TUB SCH ANTON TIM HUB J5-TU JSSDAr MORNING. DECEMBER 1, 1896. DECISION AGAINST BROKER CHAPittAN The Witness Who Would Not Talk Must Go to Jail. OPINION OF THE SUPREME COURT The Oecisiou of the Lower Court Allirnit d by the I'uaiiimous Bench" Chnpmuu tirusps at One .More Straw Other Witnesses uo Were In dicted tor the Same Otlcnce tor Which Chapman wna Triid. WnshinRion, Nov. SO. I'.y its iinani muus decision, iinnnimwl today ly Chief Justice Fuller, the suipreme omi t of the 1'niteil St.ites pnu.tUully alllrm vd the judgment of the court of ap-IH-uls of tin- ll.trlet of Columbia In the t-use of LTvciton K. Chupmun. the mock broker who declined to answer certain questions propounded by the Semite committee Invest itint Ins the famous suKiir trust rumors In conncc ti.ni with the tariff bill In ' The effect of the decision Is that Mr. Cli:i.m:in must surrender himself to nerve the term of imprisonment of MO duvs ndjiuK-cd acainst him upon con viction In the district court and pay a fine of $!00. New York, Nov. SO. Klvertun Chapman, whose conviction for con tempt of tha rnited States senate was to.lav iillirmed by the supreme court of the i'nited States said when shown a dyspatch of the 1'nlted Associated 1'iessts announcing the fact: "As soon as the judgment I" trans muted to the court of appeals of the Iilstrlct of Columbia, 1 shall deliver myself into custody. I shall probably ro to Washington tomorrow. licimr In arrest, I shall iioply to the supreme couit of the Tnited States for the writ of habeas corpus to pass on the con stitutionality of the law under which 1 wa:i tried and convicted. Any JudK.' of the supreme court can Issue the writ, tf the writ is itranted. the o.ues tioti of the constitutionality of the law will be decided In a week. I am under l.'.Oiifl bail, ami under sentence to :I0 rluvs In lull. 1 shall be obliged to K to Jail If I cannot uot the writ of habeas corpus, or if after petting the writ, the decision on it Is analnst me. We tried, on the trial, to iiuestion the constitu tionality of the law nnssed upon, but Veiv unable to do so. The supreme court's decision Is that the decision of the court of appeals of the District of Columbia in criminal matters Is final." Ctlnrs Indicted for the same ol'l'.-iise ns Mr. Ciiaonu'ii are John W. .McCart ney, of Corson & McCartney, lirokers, of Washington; K. J. 1M wards. Wash ington correspondent of the Philadel phia Press: John S. Shriver. Washing ton convsoondciit in' the New York Jluil tind Kxpress, nnd II. . liavemey cr, president, ami John K. S. arles, treasurer of the American S'.lfc.ir lielln inn (oinpany. All these persons are entitled to n separate trial, but if Mr. Chapman Is compelled to po to jail It is presumed that they will be also. - EXPERIENCE OF A "JINER." J'rniik It. I'reblo IK-mtUics His In itiation in an Orange Lodge. Huston. Nov. 30. The Wultham lirandinp" cane In which the otilecrs of an Drange lodge are charged with assault Ulioii a candidate for member ship, was on trial before Judne Hardy In the Superior court ut Cumbrldge to day. Frank li. 1'rehle is the complain ant nnd John U. liruhtim, Oeorge It. Nlckerson. Kdward o'Lell, lianiel 'i'raeey and Leander Weatherbeu, the defendant. The court room was crowded. Preble was the only witness lor the prosecution, and gave a graphic iMory of his initiation He claimed that he was cruelly used; that he wus Uagelluted on the bare legs, "was stuck Avlih pins or un lie pick.'' was, "com pelled to carry a heavy bag of stones, and from u step-ladder which he was forced to mount, he fell Into a blanket, wus tossed In It and then was branded with a red-hot Iron on his left breast. He claimed that he wus severely burned and otherwise injured. He stated in court that he had taken an obligation not to divulge the se crets of the order, but this was before the tossing In the blanket and the burning, and he did not consider these secrets of the order. KILLED HIMSELF JUST IN TIME. Delay of Half nn Hour Would Have I, out liiMirnnci; ol 'i.",0(t. New York, Nov. 30. Insurance of $23, 000 on the life of Helnios Jiomaine, a Wealthy Puterson, N. J., citizen, who committed suicide a week ngo, was paid by a New York company today. A peculiar fact about the matter is that hud he delayed his suicide half un hour the policy would have expired. .MAYHICLI). T'erthn, the eldest child of Mr. and Mrs. William Jones Is lying very 111 Willi convulsions. Mrs. Itenjamln Lyman left yesterday morning to visit her parents ut Star nlca. Tomorrow there will be a font ball Fame between the Mayfleld team and the St. Thomas' college team of Scran- The murderer who, at dead of night, Creeps, stealthily oat to bury the dead and mangled body of his victim inspires men with horror and rV, id. There is a murderer abroad who yearly slays one-sixth of all the human race who go down to untimely deaths. This dread monster is called consumption. The npproach of consumption is slow and insidious. First there is a slight disorder of the digestion. The appetite is poor and the nourishing properties of the food are not properly assimilated.' The blood becomes thin and impure. The body begins to starve. Old tissues of the body are not properly re placed by new. The lung tissues are not properly nourished and are inert and half dead. In this condition they offer a good soil for the germs of consumption which invade and attack them. This operation is promptly reversed by Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. It invigorates the digestion and appetite and makes assimilation perfect. It build's up and purines the blood. It makes new and healthy tissue to replace the old, inert mat ter which it causes to be carried off. It drives out all disease-germs. Thousands of cases given up as hopeless have been cured. Miss Laura Piersel, of East Bethlehem, Wash ington Co., Pa., writes: "I must write yon' tel ling you of the great benefit derived from the use of your ' Golden Medical Discovery.' I-ast sum mer my friends thought I was surely going into consumption, and having tried doct ari with no satisfactory results and hearing your medicine o highly spoken of.-1 took one bottle. My cough leu me together with all the distressing symp toms, and in fact the cure seemed almost mirac ulous to all who saw me." Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets arc tiny, ilugar-coated granules that are an unfailing ttad permanent cure for constipation. ton. Both teams won a Rane on Thanksgiving day. and an exclilng time is promised. Mrs. William T Davles is- confined to her home with bronchitis. John Hunter, of Clifford, who has been visiting Louis Adams, returned home yesterday. Air. -John I'urkyers Is on the sick list at his home. Louis Thomas, of Carbondale. was visiting- friends in Maytield yesterday. Leo. the 5-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Mulderlck, is 111 of diphtheria. PROF. COLES FOR DECEMBER. From Storms and SU'iis. (inr prediction last month: "November will orovH u very peculiar mouth, l-or while some sections me having sunshine ami summer-like weather, other sections will have mUniim hut ruin, hall, snow, slush, lloo.ls, blixznrds. hiiiti winds, tli. proved true. That we read the true inciii liiB of the strung position of the Planets, no one. with any sense of honer in them, can doubt lor an Instant. This month Karth with sail In between Old Ked War rior Mais and the Sun. ol.l I ted Warrior .Mars will be behind poor old Mother Karth'H hack and he will play all sorts of tricks on her. He will cause her to be restless and angry. Hurricanes, blizzards, evcli.nes, tlouils, eaithipiakes, tornadoes, tidal waves und great ehctiieul sturiiu mav be looked for in many sections. iMYease epidemics will become prevalent to an ukiruilim degree. Scarlet fever, diphtheria, typhoid fever, measles, el.'.. will keip the health boards very busy. A new "muscular" disease will appear and cause untold pains and annoyances. Iliottf. strikes, accidents, tires, murders, suicide, mine caves and awful slaiic.htcr union-; the savages will be recorded this month, and next. Pierce yabs will sweep over iiianv sections of the country. Watch how lew to the south the new moon will appear on Sunday evening, the Gill .-1st., and see the bright nnd beautl.nl planet Venus making love W illi the young moon: then tern your eyes toward the cast end see old lied Warrior Mars, red with anger. How do I know when these h' nvcttly scenes lire to take place, do you a."k? 1 Kit my wisdom and understand ing from the object lessons written 111 blazing words on the background of Im mensity. It doesn't cost money to have a good time; The world's best enjoyments are free; Look up from your pleasures in folly and the jjkies and pictures you 11 see. The vital forces will be at "high flood" r.nly twtlvedavs this month: 3d, tth. 12th, Win. 11th. 17th. 1Mb, l!Mh, L'lst. 21 . 2id 'inl 31st. Is the coming new year preparing to go back on our present promising pros pi rlty prospects? A break will occur In the gaseous mutter now passing over the sun, some time between the 1st and IT.th and cause destructive storms and high winds. This sea of gaseous mutter wttl puss from the sun entirely, u.irbo; the hit. ter part of this monlli or llrst part of next month, and cause storms unprecedented! Let the southern, northern and western states, especially, prepare for Ihe worst! The old Country will receive terrible if llletious bv storm and wind: by war nnd ruin. The planets foretell great dissatis faction iinuing the ruling powers of the old Country. America, being Ihe heaven of earth, will soon become the abiding place of one of them perhaps LI Hung Chang'.' We see trouble In store for our fair laud that we will not mention at prist lit. but timely warning will be given. We warp all persons In the mercantile business that the last part of this month promises smile exciting disturbances, therefore, the Christmas trade should be britight out early by extra Inducements, If necessary. The old year. KM, that has given us so much sorrow, may give us an unprecedented farewell. I'nseen forces may stay o!T these dilurbani cs for a few days, hut we shall soon feel the blighting tone of Old Ked Warrior Mars' power. Many beautiful sunset scenes will take place, strange phenomena, and u new com et will appear In the heavens. All of the coming storms, signs, and vll'il force marks, etc.. will be found on our Storm ami Sign Calendar, which will be sent free to any address The vital forces of all human nnd vege table life will fall from "high flood" to "low, ebb" und return to "high Hood" again within 1 wwity-foiir hours' time, on Sunday, the 2th Inst. Let those trouble I with heart disease, or in a 'run down" condition, take good care of themselves and avoid overwork nnd exposure. Kaiih will pass oet of the House of Sickness, on the 2uth Inst., over Into the House of Marriage, and will be opposed by the Mouse of Life, which will make a Merry Christinas for many.. A Happy New Year to all. J AYI.OU. Mrs. Evans, of Providence, visited relatives In town on Sunday. Master "William Ayers, of Dickson City, spent Sunduy with relatives in this iiluce. The employes of colliery will receive their monthly eurnitigs for November today. The Taylor Hose company are mak ing arrangements for their grand fulr, which will be held on the 16, 17, 18 uml l'.ith of this month. A rullle will be held this munth for the benefit of Thomas Junes, of Taylot street, who hits been laid up for the past two years with rheumatism. This town Is becoming alive with fairs. Three have passed und two more are on the string from now until Christmas. The Independent Social club will con duct Its regular weekly social thlB evening at Weber's rink. This town is becoming alive, with politics. Already there has been six enti led the Held. Yesterday afternoon John Kaylau tiuis and Kuralries Kazokas, Hunga rians, of Iiurbettown, committed un ut tack of larceny on 10. oblnson's driver, liuurgu Wlckeiihoffer. A warrant was placed In the hands of Olllccr Allen who brought them both before Justice of I'eace JJoles, und after hearing blth sides the squire committed thorn both to the county Jail In default of Jfiuu bull. Miss Dorsey and her assistants, of Setanton, will give an entertainment nt the Methodist Kpiscopul church on the ISth of this month. Admission 1') cents. Justice of Teaee Andrew Doles wh)1 leave this morning for Windsor, N. Y., to represent the Musonlu lodge of this place. 1IALI.STEAU. The first anniversary services of the dedication of the First liaptist church of this place will be held on Wednes day and Thursday of this week. The following speakers lire fxpected to be present; ltev. W. C. Tilden, of I'.lr charrlville; ltev. M. J. Watkins, of Fac toryville; ltev. William Wilbur, of Jackson; ltev. E. K. Thomas, of Mont rose; Secretary H. A. Luese, of El mlrii,.N. Y.; UeV. F. Salmon, of Hlng humton. N. Y.; nnd ltev. C. C. Gillet, ol New Milford, l'n. A teachers' local Institute will bo held ut Harford, Pa., next Saturday, f lotinty Superintendent of Schools Chas. K. Moxley, of this place, will deliver an address on the subject "Patriotism In the public schools." ltev. H. H. Wilbur. f Factoryvllle. will assist ltev. K. K. Kiley In the evan gelistic riicctinss Hint are to be con ducted In the Methodist church this week. NICHOLSON. Mrs. Snrah J. Williams took an early train yesterday morning for New York, where she will spend the week with her sisters. Harry Williams returned to Wyom ing seminary yesterday. 1. ynin n fclmlth wns the guest of Ralph Williams over Sunday. N. H. Levy, of Scranton, was shak ing hands with old acquaintances here yesterday. - - if the llnby Is Cutting Teeth. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by mii lions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pal", cures wind colic and Is the best remedy for diarrhoea. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. He sure und call for "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup." and take no other kind. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Oil Mnrkct. Oil City. Nov 30.-Optlon oil, 105; credit balances, 103. MARKETS AND STOCKS M all Street Hevicw. New York. Nov. 30. Tradins at the Stock exchange today as usual of late was entirely professional. In the early dealings the market was barely steady, but subsequently on moderate selling the leading Issues yielded fractionally. Later on the active issues improved slightly on the October statement of the St. l'uul road being a little better than was expected. In the lust hour of bus iness the traders became more ag gressive. Sugar ' and Jersey Central were the objective points. The latter was ruidetl down from 103'is to Hil. Sugar sold down from 117r;s to 115. This stock was hammered by the trad ers on the announcement that the Wil liamsburg relinerles hud not resumed operations. Commission houses were without orders. Speculation left off weak in tone. Net changes show losses of Viiil'-'Si per cent., Jerse Central lead ing. Total sales were 17!,iU0 shares. Furnished by WILLIAM LINN, Al. l.KN r CO., stock brokers, Mcars build ing, rooms 7r-7i'U. Open- High- Low- Clos ing, est. est. lug. Am. To. Co "i "t 7IVj 7."i Am. Cotton Oil 15 1.". 15 15 Am. Sum. Kef. Co...117-l 117 H.V 1154 Atch., To. S. Ke.. n't 14's UTn lf Atch. T. ,i S. Fe 1'r. 2:t -':ti i!-1 22-j Ch.s. At Ohio IIP, lli'a Vi'a Chic, lias 72'a 71'a 7l" l ine. Ai N. Hd - Hd-Si 1"! Chic, li. Ai i Ti'ii 7S1-. 77Ta 77u C. C. C. A: St. L. ... 30 ) l In Chic, Mil. & St. I'... ""J 71 7:; 7;;i chic, it. 1. Ai l'uc. . tan ns't, i;s s Hist. A- C. F 13':. KP;. Vi Ki lien. Llectrie 3l 31 -"'i Louis. A: Nush. ...'-Hi's 4:i4 -IK'1 A!) M. K. & Tex. l'r. ... tlM I's'a 2H t!S Man. lMcvaicd H; .!; !d1i 1'Pi .Mo. I'ac 2.' 22 21:,4 21: Nat. Cordage H i; ti'4 ii'4 N. J. Central pi;!i2 lrp.. pil lul N. Y. Central !H SP'-n ill tH-S N. Y., L. H. & W. ... l.V l.VS, iri4 X. V., S. AV W lit lit pt I'l X. Y.. S. & W. Pr.... 2i'.'s 2';', 2d 2'i Nor. Pue. Pr 21- 24:1, 23-1., 2:t!i out. West i;,i4 r,i4 i;,'4 1.V4 ( itnaha .., 4 1' 4V4 41 41', Pae. .Mull 2.Vi 2V4 2fi 2.11 Phil. & Keadlng .... i, 2,VS 21 2S Southern K. K It", i: South. It. It. Pr 2M 2si, 27:'4 27:l4 Tciin. C. AV Iron 2Si,4 2'3 2 is T.xas Paeltle 9U !lr' !Mj li'j l iiion Paiilie !0." SOj !l ! Wabash Pr ha J p;i4 1.V4 hi W estern L'nion tar4 bn;s tltf Ml W. L !',, si4 K N' P. S. Leather Pr. ... 6u ilo-'i4 fio I". S. Itubber 2oIa 25?a 25 25 CHICAGO JJOAItD OF Tit ADU PUICKS. tipen- High- Low- Clos- WHKAT. lug. est. est. Ing. December W" 82 JBVSi W'i May .' W t5!a fcl:'4 t iATS. Peeembcr 1ft 10 1s'i IS'.i 22 214 21 Co H.N. December 23''. 21 2314 2".'4 a i'i ''7''s" "'' January' 1.15 4.20 4.1S 4.15 May 4.40 4.12 4.37 4.37 PoliK. January 7.90 8.0.1 ?.!W 7.O. May ' 8.30 8.40 8.27 8.27 Permit on Board of Trade Kxchnnge QuolnlioiisAll Quotutiou liuscd en I'nr ui 100. Name. Dime Den. & DIs Hank , ma. 140 Asked. 'm 89 25 100 'ii 254 150 W 2.1 80 Scranton Lace Curtain Co National Poring & Drilling Co First National Rank Feranton Jnr .4 Stopper Co. .. Khnhiirst Koulevard Co Scranton Savings Hank Honta Plate Glass Co Scranton Packing Co Lackawanna Iron & Steel Co. Third National Bank Throop Novelty M'f'g. Co. ... Peranlon Traction Co Scranton Axle Works Lack'a Truat & Sate Dep. Co. Economy Steam Heat & Power Co PONDS. Scranton Pass. Railway, llrst mortgage due 191 People's Street Railway, flrat mortgage due 1918 Scranton A Plttston Trae. Co. People's Street Railway, Sec ond mortgage due 1P20 Dickson Manufacturing Co. .. Larka. Township School 6.. City of S?rnnton St. Imp. 67. Horotigh of Winton Mt. Vernon Coal Co Scranton Axle Work! Scranton Traction Co Economy Steam, H. A P. Co.. 650 200 350 14S 40 119 110 lit loo 103 103 100 Hi loo 100 Nimv York Produce Market. New York. Nov. 30, Flour Dull, steady: winter wheat, low grades, 2.2ua3.25: do. fair to fancy, S:i.25a4.ii; do. patents, JI.."nU : Minnesota clear, $3.4iia4.15; do. straights, $:!.'.i".i4.7.": do. patents, $::.85n..1'i: city mills, $1. ia;; do. patents, fr.P'a5.35 Wheat Hull, firmer; f o. h DliaH!li4e.; ungraded red, SiaW" ...; No. 1 northern, 9:P4ali:i'2c.; options ilosed steadv: January, !i'a-.; March, !'2'i.c.; May. :i't,c; December. 9u'sc. Corn Dull, easier; Xo. 2, 2ft';e. elevutor; Su'sC, atloat; steamer mixed, 2Sc; op tions easier, dull; lH-cembr, 23:lc.; .lanu iiry, 24V-; May, 2ti'i''.; spot prices, Xo. 2, 21c; Xo. 2 white. 2t!c; Xo. 2 Chicago. 25c; No. 3, 21'ie.; No. 3 white, 23c; mixed west ern, 22u25e; white do. und white slate, 2:i.i:;:'c lleef ijulct. lirm; family, I'.nl"; extra mess. J7a".."a. Peef hams Dull. JI7..:o; tlerced bof, steady; city extra In dia mess, 12al;lc. Cut meats CJ niet. steady; pickled bellies. 3a3!e.; do. shoulders, 4c: do. hams. h'aV'ic Ijml Firmer, ipilit; western steam, $1.3,1; city, $!.S7Vj: relined, dull; continent, I.H,"; South America, tl.'Hi; compound, 4Vae. Putter Firm; state dairy, llalS'.si'.; do. creamery,. 1la22c; western dairy, 8al3e.; do. creamery, 1 hi 23c; do. factory, 7n7';e.; Klglns, 23c: Imita tion creamery, Pl'valUc. Cheese Steady; state huge. "i4ii1ii"c.: do. small, TVjalO' ; part skims, ;ii-iai;:i,c; full skims, 2'2i:e. Kggs Firm; slate and Pennsylvania, 23a 2iic; Ice house, plalHc; western fresh, 22a 21c: do. case, $2.5Ja5; southern, 21a2Jc ; limed, 15'iiUlijc. Phi'iidclpliln Provision Market. Philadelphia, Nov. 30. Provisions, we-o In moderate lobhinir demand and stendy. We quote: City smoked beef. lla12e.; bef hams, jl7.Wa1s, as to age and brand; pork, family, $MaUi.."i0; hams, S. P. cured, In tierces, Suite.; do. smoked, tt-VIii'!4e., us to average; shies, ribbed, In salt, 4i.a4V-; do. do. smoked, u'iiuc. ; shoulders, pickle cured, Duii'je.; do. do. smoked, ti' jairV. ; picnic hams, S. P. cureil, riUa.'.c ; do. do. smoked, HHaT'ic; bellies. In pickle, nccor I Ing to average, loose, 5'4a.VT,c; breakfast liacon, 7a7V;e,, as to brand and averjuc; lard, pure, city refined, ill tierces. 5n,'e4c; do. do. do. In tubs, utia.VV.; do. butcher-"', hiose, 4l4a4'jc, ; city tallow, in hogsheads. :(',.'.; country, do., 2u3!sC a to quality and cakes, 3::,v. ( hicugo Criiin mid Provision Market. Chicago, Nov. 3u. The leading futures ranged as follows. Wheat November, s2'4c. Sl"-,c.; December, 8140., Kl'4c; May, k"e 84V. Corn November, 23'ic, 23'4c; December. 23' jc, SI c; .May, 27'kc, 2i7c Oats November, Is'ic, 18c. ; December, 1!ic, 1K',c; May. 22'ic, 2!c. Mess Pnrk December, W.ilT'a, 7: May, ixM, f,27'.'.. I.ard December, H.2':,. 3.fl5: May. Jl.iu. i(.:)7'j. Short libs December. ?3.s7'-.. :.i'-j; May, $1.20, 4.22'... Cash quotations were ns follows. Flour, quiet, unchanged : .Vo. 2 spring whit. S1:1u8;ie. ; Xo. 3 do.. 75a sl"i; Xo. 2 red, iiiji ,a!Wc; No. 2 corn. 2:i'-4a Sla4e.; Xo. 2 outs, ls:14c; No. 2 rye, 42ai3c; No. 2 barley, Stic. ; No. 1 flax seed, 75u7sc: timothy seed. $2,511; mess pork, S7u7.t)'i; lard, t3.!'"ia4; short rlhs sides. $i.75al; shoiil brs, it.2."ia4.5ii; short clear shies, t4.l2'va 1.25; whiskey. $1.1S; sugars, cut-loaf, &.2U; gramilaled, 11.57; stanilard A, $1.20. Ilntlalo Live Stock. nuITalo. Nov. CO. Cattle Fairly active ind lua15c higher for good stock; good heavy and export stfers, W.50a4.7a; light to good. J3.'Ji)a4.15: light butchers' steers, ?3.i5n3.85; mixed do., t3. 25a 3. 75; prime fat heifers, 3.75a4; fair to extra fat cows, 2.5ila3.0ii: stockers nnd feederg. J3.4Ua3.70. Hogs Active and higher; good Yorkers. KI.7iM3.75: mixeil puckers, 3.lioa3.r5; medi ums, J3.IW; extra heavy, $3.50a3.55; pigs, W.SOat. Sheep und lambs pialSc. higher Tor lambs; sheep strong; prime lambs. tl.90ao.1.j; fair to good, f4.40at.75; culls and ommon. $.75a4.25; mixed sheep, good to hedee, 83.25a3.ii0; common to fair, 2.05u 1.15; handy wethi rs, $3.75a4. Chicago Live Stock. Chicago, Nov. 30. Cattle Receipts, 15,000 head! market strong; choice cattle, inc. ilgher; common to extra steers, $3.5ia5.45; -dockers nnd feeders, S2.fi0nl.lu; cows and '-mils, S1.5oa3.7.V, calves, $3.25a5; Texante. 'i.i:ila4.25. Hogs fteceh'ts, 34.0110 he.i.l; uarket strong and Mc higher; heavy mcklng nnd slilpplng lots, S3.35a3.65; com mon to choice mixed, $3. 25a 1.70; choice as orted, S3.isia3.Ci: light, S3.3"oj 05; pigs, ft KOa i.i5. Sheeii Receipts, Vi,l) head: mar let strong and 10u25c higher: Inferior to choice, S2o3.75; lambs, S3.uOa5.50. ONE CENT A WORD. WANTS OF ALL KINDS COST THAT MUCH. WHEN PAID FOR IN AD VANCE. WHEN A BOOK ACCOUNT 13 MADE NO CHARGE WILL BE LB33 THAN CENTS. THIS RULE AC PLIES TO SMALL WANT ADS.. EX CEPT LOCAL SITUATIONS. WHICH ARE INSERTED FREE. l'OR SALK. I'OH HAI.K SMALL 11LACK HORSE, I suitable for light delivery wagon or fina lly driving; bsrgsin. li.. Tribune ollice. 'I'HE MODEL STEAM LAUNDRY, COR 1 ner Pittstjn Avunuo ami Aider street, Kcranton, Pa., lor sale at R barg.iiu and on easy terms. CHAS. B. SCOTT, 1 10 Frauklin avenue. F'OK KALE A SILVrCH PLATED CONN dou'iln Iwll euphonium, ideely engraved with tromlioiie hell. :old lir.sd: neurlv new and r. st Ml: will sell ut n bargain. Address this week to 1C W. GAVLUIt, LaRuysvillo, I I' 1j OR SALK-HOKSF, At! ED SIX YLAIlS. 1 weight l.bOU j.ourds; cau be seen at 1021 Price street. L'OR. KALK-&IY fOTTAtlE AT ELM x hurst and the four lots on which it Mands; also the four lots adjoining: most dew Me: Awn mi-alum in i!.iiioiursi; prieus runsona. : terms easy: possession given at once. E. Kl(;sl l HV i .,,-.,ul,h kll.lnn P. Sctsiitou. Vn. FOU RENT. V-OK RENT HALF OF UoI'BLE HOUSE: 1 modern improvements; rent reaonablo; corner of I'iiie ui d hlekely streets, Punuioro. l'OR SALE OR RENT. TUA.HER YARD; OOOD BUSINESS F.S J tiibllshed; centrally located: terms ras onable. Address Lock Box 232, Scranton. ESTRAYEI). UTKAYED-TO THE PREMISES OH DAN " lul T. .Morgan, iK Avmiun A, a red eow with white star ou forohead: owner can have sumo by calling ut abovo address and paying damages. CLAIRVOYANT. MHS. DR. STANLEY ACKNOWLEDGED by the prs und public to no one of tho gruatcBt writing mediums and ilairvoyants in the world, is making a tour through the Uni ted States and will be here for 111 days only at 215 Lackawanna nveiiuo. Scranton. Parlor upstairs. Ladios ouly. Price, .Vic und $1. MADAME HkLEOX HtNTON WILL riuel your lifo. Kt'tl West Lackawanna avoiine. Hyde l ark, for a few days STOCKHOLDERS' MEETINCi. ' PHK ANNUAL MEETINt OF THE J. stockholders of Tho Consumers' loo Com. pany will ho held nt thoir olllce.corusr Adams avnmiuaiid Ash atrcot. in tbnclty of Scran ton. IV. on Ttios lay. tho 15th day of Decem ber, lW'H at 2 o'clock p. tn. Tho purpose of tho mooting is for ttie,clectton of ohicura for the ensuing yeur, und tho transition of such other business as may propurly couio boforo tho uiceting, JOIIN A. SCHADT. Secretary. Scranton Pa., Nov. 30, lsi'ft CHIROPODIST AND MANICURE, CiOKXS, BUNIONS AND rxtwlNO ' nails cured without tho least pain or drawing blood Consultation und advice given free. K. 31. HETSKL. Chiropodist. M) Lack, awaiins avenue. Ladies attended at thoir residence if desir.-d. Cliurges mcdorate. CITY SCAVENGER. AB. BUIUUS CLEANS PRIVY VAULTS ami cess pools: ro odor: improved pumps used. A. BRKiOS, Propnotur. Learn orders 1100 North Main avenu", or KrcUes' drug store, corner Adums and Mul berry. Telephone 4535. Opposite CLOAKS Fine and Medium Goods only. EYERY GARMENT GUARANTEED. rPsM Connolly & Wallace KID GLOVE DEPARTMENT. Have You Seen the New Patented "ideal Fastener?" We Are Sole Agents for Scranton. CONNOLLY & II EU WANTED-M ALES. Vl ANTED--C'OLLECTOIt. MUST ALSO 'V uanvuss nnd furnish iiurety bond. OiMd chance for livo men. STEIN, Sis Lackawanna aveuue, room 11. U'AXTED-TWO EXPERIENCED MEN to erect elevators: also two machinist". Apply to JoHN r. DEAN, MunaKur, Morns Willinuis & Co., 4a Spruce street. I Vr ANTED AN IDEA. WHO CAN THINK V of some simple thing to patent t Pro tect your ideas: tiiev may bring vou wealth. Write JONH WEDDEI5BURM & CO,, Dept. C, S:i, Patent Attorneys, Washington, D, C, for tlieir Sisno prizo offer and list of 2U0 Invau tlons wanted. WANTED AS AGENT IN EVKIiY SEC tion to canvass: St.OO tn t.'IXI a day mude ; sells nt sight; also a man to sell Staple Goods to dealers: best side line 75 a month; salary or largo commission made; experience unnecessary, Clifton Soap and Manufacture ina Co., Cincinnati, O. YVANTED - WELL-KNOWN MAN IN evory town to solicit stock subscrii) tionn; a monotioly; big uionoy for agents: no enpital required. EDWARD C. Flhll a,' CO., Porden block. Chicago, 111. II E LP W A N T E D-F EM ALES. IADIES-l MAKE Hit WAGES DOINO J pleasant home work, r.nd will gladly send full particulars to all sending - eent stamp. M.SS M. A. HI Ei BIN'S, Lawrence. Mich. Vr ANTED LADY AGENTS IN SCRAN V V ton to sell and introduo Snyder's rake Icing; experienced canvasser preforred: work permanent and very profitable. Writn for particulars at once ard get benefit of holiday ttade. T. B. SNYDER & CO., Cincinnati, O. WANTED IMMEDIATELY TWO ENER- V getie (saleswomen to represent us Guaranteed $i a dy without inturferring with other duties. Healthtnl occupation. W rite for rartirulnrs. enclosing stnmp, Mango f hemlcal Ccmpauy, No. " John Street, New York. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. 1)ULLH AND HEARS A PAMPHLET 1) telling bow to Imnillo stocks, grain, etc , on margins will be uidlud on application to ROUILLOT & CO., Hrokers. No. 1'i'i South Third street. Pliil.idelnliia: SKI margins. Ill sharxs of stock, or l.iKHl bushels of grain; fii.l (twenty) etc.: mail orders a specialty; corre spondence solicited. WANTED. tJECOND-IUND FURNACE TO 11EAI A O hotel. Cull or address ANTHRACITE HOTEL, 111 Wyoming uveiiuo. Wyoming House. and EXCLUSIVELY. NO TRASH. ONE PRICE TO ALL We don't use any FAKE METHODS whereby you are made to believe that you are getting the goods below cost. No merchant can sell his goods below cost unless the goods are too dear at any price or out of style. We. sell Good, Reliable and Stylish Goods only at most reasonable prices. WALLACE, AGENTS WANTED. VANTKD-I.IVE PEOPLE IN EVERY ' locality attli weekly salary and ex penses to lake ordurs for Christmas (loods. Pormsnent employment if right. MAN UEAC TUKER, P. O. Box 6.UW, Boston, Mass. rANTED GENERAL AOENTS IN EV- f ery county; also lady canvassers; some thing new; sure seller; apply quick. J. C UILUEUT, 141 Adums avenue, Scranton, Pa, AGENTS WHAT ARE YOU GOINO TO do about Snfo Citizenship price f I. Go ing by thousands, Address, NICHOLS, Naperville, 111, OENT8-TO BELL OUR PRACTICAL plod, silver, nickel ana copper electro plaster s: prices from f 3 upward: salary and expenses paid: outfit free. Address, with stamp, MICHIGAN MFG CO,, Chicago. AOENTS TO 8ELLG1GARS TO DEALERS; $a weekly and expenses: experience un necessary. CONSOLIDATED MFU CO.. tS Van Buren st , Chicago, SALESMAN TO CARRY SIDE LINE: 23 per rent, commission: sample book mailed free. Addrevs L N. CO., fetation L, New York. EXECUTORS NOTICE. INSTATE OF LOIS A. MORSS. LATE OF 1j the township of Fell, County of Lacka wanna, Pennsylvania, deceased. Letters teatuuteutary upon tha above named estate having been granted to the nu-dt-rsigued, nil persons having clnlras Or de mnnds against said estate will present them for pavmunt, and those indebted thereto will muke immediate payment to LEoNIDAS W. MORSS. Executor, 21hi, N. Malu Ave.. ScrautuU, Pa. Affrkd Hand & Wm. J. Hand, Attorney for Kstate, APPLICATION FOR CHARTER. NOmIHlEPr apnlication will be msuo to the Onvernor of PonnsylvaniM i n t ho lutli day of December, )), at 10 o'clock a.m. by hugeuo Washer. Amos Washer. E. W. Bishop, Daniel Elsiiuor and Theodoro V. Konecny, under the Act of Assembly entitled "An Act to provide for the incorporation and regulation of certain cor porations," approve I April 1U 1HM, nnd the supplements thereto, for the charter of an in tended corporation to bo called "The Her an ion Foundry and .Machine Company," too character and object of which is the manu facture and sale of iron or steel, or both, or of any other metal or article of commerce from metal, wood, or both, and fur these Durposos to have, possess and eujoy all the rights, ben efits ami prhiloces of said Act of Assembly und supulomeut4 thereto. WALTER BRIOGS. Solicitor. MILLIE Reasonable Prices. EYERY GARMENT MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. 400-402 Lackawanna avenue, Opposite Wyoming; House, SCRANTON, PA. ' 209 Washington Avenue, Opp. Court House. SITUATIONS WANTED. SITUATION WANTED BY A MIDDLE agod mkii as engiueer or flreuian; hushnd years of oxparioncii sni cau give host of reN eroucea. w. L., IfJl Pholps street. SITUATION WANTED - TO QO OUT washing and ironing: ladles' and gent'a washing and Ironing taken home, also. Call or sddreBs L. K 5hS Leo court. POSITION WANTED-AS GENERAL house girl by strong girl, 10 yeara of age. Address J.i Tribune ollice. OITUATION WANTED - YOUNO MAN O man havin? hd four years' exjwrience in office work, wishes position as timekeonor, general clerk or work of similar nature; best of reforenoas. Address O. A, H., Tribune office. SITUATION WANTED BY AN EXPERL enced grocery clerk; is striotly temperate and honest; can give reference. Address X, Y, Z., Tribune ollice. SITUATION WANTED-BY AN AMERI l can woman as housekeeper; can give g-iol reforonco. Address M. J., ill Grunt avenuo, (SITUATION WANTED-BY A YOUNG J man of good r.ddruss; if married and would like any kind of mercantile or ollice work. Address J. O, B . Tribuno ollico. SITUATION WANTED AS BOOKKEEPER or clerical work of any kind, by young man with refermic s; salury no objoct, Ad dress O. J. M., Tribune. SITUATION WANTED-BY A YOUNU woman at general housework: enn give good r-fereucei. Address E , Tribnno oBlce. &t-. v 'J,. . , rANI ED-POSITION IN DRUG STORE by rogiste'-eil Q. A. ; over yeurs' experi ence; no bad habits; No. I ref.rence. Ad dress ERNEST GROSS, Wyoming, Pa. FdOLE AGED LADY WISHES TO MAKE engagement f or nurmnj; torms, fx per week; references given. Address NURSE, Tribuno ollice. SITUATION WANTED-BY A YOUNG " man as a bottior; 5 years' experience; un derstands s ida fouiicatus, Addrusj E. A. M., Tribuno office SITUATION WANTED-BY A YOUNG O bidy at general housework, M. W, TIIOMA8, H3n Lafayette street. SITUATION WANTED I) Y AN AMER1 O ian widow, as housekeeper. Can give good references. Address, Al.- L.. Tribune Otllce. SITUATION W A NTED-BY A GOOD GER O man girl to do general housework, till llirch street. X i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers