jirvyifTfrntf,, t,, I1-" 'I J .. rv f fr THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-THUKSDAY, IEURIJAHY 21, tOOt. rn rrffmvf NEWS OF THE LABOR WORLD INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT or THE SOO. It Is Pjoposcd to Erect Ulnst Fur naces ntut ti Steel Flnnt on the Can ndlnn Slilo Which Will Be Super vised by Alfied Ernst Finns of the Mnu Who Is at the Head of the Entcrpilae DlRglnff the Founda tions for the Y. M. C. A. Building. The V., L. & W. Boaid for Today. A lNiiiiteh fitnii !-uu" ml .Minn- i" tin Chli-rigo Kimi'l Hi.-1 "'i" ''" tnlls of nu Inteii'MliiK linHmtrliil i'i" J..f Tlii'io an? now helmr r-niiittiiu-tt-il im tin? Canadian Mill- nf tin- "Soo" 1 a riiiiip.iiiy of whl-'h l-'niinl" II. CM" Kim I iiiunnnor, :i Mei'l t.ill mill "' llimpmor iilmit, I'W'li of li'i" l"H I & 1 1 ui'in-ltv. Tin ui'tiiu; mnwulfcn' m' i-.m-lnictloii, by ill'' wa. le Mi. .1 1i. -I Cin.sl. of tlu Wi'llliian-cMVi i 1 jlniPi-lnir oin.,niy. of t'lovi-liiinl. i. iMinu-ily a if-Ulciit of Sn anion. I.iil the illfimu-li to ill? I'.itoiiI fays Mi. 'iikui Inlcnil- to ku niuili fui lhi than ihls In hi l'luii" of liulm-li-lul lp,-1iitiiir-nt. Hi' auiiouiiiiH that hi otniiiiiv will --n't at oiiu' (Imriotl 1-1. hi ftniluii'H tlullbli- llif fWo of aiiv 1n tho vmM. Tln--' lui li.ii . will iiinhn GO') toliH of 'pIk Iron ilall.v. TlU'ti' rnilir- iiutliu.-l will '' "-' "' ' " m,o" liy thu ahsmlaliil I'liti-nnls. s of in.- Cloifiiio f-ynillcatf. which Inclinli not or.lv Ininifiiyc pulp iiiIHf. 'lc-tili wn,i; .mil vnrlou Hiimlli-i Imlustili . l.iit iilxo it ralli-Kul in"" th ""W to I'i il-nn bay unit in- ciiniiliu, pl.mts i i r i out nuiKiiltuil''. Tlio pioposi'd fin nnct-ii win i.hi'Iv 1 . ir oio from the ouipiii . iulii" Ium npi'iud on the nut th ulion' of l.uki-MipPiIm-ami their tad fiom the l---'l I'lroimh Avhtcli Us t siilv. n are now l.illlillnjj. that have ln'f-n unnile.l tin niiipany l tho Ciiiinilliin rovim nineiit 1 mler the Mf.teni of 1muuim" (?l'ii li.v itir- I'linuillau Koveininelit to eiicollliiKe Hie lion anil steel linJuxtry. tln-ft liu li.ii i 4 v.111 iccelvf a cash ulixldy their 1i-M year of nearly JMHi.iinii niul tin-t-leel Hill mill connectuil Willi them in inileli moil. These subsidies will uirnliially loiluce mid In i-vven yt .it llu-v Will explle. It I" tile Intoiitlmi m enter Into competition hi rails 'l mlmr sleel prodiictn Tor tin- Kuiopfim niailici. Tho company will In th i -milm: sprlnff have i-IkIH sea-Koliii,-Mi'il ships that can iiiuy In.ul-i illieet in.ni Lake riiipeilor to ICurope. ami ihi-p will be employed fall and sprint: 1u the oxj.oit trade. In -iiinmei carr-in-- mo ft om thu comp.inv's iiiliics to mriuu-c-J at the ".-"ihi." at Canadian points and to the Knltcd Slaten, nn.l Hi the winter In the tianip tiade on i he Atlantic. Two cons'ldur.itloiis have kept nihcis. fioill allelliptlll,' such Rle.it pllllitrt. Thuo Is a ileal th ol toivtn owned M iioninakeiy of such size as to wan ant the estahllshiiiL'iit of ver larKe fur muerf ushiK wooil an fuel, for In a few M'.us they would sweep hale such an ,H"ii or womlkind a would leave thr Hiinaces .slde-lrm keil. a Iour- illstance limn furl. This couip.inv haw Ihoii--.inils of sijuaie miles of h.udwood rc(te.t Riven It hv the Canadian sov- '111111-111, which It can reach by the io.nl It, Is now liuildliiR' to ttudhou hay. The other consideration has been the 1 1. mlli! character ol haivoul fuel, "lih-h has deteircd lioiunakeis from UhliiK It In Kreat quantity. Mr. t'lerRUe Mas expcrlintnteil with this illtllclilty in mind nri'l has found that no i.uise tor fear elsis on thin seme. Tin; nuii patu has ct-iiiiMl si-m-i.i1 new and hn ooituiit patents for the carbonization f wood In retmis, etc.. that will per mit it to save a pioportloii of thivb.v-l-ioilucis of the (ll.-tlllutlon far ill e.v ios of that fiom any piocess now In ri iietjil use. Thousands of giillnnx of ooil alcohol, much acetate of liuiti niul other valuable jiroilucte will li-.-.i veil f I om this wood and lellneil hi i ho electilc w-jiks of the coinp.ui. in tin- "Son." Mr. Clt-nnie. the lit cold ilNpnti-h .olds, lias just established at London .mt J.U i'i jnnil ImmlRi.itlnn otllces mm sprcls to hihiR to tho lands norih or i lie ".Son," that have been ri anted hi-. oinpany by Roveinnicni, at liast ::.fii) men ill the lire-sent year. I l. tla-i-lan to settle plclud faimei.s, nitisau--. mechanics and mlin-is fiom a llmate not Rteatly dlffcient .Most of these luiuilis-riints will he Riven work in the loinpauy's wmks. miner', r.ilhouds and Inuils. Foundation for Y. M. C. A. The oik of e.ea.ithiR on the site f the now YotlliR Men's I'lnlstluii as--clatlon buildliur pioricssim .sinwiy but siiiely. and fiom pn-si-nt liullca". ilons tho ill -st steps on the loiiudutlou lmlldliiif will bu Ih-kuii about the middle or next month. The ev avuthiR piov.-d a lar nioie aiduoiis tic-l; than was at iirst anticipated, and mm cover, durltiR i he winter months wmk lias not bei-n nt all hurried, which accounts rm- ihc appment Mowni'n in rcuIiir in the J "iinda l Ion const ruction. Se.llllH of the luuilest I'm k Well- ill most dally confronted, and It was not until ifccnllv thai wmk wuh nindu KUiii-what easier by thp use of n sU-aut ili HI. I'ontraolor AVllllams, who Is In Inn rc of the job, Is ni piiw,.nt iiiuklnir a Western tour, bid will In. back In iMe city In time to personally .siiperln ' -ml the luaiiuillalluii ol labor on the '"inulatlon wall. I'ourth Anthracite Distnut. The li'jiuit of Mine liisintor !. .1. It Takes a Remedy of Un common Merit to Draw the Unqualified Praise oi a Successful Practicing Physician. Dr. J. W. Bateiof lurm. N. V.. stale-. "A most tcmar'xjblc case has come under my liamh of late ami has fully cor.vinced me of the wondei.l power of Dr. A. W . Chase's Nerve Pills cntr diseases of the nervci. "A young Udy who was trebled for over two yearn for cpllenjy by two doctors wa-i given up to die. I loiind that her ilcknei.i wan not epilepsy, but nervous troubles, due lo menstrual derangements, and ptescribed four of Dr. Chase's Nerve 1'ilU a day, after meaU and at bed. time, Since that time she lias not had a single bad spell, Her health h:s rapidly impiovcd, Mie has gained about riflecn pounds hi weight, and 1 do not hesi tate to Hate tint Dr. A. V. Chase's Nerve l'ill Imc saved her life and restored her to health." See that the portrait and signature of Dr, A.W Cliasean-on eerybox, Price jo cents hos Sin hove- for S'-'.'o, Manufactured br th" lr. A V, Cnase Medicine Co, JJufJalo. .N V. Williams, ofs tho Kourth Anthracite dlitrlct, has Just been sent to llnrrls litirK. Tho total numlior of tons of coal produced durlwr the year In the dlBtrlot Is Riven at S.PS5.74I. Of this iimnunt T.MI.TTI tons wi-ro Jihlppeil to niaiketH, Thu total uvcriiBo niiinher of days woikcd at the various mines In tho dlstik-t was lOl.SnJ, and Uu- number of men employed Is W.iiirt. There were sevunty-onu fatul aeclih'nlc, twenty two of which wore caused by fall of lock and coal. The ntiinh"r 'if non fatal accidents was ill. There wen- I'll. 10." lu-ss of powder used In lilastltiK. and tin liiHpcctot's leport farther shows that then nit- 2, 7,",i horses and mules In ue In the ills libt. D.. L. & W. Donid. The follow IllR Is the make-up of the I)., I., .ind W. boaid lor today: Wl.liM'.spW. ITIIIII U . Willi CatH l.ai-t-s p in . P. 1. llfyn. I" ) in . A. Ki'tili.iiii. Till lisll.W. I l.lllll .H SI Wihl .im l'il li.i'i . in. .1. Mrwli'i. . ii. hi., . I. Miilluii I a. Ill, U. 1. s(,i(.; .i a. in.. .1. II. Mil'iiili: (I a. I I. II. Mi-. Iir. T a. in.. I, W. Piiim; SM u. in., -I. J Pull;: in 1. in.. I.. ! tt.-f . Willi I). M. I tail, ' - mi hi ll.ltll a. in.. I. llnU'llcalil J. "II V- ! W. II. C.i4liri 11.11 p I.'llll2..li' iiii-ii; l.l", 'I 1 H1II.IM, with II. V. '.. tun Wi.iniii ; I' '. in., (.porRi Hull. sun tiilt, id, "it a, in., i.i'-i. I. Iliiiiilit.ui: ' u. in.. wit, liiiiikw Proimli-lki t ; a, in., w'-i, W. II. Mil.i.N; n p. in. i.i-l. ,1. Cunlia.', 7 . in, i ,i.t Iii.iii S.ii Kiitr. IMn.ir-1 Mi MlWfi'i 7 . in., wot Irom' ( .iwiv.1, :. i'mjIii'-, .lai'ii (liiln ; 7 i. in., mi-i loi'ii r.iinm, Mil. im I'nllci- In n. in , 1". I . .'iinr I'nsHi r S ii. in.. Milllnlit, II.'' li. in M" in: 7 p. in., Mni'li: ' i in., I.Jlt'ptni; I'afMliKiI l.tiiliu- 7 u, in., M. i.i.lihii 7 in.. Nimrr: ...mi ii, hi., n .m.in; , p n, , Mllt'ilUll. Willi CiM Wrjl- I ii III IIiil'Ii liiil.iiixV nun: 0 a. II a. In , .1. I!. M.i.lrw, I ii. . :1hr I, ili ii . .luliii His "i in , I) Maui. i. . I, in , .ifliii (laliijiii, ulll I.. Hiikitiit-n l..!ii.ui niul Ilimlc. Iuithi-iI,. oil mlli ii i ni-, timl llniKiiiuiii simIIIi, mi vs Ii Ii i'. Mil I'i. -lll u" mil null I iiiiiliuiur I. W, P'.nii,. 7 i in. flit t!M. lll.ll.i'IMill W. Hrnwn V 111 o nut nu 111- ,il. inn. I'. M. Haiti I'- mill llllikltlllll I, Al,. i.ill go nut "II In- , ti Mill Ullll W. , llallililliilli"H li.'M llll III il.iiirin .1, He mi nil! in mil ttltli I ,.i,l i o i .1, Im I'laiN. s a mi. tin .-iii. in ,.n , II. ii,. in in Miihii'l llui!,r. l-t k. nun M lluili! I ill III It ll.litlNl i-tu'. nfll- - COYNE CROWD DEFEATED. Tuchdny's Election in Laeknwnnnn Township Resulted In a Victory I'm the Antis. At Tiii'mIiin's eloi lion In J.ark.i numi.i lowu.hii- tin- I'oyne fin Hon of th" Di-inoi raej, wlilili wa-i lone; the domi nant one. siihtaliifil a d-feat, the leader, John ,1. i'oyne. belus ilefeateil lor jliilqe of eleelion in hW own dlh tilit. In tin tables slveu below li. st.uid-' lot lieimblleiin, ('. for the I'ojn,. fnetloii cimilidates and I. for the Jlitl-Covno faitloii of the Deiuoerui .ii siu i: up 'im: pi: i: l-l-t Mlllli s. K. s.w lll-t lli-t. lllsl. lll-l Willi mi I iii.m ,s It . .;, .j.i vi - I'T si iiiini, niiii.i 'im: iwo -in i.i i.i r I'aiil -w-atli N. I'.. s.w, II l. ill. I. ilNt. ill-l .l.-lui II. Willi.uas II. 71 11 77 '. If.. ,li Im I. Muiuan, II. At ' "Ji ' - 'il .l"hn .Ih.ii-p, ( li. . ": :ai im ii.iw. limit, l in im -a i jn :.( I'. .1. I'hHInn. I. .. ." r,l U lie, Sfi) n:i:s in. is. lii-l S,lilh N.,1.. s.w. Hit. ill-l. ilbl. ill-l. I'.iinik Mmiaaii. I. . S In! II) 7" Inn JiiI.ii C, .luminals ('. 11 i.-. 2-t-t.ai m rn!i(iit-Tuii rn i:i.Kt r. Vmii vutu . i: s w, ,llt. iIUi illl. tlUI. II. I'. I im, I! 411 .. -II I III) 1. .1. lamrj. ('. 17 KM 1 :tl- Kt P. J. Atulil-tis, I. ... . lor s Hl-'j;i7 .1. V.. Mai kin. (.... I "1 9- 7 I'aitii'k IHssin, I.. Ili J4 V "r a nu nu.'. I'jii MHIlll N. I.. x.W. ill.l. dint ill-l. ill-l dm n Mi ll.iin. .11. I', -ill .Vi i. tu 'i-J 'Ihom.is I'ihiIi-, I. . .. ,-, im tu JV ), TOW.sllp I M'llK. l-i-t anitlli V, P s.w. iii-i. ill-l ili. I. ili-l wiiii.ini ii.iu-, i: ..I.1 . .: i i m I'.aiii k M. 1) iiialil. I i. 'I, , VI IM .Il llll I. I Ml'll. (..'l HI I 1 GEORGETOWN'S ANNUM. MEET. Will Mnik an Epoch In Collegiate and Amateur Indoor Athleticfc. S inntnni.ins who o to V,i.hlimiou !' Willi' m the tnuUKIir.lt lull of 1'iikI di'til .Mi Kliile.v will have iiii i)iiiii t nu ll V Iii attend one of the Kre.ile.sl, If not the veiy Kn.itesi event in the hu toiy uf auiateiir nihleiks n Aniii'lui. The annual meet of Ct-orvetowii 1'nl-Vi-st will take iiliut- ni I'liuventfou hall on il M'liliit oi .Mairh L'nd, and I'lOIII till' OIlll II-.- Illi'llll 111,'lll, it s not lash to asset t thin never has sin h a -a.iliiN.v of am. Hear champions b,-en ualln'ieil In a slniil- in-el. The Y. M. ('. A., ol' New Voi k will si nd fJ'la.iilu. wl nlly di-teniiil Aithiii liiilfy. I-oi-Keiown's inii-iimiloiiul i h.iiiiplon. and i he I'ulveisllv nf I'l-iinsvlvaiim, .ininiia- iilheiM will hi. ml Tew kHbuiy. their lastest snrliiui. Iloiluiui .mil .Mliuii'haii of i b ni uptown, who took! houois In the Intel national sanies at l.uii'liiii and I 'ii I is lasr year, will al-ii niiniiete. niul i-t'ver.il nilllliiry oikuii Izatlons have elite ed In the lllilitiliv I'Vl Ills. i 'oi iiell mid Columbia will i maiietc 111 a relnv laee. and I JeofKelow n will iiNo loiniiele III a lelay against the Vale oi iViiusylMinlu half do'.i-n. The Itostoll Alllletle llssni lalloll will tit I. presented by a leiiiu, und li Ih he-lli-vi d that Wi'M 1'iilni and Aniiaiiolis will eotnneie In a relay tuoe. Anioni; the II lull Sehool events, llleie are i-ev-nil i utiles Horn New Yntk, Haltlniiiri! .ind W'ni-lilnKtoit liUli pilmol". I'liysluil IMreetoi- l-'ulcy, of tleoin town, s.ivs thai this meet will Mil pays an.v slinllar KiithcrluK ever held In Hie hlsuii.v oi liuloor allilitlii-, and he has thii (v -live lieoi'K'iion n men n tinliiln lot' tile event. .limit x II. Sullivan, seelelni.v of the Amnteiii Athli-tli I'lllou, bus lotn-enl-ed to ail as iite.ee, and tin- National riuaid Hiii-aili baud will liiiulhli niiihli The in- i rn' I :mi1 will mails an pm 11 In i lb U'll" .m-l niualeili llldo-u athli ih s ESTIMATE MUST BE CHANGED. Nineteenth Distiict Sewer Will Cost ?30,000 More Now. 'li.v lhmiiieei' Phillips annniineei that the estimate of $trii',0iui, whleh In made a number of ninths hko for thu blK Nineteenth dlslilii sevvei, c.iunot now stand on accouiu ol the advuiuo In the prlee of ninterlals. The ordlnaneo pioviilln for tho construction of the sewer must he amended, he fays, to read $ISO,000, In Meatl of SlSl'.DOa. TUIa ordlnaneo has already passed three leading In se lf cl oiincll and l now up for ron- j sl'lcnttlon in euinmon council. The DYSPEPSIA I'evs diseases inflict upon their victimt Rrraler sufTcrinp; than does !popt:t. If you har dy.spepsi.1 or indigestion in any fotm do not ruin your stomach with drugs, use Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey it will cure any form of indiges tion and w ill restore the stonucli to its normal condition. SltF.K. If tun arc slek and tun (loin, nrae ui, wf run lielp )ou. It Mil -! ou tindiini lo ltrn ho- in t'Mln limtih, f nfTBj nd Titnlity. W rit for fn- milirnl lDotlrt and trMimonlalf , llf Aft IMt I llftte Hk(lT nM fo bollix ot jour naff;' run Mali Whuln I took It In lli -naj or an rgg hur fvi-iv mornins 1 liad bis-ntioiil-Wd wtilin 1-uin ins natlon after malt loi a loiitf iimf, lint -rai romflrtf; rurl I1AAC T ilKKKSWool). lariiny. r, lhfl)f tlli lll-dK .li- ',,rfnm-nl i4 fdlcinr. Thil Ii a ffi 4f ilf, H- -u,f a gel Hi ifnuH Kfiu.- . -..Iii 1-, A df Jl.tWlJ f t4 -II, 01 .1 IP I $1 'II 4 "ittl f l)LFIi MALT MIIikl.t CO , Rotlic.t.-r, s.l elly's shun- of the cihi of ihls sewer has lit en pi ovltled fm la the ijeiienil bond ordlu.ilii , based on a total eoS' I of $r.o,ono. Tlierolore. if tin- oidlnaiiei W iniieiided by Ineieiitlmr the rout by jr.0.('nn, ihls $".ii,'"n will have to be di vided up fimontr tin various property own-is iilmiif tho line of the hnpiove nient. Tlie tlty ould not p.iyll, be i tin-!- theit- h no iTioie (Hi-vl'l'-il for tin pm pi--. . KEENEHAN WAS KILLED. HE ATTEMPTED TO DRIVE OVER A TRESTLE. Was Thrown fiom His Caniage and Fell to the Oiound Thought He ' Met Instant Death. Mlillllel.l Keelltllllll.nl IhinUel 1 1 III. I'tintnoie. an aneiit Im- the Sluuel' Sewing; .Maehliie i iiinpall.v. wax killed about 7.I.", last evenlti-j by Im-Iiik thrown 1 1 out Ids eaii Iiiki- while di Iv hip: over the Nile and V niniup, nillroail lie.slli near l.areh slieet. IP- iad driven up I .ni ili liotii W'ashliiKlon avenue. Dun mote beliiK hN destination. In the ilntkneMH he tinned to the llKllt Instead ol' tin- left on leaehltli; the end of the xlivet, and instead of ilrlvlntr iilniiR' .Madison avenue contin ued down the Hi In and Wyoming trai ks. Two youmr mni h.ivv this move, mid stood watclilnu In iiiiiaxeiiient. as he neai ed tin- ttei-illiitr. They mivv llui Inn st- and eaitl.me dash mpldly ncru.', and eoiieludiiuc thai K-eiiahiin had i-iossdi hi mfi'ty Kuve ilie nii'tter no Itirlhei' attention. About I1 i'i o'eloek. howivel, Wlllpnn .lohtiMin, of Setonil stli-cl, found the hoiseand Iiiikk.v on Ninth Wai-lihiKtoii avenue without aiiv diiver. and on his makliiK Ids dl.scover.v known, a s-eaieh was lii-sun and Mioilly aflei wards .lames l.avelle, one ol the Siibliibati Mleetrle l.luhf eouip.ill.v 's eniploye. found Kecnahan's lift less bodv In Ih" eit-eli lielir-atll the ties 111 tin. It was iciiiov'-d and taken Into the liteen I5id;e Coal i oiiipany's welnh ollioe, where Coiotiei- .1. ,1. Kolieitt later examined It. The skull was fiaetured. and It Is assumed lh.it ns Hie Iioim-- i crossed tin. tli-M the riillKh Jolt thn-w i the driver out, and on Ills "ttlkhiK be low lie was almost luimedlalely killed. A number of letteis chins his name niul addles weie found Hi his pnlkels, toK-eihi-r with aboui 5.4 Iii silver. Tin remains weto lemovnl to Cuslek's inornue when- Coroner liobetls will 10 day perfoini an aulops). Kci-iuilinn was :'.." years nf'usii- and Is survived by a wife and Ihiee ehlldren. , lie was well known ami popular In lids city and Uuninoie. - DUrFY IS IN THE CITY. He Came Heie to Discuss Mining Mattel s. I'ri-sldi ut Thomas Dully, of I li-ult-t 7, of the I'lilled .Mine Woiktis" orKiiu l.atlon, anlvcd In Hie eliy yesterday, arid stralirhtw.iy It was wbispeieil that Ills vlli had some slKnllleuni 1 . This was Mipcrludiici'd by ilie stotlcs ot an other bin mat tit 1 Ike possibility, sent oil) tlolll lllll'eteul llllllillS toiMIS li eenlly. A Tiiliune man saw Mr. Unify at Iho mine winkers' heaiUiuaiters In the (Jiaiiil 1 Vim, il aiinev. and was In loiiidd thai he was just paylnc a ienu lai visit with ilie mini lenders llele, that he had attended the meeting of llln dlstlle! eelltive bo.lld of Dlstliit 1. and lh.it his 1 1 111 had 110 slKiiltlcam-e whatevei. "He If hi-ie 10 illsi utm with us the lOllilltfntls 111 the dlstllets. so that we (llll better Ulldel.sti.nil eaell other, that Is all. Then- Is no iplesllon of Kit-.it linpoitani e or iiiiriini t under dlseiis shin," was l'lLsldi.'iit NIchoN' explana tion. The usual amount of business was liansai'led ai the dlstiht meeting e? teiilay, but nothlm; out of the oidlnary null- up fm iiinsldeiatlon WHY VOTE WASN'T COUNTED. Twelfth Wnul Citizens Can't Explain the Mysteiy Themselves. Tho rltlzi-ns of tin Ttvolftli wind liuti-' iiul i't i'i i-iivoioil ifom tin- t-ii-o-tluil il.iy lilllili'iui'. Vi'Mi'iilny two of llii- i'i. ! lion nllli'i-i'si of tlif Klrst ill-tili-t .viilld-il Into pullet- lit-,iiliiiuiti.-,s, lOtvo Ai'llnv Ui'ik Sf-i'Si'inii JIiiHKVity u I'liPtnlnl suliitiitlnii ami In thr m-xi lircatli uxlu'd If lliclr 1 .. i II ti t liu wax still in llu' liamls nf tho iiolli-e. Tho olllccr liolnti'il t-lli-ntly to iho oi-ut-i. mul the jviilt' tlttilUy mii voyoil the bu fiom nil slili'H, ami thi-n t-Mtinliii'il the uilllni; on tin- tlnn- silo. "What In Hi" inntti'i' vvltli jiiii n-l-lurfh: why illiln'i you I'oiirit lln- vote In sr nltilu?" tlii'N iii'iu nxki'd. The pair iliiiiiil hIii-i iiIhIiI.. hIihhI; tlu-lr in-iiils, mul Fiihl ih'y illiln'i know, nnil took tln-lr iip:i) tun. Vi'iileiility ".Mot-euw" lt.m swuh- out n wniT.iiil hcfni-e Alilfiuimi lluwt for llu- unt'si of lli'titv V. i'o.li'. whom In- rlaliiix hit him iiiiuii the lu'inl with a uieic ol linn, whllo tln nti- In thu Twi'Itlh uuiil iitt hchiK iiiillt-il Juki wluit wuh Urn i-iiuM- of i-vc-nts lo.itllntc up lo tlu ulli'KCil at-Sii lilt Ih mil xii i'l lli-il In ilii iillc-Kittlnu. Cuitty's Revolver Hecoul. 11 i:;cliimi Win (nun 'I'lio A-mn l.iti il 1'nm. I'lliilmru', Kih. sn-Miiitciijiii s, II. (mi t.i of tin- KlElilimlli ifulnunt, .V 11. I'., j iiuiuliir Ol tlm i'lll-liini; KimiImt (lull, in tin- hkuUi IMI-I.I.V .llu.lt nudi' .1 lei,. ul l.i-l lilulil uith .ill is . .'iMdlllim inlllliiiy reiohii, lli lmt at a two im li bull's i.n' at it oi ant I'luhiiin .i.inli, trltlne llilrtitn Imll'i cjk cut of (uiiti-rii .hou, Ih- ftm iiudn ,i run of four bull', cjm, then S"t a ilo-o hiki Jii.t. out lilo tin Idiik to the kit, iiii.I IhiUluil up wild nine moio etulu'ht fining In a row. No tnnjrt ki-.ht-i weir uc I. pl.lll 0iii iltiltil ln-lni; on the ii'inhi'i MR. PHILBIN IS AGAINST THE RIPPER it 'HM I'l'llll fll'lH 1111! 1 1 1 s- 1I1I1. 1.1 iiiiiu iliti- .1111111 illy i'h 11 I1. iiniiii mil in liiitiii ii.ii nl 1..1I1 io!iimiij 'i 111' 11 11 Inn it atufil mint: inul eiruiniiii: ill inini) IhiIMImk -r lotiii nr otiuilrm ll!iln tlni- tlllo. In ailillllou tn tin 111111111I uliTiiii ..Hun l.jr dr liEtdiluti, -o lli.it llu- i'iiM"!i 11' lln at-l lllat Ik- iMilliln) 10 n uln' 1 1.i i ,1 tri, , IIiiikc I. Ill (KtnMNifnv i ili'iullliiiul ul lui i-tiy. V i-uf-iili'iiii mal i.i .11 ait i.tutill-.iitii. i" l.i-tluliee il.MH!irlU si- lli.it lliit-ttna i'i 111 'H nun. in ItiMimi.i miMiili"! i an I"' iloiilnl lulu tlis.i, lecntalliiB llit-li "In Hull ,ii"l tr. il. iuu Iwiful in. ilh'l-Iiili anil iliN-llliiitli'it "I '' re' liiM er iiuiticira tvlim l.t-iftnluii' 1'iiuli lloiis. Mil aiui'iiilliu in ,nl iinivliliiu t" ""' rn lien nt jn1illiis' mtihiiii-' linlii-iti.il m ii. 1. -ii thai Iii intnlii i.i-f- iniKlN i.n) i-iu'ii ni lln- si tiiml aflil- nttaililtia- III aw- "T In ,tai . I Ian-. 1,111 nli,tuu in liu- -lu.lv ami i lire Ul ll.lli.l1 (tllllin. In Uu- pillilli - u "I- ll.ii- Mil j,ii.iiliilliuV.i.Uti Hit lipt-n-iic stale iiitiiMlloti ni tin- I'.iii V'lirni'iiii iv-iiii.ti Tile calendar was cleat oil of bills oil 111 si ami second reading. Allium; Ilie bills Introduced weie tll'se. Hi Mi siij,l,-i, ( In ..ii Vl.nll-,1 in. lln pu'ilu l.ollilat mi I 'ili. 1J tl.liiiulliS liliilnl.o ) iii'l pmtltlliii; It. it Ilii- wiiiiul Vlotnla.t In .naiil It l.nil - it I'liMIc li'illila.v mid tlicl it bu Ktiii.Mi ,i "l.itunlii ii.iiiiii'iiioratlon ila'." 11'C i-bi t if Uu- liMl I- in li.iw l.liin.lu'4 li'nli ami tin- 1111111 ll..lllilU nt tllP fl.lVl'1 to'lllllrliiutatnt on I'li- -iitie ila.i, 11.1- Ml. WeaiN, Wikliiiiin IjiiiI- 'imi'li.lmu mi ... r tiii-llll.'ilil'i.- llu- Mhuk ! tin- Jii-llivt ut 1 1 if . IKK im- it-mi -u a ii. tin Slier (ai'lhliili- Hie lil.iiln ut tin.- jiistkvs lij iiintliliuu f-ltiiucrj-pln'tt. l.iK-vvtitPis niul iliilial al-lalili fi'l dio lixiul'ils llllllllf. Hi Mr. 'luiin-iiu'i, W.uoti K.iiul'lhii: liuiu I.IV 1 1 l.'l 111,, I. Ill' I-. Iilltliilll- ulul fllll'K uf I I'T imlilli, nun miIiii i..ii lllitaili In ImniiiirliH ami tuii-lili4 ilililiu' iivi-iiiii-a mily i.ullallt u( full HI lor llu- ii.aliitiiiiiii.- e' Mil- naiiu-. liy Ml. daily. I'liilaiMpliU-Kiiilii'Urili.i', 1 1 siiihiii,.. i ma I In tall in a nl In ! ill-l in- i r ijiu ( iu-tiie In IL wltli Hutu u a i"1 in t.i-e i,f tin- nli.in I a jiiilai1 ef Hie feint In u i- n ul i-iiKiu'- -i iiiii'T laiiM1. Ily Mr. Miulillironiiii. Alli-slnliv l,'ii'iliuu i linU'ii hiii'iili-iu. ul li- Hip arlt hiioiii'iralini, ill' t It j ul I'itl-liur.'. lit Mi. Ili.nl. I .in ili' Viilliiiiurinu tin i niul' ii.luiui li.lii'lrt uf ilie -Milal irullilli-. Iri.tttir uilli Hi,' iiiillili t.iliiilm mill Ha .lull liiil. ' , Hi.' ruiiiiti.liii), t.l .alii inunt.i. tu niu.aiii. lIlllUM'hl'S ItltO st.ltl- tlA.IHl Illl-ll, to liolil aiui.til ii!crllti? mul iiutlillii fur rpiiiis ilii-itm The oiib-r of business In the house tonight was bills on second readlm;. A number of bills wen disposed of after which an adjournment was taken until to o'cloik toinmiow moniiim Mills weti icinl lu ilaie as lollovvs. Mr. Slii.li. nl I ailjuii rivliiu tin' alii ul am. ul ilinil.ua nl tltr jmtir III i ui,yi a iiiiiuilaliiiii ul !' ili.ui VM.OOi a I, ill I,. iiiillili"! ruiilalnliitr lis. Hun l(l,uil. svi ici !J.ihi uinl lis-i H i.i 1 1 11 i.i on. Hli m"i ..ii. mil Iim tliaii eO.mie. s-(i, our lemm nui li-s. Hun 7ii.iiii, Siml, tivi-r In." 10 iiial I- - '' il IIHI.IIOI. S; om- 1ll,lllll mill Il'ss Ill-Ill "UII. -sii. n jllim.iiui u In ti tr si all li- 111. 1 1. i.i tlaltlill? ur .1ll oltii-i i,.ll-i4. Mi. (iit.ii. uf l.iit'ii'e lli-pi aliiiu- ilii 1 f Vpill II, lnl, li-uul.itiiis Hie fi-i's m ili. 11 ni' tii.i-itni- ul I.uitiii' .llui I lpaitli lil iiiillili' i fu" .1- il iilaiis tu l.tii'riie loiihii Mi. Il.iuoi lb. ul 1.11in.pv iiiiiui.tiii Jli.Tl tu I li.nlis II. Km Hi ln lumliii itMtl .iiul ih MI11M1I : llll- 'IWllflll ll.lllli'llt. Nil l-ll.I (a.anU nf I'i iiii-ib.iuii, il'iiiia: llu aiiiuiiiu of l'i7 ,11 II.1I1I.111. Mr. Hikir, uf W.iiihi- riuuiliiiu l"i" a " n-u 11 nt sl-J nr iiu.iitli Inr l'liillii I. Hi iiluu'u 1, uf Waiun, tunncr iiuiuliir of ( umiuio I. -i-trititli 11211111 ut. Natioiul I :ii,iiit-i, uu .K.ouiii if lln iiiii ill. 111 1u11l1.11i1.1l at lluiiioi-lpiil in t-"". imaiilliiL' Hill tin. ili'.illi ul Hie ileltiiiliiit .lit, r tlie Ik-iiIii; ul tin- iit uf fi'irlu-n all.11 him lit t-li ill lint ali.ue or utlii ii'li' atficl llif ihihi'i'iI llif tin It on. Vila ii- mulct uf tin iiriuliiiu- uf tin 11 1 1 .11 In 111 lit Iii I'i 1 11 uluti In llu- iMiuturt. ul i-ilnl-.it il-ns i.r lull- i-f tin' ili a nil nil Mr. Hi'il.i, ul laiciur? Npiiiepiiitu . ; OH . lln- l'illii-n liiVutai. .Ml. laar-l, ul linll.au- -t-in-nttiim llu' I'.h i 'u liih.rli llmiM. ait tu uiiKivtri llu 111111I in ii'lu-i HiciuP v tiiniti-r lln niijoiltt "I Hir adult li'-iili'tit-. el tliu v.nl, tiuimuli ir tuiin-Iiii hl'ill !i'iiai mi tlie lruiii'Mti am'. Mi. I'lrlili. uf Daiinliiii I'KIni; tin- luuiihiki Hun 01 lotiHuh.funiift anil ikwfi- 11 s! a il niul -nirvi-tuii at --I0 for uMertaltiiii illii-iuii llui. M.'. Wil-nii. 1,1 i'rmlinil Aiuriiiliiiu tin' u 1 "i .liini- 1, ls-u, m, ,u ti u,,tiili, that vlni-i.ii iu.nl. viluilh- tiuin muuii, api'l-- ui ntln r fruiu .liull iiul lu ii'iiiiiiil In ii'iilalu 01 11 Mm ct I pi 1 d'lil. ui ! j a 1 1 lit. el -nliil- CLARK WON BY SIX VOTES Wlmt the Comiillntlon of the Open Returns S.iow. A 1 oniiilliitlon or tin- opt'ii ii-tmiih In the iiriithitiiotnry'-' 0IIU1- ve-toiiliiy i-hows that II, .1. (.'1. 11k. ni-iuor-r.il, wan i-li'i'li'il lOiiiinoii I'oiiiii'Illiuiii In tin Klml wnul, Tiiu.sihiy, I'm- llu- ii'iiuliii' limly, lu liiivlns opiini't'it John MrDou ulil, tin- I'tfU'iit iiii'iulH'i' from tho l'Mist. Ills nmjoiliy Is uls voti-n. T. V. Thoiiiui uliil J. J. Utanf. it Is alli-iicil, writ- iiotnliiutil inn'tlllcnlly fm- tho txit,iuilt-tl roiini II uml run us can- 1 illiliiti'.i tor j-iiih, ihi' I-'Irnl wunl hi.'lliR- 1 I'lllllli'il 10 llnei' I'lilllH'llllll'll lllliler (lie I Hi'ioiul-ilii-'M i'Iiv int. Tin- vote rust Tiu-filuy. .ih loiniiiii'd 110111 inc open itttiins-. folliirt-t: I I li li . ..I. II. -.1 II ' .1,- i.'i. in-i.r --I - t. till N' l. .lonii Mi 11.. 11 M 1 1 I.i 1 1. i I' . I'iiuliu-. II .1. I. I.I III- It I 1,. Mi, 11. I. The Wanders and Beautie. OF Earth's Largest Segment of Fairdom supirii (jlliiiinl c puiftMli-l only ihe KJlly .umiiiiioiw iiuln. ul Hm 50UII1I2RN I'ACIPIC COAU'ANV The ''SUNSET LIMITED" thnt Train of Tialns, belongs to this sys tem. I'tuliti in culpim lit, -nilif nd iulinp. lu llirt'o rmiUi oiler i(mtliiu'iu delight to th touriit. ' I'or lull liifomution, (ue lllutultil pimphlft., nia, anil llino tal.l-.-ti. uUu lot intc, .lit-nlu ur ll(t.eti iiml iurk-ik tiirflu'! afiily to Mll'lll. l.li.V 1'Al.llli; I O,, Ufi S. .lil M , I'lilli,, I'a CoiniollSdfallac SCRANTON'S SHOPPfNQ CENTER. Silk Waists for Spring. Exquisite New Kinds and a Bargain Lot A mariufcicturers' entire line oi' samples (one of a kind) many of which are original French Waists brought here for models. All at 1-3 less the regular prices. The whole show ing is ready for you today. We need to say very little about it beyond telling you that much, and adding the remark that it is a collection that we arc proud to show. The makers are the best and most reputable in the busi ness. The prices are Irom $3.75 to $30.00. Further than this there is little that can be said in type or talk. Such indescrib able e4xquisiteness as is shown in these had best be left to do its own advertising. Attempts to word-paint sunsets, Niagara, rolling-mills at night, and French costume best, are generally painful for both writer failures besides. be done with can Prices on for instance : these A A A A A c CONNOLLY NEW YORK HOTELS. V x. rfs WESTiUlKSTKK HOTEL 1 Cor fciitccnlh St. and lrvini; I'ltrf, NEW YORK. Anittmn TUn, S...60 ct day iml upward Luropcin I'lan, SIM pir ilav an. I upwaril I t), CHAUIOI'D, Proprietor. fe Broadway, 5th A, enuc ami 27th Street, NUW YOUK European Plan In the centre ol the shop tiiiiKani tlicitrcilistiUt, Absolutely Fireprool A Modern rirtt-rltx Ho'-- CoillfllCtL- III .ill its HI'liUllll nifiili lruini-hiiii;siiiiiltlci.oi.tllonsiict Hi om;li out Acluniiiiotl.itiuiii lorjooRUc-t-., noMilteiwiih oaths. Hot ami -.old iati rami lelc'ilioiiu in ccrj room. CuimIiiu iinixidlul GEORGE W. SWEEHEr. Prop. ---'- lor I5iislnes Men In tho litarl o( His wholrsala district. For SIioimicis minutes' walk to waiirimakt-r-i; S minutes to Bu'tol Coopi-r'H Big Store. Uaby of acccaa tu tha iicat Dry Goods Stuies. For .Siglilscci's One block from B'way Cars, civ Ins ensy tiaiisiiortatlou to all points ot Interest. I HOTEL ALBERT : t XEW YOJlIi. t Cor. 11th 8T. UNIVnHSITY PI. . only one Itlock from llroaJway. -t t Rooms, $ l Up. Pf"J.AnN.Ei. : f-f -f -t 't'-f-f-- All Points West CHICAGO & NOttTH -WESTERN RAILWAY fm-: iiijst or i:vi:nvTiiiN(i. Through traiu-i Chicago to Dcs Moines, Maion Clt, Mou City, Oinuha, The Illack Hills, Denver. Salt l.aV.c. h.m rr.tuci.co, l.o-, Atijicleii 1'ortl.inil, St, I'juI, Miiyicaolia, Dnluili, A-hlunil .mil t'oppci Couiitiy. Call un any agent for ticket) or adJres. 461 SrQadmt Nu Itfr. 831 Cilt't St.,Phlla(lllfhij 303 IVmlilitglct St., Potltn 901 Main St , - Ouffjli, 312 Clark St., CAicajo 4J, VtitrSt., Cincinnati l07 5mitrilSt..Pitfbjr3 .'34 itumnat St., CltmUni 17 Civnoit Karllut Dttreit .'Kintl ,lal1,Ttrni.ti,0i,t. UiMlli-J4t.l iiliii.t..i.llll II.I..U PrOtiG.F.TKEEL.M.g.N.riiiii, Hl PktltilaUlil-i. It. IUilottftir Aril. Pi 1. 4 J t iii M tii nt r 'l f luI, MJVATI .P'UAUS.DISCHAflQSRUN14llQ$,U0ni. Jjr.r .".ii.?.nj.! riCESStS-BLOQDfCISON fflo$ef 1E5 m :i05l MAnHUCW- inwi "Trtciwr imnmiii8,,( Jtfj.r..tiial ifl yriiahitUlrk,er uttf Innnunv.- 51 rethr-a-icM mlin4 tnl A) . Arn 1c He-')tre4'inM; ".filKofffrela ttt'M Rrlni I Iu-mimikU IVimI f- iIimm T(lMiim4 Hktftiii; tu- IkI.' -;" il I M, nVtiiin-nMi Hull. Innli.nl retirl," mrii-C Hmn?mTTtlHmTlf?ffMHTTf!MTTTMfflT I So you must see the waists to learn what lace and ribbons and color harmonies. samples are very much in your favor o Waist for $3.75. 5.00. 6.00. 9.00. 10.00. v. -y . 7-5 ().00 12.00 I5.OO & WALLACE, -i" 4-- 4-''4" - - -i"V DOLLAR SAVING Prudent people arc tjKuig advantage of our CLEARANCE SALE Il will pay you to come and see how we can make a dollar do the woik ot two Axminsler Carpets 51.50 Values. 100,000 High Grade 3c Up Inlaid Linoleum Made like a tile. iolors through to the back, Kcgulrit $i.so fjoods, now o.,c, 75c.S1.00 yard WlLLIAilS&HcANULTY 129 Wyoming Avenue 4 THE mm, powder co. Booms I and'i.Com'lth BTd's. BORANTON, PA. nining and Blastlnp; POWDER Mdo tit Mooste .nd Ituih ! Worlo. LAPLIN RAND POWDBR CO '.S ORANGE GUN POWDER Klcclrlo Ualturle. Llootrlo Kxplojurt, splodlus blails, bntety l-'ita-iiiat Rcoauno Chemical Co.'s cxp!!o! 111(111 IVEB lis Lager Beer Brewery 5lannrfi(,tiircr5 uf OLD STOCK PILSNER 485 to -IDS N. Ninth Strout, ,PA Telephone Cull, '.': H. 1 and lingerie at their and reader and pale 127 AND 129 WASHINGTON AVENUE vwffev'rvvrrr'vr'rfr'i- $1.00 11 Yard. Rolls Wall Paper 3c Up Remnants. t -! 1901 BICYCLES New models now in. Spaldings.Clevc lands, Tver Johnson and Crescents. No better selection ever made. Call and see them. They're beau ties. I? J S 21 1 Washington Ave. HENRY BELIN, JR., Gener.l Afnt for (lie Waiulnx Dutrlct for OPOKT QWDE Ululu;-, niattlns, Itquuno Sportln-r, Finolrlfn ind Clicmlul Company', Ihl High Explosives. Safety I'u tc, Gip-i ml Ksplodcr-i, Itoom 401 Cot.. nt-ll Iliillillni-, bctanton A(ii;.',ClLS: THO--. I0IIII JOHN II. MIITII A. 0N' V, K lll'LLIOAN i,,,,.,.. ......Fitlltfiti ....Pli-tnoitth .Wllkt, n.rr,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers