.typf"? " ' v: , THE SCRANTON TIUBUNE-THURSDAY, MARCH 7, 10U1. 6 p'rry . Mw$ Si An Excellent Combination. Tho pica vi lit inotlioil iiiid bcnctlciul effects of the vvcll known remedy, M nvv or I'ios, manufacture d by tho 'ALirnitNhV Tut Hriit'i' Co., illustrate the vnlueof obtaining the liquid la sti ll vo principles of plants known to bo inedu'lnullv laxutlvo and prc.scntintr then? In the form must 1 of uniting to the t'isto and ncecptnb1i to lln s.vntom. It, is the ono perfect, strengthening laxa tive, clonnslnir tlio s.vstoin elt'ectually, dispelling" colds, licaduilics and fevers ifi-utl.y yel ptomptly and i'nnl)lln;r ono to overcome li'ibltunl constipation per manently. Us perfect, fu-eilom fioui every objc',tliiuitlo quality and sub iduuee, and Ms nctlut? on the lfidnoysi, liver and bon-cls, without Weakening or Irritating tlit.Mii, make it the ideal invuttvo In tlio process of manufucturhi,' Hi," ntu used, as they mo pleasant to thu tn atc, but tho medicinal tiualltiis of the. remedy 1110 obtained from henna and other urouuUlc plants, by n inotliovl huovvu to the C.vmi'ouni.v I'm Symn Co. only. In older to jret ilsbcueticlal i ftpct'i'i'inl t" tivwld imitations oleum fiiiemb.-ftlii fml nanioof tboCompuny printed mi the front of every package, CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP GO. s.; vhanoisco, cal T.OUXOVIH.E. KV NEW rOSK. N. V. Per sale lis nil UruBGiMs I'rlcofiOc par bottle Cw rnsi i.n town. ra Per 3C Quart LACEAWANRft MIRY CO 3Icj loco Orders I'rompttr Ua.lverot .,,jj) AtlunM Aenus. Scrsnfon TransTer Co. I.'aggage Checked DUcct to Hotels and 1'iiv.itc Residences, Olflco Station, D.. L. Phone tfc V5. W. Passenger Dr. H. B. WARE, SPLCIAUSr. r.YU, 13AR, NOS!: and THROAT I ONSULriNfi nouns. 1 1.' SO a. hi. j 2 I p m. MI.MAMS llf.li"., Opp. I'tvlnllUl'. sfUNIOf OrUMLABEL VtfsXJ? JtUfJ: ftMtttttttttf CUT NOTES 4 ' -1'i.t : vt. I. ..KlJ.MIt.' MU.IIM. unit n, N.i lIhi j1 nui .mi; , 1'r.d.i) itctiln;. a!. iiovf.u 'viu. ?ir. iK-u r. ilwh tMii M.l.1. an uiMroM li imn m.ti Minilit cu'iim,' tl i.rltl'a (Utiit'h, W.i-lihiulnii uttiuii jiiJ I'.ii"; moil. MIHC.VL CMUItTALSUKM'.-On Uir cvtiilns oi March gl, in SlanlwV lull. Ilunnverr, nn oil i tjlimicnl ttiil ijn citui tiy IjjiuI unit tt. ?. -Ill, ul tha rtilc Wntdrn '. AGItA.r AIllirsTUi Octet t it t. Vh.ii or 1'k'iiI a muii mi tmii iitniUL lust rtrian.- lor tuumiwy ind I .sarins, lie tt u loi'.nl up In I Ciniu yt'oia utalKin !mu,i NM All HWyl I.T. Hip ui.mul Iwtintitt ami nii'O of Hrr.inlon 1 II v oomluto, Nu. 117, I 111 1 lotid i uniliii iimir u Iic.i4,iii, mil uc liflil tl'is hi itiiiHiitt oi t tiiiiiiiuiii ikiii 011 ti iii- II ."I, ill (It'llUO. lll'.U L'.S)I.I! eW UAir..-iorifo lUitttid-. i . 1 Na? eik trul, wj I.clJ under S.'i00 tuil it Mdiimsii lluoc last ctonlng on tlie chjivo if ituult nml lullPiy, mn nipKnt aim threat., pifcrird lit- ! ttim Ktnui". UKSl.W't Kit 1AKV..N llACIt.-Udttuiil J u ir t flit dtKtrti r liom ("unipitny M. I'tut uitilloij, t ho wa I, Up'I up .it pullii lif ulfiui1i'r Tin. iy otfiun',', m 1.1,.1'n, ii Milhwn'k I!.iud tctlcrdaj by I. II Jluitimon. f IXltlvS' JIM.TIN-f. -The Krantoii ( lul,' dm -jiluHi". l 211. will liold thru Ifgulji unci, ii,- jjliisht at S . I.h k ut (jM'iiiir hall, WjililjIlB lil'lll.'. VII licintiM (ilf l("Ullril ii liivl i.sctit. llti-iiu of imporUi.ii.. ni.rj.vsi ii -A ii vii. mjhIi' ii, p, ,k t.ui I li .iji iMi.,'ii, n( S.tnli c i mitt n, till.) u.o in,i nil il in iln i mil v jJI mnio linn ago "n l'i ifrrc nt mil tiu ini-ihiif, tttio jcnUrtlJi' -f ,t -f -f -f i t l t f BOND OFFERINGS. Skiing- Drook Water.lst Mtg5s Lacka. Vnlloy Elec. Light, 1st Mtg. 5s. North Jersey and Pocono Moun- .Jain Ice Co., lt,t Mtg. 5s Slhndnul Gas Co., 1st Mtg1. 5s. iJhighton Water Supply Co,, 31st Mtg. 5s. New Mexico Railway ami Conl 'Co., 1st MtR. 5s. Dfcscilption and piicc on appli- V, cation. 4- .. Droailwa), N. V. UlltudUrro. Csihcndale. 4, 3 Jr tj CoinnionucallU fild;., l Scrtntoti. -t )' -'f -ttff"rt rflcunl fij t,ill firniOirl before AlJ'fntn l Itll vt llll MlntlS lllll Vtalll. V. . t A. Minis -Million (iintiii llmi.. 1I15 nflitiiKii at u'iI.hV. tMMriii Invll l to .Mn llil, cIjm. riiiiisil.it iMiilna at t.W oMin-'i, UIMc studs' Mini it inl 1 lutum. Ij wrilnry, at the Milium tiiniii' I'lu-Miui nxwttJllin I 'win, llil;, Nortli Miln utiiiui'. (oMMIIini 1(1 M 't.-lnnu" limit n, lu um (cmniltlril I" llic n'Mitv Jill Imni Old l'i r(to on 11 iliarjc nf iiwkliirf tlirriN, lia Win ilii I mil Instnu .nui .Iiula- AtilituM Jf' litiilny liiailp mi erder lur hit tmi'iv.tl lo the- in Mini diiuttiiKiit of Hie HanwMii '.our illtrlit, lie K'itir i 1 1 1 J l u u tlioir. 1'AY DMS. Pie ft Hinting v "HI I "i'o 1'tl.i, loinoridW imil !tliiiil.ij Twins. Vtoiv ilili', Viulilwlo... 1III-, llilNii-dil, lliiiii. IV If li iip, tHihiaril IniiKirrnw, lllmiicrul. Mm mIIi. Man-. -nliii.ll, AiiMmIiI, Ilrllrtuc, Mrbl'ln. (.ouiri, i iiiillmiitul, lMili;c llimplnn, HoMiii, ll.nli- I'.ill., Otlniil, l'.ilii', Sim, n ami l.itlir. !lt. Ill I.M.riN M' lOslDirit'lI - Imlli tin ljiril n mrliil ,ti,ltnU, In Hip iwlo!tUe mil itill.jlii"! ,i lmrl iII'Iiiiip Iroui tlio i-limp v. ih'l". It will lutm drill aniiniiiiir lo nil lm iMi I" tiiimt, llu" init I Imp nf tlio .iirltjl .nut iIi'iiiiiiii- nt Hit' pull l iliw. tm .ill Mllii'ir! line. ,nl from .ill trilling. 'IliU lit n iniintaUoii vlmli tut iiiiipIi irnl-l, uinl lll Im- Binfl.illy 'i.iitiU J llltS I HUlIlt.NAI, lsr,-lln cllltrm of llllli Ihlll) Inlfcr. N' lO1'. lllOlllllllina I'lO- i.. llu- Onicr 4 l.lk. tlll pay j liatirnil tit 1, i In- iriiili'ii leilis lil cipi.Iiik fni thu mr- Ik' of plltll Ipitlll.' 111 til" lllltlttlitl ol M'ttrll i.im'liliuv I'mfi.M.r Mi,itnlii. ihumiiM. ati.t llu' I Its (iuilill tilll ali lw lucent tn ur iiiipili In Hi iiniM. 'Ih,. !lli no of viriu I ii l.iilgr vt til tin t it TJO o'llnit. fur tin ittr mir f niuliin ito tl.ltori mi llu Ir aiTltdl. WILL BE A BIG PARADE. Lnijjc Number of Sti Iking Mill Gills Will Irliuch the Sticets This Af ternoon Tonlglit'3 Meeting. The silk mill strilteitf vvoio buried all yemterdiiy nreinilnir for thl.i ufter liuon's 1)1' pni.ide, and the ui.ti 8li.il of the day Is ruullduiit of liavlnif lictvveuii tour and ilvti thouijiul Blrl.-i In line. The liuiids fiom the. dliTerent mllln vlll bi nsslfrned places in tho parade ac (ordlni? to senluilty iIkIum In the num ber of weeks they mo out. In cane the contingent fiom Wilkes. Hill i e and l'Jtthtoii arrive, they will bo aceouled the plaee of honor at tho IimiI of the procession. Olhciwlne, the 130 Kills lrotn the Klotz mill, wheie the strike oilKiiiated, will he been in the van. Afttr them will come the strik ers fiom Valentine Wins' N'oith .Scran ton mill, who weie the second on stilke. It Is expected that thiee lumilied maids tiom Harvey Urns.' mill will bo on hand, to take their iiluce a tho thlid brlK.ide In line, and after them will match the Sainiuott haul and t-oft .silk workeisi. At least nine bundled of the latter, It is thought, will naradc. The girls from Valentine Hllss' Dick son and Dunmoio mills will follow the Sauijuolt woikeis, and after thuni mai'eh the hantls liom ltellliig, David it Schocn's IVteishuiK plant. The i-tilkeis of the SlmpMin mill are oxpCLted u fiom Mluooka, about one hunilicd and fifty stiong, and they, with the hard and baft silk vvoikcrs of Taylor, will 'biliiK up the ic.ir of the procession. Mother Maty Jones, ac companied by Committeeman Fied eilek DUcher and l'l-Lhldeiit Jl. D Flahoitv, of tho C'ential Labor union, will inarch at the head of the paiade. The line of march will bo as pub lished In itestei day's Tilbitue This will be one of the (list labor denionslia tlons in tho hlbtoiy of Ser.iuton in which almost the enthe number of marchers vvoio women. A letter was iccelved jesteiduy at stilke heudriuarteiH conve.v inj? the In foi iiuttlon that one of the S.imiuolt Mipeilntciidents had nude ovoitme.s to a iiutnboi of the gills to lesunie wmk at the mill. The matur was hefoie the executive eniniiilttec, but not it gieat dial of reliance is pl.ued In it. The sti IkeiV special eomiulttte was busy all yestt-rday obtaining donations lor the lunch alter the parade, tiltd met with con.slderablp buccets. Members of the ('.upenteis' union vveie at the hall during the enthe day winking on signs which will be can led this atteinoon. Tonight's mass moot ing at the armory will start at T..I0 o'clock. Mother Jones and DUcher will will be among the speakeis. The girls fiom llllss' Noith Serauton mill held an interesting meeting Tues day night, rind the union wishes to ex tilers its thanks to Mr, I.t'onuiil, who has allowed the lree use of Ills hall Vesurday's tloiritlons vein as fol lows: I. vt. llroul.s .'.0 . uls; l.aikT & Mul, !fl; KrutiUy llmtlicrs, 'J.', unit) J, .1, (a.tn?, Mi. nuolia. 5-J; 1'. II. ('(ijiu, v!, Cji, 1.;0; Cash, -1; Ihrry i "llim, -1; V Cmipliill, S; Vh lion iioo etnii, M, p. II. I mli.t, ii u, Connollt, .'; II V, Mdlcti, l.fti; VI. ,. Kjj,,, jh I'otiit; tt , Mnimi, uiip uo lu taken: i 'I n Ko IiHitliirs, tl.it u lnM' rii!,iMi Mlis II Mtlljlr, oiio iuko; Itiillo Mlillc, .no ul.i; V, ivtcr Sialun, one ukr, Vim V illlani l.ei., oiro t.iko; illobt Ujri'liou-r, Sir. 'lnipon1 ilu; Mr. I'ltliml, ijlU: Lnsiy lliotlin,, slu; p. II. DuiLm, ty.j Kin. Iiatk d: Ili.Uinp'l, s'; (' 1, Wtxiittuith, 1; U.ti'i Pat idi tt, ili l..iula ( Vinr.il. SI, Vi. iijrr, lul lollic. (Iiimllir k Miorl, M; Inhn Lull, niaiin. 1 : llnulli .V. ( mnpiny, i .v. V. Illiktoii, 1, M. VI. lliiiMj. i: 1'. I l.injin, i: j. j. sn, p.'; 1' II llicnliif, sj; (,'raml t'nlun ',a nniuii), !, V VUMilluii, . A I'lirnd, 2j (tl,t; A I id lid, in nn,.; I. Iinoidi.pt, in (.nt.. SIXTH ACCOUNT FILED. Amount Paid Out During- Year by Hnndley Executois. The bixth account of Hon. H. T. Palmei, John T. ltli hards and L'olunei L. A. AVaties, the exeeutois ot the Handles estate, has been tiled with Hejlster of Wills Koch. It coveis the pet led fiom February IS, jiiuu, to Teb iimry 1j, 1001. The uxeeuiois chuitfc themselves with JtiJ.&VJ 55, the amount ot the Inventory and iippwilseinont of the pursun.il plop". eny oi tne testator not cum ei lid Into cash on Kebiuaty IS, liU0. Tho c.ibh In the bunk at that time was $13,017.1::, and the also held a nolo of JD.uOO, making u total of $10G,lM0.u7. Hunts re eelved dining the year Inci eased this debit Item to $15J,S!i.-i.31. Dili lug tho year 817,305.53 vvab paid out. Soino of tho Items were: l. I'atllckV ilrphaiugc, Uqurtt $ 2,nO.)iV) HdUif of the 'jood iilirpliiid, hiipiPtt,, l.i.H.O) Cilj ot Windiutir, 1'Hiuot H,(X0.00 II. A 1'alnioi', let i okiiIdi I.Oui.iM John T llldkilili. In u (Mculur l,VflU 1.. A. Wain, l'i'. ui, txtiulcr .Vv):i The other expenditures were tho payment of bequests and i epulis and ImpiovcmentH on the propettles of the estate. The executors now havo $13, I'l'.SI eush In the bank, Thu account will be submitted to tho cum t on March IS. Moshor & Coleman, Tallois, will occupy their new utoie In Hurr f building about Match HO. Hummairo Sale Will opi'ii Friday Mm oh, tho Sth, at 2 P. in , ut "' WushlUBtofi iivrnue, LAW MAKERS LAW BREAKERS DECLAKATION OF EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CONFERENCE. f -. Resolutions Adopted Dcploilng tho Fact Thnt Congress Mot Last Sun dayLarge Amount of Business Was Tinnsacted Duilng- tlio Day. r.itliDtlc Incident In Connection vltli the Illness of the Son of the Rev. Dr. Weber Most of tho Dele gates Left City During Afternoon. The N'uillt branch eonfeieuou of tho Stisiiuehunna Synod of the. livungellcal I.uther.in ehtuch was closed yesterday morning nt Uiaco l.utherau cliuieh, aftei a thiee tlays' sctslou marked by the eiithuflasm of the visiting dele gates mid the large propintlons of tho nmoiiut ot business transacted In bo shott u time. A largo number or Important icso IlltiotiM were udoptetl, conspicuous unuiiK which wus one eensuiliiB tho notion of congiess In meeting lust Sun day and dcploilng tlio triiut-foimatlon "of- law -makers Into luvv-bre.ikers." The lcsulutlon follows: Win nap, We mn detply painrd l't the la. t tlul tun lialiinul (oncrcts hold i K-tlvii ami troiMilid luitlnipii on liu lt trf)td' Pa, Slatcli 1, ll.firfuro, ho II lloiollod. Tint p liPiPlje pxpip om il'M lt!iet llul llift- thin tiolatpd lliu lw of Cud i,d the lot of inn bflotcd (ountrt. When law makers become I itvlircakira it Kiomu the pa tied duly uf the dnirdi to nltn hr toiii; mul utlti htr tnotnl, 1 nt ttuli violations bo ie- pOTtnl. lliMiliid, lliat .1 copy of the aboto be for Hirilnl In the Kcut.irt, duly sinned, to Ihs iiluiMiilatitPi from our lirul.il) and In the dcik tl oat li hoii-o ot tho next tongurs. The betsloii was opened yester day by ti devotional service, con ducted by ltev. Paul Horseman, of Wllkos-lSaric, Confoieuee business wus then tranmetrd, alter which followed an exceedingly Interesting discussion of "The I.utheian View of the Witness of the Holy Spirit," which wus led by ltev. J. II. Weber, I). D., of Sunbiuy. ltev. John Wagner, of Hazleton: ltev. ('. li. Dotsford. of Northumberland, and ltev. Luther Hess Waling, of this city, took hnnoitant parts In this de bate. IJHSOM'TIONd .ADOPTHD. The business pint of the s siun eon- plsted tirluclpally In accepting tho re- tioit of the committee on tesolutloiis, of which ltev. Wober was chaliman. Seveial veiv important resolutions, In addition to the one given above, wore piesented to the couterence and parsed. Among these was one providing that yeutlv tepoits made by eueh minister to the Susquehanna Sjno.l bhould bo computed with the repot ts of .he pie cedlng sear, and In cases ot any dis ci ejmncles dlscoveied, an eMilunitlon asked fiom the pastor. Another lesolutlou piovldcd that In eases where uns member who had'been ussslgneil a lilace on me nrogianinie, as p. n Help, mt In u discussion, was un uldf to attend, his paper must be for vv aided to the confeienco. Other leso lutlons weie liabsed thanking the local con&icgatlou and choir tor their as sistance at the meetings, and thu ladles of tho church und ltev. W.ulng. who was In eliatge of thu iceeption com mittee, for the hospitality and cour tesy which hud distinguished their tieatmcut in this cltv. A report was lead by Rev. A. N. Winner. A. M, iegistrar of Susque hanna, university at Sellnsgrove, which gave an inteiestlng Minimal y of the wotk being done at that educatltili.il Institution, of the support which It Is receiving, and other matters pertaining lo it. A pathetic and touching Incident of the confluence occurred when, towards tin close of yesteulny morning's ses sion, ltev. Dr. Weber, of Sunbury, lose und told of the illness of )ds hon, a physician ut Denvui, Col. He uskud that prayer be offeied tor him, and as cveiy head bent low during the solemn appeal tuteied by ltev. Dr. John Wug uer, of HiiHluton, many un ye was dimmed by the tear ot aympuths'. MORNING DISCUSSION. Tho dlbcusslon of the mornlne was begun about Iti.15 o'clock und wus .....ii,. i,i i.i. nt- MVIi.n. In the. lUlllllllJ ,v ".' -. ,.v. --- -.-- . course of his eloquent addtess, he .said: Hit- Holt spiiit it ditlmj tin- third iimn In tho Holy 'liinii. He i tailed lij divine iiaiiim n tlio f'unifoitir, Sjililt of liod, eU., and U actorilid (lit inc ttoichlp, a mn in the for mull fir lioly bipll-m and .qio-lollo lioncdktinii. Ill tlio Old Ti -lament lit- i. iKIaicd to bo tho niKu ul piopluij. of suit It Is slid: "Ilia fplrlt oi f, "I cime on lum and he piophthied anions Hum." Julih fioipieiitlv ikilaiod! "Iliui nilli the l.oid," mil lliu apoj.ilu nai: All sirlptiiio !' Bit i n by In-plration"; acaiii, "llolj linn tunte a Ihoy Hire iiiutod In tlio Holy '(.lioit." fhr ttholo of tho Old lotamriit tatL the ten tdiiimaiiduiuit ii the diiitt ttilniss tu min ot the Holy frplrlt. Ih. Holy Splilt ttas aititc in tho class of the MasUr und labored alon; ttilh linn. IK d ,. cinK'1 on I lin Kitior at Hit baptirin und lid Him Into the vviilerfii' to be tempted. In Mat! 13: S, hrlt tats: "If I tatt nui detlU bv tho pii it of Our laud," pliottliig the jtcompaiisiin; of tho Holy spltlt in Hl work. VMiut Clnut ta ubuut tu lake Ilia diilturc Id .puki f Hie irimiio of the llul Splllt. Id pioni' ud Uioni "llu lumfoiur tu aiuiu ttitn Hum, to be thelt teadior, their reinlndu. "Ik shall hrliij; all lliiiii, to sour iiniDinbruntf." Iho ilinlplis tttre In "lairs at Jiru?aliin uuiil 3c uu endutd tilth pottti Hum on lilsh " This putter tt i iii.iiiifeittd nhen I'ttir prcathid. flu spirit hcia ,111 mpanlrd thu ttonl. It is the plot line of th plilt not mils t0 elotlie tins ehureli ttilh potter, but iImi eudiw the tmrd ttilh pottei, ivmlnUni; ind ilhimlnitiuit Hie htaur, and ttben the elnntr ripeuis to Inipirt fa It U In the word tthiili ja teali (hi 1st tu lib". llic spirit ttituessis ttlth him as to lib re Rcnciailou lis plJiitlnx faith in the word and In kiiutts In' is at cliild ot I1O1I, brijiuo lie bcllctcj that ttoul and has the fruits of the uplilt, tit,, "Jus, ptaio, luiiBSuflcilns," oli. Slan constant ly deals ttilh tho Spliit, llu tt inied nut In "filcvi," "nuemli," agilntt slunlnir against the Holy spirit. 'I hit Splllt constantly ilvtdN in tho (In Mian and helps him lo prtadi, tu pia, to tvnrl.. Ily Hie Holy spirit I10 undeitanda the ttill of Hod, is enabled lo do tho uill cf tied and to aiiompllth Hie ttill of liod. Soil, to bo fillt.il lo ih pplill, lid lo Hie spliit, to he en tirely aubmUtitu u III lit. CI.OKH OF CONrKUKNCH. This brought the confereneo to a close and u lingo number of the dele gates yesterday left thu cits'. The Gospel suivlce will be continued, how over, for ten du's. Lust night, ltev. iolui Wngner conducted the services, ind this popular dlvlno will bo again In the pulpit tonight. Rev. Walter Ml lor. of Wilkes-r.ane, will ollldato tonight and all day Sun day, und dining th" leinalnder of next week Rev. M. 13. Mr-Linn, of lllooms burjTi president of tho conference, will pit-side, A song service will bo held each night. Tho next confereneo will be held In six innntbr, and thu placo of it will be decided by tho ofilceis, It will prob ably be held In one of tho country tow ns, WHY SO MAN FAIL The Reasons So Many Catnrrh Rem edies are Unsuccessful. Theto 1110 few doubles, for which them uic so many remedies anil so called "cures" as for catarih and It may be added there nro few diseases ro illillctilt to ivally and permanently cine. Inhalers, sprays, powders and dou ches are all applied locally and give temporary relief, often for only 11 few liotlrn, and It Is doubtful if nnythlnt; like u real euro of catarrh wan ever accomplished by tho use of local ap plications, Catarrh Is a ronstltiitton.il disease, it Is In the blood like ihcumutl-uu und to cine it teqilires an Interim! mcilMno to act upon the blood, to dilve out the cnturilml poison fiom the system enthely und unyonc con lendlly see that 11 salve or powder or Inhaler which simply clcutn oft tho mucous membtunc of the nose and thio.it ran have no 'flect on the real caito of entnrrhul disease. The P'mnikable success of the new ("ituirli remedy, Stuart's Citurrli Tab lets Is because it drives nut of tho system through tho natural channels, the cataiihiil poison, the genus of gilp. bionehitls and consumption and (times the hawking, spitting and gag ging because the excessive secretion N no lunger supplied when the blood Is made healthy from the lcgular use of Stuart'fi Catarih Tablets, The remedy Is in tlu loini ot largo L'o gtaln losenges, pleasant and pala table, composed only of wholes-mo antiseptics mid so saf0 to use that little children use them with perfect satety and benefit. If the little one is suffering from colds, croup or cough fiom nnv cause. Stuart's Catarrh Tablets have been on the maiket scarcely one year, yet they have met with such popularity and btiecebs that diugglsts every where in Fulled State.) and Canada now havo them In stock and report a constantly inci easing demand for them. DID NOT SEE OPERATORS Committee of Mine Woikeis Will Make Another Effoit Today to Extend Invitations to Them. Owing to tho continued absence fiom the city ot a l.ugo number of tlio larger operators and dopaitnieiit superintendent of the laiger coal companies, the vcib.il pieFcntatlon to theni of Invitations to the joint con t'eieneo with the United Mine Wot Iters, March 15. hud to bo postponed aKaln yestcid.is. Nrtlonal Committeeman Fioderlek DUcher and Fiesldeiit T. D. Nil hols, of Histrict No. 1. yesturday said that they expect' d to havo better luck today, and this morning and this atteinoon will be spent In lslts nt Sciauton and Wllkes-Ha.no. A largo nmount of cleilial vvoik has also hampered thu Mine Winkers' oflldals und for this leason the'- weie nnnlil to sec one or two of the opeiatois vvho were In tho city. Committeeman Dlliber and Seeie buy John T. Dempsey will fnim the lorul committee today, and Piesldent Nichols will go down to Wilkiis-litirro. lie will hi theio joined by Piesldent Dulty. of District No. 7, and Piesldent Pulaski, of Dlbtilct No. P, and with them will call upon n. number ot the U'ilki'S-ltauo opeiatois. The Scianlou committee Mill see, if possible, Suepiintendetit C. C. Rose, of iho Delavvaro and Huilsou company: Supeilntendent Sidney II. Williams, ot the Pennsylvania Coal company: T. If. Wntklns, of tho Temple lion and Coal company; Supi ilutendeiit John It. I'.yden, of tho New Yoik, Ontailo and Western coal dcpio tment: Captain AV. A. Mas, of the Hillside Cal and lion company (Ktl), Colonel Hzia 11. Hip pie, of the William Council Coal com pans; John .Urmyii and A. P. fipeu eer. In Willtes-Iiarre a like number of operatois and supeiiutendents will be seen. Among these will be Mutt I Willianis, of the Susquehanna Coal company, Supeilntendent Lathrope, of the Lehigh Valley Co.il company, and Supeilntendent Ulchutds, of Iho Le high and Wllkes-Uurro c-oal depart ment. , DEATH WAS ACCIDENTAL. Verdict of Coroner's Juiy in tho Constnnzo Case. Coioner Robcits held uu Inquest ut Old Foige jesteiduy afternoon to In quire Into the death of Joseph Con stanzo, who lell down the Nickel Plato shaft at JcTiusn, No. J, mine at lle-ud-ham. The- Jury rendered n veiditt that his death was caused by falling down tho shall, and according to the evideni e, he was climbing up the bunting, and that death was accidental. MARCH k MicliaeSi FsTsV IE We never auuounce special reductions twice for the same rugs, aud very seldom we announce Special Reductions for large sizes. That hap pens occasionally, when we are forced to do it. Consider the following seriously aud make tlie best out of this occasion : $450.00 Fine Persian for $350.00, sizn 11 it 2x11 IIS 325.00 Fine Persian i'or 235.00, size 11 ft 1x15 ft5 150.00 Fine Persian for 115.00 Fine Persian for S5.00 Fine Persian for 250.00 Turkish for 200.00 Turkish for 105.00 Turkish for 150.00 Afghan for 125.00 Afghan for lu this sale we don't exchange Rug3 bought previously TO COMPEL AN EARLY BURIAL BOARD OF HEALTH TO FRAME A NEW REGULATION. Will Requhe tlio Burial of a Feir-on Who Dies from a Contagious Disease- Within Thirty-Six Houif of tho Denth During- February tho Board Prevented Six Fubllc Fu nerals Whole the For6on Dlod fiom a Contagious Disease Re ports of the Offlceis Read. The lum id of health ut Its itnular monthly meeting held lut night, at the, suggestion of Hiulth Oillccr Allen, took up the iiuestlon of compelling the In tel incut within thirty-six hours after death of the bodies of all persons dying fiom contagious dlseuses, und a spe cial coimulllee was appointed to dtavv tin and submit to the boaul a mle providing for such Into incut. Dr Allen In his report for the mouth culled the attention of tho bo.ud to tho necessity for s,ucli action. In many oases, ho said, the bodies of nut sons dslug from sc.ulet fever and diphtheria were kept In the house for three and tour days, and were a constant meniicu to thu public health. In cases of small pox, he said, It was tho geueial tide throughout the country to Insist upon the burial of the deceased ulniest Im mediately after death. Ill his opinion, scarlut fever Is ciiuul lS as contagious and equally as dan geioiis a disease .1 smallpox, the opin ion of the vast niajorltj" of people to the contuiry notwithstanding. "Take ono hundred cases ot smallpox," .said he, "and ono hundred eases of scat let fever and J'ou will find that the mor tality trom the latter disease wilt ho us Rival as the mortality fiom the for mer " AN 13AHLY UU1UAL Ho thought that tho board should In slst upon the burial within twenty tour hours, or thirty-six nt the outside, of the bodies' of peisons dying fiom not onls' seaiiut fever, smallpox and dloh tbeiia, but It om all other contagious diseases. He also lefeiied to the fact th.it Assistant Sanltatv Odder T V. Lewis has been compelled to stop no less than sis. public tunerals dutitig Febi ti.it v of persons who had tllnl trom Infectious dlscices. The meinbi-is of the- boaul pu-sent appointed Dr. Allen and Dr. Rodham as a special committer, to draw up a rule i-oinpelllng the intet incut of all such bndliH as above mentioned within thlity-six hours. Ah the nile will have to be appioved bs- the boaul, and as It was deemed advisable to have It go Into effect as soon as possible, the 10m inltteo was empowe-ied to call n spi ei.il meeting of tlie board to ait upon the matter. Dr. Allen In his lepott announced that then- had been thlily-mio com plaints made duilng tho mouth, and that twenty. eight nuisances had been abated. Suultnty Oillccr Illlike had made thhty-ono touts of Inspection, and sixty-live looms hud ln-en disin fected by his assistant, T. V. Lewis. SnCUL'TAnY'S RKPOHT. The le-poit of thu secietais" for tho month showed thut theie had been 139 deaths; trom all causes, 131 from nat ural causes, and Is from violence. There were 131 cases of contagious dis ease ic-poited and 12 deaths out of this number, classlllcd as follows: Measles, 1; typhoid fever, 3, dlphthetia, 1!, mem braneous cioup, '-. There weie S3 births und 11) manlugc's. The food Inspector lepmted having IHlldo I-"7 stole und maiket Iitbpoctluti!i. The milk tests iiuule showed the uvci age per cent, of total solids to be HISS and the avoi.ige per cent, of butter fat ati. He de.stlused duilng the mouth tin; tollowlng: Veal, S3 pounds; poultry, 112 pounds, and Usli, 050 pounds Touch Typewiiting. The ipvv system of opeinting .1 l li miting machine, called thu "touch ss tem," which Is so rapidly coining into vogue, is exciting so much Interest and curiosity that Principals Ruck and Whltmorn, of Hie Serauton Husittess college, have secured Professor Frank Rutherford (R-inlngtnn operatot), ot New York city, to lectin e on "touch ' tspevviitlng lie-loin their students to luol row (Friday) moiningat 10 o't lock. All Inteiested arc Invited. No charge. Rummage Sale and Fi idas'. Mai Thui.sday li It and 15, In Pi lee av eiiue. building, li'ii W.iMiinginn Abk for Kelly's union eiackeis. 124 Washington Ave. SPECIAL 1 U U 1 1 a a r wt s.... c a't a it tu tt J 10 IMF, SI, 13 O lb O.VHf II 1) 85.00, size 10 ft 3x14 ft 10 00.00, size Oxll 185.00, size 10 ft 7x14 ft 10 100.00, size 0 ft 1x15 ft 10 125.00, sizo 10x13 ft 0 115.00, size 8 ft 2x10 ft 10 100.00, size' 7x10 1 I The Beauty of x 1b not alone In Its wonderful glaze; it's In the artist whoso genius shows Itself in graceful, Individual shape, and who ar ranges tho various colors so that Peislan led, olive green, llch biowns and golden yellows all blend Into each other so perfectly. Then, too, he paints tlio flowers and designs as fancy leads him, so that you'll never Und two ploces Just alike. Theio's always a choice selection of Rookwood from 152.50 to 820.00, at J" 1 a?3 JJ S Geo. V. Millar & c. mniar & "va wmmmwmmmmw,mwmwNWN Wo Carry the Only ovs. flf I! iro no, X0 o o r 111 this section of make auy mistake when iu the mar ket for same. Bittenbender &, Co.,s 126 and 128 Franklin Avenue. ?5 UM. ?0'r'''ri.e'0.0ii0rM Sf 4 ajj h 11. si X fi tew i siji H i H i h W tSi iv IrH I V I ALWAYS BUSY. Nos. 114 and 116 Wyoming Ave. a BECAUSE We are the largest buyers of Honest tShocs, aud we pay for them promptly, saving all discounts, which is a great benefit to you whobuy ol us. Local notoriety is not the ch"ef reliance of our business nucccss, but Self Reliauce, Honest Busi ness Methods aud National Popularity arc some of the vital features of our well-earned aud acknowl edged prosperity. We aie not dcfeuceless because we are the de fenders of Honest Shoes and Honest advertising. We appeal not to your sympathies nor 3'our prejudices nor auy questionable influences for your patronage. If our shoes are not juat what we ad vertise them aud the values not as we represent, your money cheerfullv refunded. Relying only on this Honest Business Rock for our existence. We beg leave at this time to thank the people of Serauton and vicinity for their hearty response to our advertisement. Our business is more prosperous than ever. Last week was the gtc.it ost in out business career. We do as we .say. bvcrv puce is honestly named and every SIioj honestly sold. We have added another bier bargain lor the balance of the week. All our Winter Box Calf and Via Kid; the Shoes that made our More famous, in double soles up-to-date stles, reftti lat priie S.j.oo and $j.oo. bee them in oui window, 'vvhv we grow price," $2.50. Why NA3 Grow Prices We Place on Sale This Morning: N 500 pairs Youths' and Boys' Shoes, all sues 200 pans of Men s fine House Slippers, all sizes. dOc iMC 200 pans 01 Men's Rub bers, toes a little nairow t!3c Women, Misses and Children We have a special atti ac tion iu : 5 0 pairs misses and girls' $i.2s Shoes, which e sell for ".)c I liese shoes arc well built toes square, common sense - -good quality. Never a bet tei bargain 111 shoe leather. 1O0 pairs of ladies'com foit shoes not a pair worth less than 73 cents, 'lake them at 'J)C H ladies' Up-to-date Fashionable LEWIS Nos. U4& SI Telephone 2452. mEasasgss2ss.VLuz 110 h H A Word Isall it costs to make your wants known through the columns of THIS TRIBUNH, and there is no better 'ad vertising medium printed In Serauton, X situations Wanted Ane iNsenreo Iooooooooooooooooooo506dodo'060coo0 Rookwood Co. 'IIS)'8 Co. ,3,s "ir in uMui.uur, niuunn i? Complete Stock of 0 nd Steel the stats. Don't aB HJl t t J t( SI JC n fl jf n f tsjr Tt. Sf 0,00, 200 pairs ol Men's Hurt Shoes, plain globe toe, mostly narrow widths; S4 00 and :?-..oij kinds; why we 31 ow pi ice $'.'..10 We have 500 cases "I ladles' rubbers the .n and 70c kind take 'em at -. )C 200 pairs ol ladies' stand.ud makes, button and lace shoes, extension soles, tiie $3, $4 $7 kinds; "why we grow pi ice, $.")') per pan. 200 pairs of ladies heel and sptiiifj heel shoes button and lace, $1.50 kind; "why c giow" pi ice $1,10 Shoes, all styles and sues. .$1.50 HE8LLY 6 Wyoming Ave Fre3 ra'iviry to an Pari of tha City -?TKvi9i wramBBoei rx i t$ vyy..,irt-rtooo ri. vv v 0 Fnee. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 t 0 0 0 0 0 s 0
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