' EIGHT PAGES S COLUMNS. SCBAXTOX, PA., THURSDAY MOHX1XG, DECEMBER J 7, TWO CENTS A COPY BUYING HRONGS MOW All tho lcndltifT departments thrnuirhout tin- store, nnel tho rnp 1'lily with which our vast special Holiday pun luisi-s uro disappoarinir proves beyond nil doubt that we have tho popular fancy In our sel ections, mid the pi-mile's pocket books with the low Humes. Oar Pfctaix Gallery Draws hosts of admirers. The va riety of subjects shown Is practical ly without limit. For the .choicest of them all. The rout Is hardly over the usual prltv of tho frames. dm Toy Fair llellchts the youngsters, ns well It jnlfilit. Hardly a thhiK you'd think of for their hnppiness that Isn't there, nml tin-re's Mi? savings In bujimj Toys at Dry Hoods prices. Mlracliye Glassware, tie In n hundred nrtlstlo ways, some useful as well as beaut'lul, others mainly-depending mi iroud looks for a buyer. Which ever way your fancy leads yon we'er ready to meet you, and always ut Globe Ware house I'rioos. fdictSsIIfcg Brlc-a-Brac Tretty eoncells In Metal, China Celluloid, etc., etc., nil hard to talk about intelligently, but well worth looking nt, anil the bisfre-st puzzle to most buyers so far seems to be how they were ever got together for so Jittle money. Ail Mies Our display In those departments overshadowing the Stocks of all others combined. NO MATTEIl w hat you've had your thoughts fix ed on, we've But It and at the right price too. TO GO OVER THE STORE AT THIS SEAFON, IN AN ADVERTISEMENT, IS UNNECESSARY. OfR ENTIRE RETAIL PREMISES ARE AS orEN AS A FREE PROMANAPE, AND YOU JiETAIL TRESIISES ARE AS OPEN COME TO ROAM FROM DEPART MENT TO DEPARTMENT AT WILL, WITHOUT FEAR OF DEIXQ PRESS ED TQ buy;h , , v-. " ' .. Opeo Every Even tag fill. Christmas. SO THERE TS NO EXCUSE FOR YOUR NOT UEINO ABLE TO GET IN TO SEE US. GLOBE WAREHOUSE THE SENATE TALKS ON CUBAN AFFAIRS Foreign Relations Committee Adjourns Without Action. MUST WAIT UNTIL NEXT FRIDAY Victory for (lie Conservative Element on the iiiimittrc"Woylcr' Forces Aie Active-.l'iisliiiiK Their Ativan tns Over the Insurgent!) in the Field-Hotheads Want to Enlist. Washington, Dee. 111. The senate committee on foreign relations held a meeting today which was devoted to a consideration of the Cuban resolutions which have been referred to It. No action was taken, and the committee adjourned to meet on Friday. It was haid that the sentiment of the com mittee was favorable toward reporting one of tho resolutions, though Its form was not determined. The ponitpone-- I incut of action until Friday was for j the purpose of securing further Infer I ination from the state department as i to the situation In Cuba, especially as to the latest developments in t lie Isl and. There is also a desire on the part of members of the committee to ascer tain exactly what will be reported by Consul lieiierul I.ee. Many documents can be sent to the rominitte or to In dividual members of it, ,whleh the de partment might not wish to be uiado public nt this time. The failure of the committee to net today, and lis adjournment till Friday is tantamount to a victory for the con servative ien In congress. There is undoubtedly great sympathy for Cuba in the se-nut-. but It clues not go to thP extent of declaring war against S'laln. Senator Sherman is understood to be very much averse to any action that might precipitate a crisis on the Cuban question, and is bell 'ed t.i rtpresent tho views of the Incoming administra tion. This much Is certain, however, congress will defer nny aggressive ac tion until the whole evidence Is ob tained from both slihs as to Maeeo's death. The committee took no vote on any proposition, but all the resolutions be- ; for the committee wet" read and com mented upon. The simple declaration I for Independence contained In the Cam eron Joint resolution, which was intro duced immcdlat.ly after the close of last week's meeting, was the one most favorably commented on. .All the memheis of the commit tec complain of the absence of accurate data upon which to proceed, and some of them complain that there is a tendency to exaggeration on both sides of the Cu ban controversy, which renders the lirobb in of what to do all the more dluii ult to congress. ! The Cameron resolution as Intro duce d is as follows: Resolved. Hy the senate anil housu cf representative)) of the United States, In emigre! assembled, that the indepcii I ence of the republic -of Cut a tie, an I the same I he rUiy, acknowledged by the (lim ed Stales of America. Sec. 2. That the United Slabs should use it friendly o III cm with the govern ment of Spain to bring to a close) the ar between Spain and Cuba. Senators Sherman, Cameron nml Tur pic were appointed a suli-comniitlee to go to the stale department and confer with Secretary Olney for the purpose of seeing if he had any further infor mation which might be placed nt tho disposal of the committee, and also to ascertain more particularly what his views are upon the effect of any elell nite declaration by congress. The cUcstlon was raised in the committee that action by congress might produce results of great seriousness, and this hail the effect of postponing action to day. Another point raised was that ii would be in violation of (ill precedent for congress to recognize n republic or any id her form of a new govern ment, but several members declared that the time for Ignoring precedents had arrived. GOV. 1IOI.COMHE TALKS. Lincoln, Neb., Dec. It!. Governor Kolcombe today made public his lati tude concerning the Cubnn Insurgents and the alleged nssassinatiou of Gen eral Vac-co. He said: "The belligerent rights of Cuban rev olutionists should have been recogniz ed by our national government. Their valiant fight, so long emit iniicd, to free themselves from the yoke of European oppression entitles thm to the sym pathy of every American." The governor declared thnt in the event of war with n foreign nation Ne braska could furnish twelve hundred drill d mid organised troops nnd thnt tin.iien Nebrisknns stood ready to de fend the country's honor. St. Louis. Mo.. Dec. 111. Enlistment oi recruits nnd solicitation cf funds to assist the Cubans continues lure una bated nnd Is carried on without attempt nt concealment. This Is done in direct violation of legal enactment, and to day the -United States attorney f .-it en lied upon to interfere. Sc-.r,:- .'amon Aiuadbella, the active Cub.m a lent hire, today received n note fro-?i the nttoiney calling the former' attention to the neutrality law. CLOSE AFTER CUBANS. Spanish Torres Are Pressing Their Advniitnge in llic Field. Madrid. Dec. lfi. Dispatches received here from Havana say that the pur suit of the Cuban insurgents is being very actively pushed, espcclully In the provinces of Havana nnd Mntanzas. Skirmishes nre frequent nnd the Insur gents nre reported to be retreating to the eastern end of the islnnd. No attention seems to be paid here In olliclal circles to the reports that Antonio Maeeo was assassinated. The Spaniards sav that if the Cuban lender was poisoned he would have died at the table or In bed and not on the Held of battle. They add that the superior numbers of the Insurgents In the engagement nenr Puntn Itrava with the Spanish troops under Major Ciru jada, disposes of the idea of an am bush. AoT'ording to the Hernldo. la.OOO troops nre to be sent to reinforce the Spanish L'arrlsons in the Philippine Islands. Havana. Dec. 16. Captain General Weyler has published a decree regard ing the circumstances of Antonio JUa cco's denth. This decree says that Ma eeo's body Ib burled nenr lk-jucel, be tween Santiago de Las Vegas nnd Rin con. In Havana province. It confirms the reports heretofore Bent from here by the Associated Press concerning the manner of Maeeo's denth. The Spanish trnns-Atlaiitlc Liner Al fonso Doce has arrived here with 1.24'! recruits, being the Inst installment of the aa.OOO reinforcements despatched from Spain In the Inst three weeks. It Is uiulerst'Mid thnt the retrial of the eise of Julie Sanguilly, sent back on appeal from the supreme court of Madrid, will not occur until Jan. 8. Abelnro Canipnponl, a member of Ju an Delgado's Insurgent band, hag sur- rendered to the Spanish authorities and been granted emnesty. The fortifications of the town of So ansbaeoa. just ucn.ss the bay fr-nn Havana, upon which attacks have been iuade several times recently by raiding parties of insurgents, are being actively pushed. WILL SEEK REPOSE, President-elect Hopes to llscnpe 'Original McKinley .Hen." Cant'in, O., Dec. lfi. In order to Join his wife in a measure for rest, to se cure change of scene, nnd to escape the throng of unimportant visitors who ;?ll to say they wen "original Mc Kihlcy men," President-elect McKinley lett Canton at o'clock this evening to visit a week in Chicago. Ke was accompanied by Charles U. Dawes, of Chicago; Captain H. o. lielsland. ills ai ling confidential secretary, and sev eral newspaper correspondents. Major McKinley expects to reach Chicago about S o'clock Thursday morning, and will at once go to tho res idence of Mr. and Mrs. Lafayette Mc Willlams, where his wife Is staying I Major McKinley will probably remain i in Chicago till next Wednesday night, and he may return by way of Ch-ve-I land, stopping for a night with some of his friends there. This is the second time since his nomination that Major I McKinley has left Canton. The other occasion was his visit to Cleveland at the time of the centennial celebration In that city July 9. Major Mi Kinley's health Is sound, but he feels the need of some rest and recreation. Ills toil for six mouths hits been Incessant, nnd judged by ordinary standards, exces sive. The cnbinent will be discussed some In Chicago. Politicians of Importance will lind the president-elect and talk about big men and measures. SHOT HIS DARLING EDE. Ilnrry Fri.ell Writes it Queer Letter lld'orc Committing Suicide. Plymouth. N. 11., Dec. Hi. Harry Frizzed, uged 1!) years and son of Will lam Frizzell, of this place, shot Mrs. Edith Culdon Young, ni'ed about IM years, hen- this nlteroonn and then himself. Neither party is expected to live. Mrs. Young was keeping the Cen tral House nnd young Frizzell, who is n relative by marriage, has been stop ping with her for the past few days. No trouble is known to have exisled between them. Mrs. Young was shot In both curs nnd Frizzell had shot himself twice in one ear and made an attempt to put a bullet in his breast. The following letter, written by Frizzell, was found on the iloor: It Is Just 3 u'elock now and in lift en minutes l-Me and I will both be de.nl. Perhaps vi. a will think I am drunk or crii.v, but I am neither. I never fell bel ter In iny lire, but l-Me says she will die rather than have me leave her, su we have decided to die together. l-'rum Harry and his darling, Kdo. Good bye to all, HARD NAME CAUSES DEATH. Farmer hciio Couldn't Stand the Kpitlict nml Kxpircd. South Leth'ehem. Pn., Dec. Hi. -While nn Itinerant peddler of medicine was haiunguing a crowd and giving a show at SVeaversv ille. a village three miles north of this place, last night, one of the hpoctntoi's named Kelm, excitedly said to another: "Don't you call me a liar!" and then dropped dead In hi trucks. The excitement had caused heart disease and instant death. I Keim was a fanner. ,12 years old, and leaves a wife and child. Some man in the crowd had addressed u pet namo to a woman who was assisting the medi cine peddler. Keim had been pointed cut as the man. He, however, Insisted that it was his accuser who did it, and the latter called Kelm a liar, with the result slated. SEEDS PROVIDED FOR, Iloii'-c Committee Asks (or the Usual Appropriation. War.hingtop, Dec. H!. The house committee on agriculture today com pleted the agricultural appropriation bill for the coming tlscal year. The measure will cany an appropriation of about $:'.;;nii.0n:i, about the same as for the current year. No aoornprmtion for seeds to be dis tilbuTTtT by members of congress was asked for by the secretary, but the committee Inserted this item, as has been the case before. "The bill contains no new legislation. SENATOR BUTLER WEAKENS. He is exhausted and ( nn o Longer lie Loyal to 'l oin Watson. Raleigh, N. C, Dec. HI. Senator But ler's paper today contains the follow ing editi, rial: "And now it is announced that Hon. Thomas E. Wati on will contest the seat of Pluck, from the Tenth Georgia dis trict. We have strained ourselves light much to be loyal to Watson since bis nomination for the vice presidency, but .our strength is now exhausted and we give up the Job of loyulty to him." BKj FIRE LOSS COMPROMISED. Cliiciigii Railroad Accepts the Insur ance Company's Oiler. Dubuiiue.in.. Dee. III. Th? Chlc'igo Great Western railway has effected a settlement with the insurance compa nies und lumber firms of th!s citv. which were burned out over two y.urs ; ago. The claims were for $"00,000, and the company agrees tn pay per cent, of the loss. It is albgid that u spark from nn engine caused the liiv. Penrose Visits Kristin;. Hiirrishiirg, Pa D. e. 1H. ri. nator Holes Penrose called oil Governor U'i.-tht.ss nt the exieiulve mansion ttils cviiiing to -lay his respects. At the 1'inros" hc.idqu.ir lers, which are in ch:irge of Senator T.ioiu as. n:aty itiHy men called on Senator Penrose and uss-ured hiln of their support. Senator Thoiras says tie is sure to win, Sinator KaiilTmun, of (.anciislcr, was here toiiay and declared that ex-i'o-unjiHti'r General W'uiianmk.-r was a safe winner In tie senator!. d race and that lie can not now be defeated. An I nlinliiiieed .llusicinn. Hnrrlsbnrg, Pn., Dee. W. Frederick C. .Martin, the young math-Inn v. ho tried to commit suicide last night by shooting lilni. Felf In the left breast, is at the city hospi tal. It Is thought lie may recover, al though it will take several dnys to de termine the results of his injury. It Is be lieved his mind was unbalanced by reli gious mutters. Sympathy in Texas. Denison, Tex., Deo. 111. Muse meetings ore being held all over north Texas in sympathy with Cuba. The war spbit is ranipniit. Colonel I. M. Standlfor. of Gov ernor Culberson's staff, fays that In ease of wur with Spain, Texas could pat 'sm men in the tield Inside of thirty days. Glcott Succeeds Fellow. Albany, N. Y., Deo. lfi. Governor Mor ton today appointed Wlllrem .M. K. DI eott, us district attorney i,f New York county In the place made vacant by the death of Colonel John It. Fellows, Mr. Olt-ott la a Htejublivuii. BIG STORMS ON THE SEA COAST New York Cliy tbc Center of a Heavy Const Storm. THE WORST SINCE THE BLIZZARD The Wind Driving Aloe-,' at 1.1 -Hilcs an Hour and Heaping I p. Diilts--M father 1'oieeastcr Dunn I.xpccls The Storm to Continue Through The i;;lit-Quakcr iu the Snow. New York, Dec. 16. Not since the memorable bll.'.zard wliii h began on March VI. 1N and which lusted for three days, lias New York' -city experi enced such u snow stoini us that which is prevailing here today. Accord!!!. to Weather Forecaster Dunn, it links only one condition of tho great bliz zard, and that is the element of cold. Otherwise, us regards the fall of snow und the velocity of the w ind, tho condi tions ere identical. A few accidents have occurred, that near Newark, where a train plunged through a gang of laborers, b-dng thi most serious. Trufiie on the water lias been car ried on as cautiously us possible. Railway service has been slightly hampered, but In the main no serious delay occurred. lit re, in the city, tho surface roads, particularly the horse car lines, suf fered much by t lie drifting snow. Heavily laden trucks also contributed to the many blot kudos reported. Pedcs trianism was unpleasant throughout the day. At 2 o'clock It was announced nt the weather bureau that there was less snow falling, but that tho wind hud not slackened In velocity. PATH OF THE STORM. The storm started in the lower Mis sissippi valley last Monday, switched to the Atlantic coast over Florida and passed up the coast, Increasing in se verity until curly today it reached si climax with its center Just over Ibis city, lis stated. All day vesbrdav hurricane cigna's were kept ll.vin: at the weather bu reau. During the clos.of the day the temperature began falling nnd the velocity of the wind Increasing, At !.." o'clock last night rain nnd sleet hegaii falling, shortly after midnight tuniiiiK to snow. The wind increiisid in ve locity until at 2 o'clock this r.iortiir.tT It reached the maximum. At that time Is was from the north ami was blowing at the rate of forty-eight miles an hour. From thnt time tho wind del-reused, until at S o'clock today it was thirty-seven miles an hour and had veered around to the northwest. Later it blew up again, the wind reaching a velocity of forty-two miles nn hour. Up to 8 u'elock today a little over four and a half inches of snow had fnllon, and by 3 o'clock had reached almost five inches. P.y noon the fall was seven incljio. The temperature here at S o'clock was 23 decrees. In the next hour it rose one degree, it dropped again to 2-i . and remained stationary ul that point until 1 o'clock. The storm today hnd subsided con siderably Ij-v 3 o'clock this afternoon and storm bound steamers began to move. The llrst to pass Quarantine outward was the White Star liner Ma jestic, for Liverpool. Shortly after wards the Noordland, for Antwerp, was reported passlmr, and then fol lowed the St. Louis of the American line for Southampton; California, for Hamburg, und a number of coasters. The Morgan line steamer Klnur. from New Orleans, was the llrst Inward ves sel sighted nt Sandy Hook. She pa ined nt 3.-1.1 p. ni.. und shortly niterwaids tho Tauric. from Liverpool, and .Mo hawk, lroni London, we re sided Inside the bar. These two slea'iiets are only a day or so beyond their regular time. THE GALE AT PLYMOUTH, rtvinoutli. Mass.. Dec. Ifi.-The worst storm seen about these in:s for many venrs lias been raging all night and now show s no signs of aim ting. Snow is falling fast and the w in-1 is blowing a gale from the northwest. The har bor is or.; seething mass oT roam and the tide is very high, washing up ovir the wharves. QUAKERS IN THE SNO'.V. Philadelphia Covered t; a Depth of Six Inches ill Some Furl. Philadelphia. Dee. Mi. The wind and snowstorm which begun early list evening continued throughout ill -nl-ht. nnd at noon today show id ni signs of abating. 'During the curly ; morning hours the wind blv a gal-, i and railroad and street car tmPiC suf- : I'erer! considerably. The suburban trol- , ley lii'-s, with one or two exceptions, r.r'e snowbound. Hiiow to the depth of rix inc hes has fallen. Reports from the Delaware breakwi'ter state that im marine disasters have In en re ported. ; ami that tho wind has f ilKn to about j twenty-live miles iin hour. DID NOT KNOW IT WAS LOADED, j Two fatal Gunning Accidents i:i the ! Vicinity of t letirlicbl . Cl'.-arfield. Pn., Dec. 10. At Hwreor ty.s Cross Roads on Mondav. Mxttcn e. nr. otil llni- Mif'ov W!is tifivimr -.vtlh a shotgun which he thmrrht v. ns v t loaded, lie rested his chin on th" muz zle c,f the run nneldre-w the hammer 1..,,.! e-ltli Vlu fiml 'I'bi.rr- tvnu nn ..v. pli.tion and the boy dropped i.v-r dead. His entire face and part of the h '.ul were blown away. At Emerii-kville on Tuosilay. whil om hunting rubbits Yotnoii Hurley rested his gun cm n log. The stock ! lipped off und was illsi harg- d. th--contents of the gun entering .Marhy'a stomach nnd killed him. SCHOONER BLOWN ASH0RS. Life Savers II one no the (iiplnin nnd f 'rrxv of Five icu. Nantucket 15"nch, Mass.. Dee. 17. The three-masted schooner liibh. Captain James Patterson, from Hids boro, N. R. for Hoboken. N. J.. with iduster, came nshor- aboj't !l.:!i) a. tn. on Nantucket Hc-nc-h and Is a total loss. The Hull life saving crew unde r oom niHiid of Cntitnln James, rescued the captain, first mute nnd crew of live men. after struggling heroically f.ir nearly two hours. Th second mate, whose name hus not been learned, was swept overboard some time during the night by the heavy seas and drowned. Arrmlod for I'orcory. Lnnenstc r, Pa., Die. lei. It. G. fihmlt, of Warhlnrton borough, late- solicitor for Ihe Pennsylvania Rulldlng nnd Loin no clallon, wns urreslnl here tonight for forg ing the name of Treasurer John SI. Graff to a money order which he had cashed at the Lancaster postolllee-. He admitted the forgery and was lucked up for a prelim inary examination. MEN OF PROMINENCE. JOSEPH Joseph Hodges Choiite, whoso fib lids be lieve he woohl make a lirst-rate repie Fontalive of tin- suite of New York In the senate of the United Slates, Is the fore most ineinbi-r of the b ir of New York oily. Tin-re are those w ho ch.ys him llrst anvnig the li'Kal liKhts of tile country and ar-slun to him the place that was oce-iiple.l by Alexander II. million, Thomas' Addis Em met and Charles I Connor. His eminence has been won purely in Ids profession, for be has never occupied a public otllce or been In the public eye cxce.pl as a lawyer. Hut in that capacity he lias been, lmlcc.1, piiiudncM. lb- was tho l.adiin; counsel III the Tweed ring prosecution, in the In vestigation of the validity of the dismissal from Hie ai'iiy of General I'itz John Por ter, in tee libel suit of Gaston I.. I'en.ir diiit againsl Gciicr.il iVsnol, In the con test over the Yandeibili millions, in the ( hinese exclusion case, in the case of David .Wanle, who t-liol Judge Terry in defelleo of Jostle,- Ul Id, ill the l'aeilio TUB STEEL RAIL POOL Rcpresenta'.ivis of the Leading Rail tu!ab!iphrnenis Aloet at the Hol land house, New York. New York. Iiec. lfi. Ilepresentativos from the b-adlhg steel rail manufactur ers of the country met this morning ut the Holland House for tho purpose of discussing mat tot s connected, with tho steel rail pool. The. meeting was u eoutiniiiltiull of tho conference held yesterday. All the large companies belonging to the pool were represented but those most prominent in the nego tiation Wef Mujor L. S. Rent, i f the Pennsylvania Steel company; W. W. Sciantou, of the Lackawanna Iron and Steel comnanx ; Robert P. Lindorman, of tin- I'.othb-heni Iron company, and Mr. Stackhousc, of the Cambria Iron company. Tho most Important subjects elUcusscd, it was said, concerned al lotment and pi-rcoiitaso matters. Some of the Interests represented In the pool have? I n specially diwitisllod with the perc e ntage ai'tungenii nt. and asked today for a more liberal basis. A committee was linnlly upolnted to consider tin- matter. The tuestion of lutes, It was further said, hud not llg ii' ed prominently In these conferences, it was ai.-o said that although most of the inamilai'turois represented at today s conference are connected with the billet pool, nothing concerning the latter interest has been discussi-d. The pai lie-'pnnls In lo l iy'H conference were very reticent. The- evner.il stateniciil wa. made, however, that several prop ositions arc being discussed by the maiuilnciun is, nearly nil of which con cern Important mr.tti rs connected with the peiol, but thai the jnosl important of these leie rrcil di"Nily or indirectly t percentage and distribution matters. Evirvbodv, it decluiod. wanted the greatest po.-'slble protection under the least restrictive nuTecnicnt. FROZEN WHILE SLEIGHING. ntnl MiuJii't- :oa Viilnilil Uu!c in O.iicgi' Ci. ii tily. MI'Mletcwn, N. Y.. De-e-. lfi. Percy Jlid lb brock. Fir nk Hoe and Patrick Powers, nil sons of prominent citizens' r.f Florida, oii'-cre rnnnty. took a ride in a sleigh l.'.st nilit, returning at mid night. ; llii- ami Powers attempted to assist Mi.Mloi rook from tin- Me igh. but found thut he was dead and was frozen stiff. ' " I Gcrcr.il .Unrr-oN Dt-nlli. i Mad! II. Pie. mclit has iu:!'.!; the newspapers during Hi:! th .Maci o -.v. iim:i i,:hei r.-anr ee . r- K T'.'e S;ianl-h gnvern-riiS.-.l the ual'li. a '.Ion by i here of a slat .-inotit d - r"!n.;rs thai e iell -t-.i 1 . !,.;. -I i v l-ei.-o!i or in :te i r bnse.es; aid ridiculous, that ;'.: lusni'Mi-iit b a I- r , i f.ir . n; ton. i I'tieainter li-- i and :i.-:'i ' He',-R-us kill' I in i w en i In r I d tl-.e- I'.ianish trojps ; under .Major Cir"Jd:c. . iv Aid uillod. - ! R -d Cliff. Cc :.. Dec. bl.- A terrible a"ci- I dent Oi-'ured Ci!:' i.:';e! :.oo:i in a tuen'iii in the Holy I'ies nine. A i iell s'rii:e v..s in. el- reccni !y i.::d in- company li : : b-1 n pi.sh'.na ll'c -ii 1 1 i.i! :n. n; of tho la w mire. Six lie n ivro -i: v.jr, Ii in ih t-.oio-1 t il - al'li n.eiia. A it- 'vy ll isl v.a- put in wiilch tore down a ere-ii qe.'i!it;ty of earth nn! noise, uiliier eoi.ru nicy iveie c.ujueo to dealli. TIIK SLWS THIS MOILMXSj. Wcatliur Indications Today: Pair; Wcrmer; Ecst Winds. 1 Se nate I'omniltti-? Defers Action on lit. ban Situation. New Viik and the Atlantic I'oast E.- pi!ei:ee a llowliag IliZii.H.I. Steel Kail Pool. 2 Doings of n Day ai Washington. Wall Street Review und .Markets. J (Locsill Important Cases In Argument t'otirt. Mr. Hilton's Peculiar Action. 4 Editorial. Casual .Mention. 5 (Loeall In Custody on a Charge of Em- la 7.zle-pi nt. Viaduct Ordinance's Progress Impelled. 6 American Federation of Labor's Griev ances. T Suburban Happenings. 8 News Cp and Down the Valley. H. CHOATH. Railway suit, nnd of later day fame, In Ihe suit fur damages iigaliiet Itussell Sane for u. lug Mr. Choale-'s client as a hulfcr against u dynaniii"- bomb. What lawyer Is mure versatile than Mr. Choate? W ho excels him in cross examiiiatiiui. ill pa ading before a jury. In sharp satire, ipilek repartee-, learning, acumen, und pro-tou-id resomvc'.' No one, say bis friends in New York. He made a grand president of the constitution convention of IS!i, and there Is no ear! lily reason, argue New Yiokers, why he should not shine In the senate. Mr. Cboale is derived from the t:!i:u puritan stock of the pilgrim fathe rs, and it Is a mystery where and how he col his magnetic good nature and his broad humor. He- is a product of the s bonis of S.ilem and Harvard college. Ho wns admit u d In the bar In IVVi. at Huston, and In Iv" I came to New York, Mr. I'lioale is id years old and yearly be-coniej mntiMir end more resourceful. Itufus Choate. great as a lawyer, was Ids uncle. JL'DGE WHITE'S PLAN. Lvpcrts t Suppress Vicii by Iinpou. ing Heavy l ines. Pittsburg, Pa., I Joe. lfi. In criminal com t today Judge- White Introduced a. now plan for suppressing the social evil. Four wome n who wore nrresteel for conducting disorderly houses we're lined In the aggregate $1,100 and with the promise of discontinuing their ne farious business, osenned going to thj workhouse. Judge White snlel: "Tin y simply sell liquor as an Inci dent to their business of the house. It !.cem;rvltli the connivance of the po lice ninny of th.se sporting houses are permitted to go, nnd sending these wo men n i simply puts the ooiinty to ad ditional costs. It is no terror to ..em to semi the-m to the workhouse. Py this arrangeinct.t the county will K about tl.'-'M bett r off when the costs lire counted. It is better to hnv? this money In the county treasurer's otlice than Li let the police get it. Resides, the women promise to ciiit, und wo can send them up if they don't stop." CAMPAIGN BALANCE. The ('oncrosiniinl Committee Will I sc It in Kiliiralioiiiil Work. Washington. Dec. lfi. The executive committee- of the Republican eotij.ros siunul campaign committee at their meeting last night audited the ac counts of th last campaign and found a coiiifoi uible balance remaining, an unumal circumstance. The question o.' retHliiiiig pe-rinancnt heaibiuurti-rs was iliMUssod, and it was Ml that while these were not no clod nt iiresent. It would bo we'll to open headquarter next summit' after the new coininutce is selee t d. in anticipation of the next conjie ssbitiul election. While there wns nothing In tho in fer:!. ul talk upon th- subject which in elicubil tin- slightest friction between the congressional nnd th- national committee, it w-s f.l. that the lat te r's work will bo hugely educational in character and that the congression al eoniniltti e should continue as f irm e ii;.' the labor of si oirip;' th: election of repie seiu.itivos in tho se ve ral states. riGilTE.-S IN TROUBLE. Whole -utile Ar est .tl.-iv Follow (lie Fit.s m ni ns.Shail.oy Affair. Sun Francisco. Dec-, it!. Th" refe rot to Miioni Judge- Sanderson has relin-iiUisl'-d Hie (ask c.( lakiiu further de positions in the 'itZhimtiioiiH-Shai k. y case. -1-eided mis morning not to begin ids labors till tomorrow w Lou ll Is Iboiil.ht tlD p.'.tt will be- completed. It is a possibility that . hob-sale arrests will "oon l,o made one of Hi - re sults of tho noent battle. There Is a i-t.tle law prohibiting u:iy prize- light en- cm oi:::!i i wit'i i-r without gloves v !.e r. Ihe n.ii t.c-ii ants are liable to in jur'.. i-'ti rdo.y .".It "I noon Judge Rande r non i.sne.l n:ii!-y o-.ie.-tii.ns as to the na ture of th contest and .-everal expert tii.liled or - subj -i t. Th qu- t;t inns ui o-i'.rcd nn-!!ites'--. but it Is assorted is i: .it In ring i-iiib-uce to place befort! the rai'il Jeiry. in older to secure th-h-.dietment of Shark. y. Fifsh.iiiions, Lytu-ii. Julian. Groom, Gildis, Karp, and tin- se t Mile's. Mc nniiliip Arrivals. N'W York. Deo. K Anived: FrlrsIan.I, frmi Ar".ve-rp: Me.hav.k. from Londoo. 6-rC.l. Maji rtb-. f..r Llverpied; Nooi.l. leer. I. for Autw r;i: St. Lo-ila, for Kuuih uuiiiiun: i II: orn ia, for Hamburg. Ar ricl out: Noi mannia. at N-epi'-s; .Mani toba. !il London: Stuttgart, a: Itrftii.-rba-v. ii : Trave. at Suiiihainp'or: New Vi.ik. nt Siut h.-itn;t on. riiuhteii: I'alnia. lr.-;n N-iv Yol k for Hamburg. p.is.. I ra'.vle Point. lilg I.a nil dry llurnecl. Pitisburg. Pa.. Dec. l'i, The Enst End Laundry, c wn-l by James Wilson, wua Im iie.l tonight. Lass. ..ii.im; insuran"-, .'.-"-.e-il. Two i iii loes an ! n visitor were on tho third Hour of the building and were fo.ce-d to Jump to an adjoining rouf to escape. Koswcll florr III. Pl.-iiiineld. N. J.. Dee-. PI. Ex-Consress-man ResWell G. Horr. who has been se riously sick for tile past two weeks with broih -hills. Is not expeen d to live through the nielli. Herald's t cntlicr l'orcrnsl. New Yoik. Dee. t7. In the Middle states today, parily i-leiudy to fair weather nml flesh northerly end noil hwesicrly winds will prevail, ivilh nearly stationary fob lowed by slowly rising tempei uiure. nn I'riiiiay, fair to partly cloudy, slightly wanner weather will prevail, with liuht to fresh soutliwe-ste rly wiuds, possibly tub lowed by rain or st FN TT1 M V O Pa MY Holiday Good 3 Black and Fancy 55;.ks and Satins, inckici'j!. an elegant line of Evening Shades. Moire Velours in Black and Evening Shades. EFS. LACE HANHKERCHIKFS IN DUCK- ESfl, YALIKNCIKXKS AND POINT. FRENCH AND IKI.SII HAND EM) PUOIDKKED HANDKERCHIEFS, IN GKEAT VARIETY. PLACE LACE SCAUP AND FICHU'S LADIES' l'AXl'V N EC K W E A U. LADIES' AND GENTS' INITIAL HAND. KERCHIEFS. ltLAl'IC AND FANCY SILK UNDER. SKIRTS. GENTI.EFEN'S BLANKET BATH UeHIKS. j GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHINGS, 1 SHIRTS, NECKWEAR, COL- t LARS, Cfl-'i-'S, ETC. ; ELEGANT NEW STOCK OP : ' UMBRELLAS Latest designs in handles. Cost stoclc of kid gloves in the city. SJ0 AND 512 LACKAWANNA AVENUE Always Busy, Holiday 1896 Slippers and Shoes, Sensible Pres ents. Every Department Complete. OPEN EVENINGS, : "':"'! LEWIS,REELY & BAVIB JM AND 116 WYOMING AVE. Greatest Reduction On all our Holiday Goods Call and let us prove it to you In BIAMO'NBS, ew9 SILVERWARE, illL il V.LJUJU.TieJ'j MIC-A-BMC Watches from $4.50 up. Eyery one warranted at 9 405 Spruce St. NEAP DIJIE DANK. iTAAliiMJWb Mfctiiz itzi RcyEoMs' f ore Cclcrs, Reynolds' Waal Finis! Ready Mixed Tinted QIcss Paints, Strictly Pure Linseed Oil, Guaranteed mr iwyyiu 59
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers