THE SCRANTON Tit 1 BTJNE M ON DAY MOIJNING, DECEMBER 14. 18i6. O 440 I o ,,,!,: r ' t PEOPLE OF SCRANTON ARE AMAZED. 1 A. Y THEY CALL IT. oxxxxoxxoo xxxxxooo Y The Ualance of Our FIXE ORIENTAL RUGS, CAW UKAI'LKUCS, JAI'ANESli URIC A UK AG, M X KK XIII II III W I Wis WWaaV Sale Will Continue This Week, Beginning TODAY AT 2 AND 7.30 P. M. oooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooo no HfiY mixx m mmwm of i life-time IIUI 1IIIW III VII VIIIW V" mum m - V vrtOOOOOOOOOOOOO oooooooooooooc A. X THE ORIENTAL ART COMPANY, 207 WYOMING AVENUE. v V V GARBQNDALE, IReaflprs will plpnss nnte that advertise ments, orders for Job work, and Items lor publication left at the establishment or Bnannon & Co.. newsdenlers. North Main street, will receive prompt attention; of lite, open from 8 a. m. to 10 p. m.J NEW SOCIETY. Orsnninlion of the I'rnlcriiitics. Ac-t'idviit Ordr--Olliccr K lee led. Friday eveniiiK a new surli-ty to he kiioun us the raibomlali' cuiinril "1 thf Fraternities Acrltlfiit urilrr was or ganized at tin? Anthrai iW; hotel. The following ollleers were elected: Cnlin Cillor, 11. O. Ulltler. esq.; vire iMUmeil lur. Frank Smith: pust ruiineilliir, J. P. Campbell: secretary. Isaac Singer: treasurer, Frank Knemiueliiieyer; clui laln, F. F. Flaherty; Rtiiile. W. M. Lathrtipe; wanleii. L. l. Wolfe; sen try. F. K. Burr; medical examiner, Jr. J. W. Luwry. The new orcanlzatlon Is similar to the order of the lleplasnphs, liciyal Ar canum and other societies fjlvlllK Its members security at a very low rate against accidental death, or total dis ability by accident. John 1. Coy. of l'hiladelplila, general deputy of the or der, presented the advantages of the Firciety so well to the people that over two dozen charter members were se cured. AmoiiK the charter members not included in the list of oflicers are P. F. CooKan. John Cooijan, I'. F. Hi' Cann, D. J. Itobinson, T. CiilMin Smith, Frank Hubbard. W. J. Hoist, K. l. YarrlnRton, J. It. Vanderford, J. Kus nell Jones, F. K. Dennis. K. H. H. Kln Ijack. W. J. Krk. Frank Stou linger, 1. C. Burgess, A. W. Reynolds, John I. Cole. D. L. Cranes, Julius Spaeth and others. . New Oilier r Klccted. The order of Iteptasophs have elected the folowlnir ollleers: Archon, J. H. JJyrne; past archon, J. F. Munition; llnancial secretary. 1'. F. Mollltt; secre tary, 1. F. Carroll; treasurer. J. It. tlil hool: prelate, M. F. Ciilmartin: uutsiuV sentinel, James Uevlne; inside senti nel, Willum Smurl; inspector, IJeorge Wjile; provost. M. J. Connelly: trus tees, James ( '(iiiglilin. sr., Alexander McDonnell and Timoth Ciilhool. LOCAL AND PERSONAL NOTES. John E. Coleman, of this city, who has been studying at the 1'hlladelphia College of Pharmacy, has passed u suc cessful examination before the state pharmaceutical board. John Jloyles. of Simpson, had Ms right hand caught under a fall of rock Saturday noon, which necessitated the amputation of a finger by Dr. Niles. First Assistant Grand Chief Kngineer A. li. Youiigson, of the Hrotherhood of of Locomotive Engineers, passed through this city Saturday on his way home from Wilkes-liarre. Jle left In the evening for Cleveland. Sylvanus Frlck Is recovering from an attack of diphtheria. Representative-elect J. F. Reynolds will leave with his family for liarrls burg on January 4. He has engaged quarters near the canltol on Foster street and will reside at the capital during the next seasion of the legisla ture. Miss Flora Rhlnevault Is 111 with ty phoid fever. Conductor E. Skeels and Harry Skeels left Saturday morning for Hot Springs. Arkansas. In the hope of benefiting the .health of the latter. 'Airs. C. O. Mellen entertained a num ber of lady friends at a "thimble tea" Friday afternoon. The house was handsomely decorated with roses and Tarnations. Mrs. Lizzie Moore, Mrs. George Mills and Mrs. A. W. Rurdlcn assisted In entertaining the guests. E. C. Klrby, of Plttston, Is visiting friends. In town. Miss Ada Burrhos has returned to her home in Oneonta after a visit with friends In town. The managers of Professor Taylor's dancing class are making arrange ments for a swell social to be given In the Burke building on New (Year's night. Mr. Pethick. of South Canaan, who has been working for Painter lilaek sledge for the nast few months, has returned home. Mr. and Mrs. James Lindsay and OUR Rocking Chairs, Centre Tables, Stands, Screens, Pictures, Has socks, Carpet Sweepers, Rugs and Mats, and the largest and Hncst assortment of Carpets in the city, PRICES always the lowest. J.SCOTT INGLIS, Carpet?, Wall Paperj and Draperies, . 419 UCKL AVENUE. ill1 V LL fll ANY HK r III III! I I III Via V daughter are visiting friends In Pitts ton. A committee from the Crescent So cial club is making arrangements for the annual "New Year's smoker," which will be held In the club parlors on New Year's eve. Mrs. C. I j. Doty, of Wllkes-Harre, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McComb, on Garfield avenue. John K. and J. A. Dennis went to New York last week, where they went to meet their father who was expected to arlve from Knglaml 011 Saturday. Miss Florence Harrison will be the guest of Miss Minnie Kyte, of West I'ittston, this week. . Dean Hassett entertained a number of his vouug friends at his home on Lincoln avenue Saturday afternoon. L. l Darte, of Kingston, visited Mr. and Mrs. James Thompson Saturday. Miss 8a ruli Davis has accepted n po sition with J. K. Morgan for the holi days. Walter Dickson, of Scranton. was a visitor in town last week. Rev. K. J. Ralsley, of Trinity church, conducted services at Waymart yester day afternoon. Miss Allen, of Forest City, Is visit ing friends in town. Rev. Father Kreidt, of the Carmelite order, delivered the sermon at St. Rose church last evening. Ithciiinntisiti Cured in a Day. "Mystic Cure" for rheumatism and neuralgia radically cures in one to three days. Its action upon the system Is remarkable and mysterious. It re moves at once the cause and the dis ease Immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits. 73 cents. Sold by Carl Lorenz. 418 Lackawanna ave nue, druggist, Scranton. TAYLOR. For over eighteen years the Martin Luther lodge. No. 22, Loyal Knights of America, has been In existence in this town and the good old lodge seems to have strength enough to null through the next twenty years. Last Friday evening In their hall on Main street, they had a smoker, and those present enjoyed themselves Immensely. James K. Watklns was chairman of the even ing. .Mr. Watklns Is past master of the lodge, and Is popular with all members. Sandwiches and soft drinks were servid between smokes, and mixed In with these was an entertainment which was as follows: Selection on or gan, David Smith; solo. Thomas D. Ed wards; recitation, John j,.. Evans; solo, Joseph Combs; solo, Lewis M. Reese, recitation, John E. Evans; solo, John E. Owens; song and dance, Jo seph Combs; solo, Lewis M. Reese; solo. nrs. lunnimni WUIfi J And Holiday Slippers. VVTE HAVE TOO HUCI1 STOCK. We are not going to wait until after Christmas to cut down stock. We are going to do it now yes, right now, when most dealers are demanding extortionate prices. We quote figures to make record-breaking sale. Never were such money saving chances offered to the public. Now is the time and here is the place for unparalleled economy. HEN'S SHOES 750 pair Men's Enamel and French Patent Leather Shoes, regular price the world over $5 to $6, oar cnt price only $2.98, all sizes, styles and widths. 1,635 pair Men's Hand-Sewed Calf Shoes, calf lined, regular price the world over $3 to $3.50, onr cut price only $1.98. 1,436 pair Men's Calf Band Sewed Shoes, worth $2.50 to $3, for $1.75. 1,575 pair Men's Dress and Street Shoes, Congress and lace $1.50, for 98c. 1500 pair Boys' School Shoes, sizes 2 1-2 to 5 1-2, worth $!.50, for 75c. 1,090 pair Boys' Fine Dress Shoes at 98c. 750 pair Youths' Shoes at prices 60c, 75c, 98c and $1.25. LADIES' SH0E5 765 pair Ladies' Fine French Kid, hand-turned Shoes, Gray Bros.' make, the best La dies' Shoe in the world, worth from $5 to $6 pair, cut down to $2.98. 850 pair Ladies' Fine Shoes, Johnson and other well known makes, hand-turned, worth $3.50 lo $4, for $1.98. 68 pair Ladies' Hand-Sewed Shoes, sizes only 3 and 3 1-2, E width, worth $3, for $1.25. 1,536 pair Ladies' Dress and Street Shoes, worth $1.50, for 98c. T50 pair Misses' Fin? Shoes, P. Cox's make, the finest and best Miss es' Shoe in the World, worth $2.50, cut to $1.49. 1,200 pair Misses. Fine Shoes, worth $1.50, for 98c. 2,500 pair Misses' Dongola Button Shoes, sizes 11 to 2, worth $1, for 49c. 435 piir Child's Shoes, worth $2.00, cut to-$1.29 2,500 Child's Dongola Button Shoss worth T5o for 39c, sizes 5 to 8. HnllHlV UnnPfCea have a ,ar2e and complete stock of Hen's, Women's, Boys', Misses' l lUIluaj 7UJIJC1 and Children's Slippers at prices that will open your eyes. We invite you to call and examiue our goods before buying elsewhere and make our store your headquarters. Remember, there is no trouble to show goods and you will surely save money by it. Last week we were rushed and we are extremely sorry if during this unexpected and unprecedented crowd of Shop pers you were slighted or unable to get waited upon, but we have greatly increased our force of sales people and offer even greater bargains than ever. MYER DAVIDOW S SHOE HOUSE, Edward Allen; quick step, Seth, .Grif fiths. James Morris, sr.. Is a candidate for the nomination of tax collector on the Republican ticket. Mrs. William liatley, of the South Side, visited friends In this town on Saturday. Thomas Jenkins and Edward Doud. of Kingston, visited friends and rela tives here yesterday. Til Young Men's Dramatic club of this 'place, who expect to perform the drama entitle "The Midnight Charge" for the benefit of the Knights of the Golden Eagle commandery, have de cided to postpone the performance un til about the ndddle of January. Hot ace J. Daniels announces his can didacy for the nomination of school di rector in the Fourth ward on the Re publican ticket. This evening Accacla lodge, No. 679, Free and Accepted Masons. Thomas Wells district deputy grand master, will hold Its regular December met lng at their rooms. This meeting will be of special Importance, because of the annual Installation of ollleers for the coming year. After th? meeting a lunch will be served to all members and visitors. This evening the congregation of the Calvary Haptist church will hold a business meeting, when they will elect oflicers for both Sunday school and the church for the coming year. William H. Thomas has been chosen conductor of the Taylor Choral union in place of Professor John R. Francis, who has resigned. On Wednesday evening the Rev. T. C. Edwards, D. D.. (Cynonfardd). of Kingston, will give an illustrated lec ture on "A Trip Through Paris and Rome" at the Welsh Congregational church. The Price Library association held a business meeting on Friday evening, and the following were elected honor ary members: William Connell. S. (1. Kerr, J. A. Lansing, Colonel Ezra H. Ripple, Reese 7. ltrooks. ex-Lieutenant Governor L. A. Watres, Judges Edwards, Gunster and Archibald. only two cases of diphtheria have been reported this week to the secre tary of the hoard of health. Conductor Henry Daniels and Motor man William Fuller, both of Hyde Park, visited Taylor yesterday. JER.HYN AXI) .MAYFIELU. Miss Helen Battenberg, of Archbald, spent Saturday in town. Miss De Lyle May spent Sunday the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Hailstone, in Scranton. i J. D. Stocker. who went to New York several days ago to purchase his holi- day goods, has returned. Hp will em- ploy three more clerks. The remains of the late P. J. Mc'Der- ' mott. of the East Side, were interred in tile Archbald cemetery on Saturday 'I lie pall-bearers were Dnvld Kennedy, John Muldoon, A. M. Merrick, John Hanophy, John Laity, Patrick Mulally; the flower bearers. John Burns. Harry Kennedy, Frank Collins. George Halt. The following are some who attended from out of town: Kdwurd McCarty, Philadelphia; Mr. and Miss Cuuimiiigs. of I'eckville; Miss Curian, of Taylor; Miss Keen, of Wllkes-Harre. The following are a few who wit nessed Chauncey Olcott in his cele brated play, "Mavourneen," at the Grand Opera house, Carbondale. on Friday evening: The Misses Maine Timlin. Jessie Kennrdy, Maine Ken nedy. Maine and Annie Loughney and Emma Scutt; Dr. Moyer, John Furrell. John Kennedy, Henry McLoskey, J. . D. Myers. Albert Siiiultz attended a wedding at 1 Simpson Saturday night. i Mrs. R. T. Maxwell and daughter ! called on the former's daughter, Mrs. James Allan on Saturday. Foole, of Archbald, called on fru-ndp In town Saturday evening. j Miss Lillle Palmer, of Piiceburg, Is visiting Miss Gertrude Vail on Third street. Mrs. W. D. Gardner and family spent Satin day In Scranton. Miss Sadie Timlin visited friends hi St'nnton on Saturday. P. J. McCaffrey, of Scranton, was In town Saturday. A. C. Crossley, of Starruca, called on friends in town the latter part of the wool'. Miss May Penned Is visiting Miss Stella Arthur, of Forest City. Mrs. Thomas Kielty. of Archbald, wns a caller In town Saturday. Mrs. Andrew Hartwlt, of Green Ktdge. spent Saturday with her father, P. .1. Snyder. District Deputy Alice B. Oolightly. of Plymouth, will install the officers of Pi Me of Jermyn lodge. No. ,rp. Daugh ters 01 St. George, this evening. Mrs. II. H. Jadwln. of Carbondale, called on her daughter, Mrs. M. J. Shields, on Saturday. A fire was discovered In Edmund's hotel parlor about 4,::0 p. m. The piano with a canvas cover, stood near the register, and it Is supposed a spark froiu the furnace Ignited the cover. The lire was extinguished without call A Magnificent fin MISSES ing the fire company. The damage will amount to about $.'(. J. 1). Myers, who has been In the em ploy of 11. E. Van Kleeck for some time, has resigned his position. The resignation took effect Saturday. The Loyal Knights of America and the Rushhrook encampment will hold their regular meeting tonight. John D. Nealon, of Carbondale. was doing business in Maytield on Satur day. .Miss May Clark, of Plains. Is th? guest ttf J. J. Place, of Maytield. A birthday party was given to Thos. Wasley. of Maytb-ld. on last Thursday evening, In honor of his twenty-second birthday. The following were present: Mr. ami Mrs. John Rosemor gay, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Washy. Mr. and Mrs. William I'sher. Samuel Harvey, Albert Hound, Culbert Ches terfield, Richard Roseinorgay. Alex. Turnbull. of Carbondale, was circulating among friends In .May Ik Id Saturday. The Jermyn Press" wants to know where The Tribune stands on the water question. It stands for fair play. It Is not an organ of any class clique, hence It will not be used either to boom or bombard special Interests. It pro poses to print the news of Jermyn and to sell to the people of Jermyn the best paper within their reach. It has no quarrel with anybody, but it does not propose to let Mr. Grant or any one else misrepresent it. Those who want such n paper are advised to sub scribe for The Tribune. i Nervous 1 Poojile 1'unl just the help tliey so much , need, ip Hood's Sai'sapm'tlla. It fur nishes the desired strength by puri fyiii.', yituli.iu; mid flinching tlio 1 blood, and thus builds up the nervf s, ; tones the stomach and regulates tho 1 whole system. Ifead this: j "I want to praise Hood's Sarsapnrilta. ' My health run down, and I had the grip. I After that, my heart and nervous system 1 were badly affected, bo that 1 could not do ; my own work. Our physician gave ma some help, but did not cure. I decided to try Hood's Sarsaparilla. Soon I could do alt my own housework. 1 have taken 1 Cured Hood's Pills with Hood's Sarsaparilla, and they have done 1110 much good. I Will not be without them. I have taken 13 bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla, and through the blessing of Clod, it has cured me. I worked as hard as ever the past sum mer, and I am thankful to say I am well. Hood's Pills when taken with Hood's Sarsaparilla help very much." Mrs. M. M. Meshknoer, Freehold, Penn. This and many other cures prove that Inloodl's Sarsaparilla Is the line True Wood Purifier. All druggists. ?1. Prepared only ! ('. I..IIiiod & Co.. Lowell. Mass. HoOd'S PUIS Jlfcctively. promptly and cents. S. sSJL What Sarah Bernhard says Window Display CHILDREN'S Merciless Cuts on Everything. A. E. ROGERS' Jewelry Store :i3 uciuwai e:ijz. c have nearly completed our Holiday Stock and arc now prepared to offer as flue an assortment of jr.VELRY, CLOCKS, WATCHES, CUT GLASS, ART P0TT3f, B3IC-S-BR1C, SILVER WAR:, LAMPS, PLATED WARE, as can be found anywhere. Look at our $10.00Gold Watches, warranted 15 years. He;ititifttl Tianqitct Lamp and large SMk Snath, At 81.1") Rogers' Triple Plate J Turks are fine, Knives anil At .S3.00 213 Lackawanna Avenue. JAMES MOIR, THE 1ERCHAIT TAILOR Has Movel to His New Quarters, 402 Lackawanna Avenue. Entrance on side n"xt to Ftrnt National Bank. Uo has now in s Comprising everything req ilsltn for fl io llerelmnt Tailoring. And tho same cau be shown to ndvantnico in hit splen didly fitted up rooms. A SPECIAL INVITATION Is Extended to All Resdcrs ol The Trlb. nsto Call on "OLD RELIABLE" In His New Business Homa PnilekPRtrr' niantniid Tfrnatf. ENNYRQYAL FILLS writfinai and mtjr is mm no. ftri, alKnM rt'lijl)i. ladies nk i hrnht (or fhtrhrrli r fi'i tnontl ttrami ill IfU'il ttti'l '.Wi nif-UliitT 'Jmi, -ulu'i wet) t,iu- riiil-tfi. Take fitam ,nd mtMftcn. At HrUi.'cut". r rnd 4. ' In Mtimt'9 f.r tirtlfiilu.'i. iimoniul ti4 "KelltT Tor l.arttca.- m :mr, - mnrm Mafl. H,IHt lvfiTiirM iW V.imc f,.r. iltli(titrr4'aittuicul i u..MuIUin nuirh ft bj tul LuUftl lif ugiW. i'dllaulu. a'tt. of i 7 r-w L Jt fM SHOES 307 Lackawanna Ave. WHY DOES Business boom at Davis' Tailoring House? The People recognize this as the only establishment in Scran ton where garments are made to order at popular prices. Some Make poor garments at low prices. We make good garments at low prices, and we are the onlj' par ties in Scranton that have the facilities for so doing. VV 1 DAVK Wyomlmj Ave. YOU CAN SAVE MONEY BY BJYIiU NEW AND SECOKD-HAND CLOTHING Ladies' end Children's Wear. Seal and I'lush Sacqucs, Carpets and Feather BeJs From L F03NER, 21' Lackawanna Ave. Onyx Tables and Cabinets, Screens, flusic Racks, Easels, China Cabinets, Towel Racks, Flower Stands, Jardiniers Stands, CiiRSTMfiS Rug Department. Imported and Domestic Axininstcr Rugs, in suitable sixes for rooms. Combination itnu's, Mohair and Silk, with Curl Center, In the latest eireets. A careful!) selected line of Assyrian, Velvet. Moquctte, Smyrna, Tur and Japanese Rugs; also Raby Carriage Robes In endless variety, at Prices Lower Than Ever. .Muki.' your selection while the delivered when desired. pL!Xe. 408 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. THIRD NATIONAL BANK OF SCRANTON. Special Attention Given to Business and Per sonal Accounts. Liberal Accommodations Extended According to Balances and Responsibility. 2, Interest Allowed on Interest Deposits. I HAKE n r x-v v t o-v I 0 YUUK 1 HOME COZIER Tor the Holidays. Add a few pieces of Furni- V tnre, a L'unp, Komi; Bric-a-lirac, a Xew Carpet, some- a I tiling out of our stock, which 1 1 t.i i. t .!. origuincss niosi iion'.iuie 10 your nine-worn surrounu- ins. There is no cause to complain of variety in our slock. Anything that goes toward fitting up your house wo have. That doesn't mean wo have "any old thing." We have got the best, Carpets, Furniture, Lamps and other goo ls lor the honu. We'vo got them at prices w hich will surprise you. y Come ami take a look around our store. We a X can suggest a lot inure thing to you than you would ... . . 1 .t - .:...... !...- ...... . 1 vi .!.. iii tiling possune suggestions uiut X increase the livinj qualities of your homo one hundred Law per eent. at very little c st to you. V V 3 ooooooooooooooooo 0000000000000000 I The Advantage : Of RflfiVBrno- Here Include another important thing. You may purchase now and pay later. We're glad to opan credit acouats with anybody we can trmt, and we kuow wo cm trust you. Why buy any where else whan you eau get so many advantages from us Good Solid Furniture. Artistic, as Well, Low Prices. Credit. 000000000000000000000000000000000 o 0 1 r t n. Evenings until ff cMzi t Xmas. SL" V 225-227 DUPONTS BINIRS. BUSTING IKO SPORT IN 8 POWDER aniifactured at th Wapwallopen 11111 Luzerne county. Pa., and at Wil mington, Delawara. General Agent for the Wyoming; DlstrtotL US WYOM1NO AVENUE. Scraatoa, Pa Third National Bank Building. AGENCIES: TITOS. FOltn. Plttston. Pa. JOHN p. SMITH & SON. Plymouth. Pa. E. W. MULLIGAN, Wllkrs-Barre. Pa. Aonta for the Itepauno ChooUcnl Coote ta&v'a High Explosives. CN THE LINE OF THE CI1D1 PACIFIC R'Y are located th flnast fishing and hunting grounds In tho world. Descriptive books on application. Tickets to all points in Maine. Canada and Maritime Provinces, Minneapoll". 8t. Paul. Canadian and I'nlted Suites Northwest, Vanvouver. Seattle, Tat-oma, Portland, Ore., Baa l'ranclseo. First-Class Sleeping and Dining Cars attached to all throught trains. Tourist cars fully fitted with bedding, curtains and specially adapted to wants of families may be h.-.d with second-class tickets. Rates always less, than via other lines. For further Information, time tables, eta on application to E. V. SKINNER, Q. E. A.. 3S3 Broadway, New York. GIFTS Hat and Coat Racks, Umbrella Stands, Tabourets, Statuary, Bric-a-Brac, Ottomans, Hassocks, Etc. stock is full. (iooJs stored and HOLIDAY PRESENTS F O R will j;ivo a freshness and v j ... . yT H O m E are vaiuauie, uiai win x j SOU El GO., s Clothing on Credit, Too. Wyoming Avem
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers