- 1 THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-FRIDAY, APRIL 12, 1901. 0 NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA TUNKHANNOCK. Pfelil lo lb" Scranlon Tribune. TuiiklwiniuK'k, Apt II 11, Mm. H. C. I lodge wis clcclnl one ot llic vIpp lircHldrnts of the V11Ic.-Uiiiti! illstrlrt of tlio Wuinon's Fuii'Ikd MImhIoiiui.v no ddy of tlie l.rtcUHwiiiiiia Pi-PHbytery, whluh nipt :it Nuntlcnkc ItiHt wppk. Mrn. Mriry Kun.sftt, who Iwk bccti IlllP.'ltPIUjtl ttltll pUPIIUIOIllll till' JHlIt work, Ik cotiVitlp.wt'lnp. U; V, 11. Mi'ittssci and (IniiKhtpf, Jtutli. of lltizlt'tuii, who lmvu Iipuii .stopping with irlpnils inul rolatlvcx In town the firml wt'i'k, Iimvp returned honip. Horn, to Mr. (in, I Mrs. llluior Tiinni hh, of Hiirrlnon .stiecl, April n, an cIrIiI , iiuiind Mm. Itfv. ll. W. Wilbur liplng ubHcnt tit conference, the ii.sunl protichliirr hpp vIct'B at tin; MflthndlMl Kilcopnl oluireh will b omitted nexL Sumluy. .MIIIp)' t'lllver iiml A. f i"npv Iiiivp leased thu Oejirhiirt eonl pIiuiph and Are tutiniiit? them. May 10 U the date of I'l ofisor .1. l WljlKliih' fourth annual banjo concert. Sumo noted niufclclans will participate. Attorneys A. 11. Mi-Collum, of Mont- luse, and fs, . Tlllany, of Nicholson, -) doliiK Alnchrt heio In couit on . 1 lllti Jl, . Ul - Alin-hrt lii'ic 111 ,l:T NOTHS. Thin bday. C Shi-rlff John lir.iy came into court and aeknowledfred tin; tollowlnpr pieces of real estate told by him on execu tion: Deed to 1.1. Hrudhe.id for two lots In Tails township, sold as the property of Iia lliodhead; on.slderatlon, $'JnO. Dl'ciI to Francis M. Matthewhon lor one-fiiarter acre of hind In Factory llc: eonidrlciatioii, $y."0. Heed to C. M. KisbiiauKh for thirty aeies of land in bunion, s-olil as prop erly of Alonzn Ileebe; consideration, s.-ii. Deed to Ibuuo Coollwugli for MO acres of land in F.aton, sold as property of David Donlcj : eonsideiation, $1,100. Deed to Abrani NYsbitt for lot of land In Monioe, hold aspiopcrtyof William Freer and others; consideration, $,"i"5. Peed to D. B. Stephens, lot in Nich olson, sold as pioperty of 1Z. 15. IJlalees lee; consideration, $,"."0. Used to Stella M. Tiavis. farm in l.emon, sold as property of II. M. Tra vis: consideration, S.',7."0. Frances J. Sehooley vs. .Tudson Lutes, interpleader, issued framed to try title to personal pioperty. Report of view eis in favor nt county biidirc in Lemon, across, Meshoppcn crtck. Hied and Lonllinicil nUI. In re lommonwealth vs. James D. liallup, dtsiition ease, uile to show imum. why the defendant should not be discharged Horn imprisonment: rule dischuiged. J. Frank Host vs. Grace Itoss, tll orcr; dccice of divorce entered by the court. ft. K. Rlakvslee's administrator., vs. r:. K. r,lakelee, HI a a nor J. Little ap- 'po inted auditor to malic dUtilbutlon of fund derived fiom sheriff's sale of de- tepdant's luul estate. I'onnnonwealth vs. Cornelius D. Manning:, rule for new liial made ubso. lutj. John V. Custard vs. "SVyominpf coun ty, assumpsit: case settled by patties. Court adjourned on Tluusd.iy till Monday. Apill IS, at -' p. in. BROOKLYN. Ppecial to the Seianton 'Jiihune. rttooklyn, April 11. F. II. Tlif.iny is ' moving to Iopbottom. Isaac Law Is moving his gvjod. hicb have been sloted lieic, to ilinRlmmton Leon Van Ilou-en, ot Altonl, is cm ployed by Walello & Teiry. pttttins up the witc on their telephone line. Alzin.i Reynolds Is very low at this wi itlnp,. W. A. Stephens attendee! a sale on the farm of John Carter, Tuesday. The tuneial of John Leu was held last Friday fiom hl.s late home and interment was made in the new ceme tery. Mr. Lift has been a resident of this vicinity loi nearly half a century, fi member ot the Methodist Kplseopal chinch and a man respectc-d by all who knew him. He wa the last mem ber of a family of .seven, four brothei find thiee bisleid, one of whom. Mis. 51. A. Looinis. died last November. In his i.wn family he leaves ti wile ami six chlldien, Willis, a. prof;-aor in u toilette In Colorado: Alice, a toucher In a seminary in New York; Ed. i, Hi'irlet, Kvn and .lnry, nu Invalid, who lives In Biooklyu, Ernest SteirlliiLr. of Cornell college of Vm entry. Is spending bin vacallon with hn. paients, Mrs. George Peel, hum has i etui mil home after staying two weeks with her parents. Mr. nnd Mrs. C. 11. 1:1V. Irs. I'. 11. Tiffany will live with her daughter. Jlrs. F. II. Kent. The boaid of dhectors have nn iloyed the sumo ttaclieis for the Ktad d ftchcols nest year. V): Geotfre B. I'eiry, of I'lttslon, at tended the funeral of his uncle, John Lee, last wtek. The funetal of Mm, Blanche i:iy Johnson, will bo in id from the Metho ("list Episcopal cliuich of this place to morrow, Friday. She died ut the home of her paients, Mr. mid Mis. John Kly. of Nicholson, Besides her parenth she leave In oilier, husband and Infint son. Her di nth Is the tlist to ocuir In the Alumni of tliooklju Or.iili.il bcliool. The Ludles' Aid of the T'nlversall.-it church inncti; today with Mis, a. Y, Ki nt. The npwoith letiKiio prim an le iieam social at L. S, r.ly'.s last evening, - ii -- KINGSLEY. Iftcul to the Scrauton Tiilnir.c, Klngsley. .irll 11. Miss mien itrain Bid, of Windsor, called mi fi lends hero Saturday Mls Llllte. l ram, of Hopbottoni, as n recent guest of htr sister, Mix. Jarl Ve.mians. Mlts Adelaide Leffcis, who has been ipendlne her L'uster vacation with her patents, letuined to .Syiacuso unlver Mty Wednetduy, Jllss Lizzie Beutch, of Hopbottoni. 's cailng- tor her aunt, Mis. H. E. Car Kiltfr, who Is ill. Mrs. Y, W, Adams and son, Windsor, Ji'fiu guests ot l)r, and Mrs, 13, A. Capwell, of Scranton, Monduy. Stephen Jackson has accepted a po Siljun with il. W. Jellei'e, nt ,Mt. Walk cr, Oordon laboratoiy, fauns at Plains. lioro, N. V. Hon, and Mis. (i. B. Titiany, ot Olb. ou, accompanied by their niece. Mrs. 1. fc Alexander, lett foi lluriihbuis iV'ediieeday. Mr, II. A Fiiirinul who has been KTlotuly III nt her home in llaiiin- htirR, Is convalescing. Her inotlicr, Mrs. It. A. Unrnnrd, ot Hnrford, Is cililnjr for her. A 9-niontliR-old child of Mr. and Mrs. Mllbourn Oakley, or Scrnnton. was brought to the Oakley cemetery for Interment Wednesday. Air. and Mrs. S, II. Onlilcy. of Hlng liamlon, were called here "Wednesday to attend the funeral of their little ginndchlld. Mrs. (.'harks Fnnchor and children, of Montrose, ore guests of her piti'iinti', Mr. and Mrs. W. Jackson. .Mr. nnd Mrs. O. S. Alexander, of Wllkes-Haric, wrio fjiles-ts at A. J. Adams' last week. HARFORD. Spfrlal to tl-c Scrnnton Trlbuii". Hrnford, April llMIs Kllcn Hraln aid, of llnrpersvllle, N". Y Is vlsltllif? her srandfather. D. M. Fan-er. Dr. II. H. Hooven made a visit to Wyoming- In the Inteie.st of his drug store. Mis. k. m. Osljutn Is suffcrhiB from blond pob nuing. Hon. Oeotpe Tiffany, ot Haulsbuig. was :i caller In town recently. Piofesror W. I,. Tlogcrs, wife and daughter, Mlldied, of scianton, are s-pendlmr L'aster vacation with Sirs. J. Kogers. Mis. K. It. Flint Is sciiously III at her home In South Harfoid. Jllss Nellie Plcke.l, n teacher in f-'ei union schools-, is spending her Fas ter vacation with her sister, Mrs. Lew Burdlck. Jllss Jennie Chaniberlin recently closed'a vety successful term of school. Hiland Lslerbtook. of Olbson, is working for litis Tiffany. Until Mcfonnell is u-ueliing at the orphan school. K. K. Jones and i. j. Payne were In Montrose Tue:,uay. Mis. CJIinlan reliunen Wednesday from a six weekc,' visit with her son in New York city. " AVill Tiffany has leceived the con tract for carrying: mall uom Klngsley to Gibson. Major s. O. "Wilaner, of Chester county, deliveied a loctuie on the Bat tle of Gettysburg, with illustrations, In the Odd Fellows' hall Saturday. It was very interesting, but owing to the weather but few attended. Bee. G. D. Fisher is attending con ference at West Pitlston this week. Hiland Esterbiook, of .Montrose, is visiting his parents this week. Fugene Felton, of Gibson, visited C'lmrle.i Felton on ?londay. Professor E. 13. Rogers, of Flmhurst, snent L'aftcr with his mother. Mis. James Bogei.s. HOLLISTERVILLE. 8piiil to the Sonnton Tribune. Holllstervillc. April 11. Miss Giace Giles closed a successful term of school here the -d hist. Bcv. Mr. CJIbbons, of Frank, Pa., oc cupied the Baptist church iiulpit bete last Sunday. The Ladies' Aid society of the Bap tist church held a meeting last "Wed nesday at the home of Jlis. Belos Mooie. Hussel, the youngest son ot .Mr. and Mrs. Charles V. Blown, died at the home of its patents heie last Wednes day afternoon. Mis. Bates, of Gland Junction, Colo l.iclo. was a recent sucst at the home of A. G. Holllster. Harry Moore, of Soranton, spout a few- clays recently at the home ot his mother. Mrs. Lavina Mooie. Miss Fiances loote is visiting ti lends In Sctanton. Master Chailes Hollistei. or Scian ton, Is. being entertained at the home of his grandpaiunts, Mi. and Mi. Al bei t Myers. Mrs. George Fessenden Is visiting relatives In Dunmoie. Miss Clara Gregory, of Seianton, was a lecent guest at the home of her mother, Mrs. Hattle Giegory. Mrs. John Van Sickle Is slowly re gaining health. Albert Van Gouler Is mi III. SUSQUEHANNA. SiifcUl lu ilii .r.i,iicii Trilj.inc Susriuehanna, Apill tl. K, It. w. Seaile. csi lett on Wednesday tor Seianton to assume b,- dnlie r .lorV of the new tedoral com I ot the middle district -Ji this statu. lie will leniovi lo Seranlou in tlie fall. Mr. Searlo las neon a nroniimmt. wldrt-mi-nira r.nt. en, and he leave? behind him a lion of good ti lends, who will wish him all manuei of succes., ,ls new tleld of labor. Atier an Illness o tc-veial months. .Mis. Daniel McCaity, an aged nnd Htpeeted lesideiu of the Oakland side, died lust night. The funeial will piobablj be held Horn St. John's Cath olic chuich en Saturday numilng, Theie will be no pleaching services in tlie Methodist church on Sunday next. Thu funeial ol Mrs. rmlieiinn f',m. don, of s-'tiuiuci'ii, took place on Wed u sda, V, W. , Heicher. fonneily ot Sus. in nn.i, has hem eleelcd elinlrninn of ti. Yu'"-ct council of Pmbond'ile. ,, yi, .,,,,, iwit.l, ,,,,, nun i, v H'PI- deiit 1y Susriucdiiinna, has been np. polnieci hef of tlie dlnlnsr car op the 1'niplre i vte expros, of the .Vei Yoik fnitral i Id, The annual cenvention ot Hie Sus fiiifhiinna bounty School nitectors as t-ocHtion will be hold 111 Monti oso on Sr.tuiday, Apill '0. The Ftopla Mnndoliti and Banjo club, assisted by Mr. George H, Down ing, bailtnne; Mis, Charlotte Bart intt Bean, tender, nnd Mis, J,, M. Hire, contralto, all of Tlinghaiiiton, gavu u concert In the Piesbyleilnn church last evening befoio a huge and delight ed audience, colonel Chailes t' Pratt, of New Mlltord, who will probably he the next slate senator fiom this dIMilct, gieeted Susiiuchanna trlends on Wednesday, Lewis Blodgett, of Oreut Bend, lias taken a Job In tlw ICilu car shojis heie, Miss McGlveney and BlUli, of Hlng haniton, this evening, fh Hogan Opera hou&e, lesuniPd their lessons In dann. tna, An nftor-hop followed. ODD FELLOWS' DAYS. Fan-American Sets Apait Two Dates in June. Odd Follows throughout the world have been Invited to attend Hie Pan American exposition on Odd Fellows' rtrys, June :'if-'J7, A circular loiter has hc-t-n sen: to all the lodges of the In dependent Order of Odd Fellow by the I. O. O. F. FaifAmcrlcan committee reqttefltliijr them to unite With the vast Htmy of Odd Fellows In making these special days mentornblu In the annuls of the oretcr. One paragraph of the Invitation says! "On Juno 26 and 27 wo nntlclnato the plcnsuro of meeting nnd greeting Grand Sire Cable, the grand master, and grand oDIcers of each tfratid lodges Jurisdiction throughout the world, as well as ninny or the members ot your lodge." The committee nniiounccs Hint Us ef forts will bo directed toward making Odd Fellows' days banner days at the exposition. The Buffalo Odd Fellows nie making elaborate preparations for the lecoptlon mid nntertalninenl of their visiting hi others. Headuuarteis have been established nt Ne. 1!I3 Kill colt SMituic. where nil necessary Infor mation In relation to transportation, accommodations, etc., niny bo obtained by members of the mder who Intend visiting the exposition. There will be Irsttcd from lhc?o heudriuurtor.s a com pleter street guide of Buffalo, ampli fied with maps of the city ot and the exposition grounds, as well as a re vised roster of nil the I. O. O. F. sub ordinate lodges, encampments, enntons end Kcbckah lodges of Krle county. It Is proposed to hold a grand can tonment In Buffalo during Odd Fellows' days. This would Insuie the attend ance of thousands of the uniformed members of thJ order. Assurances have been given by cantons In Massa chusetts, Illinois, California, Ohio nnd other states In the Union that they would be present In full-diess tint ltiims and assist In making the paiade a line one. It is Intended to bold Odd Follows' Held day exercises In the Stadium, on June 1!C. Cantons from nil the states of the Union and provinces of Canada will be nrked lo enter Into the drill competition for valuable prizes. A splendid program ot events Is being arranged. The Odd Fellows' days nt the exposition will undoubtedly bo among the most pleasant and memot able of the numerous special days. STORIES ABOUT CHECKS. Some Big nnd Famous Ones and Some Curious Indorsements. Fiom tlie London C'lot.c. "This check Is to order and must bo Indorsed," said a paying cashier In a Highland bank to a Presbyterian min ister. "Eh?" queried the cleilc. "In dorsed across the back," explained the money expert. "Oh! aye!" and with the pen and with gieat fervor the min ister wrote: "1 heartily indoisd this check." The first known example of an Fng llsh check is, wc believe, dated 1671, and was diawn on an oidinnry piece of paper, afterward torn at the canter to signify it was canceled, upon Char les Buncombe, a goldsmith's contldeiiT tl.il cleik. for the sum of IM). Willi this fact to guide one. It Is not difficult, to assign a date to the story of the young lady who replied, when infoim'd that a crossed check could not be paid over the counter, "How tiiesome! Then X suppose I shall have to come loiind the oilier side to get In." When the De Heeis Diamond Mining com pany paid the sum of SS.SIS.G.'O in one check to the liquidator or the; Kimber ley Cential Diamond company, in 18S!, the check was doubtless to or der and ciosscd, but had it been payable to be.irei we ei. much doubt whether It would have been pienentod for payment over the counter, in view ol tlie fact thai the gold il lepiesonled would weigh ovei torty tors, while if taken in live pound miles a luuclen of over a. ton would have to be taccd. It was not. however, on account of the wilght of tlie bullion he- would have had to he it away with him that ev-Ptesident Cleveland, some thiee years ago, tailed to present , check for the nil. nice of his salary as piesident that was Issued tium the United States treasury, tor it was, lound when the bonks ol th nation were ovei hauled that the Unit ed States of America was Indebted to Mr. Gtover Clevel ind to the e::!eiil of one halfpenny, and In older to set a good example ol debt paying to sister lepublics in tlie western hemisphere the treasury issued ti check for that amount, which, having been duly ex amined, npproved, cour.tei .signed and endorsed by at least a d02en officials-, was lorwarded to the White House by special messenger. Perhaps with tin Idea of strengthening; the financial yta blllty of the United Stntes,, the ex president decldled at oine that he would lather foingo all the dellgliltul possibilities that one glance at the check conjured up than piesent It tor payment: at all events, It solves as u memento ol his disinterestedness, or it is now in his possession duly mimed and glazed, and may In yeais to coino excite much intoiest PORTO RICO'S RESOURCES. They Will Be Exhibited nt the Fnn AmericAii Exposition. Thu enterpilse of Poito lltco is evi denced by the piepaiatlons that are now being made tor tt.s participation in the Pan-American exposition. An appiopihitlon of SIQ.uhQ has been made for a building and nu exhibit. Thy building, which will have a de sirable location In the Court of State and Foielgn Uulldlngs, will bo in tlio fnim of a kiosk, a one story stiurture villi n cupola, fifty-live feet In height. The huildliig will be constructed en lliely of native woods of all varieties, tin- floor being of luud-wood tiling. It will lie ipille imposing, the Moorish style of aichltecluie being followed. The kiosk will be built in Poito Hleo and "knocked down," ic.idy to be set up on Its aiilvnl at th? Pati-Anietlcati cvposiilon grounds. In the kiosk will Iw shown the wotk ot the women, such as cmbioldciy, drawn and lace woik, etc,, In which the women of the island excel. Theia will also be a coffee and cigar stand. where Porto Ulenn i otfeo will bo made and ssn-ed by charming Porto Ulenn W'troiltas. The kiosk will also contain the otllcos of the Porto niean commis sioners nnd It will bo a, genuial hend ciuartors for information concerning tin.' count! y. The Island will have 1,200 square fent of space In the Agriculture build ing and the same space In the llortl culturo building for exhibit, Most of the space allotted to the Island in the Agriculture bulldlnir will be occupied by a comprehensive exhibit of sugar, coffee and tobacco In various stages of growth nnd manufactuie, Neaily eveiy species of plants and trees of the inland which will bear uaiispoitutlon will he sent to Buffalo. Tiesldcs everything pioduccd and inamifactuied on the island, instruc tive tables of information have been piepared which will be invaluable to agriculturists and others intending to Invest in I'orto lileo. '(lie uumbtr of pciyjiiA tlglilii; t lie lili.ii of CVnjrtJJ on iiMiigurdtlon Jjy J 7-J,W l,y ui. tul count kept by 4 nicclnnlojl reelrlci. In tbico la Satuidjy, .Siindjx ami iuiIj- Hip total iv j oicr ijQ,UX pcitgiio. PINE ARTS JISPLAY ORIGINAL PRODUCTIONS AT THE PAN-AMERICAN. Purpose Is to Realize the Project of an American Salon High Rank ot Our Fine Aits in the World's Es timation. Accotdlnq: lo Mr. William A, Collin, director of fine arts, the general Idea to be carried out In the exhibition of flnu nrls at thu Pan-American exposi tion Is to make a completely represen tative and very high class exhibition of American art which will Include works executed within the. past twenty-live years 1S7C-1!0I. The works of which the exhibition Is to be conipored arc classified as fol lows: Group 1. Paintings In oil, water color) pastel and other lecognlzcd me diums; miniatures, cartoons. Oroup 2. Sculpture, Including med als and cameos. Group 3. Drawings, etchings, en ginvlngs, black and white or mono tint paintings In oil or water color. Oroup ). Atchltccttirc. All works In all clascss must he ori ginal pioductlons, mil no copies of works of art, whether executed in the same medium as the ot Igtnals or In different mediums, will be accepted. The exhibition will be made up in gieat part by dlioct Invitation, thus ecurlnB from artists and owners the most notable and excellent woiks, and these will bo placed In groups. Po far ni possible all the pictures by a given artist will be hung side by side, so that the artistic value of his achievement may be estimated by seeing several works together and not by examples scattered about in the dlrfeient rooms. Our purpose Is to realize at the Pan American exposition the project of AN AMF.1HCAN SALON never yet completely can led out In which will be made apparent the rea sons for the high rank In the tine arts now held by the United States In the wotld's estimation, as exemplified by our recent tiitimphant success at the recent Pal Is exposition and as shown In our annual exhibitions under the auspices of the vailous professional ait societies in New York, sue-h as the National Academy of Derign, the So- UIM.IVM . I OITIS. llnieloi f line UK l'.iu- m 11. 111 i:u-ill"i clety of Ametlcir.i Aitists, the Ameil eaii Wnler color society, the New Yolk Water Colo'- club, the Arehitec titi.it leauue, the National Sculpirie society, the Ten American P.ilnleis. the society of Lanspape Paluteis, etc.. and at the annual exhibitions held at Philadelphia, Isostou. Chicago, SI. J-cuis, Pl'tsiv.iig and otlim.s in itu Ipul oil lis ut the I'llitcd Stales. The juries of prntcf-loual nitlMs in inch at the lour groups will aet in two capacities-. They will be ndvlsoiy lommlttees, assisting tlie diiettor of line aits In locating and .securing the best woiks, and they will act as ccnu inittees of selection in Judging woiks that may lie oifeied for exhibition. The Jury for Croup I Is headed by Kdwln Howiand Ulnshllelcl, N. A.: that lor Oioup i' by Daniel Chester Fiencli, A. N. A., that lor Oioup :t by J. Cai 10II Beekwlth. X. K.. and that for ilioup I by John M. Caiieie. chairman ot the board of aichltecls of the Pan Amejican exposition. All the membeis of the juries .11 e known thioughoul the United Slates as among the most emi nent in their lespeetlvo fields. Thn sessions of the juries for the different gioups will bo held In New Ycik city and iiuifaln in the latiei part of Match. Depots for leeelvil'g wntksnf feied will be established In both cities. A laige Miiiibei of celebtaifil Anieil-c.-.n artists reside In France, Client Hilliiin and other pirla of Europe, Tt Is the intention t" make tlio teptcsen latlon of their woiks full and com pkie, and It Is expected that a cum pailsou between their uchlevenients and those of the artists at home will b both Intel estlng and instinctive, Mi.isures have been taken to sec urn the lepiesentcitlon of the work of ar tists from tlio P.in-Ameilcan coun tries and colonies. The exhibit of each of these couutiles will bo placed by Itself, and the fine arts exhibition will thus po.-ssoss In Its ensemble an Intel national diameter In harmony with the keynote of this exposition, which will eMJinplIfy tlio civilization of all the Ameilcas, ALL BUT TWO WEST POINTERS. General Charles Kinp; Tells of Lending- Ofnceis After Civil War, f.cn I lurid Kin,', In 'I lie Sjtimhy Cirning lol, Tlie Army Beglster of 1SH7 tlio first published nftei the leoiganlzatlou of that day Is a Held for study now. At the head of the list, sjeireral-ln-chlef. Is the name of the gieut silent soldier who in 'CI vainly tendered his sword to the war department and sadly wall ed two long days In McClellan's ante room at Cincinnati, hogging an audi ence that was never accorded. Neither tlio wisdom of the adjutant general's department nor that or the great or ganlzer saw anything woithy of con sideration In the appeal of a leslgned captain, despite his West Point diplo ma and his line fighting recoid In Mexico. Illinois gave him the start, nieilt did the rest, and In spite of cNcrythlnc Giant foiged to the front. Second on the roll, lieutenant general, was Sheiman, who, with influence to begin with, In '01 had skill to send hi m on. Then came the major geneiuls "Old Bruins" Hnlleck. Mcade,thc loyal head of the A j my or the Potomac; Sheri dan (whose own state had no place lor him umong It, volunteeis and who got his start from Michigan); Thomas, the Itock ot Cltickani.iusu. und Han cock, "the superb" all West Polnteis. - 80, too, wore the torliradlers, -ve only Terry, tlie Connecticut soldier lawyer who won fame at Fort Fisher, and his Kentucky fellow-flglitor, Rous seau, awarded the fag-end of the list when Roscncrana resigned In the flprlns of '67. Even the brigadiers had commanded Independent armies, or nt least corps d'armoe, during the (treat war Rousseau nnd the veteran dra goon St. Groiro Cooke ulone except ed. In the order of regular rank they were McDowell, Cooke, Pope, Hooker, Schoflpld, Howard, Terry, Ord, Cnnby and Rousseau, 80 there you have the seventeen generals of the lino as determined by the war beside which the lecent flurry was but nn affair of outposta. and all but two West Pointers! LIFE SAVING SERVICE. The Founder of It Tells How It All Happened. Fntnier llovcrnor Wllllani A. Newell, who has had the rare distinction of being the governor of two states New Jersey and Washington writes In the Mnreh Success of hl.s romantic experi ence ns a congressman In 1849, -when he originated the life saving bervlce by orferlng a resolution In the house of representatives to appropriate money to save lives imperiled by the sea. Fellow members of congress nt that session were John Qiilncy Adams and Abraham Lincoln. Mr. Newell says: "Various objections were made to my motion, the strongest of which woh that the scheme was Imprnotlcabte. I laid the matter bofoie a grsat many Konnlors and members, speaking to them in person. President John Quln cy Admits occupied a seat Just behind mine, nnd, after the reading of the resolution by the clerk, leaned forward and said to me: 'I would like to see that resolution.' "I sent for tt, and handed 11 to him. He read it over carefully and, handing It to inc. said, with a smile: 'It Is good. I hope il will prevail.' "Abraham Lincoln also read ll, ana said: 'Newell, that Is a good measure. I will help you. I am something of a life-saver myself, for I Invented 11 scow that righted itself on the Missis sippi sand-bars!' "I'vtlso had the earnest support and kind wishes of ex-FiesldJtits James K. Polk. Zaehary Taylor. Slillard Fill mote, Andrew Johnson. Rutherford B. Hayes. V, S. Orant and James A, riar field; also of Salmon P. Chase. James O. Blaine, Boscoe Conkllng, Joshua K. lliddings, Znchaiiah Chandler, Oliver P. Morton. Sam Houston, John Bell, Simon Cameron, Leonard Wads. Rob ert J. Walker. Henry Clay, John (!. Calhoun, Daniel Webster1, Stephen A. Douglas, Thomas H. Benton, Lewis Cuss, Henry S. Foote, Samuel ,f. Ran dall and other noted stale-men." OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO THEATRICAL. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ATTRACTIONS TODAY. AlAPIAH- luiie Min minimi; M.ilhici .mil risht. fi Ml.r -i'owi'lc liiiilr-in-i- Mitiiin ,ni,l nilil. The Boweiy Builesciuois. ll :.'"-. willmitl -l.wic llnl .itiv mil 11.111111U nl 111 Hi,' lniiK-itio I Iti - iiuiIim iliiiifinii nt JliitiK ,1 sL nu, ,ii N L,o,il. 'llic pii'iiiuii'i' tilieii lc tlio liinCl,l HlllltMlllils .ll tin" CllllV Jlt(llllj w K mi 1 c w 1011 ti, lln inlo. 'tlio Pimm ininii" in 1 tut i 1 1 - i n, il.iiiil, iicl uitli titlicr (in1. mill' Iiim' y I, ut itmu (he c.Iiolc it ws Ui M itiii ti, tlit ttin.ui. llir t'lKiiiii: lutili'tt.1 111 tltl.il ''Clio, r-oiijt," 1 iUi(Uy .1 tiiwtciinu. 1, ;.iM-ill.)ii, "lint ulli'W riiiuinnll!'- l"i icnili tinti of i'0nil 11 uniii .iinI tin' ilKplo n il .mil tniiiniii,1 l,,,lini-. The lioi Ml, ui i! ttic li,upi' u 1 1 -1 . 1 1 r . I 111 llu' nli.i win, h 1 ii'iilnl In Ml- 11.1 Awii.ii, the ir.il 1, "in -Ins-'ir. Iiv .mi n'f i,!i i' f ,i ilnoiil 01 imi,l,i .11 Hue f .1 1 mill 1 uti .mil lici gr.tim'S .nt' lint ll('Iviiti.i'i: Jil llieii' ir. ,i ceitiin -.fniK'l hiiic- .ilmut Inn' icu tliliiin n the lii-l .veil'? mp o! I'tuni wins- tint iicui (ails, tn .iiou-i' inlliii-la4li' ',iip!.ni-,'. Aiidv l.cN, Maude l.lllolt .111 1 Mule ltli le ininii nude a li tl in Hull wiirlrxtlU hi.i c -tillcil, "llhiih Out'." jmi the Itiltou .-.i-ln- .mil MKi I.e1 ami 11jI( j:jm' .1 ) .iniut; tutu in -sins'ius' iiml d.miinA' i I illie, 'lho tmi-.li.il net hy lYauIt Tuyloi, Ktliel Cnpi' anil Tmn I'm In .! I'nloit.i'.niiiK, .mil the lHiiuuiancfi of tlif Piiojii1, jciulnl, ecu ucll tcn'i(il. Tin lliilllrf tiUllC-qtlO ,"'llf Slliflv MaVf," ,K MCI. iloriuiis Iilcllv nn .iconiint ot (lie liuinnroui; Ir.i rmc nitiiloi l ntli l,Mi ,i "Ki llmliki," Hie (nciiiio iltnd. Ill- iinpii-mutiiMi a kiu of the nieilt n1isln.1l .itul Iccpt llu- .linliinii' In cr.n si.iiil Imshtci. 'I lie IIOHl'iy lllllllMlll't Will JppiMI ("1 IllC li. limit' 1,1 Hit' v.,!,, jiteinoiiii .111,1 i-vniuu'. The Corse Payton Stock Company. c'.ili-e I'jiiuii, the iminenl ciiiicll.ni un.l lunpiiilni' ol hi' CiiIm- P.l ton slntk ccinpiii.'i, nxoftnilns tint 1 nh- liy ihv.i slml.v .mil nuxlt'ii 01 .ill the tibialis cnnclul Willi .1 Ihi-jliicjl i-i.lounlsi, (unlil lie i-ain lli.il olICC 0- Wllicil Ills .llllhlliull lillilo llllll lIcsllOIIS III, I Kiniiienceil uq 11 ,mmiI1i, nl .-ewiHu-n ,i'iH nf use, .it tlif liotloni el the InMoi, .nul wlifii lio hnl iiMKonii' tlm tliiiionllio ol tinlt', inul hi. IvIiohImIso in the luinulloii mul (iiiuliuilii, ut u ctmipinv with (Hie tcniill th.it iliulnj 11m ut tin jens hi-, cnterpiikt-, h.ue met willi UIi1mi.iI mucin., .iixl -tintl lodav the ripiii' seitatlic ii'i'Oilohe (ireJiilUion-, of the imui li. Ilolii- .1 HlOlOllLjIl .itloi- 1iIiiim.1i', ho m !,.i?e-, nnlj the lie-t tJluil in Hie iiintei, gbt them only the lit -I. pljv.i .nul l.ilo.t eiuccs tioni nuliopillt in HiiMtrii-, suuontU lho nli.tln with .1 tciuic and nourlv e.iiipinenl niiil to tin ln'i-t .1II011I01I In Hie iiietnipolll.iii lleatni,, anil with Hie nuttu ininii, iliieiN hi idiearMla Jin! ivory detail at tlio ioineliou pi,mul!y, wlili the KMilt lli.il the ilnniln 1II111; iniiiiince m' till.-, linn I-,. -how n in liiuiionltnulv unnplrie pu tcntatlon uf liU pin,. Coiiu Pajion'ti Mnik ctinipJn.v will hojln 1 week's einrascnicnt at the Acatlcim of Mule iut Mtintlay Jltunoon, pu'rittiti the ttlnin'j liiciropolilaii nine.", "Only .1 I'.ii jtici '-: t)au;;li ter," which will be glim tor the flr..t time In this city it pepular inlec, , .ilw.1-,, H.e pceplc' liirutrs will lie tit.iin'cd, the tilsht piiie. belli? 10. 'JO ji'il KO crirU. Matinee, I,,. Sinn dillj, iiiiiiinericlni; Meiitlay aileinouii, ill which tie ptleej will he 10 anif 20 rem Fied Irwin's Burlesqueis. Fred liwiiiN Ills lluilioiiiie eliow, one of the KCjuon' .iii)iif.t picnliictlciiT, w bo the nel attraction at the Oaiet.x, biinnintr wjlli .1 mat inee net Mrnil.iy atleiiiuon. Hie iiainn ot I'litl Ii-wiri has eier been counted a Rturuitto o ,'0'tHl lillh in litiiU'oquc iloliijjn, mul (his pal tki'lar i-liow innsiikic-il the bist Hut lie lur l,itrctl in eCMi.ll yeaiti, The bill Mill be well balanceil and mlscd nltli utmost niieiy Ixtlli in ipullty and ijiiintlly Vijo biiilr&quc will be tlogecl, I10II1 wrillen by V, h llalljiitl, cue of I he moil, original ami ainiijliic o( tha twrnttutli renturj humoiUI, R.itli Hired KkiM will be staectl with vupcib 1 alliums, spciul ecnciy and electric cftevts, while tli inutlc, rouipaecc by 0'eoiga t'lxln, will ba new, novel and up-lo dale, An additional attrac tion will be ccn in Marie llanUon, cue ol tlio famoiij 01lgin.1l llanlVon tliki., who will shine 3 nrIiK,lut boy in lho burleci)w, aini will iiipjy t-onia Ely uppaiel. Patney lleinard. a 1 rally (treat Hebrew- humorist, will be (ho lai comedian, nnd will ihll'il cat title hiiinoi .id lihitnni. I be vauiloville bill will he tar above tlit- uvcrant;, and will include some really larl lilf dc-cdj by thu I'.lnl I'oincllas, a mittlilesA tram ot L'nropeau ociob.ils. lHh(r on I In.' raid will bo the JvuUli JoUct, lieiiijid arul Wat nn; the libli comedian; the UrownlnM in a noted ekettb, and (,ii Maiilell, a vveoe tinker. THE MARKETS. Wall Rtrtat IUVlw. N'cw Vork, April II. Speculative tlqnlil.il ln was ury clearly ill work ognlu In tmlay's plix.lt inarkrt. It wm oftVt ilnrinit llie curly put nt lho Hny by tlm nggiewlre ulrength nhown by .1 htiitlfut of nlockii. The aihiiiuc In them wa helped liy tlolent minlpill.it Ion, but ll felted to itiiitlaln Ike rett ot Hip market In face of heaty fcIIIiik tin til the rail money ratn tun up nRnlii, ttlien tlm ptefsure to i-ell becaiiio Rteater than thn luVntpthi' power oml the miiket turned weak. Kten the nolnbly klroiift stocks lost all of their Rtilni a a mle and lho market ilonetl dull and nt nboul lho lowest nnd 11 corujlicdnblo net Iom except In a tcry few nloek. Tlm 11rrlt.1l In I.0111I011 nf the New York tlnancler who h.n been lho mutiny uplrit In moil ot the leient financial tnotemriiM In thN i-ounlry aroiwed Rome rxpretatlon lli.it the London nmket would iv fleet liU presence thern .mil that nctlon would be taken on noinn nf tlie pioloctn which lnti! been suppotncl to be ttiiltlnif upon hli cnunell. The ininoifd llurlliiRttm deal tvaj Hie tno-t Ine porlanl of these anil Hie falluie of olflclal eon Qunitlon nf the tciy ponitlvo hmoiIIoih which Kite been current lh.it thli lr,uw.ntlon tva coin plctcd had 11 sood ileal to do with the deprev itlon which ki incited the whole nurket at lho tliy proRiCfsed. II H tery etldent fiom the ferplitenee of dlthlniei-t ot the deal tint nn Important minority of the idockholtlcr-r ii Mill oppoced In it rirn If II he tine that nctml eon fled li.n pliied lo Hie lllll-Muigaii Inleiest. The wlde.ipieid belief In liupcnillnc conollH.illoti.i of importance in the copper woild matte Anuliri mated Copper very active and luiojunt, but heie aR.iln the failure of cM'rted oilleial confirmation aronned Mme feellnjr of dl'tnut nmonir the spetn htors who IinI boujht most, laif?ely aiyl with le.T,t Infonnitlon nnd Hie proM lakliiR cet the slock pnellcilly nil of IU .'l1! iroirit rl-ie. The CIiIcjro nnd Xorlltirotcui slocks rontllined their icmarkable rise, the common ndtanclnu in polnt-t mid the prefcrmd lit point", nrh of thoin how. ins S (mint advances between sale" llenlcli fiom oftichl soincc) of flic rumored consotldation nf this road with ChleaRO. Minneapolis, M, I'aul and Oimlii, and with t'nlon I'.iolllc c.uiwl 11 traction In the stock of "i;. Tlierc wcio de nlali of the rumoicil pale ot Consolidated Gj real estate, rauinir .1 reirlion ot 4 point." from the filoikM rif. point lite. The advance of ;i',i in Itock hhnd on rinnoi" of bnvitijr for on fiol bv I'eniKiltania tvero more than losL Sun.ir lOoe nn rxtinnc .'l' nnd sited more of its train than other Rtook. Tlio United States Steel tttoclcs rhowed a iiolahlo lelaiwo fiom thnr early stienstli. closing nt net dec line" of a fric tion to a point. The sclllnp pressure was mo'l marked In IturlttnHou mid in Northern I'Jiifli: anil II w.w nnlf for a brief period liial tliey wore llflid ul all ovei latt iiIkIiI. The le.irtion in riiirlinglon rc.uiied "i'i and in Northern IMeille 2-Ji. Total sale." toiliy. l.TI"i,i!0il shares. The bond market wai moilerately nftlte and jlchled in Mmpitliv with the late le.i.ictloti In stocks. Told s.des pir value, 'tl.ltl'.niKi, Ijnllrd Mute" old I" coupon nihanced ' per cent, nn the J-i-t call. The following ijiiol.-illoin aie furnidieil Tlie Tribune hv M. S. .Innlin .V, C,i., looms' W-Tii Men-" liiiHiHmr, Serinton, Pi. Telephone wm.1: Open- Hirdi- Low- Cl- ln'. est. est. inr. Anieiiran Sii(i.ir 1V' llO'j 14r.i,'( tll'; American Tobacco Ii-'-h l.m'ft Ui'm l-K Atch.. To. A S. Fe .... Ct'i ( i-T M! A., T. k S. r Pr ft.'i 11,1,; -iv; r,i, niookltn Traction M .l M'Vi Sl?i inn. & oid ei'j "!;. '! iuii fVrit. Tolneio IT I7H I"''! 4ii"v Che.'. !c Ohio In"i ITU H'.Vt IWi Chi,., i- O. IV 2.!; ai'j l'k 2-5 Chie.. 11. k O 1IU 1"a'a 1ST lss'l St. I'aul l.-iVi TT'; 151 1.11'i flock Idaml IIS fd',i HT'i lITii nelittare lluil-on .... ITS'J Kftij 1TTU li Kan. .t Te.i. it i,i"j an "iin no lxiuU. k x.i-ii nv- iir.',; iai' iui"A Manlntlan i:ie 1nv, I2sKi Ui'1'.' l-i"; Urt. Tiaitlon o It-T-'s lili- 1(t.""'i lfti IKtii IMiitle Junj IMS 10-J livj fsoullieui far ilk I'r r"s I"' '" Xmf.ilk & Wc-tetn :,', Hi. .'il'S "d'j Ncilh. Vaciiie 'n's 'i'Hk CiIth !1T1 N01II1. I'arifl, 'iT ''T 'kI'k 'Vr X. V. Ccr.lnl I',lfl Tii'l ll'"'! U'Hi Onl. le-l :ilT; :i-i :jS -ll'i I'ci.iH. it, 11 fvds r.T iviu l'n, I'.lt ilie M.lll T "T'i 111, ."il 1,'e.nlliiji "0 ::c,' jiTC "-yi lleiulinsr, l'i 7.",1" Til TV- T"e .sfjiithttu It. It , 2.S1.I 2'l 'JT'i: -!T', Soiitliein 1! II.. l'i .... T'i? 'ui T'l , 1"', 'Iiml. ('. & lion ill 1. Hi i,2"H iili; 1'. s. la itbei I.l"s Ills I! b, I. n fa-atlui, IV TC.1,. 7i,j TC'i Ti,1, V. .s. Hi.bber --liU- 21 ',1 2n,i 2ir; t'nlon I'.triile ')i 'H" ' 'i-'s I'nli.ii f .11 llic. l'i s-,n .s',i, -", ., M'ahi-h. I'r IH' II 's .'.'iV, ,'i Weslnii I'liitui '11 'U'r 'H ni'i C. I', f Tflii T.'.i, T.:'. Tl An d. (oppn IIPj 1ITU 111 HI I'uipli's fli II 1 -h 111"! lln'l Jbl'J e.is I'arifie n'l ll'i I IJ Am. Car IViumhy 2",7; 2i 2'i'j 2-"'i I", .s. sihcd Co Is'j pit; IT IT i". s, 5:10,1 Co.. i'i .... s-,ij in, 1, mm; 'ini M'W M.I.'K lllt.MN MAIIKI'.I' llp'll- llich- butt this l ill l. In'i. ti sl. inj; Miv To TT-'s Tfi TT' Jnlt , ... Tii TT Ti, TT f OHV Mat .. . . Is 1 li lU isi. Scrnnton Board of Trade Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of 100. STOCKS. Hut Xatioial Ballk bcunton hatlnga flank Thlld National Binl Dime Ilepo-lt ami Hi-icouiit flunk.. Kconomy I.iglil. U. & I. Co Licka. Trtint Safe Deport Co Clark i Hnover Co.. fr. Scranton Iron Kor.ee & life. Co. ... Seianton AtIo Works I.acka'.tanna Dairy Co., fr. County Sitings Dank 4' Tiu-.t Co.. Firt National Bank (Caibomlale).. Standard Drilling Co Trailers' National Dank so.inton II.Ml and Nut Co BONDS. Kranton Pawiyer Hallway, nut Mortg-ase, duo 1DM People's Street Hallvta, rlrjt inort- tfak-C. due 1018 People's btreet Ilaihtay. GV11r1.1l rnortRagc, due Wi Dickson Manufai tnrlns Co Lacka. Township school fi per cent. ltd. A.-Ui I.O) tsu 7. a 1 in f-'j 10il Si 20 riio IiOO JO Mi ... 113 ... 115 ... IIS 1110 ... Itti City of Seianton rd Imp. u per rent . 1W Surantcn Tuition il pi con 1!S ... Seianton Wholesale Market. (Coiierled b.v II, '. Dale. 2T l.arkinanii 1 Vc Ilutlci Ciraiu iv, uhl. jnaJIr.: lre.li, .'.'aiJ1.!,; ddiy, tio-.li. 21'.aJ-'c; old, nilv. Clu.-c- I'ull tie mi. l.'al".- IJak"-'e-tcin liili, ll'i. to IV , neiibj l.ili', 1'iVi In hie. II' in. -fit Ini.. ihoict iiuirotv, ViKiil(l. I'e.i DeiiH Pir lm ihoiic miiiow, i-'..V,i.'.r,r. Medium Ilcaus-l'-r lm s.'.jOa'.'.-li. (Iiecu Pias Pu Ini., M.IOil.f',. nlnin-Per bu., l.mil..'A ITom -llcst intent, pel libl,, s(.i,'i Hod Kidney llrain-l'oi' Im , s.,r,iju0 New Yotk Gtnni and Pioduco. Vvv V01 1., Apul ll. ITom riimer wlti wheit and bu.iii",-, ehownl iiinin .ulivilj on I' modm. M ln-at spot jinn; No. J ltd, Tll'ic, 1 o, In. arl'it! X", -' l"lt i"'r', iletatoii So. I I'tjtlhein lliilulli, 'IV, 1 o, li, allu.it; nplbitis c p. mil Ir nit j lam a 11111vv.il el itpoit ii 11 oih and bliv 1 h iiiiiiM'-, can-id I'm llu 1 mvci ini; ami advimo; cl.is'd lallui Hun at 'iJi nit lUe; Jlay 1 limed iiUe-S 'Inlj, "'''i',! l'i Iciiibn, Ti. folll -spot ftcult , So. J, H'lii. elevator and f'J'j, , I, ob, alloal: option-, 111,11 l.cl wai stiail.t in I11111 all davi iIomi! him and Ul'.-; mt lilirhu: May ilo.eil Iv.i ; .lulv, loV.s s,p. Iinibir, IT1;! OaN spot mini Xo. 2, .iiii,', ll, II, iHI'iji'. i No, 1 white, llit.e.: No .1 while, Si-.; ,o. i liicl. l'lKcd tti-nliiu, ;.iil;.if,Ji-.j lr.uk while. i.J.i.;..; iiplioii qukt bul Ktiailii'i, Hut III-1'inni fiedi ciiiim-i, loaii.; lulniy, lla I l'i'.; Imitation neimeiv, llas!ti.; rfile ikdiy, I'siilc. f heiv,i--i:.i.Iu; funcj nn ill cul oicd, U'4alJ',sc. , liiKii while, llill'ii.j lancy t-111.1I 1 cotoird, I2;ali'..i' ; lamt Miull white, 12a l-'ic, KgRi, I'aulei; .tale nnd l'i ntir-jlvanla, lJa4.ilc.; toraijo uttimi, lit ; wi-liin nodi, IJI.alJ'ic , eiithcin, l.lall'.i Chicago Live Stock Maiket. liiluso, piil ll.-ro.-lbllltlo of liy liiinit: was iiiiliuntlal in (he wheal iinikct todiy ami May iIomiI li. liiiilui; otlici inaikrti inlfil 1.1II111 fiili'l, corn cloalui; a 9I1111U'. luls ac. nul mo titloin 2'a to 7'tc. iuipinvcd. Cull iiiolotion.i wcio an lollotikt ITom -l!aji No. 2 ltd prlno; wb.at, "UiiiT.lt.; No, 2 coin, H'-c ; No, 2 .til low, I3',ii'.; Xo. 2 oat, iTi i No .1 while, 27-"j j.'Oi.; Xo, 2 ite, ."CaVl'jc.; a'l feeiliiw baiKy, J'Jc . ; fair to iholtc iiialtiuy:, ."ilu., ; Xo. 1 1 t.ecd, none; inline Uinolliy mciI, I. Hi; nif poili, Ij-ll.Mall.lO; laid, sf..1,.j.u'j; shoit libs, tliln, .'.'.')a8.:a); thy sailed huiiltb'l. I.Saoi ; tlcil clear tblfh, 9.3T!s.iS .7); wliUl.cy, 1,J?, Philadelphia Ginin mill Produce. l'lilliilclphiJ. .pill ll.-hc,'.t-r"iini. -.'re. lilshci; tontiait yiailc, April, i7aTTlae. I.'uin Kiiui, 'ic. Iilirliir; N'o. 2 mined Apill, I'HiliC. Oal itead.t j o. 2 white, a.;',:c Ilutlci r'irm, ill' dciiiaud; tancy wpmciu ircJiiiil. 22' jc. ; du. il'i. pi inlj, 22':.; '- naihy tl".. 2.i. 1'uk Hun; good deiiiiml; ue.li ntaib( lie, du. wct.Urti, lie; do. louihucitiiu, n?it., do. ri'illheiu, lfc. I litem' -tjultt hut sliail.t lie. bun) feujiiilK -CJuli t. nnili niril I'oltou Ica'lv, 'lallow firm; illj piinie in livgalicjilt, . FINANCIAL. $200,000 United Railways of Sf. Loiiis, Mo., 4 Per Cent. BONDS. Yielding Investor 4.60 Rudolpli, Rleybolt & Do. 1 Nassau St., New York. HISTORIC Places in Virginia Can be comfortably and easily reached by the Steamers call daily except Sunday (rem JHtt it. North niter, foot of Beach street, New Yoj. f Old Point Comfort Norfolk Richmond, Ua. and Washington, D. C. Connecting for All Points South and West Through rickets, returning from. Washington bv rail or water. Kvr full information apply t , OLD DOMINION STEAMSHIP CO. 81-85 Beech St., New York. fl.C.WAt.KKH.Traf.Xfer. J.J.BROWN.Q.P.A. For years this remedy has beta the' standard nerve restorative. Thousand of happy men owe their newly found .strength to iu use. Sexine Fills replace weatneji aad exhaustion with strength and vigor; the brain becoruei clear; the nerves steady nnd calm; gloomy forebodings nre linntsheil and perfect vitality is ful ly restored. If you are .sulTering a above, try box; you'll be encouraged by its effect to take the full course of six boxes then if vim are not entirely cured)we will refund your money. This satis factory offer is one of the factors of our success. 81.00 per box ; 6 boxes (with guaran tee lo cure 01 money back I, (5.00, mailed in plain package)!. Book free. PBAt, Muiiicikb Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Kor talc hy .lohii II. Phelps, PliarmicUt, coraei Wtomiiu: avenue and ruec street. JjrS Prof.G.FJHEEL.WJ.! , XI 1'kllxl.lpkl tt. O.l; Ohm. BynlaHM f.t m m A turrlr. fioar.aUMl.c1r.alMfc7a.il Frtrtl.. ?JE jmL UUai, RlrnaM, abaM, Bta4rWB,rnt, llXfanB D.bUll;,lilaaliaod,rariraMUAgriclwa(t LJvEbtJI raltlaRi. 1'ad.t.l.vainit. A Baraak. Oreain. frrta raw. rarer, 4 la 10 riaa. IS 7ara Bfattlaaia 7 tanf 1 hninlttl .bpI.m. la Ofru... Haarf haak .TnlV'M.l I ptfalDC aT.17 Btr4lral L alMirlail (raa4a, aTaatfaa tkl. sal lounlii' ih. il,i bairolf, 4',4a3c.; catc, Gr l.lto I'oullij I'lrin. ifood demand; fowls, Hi Il'ac; rtccptioiiil lot., 12f.l old locartrrs, 7'.i !i'.; winlri' itucUnt, 1'ialSc.; tpriiif cliickcris 2"iiBV.; dink-. IlilJc; Bfre. OalOc. Ilreaet I'nulln ijmi'l Inn .-tpaily; lovvN, Uiotee, WVSo ihi. till to Riiitil, mic ; old lookers, "lie; icasl. I11K ihlekcni nciihy, llallr,; w ostein do., ten 1V. ; tiuKevri, wlstdii cholco to fancy, 10l2e., iluikS neiihy, liable.; western do., I9n1c Jle nlpln riom, 1,20(1 luneli and 1,414.000 oundi In Kicks; what, li'J.UKt hu-liclj'J cairn. l.0cn' liudicl-.; oiti., .IT.OiXl liiisliels. Shipments -Uhcat, tifl.0(io lmdiclv; com, St,rt)il buihi'lj oti, Ml.iXXi InidieK Chicago Ovaln and Product. (liiraRo. Apill 11. r.ittle neceipts, ll.SiWt dioito eattlac, bteailv fo hlronft, others (lovvt ticul to piiine ttcus, Wail; poor to mfdium ;.N)al.lO; idocU'id .md loeders, hlow. $2.5i4.7Si iiiwx, W7Jal.fi(l; helicis. ?2.7.1a4.70; canner Icicle", J2.10a2."'i; I111IM, .7.'il Mj ealve. slon Slin.iVI; Texas led stccrj. Ial.25; Tetan bulls ffi"6ri.W. IIok-, llcreipu today, 2.j,l)00; to niniiovf, 20.fl; left nter 3,000; slronR to U IiIkIici, ailitn; top, fH.12'j; inlted and hutrhex Vi jmIiii.(i7'j; rtnod lo ihnlee havy. $AOOi0,13'j iuiikIi he.ity. Vi.75a1.Sl; Iltrlit, f,70a6.O2V4; bull of alw, "i.l'0in. Mioop Keeelptu. 12,000; slovt ci(irtii, 'l..'Ua3.2"i; limns alinut steady; clipper up li yU); Rtiml to rlioiin tvelheis, $t."5aj, fill 10 cholic iiihctl, $l.ii(ial.S5; western theep 'IT.'i'i: .Vi'iillnc... fLMlilJO; naliw lainb". SI.TI ii'ijti; wi'.U'iii l.inihn, ',aS.'l . 1 1 1 1 . 1 .11 Enst liberty Cattle. i;.ii l.ihrilv, Apill 11, tattle Steady; eitr, J5.(ia.'i,7.'i prime, l.2.'iaj.50; common, $1.23al llocii Steady; prime medium., heaty Yorkei .1 1 nl hf.ivy lings, W.25; littht Yorkers, ,108.0 plus iflDOad; eklts, Vn'i.50; louglu, (.J0a.l.f0 Miecp hleadyj hc.t clipped tvethru, W.Jjat.s'i iciimiim, f2il.Ml; clioire lambs, IW.2.US, 1.1; com liiuii to giiml, 'Jl.iS l'i; teal oa vr ..1a3M. New York Live Stack. Mtvv M.iil., pi'W I. Peetoo ytnr(Jili strult; calve, tfiy little- trade, but price U.uly; teal-, Slid.JO, Sheep firm; Iambi Menlv for ih'.iialjle fcloek; heivy blorks sreal common to good Mi.-ep, lai; cood to prime 1111 tliorri Iiinin, riaii. il; clipped do,, cJj1). Hpr ilaikil wraU at f,i(J,!A Buffalo Live Stock. I., 1 fl'illalo, Apill 11. neceipts Cattlt, S nut; fhtep and laiulu, 2 cars; hogs, n tr blilpuunU-C'alile, 22 cais; sheep and lamb., li ejidi lions II ui, CJttlc-Only one loud 01 mc; ulviv, ihuiio In i.Nti.i, $0iO2J. Lamb fliiilic- to e(i.l, .VWaii; rlippcd Iambs, J5. A hi; .liiip, c.holce to eMra, .25.51). Ifoiji. . Ilrity, s(i,tJall20; pi?', M.S0j.W. J R U SO 4-N-8f llu luitiiliiitoi 'llic 'Jiliakc ma, b.' perfcel'i mud vvlilioui piin. . , ' ' 'flu; 1 1III01--W0 Idei if the p.v-ilc 4a hard taki; If not, wo will liy t Itliv.ltli. " i' Sul.-IMiloi If cuieil it will l i. Idor, indeevi -i.itaut Mib -lOJeilj, seiitleiiicn; 'IU u aoi, tulijcel k'iut)-.bl.ii)l-Mih jiv., ami ifipiiic Iniuii J hm.. t riiiiepoiuUneo rditois-'ihlj i mrr.tin; tl, 111.1II11 ,1. tui' as SO rputtf will Iiea 1. JoKu IMItor WS lor ns, nelglibor; It b tlilOO out ol a iloudlcM 7 be-l now. ntlbtTn? IlillloiWc widicd ll bad knotkvc tlio k') pc1e4 "lit ol eNlslencc, in pairlnj. 'Olicnillii'-our aif lai 2 cuiol, jnj .houh be mnrc b'). Olllce fli,,t-'hw who 4e to l-2n 8 ai to rf the abote will ill. 1 1 each puajraph j conttla , .lUhl II ui liiiinor. .- J?VW I'rlniFiS fietil--.i. rhaiiie. vjentlcmen j it line'- Homo MisaiUie. DOMINION Li fe t 4 I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers