rniHirwyyr"W" 'jmjkwbsww 4w-m&S!PmP.i9iipimii'" wi"8?iiW ' tibuit& .$. "WJ. wr:wv ViK mjsa&mt L Jnfilil THE ONLY SCRANTON PAPER RECEIVING THE COMPLETE NEWS SERVICE OH THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, THE-GREATEST NEWS AGENCY iM THE WORLD. TWO CENTS. SCRANTON, PA., SATURDAY' MORNING, .lULY 20, 1901. TEN PAGES TE7V PAGES TWO CENTS. -.( i"M nswm , t rqwwaasiHaeiMff. iaaigs??9gw - m. mr 'ZmS&0tLm-tM iZSMjlMHM6MSjBpjJp8yCMWbcj'lIs- NO SETTLEMENT IS IN SIGHT rJ. P. Moraan Gives Positive Denial ot Rumor Thai Steel Strike Has Been fldiustcd. SHAFFER IS SATISFIED Ho Says That tho Amalgamated Forces Contemplate No Change in Their Programme An Uneasy Day at the Storm Centor at Wollsville Strikers Angry at Merchants Tho Mayor Sides with tho Strikers. The Situation in Tin Plato. Dy Fvcluslie Wire from Th ssoi iated Press. New Vork. July 19 J. P. Mmsnn give positive flout, il today to tho lll lnor tint the stool sttlkc had been srt tlrtl Up made this statement to tho AMlll.llPll PlCSS, "lheie It not a woid of tiuth In It TIipio has boon no settlement and theie an bp no coniptomlse on such a fines, lion. The position of tlip opciating nnipnnlos Ih pctloetly simple and well maid stood, nnil so f.ir an I am con cerned has my uiiqunllllcd apnmwil" Situation nt Pittsburg1. Plttsbuig July l'i The stilke sllua tinn tonight lannol bp let mod mater ially changed, although many tttmois arc in the air to tho effect that a set tltnipnt of Hip tumbles l. Imminent Up to tills tlnip niine of those Illinois have been erlllcd, and Hip t urn luMon iraelicil Is that no settlement Is In slcht. At the ofTlios of the Carnegie com pnnv and at the headqiuti teis of the iiMliufai tuieia the sllenee Is picsotved eoiurrning the eondltlon of business 01 the status of the stilke Ptesidcnt Mi.ifter, of the Amalgamated associa tion, however, expiescs his entire sat i'factlon with the progioss of the bat tle and says the woikers hae gained steadllv. while the manufacturers hnve lost continually since last Mon day. He sacs up to the present tlnip the Amalgamated foices contemplate no i h.inge In their prnginmino, being per fectly satisfied wllh the showing the 1 eople hap made Po"liont Shaffer sus the advance In wages offered the tube mill workeiH at MoKoespoi t to day, while seemingly largo will not bring the pay up to the union st,ile i""oniiiieneing In a dav or two weekly bulletins will be issued fnnn Amal gamated hofulqu.il teis to she woik eis and t-ti IKci &" oflu ials news of the exact condition of siiike iifl.ili s- At tho Storm Conter. Fiom the stoim (entei at Vclls ille, Ohio, tonight comes woid that sulking mill men In that ielnlty spent an un Miy. icstle.ss dai. Theie i- no longer 'n donht that the nuncis of the Aellsvllle plant of the Ameilean Sheet S-tecl toinpaiiy have man of tho town's laigost niPiihants ba k of them In their light iiRalnst th woikmcn i.iid lime. li bitterness ha h suited. Con fionted with what vocnik a ottalnt thatllf the ptesenl tumble pie- aio""j linn li fiutlier the VellsiHe plain will lie lit tort and hi ought uuosh the line Into Peniisjhanla. (!ineet-, clothing men and otheis who for je.ns liae locclvod the wages of the mill woik eis n exchange foi goods aic now til ing to t-how stiikcis Unit they mo vvioiig find foolish In Ki opine up a flzht Pressure hiought to bear along this lino, tho sttikois ,a. Is cneigy wasted ns the stiikcis aie nioio dotPiinlneil tonight than liefoie. They mo nioie than angiy with the meiihauts. These Wollsville men have boon consldoied excellent vvotkmen mid many of them have inoncy Invstod in piopoity heio i-o should the mill bo taken to Van dot grift, ns Is thioatonod, tho.v would ,uffer. Tlioy do not belee Hie piom ise which accompanies the thuat that ihe mill fioni Dennison, (i win i,e hroiiBht to tills place, in the him the juesent tiouble is settled, Is title The pioposltlon has been put to the rtilktrs in n seml-oUli la I way that It the strike Ih settled within i leason nblo time, tho Dennlson mill will bo lu oupht heie to Intreafce the icsoiuoos of tho plate, and it the contest Is loiiK-drawn-ont the local plant will bo l Plumed bodily to VandeiKiift, Penn slvanla. It lemalns to be seen what i fleet this lino of aiRUiuent will hao on the sttikeis. Maor Dennis openly condemns the men hunts for their lourse In the mattn and sa they are polns beoii( theli pi o lino in tryliiff to Inthieniu the woikmep. The plant hole today was tuniiiuj; nbout one-loiutli lull KlKhietii kid wniknion together with iniinj laboi ns and boj.s aie emplo.ed. Supeiin tondent liiookman sas the foico con sists of foity persons. Tho leport fioin PltthbuiR- that tweho non-union skilled men had been secured to eomo here, proves untrue up to tho piesent, none having made their nppemmiio today. Tho company oillclals, how ever, say tho plant will be lunnliiB full In a short time. The lepoits tonight fioin Apollo mid Vandergilfts, wheio tho Amalgamated association Is making stienuous effoits to gain reci ults. aie that the situation Is poetically unchanged, but nuieh uncaslncs.s Is felt. No ofllelal icpoit has i eat hod heio concerning tho situation at Duncans vllle. Tin Plate Shortage. The Pittsburg Leader piints the fo. lowing In lefeieiue to the icpoiicd shortage of tluplato. , "Woid was inched lioi toda that a consldeiahle shipment of WcMi pi up In now on tho watci en nuito to Xew Ynik. It Is piobablo that a puitluu of this will mine heio, u the slivitap.e in. llnucB. It will be much inoiu iotiy than the Amerhan tin, hut the exi gencies of some of the local consume.) s aro so lmpetatho that they will pay ivo attention to cost. "The Ameilean Tlnplalc company hos mado no lucicaso In pikes for the stock It luifl on hand and uitinot Aell do so, on account of the contracts that It can not fulfill ecn with tho miitetial that li now being worked up In the tin houses by the llnlshers. Thli supply will bo exhausted and shipped within ten das at all plants, when the stop page lu nil but the Monesscu plant will be complete. Tho menibois of the Tin plate Woikers' Intel national Pintectlon asoi latloti will stop work. They hac nsiird Piesident T. J Hhaffci of their suppoit, and will lofusr to woik plate that may be nttempted to he turned out by new men. In this way this associa tion, which has 12,000 menthols, and whoo scale, average a ten per lent nth amo, wan signed recently, inny be drawn Into the conflict. WORK OF THE LEAGUE AT SAN FRANCISCO Proceedings of Second Day Many Meetings About tho City All Sessions Aro Crowded. tl.i l.irliultp Wlrr frnm Tlie ifiattil Prev San Krancisio, Jul 11 - The second da of the International Kpwoith league comenllon w.im devoted strlitl to the work of the league At Uiace Metho dist ehurcli the devotions of the assem bled tongiogatlons were led b Itev. (Jonige Ktunrt. of Cleveland, Tenn. At the Centenary Methodist i hutch, South, lto. K A. Poaison, of Auioia, Out, made the opening puier. Acioss tho bay In Oakland, seniles "scie condurl ed by V. II Plshei, of hos Angeles. Tlie Hi st sc-filons of the convention be gan simultaneously at ft o'i lock In the Tiavlllon and nt tlie Alhambia thoatie. The foinier meeting was attended by anout S.000 poisons. Including a poitlon of tlie gianrf chorus. Hlshop Cranston, of Poitlind, Oiegon, solved as ihali m.in The niusii was In chaise of M. .1 Itoblnson. Piaver was led bv Jtov. O. r. AVathon. of Cliaileston, S. C. The initial addrrf's of the day was rielheiod bv Itev 'William II. Andeison, of Springfield III. his subject being "The Chinch and the T.lriuor Trallle" "The Church and the Woikman" was dlcussod by Itev. I".. J. Holms, of Bos ton. IJov. T K. Shoic, of Toronto, Canada, spoke on "Church and the Young Man " "The Chuiih and the Newspaper was the subject of an addrc- by Hew James Iluoklc, of New Yoik clt. While he found much to criticize, Dr. Buckley also had pi also for the news papers of toda.v. He deprecated sen sationalism, and pointed out tho good that ran be done bv the pi ess if con dui ted in acioidame with a high standaid of mmallt "Our Anpcillled Sabbath" was the subjei t of an nddrc-s by Ucv. I. R, Siott, of New Orleans. The morning session was doed by Kev. ricdciiik R l.octe, of Hoi hosier, N. Y who spoke on "Tho Men's Move ment." At tho Alhambra theater, Hon. Na than Nowb. of I.os Angeles, acted as chairman. 12 1. MoKeo was musical dhector, and the devotions wcie led by Ttev. J I). Hills, of Decatui, Ala. "The Chinch mid the Liquor Tiaf llc" was dhcussed by Rev. H, I'almoia, of St. Iouls. "The Chunli and the Workincmcn" was the subicct consldoied by Rev. G. R Tin k. of Toronto. Rev. C i: Patlllo, of St. Louis, spoko on "The dirndl nnd the Y'oung Man." "The Church and tho Newspapct" was dlseupsed by Rev. K. 13. HobH, of Nashville. Tenn, and "Our Impeiillcd Saobath." by Rev. H. M. Randall, of Seattle. The session was dosed with an ad diess on the 'Institutional Chun h" by Rev. M S K uifnian, or Pall River, Mass. At the noon hour laigel'y at tended meetings of buslne.' men weie bold In the down town dlstilut. The afternoon and evening sessions weie attended by uowds to tho doors at all the meeting. FATALITIESOFAN ELECTRICAL STORM Four Mon Killed and Seven Are Severely Injured by Lightning. Doaorted House Shattered. U imliitiir Wiie from Th sonalfil 1'reii. liiove City, Pa., July 19. A lleae ileuttlcal htoini ht'io today losultod lu tour deaths and the sevoio Injuiy of tin eo other poisons. Tho dead aie Luthei Campbell, Howard Cornelius, Autoulo Dau'iiska, Michael X.aciagla. and the piobably fatally Injuicd mo Lin Covcit, lid waid llosak and Osuu Coveit A section ciew on tlm Resscmci and Lako Rile iiiilroad weie icuinlng homo fiom voik when th stoim tamo up 'I'hey left the ..AMioad hack and hastened to a dosoited house at the Plnchnlong mine foi slid ler. Haully had they reached tho shelter of the place when the house was stiuck by lightning Luthei Campbell, foioman of tho ciew, and Howard Cornelius, one of the section men, weie both stiuck by one bolt and Instantly killed. Hd wald Hosaek nnd Oscar Coveit weio also shocked and tonight aie all In a etltlcal londltlon. Dining the storm, a house occupied by a gang ot lallaus woiklng on the new tallioad was stiuck and almost tutitll de stioyod Daienska and '.accagla weie Instantly killed and scveial of their companions weie sevcicly shocked and one or two of them may die. Corporations Chartored. n.i Kvilmlve Wire from The Wnelairil 1'ieM. llirrl.liuiK, lulv I'L thiileri wire l..iinl lt I In .1 nn ilipirtiiuni isih to I In follimin iiir. ,ouiii,ii.i ( i nun i Milk loinpani, 1'lii.lmr., ..iii.ii. t.!iHHKi lie IVrrili'. Povcilir lonuutn. i "luuinn, mplla', Vi ixwt ,.t lliaiuh ! lui Ililtk ii,iiiia.i. I.o k lloen; . ipll.il, svnmi Il.i Wild' n 1m:ilfn lmll'2 iiini,aiii, iijnl"ii; ailli', t.'ii,'i I In Man viiipitjiUirlu; i-mi Uii), I.HHjltcl, i.I'lUl, ,',oii0 THE FOSBURGH MURDER TRIAL Evidence Produced bu the Pros edition Yesterday to Disprove the Buralar Storu. MEDICAL MAN TESTIFIES Br. Paddock Gives Evidence That Members of Family Said Thoy Had Seen No Burglars Prisoner Said to Have Objected to Autopsy. Defenso Gains a Point The Pistol Alleged to Have Boon Used by Young Vosburg Has Not Beon Found. m- 1 ucluslvo W; ire from 'the Av,m ialcil Vttv, Pitlsflold, Mass, July in In. Pad dock, Plttstleld medical examiner, le sumed his testimony at the opening of today's session of tho tilal of Robeit Stew ait Fosbutgh for shooting his sls tei, Ma.v, hero about a ear ago. The Fosbuigh family, It will be i"nioin bciod, alleged that the girl was shot by a burglar, but their conflicting stoiies nroused the suspicions of the pollio and the arrest of oung t'osbnrgh followed. The doctor dcscilbed In gieatoi detail than cstoiday the manner in which the membeiH of the rosbiugh family weie diessed on the night when the shooting occurred. Ho said that oung Jnmes PosbuiEh met him downstahs, and later came to the upper looms. Dr. Paddock asked him If he had scon any burglars. James said that ho hod not. Dr. Taddock testified th it It was veiy daik In tho house and mound it. He adud Roatrlce Pos'buigh If she had seen any burglars, and she said that she had not. She told him that siie had lioen standing behind May when the shot was ilied. and that she had row Immediately to the faitlur end ot ihe loom to tin n on the eleetili light Sin saw no one save the members of the family. Di. Paddock next told of the lujuiles alleged to have been sustained at the hands of bin glare by the Fosburghs, father and son. He said that Mr. 1'os. birgh. the eldei, was injmed on the knee, had a lib i racked and was much dlsligured about the head. The jouuger man had a bad contusion on tho neck. Objected to an Autopsy. The doctor told of a second xlslt to the Kosbuigh house made nt s M o doc k In tho following foionoon. The famllv, ho said, weio at bieakfast He an nounced to them that ho had come to hold an autopsy. Robeit Poshuigh, tho defendant, mosc fiom tho table and objected to this proceeding. His father lntenuptcd, saying: "Don't lnteifeio. Let the law tnko Its couisc." At this point the icpoit of Dr. Pad dock as medical examiner of the au topsy on tho body or Miss rosbiugh waF put In as evidence. Frank E. PIcrson, a haidwaio mci diant. testified that in June. 1000, Rob ert Kosbingh, tho defendant, wanted to buy a revolver, and that at his request Mr. Pleison oulcrcd a blue, Hatiiiigton F. Rich. SJ-ralibio, ceutio-llio hammei le.ss one. "When this came, howovei, Mr. Fosburgh decided to take a nickel one of exactly the same make and size as the bluo one. Tho blue levoher was shown In the couit mid caitiidges ur dcied by tho defendant at the time ho bought tho pistol weio also lundiiced. Chief Nicholson was called meiel.v to testify thnt tests had been made with the blue levoher In hl.s pieseuce. After evidence by William 11. Rose, of Camhildgcport, a salenian for n Ros ton Ilicaims company, had beon Intto duccd ti show tlie make of the fatal bullet, a lecess was taken. At tho dose of tlie iccess, Judgo Stevens announced that the touit would adjoin u fiom I o'clock this nfteinoon till Manila morning. The couit announced caily In the day that evidence bcailng upon tho dis tance at which powder stains would bo mado upon certain fabilcs by tho dlfc chrgo of a lev oh or may bo admitted If tlie piosecutlon show that the evi dence Is competent. This Is taken to mean that tho government must show what kind of a lev oh or was used In the killing of May Fosbuigli and must piove that exactly tho same kind of pistol and ammunition was used in tlie tests. As the pistol alleged to have been used by Robeit S. Fosburgh on Ihe night that his sister was killed has not been found, It Is thought that the slate may have some dltliiulty lu mooting the court's condition. THE STRIKE ABOUT TO COLLAPSE Wilkes-Barro Machinists Will Prob ably Vote to Return to Work. By Fcluice Ylr from The Associated Prei Wllke.s-.Hane, July 19. It Is ie ported tonight that the machinists' strlko In this city Is about to col lapse. The eniploes of the I.ehlgh Valley rallioad will meet toinonow, and It Is undei stood will voto to ictiiin to woik. Heat Causes an Attompt at SuJcide Bj hxcluihr Wire from The V-nomtel I'icm l.mhen. O . .lull I'l e I II IIiimimii po.t ma.tcr lieic, atiemplul .ill, hit unlit l,t .li,iutin.r and nlll pudulih illi. U I, l,.iek Ik Imam nieulalb ulleiiid li the iiuiil hoi utillui Hi UiiMiuti ("rtneilj h,i aiiuc m tlto I nllul Hit In i ii ilniiili Kltchenor Commutes a Sentonco. I "' lAitu.iii Wlie limn Ihe 4.oiatdl I'rert. q,, cm, h,h 1 1, ,,,, Mi, ;, m r , ,'. , ,,,,,. I imihd I Ih .i nil nie i r deilli ii.f. i li llilllj Imir I llm piUih-i, lu pnul .utliitdc foi Jld jl II, i ni'ida. STRIKE SITUATION AT READING Tho Importation of Foreign Labor Causes Many of tho Non-Union Men to Also Quit Work. By Fcluho Wire from The Awoclnted ftrt Reading, Pa., July 19. Tho slilkcis at tho Philadelphia and Reading Rail way company's shops heie added to their l nnks In on unexpected manner today. Last night tho company brought in thlity-two stiangots to help man tho bollei making mid blacksmlthlug depai tmciits of tho locomotlvo shops, where 1!50 mechanics nf those two ci issea have beon on strike for tlueo weeks. The lccrults, mostly foiclgn crs, wete given protection at tho hands of tho company's special police. This morning they weio put to wotk In tho two depai tnients. A committee was sent by the stilkcrs to tlie company's ollires to have the strangers taken out. This demand was lefusod, and beforo 10 o'clock a in, 17.1 niouldcis, machin ists and others, many of whom don't belong to tho union, walked out In a bnd.v. The foicigupis weie hooted mid weie marched out of the shop to their toinporarv quaiteis on the third floor of tho plant. Heio thoy occupy a loom about -00 by 10 feet In sle,vvhlch has been fitted up for themi to live In. In a case lu the building, It Is said, werestoied 11 Winchester rifles, which had been used by the coal and lion police dining the riots of 1S77. These weapons, it Is stated, weio taken fiom cases and stacked lu the loom ouu plorl by tlie Imported workmen The strike has assumed a mine critical stage than ever liefoie. The locomo tive shop Is now badly crippled. YACHTING PARTY MEETS DISASTER Only Two Survivors Out of Seven. Accident Duo to Poor Judg ment of the Captain Hi I mIii.ho Wire from 'the Awxnted Press Now Haven, Conn.. Mil 19 Tho liiK Geitiudc hiiuiRht Into New Haven hai bor this moi nine the two survivors of a patty of si'von and news of tho worit yachting fatality that Long Island sound has Known In jcaii. On boat cl the Goitiuno woro Mis. Walter J. Spiankle. of Philadelphia, and .lames Stain ldgc, while caught In the sunken vweel: ot the yacht Vcn lt7la, off Captain's island, theie still ic maln tho bodle of Ailhtir T. Colburn. a woiltliy riillac'clphla picc manufac -tmei; his two dnutjliteis, Annette and Ida Elizabeth: Captain Flint, of Hiook l.vn, tho sKlppoi" of the Vcnitzlii, and an unkiinvvn sailor. The Venltzia, whose owner h,u a member of tho Philadelphia Coilnthlan Yacht club, left Philadelphia on Tucs da to join tho licet of tho Coilnthlan's in Xcvvpoi t. At S o'clock jcsteiday inoiiiliifr the Venltzia Ktaitod tluciURh tho sound for Xcw London. Tho wind war. light, ac ooiijinf; to the stoiy told by StaniidRC, who was stew aid of the acht. About 3 o'clock It came on squally, with fiesli onln? winds, until Mi. C'olbuin advised tho skipper to take In some of his can vahs, but the latter whs contldent ot the ability ot his eiaft and would not do so. Tho wind continued to Ineieaso and tho ladles went below, where Mi. Colbuin Joined them, after nguin ad vising1 Captain Flint to reduce sail. htill tho captain kept the Venltz.i under all her sail and finally tho squall bioko. The flist gust knocked tho yacht down until her poit lall was aw.iy under water and tho waves bjoko over tho cockpit Into the cabin. Teiioi-stiickcn tlto party below lush ed to the Loinpaiilon-way, Just as a second and llcicer gust hit the ciaft nnd c auled her down again. A sec ond time she righted, but only for a moment. Captain Flint and Mi. Col buin wcie endeavoiing- to get the wo men out of tho submerged cabin, but weie unable to do so. Stain Ulgo and M.is. tipranklo lu mine way we;ro tin own Into tho water, and grasping one of the yacht's small boats, then adiifl, managed to hold on until sighted b the tug Gcitiude. The Gcitiude In ought the two to this olt, wheio .Mis. Hprankle com municated with her husband, Walter J. hpiauklc, of Philadelphia, and vvns then taken to a hotel. It was neces saiy to call medical attendanco on account of her exhausted condition. Sho lenialiicd closely in her npait inciits, seeing no one until the ariival ot her husband Mr. Kpianklo stated tonight that he had made nuatigo nients with a New Yoik w locking company to ralso the sunken aiht, hut that dlveis would Hist bo sent down to eploio tho cabin, in tho hope of loiatlng the bodies. Htanrldge, the slewanl, talked fieely of the accident and lavs tho cntiic blame on Captain Flint. JAKE SKIN ARRESTED. Tho St. Regis Indian Who Held Calhoun Island Is Dispossessed, It) Ixcliuhc Wire (rom The Aoclatel rresj. Ogdeilhblllgh, N Y. July 19 Jake Skin, tlie St. Uegis Indian who, backed by chiefs of tlie linqiiois tilhe, held Calhoun Island In Hie St. I.awieuco liver, pe.nly sl months In dotiancc ot the Dominion government, has been die possessed and ui tested. An mined foice bus been stationed on tho Island guaidliig evei point at which tho Indians, who claim pos.cs slon. might eifect a lauding. Earner Will Be Hango d. Ilv r.xcUulce Wire firm tlie Anntlatcil l'rev llurliliiirtr. ,lill 1'i (niirriioi stone tmlaj re Imul n iifplle In Hmei I llirnei, who iiiui. ihrnl hit limthei Inliw, .in Vlllhr, nen II ill. fl, la.l iisii.i H"l he will ,, liaii-'nl n t IuihIi. III tl" ll.illi-l'iiii! Jill Jinil Pensions Granted, pi Kvrluihr Wire fimn Ihe VmeUted l'rr uliiiiitnn, -1 1 1 1 I'' V l'l ienti,ii hit I eeii iinitetl In tin wllii ft liaild h l.in!.jih, id (wrK.ileAi LnMliif coiinlj, ' FIREMEN AND MINERS CONFER Nottilnrj Delinltc Results from the Meeting Held at Hazleton yesterday. WILL MEET TOMORROW Another Conference to Be Held in Wilkes-Barro It Is Agreed That All Firemen at "Work Shall Be main at Their Positions Until Aftor the Meeting Mine Workers Fvofuse to State Whether Thoy Will Discountenance or Approve tho Firemen's Strike Tho Situa tion Elsewhere. Bj Faeluilie Wire (rem The Awociited Tre Hazleton, l'a July 19. Tho confer iMicc between the officers of the tlnee anthiaclto dlstilcts ot tho United Mine Woikers with the president and secretary of the Statlonaiy Fh omen's union, adjourned at 7 o'clock tonight. Tho following ofllelal statement was given out: "The otllheis of Districts Nos. 1, 7 and !'. United Mine Woikeis ot Anicti ca and state picslelent and sccretaiy of tho International JJrotherhodd of Stationary Fliemen, met here today, and after several houis' earnest con sultation it was agiced by the presi dent ot tho tliemen to call a conven tion of the firemen In the Boys' In dusti ial association hall, Wllkes Harre, nt 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon not for the purpose of eonsideilng tho status of the strike and eplain Ing the position of the United Mine Workers, relative thereto. An Invi tation to attend was given by Piesl dent Mullahy to the ellstilct ofllceis, who ngieed to be piesent. It was also agieed that all fliemen who aie now at woik shall remain at their posi tions until after that meeting. The executive boaid members of dlstilcts Nos. 1, 7 nnd 9 are ordeicd to attend the convention. "(Signed) T. D. Nlcholls. picsident district No. 1; Thomas Duffy, picsi dent district No. 7; John Fahey, president district No. 9." The mine leaders refused to answer any questions as to whether the United Mine Woikeis would bo likely tci discountenance or approve the flie inen's tit ilko. President Mullahy also refused to say anything. It Is the belief heio that the Mine Woikeis will make an effort to have the firemen's stiike called off. STRIKE AT SHAM0KIN. One Hundred Firemon Quit Work and Throw 4,000 Mon Idle. riy Kveluhe Wire from The oclalcd Tie. Shamokin. Pa , July 19. One hundred mlno flrcnien went on stilke between luro and Mt. Caimel toda. Seven out of eighteen colllciies were tied up, 4,000 men being rendered Idle. A number of woiklng opeiatlons aie badly cilppled and will probably be closed down ht- foio tho day ends. Bosses, cleiks and members of the mining englneeilng staffs aie working In tho flre-tooms, Vi evident Schultz, of the Firemen's union, sas he Is pleased with the out look and Is confident that by tomonow night all tho collleiles hereabouts, em plo.vlng IL',000 men and bojs, will be closed. Tho mon at Gieennugh, Hojal Oak, Natalie and Knterpilse, Individual op erations, wcie gtanted the eight-hour workday, but they say they will icinain on fatlike until all the stilkcrs win. Ho far no seiinus tiouble has oeeuned ubout tho colllciies. There weie sev oi ul minor lights between strlkeis and noii-uniun men In Coal township dls tikt. AMATEUR OARSMEN AT PHILADELPHIA Winnipeg Carries Off tho Honors. All Crows in Fino Condition. Tho Summaries. By Eiclcile Wire trom The Aitoeiatccl Press Philadelphia, July 19. I ndcr eondl tioiis that could not be liuptovcd upon tho lit st day's races ot the twenty ninth annual legatta of tho National Association of Amateur Oarsmen vvero held In tho Schuylkill river, in Fair mount Path, this afternoon, and the Initial dav's spoit was lu cver way a success. Fine weather, n smooth rouise and piobahly the laigest crowd that has ever witnessed tho first da's event of a national legatta heio were the Inspliliig causes of a good day's jnclng. All the ciews scenied to be In fine condition nnd soveial of the events hod most exciting finishes Winnipeg can led off the hoiiois, vvlnnln two events, while St. I.ouls, Voiecter (Mass.), Toionto, Philadelphia. De tiolt and New Yoik eailt won one lace The nice of the dav was that between Detuilt nnd Vesper vf Phila delphia lu the senloi pair oared event, In which the latter won b n nose, nnd the stirptit-o of tho afteinoo was the ih feat of the Vesper senior four, composed of ineinbcis ot the wen Id's champion ciew. b the St Louis four. Another lino contest was the final lu the Intei mediate eights, which was captuied bv tho lluskv ciew fiom Winnipeg Ten llvck and Lewis of the WtuhuspttH i lub of Worcester, had no tumble In tin cctiloi doubles, All of tnil,i's lates weie a mllo and n half wllli a tin n, with thi' excep tion of the elrhtx, whli h were towed straight away foi Hie kiiiiio 'llstatice. In tho heat taieu tho (list two '.lull-!lcd THE NEWS Tills MORNING Wetther Indications Todit FAIftJ WARMER. 1 (.Yneiat V iremtn ami Miners Iltecini Situa tion No llnne ol Peaceful settlement ot fcted Mr Ike. VMilenie In the rcithiirgh Murder Trill, lillter Annua en the Sxhlej Controiery. 2 (Irncral Crliontlrftc Department. 3 l-nrat-rrogre.i of the Injunction llCJtins. Soldier liojj Oft for Camp, I tutorial. Note ind Comment. S Local striking firemen Making Vn tleidmr. ( hansel of Po.ltion in the l.ducatlonil Con- tel. Muie at l'atk Mut Cent on sundajs. local Wevt Mranlon and siilmrhm. (feneral NerlheaMrrn I'enn.jhanla, Hninclal and Commercial. 8 local Social and I'rrronal. One Woman' Mem. scientific saa, 9 Incal-sunhv s, hool I,eon for Tomorrow. IIcIIrIoim New ot ihe Week. ID neneral- vtlraetiom ot a amah Itejnoldi' fqultj Ca-e Pumlved, CLOSING DAY AT THE DETROIT RACES Stanton Wilkes Makes a Qoocl Roc- ord New Richmond Wins tho 2:27 Class. Dy FxelusUe vMre from The Aiociated PreM Detiolt, July 19. With a tine tiaek. good weather and scaicely any wind to hinder the trotters iinu paceis, mo closing day of the Detiolt dilvlng club's i ace meet at Giosso Point was uneventful. Tho Hist lace on the card was the consolation c hanibei ot coinnieicc stake ot $1,000, two in tbicc heats, for .24 class pacers. It was n favorite's race fiom the stiat, and Stanton Wilkes, a chestnut stallion, was the winner In the titst and tliltd heats. He lost the second beat to J. C, by n bad bieak at tho thice-quai-toi-mllo pole. New Richmond, who won the 2 27 class pace, cieated a llpplo of enthus iasm by a spectacular finish In the second heat. Cartiot was leading un til the tluce-quaitcr post, when the giay stallion made a spuit and led tho bunch under the wire lu -Ml flat. Hal oid 11.. the favoilte, won the 2.11 class pace in stialght heats, although Mar tha Marshall nnd Pussy Willow gave him a warm tussle. The consolation meichants' and manufacturei s' s ake for 2.21 tiotteis was won by Hello Kuser, after Potto Hleo nnd Polndexter had each taken a heat. Porto Klco. who was tavorlte, started off in the lead In tlie last heat, with Hello Kuser second. At tho thiec-quaiters post she passed him, and was an easy winner In 2.12U. The fifth t.it'0, the 2 12 class tint, was a battle of Onwnid blood, between Cornelia Belle, a bay maie by On- waid, and Phoebe Onwaid, by the same siro. Phoebe broke In tho thst heat nnd gave It to Cornelia Rcllo. Phoebe got tho polo fiom Coinclla Hello In the second and held It to the half, when Cornelia again took the lead and won handily. The summailes: Klrt Hue -J 2t cla. pace; purine, $1,000: bunion Wilkes I'l Nutwood Wilkes, (Domicllj) t 0 1 J. ( (shlpn) ! 1 C Kins Willis (lamlson) d - MmiIIi (DanubjO 117 lreil Ho (Hardin) s ' 2 I'lenlj, Molllo Klox, Heckles! and lijlph al.o started, 'lime, SU'i, 2.101,. 2,6i. second Itacc li 27 las. paee; rmie, t vm: New nicliniond, by Ilrownhall (llene- diet) -.111 Carnot (WIckersham) 1 2 1 - llillv It (IWier) I I l I llalnlv (tiieen (Vlimwin) i. 1 I i John It. Potts (turner) i ' fl ! Null, I'nnained and -laiiirs Alcvandcr al (tarteil. Time. -0514. 2 11, 2 00, 2 1P. Third Itaie J 11 ila., pue: pur,e, I.Jun. Harold II, by ltoailmnter (1'roitor) .... 1 1 1 Pu.-V Willow (Munon) 8 2 3 Ilalini I. (lurnei) 7 2 .1 Vlajoi Vtir-hil (Vheri) 3 B I.aumlrc Itn fllioimO 1 li S Kas-ell, Vlartln Maidiall an I My Choice aKn (tailed lime. 21V) , 2N 2 10 l.iinth Haee J ihv, tmt. pur.e, .',niiil Pello kii-er, b ( ol kuer Utiles) .. 1 2 I I I'urln Rico ( lohn-on) - t 2 Point Uevter (tJitromh) I "i I .1 ((iioldi l.lrl (Kellev) 1 J dr Meonetti (saunder) 1 t G dr led, hx Pec nnd John Hooper also Urted. lime. 2Ui. 2 11. 2tl1c. ! ti'. rifih ltaie !1J iln. trot: pure, $1.WI: Coriiell-i llelle. In Onward (hlrl'l) lv I llie Dames (spear) 1 - siarmont ((.rac) '- 1 Plmilic Onward (VIarh) '1 t vUkrIo ndeion (Noble) 6 ' Woodford (livi1 6 7 Venus II aUo started. lime, 11. -W' SLATE PICKERS STRIKE. Luke Fidler Colliery Tied Up by Boys. I fxiluniie Wire from The mo.iated 1'ies.s Shamokin, Pa . Jul l't The slate picker boys at Luke Fidler colllciy null today, badly crippling tho big opeiatlnn. They say they will not woik with non-union men In the tlie loom. Indications nio that few collleiles will be opeialed toniouow, owing to the inability of the opcratois to hlro non-union men. The .'00 woiknieii at Oteenough colliery decided today to letuin to woik toniouow. Bank Capital Increased, Pj huclmice Wire from The Eclated Prej Sew ntk, Julv 10 M ineellucr of the lockliMdeik nf llie 1 lrl National bank lodac it was voted to Imiea.e the capital Hoik of ihe hank to 0,iirt,tX) In addition to this thebaik will hmo a .uiplu. of Ii),nil,nni) Iheie arc row nh two bank, in the I lilted stale wi.i a capi tal laise 'Hiei are Ihe Nitional (lie aid NalMiud Hank "I oiniiiertc. I'olh nf this ItJ Margaret Fuller Ossoli Memorial, 11 lAitinbe Wire from Tlie Mnlatei Tress New Vmk. lull 1' uiimnrlil m M.irjnirt I ullei Hiili wn. nueiled in Ihe pre.enio of '.l.furt people it l'"inl U Wood., 1. I , tola;. Died from Hoat. Ilatil'burs lull IP Hum l lle-h, ajed " irais, i tin I lda,i of lieal piutlialiuii. THE SCHLEX CONTROVERSY Embers Fanned to a White Heat bu the Publication ol Maclau's Naval fllstoru. EDITOR AGNUS PROTESTS Sends a Lotter to President McKin ley in Which tho Diaholical Work of Conspirators Is Denounced. Secretary Long Denies That a Proof of tho History Reflecting Upon Admiral Schley Was Ever Submitted to Him Tho Work Will Not Bo Usod as a Text Book By Fnelu.be Wire from The Woelated Press. naltltnoto. July l'i (ieneral Felix Agnus, publisher of the Ibiltlmoia Ameilean, has vtiitten the following letter to Ptcsldont McKinloy, which was mailed this morning: "Win. Mi'Klulov. Pieslileut. "Maclay's history nf the navy Is tho standaitl In use at tho naval academy. In the thhd volume. Just Issued, the hlstoilan chaigcs Ileal Admit al Schley with being a enwaid a liar, a caitiff, an Incompetent and liisubotdiuatc. In nn Intel view in tlie Ameiicait thin moinlng, Maelay, the hlstoilan, who Is a navy ilepai ttneiit elcik, classed ns a laboier and attached to tlto Biooklvn nav.v aid. sais that proofs of this thhd volume which should have told the most glut ions stoiy lu all our navy annals, wcie submitted to Secietaiy Long and Admlial Sampson and op piovcd by llieni lu advance of publica tion, also Mint Lon put him In his piesent position after ho had read and approved this scut i lions attack upon Admit al Hchlev. The pi oofs weie also submitted to Admlial Dewey, who io fused to lead them. It aught weio needed to convince any fair-minded man that a clique lu the navy dep.it t mont has cousplied to tiadtico the heio of Santiago, and that the conspltacy was can led Into execution while that bravo and gallant ofllier vvns suffering expatriation on the fever Infested coasts of South Amotion, this should furnish It. Will j on, Mr. President, In view of all this, sit quietly by and pcnnlt these oompliators to continue their diabolical work'.' Hvciy Justlcc lovlng American appeals to 3.011 to in tervene In the name and for it he sako of fair play Next to belngi light all the time, which no man ever vvns, the thing Is to find out as soon ns possi ble that ou are vviong and right youi self Immediately. "(Signed) "Felix Agnus, "Publisher Haltlmmo Aineriian" Washington, July 19 The secretary of the navy has decided that the third volume of Mai lay's history of the Spanlsh-Anierlcan war shall not be used ns n text book at the naval ac ademy unless the obnoxious language It contnliis in chaiaeteilzliig the action of Hear Admiral Schley is eliminated. Will Not Uso tho Book. Tlie sccietarv says that It would be manifestly Imptoper to have a hlstoiy containing such Intempetate languago used as a text book for tho cadets. Hr will Infoi ni both Commander AValn w right, who Is In command of the naval academy and Mi. Mac lay, the author nf the hlstotv, of his ileclslon. In this connection the secietaiy sas that the proofs of the entlic volume weio not submitted to him by tlie hls toilan. He leeolved only the pi oofs of the thhd chapter, that relating to the mobilization of tlie lleets. which con tained a stitiiinaiy of the oideis which he, as si'itetaiy of the navy, had Is sued lu making tlie naval prcpaiatlons for tlie war. That 1 hapter was satls factoty and he letuinecl It to Mi. Ma clay with nn Indication of his apptov al. He sais he never saw the account of the battle of Santiago and tho ultl c Isms of Hear Admlial Schley until nfter tho book was published. Mi Maelay was appointed to his piesent position in tlie New Yoik navy laid Aug. 2!, 1900, having been tiansfeiied from tho light liouso set v lie. WATER COMPANIES TROUBLE It Is Claimed That Thoy Furnished nn Inforior Quality. Hi-l'iilu-lie Who from The Vwiiiatcl Pre ll.iiiishuig, Jul l'i Attorney lien euil Klkill toduy dliccted wilts of quo wauaulo to be Issued agaust the Lum liet ell! 'ind Pottet coiinli water com panies to ilte them Into couit 10 show cause wli their chatters should not bo foi filled. The cases will lio tried lu the Potter count coutts. It Is claimed that the loinpauie have been fuinlsdilug an Infctior quality of watei. ' Steamship Arrivals. Ilj I'telii'lie Wire from The Associated Prey New Wk, .lui) lo Itrowhead I'asM'd! Cam pinia, Niw nrk, New oik for Queen.town ml l.lwiol t.cnoa rrlied: Vllei, New Vork vli l.lhnltir and Naples ( herbourK-Sallid riir.t Hi-uiank (from Ilremen md siinhainploii). New orw New 'Vork Vrrlced I olunihia. Ilaiu'iunr, sfiittlumptcii and ( herlinurgi I'enn land, uiwirp southanipton sailed 1'urst His. mink (fiom IhmliuriOt .New ioik via Cher, bourif. YESTERDAY'S WEATHER. I.oial dan for lui 10, l'Hilt lllchest tenipeialin f.l flerTees leiwc.i Icniperaluro ni desreej Uilalbe lliimldlt! Sam 71 per cent. 8 p 111. .t tv per cent rreclpitain 11 'I 'houis ended dp. m, none, weather, partli cloud. - f WEATHER FORECAST. -f 4. 4- Wuhinston, lui 1 1 I oieiast (or Int. 4- em I'enusilciiuai V ilr and warmer Satiif. 4 4 div; snnda), fair, lUht, variable winds. ftt tt t-rt ( i t I t f3Mj.
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