THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE-TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1901 4 Published Dillv, F.srrpl eunda), by Thi Trlli line Pulilhlilrg t'ompanv, at Kill) tent .1 M..11I.1. 1.IW O F UK II MID. lMitor lU Mill!:, lhuliica Mimaer. New nk (Win I.Vi Nassau M. K. S VIIIXLAML Hole Atrent loi FcmcIkii Advertising. 1M , al kntrrcd at ilic I'listolhce nt torantoii, r-rcnnd ( Ihm Mull Matter. ,"Wirn pieo "HI I'limll. '"" 'Irlhune l .ili flad In pnM sli.ul littrrs fii'iu H i tPnl "r inc 'hi iiittmt lopl,, Imt lt rub- Is that J''"' unci be lnl. f'l public .num. bv tli' ,'"" fal names and the inlllinn ir-i ulclil t 1f ifplinco Is tint nil euiitrlhutloiia hall tie aulioci to iilltmlal icvisl'iii iiif. n.r tiui: rou u.viiisrMXn. The following table shows the prur V" tm 1i each infitloii, ipan in he within ni'f J,,J1 1 Hun l MillIlK nil Till) ntiri.w. I i'jivi ' iiMiihu I'oi'"" t ess than fei (wiles' !i I ."ft -0 vrt Inches . ..' ..11 -"! -2 Jnnn I .11", I I" ! rti I .l)- I IT .,a'' fsYl " I .11 I .li" f l'r utds n( Hunk' lrsnhitlotn ( roml ill in o nil flmilir miilill ii'min 'i I In n ituir nf u I wriising llu rubim- makes 1 iliamt 'I "' icnta a llu- Idle, tin I NmiIImI Advertising fmnlslicil fin Dpplll.ltlCII STt ANTON. fWTUMHKIl 10. inOl. THE REPUBLICAN TICKET. Stnte. .iipirniP Court ttll.llWt I' I'oriLJe. lica.iuu FIlVMs (1 II MIIIIS. Miction Nov. S. "Uh'n thp Iienioira'V went nut nf power in nr stale It Irfi I" Hi' ltepiibliiiii put Ick ,rv of almost Mnftm.tioi ol debt This debt, by vise artmlnltialleni iinil. r III I iibllinu rule, his rem .lllin.t eiitlirlv paid Wo have InnCVeil the appropriations In llu' cniimnn m bonis unlil wp stand al the lii-iil ol llu American Mates in lilppfttl if popular rdi.eallnit Fiulcr Republican administration thctc has been paid caih rar Tor irlm.illnnl puifirncs lump linn wn apprnprhlPil h Hip llpinn. ntlu pirlv in their quitter ol . rfnliirv nf mlriilo Hf lnp lniu'1'fil mir appin prlallnn In rliarllnhlp ami rlrMno'jiur.v Instltii llnri until nr nil nuke th lmnt Hut no lal Mlu'fpn Hip lo nrpam MippmU llifo iiMilii tlnnn m wpll n il ira our nwn. Our T.ODi,iiitil nl fpplp in Imluililou. Imntt, Uw-abldini; ami liippv p, virrnundrd ni nc ire on fcrj Mile ilh prmprmm lniinri' 1 .iti'litinn, with people hppi. fnipln.tnl nnrl fontci.lril, and ttllli ppiv airnur of buninr and trails fully orMipiod. and Mith Ihp proint of llio futurr liriu'litpulnc and Clnwlnff mnrp hoppful. tlic mil lilnlorli pirii ol chstrtictlnn and iifirallnn fpI, up i litalrtual r of falp prftrnp, lipnnii.v and tinim rtitj for the purpn nf mlilradiiu; tin ppnplp ami niiin Ire lrt powpr'-rtoni the ltppul.liian Stale I'latfnun. polley hno bnon vindicated nnrt that lh" frlenili" nf !mv nml orrlnr owe ftomr thliitc In lPbukf tn tho kind nf no pnpof "cnlPi prist-" which eneniiuiKri the piocoplois nf tiMnHPMimtlcin. tn 1111 nitdii'Mn to the t'ltlzona of the Qimker Cltj. after tccDiititliiK tlm fnctn In tho cne, ho Kiiyn: Tho toficliliiRS. ni'tlniifi, onriititnRC tnoiitu nml piIUoiIhIk nf sui'h iipuk PHpPio hiitl thrlr crfrt. Tho wniiuin (inldiimn. pitilmlilpiii-il liy the ditppnrt nf Hip North Ann'i-lrriii mid like nowftpnp ft , prpnchcil wllh nmip vIipiiipiicp uiul vlruleiipf than pvpi- nKiilnut nil t Int t rnnntltuirs law. nnlpr nml niornl lly. Shf Riilhi'iPtl nlmtit hff tho ynuiiB, tho liiPxpcilonoPil and tho Impi ohhIoii lililo. Alimiltr thPo. ilcrnrdlliK In llW own ciiiifpKlnii. wi (ho .iiHln C'7.oIboz, who ll-lonod to and road Hip tli.tdp.i In fiunr nf lawlpjnpfw nml I111 iiimallty. l'lird with tho doolrp to I'limhilf tho doorlit nf nthor suci ct til n-sti''ln!". I lilt man; nr hoy. fit hp N ri-ptitod tn ho Inn LM yotim nf nco. Inn plod in llnlfaln ntnJ Hlint down our roii tie heaitrd, cciiPrntiR-tulntlPd pi owl tlont. CnlKiixr. Is tho product of an archy encouraged nud piniunlcd by s"niiitloiiiil .lounmllHin. Tliu pnllm nf Phlhidolnlila fool fully luptltlod In the notion ttilu't! In tho Noith Atnorl-cun-thnin.'i (loldniali affair In IhW city, ilnd she boon suppressed In all cities as she was hoio, the Idea nf ns?.islnatlnu mlRht never liac ontoird Into and t razed the hialn nf CV.oIrosz. TI1010 aio doulitlo" ntlieis than i'zo1rii. slin llatly illspnvcil. who are nnly awaltliiK n invorahlo oppnruiniiy in inuiucr FoniP oiip who haw hppn thp victim nf thp haticd nf Hip proprlolnrs nr sup porters of these iipwnMpei?. Till"" ap peal l tiindo with tho eniuost iPipust nnd bellpf that all Rnnd citizens will aid In tho condemnation nf nil nct, whether speeches nr anatchlsts or tho suppoilhiR nf publications which teach or Justify anatch." No w under the yellow Journal" just now nio pIpltiR soft and low. They mo waltliiff for the ilouds to roll by. I Theodore Roosevelt. I The sooner that a number nf the mnst active exponents of anauby nie made martyis to tho cause, the better It will be for the country nt InrRc. Yellow Journalism's Two Types. THRUM AUK two types of yel low JniiniHli.eni. One ! lep tooeiitod by papers that load their (.nlunins with written nml pktuiod libels nnd f.ikes, and with incendiary ont toons. These papers ate vo full of hot air and laibnn dioxide that comparathely few loaders of or illniiry inlolllRonce take them R"iIo"tm ly. They ,11 e like clownt nt tho clr iuk; coitrio. bizarre, buffoon-like nnd ROnerally dirty but not ordinarily dan serous, .o far as tho majority of their iiarleis c (onceiiied, because that majority huvs and rends Just as It riipn to thp vaudpillp or tent show, tn bo amused, dlvoited and to have a inlet laiiRli at huinan nsluiuity. Wo do not wif-h It to be Infened thnt this Cas-lias type of yellow journalism ! not vlciou.s in tome features; it cer trilnly is when to lt.s torn foolery It acids malice. It Is e.-peclally h.uiuful In Its iunuonco upon weak and Imma tme minds, whom It churns Into an acltatPd condition that often llpens Into folly nr crime. Hut tho nihor typo is by far the worse. It does not deal much In car toons nr siiRROstUe pictures: on the contrary, il keop.s its eolumn.s tolerably clean so far as social scandal and vice aio concerned. Hut It deliberately tries to stir up mischief by feedliiR social discontent; by RoadinK on envy and clans hatred nmonp the poor; by ustriK tho Insidious vocabulary nf demaROKlsmiln Its comments upon en terprise nnd capital; by pretendhiR, with .sickonliiR fulsomencss, to be the filcnd of tho wnrklncmnn. yet having no other puiposo in ow than to filch "10 urn Kinsman's haul earned pennies by false pretences. In Its columns, every we.11 or of a boiled shirt is a pin tooi nt 01 million of tho money power; oeiy corporation an octopus and fwiy flrc-catiiiR asltator who nppeari In too 1! cry .f oiganlzed labor a spot le.s hero nbove criticism or lepro.uh. has just one aim in life nnd that It is to sell papers. It Is ready to sell nut ,'o any octopus that will pay Its P'ico. but until "seeir and "fixed" 't is the most oclfernus ehnuiplon of the dear people that can be located In a cay'! journey, and It bolls every pass. iiiK piejudlce with thn pertinacious nnd pestiferous Industry of a mid Afilca witch' doctor. It caters to every whim or folly that will sell a paper, buj never exhibits an hoiieyt cnnvle tloii. tfor the ueason that It doesn't krTnw what ono Is. 5j'l,is Is the leally daiiRerous yellow Journal, the one that creates rioter., flhtchlMs and assassins. The devil ncfyer hdl a moie effective auxiliary. Tho Paterson understine the ate. nods" appear to have blenching process of Partlceps Crlmlnls. AST April Kmma Holdmim, who was one of the lucltliiR J causes of tho attempt to ns- t. Easslnnto the president, at tempted to deliver one of her charac .eristic "lectures" lu,Phlladplphia. I'n "ligs ordeis from the director of public aTety, she was prevented. Two days later she tiled again. Again she wan pievcntecj. TJipn tho North Ameilcan took her chho up, exploited her with pidluioh and Interview s. shileklnRly denounced the city Hdmlnlsttatlon for Its attempted curtailment nf free speech, and through its reporters aided htr to dodpe the police and to conclude a harangue surreptitiously, in fact, it lent every aid In Its power to making a martyrout of the Ooldman woman and to encomaglng thosq of her Ilk to renewed audacity. NaturHlly In tha llRht of what has happened since, the director of public uufcty of rhlladelphlu feels that his N connection with the comments which have been made ifr.ikIIiir the vlce-piesldent (luring the past few days, tho opinion quoted be low f 1 0111 the expeilence of .Itieob Klls, is Intel PstltiR reading. It will be re membered that Air. Hits porfoimod bis most valuable woik in polite lofnun In New Ycnk city when Mr. lloosevelt was on the Police Itoalcl. "Wo weie not strangeis." writes Mr. nils in last week's Outlook. "It could not have been long after 1 wiotc 'How the Other Half Lives' that ho came to the livening Sun olllce one day looking for mo. 1 was out, and ho loft his card, 11101 ely writing on tho back of it that ho had load my book and bad 'come to help.' That was all and It tells the whole stoiy of tho man. 1 loved him trotn tho Hist clay 1 saw him; nor over In the yeats that have passed has he failed of the promi-o made then No 0110 over helped as ho did. I'm two yeais wo weie brothers l:i Mulbeiry street. When ho left I had seen Its golden iiro. I knew too well the evil clay that was coming back, tn have any heait In It after that. "Not that we weie caiiied heavvu waid on How cry beds of case, while It lasted. There Is veiy little ease whore Theodore lloosevelt leads, as wo all of us found out. The law bleaker found it out who piedtctud scornfully that ho would 'knuckle down tn politics the way they all did' and lived to lespoct him, thouRh ho swotc at him, as the niio of them all who was sli linger than pull. Tho peace-loving citizen who hastened to Police Ilendqimitois with anxious entreaties to 'use discretion' In the enforcement of unpopular laws found it nut and wont away with a new and In pathless notion welling up In him of an official's svvniit duty. lloosevelt had tho true philosopher's stone that tuins dioss to gold, in his nwn sturdy faith In his l'cllnwmau. Men became good because ho thought them so. I5y which I nm not to bo un derstood ns moaning that ho just voted them Rood tho imllto fnr Instance and sat by waiting tn see the wings prow. No, but ho helped them sprout. I had nt last found one who was will ing to got up when other people slept, Including too often the police, and soo what tho town looked like then. "I never saw Theodore lloosevelt to better ndvantnge than when ho enn fiontec! the labor men at their moet InR place, (iaiondon Hall Tho police were all tho time h.uiiig trouble with the strikers and their pickets. lloose velt saw that It was because neither party uudei stood fully the pnMtlnn nt the other, nnd with his usual dlicct ness sent word tn the labor niganlza tlon that ho would like to talk It over with them. It developed almost Imme diately that tho labor men hml taken n VMong measure of the man They met him as a politician plamg for points and hinted nt tumble unless their demands were mot. Mr. lloose velt broke theni off short: "TientlPmen!' ho sold, wllh that snap of tho jaws that alwa.vs made people llstc n, 'I asked tn meet you hoping that wo might come in under stand one another. Keniember, please, that tho woist Injury any one nf you can do the cause of labor Is tn coun sel violence. It will also be worse for himself, riiilerstiind distinctly that order will be kept. The police will keep It. Now wo can piocced.' "1 was never so proud ami pleased as when they applauded him to thn echo. He lecldeiied with plensuio, for he saw that the best In them had como out on top as ho expected It would. "lloosevelt struck no blow below tho holt. In the governors chair after waicl he gave the politicians whom he fought and who fought him, tho same tonus. They tried their best to upset him, for they had nothing tn expect tiom him Hut they knew and nwned that he fniiRht fair. Their backs weie secure. Ho never tiicked them to gain an advantage. A pi online Riven by hlni was always kept to the letter." In no emergency has Theodore noose, volt been tried nud found wanting. region of Pittsburg, Mr. Shaffer will do well tn not In out of the wet without hesitation, If ho desire tq retnln any degrees of prestige. I'rnmnleis nf the St. T.ouls exposition mo nliondy t lying to bonow the ear of the public. Better Abolish Presidential Hand ShnUliiR. S IT not liltjli time that tho anti quated nnd obsolete custom of presidential public receptions, with obllRntoiy linnd-shaklng. weie nbolIshedV Do not the recent events at Huffnlo cleat ly demonstrate Hint this, like niHtiy other customs, which In their time weie pertinent nnd ndequnte tn the social and political life of the people of tho young lopubllc, have become HenselCT. Iiiaclcquato and even dangerous in tho welfato nf the natlnn thruURh tho mnreh "f time and pioRii'Ss. nml nbnvp all through the .iliei.'il roliiilnna of the t 'nltcd Stales to the other nations of the woildV I elf ci son la n simplicity. In Its con I'ptbin that the chief executive of the nation Is and remains a citizen of the I'tilted Slates, as 11 citizen no not'er nor wnisp than 11 it' nllioi; and that he bo. (iinies oxnlled above his follow citi zens only by v Utile of the olllce of pn-.-lileiit tn which he has been elected by a majority of tho people to wntch over the wolfaio nt the nation with 11 fatherly eye. nnd like tho fattier of 11 largo family, tn be appioachahle at any time to the humblest member of that family, Is a beautiful Idea, nnd In the fieedoin of Inloriouise of the piesl dent with tho people It was put In piacllco, nnd tho public leoeptlons, nnd pnitlcularly the "hniid-shnklng," wcio Intioduced as symbolical oxptessns of the Ideal rlomnorncy. Hut ns In tho lives of individuals so iiNii in the lives of nations, the Ideals of youth have to bow to tho altered cctnclltlnns and the mental expansion of adolescence' and ilper nge.aiul natui ally the expression of Ideal democracy of the Infancy of the American nation, like tho "Hluo Laws" of the Piiiltnns, li.ii become inadequate and theief YELLOW JOURNALISM THE NATION'S CURSE Journalistic Prostitutes. From lh nioikbti F.aal?. The Jnurnallni pf anarchy hrf rfponIMIIty for (ho altaelc on Prcildrnt MfKlnlfr It did nut infan I hat w ahonld hf aliot. It only ulhd to pll mnrp pappra hy c6mmmtlnr on and car toonltic him at "a Ijrant rprtdrnlnit hi hand In th Mood of thf poor and fllllnir hi poekpl and tho.p of nthrra with dollars colnfd out ol the awral and Iran and luinitPr ot hrlpttM MtlkPi. thrlr an cvlcpa nml IliPlr !arln children " That nrt nt Muff did pI1 more pappra. It j nn A pai with Ihp platform lurangura on "VlcKlnley, with his mcnllpaa and cowardly heart, rallii: hi hlouil-kulnecl hand, tn hraien In hjpoiritlcal prarr" Thai lanuuiP uaed hpre, not a an Intrrolnl plea t kill thp pe)dpnt, hy palnllnit him i unfit to Hep, Imt a, ar "arstimtnt" why oiip rran ahnuld hp elected aherlft and anothpr ahould not, In IP'N .ellmv oratory faltlv ilhhlra dmhonoM lth jellow Journallum today Today, tho Jnurnaliain or lh uralorv which may Imp umpired I eon rroli:o tn hi deed la thp most teaiful, sympathetic and grfcf atrltk'n Jnurnalini nr oratory In America. It editorially "Intervlpna" and moralises nn Ihe loahpnpi of Ihp man nhnm It lately and Inne and lialillually pot'rajerl aa a monater, a ileapnl ami 11 innanl. 11 Is ur siared. cry mrr.c or eiy pollllc. or would like to feem tn ha n. let 11a h"p It Is really icirrv Then let ua hope tlat lis anrrnw will last Ion enounh tu perniile il tint Hie uplllmr nf more papers or the iifttlni ol nunc nle la net thp chief end of Jiminillani nr of nratory, when It leads one tn dpfanisllon a a delight, to vllllflcatlon as an InduMri. nnd tu printed, plitorlal nr plalfonn bladcriiirdlnii as a trade. I.eon Caolgosi d.d these folk aald wllh pen, pencil or tongue. The lateH report Is that he hat ahown nelthei fear, nor reetet, nor rcmoise! He has more tierce that thoie of whom he made himself an under-tucly The Inspirers of Anarchy. From the Philadelphia Presi There Is rildenc-p In thp iinerance nf Ihe reaponalhle nenapapera of the country that no ent s Is In cliiuht as tn where tho direct responsibility rests for inch a hideous crime aa,lhat per peliatul In i.tln winlonnes at Muflalo on Friday Vothlne that that unfortunate creatine, Fmnia (loldman, eier ealil ailnl KOtrrnnienls and their executlcee evtr aink to the level ot tin rolipialerl nine of rnirsc, vile hatred aa has marked the ennduct of certain jpllow newpi' peis Secer for otip moment until Ihe hand nf the asasin sctually put Into execution the doc trine of hale preached liutanantlc altue the campaign nf I'M was there a halt to Indecent car-' tnciii or & check cm the unicaonlnr venom nf levtual diatribe. Tliat those whn have left noth Inc imprinter) In tie wav nf IWncr caricature hefoullnc the highest offlcee In the nenple'i gift ami rrprcaenllng Ihelr mnipints as nr" than vermin hacp nocv a maudlin moment In cvhli h to imiriiuir that "the iinimiipbtnltm sufffirr aihls .1 new luster to .inrrkan manhood" ia of nnall impnitanip What is Important is eelf respeitlng tmerlcan journalism la viewing this ter rible rieiu in ll tiue perspective II was hut reienllv tint the reaponelble Pemnctatlc newspi pera piote-ted agilnsl Hie dalle aiaudcr alnid at the president and vke-presldenl. ard held it was time ti, put .1 atop to audi melhnda ot ,urlisn warfare, hut the attacks w-enl on, and one vile iirtom after another appared whose onlc pcwible oiilceme -vas to atlr Ihe vicious to do injUiltii tn rid Ihe inmlrj nf men euppnspdly ao unspeakably hateful II Is true these brutal cartnena hue nnw- reaied. The coarse buffoonery atops. The vulgar pencil whose Inapiritlnn waa of lie sutler mid fur the gutlcr ha, however, added lnult to pat Injui) by attempting to pnr trav 1 nation's ejiupatln. Hut (his fills in Its purpose. It decelea nn on. On all sides there la ei lining tho ili-gut wllh whlih all rlght-nilmieil men hi viewed the lrreeponmble rlruleneo ol jellow pirtUinshlp, the true Inspiration ot anarchc. MEANING OF CERTAIN NAMES. From the Beaton Herald. Mntitcnceio literally Indicates "black moun tain " Ttnkry Is more inrrntly wtlllen Tntkla, the country of the Tuiks. Tola cnuntiy also 'cars Ihe alle of the Ottoman empire, In honor of Ottoman I , who aaaumed the government ol Ihe empire atmut the cear 1V. (Ireecp la the inoileni fenn of Ihe tjitln flraecla, from the tlreek Oralkol, a name originally be llowed upon the Inhabitants nf llillai Vuslrla I our mole of tleitlhliig Ihe Heeler telcli, lllrrall.c the Kaslpm ruitilre. Inly was d called after ltalun, one of the early kings, 'wllretlantl Is an Ansllilreil fnnn of Ihe native hncnl. the name ot the iliree fnrest canloi.s nhoee peaple erlrd their InilepcndPiiee of Aus tila, aflrward applied In Hi" whole countrc Spain evpiesma the F.nglish of lllspnila a dealgnatlnn fnuiulecl upon Ihe I'unle -pan, a rib bit, owing to the number of wild rabbits found In this peninsula hr the Cirthiglnlma Tha ancient rum' nf the cm.ntn was Ihetii, ao (tileil from the Iheil, a tribe who aetlled In th rlilnltj of the Illver Klbro 1'or.tugal was Ihe I'orlua llalllae ni the llnmana, lltciallj "ibe gate of Haul," as appr lathed frcm the Slcditenanean ami Allinilc eras. Algleia Is i modified spelling nf the Arahi Al .lejalr meaning "the peninsula " Fujpt expiesses Ihe Hebrew fnr "Ihe land of Ofprrslon," alluding to the bonclase el me braellta, (lulnea is a native West Afrlcin term, mesn log "abounding In gold " .Natal rrielve-l IN mine fmm Vaeo di f!in, hemiifc he dKnuriil It In the Iat of the Xa llvllv Npcaih Is tie Spanish to- "snonr" Indloallnc the ihuiaiter u( Ita mouiiUm liditii1, the Sirira Nevada" Argentina, now the rgenllne lepuhlle, owmv Ha name to the iv rv reflciion of Its rivcM FINLEY'S iMust Be Stamped Out. senseless, iuiippllcable, ti.iy. oven per nicious In Its unalteied lot in at the piescnt time, and under the gieatly altered conditions nud lelatlonshlp of the American natlnn as a body politic. Hut In the same ratio as our nation has grown nnd advanced In impott uneo nml has emerged fiom the Iso lated and clicumscilbed position It foi meily held in the huge family of na tions tn one of acknowledged linpott anco, the Impoi tnnce of the olllce of pieslcU'nt.and the lesponslblllty and la bia of the chief executive', have giovvn and with them the value ot the life and health of the president nf tho I'tilted States, wlille in nlllce, tn the nation has been gieatly enhanced. It follows In logical scciucnce that It the piesl dent Is selected fnr the purpose nf tak ing cine of tho welfare of the nation, the nation Is in duty bound to take care ot the wolfaio ot tho president and should bo willing to give up cheer fully tho hand-shaking nt public presi dential icceptlons as 11 symbolic ex piesson of Ideal democracy. This custom exposes the piesldent not only to the clanger of being as sassinated by n fanatic or of being infected by n contagious which may cause ptolonged .sickness and oven death, and Is therefoie not one whit bettor In its effects than the nssnssln's knife or pistol, but nls-o subjects the chief executive nnd even the membeis of bis family to useless physical and mental stiff ei lug, depriving the nation ot the valuable services of the presi dent for a number of days after such a icoepllon because his light aim be comes swollen, painful nnd almost par alyzed from the fieriucnt "hearty c laspiugs." nr even may losult it; seri ous Illness, ns was the case with Mis. .McKlnley la-t spring, who suffeieil sevciely from n bone felon on the linger, caused by the hand-shaking. Let us abolish once for all these pub lic icceptlons, even though now it is almost like locking the stable door af ter the hoi so is stolen. ,f. Ihmplon Vlnote, president of the Mate league of Pppubllcan clubs. Sooner or later the pinblcni nf jellow Journallim must be dealt with in 1 peaitlve manrer. It is .1 question vvlulber mmv tueli publications have not already passed he.vcnd a reaaonable license Into the verv n.ile of crime. Lark of ilnipction emboldens a thief o, the absenre ot re nr.ilmni; laws serma tn have cmbohlpnpd and embrarencd certain cnnpenceles acribblera until tin) have assumed the right, not only to Incvde the prlvaev of Ihe flieslde, disturbing and de slro.vlng the happiness nf llu- people, hut also tn hint and connive at Ihe commission of crirn Itself. 'Ihe shooting of 1'iesidciit MeKinles the crowning ait nf vellow Infamv-iannot be at- tilhulrd to ativ rational or lawful amirie. Il was inspired bv sensational Icaihinga; hy the on tot whli h fcpilnes fii'iu Hie ilisioiilcnt wh'ch Is aitrlhutable to dishonest journalism Dune novels which have then ill elTula upon Ihe plastic minds of ilJhlren are not to be cnmpvrcd tn Ihe iifidioiis and deadlv innoquPticcs of Ihe iptlnuallng jcllnA be lime was when the people hrhl Ihelr favorite nevvpipcr to be aa their gnsppl In enrrnpt and malicious hands the paper hommes a power foi evil beyond compaiing Nut onlj the wretches who strike at rulers of louti tilrs aie atlected, but thousands nf good cllirena who ale unaware nf the animus actuating jpl low Jciurnallun ir the mcieniry hliclinga who gloat over the misery they have caused Xt our own clocii we have siillkieiil ilhivlialinn All that Is foul and Indecent ia ae'rved up dailv lor our wives and cluldien to read. The iuol euggrstlve coloring I added to every picture until dear old Philadelphia, whiili nnlj a few vears ago wc were wont to call "the onlv American iltv," is heh! up lo Ihe aiem and ridicule of the world Wliv do we tolerate these condi lions' t.ohbnan, a pronounicd, dangerous and revolutionary anarchist, coiiips to Phila delphia to prone li her dimnable ilmtrine. She openlv ilrlles the law or anv form nf government. Hie pollie are oidered to auppresa her. she attempta to speak and Is Mopped. In .vellow jour liilism fhe hnds a ihiiiiploii. She speaks in defiance of Ihe authnriliea and jellow Journalism tiiinuphs Vnnder In levclaml, one luisprahle, unhapp Individual among eO.onfl.ftijO of people heals the spceih of Kmma Holdnun. and utlenlv resolves to undo the contentment of Ihe vvhnle cnuntrv. 'Ihe incident Is shot and vellow- journalism finds another hero We talk of bottling up Ihe anmlnM. Would it not be Jut as well to consider the causea which bleed anarchy? Tracing the Blame. Pii'in an Interview- in tte Vivv Vnik Tribune with Dr. Allan McLane Hamilton, rrofesor of Menial DixM-ea at ( 01 mi I t'nlvciallv .Medical College. 1 1 nn whit I have irad nf the cav I am of the opinion that the act was largely due 10 the clcploiahle iiirtuiiice of certain Mnational newspaper that have worked upon au h minds as his. V, one except a phvlclan who i.eea much of insatiitv or persons whose mental condition la doubled lan appicilate tho Inflnenie of the piesent distorted public sense of decenej. Thi i lncnifecled b.v a lawlessnesa whiih finds expression In mine of Ihe public prints and in the deliliei ilions nt (.oiirtles iiitiluled foi the relief of the oppressed lilts literature and theje wiilelieH are iii-uallv a inenaie In law and order in putting into the heads nf half erveked penplp pernicious ideas which II ev almot Inimediatclr ait U)ion So far It would seem that llllle en liu inleifeiciuc has been culled tn haa hi en the ea,-e in other parts of the civilired woild. and a dl.totiiil idea of iieedom In action and i.peech has been cultivated hy a ton liberal gov iriitiient Hid prca-. Vs far as niv own evperlenc o goes, I have of late seen numerous cases ot ili-tiiibcd 111e11l.1l ntes which were dlreetl.v clue tn those Influences Onl.v the oilier day a man was lnoiight In nie who drew from his pnekit numernus carefully preserved clippings, whhh tiniicil nut to be imrndiaiv In channel, and lie announced hia Intention of putting out nf the wav eevcial prominent ! len whrw- named have been before the public as the heads of trusts, and who weie allegtd lo be the opprc-s-ors of the worklngnian. One of these w-aa .1. Pierpnnt vioigan, and annihtr vvis sinitoi Haiiua. Poom actually insane hive had new- and danger ous delusions Marled in this vvn.v. am! individuals vvlio are Mrmlcs and who before had excr eted eilt'iuntrol wiic put In audi condition that tin J needed restraint. The Devil's Best Helper. Iiom a Letter bv K I.. Ilevan. of ScianUm, Pa. in He Noiv nrk "-un. In niv mind this nl is but Ihe legitimate finit fiom the teed sown during recent jeara bv ilemagoiie-i or polilfciaus seeking office (not excepting Ihe highest offti e in the land), bj ap pealing tn clis haired c, not onlv appealing to ill's hatred, but trvlng to create it where it did nm cxit Ihokp men, who have enlivened the Intelligence Ood had given them and perverted the education vvliiili thev have lucn enabled to acquiie, by appealing to the baser p.ibion- nf men, b Irving lo unite a feeling of liatred and animosity of the working daaa or the poor .i.Min-t tho-i- who bv the intelligence and thrift of themselves or their father are en abled to on upv pioniineut positions In miriv or Mate; one of thce men, I eav, is more din genius In sniiciv. Hie pene of Ihe individual and the countiy at large than a hundrrd anar- ilu-ts. People know what to expect from nnardili-t. but we have a light to evpret better things fiom tlio-e that iuic had the advantages of ( liri-tlan hoinen, an enlightened livillzatinn ami d Clui.tian nluiatiui. t'nr the-e mlitlcal clemagiguea who have leen willing to fell their souls for voles and offiie to send vscmls nf evmpalhj (as the.v no doubt will tn the loving wife of the stricken president) i oi,f Ih.iu mnikci.v. When we read some of the peeehea made by lheo dimagngueh rluring tim last 1 ampalgn and 011 Labor Pa), this jrar and la.t vcar, the wonder is tint mine over! aets hive not bien inmmiltcd. YELLOW JOURNALISM ONE SPECIMEN The base hall pennants do not seem to attract aa much attention this sea son uh a last year's weather (lag. I'loiii picsent Indications In tht BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF DR. ROSWELL PARKE. Dr. llnwell I'.irke, midi r whose auprriiilemlciHe llu opiLiliiii bu suiiiiinz the p.'tfin ilicns in the walla nt ihe preeiih nt'i stoiiuth was ur foruiei) al ihe l.tnrigem) l.ivpiial .11 the r.xpuH linn grouinU. is nm of Ihe moat rnuiient and suncxfid suigeono of Vuiiiiia. and although coiiipantivcl) a .vouug loin has an intitnatioi al npiiiction as a miuiiiIu. .is well ,i piailnal suigiuii Miipavid b.v 11 ilic and iiialleil b.v tew. Dr. I'aikn vvaa boiu .Ma) I, lvjj, al I'oiiifiet, foim, and afloi n prcllminniy aihool education diti-iiil 1 lie II u inc Medical collec,e, where I c grailiutcil as ilouor of iiicdUlne In 17J Nut sati'hid, however, wall what kuovvlrdup he hid (..iiueil nt H11 Inc, he went to CliliaiiO (ui further stuilV and graduited as M D fiom the (hii.igo Muliial ccillege, in 170 He Hun bourne aiilve sillgisiu In the ( Imago Woman'a Medical college, the ( lib Igo Vb'ilual mil -te, where lie L,raduati-d, and Hie Hush Medlial ioIIiko of Ihiiarn, con Mcuiivelv, ilurnirf Ihe ve.irs of 1-TT Ism In the till of ihe lalter jeir lie rctelvrd a call from llulf.iln 10 till the chaii of pro!eor n( .urgei) al Hie nirilical ilcp.iitimiit of die I'niielslt) ot IttifLiln, whiili poailion lie fiicrpled and, ItcMilo filling Ihe chali nf surgery at Ihe uiilvrrsit.v , aurpliil the position of siiigeon-ln chief of Ihe "liincial lnHlar nf lluffalo lie was unceecl ed at the lluh Medlial rollcyo of Chic ago, by Dr. Semi, of Milwaukee, who Hill tills Ihe chair of singer) at that medlial college. lie was lailnl upon In niginizc Ihe medic il depailuient of the Pan Vmerli.iu exposition and is the aur grnti genrial of that department witli Its Jib nliably appoiiiteil i:iiicigriic,v ho-pilal and am bulance service nn Hie Kxpojitlou ginundv Hi. I'aike ! a member of nwi nf the larger 11111II1.1I nn idle in tills coiinlry and abmad ami was pri.-lilflit nf the New nik Stale Medical sniiciv iliiriu.' the jrar loviS'iii, IVionjv he U .1 nun of iiucl and ratlin rellrlis dlspasl lion, but of steadfast cleleriuliiailnu to do what in hi opinion ia light, without being obstinate or opinionated I WILL WAIT. Fur The '1 illume Ard never mill) till I find A wife at la.t 111 ule lo niv mind, Hiiu'hli' ami giiiHc, soit of speech, Heady to vvulk and i.i tn teas h, ( haie and swrrt, of )rarn elghlecn, i'onr und well-born, giavc of mbn, Kind as .1 dove and f t ir to tec, And read) In all tu follow me. 1 Ah1 Si ml iiii such a maid for my wife, I Hioiild love her ubiivc my li'e My dajs would pis in peace and joy, Without suspicion or annoy Alwivs jt ease, alwava at lest, .No dark h'ich''liii' in my brca.t. M.v love would rlv like a happy night. IiicjiiiIii.' away in h vision bright. M) lovu she would be ill age, and when bib- at la.t should p.l.s aw,), When I lav forgot I rn Jul lelt by m'n. She lor Ihe peace of my foul would pray - Irm-lateil Hum tliu Ituumanlaii-Amcrlcan Mey by I.10 Ituos, From the Snaiium finici, March 4, l'jeil. mi: (omiwno.v of m' Amid punp and ccicinonlal unpteiedented d, It'll, Apropoa In Hie histoi) of lln (oiinli). His Imperial Males!), William Mck'inlc), president of the I'nlied Slalea. lanpcrni of the Philippine and Dutaior of ( ub.i. was liiaugui.iird In Ihe thief execulivR office if the nacioii mda) at 1.' o'clock, for the see olid limp. V moving pagehiil of arm), tiav), militia, civic anil patriotic- societica and veleian organl?ativn of the last two w in, with innumer able bands, banmra, flags, amid the hurras of half a million people, made a showing tiuequaleil by many kings ami emperors at t'.ielr coronation, 'there xaa a cnuil of bonm, buildings- iliaped with colors and illuniiiiatiora for tonight, that marked the glntu. the pagcantiy ami ihe show of ruipircs and kingdoms, rather than the eleva tion of a plain man bv the people to direct liio tenis of government for four e.irs. .Not vhlaluni Lincoln in lW, at the hrxd of an entile nation in aims and with the most tremendous war of modem tnuea drawing In a dose, i-ould boast ot such farieiihing ami almost unlimited m tlionti as William Mrhinlcy will evrrcise I, clue forth over lii.cmii cv of people in our Philippine pnoePMlntii. He is Hie first Vmeiban preaident in wield ilespniii power xvltlmut hlndiame or iliallrnge from legislalive or mdicial authoritv. Today the I urdi ns of militarism and ImpcilalMii ilninl the hnriznn, and theie Is tne menace of war, rebellien and eoinplleallons with InieUn pnweia Salinnal pinblema nr ainaring peiplexily nnd vital public significance aie picssiiiK upon Hie goveriiinent for aolulion, while plulociiiiy and monopoly hold Ihe lounlr) In Hie thinat and threaten an industrial revolution thai pmm isei to bring Hie great -st piuli- and financial Double tho world has ever known. Torla) the Money Power seals and celebrates ita liiuinpli in the cleiliou and militarism and imprilalUm for the lirst time aie cou-puuous at the inaugura tion of an Ameiiiaii piraidciit. for the first lime we have an aim) of ldO.ftsl men, two thirds ot tin 111 made aoldieis at the discirtlon of the ihlrt magistrate Kor the first lime a president baa all mllltaiy, civil ami judicial powers tieicusar) to govrrn, without their 1 (in tent, ll,l,yi alien people. For the first tune a president haa brin inauguiated accompanied with a clirtinct violation of the nation's filth and honor. Instead of a (ice and liiili-prudrnt Cuba, the Islands are a mere elepndiinv What will the nevt loir )oars bring fullli. If we may jculgn hy Hie past, the giowth of iinpnlill'iii, mililarl-m. monopoly and plulonaiv will be ro lapid Ihat the people will be aroused and alaimrd and four .vears frvm todav a Denincrallo president will be Inaugiii.iled at Wavhlngtin, with some of the old timo timplicity, and return lo the mrllioda and customs: of a repiibli-, a Rovirnmrnt for the people and bv the people. Fiom the Siranton Times, ?ept of the Huftalo shooling. In this land of liberty and npnl justice, it is appalling that the hand of in assassin should In raieel against the chief Men'tivo, dinscn by tho people, ami from the penpl.-. 'Ihe pia-era of this great icpublie go up today, rrganllevc of ireed, race 01 iimcliuoiu-, that the life of President Mc Kitili) ma) be spared, and the aim A lh' clit tci! who smi.'hl hit decli nu) be tbvv-artU That in this glorious, rcpiolle, a man so univ.-.-s',l!y beloved and respected, vhme life lias hem so simple and so open, who Ins aoughl ta carry ir the great work to wlirh he wat called wbh such signal ability, should be struck down by an issaxxln' bullet, is awful for a fiee people to eonteniplate Mr Vihlnley is th( head of Ihe union During the beat nf a political campaign, lua public life and actions neceisanly were open tn criticism If adverse, it was honest rpininn, but when he became president for another term, hia politics were forgotten, and all our people looked i.p 10 him wiih the honor due hia exalted stutloii, ami admit lil true worth and ability Mi. lb Kinlcy haa borne his lionoia with the tini pile il of a true American gentleman He hit irui'glcil with the people and glvrn them Ms con fidem e, and sought to win their esteem, and in Ihit he his sinceeded. His regime Ins been iv ceedinglv trvinz. The most momentous issue have icme up, and chaiu a taken plan- in this nation within the past two )tar sime Hie ilavs ot Lincoln 110 president hat had in face moie tr.vlng posi'ioiis Hiau Mr. McKlnlcv lis ma) havp erred, but his guiding motive wis for Ihe glory and advancement of the nation he waa dineen to rule, and the people; had confidence that all vvia for the best. From the Ssranton Timet, &ept. 9. The t'nlted Matea never ha and rever can Iiivp a tvrant In the chief executive chair We do not have audi men as candidate, much lesa elect ' them. At this time, and above all nun, Williim McKinley waa the last man who could be ihoien b) an or an anarchist, at one who was a tvrint, who was an ippressor, curl, or who merited 111 will from his fellow nun On the oilier hand, he waa all that could be desired in klndilnesi, mere), genllniesa, loveablencs anil the best atlributea in an Vmrrlcaii ntlrn. p ia huinan. He hat rued llu view, and opinions on some public issues and matiert weie nol In lino with many people, but the) jiqulcaeed when congress and the administration dliccted and can led nut the president's policj, and weie sat isfied that all would be well, Like Our Little Georgle. Papa (scciel)i-Did von aik mamma il ou could have that applet I'lve-Vear-Old ici, pipa, Papi He careful now. I'll atk mamma, and If she cajt vou didn't atk her I'll whip )0u (or telling a stor) Did )ok a.k mammal Five-tat Old-I'apa, I asked her. fa. pause.) She laid I couldn't have It, Tll-lliti. Not Needed. He was obviously anxious, and the teemed almot willlnr;. "I shall refer jou to papa," tald the, vruh a becoming blush, "before thing )ou a final an swer." "Put I am perfectly willing In tike you with out any relrrrme," slid he, tnagninlmoiuly Indianapolis .Newt, Furniture We are now showing the largest assortment of Furn iture ever presented to the people of Scrunton, Our stock is bigRer, our salesrooms large and better arranged than ever before. You will have no trouble in findnig just what you want. Our prices are right. We buy our goods in large quantities and our prices are correspondingly low to you. Our manner of doing business, our custom of fair treatment, has won us thousands of friends. If you have not yet dealt with us, don't fail to give us a calt at the first oppor tunity. We can save you money, ii 1 1 111 Till) P I IIP! ipkiJiliiiG plendld gathcilng of d.lnly and urful pro ducts fiom the best Irish, Getnian and Scotch looms. Wc have alined to mike tills the grealett Linen Sale in out histort Greatest l:M.F. UP Qt VMIILV AssourMKNT OF DLMliS. VM.l K KIR TIIK MOM'A ,liid6(s nf tine linens will appieciate this oppor lunit) to litis all the) need quickly. 12c, Heal Value 55c Irish Bleached Damisk. Ml inches wide, medium weight pool qualit) . for ordinary ue. 75c, Ileal Value $1.00 Hno Irish Pleached litmask, 7! Inches wide, medium weight and extra good value, $1.00, Ileal Value, $1.25 LxtM Heavy lrih Wraotird Damask, i! inches wid a greit bargain comrs In beautiful de signs $1.25 to $2.25 and Up, Extra Fine Linens Si and Irish Dimak, 72 Inches, 31 inch" and ' im liea wide. German Silver Bleached Damask vll bncn. cvin heavy weight a splendid wcar Hill & Connell 121 N. Washington Ave. I OF SCRANTON. Capital $200,000. Surplus $525,000 Barnslcy Table Damask hxtra heavy brown linen no heller weannj clolh nnde We have it in full range ol prices. Napkin Bargains One hundred dozen fiennan Silver Pleached Vapklns. eviia heavv linen, great value, l.s., worth l T." .VI cl'en llbached .ipkin, M :v, worth V! '3. so d.veu nieiched Napkins, 'il; worth i Oi. JOx..1 Dink Towel., SI.41 per dozen. Cvll Ivneiltrcl Frii'ge Dami'k Towels, JV. J pair Crochet urn spreads, ,.,r and 'l.nn MarsrillcseO lied Spieada, Jl J.',, ? Satin Djmak Peel spieads, $2 ,V) upwards. 5:.;.v 510-512 Lackawanna Ave United States Depositary. Special attention given to BUSINESS, TKRSOXAL and SAV INGS ACCOUNTS, whether large or small, Open Saturday evenings from 8 to 9 o'clock. W.m., President Henry Bklin, Jr., Vice Pres. Wm. H. Pfck, Cashier Allis-Chalmers Co 6UCCCSSOIS to Machine) Business of Dickson Manufacturing Co., Scrunton and Wilkes-Kane. Pa. Stationary Engines, Hollers, Mining Machinery, Pumps. ATLANTIC CITY HOTELS. Grand Atlantic Hotel and Annex Virginia Ave. and Death, Atlantic City, N. J gixth ear, 350 l-eautllul moms enjuite, slngla and with bath, hot and cold sea-water baths in hotel and annex Location select and central, within lew jaida of the Steel Plei. Orchestra Offera apecial spring lates. if 13 to 15 by week, fJ.vO up bv da) &pec-Ll utcs to families. Coaches meet all tralru. Write for booklet CHAftLKS E COPF,. Refrigerators, Oil Stoves, Screen Doors, Gas Stoves, Window Screens Hammocks. a i 325-327 Penn Avenue. A Second-Class City with a First-Class Stock of Cut Glass, Sterling Silverware Clocks, Etc, Suitable for Wedding Gifts. Mercereati & Connell, 132 Wyoming Avenue. &. $V ALL THE FEET IN TOWN From Shoe Strings to Boots No Order Too Small, No Order Too Large, Not Profit but Business Increase, Lower the Price, Larger the Trade, See the Point Always Busj Learis & Reilly SEE OUR SCHOOL. SHOE WINDOW, 1 ' W I..M- ttmm!
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers