THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE "WEDNESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 2, 1896. THE BROOKLYN X IN COMMISSION Ooveroment Officials Receive the New Armored Crniur. BRIEF AND SIMPLE CEREMONIES The Various Officer of the War Vet el Eiprcs Their Admiratioa alike General Excellence of Ike Ship. Will Receive Her Torpedoes at Newport. Philadelphia. Dec. 1. The new arm ored cruiser. Brooklyn, was towed from Cramp's ship yard today to League Island navy yard and formally turned over to the commandant of the yard, who received the vessel from the build ers on behalf of the government. The Brooklyn went into commission at 1.42 p. m. The blue Jackets and marines were mustered on the quarter iecK. the former being on the starboard side and the latter on the port side, and then Captain Cook and his olllcers and Commander Howell, of the League Island yard, glistening In their uni forms, made their appearance. The ship had been turned over to Commandant Howell by Captain oer gant, representing the builders, and the commandant began the ceremony of transferring the vessel to Captain Cook. As the bugler sounded the three ruffles" and the marine guards presented arms. Old Glory was down to the breeze from the llagstaff aft. the pennant was broken from the masthead and the cruiser was formal ly In commission. Captain Cook then read his orders, from the navy depart ment, ordering him to take charge of the ship, and the ceremony was over. The exercises were customarily simple, and, all told, they did not occupy over ten minutes. FINEST IN THE NAVY. Captain Cook and the various officers of the Brooklyn expressed their ad miration ut the general excellence of the ship, and one Interested spectator if the ceremonies congratulated the commnnder upon being In charge of the "llnest vessel In the navy." Captain Cook said that he expected the Brooklyn would leave the navy yard after receiving her stores, between Dec. la and :'0. She will go from here to Hampton Hoads for the purpose of 'settling down," as the captain ex pressed it, and will proceed thence to Newport to receive her torpedoes. After the cruiser will go to Tomp klnsville. Staten Island. Of the crew of 40X, exclusive of the otticers. about one-half are now here, and the re mainder will reach the navy yard this week. TESLA'S EXPERIMENTS. An Exhaustive Communication on Tes'.a of the X Rays The Blind Cannot Be Relieved. New York, Dec. 1. The Electrical Ttevlew will publish tomorrow an ex bniiMive communication from Nikola Tesla on his latest experiments with the X ray, which it characterizes as conveying a wealth of suggestion and most important and timely informa tion. Tesla states that the sun nurn effects noted by so many experiment ers are not due directly to the rays, or Roentgen streams, but to the ozone generated by the rays In contact with the skin. "The radical means of pre venting such action Is to make Impos sible the access fair to the skin while exposing, as, for Instance, by Immer sions In oil." The inventor In referring to the re cently widely heralded experiment for making the blind see by means of the Koriitgen rays, regretfully remarks: "Is It not cruel to raise such hopes when there Is so little ground for it? For, first of all, the rays are not de monstrated to be transverse vibrations. If they were, we would have to find means for refracting them to make possible the projection of a sufficiently small image upon the retina. As It is only a shadow of a very small ct can be protected. What possible, good can result from the application of these rays to such purposes. I cannot con firm some of the experiments report ed. For Instance, when a hand Is put before the closed eyes it is easy to dis tinguish the shadow, much the same as before the light of a candle, but when the tube is enclosed, and all the light from the same excluded, I fall to get such an Impression. The latter Is. therefore, chiefly due to ordinary light." MEDIUM IN A MUDDLE. Clonic Boston's Expose of a Spirit Without Clothes. Huston, Dee. 1. "Rev." O. L. Con cannon, an alleged materialization spirit, was captured in his cabinet yes terday morning without clothes. A party of raiders In the audience found and carried off from the cabinet false whiskers, robe and wig. The dram atic scene took place before a crowd In the First Spiritualist temple, built at a cost of I500.UW by .Mr. Ayer, a spiri tualistic enthusiast. Concannon and his wife, who were exposed In Okla homa two years ago, have been giving eeances In the temple for several Sun days. Inviting all sorts of tests. A party was organized to put them to a real test yesterday. The judges certi fied that Concannon wore nothing when entering the cabinet but regular male attire. Soon the curtains parted and Concannon appeared in a long white robe and white beard and wig. The medium became bolder and stepped out. The party of raiders grabbed the medium and the garments remained In their hands, leaving the medium naked. The naked spirit was frightened and the crowd was tickled. Actor E. 8. Vlllard was present and became en tangled with the principals because e insisted that he saw real flesh on the astral body. The Concannons denied, but Mr. Willard persisted and the crowd cheered him. This Is the first time a medium has been exposed in iue temple. FAMILY POISONED EATINQ PUDDINQ. Four Children Terribly Sick and One May Die. Shamokln, Pa., Dec. 1. The Rped family narrowly escaped extermina tion last night, four of them having eaten pudding whch was thickly Im pregnated with poison. Charles. Car rie, Jennie and Ouy were attacked with awful pains in the stomach about mid night, and It seemed that they would die. Doctors arrived with stomach pumps and emetics, and worked hard until the meat had been ejected. This evening all but Jennie Reed have been pro nounced out of danger. How the pol aon got Into the meat is a mystery. ALABAMA'S GOVERNOR. Joseph F. Johnson InangaratedIIi Patriotic Speech to the People. Montgomery, Ala., Dec. 1. Governor Joseph F. Johnston was inaugurated governor of Alabama today. - Yne greater part of his address was de voted to matters of state interest, and he goes Into considerable detail as to the material resources of Alabama and the possibilities of her agricultural, mining and manufacturing Industries. In reference to national affairs, the governor says: "The hot political contest of this eventful year, that aroused so much passion, are now behind us; the people have registered their will, and all good citlxens should yield cheerful obedi ence to their mandate. "The past Is beyond recall, but the future Btands a willing handmaid to reward patriotic endeavor. We have nothing to ask of the federal govern ment except equa laws, and perhaps the perfection of a system of coast de fense that in case of sudden war would enable our citizen soldiers to de fend this fair land irpm Invasion and maintain the national honor. Consid ering the gallantry of our brethren.who In obedience to the call of duty, were prodigal in deeds of valor In the war between the state, no one could doubt that should occasion arise, even more splendid achievements would adorn the defense of home and national integrity by the men of this generation." WALTHAM BRANDING CASE. The Jury Fails te Agree and the Members Arc Discharged. Boston, Dec. 1. The Waltham Brand ing case in which the otticers of an Orangemen's lodge are charged with assault upon a candidate for admit tance to the lodge, was given to the jury today. The Jury after being out three hours failed to ugree and was discharged. CORONETS UP FOR SALE. Bankrupt Owners of Tillea Seeking a Market They Are Willing to Trade Aristocratic Honors for Cold Cash. New York. Dec. 1. "Le Cercle de las Noblesse" is the high sounding title of a club just organized In this city with headquarters at 19 East Thirty second street, which has for its osten sible purpose the provision of a ren dezvous for foreign noblemen In Ameri ca and "the facilitation of their move ments, social and otherwise." The heads of the organization are the Duke D'Auxy, his brother. Count D'Auxy. and Count Rene Wohlfarth, and Its real purpose is said to be the promotion of marriages between bankrupt European noblemen and American women of for tune. The work has already been be gun by the preparation of a list which contains the name, age, description, habits and approximate fortune of every unmarried woman In this coun try who is worth more than $1.000,0U0 or whose probable dowry will amount to that much. Detectives and agents are to be employed to meet these girls so cially and Introduce to them the wife hunting noblemen of the Cercle de las Noblesse. After the Introduction, diplomatic business chats will be had with the socially ambitious papas and mammas of America's fair ones, and the coron ets nnd their wearers will be actually bought for the dear girls In cold blood. These agents will be women In reduced circumstances whose old family names and attractive manners give to them that prestige and influence which the Impoverished nobles of Europe have been unable to secure. It will be, In fact, an international matrimonial bu reau which will receive a commission of G per cent, on all fortunes which Its members through Its Influence may secure by marriage. Not the least interesting feature of this stupendous scheme is the sincere co-operation of the Daughters of the Revolution with thp members of the club. No less a personage than Mrs. Flora Adams Darling, founder-general of that organization and of numerous other patriotic societies In this coun try, has consented to be a friend of the Cercle de las Noblesse, and Is enthusi astic In sounding Its praises. Mrs. Darling knows nothing about the 6 per cent, commission on heiresses won. ECHO OP THE HOWELL CASE. Lawyer Merrick, Who Defended the Women, is Swindled. Wellsboro, Pa.. Dec. 1. A great deal of interest is manifested here over the trial of Stephen A. Dutton, in New York, on the charge of swindling be cause of his connection with the mur der trial of Mrs. Charlotte Howell, last year. Airs. Howell was accused of poison ing 20-year-old Libbte Knapp. She was Dutton's sister and he and two other brothers came from New York to help her through the trial. They gave out Information that they were million aires, saying that they were extensive commission merchants and wharf owners in New York, and they pro posed that money should not be stint ed In their sister's behalf. George W. Merrick was counsel for the woman nnd during the trial labored Incessantly that he was threatened with collapse. To his indefatigable efforts was conceded the acquittal of Mrs. Howell. At the close of the trial the Dutton brothers gave Mr. Merrick a note for $3,000 as a return for his ser vices. This note fell due In three months. At the end of that time It went to protest, and to this day Mr. Merrick has received no money for de fending the woman. Nobody by the name of Dutton could be found at the address given by the brothers. NAT GOODWIN'S NEW DIVORCE. A Crowded Court House to Hear the Actor's Story. San Francisco, Cal., Dec. 1. The "profession" was well represented in Judge Murphy's court this morning, where Nat Uoodwln, the comedian, was expected to appear for examination re garding his income, and In order that the judge might be able to fix an equit able sum for the maintenance of Mrs. Uoodwln, whoa sun for divorce from the actor Is now polling. Goodwin's atfojfrevs filed an affidav it signed by their client. In effect he desired the counter-complaint which he had entered against Mrs. Goodwin dismissed, he bearing all costs. The affidavit also showed that Good win had paid her other moneys In full settlement of any and nil claims against him for alimony and support. Goodwin did not appear, and the action was practically dismissed, the question of costs alone remaining to be settled. FORGER CAPTURED. Richard ;. .Hanks is Arrested on the Eve of a Contemplated Trip. Bay City, Mich.. Dec. 1. Richard O. Monks, who was arrested in New York this morning for forgery, was arrest ed with his brother Williaan here last summer on the charge of murdering their father, but proved that they act ed In self-defense and was acquitted. Monk's capture was brought about through letters he wrote to his brother. In which he outlined his fraudulent operations In Bay City, and gave an Itinerary of his New York trip. He had planned a system of forgeries In New. York city, having the names on whom to work. Monk worked oft four forged papers here. WRECKED BY NATURAL OAS. A West Virginia Residence Burned. Narrow Escape of Occupants. Moundsvllle, W. Va Dec. 1. The handsome residence of Vlntor A. Wea ver, was wrecked by a natural gas ex plosion today. Mrs. . Weaver, her two small children and a domestic were in the house at the time, but escaped without serious Injury. Plumbers were repairing the pipes and turned on the gas before the con nections were made. The house and contents were burned. Loss, 110,000. MARKETS AND STOCKS Wall Street Review. New York, , Dee. 1. Stocks early in the day were weaker. The decline was Insignificant. The tactics of the bears and sold out bulls failed to dislodge long stock and shortly after the open ing the market drifted into dullness. In the last hour the bears recognizing their inability to depress prices, start ed In to cover. The result was an ad vance all along the line of from 14 to 24 per cent. Jersey Central, Oma ha and Chicago Gas were most prom inent In the advance. The change for the better continued during the bal ance of the day and there was no reac tion. Speculation closed strong with an advancing tendency. Net changes show gains of Vi to 3 per cent. Total sales 195,000 shares. Furnished by WILLIAM LINN. AL LKN & CO., stock brokers, Mears build, ing, rooms 705-71W. Open- High- Low- Clos. ing. est. est. Ing. Am. Tobacco Co. ... 74'i 7tl 74'4 7 Am. Sllg. Ref. Co. ..115 Wt 115H 117 Atch T. & S. Ke .. 14'i 144 13 14 At.. T. & a. Ke Pr .. 22H 234 2214 234 Canada Southern ... 49 4M4 4 ('lies. & Ohio 14 l4 4 164 Chicago Ua 714 744 714 74 Chle. N. V lot 10S 1M34 US Chic, H. & y 774 7(H 774 7W4 C. C. C. & St. L. ... 2S4 2 2S4 284 I'hlc, Mil. & St. P. .. 734 75 734 744 Chic, K. I. ft Pae. .. tin B4 B74 S94 Del. & Hudson 1254 1254 1254 1254 Ulst. H C. V 124 134 124 134 Gen. Electric 3U4 314 304 314 l.ouls. & Nash f04 44 Go M. K. & Tex. Hr 284 294 28 29 .Man. Elevated 94 954 934 ,51i Mo. Pae 21"4 224 214 224 Nat. Cordage 6'i U14 fil4 Nat. Iad. ' 244 25 244 2i V. J. Central 1014 103 1014 13 N. Y. Central 944 W4 W's 4 X. Y L. K. W. ... 15 154 144 1'4 N. Y., 8. & W. 4 94 94 9 N. Y., 8. & V. Pr .. 254 24 254 24 Nor Pac. Pr 234 244 234 244 Ontario & West. ... 134 154 154 154 Omaha 444 47 4 444 474 Pac. Mail 254 24 254 254 Phil. & Heading 274 294 274 294 Southern R. K 94 104 94 14 Southern K. R. Pr. .. 274 294 274 2914 Tenn. C. & Iron 274 29 274 29 Texas Paclllc 94 94 94 4 Cnlon Pacific 84 94 84 94 Wabash 74 74 74 74 Wabash Pr Hi W4 1 M' Western Union W114 87 86 84 W. L 8 84 74 84 V. 8. Leather 94 94 4 9'. V. 8. Leather Pr. ... 594 614 S9Vi I4 V. 8. Rubber 25 254 25 ' 254 CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADR MICKS. Open- High- Low- Clos ing, est. est. Ing. .. 844 844 834 834 WHEAT. May OAT3. May CORN. May LARD. 834 214 264 3.95 4.17 7.60 7.92 21 264 21 204 214 204 3.97 4.20 7.62 7.97 January 4.00 4.09 4.22 4.22 way PORK. January T.75 8.10 7.75 8.20 May Scranton Board of Trade Exchange QuotationsAII Quotation Based cn Par of 100. Nam. Bid. Asked. Dime Dep. DIs. Bank 145 Scranton Lace Curtain Co ,. (0 National Boring A Drilling Co ... First National Bank (SO ... Scranton Jar A Stopper Co. 25 Klmhunt Boulevard Co 100 Scranton Savings Bank 100 ... Bonta Plate Glass Co 10 Scranton Packing Co 95 Lackawanna Iron & Steel Co. ... 150 Third National Bank SCO Throop Novelty M'f'g. Co. 90 Scranton Traction Co 15 29 Scranton Axle Works a) Lack'a Trust & Safe Dep. Co. 145 ... Economy Steam Heat at Power Co 10 Weston Mill Co 230 BONDS. Scranton Pass. Railway, first mortgage due 1918 110 ... People's Street Railway, first mortgage due MIS U ... Scranton & Plttston Trae. Co. ... M People's Street Railway, Sec ond mortgage due 1910 110 ... Dickson Manufacturing Cn 100 Lacka. Township School 5.. ... lot City of Scranton St. Imp. 6. ... 10 Mt. Vernon Coal Co ... 85 Scranton Axle Works 100 Scrarton Traction Co St Economy Steam, H. & P. Co 100 New York Prodace Market. Now York, Dec. 1. Flour Firm, quiet, unchanged. Wheat Dull, easier; No. 2 red store and elevator, tl: f. o. b., 98V.C.; ungraded red. 87a99c; No. 1 northern, 924c; outlons active and weak- No. 2 red January, 894c; March, 914c; May. 884c; July, 84'ic; December, 894c Corn Quiet, firm: No. 2, 29ic elevator; 304c. afloat; ungraded mixed, 2c: No. 3, 27c; options nctive and steady; December, 294c; Janu. ary, 30c; May. 324c Onts Dull; options dull, weaker; December, 23'4c. ; May, 264c; spot prices. No. 2, 234c; No. 2 white. 26c; No. 2 Chicago, 24'c; No. 3, 21c No. 3 white, 224c; mixed western. 23a2u'-t; white do., 23a32c; white state, 23i32c Pro visions Quiet, steady; unchanged. Lard Quiet, lower; western sfeam, H.25; city, $3.75: refined, quiet, unchanged. Butter Firmer; state dairy. Ilu29e.: do. creamery, 15a22c; western dairy, 8al3c; do. cream ery, 15a234c: do. factory, 7a12c; Klglns, 234c.; imitation creamery, llal64c Cheese Steady, unchanged. Eggs Steady; plate and Pennsylvania, 22a26c; Ice house, 16a21c; western fresh, 22a24c.J do, case, 3a5; southern, 21a23c Philadelphia Provision Market. Philadelphia, Dec 1. Provisions were In moderate, lobbing demand and firm. V quote: City smoked beef. Ilal2c ; beef hams, )17.50a18, us to age and brand; pork, family. tlOalo.50; hams. 8. P. cur J J, in tierces, 8a9c ; do. smoked, 94a194c i' to average; sides, ribbed. In salt, 44a4c ; do. do. smoked, 54u54c; shoulders, pickle cured, S4a&4c; do. do. smoked, 6'Viilic.; picnic hums. 8. P. cured, 64a5c; do. do. BmokeJ, U4a64c; bellies, in pickle, accord ing to average, loose, DV.a'A.c: breakfast bacon, 7a7'V as to brand and avenge: lard, pure, city refined, In tierces, .lal'ic. ; do. do. do. In tubs. 64a54c; do. butchers', loose, 44a44" ; city tallow, in hoifs'iea ls. 314c; country do., 24u34c, as to quality and cakes, Sue. Chicago Cirnin nnd Provision Market. Chicago, Dec 1. The leading features ranged as follows: Wheat December, 81c, 804c; May, 844c, 834c; July, 79c, 774c Corn December. 23c, 23c; Janu ary. 234c, 234c; May, 264c, 264c Oats December, 184c, 184c; May, 214c, 214c Mess pork December. I6.7D, $6.80; Mav, $8.20. $7,974. I-ard December, $3,774, $3,774: May, $4,224. $4.20. Short ribs-December. $3,824, $3.80; May, $4.10, $4,024. Cash quotations were as follows: Flour, firmer steady: No 2 spring wheat, 80Y,a 814c; No. 3 do., 794a81c; No. 2 red. i4a 924c; No. 2 corn, 23a23c; No. 2 oats, 1814c; No. 2 rye, 41a424c; No. 2 barley, Sc: No. 1 flax seed. 754a78c; timothy seed, $2.50; mess pork, $6.80a6.85; lard. I3.80a3.85; short ribs, sides, $.1.75a4: shoulders. $4. 25a 4.5; short clear sides, $4a4.124 whiskey and sugars, unchanged. Chicago Live Stock. Chicago, Dec. 1. Cattle Receipts, 4,000 neao; maraei steady; common 10 extra steers. $3.7ia5.45: stockers and fee'lers, $3.5oa4.10; cows and hulls, $1.50a3.75; calves, $3.25n5.5o: Toxans, $2.65a4.50. Hogs He. celpts. 35,000 head: market weak and 10a 15c. lower; heavy packing and shipping lots, $.1.20a3.r5: common to choice mixed, $3.25a3.60; choice assorted, 3.5oa3.60: light $8.2.Vi3.k; Jlgs, $2.75a3.55. Sheep Receipts, 13.IKM head; market active and firm; In ferior to choice, $2a3.60: lambs, $3.'J0a5.35. Buffalo Live Slock. Buffalo. Dec. 1. Cattle Dull: common cow, $2a2.10; veals steady, at $6.50a7; com mon to fair. $4.50a6.25. Hogs Steady at opening, but weakened lated; Yorkers, $3.70a3.75; choice light, $3.80; pigs. $3.85a4; mixed oackers. $3.60a.1.65: rouicht. $2.9oa 8.10; stags, $2.25a3. Sheep and lambs- Quiet una uncnangea: prime yearlings, m; good fat mixed handy sheep, $3.403.60; few good lambs, $4.85a5. Oil Market. Oil City. Pa., Dec. 1. Option olt market closed offered at $1.02; credit balances, $1.05; national transit runs, 42.922 barrels; shipments. 11.346 barrels; Buckeye runs not In; shipments, 55.721 barrels. MRS. JOHNSON'S SUICIDE A Beautiful Woman tioes to Bed and Tnrns Off the Uas. Washington, D. C, Dec. 1. Mrs. Mary K. Johnson, wife of Jacob Johnson, of Kernan's Lyceum theater, was found dead In bed this morning at tier home, suffocated by Illuminating gas. Coro T A WORD. WANTS OF ALL KINDS COST THAT MUCH, WHEN PAID FOR IN AD VANCE. WHEN A BOOK ACCOUNT IS MADE NO CHARGE WILL BE LESS THAN 25 CENTS. THIS RULE AP PLIES TO SMALL WANT ADS.. EX CEPT LOCAL SITUATIONS. WHICH ARE INSERTED FREE. FUR SALK. IX) R SALE-TWO $1.0(0 BONUS AND forty shares of Mount Vernon Coal Co. Make ma an offer. Address 'William," Trib une office. F'OB SALE A SILVER-PLATED CONN doable bell euphonium, nicely engraved with trombone boll gold lined; nearlv new and cost f 90: will sell at a bargain. Addrett this weak to E, W. OAYLOK, LsKaysvllle, Pa. FOK SALE HORSE, AUED SIX YEAKS. weight 1,009 pounds; can be seen at 1021 Price street. FOR SALE MY COTTAGE AT ELM harst and tbe four Into on which it stands; also the four lots adjoining; most de. siralils location in Elmburst: prion reasona ble: terms essv: possession given at oner. E. P. KINGSBURY, lommonwealth Building, Sersnton. Pa. FOR RENT. FOR RENT-HALF OF DOUBLE HOUSE; modern improvements: rent reasonable; cornsr of Pine and Blskely streets, Dunmoro. WANTED. SECOND-HAND FURNACE TO HEAT A hotel. Call or address ANTHRACITE HOTEL, 111 Wyoming avenue. LOST. IOBT - GOLD EYE-OLAHSES AND J chain, Friday afternoon, going from Lackawanna avenue to Paik Place. Re tarn to Bevsns store. SHERIFF'S SALE. SHERIFF'S SALE-PRICES BLAUOHT ered. Everything mast go now. Cloth and piper bound books, blank books, writing materials, fine colored tissue papers, flne art sorap pictures, prayer books, rosaries, leap olars, counters, show cases, shelving, etc. Only two weeks to close out everything. Open this morning. MAC'S BOOK STORE, 131 Pens avenue. BOARD AND ROOMS WANTED. WANTED BY YOUNO MARRIED COU pie, nice comfortable room witn board; good location. Address early, stating terms. Reference given. H. Ij. B. Tribune office. ner Hammettv lewed the remains and pronounced It clearly a case of suicide. Dr. C. F. Boarman, who was first to see the body was Inclined to think by the stains about the mouth that the woman had taken poison In addition to turning on the gas. Mrs. Johnson, who was a handsome brunette of 29, went to her room some time yesterday afternoon apparently In as good spirits as usual. LIVE BIRD SHOOT. Opening of the Three Oars Match at Trenton. Trenton.N. J., Dec. 1. Today wit nessed the opening of the three-day championship live bird shoot held at the Inter-State Fair grounds. Fulford, Brewer, Class, Murphy, Elliott and sev eral other celebrities were present and participated in the events. The big handicap match was not commenced until after one o'clock and continued until late In the afternoon. A small attendance was present to witness the affair. In the main shoot two were tied for first money, four for second and two for third. The purse was divided. First event Ten birds; prize, $20. One miss out. Name. Killed. Missed. Elliott 10 0 Astfalk 8 1 Woodruff 10 0 Fulford 5 1 Murphy 3 1 Tlmmons 1 1 Build 10 0 Van Dyke W 0 Brewer 0 1 Purse divided by Budd, Van Dyke, Woodruff, Elliott. Second event Fourteen birds; prize. $21. Name. Killed. .Missed Murphy 14 0 Astfalk 0 1 Fulford 3 1 Elliott 14 0 Budd 6 1 Woodruff 2 0 Tlmmons 3 1 Winston 14 0 Cubberly 0 1 Brewer 1 J Class 11 J Zwerleln 8 J Purse divided by Murphy, Elliott, W Ins ton. Third event Handicap match, twenty five birds; first prize, $150; second prise, $90; third prise, $. Handicap, Name. Yards. Killed. Missed. Brewer 32 22 S Murphy 29 18 7 Elliott 32 23 2 Fulford 31 24 1 Woodruff 29 23 2 Winston 31 19 6 I. M. C 28 23 2 Van Dyke 29 24 1 Class 31 23 2 Tlmmons 28 si 1 First placeV'Fiilford. Van Iyke; second place, Class, Klllott, Woodruff, B. M. C; tniro place, wiumun, dicwvi. FATAL FIGHT IN A CHURCH. Political Fend Breaks Out and Two Men Knot Dead. Columbia, a. C. Dec. 1. The Intense political feeling that has existed In this state ever since the passing of the state constitution and the adoption of the state dispensary laws resulted in the kllllnz of two men yesterday. Leon J. Williams, a well known poli tician, a member of the state dispen sary board of control, and a nephew of ex-Governor Sheppard, attended church yesterday. It happened that several members of the faction against the state machine were also present, and after the benediction, as the con gregation was leaving the church, one of the men addressed a remark to Wil liams, who answered In kind. There were several friends with Wil liams, and ater a few angry words had been hastily passed pistols were drawn and a general fight ensued. The pastor, deacons and congregation ran for safety. Several women nearly fainted. Williams shot one man dead and was himself badly wounded In return. He was not so badly Injured, however, but that he fired another shot, which killed a second man. Williams' disablement and the death of the two men caused a cessation of hostility. An ugly feeling prevails among friends of all concerned. POTTERY COMBINE BROKEN. The American Snnitnry Association is Dissolved. Trenton, N. J.. Dec. 1. The American Sanitary association was dissolved to day. The association was' formed last March, the object being to establish uniform prices and discounts to Job bers. Competition has been unusually keen since then and for that and otner reasons it was decided best to break up the combine. There was a diaen Trenton potteries In the association and others In Bor dentown, N. J.; Kokomo, Ind., and WsUsviUa, o.t and Wheeling, W. Va. ONE Connolly KID DEPARTMENT. Have You New Patented Fastener?" We Are for Scranton. CONNOLLY & WALLACE, HELP WANTED MALES. BOY WANTED - GOOD, BTKONO IN dostrious bov. Is years old, to )ra blacksmith trale at M. T. KELLER'S. ANTED-TWO EXPERIENCED HEN to ereot elevators: also two machinists. Apply to JOHN K. DEAN. Manager, Moras ufiiii-.. n SDK a .......... tiiteaiun) vv-i iMi uuv Bmoh Ur ANTED AN IDEA. WHO CAN THINK of some Simula thine to intent t Pro- tect your ideas; they may bring you wealth. Write JONH WEDDERBUR it CO., Dept. C, 23, Patent Attorneys, Washington. D. 0., for their tlMiO prize offer and list of IfuO inven tion, wanted. WANTED AS AGENT IN EVERY 8EC tlrm tn rimui: 14.(10 to tA00 a dar made ; sells at sight; also a man to sell Staple Goods to dealers; best side line t"6 a month; salary or large commission made; experience nnuscestarr. Clifton Soap and Manufacture ing wo., iinunnaii, u. WANTED - WELL-KNOWN MAN IN every town to soliolt atook subscrip tions; a monopoly; big money for agents: no capital required, iuwaiiu v. nan f vis., Borden Block. Chicago, III. UELP WANTED FEMALES. LADIES-l MAKE BIO WAGES DOING pleasant horns work, and will gladly snd full psrtioulsrs to all sending 2 cnt stamp. MISS 24. A. 81EBBIN8. Lawrence, Mich. WANTED LADY AGENTS IN SCRAN ton to sell and introduce Snyder's cake Icing; experienced canvasser preferred: work permanent and very profitable. Writs for psrticnlars at once and get benefit of holiday trade. T. & SNYDER & CO., Cincinnati, a WANTED IMMEDIATELY TWO ENER getio saleswomen to represent ns Guaranteed ft a day without interfering with other duties. Healtblul occupation. Write for particulars, enclosing stamp, Mango Chemical Company, No. i John Street, New York. HELP FURNISHED. HELPS OF ALL KINDS FURNISHED Apply Encyclopedia Employment Agency, 414 Spruce street. Telephone Sltl BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. BULLS AND BEARS A PAMPHLET tellinehnwto handls stocks, grain, etc on margins will be milled on application to KUUIL.1.0T & i u, nroicers. no. iza Bouin Third atrest. Plill.vlluhla: 10 maratns. 10 sharns of stock, or I,IBU bu.lieU of rin; t0 (twenty) etc.! mall orders a specialty) corra spondeno solicited. CHIROPODIST AND MANICURE. CORNS, BUNIONS AND INGROWING nails cured without the least pain or drawing blood Consultation and advlte given free. E. M. BETHEL, Chiropodist. XJ0 Lack, awauna avenue. Ladles attended at their residence if dasin d. Charges moderate. Opposite Wyoming CLOAKS AND MILLINERY EXCLUSIVELY. NO TRASH. REASONABLE PRICES. Fine and Medium Goods only. M GARMENT GOIH. & GLOVE Seen the "Ideal Sole Agents AGENTS WANTED. WANTED 5.000 AGENTS FOR RUB. sell's authorised "LIVES OF McKIN LEY AND HOBART;" MI0 pages, elegantly Illustrated; price only $1.00: the best and the cheapest, and outsells all others; fid per cent to agants and the freight paid. tvBoots now ready; aave time by sending 60 cents In stamps for an outfit at once. Address A. D. WORTHINGTON CO., Hartford. Conn. WANTED MVE PEOPLE IN EVERY locality at SIS weekly salary and ax- Pmaastotake orders for Christmas Good a. ermanent employmsnt If right. MANUFAC TURER, P. O. Box 6m, Boaton, Haas. W4 ANTED GENERAL AGENTS IN EV erv eonntv: alio ladv canvassers: some thing new; sure sailer; apply quick. J, C HILBEBT, 141 Adam avenue, Scranton, Pa. GENTS WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO do about Safe Cltiienihlp-price f I. Go ing by thousands. Address, NICHOLS, NapervUle. 111. AGENTS-TO BELL OUR PRACTICAL glod, silver, nickel ana copper electro plasters; prices from $3 upward: .alary and expenses paid: outfit free, Addreas, with stamp, MICHIGAN MFO CO,. Chicago. AGENTS TO SELL G1GARS TO DEALERS; (Si weekly and expenses: experience un necessary. CONSOLIDATED MTU CO. 4s Van Buren St., Chicago, SALESMAN TO CARRY SIDE LINE; 3D per cent, eommisaion: sample book mallad free, Addreas L. N. CO., fetation L, New York. LEGAL. TN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS OF J. Lackawanna county. No, S48. September term, 1MM. Charles Evass vs. Mary Evans. To Mary Evans, tne above-name! Itbellnnt: The alias aobpiBna in the above named ease having been returned non est Inventus for the reason that yon could not be f aund, you are hereby notified to be and appear at the next term of tbe Court of Common Pleas of said county, to be held at Scranton on the 13th day January, 1H07, to answer llbellant'seomplalnt In above ease. FRANK H. CLEMONS, Sheriff. Jonas. PowosaLY Murphy, Attorneys for Llbeliant CLAIRVOYANT. MRS. DR. STANLEY ACKNOWLEDGED by the pits and public to be one of the greatest writing mediums and clairvoyants in tbe world, is makln r a tour through the Uni ted States and will be here for 1U days only at 215 Lackawanna avenue. Scranton. Parlor upstairs. Ladies only, Price, Sou and 1. MADAME DsLEON FENTON WILL read your life. I0;6 West Lackawanna avenne. Hyde Hark, for a few daya CITY SCAVENGER. AB. BKIOUS CLEANS PKIVY VAULTS and ceaa pool.; no odor; Improved pumps used. A, BKIO08, Proprietor. Leave orders 1100 North Main avenue, or Erokes' drng store, cornsr Adams and Mul berrr. Telephone 4S3& House. ERY D (J UL We don't use any FAKE nETHODS whereby you are made to believe that you are getting the goods below cost. No merchant can sell his goodi below cost unless the goods are too dear at any price or out of style, We sell Good, Reliable and Stylish Goods only at most reasonable prices. 1 Wallace J Qf Mwll ( 11 ; lllfll'-fllvli Ns 209 Washington Avenue, Opp. Court House. SITUATIONS WANTED. rvVrVVVWAaWVWVVWVVWVWV WANTED - WASHING, IRONING OTt aornbblng by the day. Call at Sit Lu den street, . QlTUATION ' WANTED GOOb LAUN O dress would like one or two family wash ings and Ironings at borne and te out one or two days a week. Mrs. Ksjwood, Fairfield Park, Scranton. SITUATION WANTED-BY A MIDDLE aged man as engineer or fireman; has had years of experieace and can live best of ref ereuees. W. L., 821 Phelps straet. SITUATION WANTED - TO GO OUT washing and ironing; ladies' and gent's washing and Ironing taken home, also. Call or address U K.. 618 Lee court. POSITION WANTED-AB GENERAL , hoiue girl by strong girl, 10 year of age. Address J.. Tribune office. SITUATION WANTED - YOUNO MAN man having had four years' experience In offioa work, wiahea position as timekeeper, general cl.rk or work of similar nature; beat of rsforoneas. Address O. A, H., Tribune olflc. UITUA1 S3 nc TION WANTED BY AN KXPERI. encad eroearv dark: la atrictlv tamaarate and honeat: can give reference. Address X. Y. Z., Tribune offlce. SITUATION WANTBO-BY AN AMERI ean woman as housekeeper; can give good referent. Addreas M. J 118 Grant aveuue, SITUATION WANTED-BY A YOUNO m.,n. ' e00"! address; If married aud would like any kind of mercantile or offioe work. Address J. O, B.. Tribune office, (SITUATION WANTED AS BOOKKEEPER u or clerical work of any kind, by young man with references; salary no object Ad. dreas O. J. M., Tribune. SITUATION WANTED-BY A YOUNO woman at general houaawork; can give good references. Address E., Tribune offloe. WANTED-POSITION IN DRUG STORE v v by registered Q. A ; over (years' experi ence; no bad habits; No. I reference. Ad dreas ERNEST GROSS, Wyoming. Pa. MIDDLE AGED LADY WISHES TO MAKE engagements for nurslnt; terms, fs per week; references given. Address NURbE, Tribune office. SITUATION WANTED-BY A YOUNO man as a bottler; 6 years' experienoe; un derstand, anda fountains. Addreas E, A, M., Tribune office SITUATION WANTED-BY A YOUNO iJ lady at general houaeworav U. W, THOMAS, 1181 Lafayette street. SITUATION WANTED BY AN AMERI csn widow, as housekeeper. Can give good references. Address, M. L., Tribune Offlce. SITUATION WANTED BY A HOOD GBR- man girl to do general housework. All Birch street. dH MD III PI! FIGURES 1 Locknwanna line, House, SCRANTON, PA
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers