Yj,"-n '4 THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-TUESDAY, MARCH 20, lUUl'. J PuMMieil 111 111', Kvrpl Snrilay. by Hie Tril. tins I'uhllalilns Ccm-uiiy, at Ully t'tnli Month. eT?-"-Tcrtaiir- .iu.-.s .---. -1- r r r, -.1 UVV S. ilK'HAIlI), Oilier. O. V, IIVAUKf.', Hinliim Marnier. I.cw Yoik (ifllvoi IK) Naauu ht, s. h. vurxt.Asn. Solo .cent lor loiclgn Ailtcilltlns. Kntitcil at tlio ru.lon ul Siranloii, I'J., j Second CI:i-j 5U11 Matter. When apace villi penult Tlie Tilliutie I alvvayi plad to print ahott litters tiotii Hi Irlentti beat ins on current topic, Iml Hi lulo Is Hilt tlieo rnuit be tlgntd, tor publication, by the vvrllei a real name) and the condition pretetl.nt to at eentante l that all contributions alnll bo auljivt to editorial -ctlsioii. 'nit: i'lai nvTi: ion ai)vi:hiimm;. Il.o follonliiR table ulioivs the prim per Inch 'ach Inacrtlon, pace In be uicd within ona Jtar: llimrl IMdlimcn " full " .DISPLAY. P.iicr Heading Jhwltbm l-fht'tlisn UHi Iiii.'!i .ii I .!"." .) t'H lmU i) , .21 l."l " In .in P ." " .v, I .J ,1'i "W ' ,lu .IM .1 1'or cards ft liinl. rro1ullonj nl cmitlolewu and li.ilhr-foiitill.titlotis In Ih iialuir ot ml Vntilnii Tie 'Irllitint iiiat.ru a (barge ol 0 eclitl a line. Ilntc for t bullied AilicrtisinK furnished I'lilii alien.' f-'OliA.NTo.W M.Wti'll L'tJ, 1JI01. N'nvv llii't tin lowing (llillcull; M'lIIIS III be t.olvetl tonil(l'llt'PV by til'! iiiiPSpofti'il lliTiifii' IpuI, it ciimiu.tn cntl'icll on V((lii"S(lny nlfiht iiiiptoiipli tlir ti'oix.lil".nlliiii piohlcni frii.Mllily iiinl fall ly. piovlillns lllici'iilly lor llir If 111 Hf'-lls nf till- HtV. llll'llllllllL- it pild 11 ' ilnpni'tini'iil, I'lrtli-nl uslMtnncc for the IiciiiIh nf Hi.' Mit Inns ilrpnrlinclitM miillflcni in f.iny UiiiiukIi cilU-lotitly tin- rlmiiR"M Imlili'tilul to the now i lus'ilIU ntlnii, mid Milmli'K aili'ipiatc to inplny t,"nii(l nun: but nut vviiKtliiK a pi'iniy. The M'(ifjt nf true oroiioiny It t" (-pi'ipl imsnoy vvlieie 11 In iippi1ii1 ami a.i-i'' It win ( t Is nut. (Vnininit conn- ii lias a hpiPi,dii rlutnci- to kIvo an II lifstrntlmi nf t IiIh pilnclnle nl ltn a-isri-ltil .ii-ilon loiiiiuiovv iilnht. The pnlillc expects It to prove cipial to thlt n tws-lon and mints there will lu no iiIim liters and no tililliiK. Comparisons. ff" 1111 I'lKll'OHITlOX of the B .InhiiMiiiH to Mipply n-i'cnl JL liolloy ildoi) In Philadel phia with an unlimited mini-1'iu- of tiaiiHfn.s Kood for contlnuollfi vso H'call.s that Indl.inapolls has 1-i-itit fares with lianM'eis; (oluinhus, O.. T tickets for ".' eents, with trans it is; and Toronto t; llekcts for 2." cents, with transfers', Rood at all hours, ultli workhiKinen's tlekets sold S for u fpiarter and school children's tickets, 10 for a quarter, limited to eeitaln llutlis. In thefe cities cipiltablo taxes aie collected from the trolley coinpan b s, noiahly a tax on Rtws receipts; and in foino of tliem the franchls-es iicrt to Hip city after a term of yea is. In riilt-nrro. Cleveland and nmueioiH other larse cities slront; efforts are lx'lnff made to secure lower fares nnd better let ins. The long-waged hattlo In Detroit has Rained .i eonspleuoua pl.tre in hlstoiy and In Washington agitation has resulted in six tides for it rinailer. with transfer.! for Inter secting lines. Annul the only place of any prominence in the I'nlted States, so far as we know, where the tmlley nivlro, i crythlng consldeicil. is rela tively vvoi.-e today tli.m it was Ihe or ten yen is ,iko. wlih power poorer, i liedule nialnteiianee mine hi ovular and uiueitaln. accoimnnilatlons less In piopoiiliiu to volume of tiallle, and lees and Ums the same, is Seiauton. 11 'ie the lnndllng of councilmen lias laillltated the consolidation of fiau ihlsen and forestalled competition and fi. as If hy i-etilhullnn. the operating company Is no nunc than able to carry lived chatges. Aluy the day of Scianton's inevitable ilclheutnce be hastened. Whin labor needs to leant Is that the iiKltator who f-elieiiH's it into de-iruc-tlvo llRhtn with capital if Its deadliest ( iiemj. ReK.irdiiiK Nay Aug Park, Till-: TIIUKATKXKD exclusion from the new appropriation oidhmriee of tile Item allow ing S'liOu for a Hwlnnnlii'i pool and system of public, baths at Xay Aug park Is defended on the score of Imperative economy. Whether as to this Item the defense Is valid we are hardly prepaied to ray. The city's poveity is undeniable. Yet I lie need of paik di velopment Is llkewls.) leal; nj real that It might be justlilabla to stretch s-evci.tl points in otdor to meet It. And apiopos, heie are some Interest ing llgiircs. Topeka. Kan., with '!), (Hi'j population, has NT acres of public; park and averages P..VJ0 n jear In malntrmiiice. a per capita cost of n; cents." Oh this basis Scranton could iilifnrd for park purposes $Hi,ooo j, year. Clmlia. ilii.OOO, has HO a"res, cost ing 5ii,0t"X ii.yjr. 17 cents per capita. At thCsM'iitb Scrauton should pay ?1", ono a jepr. llaveihlll, 51un, with ."", 000, has ITiS ticres, costing $7,C0C, or L'O cents .per. capita., which here should lepiesenl $0,000 a year. Duluth, wltli r.3,000, hat) ,K0 acres with ItL'.OOti a yetr. n per (japi'tti of 2;t cents, or $23,000 for Sernntilui Kill lllvcr nnd IMterson each spSnd 21 cents per capita; Grand Jlupidsand Wilmington, Del., spend 20 cents; Omaha spends 27 cents; Albany, !12 ccnti: llnrtfcml, 33 cents; Spilntr lleld, jijii., 41 cents: Ios Angeles, fal,, HO rentacl, Peoria, III,, with Db',000 people, jqT" a park system 330 acres In extent, jcxpends $60,000 a ycur or $1.07 per cupltii. n rate that In Scrnnton would 5pnsumc nearly a third of all visible fcity rovenue. Hence It Is not extrnvaffanro In the pari; commission ers to ifjlt for nu expenditure, of less than tlito, lowest rata on this list. Xny Atig IMik ought to be fitted up In tltuot'o be of use to people now alive. The saving by each citizen of the cost of u few bad clgnis nnd Its donation to this purpose, If the city It self enn for the present do no mote, would effect this puiposo and greatly benclft thousands. I,oe has Ije'fi defined ns the 'Von-U-ollzutlon of tlioiiBlit, uttectlou and desire upon a given object, with the capability of the largest possible stir i lllee In that object's behalf," Then It Is not love which piompts muidcr oils shooting ttfi'iays. To older n mine stiiko without cause nnd lit defiance of public opinion would spell suicide for .lohn Mitchell and he knows It. Hence tlp'to will bo no si tike. Prlmnry Teachers, -w-tn: i:i:oi:tiAXi.ATiox ( I of our schools," "the rc- JL modelling of the ptllillo school syslem," "what Is lo be done lo make the lower school grade, lesulls more effective?" lire phrases coming lo be more nnd more ficfitieiitly heard In icccnt onrs. They nre heard not In one community only, but In n constantly Increasing number of town, cities', and ruial school ills tilcls. They nn he.itd not merely In one sei lion of the land, but In ever widening circles noith, cast and west. Wheiever they are heard they Indi cate a wholesome awakening to the fact that the tialning nnd education of the great mass of the children In this republic Is it matter of pi limit y liupot tnnce to the lepubllc. The sta bility of government, the prospeilty of the whole people, the uplifting of Hie Ignoiant and of the degraded classes, the general oiitreachlng to higher Ideals, nnd their Inlluence In mould ing the charader of citizenship, these things depend for the futtite on what the chlldien are nlded to be and to become. The icallratlon T theto tilings Is what lias (iilekeiitd of Into a growing eiltlclsm ol vciy many things In the pit sent day system of public school teaching. It Is not a nine fault-llnd-Ing that Is coming to pass. It is a criticism that has become painfully aware of Inadequate results 111 even the nc(tili fluent of knowledge still tnoii so In the d 'velopment of mental grasp, of fitness to grapple wllh the conditions of life that met the pupil as speedily a? th" school room Is left behind. How vtiv eaily this leaving of the schtol loom behind ionn4 to a great mi'jiulty of child! en seems to be tlt teily unrecoanlzed by the 'professional dlscusters of the situation. Them Is t.o end of discussions o:i what should be done In entrance examinations, In elective courses of study, In 'shor-triii-il or lengthened coutses, as rc jrards colleges, und even high schools. Once ir a while some novice is heard reminding these edueatlon.il "expeits" that nine-tenths of the young people of this country get their whole edu cation in the piinmiy and grammar schools. A few hundicds, out of many thousands who enter the pil mniy grades, ever enter the high schools of their town, city or dlstilet. A decidedly large proportion of those who have closed their school days be foie the senior grammar guides could be leached have never got beyond this very lowest of the grammar school grades. Their patents cannot afford to give the m more than the tlrst few ;.cars. If a compulsory law Is so car ried out as lo lake these chlldien Into the school loom "until the ago of six teen," it Is for but a few weeks of each year and the lesults aie usually ol small avail for the pupil's fuluie. 'Jheio are tluee things that need ciitlic ie'isii,u in nemly oveiy part of the country In order to meet this state of affairs. The tiling Itself the abbioviatlon of the enrs of study for suih gieat nunibi rs of chlldien can not be helped. There Is needed the general and absolute coinpiehenslon by the public and by school boards that the vciy best teacheis are the out s needed for the prlmaty grades and lower gianmiar school grades. The children who must giaduato from these dhectly Into wage-eainlug will only thus have the best that the pub lic school can give them; und this best they aie entitled to. The other chlldien, those who are so fortunato as to go on futthor wllh school hludles, will have had their minds so awakened by the very best Instruction in the lower guides that their own eagerness for knowledge will help Immensely to carry them on in puisult nf it. The woik of all their Instructors fioni that time on will be lightened und nldsd by their own en thusiasm and cleaier peiecptlon of the value of school, The second tiling Indeid It Is jo closely iclated to the Hist as to n Interdependent Is the securing of these best teacheis for ihe pilmuy n nil lower giammnr gradi s by paying them the highest salaries Instead of the lowest, and by luuklng their ten ure of ofllce peininiicui. The cities that make the teacheis' p sltlons per manentthat have never adopted the yenily election plan, or have dls c aided It me tlioso that show the best lesults tor all classes of pupils. Tho third thing needed Is ono that we shall have to recur to again, of a certain carefully guaidcd and wisely dliected IKxibllity of studies, or of lustiue tlon, In the grades below the high school, which the nuijoilty ot pupils never muli. . - Governor Udell has Micecedcd In making the Piatt orgitulxiiilon In Xew York look llko a rummage sale Dei by hat. nininpr and Forestry. Olti: than twenty-live years ago an ollleial of the Le high and Wllkes-Uano Coal company, while show ing some of the mines and slopes of tlmt company, ami the then famous "open-iil'' coal ciuarry" wheio the great twenty-four font vein came out on a mountain side above the Wyo mliig Valley, hud u woid to say ubout forestry. Xo one lit this pait ot the woild was making any stir about forcstatlon or reforestation, or tho cultivation of the foiests for commercial, agilcultural nnd sanitary needs. The glorious wood lands that up to fifty, even forty yeais ugo, hud been ono of tho greatest prides of "Picturesque Pennnsylvanla," vveto being ruthlessly destroyed with out uny attempt to save the young timber or to leplant the desolate spaces. It was all greed for'tho pres ent without any coin for tho future. Tho oftlclal In question, as ho ex plained Hie necessity of enormous use M of timber In the ml lies to make them safe, and pointed It out ns tho puity went tliiougli one f tho mines, ald regretfully: "We have used up all tho available pine timber nf this section of t ho state, even that of Wayne county, and am obliged now to bilng fioni be yond Wlltliimspoit, In Lycoming and adjacent counties, what wo must have." lie indicated that It could, In the na ture of things, be but a few years until all tho primitive forests of this stnte should be tucilliced,nild he deplored tho folly fiom a commeiclal point of view of surh destruction without ndequati nieusnres of leproduetlon und preser vation. Theie aio statements niadesoiue tlmes that a mining a mlneial pro ducingcountry has no such lnleicsts In foic?try as lias an iigrlcultutal legion, but this Is a mistake. They have begun to leant this lesson In tho Western ore-producing states, wheio many a rich "llnd" has heen left un w oiked for lack of timber and, with Unit, luck of water, "The Coinstoclc mines are the grave of the Sierras," said one of the leading sclcntlllo ex ploictR of this country yearn iiro! and todiiyCallfoinla and Nevada nreuwak Ing to the Immense loss to themselves that has resulted. California Is making efforts to icpalr the loss, Nevada 1, to all Intents and put poses, (lend and can do nothing. Pennsylvania may well heed tho lesson. The extension to Cuba of the domes tic postage rates, putting It on a level with Canada and Mexico, Is another proof of Amcilenn good will which tho lire ealeis should mage a note of. A good many alleged ft lends of tho labor element Just now nre like tho bear of the fable, who with his paw endeavored to brush u lly from the face of his sleeping master. Now thiil (icncuil Funston's mission has been fonnally announced, It would be better If Mr. Agulnnldo should emu late the example of the late Colonel Ciookett's coon. Of couise, none of Uncle John Wann niakcr'a political outfielders will be satisfied with the new nrrnngements In the way of city government for Scrnn ton. Tlie men who shall arrange to pro vide for the people of Scr.inton a suit able sticet car service can have al most anything they want. No doubt Pieipont Morgan is a man of gieat Inlluence and power; but Isn't It Just possible that there me others? Will Japan and Rtissia Go fo War? l'or 'Hip Tilbuiie. T Is uiipii'icdmled in diplomatic hMmy that .i coimtiy picturing b iclt the terri torial uamc-lun of imotlicr nation not only not vvllblu tho s licic ol her fiurerainly but al-o iiutMdo of hir dircit tmlilliul Inline nic iliuuld Fpi'.ik out so ap;iiiviiy and emphatic ally us Japin li.es tonaiil Ku-Wi. .lapau li.is no tiejly dilutions wllh ( hlr.a. The trulls of her v.r with tho ( tlotlal iniplic, tliiougli the audit ions marhiiialinir. ot Hiiwu, balked up by rrancp und (ieniunv and auiuicccil In by (Jicat lli.it.nn and th I'niltd Staliw, were niatchcd from hir uiap cluht jeais ato. Tlie monetary li.demiilly did not recoup her expenses for tho war. .lapan ilom not sluic w i 111 either povvci Ihe fivnud uatlm tnatles like (beat llrllalu and the I lilted Slaks, livcau-e she vvaa tlcatitiilt' of civ. Hind jnlliuiiccit and iiistitutlom as China, was lici-eli Mty .vein jij. Hut, her Intcicts In ('bitii aio nono the l.'iS pu'doiuinant and per im.illni;. 'Ibnp Is an identity ot lacf, relUlmi, l.iDKUji,'!' and vibat is of ninic iiulioilance a p.M hnlnirli A bkntlty as uuilorni in Us cbir uc tc i l-tics as tint bet hi en the illfTiunt hratuhci ut the Anirlo-SiMiii i.hp. Theie is no love lo-t belwiili Ihe I'lilnaniaii and the .lapaiuve llut (lii.i iiiuli'islaiiil (.lib ul hir. 'thiv peak (lli inndiliidliuiis the Mine touniie. Their amcMiil itllu'ioii In 1 Imlilli l.-iu. for t onliwlanbm b no iiioip a kIikIoii, Mr. Wu Tun? lain; d the con tiaiy, than the stoic: apliuiimx of Kpictetiu of Manns Aurcllus i:m be icginlttl u- a rrllgion. o If ( hln.a is lo beionie clvllicd in one scne, it i. in be only brenixht about IIiiuukIi the ill stiuimntality of Japan, and ( lilna hirselt rcc okiiIis it, Ibiia cannot lie K hir millions of U'ouilks on her soil Into ritllUation, mid t-he nr tail ly vvoiild fad willi null impla.-tli' untcrlal as tlie Chinese. It has often Ken contended o.i bell ill of lbila that no eonqutiiug nation k easily aslinilalc3 the contained. 'Ibia is not ho. 'lilt' llu'-Iaii for the time belli? tlccrailea him Filf In Iho level of the subjict late, but miic his iipicmaty It asMiicd his tianny becomes piibclrd. They mUinUrpict the toitltiillon ct the llulau empire vvlio can lead lu it any but undllutnl iltj-pot l-m. and thin Is fu gieat to. thy a it was in the tlmo of Ivan the Teirlblo v nf Peter the (lnat. 'Ihe tjr is the tool and the mature ot his autuuatlc pavirra. He has alnnt as little ludtpeiidtut volition In bis polit ical at-llon as the rinpeior of China. Not to the uilkatlo. He Is the leal, not tho nominal, brad ct a uui-titutlonjl pusciiiiiciit with tub jttls that atloro him, not ns u (Mud monarch or the hlcioph.ini cf a rational tellgion, but Ja-l as :n;lUliiiiin might look upon Ivlnpr 1M waul II tlay wire as convluied ol his Matis-mail-hip .w Ihey arc of Ills toclal iirentlgp. On iha olher l,nd. the unfoi lunate jountr uar Is kept In a bullet pioof ta; to iroteit blui not meiely iijaiii'L bis Mibjcits but also asiiivt his sav ants anil loutidants, pcihips against his miuls- Uld. - ti lt has leen aieeptid with a fatallllo residua tit ii uliutivl p it In t Ic that liUssi.i lnu.-t iiatunilly and iuivllablv aluorb the ioutnent p( Au troni the Caucasian mount una In the I'aillic ind fmin the An Hi ocean tu the nioiitli of the iaii.-i. 'Iho t'iiion nl 1'iiwla within the but ii'i.tury ilo"it not Justify Uiat dektlu.v ellbir In IS own le'oiiiccs ami population, sllicrit, the litbest mid inot evincive of her Asiitlc pos Ksloli, has betn to Ii ns, lor at leat two bundled .vtait, in hir nintiol that we (an Mane. Iv leallc lis national lomlly cvupt as an In legial leiiittrid set lion ut Knrcpcaii lluasii. Iliis-la'd tiuo point of "-i.il it; lompuvt bt'irei at llio hluteiland of Kil.o llaikal .iml has pi04itiil litilntiiiuplelly to Mmtliurl.i In a parallel on Ihe ono bind lilvvcen U13 k)I.h tuuli.13 b llitrni ami on the olhcr, Ktvvcin the noith. cm puis of Hip Hindoo Kuh ami the llliualajas, llir lonquials 111 Akla Minor were cfTcttrd about the litv'liiiiliit" of the liiuelccnlli eentury while tlmr tuturo ihpends npt 11 the f Up ol the hk nun on the holes ol tho (luldcn lloiu. IIikiI.i'i. ion. quests in Asia, then, aie neither mi ctcnivc, valuable imr populoas as popularly suppoi'il. Two-lifihs of lluiia's Am.HIc leultory Is ar. uhmltluahlc destiti Hie 0.1 ms wllh whit It It ii ktrivvu .110 Ilv and far btivveiu; it has a ml (iratun, pcdatoiy populition of about t'lclit inlllto'.n, white It icimirrs a largo standing army and llioiiMiiili of military and ilvil oMeluls to ailmliiUtcr It. Hut ef course It Is 011 Iho di rect road not only lo China but lo 1'crsU and India. It is aeiuos its ttippci ami dierrti tint tho Tuns'Sibirlan and Trauvatplan rnllionls run. Thinush It 1'iUU not only hopes to Mvann down upon China ami ludli ami 1'tikla but lso to blockado Iho 1'i.elllc anil (oncditiato the en tire conliiuiit in her own liauds, I fur (mu do not bellevo that llusula will ever consilium tic thop (IckIUi, nltliouKb It is tho ouiulpnsiiit dream of her latcnicn, her koidleis and pu atitiy. Asia for tho llusslans Is I lie tiy of all that ii iciictlorury, upuUlvn and vl.loiuvy In Muscovite polity and iK!ri't.dcn. Abuvp it It now and ukuIi! heard the anonizlng try of her tudcuts, her diliuopher, and her thinkers irv'i'ibrralliu; Ihrmivh tho foi; l.uli n air of an utiotliuu pifvs iiiuui.lilp ami the crack of Hie ooooooooooooooooo fThe x People's Exchaes:ec A rorui.Art ct.iiAnisti iiousr. for the ' lleneflt cf All Who lime Itouirj to , fifr.t. Real lailate or Other Proof riv to Fell or Kxehinec, or Who Want Situations or ' ' Help Thto Small Advertisements Cost , Ono Cent a Word, 8k Insertions lor Five Cents a Word i;trept Situations Wanted, "iiiiu mc iiucrieu rrce. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Wanted. W,V sn ".-. vNrf:i)-ni:pnr.M:si'ATnr.fi, loth kkm:s. laulnse delf-auilrcwd tamped envelope f"f Ir form illon. Hears Vermin I'onder Co., Hal Ion, I'.t. Help Wanted Male. anti:u-a Kbb iiv:commi:m)KD llAltrK.V- del vvbti speaks Knulbli and Polish. No others need apply. Hotel t'nlon, 10 faick'i vvanna avenue. Help Wanted Female. iVAMTD-TltAINIM) WAIIIIKs Oil IIUilXII; rfciinic lequlicd. Mrs. Sidney Williams, 53 Madison avenue. WANTCD-TWO W()Mi:v, WHO AUK NOT 1IM pipped now; must be quick and Rood plain wrllcrs; Male wlarj wanted per week, and aib tlicsj Writer, this office. wamt:i-(ihii, ton t.Kiiir iioppuwouk. iv family of two. Call ciontl floor 311 Adams avenue. Jijtuations Wanted. HILATION WAXTCl) 11Y A (10001) AND Ml apec table j,lrl tu do Rcncr.il houscvvuih In ,1 imall lanillv. Can rIvc (,'ood rctciemc. Pleisu call at 631 .V01II1 Hibecca a.d.ui- llvde Par. wanti:i)-i'i.i:kH'm. pomiio.v or any kino by it coinpctt nt yoann man; lefiuutes. Ad ill cm M, 1'., care of Tho Tilbuiic. Cosoaik's knout, "llussla for Ihe llusslans and ithuatloii for mir people." 1 hive not one word of depreelitlon or thought of dln(spc(t for thf pulley or the sentiments of the present Czar. He tines not rule Itn-sla; Ibis la rules him. It is, hovvevir, my firm convic tion that the ltutsliti empire is rotten to the coir, and tint It only letpilrcs .1 wir wllh Japan or fonio other country to demonstrate my contention. That the ezar can put two mil lion tioops in the Held by st.tmpinc his foot, I am well avvaicj but that the integrity of his (input; tan never be siitccvsfully assailed bi a foiiigu enemy, 1 emphatically tloij. The ltu slan empire is like a lump of dough, not easily to ilMutegralc, but not dilliciilt to tramp 011. llussli is practically bankrupt; her executive ailmlnlstiallon is horribly eoirupt; she has .1 largir army than M10 can properly feed, liven her navy Is not fiee from the prevalllnc cor ruption, or her own publicists arc unpatriotic maticners and falsitlers. Her peasantry arp Mink in indolence, drunkenness nntl Miperstltlon, or Cuntit Tolstoi is prix-titutlnir bis (renins to ce llulate the (1.1M ainnuir whom Iip lives and labois, ami (lie cirnitnstanics of vvIiomi life lie 11 minutely, laboriously ami dramatically por tiaj -. 0 Itunvia, therefore, will not ro lo war Willi .lapan if she can help it. The Russian Kovern ment will give Jaran and the world anv (tuar antces that will allay their rising oil-pit loti. Hut Russia covertly bicaks every assuranip she (oveitly makes when it ults her puipoic w to do. Russia cannot back nut of Manchuria. Rut Japan plainly intimates that she must, tint the disintegration of the Chinese Tmpire must Co no further thin It lias already gone. Tho Rover movement upsit all Russia's airanRemcuts lor her apraiidlwment in Iho juovluce of Mamhuila, Shau-sl and Shin si, the threp north cm and 1 Ichest quarters of the Middle Kingdom, If Ibis-la bad nut ceiled In obtaining the em peror's consent to tho concession of M.int linrli, Europe and the Inlted States, little as they would rclih it, would have perhaps acirpti'il It as an joioinpli-hcd fact, one which Hiis-U was bound to ctfeet sooner or later, in tlie meantime eompensatiiii; themelvcs uilh meli detectable elites of China as suited thole fa nit. nut Japan has pievented or lather fiustiatid all this. Her logau is "Hands oil Manihurla." In policv Japan has the moial support of all Kurope and the I lilted Mates. She wants noth ing more, cvupt it be of (Jreat Riltiln In keep l'rancp in leasli while klip Is huiillng the Rus sian bear aiross the Anioor. o That Japan can do so needs vciy little study ol the 1 ol.it I v 0 slicngth and its tli-posltioll in tho Kast. 'Ihe Transilirrian railinad Is not fin ished within even hundred miles of its pn peitivo tloigu.it ion. This is nn tntle in a 3s tem width is built for ktrategic puipoes. ot only is it incompletes us a military highway, but it is impiifeet and iiiiiellablc tluoughoul. port Arthur is impiegn.ible; but It cannot sup ply tho Russian army or navy with a base, for Japan can throw into China at once .111 army treldo the strength of anv thing Russia can bring Into the Held, or his at hand. The Japanese navy is entirely superior to that of Russia, not only In tlie number' 111 ships and the men lo man them, but in the morale of the men be hind tho guns. The Japanese navy is the best In Iho vvoild for lis le; the Ru-slan the worst among the gieat naval armaments of the world. 'I lie Russian sailor has been disciplined out of all conception of piT.-onil initiative and ull-rcspeit. 11 may bo Mid tint I am not tied ItliiR Russia, with her immense reserve nf strength nnd enormous ii-sounes. I can give her no credit for rcaouuts S.onO miles away by sea with an iixmy confronting her with double her nival strength, not to speak of the fact that llussli lias practically no lianrporta to carry tlum across the Mounlist and must treacherous waters In the woild, the Indian ocean and Ihe South I'aclllc, or by land on a railroad in its prcint ftagp almost worthless for tho rapid transportation of 1 1 oops, 0 1110 unceitalntles nf war arc piovcrbial. While, however, the como or icsulls of a great war cannot be prognosticated with anv thing like exactitude, the errois, or at leat tho more ev liavagant ol them, arc due lo the senile alfec tation ol patriotism, ignoianip of lelatlve facts and a bumptious rgotlsm arising from prejudice and paittallt). It Russia and Croat llrilaiu weic lo go to war, I suppose thai tdlittcen out of plenty who have a real or innsrinary grievance again-t Kngland should expect that Russia would sweep hir ofl the fuc of ihe caith in good sh.iio In a louplc ot weeks at most and would point to the Ilorr war as the most convlnilng pioof. lliey will not nuke the same mistake lu itganl to Japan If she should wago war agalut Russia, because the blindness of their piejudlies mid pitio,-.-osloiH will not stand in I he light of their inipntial Judgment. t (ircat lliltain could, willioiit extraordinary en deavor in a military senso plaic di many men lu tho Held as cither Russia or Japan say two bundled thousand vitciaus and as many inipio vised tioops as she wlshnj to arm. lltr Incom parable licit Hands slots. I am templed to nuke this dlgicssiou, for alter nil it may bo Kngland and not Japan that shall be foiccd to give the first shut. 0 Japan, then, in the opinion of ihe most coin. pet 1 til judgis tan unci Russia in aims in Mjh t Inula or in Hip tliow e.i and c,lvp her all the beating she needs, that is to say priMnlly. In a few jens uioio Rusla will have peifeilcd her lallway s.vnleiu into Ihe Orient and the 11 not onlv China and Koica would be at her meity, but lilcwlse Japan beiself. As I said before, I do not believe that It is the destiny of llusila to, beconie the conqucior of Ash. Wo do nut knuvv the Asiatic well enough to pic diet an) thing ol bin futuie und we are almost as ignorant of bis past, llut Japan knows that Russia is potrntldly pauciful und that tho Chi nese ato slavishly submissive to any authority which permits them to exist on sutlcraiiic. China under the heel ot Russia would lut off Japan, and for that matter tho rest of tho woild from tho privileges of free tiado as effectively as If tho Dowager I'mpiess bad It all her own way at tiraty inaklnu, It Is, therefore, now or never wllh Japan, and In my humble judgment Japan Is not only prepaied to fight, but she will fight wltli the unsvmliolizrd but none the less per ftrvbl Musing of every other government Inter ested In tho trade of China, our own included. -P, M. (Irccr. Siranlon, Maiili lb. For Kent. ,lWiS'WWls I OR RUNT AI'ARTMIVr, Tllinll l't.OOR, Duckworth building, "II Mndcn street, J, A. Duckworth, 41 Coat 1'ai liiinpe. a iiAiioi: 1101 n, roit ucvr-Tiir. spkkh- v.sy Ins all Ihe advantages cf n llrst (lass illy hotel, on the llncst drive, near Scrantn'i lake, A liberal leas will be made with the light paily, James Jt. taint), wllh lllttmbendcr k Co. 1 oitliKN iiIam)oiuim: not en, o noovia, 1R. 0.H Harrison avenue. Apply, Thomas lttissell, (sJO llairlson avrnue. 1011 hknt-iiau' doitii.i: iior.K. n rooms, modem improvements. 1,11,1 Vine street, IOR ltK.ST ftmNISlll'h ROOMS POR flV'.VII.I! mm, In private family ; all convciilcims, r"0 Washington avenue. KOR llllNT-ONIMIAM' 01' DOUIIMl HOll.', sl rooms; modern romtntencisi; good loca tion. Inqulrpscorner (Iron Hldgo street, Madl. son avrnue. John W'altir. Pi3 (IRKI'.V tlHHIi: srilKRT. TI'.V ROOMS, iiiodern lmirovetnintsj steam heal furnished; desirable! ?J100. HOTi:i, r'OR TIE.VT- lNltHlti: OP MRS. T, b. Jones, Main stuet, Ta)lor, For Sale. -MNrt-X'Ws, ton hai.i:--iioi'si:iium ooods at Attn ion-. Knllre conlcnts or hoiuc, conslstliig 111 pal lor, dining touin, hltthin and bediooiu, will be old at miction, Thursdiv, March 'J', beginning at 10 o'clock. Old Washington avenue. 1'IANO CHKAl'i WALNUT f'Ai:, UlMtlfllll'; best make. Tone, Tribune office, mm: iiorsi: 1-0R s.i.r. ai i.ioiit rovd ster, weight WO lo PV) lbs.; color, ha) ; age, d; scund and kind; price t2."i; can bo i en at 1. II. Watts' faun, (llenburn, or apply coil Monroe avenue. I'Oll SM.i:. C ID'AP-SOMI' ODD l'llTr.l and good dining room set. fl.'l Pine street. ron HAix-iioi'.smioi.P ruiiNnuiu: ot- every description, Including piano; going to leave city. W. V. Drowning, 8H Adims avenue. For Sale or Rent, roil ssvt.i; or hunt -a t-iNoi.r iiorn iv good condition at No. .Ms tjuir.cy avenue. Apply to John Jciiujn, 111) vommg uvc., illy. ron sm.Ii or lir.NT-Tin: drivino park Hotels rl-gantly furnished, possession givm on tlie first day of April. vpply to William Cialg, caie 1). Robinson's Sous' brewery. Wanted To Buy. WANTKD-SKCONIMIAND SLOT MACHINCS; nuut be in qood order, state particulars ai to make and price Address L. M., general de livery, Scranton, Pa. Money to Loan. MOM'.Y TO LOAN- ON IMritOVRD CUV RKAb estate. IIRXRY Illll.IN, JR. CI I AS. II. WTU.I.Ij. THOMAS fel'UAtXJl'. hlRAlCHT LOAN-. ANY AMOLST. lNIRRlM' 4 to 11 per tent. I'r.ink 11. Donnell.v, attor ney, Tradcis' National Rink building. MONKY TO LOAN ON IIOND AND MOU1UAUI'. any amount. M. 11. Ilolgatc, Commonwealth bulldinj. ANY AMOUNT OP JIONT.Y TO LOAN-QUICK, straight loans or Ruilding and Low. At from 1 to 6 per cent. Call on N. V. Walker. 311 315 Conncll building. Business Opportunity. A YOf.NO MAN I'NDl.RbTANDIMl IIOOKKKKI' ing ma), by investing live 01 ten thousa-d dollirs lu a well cslalilshitl, dividend pivlng company, secure a flnc position at a ginsd s.ihiry, AdtlKSH A". Y. .., Tilbune, Ksoo ivi:sti:d in a i.kciiimati: i;nti:r- prise will give .von nu oltlce position ut a sal.ny of flOO per mouth. Write, M. Kramer, old P. O. building, htranton, Pa. Lost. i.ovr-. (Hin'V pocKiniiooK hi:t i:i:n :ui Adams and corner of Spruce and Washington. Suitable lcwaid for return of same. M. M. W , 211 Adams. LOST HI'WAHIi PAID roft RLTUItN OR IN- foimallon of a caiprt lost or .lohn fiom our dcllvciy wagon. Addits Caipet, Tribune of fit e. Kecrults Wanted. AAVWWVWW WANTDD POR U. S, ARMY' A11L1'. HODIKD, unmarrl'.'d men lnlwctn age of il and ."5; citizens of I'mt'd t-tates, of good character and tempernto habits, who can peak, leid ami write Kngllsh. Recruits specially desired for seivlce in I'lilllppines l'oi inloiinltior. applv to Ileeriilling Ofltcc, Ul W')omlug ave., Scran ton, l'a Miscellaneous. JlftTSS PLMTLRS Poll hALU, TJ t I'.NIs; 1'OR mer price, 1.00. Mis MatDonabl. J.J9 Wash Ington uvci.ue. LEGAL. TO WHOM 11' MAY CONCURS'-ON MONDVY, April S, 1901, at 10 oelotk a m., nl tho nililliatinn loom In the Court House, in Ihe city of iscranton, we sliall expose to public sale, to Ihe highest and best bidder, eilKlcato No. fvs, for tvvrntv thou-and shares of the Victor 111 Metallic Oold .Mining lumpiny, Usiuil to Dr. II. II. 'Ihioop, llie aine belog ikivv behl hy us as his ct tiling, as toll.itor.il to a eeitaln note givin by J. M. Marsh; said note nntuiing .lime I. ivi7, and not having been paid, nor any pait theipof, iiii'MKHir. ;. woi.r, RVKRIMT WVRRllN, Surviving I'vccutois lalatu 11. II. Throop, ele 1 eased. TO WHOM IT MY CONCI'.RN'-ON- MONDAY, Apiil S, 1D01, at 1) otlotk a. 111., at the arbitration loom in Hip Couit House, 111 the City of Scianton, County nf Lackawanna, und State of t'cnns)lvania, we hall cvpot,c to public salo to the highest nnd Kst biddir, twenty-live bundled (2i00) shares of the capital slock of the Nlagaia Mining and Smelting company and tweii-t.v-live hundred (JJOO) shncs of the capital stock of tho New Tintlo Milling und Smelting com pany, thn same being now- held by us as execu tois nf Doctor tl, 11. Throop, as coliateial to a intaln note, made by P. A. II, l'ranklin, at three months after date, for the sum of ivvruiv rive huuihid CJJ.Vxl) dollars, dated Ma.v S, ls'i'l, and milurlng Aug. 8, 1 St 1. and not having bun pild nor any part theicof. Tiii'iiDom: o. woi.r, i;vi:ni:rr w.mircn. Surviving Lxeculois of II. 11. Tlunop, deteased. TO Till! HOLDRRS Or BONUS NI'MIiVr-J bcvcii (7), eight (S), foity-one (II) mid fort)-six (10) of tlie Collier I'liviiiccr Company, being thn bonds l'earin; dale October 1st, s'i"i, nnd sinned by liu-t morlgage of that dalt, I'lcaso Take Notice that in punuiante of the provisions of the said bonds and thn trut mini Base given to setiito the same, the bonds ns numbered above have been ehawn by lot lor pa)inent on the first day of April, 1001, and vu ate hereby notified that tho same will bo pihl on tho flist day of April, lt.ni. .it the r.nika wanna Tiust and Safe Deposit Company, 'J'lustee liametl in the tru.t mortgage above refeiied In, together wltli Inleicst ccuipniu attached therein and lemalnlng uniuld, and that Interest will lease utter the sdd date. Till: IOL1.II.HY UNt.lNLTR COMPANY. Scranton, IM., l'cbiuary iitn, lfwi. PROFESSIONAL. Certified Public Accountant. P.. cTlfcl'ALT.DINO, iX llltOAlHVAY, RW York. Architects, LDWARD II. DAVIS, ARCHITLCT, CONNLI.L building. l'RKDI'.RICK I,. IlltOW.V. AflCllirKOT. PRILTJ building, UO Wushlngton avenue, Stanton. Dentists, D. C. i:. KILKNIIKIUIIIlt, PAULI UUH.DIML Spiuec sticet, Mi-utun. Hit. C. C. LAIJI1ACH, 115 WVOMIMI AYKNPl" Wiro Screens. josiipii KiKrii:i, "iiiiAirsn" mck.xTayk ft union, Pa,, inauufacttucr of W'lie Nieens, Seeds, 0, II. CLARKK k CO , dKCPSUI'V AND NT'HS cr)inen, tore '.'01 Washington avenue; gicen houses, Ifl'iO Noilh Main avcimej sloio ttrle phone, "e.'. Lawyers. ITIANlv 11, IIOYI.i:, AriORM',Y-.T-LW. Ilooni, 12, 14, 1(1 and IS Ilutr building. IMv.IRACY, ATT'Y, COMMONWRALTII tll.ll't. t. 11. itn'iflnw"vrror(Ni:Y--LOANs ni;oo. Haled on leal estate secuill). Mears luilldinu, corner vvasntngloii avenuo anu riioiu- .'!" wil7uRr7"vv'ARlT:N'l:" lVvAl'l'. ATTOIlNT.Y-1 and eounsellors-at-law. Republlciin building, Washington avenue. ji'smu' fc'.nisMJi'V'.rnrmNRYS and cohn'- sellois-at-law. Cominonvvealth building, ori 10, 20 and 21, mYAiiD w, Tiivvrn,TroiTNi:v. rooms PniWI, Dili floor. Meats building. .- a. WArnns, ArroiiNi'.v.AT.i.AW, noAnu jofradobijlltllng, Seranlcn, l'a. I'ATTKR;0V A:WTLOT V, mvdliTnV NATIONAL Rank hiilMlng. ' coMRfivs, o-in RKrt'ni.iCAN imii.msn. , A. JY. IllIIJ rnoi.l'TTORNI'.Y. MI'AliS UU0. Fhysiclnns and Surgeons, nn. w, 1:. alliin, 811 NonriMVASiiiSfnoN' avenue. Hit. H. W, L'AMOUIlAU.Y. OtTK II Ml WVSIt Ington avenue. Residence, 1311 Mulberry. Chronic disease', lungs, heart, khlnevs nnd Kinlto-iirlnary orgaiu a speilill). Hours, 1 lo i p. m. Schools. Eciioob or Tin: lackawann 7scr nio. Pa. Course preparator) to college, law-, medi cine or business. Opens Sept. 12th. Sentl lor catalogue. Rev. Thomas M. Cinn, Lb. D , prln. rlpal ard propiletor; W. 11. Pluinley, A. .M , headmaster. Hotels nnd Bestnurnnts. Till! 11LK (JAl'l!, IK ANT) 127 FRANKLIN AVI'- nue. Rates icasonable, P. Zi:i(ll.i:it, Proprietor. SCRAM ON 1101 sT"nTARD,L. k W. PAT cnrtcr dipot. Condiiilcd on the Kuiopean plan. VICTOR KOCH, Pioprlctor. Miscellaneous. DIH'.SSMAKINO IOR CHH.IIRRN TO ORPi:!': also ladles' waists. Louis Shoemaker, 2IJ Adams avenue. A. II. nfilOUH CLKANS PRIVY MU.IU AND cess pools: no odor. Impinvcd pumps iiscd. A. B. Ilrlggs, proprlcloi. Leave orders lto North Main avenue, or Ilicke's tlrug slore, cor lirr Adams and Mulleiiy. Telephono pjl. MRS. L. T. KEI.LRR, SCALP TRKATMllNT, fi(V.; Immpoolrg, 50... j facial massage; ininlcurlnc;, 25c j chlropod). ',ol (julnc). DAtiKK's onninsTRA-Miisfc 1011" nii.i.s. plmlcs, parties, receptions, wedding and urn eeit vvoik furnished, l'or turns address It. J. Ilamr, vendue tor, 117 Wjouiln avenue, over llulliert'a musb store. MECAIICI'I' PROS., PRIVrLTIS' SUPPLIES, I'.N. velopcs, paper bays, tvvhie, Warehouse, DO Washington avenue, Siicnton, Pa. Till: WTLKKSRARRl' RKCOItl) CAN 1111 HAH In Scranton at tlie news stands of Relsiiuii IlicM., 400 Spnue and fillj Linden: M. Norton, V,2Z Lackawanna avenue: 1. S. Sehutn-r, 211 Spruce street. RAILROAD TIME TABLES, t..rti0 Lehigh Valley Railroad. In KITcct Marih '! 11)01. 'l"ralns leave Strantoi. For Phlladelplila and New ork via D ,V II. It It., at 0 13 and 11.35 a. in., and 2.1S, I.J7 (Illack Diamond Lxpnss), and 11 So p. in. Sun days. 1) k II. It. 11.. l.&S, 8.27 p. m. l'or White lhvrn, Ilazletnn and principal points In the (oal regions, via 1) A II It. R , Clj, ".ll 'ind 1.27 p. in. For I'ollsvlllp. I 27 p m. Tor llethlelieni, i:.iston, Rtadlng, llnrisbunr and ininclpal lulermcdlatn slatlous vis I) ,V II R. It., C.43, 11.51 a. 111. i 2.13, 4.27 (lll.uk Dia mond Kvpress). ll. a) p. m. Sundajs, I), k II. It. It., 1.6", 8.27 p. m. l'or Tunkh.inliotk, Tow'anda, Llmlia, Ithaci, (eneva ami prlnclpil Intennedlale rtntlons, vli D, L. k W. R. II, S.8 a. in., 105 and .110 p. in. For Oeneva, Rochester, Ruflalo, Niagara Falls, Chieagti 11 lid all points west, via D, A II. R I! , 11.05 a. ni., S.tt., (Dl.uk Diamond Jlvpress). 7 l 10.11, 11. CO p. 111. Sur.da)s, I), k II. R II . 11.53, 8 27 p. 111 Pullman parlor nnd steeping or Lehigh Valley parlors cars on nil trains between Wilkes Raiic und New Yoik, Philadelphia, Iluflalo mid Mis pirslon Bridge. ROLLIN II. WIl.UUR, (!en. S'upt.. 2(1 Coiland street, Ncv ork. CIIAlil.l'H S. l.i:i:. ficn. Pa,s. Agl., CO Cortland street, New York. A W. NONNT'.MACHCR, llir. Pa,s., Agl., South Rethleheiu. Pa. l'or Hi kits anil Pullman reservations apply lo "no Lackawanna avenue, scranton, Pa. Delawaro, Lncknwannn nnd Western. In RtTctt Dec. 2, 1000. Soulh leave Scuntou loi New Yoik at 1.10 a.00, 5.60, 8 00 and 10.05 a. in.; 12.55, y.:u p. 111 For Philadelphia at S.dfi and 10.03 a. m. ; u 55 and ll.:!.l p. m. For Stnudsburg at 0 10 p. m. Milk accommodation at .'t. 40 p. m. Arrive t llobokin at li'li). 7 18, 10 21, t'.oa, 3 t, 7.111 p. in. Airlv" at I'hll.ttlelphla at 1 Oil, 3,21, ti.Ofl and 8.22 p ill Airive fiom New Vork at 1.10, 4.0Y! and 10.2.1 a. in. i 100, 152. nil, s. 13 anil 11 SO p. 111. From Stroud-butg nt 8 03 a in. North-Lcavp Si union for llud.ilo and Inter iredlatp stations at 1.15, n.Hi mid !U .1. 11 , 1.53, 3.'S and 11.35 p. 111. l'or OsWign 11 ml 811 cu-p at 4.10 a. m. anil l.uj p in For Itlia al l.W a. in ami 155 p. 111. For Montrose at non a. in.; 1,03 anil 5.4S p in. For Nicholson at 4 00 and fl.15 p. in. For lliiuhaintuii at 10 .'0 a. 111. Ar live In Sirantoii from Rulliln ut 1 !3, .',-,, 5 3 and 10.00 u. in : Hull ami Swl p. in. Fiom Os vugo and Sjrnuno at 2.55 a, m. ; 12 IS ami 8.1M p. m. From rtle 1 nt 2 55 n. in.; 12.;;-) an,j ;() p. m. From NTtbolson nt 7.50 11 m. ulnl (,00 p m. From Jlontroso ut lO.oo a. m. ; :i.2) ,im SO11 p. in. Illoomsburc Division Leavn Si union foi N'oillunnberlaii'l, at 0.45, 10.0. a. 111 , j.sj 0.50 11. 111. For rijniputh at 1.05, ;;.40, -,n p, m. For Kingston at &.10 a 111. Arrive nt North umbcrland at I'M a. 111 ; 1.10, 5.00 and . r, p m. Arrive at Kingston at u.52 a. in. UiIvp at Pljinouth at 2.00, 4.I.2, 11.45 p. in. Arrite In Scranton from Northuinbeiland at 0 U a. in , 12."5, 4.50 mid 8 13 p. 111. I 10111 Kingston at 11 00 a. 111. Fiom l'ly noulh at 7.53 a. in.; .; M and 5..13 p. 111. SUNDVY 'III UN'S. Soulh-Leave Ktraiitoii at 1.10, ,!.no, 5,50, p. 111.; 3.S1 nnd 3.40 p North Leavo Scranton nt 1.13, 1.10 .1. 111 ; 5.4S mid 11. S3 p. in. Bloomsbuig Dlvisli 11 Leave Siiunloti at a. in. and 5.50 p. 111. 10 05 10 0, Delawaio nnd Hudson, In Fftoct Nov. 23, ll)l. Tialns for Caibondalc leavo Scianlnn nt (1 '0 7.5.1, 8 5'l. 10 Fl a. 111.; 12 on, 1.2'i, 2 II, .1.52. 5 2'J. t.1, 7.57, 0.15, 1115 p. m.; LIU u. m. For lioiicfdalc-il.20. 10. 13 a, 111 ; 2,j and 5 2) '''For Wllttri.-lliirr-il.l5. 7.18. S.1.1, n u, lull, 11.55 a. in.; l.. - ;1-:!J. 1.27, U.lt), 7.l, 10 II, il.JO p. Pi. For L. V II. II pulnls-0.13, 11.33 a. 111 ; 2U 4.27 und It -a 1' "I- For Pcnnsjlvanh R. It. polnls-ii.13, p.:,s a. 111. ; 2.18 nnd I 27 p. 111. Foi Albanv and ill points !ioith-fi2Q a. in. and 3.52 p. m. SUNDVY TRAINS. For Cnbondal -U.UO, II. U a. 111.; 2.11, ;,., 0.17 lo 52 p. m. For Wilkr'Ilarre-"."8, II. .55 a. in.; 168, 3.23, C.27, 8.27 p. m. For Albany and points iioith 3..i2 p. ni. For Iloncdale 0.00 a. 111, nnd .1.52 p. in Lowest ulcs to all points. In I'nltul Statu and Caiada. J. II. lU'lintCK. (I. 1' A , Mhmy, N. Y. II. W. ( ISO)1"', D. I. A , Scranton, Pa. Central Knilrond of New Jersey. Stations In Nw ork-lwit of Lilmty meet, N. II., and ftailli Firry. TIMi: TVULi: IN LIT I (T NOV. 25, PKsl. Tialns leavo Scinntou for New Yoik, N'ewaik, lllibcili. Phlhd.lpliii. la-ion. llt'ildrhiHi, VI leutown, Maucb f hunk und White Havin 'it 8,. n 111 ; cvpicm, 1.10; cvpiess, 3 61) p. m. smulays, 2.13 p. 111, For PltUton and Wilkes-Banc. 8 10 a. 111., j n and 3.60 p. in. Sundays, 2 13 p. lu. For llalllnioio nnd Wnsliliiilon, nnd points South nnd West via Bethlehem, fSU) a, m. j 1 jn and 3.6(1 p. in. uinli), 2.15 p. m. For Long llinnih, Ocean drove, etc , at ?.30 3. 111, und 1.10 p. m. lor Heading, Lcbamn anil llauMiuiir, via AI. lenlown, S.t.0 a. in. und 1 10 p. in Kuiulaji, 2.15 p. 111. For Pottsvllle, S..'.0 a. in. anl 1.10 p. ni. Through tlckits to all point, cast, south and wot at luvvct lutes ut the station. H. P. llVl.mm. lien Pa's. Agt. J. 11. OLHAI'SKN, Ocii. Supt. Evio nnd Wyoming Vnlley. T.ino Table In Lllctl Sept. 17, lfrnO Trains for Ihvvlcr and loial poluls, (nnneit Ins ut llawley with L1I0 ullio.id for S'evv Ymk, Ntwbuig und tnteiincdlutp points, leatu Scian ton ut 7.03 a. in. nnd 2.2.5 p. 111. Train uulio at Stuntcii al 10. 3(1 a. in. and P,10 p. m. NLEY .Easter Display M lExcliisive Silks and Flue ImpDrlcd lD)rsss Gools. Our exhibition of elegant Dress Materials embraces all our choice selections for spring trade. Beautiful line of line Silks, Wool and Silk and All-Wool fabrics suit able for bridal Rowns, street and and evening wear. Lotiisinnes, Pcau tie Soie. Panne Satins, Grena dines, Hcrages and Albatross, in new shades of Rose, Heliotrope, Castor, Greys, Browns and Blues. Foulard Satins nnd Silks in un usually attractive colorings and de signs, lixti .-.ordinary values at j)G9 cpEo airad $i0r 1 CWool Challics, with eltits clnn. .,11 .M- -.. . JUIIII Jllll'v., .Ill ll'io DCC- son's patterns at sc. 'SiTmiC W;USt Silks The best V) quality Japanese Wash Sillc, in coided, stripes and plaids. stt nvn. 50-incn oroaacioins, OS U C assorted colors; good value at .$1.50, for 81.00. 510-512 LACKAWANNA AVENUiB Our windows full of odds aud cuds iti Box Statflomery that will pay stationery buy ers to look at aud examine. Mostly all Whiting' .1 finest papers. ReyooldsBros Stationeis and Iingravers, Hotel Jermyn Building. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Schedule in Effect Mmch 17, 1001. Trains lenve Scranton: 0.45 a. m week days, for Sunbuvy, Hnrrlsburg, Philadelphia, Balti raote, WnshiiiRton nnd for Pitts burg' nnd the West, 0,i38 a. m week dnys, for Hnzleton, hnd for Sunbury, Hnrrisburc;, Phllndelphln, Bnltiraore, Wnslw ington nnd Pittsburg' nnd tha West. 2,18 p. ni., week days, (Sundays 1.58 p. in.,) for Sunbury, Hnrrlsburg-, Philadelphia, Bnltimoic, Washington nnd Pittsburg- and tho West. For Hnzleton, week dnys only. 4.27 p. m,, week dnys, for Sunbury. Hnzleton, Pottsville, Hnrrisbutg, Phllndelphln nnd Pittsburg. .1 II, HI l( IIINsON. (ten. Mar' J II. V. (Kill, (Jen. I'd!- Vst -Taaaaro; jiayya-ij J Time Card in rffeet flee 3i7f, 1000, SCRANTON DIVISION. a sod U8 Ji ,8 I MI .' 00. N.Y.,VVIMBt. I.T.I IM P l .. . . 10V lOT.Vr. , ...loeoiatB io3i ia " .10IIIJ3SI " . 101113 24 " lOUOWlU " UMIIM " iuailti " u.ttiinv " a'Mits". " .... pm ii u a. " ....840 tualiw " ....03.1(0' . " ....OSI U 03 1 1 II " ... oil uoui ii ' ... otjaailttx " ... 0 Miasm en - ... 8?l ft rwn II ct . it 11. a in io 1.7 " .. all auioM, ....oil aioiuM - ....AM 83HI0 4H' " ... BOS IS1I0 1V " .. .0 03 il 111 HI la " Hoc h. in to en !,v P'll IM III! PH ISO . hi ('adoclii . Ilaneiielc . I.v. ...i 09 '' th a 81 . 8 41 ... 960 . 2M . HUtllltflit ,1'jtion 1'aiL, .VVlnvttmtl, ..rcmilvlle... .. .Omon . riMIMUlt Mt. . Unlunilale.. Foreit Clt.. CnlUilitlalevtl Cacbniidale . .While llrlilicB. Jlnyfleld Vtl fitj llelit Jt'i niyii. Vrclihald VVinlnn . IViLvllle .. (l)iliant rnciliuii;,. rilloup I'liiltriiMKP a ... 806 ::-B SK i ai.. Sf.j til. 7 003 11 '7 IH ,7 0.-.K 41 7o;s u 01 ra.. Jtmsis ,7 lit ii 7 ms M 17 M 3 10 7 c;t 03 8lJ 6 11. II IB. ,11 Sli B. " T CU 07 " 7 31 J 10 " 7 811 jt " (7 3-11 17 rmitrjaet. bemntun Ar. 7 eo w 6 85. IM PM I'M AilMlonul Irnlmlriixi rarbomUle for Mavtirtd Yir.l R'5.1' ",' ?'f ' 1U"J . at 7 Wpm buoilty only, atiMug at iUvllrU V arj 7 0U m iid HIM ni. .V.t.litlonil trnlmli-iv r hrrinton t7 00pm Sundiyfinlv, loi'in at nil ilatUnp to ( arlniiitlslr, irrlvlna it 7 15 um, t.,.1 train Iravra MaiHrM iiarit tor I arliuuOalc att.Uaii' Jill), acrlviuir at riKiiJ:alO. Wain. ltate y rnnta per mile. J I.onoat Itntea tu ull l'tilnta Weal, 4. C. ANOtRJON, Cla'lI'aai'rAaent, t Votilit; i, C. VMCISH, Inr, Aiant, V itraoton, Ta. WE HAVE- l I a -xTrrTTVG"'&Sr i -V" .& ID?) 05 1101 I i I f
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers