y . . ' 2 TIIE SCRANTOIN" TIUBTJ25T3 TTJESDAY MOBSINn, DECEMBER 20, 1890. THE DISASTER AT CAHABRA BRIDGE List of the Dead Dally. la lucreailof MORE BODIES YET IN THE RIVER The List Is Now l p to Twenty-three. It I Thought That the Victim Were Cremated AliveExamina- tioa of the Ilridno Hevegds a Dc liberate IMot to Wreck the Train. TlrmlnKham, Ala., Dec. 8. Few fur ther details are obtainable than those (riven In yesterday's dispatches as to the terrible railroad wreck at the Caha ha river brldue yesterday. The rail road otliclals have a list of twenty-one dead, that number of bodies having been taken out of the river, but the belief gains ground that there are more dead bodies yet In the river, or else some were entirely constimd by fire. It seems Impossible to ascertain how many uassngcrs were on the train. Nearly all had round-trip holiday tickets and had been away from home to spend Clirlstmus. It develops this mornintr that a man named Llbbs and his wife ot on the train at Uulners, six miles this side of the wreck. They are missing, and It Is probable that they were burned in the wreck. This runs the list of known dead up to 2S. Others to the number of six who were supposed to be missing have been accounted for. LIST OP THE DEAD. The corrected list of dead and mlss- lncr now stands as follows: Itullruud employes Frank White, en Rlneer; Juines Howling, express mes senger; Ovuw Carney, HuKliiun; A. P. Comiell, conductor; Tom Sstreeter, por ter; ll. Webb, bridge watchman. Passengers Itruce Phillips, L. W. Martin, Mrs. Henry Hanbury and two children. Kev. It. II. Mount. Miss Ada Towers. D. J. Powers, Mrs. Kminu low era and two children, Mrs. K. Little, James (lordlier, mother and sister, Mr. Llbbs and wife. The Injured are: Henry Hanbury, will probably die; Andrew Bryson, will die; E. H. Eckels, Will Gurdn. r. Miss Hoth, Sam Stuart, fireman; child of Mrs. Powell and Mrs. Walker, ell slightly hurt. The only persons on the train to es cape unhurt were three little children of Mrs. Walker. It is thought that fully half the dead were cremated alive. A further examlnutlon of the bridge shows that the spikes on one side had been drawn for a rail length, which In dicates that a rail was moved out of place to deliberately wreck the train. W. 1). Koss, a bridge carpenter, who was hurt In a collision at the scene of the disaster between two relief trains died today. Another bridge carpenter, named Kstes had both his legs cut off In the second wreck and will die. SISTERS' HEROISM SAVES LIVES. A Church Panic. Calmed by Several lirnvn Worn n. Paltlmore, Md., Dee. 28. The pres ence of mind of several Catholic sisters of the Order of St. Francis tonight prevented loss of life at a Christinas entertainment In the hall of the Holy Itosnry church. The hall Is on the third lloor of the school building. Over SOO persons, mostly Polish women and their children, were crowded into It. On the stage fifty or more children were taking part in the tableaux. Illus trating scenes in the life of Christ. One of the little girls thoughtlessly pushed a gauze curtain too close to a gas Jet. In an instant a ilame shot up wards and across the top of the stage. The children screamed. A panic fol lowed, and death would have resulted but for the sisters, who, stationing themselves at the narrow exits, held back the children and excited women and guided them slowly out the door ways. Some of the frightened people rushed for the windows, but the sis ters again prevented any rash attempt at escape. The lire was quickly subdued and many of the people left the building by means of the lire escupes. Several wo men fainted from fright, but no one was hurt. ASTOR A SUBJECT OP THE QUEEN. The Millionaire Said to Hare Fore sworn His .Native Land. Xew York, Dec. 28. A letter was re ceived here yesterday from London to the effect that William Waldorf Astor has foresworn his native country, w here he made his millions, or, rather, where his millions were made for him, and has taken the oath of allegiance to the queen. People who know Mr. Astor has given expression to the Idea that Amer ica Is not a fit place for a gentleman and of his family troubles. Mr. Astor Is but 48 years old, and gossips have made him an aspirant to the hand of one of the Prince of Wales' daughters. HORRORS OF THE WATERSPOUT. Portugese Consulate Gives Details of the Disaster of November 2. Boston. Dec. 28. The Portuguese consulate in this city has received a petition from the Island of St. Michael, In the Azores, signed by the Portuguese governor and nineteen of the principal citizens, asking aid for the sufferers by the bursting of a giant waterspout November 2 over the city of Povoacao. Opposite Wyoming House. The petition states that there is much suffering for food, clothing and shelter, and gives some particulars of the cal amity than which, it states, none has been more devastating in the history of the island. Tons of water poured down upon the city, which was of about 25.000 Inhabit ants, mounting above the roofs of the houses, ripping up the streets and car rying destruction everywhere in its path. The torrent reached down the slopes to the sea, tearing a wide chan nel through nine miles of country and carrying with it the homes of thou sands of people. The Hood also de stroyed the town of Iilberlit Quente, of 3,000 population and several outlying parishes. All along the coast the fish ermen lost their boats and the shore was littered with the corpses o those who perished In the Hoods. ACCIDENTAL SHOOTING. Elbert Tiffany Receives n Hullet That Was Intended lor a Target. Special to the Sc-ranton Tribune. Lindaville, Dec. 28. About 3 . p. m. Christmas day two boys, sons of O. L. Tiffany, and a boy from Franklin Forks by the name of Snow, were prac ticing at target shooting in the door yard. The target was a mark of some kind on a small out-building, with open cracks between the boards. Elbert Tiffany was inside the building when one of the shots was tired, und the ball from a 22-callbre rille easily found Its way through one of the open cracks, and without any apparent ob struction struck Elbert near the spine, Just ubove the hips and was driven so far Into his body thut Dr. Wheeler, of Nicholson, who probed for the ball, was unable to reach it with any In strument then In his possession. The fuct that the ball had passed the spine before It entered the llesh and that Its course was uway from the spine, and the further fact that It en tered the body below the vital organs are favorable to Elbert's recovery. The doctor says that two Inches higher would have been futal. Elbert Is not suffering much pain and hopes for u speedy recovery are enter tained. BIG MAIL TtOBBERY. No Arrests Have Been Made By Inspec tors Investigating tbe Affair of Last Tuesday Evening. New York, Deo. 28. No arrests have yet been made by the postolllce Inspec tors having in charge the Investigation of the muil robbery committed on Tues day night. The mail stolen came from the west and was for delivery In this city. It Is suspected, although the postof fice Inspectors are reticent about their discoveries, that the thieves are postof flee employes who operated In Jersey City or Hoboken. That a robbery had been committed was first made known to the postofllce authorities on Wednesduy, when a wo man delivered nt the postolllce two bags of mail matter which, she said, she had found In the bay near Coney Island. The letters were badly soaked and nearly all of them had been opened. It Is believed that the thieves secured booty amounting to thousands of dol lars. .GRANT MONUMENT. Presidentelect McKinley Will He Present at I'nveiling Exercises. New York. Dec. 28. At the suggestion of General Horace Porter, president of the Grant Monument association, the board of estimate today appropriated the sum of SjU.000 to pay the vxpenses attending the dedication of the lirant monument on April 27 next. The mon ey Is to be expended under, the direc tion of the mayor and board of esti mate. In his statement to the board Oener al Porter said that the ceremonies should be under the direction of the city authorities, as the dedication of the monument Is to be distinctly a city affair. Oeneral Porter said that the total cost of the monument will be J600.0O0, the largest sum ever raised by popular subscription for such a pur pose. Al! thU money except $18,000 he raid, had been contributed by citizens of New York city In amounts ranging froni one cent to five thousand dollars. He further stated that President-elect MeKlr ley had agreed to be present at the ceremony and that all the members of tho cabinet, the diplomatic corps. t'i legislature, governors of states, and mayors of all large cities ought to be Invited. The government would Invite al' nations maintaining fleets In the At lantic to participate in a naval parade, PAYING TELLER SKIPS. Leander Hoscli, of the Suspended Hank of Minnesota Missing. Chicago, Dec. 28. A special from St. Paul, Minn., says: Leander Hosch, paying teller of the of the suspended bank of Minnesota, has disappeared. When the receiver took charge of the bank he was in formed than an Item In the accounts of the paying teller could not be satisfac tory understood without a personal ex planation from Mr. Hosch. The dis crepancy amounts to between $1,000 and ?2.000. and is so small that the assets of the bank are not affected. The sum, Indeed, is so trivial that It Is believed Mr. Bosch could readily replace It from his personal means should the omission be not exp.amed by a rechccklng of the hocks. EXCLUSIVELY. First in Styles. First in Quality. Lowest in Prices. A Saving of from 25 to 50 Cents on the Dollar. . THE PARIS, Cor. Lackawanna and Wyoming Ave Scraaton, Fa. 1 .nS CLOAKS ANDMILLINERY 1 iN4 ' A CULINARY HORSEMAN. She: I Imagine you must be very fond of horseflesh. Monsieur. "Ah, vera much, Mecs hones, wen eet eez what you call well cooked." Life. (Copyright, ISSti. by Mitchell & Miller. SIX-DAY BICYCLE RACE. Ten llider Enter the Track at Con vention Hall, Washington. Washington, D. C, Dec. 28. At 2 o'clock this afternon the six day Inter national bicycle race began In Conven tion hall this city. The track was in splendid condition, and the boards were Inclined at the curves at an angle of 4? degrees. At the crack of the pistol the follow ing racers started: C. W. Ashlnger, Al bert Shock, H. H. Maddox. America; Frank Waller, Fred Forester, Germ any; C. Chappie, Dudley Marks, Eng land; Albert Hunter, France; Frank Albert, Canada; John Lawson, Sweden. Ned Reading and James Johnson, Americans, withdrew. HIS SKULL CRUSHED. Terrible Dchtb of Charles llagcrman, n Teamster. Harrlsburg, Pa Dec. 28. Charles Hagerman. aged about 21 years, who resided with his father, Thomas Hag erman, on one of the farms of the Mos ser estate about two miles from Shire- manstown, Cumberland county, was Instanly killed about 8.30 o'clock this morning while hauling wood. The young man was standing on tbe brake beam of a big wagon and In passing over a breaker was Jolted off. He fell headforemost to the ground and before he could recover himself, one of the big rear wheels passed over his head, crushing it like an egg shell. ACCUSED OP HOTEL THEFTS. The Alleged Thief Claims Pittsburg as His Home. Sarramento, Cal., Dec. 28. C. H. Watson was arrested here yesterday, charged with having ro'ubed a number of rooms in several hotels In this city. Much plunder has been recovered from pawn shops, and Watson, who claims to reside at Pittsburg, Pa., was Identified as the man who. pledged It. The police believe he is a noted Eastern hotel crook, who Is wanted In Phlladel phi and other cities. MRS. BEECHER INJURED. The Widow of the Great Divine May lie Forced to l;sc Crutches. New Haven, Conn., Dec. 28. At Stamford, Conn., this morning, Mrs. Henry Ward Heecher, who had been recovering from her recent accident, was seized with a fit of dizziness as she was rising from her bed and fell to the floor, breaking her hip. She may be forced to use crutches for the rest of her life. She is 84 years old. WYOMING. Misses Uosa and Mary Sutter and Messrs. John Sutter, Howard Lewis and Archie Ailing, of Mount Zion, were calling on the latter's cousin. Miss Llda McKill. Mrs. William Hates, of Luzerne, and her daughter, Nellie, of Wilkes-Harre, spent Christmas with her daughter, Mrs. Ed wan Rozell. Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Smith spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Byron Whitlock, of Plttston. Miss Nellie Shelly, of Falls, is visit ing In town this week. Mr. and Mrs. John Edwards, of Mos cow; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Knorr, of Trucksvllle; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ai ling, of Mount Zion: Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hufford, of this place, and Charles Knorr, of Harris Hill, attended the family gathering at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Knorr, of Car verton, Friday. A family reunion was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Chesworth on Christmas, and the day was spent very pleasantly by sons and daugh ters and grandchildren, numbering 2;:. Mr. and Mrs. Kdwin Furman and Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Vaughn and son, Cary, of Tunkhnnnock; Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Kinker, Peter Rinker, of Scran ton; Mr. and Mattle Kinker, Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Stevens, Mrs. Thomas Con ley and son. Edwin, of this place, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Abram Kinker on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. It. E. Hltchlns enter tained friends from Scranton Christmas day. IIOMSDALF.. Rev. Y. C. Smith, of Pheonlx. zonlu. occupied the pulpit of the Arl- fres- byterian church Sunday evening. Attorneys Russell Dlmmick and Fred Orambs, of Scranton. spent Christmas with Honesdale friends. Mrs. W. H. Lee and daughter are visiting relatives In Wllkes-Barre. John Urandymore, aged 20 years, died of typhoid fever Friday afternoon, af ter an illness of tine week. When will the Citizen and Indepen dent drop the postofllce quibble and give us something new like the Texas depot or the army worm and grass hopper plugue of last summer? BLOOD IS LIFE and upon the purity and vitality of the blood depends the health of the whole system. Experience proves Hood's Sarsaparllla to be the best blood purifier. HOOD'S PILLS act easily and promptly on the liver and bowels. Cure sick headache. MARKETS AND STOCKS Wall Street Itevicw. New York, Dec. 28. Stocks during the early hour of business were quiet uid heavy. Lower quotations from London and the bank troubles at the west bring the disturbing factors. The pressure to sell was not pronounced by any means. Uuiiington und Quincy scored the heaviest loss In the railway lint und fell 24 per cent. Consolidated Gas was the feature of the Industrial group and broke 4'4 Ier cent, with a 1 Ue rall to 1:19. Sugar was tlrm con sidcrlng ali the talk about a war with Arbin kles. The losses In the general list were unimportant. In the last hour of iradinf the market developed firm ness on (Hurts to cover short sales made earlier in the day. The rally In prices tanged from VA to I '4 per cent. Speculation closed quiet and firm. Net changes show gains of U'uTj per cent. In lie;. ding, Manhattan and sugar, and losses of about as much In the usually active stocks. Uuiiington was an ex ception, losing 1 on the day. Total sales were only lOl.OUO shares. Furnished by WILLIAM LINN, AL LKN & CO., stork brokers, Mears build, Ing, rooms, 705-706. Open- High- Low- Clos. lug. est. est. Ing. Am. Tobacco Co 7S'h 7 7S'i 7Mi Am. Sngur He'g Co.liW-i lloi llo-H Atoh.,To. & S.Fc.Pr 21i4 2a 21 Ches. & Ohio I.-,?, K l.V l llieugu uas Chic, H. & y 7o-U Chic, Mil. & St. P.. 72", Chic, It. I. & P.... tii'4 Del. & Hudson 14 7iM ."i'3 1-1) IIS. 31 a 47N 27', 88 W'i !W4 2.1" a ap.. 144 2li' H' 2.V . r, ft."., :" (WIM 72 W.j 1tl4 11'a 31 47 M M W !!4 23'i 31 '4 II'... r. 8l-'i '4 lil'i 724 I..' 11!7 31 Si litst. & C. F ll'ii Gen. Electric 3PS. Louis. & Nash 47'i M. K. & Texas, Pr.. 27 47' 27'j 8S .Manhattan Kle .... .Mo. Puelllc N. J. Central N. Y S. & W Pr, 87 1'J'i IHi'li SI'i 2H'S Nor. Pacific :n's ont. & West 1I 31 1 mi;i S' Phlla. Head Southern It. It Southern K. It., Pr. Tenn. C. & I I'lilon Pacific Wabash H 2i' 2.V, !) , G ' M'a II 82 til, (., West, t'nlon W. L 1'. S. Leather, Pr. 1'. 8. Hublier 2.-,'4 CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE PRICKS. open- High- Iaw- Clos- v ti KAT. Muy . July ( lATS. May CORN". May July LA ftp. January Mnv PORK. Januury May Ing. est. est. Inir. 82'4 82- Mi M 7(is4 774 70' 4 70', 20 201 111 1..-, 2.VS, 2T,ia 2r,U 2W, 2(i:Si 2ti'', ili'4 2u'4 3.8D 3.82 3.77 J. 82 4.00 4.1.2 3.OT M1 7.152 7.P.2 ",.M 7.r,2 7.!C 7.H2 7.W) 7.HD ffcrnnlon Hoard of Trade Exchange QnotationsAII (Juotatiou linsed en Parol 100. Name. Dims Dep. & DIs. Bank .. Scranton Iare Curtain Co. Bid. Asked. 145 ... 60 89 National Korlng A Drilling Co First National nana Srrnnton Jar A Stopper Co. ,. Klmhurst Boulevard Co Scranton Bavings Bank Bonta Plate Qlnss Co Scranton Packing Co Lackawanna Iron A Steel Co. Third National Bank Throop Novelty M'f . Co. ... Scranton Traction Co Scranton Axis Works Economy Steam Heat . 4k Power Co Weston Mill Co Alexander Car Replacer Co. .. BONDS. Scranton Pass. Railway, first mortgage due 1918 People's Street Railway, first mortgage due 1S18 Scranton & Plttston Trac. Co. People's Street Railway, Sec ond mortgage due 1920 Dickson Manufacturing Co. .. Lacka. Township School 6.. City of Scranton St. Imp. 6. Mt. Vernon Coal Co Scranton Axle Works Scranton Traction Co Economy Steam, H. & P. Co.. 60 XA 250 'is 40 119 119 119 S 109 'i 95 1S9 SO 1U0 109 lot 102 8 llM i 100 New York I reduce Market. New York, Dec. 28. Flour Hull, steady. Winter Wheat Low grades, $2.20h3.3h; do, fair to fancy, J.1.3fa4.7.1; do. patents. $4.!fu 5.2'.; Minnesota clear, !.Ma4: dp. straights, J4h4.0O; do. patents, S4.2.',a'.2.i: city mllU, Wa.'i; do. patents. ti.lOaXi. Wheat Hull, llrtmr: No. 2 red, f. o. b.. I0n4; ungraiir.l reil. Honliuru,: No. 1 northern, Kr.; op tions closed llrm at lie. over Thursday; January, See.; March, slic; Muy, iw'e.; July, 83'nc.: December, to1-. Corn Klrin eh: No. 2. 2!1i,c.; elevator, 3uV. afloat: No. 3. 27c; options dull and firm: December, W-V.; Janmiiy, 2!Sc.: May, 31c Oatj yulet. steady; options dull, steady; Janu ary, 22VC.; .May, 24c. ; spot prices. No. 2, 22c; No. t white, 2,"i1ic.; No. 2 Chlcai'o. 23-V.; No. 3. 20!ic.; No. 3 white. '.; mixed .western. 2:ta24'ic; white do. and white state, 23a3lc. Ileef Fair ilemanu, linsettlcil; family, $9.25a10.r,0; extra ines., IT.r.u 2.": beer hams, quiet, tlrm; $l8a8. tlerced V'cf turn; city extra India mci,s, t13.;Mlal4.iO Cut Meats 4Julet. stoii; pickled bellies, c; lo. shoulders. 3a: pickled hams. te.uSo. Lard tjiiiet, firm er; western steam, 84.10; city, 15; refined, quiet; continent, 11.35; South America, $1.65; compound, 4Sa44c. pork Firm, quiet; new mess, 8.258.75. Butter Steady; state, ItialHc.; do. creamery, 14a 21c; western dairy. 41a22c; do. factory. 7a!2c: Klglr.s, 22c; Imitation creamery, llalti'jc Cheese Firm; state large, 7'a loe.; do. small. 7liaHH4o.; part skims, 3'i a7'tc; full skims. 2a3c. Eggs Steady; state and Pennsylvania, 21a24c; Ice house, 15a18c; western fresh. 20a23c; do. case, $2a4; southern, 19a22c; limed, 15' ,c. Chicago (iraia aad Provision Market Chicago, Dec. 28. The leading futures ranged as follows: Wheat December. 7J a7V.: May. 82'a82c,: July, 7CTia7-ie. Corn December, 23a22c.; January, 22 a224c; May, 25Ha25-V. Oata December, Connolly & Wallace CLOAK DEPARTMENT. A Substantial mark-down in prices has taken place in our Cloak Room. CONNOLLY ONE CENT A WORD. WANTS OP ALL KINDS COST THAT MUCH, WHEN PAID FOR IN AD VANCE. WHEN A BOOK ACCOUNT 19 MADE NO CHARGE WILL BE LK33 THAN & CENTS. THIS RULE AP PLIES TO BMALL WANT ADS.. EX CEPT LOCAL SITUATIONS. WHICH ARE INSERTED FREE. HELP W ANTI-ID-MALES. MEN AND WOMEN OUT OK EMPLOY mcot and willing to work can lern of a permaneut sitnation at Root wages by writing at ones to P. V. H.,Box iis Auguita. Maine. tVr ANTED AN IDEA. WHO CAN THINK of some simple thing to patent ! Pro tect vour ld.as: thev muy hrlng vou wealth. Write JONH WKDDERBCRN A CO,, Dept. (', 23, Patent Attorneys, Washington. D. C. for their $I(K prize otfnr and list of 2UU invou tiona wanted. WANTED-AB AUENT IN EVERY SEC tion to rativaiw: f4.nu to t-MM a day midn ; cells at right; bIko a nan to sell Staple Uoutis to dcalera; lifit aide line $7.1 a month; salary or large commission niado; experience unnecessary. Clifton Hoap aud Manufactur ing Co., t'inciuuatl, O. WANTED - WELL-KNOWN MAN IN every town to rolictt (tock mihecrip tiona; a monopoly ; 1ig money for Hgenta; no capital required. EDWARD C. FISH at CO., Porden Block, Chicago, 111. liOAKD WANTED. 'OCNO OENTI.EMAN SEEKS A OC1ET, reflned boarding place near I'uulio Li brary; references exchanged. I'OHMAN AND WlrE, NEAR PUBLIC I Library. Address A.. Tribune oftlre. IfrVilfic.; May, SimlHTaC. Mush I'ork January, t7.l'i.n7.i: Muy, t".2'aa;.Pi). Lard Junuury. W.S(iiill.K:".j; May, $la4. Short Kibs-Junmiry, $;l.xoa.1.SU; May. Ma 4. Cnsh quotations were lis follows: Flour Quiet and llrm: No. 2 spring wheat, "XuTHc.; No. 3 do., "laTH'ic; No. 2 red, lf.i"4 iiUl-V-; No- t com, 2-5.u2:i'V-.; No, 2 oats, ITnlT'sc: No. 2 rye, STaliiV.: No. 2 bar ley, SloXV.; flaxseed, 13'ii-. ; timothy se,cl, $2.55; mess pork. tii.75aii.Ku: lard. $:i.7.ih3.77'i; short ribs sides. J.'l.7.Vi3.9r.; dry sHltf.l shoulders. $4.25a4.5: short clear sides, $1 al.l2'3: whisky, $1.1H; sugars, cut loaf, $5.2t; granulated, $4.Ik!; stanilurd A., $4.-0. Philndrliiliia Provision MnrUct. Philadelphia, Dec. 28. Provisions were Inactive and unchanged. We quote: lleef hams, tlSiilH.Mi, as to nge and brand; pork, family, $l()uil.5l; hams. S. P. cured. In tierces, do. smoked, Sialic, as to average and brand; sides, ribbed. In salt, I'i.a4:,4i-.; lo. do. smoked, .Va.VaC ; should.. is, pic kle cured, U'ln.l'ic.; do. do. snicked. ll'jiitiV. ; picnic hams, S. .P. cured, 5'1a5'-.; do. do. smoked, CiaftV.-.; bellies, ill pickle, according to nverage. loose. ri'aCc.; lreukfust bacon, 7uSc, as to brand and average; lard, pure city re. filled. III tierces, iW.Vie. ; do. do.. In tubs, .".'ia.'i'ac; do. butchers', loose, 4a4,ic; city tallow. III hogsheads, :ic: country do., 2' u3c., us to quality, and cakes, 3'iC. II 11 tin I Live Slock. rtutralo. N. Y., Dec. 2S. -Cottle Active nod higher; prime steers, $!.''.. good to choice. $4.ia4.7.'i-. light to fair, S!a4.50; best export bulls, $:!.DnaX7.1; butchers, $.50 H3.35; Mockers unci feeders, tlrm; good Mockers. JU.2cia.1.5u; good feeders, $:l.5a 3.11; veals, higher, $4.. "i" m 0.75. H.igs Act ive und siroiig: Yorkers, $:i.0ca3.7u; light $:!.7-' ju3.7.': pigs. $-J.75u3.85; mixed pack ers, $3.,Va3.Ct; heavy and medium, $1..V) n3.55. Sheep and Lambs 25 cents lower for lambs; steady for sheep; best lambs, $5.f,0a5.35; good to choice. $5.15a5.25; mixed sheep, good to choice, $3.25u3.5v; common to fair, $2.25a3. C hirneo Live Stork. Chlrago, Dec. 28. Cattle Receipts, 21. 0UO head: market weak. 15a2."u-. lower: common to extra steers. $.'l.4'la5.;i; block ers und feeders. $2.85a.t.25; cows and bulls. II.SuuX;.',: calves. $:l.25ar,.5u: Texans, $.1.40 n4.30. Hogs Receipts, V.m head; market firm and S cents higher: htavy packing and shipping lots, .i inaa.ii": common 10 choice mixed. $3.3a3.50; choice assorted. :1.40a3..u: light. $3.3ihj3..1",; pigs. SJ.Ja3.V. Sheep Receipts, ll.uuo head: market steady: Inferior to choice, $2a3.&; lambs. $.'!.50ao.10. Oil Market. Oil City. Pa.. Dec. 21 -Option oil not quoted. Credit balances, Ho. FAR TOO MAHY Of E.H. From the Philadelphia Inquirer. There are children In the public schools throughout the coiintiy who are discuss ing (ireek and Latin verb without know ing how to make English verbs und their subjects agree If the IJnbr Is Cutting Tcelh. Mra. Wlrislow' Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by mil lions of mothers for their children -while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the Bums, allays all pain, cures wind colic and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. Be sure and call fur "Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup." and take no other kind. Twenty-five cents a bottle. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. & WALLACE, HELP WANTED FEMALES. I AD1G8-1 MAKE BIO WAOEBDOINO I J pleasant home work, and will gladly send full particulars to all send lug it cant stamp. MISS M. A. BiEBBlNS. Lawrence. Mich. UfANTED LADY AGENTS IN SCRAN ton to tell and Introdues Snyder's cake icing; experienced canvasser preferred; work rermanent and very profitable. Write for particular at once and get benefit of holiday tiade. T. B. SNYDER & CO., Cincinnati, O. Itr ANTED IMMEDIATELY TWO ENER ' getio saleswomen to represent n Guaranteed $U a day wlthont tnterferrlng with other duties. Healthful occopattoik Write for particular, enclosing stamp, Mango f bond cal Ccmpauy, No. 72 John Street, New York. AGENTS WANTED. AJTIOltNRALENTTWEVr erv county; also lady canvassers; some thing new; sure seller; apply quick. J, C H1LBERT, 141 Adam avenue, Scranton, Pa. AOENT8-WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO do about Safe Citizenship-price tl. Go ing by thousand. Address, NICHOLS, Naperville, 111, AOENTS-TO BELL OUR PRACTICAL gold, silver, nickel ana copper electro plasters: prices from $3 upward: salary and expenses paid: outfit free. Address, with stump, MllHIGAN MFG CO., Chicago. AGENTS TO HELLG1GARSTO DEALERS; 2S weekly and extienses: experience un necessary. CONSOLIDATED MFG CO.. 4s Van Buren at, Chicago, SALESMAN TO OARR V'lDELIN b7U per cent, commission: sample book mailed free. Address L. N. CO., Station L, New York. FOR SALE. I.MJR SALE A SILVER-PLATED CONN double bell euphonium, nicely engraved with trombone bell, gold lined; neurlv new and coat (W: will sell at a bargain. Address tin week to E. W. UAYLOK, LaRayavule, Pa. 1OK KALE-HOHHK, AGED SIX YEAKS. weight 1,00" i ouuda; can be seen at 1H21 Price street. I'OR HALE MY COTTAGE AT ELM hnrst and the four lots on which it stands; alrothe four lets adjoining: most da. siralle location in Elmhurat: urices reasona ble; terms easv: possession given at once. E. P. KI NCSHURY, Commonwealth Building, Hctanton. Pa. FOR RENT. I 'OK KENT-NICE 12-ROOM HOUSE, 73S 1 naanington avenue; all modern liu. provements, by February 1. FOR RENT-HALF OF DOUBLE HOUSE; modern improvements; rent reasonable; corner of pine and Blakely streets, Dnnmnre, CHIROPODIST AND MANICURE. AkrXererVaXSrStyiaark'SWaleW C'ORNS. BUNIONS AND INGROWING ' nails cured without the least pain or drawing blood Consultation and advice given free. E. M. HETSKL, Chiropodist, SIM Lack, awanna avenue. Lad lea attended at their residence if desired. Charges moderate. CITY SCAVENGER. Ali. BKIGGS CLEANS PRIVY "VAULTS and ceaa pools; no odor; improved pumps used. A. BRKIOS, Proprietor. Leave orders 11U0 North Main avenue, or Erckcj' drng store, rorner Adam aud Mul berry, 'telephone 45& IO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. my bed and board, I will pav no debts of her contraction after this date, Dec. 29, 'W. GEURGE A. MANN. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. ri'HK ANNUAL STOCKHOLDERS' MEET 1 ing of The Weston Mill Company will be held at the First National Bank, of Scranton, baturday evening, .Ian. I'th. at K o'clock. A. W. DICKSON. Secretary. NOTICE IH HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE annual meeting of The Spring Brook Water ftupply Company for the elertion of directors aud the transaction of such other business as may property come before It. will tie h-ld on Wednesday, January 20th, lBCT. at the hour of 10 o'clock a m , at the office of the company In tk-ranton. Pa., lu accordance with the by-law of tbe company. L. A. WATRES, President. Attest:-T. H. WATKIXS, Hecretary. SITUATIONS WANTED. DRUG CLKKK WANT: P081TION-REt. istervd O A. ; ts-st references. Address ERN EST GROSS. Wyoming. Pa. 11 "ANTED BY MARRIED MAN, 8ITUA V v tion as engineer, fireman or watchman; can do own repairing and make himself gen erallv useful; good references furnished. E. (.'., Ul.'i Linden atfeeU SITUATION WANTED TO DO WASHING Ct and ironina-at hom or go ont by the day at anything, cleaning offices: will give perfect safisf jctioit at any place. Call or address A. B.. 311 Nortn Mtiniuer avenue. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Physician and Surgeons. MARY A. SHEPHERD, M. D., NO. 23$ Adams aevnue. DR. A. TRAPOLD, SPECIALIST IN Diseases of Women, corner Wyoming . avenue and Spruce street. Scranton. Of. flee hours, Thursday and Saturdays, I a. m. to (p. m. DR. COMEQYS OFFICE fO. 237 . N. Washington ave. Hours, 12 m. to 3 p. m. Diseases of women a specialty. Tele phone No. $232. DR. W. E. ALLEN. 613 NORTH WASH Ington avenue. DR. ANNA LAW, $0$ WTOMINO AVE. Ofricehourss-H a. m., 1-1 p. m 7- p. m. DR. L. M. OATES. 12S WASHINGTON avenue. Office hours, I to 1 a. m., 130 to 1 and 1 to p. m. Residence 30 Madi son aevnue. DR. C. L. FREAS. SPECIALIST IN Rupture, Truss Fitting snd Fat Reduc tion. Rooms 201 and 207 Mears Building. Office telephone 1J6J. Hours: 10 to 12, 3 to 4. 1 to . DR. S. W. LAMEREAUX. A SPECIAL TIIE CLOAK TRADE Has had a trifle the worst of the weath er. Mild weather and a brisk cloak trade seldom come together. That's why this mark-down has been found necessary .surtnou?enue' 1st on chronlo diseases of the heart, lungs, liver, kidney and genlto urinary organs, will occupy the office of Dr. Roos. 232 Adams aevnue. Office hours, I to & p. m. W. O. ROOK. VETERINARY 8UR- eon. Horses, Cattle and Dogs treated, loapltal. 124 Linden street, Bsranton. Telephone, 2672. Law vera. FRANK B. BOYLE. ATTORNEY AND counsellor-at-law. Burr building, rooms 13 and 14. Washington avenue. EDWARD W. THAYER. ATT Y AT LAW, 211 Wyoming avenue. JEFFREY'S RUDDY. ATTORNEYS-at-law. Commonwealth building. WARREN KNAPP. ATTORNEYS and Counsellors at I -aw. Republican building-, Washington avenue, Scranton, Pa. JKSStJP ft JESSUP. ATTORNEYS AND Counsellors at Law, Commonwealth building, Washington avenue. W. H. JESSUP. W. H. JESSUP. JR. PATTERSON WILCOX, ATTOR neys and Counsellors at Law; offices and I Library building, Scranton, Pa. ROSEWELL H. PATTERSON. WILLIAM A. WILCOX ALFRED HAND, WILLIAM J. HAND. Attorneys and Counsellors, Common wealth building. Rooms 11. 20 and 21. FRANK T. OKELL, ATTORNEY-AT-Law, Room 6, Coal Exchange, Scranton, Pa. JAMES W. OAKFORD. ATTORNEY-at-Law, rooms 63, (4 and SS, Common wealth building. SAMUEL W. EDGAR, ATTORNEY-AT-Law. Office, 317 Spruce at., Scranton, Pa. L A. WATRES. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. 423 Lackawanna ave. Scranton, Pa, URIB TOWNSEND. ATTORNET-AT-Law, Dime Bank Building. Scranton. Money to loan in large sums at t par cent. C. R. PITCHER, ATTORNEY-AT-law, Commonwealth building, Scranton, Pa. C. COMEOYS, 321 SPRUCE STREET. D. B. RI3PLOGLE, ATTORNEY LOANS negotiated on real estate security. Mears building, corner Washington ave nue and Spruce street. B. F. KILLAM, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. 120 Wyoming ave., Scranton, Pa. JAS. J. H. HAMILTON. ATTORNEY-AT-law, 45 Commonweal'.)-. bld. Scranton. WATSON. DIF.HL, HALL A KEmITkR KK Attorneys and Couusellors-at-Law; Traders' National Bank Kulldlng; rooms C. 7, 8, 9 and 10; third floor. Detectives. BARRING aV M'SWEENEY, COMMON, wealth building. Interstate Secret 8er vice Agency. Architect edward" Hi davis, "architect Rooms 24. 26 and 20, Commonweultn building, Scranton. E. L. WALTER, ARCHITECT. OFFICE! rear of 606 Washington avenue. LEWIS HANCOCK JR., ARCHITECT. 430 Spruce St., cor. Wash. ave.. Scranton. BROWN ft MORRIS. ARCHITECTS. Price building. Lit! Washington avenue, Scranton. . T. I. LACEY SON, ARCHITECTS, Trader's Bank Building. Alderman. O. F. KELLOW, 1004 W. LACKA. AVE. DentiHts. DR. F. L. M'ORAW, 306 SPRUCS street. DR. H. F. REYNOLDS. OPP. P. O. DR.B.T. HARRISON, 113 S. MAIN AVE. DR. C. C. LAUBACH. 115 Wyoming ave. R M. 8TRATTON. OFFICB COAL Ex change. WELCOME C. 8NOVER, 421 LACKA. ave. Hours, to 1 and 2 to 5. Dressmaker. MRS. M. E. DAVIS. 430 Adams avenue. Schools. SCHOOL OF THE LACKAWANNA. Scranton. Pa., prepares boys snd girls for college or business; thoroughly trains young children. Catalogue at re quest. REV. THOMAS M. CANN. WALTER H. BUELL. MISS WORCESTER'S KINDERGARTEN and School. 412 Adams avenue. Spring term April 13. Kindergarten 110 per term. Seed. O. R. CLARK A CO., SEEDMEN AND Nurserymen: store 146 Washington ave nue; green house. 1330 North Main ave nue; store telephone, 782. Wire Screens. JOS. KUETTEL, REAR 511 LACKA. wanna avenue. Scranton, Pa., rjianuaa. turer of Wire Screens. Hotels and Restaurant. THE ELK CAFE. 125 and 127 FRAN- . . . T, . ....nn.kU tin avenue, nnii1!. 1 munauic. P. ZEIOLER. Proprietor. SCRANTON HOUSE, NEAR D.. L. 4k W. passenger depot. Conducted on the European plan. VICTOR KOCH. Prop. WESTMINSTER HOTEL. Cor. Sixteenth St. ana Irving nace, s vw Vnra Rates, 23.50 per day and upwards. (Ameri can Plan. J ulu. da nncii, Proprietor. Miscellaneous. BAUER'S ORCHESTRA MUSIC FOB balls, picnics, parties, receptions, wed dings and concert work furnished. For terms address R. J. Bauer, conductor. 117 Wyoming avenue, over Hulberfs muslo store. MEQARQEB BROTHERS. PRINTERS supplies, envelopes, paper bags, twine. Warehouse, 130 Washington ave.. Scran, ton. Pa. . FRANK P. BROWN ft CO.. WHOLE sale dealers In Wood ware. Cordage and OII Cloth. 720 West Lsckawanna aye. THOMAS AUBREY. EXPERT Ac countant and auditor. Rooms it ana 2v Williams Building, opposite postofflos Agent for the Res Fir Extinguisher. A
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