The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 26, 1901, Page 5, Image 5

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    V J),
V Atl I milllllllilllll'Pif !l!i"
IT HAS nlwnys been Pali! Unit Horan
loti Is tliu Jluppy lltintimt mound
forerooUs-und swindlers. Thoy dully
b:Ivo evldenee of their nut In lliln
belief. Tl wiimi'I so very lunw n'o
'hut it Bviitlonmiily limliltiK individual
willed on n liuly prominent In piicliil
life ol this etly uinl. IiowIhk h'i' ""
line BliiHHwari', nnlil Hint lur liii.-dntntl
riad HtitrKCHtril that he oi'i'w till." fur lur
flection. She itimd tit. him In siirpiin'
titul (seemed Inclined to illHpnif IiIk
U.'il'-innnt. The man Ins-luted, lioucvrr,
Until mIic finally nut-tired litm tlmt licr
htifhainl tnul Koni' nwity beyond .ill in
terest In gltts,sviirc. or any uilim UiIiik
titrllily, soviTiil years bifni".
The oUn'i' day a laily living up toun
vai! til von n lot tor by the maid, who
Mild It luul bCfii l"fl at tin" door by n
Coiitl"iiniii. Kxninltmtlon uliou'ed that
tt wan th" aiiiioiiiuciiKiit that the
writer would will mi Mich a day and
hrhiK for lii'f-lnspni'tlon be.iutlfiit relict
of calviiKi- from the burned Un-mcn
Mid Saul'' of triiKlo memory, aiy lady
nail a lnrklilK recollection of having
ftfiird or seen sotiifthltmof this "fjentle
lnan," and a little f-enreh bronchi to
llclil a notice of bin oiii-ratlons in
llls.-li!ini'. When lie. ealled at the
rppoliiti'd time, she Kiavely and polite
ly bund. d lit in Ills circular letter with
the said liewsuaiur notice seeiiffiy
KUinined upon llie onvelope. lie kiivo
one s'anee nt It looked llxedly but e.v
I'ltedly at the house, and then tore
doun the steps and out the Kate with
Mich alacrity as Is seldom seen except
on the oeeaslou of a lire. The lady
then promptly telephoned to police
i"ad(iiarters and to .Airs. ljiin,Kiin.
ivltti ilm vi.unli Hint the jptitlonintl
ivas e.iUKht yesterday and seal to
WdUes-Daru for a reckonlutf. lie had
shown .Mieh wonderful bnryains thai
peine of his fair victims had urged him
to take deposits of money in order to
assure the delivery of the suods. It
ivas tin same old iriek which captured
Fo much pin-money In this region a
few years ago and which was a singu
lar forerunner of a series of burglaries.
Vet there are women who will continue
to be swindled by such unmistakable
f lauds.
Tin- niarriagi' of .M.s.s .gia-s f.
I'rossen to David .J. Itecdy. ei-i.. was
in event in which much interest ('ca
tered on "Wednesday. The bride is a
wry beautiful girl who is most popillor
In a. large circle. The maid of honor
ivas her fair sisler. Miss Margaret.
I'rossen. The'lie.-L man was; Dr. "Wul-t-r
M. IJeeely. Dr. John T. Mel. ruth
and Frank .1. MeAndrews wore ushers.
Master Hubert (Till ion was a page. The
j'ereniony was jierfurined at St. I'eter's
i Kev. John .1. (irillin. A breakfast
was given by Mr. and Mrs. ,lo.-eili
There will be a twilight recital this
afternoon at -!... at the Ashury .Meth
(1odist ehuixh. Mr. Charles I hiei-saui
ivlll iday several org-an numbers a'nd
Mr. liiirtou I'!. ISIooiii of Colorado will
fiirig. The programme Is one of great
Interest. A silver offering will be re
ceived. Miss Skinner, of Hartford, I'uiin., Is
the guest of her sister, Mrs. . .;.
l'iatt, wlin will entertain at luncheon
In her honor today.
Miss Flux, of r.ul'fnlo. is the guest of
Miss Augusta Arehbald.
Mrs. H. M. i!nUs Is slowly recover
ing from a ;-.-rloiis illness.
Jlls-v. Helen AVonnser and Mis. Ai K
srman, of Scranton, were visitors in
Vi d i (4 t ; ?
j An Assortment of Ladies' Rag-1 1
1 1 Ian Coats Open This Morning. 1 1
- V J st
I lil
Kid Gloves
A Guaranteed Kid Glove for
Utir New M. c II. Ma Gloves we sositively wainint not
to tear or rip witli the lirst tiying on. The best shape,
best lit, best wearer ever placed on sale at Sl.oo
Our $1.50 and S1.75 Gloves arc simply perfect.
25 dozen 2-Clasp Kid Gloves, full arsortinont of shades and
sizes, one dollar value. .Saturday special 60
!:ast Black 26-inch Umbrellas 30
Self-Opening Umbrellas. 1.50 valu; 95
Ladies' Flannelette Wrappers 59
Gloria Sill Umbrellas, big value $1.00
Children's Toboggans , . , 25c and ,5(1
Children's Fleece Tarn O'Shanters 50
Ladies' Plain Muslin Corset Covers 10
Ladies Nicely Trimmed Corset Covers 25
uaaias Mercerized HlacK UndcisKifts
Ladies Uxtra Heavy Pine Fleeced Underwea
Children's Fine Fleeced Underwear 15c, 20c. 25c,
Ladies' Black Hose, double sole, last color in all blade ami
white feet, best hose obtainable at
Men's Fine Natural Wool Underwear, light ami heavy...,
Ladies' Fine Natural Wool Underwear 75c and
Ladies' Fine White Wool Underwear $1.00 niul
Mears & Hagen
415-41? Lackawanna Avenue,
tills city
yesterday. 'lllesllarrc
Mr. W, II. Ib'linioiid attalneit his
eightieth blrtliilay on Wediienlay niul
eelehraled the event by blithely start
lug off to Floston. all by lilintx'ir, for a
few days' trip. On the previous. 0V011
Ini? his faiully nrrniiged a pleasant sur
prise for him in the shape of a dinner
party. Invitations had been Issued to
about forty guests, The table wan dec
orated with tlglity roses, red ami
while! Many happy cspeeehes were
made In felicitation of thin represen
tative eltlxen. who is eighty years
young. A feature of tin- oetnson was
a poem composed by .Mr, A. V. Tlok
son, The gllestn present were:
Kev. Hr. S. ('. Lonali. .Messrs. "V. It.
Storrs, Townsend F'oore, John Hnyder,
H. W. Uowley, A. W. HlcUson, H. I!.
Cox. Aithllr, A. 1). Hlaelcluton, O.
11. Smith, Kev. JJr. lleorgc .. titiild, M.
I'. Kingsbury. j. K. Tracy, IF. A.
Klugslinry, Colonel J A. AVatres. !'.
V.. 1'latl, Juiiies Arehhald, ,. AV. -Morss,
and V. V. JlHllstead.
The poem read by .Mr. Dickson was
as follows:
A A'.mlxo of Kins Ailliin'.. mini,
!..' slio!'. win-. :i:'(i,
ItH-iv ii-nl the fitiic ..I u I .Mail. Tu.iiti,
A" inai'.v ii'jilci.- know .
Put clunnit'-i liio. I I. lievc,
N ili'.ul ;ili'l i.'i lull loi;:.
A V.uikri" irom nlil ( omi.-r ill ut
Is llie ,-til.jcit el' my .-otiu:.
'I'll.. of fica.Iy h.iliit1 .i.
ill t.) Reeil eld I'clllli
A alll. 111;., iii.iny ntlioi-,
(if ;;ui'd v.ll''t' ii'jw .it. tin :i.
Wli.ii I-. il in tin- XllllKPS -liilo
Tlui iiw ii ,uc ti irnouii,
liimlor ..f .;ii.mI I'tlloii
in i "until or in town?
I il.. not Kumv, 1 only fun!,
Wlu'ic llll'll .lie liooilc.l luiit.
Tlio lineal In .nut of A'.ail.'i'O i inn
I'lniii oir that I'oii-t.
'tin- Ni.uit.iiN .ill. .mil Will.ii.l. ii.f.,
'flip l'l.itu niul l.'mlc SI. hi-.
'Ilii'lr pliilc in old Coiini'itliiit.
IImuI' all their nut-. my .H..l Y.uili i- Willi.iin II.,
A in 1 1 lirM:
A .il ii.mi in thi- nil lonu
Mi i.f n,iii. I ,i Mil,
I "it 1 1 niiny iiihuts w.txril anil waiinl -ruiii-tiiie
l.iiur ii'.a, Muy ..i --
siti.-p in the iruo.l el.l A'.aihcc .own
My hem fay tu d.iy,
A i I Ii.iiir Hie of fiitliful
ll.i; ft... whilo r niiv,
Lit th.wi. fiiomlw n.nv ...klu.itc
Cur I'lotlu'i''. ilij.
( '..nsuhil.ili.'ii-. thin, our oml ..1.1 f uti.l.
Tor vt.iis of stuMiuth illnl p.jwc 1 ;
Tor l! --.ins:-, fioui iho (Iml .il.ovr,
An. I ji if I - o.iili i..i"in;r Iioiir.
Per lining lfi" ami ililMtcii Iiiip;
I'or linitir. anil tiitii.N. ami ho.f
(It ul.i'Uoiue jtitiuoitality
:...miiiiI our .ip-'-nl Mopp.
l!o. I'll'..- anil Kri'ii o'lr fiioii.l .mil lio.l,
.lil r H-. of in. ri," irf
To all thi' !;..oi!Iy iiimthor g.-lir,
W ith iip.iop Mint of tiPt.
An. I w licit the rail -hall -.niu.l,
'I lie lini.' .i to -hill
Mai lip :1 U' iulK lpliolll0 lilxl
W'ithin Hip cUrn.d liuiiip.
Mlt-s Florence Peck and a party of
young friends will spend today at Mutt
Haven, as the quests of Mrs. V. '.
Mis Unb.-ig. of Tienion, Is the guest
v V; V V; V i i V i
.Si.oo S
1. 00
I, on
I, Oil
of Miss Frances Hunt. Miss ldnheiK
Is jici'lmpa the most versatile niul In
terestliiK .voinig lady who has ever
Bitieed Meratitoit with lief tueseiiee and
she Is nlwuyp woleomcd with plucerlty.
The chief lotilti of t'onverpiilloti In
imtslcnl elreles Is the great Xordloit
eotieert. Today superb soplu. toned iol'
ttnlts of the beautiful unpen of Hniiu
Will appear in varlotta business places
of the city, and wilt doubtless mid to
the ttelieral Interest. A fact Which
jjtveH this lirst splendid eoneert of the
.erli.3 tinieh local slttnllleniieo Is that
the Sermitoii Symphony Orchestra,
under the dlreetlott of Professor Hetn
lioi'Bei'i will ploy three numbers, one of
Wllleh will he as mi accompanist to the
celebrated operatic singer. IL Is titling
that the lirst great musical event In
the new niniory should bu introduced
by our own line organization, such as
Is composed by the stymphony society.
Xordlea's iniiiiiiger expresses himself as
exceedingly well pleased that stcialitoli
possesses such n musical combination,
and states that the distinguished solo
ist will bo glad to sing to Its accom
paniment. It Is possible that "Klsa's
Diettin" may be selected as the song.
An enormous sounding-board, f.D tVet
wide and :w reel high, has been de
signed by Harvey Illacltwood. of Hits
city, to muUn the acoustic effects of
the armory as complete 11s possible. It
will be remembered that Senator
Thurston was heard distinctly from
Hi" balcony at the exlieim- end of the
building, without a sounding-board,
Mr. Fred t Hand ls meeting with
enthusiastic responses to his calls upon
subscribers. The lists are rapidly tilt
ing, and It Is evident that our people
Intend to give to recognition to
the enterprise of bringing such a singer
as Madame Xordiea to the city. The
diagram will open Thursday, Novem
ber 7, at l'owells muslo store. That
diagram will astonish our natives. Jt
Is truly heroic in Its proportions, and
gives the uninitiated a very fair Idea
of the extensive accommodations of
the armory.
A great deal of Interest Is manifested
In Wllkes-Harre, Carbondale, Strouds
burg, I'lttslou, Nicholson and other
places within reach of Scranton, and It
Is assured that large delegations Mill
come from all along the lines of rail
road approaching the city.
Miss Jluleue Kalidolpli, sifter of Rev.
John Randolph, ol St. fetor's Imthernn
church, has been engaged as the
teacher of French and Olerninn at
Harry IMllmau academy. Wilkes-Harre.
Miss Ilandolpli is a young lady of
many accomplishments, and the posi
tion is one which she will 1111 mot ad
mirably. The eeond of Miss Dickinson's
or talks, that on Ancient Kgypt, which
was to be given on Tuesday evening
next at the residence of Mrs. T. II.
Watklns. has been postponed until the
week following. The exact date will
be announced after. Much interest
was manilVrited in her descriptions of
excavations at Nlnevah and the sub
ject of her next talk promises to be
still more entertaining.
The Country club golf leani will play
a match against bogie tills al'le'nuion.
The play will hi; a handicap match
play, with special handicaps arranged
by the golf committee. It Is hoped that
there will be many entries.
Dr. David .lenklns. Miss Jennie Jen
kins and Mr. and Mrs. IS. V.. flicks at
tended the Davenport-Davles wedding,
nt Plymouth, Thursday night.
Last Saturday Mrs. Dr. O. F. Harvey
sailed from Philadelphia, for London.
She was accompanied by her nephew,
II. S. Uoblnsoii. of Scranton. They go
particularly for the ocean voyage.
AVi Ikes-1 la ire Times.
Mis. T. F. Torrey, who has I ecu vis
iting her mother, Mrs. Thomas Dick
son, for the past fortnight, will leturu
to In r home In New York next week.
Mr. and Mrs. Torrey, who have lived
el ihe Cilscy House for a number of
years, will take up their residence at
the tirosvenor this season.
A large number of delegatts will be
in attendance upon the sessions of Jie
Woman's Home Missionary meeting- to
be held in the First Presbyterian
church next week. They represent Hie
keenest minds and the most aetlvt
spirit of the church, AVe know what
sort of leaders are in the home soci
eties, and the visitors will be of the
same type. A luncheon will be served
on Wednesday in the church parlors,
Mrs, A. M. Decker is In charge of the
entertainment of delegates.
l'iehear.-nls for the opera eat nival
are held twice each week under the
able direction of Professor ("'bunco.
The entertainment Is to be unhiiie and
beautiful from every standpoint.
Kwryhody Is nciiluintod with tl.e
animal people whom Kruest Seton
Thoinpsou has written about. They
are nn real to us as Ihe faces of
friends. II will be an unmixed pleas
ure to hear the eelehraled author next
Wednesday night at St, Luke's parish
house lu readings from his own worl;.
The Kinder Symphony of the Country
club will give Its entertainment in St,
Luke's palish house next Thursday
InvlUtlol's pave bein Issued to the
man luge of Miss Adda M, Hone to Mr,
.Mark Kdgar, which will take place
Wednesday, .V.ivemhci C, at noon, in
Khn Park church.
The marriage of .Miss Clara Floivn
tine Spelcher and .Mr. Kdwnrd James
Sturdcvunt will be solemnized at St.
Peter's on Wednesday next
at I p. m.
Miss Helena Hosar was married on
Wednesday to Mr. Andrew J, ileal nt
St. Mitrv't.
Miss Muns.iru Itoelli! and Mr. James
Connelly were married on "Wednesday
at the church of the Holy Cros, .Miss
Teresa O'Douuell. of Plains, was
bridesmaid. .Mr. Michael ilurke was
Miss Kllisubttli O'Hoylu and M. T,
C'onry, t'.-i were married ut St. Pet
cr's on Wedm-sday. Miss feiiu O'poylo
was maid of honor. P. H, Conry was
best man.
MliS Annie Uschwondor and Mr.
John Under were married at St. Mary's
on AVodncMlay. Miss Lulu Sehellu and
Mls'.s A unlu Huder were bridesmaids,
Tlio groomsmen wero Kdwaid Ituder
and John A. Itader of Maueh riiuulc,
The tisheis were Joseph and Frank
Rnder. A ieetpUo fuUn-.w! the cere-
Attori'iy I'lnules 11. I.cimliau, of
Wllk'-liane, and Mi.s ilertrttde
Moruii, of Pltisbiirg, will be mauled
on AVedne.-day, November il, Mli-s.
Moran, a well-known railroad cnii
Miiran, Hie well-known railroad con
tri'itor, Tli.. wedding trip will Include
a visit o Florida,
many at the. residence of Mr. and Mrs.
Ohurlos Klrst of Kim street,
IraieMs of topic
Mr, It. .1. rn'lrv Inn iftmniil Hum ll.nil.hnrs.
V. II, ,liwilii J., tun li'lmiml litm New
.Mr. .I.iini'1 I', lllik'oli li,i roiotml from lii
llirlit llllli'.
Ml4 I.jWh.i Silii.pll Is iciulltig ,i tew il.i,. at
tlir I '.iii-Ahicrliiin.
Mr. Wlllliini M.irptc ami Mil. T. 1', I'ctiiiuii
mpkj In S'rw Veil. Hit Mik.
Mi .M.niiiii'l Mnltuiil, of Motiitofc, Inj lncn
UltltiK filctiib In tlie rlty tlio put imls,
Mi', uint Mw. 1 1. .1. .lull", I'. t ii,im, It. P.
(r.itic, W. s. McMillan, l' S ll.-imcll. Mr. .mil
Mr. . 11. S.iilnf, ., N. Ki-rr. Ml M.iiy I-.
K iniy. MlMM.irit.irol Mit'.iun. M. ,1. Ktlljv.'
( li.irli. .1. I.iniv. nt, a iiioiiiIut of
llie llllll uf .Inll.H l.nns'1 SnlH, ll.K lu-oil llpMillllCii
liy (ii!ritiir Soiif ,n a ronowtil.illw. uf l'otiti v.
v.ttii.i tu IIik Sill. mil I'rl'on .Wutiatlon e tlic
I'tiltoil hl.ito, wliMi ine.'t-s Iti'.i. rile, Mo.,
Nov. !i.
Dr. II. 0. Iliiii'i'i-oii, loimmly lioti'n siintron at
tin Mium Tj.vliir liniltiil. iiirhnl in tlic rlty jo.
Iciil.iy trnni Nnrlliwiioil, . II.. whole lip li.ii I'tm
lir.nlli Ins iiii'iIIlIiio lor jmi. Ho i-.hiio
lii'ic to loln'liN wife, Mini u foriui'ily Ml lie'
tie I nti nun, anil li.n hern Mvillin; lur p.iii'iil
line fur tlic l,it uioiilli. Id'. Krlri'soti tiilcmU to
in.ilio hN linmn lioie.dtn' at l'it llinljlu, Mleii,
Mi 1 I,il mi nu!(.ni..1iil"
sn walloil In r.mifm? tnnr,
"V illl ..lit (. ill.,- ).V .1I..1 .,1 t 111 it,.
9 I'll hIIH.'"l, ."rfc llllll M t.iil' I it-1 V
y wheel.
Ami nut for C.'.'j .ileii.'.
"Oh, ,p.s, I Know Iho.v will cliciper sioW
Atnl .a'er ti .veni.s go liy;
Hut if 'IN fo that lliey niw.inl blow
1 want one now while thoy'io hlali."
There is nothing which really gets
such n hold on a person as the desire
to possess' a "mobile" of f.ome kind,
auto, loco, presto-busto or whatever
it may chance, to be ealled. It is like
the morphine or the golf habit, once It
really lias a grip, and even the explo
sion of all the machines of one's ne
iiuulntance seems to have no deterring
Hid you ever notice that nobody ever
seems to bo nh.-olutely blown up In an
auto omlosinn? It may turn somer
saults and tlnlsh you, or it may run
violently down a steep place like the
swine in the Hible, or It may everlast
ingly exterminate its ownself, but It
Iss-eldom known to explode and kill its
keeper. It may be. this fact which en
courages people to buy another auto
mobile as fast as the last one takes fire
and vanishes that and the insurance
they get. I'm sure I don't understand
how it Is that insurance companies con
tinue to assume such risk's. T am in
formed that it is the fate of all auto
mobiles, like all powder mills, to ex
plode sooner or later, generally speak
ing, sooner. It is their nature to, if
they arc run by means of gasoline, and
it is really pathetic, but niost of us
are willlnir to take our chances.
The ncople who own these coveted
machines are happy at times. There
is one little lady who declares that rid
ing in your own automobile is like
heaven and she will be tolerably con
tent if the abode of the blest is as sat
isfying, liy the way, just now she
happens to be walking in common with
the great majority, only her reason has
nothing to do with strikes.
A certain resident of this city lias
built a large and expensive stable
around his horseless carriage. Most of
his waking hours aside from business
are spent. In that stable. He thought
il would be a nice place in which to
practice witli his machine, and It was
for a while. He had an ingenious
arrangement which lifted the auto and
allowed the wheels to go round after
the fashion of the exhibits of such Ve
hicles at the Pan-American. Tills en
abled lilm to accustom himself to the
levers here, the gauges there, the
brakes fore and aft and the frills to
the starboard. He paddled away to
his intense satisfaction and everything
worked beautifully. Finally there came
ti day when he knew that lie was an
expert ehnffenr and he dropped the
auto to the Moor and proceeded to take
a little sola in the barn preliminary
to a ride to Lake Scranton. The spin
la sled just two minutes. At the ex
piration of that time the machine, witli
a perversity equalled only by woman,
insisted on going backward with such
vehemence that the rear end of the
barn was a wreck and llie wheels were
square, If not Hat.
Thou ensued more dry dock experi
menting, and after a time lie did be
come very prollelcnt In auloinohillng.
One day, however, a catastrophe was
narrowly averted when he hail start
ed blithely forth on a Sunday after
noon jaunt and wluu the fashionable
street on which he lives was thronged
with Interested specators. They were
gic-itly edllled at seeing him proceed
down a steep grade with the machine
going backward at a rapid pace which
did not lessen appreciably as It side
tracked Itself over the curb niul
clitnli-d up a neighbor's tree. The
owner promptly stood on his head, as
no provision had been made In the
auto's economy for a "loop the loop"
exhibition, Df course. It was a mir
acle that the whole outlit was nol
blown up or burned up. (The only
noise thing than possessing an auto
mobile of jour own Is to live next door
to it neighbor who has one.)
Automobiles certainly ulleve life of a
great deal of monotony, When your
station In life Is Hindi that j.ui musl
depend on horses and carriages for
conveyance, on touch a button and
the coachman Is cerlnlu to appear In
a given time. If he doesn't, you want
to know the reason why. lie always
turns the corner at Just such an angle
and Just such a pace, He brings the
horses to a standstill at precisely the
same sprit where they have plopped
for yuirs ami you step into your car
riage from the same place, with mi
automobile It Is different. No more
touching of buttons mid bells, Tim
head of the household slgnliles his
gracious Intention of taking you out
for a spin and yon are duly grateful
(perhaps). Vmi urru yourself ju your
prettiest things and sli down patiently
and await ,our lord and muster, Ho Is
seldom piusinlablo nowadays when at
home and must generally be excused
when callers arrive, He wears ills,
reputable clothing and lool;,- not so
much brother to the ox as to the man
who cleans t-ewers. The odor which
pervades his Immedlutc vicinity is a
cross between an employe of the
.Standard Oil company and a inuchlii.
ist's apprentice.
It used to bo your custom to keep
other people waiting. We have changed
all that. The automobile must not bo
delayed when It dashes to the door
fussing anil fuming. You feel that It
Is imperative to "stop lively" as the
street car conductors used to my, or
the thing will begin to swear, so you
Hep lively. There Is always the con-tli'tr-ncy,
however, tlmt the ruler of
Boys' Clothing Today
Priced low enough to please the most
economical. We fully warrant these
goods for wear, for worth and for
Boys' Stiifs That Are Faiilfless in Style, Pit, Finish
Boys' Pretty Sailor Suits at $1.48, sixes 3 to 8, made of
blue cheviot with inlaid sailor collar.
Boys' Fine Vestee Suits at $I.98f j to 8 years, serviceable
material and stylish make.
Boys' 2-Piece Suits at $2.25, sizes 8 to 15 years,
splendidly made in new dark patterns.
Good Wearing Knee Pants, 25c, all sizes.
Fine Wool Knee Pants at 50c pair, the new colors
Boys' Reefers and Overcoats
$1.98 for elegant Blue Reefers, sizes
3 to 15 years, made of blue chinchilla,
with storm collars, plaid.
$2.98 and $3.98 for Boys' Nobby
Box Overcoats, the new military shape,
in handsome dark goods. All sizes.
j JcmJoons
your destiny niul the automobile's
(limited) will placidly come in the hack
way and announce, with cheerfulnci-s:
"Wo won't jto out this morning1, utter
all. 1 (hid there Is a pcrow loose some
where," and then you tt.ko off your
pretty things and malso ready for
wnlkltiKr to market or for stayhm at
It everything is nil ilttlit and you do
Ko out in your automobile, there is
always the exciting uncertainty as to
the point from which you shall make
your ascension into the vehicle. Yes
terday It elected to !iavo you t,'et on
hoard from a pav'iet'lar hump on the
upper side oC the ho.-se block, the day
before it was down the street perilous
ly close to a la rue hole which the
steam heat people were endeavoring
to make more capacious and which
would just about contain the automo
bile and its freight. Today you may
have to hoard it from the top of the
iron fence. It is delightfully interest
ing. So is your ride in whatever direc
tion It decides to take. It may want
to run off a bridge, or tree your friend's
horses, or do a gymnastic stunt on the
sidewalk. 'J'ln.11, too, It may behave
like 11 n angel.
Autoiuobilliig will never really take
the place of the old fashioned buggy,
built, for two. A summer girl Is au
thority for this statement. She says
it is all very well as a stylish turnout
which makes the other girls jealous
when they get no Invitations to ride,
"but as for mere comfort and pleasure
and opportunity to scintillate iti con
versation," remarks the maiden, "Rive
me a. run-a-bout, a driving cart or oven
a trolley ear In preference to an auto
mobile. Why a man positively pays no
attention whatever to you. He Is so
utterly absorbed in kicking lovers at
light of him. levers at left of him. lev
ers iu front of him and keeping one
eye on the water gauge, the other on
the speed gauge and any unoccupied
powers of observation ho may have on
street cars, baby carriages and team.-,
driven by women, that he hasn't a
glance for me even when T am
most distractingly gotten up. As for
being entertaining and chatty I might
as well be a deaf mute as for as di
verting him is concerned. "Why now
this Is the honest truth and don't you
ever tell, hut I actually proposed to n
man the other afternoon just because
I was so absolutely certain that ho
watfn't giving me the least attenlon.
He 1111111 who would have jumped
out of that auto and tied if It hud been
going at the rate of fifty miles an
hour If IM have dune such a thing
when he wasn't iu a trance, but lu
only smiled vaguely and said 'Yes, I've
often thought so,' Now what do you
think of that',' He doesn't know yet
what I said, Wasn't It funny V"
All uf which goes to show that auto
mobiles have their drawbacks. The
II asou for all this frank dessertatlon
about I hem is because no automobile
belongs to Saucy lies.
'Hi' lnlkmin;; .inii'dnic, In- I',
smllli. impierly dciutj M.iii- .iliiuny m M.ii.v
l.iml, 111.1,' lint be v.-itlmtit i.iulli-l: "Vlill,
I .i In Hip M,iIp .illmiuy'i. i.lllii- I l..lil tu iij
:l (,l.i; .1 f ' 1 11-1. ,111 nlll.luU Ii.iihsI I,! nil. Ill I1.1'
ri'Illnii' lliiuer i'ii Min.r.j.., ' u ilririi.l.nii h. .
I'lt.lllll'il .1 U'U.lll! liuuili'T nl ltii ku- wli.i U
noli'il fur U Mull 1" Miiii-. Din iug- HiK utU'i
ey liillm Imul'lici- liN I.Viiii.iii 1 Hi nl liiiihi'il
on hi i.iit .iilniU'.uii'U, . x 1 I liu , lie ii i in r..
111.11 K:
" 'Aili,'ii ilfv 1:1ml m l.iu.wr In !i:if, ji-i.'
" 'Wliy-,' lit' v,. iitluil.
" 'HciMlW',' W.l tliu H'lly, 'lie li'illcla .-il l.ill'l
ill M JICS lilt" Juiy.' "
your; cigar.
A ilmniii (.!, In-'i. .uiulvcil a .i, mul 1ls.11,
And luinnlly til'- 11 jt it inmi'illriiu
Aii'lte jilil, puiwli', l'", I'luiml .ni'l iili'iilllie,
Slim .-iilmii'lli'il liyiiliumi, i ij)i el pi. ..Ictie,
Y.iliil.iiiln .11 M niul .iiimii'iiU, hi In' v.i.'li',
Willi aill, nii'l .1 Iiiil' uf luo.-oli'.
lint ln iliiln'l fl:nl tin' i."iiii( ivlll '! ,1
i.illi'l :i; j'.'.ln',
Ami In- iiuilw.Li.l Iho lliiiluiD II1.1I hvs i.ue
.1 t,'il IflCK'l'i
lie mi-.-i'l Ilm ml 11 liuMtlin '-in Uctpt li.
liiv .citlvaiii,
AllJ lIlUMl'l lllllltll'H liOV-" Hl iu. lll
y, Im -i iiim
Of lui'l'y "J's Jl fc"w t'lij f!i I'ls. un; In It
j mi IijVC.
flir ;.'UiC m.'l 111 illmnlli Of a UClhrvMCiic
k-H'll I'.IU'.
Ik- illilii't lliiil Hie iwi'ii liy o nufj faiieiia
. iuo
Wrappo"! i'!1 I" "'i " !i.lisf i lint my
mini' cIS'i'l
llo lomiil . unallwol ilius in'. hut -vmC'
liuvv l.e couMn'l ijtch
'Hit' luinfiut Hut one uii tcwir ti l)f j'illi'j
.1 in.iuli;
And ihoiijli lie fuui.'l llie .iuIO, .iml (tie i.llicr
qui ff-li iiiicl tnir,
lie coiililii'l li.uo Ilia :Icj'jic tlKic Is in
tuny ii:rt,
- II Minimi' Anierii-.ui.
"Inii'i unite KiiuwIi'iIki' i. :i il.ui;i'inM tliliiK,
So in :dl lliiiiifs let in liu .iccur.ui'."
lliii!or ot Hip S, wniitil ly aid me
in my (.h-k Ly .'idling iiuivlioiH fimt nt'if".--sirily
fur puliiiiiilinii). wliicli If jiomilile ill
ln jiitoi'IciI in full in .111 rally iuo of the
Wroklv S.-ilml unci llu-ir iveoipt ji'KiioivlciUi'il
iinnii'ili.iti.'ly by null. All 0111 Ii luinmimic.c
lion.- niu.(, liou r cr, :k a ni.ittor of rfiuic,
tn'.ir tl." uiitrr' eoiiL'Ct 11.m11! nii'l .nlilicv,
in olliniio tliry iiinnot bo taken into mil
siili'i'.ition. Motorinan's Disease.
Pllir.APIXl'IIIA OftnlNH li.ive 1IU1 11
ilifi'.io l.noMii 11s Hi" "lir.iv.y i-.m.'," or ir.o
toiiiMii's iINi'.im', wlikli U -af it In .illVit liiolnr.
nun niul ciiulucl'iiM on liu- linlli'.v cjis. Hi
s.Miiptlnn :11c jin iMrvlic llnw of ten-. 11ml n iif liulit. A.-ioKlino: o tin' ounli.-N IliU is
c.iti-nl liy criliiriU conHcil by tt'i' li.oi'l lu
tin- I've, mill its M'ii'iitltli' name is iti.ilkltl-.
A Cure for Pimjiles.
The Ase truly p.ij.-, it will If .1
; lellil lo Millvrititf llinii.uiiU U Icon, on
m jtfoil nullmiily ;ii Dr. I'itr.iril. tin; l'io-miili-
ol .ii'-cnie i .1 fiuv for piinpli . He itf
ouunenils .1 one per icnt. soliiliou, of wliicli one
or inn iiiiniius or iliop in bf taken iu a
iiincul.i.'-tut of water lime thm-. a il.iy, on an
empty Mnnueh iuiniidiately bcfnie ine.ils. The
il.ei' is In be illmiiiMiril as llie piniple 'u-gin
lo ili-ipiii'ir.
Bees Do Not Injure Fruit.
Il is iiell known tl'.il iaps iln inui-li inimy tn
tiuit. ami 10111111.11111'-.' been uuiur'riius ilus
MMsim limn many ipurtPif. In 1 1 I - eniinlry; but
il apH'.ii tlnt tin" povjulp iiijm.v to fiuil by
Iipc lias been llie taibieef of an eliau?tie lie
etiti.itiiiit by llie (.'iilitoiui.i expeiliueut .-.t.itiori'.',
'I lie I'unciii'iliiiis airiveil ai tI1.11 alllioujjli the
moulh pails of lue. ale n oonitiuetril that tiny
mlulil be n-ctl tor liiitli eallnir ami inlurini; fiuil,
all llie cihlenfp ob' linable points' to the f.ut 1 I1.1t
it i ir.iv kcMiiiu thai .iny iniury is ilniie, Iu
IliN coiintiy Ihe lie has l.irely been ac 1 n-eil if
rluliip any tnjuiy lo null, but in Ihe Irult-Rrnw-in?
illiii-N prrniiuins n;e nift'ieil tor the t!o
ftiurtii'ti of v.i?ps' net.-'.
Crusade Against Mosquitoes.
Hi-. ljt.'s iiusaile as.iii.-t mofriuitoes on
Matin l-l.iinl ! i-ucieeilins: ery well. A little
oil Is jpvlii'ilfil on llie j;u-s or weeds about tin
ttet away u mil the hou-i'-:. Tlio Inliabitants in
the iii.'iiiilo-iidik'ii dl-liiil. 1 l.iini thai tor tin:
liil lime In v.eeks tb ; weie able to enjoy .1
Kimil nllil''. lest. 'Hi" lieilmeut of Ilm pi.teli
wiili peuoleum i'.'ii" l'i li.oe .it-.ii leveled Iho
Acoustic Telemeter.
'1 In- 1: .1 1-.i1 ulllee prftjifrt's to ..u' .1
.(lies uf el.ibniale npi'iluinitt. by lie nitlll.ty
Milll llli! ainllitie ll'lcillt'ler. 'fbe i.t'Jwt 01 thin
iiniuiv.'.iii . Is to loeate llie podtioii of nun- .'lid
I-1 lie-. wliii Ii 1Mi1t1.1t lie otlieni.-e localed ou-Jii-lo
tin. ImMliillly 01 Ihelr illi.eli.usi. The ap. is the iui'iiilluii uf Ii'iixi.iI (illM.ii, ol
the ll.ill.iu .limy, 'llie Itisliunuiil ibnotes thu
dim lion iron! whkli die lii-.-llle Is pin
iiidliili, .lll'i atS'i leeords llie ill-tatiee al lii,b
the liilnir on in. 'Ihe iii-linnirnt Mill al.o be
siiliei led 10 ,1 ciiles hi teveie hn In the fo'lle
louiiua: llall.iii milluiy in.ininvi'i. .1 niiuiber
of In-tiuiiKiiU I1.11 ins; be"u .pei tally inii-iiinlul
fur Mil-, ptnputo. Tb" luliuiiii'iit it imii'li U'jled
in I'liniip. tl'iii witli il" ropiiiu mi llie piounllnsK
of I lie Sillily unlit of itupiliy US Hie "M.nlt'
n.iUr," tlm liislitnmnl rfitilreil by tli" I'mtnl
Sl.ih,, .iy il'p.iituivlii lo be iwd on boald of
bltl!i".ilps lor llie puipo.e of mra-unlm; ill-t.iuie-.
,il mm i .111 app.iMhs i-illl il.ii- 10 .1 Ii.iumi
lnliiiiiuiil n.ul iiiiiiiiiuiily by Miiieyou In in. j.
iiilhi,' dliiaiui". on l.ui'l. IfK lulu. , iiuw
eiir, N not "M.lillii.ilil" bin "Maill'leleuiietei"
and a the elluinlosy uf IU ii.une Inipfi.ilhely
iliiiotis tte.l'lim.... lo biithl Willi :iliit ii'iy.-l al
ulinee deiimnMl.ili". it 1.111 only bu uci'
to Ine.i.niP dl.-l.imel nil teu.i (11111.1, tlP 'vnnl
".jillinilir" is pilnlid In llie nep.ipii. is
as miieli of .m I'liiroiietlcd nioii.ti.-lly .i the
Iti.tlUUKUC ii.elf .1 pliialeal aleiiulily Mlii'll II
Is ll-i'i) In deteimllie dl.taines .it '.i mi Ii uid
of .1 iiilllnii .ui'l iiitihlntf var tei.el.
Cider Again,
The readeii of llie "..ibid will leiiniiibi r llul a
few wiel.s .r; I iubllliei .md liler uavn llie
amwiT In Ilm Qiieiy of the tillubl ir.tmliy boy
who iv.itih'd t'i l.ii.iv "luiw nimli filler jmi
10.1M set ma of an apple without ,11 dully
liii'.i'uilri; the Jnl.e .s.iiei?.ul mil in .1 eldir
pie-- and I lake ln iici.i-li'li, .is this it ll.e
fa.oii if the j'tar tor eider in impaii ,1 lilll.i
liiuie piaitte.iblc l.tinwluhio in ie;ard lo ihH
ni..t wlmlivoiiie .Hid iiiullili.eably v.iliuMe bit
il.iue, tide r, swell jiid fioiii Miund ap.
pies leulatii'i all ilm 1:1 dkl11.1l irulltlc.- nf ll.e
ti tilt iiujlllles wlii-li hue brui iieiKiil'i i'V
liilinlldU of Jiai H U'llilf one Jlnl i.cili.iV ' lie
I'CU t'f alt tf natvrc'. leiiieilln ier lulu.
liii'H and pall.tul cuinpliii't, iniMiiutUln.
Sclciuc tollfA.ini; the umiii'itieii of popiUr
rvpeiiun'P li's ili'uiiiiluliil tli.l llie iilue of
the apple . In (Pieral ..tliM' tiults and even
cereils i i"'l l'- I'e it) Us ImiI.i, lint is inn.
tallied only in il 1 Iml. 1 Idcr belni; made 01 '.in
peiled .i'ilf. a a leittir of cratie fdliUin- tlii
liifdliiiully iwliw pilnclpal and U ttiriiiuie 1.11
ailiile nl dlei whi'I) wmiot lie too liiithly pu.ed
by ilio-e who .He itlijvrl to ihcumatle pjn.
Tl"' aie.u il!lfiitill. Imwewr, In our ilijiijie.
able illiiute U lu teip the fldir .siiect, and al
ll.oii'ili lime aie a uuiiila'i' of I'hiiiiii'al .11I1.
statue witlili aio mid in the dpi.' eloic. .11 lie
fallible pucenjllief, iwpirliiin' vltli mo.-t of
Hum lus proicd llicin tn li Jtut tlio rontraiy.
I tlurcfmo ulve lieie. a ifilnn wlileli liai fctood
the tcil of initial li'iis ol fatnirri and wlileli will
double-breasted style and ?
and mixtures. 2
Boys' New Winter Sweaters
Children's Plain and Striped Sweaters 69c
Little Boys' Handsome Wool Sweaters 89c
Big Boys' Fine Worsted Sweaters at 98c
All the latest stripes and colors.
5"cfor Tarn O'Shanters. serges, leathers and
angoras, all sizes,
Boys' Fall and Winter Hats at 50c
All the newest shapes.
keep (511111I elder sweet if introduced into (In: bar
ill bel'oie the eider begins to work, even If 11 is
not pn-.-lhIe lu keep the luirel in a cellar at a
lew ittuper.ilute.
'I'o a b.iriel 1 oiitiiioiiig front 2.' to .".n pallnn- ot
cider add ininiedlately after the banel ha.s breti
lilled f 1 .nil Ike t'li'.-s wilb a. luixluic of one pound
of mi ilk"", t.lisins, niip-lialf pound of while inns,
taut Kii'il, one-elRlitli of stick ol 1 iiuiamoii broken
up ami aft cr tboroiiKli tiirlni; place the bun;; for the noU lime tlnee or four dais
thill il .-liould be ilihui bonie and a snull vent
Imle h1m clo.:eil by .1 plus should be made lo
mliiiit siiU'uinit -lit- to allow the How of tin
liimid Ihiousli tl.e faucet.
Liquid Fuel.
A new tuelliod of lminiu;; liquid fuel In- been
(luil.-ed by Me.-.-r?. .t Coy. a (Inn ot
fleclrical enf,'ineet.s of neckenliatn, London. It
i- iilled llie loilridciim system, and by means
of it all ot liquid hydrocaibons frum
prlioleuni to the eatiuiis tars and tar lefinc .11c
cotiMiuied with an entile alijcnec of smell and
smoke. The limner eoutpris'e.s a combined bed
of te.iin and nil, or refu-e, and the vapor of tlie-e
two is fotifentrale.l upon nil incandescent Pie
litiilc, upon .sllil.inic wbidi the conibiutd sle.ini,
liy means of the Intrn-e beat, is ellvidril into
iisyRpn and bjdroen, and lhe.-e comblnltif; with
the c.nboti ate ignited and p.i-'ed throuslt tln
boiler. So pitfeet is the combti-lion, and .-
iulen-e is lite heal that is pcneralcd, that .1 1 ae
shld.'ible oucitiy is efl'ei ted iu the con-umptioti
i'f the fitf'l for boilei.s uf eveiy de.-eiiplion. Te-ts
with a ."ill boi-e power Itornby boiler shown
that l.'i poiunls of wafer are evaporated by ihe
iuu.-umption of one pound uf tar refu-e, wlieie.t"
with the same quantity of sie.1111 eoal only ni:i"
pouniU of water are naporaled. The nclinir.ill
li.iie evaiiiined Hie proie-.s and intend to c-iperi
nieiil. with it in tl.e n.tvy.
Electrolysis of Sodium.
'I ho ri-iher piore.-s lor obtaiuiii'.'; .soiliuiu by
the elect lull tie mil hod his been one of Ihe iiiujr
Miiic&stiil. The ehai.u-letl.-tii.' of the tui'tejs is
the u-e nt a liiellfd I1.1II1 tutuied of a uiKtute et r.clglils of Lhluiide of sodium
and fliloiide of iint.i-siuni. The eddition of 11111
litter fhloride peimils Ihe b.ilh to be kept at a
lower Icmper.itiiie than when illicit ido of sodium
is n-ed alone, and Ihi-. pie-ents a ilei Ideil ad
lanlaite, a- the lo--s of the tmiliuni by M1L1IU1
tiou ii Rteatly diiiiini-hed. As In llie todlimi
whkli u-iills from Ihe rleetiolysi.s of this bath,
It (ntitaitis tc-s than one per rent, uf potassium,
ptoviilod the dillcienee of pii! between tin'
eli'i'liuiks i- pioncily iCKiihilfd. The invenlar
has made many tli.tls of eleitile fumicis of dlf.
teieiil fnitns, and bns been led to adopt the fnl
lowiti!,' tjpe: A iiuiilile, wide and not lm
deep, is ilhiiled into two f oniparlniciils by ,1
middle p.ttlilin.i r.liiih doe- not reach the botloui.
The wall-, of the loinpaitnnnt which loiilaitu
tin; cathode are muled by a sy-tcin of water-eli-i'iil.itifiii,
The I'lei-tnnlcs whieli are pined lioii
onlally, Ihinush Hie oiipo-llo walls of tlio
fiiteible, e.tflt lielnif tl.iw in Its own f oinpattnicn';
.il,. nepataled by Hie niiildlo iUtltion. Tl.e
iiiiude il loimiil of a solid caibnti, and the i.i
ihode 01 .1 iiicl.illle tube who.-e ais is on a level
Willi the Miil.ue of the Kith. This tube i- n-ed
:tl Hie same time to diaw nil' Hie uielled sodl'.nu
pi. niul ed by the fleitiolj .-!-.-' iuitlllu
Matches in the United Sttttes.
line fael-iiy in nliio titins enit a l.itndird nuN
lion inili'ties ciih twint.V'foitr lmiir-.
l'itly iiilllloii feet of lumber is used annually In
the I iiiicl Stales ill the luro nt itutihe-.
an liiihi-ti' which hIic.- iTiniloymont to tonn
lit, celt tl'uii'.tnd I'eop'e.
AMMAI. 01! Vi:i.i:i'Alll.i:--Tlii iue-linn,
"Willi Is llii- diil'eriine bi'tweeii a M'Ketabli: and
an iinlmal," was ,iku me by one of Ihe leaden
of the and rot Million! le.lsun bceaitie it
1- a itte-lio wbiilt has eusatid the bilglue-i
iiilnds and Ihe 111 it lan-fitl investlBatleiis b r
numbed- of .U'.its yone by.
II Is a kindly ipuiilluti, 0111 wlililt leuilti'ls
us ut llie fi'otilli'il knot Willi II Aleaudel' li'snlied
Into tun pails by Ibe .-lioke of Ids sword and
I laiiiinl do beltt'f than pillow Ales.mder''. ev
ample iu cNpliinlnt; iu a Ketural way within the
mull space alloled tn nie, and thus, wllhuul K'
in lino iniinlellllble del lil.s.eiplaln Hie ipte..
linn of thrt illlfuvmo betnieii and up
l.iblo life as will a of the illlli relief nf llie prod.
mis 01 uiilU uf tlie-n two es-entlally illllereii'
vital fiiiii'i".
Anjiliiti',' In naiuie which we are an luluine"!
lu call "" buy uf miy not eloely le.
s. mbe iu its niHwaiii anncaattee tilings wbiib
wu ine uii'i'sloiiifil fur the -tme vea-oti to nil
ei'iteliible, 1111', nr utiy, or will on el.uer cumin
linn, show lb-it lluvellliei' luluns hi Hip animal nf
viiii'tald" kliiKiluiii oi natural Iil-tor ; fur e
pie. The powir of mutlmi botli viilunt.iiy ami
Ininliiht.nv Ih ki lit 1.1II.V nippo.-'ril tn be a ilis.
lluitlU' attribute of atiliual life and yet we Hud
the ( inie imvi' nv lf hlirlily develnpnl hi a ntim.
Iier ni the lilitlnr I'ldet-. if plant as fur lnt.inr. ,
m Hut "Villus Hy ttaps nr Ibe cu-lllu Acaila";
while on the editor band wu bale fvuiiples tj
imiiinblllly In animal lite a. In Hu "ea Ati -liioite"
and ulliei ineiiibeis of the lullt-l;..liil!.
ilnli.- 1,1 1 id., iul.niiiiilliis of .n-i.ill.'.I soul
illlil'ilti, of H..' .'illllii.ll .Hid i'i table Uli;:.
iloiiis and Hie illlliittlty uf apparatliu mire ap
pcaiance for$ lu iii'sed tbn ilUleiiiine of
opinion .iiiiuiis' ii.ituulMs and the dill'iteut the.
oilis ot llie ijiio.-lluii fo: the U,l lew liuiulicd
We now, li'incviT, with Hie nuiuliifiil ik'ielop,
iNfidi of the csa'.t iiiiiui within the 1j-I
di'iaile.- iu ili'W, .no able hi decide the quoslldi
withniit iluiilit alid aluolute leililnly.
Tim illlUn'iue between animal ami iritelabli
life tunas I. .-Imply the 111.1I11I1I upon whl. 'i
e.nlt si(i.iiaiely iVidi! the fo(in oj lite
lm niJltir liow UrKP or iiuall they may be. teed
and fibtlltl Hieir sub-l.lme limn "uriMllh"
ler, while iciritabbi (oini. ol lite feed only up 111
liiorejnie. nutier.
'I lie ubuvc unV'f if iii'rimity eonlolii wnr.'i
whkli In llriiuelies rcquiie deflultions and 1 w' I
try to convey lliolf eoirect lneanlns In ntn-e.
qiient U.'iK of Hit Salad, Cul Si-LUr, M, I).
-., -V.-S .- ;.