i tlVyW " l..r ... j. .' X. i rt . THE SOBAN'JXMi- TRIBUNE-XUUSDAV. .MARCH H, l!)u.t. s ??' "fcy NEWS OF THE LABOR WORLD INCllEASE GRANTED CENTRAL FIREMEN AND ENGINEERS. Ciews on the Bity No, 4120 Clnss En gines Receive Mnteiial Increase, Effective Miuch 1. Grand Master Sargennt of Biothethooil of Loco motive Fhemen Will Be In the City on Wednesday-. E. Nowell Ap pointed Ynid Master to Succeed S. S. Fhineity Came Here fiom Ho boken Boaid for Today. Tllf OllllltM'IH .llll' fllfllX II "f Hlf No. 120 rill's. thn liljr uikIiw lined l).v tin- Oontial riiillio.ul o' Xt-w .Ipim-v in I heir trniiHfi'iiliiK f ''"' lliu" '"' ii-lxcil ii niDtcrlnl Ini'tcfif In llnlr HHBfK. A bulletin lmtiril liv lii'iifinl Supoiliili'Mdi'iil .1. II. OlImiiHfii. from .lrpy t'ltv, iinriiiuni'i'il thr ml"', t"l utatrd Hint It ' ii I inlo i-Tei I Man-li 1. TIip I'lmliiPtMH lIllKM llf I'llRllle ipI? lour rents ,,r tM' i.lllir-llll.l' will ItKIK.Pfllltll rc- pei nine. iui ii"- i ump.tny ninklim ii utiuiiiusee "i iimi mlh'H mi liniir in i iim" nf iinfoi-("een Ktlll!. etl This liiicnsi1 In ijiioil on llll llf tlliVC I'Mslr.PH, I'V'I'pl In plfllfl nf drill mm i'Ii " M'ho IlieniPi. mi Xu, l-'ii i urIiipx. wliPn imlv inn' in. in ilop" llv- IH-linr. will r- l"lL' Ift'l llllll M-Vell-tenth" IPI'IK per mllp. with a Irii-uilli- Ki'.atfti.l'p. Their . .....i vu.v 41111. 1" FllD.ll'PI I" llll IIHXHPV tlll'l ilrlil nipii'iitloiii. 'I'll'- iuli" ah-pii iibovi' will li" applied mi Hip nillriiK' shown on uoiIiIiik time IiiIiIp.". ! .lueen tin- UMiiiliiiils. i-nil Hi" hi I tin I time tiimli- will h" iillrn.ei!. TIip i-oin-litiny .ikipps tliiil Hip tolnl p.iy for jiift month shall In no i ut-p In- p.v lliim what hay 1 ii lii'i-Ptoloip rrp'lviMl. In" thp i"n I In pffi'i t. Tin' liirn'iii Is I'lioul mie i "ill ft mill', mill affi'i t ovpi" llfty men. em inetl on (Mi cl.is" or etijillie.i. New Yaul ATnstei. S. S Klnmitv. for 1hc li,st -n-eii or i-IrIii months kpiipiiiI yanl master on tin" Sotanton illvlslon of Hip Det.i-vv.-ue. Unikiivrntitiii nnil "UV.l"ni mll lond. hns been ti'iinsl'iT"il to nliolliei lirnnc-h of t lit-- company's mix he. and a bulletin oiiIpi- posted mi thp Uiik.i wr.nna lin.inl jpiloiiliiy i.iiiioimrcd tl'p nppolntniPiit uf 1.. K. N'o'M'll t" !l" lil place. TIip liiltiM- i n.aiii' kiihm.'iI x.iid liiKxtci. In cliniRP or Iho Sn-.'inlon tcr mlnnls. liu-huliiiK- the iV.yiiR-a. T.i.vlor, ICpys.iT altov and Inton district.-. Vaid MuMcr NowpII cntticd upon bin ihtllps yostcnlu. It i-onip-i from IlulickPit. wIkmp 1h tilled tin- iosltioii of ai.slstaiil K-p'U'ia! aid master. TIip placf to which h.- Is piomoti'd l a most icsioiiMblp one Init hl work at IloboUPii convlnci-il the powois that b- of hir nbllltj to Mici't"-sfully t.iU-p i-aic of It. Air Biako Instructions. Sh Uiipf-s in the lamlly or Hie 'u .ttal Kailroad or X-w ,I,im's air briUp intru tor, i-aiin-i. a luv-IT of the In stiuctlon cat- for a week, lint sine I'eln li.ll y ".' lesson- ll.ive liocn asnlll Klvi'll lit .Malleli I'hlllik. When the Ifiv-ntr .is litllli'thu'il Poll. I1'. Hip time limit ipR.irilhin thi Iviniiinic In r tilr hiake i iMtllli ites by Ceulr.il trainmen was exteinhd In .limp -I. .Mii I belli;; tbe oilRlnai date set. TIip car will remain at .Mam Ii i'hlllik until Match in. and then will lip stiilioiied at Ashley iintll Apt II I. after which It will be tr.mslcired n I'lillllpshuiK until tin 1T,lh end thfii to .looey cit.x. Mining Legislation. I'li-sident T. I). X'lcliolls. of Anthl.i clto Dlstiict No I, ytstcrdny Mated to a Tillmni' man tint the synipath.v of the miueis of the otllPt illstllets is Pn tholy culhted with Hip minim; lenls l.itlon that the nlllcis of this district sue enilciiviiiliiK to sc-uie tin- passapp or at IlairlsbitiK-. Their fin tun I niipinviil was slKiilllcd nl conventions of Disltlcts ". -i, .", 7 and !', and at siib-enuent mectinss it was decided by tlif ollli er and mem Iipi.s to wiltp the inciiiheiH 1'ioiu llieir lpglslatlvi' dlsttkts to do their utmost to send tliioiiuli Hip ailoii blll now undpr con-iili'inllnu , Sargent Is Coming. '.rand Master Saroiii. nf the biolh Pihood nf l.ocoiiiuHvc Klri'Uieii. -will lie in the city WpiIhumJiij and atteiul a snct'lal luppthiK of Ai hip IihIkp. which will h" neld it Oueilispy hull at .. ii'i-loc-k that evenlim It is stated Hint leitaln aileiaiae or the tueniPli on the K.iekaw.inn.i " WHIZ 1 1 WALK A MILE" K h laconic definitional n tohogg.un idc It's quick work going down ttir slidf, but it's a long climb tuck to the .starting "Otnt. It is very nun it th.it way with health . it is quickly lost and slowh lajWM.M-xjiiii'Mii reg ihumI. when the tir-t sMitptotus j of falling health ap pear, proper care in a prevent the d cm put to utter weakness and ilebil- itv f'siially the coinplic.ition of dis orders known ai general debility has jts origin in ii d'n- ensea condition ot the .stomach a n d other organs of di gestion and nutri tion. These diseases ate nctlcctly cured bv the use" of Dr. 1 i c f c e ' s Golden Jlcdical Discovery. It cures through the stomach disorders which have their or igin in a diseased condition of the stomach. There is no alco- bol in the "Discover," neither opium, cocaine nor other narcotic "J wn all rim down, liad tin nrpiiRth liml i.uri ilaitliig )ijiii all lliruupli inc. hcmland lucL- aclir every day " wrile Mr. I'raiiV Cn nrlt, ofSulanunca N V. " 1 wa alto troubled w ith a illitmneil IrMlog; lu the utonmcli and pain Ii, Iront of the r.l'i bone. 1 lucl n severe cough mil it nearly U()ta inetuihaw j lone liifJlli, I wn no sore throitpli m Iiiue, "l wrote to l)r. Pirtit, telllus iuj syinptonn n near a I couM, He suit me a very kind letter, idvltiui; me tn trj- lti niJlclnt. whitli 1 did. ami lit loir I had taken llirni n ireeV I w.i decidedly Prtlrr 1 took two bottle or the Gulden Medlcjl DliC0ery'and two of the l'a orite rren-riptlon,' and am nw I uee frit better In my tile Ihin when I quit taking them." Dr. Tierce's Pleasant 1'elleU are cure fur biliousness. JHT ...y i - .aLaBLHVaaKn VT W JaaaaaaaKaB N mm Ml II I'SW- I "rtifl"Ur'J"'itfl I Duffv's CONSUMPTION """1 Bronchltlt, ChllU, Couth, run Malt ColdJ. Dyapewla of what ever form, qulcklr mred b takln DUPPY'S HALT WHISKBY. A UMnpoonlul I.. 1... Atalrttrll,,c d Mf S-f iliy.Aiidrugt-latsandicToeeti IKwarc af lailtatlona. mail Intr , 1 1 1 )i conshlet-ed nl (III nippt- Today'H D., L. & V. Boaid. The niiilip-tii of today'! I)., I, and W, ho.'inl In ni folloivf: MOM)A, llllll I Willi iVI. .! -S p. ni . Jl. (foil-in wlili i: M. lUlktr incut II l. in I'. Vaimuii. II UMIU. MAIH1I ft. Wild OK Kit --12.MI ii. in.. I'. I'. Mi-inn, :' a. in., .1. It, Miitr-IM I n. hi.. I'. M nl 1 In . , .1, in.. I'. Ikilletl H ii. in., II. Kriun-y: T n. m , .1. .1. Mini, ttllli C lljitlioloini nirii; .:t'i n lit.. II, 'I'. Sliiilii in ,i, in., l.-illJiri It 10 i in.. I'. Villi Wnmirll I.Si . III. W. l Will. Mi I1i V in. II. Il.ili'l' l'1il i p. In. -I. o Idlii; a p in,. P. ( j.iiuui(li. il lil-ill", kli. Ii 3. in. r-jfl. .1. Ilrililuilil S n. in., .-p-I. MiIkiNi U ii. in.. f-Jft. .1. Online: p. in, ril. (I l'rouiiMlalt 7 )i in.. wl (loin Cj.Mina, f In re riuinr", llllilfii " p. in. -nt frinii t'jMiifi, M.r.ini; T p in.. i'J-1 limn ,iv uz. Iilw.ni! M'WII.Im-. Pulli-r ID a. ni , I'. II. V,nr. I'nliri S ii. in.. Hornet: II. "0 1. n. Mmni. r:n p. m s o'l n'.ni'i : 7 p. in. Miupli-, u p. in.. I.iiiipiiii;. I'jrnir IIihIiim T ,i. ii.. 'Iliniu: 7 t in, Mtrli ."i.'iii p. in.. linlnli; 7 p. ni,. MiRrtnin. Wllil fjl. Wit-t J. in, T. Pllypitilili '. .1 ni, .1. II. Mil Jim: 7 u. in. .1. I',. M.iflcl"; .i. M.. Klireoml, Willi II. llulinli' turn: II ,i. in.. I'. M.ihoiu I p. in. . Kilduiti: '.' p. in , .li'liti fUlutr.iii: .1 p in., .1 II. S.itl-; t i in, .If.lm llailn- ," p in. I! I .otnrr sonci:. I ,;l,.li , I,, I - ll'tOtilllll V'ili I llll .lijillllnl ,ll ,iihn i'." p in.. Mulch I. lir.niiil Iioii-i- will pli.iiM- eh'' no TiOil.cs iiislnp lu ilonlili- mi I'i.'l p, III. .Il.'l 11.10 ,1. 'II, Hl.iT. Ilr.ikunlli Jnlm Wlioulfur ippoil" l,n iim, wltli T. N'.niiii in. Mnr stt.pl),., huUrtiinii i,ti will, I M Ibl lcH' ni-w irpniM f,r iluli. This and That. 'lilef I'll'lU ndW-flld !' Itn.Mle. nf the "-peil.il iiirentV ilPiiat lliient nl H. l.tti Uawaniia, sprnt S.ituiiho' and Sun day at .rptvpy (.'it, with bis lmnily. Th" Ddawatp and IIiiiUou loiiip.iir.' .ompleied Its pays Siituiilnv at 11 -moiilh, when the employe'! of Xo-. -'. 1. I .Hid '. lloslon inlllctle-i. and if I Iip I'lytiictttlt Mt Coal cmi'iMiiy ip- IVPd til It- WI1RPS if v iiasseiiKer Million at I'luln field, on Ibp rast track, wan opetvd yesU'tiliy. oi' whl'h fail iVntial Kill road of Xi'W .lersey trainmen wrre tpli'staphed, with InsttuctloiK to b-goiM'iii.-il -'ocovdlnpl. Siint'ilntiniiilcnt iCIelb, ot the yo. niltitr division. Trainmaster liJldnv and nivl"loii l-'i-pluhl Agent Drlnlcer, ."'.1 of the l.uhlui- nllcv tnllroad. wimp vi'-Ilois at thn I.acUawaiin i slalloti vesterdny. pemlliiR a good deal of time witli .Superintendent of Oar Ser vice i.'nse.' and Division PiclKlil AgPiil Ten IJropch. A bulletin oidt-i jiostcii ul! Hip Lui-Up-w.mnn boaid annouuies that roi the proper handling or forclKti cat? lu :'e lord.itiC" with mles frovpi-nln Dip khiup. agenlH and y.iithv.aster:-" must hPieafter coinniiinh ali with the Scran toti olllces and be covcineil by lns-true- tlous, belorp imikliiK any loral ue of the car', suve lu a houiewiild dirrc Hon. At a lueptlng- held Sutnla.'' after noon in St. .lohn's hall, the employi r if the Spi anton Xui and Holt works were org.iulispu Into ,i union. .S.i llonal t'lesldent Shalier. of the Amal gamated Association ol Iron. Steel and Tin woi-lu'i". ollli lalel ovM- the me?l iwi. Mmiii four hiindieil membeis weie imii oiled and olTlceis electPil. Th'.' ncl inpellus' of the union will he Held a' '."( ii'i luck Satiiiilay penlnR. INVITATIONS ISSUED. Text of Document That Has Been Sent to the Mine Supeiinten- dents by Mine Workeis. Slxt-two iiivltalions lo Hie superlii iPildents of Hip blsr coinp.mli s' coal de itatltuents and Individual opeintors wei-p issued by President T. 1). Nluh olls and Secretary .lohn T. Denipsey. of Anthracite Dltrlrt No. 1. tn the Joint (invention to lie held in lla'leton, .Match L'", About the s.lnie niimbet' of Invitations have been sent out 1iy the otlicers of the other two anthracite dlstrii ts, making a total of about two bundled. AiriinReiiK-nls will he completed this mornlUK for the selei Hon uf u i oninilt lee of the loiul leadeis to make a per sonal pu'sentallon or the Invitations to the Miner lOinpanlPs' supeiliileitiliMits. This will piobably lake place Ibis af ternoon. It has not yet been decided whether the members or the cnminlttr" will make their visits touether 01 slnRly. The full text ni the Invitation" Is us follows: lif.ii Sn . cii 4ic hr-n-lii ii.'i Iftillv in-Mli-U Pi .iltiiMl .i toiTu i oiifiTciuc of anttiutile Ullllrlk' opcl.ltuts Hint .i ilrUcation n( llil' t nllnl Mlno Wmkei of Aiiieiiu, repirenMnk Hie iiiIih' wmliftft uf the tiiitlilMi lie oil lrKl-li. lunfeietiii- to ,e lild hi Ihe i.'uiid ilii-r.i ll.iil.o in tln ill of llilrton mi I'iIiIjv. MjuU I'.. TK.il, .it ID ."iloilv ,i. in. Ili- p.ti i i-e nf ,i tolnl luiiiiiiilini ii m iiuire niuii i i'jli nl w un ami lOiiilltliiim nf i-in-lilMinent In ro into flnl April I, l'Hil, mid iiitillniir in fou, in Mjuh ,i, lim.'. Wi tiu5t Hut llil- Imitation will I,,, ,i, .cpioil ni th, p!ril in wlni li tl i exli'inli'il, i wi liilieM, ,i iiiiifrirnie will liiiin; ubuul ln-ltei ieli. 1i.uk liilmen enipln.irr uuil iiiiitmin .mil ir mtl in iimltlil 1 ,oi,i til. p nlll jl.o In, mi, ,i , ,m, iniii.HiM- n w,iiU for .in mine n.ir. arinnlinir in iiuiiemeiit nuide. linn amlilliiu tin- n, ,,..,liv 1,1 pi-Filljilll of llKe, Ipipinc that ifiii will she Ii,;. , In letiiiiilin; .1 faiorable an, un at i c,nwnhi)ie, wi aie, in u.pei Itiilp xmus I'. P. MilmlK l'ie lulin 'I'. Iieinpev, ippi.n 1.11 In ,i,ii hi v in ii THE TWO FRANCHISES. Both In Select Council nml Only n Month fop Action. The Ki'iHIfiiiPii liclilml Hi,. iVntial Itiijild Ti.inxit Htivoi Hallway cmiipan' nnd tlu Cniihiinici-'' (ins i-omp my will lmvo to do nnni'i' lull IwxtlliiK in order to net tin' iiiillii.iiirt-H invm-diritf r.-iin- llllsOS til tllfsei lillllpllltlt.H i,lhMi lj,. ru i' the juosi'iil i-onnclW ro out ot ix- ihlt'lll-ll Thetv Is Jiint oiii month kit, .uul In that time theie nro JtiFt I wo insular nicotliiBK or each In-.ituli o cnum-ilH. There will lie, linu-evet. no nupenjty of talllns- liny xpeclul nieoiliigs to jn Hhler lliiHe oi-illnuui en. us It 11 lie ncci'MHury to have xevpral iiicptltiKH a wi'ek In order lo pass the ordliiunceK ptovldliiK for llio reoisanlzatloii of Scrauton as a i-lly of the t-ecuinl clasH. If thu Kan riauchlsi- ordinaneu pauses selet t I'ouucll without thn adoption of an uiueiidiiii'iu pixivldhiK for a maxi mum cant or Mivcnly-ilvti or clifhtv centH, and thU In veij liiiiuohattre, n vIkoi'iius (laht will he made for the adoption ot tnich un amendment In the cointnoi. council. Mayif Miilr, It Is generally uiideintood, favorii the fixing of a nia.limiiii ptlee belun (he jirei-ent flRUte, BIG LIST OF APPLICATIONS LARGE NUMBERS OF REQUESTS FOR LICENSES. Places That Have Not Sought the Protection of the Couit for Years Are Now Asking' That They Be Again Given, the Privilege of Sell ing Llquois Opinions That Were Handed Down Yesterday Mouls Wormser Will Have to Pay His Fine Mairlage Licenses. The Rtciitest list of applications for Itilimr licensed thut ever confronted thu Jitdces or thu I.acU'iwunna county court wiik ready for consideration when the mniuril let in hf llcensp routt oppned ypslPi-ilny. Jtutgei Archbuld. Hdwnrds and Kelly wpre on the oench when the court opened, but before noon .IihImc Arcbbald was stimninneil to .ishliiR Ion, and the fitlier two hidp-p con llntied lo hear Hie iippllciitlonn for ihJ rtMiialtidep of the day. flood proRtcss was made and when point adjourned It hud reunited Throop borough. Uy noon today It is pioluble that lite work of license court will be over. Never Tn-foie was thorp stlcb a large number of applications ror new' houses and bouses which wcte licensed for veais but have not been for the lusl one. two or t lu c c The piosecullons of the Municipal league h.ivo had an ef fect all over the county, bill mole es pecially 111 this city. How gfpal acbatiRC has lirep brought about inn v be gleaned from Hip fact Hint the Twelfth ward, which has not had a licensed drinking place within Its conlliips for yeats and yen if, bus actually two applications on Hie. They tile from .Martin Ncalon, who wants to iiiuduit a hotel at .101 Prospect ove ntie, anil W. 1$. I.afferty and I. J. .Miiwn, who proiiuse to entertain' the public at ::i) 1'iospeil a venue. The couit said Ii would be unnecessary lor the. attorneys to urge any teasoiis w'hy these should be srimted. They are well known. Strong objcrllon was made to thp Kiautlng of a license to Tharles llalnc. or the Klrsl ward. Colonel V. U Mitch i nelc, who appeared ror the l-emon-stiitnce. said that Kalne bud sold llouor withoui a license anil that the people in his vicinity do not want a hotel wheie liable pioposes o estab lish his. at the Intersection of the Itoulevurd and Olypbant load. Attor ney !C. W. Thayer, who appealed for Kalne. said he was not guilty of Hell ing lliiiini" illegally and that the people, or his ldnity ate almost unanimous In tlu-lr desire to see lilm g"l a llcens?. Theie was also strong objection to lh (1101111111? of a license to Oscar S. Jandilck. at (.'lurk's Summit, for the allf-u'-d reasons that a hotel Is unnec essary theie and that It Is close to a school and church. Woimser Must Pay. opinions were handed down yester day In the matter of the two appeals of .Mortis Wornisor, from summary conviction before the mayor of having violated ii city oidliiance regulating the tax that transient merchants me ieiulred to pay in tills illy. The appeals wpip heard at Ai'BUiniMll i-oiiil the week befoie last, when the oidlnance under whhb the conviction vas had was attacked on the ground that it was unconstitutional. 'Iho oiilin.iiiip uf (lie lily of Si i-inl.ni KRubt inif Ihe liitii-iiiii of liin-lriil utiil men lunl wjs p.ihcil Oil. ii, Is'i-i. We h.ii' mi ilirlltiilly uliitfM'l In linitliie i a millei nf fart llul tlio ikfemliiit at the lime f lii-i juet wj-i .1 "Han ienl ii-tall ineieluiit." The elil,-m i olear on Ihli point, 'the main inntcntloii nl the do, fiiidant i-i thai the iinllnjini' dnf- not .ipph tn htm, beijiiep he "tili-iiil Into" in "lifiraii" nr "ile-ueil In l,fi;ln" lit luiiiness mi sept, "'. -" hi ail a month lirfme the ordliijine m.is jp. I'H, ml 'I lie .nil 'I in lln pii'v-nl lu' je in.nlo and the luMiititf had Nov. Pi, l'ei, eli;hteeii ilaii alter the dale nl Hie milin Hie. 'I he alleitalinns Ihit he li.nl '"bran" hitin-t liffoie the p-U-affe uf lh- onliiinii-i .llul that the i ontlniiatiie of the Im.lno-H U lint nillihl lln' lenns of thu nrilili inre 1- lite l.i l.lost Kind of ,i teihnlealily and Mill li'jl etatid tin I I'M of ic.i'on Ini a moment. I'll,- Hiilliuiiie ItM-lf iiniM.loi thai the lhrn'e l lo be iinewi-d lii'intlil.i ilutiln; Ihe innlinuin'" ,,f Ihe sate ei Hit. .'.!, l-'.i-i, the ih-fi ndant .i- in l".i-int-- .u a liaii-idil irt-.il iiKiiluiit in Ihe i ll.i of -cuiii'n and lud no ll(ene. Ilii aiiekt anil ronili linn on n In nas iinv-i ami i.ilhl. fler hi'.illn; lln- nldcnce ( thul Ihe il.'lilnluit anlllv of i"l.llll th pnAiloii ol the i'1'lili.ilHO ot the rlly of Si ran t,ii ol Oil, i!, In,.i, i,M lilmtf for the heeling of li.iiuluil lei.ifl inn i bantu, anil wv sentence lilm lo pav a tun- ul fclii-'. and In ilrfiull ol the I'JJITullI of Mi'l hue llll'hl' fill il IrOTili.clit In (lie iKlllili lail fill Ihe pi-lioil of thill iljj. We fnithci ilhi'it llul he pa.i ull fo.t of the pio-iii-iliiiKK liefote 111" .ihh'l lli.in, a ell at of Ihil appeal. Ill the other case the same disposition I made us in the uboie and the same older was made. Opinions Handed Downv uplnloiw ieie handed down jestet day lu the following cases: W. Ii. Pi ens & Son iibuIiim Jaiues T. Kljiiu. ovceptioii" dismissed. Jutlpr inept lo he eiiteiod aiioidlliR to recom mendations or tlie refiiee Waller Hell arjalnsl the i,aeka wuiina Peillll.er and (Jliemli-al com piui. ei-eptloiiK (llsiultted and Juds ment eilteteil ill ai nldatli-i' with th ' ivruiniuundatloii' of the u fetee. (leorse Spitz iiKillllit H. Dllfallo, ltile to op-n Jitilprment cm opt ax to the sum of iz:i .mil lutei est from March 31, The Pains of Kidney Disease Warn You Against the Most Dreadfully Fatal of Disorders, You Can be Cured by Promptly Using Dr. Chase's Kidney. Liver Pills. l'ala is ruture'j .signal wheieby she warm' Don't imagine that ou ate expeumenting man of approaching dinger. 1'ew diseases j when you use Dr. Chase'!, Kidney-Liver uie so dteadfully tatal a disorders of the Tills,. They are almost as well known as kidneys anil few are accompanied by more his great Kecipe Hook, luve made some of seme pains and discomforts the most surprising cutes of kidney disease One of the most common symptoms of . " 'rd and have come to be considered Kidney duease ix the smartinir, scalding sen- sation whoa passing watet which is likely to come very frequently and at inconvenient times, Then there is the dull, heavy aching in the small of the back and down the limbs, When these pains are accompanied by deposits la the urine after it has stood for twenty-four hours sou may be sure, that you area sictim ol kidney disease and should not lose a single day In securing the world's' greatest kidney cure Dr. Chase's Kidney. I-ver P'll'. lake one pill at a dose, and in a surpils. ingiy short time you will be lar on ttie roaci to recovery, for Dr. Chase's Isidney.Liser Tills act directly a,nd promptly on the kidneys, and are certain to prove of great bear lit to any one suffering from irregularities of those organs, See thai jou L'et the tenuliie, with 1S0S, Is made absolute: rule to stand as plaintiff's declaration with . pica of non-nssttinpslt mid payment with leave on tlto part of the defendant. Hnrali MollPtiback ognltist Ocorgo Adams, iuIp to strike off Judgment made ubsolutp. Sarah Jlollenb.ick against (leorgo Adams, rule to nrrest Judgment re versed. Sarah Molicnback aRiilnst (ieorgp Adams, rule lo strike off Judgment disc-harmed and Judgment lo stiind. Mnry Ment.v aguliisl Annie Ik ut tlueli. rule to slrlke off non-sull madu absolute. Sptuks riiiitheiK uguliist IMtilck bally, rule to open judgment made ab solute. DomlnLIc Ambrose hruIiisI Agnes Agnes Hlulkftwskl, rule to open Jttdtr metit miide absolute Divorce Cases. .Mm Nichols, ot Dtinntote, beR.ni un action yesterday to secure u divorce fiom his wife. Caroline, who liaH de serted hhn. They were nuirtled Ain-ll IS. 1595, and lived together until Aug ust 1, 1S07. William A ttnrvpj was yesterday granted a dlvoicc fiom .MiuIp Whltnoy llarvpy, lo whom Iip was nianlcd In ninlr rouiity on Decenibor 2". lh. Mr. Matvey Is nn electrical pontrnctor. and In 18i9 his wire left him nnd lPtitrncd to hPi" motlipf at Helwood. I'n. Her pxplmiatlon of her conduct was that she did not want to be uway fiont her mother. A divorce was also granted to Mi, l.evonrila Kink from William II. Kink. Yesteulay's Mnrrluge Licenses. (1.(31- I, Wolff . Nralllnll Mngali-l llniihei- NHiiton Mati-ell A. iliionn Illalel Kinnu Anl.ei tilj pliant I'elei Pillanl .. .. .Ohplunt Alke (.itighn (il.iphant COURT HOUSE NEWS NOTES. .1,4,11 1'aiuib a. -eterilay appniiitcl siiihtur nf Old I'llIK" tr.nn.hlp. . II. I'ranMIti vm-i named ji-leulj h.v Ihe mint a the miprnhor nf Notlh Ahinjlnii town iihlp. In tlie rue (,f Patfh!. tin luallikt .lennli- II. Iltitili an app-al lo tin -iipeilnr inurl uai ,ie teiili taken Ii Ihe Idler. In Hie insttei of u M-l-on". elle in llclilon to,Mi nuip nn evceplion h.iilnir Ih-mi hleJ. the teporl of the lleer wa ii.iiflrmeil i.U,olntil. fn the eitate of .lohn W. Itjtili, ilece.ueil. .Tmlce lMwanis hanJe,! ilonn an opinion illmlltiir the eceptlotn to theiepiirt of the aiuliton and ion hnnltiK It finally. Iwu i.uatiili. eWitii mi Ihe lioaul nf ovei eei of the pmir of .feiiiiiti. the tiimt yektirrh n.meil l'r,i nl. It filll nml Ihutle .Mulhn lo serve iniltl alter the next ilecllon In the else ot the luniiiinnneallii aR.iiti-l 111 ward Cooper, tried .it the last teim, the ro.t ui-ie placed nn William Cornell. The eoxl. uite .edeiilay teinllleil and placed upon the lounly In (he louil. lion. II. x. Knapp xas ileiJjy appointed Biuieliati of .Maltha Gordon Uroailbent atui Char lex l.enl-i lliojdbent, minor ihildren of the late (Vlenel "cianton Ilroadhinl. Lewi. Mmass Wit appointed piardlan ot I.nlit Ilanini, minor ihllJ of the late Prank Hamm. In the matttr of the eondeiiiiialion of the f'Jctoryxille ami hinRton turnpike and plank load, exreptlonx were yeiterday rded by the Northern Houlevanl lomiiaii to the intructlonx hy the niaiter to the Jiny of view upon nutlcm of la and to the findinKX and report of the jiny of xltxv. Court ye.leiJax iliifitcd Ihe lioroneh muiiCll oi f)icI.on I'll to lecognlze Harry McL.irrlty a a nuinliri of the roitri-11 of thai lioiouUi. 'Ihoiigh MeCartlt.i i a rijjnlarly elected memlirr of that body Ihe oilier ninnlTH nfiwil tn iceoR t.uc hin. and he .eiuird 1 tit ol nuniiainiix to iiiinpel lliem to do fo It mjx ii-tiiriiahle n tiuliy. Altornei (.ioii,e K. Jl! e. ripriM-iilliitf (leoit II. tiiaiu, xe'tiMay TKhI ,i lull In , eipnl-asain-t nioim (i. Win. un, Henry T. llowoll, Minnie .1. Illdiatt, Hamuli lillalieth chctlfer. illna Sclieitfei, MiriNift S-chcllfii', Kmamn 1 Mlielilei, l'loume Selieirfr. CotKt.mre Kliul f-i and (iaidnei- vhel'lir. Ihe an Joint nuneix o- a piere of piopul Mlileli lie ,intx lo have dieidi-d and it that i. no) po.ihle nik tn lu e the ptopiMt -old lid th,- puiceed dliided amotij. Ihe muieii. DEATH WAS ACCIDENTAL. This Verdict Rendeied by Coronet's Jury. Coioiiei ,1. ,f Itolierts last evenhlK i-imdueted .11. liiaiit'Ht In Hi-" case of (cm go .McXerncy, who was found dead l-'rlday attetuoon It' his loom lu a boarding licu-s,- at 22n .Mulbeny stiePt xvltli the .'.aa furred op. The Jury con sisting: of Thomas .. J'ottet. i;ii-l..u-i Pavls. Luther l.ewls-, Itlclin-l .1 1-M-watds. .1. II. Taylm- mid .lohn ,1. Oiveim, brought 111 a vet diet of accidental death by asphyxiation. Thomas Kennedy, a boauler. was thu Hist xltrii' heard. Kennedy's loom Is on the thlul lloor or the build IiiR and next to this one occupied by -McNerne. lie Hist dPtced (lie odor of gas at about 1 o'i lock l-'rlday afler tioDii. Me leturt.ed liiinio shortly af ter ii and again the odor was strong. Ho Investigated and located Its origin in MeNerney's room. With the assist ance of anothor boarder, Marry Con nolly, he forced In the door and found the body lying on the bed. Marry Connolly (orroboraled Kennedy Mrs. Kllz.ibe.th Hessllng, proprietress of the boat ding house at 0 Mulberry street, fstlfled that McXerney hud been with her three weeks and three days up to tlie il-iy ot his death. Khe tailed him at (i -icloik lu the morning and lecelved a l ply, but In -lid not i oino ilov u-stnlrs. The sio'iper for luiuitiR on and olf the gas lu thl room, she said, was loose, and she lie. I loves thut Mi-.N'et-ney might have ao rldenlally sliuck the gas Jet ami turned it on The body or Mi Xeiney i Mill itt fiislelr'n inorif, iiuc-lalinei! it Ix thought that Mo.Vcrney's puients le In Krlc, but no one inn be foilnil who vlshes to ,is.-,uin( i harte o. I no re mains ",E ""') "-; " Mr. J. Curtis., auell known K, K. enl. neer, living at 191 Murry street. Bingham ton, N. V., writes "nnn after irnino nn the road I becau to Ue troubled by severe pains in my back accompanied by such terrible weakness that j wa, obliged to stop work for days at a tjme " Hearing of the good results obtained by using Dr. Chase's Kidney.Uvcr Pills, I gae ' them a trial. 'I hey helped me almost mime diately, and now I can truthfully bay that 1 am as well as any man, thanks to Dr. Chase's Kidney. Liver rilts." Dr. Chase's Kidney.Llser Fills, one pill a dose. 2s cents a box at all dealers or Dr. A. W. Chase Medicine Co.. Buflala. N. V. portrait unit ilrnatnr of I)r, A, W. Otui. SCRANTON'S SHOPPAQ CENTER. Opening of the Spring Shirt Waists. Of considerably more than ordinary interest is this most comprehensive stock. It is conveniently arranged and classified so as to permit of selection speedily and satisfactorily, and whatever is new and best in Shirt Waists is here, l'ine foreign fabrics are fairly represented. The choicest of American goods in plenty. All with detachable laundered collar and soft cuffs. About prices, $ $ $ 1.00 1.25 1.50 $2 .00 Silk Petticoats at $5.50. These are attractively made garments In various pretty uoloiing and black. Some with deep flounci and two small ruffles, some with deep llounce and two gathered ruffles, all with dust ruffle. Ex cellent value at $( io. Price fa. 50. A Fine Offering of Silk Waists. A l.irge collection of crisp, new Silk Waists came from the mauulacturer today. They ate in colors, red, old rose, cadet blue and black. They are of an excellent qualitv of taifeta silk, neatly and well made in up-to-date styles, worth fully $7.00. Choose Today for S5 Each. Special in Plain Black Silk Waists. Neys concerning paiticularly good offerings in black comes from the Silk Waist dep Carefully made garments, of excellent tall'etas, in the latest approved fashion, and many will surely have left us for new pleased owners before nightfall. $700 for style, an piaiicci, wnerevcr a putt can ue placet). New Belts. The broad covered leather belts, with drop front, to be l.tced together, are fashion's latest fancy. They give n trim curve to the waist, and make waist bands lorgotten. They are shown in quite a variety of styles, price range from 50c to $1.50. Among other styles of Belts are quite a variety of patent leather belts, with gilt tinsel braid and gilt harness buckles, some with nickle buckles, some plain patent leather, other shapes, also many other popular leathers, varying in price from 25c up. BUCKLESDurable and Pretty. A chain is as strong as its weakest link. Your costume is not pcifect unless its details are perfect A belt-buckle can make or mar an effective gown. We have some new buckles that will add an attraction to perfection. Correct and stylish buckles in Etruscan gold or French grey finish, jewelled, with adjustable catch that makes them easily removable and requires no sewing. The price ofthesf buckles range from :oc to 70 each. CONNOLLY & WALLACE, NEW YORK HOTELS. v s WESTMINSTER HOTEL Cor. Sixteenth St. and Irtlng Place, NEW YORK. American Plan, S3.C0 per day inJ upward. European Tlan, $1.60 per day and upward. I. D. CRAWrOKO, Proprietor. Mots! ViGtori Broalwaj, stli Ave. and 27th Sired, New Vorl. Absolutely Ftroproot 111 (he ecu. ter of the thoppin g and theatre distr let. I'll st ci.isu in nil Its.ip. iniliilnicius, Kll 1 1 c ly new through out. European Plan Rnnni, sin. (lorosw. Bwritv,rTi-pfl.im ),. or tll. suite. xIth or without bath, hot tif cold ater aiidlelci'lioue lucserv room. Cuisine unexcelled. " For Business Men In the heart ot Uie wbolesal district. For Sliopiiers S minutes' walk to Wnnamakerx; S minutes to Slot-el Cooper's Blc Store. Ensy ot access to the great Dry GoodM Stores. For Sightseers One block from B'way Oars. glv. lnp easy transportation to all points or interest. ! HOTEL ALBERT XEW Y011K. -f ror 11th ST. & UNIVEUSITT VU uniy 0110 iiiui.1. 4(uiii iirutiuwuy I ROOIHS, $1 Up. riclcsrKelasorijbIs 4. f"f4--f4--f --"t- -f ---f--4" Daylight St. Paul Minneapolis CHICAGO NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY & pill. y.ooa.m, train; a trip unsurpassed hi beauty. Other trains from Chi cjgo aie the North-Western Limited electric lighted 6.30 p. 111.; the St. 1'aul Fast Mall, 10.00 p.m. , and Night Kxprcss, 10.15 p, in,, all daily and tlie best of everything. Call on any agent for tickets or address 461 Bread) . Ntv fori! ,421 VI f St., Cintlnriatl OOt Smili7(4(., Plttnturg 334 Suvrlor St., Cltmlord 601 li.l'l St.,Pklladllinia .118 IVmdnjton St., Bolter 301 Main St., Bvfall li: Clark St., Chicago IT fampul Martlvt, OttroH !KI,St.,Cat,nronto,Ort TTEH GUARANTEE TO CUi)E,--a (Alter ffcry Aavriti-inil tiptiIit( rant Dr. THEEL, 527 North Sixth St, riiiiuUcipuiti, ra.oAu Aiituod, DloodPolson.Vsrlcocelo.Strlcturo nil PniUATP nnrl OnBRIIDIT htBB txiihteira. Mill Miiniionil.HTiriliiU. UlSliaaDa, ,.n orcani.rullT reitureil, Krnsh euei cnreit Ill4 (o lodnjra. 1 lie moat (Unperoiu i-aiea "Helled. "BIN DIUTBCHBR ARrT." Tft. Hunt h; lillll. Seuilfur Hirorn 'iVuimonliiTi A Ilouk ei. I'vimi chit fait lnMltuM,Ulilrlcal AMtUicat fiauit mRwSw WmwM P5WR1 Of striped Cheviot and Madras cloth, plaited back, full front. Also White Lawn Waists. Striped Percales and line Ginghams, single or double plaited bade, full front. Fine qualitv Zephyr Ginghams in pretty styles, full Iront with plaited back. Also White Lawn Waists. I:ine Striped Madras, full front of fine plaits, with new plaited bad;. v I hamid DOLLAR Prudent people are taking advantage of our I CLEARANCE SALE If will rnt 'fl in rrftl nnrl criA lirtiir it -n mnlis II Hill J pIVl IW WVIIIW HUM OI.V, IIWll Stv, VHI IHimv, (( dollar do the work ol two .j. 4. Ax mi nster Carpets t Si. 50 Values. S1.00 a Yard. V J. 100,000 WO j up mgn braac wan rapcr UP Inlaid Linoleum 4. Mjde like a tile, colois through to the back' Remnants. Rcguhir $1.50 goods, now 65c, 75c Si.uo yard 4' . V I WILLIAnS&flcANULTY 129 Wyoming Avenue j. .j, .;. THE MOOSIC POWDER CO, Booms 1 amr2, Coiu'llh Q'l'd'g; 8CHANTOM, PA. flining and Blasting POWDER al.ida at Moosloand Uiualalo Worjti. LAPL1N A RAND POWOUft CO 'A ORANGE QUN POWDER X ltotrta Batterlos. UUotrlo Kzplnltrs. xplodlui; bluU, nufety fun u t Repauno Clismical Co.'s rxi"oTivi: ins so Lager Beer Brewery Miiniirr.ciiircM r OLD STOCK PILSiE 485 to 455 ... SCRANTQN. PA N. Ninth 8tre Telepltouo Call, 2,1 n. .irtment today, so priced that nn entirely new 127 AND 129 WASHINGTON AVENUE vvfrvvvvrvefrvwrf Tj. cairrxrr f SAVING T Rolls Op 1901 BICYCLES New models now in. Spaldings,Cleve. lands, Iver Johnsou and Crescents. No better selection ever made. Call and see them. They're beau ties. fiEt S BROOKS 21 1 Washington Ave. HENRY BELIN, JR., Central As'nl for Ilia Wyomlnf Uutilit lor DliPONT'S POWDER. Maine, ntattlnc, Pportlng, fmokelrx tnd (ha Itcpaunu Chrmlial Cuinpaiij'i Hig;!! Explosives. Cafcty Fuf, Capi ami Eaplodert. rtoom I0J C91. udl Dullitlns, . anion. ACJKXCir.Si I iiios. ronn riititon JOUK B. bMlTIl ft EON Pljmoutl, IV I'. UULL1QAN Wllkei-Oarrt
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers