml.i Hamilton mute. did in bicukln.- ,iHliv and souring u tetoltci, Hred point-blink al the fe. low, who tail Itoin the- ollue and iMaped, U Ii nut thought he was weiiudi-d. Referee Stopped the Fight. By i:cludte Wire from The Associated I'ici. Iliiflalo, N, V,, pie, IS. n,,, ufovee iupp-il the 11-,'hl betweui Wulcctt ami I'irii.. in wto llio latltr ft cm helm- knocked out. M.dcott ttuj t;ltcii the diclsUu. m Pensions Granted. Ily Exclusive Wire from The Associated I'rcsj. Washington, Dec. !, A pension of 10 Ins Urn granted to Levi I'. Wldtcbrcad. of Slocuui. THE PLANS FOR PEACE Sclicmc o! the Committee An- pointed, at the Labor and Gapltal Conference. STATEMENT OF THE PROGRESS MADE The Scope and Province of the De partment Shall Be to Do What May Seem Best to Promote In dustrial Peace Committee Will Not Consider Abstract Labor Problems and Assumes No Power of Arbitration Unless Such Be Conferred by Both Patties in Dis pute. By Kxclusiie Wire from 'flic Associated Press. New York, Dec, 18. Charged with tho tusk of drafting a scheme of plan and scope, the general committee ap pointed yesterday at the labor and capital conference met today In priv ate conference to take up its work. Among those in attendance were Oscar Strauss, Charles M. Schwab, S. It. Call away, Charles A. Moore. Cornelius N. Bliss. Lewis Nixon. .1. J. McCook, I. M. Kasley, Samuel Gompers, John Mit chell, Frank Sargent and James Dun can. It was announced that a com mittee on plan and scope upon which Senator Ilunna, Archbishop Ireland, Bishop Potter and Messrs. Gompers, Nixon, .Mitchell, Callaway, Sargent, Bliss, Schwab and Strauss had been named, would give out a statement during tho day. At the conclusion of the session the following statement was given out: This committee, shall lie knottn as the indtn tiial derailment ot the Xatiotu! Citio t'edera tiiAi. The tcope ami ptotiuco of this ilepirlmcnt th.dl be to do tthat may eem br.-,t to promnce iii'liistrial peace, to li liclpfni jn ctalilMitng ri-'litfiil relation between emplojcrs and ttoih oi; by its good ottii e to eiuleator to otniiitu ami pietrnt strikes nml lockouts; to aid in ie netting mdibttial iclatlons ttherc a. rupture has occuricil. Tint at all limes representatives of emploteis ami tvoikers, oigrmzeii and iinnritiizul, should confer foi the .DljiMinent of ilinVienccs or dis putes bcfoie an acute stage is reai bed and thus atn.d or niiuiniuc the number of stiikes or lockouts. That mutual ac-rummls .cs to conditions tin der ttbiih labor shall be performed should lie, eiicouragecl and thai ttlien agreements an- made tho terms therefore should be faithfully utllic'r?d to both in lott'T and .-piiit by both paitics. This department, either as a whole or a Mil), committee by It appointed, shill, tthen required, ait as a foium to .'uljiist and decide unon (lu's tioics at issue betttven workers and their em ployers, protided in its opinion thu subject is one of sufficient importance. This department ttill not consider abstract in problinis. This department assumes no potter of arbitra tion unless buch be conictrcd by both parties to a dispute. Tills department shall adopt a set of by-kuts for Its government. Oftleers were elected and committees were ap pointed as follows; Chairman, Mark Ilunna; !cc chairmen, Samuel Gompers and Oscar S. Strauss; tuaMirer, Charles A. Mooie; secre tary, H.ilph M. i;.islcy; committee on laws, Os car S. Strauss, S. It. Cull may, James 11. I.'cl.els, John J. Mct'ook, Samuel liompers and lluuy bite. The committee on by-laws will repoit u set of by-laws to the i-Neiutlte committee at a mcitlm: to be held about the latt week in JuiiUJiy, tl.e dito tu be lived by the chairman. WHEELMEN MEET. Delegates Elected to the National Assembly at Tarrington. Ily llselu.lte Wire fiom The Aoeluti'U Press. Philadelphia, Dec. IS, The annual meeting of tho Pennsylvania division of the League of American Wheelmen was held here todny. The report of tho secretary-treasurer slants that, not withstanding tho membership of tho division has fallen from fi,034 last year ' to 1.S70 this year, tho organization Is free from debt. Several changes were made In the constitution so as to con form to tho reduced membership. Tho following were elected delegates to the national assembly, which will likely meet at Tarrington, Conn.; , George Myler, Pittsburg; J, J. Van Nort, Seranton; M. ii. Worrell and Thomas Hurt, Philadelphia. These, to. gether with tho newly elected chief counsel, Samuel A, Hoyle, vice-counsel of Pittsburg, and Secrolary-Tietihiirer tieorgo M. Shelly, of Philadelphia, will up Pennsylvania's representation at the national assembly, Lehigh Trafilc to Be Resumed. Dy i:xeluslte Wire fiom The Associated press, ljlclbii, Pic, Is. Ily toinoiioit- nlulit, It is espectcil, trulilo on the main Hue ot the l.ehliili allec. between New York and llulf.ilu, via I'enn II mil .liiiicllnu, will bo partially tesiimnl. Only the west bound U, which wis nor t. bully iluniuKiil by the llooil its llio etliir. will be u-ed nml the ti.ili.s of belli tho Lehiali Valley nil) thu Jersey I'enlial will be run otir Ii. It will iipilie at lean ittii tteiks to Kplace the fitsoy biId'o at Ihis point, Indictments Against N, Y, Central, Ily Kxclutitc- Wire fiuiu The Atwctaled 1'ie. Iliikluur, .V. V,, Dee, IS. "lliu lleiUlnur conn, ty Kiaud juiy today liandeil up ttvu indictment aitalnst tho .cv Vmli Central uud Hudson litter iallio.ul (,'tuttlm; nut of the Mnnid house i-plo-s', n, on An,,', in last in llils tlllacte, tthlth ic sillied in sW deaths nml meat ilamaire to mr louudiu pi'euii,i. Due indictment ttas for man. slauuhtcr I'i the (ecoud dejiev uud the etlut tiol.iliiiS tho peml iod In Hie ursllgciii iw .ind luiiiaaeuiiiit of i.sphvltis. "firiffo" Forced to Quit the Ring. fly i:clutlve Who fiom 'llio Associated I'irst. rlilwso. Dee. IS, -Albert (Jilfllllis, well known tliiouabout sportlu-; ciiele as "Youicji fiihlo," n llj,-lilwcliiht pu;llltt, hji been foicul to ijuit tin- lilt,? Ucausu of u taliular aireetiou of the Ih-iii t. which may briny; death to Idm In the .lull 4l viiv Itllll- CASE OF SANTIAGO IGLESIAS. Has Awakened Much Interest in Government Circles. By lNcluslte Wire from The Associated l'rcf. San Juan, Porto Hlco, Dec. IS. The case of Santiago Igleslas, the labor or ganizer, nwaltens Interest In govern ment circles. The acting governor, Charles llnrtzcll, has called Attorney General Harlan's attention to tho nt leged conspiracy to raise tho price of labor, on which charge Igleslas was sentenced to three years Imprisonment. Mr. Hnrtzell says that the matter has caused widespread comment, particu larly regarding the nature of the al leged offense, and requests that tho government of Porto Illco ho quickly advised as to the exact character and scope of the law under which Igleslas wits sentenced, In order that proper amendments may bo enacted In case of any Injustice resulting from the exer cise of such laws. Mr. Hnrtzell hus also urged an early hearing of Igleslas' appeal by the su preme court so that a. final determina tion may bo had not only of the guilt or Innocence of Igleslas and tho other defendants, but of the existence or non existence of the ltiw under which they are churged. He further suggests an appeal for the amendment of the existing laws, during the coming session of the legis lature. ENCOURAGING NEWS FROM THE ISLANDS According to Report of Commission the Federal Party Has Been Suc cessful in Persuading Insur gents to Surrender. Ily Uxclusite Wire from The Associated Press. "Washington, Dec. 18. Provision for a permanent civil government and for much important legislation regarding the industrial development of the Phil ippines is embodied in the annual re port of the Philippine commission. It is declared that tho Federal party spread like wlldtlre throughout the archipelago, and that there are few towns in any of the provinces which have not their Federal committees. The members of the party were most active and effective In inducing Insurgent leaders to surrender. It is declared by the commission that outside of the flvo provinces mentioned (Batangas, Cebu, Dohol, Samar and Mlndoro) there is peace in the remainder of tho archi pelago. All insurrcetors have surrend ered and, in most of the provinces ex cept among the Lake Moros, It is en tirely safe during the day for travelers unattended to go from one town to an other. In other towns recent war con ditions and suffering and hardship from cattle pest and locusts have developed ladronism. The people are friendly to the civil government and manifest no desire whatever for a continuance ot the war, but only a desire for peace and protection. Taking the question of the political future of the Filipinos, it is declared that the theory upon which the com mission is proceeding is that the only possible method of Instructing the Fili pino people in methods of free Institu tions and self-government Is to inake a government partly of Americans and partly of Filipinos, with ultimate con trol In American hands for some time to come. In Ignorance. Less than ten pr cent of the people speak Spanish and tho educated people, under the influence of Spanish teach ing have but a faint conception of real civil liberty and the mutual self-restraints required for Its maintenance. The commission have nlrendy, however, established municipal suffrage In the pacific parts of the islands and have limited the suffrage to those who can read and write English or Spanish or who own property of the value of $230, pay an annual tax of $15 or have been municipal officers. Thus far only 49,52.1 electors have qualified under these pro visions out of a population of 2,t'D",S0l In u!iO municipalities, showing only 1S.H7 electors per 1,000 Inhabitants. Tills is only about ten per cent of the number which would qualify with similar pop ulation under American law. The com mission declare that In fixing these qualifications they followed the recom mendations of all tho Filipinos who i were consulted, except that there were many who advocated a higher qualifi cation, Many o' the common people, tho commission believe, will be brought within these qualifications In ono gen eration by the widespread system of education which Is being Inaugurated and the electorate will thus be grad ually enlarged. Meantime It Is pro posed by practical lessons to eliminate truni the minds of the more Intelligent part of the community those Ideas of absolutism In government which now control and to Impress upon them the division of powers prevailing under the American system, For the purpose of carrying out these views tho commis sion outlines a project which in brief contemplates the contlnunnco for two years of the existing powers of tho , commission. inen a rcpresentattvo government Is to bo formed ennmosed of a civil governor, u legislative coun cil and a popular assembly, the pow ers of the latter being closely limited so as to prevent it from choking tho government In making the budget in Ills of passion or through inexperience. The president of the United States, would, of com so, reserve absolute veto power, The Filipinos should also have the right to be represented by con gress and the executive government at Washington by two delegates, The commission proposes to settlo tho veed question of land titles by legis lation piovldlng for tho sale of public lands upon the homestead principle and the payment tluough a bond issue of the pilco of tho hinds now held by the religious oiders. A fifty per cent, re auction In the tariff on Philippine Im ports Into the Halted States would, t Is said, Increase our trade by leaps and bounds. Other recommendations, are, In substance, thut the present system of timber cutthi;; under license bo ton tlnucd; that mining ami Incorporation laws be passed; that the commission be permitted to confer charters upon railroads and to aid them hy grants of hinds or Guarantee of low Interest upon THE PHILIPPINES the Investments (probably the total obligation would not exceed $1,030,000): that laws be passed providing for coin age, on tho gold standard with local sliver currency and for a system of national banks and land mortgage bunks. The System of Education. A full account Is given by the com mission of tho organization of the sys tem of education which has been going on so vigorously under Ur. F. W. At kinson, the general superintendent. The Knglish language Is the basis of all public Instruction, and nearly 1,000 trained teachers from the United States already have been put to work In the towns of tho pacified provinces, Ap plications for teachers have been re ceived from many towns where It has not yet been possible to send them. The greatest eagerness is shown among the natives to obtain a knowledge of Eng lish and a general primary education. In Manila secondary schools have been established, a normal school Is engaged In the Instruction of Filipino teachers, and night schools are holding regular sessions with 1.800 pupils. Manual train ing schools and agricultural colleges are a part of the project which is being carried out for educating the people to better methods of labor and production. Keeeiitly instruction In telegraphy has begun with the aid of thu signal de partment of the army, and It is pur posed to gradually transfer the tele graphic service from the urmy to the civil government by provinces, as young Filipinos become sufllclently competent to uct as operators. On the opening day of tho normal school the number enrolled was 450, the number eventu ally enrolled being over 600. THE LADIES' KENNEL ASSOCIATION First Bench Show Begins at Madison Square Garden Prizes Taken by Seranton Dogs. Ily i:elusltc Wire from The Associated Press. New York, Dec. 18. The llrst bench show of the Ladles' Kennel association of America was begun at Madison Suare Gardrn this morning. Among the first prize awards today were the following: Pointers, puppies, clnics and bitches, Wcsil.ike Pa ust, We-tlakc pointer kenncb, hcranton, t'a. itiissiiu ttolt hounds, notice clois and bitiiie.:, It. in III, Iklward -. Klaus, Matmton. Pa. ltustiau wolf hoands, limit dos and biL'li-s, Bojlur, lldward 1. Knm, Matins-ton, P.i. ttolf bounds, open, doj.s, lisyiar, 1M waid Ii. Kraul, hlatir.gtun. Pa. Ituslan wolf iiii'i'ids, open, bitches, i, Kilttard li. Kiiu, Sl.itiiwtou, l'.i. Ptisslan ttolf hounds, winners, t0K!, al, bitelu's, Natra-ala, laltvard I.. Klaus, Slutimstnn, i'a. Cocker fpanicls, notice, dogs IS. T. I'atne's (Kingston, Pa.) Mldkiff Otto. Cocker spaniels', open, doss, V. T. Vajnj'.t Chief It. Cocker spaniel', xvintcis, dog. V. T. Payne's Chief !!. Pointers, notices, bitches, Westlakc pointer kennels, Wcstlake Surprise. Pointers, open, bitches, Westlake pointer ken nels, Wctlnke Startle. Cocker cpaniels, notice, bitches, first pt! W. T. Pa.Mic's Martiea. Ilouuh coated lollies, puppies, bitches, 1lr. John lll.ick' (Harrisburs, P.i.) Meiry Miiel.t. Itoutth t-oated collies, notice, bitches, Mrs. John lllaek'a Merry Miieli, MURDERED FOR MONEY. The Body of James B. Hay Found Buried Beside Railroad Track. Dy Dalusite Wire fiom The Astoeiited Press. Salt Lake, Utah, Dec. 15. The body of James II. Hat-, (u-eietaiy of tin- l'aclilc l.iunlitr com piny, was tod.iy found burled in a shallow trench .ilontvide the llio firande lailrond tucks, M n day nlulit, iUy called at the home- of Petti M irtrnsoii, a enntraitor, and collected tl,"ii'1, which Moitcns'ii cm id the Pacific Lumber com pany, and which, late in the afternoon Hay had iifusi'd to adept, not carina to leate tlut imoi'iit in the ollkn safe at ulitht. lie a ncelpt to Morten-iii for the money and If It tho Uttci's house, ttlth tho reinnik lint he was K" Im; to take the moniy to Sl.inacer llomr.ey, n the lumber roiiipiny, Since tint time intblm; bad l-i-n heird or seen of Hay until (ivl.iy, when His lioilv was found. Tli money ttas cone in Ihe of lily's was a ureat, J urged wound. It Is the theory rf the police that some one saw- liar reielti' the money from Morteii-ui ami followed whin he left the house and mutihiul klin and buried the body In thu lia'tll.t-ihii! In ncli. II ly was 31 .team of nov nml was prominent in Mormon (Inireli wotk. lie cum- lo Salt Lake fiom Au-'tralia sereinl jeais axo. ADA DENNIS DYING. The Police Are Without a Clue to tho Assailant, By Kxt-hulrc Wire from The Associated Press. Washington, Die. 13. Mrs, Ada flilbcrt P:nns, the modiste, tthn u-js assaulted In her .'ipittmciiU early em Tuesday morftliur of last week, Is d.tlnir and the end is cspettfd wlllilu Iwiutt-tour hours, She has been arnusul sctcrd time, In an i tluit to s-cuii a stiit-'iut'iit as to tthn In r j.s ill. ant was, but she rouhl cite no n-pone, uud it In etremel.f unlikely that a MtUuetoiy Htitimenl can be obtained. 'I hu police :ue si III without ,i tluu a, to the Identity of the p.-rrou who cmuillted the irluie, Steamship ArrlvaU. Ily I'.vlii'he Who from 'Ihe Atsotlatn! 1'iw, Nut- V.Ik. Il.'i-. IS -iiited; llobeiollri.M, Naples, I leaiidi l.i HreUKiie, Katie, Silled: M. I.oti!--, S-iiithamptou; Teutonic, I.lvrrP'i ;, Antwerp. Plymouth - Art''ed' Dciittehlanil, New- York or C'hrrboui and Hun. burp. I.impiol Atrheili Dieauie, Net" ';. Ilotterdam Arilted! I'otsdim, New York- tl.i lloulouiie. Ninth impion Arriud: M. Pud, New- Vnik. Scllly 'asedi IMlnli, Nit oik foi llauiburi,'. Corporations Chartered. Py i:iluslta Wile fiom The Associated Piles. ar,Ibuir, pee. !.--('lnitcrs Is.ued by the ttat ilcpsi tin. nt today to the lollottliu corporations: The V. umpum pieetric l.lirht coin, piaiy, Wampum, hawreiur county; lupltal, f.V U0O. ManufjcluuiD' Sipplles company, Philidel phia; capital, a!J,m. The Wahltille Coal company, I'.t.uis City, Ilutlir count; fjpltul $HVA. Imiirlal Woolen company, Philadel phia; capital. 10.U00. Pllifortli Paper company, I'ittsbufc-; cjiiltol, ,l0,00O. REVENUE BILL The Measure Is Passed in the House bu a Vote ot 163 to 128. FIVE REPUBLICANS AGAINST THE BILL Members McCall, Llttlefleld, Hent wole, Eddy and Stevens Vote with tho Democrats, While Robertson, Davey and Brousard Join with R- . publicans in Supporting the Mens ure The Bill Imposes Dingley Tariff Rates on Goods Entering the Philippines from the United States Duties to Be Expended fpr the Benefit of the Islands. Py lAclusi-.c Wile fiom The Associated Press. Washington, Doc. IS. The bill to pro vide revenue temporarily for the Phil ippine islunds pas.-'ed the house todny by a vote of IBS to 128. Five Republi cans Messrs. Mct.'all. of Massachu setts; Llttlefield. of Maine; Heatwolc, Eddy and Stevens, of Minnesota, voted with the Democrats against the b)ll, and three Democrats Messrs. Robert son, Davey and Brousard, of Louisi ana, voted with the Republicans for U. Mr, Meyer, a Democrat, of Louisiana, was paired in favor of the bill with Mr. Foster, an Illinois Democrat. Mr. Warner, of Illinois, who voted against the Porto ltlcan bill, last congress, voted for the Philippine meaure today. Mr. Grumpueker.'of Indiana, who also voted against the Porto I. icon bill, was absent. In the course of the debate toddy, the Democrats were several times taunted with their failure to present an alternative proposition for the pend ing measure, but just before the vote was taken on the passage of tho bill the attitude of thu minority was de fined In a motion to recommit, offered by Mr. Richardson, tho minority leader. It instructed tho ways and means com mittee to leport the bill back amended so as to reduce the customs and Inter nal revenue laws of the United Stales to a revenue busis, and to extend them to the Philippines until the latter, with tho aid of the United States, should be able to set up a stable, independent government. This proposition did not command a ltepublican vote and the three Louisiana Democrats above men tioned voted against It. Mr. Meyer, of Louisiana, was paired against it. The speakers today were Messrs. Hepburn (Iowa) and Dalzell (Ponna.), for the bill, and Messrs. Henry (Texas), Williams (Miss.), McCall (Hep., Mass.). Greene (Pound.) and MeCellan (New York), against. The bill passed today Imposes the Dlngley rates on goods en tering tho Philippines from the United States. It also provides for the collec tion of tonnage taxes on vessels plying between the United States and the Philippines, and that foreign vessels may ply between these ports until Jan. 1, 1903. The duties and taxes collected under the piovislons of the bill shall go Into the Philippine treasury, to be ex pended for the use and benefit of the islands. FOUGHT DUEL TO DEATH. Daniel Bradburu and David Fagan Engago in Deadly Combat. Py P.i luite Wile fiom The Associated I'riM. ITnionlown, Pit,, Dec. IS. Daniel liriidburn and David Fagan fought a duel to the death last night In a small room of Hall's boarding house where both men lived, Hrudburn was killed and Fagan is in Jail with a bullet wound in his side ftom tho effects of which he may die. Fagan hail accused Uradbtirn of stealing money from him and the lat ter went down town, purchased a re volver and returning, challenged Fa gan to get his gun and light It out, Fagan Immediately went to his rooiv. and got his revolver and the light wa? on In deadly earnest. Mrs. Hull and Mrs, Addis were In the room and did what they could to stop the iitarrel Mrs. Hall holding Fagan and Mrs. Ad dis, Uradhuru. Mrs. Hall got a bullet through her hand for her trouble. Shot after shot followed until eneh man hud emptied the live chambers of his re volver. Uradbuiii then throw himself across tho bed and was dead within U minutes. Fagan left the house but re. turned today mid gave himself up, say ing ho was shot through the side and was dying. The two women were par tisans In the affair and at tho coron er's hupiest tried to make it appear that the other's companion was tho ag gressor. Ilrndburn's leal name Is said tu lie Daniel Nuse, of Cumberland, Md YESTERDAY'S WEATHER. Local da'. I for bee. lb, 1001) lli.'heit uiuiratuic "- cUjrrcet l.ottisi tiinperaturi) ,.,,,,,,,, Ij clcgreej llelulite llumidlt; t. n. n , 83 per cent, S p. in G7 per cent. Pieclpitatioii, -I hours ended 8 p. m., O.Uj !u:h, - WEATHER FORECAST, Washington, Dec, IS. Forecast for Thursday nml Friday i Intern Pentujl. tjniit I'urtly aloudy and continued cold Thin i!jy. I'rldty, threatening .t either, -t - 4 -f pruslbly snow; wrioble winds. 0 -T- t -I If, At I
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