The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 26, 1899, Morning, Page 3, Image 3

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Lecture by Carol Norton, C. S. D.,
In the Lyceum Theater Lnst
Night He Wns Introduced by
Colonel L. A. Watres Mr. Norton
Is n Member of the International
Board of Lectin eship of tho Mother
Church of Christian Science in
Boston, Mass. His Remarks.
In the Lyceum last nlftht before an
audience that nilcd tho theater to tho
doors, Carol Norton, C. S. D delivered
his lecture on "Christian Selenco and
Common Sense" under tho auspices of
tho congregation of the local Christian
Science church. Tho speaker of tho
evening was Introduced by Colonel L.
A. "Watres, who spoke as follows:
It Is a crowning privilege to live In
the dawn of tho twentieth centurv.
There Is expansion overyvvheio
geographically, commercially and
scientifically and In tho religious world
ns well.
A war for humanity has changed
tho map of the world. 1'pheavals In
the spiritual sphere aie tiansformlng
the theological atlas liy a hidden, but
none tho less resistless now or.
Growth nnd progress are witnessed
cveryw hero.
Tho canal transport has given way
to Stevenson's locomotive, and this In
turn to the finer mechanism which in
sixty seconds runs n mil
Th 3 Santa Maria ivas wreKs In cross
ing the ocean, hut her fashion has been
set aside by the Knlser 'WHhiMm der
Grosse, which makes tho oyjgc in
six days, plus a few hours.
The tallow dip of our giandfatheis
lias been supplanted by the electtle
spark, which throws a flashlight for
many miles, or burns Ineandes-cently
at your will.
Krlcson's propeller, which tho high
admiralty court of Ihigland but le
ccntly demonstrated to bo a failure,
today equips eery respectable vessel
that ploughs the s.en.
Within tho memoiy of not the oldest
Inhabitants, lloise was ridiculed,
doubted and cnlled names for nsklng
congress to construct a telegraph line
from Washington to Haltlmore
Today messages are sent round the
globe In les time than It requires to
explain the method, and wireless tele
graphy is an accomplished fact.
Hut yesterday, as it weie, men were
content to wait for d,is, and travel
long distances to communicate with
friends upon business or pleasure.
Today, thanks to the "Wizard of the
West," wo may talk thiough a hole In
the wall over the wlro for a thousand
miles, and the busy man In Chicago
becomes Incontrolalile In his rage If
"exchange" does not ghe him his man
In Boston within three minutes after
duo demand.
a sTitiKixo i:xampi.i:.
Our own city furnishes a striking
example of the guiwth of Ideas.
A college or unlvoi.slty of oer three
thousand used to be lonsldoied well
nigh unmanageable
Yot.lnourveryinldst. pieslded over by
a modest genius, tho Colllety Engineer,
piactlcally the laigest university In the
world, Is giving to over ioventv-llve
thousand of the youth, not onlj of our
own. but of every civilized land, the
advantages of a college education, thp
better equipping them to meet and dis
charge life's duties and responsibili
ties. Both time and your patience and the
occasion all forbid that I should fur
ther pursue this limitless line of
Permit me brlelly, however, to sug
gest that Stevenson dlscoveied no new
law. The law of mechanics has always
been the same.
Had the wise men of tho east un
derstood It, their journey would have
been materially shortened. Stevenson
merely discovered the applicability of
that law.
The law applied bv I'rlcson is ns
old as Slnal Had Columbus undei -Btood
It, we would have been discovered
seveial weeks oaillei than we wen
Profeshois Henry and Mot so and 1MI
son but put a harness upon a power
which had existed for all timt
Had It been undei tdood whtn the
Krie canal was opened, that Impoitant
event would not have been announced
by the tiring of a cannon.
Solomon's Temple, In all Its gloiv,
was not lighted like this Lyceum, be
cause Solomon undei stood not the law
governing nic and incandescent llshts
And may It bo said that giowth and
progress are limited to things mate
rial? It is thinkable that the understanding
of God's law whh h i tented and gov
erns the unlveisi- including man, is
stunted in its growth''
With due lesneit for our grandfath
ers, are we to be bound by theli In
terpretations und conclusions concern
ing God's law any moio than wo should
1)0 by their lecognlzed lack of knowl
edge ns io the phvslcal laws?
Who shall say that Christian Science,
as taught by Alts, iiddy in Science and
Health, has discovered a new law?
The law of love and of truth and of life
has been the t-ame moving and vital
law since tho morning stats tang to
gether fhiistlnn Scientists have but discov
ered that this spltitual Inw this law
of Uod, may be so undei stood and ap
plied as to lighten the but dens, and te
llove the distresses of a suffctlng hu
manity, and that when pioperly under
stood, it heals the sick ns well as the
sinner. Was not this, the plain teach
ing of the Master when he walked
among men, and are not many thinking
and scholarly peopl.l ngreelng thes-o
days tlint it must bo as true now us it
wns eighteen bundled jears ago''
The largo and growing body of ear
nest Christian Workers, s.o ably repre
sented by the speaker of the evening
inn do no harm to tho world, nor to
any other body of Chrlstlnn woikers.
1 hey believe In God's power to a great
er extent than do their critics and for
doing good deeds to Impotent men, nio
they called In question. For this they are
ildlculed and persecuted, until even tho
hirlshed provision of the bill of rights,
that "one may worship God accoiding
Io the dictates of his own conscience"
Us practically repealed, or at least sus
P tided.
In these days when there is nn car
ii st pleading every w hero for "the
unity of tho spirit in tho bond of
ncire," It would seem but reasonable
ii pvpect that all who bear Ills name
: Cure
10 cents and 25 cents Druggists. I
who arc led by the same Spirit, who
contend against the same enemies, nnd
who hope In tho same promises, would
at nil events bo upon speaking terms,
and look upon each other with duo
lomplnlsnmc, would boar each other's
burdens, and so fill Mil tho law of
Love, tho dhct Initiating characteris
tic of true tellglnn, Is most surely
growing In the hearts of men, nnd It
seems to he melting tho theoloslcal
glacier of the centuries.
lor the love of clod Is broader
Than the measure of man's mind;
And tho heart of tho Internal
Is most wonderfully kind.
Men everywhere are searching in
primitive Christianity. In tho life nnd
teachings ol Iho Master for the ttuth
that makes men free.
Although not tt member of the Chris
tian Science church, It would bo base
Ingratitude not to openly acknowledge
that In Its spiritual Interptetatlons of
the Bible, and In the healing power,
I have found the gteatest help and
Hut, 1 have too long detained volt.
I now have the honor of Intioduclng
to you a distinguished member of the
Board of Lectureship of the Christian
Science church In Boton, Mr. Carol
Norton, C. S. D of New York, who
will address you upon the interesting
subject of "Christian Science and
Common Sense."
Tho speaker of the evening was given
a hearty lecoptlon when lie stepped
to tho front of the stnge He held
the close attention of the audience
throughout. Without any extended
preliminaries ho plunged at once into
his subject and spoke ns follows.
Common sense Is with tho majority
of people the most uncommon thing In
the world.
A diamond that tan jo called wholly
perfect Is very rare. So Is common
sense. Common Sense Is mental dig
nity it Is king, kingdom, law and
people all In one.
Comon Sense Is the suptenio court
of the human mind.
It ileitis Its authority to no lesser
power In tho affairs of uto.
Common Sense Is tho essence of ini
tial tlnlity, tatlouallty, and mental so
hilety. The word "common," means normal
or uulvetsal. The word "sense" Is do
lined ns the normal power of mind or
understanding, and ns rational peicep
tlon Hence common sense can be de
fined as universal, normal, rational
The Standard Dictionary defines
common sense as "sound judgment or
practical understanding. Capacity to
see and take things In their light
Common Sense is that faculty of the
mind which is gained only as the mind s
movements, deductions, and percep
tions represent normal mentnl action.
Mind to bo normal must act In har
monv with mental law, alias Nature,
or tho creative Mind. As Mind and
Spirit nre synonymous woras, normal
mind action Is essentially one with
spiritual perception, discernment, and
undet standing
The divine or Egoistic Mind, alias
God, being unlvctsal Omniscience, all
real mental action must he divined
scientific and exact. Perfect Mind is
the essential nature of Deity. There
fore all normal mind action in indi
vidual life, must partake of the mental
life of unlversa, Mind. Hence It can
be logkallv aflli tiled that common
sense is but nnothet name for lational,
spltitual, or mental discernment
Common Sense then Is the sense c om
mini to all normal minds
This sene anal7es, classifies, weighs,
and sepaiatc-s Ttuth from etror and
lact from table Thus it Is appaient
that common stnse is a spltitual, not
a maioiial facility. It has nothing to
do with petsonal sense testimony. Com
mon sense .s a nottnal mind's harmoni
ous action It is the religious Instinct
In man working nnd operating in a
healthy condition. It is Judge and
Jury, ruler and tuled, dlscerner and
discernment. Common sense Is the ex
act opposite of nivstlcism, credulity,
blind faith, fanaticism and supersti
The word Christian Is defined as one
who mnnlfests the spirit ot Christ, or
of His teachings, one whose ptofesslon
and life conform to the teaching and
example of clulst
Science Is defined as knowledge veri
fied by exact observation nnd correct
The word Christian lepiesents the
Cluist tvpo of thatacter nnd stands In
unlvctsal consciousness for the noblest
order of manhood.
Science is exact or demountable
know ledge.
Science Is that which is self-evident-ly
i oirect. it Is that foim of -mental
philosophy which can be proven correct
thiough phvsleal or ocular evidence
The Interpietatlon and demonstration
of the divine Omniscience Is of neces
sity syno.v mous w ith the understanding
of tlie divine Immanence
All title Science Is divine Divinity
Is Dolt
God. the Anglo-Saxon teim for which
Is (loud. Is Dhinltv's selfhood Hence
the only science that can leveal the
nature of God and Ills mi thuds ot law
In a cotrect way must be divine, or
mental elelie e.
Common Sense makes men Men
never make Common Sense Yet it
can be truthfully said that the aggre
gate notmnl unse of well poised splti
tual minds constitutes the general
common sense of a household, a com
munity, u nation, or a movement.
The science of Christianity Is noth
ing more or less than the demonstrable
nnd practical undeistanding of tin
laws of divine Mind.
Jesus tuught pure Monotheism. His
life lepiesents a consistent demon
stration of spiritual and social sci
ence, therapeutical or healing science,
and above nil else shown the ttlnmph
of Mind over matter, and of Good
over evil.
Christian .Science nnd Common
Sense aie synonymous The alibi e
vlatlon for Christian Science Is O. S.
It Is not strange then that the term
Common Sense lias the same abbte
viatlon, namely, C. S
Christian Science Is the science or
demonstrable understanding of the
divine monotheism of Moses, tlm
prophets, and of Jesus. Monotheism
In philosophy stands for the science
ft one universal Cause. Ego, or God.
In lellglon It signifies that the nature
or being of God Is universal, omnipo
tent, and all-lncluslve,
Chtistlan Science Is practical meta
physics For ages speculation nnd
vague Idealism have been synonymous
w Ith the word metaphysics. The term
has rarely been disassociated with the
name 3 of Plato, Kant. Flchte, Spinoza,
Hegel, Berkeley, Hume nnd Emerson.
Tho mental skyward flights of these
teachers have had countless admirers,
but their ideas have never established
a science of Being, nor evolved n suc
cessful method for the mastery of Bin,
sickness and materialism Tho gen
oral feeling of contempt on tho pan
of n latgo number of minds for any
philosophy that savors of Idealism or
metaphysical research Is well Illus
trated by Byron's words on Betkeley:
"When Bishop Berkeley says theto is
no matter.
It la no matter what he says."
But moods and mental conditions
change with tho progress of tho
thought world In this era metn
physics and idealistic philosophy as
ono united system is sweeping all be
fore it.
Common Sense, nllas tho normal
mental understanding of Mind and
Mlnd'H laws. Is thoroughly in harmony
with metaphysics. Metaphysics Is pre
eminently practical. Mind, or mental
science, psychology and metaphysics,
aro but threu ways of naming one
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All Wi
Mrs. Pinkham's words to nervous women- w
How she helped two of them. Sf
to &$
to WRmitm
to flpH
to 4Br WK
m WW A rag
to mmi h
m m IK
to m mm
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Box 115, South Gardiner, Ale, writes:
Deau Mns. PivnnAM : For six vcars 1 have suffered with female weakness. At monthly periods
I suffered so that I would have to have hot applications applied and take morphine to case the
pain. Tho iains I had were almost unbearable. 1 tried all hinds of pntcnt medicine, also was treated
by several doctors. Last October I had a very bad sick spell. 1 had one of the best doctors in
tlie city. Ho said I had ulcers (fathering- and bivakiiiff in the womb, also Inflammation of the womb and
ovaries; but he failed to help me. I was advised to take Lydia II. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound,
which I did after writing to Mrs. Pinkham for advice. I have taken the Compound and Blood Purifier,
and consider myself a now woman. I tan never thank you cnoucrh for your advice to me. It would
take a lifetime to tell the benefit I have, received from your medicine. 1 would advise all suffeiluf
women to take this wonderful mtd'eine, which has no ecmal.
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetabie Compound
A Woman's Remedy for Woman's Ills.
S&?! 4Zi.i. j S2' 'iZ'' 22' 2S4Z:$&
& -a
Common Sense, or normal mental
undei standing, and Chtistlan Science
ns the demonstrable understandliiK of
the Kro of life ate In complete hat
niotiy Metnnhvsloal Christianity Is
practical Chilstianlty. Ideas and la
tional divine Ideas hase the life and
teaching:' of the Founder of Chi is
tlnnlty. Ills lelliflon, Is Impei.sonal,
henee destined to become universal
Theiefoie, a metaphvsical Inteipreta
timi and demonstiatlnn of the jeliKlon
cf Jesus Is n scientific and common
sense way of apptoptlatlni? Its stan
dout, and ic.illzliiR its Krandeur, and
rtallzlnpf Its lniinnttal perfection
OntnlORy, the ( Inice of general lie.
Incr. and psychology, ot the Science
of Soul, should he a vital p.nt of
Christian theologj, leforinatlon and
hcallm,'. It Is self-evident ftoin the
fotescilut; anal.vsls Common
Sense, Chtistlan Science, Motaphjslcs,
Idealism, l's.vcholnpy. Ideas and Ideals
ate but paits of scientific nnd prac
tical monotheistic Christian tellRlon
Common Sense should he dlstln
truished ftoni uncommon or unusual
sense. The first Is ummal and the
second abnoiinal; thnuKh It often tiles
to painde In the Raiments of common
questions ansvi:ui:d.
A set lea of popular and
questions cone endup: Christian Sc lenen
answered bilelly will hilp to show the
practical unity between Common
Sense and Chtistlan Science
Question What Is the tellclous ot
Christian basis of Christian Science?
Answer Cod as Mind or Splilt, Is
All In all. The only Reality.
Question What Is the vital differ
ence between Christian Scientists and
lellKlonlsts at latge, who subset (he nt
least theoretically to this answer?
Ansvvet Chtistlan Scientists accept
tho Idea of the nll-povvet, or allness of
nod or divine Mind, and pioceecl to the
loKlcal ultimate of this Idea Hence,
their union of hodllj and spiritual or
moial healinpr. RellKlonlsts In general
theoretically believe in the allness of
Ood, but go half way In their belief.
Hence, ko to God, or Spit It. for soul
salvation, or perfection, nnd to mn
teilal s stems and speculation for bod
ily health.
Question Is Christian Science na
tural or supernatural, and does it rely
on faith or ptayer cute for thu heallut;
of tho sick?
Answer It Is divinely nntutal Ood
Is Law because Omniscience Is Deity.
Hence, God and His ways, modes, or
laws aro iinchnnRliifT nnd exact Super
naturalism and miracles Involve a sus
pension of the normal divine nulei. If
such weio the spiritual older. God
would be self-suspended nnd tho eter
nal haiiiumy ho broken. Nntttte, ,m
and God are really ono Faith nnd
pinoi cure Include petltlnnal piavi-t
to a peisonnl humanized God At the
verv outset thev differ fiom tho wnvs
and moans of Chrlstlnn Science which
accepts God as the divine ITIncinlo 01
Father the Crentor of health of bod .
as well ns of character
Question What does Chtistlan
Horsford's Acid Phosphate
quiets tho nerves, and induces!
SieOD. abm no auustitute.
" Everything irritates me ; I am a bundle of
nerves ; I ache all over and can't sleep ; I don't
want to be cross, but I can't help it, and then
I get the blues. Little household matters work
me up so that 1 don t know what 1 am
saying or doing."
'lhis extract from one of the
letters to Mrs. Pinkham, describes
the condition of many women.
The relation of woman's nerves
to the womb and its dependencies
is very close. Nine-tenths of the
nervous despondency and irrita
bility in women arises from some
trouble with the organs that make
her a woman.
Nothing will relieve this distress
ing condition so surely as Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound ;
it soothes, strengthens, heals and
tones up the delicate female organism.
Mrs. Pinkham invites you to write
her for advice. You can tell every
detail of your illness to her because
she is a woman anyway it is better
to address a woman, for a man does
not understand simply because he is a
I Icre are two letters from women who
wrote to Mrs. Pinkham, followed her ad
vice, and are now well and happy :
of Llscomb, Iowa, writes:
Dr.An Hits. Pinkham: I doctored nearly all the time for
two j cars. I spent several hundred dollars without receiv
ing1 much bcnclit. Last June I vvroto to you, and described
all my aches and pains. Such a long- list us there was!
lteadiichc. backache, bcarini;-dovvn paius in tho low or pat t of
the bowels, terrible boroness of the womb, leuconlice.i,
constipation, dizziness, feelini; of extreme lassitude, men
htruations wet 4 irregular, nausea and pile's; but jem
answ civil my letter and told me just what to do. T followed
your advice. After talcinc1 several bottles of the Vegetable
Compound, three bottles of Blood
that I have not enjoyed such good
Science mean when It allltms that Clod
and Natuu ate one"
Answ i r God Is tintuial or universal
Cause Life- Is Cause, and life to be
self-estent must be perfect, 'jecause
God Is self-elstent In Itself nnd Is
capable ot self-pet petuutinn. It is the
positive ot lenllty of nil belnpr II 11 or
en or Is In Its very natute self-dost mo
tive, and when driven to its final limits
diStios itself. Hence, the sciiptutal
tittetance, "dust thou ait and unto dust
Shalt thou t etui n." Tho 1 coord of
every distinct evil in human histniy
will conllim this theoty. .As l'intii
c tuslted to eatth shall tlse
The eternal ears of find are hots
And ettor wounded, wiites in naln
And dies ninlcM her worship-lots "
Good alnne Is uatuial. Heme, no
evil ionics fiom God, either illicitly
or Indlteetlv Health is mutual be
muse mutual Health, then, not ills-case,
should be contagious.
Quistion If God Is Mind is Mind sil
pieme und what Is meant by matters
unienlltv "
Answei Mind Is piimarv Man
thinks ot thiiiKs Things cannot think
of Mind. Mind thinks nnd things two
thoughts. Mind is nlwns Hist Mind
Is llle-fiitce, eneigy, motion, and ani
mation Mind is the Principle of lmi
nionj. benutv, older and Inllnlte indl
vldualitv No eye or Instrument has
ever seen tlie otlglnal atom or mole
cule. It Is wholly an assumption.
What we call mtittet Is but luimnn
thought externalized. Prenatal Im
pression pi oves this It also ptoves
that the human bodv and all its or
ganism is but the mental sub-dlvislon
of mot ml or human mind essence. Se
cuie mental conttol of matter through
divine Mlnd-pnwer, the positive healtn
I'tlnclple, and all oigiinlo discuses of
the bodv can be healed In this man
ner Chtistlan Science Mind Healing dis
solves cancers, i ures locomotor ataxia,
and 1 osteitis diseased lung"
Question Is physical healing tho
principal woik of Chtistlan Science?
Answer Xo It Is a natutal uieum
pnnlment of tho spltitual lefottn woik
of the system. Healing of sin and
dlseabo were one In early ciulstlanltj ,
they have become one In tills age
Theiefoie, no medical enaitnients can
Intel fete with snltitunl healing as a p.ut of ninn's uilt,ioii and
light lehttionshlp with God.
common si:nsi: statumunts
Common Sense says If sin causes ill
bcase dtugs cannot cute It.
If Chilstlnns follow Chtlst's example
In things and In His methods
for the lefot niatlon of the depi.ived,
tluv should Imitate His healing the
ulik without dtugs.
If spf i itual or mental healing' re
mained In the Chilstiiin church for
thin leiituiiis land the best hlstiuiaiis
state that it did). It proves that It was
u 'i incline that Jesus taught and
usid, and was by no means a special
gift or a supetnatuinl power.
If Mind otlginnlly formed tho body
It now governs It. li"t pattlally but
wholly, and Mind-iicllon In behind
he an action, and thought fence Is back
of and superior to btnlii action.
If sickness Is divinely sent ns dine I.
pllne, doctots and dtugs Intotfore with
God's plans.
If physical, so. cnlled, law Is patt of
God's plan, then postllonce, disease,
storm, poisons, death dealing lightning
holts, decay, deformity, pain, sorrow,
and death art hoavenly and natural
things, nnd hell Is a fnhle.
If the teslstautc to temptation lakes
Purifier. I tun triad to write v oil
health for years,.
fiom evil th' power that It would
othciwKt gain ovei moitnls, the same
piocess of mental leMslaiue to sug
gestions of pain, weakness, and dis
ease will take 1mm these inois ivirj
lota of their power to ma.stot the bodv
If Chi Mian Si leiu e lefoims (and it
does) the depraved, dostiovs liquor and
diug habits, pmllles the impute, heals
in gatilc diseases like cancer, consump
tion, nnd sphltu.illy Interprets the 111
blo nnd lo-establlshes the tellgloti of
.lesits, the people want It The masses
vv 111 have It. logic, Suiptitie and li
mits are nil on Its side, nnd nil who
either wlllfullv or Igiiorantly" tiy to
nhstiuct Its mighty nnwaid march onlv
Inciease the number of Its victories
Opposition to that which Is both Chiis
tlan and hclentllli onlv ends in hasten
ing Its gonoial acceptance.
Common Sense ntllims that all that
Is lioiinnl Is natuial Fish need water,
vegetation, tho sunlight und ininftill
The bit ds demand the air as men need
lighteousness All life Is based on
ldeul conditions Sin lety Is built oil
the ideals of law. Justice, toletanie,
fieedotn In othei hood, love, and Indi
vidual tights a motalist Is a nminl
Idealist. A spliiiuall-iiiliided man Is
a spiritual idealist, ot pel haps mute
aciuiutelv, a Realist, for the
Is the only leal. Sume aspei ts of mor
ality iipiisetit but restialnt oi tem
perance In ninteiinl conditions or eimr
A mot .il mutt is an Individualization
of the men al law. A man whose mind
and life me pule, loving, unselfish, and
metnphv slial can be termed a lepie
tenluttvp or einbodlinent of tho splii
tttiil law Moial nnd spltitual pulse
and strength aie uoimal eonditiu'ns to
these two tpes of character
Health of bodv Is ns much a condi
tion of iiutiu oi chainctei, as of phv
sleal oiganism liinlth, wholeness
holiness and uiuniiilitv nre svnonjmous
winds. Good is natutal. Heme It is
the iminiutnl l'llnelple of lite Rvil m
ertor Is unnntuial Thciefure luultli is
man's tioimal londltion I.lte is nn n
tal. tot Mind Is Causation. Hetue the
real life of man Is unlvet.sal Mind, alius
Nature God "In Illm we live and
move und have our being " Above th,
material sense of things, savs the iis
coveiei nnd Founder of (iitlstlmi Si i
enie, all Is liaiinony. lhsiial health
is ptlmarlly a condition of Mind In
fact eveiy detail of so-called organic
movement, functional action, and all
phjslcal conditions ate tilled by Mind,
and All Is Mind and there Is no mattei
This statement tan be made to icad,
all that Is real, fmmottal nnd petleit
l.s Mind. All substnnco Is Mind, what
Is called matter Is but a subjectlvi
state an cNteinalUatlim of tho human
or mental mind Or, ns Mr. Huxley
bays, ' Matter Is but a hypothetical
cause of stati s of out own conscious
ness "
From tin si slmiili self-evbu lit
truths Common Si'iise makes thtee pn
tini nt deductions
Continued on I'uge 0 1
I litivo uniformly found that
afford relief." Bcv, IIenbv Wilkes,
In boxes only Avoid Imitations.
- --T-' HI III!
Rain or Shine,
Thursday , April 27
Cusick's Old Stables,
Washington Avenue.
- - -
Call and Sec
fsrJLflill V . . mTEZk i
James A. Banister Co.'s
For Men.
Jenness Miller and Delsarte
Foi Ladies.
tsttSK fr OV AK (LS
r r-P ? a ll . -TTrixS n
Tnmana namsa mrasi n n Sec the Low Price.
r r I Bi Ful1 5et' $4- Ful1 Set $4
Baaoa bsaa U U tt Albany Dentists.
lilt llll I C ejllV PULL SET TEETH $.300
will do all Kinds of teeth extracted free
llontol uni-b .if GOLD FILLINGS 75o
low er prices tlnui amalgam fillings 250
urn nlliPP llonflst iti 00LD CROWNS .00 to S5.00
HHJ OIHL'l UCIUlSl 111 0THER CROWNS S1.00 each
ton qui It, vcars, vm am ""Js. "V. S
Wo will notlo vvork to. r-s "fSSa, ?mti.
ila that cm cin'l .all f ? A's liSMK
us to 1 ccount feu tumor , 51' ;s5$&i,Jvr
tow. We compete with Vte (r A TwHiSW W &T$$&ffilim$&
the 1 heap uitv el Using ,$iftMis2Sir' ltltll W&jdWLXm
dentists who ni- hire to- rJ.lVlSISM3K F!atA??TJ
da nnd tomeiiiow, IjVi, vHsSWMiraaiJBffiBBJawf 1
but we do nut eonip.iu, XtJl?M yMRIiyiifSWEiiaBStfifa 1
So do nut nuilce a mt- "ivi., 4 " YJfcbf fi $ Iv JfJJ
take: all eiui opeiatois tfyfl'il. s 1 If V K t iUv sH2
.ire eyeits of skill and to4U: ,v I . j ft- -wfiR fcKl
epeilente, nnd nut inem b"'VMt W rWWTiif SfflW
htmliutb. Still our ink. s SlilMliiJ2i''
ore lower than the low-
is.t. HivMiro of iinpe-sters nnd elm lntnns win can afford to ruin jour
in th bu ai so tliov nie tint llnnucl illy responsible How can we do better than
tluv" The iirswir Is Wo Invo a dental office In nearly cve rltv In tho
United States and we buy out supplies at wholesale for cost. No wonder we can
give bettei ptice-, tliuii anjono else. Uxperienco counts also and vvc linve cpi -tlencu
besides our diplomas Don t be buncoed, get the best tho most reliable the
most eoinfoitabli and the must durable. The newest methods! The lntest appli
cations' The host innteiiids' Thtso aro attractions worth considering Hr
sliles, nervous i eoph nnd thri-c with heart weakness can havo their teeth tilled er
crowned with absolute s.ifet and positively without pain. Wo are the only
icallv up-to dati l)i ntnl i-ta'dlshment In Northeastern Pennsj tvanlii Teeth ex
tracting In the ineiiibu and new set furnished in tho afternoon Is nn old prac
tice of outs We nie the original, all others aro imitators. Wo are the oris
Inutors of vitalized ait
ALBANY DENTISTS, Over First National Batf
K&r iff if i&eJv w sgyrjissr
Columbia Chain Bicycles $50.00
Hartford Bicycles 325.00 and 35.00
Pierce and Stormer Bicycles $25.00 to 75.00
Juvenile, 20, 24 and 26 inch 25.00
These wheels die the best that money, science and brains can produce.
till k GONRAO
'J 11 sn
QoaottlBMDeediarellsble.montblrirejnUtlsi! mcdlclta. Onlr hsnalMita4
the f ureil eliuri ihtald bo umJ. II you nta the but, jet
4 ElPo FsaB's PeiuraB'oyal PBBSa
""O Tbor bt prompt, ttla and eorUln 1b rtialt. The ctaalse (Dr. FmI'i) Btrcrdlasi
TDolat. BBDTbere,tl.(iO, Addict flux. MineiBU Co,, OeuUQd.O.
Tor Sale by JOHN H. PHELPS.
Spruoo street
- ..
I - ft ll -f
Our New
of Them,
Chaiito Bicycles $70
a Wyoming Avenue
Pharmacist, co Wrorplno-avenua lfl