m MHO SOKANTOX TIUBUNE-TUISSDAY, AMUL J 901. KXXXXXXXXXXXa I Ml. MOt)i:ttN HAIlDWAttn mom;. YOU WILL HEAR For the tono Is loud and clear. There is only one bad feature itbout tlio New Departure Door Boll, you hnvf! no excuse for not go Ins to tlio door. "No battery nccessaty. nor springs to get out of order with the "New Dcpaituro" nud you Ret cleetiical results. Wo ,ran nintcli the hardware on your door. Foote & Shear Co. JI9N. Washington Ave :xxooooooooc THfRO NATIONflL BANK OF SCRANTON. capital 5200,000. Surplus 5500,000. United States Depositary. Business, personal and sav ings accounts invited, 3 per cent, interest paid on savings accounts. Open Saturday evcuiugs from S to q o'clock. 'i. Conm.i i , President. IIinky Uli.in', Ji;.. Vice Pres. V.i. H. Plck, Cashier. taia: 'unuooi: Riiddv. Haniac j " Mnrnhu ''Jkl' ' I '' J I 'UJ mm 330 Lacka. (m Avenue. 330 Repairing Done Gratis. ACKAWANNA "THE" AUNDRY. iSPi, lUrmuHf nu v.1 emf&xnzuj.sti&zx&. ' mMaMmsl i sssmsmswrnBi.. i WaSBr i , TlffifiWBaF7 f 2fs9- IJM! CIvlR 'ffWSfS ---b fei S$8tB WEATHER YESTERDAY. Ian.it il t.l I'M piil 1, V'): Hfullt .t limprl.lllll.l II dCRIC--"- I.ipii tt mpiiainu- '.! ile-jruM lliniil'lil;. : ,1 n. ... . I iv criit - p. in IV per cent, IV ipit.iliuii, '.'I hum tmlcil s p 111.. linn. PERSONAL, Mlfa lltlli I'lCIIHJIt. Cif lloiir- l.lli . I. M-ilill friends in .-I'laMon. II ,M Miiitrr li.i- iiiiiiiciI lilt law uII'hci to 'J 1 u'U'i " Nation il Haul. bulldlii4. I, II Putty, .-u n 1 inn ihK-ii t t lrlo:.'rapi mi I ho .n uawaini, lailmad, w.H in tlu illy .u-ti idiy, s.mt iij Tici-mi i Homy While, 01 the X,i. tlnu.il II. 11111. hi Wi'iI.riV liniuli, u.is 111 llu; city imi'iI.i.v. Mr- II. II. U.no .ili.t ilill.llill hit tin- ili itmda-) 1 or Allanlh' ( il, uluiu they will tpilul 'lot 1 ) : 1 1 nf Apilt. "di II1I111. .luiir-, Mtv iii.no A. Norton .mil Mi. i .1. I'imi'll, 1.1 ihis rliy, .no icjrUlcicI .11 the lluii'l iiiiimiiil, .11 Oinioinl, l'l.i. ll-s Culm, 1 I .M011I10..0, who li.ii completed .1 illii' UllH .10 lmr-o :it llio J.uK.iwantu hoe- ph.il, will k,iu fur liu livmv in .Monlio-o to. pinrrow iuiil, I ni.-ii. Mum I,-, of the Hi publican lood St iff, ll-K litCIl appointed to llii' li'.nn,li,- i,. Hon ot ii'i.ilont iiiiiujir 0 tlio I'linii.i '"ilwum .11 lliiigh union, ., , MIm (-imIi HoImIsoii, cm f tin' iiui.Pi .it liu l.n U HUM ho-pital, hit tin- in-tll ulioii 1,1,1 . ihy .ifnriioon loi WIIKc-liairo, tier term of nitlm ispiiuc .11 1 la l"i-'llj. The Scrnntou Wine nud Liquor Co, 1Ihm removed 10 2';o Lackawanna avenue, wheie .Mr. J. 11. Cohen will lio plcusul lo UK't't hi friends, Abk tor holly's union eiaekuis. ' Easter Offering. 'THE LITTLE CAPTIVE" Is tlio tltlo ot our NI'W AIIT SOUVKNilt tur tlil HAHTKll, wrtlelt wits painted cxpicpsly for us by V. 11, Ueiyil, onu ill' tlio most (.'flL'liriitcd anliiiiil pu Int el s In tlui wot Id, AVe Itiive hail it it'inoiliici'd ut u liiih'e oxpuiiHu lltlm raplicil In iwi-lvo oil ftiluia, on coutud iMipcr, and mountvd mi very heavy I'AIUJHOAUU HlM". .1L' inches, u Is biieli 11 i'IiuuiiIuk; HUbJuot that 11 Hliould llnd u pluco In every home. Don't mist. Kvttliii: one. GIVEN AWAY TREE To all imiehuser-J of 'l'eu, Ooft'es, Spice Kxtrui'U und HukliiK Powder, Apiil 1st to Oth, inclusive. THE GREAT Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co. Ol Lackrtujinu aunuc lit South Main jfnuc. TVott 71.'. 1'iwuipl uVlhcry, "Sew 'I'lwjuc 1M. ORANGES WHICH WERE NOT. Joke Plnycd by A. P, Bedford Upon City Club., Andrew V, liodfoitl enjoys it local reputation hh ,i prnctlcal Joki'r, iiiul he Htirttulncd hltt l'a mo Bittiiriliiy tilitht b.V nn claborato honx upon his follow mcinbern of the Oily club. Mr. tied foul wiih tcndeied u reception by the f.lnb, the ocuiiHlon belnff hli miutii fiiiin Klorldti. In tttuiiiuni'luK the luccptlnit. vvmil also went the iotiiuls tlint nnc of the foaiutofi of tlio repast would bi n box of lupclotif, tfnldrn arnnffoH pent .front riurltlii by Mr. Uctlfonl iih ii ttlft to tlio t'lnti. About forty members' were pi est enl, and uttpr paitiiltliu? of the rent of tlit lunch, the innHler of reronioiilof. Major W. H. Millar, Inlroduced Colonel If. A. Uoui'Hcii, who presi'titod the. nioinbeiR with the oranKoK In behalf of tlu niodettt donor. With walci'liitr Up 'Hid nppellti'S wlit'ttod by cnRur expt'ctiincy, IIiom prest'tiL thon ualchoil Major Millar' movemenlM. as he left the room for tin oninm''', The doiiKbty nnijni' oon re tttrtied. HliiKKt'i-lliB: 'iipiiIIi the burden of a toothpk'l; box lllled with Uiinp itotri, n fruit tin; ni-ft of a liny niarblo and loolUng- like lnlnlatttre ortitii;e. A. II. Wnrinan, In a clever little speecli, thanki'd Jlr. Itcdforil for the lnuulflcent Klft. A fiiko walk by Mix- rotter, of I'lilladclphln. mid V. II. I'ImIu'I. of thin city, was purl of tlio ul;ht') nro siuininc. ANNIE S00 H00 D00. Name of the Little Miss Who Hns Come to Brighten the Local Chinese Colony. A tiny bundle of bi naze-colored humanity, who will wander tliiotiKh life under (he appellation of Annie Woo Hoo Don, arrived at the home of her proud Chinese parents, on Spruce street, Friday nlirht. Soo Hoo Doe is well known as a thilviiiiT lattndryninn, and one of the lending (.Vle.-tlol citi zens of thl.M city. A Tribune mini failed upon liitn c-s-terday afternoon, and on HlRtilt'yin"; his desire to see Mlas Soo Hoo Von, was met by a. delighted alllinmtopy rbuckle from Ihe happy pater. The Inundry-mairf- place of l)uslne.s tidjolntt his lesidence. and with n hospitable wave of his linud Soo Huo Duo remaiked: "Slttto down. Me m-ltee Kill." AVhlie awaiting the return of father ami datiKhtei, the reporter's eyes wan dered about, the loom and saw, beside1' stacks and stacks of the peculiar while cheeks upon which the Chinese hlern fflyplilc are inscribed, which denoted Ihe extent of tine's indebtedness, numerous pictures of Soo and his fam ily. Thesewere pictures of lite lnundry inaii wenrhifr tlio llowlnpr sr.trmenls of china and others showinp; him in Ihe most approved cutaway and ascol tie of the American citizen. In tlu- window- bloomed i number of slraiiKo looking Knslern )lanls, bedded in 1iiiko 1'lilnes.o tuns. Soo Hoo Dno sunn leturin-d. beaiiiu; in his arms a tiny, brlsjht-faeeil individual, which, on the whole, bote n resemblance to the majority of babies whoso agv doesn't run over one hundred hours. Close be hind the Inundryman trudKOd two other members of his family, all of whom ate Scranton-burn. "This," he said, indicating a hrlg-ht-looking little girl whoso sex was a son of Chinese puzzle to solve, when the. fact Is considered that she was garbed in a Ions; blue blouse and wide trous ei s, "this Jennie. AVe call her seven yea is " A stocky little chap, with a beaming Celestial face and a sprouting (pie, who wa-s ti lulnlatuio copy of Soo him self, was next indicated by the latter, who lemaikul, "That Harry. Very pood lo. AVe call him live year. AVe. hac other boy, too. He called AVill i.un. Nut know whether AVIUiuin M Kiniey or Hryan. and." added the pateifamllia.s wllii an enpasinFr snille, "we let him say which." ,Soi Hoo Doo and ids wife, who N getting: along very well, aio both Chi nese boi n, and have lived here during the last fifteen youis, TURNER DIED AT HOSPITAL. He Is the. Man Who Was Found in Woods at Thro op. Cieoigi? U. Turner died at the Lacka wanna hospital Saturday. Ho was brought to the hospital Mareli S with Ills hands and feet badly fiozon. On March 2',', an operation waV performed in hopes of saving his life, nnd eight lingers and seven toes were amputated, lie continued to decline however. Turner was subjected to intense cold for forty-eight hours In the woods near Throop before being taken to the hospital. Jlo was not wholly right mentally and wandered through the woods until tited when he laid down to rest and remained in Hint position until found. He Is survived by his wife, .a son living at Hawloy, a daugh ter, of Port Jervls, and two half sis ters living ni Olyphant. The teinaiii"" were taken to Olyphant for burial. THEY SEND FOR US. .Sciwiton P.i March 110, lOOl, I'liinhylvaiila Casually Co,, Scrnnton, Pa.: liciuleninu 1 wish to thank you fot your check of thirty-eight ($?S"'i dol lars and tlfty seven cents, In settle ment for my claim ot nineteen ii.iyn Unit 1 was disabled, as a rofcull of binnchltls, When your agent wroto my npplkntlon for llflecn dollars ,i week In case of illness, it was the llrst lime 1 ever In .ml of such Insurance, and I thought then and I am Miro now, that It Is it splendid Investment. Thanking your again and wishing you success, I remain, Yours truly, I.elnnd D. Unnlmin, P. S, -Please send your agent ovor to the mill, us sevoiul want u policy like mine. L. D, 11. Scranton Business College, Students filling positions aro con tinually being changed to others pay ing better salaries. Graduates secure good positions as soon as they pass their examinations. "Many undergrad uates are sent out, The demand far bookkeepers and stenographers is s greater than the supply, Students aro now enrolling for the spilng and sum mer terms, Holy Thursday Flowets At Clark's annex, 209 Washington ave nue, and at our corner store. Steam Heating and Plumbing. P. F. fc M. T. Howley,23t Wyoming ave. Go to McClintock's, 128 Washington avenue, for your Kns ter lloweis. Ask for Kelly's unios crackeu. SWORN IN AT HIGH NOON JUDGE ARCHBALD NOW A FED ERAL COURT JUDOE. His Commission. Arrived Ycstoutny Morning And nt Noon on the Bench in the Main Court Room He Took tho Oatli of Office Before Judge Edwards Who Subsciibed to tho Document ns President Judge. Archbnld's Commission and Oath of Office -Warmly Congratulated. lion. It. AV. Aichbald Is now judge of the United Statea federal court for tin; Middle District of Pennsylvania. Ills commission arrived yesteiday morning and exactly nt noon ho was swotn In by Judge H. JI. Kdwardu while both were standing on the bench in tlu; main court room. Judge Atch bald'.i commission reads as follows; Wlllbni .M.KIlill'.v. lircliklit of tlio I'nllnl i-Ulc of Ahirrlcii, to nil Alio .lull (( IIii-p 1ii'ciiK tlu'Cliiiu: Kiin". jc lli.il irpo.liiir "pciljl luit jihI i nnlili'iK r In tlio wixlnin, iiirlKliini-i .mil Iminlnu ot llolicit Woilimv Aicliluhl, ol IVioe .lanlj, I do npimliit lilni t'nlti-il Stik ill tilit Jmlc tin tli'j inlilillc ilitikl ol I'miiiijl jiiij, 31 toxMoiI for hy I iippunnl Mmrli V, IHH, nml iln iHitlmrlro aiul (inpouir lilni lo (Miutc nml fulilll 111'.' cl'iliii ot tli.it 1'llni' ni (.inline to I lio i ciiii-lltiitlon Hint l.int of III! mM t'nltcil St.itifi, nml to line ninl to liohl Hi" s.l Ir t ollnc, with .ill flu' powi'io, pilitlii") iuiil cmolmiiriiM lo lln s.iini. ,i of ifglit iippir Itiltiltie iinlo Mm, tin. Mild ltolmit WodioW Xulilulil. uiilll ll.c i inl of tho nol plon of t!i" fulled Mutes xitiJlc, .mil no Ioiikit ubirt lo tho tomlitloii nml piinlioiH piceillicil hy liw. In tosllinoiiy vJiiirof, I li iiv imiitiI llww lil lers to lie in.iili' p.itrnt nii'l llm v'.il of tlio ili'P.iilmcnl of JiHtiic to 1m In ii mil" .iillii il. (iliin piiilei my li.iml ut the (ity of ,ililnilon lli. tHi'iity-llflli div ot M.nili In tlio r:j ol our l.onl, oiii- Ilioiiiiinl nliir unilicil nml unr, nml uf the liiilipiiidi'iii-1 of the I'nitoil --Intel nt Aiwilu tlii. one lomdnd .nul twonl.v-tlflli. WIIIIjiii JfcKlnlPy. 1!; the 'l -ill. 'Ill, John W. t'liBg. AtlPiii-' (.cneul. oath or OFFIUK. Tin- onlh of ollee to which Judge Aichbald subscribed iollows: Slate of 1'i'lili-ih.inij, 'L'niitilj of I. i(l.u,nii i 1. Iluliril. Woiiiow Aichbald, do miIiiiiiiIi uveal in id do iipi.il ri;,'hL to the poor nml ! lite ibli ami tluL 1 will f.tlthiully .mil impoi I l.illv di iluise Hid iKiifoiin .ill tin- diitli-- liuiiinlniiL in mi' n ili-tild JiiiIki- ot Ihe middle illtili I ot I'diir.jh.itii.i, jiioiillin; to tlio I't.'L ol my jblllly .nul iiiuIi'I-IjiiiIIiik. iisice.ibly to Ihe (on--t It nt Ion and lie, 01 tho t'nlti .1 stale-,, mi blip me Hod. It. W. Mililnld. MVoiii .mil -iilxiillied lii'oif- me till- tu-l diy of Apiil. A. 1). Tun. II. M. i:du.inl-, I'lisidi-nl .IiiiIkc roiiy-liilli .linllci.it )lii-l)i(t of l'.nii'.yhiiiil.i. This was tlu- llisL papei to which Judge Kdwurds attached his name us president judge. At ll.ilf) yesterday morning Judge Arclib.ild sent a telegram lo tiovernor Stone, which contultieil the information that lie had resigned his position as a judge of the Luckawnnnu county coin ts, and later in the day followed it up by it formal letter of resignation. For tile last week Judge Aichbalil has been a very buy man, clearing his desk of thrt cases which awaited dis position at his hands. Since last Tues day he has handed down twelve opin ions, six of them weie filed yestetday. Some of the opinions ate of great Im poi tance, notably the Lackawanna township case tiled yesterday, the opin ion in tho lliiuor license fee matter Hied Saturday and an opinion in a Lycom ing case which lie was called to Will iamspoit some time ago to hear. WA11MLY CONCillATl'LATHD. During the day Judge Aichbald was called upon by many members of ihe bar and citizens generally and uiumly congratulated. Similar tokens of es teem weie showered upon Judge Kd wards, the new president judge of the Lackawanna county courts. Judge Arehbald said yestetday Hint there will be but n small amount of work in organizing the new court, and that he will have little to do until tho court. oiens at Harrisbutg on the first Monday In May. ARGUMENT ON RIPPER CASE. Will Be Heard by Supreme Court on April 23 at Philadelphia. Word was received yesterday by At torneys O'Brien and Mortlu that the Supreme court has fixed April L'.'J, at Philadelphia, as tlio time and place for healing arguments in the Hipper case. This Indicates that the court was not veiy rorclbly impressed with the ne cessity for haste In considering tills important act. An opinion will, In nil probability, not be rendered for at least a. month after the argument, and by that time tho leglslututo will bo rendy lo adjourn. If the act should bo de clared unconstitutional, Scranton will bo in a bud plight, unless the leglsla tuio Is kept together long enough to pass u now act. M. A. Friedlander & Co. Announce their Grand Raster Milli nery Opening, Wednesday and Thin. day, April 3 nnd 4, In their flue show room, L'OC Adams avenue, opposite, Court House, All nro Invited, Learn Geiman. Mr, Albln Korn will tench you, fieo of charge, how you ean speak It with out taking lessons. Call nt studio, Guernsey building, Wednesday and Thursday, ut 11 to 12 n. in, and 7 to S p, in- This Is the Time to Buy Oranges Sweet Navel Oranges, (no seeds) 15c per doz, SeoaiiiiK 21 for ru. Fancy 50c Oranges, Tor per doon alio Indian Illvcr Oranges from Or. Illll'ii Groves, do. . . .loo (irajie Fruit, SD's per dux. 50c (irape Fruit, lift's, each... 10c E. G. Goursen LITTLE DOG CAUSES FIRE. He Upset a Lamp nnd Started a Fire Which Did 92,500 Damages. A little black nnd tun dog was tlio piiUro ot a M.&UO llio in South Scriin Inn lust night. 1I Its tinned by Mrs, Mary O'Donttcll, who lives In u two story ftnnie dwelling at nit) Kellermnn court. Hho owns the Iioufo, and rents the upper llonr lo Thomas Luvcll und family. The lltllo dog In intention was play ing about, the house last night about S.lli) o'clock, when he grabbed Ihe cover of a tii'bte In his teeth and govt; it a pull, Down came everything on tin; table, Including a lighted lamp, which exploded when It struck the llooi. In n moment the whole loom was In a blaze, nud the occupants hurtled to Itox r,, at tlte coiner ot Washington avenue and Maple slro-H, und turned in .in iitaitu. The iVntiiiy, Neptune. William Con nell and Fugle- companies arrived on IIk scene In the order nnmed and bad n lint it Job getting the Humes under control. They did not succeed In doing so fop half an hour, and when they did so the house was piactlcally destroyed, tin whole Interior being burned out. The loss is placed at f'.'.'iOi), on which there Is 31,000 Insurance. MITCHELrTEAVES TODAY President of the Mine Workeis Will Go to Indianapolis About the Local Strikes. President John Mlti hell, of the ful led Mine Workeis, leaves Ihe city ut il.Si) o'clock this moining, with his stenographer. Miss "Mlnris, and go'-s dlicct lo itatlonal headiitnrters at In dianapolis. The national board will meet thete next Monday, but It is not ( xpocfed thul btiiines-i of any import ance, will be transacted. ' "It is nictely one of our regular nuetings," said Mitchell yesterday uf teinoon, and continued: "It Is not likely I hut business of any impoi tance will be dan-mcted, but tlteio Is nu amount of compaintively small mat ters which will come up for discussion. Among thee littler Is the Tennessee nrlke. which Frederick Dllcher will Investigate. "Tills strike at Hon Air has been on for over eighteen months und alt'ecis between four and five hundred men." (n being uppioached on the anthrn clle situation (iiit'stlon. the Mine Work ers' president maintained, however, the Mime silence with which he has steeled all queries on this mailer since the Willies-Da rre confeienco. The small liw al strike", which proved slicli it dis till blng liielor in the operation of atl local collieries since l.isi fall's settle ment ci the big strike in these dis li lets-, will. It is thought, be pretty gen ei.il'y done away with dining tin coming year, b'U Mill the Mine AVork ers" olti( i'ds by no means pledge them selv.'s to aveit these. "The linn." said President .Mitchell, in a Hidden burst of loquacity, "do not by any means give up their light to sit ike. and in eases wheie the cause is sitllicieiilly piovocati( . will in all piobability do su. All talk nf a gen eial (.onfeience between employe! s and eni loves has been done away with for :i year, in a way, as is made pietty ck in' in the statement we Isstud." ANOTHER LIBEL SUIT. President Mitchell, of the Mine Workeis. Has a Wariant Issued for Richaid Little. Pit-Mdeiit John Mitchell. of the Pulled Mhv WoikeiH of Amoilcu, appeared liefoie Alderman Ktisson late yester day afteinoon, accompanied by his at torneys, Joseph O'Hilen and M, J. .Mar tin, and swoie out 11 wuit.int for the arrest of lliehuid Little, publisher and editor of the Serantonian.ou thecluiige of eiinilnul libel. The warrant was Issued and will be served today. Attached to the infor mation are clippings of Hie alleged libelous article which appeared in the Scrnntnnian on .March 21. In this ar ticle about every kind of a. charge that could bo 'brought against a man Is biotight against Sir. Mitchell. Ho was referred to ns being "untrustwoithy and dlshonotable" and as being "a whlted sepulchre." Tin article charges him with conspir ing to titln Hie Scrantonian 1s secur ing the passage of a resolution declar ing It to be the enemy of organized labor. He is chaiged with "damnable deception" and "despicable meanness." It chniges tliut he agreed to a .settle ment of the strike lost fall for political loasons, and sets forth that the "mys terious -Mr. Guernsey," with whom ho conferred In. this city, was u promi nent llepnbllcan politician connected with the national hciuhpiaiteis of that parly. The article wound up with Ihese words: ".Mitchell Is not only untrust worthy 'but positively dungetous, and unfit to hold any power whatever." CHARGED WITH ARSON. H. Goldschlager Held in $1,000 Bail by Alderman Millar. II, (iolds-chlngcr, of Peun avenue, whoso clothing stoic was partially do stioed by llio on March IS, was ar icstcd on ihe charge of arson, and was given a hearing liefoie Aldctniau Mil lar Saturday, Mrs. Funny Quint, who lives al 127 Itaymond court, in tho leur of the stoic, tcstllied tltut she saw (lold sehlager near the renr door at 12 o'clock on the nlglit of the ihe. Chief Holding. wh is llio pi'OBecutor, testl lled that Holtlsi lilager told him that ho had not been near tho store sittco 1 o'clock on the day pluvious to tlio Hie, Tho prisoner was leprivcnlcd by At torney ii, i Taylor, who urged Ills discharge, Tho aldeiitian, however, held hlin in 4l,nO'J I). ill for his appear ance ut cotiil. THIEVES IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Two Buildings Entered and Despoiled on the Same Night, Public sdtool buildings No, 20, on Cemetery stieot, and No. ti, on fltcen nidge, Hats. weio broken Into by tlilovcs Satuiday night and despoiled of everything portable of any consid erable value, A largo clock was taken fioni the wall of a room in No. 20. m Guernsey Hall, 'M Washington ave., Scranton, is the best and most tellable place to pur chubc a good Piano. It will puy you to tall and get ptlces and terms. J, w. Guernsey, Prop, . Easter Flowers At wholesale und retail at Clark's an nus, S09 Washington avenue, and at our corner btore. WANT V0SBURG MADE JUDGE NORTH SCRANTON REPUBLI CANS ENDORSE HIM. At a Meeting of Prominent Patty Workers Resolutions Were Adopt ed Complaining of the Lack of Rep resentation from That Fart of the City in City nnd County Govern ment and Requesting Mr. Vos burg's AppointmentCopies to Be Sent to Governor Stone nnd Con giessman Connell. A number of the more prominent He publican voters of North Scranton, be lieving that thai part of the city Is not sufficiently i ('presented In the oily hull und the emu l house, nud desiring to do all In their power lo secure the up polntuiout of their fellow-cltlzcn, ex t'lty Solicitor A, A. Vnshtu-K as addi tional law judge to succeed lion. It. W, Arehbald. met lust night In the Auditorium building to Outlier Ills can didacy. There were over fifty present when the meeting whi called lo order by Common Councilman II. S. Alworth. ot Hie Second ward. Mr. Alworth nomi nated Major J, II. Fish for chairman, and the littler was tiiiaiilmouslyclt'cloil. Mr. Alworth himself was chosen secie tnry. and In thai capnclly ptesetUed the following ii.xnliitlon fot ihe consid eration of those present: Whne.1. II l Kpnilid In tin" d.ill pie-. Mint t il, ,,( t(,i , t ,1,mg h-m linn icmoud from I In" pii-itlon vhli.li lie m .i(i'cit.ilily Ailed, .mil lti.il an .llioinev le.idlni; In llimnioic lm l'u'ii .ippointiil mdleiloi- tin Ihlt rilj ; and Vi'leltn. II N .ll-n lepolll'd tint Ihe 'lldi-ill niM'oltilinnit Willi li he "-eel., I. e., a. Itnlgi' e.f Ihe -eiri.il mini of the iiiiinly nl I.jrk.in Jlilu to nieeeil lion. II, W, Uilibald, I- to be Sihen lo nnothei attonieyi and Whcieiis Thrio ! al Hie pn-Miil liinf i.o rep iiKditathe of the Xoitli llnd nlio 1 a .llv of In in!, eeept All, rvllllll:: and then i- no Xoi Hi llnd mm In (Ik- cinrl lnnisp r i c t j 1 1 (,- in an ofll i'd i.ipm ily, (epl a lip. tall and i Miboi-. dilute tied,: now be il lo'-.'H.'il, l'ii.-l. dial we loinplain of I In of lepirienlallon ol inn- .ci lion of th' both in tlie illy and i omilj (;ouMiimonl diinatiil linllir rei oi:nilioii. -((olid, 'llril i .nlont A. "i. o-bi'.i.'. lad; ill;-. and -( , ai otir i'i'preM!iit'itEe, and ienie-,1 that lie li' appoinldl In the poilloii upon Ihe binrli left ii.tnl. by the pioinotton of .Tinlge Aubbald lo the 1'edi'ial beiob, ill piefrlel'ii' Ii) Ibe up poinlnniil I(q i iilin' of III'; i.ew oipbin-' (unit i be e-i.ibli-.hetl In tliix foiinty, tiellciinj 1 1 ut e -boiil.l bale a. iepit--(iil,itii nnon tiio (in n on pb-.H btnili. Milt Mi. Vo-buii; ii liltad in i im H.iy On thi-i position, and lint, !e ij f.uile i milled in .1 In io.l-uii ol ini -(.n.ic foi llie p.iily to wlm Ii wi bclom. The re.-olutlons were adopted un.tnl tnoiisly and it was decided lo send a copy of litem to fiovernor Stone and to have another copy, signed by all pres ent, ptesenlcd by a committee to Cou grcisniuu Council. Thomas Shot ton, Dr. Hi-tin. m l!e-.ey and William Chap pell were ai pointed as membeis ot I Ids committee, and ing had adjourned, long enough to affix when the mcet everyone tarried his signature to the i solutions. Air. Vosbuig, who wu pie.sent, be tr.ied visibly his deep gratitude for the kindly offers of help and assistance which weie made him. "I am more than thankful to .ton, gentlemen." lie said. "I nm a resldud of Notlh Scranton. all my Intel enls aie centered here, and I intend that they always shall be. Theicfore when I tealize that I have Hie undivided sup port of my fellow ltepubllcan citizens from this part of the city, 1 can well feel pi otid " CLOSING UP SPEAKEASIES. Eight Avoca Dealers Sign an Agree ment to Quit Business. Several months ago, Hev. AA'. 11. Wil liams, (lie Drummer Kvnugellst, began a etusade against the speakeasies In Avoca. He had live of them nnestcd and lined under the boiough ordinance, lie and his aslstants received rather lougli treatment, he claims, and nol wishing to repeat the expel lenees. ho took a new tuck by notifying tho con stables or the borough of the location of Ihe speakeasies and demanding that thoyieiuin them to tho quarter ses sions court of Luzerne. The constables, being Hneatened with piosecntion for neglect of duty If they fulled to comply with the de mand, they proceeded to make a lound up. As a te.sult, eight speakeasy keipers. :-o II Is claimed, have quit biislnecH Mr. Williams suites thai on S.ituiduy lust two of the three constables of Avoca I'timo to see him at ills hend-quailer.- in lids city, with a view of being iidieved of the onerous tnsk which -Mi. Williams hud cut out for them. A'estenlay. Mr. Williams states, he met the constables and eight Avoca speakeasy keopets at llio court house lu AVilkes-llarte, and after a lengthy conference, consented to the with, drawul of tlio Impending prosecutions upon the speakeasy keepers signing an agrement to quit business at once and never re-enguge in It. The speak easy keepers lcadlly signed the iigtnu moid. One of the constables., AV. A. Decker, has tendered his icslguatlon, Mr, Wil liams s.iy.. A strict watch will bo kept on the signers, nnd If they are found violating tho law, the agree ntenls, which are equivalent to wiit icu confessions, will bo used against thorn. Mr. Williams will iclurn to AS'llkes- t Handsome hose Here are some uew X swell half hose, in Polka - f dots, Navy, Black, Grecu f and Mode shades. ' : 50c Pair. : There's some new X neckwear here that you X f ought to see. f - - -f j "on yjur I f -f - ff 'f 'f --4 mHsi4 m. CASEY BROTHERS, Wholesale Liquor Dealers, 216 Lackawanna Ave. Iliirro today, to ileal with oilier Aoe.i pintles, whom he clutrgot with viola tions of the liquor laws. Piano for Sale. A good piano, for Sil", can In .seen at Powell's iiuimIo stoic, wheie I have II in slot age. 1). I". lhtnnlslor, ' Easier Floweis Al wholesale and lotull i Clinks an nex, 20') AVashliigtou avenue, nml at our corner store, ' Ask for Kcllv's union 01 tickets. The Scranton Gas and Water Com pany and the Hyde Park Gas Com pany. Ill leroldlliil With Ihe polill o' (lie.e .him panle.' lo lednro i ilet from I line lo time a tiny lie uaiuiilrd li.i iniie.Ufd roiiMimpli i notice ii beieby glun tint, on nnd .ntet pnl I noil, the piiie ol b'is lll be mm doll.ii p,' one llion.ind iiible ft ct roimtiiied, snbjei I 'e the followlns; illsconr.N Vive per (ent, on .ill bills Hheie the coiiiniiption fni the ni i.C'i amounts to le thin Ittinty-lln dollurf; Or, per i cut. nn nil bilh where the cnrminiptimi lor lit.-. rnonllt ninonnl-i to tiiilylln dollies in.l mi ward. l'roid''il Hie bill i pild on ot liefoie i 20tb day of the nionlli in whieli 111- bill ii Iritilrrdl. Ilv oldei nt Ihe boird. (!. II. ItANIl, 'e lelny. SPECIAL. SO RAVI OS CAS ANI) WAlllll UIMI'WV S1) lhdi Pari, Ha-. i'(,inp.in,( In oideif 10 it. oui age llio lit of rrai lor toil puipnwi. nrlln- !- beieby rrben Ibal on and iiltn- April I in".l lie' prhe oi pai -o used Mill be one dolhn per ni... thntiiatid feel ronuiind, ?nb;iet to Iho follo'vin.r .ipctl'd (lli.-niinli: 'I'en pit i?nl.o:i nil MtHu-liii.. tin" loii-niiiptlonfoi- tin nioiilliiinioMnl-lo Icr'Unn twinly-llxe drll.ns: Iwenly per cent, on all bill-, wbeii? the (oiionnfilioii for lite nioiitli antom u to tivfiity-fiio ili'llor nnd npMaidi. I'tcnUlid t tic bill i" pild on or liefoie the -'i ' . 1 1 day of the inontii in which Iho bill i- iciulood. A Fepirali' meter, fnrni-'bed by the loinpan, is neies.K, lie Older of tbe bond (J, II. IIAMI. P.'iieiny. WILLIAM MASON Doctor of fn-i . the Hun of S u..-i 1.-.11, Pianoloile Tiaobci!', and :' mii-.t, i.tri nlec liiowledao of Ids i luii-on iiwtliiiiu nl i ion .-.lillllil.il', ttliio .ni lolbitt- U'g.irdins Ui- Mason & Hamlin Pianoforte " Vug 1, l"oil. "Mm'Ii A I land hi Co , "Ct nl I. nun: 'Ihe I ptifjil I'lainifone ulilili f lrientlv puuhanl of .ion is a coielanl soiiik. or (ldiubt to me. IK beanlllnllv mu-ii.il Ion mil di In .it. 'Il 1 1 -.pomiM! act inn are in mi. Ii .nl ndiable adjustment - lo iluhnc .1 imisiial slate on the nrt of tho pla.ier and eM'ii saisircn imisiial Idi.iA In tlie iiniipii-ri. "IVIiIIb i.ipable 01 (.iii's-iiir; and patbelic ten th ria'". rl U al-o iinlUnihmr; nnd' r biaimi pis-aifc. and 111 tin- ic-piil lu .ippio.li In -. llio nature of 11 Ci.nid I'innoioite. "II N in instinni. nt for llio tmisirally inlelli ni 11I, ispifiall.. tor lliose to whom a l.taml I'iaitoiuili' i- lor .in, iiason dtliJiied." We dilubl in shnwln-.- tb M i.-un .V II.1111I111 rpii'.lit. ami ihe Ilib.v Cianil, to all pei-ons ap pK1l.1l 111 an absolutely nttlsth piano. LJ. i 1 131-133 Washington Av; A LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE The greatest commercial economist in tbe world today. Compared to any necessary Investment in business, IheprofitfromaTELEpHONE is incalculable. Residence and Commercial rales at a moderate cost. CENTRAL. PENNSYLVANIA TELEPHONE AND SUPPLY CO Manacil' off.ee, 117 Adams aicnue. A LADY INCLINED TO BE STOUT (jimot depend upon .111 oiilln.ny i.ulor 10 in.ik.' .1 Si.urfully Ihii'sMii:; xiiil. Il ,11111 llilnl. csli.i .-kill is ti'ipilicd in makim.' a joi.tt 01 eldii In in urn lnoKrly von boulil uiiainlv lonti lo lis, King Miller, Merchant Tailor, roll l.ADIKS SU fiKMN. 435 Spruce St., Scranton, Pa. uaEffiji JBKDP Wi K Easoa.'ires Goods Advertised on Sunday On Sale All Week. CREDIT YOU? CERTAINLY I 265201 Where There's Smoke There Must Be Tire When we iiold our regular customer and tuld new ones every day, there's reason, It's not just as good, but ihe BUST BUANDS we sell. Don't you waiu Some Hollywood Or Wilson Ryes? If su, let us know. We cmi save you money. Don't Try To look pleasaut iu last year's hat. ' You can't do it. Buy a iqoi Hawcs. It's a union hat and the best, luil made for CONRAD, J103 Lackawanna Avenue. Easter Gifts. Belt Buckles in Gold, Sil ver ami Plated and Belt Brooches iu all the new shapes and desigus. Also .Silver Chaiu Purses, iu all sizes from the small coin to the large Chatalaine Bags, iu solid silver and plated ware. Stop and look at our win dows for suggestions for Kaster Gifti. MercereaU & Connell. 132 Wyoming Avenue. EEDS Lawn, Timothy, Millett 325-327 Penn Avenue. The Dickson Uiuiiifactui'lii',' Ci. icinnton ami Wlll;.i:ar.a. I 1 Muiiuiuutureri o. LOCOMOTIVES, STATIONARY RN0INES lloikrs. Hoisting and Pumping AWchlnery. General Office, Scranton. Pa. TRIBUNE WANT ADS, BRING QUICK RETURNS i$t a$AU WTfUBajiai $3.00. Clover In l M Anniversary Souvenirs With every purchase of $10.00 or over we piesent you with our souvenir A WATCH guaranteed coriect timekeeper, lail'OUTANT! 'I hey should have arrived in time or last week's .sale we -apologue but bring your receipts to the office if your purchase amounted to $10,00 01 over and accept our souvenir, TH jCONOMY &&! "rJOtHmJ!.- Lfc
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