The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 06, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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WDMKN often wonder what other
women talk nbout to men. It
Isn't often, however, that they
have tlto temerity to lnaulre. Natur
ally, they don't ask the women, and it
Is reasonable enough that they hesitate
to ask the men what Is said to them.
In the first place, a woman doesn't
particularly care to deepen the convic
tion steadfastly Imbedded In a man's
Intellect that she Is excessively curi
ous. Then she shrinks from giving hint
the Impression tliiit she Is showing
over-Interest In htm, or that she carett
what other women say to him. .Most
of all, she Is deterred by the fact that
however pmlseworthy her zeal for In
formation might be, yet the evidence
thus assured would seem underbred,
and on a par with the person who list
ens nt keyholes or reads letters meant
for other people's eyes. So any par
donable curlosltv she mny feel on the
subject Is little likely to be gratlllcd
through straightforward methods, nnd
as theie are limitations to oven the
sharpest cms, she can only reason
from a personal standpoint and draw
Inferences accordingly.
If she Is clever and up-to-date, she
knows unless a man is frightfully in
love with her that he doesn't Want to
talk about herself exclusively, and
fiuldcs her conversation accordingly.
She also knows that he never tires of
having her talk about himself, but be
tween these topics Is a wide range of
material, ho she Is compelled to won
der. It Is seldom, therefore, that she has
an opportunity to gain intelligence on
the matter at llrst hand. When a wo
man icpcats to a friend her remarks
made to a man she is prone to add
frills, and the friend knows it. So the
other day a woman, who frankly con
fided to the public the sort of conver
sation she affects with mankind, was
overheard by another woman with a
great deal of Interest.
The speaker, or rather the "talker,"
- she was that, could not be called
'.ctly young. She was at the inde
finite age which always keeps observ
cis guessing, and the man to whom
bhe was addressing her remarks was
unt'iubtedly the object of her Intense
ffec. -n. He wasn't an interesting ob
ject to ili unprejudiced observer, but
he was apparently an Apollo and a
deai to her. They wcien't married
yet, but it was apparent that they ex
pected to be. She was saying: "Do
you know what I'm going to get just
as soon as I have time? A pearl neck
lace sham yet such a good imitation
you can't tell It from the real. Kven
an expert can't unless he hammers
It to pieces. It will go mound my neck
s-overal times, so," making evolutions
with her hands to illustrate the going
thcieof, "and, of course, I'll have a
leal diamond clasp, but the necklace
won't cost morn than twenty dollars
and you can't tell it frcm a fifteen
thousand dollar one."
The man looking at her intent
ly, but did not, apparently, feel wild
ly enthusiastic on the subject of pearls,
lust then the car passed a florist's
window full of Easter bloom.
"Oh, but 1 love flowers," exclaimed
the voluble lady, who had not once
ceascd chattel Ing "I do love 'em. I
don't care for a. few, but want just
lots and like to squeeze them up so,"
and sh hugged herself to Illustrate
her devotion.
t M
Did you over look over all your
earthly possesions and wish you could
have n rummage sale for your own
benefit? Theie aie lots of things you
wouldn't mind giving away for a mis
sionary box to help out a charily fund
but theie aie other things really good
articles, handsome, useful or conveni
ent which you don't need but the pro
ceeds of which would he very accept
able. You do not feel like giving them
away and yet could spare them If a re
turn, even of a lesser value were made.
You are tired of that pair of vases.
They belonged to a cantankerous old
aunt and the tiny faces in the decora
tionsalways seem to wrinkle up at you
as herft once did. You know they are
worth a goodly sum, but you also real
ize that you have no means of placing
them on the niaiket and would feel
embarrassed to offer them to a second
hand dealer. You wish you could ex
change them for a small rug or cur
tains for the lihinr.v. You nio so dead
ly tired of those vases.
Then there N that bleyele. It cost
ninety dollais and is a beauty, a high
grade wheel and all that, but your
friends have taken up other fads and
you are ready to do the same. That
wheel occupies too much room in the
house, and how you do wish it weio
metamoiphosed Into a new dress for
the gtiet chamber, lovely paper with
big pink ro.sos spiawllng all over and
crctoiine-iovoied bed nnd curtains to
Theie, too, is that sideboard. AVhal a
lino piece of furnltuie it was and htlll
is but you have gradually accumulated
mahogany until tho oaken piece Is all
that remains in your dining room. If
only you could wake up some morning
and find It gono while in its placo stood
a little table or even a pretty chair.
Women in particular love to make
bargains and study up possible ad
vantages which a change In almost
any direction would make. They wish
Had Suffered Thirty Years.
c- , ,Ja"nl.'"4 ,m" w" April II.
Dear Siri I hao had latarrh for over thirty
w and it finally deuloped into bronchial
trouble and asthma. I have tried every remedy
that haa been rciommmded, but failed to Kit
much relief until J used UYOMU. for the pant
eight months I have not had one bad attack,
nd only one bad cold which I brolo up by the
use of trc Inhaler. Jlie. B. A. Campbell,
170 Chestnut jenue.
HYOMKI is the only guaranteed
remedy for Coughs, Catarrh, Asthma
nnd Consumption,
Your money is refunded in every
Ease when It falls to cure.
Five days' treatment and medlcul ad
vice free.
u,si,&8u?:.,ent,,ymju- oui""'
USE . T. BOOTH CO., Ithaca, N, Y.
v-Jj Mrs, Campbell
they could trade handsome new style
furniture for nn antique bronze or a
real Colonial four-poster bed, They
long to see something else In tno place
of possessions they once thought per
fection. The eternal spirit of change
Influences them powerfully and they
are quick to grasp opportunities.
There Is a possibility that all these
misfits may bo adjusted. Tho Trib
une proposes to start a department In
a few days which will enable people
to get what they want and dispose of
what they don't want of course with
in reasonable limitations llxcd by a
reasoning public, If you have a Bos
ton bull terrier which you could part
with nnd very much yearn for a
graphophono, through the medium of
this department you may effect a hap
py exchange and yet have'your Iden
tity strictly unknown except by the
persons with whom direct communi
cation is established, Somebody Is
sure to be simply dying to possess a
Boston bull terrier with bow legs and a
doubtful expression on his upper lip.
That somebody may have a grapho
phone of a baby cairlage or something
else that you waul.
There Is a first class carpenter some
whenj In the city whose wife wants a
folding bed and who will gladly give
his services In making spring Im
provements In your house In return.
Another man has an Incubator which
he would like to "swap" for a camera.
To be sine If you should make tho ex
change you may probably want to dis
pose of an Incubator a year fioin now,
after gaining more or less experlenco
and spring chickens but Just tit this
time both of you will be happy.
Among the exchanges which aie fre
quently offered might be suggested:
paper hanging, for qcmetory lots, gold
watch and bicycle for diamond ring.
Ice cream store and bakery for small
house, carriage for a typewriter, mas
sage services for a diess suit, lessons
In French for lessons In stenography,
old coins for butterfly collection, pair
of horses for seashore lot. encyclopedia
for a sewing machine, dentistry for an
ofllco desk. A car load of saw dust
for a wheel chair, a banjo for a. bicycle,
grandfather's clock for a party dress
In good condition. (There is pathos
and romance In this proposlton), a
piano for bedroom suite, a gun for
boxing lessons, a dog for a cough
syrup recipe, dressmaking for whist
lessons, etc., etc.
Now If you have anything for ex
change from a maltese kitten to a coal
mine drop a line to the Exchange edi
tor of The Tribune asking for rates
and information and giving your opin
ion on the subject.
"I like violets," she continued, "and
I want them in bunches, a heap at a
time." Then she rapidly changed the
subject. "They've got the nicest kinks
to the new shirt waist," she confided.
"Right here," placing her plump hands
on her hips, "there is a little silt so
and It lets all the fronts come to the
front 'where you want 'em, and doesn't
drag the fulness to the back, where
you don't want it. Good idea, Isn't It?"
The big man, with a wrapt expression
on his visage, blinked wisely, but
probably felt bewildered in his mind,
as he tried to catch up with her mental
.skips. Just then they leached their
corner and alighted, nnd the people in
the car drew long breaths and looked
at each other in a friendly way, secret
ly wondering what next that woman
was saying to her victim, who doubt-
loss wasn't awaio that he was a vie
tim. Saucy Bess.
'J he concert to be gion on Apul 15 at St,
I.ulc's Parish Ilouo by the htudio t lub under
Mks rrccniin'd direction, nnd assisted by
Kail (lulitk, the wonderful boy sopr.inn fioin
New York ity, will be one of the most de
lightful entertainments crr gien in Kcranlon.
The Studio club is one of the best of ocal socie
ties, numbering tonic thirty line and well trained
voice, anil they reheated an exceedingly
delightful programme for this occasion. Of Mas
ter Karl Gulkk, II. William') s.ija: "Karl
(iulick has a ey beautiful oiee, far ahead of
any boy soprano I ever heard." Emma Tlmrby
writes: "Ho Kings like an angel." Dudley
Iluck writes of him: "A most remarkable boy
Mii(c, with an unusual amount of musical in
telligence." Modjcska closed n note to him
thus: "To my young friend, Karl Ctilick, with
tho angel oitc, witb oa of Helen i ilodjeska."
Holders of tickets already purchased from this
conceit, and otlieis intending to attend it, please
notlcu that the illagiam for selecting reserved
teats will bo open at Powell's music store on
Monday morning, Apiil S,
Hanoi's Thirteenth Regiment, billed for
the I.vecum theater on Tliursdiy evening, baa
dcLliled to give a children's matinee nt 2.30,
and In so doing will ctcnd a free Invitation to
.St. Patrick's Orphan A'j lum, St. Joseph's Found
bug Home, Home for the I'ticniHe-. and the
Houm: of the Good Shepherd. The members of
this c client organization, of which cveiy
Sii.mtoniun may feel pioud, should be highly
commended for their charitable action on this
octagon, and the public should fcltovv its appic.
nation by filling tho theater to greet 1'rofe.v.or
It, ,1, llaurr ami his iiiiilchiw. 'I lie programme
for the tomeit will he as follow-.:
Maiih, "I'.lcilrlu Cltj," ('. K. Knovvlc3
(Dedicated to Hanoi's Band)',
Oveituie, "Poet and Peasant," Snppo
Voial Solo, "Pin 1'osi" (l'uut) Uouiiod
Mr, Frank I'.aton.
Selution, "The Amcei," ,,i(eibeil
Comet Solo, "Whirlwind I'nlka" Levy
Ml. 'ihoinas Miles.
InUrmUslon, Ten Mluutca.
Oveituie, "Maximilian llobchptcur," LIMIT
". Congo Terpsiiliorcan Kvent" Voclker
Vocal Solo, Trocadoie Song, fiom Carmen. .lilzet
Mr. Kiank Katon.
Intinncjzo, "Paa Pes KIihw," fiom "Maila,"
"(iiaini American'," Herbert
II I' i
'lho comcils of .Madame I'lavia Van Den llendo
and M. I'lavkn Yaudciiekwi, of Ilelglum, uulattil
by ilia. II. II llrady, wpraiio toloUt, ami C'has.
Doercam, plunUt, nt tills city, will bo given at
Guernsey ball, tho 2.M nnd "5tli of April, ami
promises to bo a gland imukal treat. Tho first
evening will bo devoted to tho interpretation of
the compositions of the old mastcis, llacb, Ma
nure. Hccthovcn und tho Fiench composers. The
set and evening will bo devoted to tho Helgiuni
bchool and tho Belgium lomposers, Cli. DeDcrlot,
II, Viciixtenips, 11. Leonard, II, Wienleakl, G,
Beyer, llubay, Hervals, A. Dupont, lUrchot, Col.
llns, Yckin, Simon, Benolt, .), Block, O. Thomp
son, )!, I. Saye, itc. Tho following ladies will
act a patronesses; lira, II. J, Penned, Mr;,
if, II. Brady, jr., Mrs. C. I). Simeon, Sirs. T.
J, Foster, Mrs. William Connell, Mrs. A. O,
Fuller, Mrs. I, 3, Lansing, Mrs. A. K, Law, Mis,
U, K. Pounce, Mm. George Brooks, Mrs. J. W,
Ilowarth, Mrs. a. W. Hear, Mrs. Walter Ilriggs,
Mrs, II. A. Zimmerman, Miss Grace Spencer, Mrs.
Ed. Lathrop, Mrs. Jas. F, McAnulty, Mrs. G. n.
Dean, Mitacs Clark, Mrs. Thos. Bprague, Miss
Grace Sprague, Mrs. J. A. Robertson, Mrs, W.
D, Kusaall, Mrs. W, D. Pojcr, Mrs. Oerecke,
Mies Oerecke, Madara Timberman Randolph, Mn,
A. K. Connell, Mrs. J. T. Porter, Mrs. Charlis
Robinson, Mm. Ezra Ripple, Mrs. J. ,. Connell,
Sirs. 1.'. O. Dean, MrV Charles Connell, Mrs.
V, :. Allen, Miss Julia Allen, Sliss Cordelia
Freeman, Mis. V,. 8. Green, Sirs. J. W, Guernsey,
Mrs. Thee Hembcrger, Sirs. T, C. Alexander,
Sirs. Joseph O'Brien, Mrs. SI. A. lloban, Sliss
A. E. Jloban, Sirs. V, Koch, Miss K. Koch, Sirs.
Richard O'Brien, Sirs. T. Burke, Sfiss Burke, Sirs,
C. Sthrader, Sirs. J. J. Sullivan, Sirs, ltuane.
Reginald DeKovcn has written fifteen operas.
His first ork, "Cupid, II) mm & Company,"
has never been produced.
MUj Black and MUs Cartgan will sing at
Montrose on April 23 under auspices ol tho
Music club of that town.
The last (.lumber lonctrt el th Usabtrgsr
S To the afflited.K
F every one in the world were healthy and happy what a glad day Easter would be.
But the sun rises every Easter morning on a multitude of sick and afflicted. The
Easter lilies .gladden the hearts of the sick and well alike.
But to the sick something more than the Easter lily is necessary to bring that hope
and cheer which every one expects on Easter day. The well need no physician, but the
sick need a remedy.
Nearly one-half the people in the United States are suffering from some form or
phase of catarrhal ailment. These ailments take different forms at different seasons
of the year. In the springtime catarrh assumes a systemic form, producing nervous
ness, lassitude and general languor.
Systemic catarrh deranges the digestion and through deranged digestion it im
poverishes or contaminates the blood. Thus we have blood diseases and nervous de
rangements through systemic catarrh.
Peruna is a specific for these cases. No other remedy yet devised by the medical
profession is able to successfully meet so many phases of spring ailments as Peruna.
Men and women everywhere are praising Peruna as follows:
A First Class Tonic.
Win. A. Collier, Assistant Paymas
ter TJ. S. N., writes: "I have taken
Peruna and recommend it to those
needing a first-class tonic.''
A Great Tonic.
Hon. M. C. Butler, ex-U. S. Senator
and ex-Governor of South Caiolina,
writes from Edgefield, S. C: "I have
been using Peruna for a shoit period
and I feel very much relieved. It is
indeed a wonderful medicine and he
sides a great tonic."
Splendid for the Nerves.
Robert B. Mantell, the famous ac
tor, writes from New York City:
"Peruna is splendid and most invig
orating refreshing to the nerves and
For General Debility.
Hon. Jno. V. Wright, of the Law
Department, General Land Office of
Tennessee, writes: "I wish every
one who Is suffering with general
debility or prostration could know
of Peruna."
Easter Shoes
and Oxfords
For men, women, boys, misses aud children nt prices impossible to other bouses.
It will pay you to see our line of Spring novelties in footwear before buying elsewhere.
Remember we sell up-to-date footwear for less money than any other store, for the
reason we buy cheap for cash from manufacturers in need of ready cash and give you the
benefit of our great purchasing power.
Look at the Bis Bargains.
Men's Shoes, patent leather, enamel leather, Russia calf, velour calf, Goodyear
welt ; regular value $4.50, at $2.48 and $2,98.
Men's Dress Shoes, vici kid, calf and Russia Calf, Goodyear welt, at $1.49 and
$1.98. Men's $1.50 Shoes at 98c. Men's Oxfords at $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00.
LADIES' SHOES Ladies' Fine Vici Kid, Patent Calf, turn aud Goodyear welt,
fine Shoes; worth $3.00 to $4,00, at $1.98 and $2.48.
Ladies' Fine Shoes at 75c, 98c, $1.29 and $1.49. Ladies' Oxfords, all prices.
Misses' Shoes at 98c and $1.50. Children's Shoes, all prices.
Tho Cheapest Shoo
quirtelto luj liciMi postponed from April 11 unlil
further notice on account of the concert by
Uaucr'e land on that elite.
'I lie pUno redul by Mr. ( arl IVicItcu, of Hod.
ton, which uai aihcrlUcil for next Tuesday
evening it St. l.uko'u I'jrUh Howe, under tho
auspiced of the Conservatory, lu been postponed
until May SO, on uiioont of Mr. Faelten's ina
bility (o l'll V I' ' '
A Spring Tonic.
Mrs. D. W. Timberlake, Lynch
burg, Va., says: "There is no better
spring tonic than Peruna, and I have
used about all of them."
A Good Tonic.
Captain Percy W. Moss, Second
Arkansas Volunteers, writes from
Paiagould, Ark. : "I find Peruna a
very good spring tonic, and will
readily recommend it at any time."
Builds XJp the Entire System.
Miss Jennie Johnson, 3113 Lake
Park avenue, Chicago, 111., is "Vice
President of Chicago Teachers' Fed
eration. She writes: ''Peiuna re
stores the functions of nattue, in
duces sleep and builds up the entire
Makes Steady Nerves.
D. L. Wallace, Charter Member In
ternational Barbers' Union, 15 West
ern avenue, Minneapolis, Minnesota,
writes: "I now feel splendid. My
head is clear, my nerves nio steady,
I enjoy my food and rest well."
Myer DavSdow,
307 Lackawanna Avenue.
Today's Big Bargains in
Poller Pleads Guilty,
lly Exclusho Wire frcm 'Xho Associated Picas.
Ncwaik, April 5. Charles Poller, ilic jouns
real estate operator, who fled fiom Nnvaik
several montlu ago, after raUlug, it U alleged,
about a hundred thousand dollars on promUory
notes purporting to be signed or cndoiecd by
well knoun builucM men of till city, was ar
raigned before Judge bUnner todjy to plead to
a doicu iiidlclmwiW iharglng lilm with forgery
Tho Best of Tonics.
Hon. W. C. Chambers, Chief Jus
tice of Samoa, says: "I have tried
one bottle of Peruna and I can truth
fully say it is one of the best tonics I
ever used.'"
A Grand Tonic.
Mrs. Gridley, mother of Captain
Gridley, of tho "Olympia," writes:
"I used Peruna and can truthfully
say it is a grand tonic."
For Overwork.
Mr. Tefft Johnson, a prominent
actor of Washington, D. C, writes
from Fourteenth and "I" streets: "In
the effort to improve a condition im
paired by overwork, I have found
nothing that has done as much good
as Peruna."
For a Worn-out System.
Mrs. Catherine Toft, President
"Valkyrien Association," 5649 Cot
tage Grove avenue, Chicago, 111.,
writes: "I often advise Peruna in
cases of a worn-out system, and a
broken down constitution."
Easter Sboes
and Oxfords
Lackawanna Avenuo.
and ulleilng forged nolu. I'oller pleaded not
guilty and was committed to jail In default
of $100,000 bail. I'.dler unlied fiom Los An
geles, ( a., last night.
No Voting- Machines hi Wisconsin,
lly Eclulo Wire from Hie AscocUted l'ress.
liudUon, Vl., April 5. A ieolutlon for a con
stitutlonal amendment legalizing the ttso of vot
ing machine in Wicoi)in was lot in the senate
It's All Over
Our Fire Sale.
But to
And liven up shoe buying.
VVc make a ipecial
I BBkA hBBBBL IMn MflK Jdflr I
Easter Offering
Our Easter Shoes arc as pretty as the Easter flowers. The
world will blossom in SPRING SHOES on Easter morning.
Our new foot wear is ready. Everything that good dressers
want is here. Our new shoes are marvels of beauty not a
late style escapes us.
It's Our
We arc going to celebrate it by holding an
Commencing today we arc going to ask our friends to
join us in celebrating the anniversary of our first year's business
in Scranton. Everybody is invited to join in our jubilee.
We shall have no brass band or fireworks to celebrate the
event, but wc shall hold a six-days' sale and give our patron?
BARGAINS in shoe leather that will make them wish we had
several such sales every year.
,c 1
For Men
All ."i.OO and (1.00 Shoes and Oxfords 4.25
All -1.(10 Shoes and Oxfords 3.00
All :t.00 and iJ.r.O Shoes and Oxfords 2.00 and 2.50
All 2.00 and 2.50 Shoes and Oxfords 1.50 and 2.00
For Ladies
All 5.00 and (i.OO Shoes and Oxfords , , '4.00
All 1.00 Shoes and Oxfords 3.00
All 3.00 and 3.50 Shoes and Oxfords 2,00 and 2.50
All 2.00 and 2.50 Shoes and Oxfords .-. .1.50 and 2.00
There isn't space enough in this paper"
to itemize. All we ask is a visit. You will
be glad you came in, and so shall we.
Davies &
330 Lackawanna
I . 1- )) n iii !
keep the
Ave., Scranton,
'.1 1k, f.J-