a lyti i Tv THE SC1UNTON T1UBUNK--TUMMY, .MAHCII LM), l!)OI. V ooooooooooooooooo I THEATRICAL. 0 0 ooooooooooooooooo TODAY'S ATTRACTIONS. LU1.LM MiiIp iiilir In 'Ml. I'tlimt.' A'Ulit ,( AIH..M.- "llili l I. Ik." Matlmr J'l nlnht, ifHI.Ti- "Willi'. Wmiiin I "ma" imiihiiV M.Hnro j lid til,ht. "A Knchcloi's Romance." Illii .Mnil lunik- it in Ifct.iku In triiiia iiitu Hi? old fllppTi nl Nil xmllli ltull. He In ken fii'iiiriitly irluml In .i th' I ulllMiltr tu rt-vnr nl llu-vll, tliut ihllithi- t I. (lIMlltt fl'llllili.m. llllll!' rlllllllirtl c"'lll' li.ul inoir vl Imiivci mill fltee llicnrv In llifiu tlun tlic liiiMwriinil iitlorniiiTi ut tli' iihwI inioiiiplMKil .k Inn il lliu inlnil inlinul. llu wll fnntiiil a il.nr In tlu.itilr.il Hull ni l.iiluuo -iinl tlMlintlii' mill Humph h" l h.illiiiil in heillli iiinl t unipcllcd lo lilllr Hum Ihe t.i4i (lie lil.in 1 Mill lil 'llial H uhy 'lliu " I li 1 11 1 ninle ii nill il.i in 1 pi .il Ins In uiii' nl HikcI1' old pl.i.vii ii (1 vhliii (Uitut-el. In nrry Ufa,1 thi oi-.n.illt nf hlf pifilfiiui ; n pluy milieu In III Hrcll mid glie lilm an itli-ttiic mcJtn "I pc.Uns In Hip pulilli Murpli) Ii lift ltilcll Jliil it H"uhl I"1 !' t llif last II lie u.n. LIU- llu-nll lie imiiplii .) ilMlutt i.i-lllon unions tAiili'nipnrui' mmcilan lh.it if jtilt hi own. I It- U iimip ilrllf and If' ol .1 ilium ir Hull llil-k-ill. IP' h.ii tin- mucr lo tmitli thi heart MiIk nl an aiitllineo .iml hi lutuio ti slil lo hi imwl Kiti.fjlnit H propnh ilinilf.fi. IKcaiirc Muipti) i li it lit I II a .i nilitiU- I I put lilm lietuii t lie piilillf In a lull- In wlili Ii moiiIiI uliilutilv lie cniit.intly toiitiastul i till lliipll ami .1 .jv ioul.v to hi tlKiili.iii- H),f lime .in- artorr. ilcuild ul lc.itlte Kitilu. mIium buliii ll h to rIm- iih a moio I, .iillilnl ii.py ul Hie woik o( tin- top itt.ris li Murphy li'.ni- the iitum-illon of .lat '" Hum. lie if "1Ik1ii.iI. Ii'fiiinci-fiil mi I iu.uli ni'l the pulilli- njntf him'tlt, P i Hi '.in mi it'll on tin- ilihil mi l.it rush' .ii Ma tall''! hclolr llu- tuilaiii und IimiIi oiii nl hi ili.il irlt'rPtlcally ilmll rprrthi-f Minnt wlilili liu pii.inicii lo irlttin lict t'.i- ii mi i i. unc.lt il.'.iliin, with Valilnstton lite. Ilr ts i iiiul ul .t lir.nty iveipllnii lint' tor M milium lir has lo olill .m1 llif lull lotlltrl.t' J' in malted ttlth intrtrt. 1 l ! "" IhlUll llilllliff ill ' 11.11 llOlulV III' liiiln-i in llliiih tin .tppo.tir at lite l.tititm It in hi. iMtilcntlt- ilone. In srnoial IiIh I in. i. u.itl.ji. follotttil tlic lmt of llii'filli inn iliii.nil lump in tijiilmr in. I toloiliiic. 'I lie .t ! Itiilnlur' llom.ni e' i a ptetly in .II tliottslit out .ni'l licM-lopnl, .in.l In 1 .. ..iiniiL Hie fomctlt li-t nlglit MttiplH u.it ii tr.i l.t ,i ruuip.int ttliltli iiifit.ilueil fotno l.i ui'l utolf Mi liototlit '"lit-rroil ii Mlvi.i sni 'i. I.mtl'- t ml, jinl tin- other impoit.iiil rolet teie hi ml l ll. I i.iltlln, 1 .o-t . i Uiilllfk. jr.. Mi M.i i Mi Wiilln- .iml Ml., ul.ir Coin II. "The Tide of Life." I lin ill rli.llil.l, "I lie lull nl I. Ik." opuifil j of. iIjj i iii.'i'.'niiiiii ,u tlic Atailenii ol Miilc .i .i uin tu .in uMill.mlui.' liotisf. ciety wit ii tti tiiuttt jtiii niiny item ubliqetl tu -.t mil. I pi it. "Ihc lltlf of l.ilf," t ii ii-jlUtli it. i .limn tiuui the ptii il ri!u.ml WmUti ' i' !. 'inliKi tlie ni.ijorily of iImiiki ol to iji. i i 'I of tli liK'Jii-l-tont Ik roii . cti. 'lu k nir- I n-it In .t tilljlli .mil J lieiu. Ol coute, flirti inti-t lie oi iilint Kitiil f't .i iImiiia mouM il '. llti. tho plot l tnilili .iml tin- lines .ire tt-ll tit-inn. mill tlie people enirnrril lu interpret tirtii .ti. .utut, .itnl .uli'tni ol ivpeiitntc mill -l.lllt... ni"iiv i.ieni .no l'r.itik klMif, .1. Moy Hon tnit 1. 1. mn Kirti.iii, I'liil XItt jlllii, llillv lliw rr. K. Ik.ilry. John Hell, .laek r.iultlrM, M lliku HjIi. Mjv I). I'tiniiil, llctllu W.llliy rnul M' - I Mi llkhitilf. I lie vitih tlfivts usiil in tin pimliielltin .no tilt.iinlv Hue .i ml me In Uiplns mIiIi i he pin. Tlie Inle of Lift'" lll In pu-. nt.. I ,il tin Ai nkim ul Mu-k eieiy bttfiuoi u .itnl iieninir Pu the liilmici of tho week "Miss Pilnnt" Tonight. M. I'linr.l," in tlikli Mi- Matk- Hit -.-lie n in l Min .it the l.j.iuiu tlie.iter tonitilil, U ii, inullt .i luii-k'.il 'titttly Milk h inni; ein pi jiH itpii'i litiih tonN. 'Ihe pitte l i foil ui r.,ul;ii, i, jn uici-tipe liltkoiy nut, mul wheie i.i. it. ni Inii'n then if cither .1 mim.' oi .1 iinii in il sn-.rrally Imlli. I.n tin- l.iualis MIh Hi .ld mil ihe .lUllifu, (kuiKc . Ilubji l i.-l mule .ni.) Hie niiiitli', wlili Ii It i -pet Lilly iinelul IhIiii I. iioltlrn Ilia tiiuipoeiJ. Ml Pi nt n illi lil. il into ettlloim anil n finii' in. Mitltif ol Mhie folly people, piin- ipilit I inil-uiiit' u.. mi ii lu inliipiii. It is 'Ik Itlnl ml. tliite -t . I ii.li-. fui tin ollei ii.imiii ,ip 1'intii i Hun In uv tlie wuiil. "Attf" il llii" utnl "m. lion," if oiiulii.il, .mil uiisliullly i Hie kcMinli ..I the MiuclutCi in oi isinalit ii the I'llinil'il lealuio of MU- Hit lrt '- li 4i.it It i. iil ..mtily luiilikf any othi't net mitten mul Mif Difvslu I, tnllkf jtijlir.ilv else in ln Btile. vnlc w'otlil. Mtvi lii.ltr nlJiletl her "ti ? i piinu ti. tin i mil w.m a aouil one, Imt tin Mu'ihl huu'li anil make olluia litth, pctlallf 'In .imlienii. o who ctct hearil of jiitiiia tl.itiiu who w a funny atnl t oitHiptentlv Vi liii-,ii w,i tiiriit-il into .1 t oineilleiin. . l luki mnplv iaihiIiIu'i tnir.13'' Ihi for in iiin' .I- Imt lotuifly lolix .nm .illhoniih fhe I j Mitnk ilifUnl lo play Ophtlli mul ln ilw.Mi 'i.il oph'-lu anl I jiiiIUc weto not Iie.ion.l lur puv..,. ii, ma I uiiu.iuei, .oulil lini' her in noHiirii .l.t. . liimlcr tlnlclttl lint pe fnllai lileut ihuiilil he tiuniil lo hei own prout nm! tl.r.iuic ilil MMfon clit! if itaiiiu;. "lit in oi tor l.ei- Hint loin, Im Iif.cu a inni. i.li-ii. lUttii, In HoitUm wheie itu tttafon optintl in plntil Ike week al Ihe Vploila in New i"1. iml a rhoit M.i-nn in i'hiljilt Iplila, to nii ii n he it lilt lit lot a ittn nt si week. In (mn Mn-j Htii.(Ui' In a tow ihurt iitontus l.t 'jliliilicil as a lining i-lar. The toiiipiny wi'h h i- t-ptrl.ilk iltiir ami Mai lini.en fur in uitiiiiltli Ml liimln jj.o tank, three etj oi atiutiy unJ a Koiiieutif outfit ol in?tiuneh Pt .,ii. mi "The Belle of New Yoik." t ili fftn roi-jiI tu listen lo Kcikci". I ham rS"5" music once aziln utnl walilt Ihe goigcn i Enm ot lluiili lnitiiir Iti-llo of New otk," "la "i il. litt oi l.ciletu'n wile of Cimiio lir-jrlurtn.il'. I In- nun.iylliiflit hat lietn lOinpll. ntifl ill mci. h.uliur kept Ihe plite up lo a Sl elanilanl. .o iloubt theie will l con,li. rable t uriuKii.v to ne U. .1. fonuelly in lie i !r of Muliotl llioii.on, pteslilenl ol liie ot.nj lin lliniue League ami Anil ( I. alt lie Ntlitr f l olio. r. l.nntlli h.i ii.ijlilili Inn. t if n i listllniale i-uiiieill.tit In In- uilinii ilik v nk .1.. Iml (laii-t in "shoie Aiicx.-' atnl lie HEADACHE CHARMED. It la the Experience of Scrnnton Peo ple Thnt Pioves tho Magical Eit'ect ut Dr. Chfic-e's Nerve Pills with Sick and Nervous Heartache. It lia'i iifvi'i- lunm lo any other inrillc-liit in-ver to all inciliclin'S"th abuntlnnce of Scranton testimony chuw Ins the uncquuleil merit eHtubllHlieiJ bv Dr. A. V. (.'Iiiue'fi NtM-ve Pills Thoi'o In probably no cane ul m-rvoiiH ilck lteudachi; they will not cnu-. JIlc. Jann.'S AV'jitfruu. of No. yt5 Ttvclfth micet. rjcranton, Pa.. Kayn: "Dr. A. W. C'lmso1) Nuivh Pllla are fine, I bcBun to hho them for neivoiiK sick he.iclaches anil iiervoitMiicsM, and had eri-at ihii-coxm In hIhi)hk ihuiu cinnplettly. Iteruntly I umhI thoiu to iivrcoinu th tit juvsHlon and wi-ak-nenHc lollowiiifv srlp and ihey wcie uKiiln sttccecsful, kIvIiik nm bodily strength ami ncivc leadlni?Bs, As an alNroiind nervo and general tonic tlu-y aro ffrnnil, und 1 urn very much pleakt-tl that my aituntltin watt called lo them Hii'oui;") MatthcwH Uroi,, iliugsltsts, temporary headfiuiu tern cotnr Lacka wanna and WiiRhlngton avenues Dr. A. W. Chune'H Nervu Pills aie mold nt Mc. a box at dcalem. or Dr. A. XV Chan. Medicine Co.. UuiTnlo. .V. V. hie that portrait and slsnattin.' of A. A riiifc. .M. V., are nn fvurv uaclraw. 1n iil'j kIuii a tJtte t.f Mi (.itcUt utillliy i ohl Jlullnciix In "Hotel Top- Im," Iml llioaton lieinsr no fir away fiom M pretlom wotk will 1 lookftl foniarfl lu with rntteti In IciikI. The atl of Vlnlfl flirt. Hie Kiliallon Al my l.i, Ii Ulna- pl atnl IM, no.imin I'.v Miff HeuUh liotlgc, who It mtkltiff a eteililei) liupiewlnn In Ihe pail. Quite K ntnnbcv ol the Lonilon rotin pany lie rtlll Willi "The Hill of Xevr Yolk," ut well a .1 lic.iullltil mul nhapely tlmnit. 'Ihc loflttnii't mul wriH'iy me nil new anil "The llrlle of Xew- Vntlt" tl.lt urafii It Maner. lulahlir ml liftler fhait nrr. ami It will lie on vli at Hie I'Vittiiu toninirow' allium, m atnl itlajil. Wine, Women and Song. Ilieie it pioliihlt no olher Liti'lelllli- ami Inn lupn altiuflloii nt H,pular wttli Setiiiitniilar,t at M. M. Ililitn't "Wine, Voinm ami Soiik" funipuii, anil, at tuo hilt hotttti thai lomplite ly filleil Ihe (JaliK ,t i tin tiny aflr i lincii wne kept intitltiiulh iipplauillnir or luiiiililiii for in'.itly Ihl 1 1' li'iiils the popitlarlly of lhl fouipany if luirlletl. 'Ihe art In Ihe i-illu Hiat tuvlr the imo.t pin foutnl hit Mat that ol llnillj, ii ynnnir laily who lonipltlilj ni,lluet the atiillrnii- by her nuke up, lew lealliltiir that (the w.it a woman until hi- lijret tier anut lo proe II. Iter emin Mur I hi, ami ibi.tltiK It a ifrlj,'ti in that line. lhe It ir,Mly lolloweil liy (llltifil ami CoMIe, a pair of tlewr ioniiijt., win uppen to ideal .-iittaiiliilte In Ihe two Inittrtqupi, The left of Hie totiipjny ilo tlnlr nhne lowaul keeping- up the tfpiilaHtin ol thl niMlliiiloiit eoiupanr Leybmn Stock Company, ItHfM ol (he tepettolic how iliouhl keep in titluil Hie I.trt that the l.e.iluinr Mut eouipauy opent a weil.'a cngaatment at the Aratlcmv on Jiomly eunlngr. Mr. Utliuiiie , one uf the tnott uevful reperlolie manacri. aiifl in f-tiiiManlly itukint,' ilpotoiif eflorlt to ittiengthdi hit lame lompany a t ni it It a plriturc to utile Hut lie has ,ue leetletl. at hl hlje lift of pattonf aie wlllluc lo letlllj. 'Ihe ntu.ll matintit will he lirn dtll in the week. TAYLOR. Ihe Itmeial of Ihe late Ml.t talltli Allien. m. a teaeher o lHiroitah vliool No '.'. took pl.ii' from her laic home on Ninth .'tain filed jMn tla.t tiii'inlm; nt rt n't lock ami wit one ol the laigetl ami nioct impicthc eiei wltmteil in thl plate. Tin- loiou;h -Imtilj. vrie i-lo-eit Hiloiishoul the till to enable Ihe IrailiMif ami ethulart In illeml the nbtequle- Thf limei.il Ktlee. wtie hcM lu the MethO'li'l Kplvoptl ilitiieh. anil fomliKtiil In Hit. I. II. Ileniv, putot ol the f lunch, ami ltc . I.. II. I'mlri, pastor of Ihc l.iecn lliflse l're,hjtevlai! eliurth. The reinalnt lepoteil in a tijiultotne c.kel, .mi whltb le'teil a Iiiri- iiiuiibrr of beaiililul llorjl lillntlet. The thtueli choir unit eieial ippm pllate himnf .it the ilinitli mul at the ;r.ito ti the tluie ut the miUiii the unulnt weie Icieil ami then taken to Ihc Pici-biteilan trim teij, wheic Ihey were lowcicl to their find lect ins plm. The pall-beau-is weie: toineliiit l.uilcile, Thoniat II. Hails fe. Tldd, tleorire I)ji enport, .lohn Will I anil .lolm II. I'ricc; llnwrr. be-uciif, .1. I). ttatkins John I'. Tuhln ami Wil liam lull,. lliingailin linoiri w,in in-latitly killcl al the .lermjn mine cttnlay bv a fill of luof. 'Ihe fnnti.il of Thonias luriiei. the young; man mho wan killrtl in the Stlilty mine on Montlai, ot-ttiirril jeflrrtlay ailernoon anil wan lirpelv jltrnilcrl. liti. Mi Itiiley ofTieiJleil and prcaihetl a rt.i iiitpresle M-imun. Inteiment was ntaili lu the Mirev teinettri. The mine ac cnltiitil tuinl attcinlcil tho luneral in a lloili. 'Ihe linproietl Dnler of lied -Men. No. 217, rim ed the follnwlns olli.-ert on Wctlnilay eienlni;: I'toplut, Aitluir 'llnion: Mchcm, Cleorce I'arry. srnloi .'acaiiioic, Iald P. 0111111111; Juniot M(ta more, satnuil Jonrn; thief of leeoirK W. IJ. tlowilln. atiant fhitf, Thomit Samtielt; keep ei of waiiiptini, .lamet Maplenon: repteentallie, Daii'l lleceham; trutlec, Jatnet Palmer. The ntniint of the late Ml, lillcti Willlamt, a iniieli ic.fpected lail.i, weie laid to ic In tlie 1'oiif.t Home eemeleiy on Wednesday aitetnoon Vuneial firilcci oeeurrcd trutn the home ot Mr and Mr. Stephen IHii. on Siutli Ma.it Micci, and were condiictett by I!e. J. f. Kians pitloi ot the Wrlth f'onRri-Raliunj! ehiilih, who piciihed a Ptlef but lmprcvlic winioii. The pjll-bearrit wtie: Hind I.ioitl, llnid Piik. C.rllllth Oneiit, llnliatd llobeilf, l!(7.ilerl Thotnat and Hian Milllanit. The I'liec l.lbiaiy a-.-oci.it ion will hold an Im poll mt 1iiiIiiim iiifctlns; ctciilns. when tujlleit jiet Mining to -the leeent bcnetlt will be finally sfitled. ne tiicrtlng ol the oiiitii'n ( liri-tiatt Tcui (erancc union ..ehl al the homo of Mtt. II .1 ( ouper pioicl lo lie intereMlt-s and enteitiinlnif and wat quite largely attended. Ihe tollowlnt pitijlianinie wat iintleictl: lleeltallon II-t Mm lilin-lead, Mn. V. II. Ileniy read a paper und 5IU- N'oia .lohnt cue an eeillttit piano elll lion. I'lufcv-cu l' A. Avi'on, ot We-t PilUion. will adilrert Ihe . .ll. )'. A. biiid thlt. cicmns;, when tbti will hue a- theli Eite.tit the Jloo-li: band. fhailti. Ili.ni., ot Noilh Mitn !! ct, who w-o. so erloii-l injuietl in the Anhbahl initio a tew immtli- apt, ti.it iteuitied ultllcluitlt tu he able to be about with the ni'l o tiutchea. nieelrieinn W. M. Hell, of Ihe Lackawaniii i:iceliit' I.lk'ht conipani, Im olTered a nward of fi tor the ariet ami conilctiuti ol any peiton i.iiisht timpnltic with tli-5 lishts tluoiisliout tin- Iniiousli. Ml. and Mi. William W. Wnliatitf, Mt't Mai tut 'llitiinif, Mr. and Mi y. Paiid Ullluin', uf Akhhys Mil.. Owen .lone and li. Daiid llubetts ol l'oie-1 tilj, attended the Itincul of the late Mi. Klleii Ullliamt In thin place on Wetlnesd ty. Ml. W. M. l.ian-i and Miss Maul Uiani ate on a Itw ilij litlt with iclatiien in Duitr, . . .1. Inilntlble eonnnitiileii. No. i'W, Knlplitt ot Mdta, will meel ihU cieninK- 'Ihomat I.. -Iuiie, t-tudt-ut al the lluflalo Cul It go ot I'linmaey, l home to fiend the Kaitei taiilioti with lu niolhei, Mr. T. I., .lone-, of Main meet.' fininir .Imif liac letmned fiom a liii-lncf- trip to Potl-lllll. miSOIIFMANNA. I Fpcdal lo Ihe Scranton Tribune. Mitmuiunnai Maieli 2:. lt. William Jilk. formcily of hu.viueha.ina, U Miiou-ly ill it tar bomc lu lifio.ft, X. V. Ihe in w choim will hold its m-coiuI in'etinj; on I'lltl.iy eier.ln. "lierltt Wllllaui .1. Maty. of Monlroje, m oll1ilall ciKagrd In town on Wnlnisil.j. Tho shcritfs lale of ihe Uatt Main li-e.-t faloon, lonncily foinlucted by Ihc late .lohn II MiMnhon, wat. on Wrilneittlay adjcuined lo. tin- third time Ncl-oii Den-o'i, u it line of .laikion, thi. ioui. (, illrtl In Scumon on Vnlneday. lie w-j a b'lothii' ol Nathaniel Ilentuii, o( Kutquehanria Hei. i:. K. lllley will. tlil cifnliifr, be In. 1 jllcl aa pattoi' of the ritdijlciian ihuif.lt, witu the iiu.il iciitnoiilci.. The LailliV Aiixillii.t to lh- Hi ol hei hood ol locomotive rireiueii, will l.ohl a talko bop and riu'pllon In Ilojan Open botue on Tin-tlay cu-nlnu, April 9. Stici.il additional l.iie watilnitin aiuicil on V clneialay. .lolm Dnn'an. ol HlnjhJinloii, w in town on Weiln. jday, on Innlncts. Tho c.tr ot about sOPuO.uOO people me .tuii the .titifcle loi (lie Montuwe iOttniiteililo The M'viral chuithci ot Ihlt Jilaec aie pirpat inn for Dnler Suiutay tenleea lAhihltft loi the Pan-Ameikan t-,pufiiion ji d..llt p.iiiiiK oier llu I'tlf. The I.i If it pincli i.inj J I'll lie liumbei of neiv lonimitltifc In handle the I .i i - rieil. m intn. (,ti .i.ilil . THE MARKETS. Wall Btrttt RTlexr. New ioik. Minli Is.--The nloiU tiuikit ("n tliiiied hlidih- pinlrttlonal todii mid ilMlnctly two k1i1o.. llu otiltide fpetulillic publle It tllll on the kIiIc of Ihu built und that clement tit the ptiiitalluti i-itillnueil to bale the -Ittiatloil well in fniittol. The- iii"-l proiiilnent k.IIu In tin- ll.ullliir wat r-1 III In-Ill by N'oitlitin P.ullli und llitrlliiKtoti und the innttnntlv lot iittlivr IITIiallt nf lhee iltukH nude an itltellie nip poll (or (ho wholi' market. Hillllnuteu openttl in, tit I pit me, ii ml itfli-i' liailm; mk. until tu i In i,i, pike al 171 'a ilo.t-1 with a mj Rilu of only . Nnilhiiii I'atlli'- .ll-" In-i'lo a new hlsli ifti-i'l pi lie al nliji, mid iltwetl with a ml unln ot l, 'Ibeie wuc li-iitttttl lepoilt IihIi.i of n plan lo it-tin' Nm tin in Pat lilt pud lied, ami ii'Ihiiik nilll peitl'litl ol an iigrienunt foi foil MilliUtloli of Vuilhetli Piitiltt untl lliilllnvlnn. riio ititu-'o oi i lii iflcil "lofkii iiMn Iho inlty nf the I'lilted Male Mtrl iuiiiulinii nlotkt (when Itsitt'di Into Hie iiiilltt ilepiilmint o tin' i'flinn!'.' tv.i" a i.tuii(.Uvnlm.' liilliuntc. V tliensh Hun- wat laiitc nellimt lo it-allit- In tlii'J "Itiiv, iitnnle Ml',ii'll wat fiulhenmluir and tlm tntnliliiatlon wat urn up xoiuc two point oier ,ti-leiil.ii'n pilot' on Hie uttli und the pteteiiid rathi'i inor than thai The ikR ol Ihe ion--lltittiil ti'liil'.inlit were ftintnr in l mpat h.v. Time who nihil politU of ifpitld nttrimtli, -lu Ii at UVMihi I'nli.ii, M.uili.ittall. the WhtclltiK iml Lake Kile iitmkt i-linwllis italnt ti lioin 2 to :Ui, and l.acl-awanna, which uioiinteil H polhlt to far iiboie the hhthc-t prit cillli plite. Out-lde of llicw Imllildual tluel.t Iheie wetc ftw that lo-e at uny lime at mutli ict a imlut uiei l.t-l night untl iii.in.v oi the ii'icntl.i piomltirnl lotkt weie loii-tantly held b.i(k by liie pn-ure of real ieiua;. Total .llf- today, 1, 1)1, I'M h.ilt. llittlne-t lu b'.iitlt i-titilliiue- laiRe and In w point of uiii tilh denlop Mom time to (line Tulal talet, pit i.ilin, i,h)'i,IXI. I . N old It ttul-lriT'd iidiamcd i pu ei'tit. on Hie l.i'l tall Ihe fiillonlnc quotittem ate tiintlehrd 'I l.t Iiitiune by 51. S. Jmclan Co., rooms T05-Tin) Heart biillillnfr, Sciantcti, 'a, relcplione 60H: 0n- HUb- Low- Cloi- ir.cj. ett, cjt. Ins Mnelk.ui iun Ill1; 113 IHl'a Ul'i tnei. Toban IM, lin'j 1JH l.'n'j Mihl-on iiPi i'2 M'a id'ii Alihkou. IV. Win (O'1, vi'i n'''t IhiHik. Traction - 1'i T' " Halt. It Ohio (rj, til T'i .fjij Totit. Tobattt H"-i II ll l"i (1e. k Ohio t'l. IT't H. IH'h i hit . & ra. wciti a: -ii'i ':: 2''a flilc, II. A (, 1uS' lTI"a 1i. ir.' M.Paul l.Vi'i l"KHa ll'Hi IH", Hock Maml 1I(. ISO, l.-i; l.""! ll. I. A llmlion PJ PV-a, i,T Ins'a laitkawanna II. I! Pw -JinHi It" l'"!'.' .- J-. --... .-- . I T r w-w -- "" v r w - - r-"-' - rKS-ir''rr--' fJ- t. S 4 MANY STORES COMBNED I JONAS LONG'S SONS MANY STORES COMBINED The Grand Easter Millinery Opening- IN COMBINATION WITH OUR GREAT FRIDAY AFTERNOON HOURLY SALES Cieates opportunities to buy tlie newest and best kinds of merchandise al from ten to forty per cent, below the regular prices. The first sale begins at two o'clock. If vou would leap the benefit of the price saving be on hand promptly. Kin. A. Ie.., Pi. Jf'i laillit. .f. Sadl liM'rt lllfi !N, lOill, Mm. I.leialed 121 li'." lil's IJH- -Mtl Tuition hii lu! 102 In' Ml-v.. Pat lilt- lii2"J IMi, IHS'j l'i2', v. .i. (eiin.il riir-; r.if- i-iiv, m v.iilhfrn PaeifK ti'i l'! M'4 lt' Xfiilhun Paiiti ".Mi to 'X Xxi ''l' Notlhtrti Pat lilt, Pi. ... DPI Ki I'll, oji- . . rV11t1.1l lin ll-i Ili.ij 117 Dntario ft Wclirn .... .'111!! ::.'iT I'tiuia. II. II IMij . Paiillc Mall .r.ij tiTiij :.;' X,a Ueadiiie III iC.'i .f.' ..-. .:V lleadiriir lit.. Pi 7.1 7"i Tl's 71. Niulhrm K. K --"I't -'i si uiilhrin II. II.. Pi 7t 7 o 7li' 7'i-ta Ti 1111. t iul a.- lion . ... 7's ."S ."'i .'"';. I'. S. la'.ilhei l.i, U'j l.l'j I .'1 V. S. Ia-alhet, Pr T'.' 7t 7i."i ol I'. s. Ilul.lw-r '.2,i 2.: -.'O'i m 1'nlon P.ieiilf Ufa HI 'i i ' I'l'ion Pacific. Pr. M' -I'j -lTt ViV Vabai.h, Pi it 11 .'.t)fM I11T; W'entcrn I'nlot yia H',r; yiij tilij ( ol. Pud k Iron Ii'i 'li '"'I't "''Si People's lia lull, loiij 101 '4 (it Te.Nat Paeilli: SI'S :.. :.i.. ML. m I ar I'uutidiy -27 27 "u -Ji.ta l'. . -Iff I To t.'", r l"i 11 1 M.w H'Rr; tii.'Aix m.i:ici:t WIIKAI". Mai Jitlv CORK. Miv .lull ... CHICAGO I! WHEAT. Mai Job cony. May .... .Iul OATS. May . Onftf lug. ni3; " 17 It RAI.V Open In a;. 7 7i li'j II lltzli est. sil, tl 17', 15'f maiiki: !llKh. . "'' 7-'Tt 7..', l( l.ottr C!t. .,1 o'f 17 It ;r r.otv- 7'iT U"t C'Ioj. in:. ir"i i.'l (T"j. in,'. 7-",t Ti.', l" t" Mi, Scranton Board of Trade Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of 100. STOCKS. Hid. rititt National Haul. lCun Seranton SailrRi Hank jjo Tlilrd National Hank ISO Dime l)fp.ilt mid tln-rourit 11 ink.. iT Kconomy LiRht, II & P. Co laeka. Tliut afc Deposit Co tai Clark & hnoier Co., Pr i:i fcrantcu lion Pi!iico k Mis. Co Serantcu Ale Works I.ackftnra Daliy Co., Pr County S-aiinjw Dank k Trut Co.. SW First National Dank (Carkoudale) Standard Drilling Co Tiaders' National Malik Hi Miaiitou Holt and Nut to pu ... bonds. Scranton Pasttngcr Itallaay, first MortKaRe. due 10-JO 113 rcoplc'9 Micet Ilallway, firtt mott Site, due 1U18 U People' bticct Itallnay, General moitgafff, due 1DJI 113 Dickton Manufattutln; Co 100 A.-keJ. 1W tu ao Sale X(. I lie-ins rromptl) at - O'clock. In the Bnsemcnt Our Great Friday Afternoon Hourly Sales would not be com plete without an offering from our llousefurnishing Store. The arti cles we think you most need are the kind we sell to fill your Ri day wants. Steel Enamel and Agate Ware .Sale Nn i 4 i--? Begins Prompt!) at .' O'clock. 1)Iill PANS Your oholto of a 11 tu 17- iiuiiri Slocl nuiiniol Dish Pan, ein It 29c i'i;i:.si:isvi.n kktti.i:? 8 w M-iiii.ti t St il l.lppetl I'l-pservlnu Kcttli-H, -, oui'li aJVC SAITCI-: PANS Ten-riuui't Steel I.lppi'tl Sniire I'.iiih. each 29c TOII.ICT PAPKR Our Crescent Hull Toi let 1'apci, full weight ami line tin sue. the oc. kind: 7 rolls for r:...:: 25c DINNBP. PAILS Stnndard size niniU'i- P.iils, m.ide nf heavy tin, briirr. cluspi mul Hiiiiiless i-upt, .ie. klml, mm eneli 1 C INDIVini'Al. Hl'TTKIt DISHKS Whit- Porcelain Individual 'Butter Dlsliesi, per tlo.en SAlTCi:ilS Odd rinucers hi White Piuit liiln, assorted sizes, tlu 4e. kind, at f n speelal prlco of, each 1 , 2 C sriU'H nitl'SHIW A necessliy In every home u lnt'tr size rfe-rtiU Hrtish the 10c. klml ut, each 5c On rialn Floor tllMISS OOODS-.iI.liu-h. ull.iiiml Indies' t'ltith. n Rood welKht. beautifully flnlsheil fa. hi It- In navy, cadet, ted, garnet, in own, niedl uiii Kiey, nxfonl anil tilacli: leKulur a j- , uilup r.fv. Kiltlay inr one limit' T-C5C All eMin Ileal, v nll-M tKl Jliiliie.-.pllli, .Vi Inches iilde. Is niaile to use wllhout a j Ihilntr. i-oru1.1I- value r.S'e. Krldny. . tuC LACKS Point de I'.u-U, luill.itlou llilih , esse. Cieain and While Oriental rind Vnl l.tiees, lanitlilR lu iildlh fitim I to S Inches. li-'KUlut' pilce fiom PJ'i (o lc. on l'llday for one hour, yutd 8c MLN'.s Ni:CKWKAU-A stiutlliiK piopo-i. t Iiii. .1 fact notwIthstandliiK. New Spilnu Neikivearnt 2H per t-enl. Iielow eost. Your elmli-f of .1 large assortiil 'lit of "c iutUuiui' hi lour-lii-hands, leeks untl pulfH; also lminl '.ions .mil i-luli hoitse ties. I'm nip. r . Iititir IDC .Sale Xo. :i Hei jliis IM-oiniitl) al I O'clock. flnlii l-'loor i:SIlllt01Hi:i!li;s-'I'he .m-orliniMU of cni. Inoltlerlen on sale for Pilday nniK In price 9c l.M I" le. per ynrd. For one srsPr.NOi;i:S UV only nun. iii u iilill" Unit prices like these inn posslhle. A Rcnti- Ine ;.'e. suspender. Many aie Hi' Pioneer make, t-'nr one hour . . .. 15c iIlCN'S SlUItTS .Men's t'oloreil ilatli.is Shirts with cuffs to match. This shltt must he seen If you appreciate its value; lie con sider them exceptional value ut u'.ic. I'ueh. For one hour on Filclny, each 39c 7c MftOOMS House rleanliiK' time you need one or two extra, aie I.hko size, Rood r iiuallty lu-ooni, i-i!Rulnr 2"c, each.... 1 VC Jonas Long's Sons SCAItFS For stands and lnueaiis, inatle til' line ciepe or daninsk, with centers of vi llous colors; oidlnarlly you would p pay SKI', Friday for one hour 0C Second Floor HOYS' CAPS In all the pielty lieu splint; styles. The eolots are bins, Kainet. led, blown and tan: many aie trimmed with silk Inaltl and have enibioldered fionts. We can lit both lni'BP and small bos. For niie hour Friday, each 22c 6lc Kluu. They 23c sunt- 3c 5c knee I mm hour III CHMNS--Till tute hour uU- of rlbhnii Mill be the fore. runner of Rreat ilbbon sell Inn. Flue iiuallty of Fancy I'otded TtiffetH l!blli)l', I1.- Inches ll irt. Fur muj a-v hour on Frltliij ' "C FANCY UOWNS--A lai'K- selection of 10- inch linui lu fancy stripes and iIruics. IIrIu itnl dark Rrotuiils: icRiilar value Me. yaitl. On l'"i lilay for one hum .. LISLIC til.OVKS Ladles' pure lisle Rimes In all the newest made shades. They t mil" in . i lasp oi ;: button. Friday TALCF.M I'uWUIOi:- A pel fumed lary powder. Hi ."e. kind. '"or one hour VASKLINi: A lin-Rf lii-cenl butlle of Vaseline, For one hour Frlilay.... I'.dVS' PANTS lit ijs" Coulllioi pants, lu Rood welRht. all taped senilis, e. t elslor waist li.itnl lu 'ei pair; also plain blue, all-Mool llanuels. In plaids, checks and inlxuiies. IIrIu and ilaik colors; sizes:', to lo yars; sizes l! to s made with buns and iitlckles tin kin-e. They me collsldeied Rood value at 7."c. pair. Ftld.iy for a a one hour T'T'C I'lllLHUFN'S APItONS-Chlldren's rIur. ham iipious, wltl biald tilmuud clicillnr col lai. the sleeves mo also trimmed. They am lull lenctli and have tlep hem. P.eRular Milne, :!!e. For one hour Fil-tlay LADIKS' IIOWNS .Made of line quality e.imlule niuslln. with line French yoke, V shaped, hein-slitcheil IiIrIi neck. The icrii- I. ir pilte Is i(ic. On Filday for one hour, each i-oiirth Floor UOCKKUS W- ate eellpsli-.R our own ef loi'ls at locker si IIIpr iIuiIur these hourly soles .MiihoRiiny ilnlshetl parlor rockers of I event tleslRii elosely spindled back atlrt in ins. either tubbier or saddler seats stock und i uiisiiiii tlou of the best. K-RUlai- in lee Yi'i Foi hIH" hour 29c 59c 1.65 Jonas Long's Sons Jonas Longs Sons LacLa Toiinvlilp school 5 per cent. ... 10J City fil Scianton bt. linn. 0 pi-r rent 1W fcaanton Traction 0 per cent !!3 Scinnton Wholesale Market. ICoiifliil In II- ILiIp. '-7 barkaiianna -o) llutlii-lu'iiiioi.i. JPjTi-'t.; ililrj, lTai'li. II cie I'nll en mi. liil'V l,;--Wrlcrii luli. II In H'i-c', nrai'ij .tali, ll'i t" l''!ar- lie in IV i Im.. flioiit- malum Vj.sii'J il, Pta Ileal Per Im.. O.I5aJ.Wl. Mitllmn l!cai l'T Int. H0i;.4" linen lV.w-1'ci' Im.. l.in.il.j. Oniunv Pu I'" . 4l.f".il."n llnut-Ilrt piltnl, pu lilil., SI i" llcil liltlni-y llcaiii-lVr Im.. - I'M'.' Jl New Yoik Ginln and Frouuce. N, Mil... Milili li.n) ,i i.trnl.1 Itilir. mill limit, ate -till .. 1 it-il, IV. I "fl'al- llll.llnt; . - - I'lmn' slni .iu nn Inn mi Hie in null Ml ti.ult'- af lilcli. Wln.it sptit fliin: n. h. Jtloat, Nn. : i.'tl. I iioillirin llnlntli, ''" I. ". It. nll'iit. Oiiliutis ivt it' tratli I .il t 'lull. tin-ill In ii. ijt. ma .iih.inte. Miv cltiffil Hl'ii. Inly. lt : s,ii., mi, (oin-spot tliiuri. No. '-'. I'lijC iltiatnr ami l'i'i. I. o. b. atl.nt. ilptiiiiH inli'il -tiniii.' all tl.il .iml il"-nl til ll) it ii K'a. In t aibatiti'. linn Ii ilik.el I''..: 1 Iii.-'-.; .lull, tsiHt ; s-pl , ll,i. ial--S"l .tii.t. Nn '. :.'H." . " .1, .'Ji I V" -1 iilillf. Ui-Ue. : No. .1 while, ...'i.i ti.uk niivil net .in, .Iii11'ji; ti.uk iil.ite, ..JiMia (iptlciH lull, Imt Hun Willi fern. Unlit i- -ticinc. (ieh uiiiiiciv. liM.'Jf tJftoiv, llall'it ; li.iii.iU"ii 1 1 ., nun, llalM'.i : i.it,. tlairi. tiili, I..1JI1 . ( lu.'.f- I'll m. tJtiti l.uttf 1 ul,, ml ,111,1 Winn Ilnll'ji.i i.iniy mull, (olmul, 1'i.t . in -null, ulillf, IJaU'it. I'm."' s,f,n; ,i,i,. ami Ptiina . I fj iII'jl. ; iitpui. I I .-- fllllll 1 III. I.lll.l'nl. Chicngo Live Stock Mai Ice t. Iliiuati, M.111I1 :.--( alth llricliit iii.'fHi. ..Iiii,., i.tr.nlt in stimiu, 1 m t . Ii. 1-4" MiiL, 'linui, iiililt: itiiilie it 1 ft. in, attlit. .Ii.nti tiiuli -i' . uii'xl in inline h'ii. s '1'iaiiti'i: m in,, I itllll. .l.;Sll '(III !..lkilf llll'l II lilllr, rll I'll, t ilt.il I' rllnllC s.l.l'i.il.s-,; n.n, s'.i'inl. ll, 1,1 if Ilr, rJ.T.Vil.ial; f.lUlltlr, -ll'lill, sj,(..'rj, hull -.tf.i'ly In riieiia-, sj.iiOal a'l: t ill'--, .-ii.iilt, s '.1 a.'i.T'it Tp h ted -Itets, tliut, li'i t-a. , ,1 fteti, samil: Texas I111IU. ttttii s.'7u 7-, II"!,- lb 1 1 ii'i. tiiilay. io.lmtl: tnuitiuoii-. I,. ll. I'.tinulnl hit iiii-i, .iVn); rlloiitf. .Kill,, ii I tit 111 iml, ij tl lf.11.1111 ; niKi-il ami tiuti 1 11-. s, s,,(i, u, j.,MM tuiiiuiro hf.iiy. sn.nl.li.j kiiiuIi In ut, '. '.,i.i.n'i, II1.I1I, W.v'oa(,.n.-i; n,i "1 iiliH, ' n.'i,i',.iL'i, snt l!ii(ln., li,.titi; lirep ami lainlx ii.iilv tu rtiuiik: it'Miltil latnlif, almnl ftean . tup-, i-VI'i; uiiiiiI ti. th'iit'O itrihi-r. top t-ii' s '..' "I.i . 111, i.ili ti, 1 hull,. niKi-il. I..H)H Ki, iii'riiin rlitip. sl nu'lU'i; jt-aillnuit, s,vi,ii,-( iiaili, lanilif, M."iai. Ii; iH-tlnn latnltt. s' 11 Oil Market. (Ml 1 nt HjuIi Jv ticilit haliliie-, jl.M; ur. titlt.iti-, im liil sjlen, t.ni. eah I.-J7 s,f, 111111K sv.ir.1', neijce, ff.lti). linn. privii , attinui, ii,i.i TIME'S UP! Or nearly so. You will be counted out if you don't get here this week as this will be POSITIVELY THE LAST WEEK OF THE GREAT FIRE On Monday, April 1st, 1901, we will APRIL FOOL YOU on the Fire Sale by opening-up with our new SPRING STOCKS of Shoes and Oxfords. Watch for the GREAT TRANSFORMATION SCENF. To do this we must clean out the balance of our present stock at LESS than Fire Sale prices. It consists of such soods as these" : AVOCA. 'I In- 'Iraln ..I jiluel A, JlCt.il exiiiuctl .ttalci tlay iimltr icty peculiar iliiimiiUiici.. , im month, jju he bail a aeivic attack' ot eilp, (rum m hid) lie tllil nnt rrcmrr. Ill Ulnox illil nut ioiitini lilm to I'd nml ihirliie tli pj.t nctli hr niadi' reicial trips to Hi. tl. II, Neaniam' olllcc. W'lirn In- ranic tlioiti )ilenlay inoinlns ihc ilottor iva lmv and tohl lilm ho Mould attend to lilm in a lw mlntc.. Miortly allpi iheio w.n an .il.mii or flro and he cseltcilli .new. Iiniii hi. thalf and walked to the door, lie letiiuif'l linmrdlatcly iind wai ahom tu .11 ilrj.wi when he ull ufjliii-t the Chan Th tin-. toi, lit.iiliig (h ti'il-f, went at otit-c and lound tint he irai tlcad. ),"ccacii ita Al car ot ape ami hat) lxett a te.lilcr.t ol thi touti (or about null trail. Hi) ivai in honeit, lnrd-iiorklne min and durlnj all hi. llle wai emplojed a Umbel nun on the mountain. Wlirneier u new tract v.ai to he. cleaned oil hit ten Ice 11 etc Might. lllde-a hit lli, he In itinlud by (our (.lillJien and to hiutlini, ctic al Nantieoke ami niiuther In Dlk cnitnty, Thf fnm-ial auance. j.tinli if u.it ,1m wiinplftrd. FOR MEN The 'Stetson, The Johnson & Hurphy. The 4Just Wright," The Crawford" and Richard & Brennan Union Made, "The World's Best" Footwear. SHOES AND OXFORDS FOR LADIES Wichert and Gardiner, Harry II. Gray's Sons The ''Domby," Krippcndorf Dittman Co., Ziejjler Bros., P. Cox's Celebrated Infants' and Children's Shoes i LEWIS, RUDDY, DAVIES & MURPHY 3KSKM f 5 "
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers