The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 28, 1901, Image 1

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t J ift,!,'
" "''"IPUnmKrmr MM aTLirEi :-NB ff
'sSiH' - .at,sHiE9nsfkAMffHNHii9?PHHk)HE?
An Exhaustive Opinion Handed Down
nu Justice Mitchell of Supreme
Court of Pennsylvania.
Justice Mitchell Holds Thnt Muni
cipnl Coipointion'; Ate Cieated
and Governed by the Letjlsln
tuio nnd Thnt the Extent of
Their j?oweis Is Always Deter
mined by Thnt Body nnd Aie
Subject to Chnngo. Repeal or Total
Abolition nt Will He Is Sustained
by Justices Fell, Blown and Potter.
Jubtice Dean Tiles a Sttong- Dis
senting Opinion Which Is Con
cuned in by Justices McCollum
and Mctiezat.
Ili I mIi lie Win fioin lli i 1 1 t Pr(.
Phil id"lphlii, Mav 27 In .in ev
il tusiixe opinion li.iiidofl down tml.iv
!i Justice Mill lifli. Ik Siiptcmc couit
if lViins.iMinl.i sustains the mnsll-
llllll"ll,llit III till' f.ltllOUS S) 0011(1 ( I.1SS
(il I lll i 1)111. Wllllll lOlllpletolV
i the fmiii uf government In
I'll Mint ;,-. Alli'irlu nv and Sit. niton
.liMlto Mltilirll sustained In hit
stand Iiv .Iii-.Hi i'-, IVII, liiown .mil
1'iilti'i. lint .1 sun mi' tlisontins npln
inii was tiled lis .Instlio Dean .mil uiii-
itnil in liy .lustiio Mirollum mid
.lustli o Mesti o:tt,
Thf ,ut took out of ollieo tlii" major
ninl otlioi otlicinl" anil aic
tin' K"M'i noi '.lie iikIiL to iipiinint "ie
i lfi loi the Mnee ilties in pii
until I'o:. Maxoi Moii, of Siiantoti,
xxas piompllv named an lecoidor for
his i il .mil at oik I- Ik'kuii amicable."
pini coillnss- in tlii' l.icKiinnnnii i out t
to tist the i onstltuilon.ilil" of tlu
.ut 'I lif unlit ikiidi'il in laor nf the
mnc lien's tif,hl to appoint, anil it It
litis iii Isiou tint ilii Htipii'iiie umit
h is sustained
lit. the .Miti hells oplniiii" holiN that . oi poialioiis have mi vested
lights in tlmii otlli es tlieii ( in potato
pnueis. tlii'h ihailois in thelt mi -jiniato
ei tti'tae.
'Thex .no floated, xnvciiud and
tit" i Mont of their powots," ho do
i Ian -. "is iliti i iiilneil Iiv tile h,;sl,i
t in o ninl aio siilijnt to iliumtc. iep".il
nt aliolition it Us will."
.lustii e Mitchell continues:
I iU I u Iill.'ll 01 llll' rl ill lull Hill
1l till till ll l 11 III 1 I Mil .t , tlllHt, 0IJIIl ..lit"
11 Milium nf tin niiiiil 11 p line it n.'liis of
1 1 ir i ilii n 1 nit urn ninth tin In mull tin'
1 .11 if iiiiiti In 1 hi iii'luiiii llu lull of
1 1 1 iiii 11 1 1 . 1 - miIiju t ipm 11 in In iti it 1 i opt
iliir tin" 1 -iii.tituli n In. iuipntil limits upon
tin luMitiio puiii it 111111 In 1 .m-i.l, ir,l H
I iiliuilli ih-tihiti, win 1I1. . it nptiiti. II
1 iilnu Id ti 11 111 il jii-.Un 11 nut in 1111 pittuii
Jin 1 i-( .
I In umit' pi' 11. 11 tin munhm, nf tin iuh t
I till' ptnpll'il 111.' Illp I Mi pi I llin 1 uliU
mi" .iiiind li miii inu.iitiitinn il iuiiiui
X fllill lllllliS W 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 till illilllllt I llll 1 I III'
liiliitlnn iiiii. uuiii.i .iii.l ! ip -i 1 Iii-.Ii
tint iiittilu ti ii'llliitu nil In ninl-. 1 In ippi il
t tin' Jll-llit llnl pllllulilil nt llll !ipliintl
I I- it till' pn pli II till.-, fill., the p.npU" III
1 1 11 win 1 "i 11 i.ipidii 1 111 (mint llu 1 ul, lull
1 1 1 n 1 iimot i.iiui' ilmi rii.1 tb
KoRatding Constitutionality.
Kos'inilliiK the lonstitniiimailtv of llio
,ut iiuilot 1 iims1iIim .11I011 (lie opinion
ivi the onl) puwi 1 of tlie limit Is to
illnoM'f what, il ,111 , iioIkoii of llio
lous'titiitiiitt il loin to. s lustii o .Mih In II
11. hulls thnt (In .ii'l has manliest Ini
p" lli'i tlons, but SIJH llinl tle, do not
nnl.e it iiiuoiisiinitliiiial, nnd .nlils.
The ('fleet may he 111 lmo tlio nffiiits
of the eltiis III 11 statu of oiy iokioi
tnlile loufiislon, hut It Iiiih not lieeu
fliiiwn that the koii niuotiL
1 ilinot he ailiulnlhti'ieil iiiilw itlistanil
liic," 'I'd the olijeition that the act iniiKos
Impiopof oIllHsilleutldn in tlio nietliuil of
lIUIiiPT luitiiiilpitl olllies, the limit holils
tint this Is a It'Klslathe ninl nut a
Juiliiial iiuestiuu, mid fin thur say, le
Kaullin; the tliiliKOi of liuei I'et Iuk with
ovlhtlin," nii'thoils of 1 lassllleaiioti
i infill tint lull ,nt mil m s tlw spint
of tlio 1 r.n-t lilt i.'ii in Hi .. nml,li.ii, anil lint
ri it- ul intuit hit li pii'iiMi In llu1 piuplo lllll
nulit of IikjI nil (,'ouiiiiiiiiil llu" iilijiilimi U
vo hint ,ni tluip 1111 li 1. 11 ili 11I1I 1I111 mint of
lit in)illiiii ul tin si lit link' indliut' upon wlni
tlio iitUiiii ueiunlli ,111' .1111111111111! lu niriul
it Hi. f r iU'IiIk. Hut nui ii miu-i he
s.iinnc.l iim1 itnil linn Inwuli lu (lie cmotitii
furl lir r iililiilhn iitutle U tint llio J(t re
m. ill.-. .111 rlnlnl olliocr, Hie 111 ium, finm nlll.t'
li'UHS llio turn fur nlmli he ii cluK.I li 1
Imic ili.llst' in llio luinc nt tin nttlii 'llio
11, lit In Si' nit 11 nov 1I111U1 lo llio uti, liii
Im: a iio firm of mtiiiiiinit, i iiuiittkil, fun
II1DU4I1 Hie iHtit u U iMili llio othie ami d. .
I'liic tin clllccr ol hU pUir
llio clijfillon lliat CM'ii II the jpiiointincnt nt 1
iriurilrr nas ninl it all, I lie appiliiliiiont il tin?
rc omlrnt iJ onl for Jnt of lontliiiutlon ij
the sciulo, I inn I on tullon 3 of aitiiie I of tin'
luiDtitution, ninl U -nilkk'iit 10 J lint that
Kilii 11 Inn no a ilimtloii to ofliicrf.
'llio most utiif.t 1 oiniili ration of the ulijutlom
lo the nit of lf"'l lu iciiMiiiotl u Hut llirj aie
n n tuck m lutlioilc tlio ivurls lo ilnkiii tlw
d told for (onlliit ultli the cviwtltiillmi, hut
muit lif aJdrcffOd only to the IcpUlatme an I
t In i r 10111111111:111.1111.
Dissenting Opinions.
The (llfteiitliih' opinion MK-d hy Jtis
t!".o Dean and cunciutcd in by JustUei
MtColluin mill ns, In
int t:
If Ihn nt imic not ilnth In lonnVt witli
llu fiiliilitiirnl il Iuk, or If tlio loii-rnttiiim I"
wlildi tin Jiiilkinrnt nn loul wii' ""' "I'l'loi
alilo, or If It allntoil milj tlio liiimrilliti nrtloH
tn It, nml Mould tot uric .n u imcrilcnt for
tuliiro iimj, I uintld not ft rl rillod upon to ills
suit of lororil Hut ill llnc umom oil't, "ml
II l lint uillinllt lOROt tint I fiol coll.tllllnoil
10 vpi(s 11 di(ld"il dlvrnt finm tlio jinlitnu lit,
'In tn, inlntl this nit l pilpiblj uiKointltiitlotnl,
Im hhi II ilolilii 4frlimi 7 ol jrtklo .'! of that
iiiMiiiinont, wlilili sntiini H n follmi''
' llu n- nlih thill not ik "U l' 't
11 i.). ci il Im ip,'iililiiw tho itliir nt fiiimtim.
iiiln, limivlilH, ttJIiN, linn ni,li4 nr Mluiol dl,
tnit4. Iniiirpiiritod iitn4, I1111114 01 llhuo4 nr
iliuiiilni: tlnli 'lnrlir Pirillni,' nf
inns in pit t lil'in;." tin' powors nml dntip4 of of
Hni4 in iniuitiit, (Iiir4, IioiouhIh, toiwulil,
rlrdiiti or ili(dl ilMridx"
Man authorities ate iiuoted by
.fitstko in siipptut of his conten
tion Mint the net mini's untlei tlio
head of .spoilnl K'Klslatlou,
('oiitlnitin ho .said:
Hi mir iliii-nu. 111 llio i-isi' In fon U4 wo -no
KnniB 1 nli p 1 10 mil itiillilnt; lierdnfoii' allnttitl
in the llin uf .pciiil liKiilitiou It 4 punli 11
ipii-tioti of ln' wlidlur motion T of tlio lonitilu
lion h.n li. 111 Miilaltil. 1 1 wo, In (llod, .11
it li the prmiiui' of t lie ltj;Nlatiiio to duldi tlio
liiistlon ui'l wo will not inquiri into it, 'lln,
on our pirt, i4 1 1 no niist il,o 1 would not ie
( tmili 11110 mill nu tlio mtlimiti of the ki;i-li.
tun, hut I would not 'illnw tint boil 1101 tlio
1 mi ut lie tn (iiiroidi mil" im li on 0111 a. Wo line
in n liofuin iw in ,nt ulitih, it is tnio, dois int
kiKo nni' in ill's litid and urn it to .inotliir, but
It tlnif, t il,!' llOlll tllll' Mt ot moll tho ofluis KtM ti
tlnii li the pdipk, luiiils thom oir tn tin
im nior tint In 11111 tonfor tlinii nil othn.
Ikio wo (.liniild 1 ill 1 lull itpnn Miitli union. lint
lit nil u.uipitinu of powd.
Legislative Possibilities.
Whit tin iitt flip ill llin ilinitioii will ho
w, 1 111 mill niiii 1 tin o liitimnl pnlilks .mil
pirtlslli piilllltt no lint tlnlllilnl In clnplo,
Ul ill r llio pi lilt pll 4 1 ' tills ill 1 . III tin 10 . Until
mir In lunilti 1 hn.tlk" pnticu nnimili hi Hit
liixwliliuo finm 011. (in? tin pull 111 p)irr Hi
I'hil idi Iphi 1, 1 11H nf llio llrsl (I1.4 nni il.uni'
it. iiMiutnint in llio ..ion nf tlio inumiti.
llio 1 1 in 14 nut t loiiioli in ho pe-t in J in,
li.h ptlitii4 Mhon tho idnunns pirti
11. .0011 14 it l 14 Ollc(l 111 imiwr innltiitll pin
n.'ilul to mt otf llio pin 411 il lionl4 ut thiir
k I'liuir inlnzniu.ts nni 1 onfl.t ito tin ir prnporl.
It 1. not 1111 irmoto in tlio future when the
Mdniiuu4 pinr will prnniptlr piuoiod to tut olf
tho piilltii ti ho ul-. of It4 ipptnenK when the
hold dim lu the iiillluoip it oto nf dlln
I fi ir tho tnuo 1. not far di.tint Mian the
licinii urns ti"itlt4 nf uur ilni-inn will oitlur
luiiii: iiuout 1 lOiKilutlonil niiiitiilniipt to rini
nli llio nii.ihtt f or tnoie 114 In 11111 nilo it
I It'll liltllilifl nf tlll c c lit t (ntnodei thll tl 14
ki.l itimi 14 mi HIU4 Win' I hoi do not 111
Mirr, hut, tn 111 Hum!, it 14 ippuiut tint in
iio ioii-i-Is in iti Mnlation of the funtlv
111 mil liw. We know iK purpt.o m 14 tn ou-t
nni sd nf niiini ipil nlhiois, in thitc ion 1111
titles put 111 pi no, ill her dindli or induct tl,
1. 1 (ho prnp't, mil uiio tlnii ntluc to othui,
tltiiiiiKli tin" dinr r(iutiio nf tho stile. Ilm
14 tin iiicvil 1 e -, 1 1 1 1. from tlio lull its.k ( in
in iv.unif tl it our Im luikoi-. do not iiiluitl tk'
olnioiK ri'.iill-. of their .tit-..
Suptcme Bench Afliuus a Deciee of
the Luzerne County Common
Pleas Comt in Tuchnlin-
s,osky Cnse.
Hi litii.iio Wire finm llio wol ited Viei
I'liil.iilelpliln. M.u L'T. Thp bttptonie
nun I today allhmed .1 diiioe of tlio
l,iieiiii' 1 mint common pleas comt,
wliiih lioliks that ,1 poudei house of ti
minim; Kiiiipain Is not a piivato nuis
aiiii' anil that il lis- iimmiii of an ex
plnsioii i.ui.sod Ijv no noBlect of the
milling mmpatix, a poison Is Injiued,
the mmpany lanitot he hold lospim
sihlo An esiiloslnu on 111 tod lu tlio
powdei house of the I.oIiIkIi and
WIIKi .s-liaue t'oitl company and Maty
Ttu Kahlnsoskv, n lillfl. who losiileil
with her patents clne lo the niin
piiin's tnlne, while standhiK in the
doi)iAii ot her home, Mas Knot ked
down h the foico ot the eplo.sioa and
seveioh injuied.
'I'lte opiisoii was citusod by a holt
ol IlKhtUltlK', but the I'lilltl'.s lather
Inonitht Milt airainst tlio 1 nmp.itu fop
diimiiKcs, t lalmliiK that while the ex
plosion was pot lailseil he hokIIkoiilo,
the ( iiinp, ill was iospinis)o, hoiiius'i
the powdei house was a piivato ntlls
anio. Tlio com t below noii-siilu t tho
( use, and tho doelhliiu today upholds
the 1 nut t'p. ill lion
Hi l!x(lnlio Wne fioin 'Ilic 4ieiiileil I'un
I'hlladolphla, May T. Many Kou
det smith, chief ot (ho leloKiaph de
paitineut of tho IViinsyUanla l.tll
load lor the dhlslon between Phila
delphia and IlaulshiiiK-, died late Inst
nlitht tiniu a paialyUc .stioKo He
was a natho of Uaucaster county Ho
Kindled tilosiaphy lu the otllco of (ho
I'einis.vlvaiihi tallioud at I.ciimin
Place, (hat munt, mid In ISfil ontoied
the hmnIio of the cninpany. II" was
appointed division chief In 1ST'.' and
loiainod the pusitiim up lo tho time of
his death.
A. M, E, Confeience.
By rirluiiir Wiro 'icm flic Avoilitnl Privii
llirrilir.', Mi 2" I lie ioneutius hoion of
llio I'lnlidclphlj loiiforune ot thf tfiluii Mdho
Hit I pUiopul ihurih wus lield tonUlit, Jt wlilili
tiliop Uniiik aiino'tticid tho appoutiuiul4 fur
llu u.uin- irn
Axe Taotoiy Shut Dovn.
11 KmUMii Mto (ruin llio oiljtctl Prow
Irfwuton, I'l. Mji "T -Oniiijf to a (Hike of
tlio Mul brjlcit, tho axe fjdniy of the Alncli
1111 Ate inn) no, it Mjiiiis, luit down
lull oi an liitlclitiilc period About IV) nun
win iiiiploici)
Population of Australia,
Hi rulmU Wire trrui The Aswclatcd TrcM.
Melbouine, Aiutr.ill.i, Mji J7, The now icnw
lituilil five the pnpiditinii nf u.1l1.1ll 1 at 1..
,',-Ji.,i.-)l 'Ibis Is jii niiruH. of 7IV.7C.U ime the
U.t UlUilKUtiOli.
Major Brown, of Plttsbutg, and Di
rector Muiphy, of Allegheney,
Picpnted to Enter Upon Duty.
lb l.uliHlie Wire liom Iho Aimiilnted 1're.J
PlltshUffr. Mav 2T. Major A. M.
Hi own, foiinally accepted the ap
pointment to tho olllt'o of loom dor un
der Iho now charter this afteinoon
and has forwaide'd his bond to the
Kosoinor for nppioval and took the
oath of olllep bofoio Notnry Jatnoi
.1. MoAffoo.
r'otini'lls will meet lu joint "sslon
next Ktldny afternon and will ad
minister tho oath of ofllco to the now
Dii color .Tohn Tt Mtitphy, of Allo
frhony. annouuiod Into tills afternoon
that ho was leady to assume tho
duties of the o!ll e of room dor as soon
as It wns hettlcd In what way ho
would bo swoin In.
Society of Anaichists Chose a Youth
ful Blncksniith Who Attempted
Suicide Rather Thnn Act.
11 1 xelmiio Wire from The Votoiiitoil I'ron.
Itome, Mav H7. A newsiiapor jitib
IIhIioiI In ei una lepotts Mie attompted
suicide of a outhful bl.uKsmlth named
Pleli in cl, who has confessed Mi it he
belonged to a soi loty of nnaichlsts
and was ( hosen bv lot to kill tho em
pot or of (let main. 1 piefein.d sui
cide to making tho attempt.
In hl,s confession, he alsi disclosed
tho names of c 01 tain of his 001111 ados
who had boon selected to kill Queen
Helena of Italy, Ptosldont Loubet of
Fiance and the i.u of Itussla,
One Provides for the Calling1 of a
Convention, to Amend the
Hi Kxclu'li" Who (run 'Iho A-nciiliil Pri4J.
ir.u iNlmrn. M in -". A number of
appiopnation bills wete lepoited to
the houe toiiltrht fioin tho appiopila
tiona committee. Xoaily all wore tip
niqptldtloii'i for Philadelphia institu
tions, Ainonvr tho otheis wele the fol
low iiik Homo for tiKed, Knston,
$.',(1(10; ITome foi AVtdows, I,eb moil,
'J.OOO: Oiph.ins' school 'eomiulhslon,
iaStiJil'i; oKponses of election contest
ot A. H. Snuler. "vi'vominjr, ?J,"00.
All. TUolci. of Columbia, otfeied a
resolution that tho annioiiilatlous
committee be clisihaised fiom fiulhor
consldoiatlon of the somite Mil nppm-
ml.itliiir SI OOO.onn to twv the do lit eitcy
lu tho school bill, caused by Uoemor
Stone's lodiiotion in isoi After a
bl lot' deh.'lo, the n solution was de
feated, .Ti o,ii, 7S na .
Ale. Mnnc. ot l.ehlirh. offered a
u solution, which went mn- imdei the
lilies pioidlnfr that all bills hoieal tor
Inttodiiced shall not leninui In com
mittee 11101 e than tHo das ami that
ntliei hill" oMOntinsr aimiotii lat 011
bills bo lepoited to tho house within
hinen das.
Mr. Paul, of Philadelphia, intiodttccd
a tosolntlon 00111110; for llnal adjourn
ment of the lPRlHlatuio on .Tune Jl. Tho
lesolution went oer undei the mles.
Mr. Cot a, of Taterno, olfen-d .1
tosolntlon dlschaiKbiK the ooimnlttee
on law and 01 dor fiom tuithor inu
"ideiatlim of the bill ptoliililtlu-r the
Tiianufnetute and solo of iuoiis and
spliitous Illinois. The lesolution was
Mr. Sbutt, of Yoik, Intiodueod a Mil
pioxldliifr for the callhiK of a (Oinon
tlon to amend the coiistilutlon. Tho
hill Dioxides inr l"iO menibeis of the
convention, which shall moot In Ilar
llshuipr on the s.01 oud Tuesday In
.latiuai v, l'.iflJ.
Tho calendar was domed of flist
reading bills, alter which tho lmiise
ml loin nod until to-mnitow.
Stiiking- Mnchinists at Yoik Mnke
a Novel Appeal. I
W r-ecluMio Wire from llio ssoclatnl Pro4
Yoik, Pa May a7 Tlililv hltlkins
niaohlnlsts appealed in a bod beloio
tho Vink Mlnlstoilal nssoilatlou this
moinhii,' and Invited lliolr aid lu set
tllmr the stilko now on In two Yoik
nitichlno shops, A member of one ot
the all 1 1 ltd III ins was piesent and tool;
tho llooi 111 deleiuso of Ills position.
Stilhois and nieinheis of the associa
tion dlsciihsed tho situation at length,
with the losult that the association
nted to bold a Joint mooting loinoucnv
to bo p.iitlclputid In by mlnlsteir!, 0111
plo.M's and employe! s, with a lew to
iiibltialiiiK and KottlliiR oxlstintr illffer-
Wnnt Mlnets' Bills Acted On,
11 KmIii-Iio Win fiom 'llio s.0111tcl 1'riM
lljrrbbi.ic:, Mix 27 'Iho nicnihois of the liuuio
of roprernlatite. nf the nilliriilti it'Jl piodui ins
(Diintlts nu t lure Irni.lit in louiuudioii with
tin leprestnt ithcs of tho nilneri, who an look.
iiiK iflor lr' alfrttluK tho mine woilaic,
nnd dtlitiltilv iluidoil It) nppa.i tin I'm lull
luoiidlui; foi (In) lunipldlou nf the Mite 1 ipllul
liiilbliuK to knu. 14 bilU ju (lie Ink 11..U of tlio
iiihifr. rem liu iiiuclul upon,
Berger Won on a Toul.
Ill KMlmhe W lie f 1 out llio W-rniiieil 'jc
Irinlon, N 1. ill "7 llnr ller-'ir, nf
'Iruitou, Mdi aiuliltil llio (Iriin'mi our Jit
sillliun, of Caiuill, in the II. Ini round nf whit
ua In lute boon a loiit luiiinl bout at tho
I union (' tonight Hie iloikkn was a n I
ul on a foul
Cardinal Gibbons in Rome.
11 i:elti4na Wne fiom Iho s-oiliied l'rcn
lloine, Mji 37 CjhIiimI (ilbbon leiel ed
Inilji in nii'leiuc b Ibc pope and be numbmed
Ituht Itev. MT. Iclni.1 hinucd lo be rulur of
the AmerkJii lollesc In Itonie.
Coiporntions Chaiteied.
nj ricluabe Wire frun The Associated ri.
llairUlnirtr, Mji 'J7 clurtrr w 11 iiutl Id
1I.11 b (be mjle ilepjrtiuint tu Ibe ( oiiuhujiiiI
CuatUe loiupjti, Wancn, I'd., ciultjl, tW.Ouv.
Belief Thnt EiToits lo Scale the Totnl
Will Succeed.
11 Vmlii'lve Wire from the vir!ilfd Pres.
Pokln, May 27 It Hoems ptohnhlc
that Client Hi Haiti's pioposltlott
llmltlmr tho Imlomnlty to ho domnnded
fiom China to I'O.OOD.miO taels wilt bo
iiBiood lo bv tlio end of the week. If
It Is I'nlted Slates .Special Conimls
Moncr Kockhlll will iep;aid it as an
Ametlcan vlctoiy; nlihouirli 31r. ltock
lilll'rt pioposltlou llmllltiK' Indemnity
to I'.IO.OOO.OOO wan not accepted, It wiih
tho cause of the other pnweis mnsld
otlnp; tho Idea.
Tho only point likely to cause ftiither
delay In a doclnlon by all the powois
except America Is the lalslntr nf the
foiolKii cilstoniB u per cent, Mr. Kook
hlll told the mlnlHteis at n leeeut moet
ItifT that lather than take this stop
Anipiltn would lollnqulsh all clnlms to
Indomnltv and een make a money
piesent to China, as American com
ineiclal Inlet ests would iifier far mm e
thetebv than those of ativ other power,
with posslhly one exception,
The Totty-eighth Annual Conclave
Has a Successful Opening Town
Gaily Decotated.
llv I iliwiio W11" fiom Die .4nclitod l'to
Ueadllifr. M.t -7. This wasthoopen
Imk dav of the lot tv-elRhth annual oon
( lao of tho Knights Templar of Penn
sxlMinla. Tho dav was dexoled to te
colvln IsltiiiK' minmandoilcs of the
local ie( option committees. Tonight
thoio was a lecoptlna and onteitaln
mont ol isltlm; sir knlnhls bv Do
Molav eommandoiy. No. I :, In Aiad
emx hall The doooiatlons liulude mile
upon mile of liuntliiK, (Kiks and eleo
tiii al llluuiln.itlons.
A number of eommandeiles at lived
late this afloinoon, InchidliiK Moun
tain, Xo. 10. of Altoona. lifts -elRbt
knlshts ami twcatv-flxe ladles, Bald
win. Xo. :!-'. of Wllllams-pott, flftv
kiili?his and twenly-llxe ladies; Tvinne,
Xo. lit, Columbia, thlity-flxe kniRhts
and tout teen Indies; CaU.uv, Xo. S",
Uiinvillc. Illt-f Ifrht knlRhte. and flltoen
ladies Tho Ciiand commandeiy ni 1 Ivod
at 1! o'c lo k. Tomoircixv the lemoluder
of tho foitv mmmandoiles will anixo.
Tonioiiow theie x ill be a panicle and
lex low bv tho giaud ofllceis.
Tho business sessions of the Miami
c omniaiidei x xx 111 bo hold in the Acad
emy of Music.
The Sectetniy Stntes Thnt His Opin
ion of the Affair Is Unalteied.
Hi I m In!! c Wue fiom llio Wrciittil I'm-.
AVaslilnnton, Mav -7. The cadets
who xxeie dismissed fiom AVost Point
xxeio closeted "v Itli Societal Itoot for
oxer an hour this afternoon, and at the
conclusion of their hcailnp: woie os
( 01 ted lo the olllco of tho judge adxo
(iile kciici.iI, xx lib xx hum they spent
about half an bout. They declined to
make anv statonunt concerning their
loiiloienco xxith the societary.
.Mi. Itoot stated at tho ((inclusion of
the ccmleieiico that the statements
made bv the cadets tqdav had not al
teied his opinion, and the las-i." lemalns
tine hanged.
Wteck of Schooner Hnckley Sighted.
All Hnnds Missing-.
l!i I ilu!( Wire fiom 'Ibe Ancii(ril Pkh.
Mllwtiukoo, Mav 27. -i-Vxen iiiiiie
a lc tlms haxo been added to the list of
those who wcto Iot In lust Fiidav's
gale. A xvatei logged, dismasted hulk,
all that lemalns ot the si homier c, TI.
llaeklex of this cllv, xxas sighted ten
miles olf 'hole, between Shohovgan
nnd Milwaukee, by nil Incoming'
The Uiukley xxas nianiteil bv Cap
tain Oct tllm? and n cunv of i v men,
and xxas due at Shevboygaii on I'liday
11UI1I. All bauds aio missing,
The Ttngedy of a Tenlflc Thundet-
storm Nenr Dubois.
It Krlule Wire from Iho x.-otiatnl prrai.
Mubols Pa,, Mil L'7 Dining . 1 ter
llllc ihundeistoini that passed ,er
.lelloison and 1'lk counties last oxenlng
llghiniug siinck August AiideiKon ami
Willtei" Null', who weio dilxluga limsii
and buggx betwcdi Dagns mines and
P.iockwa.x xlllf Andt'ison was lustaut
v killed and Null leioivod lujuilo thut
1110 eMiectod to 11111-0 hl.s donth. The
hoi so they wete ill ix lug wn also killed.
Tho men icslded at Dagus minis,
wheio they have lingo families.
Sttike Demands Gt anted.
B' r'jclusiie Wire (torn Hie noclated PrfJ
llli.klik, , Mn 27 'lie MilU of Ilm
iiiiililni-l (inpl. nni In tbo llu 1. k 4 liHoinolii.i
inks w 14 M'ltbil, Ml who si 1 nil. will
bo tiki 11 bid wlllintit 1I1-1 iliiilnitinir, tho iiiiiini
4 tn b iiinlilnl. 1 liui loiumitteo will .lib
jn-t (.liixaiiiii: '"' Imiiu Will lOll.tlllltl' .1 Wllk'l
uik n striUbt linitj-." of tin pei lent In
w.i.ik .110 u'laiilt'il Iht-e in. .iili.tanli.illi the
di numb, limit b.i Ibe iimliuil't..
Decapitated by Bating- Mnchine,
! I.iilu-.iie Win' tnuo Ibe snil.itnl 'ie4
W ilirlowu, Mi., Ml. 7. -binlll I ill lei of
Stiutb llniloii. wbu opoiutnl 1 lioiim; iiuibluo
in the Inlnd vUln ai-nul Inn, jt diupi
liled Inilji Ibe In ul fell on the tloui, while
Ibe lim l Kiniiiiid upii,ht on tho nuil.liuli'
1.... I llio p(iljile w 14 mi klikiuinu" lb it l'"l
0111 1 llutlti, Ibo iiiiiiiiiiiiiliii.ini, dbuiiired tlte
uiliir iniikiio4 for the tin
Dow Sentenced to Jail.
Hj Fuclusho Who from The oelated Pre
( hit i.'o, Mn Z! lUiins pleaded .uilti to
'ipiijlln" an illicit olit iniiK-uliio fjdoi,
I' Pom, pniriiltu m .1 iiCuinorv iniiipiiii in
IliU lit, was toilji lined IlKKiO mil sonlini Oil
In l niontli.. in the i. mill jail hi I'lik-nl
Jildc KohUait
Decision Against Antl-Scalplnp; Bill.
It Culurixc Win from Ibc AwoiUtcd I'rcni.
Sew- Vnik, Mij 27. Iiille (lilibrsleexc In tho
Stipiuue unlit todix iliclilul tint the antlMjIp
mi; liu pvnd li Ibo kuMaturc. thU CJr is tin
Opinions Handed Down bu Supreme
Court in Gases Involvina
Our Insular Possessions.
Potto Rico Was Never After the Ac
quisition of the Island, a Foielgn.
Tenitoty, Until Action Wns Tnkeu
by Congiess Under the Constltu
. tlon, Howevet, Congtess Has the
Power to j?i escribe the Manner of
Collecting Revenues of the Coun
tty's Insular Possessions Vigor
ous Dissenting- Opinions to the
Above Aie Offeied by the Mlnoiity
Pi llidiune Wire from The xssocialnl l'ie.
AVaslilngton, Mav ".7. In the X nlted
States fitipiomo com t to-dny opinions
weio honiled down lu all but two of
the cases heroic that court luxolxlng
the lolntlons of the fiiited States to
Its Insulin possessions. The txxo inses
in which no conclusion was announced
were those known as tho foutteoii
diamond 1 ings case and the seiond of
tho Donley cases. Tho undei hied
Dooley case deals xxith A phase of tho
Potto lllcan question and the diamond
lings ease Involves tho tight to tho
fice importation ot meiibanillso liom
the Philippines to the Pulled States.
Tho otlglnal Intention of the mint
hod boon to adioum until to-moiiow,
when It Is piesumed the leiiialning
ciso will bo passed on.
Of these cases umsldeied to-dav the
two whl-h otti.i,eted tbo fjicatost
shine of attention fiom the comt .no
what is kaown as the Do l.lin.i case
anil that known as the Dow lies inso,
and of these txxo the opinion In tho
Doxxncs case Is lonsldoted the most
far leaching, as It aflects out rutin n
leiations, xx hoi ens tho Do Lima cnse
dealt with a tnasltlonal pbiiso ot our
Insular telatlons. The Do Lima case
xxas the first to lecelxe the attention
of the comt and as It appealed to be
ciulte sweeplngly opposed to the gov
ernment's contentions, many persons
pieelpitately nulved at the conclusion
that the government had been woisted
all along tho line. This vlexv suffered
a distinct change when tho conclusion
xi as announced In the Downes case.
Tho comt xxas veiv ex only divided on
both ( asos, but political linos wete not
at till matt oiling. The Do Limn case
Involved the power ot the government
to collect a duty on goods Imported
into the I'nlted States ftom Poito
IM111 utter the latillcaMoii or tho
tieatv or Pails and bofoio the passage
of tbo Pot to Ttlean ac t. The com t
said the government's contention In
this case xxas substantially a ( lalm
that Potto Uiio Is foielgn teuitoix-.
The entile oao tuinod upon that con
tention. The comt held that the po
sition xxas not well taken; thai Poito
T.I00 was not at tho time a loiolgn
teirltorv and Mint thetofoie tho duty
xx I1I1 h had been collected must be ie
tin nod.
The decision In tho Downes cnse fol
ic wed tho histoiy or the dealings of
the United Stahs with Potto TMco a
step f.utlior. That case dealt with
the legality of the exaction of duties
on j?oods Impotted fiom Potto Ttleo
Into" Now Yoik after the passage ot
tho Fotaker act piovldlug for a dutv
on goods shipped tioin tho United
Stales into Pen lo nico, and also on
those shipped fiom Potto Itlcn to the
United Slates. Tn Mils cnse tho comt
held that such eviction wns legal and
The Power of Congtess.
The point ot the txxo opinions con
sidered collect ivelv Is lliat Porto ISIcn
xxa.s noxor after the acquisition of that
Island, fmelgn loiiliniy, that until
roi'.gioss acted upon the question no
duly could bo ( ollectod, but thnt its
s-oon as mngiess nutllurd a method
of continuing the Island's lexouues,
th it action boenmo binding: in other
xxoids, that oongiess hns power under
tin constitution to ptescillio the man
lier of collecting the lexontios of the
count! v'.s Insular posses-loin, and has
the light to lay a duty on goods Im
pinlcd Into nui' Insul ir possessions
finm Iho United States or ONpoited
f 1 0111 I hem Into the United States, Tt
holds, In Inlof, thnt for taxation pur
poses they ;iio not a pait of the Uni
ted State' tn the extent thnt goods
slipped between their ports and tbo
United SUitos arc entitled to the .sanio
ttonlmeiit as though tbev xxeio
shipped between Now Yoik and Now"
Justice Hi own dellvoied M10 coin t'.s
opinion In both and tbeto xxas vg
oicus dissenting- III both. In the
I'lwnes case, foui of the nine niein
beis of Ibo remit united hi an opinion
ihiunotoimiig In .stiong liiiiKuiigo tho
opinion of the ninjoiltv In that case,
lu this opposing opinion, Iho chief
jtisllm and Justices Jlailan, Hiowor
and Pecklrim united, and the chief
Justice and Justice Hiti Inn pioeuted
theli view In wilMeu foim .lustii es
flinx, Shlias, AVhlto and McKonna
also, xvhllo agieelng xxllh the conclu
sion .uinouined by liistlie niown, an
iituint ed Mint they 1 em bed the cou-clu-lon
by ellffcioiit linos of trguinent,
nnd Justice's Oiay, AVhilo and .MoKen
11a anuouuicd opinions outlining their
lespective positions, Justices Shlias,
W Idle nnd MuKonna also dissented In
the Dn Lima, uniting In an opinion.
Justice (!ia also picscptccl an opin
ion dissenting In that ease
Tho small mint loom was it muled
to suffoiation tlucmghotit the dav,
piomlucnt gtiveinnient olllclals and
ninny attorneys being pieseni. and Iho
piocccdlngs weio followed fioin stutt
to finish with keen Intel est
The Case of Dooley.
Justice Hi mv 11 aIo aunminied M10
opinion of tho comt lu the ,t use of
Dooley vs. the United Stales, involving
Weather Indications Todi:
t Clrnei il "lato Supirme limit PplioIiU H12
1llillt of the Hipper lllll
'llio Coiolllntlnn Mul I'ollniv the I'Iil
riitileiiiu V'Minbli I'll 1 01 s lliil'lcll ol
( Cried.
2 (!i in nl-Cut nu tile lb pitlinenl.
.1 1 01 il-ltmtd of IniIo Piiom Street Itillwji
( ompctltloti.
Dufllti .lur I' 1 il In xtrce.
4 ltlitoriit
ell' and Cniiinu'iil.
5 In ll-lllriclof lllblicoik to lie Itonioied To
"cbonl Ciuiliollem In 1 More 111l ible Mood.
'llu I lllllllllllllt ('(Ilt04t.
(1 1 11c 1) We-t s( ronton nui Sidinibin
7 (ietieril Vorlbt Plrrn I'entiliJiili,
I'ln im hi and Ti mnii rt hi
S foul InuVtrlal uul I-1I or.
the vnlldlty or a ditlj levied on giunis
impotted Into I'm to lllco fiom the
United States after the elate ot mill
tat v occupation and the taking ofint
t)f the Poito Klein tin Iff at I The mint
hold that thete could be no doubt ot
the vnlidltv of tbo duties levied by
v little of Miles' ojdn pi lor to
the latlllcatlon of the Meat of pe.'iie.
Il placed this light on the wound of
tullitaiy necesultv.
VItl leletence to duties after littl
flcntlor. of the petite tientv the 1 mn t
stld a elirfei cut ude applied, and It held
those duties invalid. Justices tliav,
Shitas. McKonna and "White ellss-ented,
the latter dell vol lug the opinion
In the cases ol (ioet.o s. the Unllod
States and I'l o isimiii s the Pulled
States, biotight heio fiom the Cite nit
eennt ten the Southern dNtilcl of Now
Yoik to test the vnlidltv of the lex x of
duty on an Impoitittioii ot tob.icm ft out
Poito Klin into the United States uftet
the latlllcatlon of the tieatv and bo
foio the passage ot tho Potto lilt in
act, and In the Ciossman case duties
on Imports In llaxxnl! ntlei .innova
tion but heroic the taking effect ot the
net pioxleling foi the government or
Hawaii, the comt tenet seel the judg
ments below loi the reasons cited In
the Do Lima ease, holding the levy of
duties was unconstitutional.
The Oinnge Case.
Justice Hi oixn annoimied the opin
ion In the case of Dow ties is Hldwi II
1 elating to a shipment of oianges
fiom Potto Ttho to New Yoik after
tho enactment or the Foiakei ait.
The objections to the lower eotut's
1ui Isdiotlotis xxno oxetiulcd. .lustii o
Hi own proceeded to show tbo ellffei
onoe of tho question In this
tase fiom that Involved ; in
the 'flist case decided, this 'lif
feietice being based 011 time and the
com so taken by the evocative anil
legislative blanches of the govern
ment. Mo said theie was c nnsideiable
cliveigenio In the opinion ol the mint
in tho past and too much w eight
should not bo given to paitiinlar
phases ot past decisions, such as ihat
lefetilng lo the suptcme anthmitx o'
coiiKiess, as that might rorer to the
supremo autheiiitv of mngiess .mil the
constitution. Tho justice then slimmed
up tho conditions under whleh lb"
loiritoiles xxeie not lu the same posi
tion as slates, and mid that while
Poito nico Is a teiiitot or the United
States, It is not such tor tin Iff pui
posos, ami that tho Foulcct ait Is
constitutional. A dissenting opinion
was handed doxxnbv Jllstlie- "White. In
which Justices Shlias and MoK'enna
Fiightful Accident Caused by the
Exposal e of an Open Lamp Cni-
lied by One of the Men.
Hi l'velii'lie Wire Irmn Hie -oi hleil l'n.
Chattniiooga, Mav J7. A special liom
D.ilon, Tenn , saxs: At the Kb bland
mine or the Davton and lion eom
pany, two miles fiom Datnn, this at
tornooii a touillc explosion of 1,11s,
foi mod by the colloitlmi or dust,
lesulteel hi the death of tvvoutv one
nun, all white and most of I hem mat
ikd anil wiih families
Thi'io weio tllll I 'lour men nf Mi
mine at the Mine, l-'niii ot these os
ciiped with .slight injniles Twcntv-ono
weio killed and nine xxeie tmiihly
binned, most of tbem lalallx Tlio
bodies xxeit lodixeiod All w"io black
olied iml hoiiibly illsiiguted,
Supteme Comt Afliuus the Finding
of the Local Comt.
Ibe supiiiii" 1 mitt itilildji .ilbiiuiil ti"
nu.lliu ul llu I 1 I, iv. unit 1 tun I In llu" iio nf
Xlitildi I1I1U', uliiiiiii-li.ililx, .uiliKt 1 111:
s(buiiil' llu iii In bun I" l"H Iho 1 mn is
fill Hie w 11 .mil Hit 11 tut iiiii.idi 1 ibk iiiiiiliiui
I ui.l. I'llni.' diitl In lii'l. k IMU.', iiii'i"'
ntliii plipulx, 1 l"l nil 1011I1.111 linn
I nub lliunt uul mi Willi li r'.-il"' l Mill '
in.' Ml 1 ilm. Mn mix, m 1 iii il
pi 11111.-..1..11 of llu i.iiinii.' unlit tu i-tll tin
pinpeili In pi nil lm tltl'l I 11. 1 lie Silunilt
itliliiltil ibo ml .mil biii.'ht tin" bit ill iiii.tliui
bu ..,ui II mjs .ilktil jt llu tllll tint In"
l.iio.i oil iln piien-i 11 nurd In Miiite iho hit
jihI I... 11, III it foi pi 1 mil He iIjIIiihI he
bolUlit It .is unit fur Ml. I .llu in mi Ini bent III
'Iho .df nj) iniilil'iltil In tin' mutt .uul I'm
.idiiiiulll.itliv 111.11I1' and ilillinid 1 (bed mt tin
lot In i liiinpli Kill In,: nil linn liltiul.blp, u
she ilh Lid. bo did ml nr.t Ibe pniiu' nui
In I. r bi sihliuplf uf Iho s, Ait bil line iml In
nil ixptli-ii dil iml li"'iue him In e In 1 4
III ....Id llii lut tu (luilt . bU.'tr In 117 Jinl
Sl O liliill.lll llllull III III lOlOlil I'll
M, in sii,,ipii ihninl Ibe 1 1 tint ami jllt-nl
tlj tin 11 mis 111 JUiul ik, but 1 III lllll h
Iml bounht In Iho lot lor bei .is tnMtc lb ji .1
sil up Ibe .little ill lillliriti'lll J J iklilli
VI tin liit mil urn Mint k lud.c It'll Jul.
irlibd, Ibojuii diiutiiil VI Ibe mi ninl liiil,
lil.l. Xitliliil.l pit .ujiii,, lite pill (uin. I lu I inn
ot Mr, Tjliiitr in Ibe nin of "kJivmhi V nor
I1l.1l xu .ip(.tlo I fn, but 101111 leliivtl In tit nil
it, xxliiienpiu ,111 mii tn tho
I nine 1 mil I Ibe iipiiiue inint bc.ilil the ue
ill Aim II, !'.
P. II Siptr iij nui hi Ibe pljliitlir Ibo
1I1 linilinl s tn 1111 1 mn Uillu iV 'lorn anl
JivjCpli U llikn.
Presbijterian General flssemblu ai
Philadelphia Deckles the Ques
tion bu an Unanimous vote.
Six Hunched and Totty Ayes Re
spond to the Call and tho Com
mlBsioueis Sing "Ptnlse God fiom
Whom All Blessings Tlow" Mod
el ntor Minton nnd Chnlinuui
Dickey, of the Committee on Re
vision. Mnke Fnvoinble Comments
011 the Action of the Assembly.
New Yoik Is Selected ns the Next
Meeting Plnce.
Hi Ixibi.iio Wn fiom the V .Hilled Pre.
l'hll nlelphl.i, Max L!7 Iiv an unani
mous vote the J'losbv teilnn mmioiiiI
Museniblv to-ilnv udopteil the lepoit
id the spec itl eommlltee on the te
v Islon e)t tlio confession of f iltli. 'I'ho
debate 011 this lmpoi taut iiuestion hail
oMonihd Into the loin lb t.t . and In
Ilex. Dr. .lames 13. Moflat Is tine tho
ti"dit ot h.ixitif; liiollKht the 1 oimiils
"ionois to sue '1 a hai mtinlonc ( (in
clusion. When lee ouiiiiendatlnii I!
was on Satiiidnx adopted bv a eotu
paiatixelv small miiioilt, Ut. Motlat
auntinmed that lit x low eil the illvot
!( ncv of opinion he would to-dav olTor
an iimeiidmoiit whleh ho hoped would
meet with the apptoxal or tho oatlio
asseinlilx. When ho pieontod Mils
ainenilmont to-ila.x It was Instantly .11 -ie)ti(l
bv tho commission and tho
ndiipi'nii nf tlio lepoit as a vvholej fel
louod with bat little dila.x. A viva
vine vnt was taken and when 04(1 a.xes
lespouileil to the call, tho (omiuls
sionen rose and saiiK "Piaiso fJod
fi 0111 Whom all ltlossiiigs rioxv,"
whleh xxas leillowed by a piayor of
MianltsKlxIiiR by Modciator Minton.
The momentous question of ciecd
ie islon ha vine: been disposed of, the
assembly ptoeeeded to the cousldeia
tiou ol unfinished business. The 10
poit of M10 spei lal committee 011 commissions was flist In 01
ele'r and xxas aeloptod all or a btlif
lUsitisslon. This 1 open t 101 minuends
the establishment ol a peimanent
Indie ial committee, to whhh shall be
11 let ini all iilelliinl cases which tbo
!onci,tl asseinlilx does not elect to tty
beloio the whnle hod. Theie will bo
no appeal it 0111 Iho ilei Hlons of Mll.s
Afteinoon Pioccedings.
Ilm Iiiw Iho alteinooii ".essloti icpoits
of x. 11 ions spoi (oiuiultlces vvoio
cLiiiileioil and adiiptod, union!; them
a Mipiomeiil,il stippoit or Ibe 1 0111
lllitti'o on seinlniuliu,
vvbli li leeonimemled Ibe 1 oiiolitliitloii
of the l.niilsvillo nnd Danville semi
nal bj- N't w Yoik was seloilid as
the inietln plan" loi the not Kt'iietal
I'oiiimontlU!; on the ,11 tli 11 of the ttt
semblv on tin iitostloii ol lovl'tiii,
Model, "lot Million said-
The dis( ussloii has doxelopid tin 1
displnjid l.n 1111110 (loailx Iho .ikki
1111 lit ol the v hoi' ussemlily Upon Iho
ipiL'tlou ot 1 "Vision than any ilivhloii
in ilisinid The dot Islon ion bed Is
a viitoiv im no one, bill Tot all."
Kev Di e'lmilis Dkkov, ilinli
m.iu ol tin miiimliteo on icvlslon,
"Tlio chine h mav i'poct peace and
piojtioss dm Iiik: ibc loinlii vial Tito
tu llnl! uf Iho assembly manifest! .1
1 initial ( oiilldenee. V'Miotl illsonl,
Iho ass"inlilv dotoi mined In ko for
waul mid dlstliK tlx iuiiiImiI mil th"
wax mi the iuhmmii'MiI."
Chief Hasnn Tvesigns.
Hi luliiiiu Win- finm Ibe ssililitl I'M'
Nni ni Mn -7 -Willi 1111 I' III. in. t'i'f
i.'nil nf llu I mud sun, M.iii m nui buieiu,
with In iili,iiiilin in till 'in. bi liiultliil bit
1 l;i 11 ion I 1 ibi on imuilit .ml lu 1 Itli, tu li'i)
1 'tut Ull .'lllll i in xl
Taylor UcfentK Jncciuelin.
Hi fn Indie '" f"111 'I'1' xiclttci I'm.
1'irl. Mn -'7 "Mimr" li.ilnr, Ibo (olmcil
Vuiiruiii iiilol, In tin 11 lui 11 1111I1I1 Itnil do
If .lit. I I II. ll. llll till- llllllll ill.llllpli'll, lu I110
mil ut lion I in.
New Recotd foi Btond Jump.
11 Ivthiidi" Win1 fiom hie V.-oiiileti Pip
lutiiluii, iln -17 - In , llu lii-li t linil'lnn-liii
1,11111. it llubliu lutlix, I' h 101, o Will 1
f. nl, 1 mi ml 'I fi't ' im in in Hit Ion; jump,
luilni; ill iiiiiui(. ni' nl I
Giant?., n ren&ion.
l 1 . ludi Win fnui Ibo Vvwiljlnl I'll".
U.1-I1I1 uli n M ii '7 I oil nil 1Mi11, if I'J r
M.ii., l.n ipo tu nun, in bun Kiintid a i n-.Ji'n
if ss, I 1,1., lllll
t ii 11 ten le sjv. 11 dii, i 1 iiiiuii Ins lieu
Uiutid 1 I" ii'ion uf i 11 iiiouib
II mliii iiiupii iluie Miilezuri
illl tl lllU.llllUt I llt.Ul'l
Iklniu lllliiiuliti
s j 111 , &7 per cent
s p in . si, pei mil
I'uiipiuti'in JI bfiiis 1 1 'Im, s p 111 1 Oil J 111 It.
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