i' ? s V -St y .. THE SCRAiSTOxN TMBUiYE- SATURDAY, MARCH 23, 190f. , i FoiilGC: BURKE BUILDING -THE PC0PLES EXCHANGE A POPCbAH ri.KAniSO HOtlSi: for Hie tlftii " tit of All Vh'i line lloun lo Itei.l. Heal Kuate or Other Propcily to Sell or F.vchangc, or W,; 'IVanl Pltuatlorn or llel These Small Ad. xeitbcmciiU Ott One f'rnt a Word, SU Inicr (Ions lor lixe rents u Word -l.vtii t Sltualkns Wanted, Which te Inserted I rcc. sv.. - niiMin:t ltiMioM wirii no im r vw Wrhb's, ' llncoln .mnni, ahn table board mi tr clitilrcul li the rfk or month THE MOCK TRIAL. A Gient Away of Witnesses A Lady Jury. The mock tiinl to be given lit tin Ceiltinl school building oil Tiles Juy C-Vellltlg Will lu fllltO IIU OVCIlt. Hfiow will be found the names of all who will appear In tlio fiction. A novelty will bo Hit.' apiK'iit iincf if a Juty composed of iHiryen ladles, with n fotomun of the masculine gender. The pnpeis In tlio can- uro: Accusation A tine bill found against Mr. HobcrL Monker und Mr. Roboit ('(miner, accused of lobbety to othe amount of ?,fl00 and valuable papois from the safe of tho Cnrbondale school bo.iul, on the night of December 31. In tho year nineteen hundred, In the city of Carbondale, county of Lackawanna, conimonwc.ilth of Pennslvanld. n ratal Jury. JriFoph Cileiinon, Foreman. Judge, Vul Law, iittntiie-jH for prose cullon, W. Lotus. F. Kllp.ittlck; attor neys lor defendant, W. Swlgoit, 11. C'olcmnn: foieman of tho Juiy. Joseph Glennon; gentlewomen of the Juij, Alice Box, 1 (utile Buike. Lain a Dlv. Nellie Ciockor, Huttle Dolph, Anna. Dlminlck. ilcitriide iSruhmn, Helen Mehan, Jessie Mntthows, Maty Will lams, Maigarct White; shot 1ft, John Muirln: couit crier, Matthew Conner, witnesses for defense, Delbert Cranioi. Irving Dlx, Mary (Icminn, Ualtle Mc Lean, Matle Oiaham, John Burke, witnesses for prosecution, Minnie Fin neran, Hodcilck X. filllls, Maiy Kelly. June Kllpnttick, Joseph Lofttis, Lautu listed. TELL TOWNSHIP CASES. Two Suits Henid In Alderman Jones' Office Last Night. Two suits In which Fell township wus interested were heard in Aldeimnn Joncb olllce last evening. The first wai a suit of the township against Michael Gorman and Thomas Smith, In which a Judgment of J-'J.o'i was granted. The second case was a suit of D. M. Lvnch ngalnst the poor dliectors of tho township for the lent of two houses, one for nineteen months, a icntnl of t'Jo, and the second for seven months, a rental of $35. The houses are located In Now Uulfalo. Mr. Lynch said that tho poor dlieetois had agreed to pay him tho icnt of the&o houses, and he called upon ex-I'oor Diicctor John T. Thomas to substantiate this claim. Much to tho surpilse of all patties Mr. Thomas said ho had not agiced to any such thing. A wordy exchangu fol low! d, in which both men spoko quite plainly tlnlr opinions. Attorney Kobeit D. Stuait appealed for Fell township, and he moved that the aldcnnan dlsmlvs the suit, as Mr. Lynch lind brought tho action in his own name. Instead of as an agent for Phillips & Hlttcnhouse, of Scranton, the leal owneis of the pioperty. A non-suit was granted. An Ideal Site. Another site for the Carnegie lllnaiy building has been offered, or will be offered to the city. The Clune propei ty, at tho corner of Sixtn avenue and Chinch street, almost opposite Memo rial Paik and right In. line with the handsome chinches of the city, would make an ideal site, and its owner, John Chine, would sdII the piopeity to the city at a reduction of from $1,000 to J.000 of its real value, in order to help tho pioject. It has a tiontage of 13.; feet in the most desirable poitlon of tho town. Legislators in Town, nepiesentatlves McTlgho and Ha worth, of the legislative committee on appropilatlons, weie in tho city es tcrday examining the public institu tions tor which an appiopilatlon Is asked. In the afternoon they lslted the Umeigeney hospital. They said that they eonsldeied tha Institution in a first class condition, but did not com mit themselves as to whether they thought the approptlatlon of $17,000 asked for would be granted. A Return Date. Gecuge 1-lllott Fax, tho humoilst, who was so much enjoyed at the Fltst Congregational church on Wednesday evening, will lu all piobablllty re-visit the city, as a letiun date has been en gaged. A Peculiar Picture. In yestei day's edition of Tho Noith American appeared a plctute alleged to be tho photo of tho house where a "Mrs. John Klnnle" Is icported to lmvo been choked by the ghost of her hus bind, and who, according to the Im- Sore Lungs mean weakened lungs all caused by a cold and cough Weak lungs sooner or later mean consumption. Shiloh's Consumption Cure will heal and strengthen the lungs, cure cold and stop the cough, "I couhtd for yttMf had bemorrliagM. Doctors said 1 wa ill latt tuge of contump iVn, Had i;ivrn up all hope, I finally tried baiLon and it cured me completely. Am ttday In perfeet health " MRS- FI.OKKNCE nRr.W, Last Oakland, Cil. Rhlloh'a Conauraptlon Cure U aolil by all Ariigglats at VOe, fiOc, H .00 liiiUlu, A Iirliurd giiurnutoe goes with Dirty liottln. f you Hro not natUlleil go to jour drugglat it'ixl if t your iiionpy back, W'nte (or lllmtuted hooli on toniumpllnn Sent fihQiit cijit (o you, S. C. Well, A Co., Lelioy, N.V. Catbondale Department 1 1 presslonnblo lepoiler of the papt r, nearly died from lief oxpeilonco. Tho picture minted yesterday and wild to be tho Klnnle" home beats it icinntk ublu resemblance to the bottling estab lishment on Tenth avenue, which wan nearly buined down a few months ago. It is not at all iniptobublo that this Is a sort of headquurtots for "spit Its." but of another kind. Hut It Is u stroke of cutcipllso on the pait of the ie- 1)01(01. AN ADVANCE. The Delaware and Hudson Company Present Employes with New Scale. Tto Delaware and Hudson company Thurnlay ottered a new scale to Its men, Inoieiislug tlio wants ttom f to '22 cents n day to ell employes fiom Wllkcs-B.uro lo Caibomlalo, as lot lovs: Conductors of tilt ough fi eight and coal t mills, 2 cents per mile, brake iin of thtough freight and coal ttnlns, '2 n-iits per mile: local frdght coniitc tois, 3 cents per mile: brukemeii, J' cents ier mile, pnsongcr biakenteli, .$'(2 per month, working day; pisson-got- baggage mnstots, t.w p"f moil h. woiklng days- Mini conduetots, Ti pel month: vaid biaUemen, iV per month: mine inn conductors, $J.W1 ier diij, c'liiivnlLiit to a'.fc cents per mile: mine brr.keiiien, 4-' pir day, t univalent to -' cents per iiill . Ten miles will l.o iillownl foi cuh hour aftet twele hmirs 1mc ln.cn con sumed lu making one bundled miles or less. This nllouape- applies to er glt.eeis mid 111 i men alc The em ployes of nil el ikps have been di mandlug an inciease for -oine time, but the one gi anted Is not whollv satlx lnctoi and a meeting is to be held to (llteus. It. It got s into cfitet on Anil 1. SONS OF TEMPERANCE. Will Inauguinte a Lectin c Couise In Their Hall Next Friday. The lectin e couise of the Sons of Tempeuince, whkh had to be post poned for vai lous icasons last week, will be Innuguiated on next Kilday ienlng, when the He. A. F. Chaffee, pastor of the Flist Methodist Kplsco ).al church, will speak on "China and Confucius," a subject to which the icv erend gentleman has devoted much study. On Wedncsda. Am II 10, l!e. Chas. Lte, of tlio Fhst l'rcsbytei Ian church, will delUer an addicts on the theme of "Mates and Mating." A muslcale. the date of whkh will be announced later, will conclude tho ionise. CHIEF WILKINS TO BE HERE. The Gland Senior Conductoi to Pay a Fiiendly Visit, c H Wilkins, ehlet of the Hiothei hood of Hallway Tinliumn, with Un title of gran I senior londiulor, will bo lu this city today foi the piuposo of paying a fiiendly Wt to the lallioad crs who make C.ubondale their head iltl.il tors. He was lu YVIIkes-ll.uie yes teiday and tomotiow he will make a tilp to Scianton. Mr. Reeves Piomoted. Hobert llcoM's, one of ihe nm-t cap able insuianco men in town, who has been conmcted with the I'i udentlal In sut ante eompaio for some time, has just teceUcd notice of hl piomotion. He will iemoe to Connellsville. Pa., about April 1. where lie will assume i hinge e.f that dlstilct. Tiansferied. Fred Hubbaid, of the Delawaie and Hudson locomotive shop, has been transfened to the Main stieet machine shop, where he has been given dial go of one of the new lathes. A Suipiise Pnity. A suipiise party was given to i:d waid Ludwlg, at his home on Teirac stieet. on Thutsday evening. Game? and music weio indulged In. Hefiesh nieiits wire served nt 11 o'dod;. Confeued Black Degiee. At tlie tegular convocation of Temple coimnandeiv, No. I'rtS. Ancient Oidei Knights of Malta, held In Cambilan hall last evening, the black degiee was confeued on a number of candidates. Is Veiy 111. D. C nenseoter, a veieian engineer on the Delaware and Hudson lallioad. is HI at his home on Chinch stieet, and feais nre entcitalned that an oper a lion may be necessaiy. Post Lenten Dance. The Hedierrhe S.ulal club Is making anangements lor a post-Lenten dance to be held Immediately after Kaster. Pioparatlons are being made foi an auspicious event. His Leg Ciushed. Chinles Lamb Is ljlug at his home lu Simpson, suffering Horn a badly ciusheiMeg received by being caught between two mine cais at tin- Xoith west colliery. A Scranton Death. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McDonald, of South Main street, h.uo been called to Scranton to attend the funeial of Mrs. McDonald's biother-ln-laxx-, John .Me Xernc.x . For Men Only. At a.l'i tomonow afternoon tho Rev. H. L. Peabody xxlll conduct a service lor men onl. A cordial invitation is given to the public to attend this ser vice. Thlmblo Tea. Mrs. Maty Cianc- and Mlss ft line are entertaining a number of lady filc-ndH at their home on Lincoln avenue ibis afternoon at a thlmblo lea. Meetings Tolnght. Point Golilen Eagle, No. H, Foics teis of America. Diamond lodge, No, 20, Shield of Honor. Metings Tomonow. St, Joseph's cadets. Older of Railway Conductoi s, No, If-fc St, TJonlface society. At tlio Opera Hoiuc, Today--"The Two Sisters." Tonight "Uncle Sam In China." Phone : i NEW, 286 OLD, 0423 "A BACHELOR'S ROMANCE." Some of the Quaint Incidents in Tim Murphy's Play. There nt u socral Intensely Intoiost ing scenes and characters In "A Hadu-lor's Ilomanco," which Tim Mur phy Is to ptescut ut tho Grand Opetn House lu this city next Filday, March 20. ritandlng (Irmly tind coninmndlnir ly lu the fiont tank with the figure of l)aId Holmes, which Mr. Murphy pre eiilH, Is the chaiactcrof Martin Hoggs. As David's secielaiy and confldctitlil man, Olney J. Griffin offers n charac ter study as old-fashioned and de lightful iih can be Imagined. "Mai tin." says David, in the happy conceit of his lcjuvenatlon, "You'ie a ' bai k number: you'ie out of date; you don't circulate- you're on the Miolf for good " And It is Just such n faded, etalned, dusl-grown edition of humanity that Mr. Gililln binds with lare ait. 1'oor old Martin, who nexer has anytlilng, and who patiently accepts the blame foi eerythlng, supplies Hie one trag edy ol tho story a tragedy on paper when ho lenins fiom the unwittingly duel cillle that his stoi.x, with which he hoped to win tho pilae, is the worst of all tin- loi," utteily without merit. And then with the fulliuos of ycais pai tiding befoic his sickened mind, ha consigns tho lost one to tho die and sobs out his pitiable gilof " This Is one Incident in man that Allss Mm ton has cl"eily woxou Into the heait Mcuy. FOR THE CHURCH FUND. The Excellent Programme That Will Bs Picsented Monday Evening. On next Monday evening there will be an eulei tainmeiit at tho Chinch of our Lady of Mount Curniei for tho benefit of the chinch fund. Among tho uotoworth featuies of the excellent piogramino that has been arianged for the occasion is an address by the Hon. Foitunato Tlscar, Italian consul at Set. niton, and a oeal solo by Miss Hose Aiigonl, leading soloist of tho St. Aloysious chapel, in Scianton. The fol lowing Is the piogtanime In detail: PART FIRST Piano Duet, "The Mlnstiels' tjcu-uadi-" Master Hugh Firth and Pi of. Filth. Vocal rfolo .. ."Kathleen Mavourneen" Ambrose Dnttle Duel, Violin and Piano, Geitrude nnd Matle Graham t'opiano Solo. ..."The Forsaken Home" Mls Hlodwen Dads. Recitation Miss G. Collins Vocal Solo ".Von e Vet'' Miss Aiigonl. .Mandolin Solo ...."The Dawn of Love" T. Sanginallan. Sprdaltles Sarah Giiniths and Hazel Maxwell. PART Si:CGND. Addicss, .Mi. Tlscar. Italian Consul at Scranton. I'lauo Duet "Philomel" Misses Lottie and F.inn Pugliano. Vocal Solo, "Happy Dajs,-- Miss Anna Hi own With violin obllgato by Miss Maile Giabam. Recitation Miss Lillian Collins Vocal Solo "Whisper" M. Kearney. Mandolin Solo, Sextette fiom "Lu d;i dl Laemmermoor," S. i'uglinuo Vocal Solo, Selected ... Miss Arlgonl Specialties Ileniy Rattle AT THE CHURCHES SUNDAY. Methodist. Flisl Methodist Episcopal chinch, Vol th chinch stieet, near Salm ave liin Re. A. F. Chaffee, pastor; usl-dJiu-e, TO Teriaee stieet. Love feast at ! a. in.; 10.30, saeianient of the Lord's Supper. Pieddlng Elder Rex. J, F. Warner will be present. Preaching by tlu. pastor at 7.30 p. m. Presbyterian. First Piesbyterlan diuicli. Noith Church stieet, near Sixth avenuo Rev. Charles Lee, pastoi : residence, 00 North Chtnch street. Sunday sen lies, 10.30 a, m. and 7.30 p. m.; weekly play er meeting on Thuisdiiy evening at 7.::o o'clock. Second 1'iesbytoi lun Rev. William HolllnshPd will pieach In the aftet noun after Sunday .school. Episcopal. Trinity Protestant Episcopal ihurch, uS River street Rev. R. A. Sawyer, rector: icsldence, (!2 Itiver stieet Roman Catholic. Chinch of St. Rose do Lima, Ninth Church street, opposite Paik place Rev. Thomas F. Coffey, rector: resi dence. 6 North Church stieet. Assist ants, Rev. John Dixon nnd Rev. Wal ter Goimon. Chunh of Our Lady ot Mount Car niel, Fallbiook stieet Rev. O, S. Cc-r-i ut!. rector. Services at S and 10,'SO a. in. Sunday. Congiegatioual. Fltst Congregational church, comer Eighth avenue and South Church street Rev. M. C. Elliot, pastor. Sab bath services, 10.30 n. m. and 7.30 p. in.; Sunday school, -J p. in.; Y. P. S. C. E., fitj p. m.; prayer service, Thursday evening at 7.30 o'clock. Evening ser mon by Rev II. L. Peabody. At 3.4." p. m. Mr. Peabody will conduct a sei vice for men only. A cm dial Invitation Is given to the public to attend any and all of these- services. Baptist. Rei can Duptlst chinch, coinci Lin coln avenue and Noith Church stieet Rev, II. J. Whalen. D, D., pastor; resi denee, ;:s Lincoln avenue. Sunday ser vices, 10.30 a. in. und 7.30 p. in.; mid week sei vices, Thursday, 7.3u p, ni.; Young People's society of Chiistlan Endeavor meets Sunday at 3 30 p. m.; Sunday school at V2 m. Lutheran. Flist (St. Paul's )Lutlieinn church, Church street Rev E, Ehrlnger, pas tor Fifth Sunrtuy In Lent. Sabbath school, 9.30 a in,, services, 10.30 a. in. Cure all Throat and Lung AQectiotif , COUGH SYRUP k Get the genuine. Ref"uc substitute. A Vis sure- -'Ixntlon Oil cureJ Klitumatltm. is & 35 ct A Poser. "Say, stranger," aBkcd a middle-aged man yesterday afternoon of W. J. Rob erts, the newspaper men, "can you tell me where around here a railroad man lives who was a widower nnd married a wldoxv whoso last husband was a widower?" "If you could tell mo his name," mig gosted the courteous dealer in con densed wisdom, "I might be iible to help you." "Why, I don't know ills twine, I thought maybe you mlRlit have lead about it In the papers when he mar ried her, four or five yenrs ago." Mr. Roberts was forced lo acknoxvl edge that his memoty whs rather dim logardlng- this interesting event, and the stranger strolled down South Main street, meditating. A Farewell Reception. A faiuwell leceptlon was tendcicd to John Davis on Thursday night by a number of his friends at the home of Theodore Elmer on North Church Htieet. Mr. Davis expects to leave this city for Albany, N. Y., next week to make his ftituie home In the Emplio capital. The evening was passed prin cipally in a musical manner, nnd a de licious supper was served. Those pres ent were- Mr, and Mis. John Davis, .Mr. and Mrs. Edward Weed and son, Doiis, Mr. find Mis. Fiank Elncr, Mr. and Mrs. John Hone and family, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Gclger and family, Mr. nnd Mrs. Joseph Jenkins and family, Miss Etta Davis and Bernard Smith A Wllkes-Barre Circus. Carbondale intiv have n cltcus per formance early this year. The Charles I.ee Orcat London show xxlll open In Wllkcs-liarre on May 1. It has been organized In that city duilng the past XX Intel- bv I'rlco ."C- lliinevu nil. hii nr.i 1 the business managers. It Is to be a rnllioad shoxv and a eonsddeiuble part of the equipment. Including wagons, xvas manufactured In that city Tho perfoiniers have- nearly all been en gaged nnd a good-sized menngeile has been collected. Another Muiphy. Louis Westa, lepresentlug Klaxx fe Erlanger, was in this city on Thuts day. making airangcments for the ap pearance heie next week of Tim Mui phy This will be Tim's Hist appear ance In Caibondulo. .losenli Mmnliv. John Murphy, Mink Muiphy nnd other stranger aiurplos, not counting the seventy-odd residents of the city who bear that name, have been seen heie, but never this coming star, who Is to depict "A Rachelor's Romance." Went to Clifford. A paity of young people of this city, composed of tlio Misses May Rutun, Carrie Honey. Minnie t'tlcy, Rosj Chubb, Ida Doollttle, nnd Messis. John Moyles, Fied Gleasou, Ora Lee, Klik Lee, George Eaton, Conrad Wolbel, Os car Cole. Harry ''olph and Joseph T.'l ley, went to Cliff. iid on Thursday nlcl.t to help celebrate the birthday of Phil ander Lee, a young man popular nio, xhoe bonis Is in Oihord A Guessing- Social. The Ladles Aid society of the P.e rean Raptlst church held a cake sup per Inst evening at the home of Mis. E. H. Stone, on Bhkett Ten ace. A novel feature of the occasion was that every lady donating a cake bad to weal some object signifying the kind ot partly she had tiunlshed. The one guessing eon eetly the gieatcst number w ill lecelve a prize. Going to Hnrrisbuig. City Solicitor Stiiail will leave this city on Monday evening for Han Is. bill g to appear Ix-foie a senate com mittee in support of the bill validating the lecent pavement oullnanees of the city. Attorney Parti idge, of Scranton. will app?ar for the piopeity owners abutting tlie nexv pavements, who xvlsh tho measuie defeated. Musical Services Tomorrow. Tomonoxv evening tho choir of the riist Congregational church xxill iepe.it the anthem. "Huik! Hark! My Soul." xvhleh xxas lecelvtd with such (10112111 last Sundaj evening. Miss Edith Hen son, of Scranton, xxho is becoming a favotite here, will bo heaid In her solo w oik at the evening set vice aim. In n Critical Condition. Tiio condition oi Clyde, the son of Mi. and Mis. Robeit Whitfield, ol South Washington stieet, l.s icpoited to be vet critical. He Is suffeiing fiom hemoithnges of tho head and -in enlaigement of the heait, a develop naiif of the gilp. Constable's Sale. Constable L J. Nenry conducted a sale of the property of Edwaid James, the Purk place dye man, yesteiday morning at 10 o'clock. Attorney Gra iner was the pilnclpal bidder. Only $36.f.O was lealized. Started Home. Postmaster Thomas left Hot Springs. Ark., on his letuin trip Thursday. He goes south to Galveston, Tokiis, and comes from thence lo Naxv York by water A Teacher 111. Miss Maine Drennan, a teachei In tho Fell township schools, Is ill at her homo on Belmont street. Washery Washing. The Racket Hrook washery of tho Delaxvnie and Hudson is again in op eration. The Passing Throng. Mis. Maurice G. Wutt is Indlspotod. Mis. Peter Coleman, of Wavne stieet, is ill. Mrs. Fiank PIni re, of 1'ppcr Hoi inont strjet, Is 111. Henry Mnniton, of Belmont street. Is nnflned to his home by illness. William Ople, sr of Ulikctt stieet, is confln.'d to ills homo by illness. Curtis J. Harrington, of New Yoik, was a visitor In tho city Thuisday. MIfs Ollna Herlng. of Washington. D. C Is visiting Miss Bluncho Ar nold Miss Agnes Walker, of the Strouds lung Statu Noimal bchool, Is homo for the spring vacation. MlbH LIzkIu Eaily, of Seventh ave nue, is homo trom a few days' visit wllh Sci anion ft lends, Miss Belle Warren, of Scianton. who lias been visiting Mr. und Mis. A. R. Jones, returned homo yesteiday. Miss Cnriio Atherton, of Scianton, and htr guert, Mrs, Merherson, of Washington, D. p.. spent Thursday with Mlm Uabelle Watt, on North Church stieet. Mrs, Thomas Peters, of Columbia Heights, has lettuned from Wilkes Iiarre, wln-io she visited her husband, who r employed in one of tho Lehigh Valley shop.-) there, James Wheeler, who has been visit- Scranton's' Business AAA AAA x. I THSSS ENTERPRISING DEALERS OANSUPPLY YOUR NEEDS I , A A . ... TTTTTTT QF EVERY CHARACTER PROMPTLY AND SATISFACTORILY. THE GILHOOL WAGONS ARE ALWAYS LEADERS REMEMBER THE NAME AND STREET, 310 TO 32G N. SEVENTH ST. CLEAN SHOP. CLEAN TOWELS. CLEAN BARBERS, DIME BANK BARBER SHOP WITH BATH ATTACHED, SBC. SCRANTON. PA. FURNITURE. llu) it ol HKPIMiroV. He will tiut x.ni. hcapiDt of them all, for cali c.ilit of llicin .ill. for line. Til Pi tin .ixinuo. GREEN'S riieolrl Kcllihlp I'.mn llmkcr. 107 IjiV, iw.inni axrniii'. Vlonn I0.11111I mi illainntida, wililir', Jeolrj, ) 1 1 1 1 -i n I In -1 1 uio, nts, piiMiinl ni,pirt I'rlx.itc nitruir md 1 nlnc. cuiiH l.nllil GIGARS Tor rrl.ill ami 1ov tratlr. All h pulji In.iii'U , at popiilm piko ALBERT WITTE, Corner Spruce ftrcct and Wnhlnuton aMiuie. THE LINDEN OUICK LUNCH. OP. WINDSOR HOTEL, SfIN tin- hot Mcnki, w .aid I.iiihIi"'' In the tit. 'Ir, in anil be cumlnui! M F. WYMSJS. FUNERAL DIRECTOR, 111.' .ladsfon Mint C2t. Womiitc Vxp C alN i I'lhpliuiir llrcrlxe 1'jiinpt VtlinlhHi PETER SriPP. CciH'tjl I'nnli.iitor, lluildrr and p-jlu in HiilldiiiK stom (timntlng ul nll.us a pi tlallv Trlitilmnr 25W tiftlir, Ui' V asliintoii uxriiiii- ASK YOUR GROCER FOR KIRKPATRICK'S PURE SPICES AND FRESH ROASTRO COFFc-tTS. E. JOSEfH KUhTTtiL. rear .ill l.aika.inii.i .nrnno, innnuf iclurri of W he Siriein nf all kltiiN; lullx iriuiid inr the fpriiiK M-aCim t make ill! MikU nf p)nli j-ciem-, di Ot U C.OODS t III si milA GOLDEN G TE CA"H STCRS. .1 l lloxer l'rnpi Icier, ilcilcr in line (.umr Iph and 1'ioxMniK. I'ltic I it: irs uld In the Iki S0V MiiMilnetnii axtnm THE NEW WALL PAPER CO. Udx no old 4cod( to xtoik ofl 1'icix fllc la new and uji-lmliti- l)ui .rlie ate lower thin an others 303 SPRUCS STREET. NEAR PENN AVE lug nt his home here the pant wevk letuined to Carbondale .Mnudny, Mi find Mrs. David Orlltlths and daughter. Ethel, ot Caiboinlale. visited at the home of D. M. Oilfllth.s and wife, of Main stieet, on Sunday. Mis. i. .1 O'Donnell, ot Lackaxxaiina Htreet, i.' tuinid home a few days ago after visiting friends nl Caibondale.- Oil - pliant Recoul - . JERMYN AND MAYFIELD. A sjiedal meeting of tin Jeimyn boi ough council wan held last evening, at xvhleh the following councllnien xxeio presenl: Badger, Theion Moon. Dunn. Sulllx-nn, Wheeler and C.ihaney The meeting was piluiailly called fo,- the puipose of appointing an attorney to defend the borough's Intel est In the Injunction pi ot codings which ate to come up today Before this was done, however. J. 1") Stoeker, who xxas pit-e-nt, aiose and said that after due consldeiatlon and in vhxx ot the agi tation that had been in town, which had placed the councllnien lu an em b.uia.sslng position, h was picpiued to make a pinposltioii. He xxas con vim ed that the coiincllinen xxho had voted foi the lonttact had acted lor the best inteicsts ot tin- hm ough. The (onttact whlcli had been made xxas a valid one, and he did not believe couit xxould ihange It. bill. In oidei to re lieve tlie councllnien fiom the situa tion and remove the objection made that the contract had been lallioaded tin ough council, on b-half ot Ihe Ciis (cnt company he xxould vvlthdiavv the contiaci und lelease the bin ough fiom their obligations, piovlding the louu (II xxould, as soon as tin- new charter had been received, allow th.- new com peny to come Into town and give them n fair chance to bid against the Jet myn Elec-tt Ic Light company for lui nishlng light for the arc lamps. All they desired was an equal ehnncs with the old company. Councilman Moon said he believed the contract made xvas n valid one. It followed up, and thought the howl got up was simply to keep out competition. II thanked Mr Stoeker for his olfer, which lie cousin cied a geneious one under the clr eumMuiiio.s, Burgess Pender -d tou sldeied the otter a very good one and one that xxould lellevo both council anil himself fiom embaiiassmont II- ad v ln-d council to accept Ihe oltei Mr. Wheeler lalsed a slight objection to the company being granted a tianehlse without pajlng un thing toi it, but the opinion of th otheis wus that the olfer of Mi. Stoeker xxas a liberal one and, on tho motion ot Moon, seconded by Dunn, tho pinposltioii wus accepted on a yea and nay vote, Wheeler, only, voting ugalnst It. In view ot Hi ubovi tl impaction it w as decided the borough would not icqulio the set vices of an attorney today and the appointment of one was, theivfoie, not made. S-vcral of the tounellmcn thanked Ml. Stoek er for his action and tlie piocecdlngs terminated. John Ouzor. John WydoeU and Val ente Graviu weie ui rested and had a heating befoio Justice Kelfer last evening on the charge of luieeti b.x bailee. The thiee men had folineily been members of the St. Mm tin's so ciety, of Mavllejd, but at different peiiods extending ftom seven to twelve months past had been expelled trom the society for non-payment ot dues They had failed to give up theli valu able) tmltoiniH, swords and othei mlll tiuy accoutrements, although ficquent aiipllcations had h.-eli made upon them for that put poses, A se.iich w an ant had been obtained and the articles weie found In their possession. After the evidence had ben heaid the 'squire held them In ball In the sum of $.'.00, but they refused to give ball and were committed to Jail. Chief Mc lilnlpy unci Constable Hosle escoiteil them to the hot ough lockup, .whom they spent the night, und they will bo taken down to Seiunton this morn ing. The following uio the dlrcctois of the People's EK-ctrlc Light company, whoso application for n charter ap peared ill cstei day's Tllblllie: 1'iesl- scoumrr building a savings union, lli'inc oflho, Nien Mrars lliillilllik', tllliwetx 1 Kinrral liullilliiff nml 1cm limliimi UiiuiikIiuxiI the tlatr of I'dinixlxniil I. PARRELL'S TRANSFER Mnrs Krelclit, Kuililtiiii- nnd llaffn.iac, Safu, I'lanm mid Miihlnci) i 22B LACKIWANNA AW3, M. A, FRIEDL1NOER & CO. I axe iiuxiil mir Mlllltiiij- LiLitdMiiiifiit c "Oil ,'il.mi Axe, eppolt mult limi-e. Lislrr UpinlUK Jiiiinumciiifiil liter. JmMES I. QUICK. lljnluMir, st(,r ,iud I'iiuiiu I'luiiiliinfr. (ijllltliiK und ItiiathiK l(lrilinnp iiiiiiri th-it nOn l.m I, iu.mn.i lie, L A C D K I WILLIAM JANKO. MERCHANT TAILOR, 3 SO NORTH WASHINGTON AVE. Ilipillluir .ind iieA. ins ibne nt li"lt not Up. OPP. d.l. aw. DEPOT. OPEN DAY AND NIQHT. R O O A N 11 A N M N G N A LADES, LEAVE YOUR ORDERS NOW rOR TAILOR-MADE SUITS AND AVOID THE RUSH. CALL rOR ESTIMATES AT H. L. GLEASONS, SIO SPRUCE STR&ET, OPP. CCURT HOUSE, SECOND FLOOR, A PERFECT FIT QUARANTEED. YOUNG'S HATS, LOUIS H, ISAACS. 412 SPRUCE ST. MANHATTAN SHUTS. FRED H. WINTER. 824 C5POUSC AVENUE, staple (liO(cile and 1'inxlIon V full Hue of Wxiljlilex, d( , lenlied (hill Kcllar c Harris. Maliiiditiuii'. ol Hun'..-, nnd ikulirs in llone ruinUliliiR (mod 1 1 links and 'Iiixillni; ll.ui l.e, aitlig prmiiptlx altml (I to 'li Kplione I "-' 117 I't'iin an imp, Siranlnn, Pa. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE I find len nits fin K.tnpt llna-ei. I'niplx lluusrt f(r Tenant (ullid WuU. bonl, Vitei- and biMiie I'rcpiity and lliill'linci WILLIAM G. LOOMIS, ISmiiiis I ami ,1 lluir Kulhlim.' COMMERCIAL QUICK LUNCH PARLORS. elianllnev, I'mi' 1'eod, Pollti Mientlon, Ilea .-ul.il'U I'lluJ Dpi ii di and iiIkIiI. fill und Sin! spun,. 'Iiitt, Sntilim, fa dent. J D. Stoekci . tiensiuer, William Walker. Thomas A Hendilcks, E. F. Edmund", M S. Collins, lleoige Ed munds, S. 'xV, Cook and Attorney Fiank Stoeker Lyman M. Howe, with his moving pictui es, Is an attiactlon which -xxlll shoitly attiact a huge number of peo ple to the Methodist Episcopal chuich. On the occasion of his last visit a few months ago the i hutch was filled. Miss Lllr Bennett, ot Second stivot, was taken soilonsly 111 last evening. Mi. Edvvuid Spettlgile, of Honesdale, Is a vlsltoi at the homo of Mr. and Mis. Theodoie- Spettigue, of CL-metery street. Will Mellon lias u-coxcied sulllclently from the opeiatlon he recently under went in the- hospital to be bionght home r) 0ECKVILLE. The gland conceit given b.x the Si hoi of Song in the Methodist Epis copal (huich on the nih Inst , was well attended and fiom the attention and applause of the audit nee, highly nppl eclated. The school has been un dei the musical diicctlon of liof. linik S. Tliomns for the past thiee months, and the singing ot solos, also the gland i-hoiiis elfoits, showed Hue musical piogtess. The elioiiis, "Mglit, Lovely Night." wns-iendeied with line (iTcct, giving tlie sott and foi to ex pitbslnn with andante movement. D.iughtei ot Xlon," with a full, louiid thoi us, siiowiug development of power o Hone, then gliding to a faint plan issluio by tin- (iiaitc-lte stationed at the opposite side of the chinch. Ill flood Night. Falexxc-ll," the sustain ing power of tone was developed 'with pi midline cd cniphasls. The solo in this choius was sung 'by Miss Florence Tayloi. Dei xolec lung out like a sil ver bell and as dear as a bhd. show ing tine ability as a singer. Mls Jes sie Steal lis. in hei recitation, "The Low Baik On," gave a line inhibi tion of her elocutional. v powets; In-i poise, gi-stuies. euuuclallon, with giat-e of movement, was veiy entertaining to the audience. She was niiompunlcd by a low mm nun Ing choi us, with oii llgi.to. and the effci t was beiutlful. To heal' tho -,'ieut violinist, Mini". V. Vandi'ivckeii Is to Imxe a supeilor musical tieat seldom enjo.ved. Ills tones on his grand violin Is a reve lation of musical powei and beauty, while his tt'ihnh, phia-lng and cue tul expiesslon holds his .unlience tali ly entiauceil wllh the delicate and poxv e I fill lelldellng of lllM ilnslial selec tions Plot. Finest P.ovaid. "f Dun- n.oic. and Miss Lena (Jtiiil ill per finned a piano duet with good move ment. Pint. Boxanl showed csiellent ability lu his piano solos ind billllunt U chute. Mi. liioige E. Sli ly. the I. ftder of the Methoillst Epln-opal (hull, also ol the Keystone Double iiiuii title, whh h gave out selection, sang "Sighing tor Thee ' with a voln of lentil PNc-ullenci', lull of lllllslc vl lunlioii und being ni companies! by (hoi us, was a Heat. Tin solos by Messis. Joseph English. Stanley Evans, ll.innon Sltgiaxes, with violin obllgato by Mis. Fiank Build. Misses lieiaidini Sltgravcs iMe Steams, and the solos sung bv the ihh alto ol Mrs. Ileoige Stevens, made a vol illtelt'Sl ing musical piogiauinie. Mis. Myrtle Slebelt was ll.e ;m oiupillllsl, and lu tlie ilillleult M'lectlons she gax-c- evi dence of a chilled at list upon Ihe phlliotollc The School of Song Is to be ( ongi ululated upon Its line ability, and I'nif Thomas upon the gland manner In which Ihe school hustalnetl him. 11. "V. Peck, leader of Ihe 1'ii-sb-teilau choli, was Healed to a pleasant suipiise Thuisday evening at the close ot the piner meeting. The pastor, In behalf of many ti lends, pu-sented him a substantial sum of money In grate nil iccognltlou ol Ids able servlios In the ilcpaitmeiii of (huuh music. Though surpilscd, ho icsponded hap pily and was wauuly congi initiated by ail pie&cnl. Services in Ihe I'lt-byteil.ui church .Sunday nt n,::o a. in. ami 7 p, in., Ryv, Houses FRANK M. MOYER, Contractor and Builder. OSO PENN AVENUE. Jobbing of attended to. all ItlndH piomptly KSIIMAILS tlirintKLI.LY M HMITTKt). THE HOME SUPPLY CO. ltctall funilttiic, liedllnc; and floor i-ovetintt foi iuli at hulcilp prirci ut 734 W. LACKAWANNA AVE.. SCRANTON. WATCHES. CLOCKS, JEWELRY HIU'AIIIIMI A bf'i;ilAl,T. ' GROSS, 422 SPRUCE. JAMES J. MURRAY, SiKreoi- to the Hunt A Cornell Co., In tin .mil alicet metal otk and xrntlUtlon. CVIen tinnier", irpilm an I uneral tin xoik u (pedaltv. ll. 112 l.icUxxniiiia axenup. I'All, WI.MlT. 127 WAMIINt.rO.V WIINUt'. 4J TEAM DYE WCRKS. and I'm nth Prx t lemlnsr and ltelltiWiiiig , tfwxN tilled for and (Mlxtrrd. Irbpli'inp tnnnrttioti. MONEY TO LOAN AT LOW RATES AT S. RADIN'S 123 PENN AVE. ALEX. HAY. HOUSE, SIQNAND DECORATIVE PAINTER AND PAPER HANQER, 321 t'ULBZRRY S. WOLF & MLANE, Adams Ave. Easter Millinepy WENZEL I'lactlcal Plumber. TiniKM and UalAt. lira. Kurnarffi a Six. clalt. llepalrinn lironiptly done. '.'10 Ad inn axe., Scun ton, t'a, WILSON A COMPANY. I'a-hlotnMc lulhns (Hotel .fenuxn IIiiIIiIIiib),1 jj spruu- Mitel, stranion, ri. .suit pressed, Xi ((lit; pmta prisned, in rrnt. Clothing if pulled, tailed for .ind delixered. New Phone. M92 H. A. RIEFENBERG. l'lutnhinir, linninie and 1 1 fit I tie. Sole agent fur Howard 1'urnite. Ttletihoiie 4)12. ."1T l.lnden rfreet. THE CHEAPEST Ilrnt und quickest phue in the city to have x.'iir hum tlxtd, xxe uv nothing but Oul. 'J .in l.i.ltlid und llr.M inn win klii.inslilp. IJ" f.lndin ktnet, opposite pcotftftitp. DR. E. V. BEARDSLEY. DENTIST. loumrli xmiIi Dr. lllll. 321 SPRUCE ST. MRS. SARA ALLYN. MANICURE. CHIROPODIST AND SCALP TREATMENT xlll riiiioiu April 1 fiom Connell Ilullding to -.ill and .VM, Mean llull'liiv'. I LEGAL. ,orici: is inntKiiv oivkn that an ap- plitatlon will he made to the fioxcrnor ot l'cnnslxaiili, on th- JDth day of Marth, A. 1). 1'kjI, hv Cvnis 1. .lonen, (! I', UcxnohK Chrle Sthlaccr. K. I). Muriies. John T. ltichardi, T. Cv Von Stnidi, Mniucl .Samter. llhhard O'Dilen, 51, 3. Ileale, W. (i I'ulton, C. S. Woolworth. Jl, P. Carter, Thomai sjiuue, and others, und. I the Act of Ihe (Jeneral Ans-mlily of l'cnnsyl xanli entitled "An Ait for the incorporation ami liRUlatlon of hxnks of dl-count and deiHysit,' approxtd the 11th day of Ma, 1S7H, nnd the sel eral fuppltnient thereto, for a chirter for an Inttndid liaiiklng iorioritlon to be lotated in Siraiilou, I'a., to lie tailed "Tho People's nank." with a tapltal ktotU of One Huiidicd Tliousaii I P.illan (1CVX)) the tlnractei and i hjcet or xxhlrli aie In do n gincial baiikipg lut-ncw, and hall haxo Hie rower a-id may borrow or Und nioni.x for mill polled .n tiny may deem propel, ma ill-iounl hilU of cvthange, foielttn or domes, lit promissory notes m otl er neitotlahle paper", and the interest miv lie ittdxed in adxanic. aid klull hue Ihe rieht to hold In trust as tollai eial Miutlty for loins adianren or (IKeounU, e tite', reil, personal and inlvod, including th i noti. bonds, ulillgatlnnx or nccounta ol tlm I'nlKd stkKr. indixiduals or corpoiation, bih! to punliia". tolliet and adjust tho same and to ili-p.iv lluieof for Ihe benellt of tho eotporatlon, or fur the painents nf Ihe John ns aeeurlty tor xihlih tlie nine niav be hild, and for these pin imnn. In luxe, povroa and enjoy all the right", lutiifits and prixihgoi of said Act ot Avcinbly and Mipplcnicnta then lo AltTllfll DtTNN. .solicitor. io nil: iioi.ni:us or iio.nds ni'mukii; scxen (7), clxht (f). feil.one (41) am' I.U....I. ie.. nt thn f-olllrrv I nL.Itioi.e Cnmnslil. ivii si. i." " "" -, ....... ......,-..-, hilug the bonds bearing ditc Octohcr 1st, lil'i, I I.. ...... rrwulr... rA r., 4 Vt . I ,1.1, ami biiuuu i'j .,,,31- .,.. ... .... u.b. . Please lake Nolitc that in pursuance of Urn proxUions of th" slid bonds and the tru't moil page glxdi to .suuio the nine, the bonds (is numW'i'iil aline haxe luen drawn by lot for painent on ihe first (lay of Vpiil, 1901, and ( i ate hilib not Ilk (I tint the nunc xxill he p-ihl on the tlrst (hv of April, 1'iul. at the bitka xianin 'lru-.t and safe Deposit Compan, Trnstou iianicd in iho Iriol iiioilgige atioie reliiud I", toaclhei wllh Intirost toujions atlaihed tlierct and leiinliung unpild, and that interest xvllt tcioe atKr the slid date. riu: toii.HRV nxf.ivhEU coxir.vxv. btrantrn, Pi , l'llmnry 23th, lri01. Dr. Moon, pastor. Subject 111 motnlng, "The Supeinatuial D.ukness"; evening. "Rede;nptlon Finished." All welcome. F. p. Benjamin. O M. Pieicc and William McLaughlin spent yesterday at ihe Olyphnnt leservolr gunning tor duties As there weie no ducks in sight tin- party passed the uttcinoon shooting at a niaik. The voungest child of Mi. and Mis, John tiilesdal Is seriously 111. OLYPHANT. The living French company xxlll open a thiee nights' engagement at tho Kut he i- Math'-xx opera house on Mon day evening, when thoy will present a i omedy-drama, entitled "A Runnw.ix' Wife" Pi Ices, in, I'O and 3(1 cents The last of a seiies of sermons on the "Life of Christ," with storcoptlcon illustiatlons, xxlll be given by A. V. Bower, ot Scianton, at the Congiega tlonnl church tomoirow evening Mis. Frank Nichols was tcudeied a, pleasant hlitlid.iy paity on Thiirsdav evening, by a niinilui' of fi lends, at Inr homo on Dunmoie stieet. Manx enjovablc dlv ei slops seivcd to entcr tuln the guests, after which delicious lefieslmients weie paitaken of. Mrs. Nichols xxas presented with a hand some Mollis chair. The guests were Kc v. and Mik James Hoy. Mr. and Mis. Fiank Dalle, Mr. and Mrs. Frank MtiKOiv Mr and Mis, W. H. limine! I loth. Mi. ami Mrs. Kdmond Nichols, Mis. S. Nli hols. Mis. Ficdeilek .Maun der and Thomas Pitch. Mis, S. N Callendii- and daughtei Miss lirace Callcnder. spent estord,ix" with Mis Edward Jones, In Blakcly Elluu, the little daughter of Mi. an I Mis. William Watklns, of Susquehanna stiict. gave a hlilhday paity yester day afteinoon. Theie was a largr giuheilng of little folks, who enjoyed themselves Immensely playing games until about I o lock, when supper hip seived ihe young hostess was the ic-clpli-nt of many pietty glftr. .MIhs Noui ilciilt. of Providen e. visited fib-lids lu town esteiiln. E. N. Fcigusou left ostoida fiv Boston, Mass.. where he will engage in business. To Prevent Pneumonia and Clip Uxallic lliiiiiniljiiliilm leniSM the iaiit-
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